ANRV386-GG10-24 ARI 27 June 2009 7:28 R E V I E W S I N A D V A N C E Genetics, Medicine, and the Plain People Kevin A. Strauss 1,2,3, * and Erik G. Puffenberger 1,2, * 1 Clinic for Special Children, Strasburg, Pennsylvania 17579; email: [email protected], [email protected] 2 Department of Biology, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603 3 Lancaster General Hospital, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604 Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 2009. 10:24.1–24.24 The Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics is online at genom.annualreviews.org This article’s doi: 10.1146/annurev-genom-082908-150040 Copyright c 2009 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved 1527-8204/09/0922-0001$20.00 * Equal contributors. Key Words Anabaptist, deme, haplotype, identity-by-descent, Mendelian, single-nucleotide polymorphism Abstract The Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite populations of Pennsylvania are descended from Swiss Anabaptist immigrants who came to the New World in the early eighteenth century. Today they live in many small endogamous demes across North America. Genet- ically, these demes have dissimilar allele frequencies (allele frequency differences are not only found with “rare” alleles; this comment refers to mutations as well as SNP alleles) and disease spectra owing to unique founders. Biological and social aspects of Old Order communities make them ideal for studies in population genetics and genomic medicine, and over the last 40 years, advances in genomic science coincided with investigational studies in Plain populations. Newer molecular genetic technologies are sufficiently informative, rapid, and flexible to use in a clinical setting, and we have successfully integrated these tools into a rural pediatric practice. Our studies with the Pennsylvania Plain com- munities show that population-specific genetic knowledge provides a powerful framework to prevent disease, reduce medical costs, and cre- ate new insights into human biology. 24.1

Genetics, Medicine, and the Plain People Medicine, and the Plain People ... The Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite (Plain) people of North America have contributed much to our

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ANRV386-GG10-24 ARI 27 June 2009 7:28








Genetics, Medicine,and the Plain PeopleKevin A. Strauss1,2,3,! and Erik G. Puffenberger1,2,!

1Clinic for Special Children, Strasburg, Pennsylvania 17579;email: [email protected], [email protected] of Biology, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 176033Lancaster General Hospital, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604

Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 2009.10:24.1–24.24

The Annual Review of Genomics and Human Geneticsis online at genom.annualreviews.org

This article’s doi:10.1146/annurev-genom-082908-150040

Copyright c! 2009 by Annual Reviews.All rights reserved


!Equal contributors.

Key WordsAnabaptist, deme, haplotype, identity-by-descent, Mendelian,single-nucleotide polymorphism

AbstractThe Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite populations ofPennsylvania are descended from Swiss Anabaptist immigrants whocame to the New World in the early eighteenth century. Today theylive in many small endogamous demes across North America. Genet-ically, these demes have dissimilar allele frequencies (allele frequencydifferences are not only found with “rare” alleles; this comment refersto mutations as well as SNP alleles) and disease spectra owing to uniquefounders. Biological and social aspects of Old Order communities makethem ideal for studies in population genetics and genomic medicine,and over the last 40 years, advances in genomic science coincided withinvestigational studies in Plain populations. Newer molecular genetictechnologies are sufficiently informative, rapid, and flexible to use in aclinical setting, and we have successfully integrated these tools into arural pediatric practice. Our studies with the Pennsylvania Plain com-munities show that population-specific genetic knowledge provides apowerful framework to prevent disease, reduce medical costs, and cre-ate new insights into human biology.


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Knowledge of genetic anatomy is having a com-parably strong and pervasive influence on all ofmedicine. . . . Genomic anatomy permits medicineto become more predictive and preventive. At thesame time, diagnosis and treatment are renderedmore sensitive, specific, effective, and safe.

–Victor A. McKusick, 2001 (50)

Be not conformed to this world, but be ye trans-formed by the renewing of your mind.

Romans 12:2

INTRODUCTIONThe Old Order Amish and Old OrderMennonite (Plain) people of North Americahave contributed much to our understandingof human genetics. Although wary of technol-ogy, they have cooperated with clinical inves-tigators for more than 40 years, believing theknowledge gained could help alleviate suffer-ing in their own communities and elsewhere.The history of genetic discovery among Plainsects has broad relevance: It charts the trans-formation of human genetics from an esotericdiscipline into a foundation of clinical medicine(50).

Beginning in 1962, inherited disordersamong Old Order communities were the sub-ject of exceptional observational studies, col-lected in the 1978 landmark Medical GeneticStudies in the Amish (1). Between 1975 and 1988,the advent of Southern blotting (80), geneticmarkers (17), linkage analysis, DNA sequenc-ing (48, 76), and the polymerase chain reaction(PCR) (12) enabled investigators to describethese disorders in more precise molecular terms(31, 43, 66, 71, 74, 75, 81). Recently, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarraytechnology has accelerated this process (67, 68,89, 90) and provided fascinating details aboutthe genetic structure of inbred populations.

Over the past two decades, the focus hasshifted to treatment. Genetic studies withinOld Order populations have revealed how per-sonal genetic information can be integrated into

everyday clinical practice (23, 37, 50). Here, wepresent original as well as previously publisheddata that inform the larger field of genomics andfulfill a central promise of the Human GenomeProject—to harness genetic knowledge to healthe sick (88), prevent disability (87), and reducemedical costs (59, 87–89).

THE PLAIN POPULATIONSContemporary Old Order groups fall under thecollective term Plain people, which refers toChristian groups that live simply, dress plainly,and live in the modern world but remain sep-arate from it. They include the Amish, OldOrder and Conservative Mennonites, OldOrder Brethren, and Hutterites (D. Kraybill,personal communication). Our clinical practiceserves Old Order Amish and Mennonite peo-ple of Pennsylvania and Maryland, who are thefocus of this review.

The Anabaptist movement began in 1525amid the Protestant Reformation. It was basedon the idea that baptism should be an inten-tional act of adults who wanted to join anaustere Christian community (41, 65, 69). Forthis and other beliefs, early Anabaptists weretortured and killed as heretics for more than200 years as they moved throughout Europein exile. By the 1670s, most had settled inSwitzerland (65). Jakob Amman (1656–1730), aMennonite bishop living in the canton of Berne,believed that many Anabaptists had compro-mised their religious discipline to avoid per-secution (41). He insisted upon the practiceof shunning (Meidung), the social exclusion ofnoncompliant church members, and in 1693forced a division among Mennonite preachersthat marked the formation of the Amish church(41).

William Penn offered Anabaptists asylumin the New World and several thousand ar-rived in the port of Philadelphia between 1683and 1770. The Mennonites generally appearedearlier in the records, whereas the Amish ar-rived in the latter half of this migration (1727–1770). Several hundred Amish and Mennonites

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eventually settled in Lancaster County (27, 65,69). The present-day Lancaster County Amishpopulation of approximately 50,000 individu-als is derived from perhaps 50 to 200 of theseoriginal founders (54). Most early Anabaptistsettlements in Pennsylvania failed, and resid-ual members joined later Anabaptist immi-grants who moved west to Ohio, Indiana, andIllinois (54), where they remain concentrated.About 70% of contemporary Amish occupy justfour counties: Lancaster County, Pennylvania;Holmes and Geauga Counties, Ohio; andLaGrange County, Indiana (54). The OldOrder Amish in America have doubled in thelast 16 years to approximately 226,395 individ-uals (D. Kraybill, personal communication).

Following the migration to North America,Amish culture became extinct in Europe (41)while forces of assimilation and change reachedAnabaptist immigrants. Some regional Amishand Mennonite churches were further dividedby ideological conflicts (65), and by the 1860sgroups that held fast to tradition were des-ignated The Old Order by their more pro-gressive counterparts (41, 65). Philosophicaldifferences, reinforced by geographical sepa-ration, resulted in many endogamous subdivi-sions, called demes.

