SMK N 3 AMUNTAI SOAL ULANGAN UMUM SEMESTER GENAP TAHUN PELAJARAN 2015/2016 Mata Pelajaran : Kelas/Jurusan : Hari/Tanggal : Waktu : Guru Mata Pelajaran : Petunjuk Soal : Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang kamu anggap benar! 1. Listrik AC menghasilkan gelombang berbentuk a. Kotak b. Segitiga c. Sinusoidal d. Gabungan e. Tak Beraturan 2. Yang dimaksud dengan kuat arus listrik adalah... a. Transistor b. Kapasitor c. Resistor d. Transformator e. Dioda 3. Arus listrik mengalir dari 4. Satuan untuk tegangan adalah... a. Volt b. Ampere c. Watt d. Henry e. Ohm 5. Apa satuan kuat arus listrik... a. Volt b. Ampere c. Watt d. Henry e. Ohm 6. Berikut ini yang termasuk sumber arus AC adalah a. Batu Baterai b. Aki c. Power Bank d. Listrik PLN e. 7. Batu baterai adalah sumber arus ... a. AC b. Searah

Give your sale a head start

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Greg Hocking commentary

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12 February 2013

Give your sale a head start

With the auction year underway, many observers have noted the relatively modest number of properties currently up for sale. With the pool of buyers growing and the market buoyed by the solid results recorded in the last quarter, sellers who have commenced their sales campaigns are reaping the rewards. Our weekend open for inspections on both Saturday and Sunday have been extremely well attended. We are now experiencing an increasing number of buyers on the lookout for their next property. Buyer numbers will continue to rise as the full effect of the December interest rate cut comes through in the first few months of the year, and investor interest is also growing. First home buyers are out in strong numbers as a result of the lower interest rates and improved affordability. The early auction results will set the trend for the first half of the year, and while many sellers are watching from the sidelines, those who have taken the steps to list their property are well poised to get a head start on the market. Take advantage of the current market conditions and fast track your sales campaign by calling us for an obligation-free market appraisal today.

Greg Hocking