Blood Neoplams March 2010

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  • Blood Neoplams

    March 2010

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  • Learning issues

    Understand the nature of common blood neoplasms (AML, ALL, CML, CLL): Clinical presentation, Pathology, complications and prognosis

    Classification of Blood neoplasms To know the different laboratory

    methods in diagnosis of blood neoplasms

  • White Blood Cells:

  • Leucopoiesis:

    1. Myeloblast2. Promyelocyte3. Myelocyte4. Metamyelocyte5. Band Neutrophil6. Segmented Neutrophil.

    Myeloid cells

  • WBC disorders:

    Reactive increase in number philias Neutrophilia Bacterial sepsis Lymphocytosis viral, Immune Eosinophilia Allergy & Parasites.

    Decreased number penias Neutropenia, Lymphopenia &

    Eosinopenia, Pancytopenia Drugs, viral infections, Radiation,

    chemotherapy etc.

  • WBC Neoplastic disorders

    Leukemias Bone marrow, blood, blast cells Acute/Chronic & Myeloid/Lymphoid AML / ALL & CML / CLL

    Lymphomas Lymph nodes, tumor Hodgkins Non-Hodgkins

    Myeloma Premalignant conditions:

    Myeloproliferative syndromes (MPS) Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)

  • Classification

    Clinically: Acute, chronic Morphology: Myeloid, Lymphoid Old classification followed was FAB

    Using peripheral smear, bone marrow study, cytochemistry

    Latest is WHO classification of blood neoplasms Immunophenotyping, cytogenetics, Molecular


  • Leukemia Classification

    Acute Leukemias: Acute Myeloid Leukemia - AML

    AML M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 & M7 Acute Lymphoid Leukemia - ALL

    ALL - L1, L2 & L3 Chronic Leukemias:

    Chronic Myeloid Leukemia- CML Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia - CLL

  • General Age Distribution:

    ALL- Younger age population: 4-10 yrs AML- Young Adults: 15-40 yrs CML- Older adults: 30-60 yrs CLL- Old age group: 50-70 yrs

  • Acute Leukemias:

    Rapid onset & Rapid progression High Mortality Plenty of Blasts >20% (in PS & or BM) Anemia, infection & bleeding ALL-Typically presents as

    Lymphadenopathy AML- Associated with


  • Etiology

    Radiation: Ionizing, Non ionizing. Chemicals: Benzene, alkyalating agents. Viruses: Leukemogenic viruses with RT

    enzyme, HTLV-1. Genetic factors: Downs, Blooms,

    Fanconis, Ataxia talengiectasia.

  • Ac Leukemia - Clinical Features

    Suppression of normal hematopoesis Anemia (low RBC) Fever - Infections (low WBC) Bleeding tendency (low PLT) Tender bones, lymphadenopathy,

    spleenomegaly etc. (Leukemic infiltration)

  • Clinical features of AML

    Primarily in adults and in infants less than 1 yr

    15 to 20% of all leukemias Less No. of cases after age 50 yrs. Abrupt onset of symptoms.. Within

    weeks to months.

  • Palor, fatigue, weakness, anaemia. Bleeding, bruising, petichial

    hemorrhages. Infections, pneumonia, meningitis Spleenomegaly, hepatomegaly,

    lymphadenopathy. DIC in AML-M3, skin infiltration soft

    tissue masses in AML- M5 etc.

  • PlateletCoagulation

    Petechiae, Purpura Hematoma, Joint bl.

