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Geta is one of the most famous archetypal products of Japan. In this project, we used different materials in making the getas, as we would like to experience and learn the various production processes involved. Each material gives a new perspective on this ancient archetype of the Japanese clog. Aside from the material, we also played around with the different shapes of the geta. To our surprise, we discovered new possible or absurd functions when we changed the shapes or the materials of the geta. Beyond the material and shape, we noticed that the archetype of a geta includes hidden perspectives: from the sound that a geta makes, to the way a person walks while wearing it. With this publication, we hope to bring you along the fun process we had throughout the project. This project can be seen as a continuation of Japanese artist Shuhei Hasado. This publication is part of the Design Meaning course in Chiba University.

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Freed from the cultural constrictions and references that may have refrained Hasado from taking braver decisions, we decided to explore the boundaries of getas as an archetype. While he laid a material layer on the upper part of the geta, where the foot touches the clog, we chose to look at the whole geta, taking control - or maybe we should say losing control - of both material and shape. Soon we realized that by changing materials and shape, we could learn more about what is an archetype, what new meanings, contexts and behaviours each geta suggests, even if not in a clear or rational way.

Reinterpreting and reappropriating our own or someone else’s culture has always been the best, if not the only way, to learn and to create new culture. As designers, we feel like learning and creating culture is part of our role. We know we have a long way to walk in our career path, but we also believe that walking a few steps in these strange Getas will help us getting where we want to go.

Giovanni Innella and the Design Meanings Students

In the course of Design Meanings at Chiba University, we try to learn more about materials and shapes, aesthetics and culture.We try to make sense of the semantic and poetic qualities of design. Fundamentally, we try to understand how design tells us something about ourselves and the world.We are a very diverse group of 24 students, coming from eleven different countries and with very different cultural and educational backgrounds and speaking eleven different languages. While we all found ourselves in Japan, the Japanese students in this group are only two and they also find themselves lost in this cultural bubbling magma. The eclectic mix that composes our class determines the best conditions for us to approach the local culture and so create new languages. That is why we chose to look at a local archetype - the Japanese traditional clog called Geta - and play with it.

While researching on the Geta, we came across the project of Japanese artist Shuhei Hasado. In 2004, Japanese designer Kenya Hara organized an exhibition titled ‘HAPTIC - Awakening the senses’. The 22 participants all proposed projects that explore new sensorial relationships between users and artefacts. Among the proposed projects there was a dozen of getas designed by Japanese artist Shuhei Hasado. The top surface of each geta was covered with different materials, ranging from grass to straws, from moss to plaster. We really enjoyed the Getas designed by Shuhei Hasado, but we also felt that his work could have served as a starting point for us to investigate more.

Foreword About the Get-a-Geta Project

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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

The GetaTraditional Japanese Footwear


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

Getas are a form of traditional Japanese footwear that resemble both clogs and flip-flops. They are a kind of sandal with an elevated wooden base held onto the foot with a fabric thong to keep the foot well above the ground. They are worn with traditional Japanese clothing such as kimono or yukata, but (in Japan) also with Western clothing during the summer months. Sometimes geta are worn in rain or snow to keep the feet dry, due to their extra height. They make a similar noise to flip-flops slapping against the heel whilst walking. When worn on water or dirt, flip-flops may flip dirt or water up the back of the legs. This does not tend to happen with the taller, heavier Japanese Geta.


Introduction |

Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


Geta is one of the most famous archetyp-al products of Japan. In this project, we used different materials in making the getas, as we would like to experience and learn the various production processes involved. Each material gives a new per-spective on this ancient archetype of the Japanese clog. Aside from the material, we also played around with the different shapes of the geta. To our surprise, we dis-covered new possible or absurd functions when we changed the shapes or the mate-rials of the geta. Beyond the material and shape, we noticed that the archetype of a geta includes hidden perspectives: from the sound that a geta makes, to the way a person walks while wearing it. With this publication, we hope to bring you along the fun process we had throughout the project.

So get ready, and #Getageta

Geta es el nombre que recibe uno de los productos arquetipo más famosos de Ja-pón. En este proyecto, usamos distintos materiales para creas versiones nuevas de este calzado. Esto con el propósito de ex-perimentar y aprender de los procesos de producción que hacerlas implican. Cada material brinda una nueva perspec-tiva del antiguo arquetipo. Además de la exploración con materiales, también ju-gamos con formas diferentes. Para nues-tra gran sorpresa, descubrimos nuevas formas de uso, tanto posibles como ab-surdas, al cambiar la forma o el material de las getas. Más allá de estos aspectos, notamos que el arquetipo de estos zapa-tos tiene particularidades ocultas: desde el sonido que generan, hasta la forma en que una persona camina al usarlas. Con esta publicación esperamos compartirles el divertido proceso por el que pasamos a lo largo del proyecto.

