GHID DE PREGĂTIRE în vederea sustinerii probei C din cadrul Examenului national de bacalaureat -Evaluarea competentelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulatie internatională- 18 – 19 iunie 2020


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în vederea sustinerii probei C

din cadrul Examenului national de


-Evaluarea competentelor


într-o limbă de circulatie


18 – 19 iunie 2020



1. Precizări privind proba C din cadrul examenului

național de bacalaureat 2020

2. Structura probelor. Recomandări peentru candidați.

3. Programele pentru examenul de bacalaureat 2020 -

proba C

4. Modelele de subiecte și bareme_ proba C -

bacalaureat 2020

5. Ghiduri metodologice și sugestii de rezolvare a


6. Resurse online pentru pregătirea în vederea

susținerii probei C - bacalaureat 2020


1. Precizări privind proba C din cadrul examenului national de bacalaureat 2020.

La proba C, de evaluare a competențelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulație

internațională studiată pe parcursul învățământului liceal, elevii pot alege oricare limbă modernă studiată în liceu, indiferent dacă a fost studiată drept limba 1, limba a 2-a sau limba a 3-a de studiu, dacă a fost studiată în regim normal, intensiv, bilingv ori dacă a fost disciplină obligatorie sau opțională. Evaluarea competenței lingvistice într-o limbă de circulație internațională, în cadrul examenului național de bacalaureat, se face prin trei tipuri de probe, după cum urmează:

a. proba de înțelegere a unui text audiat

b. proba scrisă

c. proba orală

Rezultatul obținut de candidat la fiecare dintre aceste probe se exprimă NU prin note sau prin calificativ admis/respins, ci prin stabilirea nivelului de competență (corespunzător grilei aprobate la nivel național conform CECRL - Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi).

Pe ansamblul celor trei probe, evaluarea candidaţilor se face separat pentru fiecare din cele cinci competenţe: înţelegerea textului audiat, înţelegerea textului citit, interacţiune orală (participare la conversaţie), producere de mesaje orale, producere de mesaje scrise (conform CECRL).

Pentru fiecare din cele cinci competenţe evaluate, nivelul de competenţă lingvistică se stabileşte după cum urmează:

0 - 10 de puncte: -

11 - 30 de puncte: A1 (introductiv / de descoperire)

31 - 60 de puncte: A2 (intermediar / de supravieţuire)

61 - 80 de puncte: B1 (nivel-prag / intermediar)

81 - 100 de puncte: B2 (avansat / independent)

Elevii care promovează, pe parcursul învățământului preuniversitar, examene

cu recunoaștere internațională pentru certificarea competențelor lingvistice în limbi

străine, au dreptul la recunoașterea și echivalarea rezultatelor obținute la aceste

examene, la cerere și conform unei metodologii aprobate prin OMECTS nr.


Lista aflată actualmente în vigoare a examenelor cu recunoaştere

internaţională pentru certificarea competenţelor lingvistice în limbi străine, care pot fi


recunoscute şi echivalate cu proba de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o

limbă de circulaţie internaţională studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal, din

cadrul examenului de bacalaureat este stabilită prin OMEN nr. 3687 / 2019 pentru

modificarea anexei nr. 2 la OMECTS nr. 5.219/2010.

2. Structura probelor. Recomandări pentru candidați

a. Proba de întelegere a unui text audiat = 20 minute

Candidații vor asculta două materiale audio diferite, fiecare de câte două ori și

vor dovedi înțelegerea textului audiat, răspunzând - după ascultarea respectivelor

materiale - la întrebările tipărite pe foaia cu subiecte. Atât întrebările, cât și

răspunsurile sunt formulate în limba străină studiată în liceu pe care candidații și-au

ales-o pentru a susține proba C din cadrul examenului de bacalaureat.

După primirea de către candidați a foilor cu întrebări, aceștia au la dispoziție 1

minut pentru a citi (în gând, bineînțeles) întrebările. Este recomandabil ca, în măsura

în care timpul le permite acest lucru, candidații să sublinieze/încercuiască, pe foaia

primită, cuvintele-cheie asupra cărora să se concentreze atunci când vor asculta


Prima ascultare a materialului audio de dificultate mai redusă - cel de nivel

A1/A2, conform CECRL (Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi) - va fi

urmată de 1 minut de pauză, care se recomandă a fi utilizat de către candidați pentru

a începe să-și contureze răspunsurile la setul de întrebări aferente acelui prim

document audio.

A doua audiere a aceluiași material sonor va fi urmată de 2 minute de pauză, în

care se recomandă candidaților să-și definitiveze răspunsurile referitoare la acel prim

material pe care l-au ascultat de două ori.

Aceleași etape se vor succeda și în cazul celui de-al doilea material audio (cel

de dificultate mai mare - nivel B1/B2).

Pentru înțelegerea celor 6 niveluri ale competențelor lingvistice stabilite prin

CECRL se poate utiliza Grila de autoevaluare conform CECRL (Cadrul European

Comun de Referință pentru Limbi).


Sfaturi pentru candidatul care susține proba de înțelegere a unui text audiat într-o

limbă străină de circulație internațională studiată în liceu

• Înainte de începerea redării documentului audio, citește cu atenție întrebările pentru

fiecare secțiune. Acest lucru te va ajuta ca, atunci când asculți înregistrarea, să

urmărești și să identifici mai repede răspunsurile.

• Amintește-ți că vei asculta totul de două ori, așa că nu-ți face griji dacă nu ești sigur

după prima ascultare.

• După finalizarea unei secțiuni, este mai bine să te uiți la următoarea secțiune și să

citești întrebările, decât să îți faci griji pentru secțiunea precedentă.