MEDICAL GENETIC STUDIESIn 1962, Dr. Victor A. McKusick reviewed JohnHostetler’s Amish Society for Johns HopkinsPress and recognized the potential for using theAmish to study medical genetics (Table 1) (54).That same year, he read about David Krusen, aLancaster County doctor who reported a highprevalence of achondroplasia among the Amish.These events sparked a productive collabora-tion between McKusick and Hostetler (54), andMcKusick made his first field trips to Lan-caster County with Dr. Krusen (31). He soonrecognized that dwarfism among the Amishwas not achondroplasia, but rather two distinctrecessive conditions: Ellis-van Creveld syn-drome and cartilage-hair hypoplasia (Figure 1)(52, 53).

Figure 1This Amish boy with cartilage hair hypoplasia hasthe characteristic physical features of short-limbeddwarfism, sparse hair, and small nails. He sufferedfrom neuronal intestinal dysplasia and combinedimmune deficiency, rare complications of thedisorder, and had a bone marrow transplant at28 months of age. He died of intractableautoimmune hemolytic anemia one year later(photo used with parent permission).

Over the next 16 years, the Amish weresubjects of diverse genetic studies. Many ofthese were detailed clinical descriptions of re-cessive disorders, but there were also studiesabout blood groups (16), HLA antigens (42),immunoglobulin levels (56), chromosomal vari-ation (35), and the heritability of complex traits(e.g., blood pressure, glucose tolerance, andcancer risk) (26, 44, 72). Seminal works fromthis era are collected in the 1978 publicationMedical Genetic Studies in the Amish (1), edited byMcKusick, which describes 18 previously rec-ognized and 16 newly diagnosed Mendelian dis-orders among the Amish of Pennsylvania, Ohio,and Midwestern states. Medical Genetic Studiesin the Amish established many known principlesof population genetics that remain pertinenttoday (Table 1).

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Table 1 Characteristics of Plain populations conducive to genetic studies

McKusick et al. 1964 (53)• A self-defined, closed population (little gene inflow)• Western European origin• Small number of founding members• Concentrated population settlements (relative immobility)• Extensive geneological records• High standards of living (i.e., nutrition, hygiene) and physical health• Strong interest in inherited illness and the healing arts• Relatively uniform social, economic, and occupational circumstances• Large sibships (e.g., average 5–8 per family)• Low illegitimacy rate• Children with birth defects or genetic disorders cared for at home• Multiple discrete subpopulations (demes) allow comparative analysisMolecular update, 2008• Large haplotype blocks (small population of recent origin) from identity-by-descent around disease loci• Mutation homogeneity (founder effect)• Population-specific allele frequencies

Before the advent of molecular genetic tech-nology, McKusick used genealogical records toinfer identity by descent for pathogenic alleles.He traced the mutation for pyruvate kinasedeficiency to “Strong Jacob” Yoder and hiswife, who immigrated in 1742, and traced theEllis-van Creveld allele through 40 sibships, 73affected individuals, and 80 parents to SamuelKing and his wife, who also immigrated inthe 1740s (49). Although complex pedigreeanalysis is seldom necessary today, these studieshighlighted the advantages of genetic linkageanalysis and disease gene mapping in Plainpopulations.


Population Genetics

Early investigators recognized the distinct na-ture of Amish demes based on their immi-gration history and surname distribution (49).Surnames are inherited through the paternalline, largely independent of selection or in-breeding. (Based on genealogies and populationhistories, the major determinant is the num-ber of male children. Virtually every Amishor Mennonite individual gets married unlessmentally infirm.) Deviations in their frequencywithin a population over time simulate ran-

dom genetic drift. Presently, the name Stoltzfusaccounts for 26% of Amish households inLancaster County. Three other surnames(King, Fisher, and Beiler) each account for10%–12% of the total. Similarly, amongWeaverland and Groffdale Mennonites, thesurname Martin accounts for 20% of house-holds. Mitochondrial DNA haplotypes, inher-ited through the maternal line, demonstratesimilar drift over the last 12–14 generations(Table 2). Within each Anabaptist subpopula-tion, pathogenic alleles may also increase (or de-crease) in frequency by random chance. Whenthe founding population is small, random allelefrequency shifts from one generation to the nextcan be profound; some rare mutations becomequite common while others become extinct.

This underlying genetic structure madePlain populations ideal for early genetic map-ping studies, which relied on large collections ofpatients and traditional linkage analysis. Formallinkage analysis was necessary because DNAmarkers were sparse and genotyping was time-consuming and expensive. Typically, 300–400microsatellite markers were genotyped in af-fected individuals, their parents, and siblings inan attempt to link a phenotype to a genomicregion. Many mapping studies in Plain popula-tions have identified disease genes in this way(6, 13, 19, 20, 47, 62, 63, 66, 74, 75, 81, 92, 95).

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Table 2 A frequency distribution of surnames and mitochondrial hypervariable region (HVR1) haplotypes among fourPennsylvania Amish and Mennonite demes1

Groffdale Weaverland Lancaster Juniata and MifflinMennonites Mennonites Amish Amish

SurnameMartin 18% 21% 0% 0%Zimmerman 18% 9% 0% 0%Hoover 8% 6% 0% 0%Nolt 7% 5% 0% 0%Weaver 5% 7% 0% 0%Stoltzfus/Stoltzfoos 0% 0% 26% 0%King 0% 0% 12% 0%Fisher 0% 0% 11% 0%Beiler/Byler 0% 0% 11% 7%Peachey 0% 0% 0% 29%Swarey 0% 0% 0% 13%Kanagy 0% 0% 0% 11%Yoder 0% 0% 1% 11%mtDNA haplotype16298C 16311C 20% 5% 0% 0%1669T 16126C 16261T 13% 19% 0% 0%Cambridge reference 8% 0% 0% 38%16304C 7% 5% 0% 8%1693C 16304C 6% 11% 0% 0%16294T 16304C 2% 11% 3% 4%16126C 16294T 16296T 4% 8% 0% 0%16129A 16311C 16316G 2% 8% 0% 0%16209C 16304C 1% 8% 0% 0%16260T 16356C 0% 0% 36% 0%16051G 16092C 16129C 16183C 16189C 16362C 4% 0% 26% 0%16129A 16264T 16311C 0% 0% 15% 4%16124C 16189C 16356A 0% 0% 5% 15%16189C 2% 0% 0% 12%

1These data demonstrate significant genetic drift and distinct paternal and maternal lineages within Plain demes. In our local Amish population, the16260T 16356C haplotype accounts for 36% of HVR1 haplotypes. By genealogical analysis, it can be shown that all copies of this haplotype were derivedfrom a single ancestral female who migrated to Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century. In the Groffdale Mennonites, HVR1 16298C 16311Cpredominates (20%), whereas 1669T 16126C 16261T is the most common haplotype among the Weaverland Mennonites (19%). Thirty-eight percentof the Juniata and Mifflin County Amish harbor the HVR1 Cambridge reference sequence.

