2562 Abstract The generalized magneto-thermoelastic problem of an infinite homogeneous isotropic microstretch half-space with temperature- dependent material properties placed in a transverse magnetic field is investigated in the context of different generalized thermoelastic theories. The upper surface of the half-space is sub- jected to a zonal time-dependent heat shock. By solving finite element governing equations, the solution to the problem is ob- tained, from which the transient magneto-thermoelastic responses, including temperature, stresses, displacements, microstretch, microrotation, induced magnetic field and induced electric field are presented graphically. Comparisons are made in the results ob- tained under different generalized thermoelastic theories to show some unique features of generalized thermoelasticity, and compari- sons are made in the results obtained under three forms of tem- perature dependent material properties (absolute temperature dependent, reference temperature dependent and temperature- independent) to show the effects of absolute temperature and reference temperature. Weibull or Log-normal. Keywords generalized magneto-thermoelasticity; thermal shock; microstretch, finite element method; temperature-dependent Generalized Magneto-thermo-microstretch Response of a Half-space with Temperature-dependent Properties During Thermal Shock Qi-lin Xiong a, b Xiao-geng Tian c a Department of Mechanics, Huazhong Univer- sity of Science & Technology,1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430074China. b Hubei Key Laboratory of Engineering Struc- tural Analysis and Safety Assessment, 1037 Luoyu Road, 430074, Wuhan, China E-mail: [email protected] c State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Struc- ture Strength and Vibration, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1679-78251895 Received 02.02.2015 In Revised Form 02.07.2015 Accepted 21.08.2015 Available online 28.08.2015

Generalized Magneto-thermo-microstretch Response of a Half ...2564 Q.L Xiong and X.G. Tian / Generalized Magneto-thermo-microstretch Response During Thermal Shock Latin American Journal

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Page 1: Generalized Magneto-thermo-microstretch Response of a Half ...2564 Q.L Xiong and X.G. Tian / Generalized Magneto-thermo-microstretch Response During Thermal Shock Latin American Journal



The generalized magneto-thermoelastic problem of an infinite

homogeneous isotropic microstretch half-space with temperature-

dependent material properties placed in a transverse magnetic

field is investigated in the context of different generalized

thermoelastic theories. The upper surface of the half-space is sub-

jected to a zonal time-dependent heat shock. By solving finite

element governing equations, the solution to the problem is ob-

tained, from which the transient magneto-thermoelastic responses,

including temperature, stresses, displacements, microstretch,

microrotation, induced magnetic field and induced electric field are

presented graphically. Comparisons are made in the results ob-

tained under different generalized thermoelastic theories to show

some unique features of generalized thermoelasticity, and compari-

sons are made in the results obtained under three forms of tem-

perature dependent material properties (absolute temperature

dependent, reference temperature dependent and temperature-

independent) to show the effects of absolute temperature and

reference temperature. Weibull or Log-normal.


generalized magneto-thermoelasticity; thermal shock; microstretch,

finite element method; temperature-dependent

Generalized Magneto-thermo-microstretch Response

of a Half-space with Temperature-dependent Properties

During Thermal Shock

Qi-lin Xiong a, b

Xiao-geng Tian c

a Department of Mechanics, Huazhong Univer-

sity of Science & Technology,1037 Luoyu

Road, Wuhan 430074,China.

b Hubei Key Laboratory of Engineering Struc-

tural Analysis and Safety Assessment, 1037

Luoyu Road, 430074, Wuhan, China

E-mail: [email protected]

c State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Struc-

ture Strength and Vibration, Xi’an Jiaotong

University, Xi’an 710049, China.


Received 02.02.2015

In Revised Form 02.07.2015

Accepted 21.08.2015

Available online 28.08.2015

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Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12 (2015) 2562-2580


In the scopes of heat energy deposition, nuclear engineering, nuclear scrap disposition, heat design

in pipeline of supply, underground tunnel fireproofing and so on, the thermal shock occurs frequent-

ly as a result of the large temperature gradient and almost all the materials involved in these

engineerings possess microstructure. materials with inner microstructures, such as concrete and

various composites. The large temperature gradient makes different parts of the materials expand

by different amounts and then cracks may be formed once the thermal stress exceeds the strength

of the material (Lu and Fleck, 1998). Considering that the engineering materials are composed of

inner microstructures, the investigation on thermoelastic problems of materials with inner micro-

structures under thermal shock has a significant meaning for the application of these materials.

