^^^^^^^^^s^^^^ss^®^^ '?^S^? 1 ^?* u " w >HK«g^°" ^T^^^^^S^P^S^^^S X *'~&v •JSTSTJ^* t, ^T^3- £»>= ^-s^c-3» -**<^* 1 * -** &ft* * ** ^&«3p> -V-S^ l-»«f«rir»**p^-^ SSaMlliililll® : -^,.fev^"''-" & . ^ :^ .3^?*, _f_^ "ff ' 'H'li'i ' 111 «» llftfc <si* ***# r aria©** » # 3SS>> rimiW-Hrrii •rf»ii_ asae * - MARC* *•, tf& fggy jf^ r SHD»L»*»re- mtmtnlBz i,mm *•* i*t«r fm #•*! M»»<J*y nooH to iattft ap- i» tfe» aexti«s«ej this *»!« *f>- ymOwtla^iy to copy for ebaage of limentf. Do You Rtmember? M YEARS AOO * Ufeg. Anna Hocltor, wldew of tl» late M»mtj Hooker, died at her horn* will feer • • * , F a y e t t e Booker, March 10th, *fler a ihert illness of pneumonia. She vm SO years eld. Mr. aa4 Um. E*rJ Fullerleeft Wednet- ity fer If eKeerer for the epraglog Mn. F. L. Richards entertained the aewfctn of fcht do-Ed basketball team fc»ir ewach at dinner Thursday even* l»Ia Eiekerhag was extibiting some fcjrtl^gr^wii jiaHiWo^Sj caught m Bm Qhob Pond. Quite unusual for this fits ef fear, 5t YEARS A€® W. •• ©aly has beea appoi»ted Bistiiet •••jmty by the master, ef eke State Atteation Readers Readers -are iovitejS" to senS letters $0 titis papery voicing personal ©pinions or criticistos of interest to-the public for frt&Kcfttion. All letters rattsfe be m ge^d tartar *s<l devoid of unpleasant peiaon- alitJes. Ottr desire is to provide a forum for (fb» local public and prornoie $»^exchange #f thought on public opfetios. is 6he ; first day of Spring. oial receipts fof the Ameriean Red r e in the Bfushton area, as rfp;^rtisd Tuesday of this week amounted td%m27. The qTSoU was $355. .- ©a lifondayjgf last week, Grdv er Frew $tat&the tnisfertune of bre^fteffig one of j*i&hi£ toes. He expects to be up and faijoicit In a' few cUy . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills, Bom- bay* have purchased the home of Mr. iwirMr*. Neil Frazier ©n Depot St. and s?iJl t a k e up their residence here. Mr- and Mrs. Lawrence Riley recently ieeeked word frois their sony Ward, mh& has been statione# in ©ermany since Bib*ember, that he has beenpro- |m0ted to; the rank of corporal. •y sp#»tal request the Brushton Aaatean will repeat "The Dea«©*'* jrt^Mrreoee OperaJHouse, Mofea* for fci Waefit of St.Philomena's Aeademy # fUi plm4. .. TA«re will be an antique or gretetque Weialai the M.B. chureh parlqri uext ^ a w * * eve; erery thSa^ i»= the: old style n%tpe«ted«& d^ess,. \isMe' : -a^^ :i&^per> price If ••»**, "• A •feapter of the Order of fehe Eastern t|a« WM organized at SrushtdM Feb. M, with 18 charter members, Mrs. E. L. Xtitlt, Worthy Matron, and George W. Staff*, Worthy Patron. The name of ft* eria&isation will be Chalybeate Chapter, O.E.S., and meetings will be hwM.CM first and third Wednesdays of •fctik »ieath. Notice of Election ##9I#9 is hereby, given that the an- Staal elsetion will be held In the Village «i •lushtoa at the Brushton Fire Souse «a tts 35tk day of March, 1SI1, bstween like kemrs ef en* o f clock in Ik* after- l i n i B d five o'alock in the aftsnooa; that at such election the following Barbara Etman, daughter ef 4fepr.Fr»nk Etman, was one of four St. JejggphPs Academy students to make a v^Sartisnaitour @f Merey Hospital, Wat- erfown, recently. /Lester. Leavitt, Agricultural in strue t- ^oafifctBSS, went to Ithaca Sunday to attend-Farm and Some Week at Gorneli "Ppjiversify. Students, who accompanied him were: Richard Geneway, Gordon •Todd and Norman Holmes, Juniors; Roger Sfeurgen and Lawrence Russell, Settlors. Miss Jean Brush; daughter of Mr. and Mrfc Edward Brush, was named to the Jean's list fojt>the first semester at the iSMtei TJniversity Teaehers; College at *Bo|sdam where she Is aspphomorei maj- iJtring. in elementary education. She ss a member of International Eelationa : $Iob. Regularly scbedukd Adirondack "r il ways buses between MaJone and Mass- ena are passing through here on Route 11. The weight of the buses is in excess of the posted limits on Route 3/, ©ver which they normally run and is in accord- ance with the annual policy of the High- way ©epartment to prevent spring break-ups. mm $&iW Meet* One Out ef Two, Says M.D. - Cal*it'"thaf^ired feeling," if you wish, but doctors halve a lot of complicated names—chronic nert- ours exhaustion,, pychoneurosis, be- nign nervousness, functional dis- orders, -anxiety state, neurasthenia constitutional inadequacy and oth- ft i s a maj^r American disease whieh aifects perhaps one out of every two persons seen by doctors, tg to.a StamfQid university •Clears are to be elected, f«r the terms ja>t efpesite thereto, respectively: Oficers ?eran •a« trustee - twe years #jae truetee - two years Wm*U Mareh 17,1952. A. P. Armstrong Glerk Dittf for Kiwanis Minstrels Announced "It i* generaHy believed that one third to two tndrds of: aH patients who seefe^nsedicai help havfe a s t h e most significant cause of ill health an. emotional or neurotic disturb- ance," Br. Bwight L. Wilbur of Stanford university school of medi- cine, San Francisco, writes. "This disturbance may manifest itself in a large variety of ways, but nervousness and fatigue are among £he commonest symptoms^" Other symplems are in-somnia, irritability, inability to relax, fa- tigue in the raorniag, mental con- flicts, difficulty in making deci- sions, and aft sorts of aches and pains, paTtieufely disorders of the heart and digestive ' systenij he says. The usiial Gsoasef: Melide an emo- tional piFoblelo! or s@me: situation in. the 'vletpn's.. life, overwork with inadequat© rest, aftdi relaxation, and 1 imadeqmate recovery emotion- ally from an infeetion, according to v Dr. Wii&Er. '"There is not just a single level, but a wife,- range to the limits in structure and 1 function of the nor- mal persons^ he^ffi^plains. "Acute .fatigue OF nerveyfness can be in- d u c e d ihiv^SKiy normal person by lack o| sleep SHd sufficient threat to secur^y^. ,rfcojrery generally is ,rafid with jsleep or removal of the i threat.. When these symptoms are ehronia the period of recovery will be longer, even after the cause. is removed. T * Heart Disease Kills Mora Than Is ShawnfryRecords Heart disease, long recognized as the No. 1 killer, accounts for even more deaths than previously at- tributed to it. Th ~ *•"• °^own 7 " ' f1 n T'-•l^(-"• , ' ? r ''-g I'f'-'n c oi Lilc L-z.