It has long been known that isolated pop-ulations have a high incidence of rare ge-netic disorders. This, along with inbreedingand a restricted founder pool, has been takenas evidence of low genetic diversity. However,microsatellite marker (50) and SNP datachallenge this view. Using Affymetrix 10KGeneChip arrays, we found that calculated

heterozygosity across 9833 autosomal SNPswas 33.7% and 34.8% for Amish (N = 80) andMennonite (N = 80) individuals, respectively.These values are similar to the 35.5% measuredin an European control population (these datarefer to the Affymetrix European control set forthe 10K arrays; from Affymetrix, Santa Clara,CA). The comparisons may be affected by drift,

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which can lead to allele fixation. Among Men-nonites, 351 SNPs are monoallelic; 233 of theseare also monoallelic in the European controlpopulation. Thus, 118 (i.e., 351–233) SNP al-leles have become fixed in the Mennonite pop-ulation, whereas 204 different SNP alleles havereached fixation in the Amish.

Further inspection of SNP allele frequen-cies shows that Amish and Mennonite popula-tions are genetically dissimilar. We compared10095 SNPs for significant allele frequency























Mennonite vs. EuropeanAmish vs. EuropeanAmish vs. Mennonite

PercentageNumber of SNPs





Chromosome number


X2 val


P X2 v



X2 val


2 4 6 8 100



12 14 16 18 20 22

differences (Chi-square > 10.828, alpha =0.001) among Lancaster County Amish, Lan-caster County Mennonites, and the AffymetrixEuropean control set. Amish and Mennonitesamples were more similar to European con-trols than to each other (Figure 2). This sig-nificant finding underscores the importance ofchoosing proper control groups for associationand linkage mapping studies (Figure 3) (65).It is also relevant to clinical work; we havelong appreciated that genetic diseases of Amishand Mennonite populations are quite distinct(Table 3) (59, 65). Of the 67 disorders we de-lineated among the Pennsylvania Amish andMenonnite people, only five are found in bothpopulations and only two share the same molec-ular defect. Thus, for any particular child whopresents with a medical problem, the geneticdifferential diagnosis depends critically on pop-ulation of origin (59).

Random genetic drift is a compelling andparsimonious explanation for allele frequency"##################################

Figure 2Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) allelefrequencies are highly dissimilar between Old OrderAmish and Mennonites. We performed a !2 analysisof allele frequencies for 10095 SNPs from theAffymetrix GeneChip Human Mapping 10 K Arrays.We used 80 Amish and 80 Mennonite females andperformed the analysis with high cut-off values(!2 > 10.828, alpha = 0.001). We also comparedthe two Plain populations with Affymetrix Europeancontrols. Genome-wide SNP !2 values are plottedin panels (a), (b), and (c), to highlight overalldifferences. (a) The Mennonite population wasmoderately dissimilar to the European controls.One hundred ninety SNPs (1.9%) demonstratedstatistically significant differences between these twogroups. (b) The Amish demonstrated greater allelefrequency differences; roughly 7.4% of SNPsexhibited significant differences with Europeancontrols. (c) The Amish and Mennonite comparisonwas most striking as nearly 1 in 7 SNPs showedsignificant allele frequency differences. We surmisethat these large differences are due to genetic driftwithin each population. Since the Amish foundingpopulation was smaller, we expect larger shifts dueto drift over time. This is evident by the comparisonwith European controls where the Amish show anearly fourfold increase in allele frequencydifferences as compared to Mennonites.

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shifts within a small, isolated population. How-ever, allele frequencies might have been shapedby selection as well. For example, Anabaptistsettlers were exposed to new pathogens thatlikely exerted significant selective pressures.Although difficult to measure, allele frequencyshifts point to interesting gene candidates.From our GeneChip 10K genotype data, theSNP rs1986710 demonstrates the largest allelefrequency differences between Plain popula-tions and the Affymetrix European controlsand HapMap data sets. The A allele frequencyis 94% in Amish and 96% in Mennonites,compared to 54% in Affymetrix Europeancontrols. This SNP resides within an intron ofLPAR1, a gene associated with immunity andinflammation.

When compared to control data (Americansof European descent), Amish and Mennonitesamples are skewed toward larger blocks ofhomozygous SNPs (Figure 4). Within anyisolated population, homozygous markers thatoccur in “runs” or blocks are likely autozygous(identical-by-descent); i.e., both the maternaland paternal alleles derive from a commonancestor. Now, we can use microarray data toquantify this—the genome-wide estimate of au-tozygosity is 4.1% and 2.5% in Amish andMennonite individuals, respectively. Similar es-timates based on homozygous megabases of ge-nomic DNA yield comparable results (3.9%and 2.4%). This implies that the average Amishindividual harbors $120 Mb of autozygousDNA. The probability that any two randomAmish individuals would be autozygous for thesame genomic region and the same haplotypeis very remote. Relatively high genetic diversityand low allele sharing help facilitate successfulautozygosity mapping studies, even with verysmall sample sizes.

Modern Disease Gene MappingLarge-scale SNP genotyping methodologiesare a major technological breakthrough becausethey allow simultaneous and rapid genotypingof many markers randomly distributed acrossthe entire genome. This reduces analytical time

Chromosome number2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2022 X


X2 val


P X2 v



















Figure 3Population-specific SNP allele frequencies are critical for association mappingwithin Plain populations. As a test case, we analyzed SNP profiles of 30 Amishchildren with glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1) who were all homozygous forGCDH c.1262C>T. The GCDH gene maps to a region of chromosome 19 thathas poor SNP coverage on GeneChip 10K arrays, making homozygositymapping impossible. As an alternative, we attempted to map the disease usingX2 analysis of SNP allele frequency differences between affected children andcontrols. This analysis depends on accurate control allele frequencies as well asextended linkage disequilibrium surrounding the disease gene. When wecompared affected GA1 children to Old Order Amish controls, we easilyidentified the location of GCDH. However, when we used Old OrderMennonite allele frequency data, background noise increased and the mappingsignal on chromosome 19 was obscured.

and cost, and allows autozygosity analysis to bedone with fewer affected patients. With suf-ficiently dense SNP coverage, it is no longernecessary to infer genotype and haplotype shar-ing between distant markers; increased markerdensity provides enough information to revealsharing directly. Higher marker density alsosimplifies analysis. Large shared blocks of ho-mozygous SNPs can be detected with simplecounting and graphing algorithms using stan-dard spreadsheet software (67, 90). We have

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Table 3 Thirty-seven Amish and 29 Mennonite disorders understood at the molecular level among demes of Pennsylvania,Ohio, and Maryland

Disorder Gene DNA Variant Protein Variant Population Deme!

3-methylcrotonylglycinuria MCCC2 295G>C Glu99Gln Amish A3-ß-OH-steroid dehydrogenasedeficiency

HSD3B2 35G>A Gly11Glu Amish A

Aldosterone deficiency CYP11B2 5 bp deletion Amish AAmish microcephaly SLC25A19 530G>C Gly177Ala Amish ABardet-Biedl syndrome BBS1 1169T>G Met390Arg Amish ABartter syndrome CLCNKB gene deletion Amish A, BCardiomyopathy, dilated, with AVblock