• Încearcă să ”reperezi”, atunci când asculți, cuvintele-cheie sau sinonimele

cuvintelor-cheie din întrebare pentru a te ajuta să identifici răspunsul, în special

atunci când oamenii exprimă opinii sau ceea ce cred ei. De exemplu, la înregistrare s-

ar putea să auzi: “LEN Maria doesn’t like going to the gym and usually just stays at

home watching TV/ LFR Maria n’aime pas aller au gym et d’habitude elle reste à la

maison en regardant la télé”, iar în foaia de răspuns îți poate apărea o formulare de

genul „LEN Maria isn’t a very active person. / LFR Maria n’est pas une personne très


• Ascultă cu atenție cuvintele care indică ce etapă a înregistrării asculți, de ex. „LEN

Firstly / LFR Au début”, „LEN after that / LFR après ça”, „ LEN so finally / LFR alors

finalement”. Aceste cuvinte te vor ajuta să identifici la ce întrebare ai ajuns, ținând

cont de faptul că întrebările sunt tipărite, pe foaia pe care ai primit-o înainte de

începerea audiției, în aceeași ordine în care se succed răspunsurile în documentul

audio pe care îl asculți.

• Pe măsură ce asculți înregistrarea, descoperă opțiunile care consideri că sunt

răspunsuri greșite. Acest lucru te va ajuta să găsești mai ușor răspunsul corect.

• Dacă trebuie să alegi niște date/ore ca răspuns la o întrebare, nu uita să asculți cu

atenție pronunția cifrelor/numerelor.

• Chiar și după a doua ascultare, dacă există întrebări de care nu ești sigur, alege

răspunsul care ți se pare cel mai bun și mergi mai departe, fără să te blochezi la

întrebarea care te-a pus în dificultate. Acest lucru te va ajuta să rămâi calm și pozitiv.

Poți reveni la aceste întrebări la sfârșit, dacă ai timp.


b. Proba scrisă (întelegerea mesajului scris + producerea de

mesaje scrise) = 120 minute

Proba scrisă cuprinde două părţi:

I. Prima parte evaluează competenţa de receptare a unui text citit. Pe baza a două

texte-suport în limba străină la care au ales să susțină proba C a examenului de

bacalaureat național, candidaţii răspund unui număr de întrebări.

Primul text, pe o tematică accesibilă, are dimensiuni reduse şi un grad redus

de complexitate (nivel A1/A2, conform CECRL), iar pentru înțelegerea acestuia

(dovedită de candidat prin răspunsurile corecte la întrebările aferente acestui

prim text) se acordă, conform baremului de notare, maxim 60 de puncte;

Al doilea text, pe o temă de interes general, este mai amplu, având un grad de

complexitate mai ridicat (nivel B1/B2 conform CECRL), iar pentru înțelegerea

acestuia (dovedită de candidat prin răspunsurile corecte la întrebările aferente

acestui text) se acordă, conform baremului de notare, maxim 100 de puncte.

II. Partea a doua evaluează competenţa de producere a unui mesaj scris. Candidaţii

au de redactat două texte în limba străină la care au ales să susțină proba C a

examenului de bacalaureat național:

primul text este de dimensiuni relativ reduse şi cu un grad scăzut de dificultate

(nivel A1/A2, conform CECRL): o scrisoare, un email, o carte poştală etc., iar pentru

redactarea acestuia se acordă, conform baremului de notare, maxim 60 de puncte;

al doilea text este de dimensiuni mai mari, având un grad de dificultate mai

ridicat (nivel B1/B2 conform CECRL): un eseu, un articol etc., iar pentru redactarea

acestuia se acordă, conform baremului de notare, maxim 100 de puncte.

Pentru rezolvarea primei părți a probei scrise (cea de înțelegere a mesajului

scris), este recomandabil ca fiecare candidat să sublinieze/încercuiască, pe fiecare

dintre cele două texte, cuvintele-cheie care-l vor ajuta să dea răspunsul corect la

întrebările aferente textului respectiv.

Pentru rezolvarea celei de-a doua părți a probei scrise (cea de redactare de

mesaje scrise în limba străină aleasă), este recomandabil ca fiecare candidat să

observe, citind și interpretând cerința, ce tip de text i se solicită să redacteze (e-mail,

scrisoare informală / formală, eseu narativ/descriptiv/de opinie, articol etc.).

Acest lucru este foarte important, întrucât fiecare tip de text are o structură

specifică și care trebuie respectată, astfel încât textul scris de candidat să poată

trimite mesajul corect cititorului (acesta fiind, de fapt, chiar scopul scrierii acelui

text). Totodată, în funcție de tipul de text trebuie folosit un anumit registru lingvistic /

un anumit stil, anumite cuvinte de legătură, o anumită succesiune a paragrafelor,

anumite tipuri de verbe / forme verbale, anumite adjective etc.


Ar fi ideal ca fiecare candidat să-și noteze, pe ciornă, elementele de bază ale

tipului de text pe care trebuie să-l redacteze, conform cerințelor de pe foaia cu

subiecte, eventual chiar să schițeze textele mai întâi pe ciornă - în măsura în care

timpul îi permite acest lucru. Atenție, însă: este important ca fiecare candidat să-și

rezerve ultimele 5-10 minute (din cele 120 alocate probei scrise), pentru a lectura încă

o dată, cu ochi critic, ceea ce a scris, cu scopul de a se asigura că totul este corect și

că reprezintă tot ceea ce dorește să i se ia în considerare la evaluarea lucrării.

c. Proba orală = 10-15 minute / elev

Fiecare candidat extrage un bilet de examen cu trei întrebări/cerințe și

primește o ciornă, acordându-i-se 20 minute pentru pregătirea răspunsurilor la

aceste întrebări. Biletul extras nu poate fi înlocuit.

Fiecare bilet conţine câte trei întrebări de dificultate progresivă (exemplu: o

întrebare referitoare la universul personal; o cerinţă care să implice o scurtă relatare;

o părere personală cu justificare/ argumentare pe o temă de interes).

Se recomandă schițarea pe ciornă a răspunsurilor la cele trei întrebări de pe

bilet, începând cu notarea succintă a cât mai multor idei legate de întrebările

respective, urmată de ordonarea acestora și elaborarea efectivă a unor răspunsuri

clare, bine structurate, coerente și argumentate logic.

