PR41008 General Print Rate Book 2015 EDICIÓN SUR S Del 9 al 15 de noviembre de 2013 vidalatinasd.com UNA PUBLICACIÓN DEL EDUCACIÓN | Pocos latinos acaban la universidad 4 FUTBOL | México quiere asegurar el Mundial en casa 11 Programa anima a seguir con estudios superiores Irasema Mayoral Liera ENLACE El director de la Secundaria San Ysidro, David Torres, busca be- neficiar a sus estudiantes con el programa Career & College Clubs que busca que los jóvenes no re- nuncien a sus estudios. Es un programa nuevo en Ca- lifornia. De hecho en el Condado de San Diego ninguna secundaria ha establecido este programa; la escuela de Torres sería la primera en ofrecerlo en el área. “Cuando me hablaron sobre el programa, pensé en los beneficios que traería a los estudiantes; que- remos iniciarlo a partir de enero”, indicó Torres quien ha sostenido charlas con otras dos escuelas del condado con el fin de comenzarlo al mismo tiempo. Este programa cuesta cinco mil dólares. “El aspecto monetario no le veo problema; la planificación que estamos realizando los otros directores y yo es para establecer un programa permanente”, infor- mó Torres. El Career & College Clubs se probó cinco años en escuelas marginadas de California. Parti- ciparon 15 000 estudiantes de 160 escuelas y ahora cualquier secun- daria del estado puede utilizarlo, sin importar el nivel social de los estudiantes. Se probó en escuelas margina- das por una razón: está comproba- do que los estudiantes provenien- tes de familias de bajos recursos Mural honra a estudiante y a otras víctimas de abuso doméstico Ernesto López ENLACE El pasado el 1 de noviembre, en una pequeña ceremonia cargada de emoción en el Centro Cultural de la Raza, un grupo de estudian- “Es un gusto recordar a Diana de esta forma y será un recuer- do que tendremos presente por toda la vida”, le dijo el señor José aEnlace con la niñita Crystal en los brazos. “Ella es quien nos da fuerza y estudiantes del colegio decidieron hacer algo en su memoria cuan- do supieron de su muerte en el 2010. “Es un mural lleno de vida y re- presenta lo hermosa que fue ella y que es su hija, pero a la misma ella, nos recuerda que no estamos solos en nuestro dolor”. A personas viviendo en situacio- nes de violencia doméstica Luna les dice, “Hablen y busquen ayu- da. No se queden callados”. Para buscar ayuda en casos de José y Concepción González, padres de la desparecida Diana, con su nieta Crystal, atrás, el mural recién develado. Troy Orem/Enlace Arte contra violencia

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General PrintRate Book 2015


Del 9 al 15 de noviembre de 2013




(1-877) 730-8230


EDUCACIÓN | Pocos latinos acaban la universidad 4 FUTBOL | México quiere asegurar el Mundial en casa 11

Pablo J. SáinzENLACE

Todo lo que Leobardo Mezapide es que le devuelvan su em-pleo paramantener a su familia.“Estoy endeudado”, dijo el pa-

dre de dos hijos. “No tengo di-nero. Lo que hicieron conmigofue una injusticia. Violaron misderechos laborales”.El lunes 14 de octubre Meza

fue despedido de su empleode limpieza en la sucursal deMcDonald’s ubicada frente a SanDiego City College, en el centrode San Diego.Meza fue despedido por com-

prarle una hamburguesa a un va-gabundo, algoqueva contra la po-lítica de McDonald’s. Pero Mezaaseguró que es muy común quelos empleados de esa sucursal lecomprenalimentosa losvagabun-dos que frecuentan el lugar.“Todos lo hacen”, dijo.Sudespido, aseguró el hombre

originario de Mexicali, se tratade una represalia por haber par-ticipado en lasmanifestaciones yhuelgas que empleados de comi-da rápida sostuvieron en agosto

para exigir que se les pague 15dólares por hora.El jueves 31 de octubre, una

coalición de activistas comunita-rios, sindicatos de trabajadoresy estudiantes universitarios, semanifestaron frente a la sucursal

de McDonald’s donde trabajabaMeza. Más de 200 personas ca-minaron de San Diego City Co-llege hasta las instalaciones delrestaurante.

DespedidodeMcDonald’sacusarepresalias; la empresa lo contradice

LeobardoMeza (centro) yTonyPérez,de laorganizaciónFight for15SanDiego (derecha), exigenaungerente localdeMcDonald’s,quesolo se identificócomoFranz,que ledevuelvanelempleoaMeza. Pablo Sáinz/Enlace

Programaanimaaseguir conestudiossuperioresIrasema Mayoral LieraENLACE

Eldirectorde laSecundariaSanYsidro, David Torres, busca be-neficiar a sus estudiantes con elprogramaCareer&CollegeClubsque busca que los jóvenes no re-nuncien a sus estudios.Es un programa nuevo en Ca-

lifornia. De hecho en el CondadodeSanDiegoninguna secundariaha establecido este programa; laescueladeTorres sería la primeraen ofrecerlo en el área.“Cuando me hablaron sobre el

programa,penséen losbeneficiosque traería a los estudiantes; que-remos iniciarlo a partir de enero”,indicó Torres quien ha sostenidocharlas conotrasdosescuelasdelcondado con el fin de comenzarloalmismo tiempo.Esteprogramacuesta cincomil

dólares. “El aspectomonetarionole veo problema; la planificaciónque estamos realizando los otrosdirectores y yo es para establecerun programa permanente”, infor-móTorres.El Career & College Clubs se

probó cinco años en escuelasmarginadas de California. Parti-ciparon 15 000 estudiantes de 160escuelas y ahora cualquier secun-daria del estado puede utilizarlo,sin importar el nivel social de losestudiantes.Se probó en escuelas margina-

dasporuna razón: está comproba-do que los estudiantes provenien-tes de familias de bajos recursostienen mayores riesgos de aban-donar la preparatoria, explicó elpresidente y director ejecutivode esta organización sin fines delucro, QuentinWilson.Y eso parece indicar sus resul-

tados. Los estudiantes que par-ticiparon en el programa piloto,soncapacesdeplanificar anticipa-damente la selección demateriasde preparatoria y ven en su futuroestudios universitarios.Sin embargo, el éxito de este

Manuel OcañoENLACE

Unas 60 organizaciones fron-terizas iniciaron esta semanaunacampaña que busca sensibilizara los legisladores federales so-bre los riesgos que enfrentaríanlas comunidades limítrofes si seaumentan en la zona recursos decorte militar.La campaña Revitalizar, No

Militarizar, que conjunta fotogra-fías, videos y objetos de personasque han perdido la vida al cruzarsin documentos la frontera, parallevarlos a Washington y formarcon ellos una granmanta a insta-larse ante el Congreso.Aunque el anuncio se hizo en

San Diego, la campaña se lleva acabo en los cuatro estados de lafrontera.Pedro Ríos, el director del

Comité de Servicios Amigos delas Américas, dijo que la cam-paña expresa la preocupaciónde las comunidades de la fronte-ra sobre los riesgos que puedeimplicar aumentar los recursosmilitares en la región.Los primeros objetos reunidos

en la oficina de Consorcio de losDerechos de los Inmigrantesincluyeron bolsas de algodónabandonadas porque su peso sevuelve enorme en las caminataspor la frontera, calzado que algu-na persona prefirió dejar, ropa,

Tratan de sensibilizar a legisladoressobremuertes en la frontera

MuralhonraaestudianteyaotrasvíctimasdeabusodomésticoErnesto LópezENLACE

Elpasadoel 1denoviembre, enuna pequeña ceremonia cargadade emoción en el Centro Culturalde la Raza, un grupo de estudian-tesdeSanDiegoCityCollegehon-raron lamemoriade la jovenDianaGonzález, a quien en octubre del2010, su expareja le arrebató lavida en un acto de violencia en unbaño de dicha escuela.Con la presencia de los padres

de la víctima, José y ConcepciónGonzález, y la hija que le sobre-vivió, Crystal, de cuatro años, losestudiantes develaron un muralartísticoquemuestraaunamadreabrazando a su bebé, el cual fuecreado para recordar a otras vícti-mas de la violencia doméstica.

