SC/Vs/440 glossary and multilingual equivalents of karst terms Distribution : limited SC/WS/440 Paris, November 1972

Glossary and multilingual equivalents of karst terms; 1972SC/Vs/440 glossary and multilingual equivalents of karst terms Distribution : limited SC/WS/440 Paris, November 1972

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Page 1: Glossary and multilingual equivalents of karst terms; 1972SC/Vs/440 glossary and multilingual equivalents of karst terms Distribution : limited SC/WS/440 Paris, November 1972


glossary and multilingual equivalents of karst terms

Distribution : limitedSC/WS/440Paris, November 1972

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The International Hydrological Decade (IHD) 1965-197^ was launched by the General Conference of Unesco at its thirteenth session to promote international co-operation in research and studies and the training of specialists and techni­cians in scientific hydrology. Its purpose is to enable all countries to make a fuller assessment of their water resources and a more rational use of them as man's demands for water constantly increase in face of developments in population industry and agriculture. In 1972 National Committees for the Decade had been formed in 107 of Unesco's 129 Member States to carry out national activities and to contribute to regional and international activities within the programme of the Decade. The implementation of the programme is supervised by a Co-ordinating Council, composed of twenty-one Member States selected by the General Conference of Unesco, which studies proposals for developments of the programme, recommends projects of interest to all or a large number of countries, assists in the de­velopment of national and regional projects and co-ordinates international co­operation.

Promotion of collaboration in developing hydrological research techniques, diffusing hydrological data and planning hydrological installations is a major feature of the programme of the IHD which encompasses all aspects of hydrological studies and research. Hydrological investigations are encouraged at the national regional and international level to strengthen and to improve the use of natural resources from a local and a global perspective. The programme provides a means for countries well advanced in hydrological research to exchange scientific views and for developing countries to benefit from this exchange of information in elaborating research projects and in implementing recent developments in the planning of hydrological installations.

As part of Unesco's contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the IHD the General Conference authorized the Director-General to collect, exchange and disseminate information concerning research on scientific hydrology and to facilitate contacts between research workers in this field.

To this end Unesco has initiated two collections of publications: "Studiesand Reports in Hydrology" and "Technical Papers in Hydrology".

In order to expedite exchange of information in the areas in which it is most needed, works of a preliminary nature, or those undergoing revision but which should be made known to the scientific community without delay, are issued in the form of technical documents. Whenever warranted, these documents will be superseded by regular publications.

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INTRODUCTION ............................................


CLASSIFICATION OF 227 TERMS .........................



French Equivalents .....

German Equivalents -...,

Greek Equivalents ......

Italian Equivalents ....

Spanish Equivalents ....

Turkish Equivalents ...,

Russian Equivalents

Yugoslavian Equivalents

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............

















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This Glossary and Multilingual Equivalents of Karst Terms has been prepared, to assist and facilitate the study of the hydrology of the carbonate rocks of the Mediterranean Basinand elsewhere, and so help in the efficient development and full use of their waters. TheGlossary defines 227 terms in English, and gives the equivalent or near-equivalent of most of them in French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Russian and Yugoslavian; henceit can be used for work in nine languages.

The task has been carried out by "the members, observers and secretariat of the Working Group of the Hydrology of the Carbonate Rocks of the Mediterranean Basin set up by the Coordi­nating Council of the International Hydrological Decade under Resolution No.II-4 of its Second Session, held in April, 1366. The technical secretariat and support has been pro­vided by the Pood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, working in cooperation with the UNesco Secretariat for the IHD.

The relative terms of Resolution II-4 under which the Working Group has prepared this Glossary may be quoted as follows:

"2. To provide technical advice required to encourage, co-ordinate, standardize and expand national activities which contribute to the investigation, development, conservation and protection of the waters of the carbonate rocks."

"4. To contribute, as regards fractured carbonate rock phenomena, to any glossary of technical terms prepared in the framework of the IHD programme."

The task of preparing a multilingual glossary of karst terminology has evolved each time the Working Group met and discussed its needs and problems, and as the Co-ordinating Council met and considered reports and progress. But at the Sixth Session of the Co-ordi- nating Council (Geneva, July 1970), the terms of reference of the Working Group included:

"2. Completion of the tasks already commenced by the working group, namely: ......(b) The glossary of Karst Terminology, in harmony with the International Glossary of Hydrology."

The Karst Glossary was conceived and carried out in response to a simple and fundamental need - that of enabling the members of the Working Group to know exactly what each meant when describing hydrological phenomena in karst terrains, with special reference to their own countries. In its original conception, the glossary was to deal with a limited number of words, using English as a base, but adding in specific words used in the Mediterranean, with emphasis on usage in Yugoslavia, the homeland of karst.

In practice, the glossary has expanded, both in its technical scope and in its refer­ences to terms used in other karstic regions, in particular in the Carribean, USA and the UK. However, the technical scope has remained concentrated on hydrology of karst terrains, and has not expanded into geology of carbonate rocks, speleology, water resources investi­gation and development or other related fields of work, nor has any attempt been given tc define technical terms lacking a specific application in the hydrology of karst.

The glossary does not attempt to trace the origin of terms, nor give detailed reference as to their original and subsequent use. A list of 57 selected bibliographical references are given, but these are in no way exhaustive. Within the glossary, indications are given to this bibliography, so the reader can refer back to papers listed, should he need additional information.

