GHAL-MARAZ or SKULLSPLITTER or SHÄDELSPALTER Meaning Skullsplitter in the Dwarf tongue, Ghal-Maraz is the legendary warhammer wielded by Sigmar himself (who is often recorded as calling it by the Old Reikspiel name of Shädelspalter) when the Empire was forged over two and a half millennia ago. Given to Sigmar by High King Kurgan in return for rescuing the Dwarf and his retainers from Orcs, Ghal Maraz is too powerful for even the most skilled Runesmiths alive today to replicate. Much like many of Alaric the Mad’s greatest weapons, Ghal Maraz is inscribed with two Master Runes; however, unlike his other weapons, it also bears three other runes, making it one of the most powerful artefacts the Master Runesmith ever created. KNOWN ABILITIES Master Rune of Alaric the Mad: Skullsplitter will smash through all non-organic material with minimal resistance, like a stone through water. If used in combat, any non-magical parrying or parried weapon is destroyed if you roll a higher DoS to attack or parry, as appropriate; further, you ignore all APs sourced from non-magical metal or stone armours, but are resisted by leathers, wood, and other organic-based materials. The Master Rune of Alaric the Mad is also said to afflict the mind with Alaric's unique insights, whatever these may be. Master Rune of Skalf Blackhammer: The weapon gains the Impact quality and causes an extra +4 damage. If the weapon already has the Impact quality, it causes an extra +6 damage instead (for a total of +10). (These modifiers are included in the Stats.) Rune of Fury (x2): Gain two free Assault actions each round. Rune of Wounding: If you inflict any Wounds on a target with the Hammer of Sigmar, the target suffers a further +SB Wounds. Beyond the runes inscribed into the hammer by Alaric the Mad, during the course of the intervening centuries the Hammer of Sigmar has developed further powers, which most attribute to the influence of the Man-God on his most holy of artifacts: Divine Inspiration: The wielder of the Hammer gains limited access to all twelve primary prayers of the Lore of Sigmar, and may use each once per day. Use of a prayer is a Free action, requires no speech, and is automatic, requiring no Praying rolls. Greenskin Grudge: All Wounds inflicted to Greenskins are doubled after all modifiers are calculated. Further, the wielder of Ghal-Maraz causes Terror in Greenskins. Incarnation of Sigmar: Once per day, if the hammer is drawn, you can cause one automatic hit on one Chaos, Greenskin, or Undead target. The strike is outwith the normal turn sequence, is resolved as if your SB were +10 higher than normal, and strikes the Hit Location of your choice. Sigmar’s Right: You gain a bonus of +20% to all Fellowship tests involving folk of the Empire and Sigmarites. Further, such is your deep-seated faith in yourself, you become immune to Panic, and immune to Fear and Terror caused by Chaos, Greenskins, or Undead. Unholy Awareness: You automatically detect any Chaos-tainted creatures, Greenskins, or Undead within 12 yards. STATS Weapon Group: Two-handed AB/SB: 2/3


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Meaning Skullsplitter in the Dwarf tongue, Ghal-Maraz is the legendary warhammer wielded by Sigmar himself (who is often recorded as calling it by the Old Reikspiel name of Shädelspalter) when the Empire was forged over two and a half millennia ago. Given to Sigmar by High King Kurgan in return for rescuing the Dwarf and his retainers from Orcs, Ghal Maraz is too powerful for even the most skilled Runesmiths alive today to replicate. Much like many of Alaric the Mad’s greatest weapons, Ghal Maraz is inscribed with two Master Runes; however, unlike his other weapons, it also bears three other runes, making it one of the most powerful artefacts the Master Runesmith ever created.

KNOWN ABILITIES Master Rune of Alaric the Mad: Skullsplitter will smash through all non-organic material with minimal resistance, like a stone through water. If used in combat, any non-magical parrying or parried weapon is destroyed if you roll a higher DoS to attack or parry, as appropriate; further, you ignore all APs sourced from non-magical metal or stone armours, but are resisted by leathers, wood, and other organic-based materials. The Master Rune of Alaric the Mad is also said to afflict the mind with Alaric's unique insights, whatever these may be. Master Rune of Skalf Blackhammer: The weapon gains the Impact quality and causes an extra +4 damage. If the weapon already has the Impact quality, it causes an extra +6 damage instead (for a total of +10). (These modifiers are included in the Stats.) Rune of Fury (x2): Gain two free Assault actions each round. Rune of Wounding: If you inflict any Wounds on a target with the Hammer of Sigmar, the target suffers a further +SB Wounds.

Beyond the runes inscribed into the hammer by Alaric the Mad, during the course of the intervening centuries the Hammer of Sigmar has developed further powers, which most attribute to the influence of the Man-God on his most holy of artifacts:

Divine Inspiration: The wielder of the Hammer gains limited access to all twelve primary prayers of the Lore of Sigmar, and may use each once per day. Use of a prayer is a Free action, requires no speech, and is automatic, requiring no Praying rolls.

Greenskin Grudge: All Wounds inflicted to Greenskins are doubled after all modifiers are calculated. Further, the wielder of Ghal-Maraz causes Terror in Greenskins.

Incarnation of Sigmar: Once per day, if the hammer is drawn, you can cause one automatic hit on one Chaos, Greenskin, or Undead target. The strike is outwith the normal turn sequence, is resolved as if your SB were +10 higher than normal, and strikes the Hit Location of your choice.

Sigmar’s Right: You gain a bonus of +20% to all Fellowship tests involving folk of the Empire and Sigmarites. Further, such is your deep-seated faith in yourself, you become immune to Panic, and immune to Fear and Terror caused by Chaos, Greenskins, or Undead.

Unholy Awareness: You automatically detect any Chaos-tainted creatures, Greenskins, or Undead within 12 yards.

STATS Weapon Group: Two-handed AB/SB: 2/3 Reach: Medium Damage: SB+8I Qualities: Impact, Master Crafted, Pummel, Unbreakable

Current Owner: The emperor.