-~.~cc on 1 .T/3 death rates among life insurance policyholders, : for the first time on the new- reporting system for cause of death. Under the new system, the death rate among policyholders from the combined- cardiovascular-renal dis- eases, commonly termed, heart, dis- eases, was down last year from 1949. This rate, however, was ma- terially higher. than the rate that would have been projected under the old reporting system. In fa-ct, the increase in the heart disease to- tal due to revising the basis was found to be nearly the equivalent Of all deaths from automobile acci- dents. . ^ During 1950, the new Internation- al List of Causes of. Death was ap- plied te life insurance mortality statistics and this resulted in changes in classification of many deaths, especially where two or more causes were involved! The doctor's judgment in- diagnosis be- came more important in the final classification than the previous rules bad permitted. Regal Retreat At Marly-le-Koi, now * Paris suburb by %he cpikscrewk&g Bivear Seine, French fcnigs, sarfeiltd with palace pomp, found, escape at the huge hunting chateau built by Louis XIV in the loWif. To-£ee4 «h» faun- tained gardeas of Versace*, an elaborate "water machine" vam built at Marly, Hfimg' water from the Seme to an aquaduct wMch still leapfrogs the forest, -The piijnpuij station, modernized * century ago, is still in operation. I Maple syrup operations 3ip*e^eea considered a profitable. ^aglScultiEEal "side-line" for y&sm 'fit itfse l*ine Tree State and often?, jhavte been* credited' with helping ikany genera- tions of Maine families in-balanc- ing the budget. Man-ilbtir bosses Time lost by vm&&m fr$aa& all |-accident causes inrl&li totaled 410:,- f 000,080 man-days, t&*':..iiq@Qawl Safety Council, esthmatesi. That is equivalent^ to . the shut-down oi plants with 1,350,000 workers for a n entire year. Big Business The Japan Central Post Exchange , operated by the United States Army j daily and which supplies servicemen with tobacco, soap, razor blades, and many other necessities, now h a s 36 branch exchange outlets in. Korea. In a recent month, sales in these Korea outlets amounted to $1,130,- 000.00. A total of 625 long tons: of merchandise is being shipped to Korea each two weeks to meet the demand. Wateh Food Sources Butter, milk, eggs, ; .and cfcfeese should be of high; qualfip ts> ; gjtve the best flavor &n& fbod r vakte, §0 buy them from sources, where they ire kept under refrigeration and fresh supplies are made available Brushton Home Bureau The Brush ton- Home Bureau will meet Monday, Mar eh 24, at the school. The lesson on bound buttoa-heles will be given by Mrs-Edgar Greene. Members will need a strip of cotton cloth $5 by 5 inches, and another strip 15 by 3 inchss, preferably in a contrasting ecl©r; also, regular sewing equipment. Refresh- ments will be served as usual. Food for Ocean Fish For both big and little fish in the oceans the staple food is what is called "plankton." This includes a great variety of plants and ani- mals with, little or no powers of movement of their own, which are carried about by tides and cur- rents. The name comes from a Greek word meaning "wandering." In contrast, animals such as whales and fish, which are able to swim, and thus more or less in- dependent of tides and currents, are called "nekton." This is de- rived from another Greek word, meaning "swimming." Wine-Making a In wine-making, tartaric acid oc-, curs as a residue settling out in the aging of wines, which is known in the industry as "ar-gols or wine muds." Head-ead Traffic Mail, express, baggjage, newspa- pers, and milk, usually transported in cars nearest the locomotive, are known to railroad men as "head- end" traffic. %*U* fer the Brushton-Melra Kiwemsj Slasirels kave been anneuncei as fol j lews: Biashten on April 22, Bteira on Apfil M, Sfc.Regi& Falls on April 24 and Be***? on April •••eg* Guy Marris, Music Instructor at fciBrusbten-MoiraPttblio Schools, is iireeter. ftfra. Edward Bonahue, Brash- er Palls, a*i bees engaged as accompan- ied Seuai Waves in Liquid Vfeat happens when high-pow- aound waves are turned on a re of materials in a liquid? , , »ty, according to Alfred Weiss- figiF of the naval research labora- ^•ey. ^e vibrations of the sound ' p»¥*a pish individual molecules of- 1% liquid back and forth a million tee a aecond with a force 250,000 that of gravity. If there is a 0m dteeelved in the liquid, tiny CN&foles of the gas form and then **&a*«e with a violent hammering M^WL, generating pressures of ibawtanda of pounds per square and temperatures of a few degrees. BHS Loses Championship Brushton High School was defeated by Sfc.Lawrenc'e Oentral Saturday nightf, 52-49, in the championship game of the Franklin-St. Lawrence bounty basket-J ball tournament which was played in FA gym in M alone. St.Regis Falls downed Bombaj School, 44-^7, in the consolation tfi|- Lead Bronze Strengttiener Nickel.is: contained in various lead bronzea where-it impr-oves: strength and ehfoSfeages more, favorable dis- tribution of the lead constituent. Paper Plants To? -prhta pjfe;.ol logsjinto tomor- row's, newspapelES,:" nig-ged machin- ery'<•is =used^aisoj:-aeid^' 'tmd? other' co.r^©slv^ ; ::Chemlcalsv- .•,..,-•' _Going Up Class I railroads, according to estimates, by the Interstate Com- merce Commission, will make cap- ital expenditures of nerly $550,- 000,000 in the first six months of 1951. for locomotives, new freight cars and other transportation equip- ment, an increase of 51.5 per .cent above those-nnade in the first half of 1950. Strengths Important High patency in an antimalarial drug is very important in its use. A drug like the chlorophenyl di- aminopyrimidine need be taken in very small amount. The amount necessary is so small that un- pleasant side effects and toxic re- actions are avoided, and the cost of treatment is very low. . L. ' i am..- i- St Peter's Episcopal Church Rev. John &. Cotton Holy Eucharist Sunday 9:15 a.m. Church School 10 J 5 a.m. Park Methodist Chursh IVloka Sunday School 10 a. m. M orning Worship 11 MYP 6 p.m. Mid-week Service: Wednesday 8 p m. Brushton Methodist Cfeurch M®rning Worabip. 