Performance Shots POP Genre - Jessie J and Little Mix Siobhan Fox Jessie J – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsxSxF3JKeU Little Mix - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOQDsmEqVt8

Genre shot types

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Page 1: Genre shot types

Performance Shots

POP Genre - Jessie J and Little MixSiobhan Fox

Jessie J – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsxSxF3JKeU Little Mix - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOQDsmEqVt8

Page 2: Genre shot types

Extreme close up

Mid Shot

Mise en scene – On Jessie J’s pop video she uses bright lips with glitter/gems on, we could do this by having lipstick and gems to make the lips stand out more as in the pop genre one main connotation is bright colours.

This shot is more of a close up in Little Mix’s video, we could use this by positioning the singer more centre. Plus our background is very plain and boring we would need to change the colour to make it more exciting.

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Long shot This is a similar shot to Little Mix’s, however we would need to change the background to be colourful.

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Group close up

Group mid shot

This shot is different to little mix’s as they have filmed the singers individually and then edited them together with a colourful background and black line down the centre. I think it would be good for us to do this as it looks much more effective than all of us standing together and they each have their individual backgrounds to show their unique personalities. This is done with the close up and mid shot however I feel our close up could be even closer just like little mix’s.

Needs to be closer

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Group long shot In this shot it has all of performers and is set in the same place as the narrative shots as is ours. In Little Mix’s case it is not so much a narrative but more dancing whereas ours has a narrative.

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Narrative Shots

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Long shot

Mid shot of bullies looking at girl

This shot is of the girl being bullied walking down the corridor which is similar to Jessie J’s as it has the lockers in the background which shows it is set in a school.

In this shot it is of the bullies looking at the girl, in Jessie J’s video it is a left angle shot which we could in our video.


Page 8: Genre shot types

All of these shots are set in the classroom with similar style of angles and shots however in Jessie J’s video there are more close ups on the bullies and long shots of the whole class, we could do this for ours.