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As many cross-references as possible have been given to the terms used, but the idea of synonyms has not been found useful. Too often, words which at first sight might appear to be synonymous are found on careful study, and also with reference to use in countries of origin, to have significant differences of meaning. So, only the following four forms of cross reference have been used:

(i) see refers the reader from the term required back to another term (or terms) where the meaning is more fully defined and described.

(ii) also refers the reader from the most important term (and main definition) backto subsidiary terms.

(iii) related to indicates other terms which are close to the term defined, and which may help the reader to understand better the term defined.

(iv) compare tends to occur within the text, and draws the reader's attention to a group of other terms which are related to, but clearly different from the term under study.

Throughout the preparation of this "Glossary and Multilingual Equivalents of 227 Karst Terms", full use has been made of the different editions of the "International Glossary of Hydrology". The 1969 "Second Draft of Definitions in English" contains some 1 700 terms;of these only 25 are common to the International Glossary and this Karst Glossary. LikewiseElsevier's 1969 "Dictionary of Hydrogeology" contains 3 040 terms; only 30 of these or just 1$, occur also in the Karst Glossary. On the other hand, the Glossary does overlap with, and has used words from, the United States Geological Survey Water Supply Paper No. 1899-K, (1970) by Mr. W.H. Monroe.

It is inevitable that there will be considerable number of errors in the first edition as finalized in July, 1972. Since it is likely that a second edition will.be prepared in due course, it would be appreciated if corrections and suggestions be sent to either the FAO or UNesco Secretariat in Rome or Paris.

Finally, the members, oberservers and secretariat of the Working Group on the Hydrology of the Carbonate Rocks of the Mediterranean Basin take this opportunity of thanking the many institutions and individuals who have helped in so many ways in trying to find multi­lingual equivalents for terms which have often originated in one country to describe a local phenomenon which may not have an exact natural counterpart in other countries.

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First Edition

June 1971


Pr. grotte fonctionnelleGerm. aktive HcShle, aktive ifessei>-

WJhle, WasserhíJhleGre. energon speleonItal. grotta attivaSp. cueva activaTurk. aktif magara- (active solution

channel *> aktive rime boplugu)USSR aktivnaja polost

aktivna pec'ina, aktivna spiljaTug.


Pr. indice d'activite du karstGerm. Losungsmenge,

AbtragungsindexGre. syntelestis karstikopiiseosItal. indice di attività carsicaSp. indice de actividad kársticaTurk. karst aktivite derecesiUSSR pokazatel aktionozti karstaYug. stupanj krskoga procesa,

stopnja zakarsevanja, stepen karst if ikac i j e


Pr. eau agressiveGerm. aggressives WcisserGre. oxyant hracouchon ythorItal. acqua aggressivaSp. agua agreeivaTurk. eritici suUSSR agressivnaja vodaYug. agresivna voda

see: cave

A cave through which water is flowing

also; degree of karBtification related to: corrosion, solution

A measure of the current rate of solution in a karst system or zone expressed as the percentage of rock volume actually dissolved and removed from the total volume of soluble rock in a suitable unit of time, as for example the last 1 000 years. Related to the "storage co­efficient" under water-table conditions

related to: corrosion

Water containing free carbonic acid, H2CO3, (more rarely HC1, H2SO4 , htwiic acids, ammonium salts, chlorine, sulphates, phenols, etc.) and hence capable of dissolving carbonate (and other) rocks

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Pr. aisle, alleGerm. KluftGre. farangothes ipoyios thiavasisItal.Sp. laminador verticalTurk. dar gepitUSSR hodTug. nisa


Pr. riviêre allogène (cours d’eau)Germ. allochthoner Pluss

(all. ifesserlauf)Gre. allothigenes ryax, or potamosItal. corso d'acqua allogenoSp. rio alôctonoTurk. karst disi kBkenli akarsuUSSRTug. alogena rijeka, alogena rekaALVEOLIZATION

Pr. alvéolisationGerm. Aeolisation ? WabenverwitterungGre. kypselothis epiphaniaItal. alveolizzazioneSp. alveolizacionTurk. pukurlapmaUSSRTug. alveolizacija

ANASTOMOSISPr. anastomoseGerm. LabyrinthGre. anastomosisItal. anastomosiSp. anastomosisTurk. gepit pebekesiUSSR labirintTug. splet kanala


An elongated high narrow traversable passage in a cave (1899-K)

A surface water course flowing over karstic terrain, hut fed by a spring (or springs) issuing in non-karstic terrain

Pitting of a rock surface, often into honeycomb shapes, produced by aggressive water, by plant roots or by wind-blown sand (Monroe, USGS, 1899-K, 1970; Phannkuch, 1969)

As applied in karst terrain, a network of tubular passages or holes in a cave or in a solution-sculptured rock; a complex of many irregular and repeatedly connected passages (1899-K)

Level below which karstification has not occurred

Pr. niveau de base karstiqueGerm. KorrosionsniveauGre. basis apokarstoseos, or better

"patoma apokarstoseos"Ital. livello di base della attività

carsicaSp. nivel de base k&rsticoTurk. karstlapma tabaniUSSR bazis karstaTug. baza krSkog procesa, baza

karstifikacije, baza zakrasevanja

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BEDDING CAVE see: cave

Pr. grotte de stratificationGerm. schichtgebundene HShleG£re. strosigenes speleonItal. grotta di interstratoSp. cueva adaptada a pianos de

estrat ificaciôn Turk. tabakalanma magaras1USSR pesoera v ploakosti

naplastovanija Tug. slojna pefeina


Pr. biomicriteGerm. BiomicriteGre. micriteItal. biomicriteSp. biomicritaTurk. biyomikritUSSRTug. biomikrit


