17-18 June, 2019 - Dubai, UAE Global Scientific Event on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics GSEAMO-2019

Global Scientific Event on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical ...Molecular physics, while closely related to atomic physics also overlaps greatly with theoretical chemistry, physical chemistry

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Page 1: Global Scientific Event on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical ...Molecular physics, while closely related to atomic physics also overlaps greatly with theoretical chemistry, physical chemistry

17-18 June, 2019 - Dubai, UAE

Global Scientific Event on

Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics


Page 2: Global Scientific Event on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical ...Molecular physics, while closely related to atomic physics also overlaps greatly with theoretical chemistry, physical chemistry

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Global Scientific Event on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics


This book presents the abstracts of the 1st Global Scientific Event on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics conference focused on the theme "Exploring current trends in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics" that is taking place in Crown Plaza-Deira, Dubai-UAE. The conference is proudly organized by Oscine Group, an open access e-publisher and conference organizer. The new tendency is that atomic physics gets strongly linked with quantum optics, molecular physics and statistical physics. Molecular physics, while closely related to atomic physics also overlaps greatly with theoretical chemistry, physical chemistry and chemical physics. The topics of the conference GSEAMO-19 has been chosen to be in harmony with rapid evolution of the field.

GSEAMO-19 aided to encourage the further advancement of AMO through fruitful discussions among specialists. The conference provides an international forum to present discuss, and exchange their recent research work, novel developments in the field of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. The scientific technical programme of two days international conference has plenary talks, Keynote speech-es, contributed oral talks, and posters presentations in categories shown in the this proceedings.

Our Advisory Committee consists of experts in the various source subfields. Extended efforts taken by reviewers who contributed to improve the quality of papers provided constructive comments; improve-ments and corrections to the authors are greatly appreciated. We express our great gratitude to all invit-ed speakers and to all participants for their enthusiastic participation in this conference to make it successful.

Disclaimer: The content of abstracts expresses opinion of the respective authors and is fully under their responsibility. Use of the content of the Book without the author’s permission is not authorized.

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Some Novelties in Laser Driven Nonlinear Plasmonics


Norbert KrooHungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

AbstractSet of unique results of nonlinear surface Plasmon (SPP) phenomena are presented. The SPPs have been excit-ed in a gold film by fem to second Ti:Sa lasers in the Kretschman geometry. Response signals to these excitations of a near field scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and spectra of SPPs assisted electron emission by the time-of-flight (TOF) technique have been studied. Abroad spectrum of room temperature experimental obser-vations is described here. Laser intensity dependent electron pairing and associated Meissner type magnetic anomalies have been found in a wide laser intensity range around 80 GW/cm2,The dynamical screening effect of electrons by the high plasmonic field is also described. Smooth and Nano structured gold films have been studied. The plasmonic field enhancement effect in the structured sample is significantly higher. The SPP assisted electro emission and acceleration effect is also described. Narrow resonances have been found in the time-of-flight spectra of electrons with anomalies in the laser intensity range of electron pairing. The temporal and quantum feature of these resonances is also discussed. Some further quantum properties of SPPs are also presented, found both in the STM and TOF electron emission data. Some of the theoretical interpretations of our findings is also discussed. Some of these findings may serve as the basis for several new applications.

BiographyProfessor Norbert Kroo, Past Secretary General and Vice-President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), and member of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council, was founding director of the Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics of HAS. He is Honoris Causa Professor Doctor of the Roland Eotvos University (H).He worked in several countries, and with outstanding scientist like Herbert Walter and Alex-ander Prokhorov. He is the former president of the European Physical Society and member, honorary member or doctor of several distinguished scientific institutions and universities. (Academia Europaea, Spanish Royal Academy, Jordanian Royal Scientific Society, European Academy of Science and Arts, Euroscience, etc.). He has received awards from many states and their academies. His latest decorations are: the Alexander von Hum-boldt Research Prize (D), the Wallis E. Lamb Award for Laser Physics and Quantum Electronics (USA), the Com-mander of the Order of the Lion Award (Finland), The Middle Cross with the Star (H), the Charls Hard Townes Distinguished Lecturer Award and the Hungarian Prima Primissima Prize for Science. He is Honorary Member of the European Physical Society. He was member of the High Level Expert Group on Digital Libraries (EU) and the European Research Advisory Board, Chair of the Research Infrastructure Expert Group of the EU and founding member of the European Research Council as member of its Scientific Council. In 2016 he was elected as the best scientific popularizer of science and a small planet has been named after him. His research fields: neutron physics, laser physics and quantum optics, plasmonics. He has published more than 320 scientific papers, and is the owner of 40 patents.

Recent Publications1. Project - Plasmonics2. Plasmonics—the interaction of light with metal surface electrons - Norbert Kroo, Péter Rácz3. Invited Comment Surface plasmons: a strong alliance of electrons and light - Norbert Kroo, Sandor Varro, Péter Rácz, Péter Dombi

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Possible Implications for Discovery of Strong Radial Magnetic Field at the Galactic Center


Qiuhe PengNanjing University, China, Nanjing


Anomaly strong radial magnetic field near the galactic center (GC) is detected. The lower limit of the radial magnetic field at r = 0.12 pc from the GC is B≥bmG. Its possible scientific significances are following: The black hole model at the GC is incorrect. The reason is very simple as follows; the radiations observed from the region neighbor of the GC are hardly emitted by the gas of accretion disk which is prevented from approaching to the GC by the abnormally strong radial magnetic field. This is an anticipated signal for existence of magnetic mono-poles (MM). The lower limit of the detected radial magnetic field is quantitatively in agreement with the predic-tion of the paper “An AGN model with MM”. Magnetic monopoles may play a key role in some very important astrophysical problems: Nucleons may decay catalyzed by MM (RC effect according to the particle physics). Taking the RC effect as an energy source, we have proposed a unified model for various supernova explosions. And we may explain the physical reason of the Hot Big Bang of the Universe with the similar mechanism of super-nova explosion by using the RC effect as an energy source.


Professor Qiu-he Peng graduated from Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University. Qiu-he Peng has served over the years for Astrophysics. His main research areas including nuclear astrophysics, particle astrophysics and galactic astronomy. Peng’s researches involve pulsars, the supernova explosion mechanism and the thermonu-clear reaction inside the star, the synthesis of heavy elements and interstellar radioactive element such as the origin of celestial 26Al. Prof. Qiu-he Peng is the first Chinese Astrophysicist to visit NASA and to give a lecture on the topic, “Nuclear Synthesis of Interstellar 26Al”. Inviting six astronomers of USA to give series lectures, he has hosted four consecutive terms summer school on gravitational wave astronomy. After the four summer school obvious effect, at least 20 young scholars in China in the field of gravitational wave astronomy specialized learn-ing and research. 220 research papers by him have been published.