“Es un gusto recordar a Dianade esta forma y será un recuer-do que tendremos presente portoda la vida”, le dijo el señor Joséa Enlace con la niñita Crystal enlos brazos.“Ella es quien nos da fuerza y

nos levanta todos los días”, co-mentó José. Como coincidencia,el día que develaron el mural, losGonzález obtuvieron la custodialegal de Crystal.Y la señora Concepción en cor-

tas palabras e igualmente agra-decida agregó, “me siento muycontenta por todo lo que están ha-ciendo para recordar ami hija”.Jesi Gutiérrez, cocreadora del

mural y exalumna de San DiegoCity College, dijo que la obra esuna formamás de recordar a Dia-na. Gutiérrez dijo que ella y otros

estudiantesdelcolegiodecidieronhacer algo en su memoria cuan-do supieron de su muerte en el2010.“Es unmural lleno de vida y re-

presenta lo hermosa que fue ellay que es su hija, pero a la mismavez, puede recordar a cualquierpersona víctima de la violenciadoméstica”, dijo Gutiérrez.Beatriz Luna, prima de Diana

también extendió su agradeci-miento a los estudiantes del co-legio y a las personas de la comu-nidad que se toman el tiempo dehacer algo enmemoria deDiana.“Para nosotros es muy impor-

tanteque se siga recordando,mu-rió de una manera muy trágica ynohaydíaqueno la recordemos”,señaló Luna.“Siempre que hacen algo por

ella, nos recuerdaquenoestamossolos en nuestro dolor”.Apersonasviviendoensituacio-

nes de violencia doméstica Lunales dice, “Hablen y busquen ayu-da. No se queden callados”.Para buscar ayuda en casos de

violencia doméstica, pueden lla-mar al San Diego Domestic Vio-lence Hotline al número (888)385-4657 o al Access&CrisisHo-tline al número (800) 479-3339.Los servicios están disponibleslas 24 horas del día los siete díasa la semana y tienen personalbilingüe.El Centro Cultural de la Raza,

donde se albergará el mural has-ta finales del año, se encuentraen 2004 Park Blvd. en el ParqueBalboa, está abierto de martes adomingo de 12 a 4 p.m.

JoséyConcepciónGonzález,padresde ladesparecidaDiana, consunietaCrystal, atrás, elmural reciéndevelado. TroyOrem/Enlace


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Obtén$50para gastar en comida y bebidas por solo $25. Estaoferta es llevada a ti por nuestro socio en publicidad pagadaChiquita’s Mexican Restaurant. Hoy en utsandiegodeals.com





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Page U-T San Diego Offices .................................................................2 Community and National Memberships .....................................2 Who's Who at U-T San Diego ......................................................3

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t a b l e o f C o n t e n t s

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General Print Rate Book 2015

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U-t san Diego offiCes

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• Western Classified Advertising Association (WCAA)

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U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5

Who’s Who at U-t san Diego

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print portfolio


Del 9 al 15 de noviembre de 2013





(1-877) 730-8230


EDUCACIÓN | Pocos latinos acabanla universidad 4 FUTBOL | México qu

iere asegurar el Mundial en casa 11

Pablo J. Sáinz


Todo lo que Leobardo Meza

pide es que le devuelvan su em-

pleo paramantener a su familia.

“Estoy endeudado”, dijo el pa-

dre de dos hijos. “No tengo di-

nero. Lo que hicieron conmigo

fue una injusticia. Violaron mis

derechos laborales”.

El lunes 14 de octubre Meza

fue despedido de su empleo

de limpieza en la sucursal de

McDonald’s ubicada frentea San

Diego City College, en el centro

de San Diego.Meza fue despedido por com-

prarle una hamburguesa a un va-

gabundo, algoqueva contra la po-

lítica de McDonald’s. Pero Meza

aseguró que es muy común que

los empleados de esa sucursal le

comprenalimentosa losvagabun-

dos que frecuentan ellugar.

“Todos lo hacen”, dijo.

Sudespido, aseguró el hombre

originario de Mexicali, se trata

de una represalia por haber par-

ticipado en lasmanifestaciones y

huelgas que empleados de comi-

da rápida sostuvieron en agosto

para exigir que se les pague 15

dólares por hora.El jueves 31 de octubre, una

coalición de activistas comunita-

rios, sindicatos de trabajadores

y estudiantes universitarios, se

manifestaron frente a lasucursal

de McDonald’s donde trabajaba

Meza. Más de 200 personas ca-

minaron de San Diego City Co-

llege hasta las instalaciones del



represalias; la empresalo contradice

LeobardoMeza (centro) yTonyPérez,de laorganizació

nFight for

15SanDiego (derecha), exigenaungerent

e localdeMcDonald’s,

quesolo se identificócomoFranz,que ledevue


Meza. Pablo Sáinz/Enlace

Programaanimaaseguir conestudiossuperiores

Irasema Mayoral Liera


Eldirectorde laSecundariaSan

Ysidro, David Torres, busca be-

neficiar a sus estudiantes con el


que busca que los jóvenes no re-

nuncien a sus estudios.

Es un programa nuevo en Ca-

lifornia. De hecho en el Condado

deSanDiegoninguna secundaria

ha establecido este programa; la

escueladeTorres sería la primera

en ofrecerlo en el área.

“Cuando me hablaron sobre el

programa,penséen losbeneficios

que traería a los estudiantes; que-

remos iniciarlo a partir deenero”,

indicó Torres quien ha sostenido

charlas conotrasdosescuelasdel

condado con el fin decomenzarlo

almismo tiempo.Esteprogramacuesta cincomil

dólares. “El aspectomonetariono

le veo problema; la planificación

que estamos realizando los otros

directores y yo es paraestablecer

un programa permanente”, infor-

móTorres.El Career & College Clubs se

probó cinco años en escuelas

marginadas de California. Parti-

ciparon 15 000 estudiantes de 160

escuelas y ahora cualquier secun-

daria del estado puede utilizarlo,

sin importar el nivel social de los

estudiantes.Se probó en escuelas margina-

dasporuna razón: estácomproba-

do que los estudiantesprovenien-

tes de familias de bajos recursos

tienen mayores riesgos de aban-

donar la preparatoria, explicóel

presidente y director ejecutivo

de esta organización sin fines de

lucro, QuentinWilson.

Y eso parece indicar sus resul-

tados. Los estudiantes que par-

ticiparon en el programa piloto,

soncapacesdeplanificar anticipa-

damente la selección dematerias

de preparatoria y ven en su futuro

estudios universitarios.

Sin embargo, el éxito de este

Manuel Ocaño


Unas 60 organizaciones fron-

terizas iniciaron esta semanauna

campaña que busca sensibilizar

a los legisladores federales so-

bre los riesgos que enfrentarían

las comunidades limítrofes si se

aumentan en la zona recursos de

corte militar.La campaña Revitalizar, No

Militarizar, que conjunta fotogra-

fías, videos y objetos de personas

que han perdido la vida al cruzar

sin documentos la frontera, para

llevarlos a Washington y formar

con ellos una granmanta a insta-

larse ante el Congreso.

Aunque el anuncio se hizo en

San Diego, la campaña se lleva a

cabo en los cuatro estados de la

frontera.Pedro Ríos, el director del

Comité de Servicios Amigos de

las Américas, dijo que la cam-

paña expresa la preocupación

de las comunidades de la fronte-

ra sobre los riesgos que puede

implicar aumentar los recursos

militares en la región.

Los primeros objetos reunidos

en la oficina de Consorcio de los

Derechos de los Inmigrantes

incluyeron bolsas de algodón

abandonadas porquesu peso se

vuelve enorme en las caminatas

por la frontera, calzado que algu-

na persona prefirió dejar, ropa,

Tratan de sensibilizar a legisladores

sobremuertes en la frontera



Ernesto López


Elpasadoel 1denoviembre, en

una pequeña ceremonia cargada

de emoción en el Centro Cultural

de la Raza, un grupo de estudian-


raron lamemoriade la jovenDiana

González, a quien en octubre del

2010, su expareja le arrebató la

vida en un acto de violencia en un

baño de dicha escuela.

Con la presencia de los padres

de la víctima, José y Concepción

González, y la hija que le sobre-

vivió, Crystal, de cuatro años, los

estudiantes develaron un mural


abrazando a su bebé, el cual fue

creado para recordara otras vícti-

mas de la violencia doméstica.

“Es un gusto recordar a Diana

de esta forma y será un recuer-

do que tendremos presente por

toda la vida”, le dijo el señor José

a Enlace con la niñita Crystal en

los brazos.“Ella es quien nos da fuerza y

nos levanta todos los días”, co-

mentó José. Como coincidencia,

el día que develaron el mural, los

González obtuvieronla custodia

legal de Crystal.Y la señora Concepción

en cor-

tas palabras e igualmente agra-

decida agregó, “me siento muy

contenta por todo lo que están ha-

ciendo para recordarami hija”.

Jesi Gutiérrez, cocreadora del

mural y exalumna de San Diego

City College, dijo que la obra es

una formamás de recordar a Dia-

na. Gutiérrez dijo queella y otros


hacer algo en su memoria cuan-

do supieron de su muerte en el

2010.“Es unmural lleno de vida y re-

presenta lo hermosa que fue ella

y que es su hija, pero a la misma

vez, puede recordar a cualquier

persona víctima de la violencia

doméstica”, dijo Gutiérrez.

Beatriz Luna, prima de Diana

también extendió su agradeci-

miento a los estudiantes del co-

legio y a las personasde la comu-

nidad que se toman el tiempo de

hacer algo enmemoria deDiana.

“Para nosotros es muy impor-

tanteque se siga recordando,mu-

rió de una manera muy trágica y

nohaydíaqueno la recordemos”,

señaló Luna.“Siempre que hacen algo por

ella, nos recuerdaquenoestamos

solos en nuestro dolor”.


nes de violencia doméstica Luna

les dice, “Hablen y busquen ayu-

da. No se queden callados”.

Para buscar ayuda encasos de

violencia doméstica, pueden lla-

mar al San Diego Domestic Vio-

lence Hotline al número (888)

385-4657 o al Access&CrisisHo-

tline al número (800) 479-3339.