După expirarea timpului alocat pregătirii răspunsurilor, candidații se prezintă,

pe rând, în fața comisiei, expunându-și oral răspunsurile la întrebările de pe biletul de

examen și interacționând verbal cu membrii comisiei, întreaga exprimare - fie ea

parte a unui monolog sau a unui dialog - realizându-se în limba străină pentru care

candidatul a optat în vederea susținerii probei C a examenului național de


3. Programe proba C_Bacalaureat 2020

Programele valabile pentru BAC 2020 sunt cele stabilite prin OMECTS 4799/2010, și anume: Programa pentru proba C - bacalaureat 2020 - LIMBA FRANCEZĂ Programa pentru proba C - bacalaureat 2020 - LIMBA ENGLEZĂ

4. Modele de subiecte și bareme - proba C - examenul național de bacalaureat 2020


Modele de subiecte și bareme - proba C - examenul național de bacalaureat 2020

5. Ghiduri metodologice și sugestii de rezolvare a subiectelor



elaborat de prof. Lucia Dumitru pentru

Examenul de bacalaureat naţional 2020 Proba C

de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal

Suggestions for approaching / solving Subject I (A 1 – A 2 level) and Subject II

(B 1 – B 2 level)

Before the recording starts, read the questions for each section carefully. This will

help you to follow the recording and identify the answers.

Remember that you hear everything TWICE so don’t worry if you are not sure after

the first time.

After completing a section, it is better to look ahead to the next section and read the

questions, than to worry about the last section.

Try to listen for key words or synonyms (words that have the same or similar

meaning as another word) from the question to help you identify the answer,

particularly when people are expressing opinions or beliefs. For example, on the

recording you might hear: “Maria doesn’t like going to the gym and usually just stays

at home watching TV”. On your answer sheet, this could appear as “Maria isn’t a

very active person.”

Listen carefully for words that indicate which stage of the recording you are listening

to, e.g. ‘firstly’, ‘after that’, ‘so finally’. These words will help you identify which

question you have reached.

As you are listening to the recording, cross out options that you think don’t fit. This

makes it easier for you to find the right answer.

If you have to choose dates as an answer to any question, remember to listen

carefully to the pronunciation of the numbers

Even after the second listening, if there are questions you are not sure about, choose

the best answer and move on. This will help you to stay calm and positive. You can

go back to those questions at the end, if you have time.


MODEL SUBIECT Examenul de bacalaureat naţional 2020

Proba C



SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte) You will hear a man and a woman talking about her job in the aviation industry. For questions 1 – 4 choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). 1. What did the woman write for her company?

A. letters

B. memos

C. reports

D. contracts 2. What is leasing a plane similar to?

A. building a house

B. renting a car

C. taking a trip

D. sailing a boat 3. When do companies lease planes?

A. When their planes are being repaired.

B. When their planes are new.

C. When they want to save money.

D. When they want to increase profit.

4. What can you get with a wet lease?

A. two planes

B. a spare engine

C. a full crew

D. two pilots

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte) You will hear an interview with Hillary Clinton, about her book, after losing the 2016 presidential election. For questions 5 – 10, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). 5. At the very beginning of the interview, we learn that

A. the Clintons bought a house in Washington.

B. Hillary Clinton had many supporters.

C. the Clintons had many friends.

D. Hillary Clinton was very optimistic about her chances of winning.


6. After losing the elections, Hillary Clinton A. regrets the time spent at home doing chores.

B. appreciates her family more.

C. admits it’s not what she wanted.

D. is preparing to take revenge. 7. In her book, “What Happened”, Hillary Clinton A. does not put the blame on anybody for losing the elections.

B. admits she is responsible for not connecting with voters.

C. analyses mainly her political career.

D. reveals the identity of those who betrayed her. 8. Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton understood people’s feelings, in her political message, A. she did not mention them.

B. she blamed them.

C. she advised them.

D. she did not react more emotionally. 9. When referring to the fact that the majority of the Americans did not trust her, Hillary states that A. she was not aware of that.

B. she did try to win their trust.

C. she was advised to ignore them.

D. her campaign advisers could not find solutions. 10. What reason does she give when she explains why a great number of women did not vote her? A. Women like only male presidents.

B. Successful women are not so popular.

C. Women are very stubborn.

D. Men are better presidents.

MODEL BAREM DE EVALUARE Examenul de bacalaureat naţional 2020


SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte) 4 răspunsuri x 10 puncte = 40 de puncte 1-D; 2-B; 3-A; 4-C.

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

6 răspunsuri x 10 puncte = 60 de puncte 5-D; 6-C; 7-B; 8-D; 9-B;10-B.


Nivelul de competenţă se va acorda în funcţie de punctajul obţinut, după cum urmează:

- : 0-10 puncte A1 : 11 - 30 puncte

A2 : 31 - 60 puncte B1 : 61 - 80 puncte B2 : 81 - 100 puncte


din cadrul PROBEI SCRISE la LIMBA ENGLEZĂ elaborat de prof. Lucia Dumitru


Examenul de bacalaureat naţional

Proba C

de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională

studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal


The reading paper consists of two parts: one text followed by five multiple choice

questions for the A1-A2 level, and a second text followed by ten multiple choice

questions for the B1-B2 level. Candidates are required to solve both the first and the

second task.

In real life, people read in different ways according to the purpose they have. If they

want to know the price of a car, they will surely scan the classified ads in the

newspaper. If they have just received an email from their best friend, they will probably

skim it to see what it is about. These two reading strategies, scanning and skimming,

are very important in real life situations and they will come in handy during the


Scanning is reading quickly to find specific information. Your focus here is to find a

certain detail.

Skimming is reading quickly through a text to understand the main ideas and get an

overview. Your focus here is to get the main idea of the text.

Suggestions for approaching / solving Subject I (A 1 – A 2 level)

The questions always follow the order of the text Skim the text first. Try to get an idea of what the text is about. If there are words you do not know, try to deduce their meaning from the context. It is

not important to understand every word or phrase. Read the five statements carefully and underline the keywords. Keep in mind that the

information in the sentences is worded differently than the information in the text, so look for sentences with the same meaning, not with the same words.