Recent Publications1. The Physical Essence of Pulsar Glitch - Qiu-He PengJing-Jing LiuChih-Kang Chou2. The Physics of Magnetars II - The Electron Fermi Energy of and the Origin of High X-ray Luminosity of Magnetars - Qiu-He PengJie ZhangChih-Kang ChouZhi-fu Gao3. Query on Accelerating Expansion of the Universe by Error Analysis of Ia Supernova- Qiu-He Peng, J Zhang, Z-Q Luo, Yu Liang

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Optical coherence tomography-from micron to nanometer resolution


Sheng-Lung HuangNational Taiwan University, Taiwan


Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been demonstrated as a powerful tool for characterizing biomedi-cal tissues as well as microstructures in semiconductors, liquid crystal display panels, photonic integrated wave-guides. Using broadband crystalline fiber based light sources from visible to near-infrared wavelength range, sub-micron resolution was achieved for non-invasive and label-free applications. The crystalline fibers were fabricated by the laser-heated pedestal growth method. Recent advancement on the co-drawing laser-heat-ed pedestal growth technique will be introduced in the talk. Since the axial resolution of OCT depends also on the center wavelength, nanometer resolution could be realized with the use of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light source. A diode-laser seeded multi-stage fiber master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) has been developed with millijoule pulse energy at a 6-nanosecond pulse width. To generate the 13.5-nm EUV, laser-produced plasma was excited using the MJ-MOPA system. In this talk, a novel EUV-based OCT with common-path configu-ration will be presented. As an example, the complex transfer function of a Si/Mo multilayer beam splitter is obtained. The measured thickness of the Si/Mo multilayer beam splitter agrees well with the one calculated from the fabrication parameters. The result strongly suggests the method s applicability as a new nondestructive tomographic tool for nanometer-scale actinic patterned EUV mask inspection.


Professor Sheng-Lung Huang is with the Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics (GIPO), National Taiwan University. Starting 2007, he served as the Chairman of GIPO for 3 years. He was also a guest professor at the Abbe School of Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, Germany, 2014. Dr. Huang served as Chair-man of IEEE Photonics Society Taipei Chapter from 2005 to 2006. He was a steering board member, European Master of Science in Photonics (EMSP). Presently, Dr. Huang is an Associate Editor, IEEE Photonics Journal. He served as a Topical Editor, Optics Letters, for 6 years (2005–2011). Dr. Huang’s research interest is on crystalline fiber based devices and biomedical tomographic applications.

Recent Publications1. Optical Coherence Tomography: Emerging In Vivo Optical Biopsy Technique for Oral Cancers -- Prashanth Pant, Chih Wei Lu, Piyush Kumar, Renu John,Sheng-Lung Huang et al.2. Optical Coherence Tomography: Emerging In Vivo Optical Biopsy Technique for Oral Cancers: Novel Strate gies and Clinical Impact -- Prashanth Panta, Chih Wei Lu, Piyush Kumar, Renu John, Sheng-Lung Huang, et al.3. Higher Gain of Single-Mode Cr-Doped Fibers Employing Optimized Molten-Zone Growth -- Chun-Nien Liu, Tsung-Hau Wang, Ting-Sou, Wood-Hi Cheng, et al.4. Interferometry-based EUV spectrometer - Yen-Yin, LiYin-Wen, Sheng-Lung Huang, et al.

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The Use of Velocity Mapped Ion Imaging to Study Inelastic Scattering of Excited State Molecules


David W. ChandlerSandia National Laboratory, United States


Stereodynamics is the study of the impact of orientation and alignment of atoms and molecules on reactivity and the production of alignment and orientation of atoms and molecules from reactivity. One tool that has been instrumental in the observation of alignment and orientation has been the ion imaging technique with all of its variations. The use of polarized laser beams to resonantly produce ions that whose positions are measured allows one to measure, with little effort, the alignment or orientation of scattered products for a particular scat-tering velocity. Crossed molecular beam studies utilizing velocity mapped ion imaging have provided the first three and four vector-correlated studies of collisional dynamics. The crossed beams provide a definition of the incoming velocity vector and the ion imaging measures the alignment or orientation of the product for each product scattering velocity. When the reactants are produced in a manner that provides an alignment or orien-tation then four vectors are correlated and the dynamics of the collision is investigated with extreme precision. This provides a very stringent test for the theories of scattering and reactivity. Recent studies involving laser preparation of oriented species will be highlighted as well as previous studies that highlight the utility of this tech-nique for the study of stereodynamics. In particular the scattering of laser prepared and oriented NO (A N=2) with Ne will be discussed.


Professor Dave Chandler received his BS degree in Chemistry from University of New Mexico and PhD in chemis-try at IU, under George Ewing. After a postdoctoral fellowship with Richard N. Zare (Stanford) he became a scientist at Sandia National Laboratory where he pursued his interest in photochemistry of small molecules and energy transfer. For invention of the Ion Imaging technique he was elected as Fellow of American Physical Soci-ety, 1998, and received the Herbert P. Broida Award from the American Physical Society, 2001. He published over 100 papers and is an Associate Editor of JCP and Chairman of the Division of Chemical Physics of the APS.

Recent Publications1. Non-intuitive rotational reorientation in collisions of NO(A 2Σ+) with Ne from direct measurement of a four-vec tor correlation - Tom Sharples, Joseph G Leng, Thomas F. M. Luxford, Matthew L Costen, David H Parker, et al.2. Perspective: Advanced particle imaging - David Chandler, P. L. Houston, David H Parker3. Alignment of the hydrogen molecule under intense laser fields- Gary V. Lopez, Martin Fournier, Justin Jankunas, David Chandler, et al.

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1. Project - Plasmonics2. Plasmonics—the interaction of light with metal surface electrons - Norbert Kroo, Péter Rácz3. Invited Comment Surface plasmons: a strong alliance of electrons and light - Norbert Kroo, Sandor Varro, Péter Rácz, Péter Dombi

Strain-induced Flexoelectric Related Effects in Bi2Te3 Films


Ning DaiChinese Academy of Sciences, China


As a typical 3D topological insulator, Bismuth Telluride (Bi2Te3) and its alloys have recently attracted significant interests due to their unique layered structures. In fact, they are also well-known thermoelectric materials with high thermoelectric coefficient near room temperature (RT) for applications in waste-heat recovery, refrigera-tion or portable power generation, since they possess notable properties such as a prominent Seebeck effect, low thermal conductivity and high value of the carrier concentration in RT. In addition, Bi2Te3 is a narrow band-gap semiconductor (0.15 eV at RT) and has been used to fabricate infrared detectors. Herein, notable flexoelectric effect has been observed in strained Bi2Te3 films owing to the stress gradient. Utilizing this effect, the bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE) has been extended to the infrared wavelengths in these films, which was only found in wide band-gap ferroelectric materials before. Furthermore, an anomalous thermoelectricity in strained Bi2Te3 films, i.e., the value of Seebeck coefficient S that changes after reversing the direction of temperature gradient, has also been demonstrated. This effect provides a new avenue to adjust the S of Bi2Te3-based thermo-electric materials through flexoelectric polarization.