Los servicios están disponibles

las 24 horas del día los siete días

a la semana y tienen personal

bilingüe.El Centro Cultural de la Raza,

donde se albergará el mural has-

ta finales del año, se encuentra

en 2004 Park Blvd. en el Parque

Balboa, está abierto de martes a

domingo de 12 a 4 p.m.

JoséyConcepciónGonzález,padresde lad

esparecidaDiana, consunietaCrystal, atrás

, elmural reciéndevelado.TroyOrem/Enlace


Ver ESTUDIOS en la página2

Ver FRONTERA en la página2

Ver REPRESALIA en la página2

Obtén$50para gastar en comida y bebidas

por solo $25. Esta

oferta es llevada a tipor nuestro socio en

publicidad pagada

Chiquita’s Mexican Restaurant. Hoy en utsa





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DisPlay aDveRtisinG Business ProfileClassifiedsCreative Ad PositionsCustom Directories/GuidesFront Page AdsPremium Ad PositionsROP AdvertisingU-T San Diego Zone Advertising

Retail aDveRtisinGCustom Prints & GlossiesEarly SundayU-T NotesPrint Plus/Preprints & Inserts Sunday’s BestSpadea/GatefoldsTMCToppers/Polybags

eDitoRialDaily Sections Business Local SportsWeekly Sections Arts + Culture/Travel Discover SD Food Health Home Military New Homes Night & Day Real Estate RPM SD In Depth Weekend Wheels

Special Sections

MaGazinesDining MagazineEldercare Magazine Nonprofit Magazine

HisPanic aDveRtisinGEnlaceEnlace ExtraVida Latina

U-t san Diego: Published seven days a week.adjudication: U-T San Diego. Court Decree 169895. Est. 1868

— 6 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5

The following items apply to both Dollar-Volume & Frequency Agreements:1. Miscellaneous charges do not count toward the Dollar-Volume Agreement (i.e., velox charges, printing charges, postage charges, solo-mail charges,

transportation charges, split-run charges, surcharges, etc.).2. Dollar-Volume contract advertisers have the opportunity to earn lower rates as expenditures increase. Lower rates will apply as levels above signed

agreement are achieved.3. Frequency agreement insertions are based on the calendar week.4. Bonus/Premium Day Distribution: Certain days are designated as Bonus/Premium Circulation Days, when Sunday subscribers receive our product. On these dates, Sunday preprint quantities, Sunday ROP and color rates will apply. Bonus/Premium Days: January 16, February 7, 13, April 3, May 22, 25, July 3, 31, September 4, October 9, November 11, 26, 27 and December 255. For preprints with more pages than listed above, add the following per cpm for schedule indicated. Schedule A) +$5.00 per 2 tab pgs., +$10.00 per 2 standard pgs. Schedule B) +$4.00 per 2 tab pgs., +$8.00 per 2 standard pgs. Schedule C) +$3.00 per 2 tab pgs., +$6.00 per 2 standard pgs.

FULL mon-Wed thur-sat sunnon-agreement $583.00 $601.00 $724.00 net annual Dollar-Volume agreement $35,000 $325.80 $350.05 $407.15 $80,000 $296.90 $319.05 $371.15 $125,000 $288.65 $312.05 $362.95 $200,000 $278.90 $301.20 $353.75 $325,000 $266.90 $289.40 $345.15 $500,000 $260.70 $282.85 $334.85 $750,000 $256.95 $278.80 $329.80 $1,000,000 $252.60 $274.15 $324.90

general Display aDVertising rates (commissionable)

Dollar-Volume agreements The more you run, the more you save! Take advantage of these rates with a signed agreement.

METRO mon-Wed thur-sat sunnon-agreement $438.00 $451.00 $543.00 net annual Dollar-Volume agreement $35,000 $244.35 $262.55 $305.40 $80,000 $222.70 $239.30 $278.40 $125,000 $216.50 $234.05 $272.25 $200,000 $209.20 $225.90 $265.35 $325,000 $200.20 $217.05 $258.90 $500,000 $195.55 $212.15 $251.15 $750,000 $192.75 $209.10 $247.35 $1,000,000 $189.45 $205.65 $243.70

SOUTh+EAST thur/satnon-agreement $154.00 net annual Dollar-Volume agreement $35,000 $101.70 $80,000 $99.35 $125,000 $97.30 $200,000 $94.85 $325,000 $93.85 $500,000 $91.75 $750,000 $91.10 $1,000,000 $90.40

preprint rates



preprint rates



preprint rates



preprint rates



preprint rates



NORTh COASTAL & INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sunnon-agreement $292.00 $301.00 $362.00 net annual Dollar-Volume agreement $35,000 $162.90 $175.05 $203.60 $80,000 $148.45 $159.55 $185.60 $125,000 $144.35 $156.05 $181.50 $200,000 $139.45 $150.60 $176.90 $325,000 $133.45 $144.70 $172.60 $500,000 $130.35 $141.45 $167.45 $750,000 $128.50 $139.40 $164.90 $1,000,000 $126.30 $137.10 $162.45

NORTh COASTAL OR INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sunnon-agreement $205.00 $211.00 $254.00 net annual Dollar-Volume agreement $35,000 $114.05 $122.55 $142.55 $80,000 $103.95 $111.70 $129.95 $125,000 $101.05 $109.25 $127.05 $200,000 $97.65 $105.45 $123.85 $325,000 $93.45 $101.30 $120.85 $500,000 $91.25 $99.05 $117.25 $750,000 $89.95 $97.60 $115.45 $1,000,000 $88.45 $96.00 $113.75

PREPRINTS SINGLE ShEET INSERTS Daily sunnon-agreement a $49.00 $51.00 CPmnet annual Dollar-Volume agreement a $47.00 $49.00 CPm B $45.00 $47.00 CPm B $45.00 $47.00 CPm B $45.00 $47.00 CPm B $45.00 $47.00 CPm C $42.00 $44.00 CPm C $42.00 $44.00 CPm C $42.00 $44.00 CPm

FULL-RUN FREqUENCy PROGRAMYou qualify for our frequency discount program when your ad runs multiple times in the same calendar week (Sun. through Sat.).

Discount:• 1st ad - regular price• 2nd ad - 20% discount• 3rd ad - 30% discount• 4th & subsequent ads - 40% discount

Qualifiers:• 6" minimum ad-size required.• The same ad, without art or copy changes, must run the entire week.• Ads running on Sunday are always full price.• Discount opportunities also apply to color costs.

— 7 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5

FULL mon-Wed thur-sat sun 3-12 (weeks) insertions $393.40 $430.10 $507.40 13+ (weeks) insertions $375.50 $403.50 $476.30

FULL mon-Wed thur-sat sun $240.00 $260.00 $321.00

NORTh COASTAL & INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sun 3-12 (weeks) insertions $196.70 $215.05 $253.70 13+ (weeks) insertions $187.75 $201.75 $238.15

NORTh COASTAL & INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sun $120.00 $130.00 $161.00

METRO mon-Wed thur-sat sun 3-12 (weeks) insertions $295.05 $322.60 $380.55 13+ (weeks) insertions $281.65 $302.65 $357.25

METRO mon-Wed thur-sat sun $180.00 $195.00 $241.00

NORTh COASTAL OR INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sun 3-12 (weeks) insertions $137.70 $150.55 $177.60 13+ (weeks) insertions $131.45 $141.25 $166.75

NORTh COASTAL OR INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sun $131.45 $141.25 $166.75

PREPRINTS SINGLE ShEET INSERTS schedule Daily sun a $47.00 $49.00 a $47.00 $49.00

SOUTh+EAST mon/thur 3-12 (weeks) insertions $103.45 13+ (weeks) insertions $102.60

SOUTh+EAST mon/thur $101.00

frequenCy agreements (general advertising rates)


grouP rates

Continued from previous page

The following items apply to both Dollar-Volume & Frequency Agreements:1. Miscellaneous charges do not count toward the Dollar-Volume Agreement

(i.e., velox charges, printing charges, postage charges, solo-mail charges, transportation charges, split-run charges, surcharges, etc.).

2. Dollar-Volume contract advertisers have the opportunity to earn lower rates as expenditures increase. Lower rates will apply as levels above signed agreement are achieved.

3. Frequency agreement insertions are based on the calendar week.4. Bonus/Premium Day Distribution: Certain days are designated as Bonus/

Premium Circulation Days, when Sunday subscribers receive our product. On these dates, Sunday preprint quantities, Sunday ROP and color rates will apply. Bonus/Premium Days: January 16, February 7, 13, April 3, May 22, 25, July 3, 31, September 4, October 9, November 11, 26, 27 and December 25

FULL-RUN FREqUENCy PROGRAMYou qualify for our frequency discount program when your ad runs multiple times in the same calendar week (Sun. through Sat.).

Discount:• 1st ad - regular price• 2nd ad - 20% discount• 3rd ad - 30% discount• 4th & subsequent ads - 40% discount

Qualifiers:• 6" minimum ad-size required.• The same ad, without art or copy changes, must run the entire week.• Ads running on Sunday are always full price.• Discount opportunities also apply to color costs.

Dollar-Volume agreements The more you run, the more you save! Take advantage of these rates with a signed agreement.