Due to failure of classical elasticity in describing the mechanical behaviour of materials with

inner microstructures (i.e., oriented particles, micro-cracks, foams etc.), the linear theory of

micropolar and microstretch elasticity was introduced by Eringen (1965, 1966a, 1966b, 1971), which

is used to describe deformation of elastic media with inner microstructures. Subsequently, Eringen

introduced thermal effects to the microstretch theory, the thermomicrostretch theory was developed

(Eringen, 1990).

For non-isothermal problems of elastic body above mentioned, Biot (1956) first developed the

coupled theory of thermoelasticity. The equations of elasticity and of heat conduction are coupled

which deals with the defect of the uncoupled theory. However, this theory shares the defect of infi-

nite speed of propagation for heat conduction. To eliminate the inherent defect of Biot’s theory,

Lord and Shulman (1967) and Green and Lindsay (1972) developed generalized thermoelastic theo-

ries with one thermal relaxation time and two relaxation times, respectively. Recently A unified

treatment of both Lord–Shulman and Green–Lindsay theories was presented by Ignaczak and

Ostoja-Starzewski (2009). In the last three decades, many problems that have been solved were in

the context of the theory of L–S or G-L. The researches can be divided into two categories: one is to

study the transient responses in time domain, such as, Sherief et al. (1981, 1986, 2004), Youssef et

al. (2004, 2005, 2009), Tian et al. (2005, 2006, 2011a, 2011b), Othman et al. (2007, 2014a, 2014b)

and the other is to investigate the response of steady state in frequency domain, for example, Ku-

mar et al. (2014a, 2014b) and Sihgh (2010, 2011). Here the main attention is paied to the transient

responses in time domain for thermal shock problem.

Generally speaking, high temperature does occur in the thermal shock problem. Additionally,

the interaction between electromagnetism and thermoelasticity frequently happens in the modern

industry (Kolumban et al. 2006), especially in nuclear industry.

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Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12 (2015) 2562-2580

At high temperatures the material characteristics such as the modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s

ratio, the coefficient of thermal expansion, and the thermal conductivity are no longer constants

(Lomakin, 1976). Youssef (2005a, 2005b) studied the generalized thermoelasticity of an infinite

body with a cylindrical cavity and variable material properties and used the state–space approach

for conducting magneto-thermoelastic medium with variable electrical and thermal conductivity.

Recently, Allam et al. (2010) studied the electromagneto–thermoelastic interactions in an infinite

perfectly conducting body with a spherical cavity and variable material properties. However, in the

work above mentioned the absolute temperature (T) was instead of the reference temperature (T0)

in the form of temperature-dependent material properties to remove the nonlinearity of the problem

for achieving the solution to the problem and the results may be not pratical. And thus the

thermoelastic problem with temperature-dependent material properties remains to be investigated.

In addition, in spite of many studies about magneto-thermoelastic problems, hardly any at-

tempt is made to investigate the transient magneto-thermo-microstretch problems of a half-space

with temperature-dependent material properties under thermal shock. Most importantly, the finite

speed of heat propagation remains to be depicted. In the above work, the solutions of problems are

obtained by the inverse integrated transformation,the finite speed of heat propagation haven’t

been depicted. Tian et al. (2005, 2006) solved the generalized thermoelastic problems directly in the

time domain by using finite element method (FEM), in the distribution of temperature there is a

distinct temperature step on thermal wave front, implies the finite speed of propagation of thermal

wave is depicted perfectly by using FEM.

