Getting Into Reality

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  • 8/9/2019 Getting Into Reality


    Getting Into Reality


    Too many people today are living an illusion. Theyll

    escape into the fabricated world of a movie, or into a

    virtual reality experience.

    But isnt the most beautiful reality the one thats real?

    Isnt it better to see a fantastic sunset than watch it in

    a movie? To experience the thrill of adventure rather

    than simulate it in an amusement park? To achieve

    greatness rather than hallucinate youre Cleopatra?

    Everyone has a sneaking suspicion theres something

    truly breathtaking about life.

    So why are so many people miserable? Because

    theyre not focused on reality. A person can create the

    impression that his act is together, though in reality

    hes deluding himself. Reality itself is absolute. At any

    moment, its either night or day. You can sleep through

    reality, and choose not relate to it. But thats still what

    it is.

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    Dont live a life of illusions. Get into reality. Its the real


    * * *


    There are many different theories on the purpose of

    life. This indicates how easy it is to delude oneself.

    You have to know what your purpose of life is based

    on. Intelligent decisions are built on evidence. What is

    the source of your information? What is your evidence?

    Two people can be neighbors for years, play golf

    together, share barbecue dinners, and consider

    themselves the best of friends. They only argue over

    one issue: God. The most fundamental issue of lifewhich colors our thinking on virtually everythingand

    these two cant even agree if He exists!

    Co-existence is not the same as living in the same

    reality. So whose reality is true?

    Become a truth seeker. Be ambitious to know what life

    is really about. Constantly look for evidence to either

    substantiateor contradictyour ideas. Always be

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    open to new information that will enable you to hone

    your understanding of the truth.

    * * *


    In our generation, people often dont bother seeking

    truth, because they dont believe it exists. Everyone is

    right. Its one opinion against the other. So we accept

    living in confusion. People are even afraid to debate

    deep issues because they say, Youre going to

    brainwash me. I wont be able to determine if what

    youre saying is right or wrong.

    Fight this insanity in yourself and others. We need to

    have confidence that truth exists and it can be found.

    Thats the starting point for all reality.

    Gain confidence in your ability to distinguish right from

    wrong. For example, you know you have 10 fingers. But

    what if somebody says youve got 74 fingers. Whats

    your proof that theyre wrong?

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    The sum total of all your senses and prior experiences

    says youve got 10 fingers. It is an unshakable


    Now lets try a more difficult example. Is it more

    important to be happy or to be rich? Most people will

    say happy. And what if somebody says, Its alright

    to be miserable and isolated, as long as youve got

    loads of money! Whos right and whos wrong? Do you


    What if you were born in Germany and they said, Kill

    all the Jews, the plague of mankind. When they put

    you on trial for war crimes, why cant you claim

    innocence, that your opinion is as valid as any other?Because we know that certain things are objectively

    wrong. And every human being has the responsibility

    to know that reality.

    Get clear on the evidence for your outlook. Itll keep

    you from being dragged around by passing fads orworse.

    * * *

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    Reality is largely a function of attitude.

    Imagine a young woman flying from Chicago to attenda friends wedding in New York. She has a beautiful

    gown, custom-made especially for the occasion. Then,

    just before leaving her hotel for the wedding, a clumsy

    bellhop spills a tray of room service all over her dress.


    Instantly, her mind races through all the possibilities:

    look for an emergency dry cleaner, try to borrow

    another dress, or simply skip the wedding. Shes got to

    make a decision!

    She concludes that the best option is to go to the

    wedding with a dirty dress. This triggers another whole

    series of decisions, because when someone asks, Why

    is your dress all dirty, what will she answer? She can

    simply say, It doesnt really matter, the important

    thing is that Im here to enjoy my friends wedding. Orshe can say, poor meand spend the whole evening

    commiserating exactly how it happened and how she is

    crestfallen and what a disaster it is!

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  • 8/9/2019 Getting Into Reality


    * * *


    Judaism says that ignorance is the most terrible,

    painful, destructive disease of all. People may even

    commit suicide out of ignorance. They lose money in

    the stock market and suddenly feel that life is no

    longer worth living. What happened? They severed

    their connection with reality.

    Sanity means more than just not getting locked away

    in an insane asylum. Sanity clears your mind of

    fuzziness and allows you to see the beauty of creation.

    Sanity is energizing, expansive, awesome.

    Insanity is contagious. Imagine we lock you up in an

    asylum where everyone sees snakes crawling on the

    walls. After six months, its almost guaranteed youll

    believe there are snakes on the walls.

    People accept the most ridiculous things because

    everyone else accepts it. Fashion trends and mass

    marketing operate on this principle.