Pr. biospéléologie, biospéologieGerm. BiospelãologieGre. biospeleologyItal. biospeleologiaSp. bioespeleologiaTurk. biyospeoloji, magara canlilari

bilimi USSR biospeleologijaYug. biospeleologija



Pr. vallée aveugleGerm. Blindtal,(Kesseltal)Gre. kliste karstike kilasItal. valle cieca, v. chiusaSp. valle ciegoTurk. kor vadiUSSR slepaja dolinaTug. slijepa dolina, slepa dolina

Cave whose location is controlled by the bedding of the enclosing formation or format ions.

see: micrite, peloid

A microscopic-textured limestone composed of skeletal grains in a matrix of micrite micrite is a finely crystalline carbonate sediment with upper crystalline diameter 4 microns (Polk, 1959)

The study of subterranean living organisms, particularly in karst caves and other openings in rock formations

see: chimney

related to: marginal polje

A karst valley with no evident down­stream continuation, and one in which the water drains and disappears underground into one or more ponors

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Pr. trou souffleurGerm. WindhBhle ?Gre. ope ekphysosaItal. bocca soffianteSp. sopladorTurk. iiflenme agziUSSR —

Yug. vjetrenica, veternicapuhaljka, pihalnik, dihalnik


Pr. puits souffleurGerm. WindkaminGre. ekphysosa opeItal. pozzo soffianteSp. sondeo sopladorTurk. üflep kuyuUSSR dujuéeij kolokecYug.


Pr. source bleue (Jura)bleu-fon (South of Prance)

Germ. Blaue GrotteGr. galapo speleo

BOGAZPr. défilé, bogazGerm. Doline, Karstgasse, Blindtal

ZangSnGre. farangothis dolineItal.Sp. zanjónTurk. bogazUSSRYug. bogaz



Pr. trou souffleurGerm. LuftlochGre. anapnéousa opí spiléouItal.Sp. reepiradorTurk. esintili delikUSSRYug.

also: steam holerelated to: breathing hole

Opening in roof of cave or cavern through which air is expelled vigorously; in coastal areas the phenomenon is usually due to compression of air within the cave by incoming tides or waves

also: steam hole

A well or borehole into which air is suck­ed and from which air is blown (often with considerable velocity) due to changes in barometeric pressure or in water level; the phenomenon indicates that the well or borehole is in communication with an under­ground air-filled cavity

Caribbean expression for a major quiet up-welling karst spring inland or along the coast. The blue colour is due to the scattering of sunlight by water molecules, although in some cases it may be attributed to the presence of calcareous algae.

see: canyon, gorge, grike

An elongated depression in limestone or karst terrain; thus it embraces a defile, a blind valley or a ravine leading to a ponor. It can be considered as a giant grike. This meaning is based on the Serbian use (Fénelon and 1899-K)

English term for an intermittent stream in a normally dry valley in chalk terrain

related to: blow hole, steam hole

Opening in roof or cave, cavern or other underground void through which air is suck­ed in and expelled in a rhythmic manner similar to inhalation and exhalation of breath

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Fr. karst couvertGerm. bedeckter KarstGre. kalymeno palaeekarst Ital. carso sepoltoSp. karst soterradoTurk. gSmülü karstUSSRYug. pokriveni krs, pokriti kras

Bee: p&Leokarst, covered karst, subsoilkarst

Karst covered with allochthonous rock or sediment and so older than its cover: almost a synonym of paleokarst (Quinlan 1967)


Fr. Germ.

Gre. Ital. Sp. Turk. USSR Yug.

crouteKalkkruste,Ca-Horizontapóthema oriktôn alátoncalichecalichekaliçi

also; hardpan, havara, kafkalla, kankar, kunkar, nari, calcrete, etc.

Caliche is not a specifically karst term, but it is included here because it is of importance in some karstic terrains1. A deposit of precipitated minerals, mainly calcite or gypBum or both, formed in the soil or near-surface layers in arid and semi-arid zones at the horizon where ascendant capillary water evaporates and salts held in solution are deposited (Goudie, 1971)2. A similar deposit, formed by precipitation of salts leached from near-surface material and reprecipitated at shallow depths from downward moving waters3. A natural deposit of nitrates and other salts precipitated at the soil surface, as in Chile and Peru (1899-K)


Fr. canyon, gorge, canonGerm. Schlucht, CanyonGre. pharangiItal. forra, gola, orrido, canyonSp. candn, gargantaTurk. bo^azUSSR kanjonYug. klanac, sutjeska, soteska,


also: bogaz, chasm, gorge, ravinerelated to: corridor

1. A steep, parallel-sided valley formed by the collapse of the roof of a long, fairly straight, karst cave;2. A chasm that has been formed in the floor of a cave by a cave stream (1899-K)

23 CARBONATE HARDNESS also: temporary hardnessFr. dureté temporaireGerm. temporare Harte,CarbonathSrteGre. parothiki sklipotis anthrakiki

sklirotis Ital. durezza temporanea Sp. dureza temporalTurk. karbonat sertligiUSSR karbonatnaja zestkostj Yug. turdoóa, trdota

Hardness of water due to presence of dissolved bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium; can be removed by boiling, and hence the term "temporary hardness"

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Fr. causseGerm. (Kalkstein Plateau), Causse Gre. karstikón oropédionItal. altopiano carsicoSp. altiplano carsticoTurk. kireptapi düzlügüUSSR izvestnjakovoje karstovoje

plat oYug. krski plato, kraski plato


Fr. grotte, caverneGerm. Hc5hle, Grotte Gre. speleonItal. caverna, grotta Sp. cuevaTurk. magaraUSSR pesceraYug. pecina, pec, pestera, spilja,

zijalka, jama


Fr. passage respirantGerm. Grotte mit ResonanzGre. anapneousa opeItal. grotta a soffio alternoSp. gruta resonanteTurk. magara esintisiUSSRYug.