9:45 Church School 10:45 Oyster Boast Oyster roasts are traditional along the inland waterway in North Caro- j lina. Bivalves are placed on an iron grating over a fire and are ready hx minutes. During the -war, soldiers from, all over the country indulged in this fine eating when they were- stationed along the Caro- lina coast.. Brushton Christian Church Morning Worship 9:45 Sunday School 1©:45. Pr/ssyer Cottage Meetings each Wednes- day at 7:30 p. m. Pilgrim Holiness Church Rev. O. W. Lawrence, Pastor Bed Square Red' Square in Moscow was built over 300 years ago.. It has nothing- to do with the present Red regime. In the old Russian language the word "red"'* means; something very fine or exceptionally good; hence the name Red Square, Potato Crop The 1950: potato crop was esti- mated at 420 million bushels,- 18 naillion bushels larger than last year when the government bought nearly 77 million bushels for price support. Sabbafeh School 10:00. Morning Worship 10:45.. Evening Class Meeting: 7:30, followed >y a Preaching Service at 8;<00i Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday 'veoing 7:45. YosiQf People's Service Friday, night *t7'-:30. 'Christian Science Services Sunday, 11*0 a. nu at-113 E. Main 3*. M alone March 23. 1952 Subject: MATTER Golden Text: Colossians 3:2. ' Set your affectioD on things, above,, not ©a things ®n fche earth. E^ryiay L<ow F. A. CLARE 4 CO., Brushton, K. If "Was a nervots wreck from agon«ing pain until I found Pazo!" tjftjar** A, W., San Antonio, Texa *ay* Spftsd amazing relief from, miseries of simple pn$\ with^ soothing Pa?o*l Acta -whelps prevent cracking, sore- a^H&fteflmip 1fou T get real com- ero. s ©on/t suffer needless torture W&. M$i> Get Pazo for fast, won- Sgk'your doctor about it. form.—also tubes with per- . ^ i g p for easy application; W {Hnimefttand Sttppesilones® ^•jHwaBtBtJuiKmnBrawisKKtsiuHiwsai Gome In and Visit Our FURNITURE DEP'T Beds - Mattresses - Springs NEIL C. FLINT i eoerai insurance Phone 7431 MOIKA, N , Y , THE VILLAGE STOBS -K^--^:r,^r : rrm:-n-.^.^^-»M^?mmw:!T* MARRY R. KERRY | General Insurance | | Phone 7428 Mofra, N, Y . | tJM~JI - I • XSi ^ ettjnfo3blng',lielg for Backach^. l,>0*tJ6igg T/p NigUts, strong JffWjt$'\i%M, iimaWg'p&saafyiz r lieig Sams, c*cl8S UMaSA^; Mxd. &$im ankles, due teJN*&jft3fi3« said ftntsystemie Kidney and BJ*|P$»fB**»> W CySHOtcQUMS^fcomplete wfiw&tiititM money BacVgriaVaateed. Ast root efatiae for ey^«x today. iery, Itching Toes and Fett W,hen feet burn, stinjg, itch aad^ feel as if they were c^ihg*:£| the flesh, get a.smaU'botlrw'WP Emerald Oil and rab well on j ankles morning andirightfoEjafe^ A rea| discovery for tbotfsa^i _ have found hlessed relief. M6$§£k Emerald Oil is easy and pleasant fe use—stainless—money back If not sat- isfied—good druggists everywhere. Arthritis Pain £&£ guwfc. '48ngfitfally conrEori;Ing-lielj) for sfflfol&& t T>MpsM WamT&^iam, Arilinfcis, UBfe^ Sciatica, or Neuralgia try sksV^rSiigh tltis Wood. First dose *a aU^ftntiijg pailFso you can atoand sl&ep more comfortably. (n^rSjiggWt today* ouic^, com- » t t # n or jaoney back guaranteed. occasins am LOAFERS At Factory Reduction Ff! ; f^ Several Styles and a Wide^Vafiej^ e Colors to Seleet fmm. , :>v , : Rfgdlu-m B33& Harrow Widiha*. (too- moecasia &R13SETON M>T NOW SHAVING'S QUICKER ..EASIER! GET A Gillette ONE-riECE JtAZOR Me^skm^m^ a Chevrolet Truck to own New Uses for Equipment •» you have a vacuum cleaner, ^Sfcwaaher or ironer in your house? ft fen do» a r e y o u makinjf the •mtt, efficient use of it? Cutting a ji*m, piece of equipment usually #eaas learning a new skill or iging a* habit. Learning a new takes'time and a great deal practice. But frequent u s t of equipment is the' only way "H get your "money's worth,** example* using- an ironed for .. pieces is easy. But using J* for Airt is i^r^-djKfiettlt and re» f«e m o r e **dH. Use it lor shifts );»¥•? passible^ and you^ll goon \ the skill* ~ / ] Color Ouide 99 jrou have a good eye to$ color .Vfhing? If not, wisa shoppers snatching materials* btttto^ t gloves, or other access- will o&rry c-olfrt guide 'leans er material paeted 'on book covers. Easy ib tott in •»ags or purses, this color tehing system avoids mistakes. J-V-^^fflU' 11 ' 1 "'^' "" IJ syaessnsE" "WANT 99 F«»»d, To m^% ¥*£* iikejptotioe« &&fr&Mj#* w»1t* &**& wiffloKier. «wwujj*^f!autotw WITH . W-BLADE GILLETTE DISPENSER WATSON M A M H i l Has been appointed to serve-;-a» ou local representative, ih Brushton and YiUmUg^ Every Kind of Insurance. Eseegt Liiei, } M-a-ione, - . - JL. Jt* TEASKHEA^gJIS! Most attacks aEBiJ-asji;^B|a ; indigestion. When it strikes, take 'B^i-j^ff^s tablets. TJiey coataiH the fastest^&^taig:- medicmes known to doctors for tfeefS$SSC ^ { •b.ear.tBUrii. gas and similar distress.. 2§|i . x Mmto J-UU"fa- ids of Mb Prifitio t?m tsioess Printw 77 r -_,^j a ^.^ji'ijMi_ji»y (ConStmattan ot standard equip- m*nf and Mm Illustrated Is at- ptnd'tnt on availability of mof«r/o/.> t - % " Fact Na. 1 . •. Saves you money on purchase Fact No. 2 . . • Cuts operating costs Fact No. 3 •. The right truck for your job Fact No. 4. •. Saves by lower depreciation r MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN AMY OTHER MAKE! Just about two and a half million users, of Chevrolet tracts are proving you can't buy a better truck to nave your moneys You save when you buy. You save on operation and upkeep. You save on getting the job done fast and ri^ht. You save when you, tracte* Come ort In and let's talk over your hauling or delivery needs y and then take a look at the kind'of truck you want on youx job. ^ . ELECTRICtMl ; fJce* a particular clSBS of work for a particular class of people. Floor Surfacing Contractor We know how and do item right for those - who ea*e," tt MOIM, N. Y. resigned to sge§dQsr ?mm simple headaehe And. pJ3lliul diseoisfoxts of nexira^ia* Treasured doses —* Sp 5^gSet form for quick a3S&&2&i3fcn> Eroof of merit. &m* type for- mula over one-third ceng^it* Stanflar^ If- p* P. fBgreaie Eaboravory tlste^^^ceji^i In p£i0e ranee ot ejverrone. We •and $5c SBSOL **" ., * Cautioni Use only us tfrecteC I •i»**«fc^-S!«a«mai**«. mmsms^- ;. HJ»D«.» mjwJ 'uiu «iw i Sf i*> —> zfmtjr ••Shga^Sflfei *«5