Así que prepárense y #Getageta

IntroductionTransforming the Archetype


Introduction |

Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

Bahasa Indonesia

Geta adalah salah 1 produk khas jepang yang mudah dikenali. Dalam proyek ini, kami menggunakan berbagai macam material untuk membuat geta, karena kami ingin mempelajari dan merasakan langsung proses produksi dari tiap ma-terial yang bersangkutan. Setiap materi-al mampu memberikan perspektif baru pada objek ini. Selain material, kami juga mengeksplorasi bentuk geta. Selama proses eksplorasi, kami menemukan ban-yak bentuk dan fungsi baru yang menar-ik untuk ditelaah lebih lanjut. Kami juga menyadari bahwa geta memiliki beberapa nilai dan hal yang patut diapresiasi, dari cara orang berjalan menggunakan geta, sampai pada suara yang dihasilkan dari langkah geta. Kami berharap dapat men-yampaikan proses dan kesenangan yang kami rasakan selama proyek berlangsung.

Jadi bersiaplah, dan #Getageta


Introduction |

Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

Getas sind eines der bekanntesten arch-etypischen Produkte Japans. In diesem Projekt haben wir unterschiedliche Ma-terialien verwendet, um Getas nachzubil-den und mehr über die entsprechenden Produktionsprozesse zu erfahren. Hierbei ermöglicht jedes Material eine neue Pers-pektive auf die Form des Archetypen. Des-halb haben wir neben dem Material auch die Form der Getas untersucht. Zu unse-rer Überraschung haben wir hierbei neue, manchmal absurde, Funktionen und we-niger offensichtliche Merkmale - wie das Geräusch, dass Getas verursachen oder die Art, in ihnen zu Laufen - entdeckt. Den spannend Prozess dieses Projektes möch-ten wir anhand dieser Publikation mit Ih-nen teilen.

So get ready, and #Getageta

Geta on yksi kuuluisimmista Japanilaisista arkkituotteista. Tässä projektissa käytim-me eri materiaaleja getan valmistukseen, kokeaksemme ja oppiaksemme uusia tuo-tanto- ja valmistusmenetelmiä. Jokainen käytetty materiaali tuoo uuden perspektii-vin myös leikittelimme materiaalien lisäksi getan muodoilla. Yllätyimme huomates-samme uusien materiaalien ja muotojen tuovan uusia mahdollisia käyttötarkoi-tuksia getalle. Materiaalien ja muotojen lisäksi havaitsimme getan arkkityypin si-sältävän muitakin piileviä näkökulmia. Esi-merkiksi getan tuottama ääni kävellessä ja tapa jolla henkilö kävelee tietyn tyyppisellä getalla. Tämän julkaisun avulla toivomme voivamme välittää teillekin osan hauskuu-desta jota koimme projektin aikana.

Joten valmistaudu ja #Getageta



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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

En av Japans mest kända arketyper kallas geta, vilket är en sko ursprungligen tillver-kad i trä. Den bärs oftast tillsammans med de traditionella klädesplaggen yukata el-ler kimono. I det här projektet har vi testat gränserna för vad som gör en geta till just en geta. Detta har vi gjort genom att själva provat på att tillverka skor i olika material. Varje nytt material har gett oss minst ett nytt perspektiv. Men vi begränsade oss inte till att enbart testa nya material, utan vi har också utforskat nya former. Till vår för-våning upptäckte vi nya möjligheter och absurda funktioner när vi ändrade formen eller materialen. Förutom material och form upptäckte vi även andra karaktäris-tiska drag som tillhör getans arketyp. Det kan bland annat vara ljudet som uppstår vid användningen av skorna eller gångsti-len hos bäraren. Vi hoppas att denna trycksak kan ge en in-blick i processen bakom vårat utforskande av getan.

Så gör dig redo, #Getageta




Introduction |

Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

La geta est l’un des archétypes phares du Japon. Afin d’expérimenter différents pro-cess de fabrication nous l’avons reproduit en divers matériaux. Chacun d’eux re-donne ainsi un souffle nouveau à cet ar-chétype traditionnel.Nous avons égallement revu la forme de la geta ce qui nous a ouvert sur de nou-veaux possibles et fonctions absurdes. Au delà d’un regard renouvelé sur l’arché-type, jouer avec nous a permis de décou-vrir certaines particularités intrinsèque à la geta classique, de son son jusqu’à la façon de marcher avec. On espère que vous prendrez autant de plaisir à suivre notre expérience que nous en avons pris à la vivre.

Alors c’est partit #Getageta



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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

I geta sono uno dei più famosi prodotti ar-chetipici del Giappone. In questo progetto abbiamo realizzato i geta con differenti materiali, al fi ne di sperimentare e impa-rare diversi processi di produzione. Ogni materiale apre nuove prospettive rispet-to all’archetipo di partenza, ma non solo. Giocando anche con la forma, con nostra sorpresa, abbiamo scoperto nuove possi-bili o assurde funzioni. Al di là del materia-le e della forma, l’archetipo dei geta inclu-de delle prospettive nascoste: a partire dal suono che i geta producono fi no al modo in cui una persona può camminare men-tre li indossa. Con questa pubblicazione, speriamo di condurvi nel divertente pro-cesso che ci ha visto coinvolti nella realiz-zazione del progetto.