Professor Ning Dai completed his PhD from University of Notre Dame, USA and has been working on condensed matter physics at Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2001. Prior to joining Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, he had been cooperating research at University of Oklahoma, USA. His area of research includes the synthesis and characterization of infrared optoelectronic materials and devices.

Recent Publications1. Template-free electrodeposition of SnS nanotubes and their photoelectrochemical properties2. Nonstoichiometric Oxygen‐Dependent Microstructures and Phase Transitions in Post‐Annealed Vanadium Dioxides3. Strained 2D Layered Materials and Heterojunctions4. Preparation of humidity, abrasion, and dust resistant antireflection coatings for photovoltaic modules via dual precursor modification and hybridization of hollow silica nanospheres

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1. The Physical Essence of Pulsar Glitch - Qiu-He PengJing-Jing LiuChih-Kang Chou2. The Physics of Magnetars II - The Electron Fermi Energy of and the Origin of High X-ray Luminosity of Magnetars - Qiu-He PengJie ZhangChih-Kang ChouZhi-fu Gao3. Query on Accelerating Expansion of the Universe by Error Analysis of Ia Supernova- Qiu-He Peng, J Zhang, Z-Q Luo, Yu Liang

Two-Dimensional Excitonics for Giant Optical Nonlinearity in the Near-IR


Wei JiNational University of Singapore


As emerged recently, Excitonics is related to the understanding, control and harnessing of optically-excited, electron-hole pairs (or Excitons) in nanoscale environments. Here, for the first time, we present our two-dimen-sional excitonic models to quantitatively predict the giant optical nonlinearity in terms of Two-Photon Absorption (2PA) and Three-Photon Absorption (3PA), for monolayer transition-metal di-chalcogenides or layered organ-ic-inorganic hybrid perovskites. Based on quantum mechanical perturbation theories, our theoretical models predict that the 2PA or 3PA coefficients should be as large as ~ 30 cm/MW, or ~ 3 cm3/GW2, respectively, at room temperature. By decreasing the operating temperature to 77 K, an enhancement of three-orders-of-magnitude should be anticipated by the models. To verify our models and to demonstrate such giant multi-photon absorp-tion for photoconduction or light frequency up-conversion, we fabricate an exfoliated monolayer MoS2 sub-band photo-detector, or layered organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites for light frequency up-converters. From photocurrent or photoluminescence measurements with femtosecond-laser-pulse excitation in the near-IR spectrum, we experimentally determine the 2PA and 3PA spectra of monolayer MoS2, or, the 3PA spectra of layered organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites, respectively. We find that our models are in agreement with the measurements, within one order of magnitude.


Professor Wei Ji obtained his B.Sc. in Physics from Fudan University, Shanghai, China (1982) and was awarded M.Sc. in Optoelectronics and Laser Devices and PhD in Physics by Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK in 1984 and 1986, respectively. Currently, he is a professor at the Physics Department, National University of Singapore. He is also a visiting professor at Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. His research interests cover the nonlinear optical properties of nano-scale materials, and their applications for photonics and optoelectronics. He has authored 200 research papers or more published in scientific journals. Total citation of his papers is over 8000 with the h-index of 56 or higher.

Recent Publications1. A glucose biosensor based on electrodeposition of palladium nanoparticles and glucose oxidase onto Nafion-solubilized carbon nanotube electrode. 2. Electrochemical genosensing properties of gold nanoparticle–carbon nanotube hybrid.

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Multiferroic Properties in Spin-frustrated Materials


Hung-Duen YangNational Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan


Multiferroic behaviors in Spin-Frustrated systems Spine Cu2OSeO3, Kagome Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl and pyrochore Cu2OCl2 are presented. For Cu2OSeO3, it exhibits ferrimagnetic Tc and ferroelectric ordering transitions TE at T~58 K. Moreover, it show an unique so-called “Skyrmion” phase within 53 K ≤T≤ 57 K and 150 G ≤H≤ 400 G in H-T phase diagram. Splitting of skyrmion phase was observed in Zn-doped Cu2OSeO3. For Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl, without mag-netic field, an antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition is clearly established at TN ~ 25 K. Above the critical field HC ~ 0.8 T, a metamagnetic spin-flip transition from AFM to ferrimagnetic (FI) order at T ~ TN is induced anisotropically only for H // c. Simultaneously, a ferroelectric behavior is observed below T ~ TN, then a corresponding type-II multiferroics emerges above HC. The key mechanism of magnetic field induced anisotropic spin-flip and then multiferroicity in Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl can be ascribed to the breaking of magnetic two-fold symmetry in the b-c plane above HC. For Cu2OCl2, a new type of multiferroic behavior of the coexistence the collinear AFM below TN,~70 K and a long-range antiferroelectric (AFE) ordering near TN ~75 K were was observed. It also shows a new kind of mechanism of charge transfer driven antiferroelectricity in contrast to most known DM interactions observed in multiferroics. These findings provide insight into the various origins of high-TC multiferroics.


Dr. Hung-Duen Yang completed his PhD from Iowa State University at 1987, USA and has worked as an Associ-ated and Professor in Physics since 1987, then Chairman of Physics, Dean of College Science and President of National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan. During 2001~2016, he also served short-term administrative positions of Director General of Natural Science, Deputy Minister and Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology, Profes-sor Yang’s academic research is mainly focusing on low-temperature condensed-matter experimental physics, such as superconductivity, magnetism, multiferroics, and nano-materials.

Recent Publications1. Crystal structure and physical properties of Cr and Mn oxides with 3d3 electronic configuration with K2NiF4-type structure.2. THz Generation and Detection on Dirac Fermions in Topological Insulators.