Gillette - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1952-03... · One Out ef Two, Says M.D. - Cal*it'"thaf^ired feeling," if you wish, but doctors halve a

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Page 1: Gillette - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1952-03... · One Out ef Two, Says M.D. - Cal*it'"thaf^ired feeling," if you wish, but doctors halve a

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mtmtnlBz i,mm *•* i*t«r f m # • * ! M»»<J*y nooH t o i a t t f t ap-

i» tfe» a e x t i « s « e j th i s *»!« *f>-ymOwtla^iy t o copy for ebaage of

l imentf .

Do You Rtmember?


Ufeg. Anna Hocltor, wldew of t l » la te M»mtj Hooker, d ied a t h e r horn* w i l l feer • • * , F a y e t t e Booker , March 10th, *fler a i h e r t illness of pneumonia. She vm SO years eld.

Mr . a a4 Um. E*rJ Fullerleeft Wednet-i t y fer If e K e e r e r for the ep rag log

M n . F . L. Richards en te r ta ined the a e w f c t n of fcht d o - E d basketbal l team

fc»ir ewach a t dinner Thursday even*

l » I a Eiekerhag was ext ibi t ing some fcjrtl^gr^wii jiaHiWo^Sj caugh t m

Bm Qhob Pond. Qui te unusual for th i s f i t s e f f ea r ,

5 t Y E A R S A € ®

W. • • ©aly has beea appoi» ted Bis t i i e t • • • j m t y by the m a s t e r , ef eke S t a t e

Atteation Readers Reade r s -are iovitejS" t o senS l e t t e r s $0

titis papery voicing personal ©pinions or criticistos of in t e re s t to - the p u b l i c for frt&Kcfttion. All le t ters rattsfe be m ge^d tartar *s<l devoid of unpleasant peiaon-alitJes.

O t t r desire is t o provide a forum for (fb» local public and prornoie $»^exchange #f thought on public opfetios.

i s 6he; f i r s t d a y of Spring.

o i a l receipts fof t h e Ameriean Red re in the Bfushton area , as

rfp;^rtisd Tuesday of this week amounted t d % m 2 7 . T h e qTSoU was $355.