Fr. perle des cavernes Germ. HShlenperlenGre. speleomargaritesItal. perle di grottaSp. perla de cavernaTurk. magara incisiUSSR pescernij zemcugYug. peôinski biseri,

jamski biseri


A French term for a limestone plateau characterized by closed depressions, caves and avenB (jamas); a number of such plateaux around the Tarn River basin constitute "Les Grandes Causses". Cvijie considered such causse terrain as typical of a karst development intermediate between merokarst and holokarst

also: cave system, active cave, beddingcave, sea cave, grotto related to: cavern

Natural opening formed in the rocks below the surface of the ground; may consist of a single connected opening or of a series of small or large chambers connected by galleries

A resonance phenomenon, in which air currents throb back and forth through constricted passages in a cave with periodicity of a few seconds to a few minutes (Poulson and White, 1969)

see: speleothem

Concentric concretions of calcite or aragonite formed by precipitation around a nucleus; formed in caves

see: speleologistA slang term (American usage)

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30 CAVERN Bee: cave

Pr. caverne Underground opening in soluble rock, similarGerm. Hohle, Kaverne to a cave. When used as a noun, it refers toGre. speleon large openings, but when used as an adjective,Ital. caverna, grotta it tends to refer to rock texture and so toSp. caverna, cueva small openings. However, in some countries,Turk. kovuk as USSR, cavern refers to small openings inUSSR kaverna a rockYug. kaverna

31 CAVERNOUS see: cavern

Pr. caverneux This adjective is used to describe a rockGerm. kaverníís texture in which the rock contains openingsGre. speleothes generally of a small sizeItal. con grotteSp. cavernosoTurk. kovukluUSSR kavernoznijYug. kavernozan

32 CAVE SYSTEM see: cave, cavern

Fr. réseau souterrain 1. An underground network of passages,Germ. Hbhlensystem chambers or other cavitiesGre. speleothes systema, thiction 2. The caves in a given area, whetherItal. sistema carsico sotterraneo continuous or discontinuous, that are orSp. sistema de cavidades were related to each other hydrologicallyTurk. magara sistemi, serisi (1899-K)USSR sistema podzemnih pescerYug. peéinski (spiljski) sistem,

jamski sistem

33 CEMENT A microscopic textured non-skeletal void-filling material precipitated on an intra-

Fr. ciment granular or intrasedimentary free surfaceGerm. Zement that holds the material together. ThisGre. tsiménto convenient working definition, necessarilyItal. cemento a compromise, was informally adopted by theSp. cemento Bermuda Seminar on Carbonate Cementation,Turk. pimento September 1969 (Bathurst, 1970, p.438)USSRYug. vezivo, cement

34 CENOTE see: jama

Fr. cenote A Yucatán term for a steep-walled natural wellGer. cenote or shaft in soluble rocks that extends belowGr. voulismeno speleven the water table; generally formed by the

collapse of the roof of a cavern, bed by bed

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35 CHAMBER also: room

Fr. salleGerm. Halle, Kammer, ComGre. ypoyios aethousaItal. salaSp. sala, salónTurk. odaUSSR zalYug. dvorana

1. Room in a cave (general usage)2. The largest order of opening in a cave system (American usage) (1899-K)


Fr. gouffre, fracture ouverteGerm. KluftGre. chasmaItal. fattura beante, canyon Sp. canon, tasoTurk. derin yarintiUSSRYug. provalija

also: ravinerelated to: canyon, corridor1. Deep, fairly narrow breach in the earth's surface2. A deep, wide, elongated gap in the floor of a cave (1899-K)

37 CHIMNEY see: blind chimney

Fr. cheminée (aven)Germ. Schlot, Kamin Gre. kapnothochos Ital. caminoSp. chimeneaTurk. bacaUSSR trubaYug. dimnjak, kamin

Nearly circular shaft rising upwards from the ceiling of a cave towards the surface of the ground; if it doeB not reach the surface it is called a blind chimney . If the chimney is formed mainly mainly by solution, it is related to a dome—pit; if formed mainly by collapse of the roof along bedding planes, it is related to cenote.