LMNA 568C>T Arg190Trp Amish A

Cartilage-hair hypoplasia RMRP 70A>G Amish A, OCortical dysplasia and focal epilepsy CNTNAP2 3709delG Amish A, B, OCrigler-Najjar syndrome UGT1A1 222C>A Tyr74Ter Amish AEllis-van Creveld syndrome EVC IVS13+5G>T Amish AFamilial hypercholanemia BAAT 226A>G Met76Val Amish AFamilial hypercholanemia TJP2 143T>C Val48Ala Amish AGalactosemia GALT 563A>G Gln188Arg Amish A, EGittelman syndrome SLC12A3 1924C>A Arg642Gly Amish A, BGittelman syndrome SLC12A3 8627 bp deletion Amish A, BGutaric aciduria, type 1 GCDH 1262C>T Ala421Val Amish AGutaric aciduria, type 3 C7orf10 895C>T Arg299Trp Amish A, BMcKusick-Kauffman syndrome MKKS [250C>T + 724G>T] His84Tyr/Ala242Ser Amish ANemaline rod myopathy TNNT1 505G>T Glu180Ter Amish ANephrotic syndrome NPHS2 413G>A Arg138Gln Amish AOsteogenesis imperfecta COL1A2 2098G>T Gly610Cys Amish APelizaeus-Merzbacher-like syndrome GJA12 203A>G Tyr68Cys Amish APhenylketonuria PAH 280-282delATC Amish APhenylketonuria PAH 782G>A Arg261Gln Amish APropionic acidemia PCCB 1606A>G Asn536Asp Amish A, BSevere combined immune deficiency RAG1 2974A>G Lys992Glu Amish ASitosterolemia ABCG8 1720G>A Gly574Arg Amish AWeil-Marchesani syndrome ADAMTS10 15 exon del Amish AChronic granulomatous disease CYBB 1335C>A Cys445Ter Amish ETroyer syndrome SPG20 1110delA Amish O11-hydroxylase deficiency CYP11B1 1343G>A Arg448His Amish BAdenosine deaminase deficiency ADA 646G>A Gly216Arg Amish BByler disease ATP8B1 923G>T Gly308Val Amish BCockayne syndrome ERCC6 IVS14+1G>T Amish BGM3 synthase deficiency ST3GAL5 694C>T Arg232Ter Amish B, OPrimary ciliary dyskinesia DNAH5 4348C>T Gln1450Ter Amish BPyruvate kinase deficiency PKLR 1436G>A Arg479His Amish BSudden infant death with dysgenesis ofthe testes

TSPYL1 457 458insG Amish B

(Continued )

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Table 3 (Continued )

Disorder Gene DNA Variant Protein Variant Population Deme!

Homocystinuria MTHFR 1129C>T Arg377Cys Amish J3-methylcrotonylglycinuria MCCC2 518insT Mennonite M, XAlpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency SERPINA1 1096G>A Glu342Lys Mennonite MBiotinidase deficiency BTD 1459T>C Trp487Arg Mennonite MCongenital nephrotic syndrome NPHS1 1481delC Mennonite MCongenital nephrotic syndrome NPHS1 3250delG Mennonite MCrigler-Najjar syndrome UGT1A1 222C>A Tyr74Ter Mennonite MCystinuria SLC3A1 IVS6+2T>C Mennonite MCystinuria SLC3A1 1354C>T Arg452Trp Mennonite MCystinuria SLC7A9 201C>T Ile67Ile Mennonite MCystinuria SLC7A9 1166C>T Thr389Met Mennonite MDeafness, nonsyndromic GJB2 35delG Mennonite MFactor 11 deficiency F11 1327C>T Arg443Cys Mennonite MFragile X syndrome FMR1 (CGG)n expansion Mennonite MGlycogen storage disease, type 6 PYGL IVS13+1G>A Mennonite MHirschsprung disease EDNRB 828G>T Trp276Cys Mennonite M, SLYK5 deficiency LYK5 7304 bp deletion Mennonite MMaple syrup urine disease BCKDHA 1312T>A Tyr438Asn Mennonite M, SMedium-chain acyl-CoAdehydrogenase deficiency

ACADM 985A>G Lys329Glu Mennonite M

Medium-chain acyl-CoAdehydrogenase deficiency

ACADM IVS4-30A>G Mennonite M

Mevalonate kinase deficiency MVK 803T>C Ile268Thr Mennonite MMevalonate kinase deficiency MVK 1174G>A Ala392Thr Mennonite MPhenylketonuria PAH IVS12+1GA Mennonite MPhenylketonuria PAH 782G>A Arg261Gln Mennonite MPropionic acidemia PCCB 1606A>G Asn536Asp Mennonite M, SRestrictive dermopathy ZMPSTE24 54 55insT Mennonite MSevere combined immune deficiency IL7R 2T>G Mennonite MSpinal muscular atrophy SMN1 exon 7 deletion Mennonite MTyrosine hydroxylase deficiency TH 698G>A Arg233His Mennonite MTyrosinemia, type 3 HPD 85G>A Ala29Thr Mennonite MVitamin B12 deficiency AMN 44 bp deletion Mennonite MProperdin deficiency PFC 379T>G Cys127Gly Mennonite XOsteoporosis-pseudoglioma syndrome LRP5 1225A>G Thr409Ala Mennonite SOsteoporosis-pseudoglioma syndrome LRP5 1275G>A Trp425Ter Mennonite SPhenylketonuria PAH IVS10-11G>A Mennonite SCardiomyopathy, hypertrophic SLC25A4 523delC Mennonite WPeriodic fever (TRAPS) TNFRSF1A 362G>A Arg121Gln Mennonite WSalla disease SLC17A5 115C>T Arg39Cys Mennonite WTyrosinemia, type 3 HPD 479A>G Tyr160Cys Mennonite WTyrosinemia, type 3 HPD 1005C>G Ile335Met Mennonite W

!A, Lancaster County (PA) Amish; B, Juniata and Mifflin County (PA) Amish; O, Holmes and Geauga County (OH) Amish; J, Somerset County (PA)Amish; M, Weaverland and Groffdale Conference Mennonites (PA and elsewhere); S, Stauffer Mennonites (PA/MD); W, Western MD.

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ber o

f blo




n fr

om co












Block size21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 >100


Block size

222222 42 62 82 102 122 142 162 182 202










Figure 4Plain populations demonstrate increases in homozygous block size and numbercompared to Americans of European descent. Blocks of homozygosity werequantified by their SNP content and physical size. (a) The average number ofhomozygous SNP blocks per person is shown. Amish and Mennoniteindividuals have more (and larger) runs of homozygosity than controls. (b) Thefigure plots deviations from the average control block data by size (i.e., numberof SNPs contained in each homozygous block). The Plain populations arerelatively deficient in small homozygous runs, which are replaced by largerblocks. The excess runs of homozygosity range in size from about 20 to over200 adjacent SNPs (highlighted area). For each Plain population, excesshomozygosity relative to European controls is found in a relatively smallnumber of large blocks, comprising roughly 116.7 and 72.5 Mb of homozygousDNA in Amish and Mennonite genomes, respectively.

used these techniques to map disorders with asfew as two affected children (89).

We have applied various methods to iden-tify 75 different mutations segregating in thePlain populations of southeastern Pennsylva-nia and elsewhere. The most straightforwardmethod is candidate gene analysis—sequencing

a candidate gene known to cause a pheno-type. Phenylketonuria mutations in severalunrelated Old Order Amish patients from Lan-caster County were identified in this way, andthe same strategy was applied to disorderssuch as 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reduc-tase (MTHFR) deficiency, factor XI deficiency,and Crigler-Najjar syndrome.

A related approach, candidate gene local-ization, uses SNP data to narrow a list ofcandidate genes that are associated with aparticular phenotype and scattered across thegenome, provided the child is autozygous sur-rounding the disease gene locus. By correlatinghomozygous blocks to the location of can-didate genes, we can often identify a singlegene for targeted sequencing. This method hasbeen used successfully to map autosomal reces-sive deafness, Cockayne syndrome, megaloblas-tic anemia, and hereditary spastic paraplegia(Figure 5).

Finally, disease gene mapping uses geneticmarker data to map unknown recessive pheno-types by comparing homozygous blocks amongmultiple affected individuals (67, 68, 89, 90).This strategy exploits genetic properties com-mon to young populations with a small numberof founders, and also assumes mutation homo-geneity. We often delineate locus boundariesrapidly and efficiently, but the shared homozy-gous blocks tend to be quite large. The averageshared block is 6.3 Mb (mean 3.7 patients perstudy) and contains dozens and sometimes hun-dreds of genes. Thus, although finding the rele-vant block can be simple, identifying the diseasegene within it can be daunting.