Scan the text and mark the part where you will find the answer for each sentence. Read this part of the text carefully and choose the correct answer.

Your knowledge of the subject is not important. Stick to the text! Double-check your answers before you write them on the exam sheet.

Suggestions for approaching / solving Subject II ( B 1 – B 2 level)

Skim the text quickly to get a general understanding of the main ideas. They set the background for the actual questions.

Read the questions (in fact, we have the first part of a statement). Scan the text and make a note of paragraph/ the parts which are relevant to the questions. Try to complete them without reading the answers.

Look at the answers provided and choose the one which is closest to your first answer.

Cross out the answers that are clearly irrelevant or wrong. Pay extreme attention to the answers which are too similar to the text; they are called

distracters because they distract you from the right answer.

Be careful, as there may be answers which are generally true. You have to answer the questions according to what the text says or implies.

If there seems to be more than one correct answer, read the text again and make sure you answer the exact question. Do not let yourself be distracted by the answers, take into consideration the question.


Keep an eye on the watch. You have 120 minutes to solve both the reading and the

writing tasks and to write your answers on the examination sheet.

Make sure you are familiar with the text before answering the questions.

Read the questions carefully.

Make a note of keywords and phrases when you read and pay attention to keywords in

the questions.

Go to the next question if you cannot answer a particular question. You can come back

to it after you have finished the other questions and by that time you may know the text


Look for synonyms and paraphrases (= a restatement of a passage/idea using

different words).


Do not go to the beginning of the text for each question you have to answer. This is a

waste of time since the questions come in the order of the information in the text.

Do not leave any questions unanswered. If you do not know the answer, take a guess. Do not write two answers for the same question.

Do not forget to transfer your answers to the exam sheet!




Examenul de bacalaureat naţional 2020 Proba C

de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal

Toate filierele, profilurile şi specializările/ calificările

• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

• Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 120 de minute.


SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte) Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B)? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B), choose 'Doesn't say' (C). Mark A, B or C on your exam sheet. In theory, a video could go viral just because one person posts a video, two people share it, four or their friends share it and so on. This perhaps might have happened occasionally with funny cat videos, but in reality, making a video viral is much more difficult than you think. Richard Fisher of New Scientist tried to deliberately create a viral video in 2009, describing his experiments in Atomic dogs: The making of an Internet sensation. After experimenting different methods, he discovered that even if a video is good the only way to make it go viral is to get some help from a person who has real influence. One share by a "sneezer" like this can give a video the push it needs to start trending, triggering a self-sustaining chain reaction. In the New York Times article, they reveal that what made Kony2012 reach 40 million views in just a few days were the tweets by people like Oprah Winfrey and Justin Bieber, who have millions of loyal followers. There is another way to make a video go viral. Many people remember the legendary "Tipp-Ex A Hunter Shoots A Bear" video on YouTube, viewed at least 20 million times. This was actually a very expensive ad, relying on a custom YouTube page, some clever application design work and quite a lot of work with a film crew, talent and a guy in a bear suit.

(http://andrewhennigan.blogspot.ro) 1. It is certain that a video will go viral when people share it.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

2. The author of the article tried to make a video go viral and failed.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't Say

3. A “sneezer” is a person who can help make a video go viral.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't Say


4. The tweets of famous people definitely helped Kony2012 have 40 million views.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

5. The help of famous people is the only way to make a video go viral.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte) Read the text below. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

It all seemed so simple in 2008. All we had was financial collapse, a cripplingly high oil price and global crop failures due to extreme weather events. In addition, my climate scientist colleague Dr Viki Johnson and I worked out that we had about 100 months before it would no longer be “likely” that global average surface temperatures could be held below a 2C rise, compared with pre-industrial times. What’s so special about 2C? The simple answer is that it is a target that could be politically agreed on the international stage. It was first suggested in 1975 by the environmental economist William Nordhaus as an upper threshold beyond which we would arrive at a climate unrecognisable to humans. In 1990, the Stockholm Environment Institute recommended 2C as the maximum that should be tolerated, but noted: “Temperature increases beyond 1C may elicit rapid, unpredictable and non-linear responses that could lead to extensive ecosystem damage.” To date, temperatures have risen by almost 1C since 1880. The effects of this warming are already being observed in melting ice, ocean levels rising, worse heat waves and other extreme weather events. There are negative impacts on farming, the disruption of plant and animal species on land and in the sea, extinctions, the disturbance of water supplies and food production and increased vulnerability, especially among people in poverty in low-income countries. But effects are global. So 2C was never seen as necessarily safe, just a guardrail between dangerous and very dangerous change. To get a sense of what a 2C shift can do, just look in Earth’s rear-view mirror. When the planet was 2C colder than during the industrial revolution, we were in the grip of an ice age and a mile-thick North American ice sheet reached as far south as New York. The same warming again will intensify and accelerate human-driven changes already under way and has been described by James Hansen, one of the first scientists to call global attention to climate change, as a “prescription for long-term disaster”, including an ice-free Arctic. Nevertheless, in 1996, a European Council of environment ministers, that included a young Angela Merkel, adopted 2C as a target for the EU. International negotiators agreed the same in 2010 in Cancun. It was a commitment repeated in the Paris Climate Accord of 2015 where, pushed by a new group of countries called the Climate Vulnerable Forum, ambitions went one step further, agreeing to hold temperature rises to “well below 2C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5C”.


Is it still likely that we will stay below even 2C? In the 100 months since August 2008, I have been writing a climate-change diary for the Guardian to raise questions and monitor progress, or the lack of it, on climate action. To see how well we have fared, I asked a number of leading climate scientists and analysts for their views. The responses were as bracing as a bath in a pool of glacial melt water.


