Getting It Right: Securing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Family Planning in the Post-2015 Agenda Parallel Session 4E July 1, 2014

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Getting It Right: Securing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Family Planning in the Post-2015

Agenda Parallel Session 4E

July 1, 2014

Session 4E

Ellen Starbird Is the Director of USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health. She provides high-level leadership to the Agency’s family planning/reproductive health agenda and portfolio, valued at approximately $600 million USD annually and directs the Office's $100 million program. Ellen has over 25 years of experience designing, managing, monitoring, and evaluating international family planning and reproductive health programming. She is widely known as a strategic thinker who is committed to advancing access to family planning for women, men, couples, and adolescents around the world.

Session 4E

Ellen Starbird Ellen joined USAID in 1989 and has spent her career in the Office of Population and Reproductive Health, starting in the Policy, Evaluation, and Communication, where she was Chief from 1995-2006. She served as Deputy Director of the Office for the next six years, and has been Director since 2013. She has an M.A. in Development Economics from the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy.

Session 4E Julia Bunting

OBE Is Director of the Programmes and Technical Division at The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Julia led DFID’s work in building international statistical capacity including serving as DFID’s Southern Africa regional statistics adviser, before returning to London in 2004 to join the then Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Team. During this time she led the UK Government's efforts to secure the new reproductive health target in the MDGs. In 2009, she was appointed Team Leader of the joint AIDS and Reproductive Health Team.

Session 4E Dr Lale Say

Is coordinator, Adolescents and at-risk populations (AGH), Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization (WHO), Switzerland Dr Say has a Masters degree in reproductive health research from Edinburgh University and a medical degree from University of Istanbul.

Session 4E Sennen

Hounton Is a Senior Reproductive Health Advisor at the Technical Division, UNFPA, and providing strategic and technical support to the UNFPA Global Programme to enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security, and programmatic support to the West and Central Africa Region.

Session 4E Prof. Fasli Jalal, MD, PhD

Is currently Chairperson of National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN). He was appointed by the President of Republic Indonesia and was inaugurated as in June 2013. In the same year, he was also appointed as Chairman of the International Council on Management of Population (ICOMP).

Session 4E Dr Lale Say

She is currently working as a coordinator at the Reproductive Health and Research Department of WHO, leading and managing the work on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and at-risk populations, as well as the work of the department on global development goals and sexual and reproductive health.

Session 4E Ms. Priya Kath

Is a general secretary of the South Asia Regional Youth Network (SARYN), IPPF, SAR and also the youth representative in the governing board of the Family Planning Association of India (FPAI). She has her Master’s in Social Work from Panjab University and is working as a researcher and a freelancer in development sector.

Session 4E Christina Wegs,


Is Senior Advisor for Global Policy and Advocacy, Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health Team at CARE USA. She has worked for CARE since 2010. Christina provides strategic leadership for CARE’s global advocacy for sexual, reproductive and maternal health and rights. Ms. Wegs brings over 15 years experience in international health and development. Her career has focused on promoting rights-based approaches to reproductive health and HIV/AIDS programming.

Session 4E Dr Lale Say

Before joining WHO, Dr Say has worked at the Ministry of Health in Turkey in managing and implementing programmes, and at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of the University of Istanbul Medical School with clinical, research and teaching responsibilities. Dr Say has published substantially in various aspects of sexual and reproductive health.

Session 4E Sennen

Hounton Sennen Hounton holds a Doctorate in Medicine from Benin, a Master of Public Health (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) from University of Oklahoma (USA) and a PhD in Public Health from University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom) where he worked on the global Impact programme and where he developed and applied the net-benefit approach to maternal and newborn to assess cost-effectiveness and universal health coverage. Dr Hounton is author of several publications and book chapters in maternal health, economic evaluation, health systems and behavioural sciences.

Post-2015 FP Measure

MEASURE: Percent demand for FP satisfied with modern contraceptives In English: Of sexually active women of reproductive age who do not want to become pregnant, the percent who are using modern contraceptives. In Demography: MCPR / [CPR + Unmet Need] Underlying principles: Voluntarism, informed choice, equity, rights This is a key, necessary measure, but certainly not the only measure,

of SRHR.


Percent of demand for family planning satisfied with modern contraceptive methods and modern

contraceptive prevalence rate, 194 countries in 2010

Source: Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators: 2013 Revision (United Nations Population Division, 2013) http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/theme/family-planning/cp_model.shtml

Percent demand satisfied with modern methods: More developed and least developed countries


Session 4E Dr Lale Say

Is coordinator, Adolescents and at-risk populations (AGH), Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization (WHO), Switzerland Dr Say has a Masters degree in reproductive health research from Edinburgh University and a medical degree from University of Istanbul.

Session 4E Prof. Fasli Jalal, MD, PhD

He is former Vice Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia in 2010-2011. In 2001, Fasli Jalal received The Most Outstanding Alumni Award from the Canada World Youth, Montreal. In 2010, he was the first person to be awarded the Henry-Kauffman Prize as a recognition of his contribution in the development of education in particular in Eastern Indonesia. During his professional career, Fasli Jalal has worked actively with international organizations namely The World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Health Organization (WHO) and The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) as a consultant.

Session 4E Sennen

Hounton Is a Senior Reproductive Health Advisor at the Technical Division, UNFPA, and providing strategic and technical support to the UNFPA Global Programme to enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security, and programmatic support to the West and Central Africa Region.

Session 4E Prof. Fasli Jalal, MD, PhD

Is currently Chairperson of National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN). He was appointed by the President of Republic Indonesia and was inaugurated as in June 2013. In the same year, he was also appointed as Chairman of the International Council on Management of Population (ICOMP).

Session 4E Ms. Priya Kath

She is passionate about sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people and has an experience of working with young people at national and regional level. She has represented the voices of young people in various regional and global forums.

Session 4E Christina Wegs,


Ms. Wegs has worked with a wide range of governmental and non-governmental partners including Ipas, Pact, USAID and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She has lived and worked in Southeast Asia, Sub-saharan Africa and Latin America. Ms. Wegs earned Masters Degrees in both Public Health and Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Session 4E

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Session 4E Julia Bunting


Julia initiated and led, on behalf of the UK Government, on the London Summit on Family Planning held in July 2012. Julia joined IPPF as the Director of Programmes and Technical in October 2012. She has represented the UK Government, and now IPPF, on the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) since 2010 and was the Chair of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC).

Session 4E Thank You! Stay in touch…

Ellen Starbird [email protected]

Dr Lale Say [email protected]

Sennen Hounten [email protected]

Prof. Fasli Jalal [email protected]

Ms Priya Kath [email protected]

Christina Wegs [email protected]

Julia Bunting [email protected]