Thus, in the present work the magneto-thermoelastic problem of an infinite homogeneous iso-

tropic microstretch half-space with temperature-dependent material properties whose surface is sub-

jected to a zonal time-dependent heat shock placed in a transverse magnetic field is investigated on

the basis of different generalized thermoelastic theories by using FEM. The results, including tem-

perature, stresses, displacements, microstretch, microrotation, induced magnetic field and induced

electric field are obtained under different theories of generalized thermoelasticity, Lord and Shulman

(L–S) theory and Green and Lindsay (G–L) theory. Comparisons are made in the results obtained

under different theories and the differences in the results predicted by different theories have been

depicted graphically. The material properties of elasticity are taken to be different functions of tem-

perature. Finally, by taking an appropriate material, the results are plotted graphically to illustrate

the problem and compared the results in the case of temperature-independent mechanical properties.

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Q.L Xiong and X.G. Tian

Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures


Let us consider an infinite isotropic thermo

mechanical and thermal properties whose upper surface(z=0) is irradiated by a zonal laser pulses

placed in a transverse magnetic field H H=�

constant intensity H0 acts tangent to the bounding plane. A coordinate system (x, y, z) is used for

this plane problem. The constant primary magnetic field Ho is acting in the direction of the y

Figure 1: A half-space placed in a transverse magnetic field

The Maxwell linear equations of electrodynamics for a homogenous isotropic conducting thermo

microstretch medium expanded by heat are the following:

Tian / Generalized Magneto-thermo-microstretch Response During Thermal Shock

Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12 (2015) 2562-2

Let us consider an infinite isotropic thermo-microstretch half-space with temperature-dependent

mechanical and thermal properties whose upper surface(z=0) is irradiated by a zonal laser pulses

( )00, ,0H H=�

as shown in Figure.1 and magnetic field with

ntensity H0 acts tangent to the bounding plane. A coordinate system (x, y, z) is used for

this plane problem. The constant primary magnetic field Ho is acting in the direction of the y-axis.

space placed in a transverse magnetic field whose surface suffers thermal shock.

The Maxwell linear equations of electrodynamics for a homogenous isotropic conducting thermo

microstretch medium expanded by heat are the following:

0h J Eε∇× = +� � �ɺ

0E hµ∇× =−� �ɺ

( )0E u Hµ=− ×� ��ɺ

0h∇⋅ =�




mechanical and thermal properties whose upper surface(z=0) is irradiated by a zonal laser pulses

.1 and magnetic field with

ntensity H0 acts tangent to the bounding plane. A coordinate system (x, y, z) is used for


The Maxwell linear equations of electrodynamics for a homogenous isotropic conducting thermo-





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Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12 (2015) 2562-2580

Whereh�is the induced magnetic field vector,J

�is the current density vector,E

� is the induced elec-

tric field vector, u�

and H�

respectively are the displacement vector and the external magnetic field

intensity vector, 0ε and

0µ respectively are the electric permeability and the magnetic permeability.

For a linear, homogenous, and isotropic thermo-microstretch medium, the generalized field

equations can be presented in a unified form as (Eringen, 1990; Lord and Shulman, 1967; Green and


Heat conduction equation

0 ,i i i

q q kTτ+ = −ɺ (5)

Energy conservation equation (without internal heat source)

0 ,i iT qρ η =−ɺ (6)

The equations of motion (without body force and with the Lorentz force, without body couples and

without stretch force)

, 0

( )ji j i i

J H uσ µ ρ+ × =� �

ɺɺ (7)

,ji j ijk jk ie jµ σ ρ ϕ+ = ɺɺ (8)

( )2

1 0 1

, , 1 2


3 3 3 2i i k k

ju T T


λ λ γ ρ φλ φ τ

∗∗ ∂

− − + + =∂

ɺ (9)

Constitutive equations

( ) ( ) ( ), , , , 0 1 02

ij k k ij i j j i j i ijk k ij iju u u u e T T Tσ λ δ µ α ϕ γ τ δ λ φ δ∗ = + + + − − − + +

ɺ (10)

, , ,ij k k ij i j j i

µ εϕ δ βϕ γ ϕ′= + + (11)

0 ,i i

λ α φ∗= (12)

( ), 0 0 1


k k

ku T T T

Tρη γ τ γ φ


∗ = + − + +

ɺ (13)

Where T、T0 respectively the absolute temperature and reference temperature, σij、µij 、λi respec-

tively components of stress tensors, couple stress tensors and microstretch tensors. ui、ϕi、φ∗ re-

spectively components of displacement vector, microrotation vector and the scalar microstretch.