We have initiated over 40 separate ge-netic mapping studies in Plain populations ofPennsylvania, Maryland, Indiana, and Ohio.For 14 of these, we unequivocally mapped thedisease gene and identified the pathogenic se-quence variant. For 10 others, we delineateda chromosomal region but have yet to identifythe causative gene (Table 4). For the remainder,mapping results are inconclusive due to insuf-ficient sample size or the presence of multipleshared homozygous blocks.

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Locus LocationNumber of homozygous SNPsLocation score











Chromosome number



ous b



2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Figure 5Two brothers from a Midwestern Amish deme presented to our clinic with developmental delay, shortstature, and symmetric spastic diplegia. Recessive hereditary spastic paraplegia (SPG) was considered in thegenetic diagnosis, but a review of Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man revealed multiple SPG loci scatteredthroughout the genome. This daunting gene list would likely preclude further genetic testing. However,assuming identity-by-descent for the disease gene, we used 10 K SNP data to exclude the large majority ofSPG loci and show that both boys were homozygous for a large block of DNA surrounding the locus forTroyer syndrome (SPG20); sequencing confirmed homozygosity for the known single-base pair deletion(1110delA) in SPG20.


The Evolution of Clinical Methods

Amish genetic studies between 1964 and 1988predated the era of molecular mapping anddid not deal explicitly with the problem ofproviding care. Many research subjects diedor were crippled because they lacked appro-priate medical services (57). In 1989, Holmesand Caroline Morton established the smallnonprofit Clinic for Special Children to serveAmish and Mennonite children who sufferedfrom genetic disorders (7, 8). The Clinic wassited in rural Lancaster County (Figure 6),which gave families nearby access to affordablecare (60) and provided a framework for study-ing genetic disorders in a natural setting (41,45). It is a paradigm of community genetics(46), designed to serve particular people livingin a specific place and time (15, 57, 59, 65). TheOld Order communities support the work as a

way to care for their own (8, 59). Today, Clinicstaff manage 1029 active patients representingover 105 different Mendelian disorders.

From the Clinic’s inception, on-site labo-ratory studies were continually shaped by theneeds of patients; research and clinical carewere inseparable. Between 1989 and 1993, agas chromatograph-mass spectrometer donatedby Hewlett-Packard was used to screen 1232Amish children for glutaric aciduria type 1(GA1) (58). In 1990, two Mennonite churchesdonated a high-performance liquid chromato-graph that has run more than 17,000 amino acidsamples for the diagnosis and management ofmaple syrup urine disease (MSUD) (59). In theearly years of the Clinic, operating these in-struments on the front line of clinical practicemeant that GA1 could be diagnosed within afew hours of life (i.e., from amniotic fluid ob-tained at delivery) (58) and MSUD could bedetected in asymptomatic newborns less than1-day-old (60). These methods were a crucial

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Table 4 Twenty-three genetic disorders mapped using SNP microarrays at the Clinicfor Special Children since 2003. The causative gene was identified for 14 conditions,whereas 9 other disorders are mapped to a region but the gene remains unknown

Disease Chromosome GeneNephrotic syndrome, Amish 1 NPHS2Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like syndrome 1 GJA12Bartter syndrome 1 CLCNKBHypertrophic cardiomyopathy 4 SLC25A4Primary ciliary dyskinesia 5 DNAH5Sudden infant death with dysgenesis of the testes 6 TSPYL1Salla disease 6 SLC17A5Cortical dysplasia and focal epilepsy 7 CNTNAP2Glutaric aciduria, type 3 7 C7orf10Severe combined immune deficiency 11 RAG1Deafness, Mennonite 13 GJB2Gitelman syndrome 16 SLC12A3Polyhydramnois, megalencephaly, and symptomatic epilepsy 17 STRADAWeill-Marchesani syndrome 19 ADAMTS10Posterior column ataxia with retinitis pigmentosa 1Congenital nystagmus 1Usher-like syndrome 5Hydrocephalus 6Lethal seizure syndrome 7Mental retardation, nonsyndromic 12Junctional ectopic tachycardia 15Spastic paraplegia 15“Yoder” dystonia 15“Schwartz” syndrome 20Microcephaly 22

first step toward disease prevention, allowingaffected newborns to start therapy days beforestate screening results were complete.

In 1999 we began direct DNA sequencing,which led quickly to mutation identificationfor numerous disorders and carrier testing forGA1, MSUD, and several other conditions (58,60, 83, 91). Affymetrix donated a GeneChipscanner in 2005. It proved a powerful toolfor mapping (67, 88, 89) and also revealedimportant details about allele dynamics withinPlain populations. In 2007, we acquired aRoche real-time PCR system (LightCycler)through charitable contributions from theA.J. Stamps Foundation and CSL Behring.

This instrument uses melting curve analysisto detect mutations in about an hour (94). Itis ideal for community-based genetic testing[see sidebar, 5,10-MethylenetetrahydrofolateReductase (MTHFR) Deficiency] and can beadapted to practical clinical problems such aslow-resolution HLA matching (88).

Spectrum of Mendelian DiseaseTable 2 lists 29 Mennonite and 37 Amishdisorders understood at the molecular level,restricted for the purpose of this review topopulations of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Al-though there is some crossover, demes of Ohio,

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Indiana, and elsewhere suffer from differentgenetic disorders. Even within Pennsylvania,there are several genetically distinct groups,and these distinctions are clinically important(see sidebar, Genetic Epidemiology).

Ninety percent of the conditions listed inTable 3 are recessive and 90% of these resultfrom a single allele restricted to a particulardeme (54, 55). However, there are severalexceptions. Among Old Order Mennonites,who stem from a larger founding popula-tion, we have identified multiple mutationsfor phenylketonuria, cystinuria, medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency,mevalonate kinase deficiency, osteoporosis-pseudoglioma syndrome, and tyrosinemiatype 3. Among the Amish, biotinidase de-ficiency, galactosemia, Gitelman syndrome,and phenylketonuria demonstrate mutationheterogeneity, and familial hypercholanemiaexhibits locus heterogeneity.

Although most of the disorders we manageare recessive, we have also identified several X-linked (e.g., fragile X syndrome, chronic granu-lomatous disease, and properdin deficiency) anddominant conditions (e.g., LMNA cardiomy-opathy and polycystic kidney disease), andrecognize others yet to be mapped (sympha-langism, multiple exostoses, arteriovenous mal-formation). Although fewer in number, thesedisorders nevertheless exact a heavy toll whenthey occur in large extended families. We havealso found de novo mutations in a child withlissencephaly (PAFAH1B1 deletion), a childwith Apert syndrome (FGFR2), an adult withidiopathic torsion dystonia (DYT1), and sev-eral children with Prader-Willi or Angelmansyndrome (chromosome 15 deletions). Finally,using 10K SNP arrays we have identified chro-mosomal abnormalities at the resolution of astandard karyotype in numerous children withsyndromic developmental delay (Figure 7).

Although certain mutations are concen-trated in Amish and Mennonite demes, theyare seldom unique to these groups. About20% of individuals leave the Old Order eachgeneration, allowing mutations to flow into

Figure 6The Clinic for Special Children is sited on an untillable corner of farmland inrural Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The land was the gift of an Amishmanwho has two granddaughters with glutaric aciduria type 1. It was built with thedonated labor of Amish and Mennonite workers. The Clinic is readily accessibleto most of its patients and has on-site biochemical and molecular testing.