38 CLASTOKARST Karst phenomena in clastic rocks composed ofdetrital carbonate material

Fr. clastokarstGerm. Klastokarst ?Gre. cla8tokarstItal. carsismo clastico Sp. clastokarstTurk. klastik karstUSSR klastokarstYug. klastokrs, klastokras,



Fr. lapiazGerm. KarrenfeldGre. pethion amaxotrochion

thactyloglyphon Ital. campo carreggiatoSp. campo de lapiaz, lenarTurk. pürtüklü, olukluUSSR karrovoe poleYug. skrapari, skraplje

also: grikes, karrenfeld, lapies, limestonepavement

Flat or sloping bare limestone outcrops (lime­stone pavements) weathered into straight-Bided cr furrowed blocks and ridges of limestone called clints which are separated by deep clefts or widened joints, often crisscrossing, called grikeb (Sweeting, 1966)

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Pr. karst cockpitGerm. Turmkarst, KegelkarstOre. dolinovrithes karstItal. campo carsico a dolineSp. karst esponjaTurk, diidenli karstUSSRYug. boginjavi krs, kozavi kras



Pr. colonne, pilier stalagmitiqueGerm. Tropfstein-SSule Gre. stalaktitike stele Ital. colonna (stalagmitica o

stalattitica)Sp. columnaTurk, siitunUSSR kolonnaYug. stup, steber, stolpic



Pr. conduite forcéeGerm. Druckleitung (Leitung)Gre. BiphonItal. condotta forzataSp. conducto saturadoTurk. yeraltisu yolu, mecraUSSRYug.


Pr. karst à pitonsGerm. Kegelkarst, TurmkarstGre. konoethes karstItal. carso di torri; carsismo con

forme residuali conicheSp. karst de conosTurk. konili karstUSSR karst s koniceskimi ostancamiYug. stozasti krs, cokasti kras

stozcasti kras

Jamaican term for an area with numerous scattered, yet closely spaced dolinas; generally a tropical karst land form. The corresponding Yugoslav term may more accurately be translated as "pock-marked" karst

also; cone karst, tower karst

also: pillar

A sub-surface dripstone formation produced by the union of a stalactite and a stalagmite in a cave

A microscopic textureA plane interface between two crystals which evolved by mutual interference of their respective growing faces. This interface is a face of neither crystal (Buckley, 1959i in Bathurst, 1970)

also: pressure flow tube, stream tube

A narrow passage in a cave system filled constantly with water under pressure

also: cockpit karst

A type of karst topography, common in the tropicB, in which residual hills rise in steep-sided cone-shaped mounds from inter­vening depressions or dolinas; narrow steeply- walled valleys may be present (Lehmann, 1954)Compare: cupola karst, pinnacle karst andtower karst

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45 CONSTRUCTIVE WATERFALLPr. chute incrustanteGerm. hksserfall, inkrustierender ?

Sinter... ?, SinterbeckenGre. katarráktisItal. (vasche d'incrostazione)Sp. dique travertinicoTurk. düpümUSSRYug. slap, precaga


Pr. gouffre absorbantGerm. KarstgasseGre. apocheteftikos karstikos agogosItal. dolina allongataSp. callejónTurk. koridorUSSR coridor, hodYug. struga, bogaz


Pr. corrosionGerm. KorroBionGre. chemeke thiavrosesItal. dissoluzione, corrosioneSp. corrosiónTurk. eritme, yenme, kemirilmeUSSR korrozijaYug. korozija


Pr. karst couvertGerm. bedeckter KarstGre. kekalymenon karstItal. carso copertoSp. karst cubiertoTurk. brtülü karstUSSR pokritij karstYug. pokriveni krs, pokriti kras


Pr. cryokarst, thermokarstGerm. Thermokarst, CryokarstGre. thermokarstItal. criocarsismoSp. criokarst, thermokarstTurk. don karstlUSSR temokarst, criokarstYug. toplotni krs, temokarst

see; rimBtone dam

A large rimstone dam on a surface stream (1899-K)

related to: chasm, bogaz

Long, narrow chasm enlarged by action of water and into which surface runoff or stream m ay flow; may be located along a fault plane, fissure, joint or between two beds.Struga (Slavic) refers to such a corridor along a bedding plane in a carbonate formation

also: solution

Chemical action of water containing carbonic acid (also humidic, nitric and other acids) on limestones and dolomites causing partial solution and related chemical changes in the rocks

Compare: agressive water

related to: buried karst, interstradalkarst, sub-soil karst

A general term for a karstic area in which the karstified rock is overlain by non- karstic material. The covering material may be residual debris and soil, or allochthonous, or autochthonous sediment (Quinlan, 1967)

also: thermokarstA non-karstic term; included for information only. Land surface with closed depression (usually small and shallow) formed by alternate freezing and thawing of permafrost or ground- ice overlying different rocks, including lime­stone. The term "cryokarst" is more usual in Europe, while "thermokarst" is used in America

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Fr. karst à cupules, coupoleGerm. KegelkarstGre. konoidhes karstItal. carsismo con forme resi duali

a cupola Sp. karst de cupulasTurk. kubbeli karstUSSRYug. kupolni krs (kras)

A type of karst topography, common in the tropicB, in which the residual hills rise in hemispherical or dome-capped mounds from intervening depressions or dolinas

Compare; cone karst, pinnacle karst and tower karst


Fr. draperie stalagmitiqueGerm. SinterfahneGre. parapetasma stalaktitikonItal. cortina stalattiticaSp. bandera, cortinaTurk. perdeUSSR zanavesjYug. sigasta zavjesa, sigasta


also: draperyrelated to: helictite, speleothem

Sinuous, thin sheet (or sheets) of dripstone formed on the roof or walls of a cave or behind a waterfall


Fr. décalcificationGerm. LSsungsrilckstand (Entkalkung)Gre. exasvestosesItal. decalcificazioneSp. decalcificaciónTurk. karbonatim gidermeUSSR dekaljcifikacijaYug. dekalcifikacijâ, izluzivanje