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Application of Plasma in Developing Renewable Energy


Mohamad Reza RahimpourDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


There are different methods for the CO2 neutral fuel production. Fast pyrolysis of lignin is one of the attractive methods for this process. Due to the high oxygen content (10-45 wt.%) of the derived bio-oil, i.e. lignin, from this process, the deoxygenation of product is required. There are disadvantages of the high oxygen content of the derived bio-oil. The high oxygen content, decrease the heating value of the fuel as well as increasing the corro-sive properties of the fuel. High oxygen content also decrease the stability, increase the viscosity and caused the immiscibility of the bio-oil with other fuels. Hence bio-oil upgrading is necessary for removal of the oxygen content of the bio-oil to decrease the disadvantages of this type of fuel. In this research the bio-oil upgrading process, in a plasma reactor, was investigated experimentally for the guaiacol. Hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol was performed in a combination of dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor and different commer-cial catalysts. Catalysts contain the Ni, Co-Mo, Ni-Mo, Pt-Re and Pt-Cl active sites supported on alumina struc-ture. The required hydrogen in hydrodeoxydeation reaction, was provide by cracking of the methyl groups of the guaiacol structure. The effect of operating parameters, including the applied plasma voltage, guaiacol flow and argon flow rate was investigated in the conversion efficiency of guaiacol. Results indicated that the maximum conversion of guaiacol was 92%, while the maximum deoxygenation degree was 65% in the presence of Pt. type catalysts. The conversion of guaiacol was increased by increasing the applied voltage and increas-ing the argon flow rate up to 150 ml.min-1. However decreasing in the guaiacol flow rate, increase the conver-sion of guaiacol.


Professor Mohammad Reza Rahimpour is a professor in Chemical Engineering at Shiraz University, Iran. During his stay in University of California from 2012 till 2017, he developed different reaction networks and catalytic processes such as thermal and plasma reactors for upgrading of lignin bio-oil to biofuel with collaboration of Prof. Bruce C. Gates research group in UCDAVIS. He is teaching courses such as Natural gas processing and conditioning, Heterogonous catalysis, Chemical reaction engineering, applied mathematics and Modeling in chemical engineering in both graduate and undergraduate levels. More than 40 Ph.D students and 200 M.Sc. students were graduated under his supervision. Prof. M.R. Rahimpour has collaboration with Prof. Angelo Basile Research Group in Italy for more than 5 years in researches about syngas and hydrogen production using cata-lytic membrane reactors. All in all, he has been named in the list of most highly cited researcher worldwide with publishing over 400 articles, books and chapter books and 200 conference presentations.

Recent Publications1. Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of bio-oil using in situ generated hydrogen in plasma reactor: Effects of allumina supported catalysts and plasma parameters.2. A CFD modeling to investigate the impact of flow mal-distribution on the performance of industrial methanol synthesis reactor.3. A numerical investigation on the heat and fluid flow of various nanofluids on a stretching sheet.

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Mid-IR Fluoride Fibers for UV-VIS-Mid-IR-fiber lasers


Mohammed SaadThorlabs Inc, United States


Fiber lasers have attracted a lot of attentions, because of their multiple advantages compared the other lasers technologies, such as semiconductor, gas and solid state lasers. Fiber lasers are compact and have high efficiency, excellent beam quality and exhibit good heat dissipation. They are currently used in many industrial (drilling, cutting and welding…) and high tech applications, such as defense and aerospace, medicine, spec-troscopy and sensing. Since the first demonstration of the first fiber laser in 1964, by Snitzer et al., two research directions have been investigated; scaling the output power and investigating new laser lines. High power output fiber lasers have been already demonstrated using silica doped fibers. Fiber lasers with kilo watts output power have been achieved and used in industrial applications. As far as new wavelengths fiber lasers are concerned, other glass hosts have been intensively investigated, such as fluoride, phosphate, chalcogenide and tellurite glasses. No one of these glasses can fulfil the need of all applications. Scientist and engineers have to consider the right glass host for the right application. However, the right candidate has to combine the ability to be drawn into high quality single mode optical fiber, have a high solubility of rare-earth ions and the ability to be cleaved and spliced. A wide transmission window is also advantageous along with the ability to write Bragg Gratings in the fiber to tailor the emission characteristics. The presentation will report the latest development in fluoride glass fiber technology and their applications


Dr. Mohammed Saad is one of the world experts in fluoride glass and fluoride fiber technology and their deriva-tives. Dr. Saad has more than 30 years of experience in both university and industrial research fields. He has over 70 publications and 25 invited talks in international conferences. Dr. Saad is a senior member of SPIE and OSA. He chaired many international conferences on infrared optical glasses and fibers and their applications. He is involved in many international conferences as an invited speaker and as a member of the technical commit-tee.

Recent Publications1. Simultaneous Q-switching of a Tm3+:ZBLAN fiber laser at 1.9 μm and 2.3 μm using graphene. 2. Anomalous nonradiative decay in Dy-doped glasses and crystals.3. Passively synchronized Q-switched and mode-locked dual-band Tm3+:ZBLAN fiber lasers using a common graphene saturable absorber

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Laser Induced Damages in Multilayer Oxide Thin Films


Ajay ShankarGuru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, India


High power laser beam generation and manipulation depends on laser induced damages threshold (LIDT) of optical components used in the system. LIDT for such components having multilayers thin film coatings used to improve performance of coatings has been subject of intensive investigations. We studied conventional elec-tron beam deposited multilayer coatings made with lower index oxide essentially SiO2 and examining perfor-mance variations with its combination with a set of high index materials layer TiO2 ,Ta2O5 ,and HfO2 on Quartz-/BK-7 substrate all quarter wave optical thickness (QWOT) and with few outer non-QWOT layers. One of our primary aims is to study effect of multilayer boundary and related effect for their combination as all quarter wave high and low index material films layers when number of layers increases as well allowing upper two non-quarter wave thickness layers. One of critical parameter observed to effect the LIDT were found to be loca-tion of electric field peaks proximity with the boundaries of low and high index layers in any multilayer laser optics particularly at few front boundaries where field strengths are invariably high. Reflection spectra of these samples shows a relatively small decrease in reflection in non-quarter wave layer design and GIXRD showed that deposit-ed films are amorphous, sufficient high refractive index and very low extinction coefficient or low absorption as factors favorable for high laser induced damage threshold. LIDT studies were needed to be performed starting with S single layer of oxides to all quarter wave and combination of QWOT and non-QWOT to adjust field positions increasing LIDT of coated multilayer stack.


Dr. Ajay Shankar completed his PhD from Delhi University, India and has been teaching Optical Engineering at Guru Jambheshwar University Of Science and Technology, India since 2006. Prior to joining Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, he held the position of Deputy Engineer (Optics) in Haryana State Elec-tronics Development Corporation Limited, India. His area of research includes Thin Films and Sensors.