1. How does the article present the situation in 2008 in the first two sentences?

A. overwhelmingly positive

B. neutral

C. challenging

D. terrifying

2. What is 2C?

A. the minimum temperature required for life on Earth

B. a political device

C. the maximum temperature that could be reached at the Poles

D. the bearable maximum rise in temperature

3. Temperature increases beyond 1C

A. are certain to damage the ecosystem.

B. are likely to damage the ecosystem.

C. are bound to damage the ecosystem.

D. are to damage the ecosystem.

4. The effects of the rise in temperature have already been noticed in

A. climate change.

B. climate change and species extinction.

C. climate change, species extinction and level of poverty.

D. climate change, species extinction, level of poverty and mood of the people.

5. In order to properly understand what the effects of 2C are, one needs to

A. analyse the evolution of the climate in the past years.

B. take into account the current situation.

C. be aware of all the climate changes starting millions of years ago.

D. compare recent climate changes.

6. Another warming of the climate by 2C after the industrial revolution will lead to

A. a worsening of the current problems.

B. new and problematic changes.

C. a definite improvement in the global temperature.

D. unknown consequences.

7. The Paris Climate Accord of 2015 was characterised by

A. a more negative attitude towards the climate changes.

B. confidence that temperatures can reach the pre-industrial levels.

C. lack of constructive feedback.

D. a positive and constructive attitude.


8. The author of the article has been in charge with

A. analysing climate action.

B. finding solutions to climate change.

C. an ongoing monitoring of current issues.

D. environmental articles.

9. The purpose of this article is to inform the readers about

A. the lack of action when it comes to climate change.

B. worrying uncertainty of the future when it comes to climate change.

C. the predominantly negative attitude of people towards climate change.

D. the need for people to join the fight against climate change.

10. The final sentence of this article is

A. ironic and worrying.

B. positively reassuring.

C. overgeneralising the topic.

D. matter-of-fact.



• Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem. Nu se acordă fracţiuni de punct.


SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)

5 răspunsuri x 8 puncte = 40 de puncte

1-B; 2-C; 3-A; 4-A; 5-B.

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

10 răspunsuri x 6 puncte = 60 de puncte

1-C; 2-D; 3-B; 4-C; 5-A; 6-A; 7-D; 8-A; 9-B; 10-A.

Nivelul de competenţă se va acorda în funcţie de punctajul obţinut, după cum urmează: - : 0 - 10 puncte A1: 11 - 30 puncte A2: 31 - 60 puncte B1: 61 - 80 puncte

B2: 81 - 100 puncte



din cadrul

PROBEI SCRISE la LIMBA ENGLEZĂ elaborat de prof. Lucia Dumitru


Examenul de bacalaureat naţional

Proba C


Every piece of writing for an exam is accompanied by a set of rules that have to be respected and a

number of points granted accordingly. Before starting to tackle a particular task, students should be

aware of the way their work is to be assessed so that they can organise it for the highest level possible,

not forgetting their potential at the same time.

There are a number of various written tasks expected to be performed by a high school graduate. The

most frequent are: emails, narratives, informal and formal letters, articles, essays. Each of them has a

particular structure that must be followed as such, so that the piece can send the right message to the

reader, which is actually the aim of writing it in the first place. According to their length and level of the

difficulty, some may fit into the A2 scale (the equivalent of an intermediate level = a maximum of 60

points), such as emails, informal letters and narratives, while others aim at B2 (the equivalent of an

experienced user = a maximum of 100 points).


MODEL SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)


Your friend is going to study abroad and has just asked you to help him/ her improve his/ her

English. Write an email to your friend, suggesting ways in which he/she can learn English better.

Include information about the benefits he/she can enjoy if he/she takes your advice and any other

necessary details.

Write your email in 80 - 100 words.



Pay attention to the format of an email:

Use a specific way to write the sender’s and the recipient’s addresses:

TO: (the email of the person to whom the email is addressed)

FROM: (the address of the person who writes the email)

SUBJECT: (what the email is about)

It usually starts with Dear..., (the recipient’s first name) separated by the rest of the text, but

you can also use any other familiar greeting depending on the relationship you have with the

recipient: Hi!, Hello!, My dear...;


All the paragraphs start from the left side of the page because emails are a fast way of writing

messages on computer requiring the least typing effort;

The introduction should always include the reason for writing;

The conclusion should always include closing greetings;

Separated from the main body of the text, at the end we should include a greeting such as

With love, Hugs, Cheers..., followed by your first name;

Informal register.


Identify the keywords and what you are expected to write: study abroad, improve his/ her

English, suggesting ways in which he/she can learn English better, the benefits he/she can

enjoy if he/she takes your advice


Use connectors to make your ideas easy to follow: because, firstly, so, that’s why, if,

contrary to, in the end.

Use paragraphs to organise your explanations.

Use varied grammatical structures so that your language makes a good impression upon the


Suggested answer:

Dear Daniel,

I hope my letter finds you well. I am so happy for you! I know how much you have always wanted to

study abroad! Good for you! As we have always said: follow your dream! And you actually did that!

You had the courage to go for it.

I am glad I can be of help with some pieces of advice for you. Your English is quite good, you don’t

have to worry about that. But yes, there is always a way to improve. First, constantly remind yourself

of your motives for learning. You are going to study abroad. Then, focus on vocabulary related to

your studies. Read everything you can get your hands on: Classic literature, paperbacks, newspapers,

websites, emails, your social media feed, cereal boxes: if it’s in English, read it.

Or, even better, you can subscribe to podcasts or Youtube channels (in English)! Like humor?

Politics? Blogging? Cooking? With topics covering every interest imaginable, there’s an English-

speaking podcast or Youtube channel out there for you. Subscribe to a few and listen during the

commute to school. At first, you might find the native accents difficult, but stick with it and you’ll

soon start to understand what you hear. Or, if you have friends who post online in English, scan the

items they share and commit to exploring one or two each day. They might be news or magazine

articles, videos, talks, blog posts, songs, or anything else: if it’s in English and the topic interests you,

it’s going to be helpful!

Don’t let anything stop you! Please write and tell me how it went. Good luck!




MODEL SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

____________________________________________________________________________ You have recently participated in a class discussion on the topic of preserving the cultural heritage of

your country. The discussion centred on solutions to be found in order to improve the current

situation, such as increased funding and raising awareness. You have decided to write an essay on

this topic for your teacher describing three solutions you would forward and their beneficial effects.