Removal by solution of the calcium carbonate oonsituents of a rock or sediment


Fr. taux de karstificationGerm. Ausmass (Grad) der VerkarstungGre. vathmos karstikiiseosItal. grado di carsificazioneSp. grado de karstificaciÔnTurk. karstlagma derecesiUSSRYug. stupanj krskog procesa,

stopnja zakrasevanja, stepen karstifikacijÉ

see: activity index of karstrelated to: corrosion, solution

The ratio of the volume of openings to the total volume of a soluble massif, expressed in the form of percentage. It is the sum of the activity indices from the initiation of karstification, and so is normally applied only to carbonate rocks with little or no primary voids or porosity (Rodionov)

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54. DENUDED KARSTPr. karst dénudéGerm, nackter Karst,

obe rflachliche r Karst Gre. apogymnomenon karst Ital. carso denudato, carso nudo Sp. karst denudadoTurk, belirgin karstUSSR golij karst^ otkritij karstYug. ogoljeli krs (kras), golikrs

(kras), razkriti kras


Fr. circulation diffuseGerm. Diffuse GrundwasserbewegungGre. thiacheomenon ydhorItal. circolazione carsica diffusaSp. circulación saturada difusaTurk, yaygin dolagunUSSRYug. difuzno tecenje


Fr. dolineGerm. Dolinen, Karsttrichter Gre. tholeneItal. dolina, pozzo naturale Sp. dolinaTurk, diiden, kokurdan, huni USSR karstovaja voronka, karstovaja

kotlovina Yug. vrtaca, ponikva, dolac, do,

duliba, kotlic, konta


Fr. lac de dolineGerm. DolinenseeGre. limni dholinaItal. lago di dolina, lago carsicoSp. dolina laguna, torca lagunaTurk, obruk gbliiUSSR karstovoe ozeroYug. krsko jezero, krasko jezero

sees exposed karst

A karstic outcrop which has been exposed by the erosion of the soil and reBiduum with which it was once covered, (Quinlan 1967)

Circulation of groundwater throughout the mass of a karst or other aujuifer (original or secondary openings) without selective enlargement of openings in specific zones, and so without concentration of groundwater flow into restricted channels

Compare: localized circulation

related to: jama, pit, sinkhole, poner

Closed, round or oval, flat-bottomed or funnel-shaped depression formed on carbonate land surfaces, and may be several hundred metres wide and a few hundred metres deep.It is related to jamas, pits, shafts and obruks; when surface water flows into the underground through such a doline, it is related also to swallow holes and ponors.In Yugoslavia, the general meaning of dolina is valley

also: sinkhole pond

A small lake occupying a dolina or closed depression in limestone. The term implies that the dolina is at or near the ground­water table and in hydrological continuity with it, or that the base of the dolina is sealed with an impermeable layer such as clay

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Pr. sable dolomitiqueGerm. Dolomitsand, DolomitascheGre. dholomitikon alevronItal.Sp. arena dolomiticaTurk. dolomit kumuUSSRYug. dolomitni pijesak, d. pesak

d. pesek


Pr. ávorsion, marmite inverséeGerm. DeckenkolkGre. vathis lákkos me th61onItal. marmitta inversaSp. marmita inversaTurk. kemerli obrukUSSRYug.



Pr. concretionsGerm. Tropfstein, Stalagmit,Stalaktit Gre. stalaktitis, stalagmitisItal. concrezioneSp. concreción (estalagmitjca o

estalactitica)Turk. damlataçiUSSR kapeljnikYug. sige, smugori

62 DROWNED SPRINGPr. source sous-aquatique,

source noyé Germ. submarine Quelle,

sublacustre Quelle Gre. vethisthesa pigiItal. sorgente sommersaSp. fuente subacuáticaTurk. batik kaynakUSSR subakvaljnij istoénikYug. potopljen izvor, potopljeno

vrelo, potopljen izvir (vrelec)

A loose mealy rock or residuum, produced by the disintegration of dolomitic limestones under the processes of karstification

1. American term, defined by Davis, 1930, "Mammoth Cave possesses several extraordinary vertical cavities of which the arched tops are called domes and the deep bottoms are called pits. The combined name dome pits,is here used for them".2. A deep shaft in a cave, intersected by a passage at or near its mid-section

see: curtain

related to: flowstone

related to: sublacustrine spring, submarinespring

A Bpring which continues to function as a spring after it has been submerged by rising sea or lake levels or by subsidence of the ground

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Pr. vallée sècheGerm. TrockentalGre. xera kilasItal. valle morta, valle asciuttaSp. valle secoTurk. kuru vadiUSSR suhaja dolinaYug. suha dolina


Pr. colorationGerm. Farbung, FSrbversuchGre. chrostike ichnithetesisItal. tracciamento con coloranteSp. coloraciónTurk. boya deneyiUSSR method krasjascih, indikatorovYug. bojenje, barvanje


Pr. source intermittenteGerm. intermittierende QuelleGre. pighí ambótidos kai

palirriasItal. sorgente carsica intermittenteSp. manantial intermittente, fuente

intermittenteTurk. sogultkan kaynakUSSR sifonnij istocnikYug. periodicni ixvor, periodicni



Pr. EmergenceGerm. Ausflusstelle, KarstquelleGre. pigházon £thor (or kephalari)Ital. risorgenzaSp. fuente, manantial, surgenciaTurk. yüzeye eripimUSSR vihod karstovih vodYug. krsko vrelo, krski izvor,