  • AML-M5 - Gum Hypertrophy:

  • Organomegaly

  • Diagnosis of AML

    High index of clinical suspicion Family history, past history. Simple PS examination. PS, Bone marrow, Cytochemistry,

    Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetics, Other lab tests: Serum uric acid, LDH,

    RFT, Sr.Ca, electrolytes


    RBC are normocytic normochromic WBC count is increased , Rarely it is

    decreased or Normal. Majority of cells are Immature cells- Blasts PS shows > 20% Myeloblasts Mature neutrophils are less Morphology of AML M0- M7 type Low platelets

  • BM examination in AML

    Hypercellular Marrow Blasts are > 20% Blasts with intracytoplasmic rods- Auer

    Rods Increased M: E ratio Less of Megakaryocytes

  • AML-M2 - with maturation

  • AML-M3 Promyelocytic

  • Special investigations

    Difficult to distinguish blasts among other cells Cytochemistry

    Blast cells show reaction to cytochemical stains. This property is used to identify & differentiate cells

    Myeloblasts are +ve for Sudan black B & Myeloperoxidase (MPO)

    Lymphoblasts are +ve for Periodic acid schiff (PAS) AML M4 & M5 blasts are +ve for Non- specific esterase

    (NSE) Immunophenotyping

    Identifying cells by surface markers using antibodies

  • NSE positive in AML-M5

  • Cytogenetics in AML

    To detect genetic abnormality in leukemias

    Confirms the diagnosis Prognostication of patients t(15;17) in AML M3 t(8;21) in AML M2 inv16 in AML M4

  • ALL-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

    Common in Children. FAB classification L1, L2 & L3 Neoplastic cells are CD10 +ve & most are

    Pre B cell type. 2% of child ALL & 20-30% of adult onset

    ALL has t(9;22) Growth failure, Fever, Anemia

    Lymphadenopathy, bleeding. Mild to Moderate Hepatosplenomegaly

  • ALL:Cervical Lymphadenopathy

  • Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy - ALL

  • ALL-L2

  • Diagnosis of ALL

    High clinical suspicion PS & BM study (aspiration/ biopsy)

    Morphological diagnosis Lymphnode aspiration & biopsy Immunophenotyping, cytogenetics Imaging (USG scan, CT)

  • Chronic leukemias

    Also divided as Myeloid and lymphoid (FAB)

    Have indolent course. More mature forms are seen in the PS

    like lymphocyte and neutrophil Blasts in PS or BM is less than 20% (5-

    10%) WBC counts are very high

  • Chronic Myeloproliferative syndrome

    1. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)2. Polycythaemia vera3. Essential thrombocytosis4. Myelofibrosis.

    Marrow fibrosis Cytopenias

    Acute leukemia

  • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

    Middle age 40-60y, insidious onset Philadelphia chromosome, t(9:22) Anemia, Fever & Bleeding Marked leucocytosis >1,00,000/ cumm Marked splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly,

    weight loss Sometimes, discovered accidentally Three phases: Chronic, Accelerated, Blast



    Clonal stem cell disorder. Targeted at PSC.

    All hemopoetic cells are involved in the neoplasm.

    Acquired chromosomal abnormality Ph (Philadelphia) chromosome is found in all neoplastic blood cells


    Reciprocal translocation b/w Chr 9 & 22 t (9;22) Movement of ABL (Abelson) gene on

    Chr 9 to BCR (Break point cluster) gene on Chr 22.

    The translocation produces abnormal protein called p210.

    Additional Chr abnormalities: Tri 8, Loss of Y, additional Ph.


    Expressed in all blood cells except in T lymphocytes & few B cells.

    2-5% of child ALL, 25% of adult ALL & some AML are also Ph Positive.

    The abnormal protein may by p210 or p190.


    Moderate anemia: 8 to 11 gm/dl Markedly elevated WBC count with full

    spectrum. Counts up to 500 X 109 /L Myeloblasts up to 10%. PLT count may be normal, decreased or

    increased. Increased in early CML (Chronic) Late CML Thrombocytopenia


    Segmented neutrophils & myelocytes constitute majority of cells

    Monocytes, Basophils, eosinophils are also increased

    Basophilia & eosinophilia > 20% Aggressive course

    Decreased LAP score (Increased in Leukaemoid reaction) LAP = Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase


    Chronic phase may last 30 40 months.

    Accelerated phase: Increasing spleen, severe prostration, raising WBC count, worsening of anaemia, Thrombocytopenia, blasts 10-19%, increasing Basophils, eosinophils.