.- © a lifondayjgf last week, Grdv er Frew $tat&the tnisfertune of bre^fteffig one of j*i&hi£ toes. He expects to be up and

faijoicit In a' few cUy .

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills, Bom­bay* have purchased the home of Mr. iwirMr*. Neil Frazier ©n Depot St . and s?iJl t ake up their residence here.

Mr- and Mrs. Lawrence Riley recently i e e e k e d word frois their sony Ward, mh& has been s ta t ione# in ©ermany since Bib*ember, that he has beenpro-

| m 0 t e d to; the r ank of corporal.

• y sp#»tal reques t the Brush ton A a a t e a n will r e p e a t " T h e Dea«©*'* j r t ^ M r r e o e e Ope ra JHouse , Mofea* for fci Waef i t of St .Phi lomena 's Aeademy

# fUi plm4.

.. TA«re will be an a n t i q u e o r gre te tque W e i a l a i the M.B. chureh p a r l q r i uex t ^ a w * * eve ; e r e r y thSa^ i»= the: old s ty le n % t p e « t e d « & d^ess,. \ isMe' :-a^^ :i&^per> price I f • •»** , "•

A •feapter of the Order of fehe Eas te rn t | a « W M organized a t SrushtdM F e b . M, wi th 18 char te r members, Mrs . E . L. X t i t l t , W o r t h y Mat ron , and George W. Staff*, Wor thy P a t r o n . T h e name of ft* eria&isation will be Chalybeate Chapter , O . E . S . , and meetings will b e hwM.CM f i r s t and th i rd Wednesdays of •fctik » iea th .

Notice of Election

# # 9 I # 9 is hereby, given that t h e an-Staal elsetion will be held In the Village «i • l u s h t o a a t the Brushton F i r e S o u s e « a t t s 35tk d a y of March , 1SI1, bstween like kemrs ef e n * o fclock in I k * after-l i n i B d five o'alock in the a f t s n o o a ;

t h a t a t such elect ion t h e following

Barbara E tman , daughter ef 4fepr.Fr»nk E tman , was one of four St. JejggphPs Academy s tudents to make a v^Sartisnaitour @f Merey Hospital, Wat-erfown, recently.

/Lester. Leav i t t , Agricultural in strue t-^oafifctBSS, went to I thaca Sunday to attend-Farm and S o m e Week at Gorneli "Ppjiversify. Students, who accompanied h i m were: Richard Geneway, Gordon •Todd and Norman Holmes, Juniors ; Roger Sfeurgen and Lawrence Russell, Settlors.

Miss Jean Brush; daughter of Mr. and Mrfc E d w a r d Brush, was named to the J e a n ' s l ist fojt>the first semester a t the

iSMtei TJniversity Teaehers; College at *Bo|sdam where she Is aspphomorei maj-iJtring. in e lementary education. She ss a member of Internat ional Eelationa

: $ I o b .

Regularly scbedukd Adirondack " r il ways buses between MaJone and Mass-ena are passing through here on Route 11. T h e weight of the buses is in excess of the posted limits on Route 3 / , ©ver which they normally run and is in accord­ance with the annual policy of the High­way ©epartment to prevent spring break-ups.

mm $&iW Meet* One Out ef Two, Says M.D.

- C a l * i t ' " t h a f ^ i r e d f ee l i ng , " if y o u wish , b u t doctors halve a lo t o f compl i ca t ed n a m e s — c h r o n i c n e r t -ours exhaustion,, pychoneuros i s , b e ­n ign n e r v o u s n e s s , funct ional dis­o r d e r s , -anxiety s t a t e , n e u r a s t h e n i a const i tu t ional i nadequacy a n d oth-

ft i s a m a j ^ r A m e r i c a n d i s ea se wh ieh a i fec t s p e r h a p s one out of e v e r y two p e r s o n s seen by doctors ,

tg to.a StamfQid un ivers i ty

•Clears a re to be elected, f«r the t e r m s ja>t e fpes i t e thereto , respectively:

Oficers ? e r a n • a « t rus tee - t w e years #jae t r u e t e e - two yea r s

Wm*U Mareh 17,1952.

A. P . Armstrong Glerk

Dittf for Kiwanis Minstrels Announced

" I t i* generaHy be l ieved t h a t one th i rd to two tndrds of: aH p a t i e n t s who seefe^nsedicai h e l p havfe a s t h e m o s t s ignif icant c a u s e of ill hea l th a n . emot iona l o r neuro t ic d is turb­a n c e , " B r . Bwigh t L . Wilbur of Stanford univers i ty school of medi ­cine, San F r a n c i s c o , wr i t e s .

" T h i s d i s tu rbance m a y mani fes t itself i n a l a r g e va r i e ty of w a y s , bu t ne rvousness a n d fat igue a r e a m o n g £he c o m m o n e s t s y m p t o m s ^ "

Othe r s y m p l e m s a r e in-somnia, i r r i tabi l i ty , inabi l i ty to re l ax , fa­tigue in t h e raorniag, m e n t a l con­flicts, difficulty i n m a k i n g deci­s ions, a n d aft so r t s of aches and pa ins , p a T t i e u f e l y d i so rders of the h e a r t a n d diges t ive ' sys teni j h e says .

The usi ial Gsoasef: M e l i d e an emo­t ional piFoblelo! o r s@me: s i tuat ion in. t he 'vletpn's. . l ife, overwork wi th inadequat© res t , aftdi re laxat ion , and1 imadeqmate recovery emotion­al ly f rom a n infeetion, according to vDr. Wii&Er.