ρ density, γ=(3λ+2µ+2α)αt1、γ1=(3λ+2µ+2α)αt2 , λ、µ Lame’s elastic constants, αt1、αt2 the coeffi-

cients of linear thermal expansion, k thermal conductivity, cE specific heat at constant strain. κ the

thermal diffusivity( /E

k cκ ρ= ). τ、τ0、τ1 thermal relaxation times. α、ε、β、γ' micropolar mate-

rial constants. α0、λ0、λ1 microstretch material constants. δij、eijk respectively Kronecker delta

function and permutation symbol, j the micro-inertia coefficient, i(j、k) takes 1、2、3.

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Setting τ0=τ1=τ2=0, we get field equations for the classical coupled theory of thermoelasticty,

whereas when τ0>0 and τ1=τ2=0 the equations reduce to the Lord and Shulman (L-S) model and

when τ0=0 but when τ1 and τ2 are nonvanishing the equations reduce to the Green and Lindsay (G-

L) model. The classical coupled thermoelastic theory will not be discussed in details.

Now we suppose the form of temperature-dependent mechanical, thermal properties in the

plate we will consider as follows:

( ) ( ) ( )0 1 0 0 0 0 00 10, , , , , , , , f Tλ µ γ α λ λ λ µ γ α λ λ= , ( )0

k k f T=

where k is the thermal conductivity, k0, λ0, µ0, γ0, λ00 and λ10 are considered to be constants; f(T)

is given in a non-dimensional function of temperature. In the case of temperature-independent prop-

erties, f(T)=1. We will consider other two forms of temperature-dependent properties, i.e. the form

of reference temperature-dependent properties (Youssef , 2005a, 2005b; Allam et al. 2010)

( ( ) *

01f T Tα= − ) and absolute temperature-dependent properties in this work ( ( ) *1f T Tα= − ),

where α∗ is called the empirical material constant.

Substituting Eqs. (10-11) and temperature-dependent properties into the equation Eqs. (7-8),

we can get

( ) ( ) ( )( )

( ) ( ) ( )( )

0 , 0 , , 0 ,

,0 0 1 00

0 , , , 0 ,


0 0 1 00,


2( )

k k ij i j j i j i ijk k

jij ij

k k ij i j j i j i ijk k

i i

ij ijj

u u u u ef T


u u u u ef T J H u


λ δ µ α ϕ

γ τ δ λ φ δ

λ δ µ α ϕµ ρ

γ τ δ λ φ δ

+ + + − + − − + + + + + − + × = − − + +


� �ɺɺ



( ) ( )0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,

,0 , 0 ,


k k ij i j k k ij i j

ijj i j i


f T f T jε ϕ δ β ϕ ε ϕ δ β ϕ

ρ ϕγ ϕ γ ϕ

+ + + = ′ ′ + + ɺɺ (15)

From Eqs. (5), (6), (13) and temperature-dependent properties, we obtain the equation of heat con-


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )0

0 , 0 2 0 0 , 10 0,1

i k ki

k f Tk f T T T T T f T u T

tτ τ γ γ φ


∗ ∂ = + + + + ∂

ɺ ɺɺ (16)

For the two dimensional problem we will consider, the components of the displacement, magnetic

field are defined by

( ), ,xu u x z t= , 0

yu = , ( ), ,

zu u x z t= , 0

x zϕ ϕ= = , ( ), ,

yx z tϕ ϕ= , ( ), ,x z tφ φ∗ ∗= , ( )0

0, , 0H H=�

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Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12 (2015) 2562-2580

The induced field components in the thermoelastic solid are obtained from Eqs. (1)–(4) in the forms