— 8 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5

The following items apply to both Dollar-Volume & Frequency Agreements:1. Miscellaneous charges do not count toward the Dollar-Volume Agreement (i.e.,

velox charges, printing charges, postage charges, solo-mail charges, transpor-tation charges, split-run charges, surcharges, etc.).

2. Dollar-Volume contract advertisers have the opportunity to earn lower rates as expenditures increase. Lower rates will apply as levels above signed agreement are achieved.

3. Frequency agreement insertions are based on the calendar week.4. Bonus/Premium Day Distribution: Certain days are designated as

Bonus/Premium Circulation Days, when Sunday subscribers receive our product. On these dates, Sunday preprint quantities, Sunday ROP and color rates will apply.

Bonus/Premium Days: January 16, February 7, 13, April 3, May 22, 25, July 3, 31, September 4, October 9, November 11, 26, 27 and December 25

FULL-RUN FREqUENCy PROGRAMYouqualifyforourfrequencydiscountprogramwhenyouradrunsmultipletimesinthesamecalendarweek(Sun.throughSat.).

Discount:•1stad-regularprice•2ndad-20%discount•3rdad-30%discount•4th&subsequentads-40%discountQualifiers:•6"minimumad-sizerequired.•Thesamead,withoutartorcopychanges,mustrunthe entireweek.•AdsrunningonSundayarealwaysfullprice.•Discountopportunitiesalsoapplytocolorcosts.

FULL mon-Wed thur-sat sunnon-agreement $531.00 $566.00 $675.00 net annual Dollar-Volume agreement $35,000 $297.05 $320.65 $371.45 $80,000 $274.85 $295.35 $346.80 $125,000 $262.35 $284.75 $334.60 $200,000 $252.00 $273.45 $324.50 $325,000 $247.85 $268.75 $318.75 $500,000 $243.80 $264.70 $313.15 $750,000 $240.00 $260.55 $308.45 $1,000,000 $236.75 $256.90 $303.80

METRO mon-Wed thur-sat sunnon-agreement $399.00 $425.00 $507.00 net annual Dollar-Volume agreement $35,000 $222.80 $240.50 $278.60 $80,000 $206.15 $221.55 $260.10 $125,000 $196.80 $213.60 $250.95 $200,000 $189.00 $205.10 $243.40 $325,000 $185.90 $201.60 $239.10 $500,000 $182.85 $198.55 $234.90 $750,000 $180.00 $195.45 $231.35 $1,000,000 $177.60 $192.70 $227.85

SOUTh+EAST thur/satnon-agreement $153.00 net annual Dollar-Volume agreement $35,000 $95.35 $80,000 $92.75 $125,000 $91.15 $200,000 $88.85 $325,000 $87.55 $500,000 $86.00 $750,000 $85.40 $1,000,000 $84.75

NORTh COASTAL & INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sunnon-agreement $266.00 $283.00 $338.00 net annual Dollar-Volume agreement $35,000 $148.55 $160.35 $185.75 $80,000 $137.45 $147.70 $173.40 $125,000 $131.20 $142.40 $167.30 $200,000 $126.00 $136.75 $162.25 $325,000 $123.95 $134.40 $159.40 $500,000 $121.90 $132.35 $156.60 $750,000 $120.00 $130.30 $154.25 $1,000,000 $118.40 $128.45 $151.90

NORTh COASTAL OR INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sunnon-agreement $187.00 $199.00 $237.00 net annual Dollar-Volume agreement $35,000 $104.00 $112.25 $130.05 $80,000 $96.25 $103.40 $121.40 $125,000 $91.85 $99.70 $117.15 $200,000 $88.20 $95.75 $113.60 $325,000 $86.80 $94.10 $111.60 $500,000 $85.35 $92.65 $109.65 $750,000 $84.00 $91.25 $108.00 $1,000,000 $82.90 $89.95 $106.35

PREPRINTS SINGLE ShEET INSERTS Daily sunnon-agreement a $49.00 $51.00net annual Dollar-Volume agreement a $47.00 $49.00 B $45.00 $47.00 B $45.00 $47.00 B $45.00 $47.00 B $45.00 $47.00 C $42.00 $44.00 C $42.00 $44.00 C $42.00 $44.00

general finanCial aDVertising rates (commissionable)


preprint rates



preprint rates



preprint rates



preprint rates



preprint rates



— 9 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5

FULL mon-Wed thur-sat sun 3-12 (weeks) insertions $353.65 $383.75 $455.20 13+ (weeks) insertions $331.70 $360.00 $427.25

NORTh COASTAL & INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sun 3-12 (weeks) insertions $176.85 $191.90 $227.60 13+ (weeks) insertions $165.85 $180.00 $213.65

METRO mon-Wed thur-sat sun 3-12 (weeks) insertions $265.25 $287.85 $341.40 13+ (weeks) insertions $248.80 $270.00 $320.45

NORTh COASTAL OR INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sun 3-12 (weeks) insertions $123.80 $134.35 $159.35 13+ (weeks) insertions $116.10 $126.00 $149.60

PREPRINTS SINGLE ShEET INSERTS schedule Daily sun a $47.00 $49.00 a $47.00 $49.00

SOUTh+EAST mon/thur 3-12 (weeks) insertions $97.60 13+ (weeks) insertions $98.85

frequenCy agreements (general financial rates)


Continued from previous page

The following items apply to both Dollar-Volume & Frequency Agreements:1. Miscellaneous charges do not count toward the Dollar-Volume Agreement

(i.e., velox charges, printing charges, postage charges, solo-mail charges, transportation charges, split-run charges, surcharges, etc.).

2. Dollar-Volume contract advertisers have the opportunity to earn lower rates as expenditures increase. Lower rates will apply as levels above signed agreement are achieved.

3. Frequency agreement insertions are based on the calendar week.4. Bonus/Premium Day Distribution: Certain days are designated as Bonus/

Premium Circulation Days, when Sunday subscribers receive our product. On these dates, Sunday preprint quantities, Sunday ROP and color rates will apply.

Bonus/Premium Days: January 16, February 7, 13, April 3, May 22, 25, July 3, 31, September 4, October 9, November 11, 26, 27 and December 25

FULL-RUN FREqUENCy PROGRAMYou qualify for our frequency discount program when your ad runs multiple times in the same calendar week (Sun. through Sat.).

Discount:• 1st ad - regular price• 2nd ad - 20% discount• 3rd ad - 30% discount• 4th & subsequent ads - 40% discount

Qualifiers:• 6" minimum ad-size required.• The same ad, without art or copy changes, must run the entire week.• Ads running on Sunday are always full price.• Discount opportunities also apply to color costs.

FULL mon-Wed thur-sat sun $223.00 $241.00 $296.00

NORTh COASTAL & INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sun $112.00 $121.00 $148.00

METRO mon-Wed thur-sat sun $168.00 $181.00 $222.00

NORTh COASTAL OR INLAND+SW RIVERSIDE mon-Wed thur-sat sun $79.00 $85.00 $104.00

SOUTh+EAST mon/thur $96.00

grouP rates

— 10 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5

fUll-rUn freqUenCy program

Youqualifyforourfrequency discount programwhenyouradrunsinthesamecalendarweekmultipletimes(SundaythroughSaturday.)


regular price


20% discount


30% discount


40% discount

QuAliFiers:• 6-inch minimum ad-size required.• The same ad, without art or copy changes, must run the entire week.• Ads running on Sunday are always full price.• Discount opportunities also apply to color costs.

Bonus/Premium Day Distribution:Certain days are designated as Bonus/Premium Circulation Days, when Sunday subscribers receive our product. On these dates, Sunday preprint quantities, Sunday ROP and color rates will apply.

Bonus/Premium Days: January 16, February 7, 13, April 3, May 22, 25, July 3, 31, September 4, October 9, November 11, 26, 27 and December 25

— 11 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5

North - Coastal92075 Solana Beach92007 Cardiff by the Sea92008 Carlsbad92009 Carlsbad92010 Carlsbad92011 Carlsbad92024 Encinitas92054 Oceanside92056 Oceanside92057 Oceanside92058 Oceanside92068 San Luis Rey92081 Vista92083 Vista92084 Vista

Metro91948 Mount Laguna

91917 Dulzura

91901 Alpine

85364 Yuma

92227 Brawley

92231 Calexico

92233 Calipatria

92243 El Centro

92249 Heber

92250 HoltVille

92251 Imperial

92257 Niland

92259 Ocotillo

92281 Westmorland

91932 Imperial Beach

92037 La Jolla

92101 Downtown

92102 Golden Hill

92103 Hillcrest

92104 North Park

92105 City Heights

92106 Point Loma

92107 Ocean Beach

92108 Mission Valley

92109 Pacific Beach

92110 Old Town

92111 Linda Vista

92113 Logan Heights

92114 Encanto

92115 College Grove

92116 Normal Heights

92117 Clairemont

92118 Coronado

92119 San Carlos - Metro

92120 Del Cerro

92121 Sorrento Valley

92122 University City

92123 Serra Mesa

92124 Tierrasanta

92126 Mira Mesa

92131 Scripps Ranch

92014 Del Mar

92130 Carmel Valley

92127 Rancho Bernardo

92128 Rancho Bernardo

92129 Rancho Penasquitos

92064 Poway

92152 Naval Ocean Ctr.

92140 MCRD

92155 Amphibious Base

92136 Naval Station

92134 Naval Hospital

92145 MCAS Miramar

92067 Rancho Santa Fe

92091 Rancho Santa Fe

92086 Warner Springs

92004 Borrego Springs

92036 Julian

92065 Ramona

92066 Ranchita

92070 Santa Ysabel

92071 Santee

91950 National City

91902 Bonita

91910 Chula Vista

91911 Chula Vista

91913 Chula Vista

91914 Chula Vista

91915 Chula Vista

92139 Paradise Hills

92154 Otay Mesa

92173 San Ysidro

91901 Alpine

91905 Boulevard

91906 Campo

91916 Descanso

91931 Guatay

91934 Jacumba

91935 Jamul

91941 La Mesa

91942 La Mesa

91945 Lemon Grove

91962 Pine Valley

91963 Potrero

91977 Spring Valley

91978 Spring Valley

91980 Tecate

92019 El Cajon

92020 El Cajon

92021 El Cajon

92040 Lakeside

print zones


Withzonesections,youcantarget your advertisingtotheareaofthecountymost important to your business.