Recent Publications1. Laser-induced damage threshold study on TiO2/SiO2 multilayer reflective coatings. 2. Effect of CdO on physical and optical properties of cadmium silicon bismuthate glasses.

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Electron acceleration by radially-polarized laser pulses in plasma micro-channels and from solid wires


Meng WenMax-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Germany


Encouraged by recent advances in radially-polarized laser technology, three-dimensional Particle-In-Cell simu-lations have been performed of electron acceleration by an ultra-short pulse in a parabolic plasma micro-chan-nel and along a solid-wire. In the micro-channel, milli-joule laser pulses, generated at kHz repetition rates, are shown to produce electron bunches of MeV energy, pC charge, low emittance and low divergence. The pivot-al role played by the channel length in controlling the process is demonstrated, and the roles of direct and Wakefield acceleration are distinguished. With a solid target, electrons may be generated and subsequently accelerated to energies of the order-of-magnitude of the ponderomotive limit, with the underlying process dominated by direct laser acceleration. Breaking this limit, realized here by a radially-polarized laser pulse incident upon a wire target, can be associated with several novel effects. Simulations show a relativistic intense laser pulse can extract electrons from the wire and inject them into the accelerating field. Anti-dephasing, resulting from collective plasma effects, are shown to enhance the accelerated electron energy by two orders of magnitude compared to the ponderomotive limit. It is demonstrated that ultra-short radially polarized pulses produce super-ponderomotive electrons more efficiently than pulses of the linear and circular polarization varieties.


Dr. Meng Wen completed his PhD from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China works as a Postdoc in Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany since 2013. His area of research includes the classical dynamics and laser-plasma physics.

Recent Publications

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Encouraged by recent advances in radially-polarized laser technology, three-dimensional Particle-In-Cell simu-lations have been performed of electron acceleration by an ultra-short pulse in a parabolic plasma micro-chan-nel and along a solid-wire. In the micro-channel, milli-joule laser pulses, generated at kHz repetition rates, are shown to produce electron bunches of MeV energy, pC charge, low emittance and low divergence. The pivot-al role played by the channel length in controlling the process is demonstrated, and the roles of direct and Wakefield acceleration are distinguished. With a solid target, electrons may be generated and subsequently accelerated to energies of the order-of-magnitude of the ponderomotive limit, with the underlying process dominated by direct laser acceleration. Breaking this limit, realized here by a radially-polarized laser pulse incident upon a wire target, can be associated with several novel effects. Simulations show a relativistic intense laser pulse can extract electrons from the wire and inject them into the accelerating field. Anti-dephasing, resulting from collective plasma effects, are shown to enhance the accelerated electron energy by two orders of magnitude compared to the ponderomotive limit. It is demonstrated that ultra-short radially polarized pulses produce super-ponderomotive electrons more efficiently than pulses of the linear and circular polarization varieties.

Effect of Particle Size on Optical Properties of Vanadium Oxide Nanoparticles


Devendra MohanGuru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, India


Linear and nonlinear optical properties of electro-deposited Vanadium Oxide mesoporous structure on ITO sheet have been studied. The characterization is done using UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer, SEM, FTIR and XRD. A good transmission has been observed in IR range and there is increase in band gap due to decrease in grain size resulting blue shift of light emission band. Nonlinear behavior measurement has been studied using a single beam Z-scan method with He-Ne Laser of λ~632 nm. The nonlinear refractive index and the nonlinear absorption coefficient of samples have been determined for nano-particle sizes ranging from 10 to 40 nm. However, the nonlinear absorption coefficient rapidly decreases with increase in particle size. The third order nonlinear susceptibility of all the samples is also calculated and discussed. It is observed that the response of the V2O5 nanostructures to the incident laser beam varies depending on the particle size. The increase in optical suscepti-bility due to decrease in particle size make the Vanadium Oxide as a potential material for optoelectronic devices.


Professor Devendra Mohan completed his PhD from Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU), Rohtak and has been teaching Quantum Mechanics, Lasers, Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics at Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology (GJUS&T), Hisar (Haryana)- INDIA since 1997. Prior to joining GJUS&T University, he held the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at MDU, Rohtak (Haryana) - INDIA. His area of research includes the synthesis and characterization of Photonic materials.

Recent Publications1. Influence of Dye Loading Time and Electrolytes Constituents Ratio on the Performance of Spin Coated ZnO Photoanode Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. 2. Study of optical nonlinearity of CdSe and CdSe@ZnO core–shell quantum dots in nanosecond regime.3. Structural, Optical and Electronic properties of Fe Doped ZnO Thin Films

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Atom-field enhanced coupling in structured plasmonics: Periodic nanowire array on material substrate


Ali Al-Kamli Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia


We explore atom-field enhanced coupling in a novel structure consisting of nanowire (NW) array periodically deposited on the planar interface separating two media: vacuum and material substrate. The surface modes (SM) can be surface plasmons, surface phonons, surface excitons or any other type of surface modes that the material substrate supports. The NW system provides SM confinement in the direction normal to the NW array in addition to the inherent confinement transverse to the interface between the vacuum and the substrate. Such 2-D confinement with rich and controllable parameters can be utilised to generate strong coupling for the inter-action of these surface modes with atomic systems localised near the structured interface. In order to quantify such effects, standard methods are developed and used to determine the dispersion relations and the corre-sponding field functions which lead to the evaluation of the coupling ( e.g. de-excitation rate) for an emitter localized in the structure. The rate/coupling depends critically on various parameters, including the position of the emitter, the nature of the wires and their dimensions, their separation as well as the type of substrate on which the wires are deposited. Orders of magnitude coupling enhancement are attainable with conservative choice of structure parameters. Emitters in the vicinity of structured surfaces are envisaged to be the basis of quantum architectures leading to the realisation of scalable quantum information processing. Possible future applications are also discussed.


Ali Al-Kamli is a Professor of Physics at Jazan University , Saudi Arabia. He received his BSc in Physics from King Saud University , Abha , and MSc and PhD in theoretical high energy physics from University of Southampton , UK . He held positions as visiting scientist fellow at University of Rochester, Department of Physics in 1999-2000 (USA) and as visiting professor at University of Calgary, Institute for Quantum Information Science 2007-2009 (Canada). His current research focus is theoretical quantum optics and photonics, quantum information, plasmonics and meta-materials, EIT, coherent control of light matter interactions, and cavity quantum electrodynamics.