( )0 0, 0,z x

E H u uµ= −�

ɺ ɺ

( )00, , 0

kkh H e=�

( ) ( )( )0 , 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0, 0,

z z x xJ H e H u H e H uε µ ε µ= − − +�

ɺɺ ɺɺ ,

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2

0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0, 0,

x x z zF J H H e u H e uµ µ ε µ ε µ= × = − + −� � �

ɺɺ ɺɺ

The constitutive equations for a two dimensional plane problem are expressed as follows

( ) ( ) ( )0 , 0 0 0 0 1 002 x

xx k k

uu T f T

xσ λ µ α γ θ τ θ λ φ∗

∂ = + + − + + ∂


( ) ( ) ( )0 , 0 0 0 0 1 002 z

zz k k

uu T f T

zσ λ µ α γ θ τ θ λ φ∗

∂ = + + − + + ∂


( )0 02x z z


u u uf T

z x xσ µ α ϕ

∂ ∂ ∂ = + + + ∂ ∂ ∂

( )0 02x z x


u u uf T

z x zσ µ α ϕ

∂ ∂ ∂ = + + − ∂ ∂ ∂

( )0xyf T


ϕµ γ

∂ ′ = ∂ , ( )0yx

f Tx

ϕµ β

∂ = ∂

( )0yzf T


ϕµ β

∂ = ∂ , ( )0zy

f Tz

ϕµ γ

∂ ′ = ∂

For numerical convenience, the following dimensionless quantities are introduced:

i ix c xζ∗ ′= ;

i iu c uζ∗ ′= ; 2

0 1 0 1( , , ) ( , , )t c tτ τ τ ζ τ τ τ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ′= ; 0




−= ;




∗ =

Where 2 0 02

cλ µ


+′ = ,




ρζ = . Without causing ambiguity, the asterisk symbol of the non-

dimensional variables is dropped off in the following for the sake of brevity. In the above equations,

a comma followed by a suffix denotes material derivative and a superposed dot denotes the deriva-

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tive with respect to time.

From the preceding description and the problem we will consider, the initial and boundary condi-

tions may be expressed as:

Initial conditions (t = 0):

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ), , , , , , , , 0x z x zu x z t u x z t u x z t u x z t= = = =ɺ ɺ

( ) ( ), , , , 0y yx z t x z tϕ ϕ= =ɺ , ( ) ( ), , , , 0x z t x z tφ φ∗ ∗= =ɺ

( ) ( ), , , , 0x z t x z tθ θ= =ɺ

Boundary conditions:

At 0z = , ( ) ( )0, , 0.4x z t H xθ θ= − , 0

zz xzσ σ= = , 0

zλ =

At 0x = , ( ), , 0xu x z t = , 0



At z →∞,x →∞, 0x z yu u ϕ φ θ∗= = = = =

Where θ0 is a given temperature, H (*) is the Heaviside function. L is the thickness of the plate.


According to the equations of balance of motion, constitutive equations and boundary conditions,

using generalized variational principle, we obtain at any time

{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } ( )

{ } { } { } { }{ } { } { } { } { }



( )

( ( )) ( )

( 3 / 2)




v vT T T

v A A A A

q q T dV

u u J H dV j dV

j dV u T dA T dA qdA dAσ ω θ ϕ

δ ε σ δ ω µ δ θ τ δ ϖ λ δθρ η τη

δ ρ µ δ ϕ ρ ϕ

δ φ ρ φ δ δ ϕ δθ δφ λ∗ ∗ ∗

′+ + + + − + = − + × + −

′ ′′+ − + + + +

∫ ∫∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫

ɺ ɺ ɺɺ

� �ɺɺ ɺɺ



At the right side of above equation, and T ′ 、T ′′ 、 q 、 λ respectively, external force vec-

tor、external rotation vector、 external heat flux and external moment vector. And then the finite

element governing equations can be established and solved in time domain directly with the aids of

the corresponding initial conditions and boundary conditions. The convergence of the approximate

solution to the exact one can in principle be achieved by either increasing the number of nodes per

element or by refining the mesh, i.e. increasing the number of the element (Xiong and Tian, 2011).