Zone Pick-Up: Reach more people, more often Choose from these options: 1. Pick up your full-run ad in one or two of the U-T San Diego's five zones within the same calendar

week. 2. Run your zone ad twice in one zone in the same week. 3. Pick up one zone ad into another zone within the same week. Full-zone ads can be picked up into

North Coastal or Inland at a 50% discount. Coastal and Inland zones cannot be picked up into each other at a discount. With any option, you save 50% off your least expensive ad(s) picked up.

North Zone Special:Purchase the entire North, North Coastal or North Inland zone.

Zone Group Rate: Special zone promotions may qualify for the zone group rate. See your account manager for details.Zone Shopping Center Rate: Shopping centers and their merchants qualify for the $7,500 Yearly Dollar-Volume Discount Agreement rates when participating in pre-approved center-wide promotions.

50% DisCoUnt

92003 Bonsall92025 Escondido92026 Escondido92027 Escondido92028 Fallbrook92029 Escondido92059 Pala92061 Pauma Valley92069 San Marcos92078 San Marcos92096 San Marcos92082 Valley Center92530 Lake Elsinore92532 Lake Elsinore92543 Hemet92544 Hemet92545 Hemet

92548 Homeland92562 Murrieta92563 Murrieta92570 Perris92571 Perris92582 San Jacinto92583 San Jacinto92584 Menifee92585 Sun City92586 Sun City92587 Canyon/Quail92590 Temecula92591 Temecula92592 Temecula92595 Wildomar92596 Winchester92883 Corona

North - Inland+SW Riverside

— 12 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5



Pacific Ocean

U-T San Diego Zones

U-T San Diego Zips

U-T North County Coastal Zips

U-T North County Inland Zips

U-T San Diego East/South Zips

— 13 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5


sTANDArD-PAGe COluMN WiDTHs1column 1.53inches

2columns 3.22inches

3columns 4.92inches

4columns 6.61inches

5columns 8.31inches

6columns 10inches

Standardfullpage 6columnswidex21.5inches

DOuBle-TruCK COluMN WiDTHs(Layout and print sizes. Includes 1" gutter)

10column 17.61inches

11columns 19.30inches

12columns 21inches

BuTTeD FACiNG PAGes GuiDeliNes:4, 5 or 6 columns with a minimum of 10 1⁄2"

TABlOiD PAGe COluMN-WiDTHs 1column 1.53Inches

2columns 3.22Inches

3columns 4.92Inches

4columns 6.61Inches

5columns 8.31Inches

Tabloidfull-page(6columns) 10"x10"

Tabloiddouble-truck(includes1.44"gutter) 21"x10"

eNlACe COluMN WiDTHs (A Spanish-language publication)Use standard page column-widths.

ROP MINIMUM DEPTh REqUIREMENTS1 column x 1 inch 5 columns x 7 inches2 columns x 1 inch 6 columns x 7 inches3 columns x 3 inches 6 columns x 4 inches 4 columns x 4 inches (Financial section only)

NOTe: Standard-page ads beyond the depth of 20" will be billed at the full-page depth of 21.5".


Guidelines to produce and send digital ads are available online at: www.utads.com. Prior to submitting any ads to the U-T San Diego, please call your account manager for space reservation and to receive a U-T ad number for each ad.

■ Delivering MaterialsThere are a variety of ways to deliver ads to U-T San Diego.send your ads online via AdDeskAdDesk is a free service that allows you to send us your advertising material via the Internet. Contact your account manager for details.

■ Mechanical specifications • 85- through 100-line screen required.• Screened area should be between 20% and 80%.• Please note that there is a 35% dot gain on press.• Reverses: Solid reverses must be screened to 80% tone if

they occupy more than 30% of the ad on ads 10 column inches or larger.

For more information go online at: www.utads.com

• Maximum total screen density is 220%, includes Under Color Removal (UCR) with only one solid. Two secondary colors should not exceed 70%; 80% for any single color not intended to print solid.

• Reverse type is acceptable, but should not be less than 14-point sans serif.

• Overprint type only into areas having tint values of 30% or less. When black type is on a screened or color background, the type should overprint without a knockout.

• Questions regarding color advertising specifications contact your account manager.

aD speCs

— 14 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5

ROP COLOR RATESIncrease your sales with color. Daily SunDayOne color & black $1,585 $1,955 Two colors & black $2,470 $3,055Three colors & black $2,920 $3,540

Flat charges for color are in addition to the space charges at the applicable black and white rates. Such charges cover color ads from 1 column inch to a full page. Double trucks with color on both pages carry a color charge for each page.

■ Color Frequency Discounts for Full-Run AdsEnjoy colorful savings. By agreement; for color surcharges only.

yearly agreement Discount10 color ads 5%25 color ads 7%50 color ads 10%75 color ads 12%

ZONE COLOR RATESOne color and black Daily SunDayMetro Zone $1,190 $1,470South+East Zone $735 n/aNorth - Coastal & Inland+SW Riverside Zones $795 $980North - Coastal OR Inland+SW Riverside Zone $560 $690

Full color Daily SunDayMetro Zone $2,190 $2,655South+East Zone $1,220 n/aNorth - Coastal & Inland+SW Riverside Zones $1,460 $1,770North - Coastal OR Inland+SW Riverside Zone $1,025 $1,240

Includes both U-T San Diego and Enlace.

Color rates

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BLACk & WhITE AND SPOT-COLOR DISPLAy DEADLINESTo ensure you get the best possible results with your ad, please adhere to these deadlines:

sUnDay only Publication Ads Requiring Special Space-Reservation Digital Output Proof-ReturnSection Day Creative Deadline Deadline Deadline Deadline

TRAVEL Sun. NoonTues. 4p.m.Mon. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

THEARTS/ENT. Sun. NoonTues. 4p.m.Tues. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

REALESTATETAB Sun. 4p.m.Wed. 11a.m.Tues. 4p.m.Thurs. NoonFri.

MAINNEWS Sun. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs. NoonFri. 2p.m.Fri.

CLASSIFIED Sun. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs. NoonFri. 2p.m.Fri.

BOOKREVIEWS Sun. Noon*Wed. 4p.m.*Fri. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

TVWEEK Sun. **NoonThurs. **4p.m.Thurs. **NoonFri. **4p.m.Fri.

NORTHZONE Sun. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed. NoonFri. 4p.m.Fri.

monDay throUgh satUrDay Publication Ads Requiring Special Space-Reservation Digital Output Proof-ReturnSection Day Creative Deadline Deadline Deadline Deadline

ANY Mon. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs. NoonFri. 2p.m.Fri.

ANY Tues. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs. NoonFri. 2p.m.Fri.

HEALTH Tues. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Wed. NoonFri. 2p.m.Fri.

ANY Wed. NoonFri. 4p.m.Fri. NoonMon. 4p.m.Mon.

FOOD Wed. 10a.m.Thurs. 11a.m.Thurs. NoonFri. 2p.m.Fri.

ANY Thurs. NoonMon. 4p.m.Mon. NoonTues. 4p.m.Tues.

NIGHT&DAY,DiscoverSD Thurs. NoonMon. NoonFri. Noon.Tues. 4p.m.Tues.

ANY Fri. NoonTues. 4p.m.Tues. Noon.Wed. 4p.m.Wed.

ANY Sat. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

NORTH,CENTRAL,SOUTH+EASTZONE Thur. NoonMon. 4p.m.Mon. NoonTues. 4p.m.Tues.

NORTHZONE Sat. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

NEWHOMES Sat. 4p.m.Mon. 4p.m.*Mon. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed.

ENLACE Sat. 4p.m.Mon. NoonMon. 4p.m.Tues. Noon.Wed.

*Denotes one week prior to publication date.**Denotes two weeks prior to publication date.


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MULTI-COLOR DISPLAy DEADLINESTo ensure you get the best possible results with your ad, please adhere to these deadlines:

sUnDay only Publication Ads Requiring Special Space-Reservation Digital Output Proof-ReturnSection Day Creative Deadline Deadline Deadline Deadline

TRAVEL Sun. NoonTues. 4p.m.**Thurs. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed.

THEARTS/ENT. Sun. NoonTues. 4p.m.**Fri. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed.

