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  1. 1. R&B magazinesR&B music magazines often contain a simple layout of puffs being around the central image.The centre image usually tends to be the focal point of the magazine that withdraws the attention of the reader.This is effective as it is eye catchy which is successful as it attracts their ideal young target audience.This is important as young people have diposable income that they can spend on buying magazines. 7-1: - K.JD 2: DfFEPIT Many R&B magazines consist of a colour scheme which includes the combinationof neutral colours as well as ablaze colours such as red,yellow and etc.These use of colours are effective as they create a sense of organisation and order. In most of R&B magazine the masthead is covered by the celebrity featured in the magazine.This connotes that the deeper message is portrayed by the celebrity endorsement rather than the masthead,which attracts most target audience.On the other hand,R&B magazine are one of the most popular genres which means they don't have to worry about the readers not recognising them as they are wellknown . R&B music magazines,often stay on the top chart,this means that they need their celebrity to wear top trendy outts.This is important as this will inuence the audience into thinking they are experts and only reading their magazines the readers will nd aspirations for their life goals and become toptrendy pupils.
  2. 2. I,. BFIIBAIIE cumsmz.. APLAYSYAVIMAJ QC. llUl. ' . . I pig 1L5,.Rock genre magazines often portray a very dark atmosphere towards its ideal target audience. This is because their target audience are often readers who live a rebellious lifestyle.This is important as it means rock magazines have to consist of very dominate dark colours rather than use light colours such as pink,as this will not satisfy their readers needs.This leads magazines such as Kerrange to use props such as fake blood and to present violence as it will attract the readers attention. Rock magazines often show minimum use of puffs,as their centre image is the focal point of the magazines.This is similar in other genres such;as R&B,where the audience is more intrigued by the celebrity endorsement rather than the puffs.This leads Rock magazines to give out free gifts of many posters of well- known bands.This is effective as it satisfies the needs of their readers as they can decorate their room with Kerrangs free posters and create this edgy and rebellious mood they aspire to consist of,in their own room.This is successful as more readers will buy Keerangs and other rock magazines,just to get free gifts.Also,I had realised that most rock genres magazines consist of an edgy or broken masthead.This iseffective as it outstands from other genres magazines such as classical magazines which consist of simple font.
  3. 3. Country music genre magazines are mostly associated with nature and country side music.By researching many country genre music magazines,I had realised that the main style of fonts is font which is very simplistic and sophisticated.This portrays a very calm and old school atmosphere,which arguably attracts older audience,preferably,in their middle age ( 30 years old who want to make the world a betterplace).However,due to modern celebrity endorsement such as Taylor Swift,shown above.It can be argued that country music attract young audiences attention as well.This is successful and effective as the widerrange of audiences the better as more people will buy the magazine. The use of props such as cowboys hats and instruments (guitar,etc) delegates the country theme,which is suitable and effective for country music lovers.This is important as it addresses to their target audience needs. The common feature of these three country music magazines,is the use of red,which denotes danger.This is because often when people think of country music they think of cowboys,which relates to danger as cowboys often work with dangerous animals on the ranch.This is effective as it allows the reader to relateto these actions,making them feel better.
  4. 4. Straight away,the readers can spot that Pop magazines are usually targeted towards young teenager girls (around 11-15 years of age) who aspire to live a trendy lifestyle.This is because often,pop magazine use attractive and fancy codes of conventions such as bold text to outline the importance of the new gossip.This is effective as it shows that the editor fulfils their audiences needs of being inform and educated,in the uses and gratification needs theory. The magazine layout is mostly overcrowded or covered by lots of secondary images of celebrities.They often include free gifts such as posters,this is effective as their ideal target audience will be attracted and encourage to buythe magazine,as they desire to have the poster of their favourite celebrities.For example,Justin Bieber.This will benet the magazine company as the institution will make more profit and their sale rates will increase,making themagazine more popular.This is effective as the more popularthe magazine is the more readers it will attract,and influence in purchasing the magazine.
  5. 5. urii E11 JLg,11311-D1114 231/ll IT~.Iji 31, HIE-' ESE music genre magazinesHip-Hop magazines often conveya violent and aggressive mood for its target audience.Hip-hop magazines are commonly targeted towards male .audience who are between 16-26 years old because its features (codes and conventions) would not appealto female.For examp| e,the use of propsuch as guns suggest danger which links to use of red as red connotes crime and blood.As well as,the fact that the editor had purposely showntattoos on their model's body,communicates roughness and dominancy,makingthe audience desire to contain the same level of authority as theircelebrity has.This is successful as it gives the readers values and aspiration,which will influence their lifestyle choices. In many Hip-Hop magazines,the reader can observe outstanding jewellery mainlyto illustrate the wealth of their celebrity endorsement.~ . This is effective for the magazine as it deceives the idea of men wanting .9i~T. "i5'; -*= ;"; -1-I"-~r": 's" success and in order to be successful and rich then they will have to '1 13change themselves and become/ act more like their main celebrity.This 1_ - .I .5. has a negative aspect on the readers as the readers loose itsindividuality.However,it benets the magazine,as more male areencourage to read and buy the magazine,which increases their sale rates.