Recent Publications1. A transversely localized light in a waveguide: The analytical solution and its potential application.2. Study of optical nonlinearity of CdSe and CdSe@ZnO core–shell quantum dots in nanosecond regime.3. Slow light with electromagnetically induced transparency in optical fibre

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Double and Triple Autoionization of Atomic Ions Atoms


Shahin Ahmed Abdel Naby American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates


A time-dependent close-coupling (TDCC) method was successfully used to study ionizations arising from inter-actions of electrons, photons, and ions with small atoms and molecules. Currently, this method is developed to handle a four-electron system initially in an excited state such as C2+ (2s22p2). The C2+ (2s22p2) excited state can be obtained by relaxation of Schrodinger’s equation in imaginary time. Double, triple, and total autoionization rates for C2+ are obtained by propagation in real time using projections onto products of bound and continuum single particle states. This work was motivated by recent experimental measurements of single, double, and triple autoionization of C+ ion by single photons. Future developments for the TDCC approach are underway to handle a five-electron system with interior subshells such as C+ (1s2s22p2).


Dr. Shahin Abdel Naby earned his PhD from Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. Currently, he works as an assistant professor at American University of Sharjah (AUS), United Arab Emirates. Prior joining AUS, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA. His area of research is theo-retical atomic physics, which includes electro-ion recombination, single and double ionization by electron and photon impact in support of many experiments such CRYRING, the Free-Electron Laser (FLASH) and Elettra.

Recent Publications1. Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics/UAE 2017 (FTAPS 2017).2. Time-Dependent Close-Coupling Calculations for Ion-Impact Ionization of Atoms and Molecules.3. The dielectronic recombination of Ar+–Ar4+

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Implantation-induced Lattice Strains and Defects in InAs0.93Sb0.07 films


Huiyong DengChinese Academy of Sciences, China


The ternary alloy InAs1-xSbx is a promising material for infrared optoelectronic device applications such as infra-red laser, LED and photodetector, due to its better stability than popularly-used HgCdTe. Owing to light atom mass and low damage introducing rate, Be ion is a good choice for p-type doping in InAs1-xSbx through ion implantation. Unfortunately, ion implantation is a non-equilibrium technique, which often causes lattice damag-es. Herein, InAs0.93Sb0.07 epitaxial layer grown by liquid epitaxy growth (LPE) was implanted with Be ions. The char-acteristics of damage buildup and its removal by rapid thermal annealing at temperature 500 °C were investi-gated by high resolution X-ray diffraction and TEM. The implantation-induced nonlinear maximum perpendicu-lar strain εm as a function of the Be fluence was obtained. The nonlinear strain was analyzed in terms of point defects. In addition, we found that the caused damages can be recovered by rapid thermal annealing at 500 °C for samples with the fluence below 1.0×1015 cm2. Nano-sized residual damages after annealing at 500 °C, however, were still observed when the fluence reaches 4.0×1015 cm2. Those residual damages might originate from poor recrystallization of the small disorder region.


Associated Professor Huiyong Deng completed his PhD from University of Science and Technology of China and has been working on infrared optoelectronic materials and devices at Shanghai Institute of Technical Phys-ics, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2006. His area of research includes the synthesis and characterization of InAsSb and Si- and Ge-based BIB optoelectronic detectors.

Recent Publications1. Bulk photovoltaic effect at infrared wavelength in strained Bi2Te3 films.2. Anomalous thermoelectricity in strained Bi2Te3 films.3. Nucleation Mechanism and Microstructural Analysis of Zn Films on Mo Substrates by Electrodeposition

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Study of the Structural, Microstructural and Thermal Characterization of 5% Fe-doped ZnO Powder Nanostructures Prepared by Mechanical Alloying


Salah OUDJERTLIBadji Mokhtar - Annaba University, UBMA, Algeria


ZnO powder nanoparticles mechanically alloyed were doped with iron to investigate their structural and microstructural properties using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) for exam-ined 5% Fe doped ZnO. The ZnO starting pure powder exhibited a hexagonal crystal structure with space group p63mc of ZnO, however with the introduction of 5% Fe in the ZnO milled powder, the hexagonal ZnO phase remained unchanged, whereas the microstructural parameters were subject to significant variations due to the introduction of Fe atoms into the ZnO hexagonal matrix to replace oxygen ones. The size of crystallites and microstrains are found milling time dependent.


Dr. Salah OUDJERTLI: Researcher, He received his Doctorate of Science, Option: Materials Science, Depart-ment of Physics, Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University | UBMA, Algeria, He has several articles and so much inter-national congress communications. He mainly worked in nanomaterials, modulization, materials science, amor-phous alloys and magnetic properties. His current research includes simulation and characterisation of nano-structured materials, nanocomposites, and nanotubes prepared by several methods; CVD, spray pyrolysis, mechanical alloying and ion implantation.

Recent Publications

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1. Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes.2. Purification of Carbon Nanotubes.3. Carbon Nanotubes Properties and Applications.4. Microstructural Properties of ZnO Powder Nanostructures Prepared by Mechanical Alloying.

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Nature of Physical Reality: A Critical Assessment of Material Realism


Behnam M. ZadeganRetired University Professor, USA


After Renaissance, European natural scientists and philosophers agreed on a scientific view of the nature of physical reality based entirely on Newtonian physics. The agreed view on the nature of reality has been known as material realism. This paper presents a critical assessment of the set of scientific facts which proponents of material realism had agreed up on in support of their post-Renaissance view on the nature of reality. First, for the sake of clarity, this set of scientific facts, is specifically described. Next, these scientific facts are critically assessed in light of specific scientific discoveries which took place after the late 1870’s. This paper argues that scientific discoveries after the late 1870’s, do not support the principle assumptions of the material realism view on the nature of reality. Specifically, the relevance of a number of well-known scientific discoveries, including Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, quantification of photon energy and the photon-electricity phenomenon, Planck’s blackbody radiation, Einstein’s general relativity theory, Hubble’s observations on the universe’s expansion, Einstein’s field equations and quantum theory arepresented in more details.


Professor Behnam Zadegan completed his PhD at Louisiana State University in 1990. Between 1990 and 2015, he was involved in full-time teaching and research in several universities in the USA, including New York Polytechnic University, Southern University and Louisiana State University, and 4 universities outside the USA. Professor Zade-gan retired from full-time university teaching and research in 2015. Since then, Professor Zadegan has been conducting privately funded R&D projects in the USA, the UK, Switzerland and Turkey. These privately funded research projects involve various industrial, NDT, medical and space applications of particle and quantum phys-ics.

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Nanometric study of transport phenomena in InN / InP semiconductor electronic devices.