An Amish boy, born in Somerset County in 1998, had psychomo-tor delay and slow head growth by 3 months of age, and an MRIshowed global cerebral atrophy and hypomyelination. He wasseen by numerous pediatric subspecialists but remained withouta diagnosis after more than $10,000 of diagnostic testing. Wesaw him in October 2003, and based on a biochemical workupidentified a pathogenic 1129C>T change in MTHFR (87). De-spite treatment with high-dose betaine, he remained severely re-tarded, autistic, and mute. We made several field trips to Somer-set County where we identified 68 MTHFR c.1129C>T carriersamong 230 healthy members of the deme (estimated populationcarrier frequency 30%). In collaboration with Dr. Naylor andhis colleagues, we developed a LightCycler method for detectingMTHFR c.1129C>T in dried filter paper blood spots (28). Mid-wives offered Amish parents the option of getting a “fifth bloodspot” to test for the MTHFR mutation. The first newborn diag-nosed by LightCycler screening in 2004 was sister to the proband(87). She started therapy during her second week of life and hasno signs of brain damage after four years of follow up.

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Most Amish babies are delivered at home, breastfeed, and do notreceive parenteral vitamin K. In Lancaster County, two recessivealleles in the Amish (TJP2 c.143T>C and BAAT c.226A>G) dis-rupt bile salt metabolism and result in vitamin K malabsorption(20). Thus genetic factors interact with cultural practice to deter-mine actual risk: over the past 10 years, three Amish infants withbile salt disorders presented with massive intracerebral and retinalhemorrhages from vitamin K deficiency. One child survived withdense spastic hemiparesis and unilateral blindness. The other twodied of acute brain injuries. In one case, the parents were wrong-fully accused of child abuse and temporarily lost custody of theirother children. Screening for bile salt disorders and neonatal vita-min K administration are pressing public health concerns againstthis genetic background. In Juniata and Mifflin Counties, a mu-tation in TSPYL (457 458insG) among Amish children causesbrain disease and a dysautonomia syndrome (SIDDT) that ac-counts for 20% of overall infant mortality and perhaps half ofall sudden infant deaths in the region (67). To prevent suddeninfant death in Mifflin County, efforts to understand and treatSIDDT syndrome are at least as important as the “back to sleep”campaign (http://nichd.nih.gov/sids/).

the outbred population (59). Moreover, mostpathogenic alleles probably existed in Europebefore the Anabaptist migration. For example,all four Plain mutations of the PAH gene werefirst identified in Europeans with phenylke-tonuria (Table 3), and the only GCDH variantknown to cause glutaric aciduria type 1 in theAmish (c.1262C>T) is among the more com-mon mutations found throughout Europe andthe United States. Curiously, several foundermutations from Finland are also distributedin North American Plain sects (i.e., RMRPc.70A>G and SLC17A5 c.115C>T). There areno known genealogical ties between Swiss An-abaptists and Finns, suggesting that these mu-tations are either ancient or recurrent (51).

For 21 (31%) conditions listed in Table 3,an experienced clinician can make a correctdiagnosis based on the clinical presentationand a single confirmatory test. A few oth-ers are distinctive and easily recognized (e.g.,

Amish lethal microcephaly, Ellis-van Creveldsyndrome, Weil-Marchesani syndrome, etc.).Only 8 (12%) are reliably detected by statenewborn screening. Importantly, about 40%of the disorders cannot be diagnosed by rou-tine clinical methods; they present to physi-cians as nonspecific problems such as failureto thrive, jaundice, bruising, itching, develop-mental delay, cerebral palsy, mental retardation,autism, seizures, short stature, or weakness. Anunderstanding of genetic risks within a popula-tion makes it clear that these general terms ap-ply to many discrete causes (Table 5) (see side-bar, Glutaryl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency).The same is likely true in outbred populations,but it is much harder to investigate.

When we encounter a novel phenotype, in-vestigational studies are needed to determinethe molecular cause and then translate this in-formation into useful clinical testing (67, 68,90). Many core genetic laboratories offer DNAisolation and storage as well as biochemical ge-netics testing. However, few offer the flexiblegenotyping and sequencing services needed tomap a new disease. Fewer still achieve theseaims within a clinically relevant timeframe orat an acceptable cost to self-pay families. Ourlaboratory functions as a specialized core fa-cility with the sole purpose of solving patient-and community-centered problems quickly andeconomically (88). We have moved the tools ofgenetic research to the clinical laboratory andinvested heavily in their continued use and ef-ficacy. Consequently, when evaluating a newpatient we are as likely to sequence a gene orgenerate SNP genotypes as we are to order anelectrolyte profile.


Treatment of Genetic Disease

Just over 20 years ago, half of known geneticdisorders were considered untreatable and onlyabout 10% could be treated in a highly effective

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manner (93). We have seen extraordinaryprogress in Plain populations over the past twodecades. For about 40% of the disorders wemanage, simple dietary intervention has a deci-sive effect. These include conditions such as bi-otinidase deficiency, galactosemia, and vitaminB12 malabsorption. Protocols for the treatmentof maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), Crigler-Najjar syndrome, and severe combined immunedeficiency (SCID) are more complex but stillquite effective (2, 57, 60, 91). These latter con-ditions can now be cured by tissue transplant,currently the only reliable form of gene therapy(85, 91). Problems such as pyruvate kinase de-ficiency, cystinuria, and deafness are treatable,but not perfectly so. Nevertheless, like diabetes,depression, and cancer, skillful medical care al-lows people to live longer, suffer less, and enjoymore independence.

For 13 (21%) genetic conditions listed inTable 3, eventual outcome is not affected bytreatment; five of these disorders are lethal dur-ing infancy. They are among the most commongenetic disorders we encounter; among the


Figure 7Affymetrix GeneChip Human Mapping 10 K Arraysare useful for copy-number assessment. Althoughthe 10 K arrays lack fine resolution for thisapplication, our data show that they perform at leastas well as a standard karyotype. We readily identifycopy-number abnormalities in the 2–4 Mb range,validated by standard metaphase karyotype(http://www.mayomedicallaboratories.com/).Our analyses use the copy-number data generatedby the Affymetrix Genotype software. We calculatemean and standard deviations for the fluorescence ateach SNP marker and then generate z scores for thepatient at each SNP marker. This partially correctsfor polymorphic copy-number variation within thegenome. Panels (a) and (b) show two small deletionsof $4.1 and $4.2 Mb, respectively. The first patienthad multiple congenital anomalies and the secondpatient was diagnosed with Angelman syndromeafter SNP analysis detected monosomy onchromosome 15. Panels (c) and (d ) depict trisomy ofchromosome 2q markers and a complexrearrangement involving partial deletion andduplication of chromosome 8. Data in panels (b) and(d ) are from males, and hemizygosity for Xchromosome markers is apparent.

Amish for example, we have record of 85 chil-dren with lethal microcephaly born between1960 and 2008 and 88 children born with ne-maline rod myopathy (TNNT1 ) since 1989




























Chromosome number2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2022X




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r Z sc





ber Z



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Before 1989, Amish children with GA1 were commonly misdi-agnosed with cerebral palsy or acute viral encephalitis. The firstgenetic study at the Clinic for Special Children identified GA1 asthe cause of “Amish cerebral palsy” in 16 disabled children whotraced to a single founding couple (58). Beginning in 1989, theClinic offered amniotic fluid and urine organic acid screening fornewborns, comprehensive pediatric follow-up care, and inpatientmanagement for illnesses. Dr. Naylor introduced state-wide sup-plemental screening for GA1 in 1994. Between 1989 and present,the rate of brain injury in GA1 decreased from 94% to 36% (84).Thus the efficacy of treatment in GA1, as with many genetic con-ditions, is relative. Although GA1 is the most common mimic ofcerebral palsy in Lancaster County, other hereditary conditionscan produce a similar phenotype and, of equal importance, not ev-ery child with dystonia has a Mendelian disorder. Acquired causesof brain injury are intermingled with, and difficult to distinguishfrom, genetic disease.