  6. 6. lassicalGJ'4/m4,o, u', c/ magazi. n.e, yThe presented above music magazines,represent the classical genre.They are coherently organised as the sructure of the magazine consists of simple layout of font mostly being located on the right or left alignment of the cover (around the central image) to rraintain a clear viewpoint of the focal focus of the cover i. e the celebrity endorsement. Classical music magazine often convey a calm and relax atmosphere towards its oldest target audience which are mostly generalised into the WA and MA,men and women in the socialecono nic groups,in the ITV sales categories.This type of audience enjoy the basic layout,which allows them to relax and escape from their utopians lifeyle.This links to the uses and gratification theory of escapism which all classical magazine allow their readers to fulll. 1git .7 at 94r'j; (]! !I#lli bx ' #55 M Mrclassical music magazine mostly use san-serif font because it appeals and attracts their readers as it's appropriate because it creates a wealthier mood which makes their readers feel powerful when reading the magazine.The high statued core buyer otall classical magazines would not be attracted by overcrowded covers and gratti font.which makes it so important that classical music magazine fulfill these codes and conventions. During my researoh, l had realised that 'music' magazines (shown above) consist of the similar codes and conventions.For aiample.they both have a flashes which attract the readers attention as the readers feel as they are being treated politely by the editor,which is a benet for the magazine a it makes the reader to personalise with the editor.This can lead to readers becoming loyal customers which will always buy 'music' magazines.This is important as itwill increase the profit made by the magazine,which will make 'music' magazine number one seller otthe month.Another common featurethese three magazines consist of is the fact that they all have the barcode shown on the frontcover on the right alignment.This is important as not all types of magazines show their barcode on the front cover.For example,some editions of fashion magazines dont show their barcode such as 'ELLE magazine.The barcode communicates to the reader how much they need to pay for the magazine and sometimes consist the date of issue of the magazine. nally,I would like to point out about the institutions that classical music magazines such as 'music' collaborates with.For aiample,music magazine collaborated with BBC institution,which is successful as it will help attract wider target audience,which will encourage customers to purchase the magazine.For example,the magazine can be advertised through a TV advert before the shows such as Downtown Abbey where same target audience watches the show.This will help the magazine to be known which will influence reader to buy the magazine.
  7. 7. lassicalGJ'4/m4,o, u', c/ V|40grztl4The presented above music magazines,represent the classical genre.They are coherently organised as the aructure of the magazine consists of simple layout of font mostly being located on the right or left alignment of the cover (around the central image) to rraintain a clear viewpoint of the focal focus of the cover i. e the celebrity endorsement. Classical music magazine often convey a calm and relax atmosphere towards its oldest target audience which are mostly generalised into the WA and MA,men and women in the socialecono nic groups,in the ITV sales categories.This type of audience enjoy the basic layout,which allows them to relax and escape from their utopians lifeyle.This links to the uses and gratification theory of escapism which all classical magazine allow their readers to fulll. gtit .7 at 9r'j; (jl! I#lli bx ' #55 M Mrclassical music magazine mostly use san~serif font because it appeals and attracts their readers as it's appropriate because it creates a wealthier mood which makes their readers feel powerful when reading the magazine.The high statued core buyer otall classical magazines would not be attracted by overcrowded covers and gratti font.which makes it so important that classical music magazine fulfill these codes and conventions. During my research, l had realised that 'music' magazines (shown above) consist of the similar codes and conventions.For aiample.they both have a flashes which attract the readers attention as the readers feel as they are being treated politely by the editor,which is a benet for the magazine a it makes the reader to personalise with the editor.This can lead to readers becoming loyal customers which will always buy 'music' magazines.This is important as itwill increase the profit made by the magazine,which will make 'music' magazine number one seller ofthe month.Another common featurethese three magazines consist of is the fact that they all have the barcode shown on the frontcover on the right alignment.This is important as not all types of magazines show their barcode on the front cover.For example,some editions of fashion magazines dont show their barcode such as 'ELLE magazine.The barcode communicates to the reader how much they need to pay for the magazine and sometimes consist the date of issue of the magazine. nally,I would like to point out about the institutions that classical music magazines such as 'music' collaborates with.For arample,music magazine collaborated with BBC institution,which is successful as it will help attract wider target audience,which will encourage customers to purchase the magazine.For example,the magazine can be advertised through a TV advert before the shows such as Downtown Abbey where same target audience watches the show.This will help the magazine to be Known which will influence reader to buy the magazine.