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    Whats the best way to survive an insane asylum? Cure

    your fellow inmates. Otherwise youre bound to be

    influenced by them.

    * * *


    Weve all tried to help someone with a problema

    friend, a roommate, a colleague, a cousin. The guy is

    all muddled and depressedIm no good, Im weak,

    Im nothing. You support him, cheer him up, get him

    ready to tackle life, and then hes down again the

    next morning.

    The problem is you did not set him firmly into reality.

    You did a patch joband the patch came off.

    To align someone with reality, dont just look for

    cosmetic solutions. Get to the root of the problem. Find

    the gap in knowledge which leads to the negative

    action. What is the core issue holding him back? Look

    for the single strategic move that will turn him around,

    release his potential, and get him moving in the right

    direction. This will make your solutions more effective

    and permanent.

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    Imagine the father of a teenager, frustrated that his

    son is not listening to parental advice. There is

    constant tension and fighting. Whats the solution? Get

    the father to realize a basic principle: You can never

    tell anyone what to do. You can only show him why its

    meaningful and to his benefit. This helps the father

    reframe his approach.

    And how do you reframe the son, whos convinced that

    his father hates him? Focus him on the following case:

    Youre travelling through Europe, get hit by a

    car and wind up in the hospital. Whos going

    to travel 5,000 miles to see that you get the

    best treatment? You know who will comeyour father. Yet you say he hates you!

    Focus his attention: His parents are totally devoted to

    him and cant possibly hate him. Youve now given him

    clarity. At least until the next time his father calls him a


    * * *


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    Realize there are no pat solutions. Just as every

    person is unique in appearance, so too everyone has

    different motivations and needs. One person may be

    driven by idealism, another needs security, another

    wants material possessions, another is in pursuit of

    honor. So even if youve found one solution, it may not

    be universally applicable.

    (On the other hand, there are certain universal drives:

    the desire to be good, to actualize potential, to help

    others, etc.)

    The best solution to a problem is the one that someone

    comes up with on their own. Because when someone

    understands the obstacles that interfere with their ownfulfillment, theyll devote themselves more fully to that


    Setting a person on the straight course doesnt mean

    being a solution-wiz dispensing answer. It means

    being a facilitator, showing others their mistakes, andguiding their personal exploration of correct solutions.

    Dont forget to tackle your own problems. Because in

    order to get someone else into reality, you first have to

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    understand it yourself. So strive to resolve your own

    issues, to free yourself to look beyond the little box.

    And the more perfect you become, the better leader

    you become for others.

    In some instances, however, if you do hit an impasse

    with yourself, one way out is to try solving other

    peoples problems. With yourself, youre all boxed up.

    With others, youre more objective. So once you

    experience success in external problem-solving, you

    can then apply it to yourself.

    * * *


    Youre walking down the street and see a child running

    into traffic to chase his ball. A car screeches to a halt.

    The driver yells from his window about the childs

    foolishness. Some of the bystanders shake their head,

    others wag an accusing finger in his direction. But one

    person runs after the kid, chases him five blocks, grabshim, and smacks him across the behind. Who is that

    man? His father. Everyone else says, Hes going to get

    himself killed one day, what a pity. But only the father

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    cares enough to make sure hes scared stiff not to do

    something like that again.

    God cares about the Jewish people more than any

    parent cares about his child. The Jewish people are the

    transmitters of Torah values and God will not allow us

    to disappear. Thats why He has to keep us set into

    reality. Even if we say, We dont care about being

    Jewish, we want to assimilate. The Almighty says: No

    way. I have a deal with Abraham and you are too

    precious to get lost. If I have to teach you the

    difference, youll learn.

    God never punishes. It is always instructive, setting

    us on the path of reality.

    Furthermore, the Almighty does not take revenge on

    His children. Imagine if your son was doing awful

    things, putting his life in danger and causing you

    terrible suffering. Then one day he comes back and

    says, Dad, Im sorry. I made a lot of bad mistakes.Please forgive me. Now what are you going to say

    wait, Ive got to get some blood out of you? Or will you

    break down crying, hug him and celebrate.

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    A parent doesnt take revenge on a child. Thats the

    principle of our Father in Heaven.

    * * *


    - Never stop asking: Is it good to be alive? What am I

    living for?

    - We need to be good. Helping others straighten out

    their lives is not just part of living; its what living is


    - Get to the root of the problem. Cut it out and release

    the latent potential.

    - Ask yourself: Do I really want to live in reality?

    - Make decisions about the wisdom you learn: Am I

    going to live with it, or ignore it?

    - Live in the real world. It will make you yearn for


    by Rabbi Noah Weinberg
  • 8/9/2019 Getting Into Reality