(43, 59). Even for such “untreatable” prob-lems, medical care is important (57, 59). Beforethe Clinic was established, Amish children withnemaline rod myopathy were repeatedly sub-jected to invasive and costly interventions (e.g.,muscle biopsies, nerve conduction testing, elec-tromyography, magnetic resonance imaging,echocardiograms, etc.) that collectively cost thecommunity millions of dollars. A thoughtfulphysician informed with the right genetic diag-nosis can help a family determine appropriatelimits of medical care while also protecting thechild from futile interventions and the commonmiseries of hunger, thirst, dyspnea, and pain.

Presymptomatic Diagnosisand Disease PreventionChildren born today with conditions suchas GA1, MTHFR deficiency, or MSUD—once thought untreatable (39)—now grow uphealthy if diagnosed early in life (see sidebars1, 3, and 4) (60, 84, 87). Presymptomatic di-agnosis creates a window of opportunity (22,

33, 40, 83). This was the idea behind Guthrie’stest for phenylketonuria in newborns, pub-lished in 1963 (36). Thirty years later, shortlyafter Dr. Morton began his work in LancasterCounty, Edwin Naylor was using tandem massspectrometry to screen newborns for a muchbroader spectrum of genetic conditions (21).

Screening does not, however, assure goodoutcome. Early diagnosis is of no value with-out a pragmatic follow-up plan designed to dealwith the dynamic interplay among gene, envi-ronment, and disease as it unfolds over time.Genes encode proteins embedded in complexbiological networks. These networks are con-tained within cells, grouped into tissues, andinteract within physiological systems. Under-standing disturbances at all of these levels, asexperienced by intact humans in their natu-ral setting, is the basis for designing effectivetherapies (38, 70). This is vividly illustratedby the history of MSUD in Lancaster County(59).

Before 1989, one third of Mennonite chil-dren with MSUD died during childhood. Mostwho survived were severely disabled [see side-bar, Changing the Natural History of MapleSyrup Urine Disease (MSUD)] (57, 59, 60).Since the Clinic started offering local services,outcomes for MSUD have improved (60). Nochild died while under our care for metaboliccrisis, and all Mennonite children with MSUDborn after 1988 attained normal developmen-tal milestones. Knowledge of pathophysiology,not genetics, fueled this progress. Throughcareful study of many individuals in diverseclinical circumstances, we learned how defi-ciency of branched-chain ketoacid dehydroge-nase disrupts critical biological processes suchas metabolic adaptation to fasting and illness(86), cerebral amino acid transport (86, 87),and cell volume control (60). These processeschange with age and are influenced by manynutritional and environmental variables. Ourtreatment protocol evolved in lockstep with ourunderstanding of this complex physiology (60)and allowed us to prevent many serious neuro-logical consequences of MSUD.

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Table 5 Gene mutations result in specific medical conditions that are often described withnonspecific terms: mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism, sudden infant death, sepsis,and epilepsy1

Clinical diagnosis Disorder GeneCerebral palsy Glutaric aciduria type 1 GCDH

Propionic acidemia PCCBGap junction deficiency GJA12Crigler-Najjar syndrome UGT1A1Hereditary spastic paraplegia SPG20Dopamine-responsive dystonia THIdiopathic torson dystonia DYT1Phenylketonuria PAHMTHFR deficiency MTHFR

Mental retardation Maple syrup urine disease BCKDHASalla disease SLC17A5Bardet-Biedel syndrome BBS1Fragile X syndrome FMR1Biotinidase deficiency BTD

Epilepsy CDFE syndrome (CASPR2) CNTNAP2GM3 synthase deficiency ST3GAL5PMSE syndrome LYK5Hypercholanemia,TJP2 type TJP2Hypercholanemia, BAAT type BAAT

Stroke/hemorrhage Factor V Leiden F5Sitosterolemia ABCG8Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency SERPINA1SIDDT syndrome TSPYL

Sudden death 3-beta-HSD deficiency HSD3B2Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy SLC25A4Galactosemia PFCProperdin deficiency PFC

Lethal infection SCID, IL7 receptor type IL7RAdenosine deaminase deficiency ADARAG1 deficiency, Omenn RAG1

1This table lists a selection of genetic syndromes that cause developmental disorders in Amish and Mennonitechildren. Recognizing genetic predispositions that underlie such disorders is a key step toward planning effectiveprevention strategies.

Disease prevention has substantial eco-nomic repercussions (57). Based on our expe-rience with MSUD and several other treatablegenetic conditions that affect the nervoussystem (Table 3), we have prevented severe mo-tor disability or mental retardation in an es-timated 150 children over a 20-year period.

This saved the Plain communities about$180 million in direct and indirect costs(3). Thus annually, our operating budget of$1.4 million reduces the community economicburden by over $8 million.

To help uninsured patients, preventativetherapies must be affordable. For example, early

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Between 1966 and 1988, 36 Mennonite children were born withMSUD in Lancaster County. They all became encephalopathicwithin the first week of life and required weeks or months ofintensive hospital treatment that cost tens of thousands of dollars.Follow-up care was expensive, far away, and disorganized (59,73). MSUD patients were often sick at home for days beforearriving comatose in Philadelphia with critical cerebral edema.No aspect of therapy dealt specifically with this complication,and 14 (36%) of these children died of brain herniation within24 h of hospitalization (59,73).

Since 1989, we have managed 59 Mennonite infants withMSUD. Thirty-two (59%) were diagnosed between 12 and24 h of life by on-site amino acid analysis or, more recently, di-rect mutation detection from umbilical cord blood using real-time PCR. Among infants diagnosed before 3 days of age,94% were treated safely at home. To manage crises locally, wemade MSUD hyperalimentation solution available 24 h a day atLancaster General Hospital and had on-site amino acid analy-sis with 30-min turnaround time. We have successfully managedover 200 metabolic crises at Lancaster General with an averagehospital stay of just 4 days. By combining general pediatric careand specialized services, a much larger number of metabolic criseswere averted out of hospital; the overall hospitalization rate forour MSUD cohort is currently only 0.4 hospital days per patientper year.

studies of vitamin B12 deficiency led to reli-able and inexpensive forms of replacement ther-apy (61). Now, for Mennonite children withhereditary B12 malabsorption (AMN deletion),once daily sublingual methyl-B12 prevents life-threatening anemia and spinal cord injury forabout $30 per year. However, if sublingualmethyl-B12 were to be developed as a new thera-peutic today, it would cost between $500 millionand $2 billion to bring to the U.S. market, andits cost would be prohibitive for many self-payfamilies (4). Although we can expect excitingnew advances in the treatment of genetic dis-ease, attendant costs will put effective therapiesbeyond the reach of some families.

PLAIN PEOPLE AT THEFRONTIER OF GENOMICMEDICINEWhen McKusick began his studies of the Amishin 1962 (31), medical genetics was just a fledgingdiscipline and molecular studies were limitedto descriptions of abnormal chromosome num-ber and structure (9). Polymerase chain reactionwas not introduced until 1986 (12), and poly-morphic microsatellite markers were not widelyused until the early 1990s (50). The HumanGenome Project started in October 1990, andthe complete draft of the human genome waspublished in February 2001 (25, 96). Thus, ge-netic discovery in the Plain communities devel-oped in parallel with larger events taking placein the field of genomics.