Hadjadj BrahimUniversity Djillali liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria


The III-V compound semiconductors based on nitrogen (InN, GaN), are today very promising in the field of microelectronics and optoelectronics. Element III nitrides are particularly attractive substrates for short wave-length optoelectronic applications. The major advantage of this family of materials lies in their very wide band gap and their electronic properties of saturation speed and high breakdown field. In the field of microelectron-ics, nitrides are the best candidates for all high temperature, high power or high frequency applications. III / V semiconductor substrates such as InP are valuable materials for the growth of InN potentially. However, the characteristics of the resulting heterojunctions are closely related to the surface and the interface state. This work deals with the nanometric study of the transport phenomena in the electronic devices of III-V and III-N semiconductors, in particular InP and InN.


Doctor Hadjadj Brahim completed his PhD from Djillai liabes University, Algeria and has been teaching at Djillai liabes University, Algeria since 2011, he work in the field of scientific research.

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Investigations of plasma into the magnetically uniform Confined plasma


Samir Suliman YassinIslamic University of Gaza, Gaza


One of the most important purposes of magnetic confinement is to keep the hot plasma away from the wall of the vacuum vessel. The temperature required to sustain fusion reaction is the order of 10 Kev. The interaction between charged particles and magnetic field , are used to keep hot plasma from coming contact with the wall the vacuum vessel . Some of the ions escape from the hot plasma reaches a layer , and interact with the impurity atoms of high atomic mass into the vacuum area . The machine is been modified to provide high densi-ty of plasma. The plasma is produced externally from source , and confined in a cylindrical geometry at low magnetic 1kG. The calculation has been made and suggested that the ion beam in the solenoid will have a maximum radius of twice the Larmor radius , while the density is a complex function of the ratio B (Z.)/Bm. The low density obtained , suggesting that losses due to mirroring may be occurring that is the plasma source should be closer to solenoid to provide good plasma injection.


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Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of from Pb- doped MgAl


4 prepared by the a sol - gel

combustion method


Wael A. TabazaIslamic University of Gaza, Gaza


Magnesium aluminate (MgAl2O4) has received special attention as a technologically important material because of its attractive properties, such as mechanical strength, a wideband gap, chemical inertness, relative-ly low density, high thermal shock resistance, high melting point, low thermal expansion coefficient and low dielectric loss. It has also been used as a phosphor host activated by a variety of transition metal and lanthanide ions. As an alternative to such ions, luminescence can often be obtained from the ns2 type ions such as Tl+, Pb2+, Bi3+ and Sb3+. For Bi3+ the luminescence is attributed to the electron transition between the 6s2 ground state and the 6s16p1 excited states. Nanocrystalline Magnesium aluminate (MgAl2O4) doped with Pb was synthesized using the sol-gel technique where by the Pb2+ concentration was varied in the range 0–1.5 mol%. The effect of Pb2+ concentration on the structure, particle morphology and photoluminescence properties of MgAl2O4 were inves-tigated. The samples thus obtained were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV–vis spectroscopy, scan-ning electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). The XRD data showed that all the sam-ples had the spinel structure and the average particle size of the as-prepared samples was about 27 nm. For an excitation wavelength of 280 nm, the Pb2+doped MgAl2O4 produced a broad blue emission band centred near 400 nm, indicating that Pb2+ ions were successfully incorporated in the lattice. Maximum blue emission was obtained for the sample doped with 0.75 mol% Pb.


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1. Luminescence of (Mg,Zn)Al2O4:Tb mixed spinel thin films prepared by spin-coating.

2. Optical properties of Bi and energy transfer from Bi to Tb in MgAl 2 O 4 phosphor.

3. Luminescence of Ce doped MgAl 2 O 4 prepared by the combustion method

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Self-assembly of PVPylated Surfactants into Stable Niosomes as Potential Pharmaceutical Carriers


Muhanna K. Al-MuhannaKing Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia


A range of novel, nonionic polymeric surfactants containing short, hydrophilic polymeric chains polyvinylpyrro-lidone PVP have been investigated for their ability to form vesicles for drug delivery. The designated formula of these surfactants was 2CmglyVPn where m is the length of the hydrophobic chains, n is the length of the hydro-philic head group, and gly that surfactants contained a glycerol backbone. The length of the hydrophilic head groups ranged from 25 to 50 while the length of the two hydrophobic chains present ranged from C12 to C18. The ability of the polymeric surfactants to form vesicles, both in the absence and presence of cholesterol, using the thin film method in combination with probe sonication investigated using a range of analytical techniques, specifically light and neutron scattering, electron microscopy and dye entrapment studies. The change in aggregate size with duration of probe sonication assessed using light scattering, as was vesicle stability over time. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) studies confirmed the presence or otherwise of vesicles and, in the case of vesicle formation, allowed quantification of the thickness (and where appropriate the repeat distance) of the vesicle bilayers. The effect on vesicle formation of 0.9M sodium chloride was also established by SANS. The dye entrapment and electron microscopy studies confirmed the results of the light scattering and SANS studies. The stability of the aggregates to incubation for 24 hours with human blood plasma at 298 and 310 K was assessed by monitoring the release of any entrapped CF. In order to form stable vesicles, the PVP-based surfac-tants needed to be mixed with at least 50 mol % cholesterol. In contrast, the PAM-containing surfactants did not appear to readily form vesicles even when mixed with cholesterol at 66 mol %.

BiographyDr. Muhanna K Al-Muhanna, received PhD from King College London, University of London. He worked as an Assistant Professor in National Biotechnology Research Center. Later he continues his research at the National Nanotechnology Research Center at KACST. His focused research areas including Nanomaterials as Nano-Med-icine, Polymers for Potential-Drug carriers. He is contributing to Pharmaceutical Sciences with extensive scientific knowledge. Muhanna K Al-Muhanna worked with advanced characterization techniques like Light Scattering Total Intensity and Photon Correlation Spectroscopy for particle size, Langmuir Trough Surfactants Surface-be-havior, Fluorescent Spectroscopy, HPLC, GPC, Small Angel Neutrons Scattering, Electron Microscopes TEM, SEM, AFM.

Recent Publications

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1. Optical Characteristics and Structural Properties of 3-(p-Nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl-1H-pyrazole.

2. Molecular structure, frontier molecular orbital and spectral analysis of dimethylamino chalcones

efficient lasing dyes

3. Immunogenicity of Candidate MERS-CoV DNA Vaccines Based on the Spike Protein

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Open Shell Ions Mobility in Cooled Helium Gas at Low Temperature


Lamia AISSAOUILahdj Lakhdar-Batna 1 University, Algeria


This project aims to show the effect of the Spin-Orbit (SO) and the quantum-mechanical calculations on the behavior of C+ and N+ and O+ ions mobility in a cooled buffer helium gas at 4.3K. For this reason, we used the interaction potentials corresponding to the ground and metastable-excited ions which are performed with MOLPRO. Then we employ the computed quantum-mechanical transport cross sections of ion atomic and neutral atomic elastic collision in the Viehland gram-char Fortran code as to get the mobility of open shell ions at 4.3K helium gas temperatures. The obtained results are compared with those of the experimental measure-ments of Matoba et al, and Sandreson et al, with a mass-selected-ion-injected drift tube mass spectrometer. The theoretical values of C+ and N+ and O+ ions mobility don’t display the shallow minimum around 10 Td that is showed by the experimental values.