' "There i s not jus t a single level, but a wife,- r a n g e to the l imi ts in s t r u c t u r e and1 function of the nor­m a l p e r s o n s ^ he^ffi^plains. "Acu te

. fat igue O F ne rveyfness can be in­duced ihiv^SKiy n o r m a l person by lack o | s leep SHd sufficient t h r e a t to secur^y^ . ,rfcojrery genera l ly is

, r a f i d wi th jsleep or r e m o v a l of the i threat. . When these s y m p t o m s a r e ehronia t h e per iod of recovery will be longer , even after the cause . is removed.T*

Heart Disease Kills Mora Than Is Shawn fry Records

H e a r t d i s ea se , long recognized a s the No. 1 ki l ler , a ccoun t s for even m o r e d e a t h s t h a n previously at­t r ibu ted to it.

Th ~ *•"• °^own 7 " ' f 1 n T'-•l^(-"•,' ?r ' ' - g

I ' f ' - ' n c oi Lilc L-z.-~.~cc on 1 .T/3 d e a t h r a t e s a m o n g life i n s u r a n c e po l icyholders , : for t h e first t i m e on t h e new- r epor t ing sys tem for c a u s e of d e a t h .

U n d e r t h e n e w sys t em, t h e d e a t h r a t e a m o n g pol icyholders f rom the combined- c a r d i o v a s c u l a r - r e n a l d is ­ea ses , commonly t e r m e d , hea r t , dis­e a s e s , w a s down las t yea r from 1949. This r a t e , however , w a s m a ­te r i a l ly h i g h e r . t h a n the r a t e t h a t would h a v e been p ro jec ted unde r the old repor t ing sys t em. In fa-ct, the i nc rea se i n t h e h e a r t d i sease to­t a l due to rev is ing t h e bas i s w a s found to b e n e a r l y t he equiva lent Of all dea ths f rom automobi le acc i ­den t s . . ^

Dur ing 1950, t h e new In te rna t ion­a l L is t of Causes of. D e a t h w a s ap­plied t e life i n s u r a n c e mor ta l i ty s ta t i s t ics and th is resu l ted in changes in classif icat ion of m a n y dea th s , especial ly w h e r e two or m o r e cause s w e r e involved! T h e doctor ' s j u d g m e n t in- diagnosis be­c a m e m o r e i m p o r t a n t in t h e final classif icat ion t h a n t he previous ru l e s bad pe rmi t t ed .

R e g a l R e t r e a t

A t Marly- le-Koi , n o w * P a r i s s u b u r b b y %he cpikscrewk&g Bivear Seine , F r e n c h fcnigs, s a r f e i l t d w i t h p a l a c e p o m p , found, e s c a p e a t t h e h u g e h u n t i n g c h a t e a u bu i l t by Lou i s X I V i n t h e loWif. To-£ee4 «h» f aun-t a ined g a r d e a s of V e r s a c e * , a n e l a b o r a t e " w a t e r m a c h i n e " vam built a t M a r l y , Hfimg' w a t e r f rom t h e S e m e to a n a q u a d u c t w M c h s t i l l leapfrogs t h e fores t , -The p i i jnpu i j s ta t ion, mode rn i zed * c e n t u r y ago , is sti l l in opera t ion . I

Maple s y r u p ope ra t ions 3 i p * e ^ e e a cons idered a profi table. ^aglScultiEEal " s ide - l i ne" for y&sm 'fit itfse l*ine T r e e S ta t e a n d often?, jhavte been* credited' wi th he lp ing i k a n y g e n e r a ­t ions of Maine fami l i es i n - b a l a n c ­ing the budget .

Man- i lb t i r b o s s e s

T i m e lost by vm&&m fr$aa& al l | -acc ident c a u s e s i n r l & l i t o t a l e d 410:,-f 000,080 m a n - d a y s , t&*':. .iiq@Qawl

Safety Council, esthmatesi. T h a t i s e q u i v a l e n t ^ to . t h e shut-down o i p lan t s with 1,350,000 w o r k e r s for a n ent i re y e a r .

Big Business The J a p a n Cen t ra l Pos t E x c h a n g e ,

opera ted by the Uni ted S ta tes A r m y j daily and which supplies s e rv i cemen with tobacco, soap , razor b lades , and m a n y other necess i t ies , now h a s 36 b r a n c h e x c h a n g e out lets in. Korea . In a recen t month , sa les in these Korea outlets amounted to $1,130,-000.00. A total of 625 long tons: of m e r c h a n d i s e is being shipped to Korea each two weeks to m e e t the d e m a n d .

Wateh F o o d Sources But te r , milk , eggs, ; .and cfcfeese

should be of high; qualf ip ts>; gjtve the bes t f lavor &n& fbodr vak t e , §0 buy t h e m from sources, w h e r e t h e y i r e kep t u n d e r r e f r ige ra t ion a n d

fresh suppl ies a r e m a d e ava i lab le

Brushton Home Bureau

T h e Brush ton- Home Bureau will meet Monday, M a r eh 24, a t the school. T h e lesson on bound buttoa-heles will be given by Mrs -Edga r Greene. Members will need a s t r ip of cotton cloth $5 by 5 inches , and another s t r ip 15 by 3 inchss, preferably in a contrasting ecl©r; also, regular sewing equipment. Refresh­ments will be served as usual.

Food for Ocean F i s h F o r both big a n d lit t le fish in the

oceans t he s t a p l e food is w h a t is cal led " p l a n k t o n . " This includes a g r e a t va r i e ty of p lan t s and ani­m a l s with, l i t t le or no powers of m o v e m e n t of thei r own, which a r e c a r r i e d about by t ides and cur­r e n t s . T h e n a m e comes f rom a Greek w o r d m e a n i n g " w a n d e r i n g . " In con t ras t , a n i m a l s such a s whales and fish, which a r e able to s w i m , and thus m o r e or less in­dependent of t ides and cu r r en t s , a r e ca l led " n e k t o n . " This is de­r ived f rom ano the r Greek word, m e a n i n g " s w i m m i n g . "

Wine-Making a

In wine-making, t a r t a r i c acid oc-, curs a s a res idue set t l ing out in the aging of wines, which is known in the indus t ry a s "ar-gols or wine m u d s . "

Head-ead Traffic Mail , express , baggjage, newspa­

pers, and milk, usual ly t r anspor ted in c a r s nea re s t the locomotive, a r e known to ra i l road m e n a s "head­e n d " traffic.