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Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12 (2015) 2562-2580


Now we present some numerical results. The Magnesium crystal-like material medium was chosen

as the material for the purposes of numerical computation, the physical data for which are the fol-


10 2

09.4 10 Nmλ −= × , 10 2

04.0 10 Nmµ −= × , 10 2

00.5 10 Nmα −= × , 9

00.779 10 Nγ −′ = × , 19 20.2 10j m−= ×

, 9 2

000.779 10 Nmα − −= × , 10 2

000.5 10 Nmλ −= × , 10 2

10.5 10 Nmλ −= × 5 1

1 22.05 10

t tKα α − −= = × ,

31740kgmρ −= , 1 1

0170k Wm K− −= , 1 11040

Ec Jkg K− −= , ( )9 1

010 / 36 Fmε π− −= , 7 1

04 10 Hmµ π − −= ×

, ( )7 1

010 / 4H Amπ −= , 10.001Kα∗ −=

According to the reference (Vedavarz et al. 1994), the value of thermal relaxation time τ(τ0, τ1) for

various materials is of the order of seconds (porous materials) to picoseconds (metals). For metals,

the value of thermal relaxation time τ(τ0, τ1) range from 10−14 to 10−11s at room temperature and

smaller than 10−14s at high temperatures. The thermal relaxation time ( ) ( )14

0 1, 4.695 10 sτ τ τ −= ×

and the non-dimensional thickness of plate takes 3.0.

Firstly, it is essential to verify the accuracy and credibility of the FEM adopted in the present

study. Thus, the example in reference (Sherief and Youssef, 2004) is repeated by using FEM and

the comparison is presented in Figure.2. From Figure.2, the present results are in good agreement

with the analytical solutions given in reference (Sherief and Youssef, 2004) except for the location of

thermal wave front. This shows that FEM proposed here can predict the dynamic response owing to

the thermal shock accurately. Additionally, according to the non-dimensional speed of thermal wave



τ= = ), the location of the thermal wave front should be at x = 0.7071 when t = 0.1.

The result given in Figure.2 is in good agreement with the prediction. This further shows the results

obtained by using FEM are accurate and reliable.

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4















/θ00 00)


t=0.1 (Present Method)

t=0.2 (Present Method)

t=0.1 (Sherief and Youssef, 2004)

t=0.2 (Sherief and Youssef, 2004)


Figure 2: Comparison between temperature distributions predicted

by numerical transformation and present method (FEM).

Distributions of temperature, displacement, stress, microstretch, microrotation, the induced magnet-

ic field and induced electric field with distance z and x for L–S and G–L theories with temperature-

dependent properties have been shown by different symbol lines, and G-L with ( ) *1f T Tα= − rep-

resents G–L theory and the absolute temperature-dependent properties are applied, G-L with

( ) *

01f T Tα= − represents G–L theory and the reference temperature-dependent properties are ap-

plied, for the L-S theory, it is the same as the G-L.

0 1 2 3











(θθ θθ)


Microstretch G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Microstretch L-S with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.15 Dash line t=0.5

Figure 3: Temperature distribution at x=0 versus z under different generalized thermoelastic theories.

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Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12 (2015) 2562-2580

0 1 2 3









t (U



Microstretch G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Microstretch L-S with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.2 Dash line t=0.5


Figure 4: Displacement Ux distribution at z=0 versus x under different generalized thermoelastic theories.

0 1 2 3






ess (

σσ σσzz)


Microstretch G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Microstretch L-S with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.2 Dash line t=0.5

First jump

Second jump

Figure 5: Stress (σzz) distribution at x=0 versus z under different generalized thermoelastic theories.

0 1 2 3









h (

φφ φφ*)


Microstretch G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Microstretch L-S with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.2 Dash line t=0.5

Figure 6: Microstretch (φ*) distribution at x=0 versus z under different generalized thermoelastic theories.

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0 1 2 3






d m



c f





Microstretch G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Microstretch L-S with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.2 Dash line t=0.5

Figure 7: Induced magnetic field (h/H0) distribution at x=0 versus z

under different generalized thermoelastic theories.