Genetic science has become a cornerstoneof medicine, but the practice of medicinehas been equally vital to progress in geneticscience. Bench scientists and clinicians havedifferent interests and responsibilities. Basicscientists investigate physiologic systems, tis-sues, membranes, pathways, and molecules.They are primarily concerned with patterns andmechanisms. Physicians, in contrast, are prin-cipally concerned with the welfare of individ-uals: “for the patient is no mere collection ofsymptoms, signs, disordered functions, dam-aged organs, and disturbed emotions. [The pa-tient] is human, fearful, and hopeful, seekingrelief, help, and reassurance” (29).

These differing perspectives influence howone views progress in genomic science (82).Consider three decades of progress in cellu-lar immunology. Over the past 30 years, im-munogenetics research has expanded at an ex-plosive pace; we now understand many cellularimmune responses in exquisite molecular de-tail (18). Yet among 41 Amish and Mennon-ite children born with SCID during the sametime period, only half received a bone marrowtransplant and 63% died by 2 years of age (88).There was little funding for patient-centeredresearch (34), and hospitals with expertisein SCID were far away and cost too much(57).

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We came face-to-face with this problem inJanuary 2007, when an Amish newborn pre-sented to our Clinic with Omenn syndrome,a variant of SCID (Figure 8) (88). She was sickand uninsured, and needed timely, affordablecare. We were able to use 10K SNP genotypesfrom the child and her siblings to delineatethe RAG1/RAG2 locus, and used these samedata to quickly and inexpensively find an HLA-matched stem cell donor among her siblings.This entire process—from clinical presentationto genetic diagnosis to donor identification—took less than two weeks and saved the familybetween $20, #80,000. Applied genomics en-abled access to life-saving therapy.

In a medical-industrial research environ-ment that views case reports and small cohortsas poor evidence (98), this one Amish childgave us a glimpse of McKusick’s vision for ge-nomic medicine (Figure 9) when he wrote:“[G]enomics is likely to render medicine morepredictive and, therefore, more preventive. . .on the traditional turf of clinical medicine, di-agnosis will become more specific and pre-cise, and treatment also more specific and safer.Genomics-based individualization of medicalcare aims to achieve the right treatment for theright patient” (50) (italics added). Thus, the fu-ture of translational genomics is about patientdiscovery, not gene discovery (14, 34, 77). Theidea has a modern emphasis but is not new;Hippocrates believed that diseases as such didnot exist in nature. To him, what existed natu-rally were sick people, and no two people weresick in exactly the same way (77).

The ethical imperative to care for individ-uals with genetic disease is apparent, but thescientific value of such work should not be over-looked. The connection of a gene to a humanphenotype is the only way to fully appreciate agene’s function in vivo (24, 49, 55, 59, 83). Inthis respect, mice, fish, and flies will always fallshort of modeling human disease (see sidebar,New Disease Pathways in Human BrainDevelopment). The astute physician, workingdaily to care for one or a few patients with arare and complex disorder, can develop keyinsights that deepen our understanding (68, 90),






HLA gene cluster





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b cChromosome number

Figure 8An Amish girl was born in 1993 with erythroderma, hepatosplenomegaly,hypereosinophilia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and B cell deficiency.She grew poorly and had recurrent infections. She was provisionally diagnosedwith Omenn syndrome, a variant of severe combined immune deficiency(SCID), but died at 3 months of age before the diagnosis could be confirmed ora transplant attempted. In January 2007, her sister presented as a newborn withalopecia and erythroderma, developed a systemic Staphylococcus aureus infectionat three weeks of age, and had immunologic studies consistent with SCID.(a) A homozygosity plot was generated for the proband ( gray peaks); identity-by-state (IBS) plots for each pairwise comparison between the proband and herunaffected siblings were superimposed on this plot. Genotype-identical regions(colored lines) between the proband and her siblings (i.e., IBS = 2) denote regionswhere the disease gene cannot reside. The red line at the top is a summary of theexclusion mapping. This analysis demonstrated that only a single, homozygousgenomic region on chromosome 11 was consistent with linkage withinthe pedigree. (b) The RAG1 and RAG2 loci mapped to the homozygous intervalon chromosome 11. RAG1 sequencing revealed homozygosity for a pathogenicc.2974A>G variant in the patient. (c) The homozygosity plot of chromosome6 in the proband and her seven unaffected siblings. Compared to the proband,only one sibling is haplo-identical for the major HLA loci on chromosome6. Subsequently, HLA typing of the patient and her potential sibling donorwas performed using standard serotyping and molecular probes; these datacorroborated the SNP matching. The patient had a successful unmodified bonemarrow transplant at 62 days of age. She is now 2 years old, fully engrafted,and healthy. DNA extracted from paraffinized bone marrow showed that hersister, who died 14 years earlier, was also homozygous for RAG1 c.2974A>G.

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In 2006, we discovered a homozygous frameshift mutation of theCNTNAP2 gene in a group of Amish children with cortical dys-plasia, focal epilepsy, and developmental regression (90). Remark-ably, mice with homozygous Cntnap2 mutations have no centralnervous system disease. Nevertheless, the findings prompted newstudies about the role of CNTNAP2 in human brain development.Within two years this gene was linked to idiopathic autism (5, 10,11), schizophrenia (32), and mutism (97) in outbred populationsacross the country and throughout the world. Thus, the study ofrare Mendelian disorders links specific gene families or proteinnetworks—i.e., “interactomes”—to relevant processes in humanbiology. In the words of William Harvey (ca. 1657): “Nature isnowhere accustomed more openly to display her secret mysteriesthan in cases where she shows traces of her workings apart fromthe beaten path; nor is there any better way to advance the properpractice of medicine than to give our minds to the discovery ofthe usual law of nature by careful investigation of cases of rarerforms of disease.”

expand our diagnostic capabilities (88, 89), andcreate new opportunities for prevention (34,58, 60, 87). In the era of genomic medicine,physicians and molecular biologists who workclosely together can translate these insights intoreal clinical benefits. Such collaborations willhelp us tackle big problems at the frontier ofgenomic medicine, including multigenic dis-ease (e.g., atherosclerosis, hypertension, men-tal illness, etc.), modifier genes, and epigenetics(24, 30, 64, 78, 79).

DISCLOSURE STATEMENTThe authors are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of thisreview.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank Donna Robinson and Christine Hendrickson for assistance in data collection and fortheir exceptional contributions to patient care. Drs. Nicholas Rider and Terry Sharrer providedimportant insights and helpful suggestions. Don Kraybill and his colleagues at the Young Centerfor Anabaptist Studies, Elizabethtown College, provided demographic data. Holmes and CarolineMorton envisioned the Clinic for Special Children and had the tenacity to make it real; we are

Figure 9Victor A. McKusick (left), D. Holmes Morton(right), and Bowie sitting on the front porch at theClinic for Special Children, Spring 2007.

Finally, it is important to remember that ad-vances in molecular science only reveal whatcan be done with genetic information. Perhapsthe Plain people teach us something importantabout what should be done with it (24, 57). TheOld Order communities measure the value ofmedical research not in grant awards, publica-tions, or academic promotions, but in humanterms: alleviation of pain, prevention of disabil-ity, equitable delivery, and fair cost. They un-derstand that to translate genetic informationinto better public health, one must first com-mit to caring for individuals.

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deeply indebted to them for their extraordinary example and ongoing contributions topeople of the Plain communities. Finally, we thank the children and families whom we serve; theycontinue to teach us much about science, medicine, and meaningful work (57).


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