%*U* fer the Brushton-Melra K i w e m s j S l a s i r e l s kave been a n n e u n c e i as fol j lews: B iash ten on April 22, Bteira on Apfil M , Sfc.Regi& Falls on April 24 and B e * * * ? on April 2 £

• • • e g * G u y Marris , Mus ic Ins t ruc to r a t fciBrusbten-MoiraPttblio Schools, is i i r e e t e r . ftfra. Edward Bonahue , Brash­er Pal ls , a*i bees engaged as accompan­ied

S e u a i W a v e s in Liquid Vfeat h a p p e n s when high-pow-

aound w a v e s a r e t u r n e d on a re of m a t e r i a l s in a l iquid?

, , »ty, acco rd ing to Alfred Weiss-figiF of t h e n a v a l r e s e a r c h l abora -^ •ey . ^ e v ib ra t ions of t h e sound ' p»¥*a p i s h indiv idual mo lecu l e s of-

1% l iquid b a c k and forth a mill ion tee a aecond with a force 250,000

t h a t of g rav i ty . If t h e r e is a 0m d teeelved in t h e liquid, tiny CN&foles of t h e g a s fo rm and then **&a*«e with a violent h a m m e r i n g M ^ W L , g e n e r a t i n g p r e s s u r e s of ibawtanda of pounds p e r s q u a r e

and t e m p e r a t u r e s of a few d e g r e e s .

BHS Loses Championship

Brushton High School was defeated by Sfc.Lawrenc'e Oentral Saturday nightf, 52-49, in the championship game of the Franklin-St. Lawrence b o u n t y basket-J bal l t o u r n a m e n t which was played in F A gym in M alone.

St .Regis Falls downed Bombaj School, 44-^7, in the consolation t f i | -

Lead Bronze Strengt t iener Nickel.is: conta ined in var ious lead

bronzea where - i t impr-oves: s t r eng th a n d ehfoSfeages m o r e , favorable dis­t r ibut ion of t h e lead const i tuent .

P a p e r P l a n t s To? - p r h t a pjfe;.ol logsj into tomor­

row's, newspapelES,:" nig-ged mach in­e ry '<• i s =used^aisoj:-aeid^' 'tmd? other ' co.r^©slv^;::Chemlcalsv- .•,..,-•'

_Going Up • Class I ra i l roads , accord ing to

es t ima te s , by t h e I n t e r s t a t e Com­m e r c e Commiss ion , will m a k e cap­i ta l expend i tu res of ner ly $550,-000,000 in the first six m o n t h s of 1951. for locomotives , new freight c a r s and other t r anspo r t a t i on equip­men t , an inc rease of 51.5 p e r .cent above those-nnade in the first half of 1950.

Strengths I m p o r t a n t High p a t e n c y in an a n t i m a l a r i a l

drug is ve ry i m p o r t a n t in i ts use. A d rug l ike the chlorophenyl di-aminopyr imid ine need be taken in very sma l l a m o u n t . The amoun t neces sa ry is so smal l t ha t un­pleasan t side effects and toxic re­act ions a r e avoided, and the cost of t r e a t m e n t is ve ry low.

. L. ' i a m . . - i -

St Peter's Episcopal Church

Rev. John &. Cotton

Holy Eucharist Sunday 9:15 a.m. Church School 10 J 5 a.m.

Park Methodist Chursh IVloka

Sunday School 10 a. m. M orning Worship 11 M Y P 6 p . m . Mid-week Service: Wednesday 8 p m.

Brushton Methodist Cfeurch

M®rning Worabip. 9:45

Church School 10:45

Oyster B o a s t Oys te r roas t s a r e t rad i t iona l along

the in land w a t e r w a y in Nor th Caro- j l ina. Bivalves a r e placed on an iron gra t ing over a fire and a r e ready hx minu te s . During the -war, soldiers from, all over the country indulged in th i s fine eat ing when they were- s ta t ioned along the Caro­lina coast..

Brushton Christian Church

Morning Worship 9:45 Sunday School 1©:45. Pr/ssyer Cottage Meetings each Wednes­

day at 7:30 p . m.

Pilgrim Holiness Church

Rev. O. W. Lawrence, Pas tor

Bed Squa re Red ' Squa re in Moscow w a s built

over 300 y e a r s ago.. I t h a s nothing-to do with the p resen t Red reg ime . In the old Russ ian l anguage the word "red"'* m e a n s ; someth ing very fine or except ional ly good; hence the n a m e Red S q u a r e ,

P o t a t o Crop The 1950: pota to crop was esti­

m a t e d a t 420 mill ion bushels ,- 18 naillion bushels l a r g e r t han las t y e a r when t h e gove rnmen t bought nea r ly 77 million bushels for pr ice suppor t .

Sabbafeh School 10:00. Morning Worship 10:45.. Evening Class Meeting: 7:30, followed

>y a Preaching Service a t 8;<00i Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday

'veoing 7:45. YosiQf People's Service Friday, night


'Christian Science Services

S u n d a y , 11*0 a. nu at-113 E . Main 3*. M alone

March 23. 1952 Subject: MATTER Golden Tex t : Colossians 3:2. ' S e t your affectioD on things, above,, no t ©a things ®n fche ea r th .