0 1 2 3










ic f





Microstretch G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Microstretch L-S with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.2 Dash line t=0.5

Figure 8: Induced electric field (Ez) distribution at z=0 versus x under different generalized thermoelastic theories.

Figures.3–8 present the dimensionless values of displacement, temperature, stresses, microstretch,

induced magnetic field and induced electric field distributions for different values of coordinate dis-

tance and for different time points, namely for t = 0.15, 0.2 and 0.5.

In Figure.3, it can be seen that there exists a distinct temperature step on thermal wave front in

the distribution of temperature at t=0.15 for generalized theory (G-L or L-S), while there isn’t this

phenomenon and the finite speed of propagation of thermal wave isn’t depicted in the previous

studies (Sherief et al. 1981, 1986, 2004; Youssef et al. 2004, 2005, 2009; Othman et al. 2007, 2014a,

2014b). The temperature step on thermal wave front in the distribution of temperature predicted

by generalized theory (G-L or L-S) becomes indistinct along with the passage of time (such as

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Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12 (2015) 2562-2580

shown at t=0.5 in Figure.1). And we can also find that the temperature predicted by G-L theory is

higher than that predicted by L-S theory unlike the conditions without temperature dependent

properties (Xiong and Tian, 2011a), which illustrates the two theories in dealing with problems of

heat conduction of generalized thermoelasticity are not equivalent when the temperature dependent

properties are considered.

Figure.4 gives the distributions of displacement Ux at z=0 versus x under two theories at differ-

ent time points. Due to the symmetry of thermal load, the displacement Ux is zero at x=0 and

increase to the maximum value near the edge of thermal shock zone and then starts to decrease

with the increase of distance x and then decreases finally to diminish as shown in Figure.4. After

thermal shock applied at the x-y surface of z=0, the media in the front of the stress shock wave

induced by thermal shock is compressed and the region behind the stress shock wave is expended

due to the increase of temperature.

Figure.5 represents the distributions of stress σzz at x=0 versus z at different times. It can be seen

that stress σzz predicted by G-L theory is larger than that predicted by L-S theory in Figure.5. At

t=0.15 the first jump (from right to left) in stress σzz distribution is caused by heat wave front in

the Figure.2 for the generalized theory(G-L or L-S), it can be seen that the location of the first

jump is very close to the location of temperature step in Figure.2. The second jump in stress σzz

distribution is elastic wave front. According to the speed of propagation of elastic wave, the location

of the elastic wave front should be z=0.2 at t=0.2, we see that results given by Figure.6 are in good

agreement with the predictions, while these phenomenon didn’t appear in the previous studies (She-

rief et al. 1981, 1986, 2004; Youssef et al. 2004, 2005, 2009; Othman et al. 2007, 2014a, 2014b). But

at time point t=0.5, the location of the elastic wave front cannot be predicted exactly, this is be-

cause that the temperature dependent properties make the speed of the elastic wave increase signifi-

cantly at time point t=0.5.

Figure.6 shows the distribution of the microstretch at x=0 versus z under two theories at differ-

ent times. From the Figure.6, it can be seen that the microstretch obtained by L-S theory and G-L

theory are close, but there exits an evident difference in microrotation predicted by G-L theory and

L-S theory.

Figures.7-8 show the distribution of the induced magnetic field at x=0 versus z and induced elec-

tric field at z=0 versus x under two theories at different times respectively. From Figures. 7-8, it

can be seen that the induced electric field obtained by L-S theory and G-L theory are close, but

there exits an evident difference in induced magnetic field predicted by G-L theory and L-S theory.

And it should be noted that the absolute value of all the physical responses predicted by the G-L

theory is larger shown in Figures.3-8.

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(θθ θθ)


G-L with f(T)=1

G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T0

G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.15 Dash line t=0.5

Figure 9: Temperature (θ) distribution at x=0 versus z under different

forms of temperature dependent material properties.

0 1 2 3













G-L with f(T)=1

G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T0

G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.2 Dash line t=0.5


Figure 10: Displacement (Ux) distribution at z=0 versus x under different

forms of temperature dependent material properties.