In karstic areas, a valley without a stream, due to downward migration of stream into the underground; bottom is usually irregular and pitted with dolinas, dry ponors, etc.

see: tracer

Determination of direction and rate of flow of streams by marking them with dye at the infiltration area and then identifying and timing the reappearance of colour at lower- lying springs, in river bads and elsewhere in a cave Bystem

see: periodic springrelated to: intermittent spring

A spring (flowing well or borehole) exhibiting periodic variation in volume of flow; this variation, which may be regular or irregular, is often attributed in karst regions to siphonic action. Ebb-and-flow springs differ from intermittent springs because the latter can be related to seasonal variations in rainfall

also: exsurgence, resurgence, rise

A general term for the outflowing water, for the opening or for the area of outflow of a karst spring; includes exsurgence and resurgence

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ESTAVELLE see: sea estavelle

Pr. estavelle Opening in karstic terrain which acts asGerm. Estavelle a discharge spring during high groundwaterGre. estavella table, and as a ponor when the groundwaterItal. estavella table sinksSp. estavela There are sea estavellesTurk. su batar pikariUSSR estavellaYug. estavela, ponor-rigalo

68 EVORSION related to: pothole

Pr. évorsionGerm. (A.UBwaachung ), AuskolkungGre. mihanikí diávrosisItal. evorsioneSp. evorsiónTurk, dev kazani agmdirmasiUSSRYug. vrtlozna erozija

Mechanical erosion by rotating or whirling water carrying sand, gravel, cobbles or boulders in suspension or as bedload

69 EXHUMED KARST see: exposed karst

Pr. karst dénudéGerm, wiederaufgedeckter KarstGre. gymnothen karstItal. carso riesumatoSp. karst exhumadoTurk, apik karstUSSRYug. ogoljeli krs (kras)

A karstic outcrop which has been exposed by the erosion of an allochthonous cover; there is an implication that karstification (partial or complete) had preceded the removal of the cover (Quinlan, 1967)

70 EXPOSED KARSTPr. karst exposé Germ, nackter Karst,

oberflachlicher Karst, wiederaufgedeckter Karst

Gre. akalypton karst Ital. carso denudato Sp. karst subaéroTurk. belirgin karstUSSR golij karst, otkritij karstYug. ljuti krs

EXSURGENCE see: emergenceA spring or seep in karstic terrain

Pr. exsurgence not clearly connected with ponors atGerm. Karstquelle, Austrittsstelle a higher levelGre. karstiki pighiItal. risorgente carsica Compare: resurgenceSp. exsurgenciaTurk. yüzeyde belirmeUSSR karstovij istoénikYug. vrelo, obrh

A general term for bare karstic rocks outcropping at the surface of the ground.It embraces karst areas without any initial cover (naked karst) or exposed by erosion of the residuum and soil (denuded karst) or of the allochthonous cover (exhumed karst) (Quinlan 1967)

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Fr. tunnelGerm. StriJmungsrohr, Karstgerinne Gre. karstitos ypoyios agogos Ital.Sp. tuboTurk, akarsu mecrasiUSSRYug. vodonosni rov


Fr. couláe stalagmitiqueGerm. Sinterfall, Sinter Gre. asvestolithikon epiphlioma Ital. colata stalagmitica,

deposito, concrezione, stalagmite

Sp. colada estalagmiticaTurk. akmatapi USSR nateki Yug. kaskade

74 FLUTETurk, oyum


Fr. fluviokarstGerm. Fluviokarst Gre. fluviokarst Ital. fluviocarsismo Sp. fluviokarstTurk, akarsu karsti USSRYug. fluviokrs, fluviokraB,


76 GLACIOKARSTFr. karst glaciaireGerm. Gebiet mit Karst

und Glazial-Forroen Gre. pagheto-karst Ital.Sp. glaciokarstTurk, buzul karsti USSRYug. glaciokrs, glaciokras,


related to; stream tube

In karst terrain, a more or less straight sind waterbearing underground gallery of regular cross-section

related to; dripstone

Layered deposits of calcium carbonate precipitated on rocks from water trickling over them

see; scallopAn American term for a scallop, (1899-K)

1. Mixed terrains characterized by both shallow karst and erosional landscape (Roglic, 1957)2. A predominantly karst landscape in which there is much evidence of past or present fluvial activity

A limestone region possessing both glacial and karst features

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77 GLADE see; uvalaJamaican expression for uvala

78 GORGE see: canyon

79 GRIKE (Gryke)

Fr. lapiaz

see: clint with grike, bogaz, limestonepavementA vertical or sub-vertical cleft in a limestone pavement developed by solution along a joint or system of crisscrossing joints, (Sweeting,1966)


Fr. grotte, baume, balmeGerm. H8hle, GrotteGre. speleonItal. grottaSp. grutaTurk, magaraukUSSR grotYug. nisa


Fr. bouillidou (S. of France)




Fr. mogoteGerm. Mogote Gre.Ital. mogote, rilievo carsico residuo Sp. mogoteTurk, konik kireptagi tepesi USSRYug. hum