CURRENTS/PASSAGES Sun. NoonTues. 4p.m.**Thurs. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed.

REALESTATETAB Sun. NoonTues. 4p.m.**Fri. 4p.m.Wed NoonThurs.

MAINNEWS Sun. NoonWed. 4p.m.Tues. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

CLASSIFIED Sun. NoonWed. 4p.m.Tues. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

BOOKREVIEWS Sun. NoonWed. 4p.m.**Fri. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

NORTHZONE Sun. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

monDay throUgh satUrDay Publication Ads Requiring Special Space-Reservation Digital Output Proof-ReturnSection Day Creative Deadline Deadline Deadline Deadline

ANY Mon. NoonWed. 4p.m.Tues. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

ANY Tues. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed. NoonThur. 4p.m.Thur.

HEALTH Tues. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed. NoonThur. 4p.m.Thur.

ANY Wed. NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thur. NoonFri. 2p.m.Fri.

FOOD Wed. 10a.m.Wed. 4p.m.Thur NoonThurs. 4p.m.Thurs.

ANY Thurs. NoonFri. 4p.m.Fri. NoonMon. 4p.m.Mon.

NIGHT&DAY,DiscoverSD Thurs. NoonFri. NoonFri. NoonMon. 4p.m.Mon.

ANY Fri. NoonMon. 4p.m.Mon. NoonTues. 4p.m.Tues.

ANY Sat. NoonTues. 4p.m.Tues. NoonWed. 4p.m.Wed.

NORTH,CENTRAL,SOUTH+EASTZONE Thurs. NoonMon. 4p.m.Mon. NoonTues. 4p.m.Tues.

NEWHOMES Sat. 4p.m.Mon. 11a.m.*Wed. NoonTues. 4p.m.Tues.

ENLACE Sat. *4p.m.Fri. NoonMon. 5p.mMon. 4p.mTues.

VIDALATINA Fri. ***5p.m.Tues. ***NOONWED. ♦ 5p.mThur. ✝ 5p.mFri.

*Denotes one week prior to publication date.**Denotes two weeks prior to publication date.***Denotes nine days prior to publication date.◆ Denotes eight days prior to publication date.✝ Denotes seven days prior to publication date.

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2-page Broadsheet WraplCV (local Community Values) - TMC Wrap50# Flysheet U-TMC non-subscriber package on Fridays. Ask your account manager for more information.

FOOD WrAPAvailable on Wednesday.

TOPPersTop the daily home-delivered newspaper with your insert. Minimum quantity: 50,000. Contact your account manager for rates, availability, zones and deadlines.

PriNT Plus & siNGle sHeeT P&DLet the U-T San Diego help you design and print your inserts. Contact your account manager for information regarding avail-able paper stocks, colors, rates and deadlines.

u-T NOTesAvailable Monday - Sunday


■ retail Preprint GuidelinessCHeDuliNG: Please note that the number of preprints we distribute in each edition of the U-T San Diego is limited, so if there’s a scheduling conflict, preprints slated for full-run distri-bution receive priority over those scheduled for ZIP code distri-bution. Please check with your account manager prior to your run date for a confirmation of the number of preprints you’ll need and the amount to be billed. (No insert distribution avail-able on Monday or Thursday.)

BilliNG: Preprint distribution cost will be applied toward your display advertising agreement.

sPeCiFiCATiONs: sizes: Minimum size: 5" x 7" single sheets: Two-sided piece, unfolded *Maximum size: 11" x 11" (for larger sizes, prior approval

required) Paper Stock: • Single sheet:

70# bond offset (.005) 100# coated (.005)

• Four-page tabloid: 30# stock minimum Preprints not meeting minimum specifications may be subject

to additional handling charges.

Material Deadlines: Sunday in-paper distribution: ...............................10 days prior Daily in-paper distribution:......................................7 days prior NCT Weekly U-TMC mail distribution: ...................7 days prior Mexico distribution: ................................. 7 days prior by noon

DeliVerY iNsTruCTiONs:For u-T san Diego, SDExtra, enlace and u-TMC distribution, CCN5091 4th StreetIrwindale, CA 91706Hours of receiving are: 6AM – 3PM Monday through FridayAll deliveries must call for appointment: 626-472-5222

PACKiNG iNsTruCTiONs: All publications should be packaged seperately.Preprints should be stacked (in turns of 200 or more) on stan-dard 3-1/2-ft. x 4-ft. skids. Each skid should weigh less than 2,000 lbs. Sections should be brick stacked (interlocking) and strapped on all four sides.

MisCellANeOus• Each page of preprints that’s made to look like news content

must have the word “Advertisement” at the top of the page.• If you would like to get product samples in the hands of your

customers, just ask your account manager.• Die-cut inserts, metal or plastic objects placed on an insert

and oddly shaped pieces must be submitted in advance for approval.

• Inserts must not include postal indicia.

preprint proDUCts

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Daily and sunday Preprints (Inserted in the U-T San Diego) Tuesday through Sunday, you can send your preprints to the entire county or to specific ZIP codes. Just ask your account manager for details.


OPEN OPEN A A B B C C DAILy SUNDAy DAILy SUNDAy DAILy SUNDAy DAILy SUNDAySingle Sheet (2 pages) $49.00 $51.00 $47.00 $49.00 $45.00 $47.00 $42.00 $44.00

Tab Pages Std. Pages

4 2 $54.00 $57.00 $52.00 $55.00 $49.00 $52.00

6 $56.00 $59.00 $54.00 $57.00 $51.00 $54.00

8 4 $61.00 $64.00 $58.00 $61.00 $52.00 $55.00

10 $70.00 $73.00 $68.00 $71.00 $61.00 $64.00

12 6 $74.00 $77.00 $72.00 $75.00 $64.00 $67.00

16 8 $83.00 $86.00 $81.00 $84.00 $72.00 $75.00

20 10 $91.00 $94.00 $89.00 $92.00 $81.00 $84.00

For preprints with more pages than listed above, add the following per cpm for schedule indicated.schedule A) +$5.00 per 2 tab pgs., +$10.00 per 2 standard pgs.schedule B) +$4.00 per 2 tab pgs., +$8.00 per 2 standard pgs.schedule C) +$3.00 per 2 tab pgs., +$6.00 per 2 standard pgs.

Minimum quantity: Purchase of one ZIP Code Daily; 30,000 per version in Sunday’s paperBonus/Premium Days: January 16, February 7, 13, April 3, May 22, 25, July 3, 31, September 4, October 9, November 11, 26, 27 and December 25

Full-run Preprint Distribution earns $1.00 cpm discount off the above rates (excludes Single Sheets).No distribution available on Monday.

U-TMC RATES (Commissionable)

TijuanaSingleSheet: $55.00cpm

Allotherinserts: $97.00cpm

MexicaliSingleSheet: $57.00cpm

Allotherinserts: $99.00cpm

■ MTZ ProgramMicro Target Zones

Every Friday. You can send your preprints to specific sub-ZIP code areas of San Diego County. This program will enable you to better target your customers. Ask your account manager for details.

Rates subject to change upon postal rate increase. $7.65 per thousand surcharge.

■ Mexico Distribution

“eNlACe eXTrA” (“THE RED BAG”)Residents of Mexico spend an estimated $4 billion each year in San Diego. Tap into that buying power with THE RED BAG: Every Friday, we deliver your inserts to 100,000 homes in Tijuana and 30,000 homes in Mexicali, where residents look forward to seeing “Enlace Extra.”Since 90% of them shop in San Diego once a month or more, they find the advertisements extremely useful.


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■ Make your message highly visibleU-T Notes are the easy, eye-catching way to make your ad stick out and have an impact. They can be delivered on all home-delivered papers on targeted days to the ZIP codes of your choice. They appear on the cover of U-T San Diego, and on Enlace (Spanish publication) front cover for Saturday delivery and select feature sections. Contact your sales representative for further information.

Cost includes design, manufacturing, shipping and application to newspaper.Minimums: Monday-saturday 10,000; sunday 30,000. Thanksgiving Day/Main News must be full run distributionSize: 3" x 3". Orders of 10,000 require a primary and a second-ary delivery date.

Deadline: Space & copy reservation is 19 days prior to run date.Conditions: U-T Notes require a signed contract and are subject to all U-T San Diego advertising terms and conditions. U-T Notes are not available when a spadea is scheduled. Check with your sales representative.Cancellation policy: Any U-T Note order cancelled after deadline is subject to a 50% fee. For delivery only U-T Notes, consult your sales representative for exact specifications.

*4 Colors are spot colors; *4 Process are CMYK full color.** Bonus/Premium Days: January 16, February 7, 13, April 3,

May 22, 25, July 3, 31, September 4, October 9, November 11, 26, 27 and December 25

■ Feature section placement: Thursday zones, DiscoverSD, Sunday's Best, Home, Food. 20% discount; based on availability. Advanced deadlines apply. Contact your sales representative for details.

■ High-impact Premium Products: Booklets, magnets, versa cards and scratch & play also available. Contact sales represen-tative for custom rate quote.