0 1 2 3












Microstretch G-L with f(T)=1

Microstretch G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T0

Microstretch G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.2 Dash line t=0.5


Figure 11: Displacement (Uz) distribution at x=0 versus z under different

forms of temperature dependent material properties.

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(σσ σσ



G-L with f(T)=1

G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T0

G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.2 Dash line t=0.5

Figure 12: Stress (σzz) distribution at x=0 versus z under different

forms of temperature dependent material properties.

0 1 2 3









(φφ φφy)


G-L with f(T)=1

G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T0

G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.2 Dash line t=0.5


Figure 13: Microrotation (φy) distribution at z=0 versus x under different

forms of temperature dependent material properties.

0 1 2 3








ic f





G-L with f(T)=1

G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T0

G-L with f(T)=1-αααα*T

Solid line t=0.2 Dash line t=0.5

Figure 14: Induced electric field (Ez) distribution at z=0 versus x under different

forms of temperature dependent material properties.

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In order to more clearly express meanings of graphics – the effect of different forms of temperature

dependent properties, the Figures.9-14 only show the numerical results obtained under G-L theory.

Figures.9–14 present the results obtained under three forms of temperature-dependent material

properties (absolute temperature-dependent, reference temperature-dependent, temperature-

independent), regarding displacement, temperature, stresses, microrotation, induced magnetic field

and induced electric field at different time points, namely for t = 0.15, 0.2 and 0.5.

From the Figure.9, it can be found that in comparison with the case of temperature-independent

properties (f(T)=1) there don’t exit a difference in temperature distribution when the material

properties is a linear function of reference temperature (f(T)=1-α*T0), while there exists a difference

when the material properties is a non-linear function of absolute temperature(f(T)=1-α*T) and

temperature is higher in this case to show the effect of absolute temperature has a great influence

on temperature. And so we know that the absolute temperature (T) shouldn’t be instead of the

reference temperature (T0) in the form of temperature-dependent material properties.

In Figures.10-14, the results obtained, including displacement, stresses, microrotation, induced

magnetic field and induced electric field under the condition the material properties is a linear func-

tion of reference temperature (f(T)=1-α*T0) are larger than that in the case of temperature-

independent properties (f(T)=1), and under the condition that the material properties is a non-

linear function of absolute temperature (f(T)=1-α*T) the results are the largest. The results ob-

tained under the two conditions (reference temperature-dependent f(T)=1-α*T0, absolute tempera-

ture-dependent f(T)=1-α*T) are different, and this further shows the absolute temperature (T) isn’t

instead of the reference temperature (T0) in the form of temperature-dependent material properties

simply when we need to consider the material properties is temperature-dependent.


Finite element governing equations of magneto-microstretch thermoelasticity are established. The

thermoelastic responses of an infinite homogeneous isotropic microstretch half-space with tempera-

ture-dependent material properties subjected to a zonal time-dependent heat shock placed in a

transverse magnetic field is studied by solving the finite element equations directly in time domain.

The results, including temperature, stresses, displacements, microstretch, microrotation, induced

magnetic field and induced electric field are presented graphically. Comparisons are made in the

results obtained under two theories of generalized thermoelasticity. The results show that the two

theories (G-L and L-S) are not equivalent when dealing with problems of generalized

thermoelasticity when the temperature dependent properties, the response (temperature, displace-

ment, stress and so on) predicted by the two theories is different, and that predicted by the G-L

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Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12 (2015) 2562-2580

theory is larger. And we also know that the reference temperature-dependent material properties

has no influence on temperature but an influence on the other responses, while the absolute temper-

ature-dependent material properties has a great influence on all the thermoelastic responses and the

influence become greater along with the passage of time. And the two forms of temperature-

dependent material properties are not equivalent. So when we study the thermoelastic response of

all materials with temperature-dependent materials properties caused by thermal shock, the abso-

lute temperature (T) should be applied and shouldn’t be instead of the reference temperature (T0)

in the form of temperature-dependent material properties.


This work is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

(2015QN140) and National Science Foundation of China (11372240, 11502085).


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