Write your essay in 180 - 200 words.

Suggested answer:

Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artefacts and attributes of a group or society that are

inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future

generations. Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes,

books, works of art, and artefacts). Whatever shape they take, they form part of a heritage, and this

heritage requires active effort on our part in order to safeguard it. The best way to preserve your

cultural heritage, whatever it may be, is to share it with others and spreading awareness around about

these monuments and their importance.

The role of media in preserving culture and heritage is of great importance. For instance, digital

storage has played a large role in the preservation of cultural heritage. It has enabled the sharing of

cultural and historical heritage around the world. Digital storage is not only the most popular method

of preservation, but it is the trend for the future.

It is recognised that the retention of heritage buildings has environmental sustainability benefits.

Conserving heritage buildings reduces energy usage associated with demolition, waste disposal and

new construction, and promotes sustainable development by conserving the embodied energy in the

existing buildings. Cultural heritage is under attack – from environmental degradation and climate

change, from socioeconomic pressures and the accelerating pace of urbanisation, from the strains of

global tourism. This would require increased funding on the part of the government.

Finally, we ourselves can contribute to preserving our cultural heritage by taking some simple steps,

such as: prevent ourselves and others from scribbling on the walls, participating in the regular

Cleanliness Drives and perhaps being a part of the 'Adopt a Heritage' initiative.



• Se punctează oricare alte modalităţi de rezolvare corectă a cerinţelor.

• Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem. Nu se

acordă fracţiuni de punct.


SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)


Conţinut 20 puncte

• scrie un text adecvat situaţiei / tipului de text propus 4 puncte

• respectă limita legată de numărul de cuvinte indicat 4 puncte

• scrie enunţuri simple pe tema propusă 4 puncte

• exprimă în fraze scurte ceea ce simte 4 puncte

• explică pe scurt acţiunile prezentate / descrise 4 puncte

Organizarea textului 10 puncte

• • ordonează corect cuvintele în enunţuri simple 5 puncte

• • leagă enunţuri scurte prin conectorii cel mai des folosiţi, producând un text simplu şi

coerent 5 puncte

Corectitudine gramaticală: 5 puncte • • foloseşte relativ corect structuri sintactice şi forme gramaticale simple, fără a afecta sensul

global al mesajului

Vocabular 5 puncte • foloseşte corect un repertoriu elementar de cuvinte şi expresii adecvate temei propuse

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

Conţinut 30 de puncte

• scrie un text adecvat situaţiei / tipului de text propus 10 puncte

• respectă limita legată de numărul de cuvinte indicat 10 puncte

• argumentează opiniile prezentate 10 puncte

Organizarea textului 10 puncte

• utilizează o gamă variată de conectori pentru a evidenţia relaţiile dintre idei 5 puncte

• foloseşte corect paragrafele 5 puncte

Corectitudine gramaticală: 10 puncte • foloseşte corect structurile gramaticale 5 puncte

• foloseşte o gamă variată de structuri gramaticale 5 puncte

Vocabular 10 puncte

• foloseşte vocabularul în mod corect 5 puncte

• foloseşte un vocabular variat şi adecvat temei 5 puncte

Nivelul de competenţă se va acorda în funcţie de punctajul obţinut, după cum urmează:

- : 0-10 puncte

A1 : 11 - 30 puncte

A2 : 31 - 60 puncte

B1 : 61 - 80 puncte

B2 : 81 - 100 puncte



INTERACTIUNE ORALĂ la LIMBA ENGLEZĂ elaborat de prof. Lucia Dumitru


Examenul de bacalaureat naţional

Proba C


1. Answer the following question: Do you generally prefer the book or the film of the

same story? Why?

Suggestions for approaching / solving Subject I (nivel A 1 – A 2)

There are three tasks on a wide range of topics expected to be performed by a high school graduate.

Their design is mainly the following:

Task 1: a short answer to a simple question related to the daily life of a teenager;

Task 2: a short description or a short narration;

Task 3: a developed argumentative or discursive answer on a more difficult topic related to nowadays’

society and its problems. Each of them is expected to be dealt with in a particular way in order to send

the right message to the interlocutor, which is actually the aim of a communication. In addition to this,

the second grade is granted for the graduate’s capacity of taking part in a conversation based on any

or all the topics referred to in the questions.


Even if the question is closed (yes/no type), always “dress up" your answers with reasons and explanations. Never give short answers that tend to close the communication flow and create the impression that you don't know anything about the topic;

Use words related to books and films;

Use connectors to link your sentences and your ideas and to make your point understood;

There are no predetermined answers, as the questions require you to express your opinion.

What is important is to state your point of view clearly and to support it with arguments in

order to convince your interlocutor;

Be polite and use a semi-formal register, as your interlocutor is a teacher. So avoid

offensive words and expressions that may create a bad impression about you!

Suggested answer:

There are several aspects to be considered regarding this topic. I, personally, would

prefer watching the film, as the moving picture is a universal art, which comprises a ll

others: literature and acting, stage design and music, dance and the beauty of nature, as

well as the use of light and colour. It is the only art today that appeals to all social

classes and all age groups, the film having made story-telling more accessible. As

nowadays people don’t read so much, they get a chance to see classic and modern

stories brought to life, as the film can reproduce the spirit and emotions of the novel.


2. Describe a person about whom you could say: The world would be a better place if there were more people like him/her.

Short description / short narration

There are no predetermined answers so you can describe any member of your family. What

is important is to state your point of view clearly and support it with arguments to convince

your interlocutor;

Use words related to physical appearance and personality;

Use connectors to link your sentences and your ideas and make your point understood;

Be polite and use a semi-formal register, as your interlocutor is a teacher. So avoid offensive

words and expressions that may create a bad impression about you!

This is supposed to be a short answer yet a developed one, so try to organise your answer

sing details, but not too many.