BiographyLamia Aissaoui has completed her PhD in september 2015 from Badji Mokhtar University. She is a senior Lecturer at Batna 1 University. She has published more than 5 papers.

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1. Mobility of carbon ions and C + ( 4 P) in helium computed from quantum-mechanical

transport cross sections

2. Pairing gap energy correction in Shell model for the neutron-rich tin isotopes.

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Dissociation of molecular hydrogen induced by fast electrons


Kousik SamantaIndian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India


In the interaction of energetic particles or photons with molecular hydrogen (H2), an important outcome is the generation of protons. In this work, we have studied the generation of protons due to dissociative ionization of H2 as a result of collision with fast electrons of energy 6 keV. The yield of protons and their kinetic energy (KE) have been measured at different angles (θ) with respect to the direction of the incident beam of electrons. The distributions of the KE at different θ show two distinct peaks at 5 and 8 eV of proton energy. The 5-eV protons are relatively more abundant at smaller observation angles (θ ~30º ), while the 8-eV protons dominate at larger angles (θ ~100º ). An estimation based on the Franck-Condon principle reveals that the dissociation of 2pπu and 2pσu states of H2+ are responsible for the generation of 5- and 8-eV protons, respectively. Directional preferenc-es for the production of 5- and 8-eV protons are explained using an analysis of the transition dipole moments.

BiographyDr. Kousik Samanta completed his PhD from Texas A&M University, College Station, USA in 2009. Currently he is working as an assistant professor at Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar. His research interest lies in the field of electron-atom and electron-molecule collision processes and electronic structure theory.

Recent Publications

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1. Electron–Atom and Electron–Molecule Resonances: Some Theoretical Approaches Using Complex

Scaled Multiconfigurational Methods

2. Dinuclear [{(p-cym)RuIICl}2(µ-bpytz•-)]+ complex bridged by a radical anion: synthesis,

spectroelectrochemical, EPR and theoretical investigation

(bpytz = 3,6-bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)1,2,4,5-tetrazine; p-cym = p-cymene).

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Photodetachmennt of Atomic Negative Ion in the Presence of Nano-Surface


Muhammad HaneefHazara University Mansehra, Pakistan


Photo detachment of Atomic negative ion in the vicinity of nano-surface has been investigated. Atomic nega-tive ion, if exposed to light behaves detaches electron. The detached electron tags by a wave packet which is greatly manipulated by the presence of Nano-surfaces. The wave packet is exploited for the derivation of photo detachment cross section. The reflection and tunneling of waves from nano surface is discussed. Size of the surface along the absorption parameter strongly influence the photo detachment spectra. However, a fine control on these parameters can be used to investigate the information of negative ions, curvature, and rough-ness in the surface at Nano scale.

BiographyDr. Muhammad Haneef completed his Ph.D. from Hazara University, Pakistan and has been teaching atomic and molecular physics at Hazara University, Pakistan since 2009. Prior to joining Hazara University, Pakistan, he held the position of Lecturer in the college of AJK, Pakistan. His area of research includes the photo detachment of negative ions and optics.

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Computational study of the interactions between CO

2 and Zn2+-triazole complexes


Saida Ben Yaghlane LSAMA, Université de Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia


DFT calculations with inclusion of dispersion correction (M05-2X+D3) have been performed to investigate the complexes of CO2 with the Zinc(II)–Triazole ( [Zn2+-Tz] ) isomers and tautomers. We identified their equilibrium structures and binding energies in the gas phase and solvated in aqueous solution. The most stable structures correspond to strong electron donor-acceptor complexes, in which a covalent bond between CO2 and Zn2+ is established. Besides, the bonding between Tzs and CO2 is due to non-covalent interactions such as σ H-bond and π-stacking. The mechanism of tautomerization between two equilibrium species : CO2@[Zn2+-(1H-1,2,3-tri-azole)] and CO2@[Zn2+-(2H-1,2,3-triazole)], identified during the optimization of CO2@[Zn2+-Tz] complexes in the gas phase and in water, is also studied by employing M05-2X+D3 functional along with the 6-311++G** basis set. The results suggest that the formation of first complex, labeled CO2@[Zn2+-1A]a,S2 , dominates over the second one, labeled CO2@[Zn2+-1B]a,S3 , in the gas phase, whereas the potential barrier is lowered in the presence of water as observed for other tautomeric systems. Our finding are used to predict a nitrogen rich type MOF


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Elaboration and spectroscopic, thermal, structural and electrical investigation of the Polystyrene/Polyaniline composites


Nacira NAAR Université des Sciences et Technologies Houari Boumediene, Algeria


However, intrinsic conductive polymers (ICP) have disadvantages such as insolubility and fragility due to their poor mechanical properties. To remedy these problems, these polymers must be combined with thermoplastics polymers (PP, PMMA, PS ...) in order to produce composites combining electrical properties with interesting mechanical properties for applications in several sectors of advanced technology. The present work consists of the development of polyaniline-based composite as reinforcement and polystyrene. The composites were prepared by two different methods: by in situ polymerization and Co-Mixing. Polyaniline (PANI) is synthesized by interfacial oxidative chemical polymerization in the presence of 5-sulfosalicylic acid as a dopant and according to its structure. Polystyrene is prepared by emulsion process, in the presence of SDS as an emulsifying agent and APS as a reaction initiator. The prepared samples were analyzed by different characterization techniques: spec-troscopic (FTIR), thermal (TGA), structural (DRX), morphological (SEM) and electrical (electrical conductivity). The developed composites are intended for dissipation charges and the antistatic domain.


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Nacira NAAR, Assistant Professor at U.S.T.H.B Algiers University. Nacira NAAR professional experience in pedago-gy and research, allowed to design deep knowledge about the synthesis of polymers, blends and composites with a single and hybrid reinforcement. Characterization methods mastered: DSC, TGA; application to the study of thermal degradation mechanisms of polymers, FTIR and UV spectroscopy, liquid NMR and correlation spectra (HMQC, HMBC and COESY) and the characterization of mass by GPC and electrical characterization of the new generation of materials " conductive polymers and nanocomposites "(electrical conductivity, RPE, UV-NIR).

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