    Blast crisis: 1/3rd may develop blast crisis.= AML.


    Now classified as AML. Survival 1-2 months. Blasts in PS & or BM >20%. Need aggressive treatment. Counts may decrease in PS. Few patients go in for


  • NOW..CML what Next??

    Chronic course Spontaneous remission Accelerated phase Blast crisis


    Leukocytosis exceeding 50,000 WBC/mm3 Increase in band cells, myelocytes,

    metamyelocytes, promyelocytes Generally benign and are not dangerous Response to a chronic bacterial disease state Blood picture is similar to CML Blast cells in BM aspirate are < 2% Increase in Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP

    score) No Basophilia No Ph cromosome Counts return to normal following Antibiotics

  • Leukemoid Reaction:

  • CMLMalignancyHepatosplenomegalyLarge spleenSlow courseTotal count IncreasedThrombocytosisLAP decreasedPh chromosomeBasophilia

    Leukemoid reactionInflammatory lesionHepatomegalyMild spleen if presentShort durationIncreased but not muchPlatelets- NormalLAP increasedNo Ph chromosomeAntibiotics

    Differences between CML & Leukemoid Rn

  • CLL:

    Most common in Older age (60-70yr). May be asymptomatic. Present with Lymphadenopathy Indolent course. No need of aggressive therapy.

  • Morphology in CLL

    PS: Total count increased, Majority are Mature lymphocytes, Smudge cells, (Smear cells, Basket cells), Less of neutrophils

    Some prolymphocytes + Identical tumor of Lymphnode SLL (small

    lymphocytic lymphoma) Autoimmune HA, Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia

    is common (10% of cases) May progress to aggressive types

    Prolymphocytic leukemia Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (Richter syndrome)

  • CLL:

  • Myeloproliferative Syndromes:

    Neoplasms, Slow, Chronic, Proliferation Increased, Functionally abnormal cells. Extramedullary hemopoiesis - Organomegaly Progress to Leukemia end stage. Classification:

    Polycythemia rubra vera (PV) Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Essential Thrombocythemia (ET) Myelofibrosis (MF)

  • MPS: Classification


    Increase in cellular blood elements Unregulated proliferation of erythroid

    elements in BM. Affects the pluripotent stem cells

    granulocytes & platelets are also affected.


    Polycythemia Vera (Primary) Secondary Polycythemia:

    High altitude, COPD, Obesity, Tumors, CRF,

    Relative Polycythemia:Giasbocks syndrome, dehydration.


    Clonal stem cell defect EPO independent unregulated

    erythrocyte hyperplasia. Hypersensitivity of erythroid stem cells

    to EPO, GF & abnormal GF.


    Ages of 40-60 yrs. Asymptomatic for several years Increased red cell massheadache,

    weakness, pruritis, Wt. loss. Thrombotic episodes. Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly. Hypertension, plethora, congestion of eyes

  • BLOOD & BM

    Hb: >18gm%, PCV > 52% in males. ESR < 4 mm/hr Leukocytosis: 12-20K, shift to left. LAP is > 100. Plt > 4,00,000., giant forms, abnormal

    aggregation. Hypercellular marrow, M:E ratio is normal,

    increase in Megakaryocytes


    No known cure. Phlebotomy, Myelosuppression Progression to Myelofibrosis or rarely

    acute leukemia.

  • Summary: Leukemias Starts in marrow spread to blood

    Anemia, infections & Bleeding Enlargement of Liver, Spleen lymphnodes Acute/Chronic & Myeloid & Lymphoid.

    Lymphomas Tumors of lymphnodes. Fever & lymphadenopathy Types - Hodgkins & non- hodgkins, special types.

    Premalignant conditions MDS: Myelodysplastic syn Less & Dysplastic MPS: Myeloproliferative dis -Excess & abnormal

  • Learning issues

    Understand the nature of common blood neoplasms (AML, ALL, CML, CLL): Clinical presentation, Pathology, complications and prognosis

    Classification of Blood neoplasms To know the different laboratory

    methods in diagnosis of blood neoplasms