Suggested answer:

There are quite many persons I admire. But I feel very strongly that my grandmother has made this world better. First of all, she is the one who raised me, so all the memories of my childhood are filled with her presence. She has stood by my side since I was a baby. She made me laugh with her jokes, she guarded my first steps, she taught me the basic things of a good education, she was there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. She has always given me good advice, she shared her wisdom with me, she laughed and cried whenever I laughed and cried. I also admire my grandmother for her strong personality. She raised four children, she has a set of well-established moral principles which ruled her life. She also had a life full of hardships, which she faced with courage and wisdom. All these haven’t made her bitter or mean, on the contrary, her strong belief in God made her kind, patient and generous with everybody around her. All in all, I feel absolutely happy to have her in my life. The only thing I wish for is for my grandmother to live long enough to be able to come to my wedding.

3. Do you feel that, despite the advent of social media, people are becoming increasingly

lonely nowadays? Why (not)? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your


Developed argumentative answer

Even if you have to present the topic orally, its structure should follow almost entirely that of

a “for-and-against” essay:

- the introduction clearly presents the topic to be discussed in such a way so as to

underline the existence of both advantages and disadvantages;

- the main body deals with arguments in favour and against the issue, organised in a

logical way;

- the conclusion is your point of view after you have given a balanced perspective upon

the topic;

Use connectors to link your ideas in a coherent way, such as: on the one hand, on the other

hand, first of all, secondly, another..., in conclusion, therefore, this is why, on the contrary,


Support your arguments with relevant explanations and examples!

The tense most often used is the Present Simple, BUT:

- if there is a transforming process you should use the Present Continuous;


- if you want to give an example from your personal experience, you should use the Past

Simple and mention the time when the events took place;

Identify the keywords and what you are expected to talk about.

Use a draft to organise your answer and write at least a two-column list of the for-and-

against points you have in mind;

Use varied grammatical structures for a better impression

Suggested answer:

The Internet has developed a lot over the past years. Today there are hardly any households lacking

an online connection. The information highway has become part of not only our daily work but also an

essential tool of communication, and a major means of entertainment as well. However, like many other

blessings of technology, the Internet has its drawbacks and there are some dangers one might

encounter online.

First of all, using the Internet is an addictive activity. We stay online for hours every day while at work

or school, yet many of us end up spending the evening at home in front of the computer as well, surfing

the Internet randomly in order to relieve the stress from school. Relaxation online often means exposing

ourselves both to too much information and to the radiation of computer monitors, which can damage

our eyes and cause us constant headaches. This addiction is developing fast as you can see more and

more people unwilling to travel if they cannot find hotel rooms that have Internet connection. So not only

does the Internet take away most of our free time but also seriously affects our health, because it

involves a sedentary life.

Secondly, the Internet has brought about a major change both in mass-media content and in

people’s response to it. Websites facilitate multimedia containing text, video and audio streams, which

have turned the Internet into a powerful competitor to cable television. Furthermore, children and

teenagers now have free access to uncensored content which would normally be forbidden in other

environments. The Internet often takes the freedom of information to extremes, exposing the Internaut

to both useful and extremely violent or pornographic content. In regards to online mass media, people

now tend to spend long hours on forums and email listings expressing themselves on different issues,

most often opinions about what they like or dislike and thus coming into conflict with other people.

Spelling is another problem as people often disregard the way they spell and unfortunately, a lot of

children and high school students are picking up these mistakes and take them to the classroom.

Moreover, people tend to create their own media posting personal photographs and videos on

Facebook or Twitter, sharing even the most intimate and embarrassing details with everyone, mostly

strangers. So perhaps the greatest harm Internet can do to us is to ultimately destroy our sense of

intimacy and decency.

Furthermore, a lot of people tend to “live” in online virtual communities, spending more time with their

virtual buddies than with their actual friends and family, a phenomenon that can lead to deep social

problems, even loneliness, in spite of being connected to so many “friends” online and all kinds of

phobia in the long run.

On the other hand, we have now come to a point from where there is no going back and we need to

adapt to the new reality. A large part of our lives has become virtual reality - we shop online, order food

online, pay our bills online, and book our travels online. We can see and talk to our friends online for


free and we can find a lot of useful information without paying anything. No doubt, the Internet has

brought tremendous benefits and it does not make sense to be against it.

In conclusion, I consider the Internet to be a faithful reflection of our amazing and dangerous age. It

can be both the Holy Grail and Pandora’s box, so it is up to each and every one of us to use it wisely or

destructively. But I think we ultimately need freedom of choice in order to learn and the Internet means

freedom. It is up to us how we use that freedom.

TAKING PART IN A CONVERSATION / Interacţiune orală (Participarea la conversaţie)


Pay attention to the auxiliary verbs used by the assessors in their questions, so that you

use correctly in your answers.

Focus on the keywords and the relations between them. They will lead you to correct,

complete coherent answers.

Use as much thematic vocabulary as possible, various grammatical constructions and

more than one adjective when describing something or someone. You will convince the

assessor your English is rich.

Make your English sound complex by using intensifying adverbs such as definitely,

extremely, basically, unfortunately, luckily, and so on.

Show interest while talking to your interlocutor even if you may find the topic boring. You

will create a good impression by showing respect and goodwill, as well as partially cover

your lack of knowledge, should that be the case.

Pay attention to the intonation, gestures, body language and facial expression of your

interlocutor! This will help you focus better and also figure out the part of the conversation

you haven't understood.

Use connectors to link your sentences and ideas! They will help both you and your

interlocutor follow your explanation and it will also create a good impression.

Don’t give short answers even to the simplest questions! Always add at least a little

explanation to them, for example: “Yes, very much. It’s a real pleasure to...”, “No, I don’t

Unfortunately I don’t like it at all because...”.

Don’t make pauses in your communication, or at least don’t let them be long. You are to

be evaluated for what you say, not for your silence. Fill the possible pauses with speech

helpers which can buy you some time to figure out how to continue your discourse: “You

know...”, “I mean...”, “Well,...”, “What I mean is...”.

Remember there are no predetermined answers. Be personal and use your own reasons.

This way, as the conversation goes on, you can support your ideas and be able to

continue answering further questions. If you don’t have any ideas at all about what answer

to give, try an elusive reply such as: “This is an interesting question, but I haven’t thought

of it yet” or “This question definitely raises a lot of problems and I’d need more time to think

about it”. However, use this strategy only as your last resort.