Dunque, preparatevi e #Getageta


MaterialsRedefining the Substance


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 01Cardboard Geta My name is Board, Cardboard.


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 02Inflatable Geta “Jesus, stop walking on water!”

No. 03Bubblewrap Geta

“You know you wanna pop it …”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 04Wire Geta “Aren’t you a little thin for a Transformer?”

No. 05Ceramic Geta “Your upstairs neighbour’s favorite shoes.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 06Concrete Geta

“Brick the rules.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 07Lego Geta “Geta from Legos. Where’s your god now?”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 08Plasticine Geta “Polka-Doh!”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 09Silicon Geta “Because 3d printing is too mainstream.!”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 10Eraser Geta “Geta-sized eraser. Not big enough to erase your bad grades, unfortunately.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 11Color Pencil Geta “Rainbow Dash!”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 12Cigarette Geta “For a walk on the highway to hell.”

No. 13Beer Can Geta “What was the process again? Burp.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 14Straw Geta “This is the last straw, do NOT touch my geta!”

No. 12Cigarette Geta “For a walk on the highway to hell.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 15Chopstick Geta “For those who could never use chopsticks, here’s something easy.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 16Onigiri Geta “Grab one for 100yen + tax.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 17Seaweed Geta

“Honestly, it smells better than your feet.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 18Ramen Geta “Broke college student survival tool.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 19Tofu Geta

“Can’t do Kung Fu?


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 20Bread Geta “Peanut, butter and noooow: your feet.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


Material |

Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 21Chocolate Geta “No Oompa Loompas

were harmed in themaking of this geta.”

No. 22Popcorn Geta “The best netflix and chill companion.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 23Sugar Geta “Diabetes Overload.”

No. 24Jelly Geta “Wiggle wiggle wiggle.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 25Honeycomb Geta “Honey, where are my getas?”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 26Ice Geta

“Elsa sneezed in class, we have a new geta.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 27Wooden Geta “Imitated by many, surpassed by none.”


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

Forms Transforming the Shape


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 01Strike a Pose |


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 02Feet Matter |


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 03Look Alike |



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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 04Change an Attribute |


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 05Walk this Way |


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype



Forms |

Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 06Get-a-Connection |


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 07Put on the Air |


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Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


Forms |

Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

No. 08Shared Geta |


Forms |

Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype


Forms |

Get-a-Geta | Exploring the Archetype

Cardboard Geta

Inflatable Geta

Bubblewrap Geta

Wire Geta

Ceramic Geta

Concrete Geta

Lego Geta

Plasticine Geta

Silicone Geta

Eraser Geta

Color Pencil Geta

Cigarette Geta

Beer Can Geta

Straw Geta

Chopstick Geta

Onigiri Geta

Seaweed Geta

Ramen Geta

Tofu Geta

Bread Geta

Chocolate Geta

Popcorn Geta

Sugar Geta

Jelly Geta

Honeycomb Geta

Ice Geta

Wooden Geta

No. 01

No. 02

No. 03

No. 04

No. 05

No. 06

No. 07

No. 08

No. 09

No. 10

No. 11

No. 12

No. 13

No. 14

No. 15

No. 16

No. 17

No. 18

No. 19

No. 20

No. 21

No. 22

No. 23

No. 24

No. 25

No. 26

No. 27




























Material Index |









Strike a Pose

Feet Matter

Look Alike

Change an Attribute

Walk this Way


Put on the Air

Shared Geta

No. 01

No. 02

No. 03

No. 04

No. 05

No. 06

No. 07

No. 08

Form Index |

First published 2016National University Corporation Chiba University1-33, Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 263-8522 JAPAN

Code Program - Winterterm 2015/2016 - Design Meanings Class

Supervision: Giovanni InnellaText: Adrien Molto, Irfan Pramudya Santoso, Lara Jasim, Lisan Purnama, Yoan Bandini, Pan YueTranslation: Adrien Molto, Ainee Alamo Avila, Francesca Maciocia, Frida Henriksson, Irfan Pramudya Santoso, Janina Roesch, Lara Jasim, Misuzu Tomita, Yu Chieh Lin, Pan YueLayout: Ainee Alamo Avila, Janina Roesch, Misuzu Tomita, Shunta NakamuraPhotos: Pietro BaioccoEditing: Helin Huang, Lin Ya Chang, Pui Sum Khor, Ya Jhu Yang, Ya Hsuan YuIllustrations: Francesca Maciocia, Frida Henriksson, Wen Jeng Liang, Yu Chieh LinDrawings: Lucile Brugiere

All rights reserved.