2015 Net Rates ■ U-T Main News/Enlacé ■ 3"x 3" size Volume 1-2 Colors 3 Colors 4 Colors 4 Process Thousands CPM CPM CPM CPM 1-3 Times 10,000 $61 $65 $68 $77 25,000 $58 $62 $66 $74 75,000 $56 $60 $64 $71 150,000 $54 $58 $62 $68 200,000 $51 $55 $59 $64 300,000 $49 $52 $56 $61 4-11 Times 10,000 $57 $61 $64 $72 25,000 $54 $58 $61 $69 75,000 $52 $56 $59 $66 150,000 $50 $54 $58 $63 200,000 $48 $51 $55 $59 300,000 $45 $49 $52 $56 12+ Times 10,000 $54 $58 $61 $68 25,000 $51 $55 $58 $65 75,000 $49 $53 $56 $62 150,000 $47 $51 $54 $60 200,000 $46 $48 $52 $56 300,000 $43 $45 $49 $53Backside $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00*4Colorsarespotcolors,4ProcessareCMYKfullcolor.

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Entertainment advertising runs in our Calendar section every day and is also available in zoned editions. On Thursdays, the entertainment section is in a stand-alone tabloid format called Night&Day.


Federal and state regulations apply for all political and advocacy advertising. 1. Any political or advocacy ad pertaining to a candidate,proposition or issue outside San Diego County is charged at the $500,000 general rate.2. Prior to deadline, the U-T San Diego must obtain cash or check (or at least know that the payment has been made to our representatives).3. The words “Paid Political Advertisement” will appear directly above each ad on every other column in agate-size type.4. All political or advocacy ads must be submitted in time to receive proofs and to have them corrected prior to insertion.5. Commissionable, general rate applies. For more information, please call our General Department at (619)-293-2491.

ChARITy/NON-PROFIT RATE (commissionable)

eligibility requirements: Non-profit rates are reserved for bonafide non-profit organizations. To establish eligibility, the organization must have appropriate documenta-tion non-profit status.

Mon-Wed Thur-Sat SundayCostPerColumnInch $292.00 $318.00 $376.00


The rate for a bag is based on the preprint open or agreement rate and is determined by the size of the bag. Please submit a sample to your account manager for a quote.

PREPRINTED POLyBAGS (commissionable)

Single advertiser distribution rate. DAILy SUNDAyCostperthousand $81.00 $87.00


Since product samples vary greatly in size and weight, please contact your account manager or call (619) 293-1438 for a quote.


If you wish to place a restaurant advertisement in San Diego’s premier vehicle for restaurants and reviews, contact your account manager or Doug Verkaaik at (619)-293-1584 for rates and details.


The Sunday Comics are one of the newspaper’s best-read sections. Additional charges will be imposed on ads cancelled with less than three weeks’ notice. Advanced deadlines apply.


This free-standing, full-page sheet is inserted in the Comics so it jumps out at readers as they turn the page. Ad space is available on both sides. Please call your account manager for rates and details.COMiCs reserVATiONs: 30 days prior to publication.


Make your advertising front page news! Unique opportunity towrap a full-colored 3-page broadsheet around a section of thenewspaper. Call your account manager for details.siZe: 387 column inchesPreFerreD MATeriAl: Progressive repro proofs. 85--to-100-line screens. For full-color material: film negatives, right-reading emulsion-side down. Matte finish. Background screens should not exceed 25%, if type is intended to overprint. Please provide color proofs if possible.


It’s an attached, two-sided, 3 column x 21.5” extension of the page that folds out from the right side of the Comics. Contact your account manager for availability and rates. siZe: 120 column inches (half of a spadea)PreFerreD MATeriAl: Same as for a spadea.

aDDitional proDUCts

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Local Daily&Sunday

Business Daily&Sunday

Sports Daily&Sunday

Classifieds Daily&Sunday

WeatherPage Daily&Sunday

Health Tuesday

Food Wednesday

Night&Day(entertainmenttab) Thursday

DiscoverSD Thursday

CentralZone Thursday

NorthZones(coastalandinland) Thurs.,Sat.&Sun.

South+EastZone Thurs.

Home&Garden Saturday

RPMAutomotive(fullrunandnorthzone) Friday

Wheels(fullrunandnorthzone) Saturday

Comics(color) Sunday

NewHomes Saturday

RealEstate/Rentals Sunday

Dialogue/BookReview Sunday

Parade Sunday

Arts&Culture/Travel Sunday

SDInDepth Sunday

UTSANDIEGO.COMuTsanDiego.com by U-T San Diego is an award-winning news, entertainment and classifieds Website that attracts young, affluent, educated consumers from San Diego County and across the United States.

The site offers up-to-the-minute breaking news from San Diego and the World. Our Entertainment Guide, Careers, Real Estate, and Auto listings round out the offerings, making UTSanDiego.com the definitive online resource for San Diego County Residents.

UTSanDiego.com currently receives almost 30 million page views and more than 4 million unique visitors each month making UTSanDiego the #1 local resource for web advertisement. For more information contact your account manager.


*Most feature editions will also publish on UTSanDiego.com. See your account manager for details.

Schedule subject to change.













speCial seCtions

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 3

— 22 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

■ DeADlines

new ADs .............................................FRiDAY At 12 PM New ads space reservation and copy for the following week’s publication.

PiCk uP with ChAnges..................MOnDAY At 4 PM Changes to active client’s due to account representative.

CAMeRA ReADY ARt ........................MOnDAY At 4 PM Please refer to Mechanical Specifications.

■ AD PlACeMentSpecific placement of advertising is available on a first come, first serve basis. A 20% premium will be added to the cost of the adver-tisement. The premium will be refunded in the event that the place-ment request cannot be fulfilled. Minimum size requirement for special ad placement is 1/2 page.

■ MeChAniCAl sPeCiFiCAtiOnsAdvertising design and layout is provided to display advertisers at no extra charge. DiscoverSD discourages the uses of “reverses” and “screens,” as it is impossible to guarantee their print quality.

DiscoverSD Street Edition gives local entertainment-goers a quick look at wide variety of the week’supcoming events, including our experts’ picks, from movies and music, to theater, family events, recreation and more. Distribution: 40,000 (Single Copy Only)

“stReet” eDitiOn stAnD AlOne RAte All Prices include Full Color. size 1X 6X 13X 26X 52X

Full-Page $1410.00 $1320.00 $1290.00 $1260.00 $1230.00

Page Buster $1058.00 $990.00 $968.00 $945.00 $923.00

1/2 Page $705.00 $660.00 $645.00 $630.00 $615.00

1/4 Page $353.00 $330.00 $323.00 $315.00 $308.00

1/8 Page $176.00 $165.00 $161.00 $158.00 $154.00

All rates are net.


Guidelines to produce and send digital ads are available online at: www.utads.com. Prior to submitting any ads to the U-T San Diego, please call your account manager for space reservation and to receive a U-T ad number for each ad.

■ Delivering MaterialsThere are a variety of ways to deliver ads to DiscoverSD.send your ads online via AdDeskAdDesk is a free service that allows you to send us your advertising material via the Internet. Contact your account manager for details.

■ Mechanical specifications • 85- through 100-line screen required.• Screened area should be between 20% and 80%.• Please note that there is a 35% dot gain on press.• Reverses: Solid reverses must be screened to 80% tone if

they occupy more than 30% of the ad on ads 10 column inches or larger.

For more information go online at: www.utads.com

• Maximum total screen density is 220%, includes Under Color Removal (UCR) with only one solid. Two secondary colors should not exceed 70%; 80% for any single color not intended to print solid.

• Reverse type is acceptable, but should not be less than 14-point sans serif.

• Overprint type only into areas having tint values of 30% or less. When black type is on a screened or color background, the type should overprint without a knockout.

• Questions regarding color advertising specifications contact your account manager.

■ PAYMent POliCYAll accounts are subject to credit approval. Unless previously approved by the Publisher, all accounts require payment in advance at any time for any advertisement. Agency accounts may be delayed until prepayment is made or signed contract and credit application is received from responsible party by DiscoverSD.

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U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5

GeNerAl eNlACe rATes (Commissionable)

Cost Per Col. Inch PREPRINT (CPM) SINGLE ROP RATES SChEDULE ShEET RATESNon-Agreement $80.65 A $48.00

$35,000 $69.65 A $46.00

$80,000 $66.84 B $44.00

$200,000 $64.27 B $44.00

$325,000 $61.30 B $44.00

$500,000 $58.11 C $41.00

$750,000 $55.30 C $41.00

Cost Per Col. Inch PREPRINT (CPM) SINGLE ROP Rates schedule sheet ratesAnnual Frequency Agreement3-12(Weeks)Insertions $43.90 A $46.00

13+(Weeks)Insertions $42.20 A $46.00

Contract levels not shown above qualify for the next smallest commitment level.