E^ryiay L<ow

F. A. CLARE 4 CO., • Brushton, K. If

"Was a nervots wreck from agon«ing pain until I found Pazo!" tjftjar** A, W., San Antonio, Texa *ay*

Spftsd amazing relief from, miseries of simple pn$\ with^ soothing Pa?o*l Acta

-whelps prevent cracking, sore-a^H&fteflmip 1fouTget real com-

ero.s©on/t suffer needless torture W&. M$i> Get Pazo for fast, won-

Sgk'your doctor about it. form.—also tubes with per-

. ^ i g p for easy application; W {Hnimefttand Sttppesilones®


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FURNITURE DEP'T Beds - Mat t resses - Springs


eoerai insurance Phone 7431 M O I K A , N , Y ,

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MARRY R. KERRY | General Insurance | | Phone 7428 M o f r a , N , Y . |

tJM~JI - I •

XSi ^ ettjnfo3blng',lielg for Backach^. l,>0*tJ6igg T/p NigUts, strong

JffWjt$'\i%M, iimaWg'p&saafyizrlieig Sams, c*cl8S UMaSA^; Mxd. &$im ankles, due teJN*&jft3fi3« said ftntsystemie Kidney and BJ*|P$»fB**»> W CySHOtcQUMS fcomplete wfiw&tiititM money BacVgriaVaateed. Ast root efatiae for ey^«x today.

iery, Itching Toes and Fett

W,hen feet burn, stinjg, itch aad^ feel as if they were c^ihg*:£| the flesh, get a.smaU'botlrw'WP Emerald Oil and rab well on j ankles morning andirightfoEjafe^

A rea | discovery for tbotfsa^i _ have found hlessed relief. M6$§£k Emerald Oil is easy and pleasant fe use—stainless—money back If not sat­isfied—good druggists everywhere.

Arthritis Pain £&£ guwfc. '48ngfitfally conrEori;Ing-lielj) for sfflfol&&tT>MpsM WamT&^iam, Arilinfcis,

UBfe^ Sciatica, or Neuralgia try sksV^rSiigh tltis Wood. First dose *a aU^ftntiijg pailFso you can atoand sl&ep more comfortably. (n^rSjiggWt today* ouic^, com-

» t t # n or jaoney back guaranteed.

occasins am LOAFERS At Factory Reduction Ff!;f^ Several Styles and a Wide^Vafiej^ e

Colors to Seleet fmm. , :>v ,: Rfgdlu-m B33& Harrow Widiha*.

(too- moecasia &R13SETON M > T


Gillette ONE-riECE


Me^skm^m^ a Chevrolet Truck to own

New Uses for E q u i p m e n t • » you h a v e a v a c u u m c l e a n e r ,

^Sfcwaaher or i roner in y o u r house? f t fen do» a r e you makinjf t he •mtt, efficient u s e of i t? Cu t t i ng a ji*m, p i e c e of e q u i p m e n t u sua l ly # e a a s l ea rn ing a new skill o r

iging a* hab i t . L e a r n i n g a new t a k e s ' t i m e a n d a g r e a t dea l

p r a c t i c e . Bu t f requent u s t of e q u i p m e n t i s t h e ' only way

"H ge t y o u r "money's worth,** e x a m p l e * us ing- a n i roned for

.. p i eces is e a s y . B u t us ing J* for A i r t is i ^ r ^ - d j K f i e t t l t a n d re» f«e m o r e **dH. U s e i t l o r shif ts

);»¥•? passible^ a n d you^ll goon \ t h e skill* ~ / ]

Color Ou ide 9 9 jrou h a v e a good eye to$ color

.Vfhing? If not, w isa s h o p p e r s s n a t c h i n g m a t e r i a l s * b t t t t o ^

t g loves , o r o the r a c c e s s -wil l o&rry c - o l f r t g u i d e

' leans e r m a t e r i a l p a e t e d ' o n book cove r s . E a s y i b t o t t in

• » a g s o r p u r s e s , t h i s color t eh ing s y s t e m a v o i d s m i s t a k e s .

J-V-^^fflU'11'1 " ' ^ ' " " I J syaessnsE"

"WANT 99

F«»»d, To m^% ¥*£* iikejptotioe« &&fr&Mj#*

w»1t* &**& wiffloKier.




WATSON MAMHil Has been appointed to serve-;-a» ou

local representative, ih Brushton and YiUmUg^

Every Kind of Insurance . Eseeg t Liiei, }

M-a-ione, - . - JL. Jt*

TEASKHEA^gJIS! Most attacks aEBiJ-asji; B|a;

indigestion. When it strikes, take 'B^i-j^ff^s tablets. TJiey coataiH the fastest^&^taig:-medicmes known to doctors for tfeefS$SSC ^ { •b.ear.tBUrii. gas and similar distress.. 2§|i . x

Mmto J-UU"fa-

ids of Mb Prifitio


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Fact Na. 1 . • . Saves you money on purchase

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Just about two and a half million users, of Chevrolet t racts are proving you can't buy a better truck to nave your moneys

You save when you buy. You save on operation and upkeep. You save on getting the job done fast and ri^ht. You save when you, tracte*

Come ort In and let's talk over your hauling or delivery needsy and then take a look at the kind'of truck you want on youx job.


fJce* a particular clSBS of work for a part icular

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Floor Surfacing Contractor

We know how and do item r ight for those - who ea*e,"

tt M O I M , N. Y.

res igned to sge§dQsr ?mm simple headaehe And. pJ3lliul diseoisfoxts of nexira^ia*

Treasured doses —* Sp 5^gSet form for quick a3S&&2&i3fcn>

Eroof of meri t . &m* type for­mula over one-third ceng^it*

Stanflar^ If- p* P . fBgreaie Eaboravory t l s t e ^ ^ ^ c e j i ^ i

I n p£i0e ranee o t ejverrone. We •and $5c SBSOL

**" ., — * Cautioni Use only u s tfrecteC


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