Examenul de bacalaureat naţional 2020 Proba C


Producerea de mesaje orale (100 de puncte)

Subiectul I 20 de puncte • formulează un răspuns scurt, adecvat subiectului, folosind expresii/fraze simple, asigurând prin relatorii cel mai des folosiţi legătura între acestea 14 puncte

• foloseşte un repertoriu lexical elementar, adecvat temei 2 puncte

• foloseşte relativ corect forme şi structuri gramaticale foarte simple 2 puncte

• pronunţă relativ corect cuvintele folosite 2 puncte Subiectul al II-lea 30 de puncte

• povesteşte/descrie/expune cu precizie o serie de elemente distincte legate de tema propusă, producând un discurs destul de clar pentru a putea fi urmărit şi exprimându-se cu uşurinţă 15 puncte

• foloseşte un repertoriu lexical suficient pentru a se exprima cu ajutorul parafrazelor asupra temei propuse şi dovedeşte o bună stăpânire a vocabularului elementar 5 puncte

• dovedeşte o bună stăpânire a structurii frazei simple şi a frazelor complexe cel mai des folosite şi are un bun control gramatical, în ciuda unor influenţe ale limbii materne 5 puncte • pronunţă clar şi se exprimă cursiv, dar cu pauze ocazionale 5 puncte Subiectul al III-lea 50 de puncte

• dezvoltă o argumentaţie clară, susţinându-şi punctul de vedere cu argumente şi exemple pertinente 10 puncte

• foloseşte eficient un repertoriu variat de conectori pentru a-şi lega frazele într-un discurs bine structurat şi coerent 10 puncte

• foloseşte corect un vocabular adecvat temei şi suficient de bogat încât să-i permită să varieze formulările pentru a evita repetările dese 10 puncte

• foloseşte corect forme şi structuri gramaticale variate, în ciuda unor erori nesistematice şi a unor mici greşeli sintactice rare 10 puncte

• se exprimă fluent, dovedind o pronunţie şi o intonaţie clare şi fireşti 10 puncte Nivelul de competenţă se va acorda în funcţie de punctajul obţinut, după cum urmează: - : 0-10 puncte A1: 11-30 puncte A2: 31-60 puncte B1: 61- 80 puncte B2: 81- 100 puncte

Interacţiune orală (Participarea la conversaţie) (100 de puncte) Calitatea interacţiunii: 60 de puncte

• stabileşte un contact social adecvat situaţiei de comunicare, folosind formule de adresare potrivite 10 puncte

• face faţă dialogului, reacţionând prin răspunsuri adecvate, solicitând lămuriri, reformulând o parte din ceea ce a spus examinatorul pentru a oferi continuitate schimbului verbal, arătând astfel că urmăreşte firul discuţiei 20 puncte


• oferă informaţiile solicitate, exprimându-şi sentimentele/justificând/argumentându-şi punctul de vedere în legătură cu subiectul discuţiei 20 puncte

• produce un discurs clar, coerent, subliniind relaţiile între idei prin folosirea conectorilor adecvaţi 10 puncte Corectitudine gramaticală: 15 de puncte • foloseşte corect forme şi structuri gramaticale 5 puncte

• foloseşte forme şi structuri gramaticale variate 10 puncte Vocabular: 15 de puncte

• foloseşte un vocabular variat şi adecvat subiectului 10 puncte

• foloseşte vocabularul în mod corect 5 puncte Pronunţie: 10 de puncte

• are o pronunţie şi o intonaţie corecte şi fireşti 5 puncte

• se exprimă fluent 5 puncte Nivelul de competenţă se va acorda în funcţie de punctajul obţinut, după cum urmează:

- : 0-10 puncte

A1: 11-30 puncte

A2: 31-60 puncte

B1: 61- 80 puncte

B2: 81- 100 puncte


Modele de subiecte cu sugestii de rezolvare pentru

Examenul de bacalaureat naţional Proba C

de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională

studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal - LIMBA FRANCEZĂ -

Modelele de subiecte și sugestiile de rezolvare pe care le găsiți inserate în prezentul ghid fac parte dintr-o lucrare realizată de Adelina Vilcu și Mona-Elena Bolocan, publicată de editura Booklet sub denumirea ”Entraîne-toi a l’examen de bac”.


Veuillez retrouver ci-dessous des réponses possibles / suggérées:


6. Resurse online pentru pregătirea în vederea susținerii probei C din cadrul examenului național de bacalaureat 2020 Resurse online_pregătire_proba_C_BAC_ 2020_LIMBA FRANCEZĂ:

http://www.tvr.ro/tele-coala-franceza-a-xii-a-structura-i-con-inutul-examenului-de-competen-e-lingvistice-video_27013.html#view https://tendances.cle-international.com/9782090385311?fbclid=IwAR0ir-T-pHBheeRIWcGz4i-9D7gSNQfE8WhWoNDAV92zSaerKWtXNYr_gAs#chapters-unite-1-s-informer-avec-les-medias-3 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flevideo.com%2Ffle_video_quiz_intermediate_start.php%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0fC5pGZN2QR0vucdYIAgODelI03bRbLancj5T550Hm9KLxee2vprpbm3o&h=AT3_bT0IszlSZcgkpPcAbDP9GwPTe1RAAZe5tQxK8eLfkpXMqg0VqTXek2BAM3Z1OCvH3uUv0RCwINcT7mMXpu_3h1QRxhAp4LwvglNSN7w_dmkRLoVP5hgrdIXarYkecdnx


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Resurse online_pregătire_proba_C_BAC_ 2020_LIMBA ENGLEZĂ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az4JTfO2sp4 https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/exams/reading-exams https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/exams/writing-exams https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/exams/listening-exams https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/exams/speaking-exams https://www.examenglish.com/B1/index.php https://www.examenglish.com/B2/index.php https://test-english.com/level-b1/ https://test-english.com/level-b1-b2/ https://test-english.com/level-b2/