Pick-up rates: A 30% discount off the open rate applies to both the ROP space and color charges when you pick-up your ad into Enlace within 10 days of publication in the U-T.

rOP COlOr rATes

Onecolor $643.50

Twocolors $897.00

Fourcolors $1,040.00

eNlACe PrePriNT rATes (COST PER ThOUSAND) A Schedule B Schedule C Schedule4-PageTab $53.50 $51.50 $48.50

6-PageTab $55.50 $53.50 $50.50

8-PageTab $60.50 $57.50 $51.50

10-PageTab $69.50 $67.50 $60.50

12-PageTab $73.50 $71.50 $63.50

16-PageTab $82.00 $80.00 $71.00

20-PageTab $90.00 $88.00 $80.00

Standard = 2 X tab page count (i.e. 6-page standard = 12-page tab) For preprint with more pages than listed above, add the following per cpm indicated.schedule A) +$5 per 2 tab pagesschedule B) +$4 per 2 tab pagesschedule C) +$3 per 2 tab pages

TrANslATiONs AND PrODuCTiONEnlace provides professional Spanish-language advertising layout and design, including translations, at no additional cost. (Some restrictions may apply.)

eNlACe CHAriTY/NON-PrOFiT rATeNon-profit rates are reserved for organizations with government approved non-profit status. ROP RATECostPerColumnInch $44.65

■ enlace Ad DimensionssTANDArD-PAGe COluMN WiDTHs

1column 1.53inches

2columns 3.22inches

3columns 4.92inches

4columns 6.61inches

5columns 8.31inches

6columns 10inches

Standardfullpage 6columnswidex21.5inches

DOuBle-TruCK COluMN WiDTHs(Layout and print sizes. Includes 1" gutter)

10column 17.61inches

11columns 19.30inches

12columns 21.00inches

■ DeadlinesSpace reservation deadline is Monday at noon, 5 working days prior to publication date. Holidays requiring earlier deadlines include: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

■ CancellationsDisplay Ads: 12:00 noon PST, Monday prior to publication.

■ Delivering MaterialsThere are a variety of ways to deliver ads to the U-T San Diego. AdDesk is a free service that allows you to send us your advertising material via the Internet. Contact your account manager for details.

■ Mechanical specifications • 85- through 100-line screen required.• Screened area should be between 20% and 80%.• Please note that there is a 35% dot gain on press.• Reverses: Solid reverses must be screened to 80% tone if

they occupy more than 30% of the ad on ads 10 column inches or larger.

For more information go online at: www.utads.com

• Maximum total screen density is 220%, includes Under Color Removal (UCR) with only one solid. Two secondary colors should not exceed 70%; 80% for any single color not intended to print solid.

• Reverse type is acceptable, but should not be less than 14-point sans serif.

• Overprint type only into areas having tint values of 30% or less. When black type is on a screened or color background, the type should overprint without a knockout.

• Questions regarding color advertising specifications contact your account manager.

enlaCe aDVertising rates Weekly Spanish Language Publication

— 24 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5

■ DeADlines (7 days prior to publication date)

new ADs ...................................weDnesDAY At 12 PM New ads space reservation and copy for the following week’s publication.

PiCk uP with ChAnges............thuRsDAY At 12 PM Changes to active client’s due to account representative.

CAMeRA ReADY ARt .......................... FRiDAY At 5 PM Please refer to Mechanical Specifications.

■ AD PlACeMentSpecific placement of advertising is available on a first come, first serve basis. A 20% premium will be added to the cost of the adver-tisement. The premium will be refunded in the event that the place-ment request cannot be fulfilled. Minimum size requirement for special ad placement is 1/2 page.

■ MeChAniCAl sPeCiFiCAtiOnsAdvertising design and layout is provided to display advertisers at no extra charge. Vida Latina discourages the uses of “reverses” and “screens,” as it is impossible to guarantee their print quality.

Vida Latina San Diego is an exciting and vibrant Spanish-language entertainment and lifestyle publication targeting every member of the family from moms and dads to grandparents and children. This weekly tabloid is delivered Fridays to more than 750 retail locations in southern San Diego County. Content includes articles and photography from all types of entertainment including the movies and local events to television listings. Distribution: 30,000 (Single Copy Only)

DisPlAY AD RAtes All Prices include Full Color. size OPen 6X 13X 26X 52X

Full-Page $770.00 $670.00 $620.00 $570.00 $520.00

1/2 Page $555.00 $455.00 $405.00 $355.00 $290.00

1/4 Page $400.00 $300.00 $260.00 $220.00 $180.00

1/8 Page $295.00 $195.00 $165.00 $135.00 $105.00 All rates are net.

■ ViDA lAtinA AD DiMensiOnsMechanical specifications Modular size width height

Full-Page 10 inches 10 inches

Double Truck 21 inches 10 inches1/2 Horizontal 10 inches 5 inches1/2 Vertical 4.92 inches 10 inches1/4 4.92 inches 5 inches1/6 Horizontal 8.31 inches 2 inches1/8 3.22 inches 3.75 inches

■ ADVeRtiseMent & seRViCes (AnunCiOs & seRViCiOs)

Modular size width height Price

Single Size Ad 4.917 inches 1.5 inches $30.00Double Size Ad 4.917 inches 3 inches $60.00

■ Client PROViDeD ADsCamera ready ads that meet the following requirements will be accepted by Vida Latina San Diego. They may be sent electronically via e-mail, ad drop or placed on our FTP site. Please ask your account representative for full instructions.

RequiReMents FOR CAMeRA ReADY • Ads must be produced to specific ad sizes (i.e. 1/4v,1/8h) • Newsprint: 180 DPI Gloss: 300 DPI • Mac files • File format: EPS, PDF, TIF, JPG • Color images: CMYK • Fonts outlined or embedded to file • Files sent via e-mail, or FTP at: ftp.vidalatinasd.com

■ PAYMent POliCYAll accounts are subject to credit approval. Unless previously approved by the Publisher, all accounts require payment in advance at any time for any advertisement. Agency accounts may be delayed until prepayment is made or signed contract and credit application is received from responsible party by Vida Latina San Diego.

Full-PAge AD RAtes All Prices include Full Color. Back Cover $2,500.00 inside Front Cover $1,200.00 inside Back Cover $1,000.00

PRePRints Minimum insert size 5” x 7” Maximum insert size 11” x 11” Space reservation: 12 pm, Monday, 10 days prior to distribution

date. Material deadline: 12 pm, Thursday, 7 days prior to distribution date. Distribution minimum order is full run distribution of 30,000. Distribution: Every Friday. For rates please contact your account manager.

— 25 — P R 4 1 0 0 8

U - T S A N D I E G O G E N E R A L P R I N T R AT E B O O K 2 0 1 5


U-T San Diego Research group is eager to help you plan yourMedia buy. In addition to our extensive research databases, weoffer our out-of-town advertisers a complete local perspective of the San Diego market. Ask your account manager for ways the research group can help you develop a strong Media buy in San Diego.

u-T sAN DieGO reseArCH TOOlsHere are some of the powerful research tools we offer to assistin making your Media buy more effective:

• Database MarketingWe offer specialized assistance with geographic trade areaanalysis and database consulting services. This service isextremely helpful when planning your marketing program.

• Targeting by ZIP Code, Sub ZIP or Household LevelYou tell us the demographics for the market you wish toreach and we’ll find the highest concentration of that marketsegment. We can also identify your customer based on lifestylecharacteristics.

• Geographic AnalysisOur research team can provide reporting and/or visual guidesto show you where your potential and viable target areas lay. We also provide local industry competitive assessments including location mapping analyses.

• Customary Proprietary ResearchWith the help of customized surveys, research panels, etc. our research team can analyze the current and possible trends for products, markets, and industries in the Greater San Diegoregion. Having information and data from our specific area can be truly beneficial to any business planning to invest in Media buys.

• PRIZM Classifies every U.S. household into one of 66 consumersegments based on the household's purchasing preferences.PRIZM enables marketers to create a complex portrait of theircustomers by answering their important questions:• Who are my targets?• What are they like?• Where can I find them?• How can I reach them?

• Nielsen, Inc. Nielsen provides our research team with national and local geography based data (census/demos, market potential indices, consumer expenditures), business data, as well as our market's advertisers media spends and media shares.

• Competitive TrackingAnalysts utilize strategic advertising intelligence pertaining to advertisers and their competitors, as well as other local market print, online and broadcast media properties. Monitored information includes local ad occurrences, ad expenditures andcompetitive advertising providing you with valuable insights to help refine your media buy and grow your business.

• ScarboroughThis reach and frequency software package measures theeffectiveness of your media mix against specific target groupsand consumer buying habits. This is an excellent resource when evaluating your media buys in terms of reach, frequency, gross impressions, cost-per-point, and GRPs.

• Media-Mix AnalysisWe can prepare a detailed look at the reach and frequency ofyour current media schedule using Scarborough research. Forexample, if you’re trying to reach San Diego’s Hispanic market,as your partner in success, we would recommend a mediamix of the U-T San Diego and the top local radio stations toreach Hispanics. As a result, your advertising benefits from thestrengths of each media and you could reach a higher Hispanicpopulation percentage.

• Research and Analysis of Media (RAM)RAM is a unique research system that measures howsingle advertisements, campaigns and articles are read and understood. With our online research panel of U-T readers, RAM gives our research group the ability to analyze the performance and effectiveness of any ad for our advertisers.

CREATIVE SERVICESCreate advertising campaigns that sell, with the help of ourartists and copywriters. Our Creative Services group haspartnered with many of our advertisers in developing successful, award-winning campaigns. Call your account manager for details.

DISPATCh SERVICESWhen you need proofs or advertising materials picked up ordelivered, just call our Dispatch department at(619) 293-1680.

u-T san Diego is in partnership for your success by providing you with the following services:

CUstomer serViCes