1. Hole in small cave or cavern which has eroded in the wall of a main cave2. Widely open and shallow cave with a vaulted roof3. A cave or chamber preceded by a narrower passageA grotto is often intricately decorated, and may occur above, at, or below sear-level

see: vauclusian spring

Bee: caliche, havara, nari

see: caliche, kafkallaName given in Cyprus to a soft porous carbonate formation, up to several metres thick, found capping many formations and containing fragments and minerals derived from older rocks; is probably a type of hardpan or caliche (Pantazis, 1961)

see: mogoteRounded conical hill of limestone residual after karst solution (Puerto Rico). Term is no longer much used

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HELICTITE related to; curtain, dripstone, speleothem

Pr. excentrique Irregular, twig-like, crystalline growthsGerm. exzentrisch gekriiramter with varying orientations but often in

Tropfstein, Excentriques crystal continuity, formed in caves byGre. stalaktitis akanonistos precipitation from bicarbonate solutions.Ital. stalattiti anomale, Also known as "eccentric anemolite"

eccentriche (Pénolon and 1899-K)Sp. estalactita exoentricaTurk.USSR

diizeneiz sarkit

Yug. heliktit

HOLOKARST Karst area with little or no surface runoff or streams; it is underlain by thick carbonate

Pr. holokarst rocks and is characterized by well developedGerm. Holokarst karst surface topography from karren to poljes,Gre. holokarst extensive sub-surface karst features likeItal. olocarsismo, carsismo maturo caves, caverns, galleries, chimneys, etc.,Sp. holokarst and with anastomosing underground streams.Turk. tain karst The term was created by J. Cvijió.USSRYug. potpuni krs (kras), holokarst Compare: causse and merokarst

HUM see: karst inselberg, mogote

Pr. butte témoin Yugoslav term for an isolated residual hillGerm. @Carstinselberg), Hum on the bottom of a poljeGre. karstiki martyree lophiItal. testimoni carsiciSp. humTurk. karst adatepesiUSSR karstovij ostanecYug. hum

ICE CAVE A non-karst term; included for information only.

Pr. glaciàre 1. Any cave in which the temperatureGerm. "Eishbhle" is below freezing and which ordinarilyGre. paghoménon spileon contains ice in the form of stalactites,Ital. ghiacciata naturale, stalagmites and flowstone

grotta ghiacciata 2. Cave in ice, as at the base of aSp. cueva helada, cueva de hielo glacierTurk. buz magarasiUSSR led.ianaja pesceraYug. ledena pefiina, ledenjaca,

ledena jama

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BY. incrustationGerm. KrustenbildungGre. epiphliomaItal. incrostazioneSp. incrustaciónTurk. kabuk baglama, kabuklafmaUSSR obrazovanie natecnih korYug. inkrustacija


Pr. cours d'eau intermittentGerm. intermittierender Fluss,

episodischer periodischer Pluss Gre. dialípon potamósItal. torrente intermittenteSp. corriente intermitenteTurk. kesintili akarsuUSSRYug. susica, suvaja


Pr. source temporaire, sourceintermittente

Germ. intermittierende Quelle,periodische Quelle

Gre. thialepousa pegeItal. sorgente temporanea, s.

intermittente Sp. fuente intermitente,

fuente temporal Turk. kesintili kaynakUSSR peremezajuscijsja istocnikYug. periodicko vrelo, potajnica,

obdobni izvir


Fr. karst sous-jacentGerm. unterirdisches KarstphanomenGre. kalyménon karstItal. carso copertoSp. karst interstradalTurk. tabakalar arasi karstUSSRYug.

Deposition of a crust (of calcite etc.) upon an object by precipitation from water over­saturated with salts (calcium bicarbonate etc.) (E. Sevier)

A river or stream which flows only in direct response to precipitation or to intermittent discharge of a spring; not confined to karst areas, but not uncommon in them.

Compare; interrupted river

related to: ebb-and-flow spring,periodic spring

Spring with variation in discharge, so that it is seasonally dry. Thus, its rate of flow and duration of non-flow are related to the precipitation pattern on its catchment

see: covered karst

Karst which has developed under a cover of autochthonous rocks, and so is younger than its cover (Quinlan, I9 6 7)

93 INTER-PERMAFROST KARST see: permafrost karst, sub-permafrostkarst

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INTERRUPTED RIVERPr, rivifere interompueGerm, periodischer Pluss ?, Karst-fluss, versickemder Pluss Gr. thiakekoménos potamós Ital.Sp. rio sumenteTurk, yer yer akan nehirUSSR, peresihauchaj reka, syhaja

rekaYug. susica, suvaia, periodiéka

rijeka (reka)


Pr. traceur isotopiqueGerm. Markierung durch radioaktive

Isotopen Gre. isotopicos ichnithetisItal. tracciante isotopicoSp. trazador isot6picoTurk, izotop izleyicisiUSSR izotopnij indikatorYug. izotopni traserIZDAN


Pr. jamaGerm. Abgrund, Schacht, SchlundGre. karstikon phrearItal. abisso, foiba, pozzo, voragineSp. sima, pozo, avencTurk, obrukUSSR karstovij kolodec, karstovaja

sahtaYug. syn: bezdan, japaga, zvekara,

pekel brezno, prepad, propaBt


see: lost river

A river which flows for part of its course on the surface, and part underground in caves

compare: intermittent river

Tracer which is an isotope of an element present in the water; it may be artificial (added to the water) or natural (present in the water)

A general Yugoslavian term for a groundwater reservoir from which groundwater may readily be extracted; it is not specifically a karst term

related to: cenote, doline, obruk, pit,shaft, shake hole

Yugoslav expression for a more or less vertical or steep shaft in karst

see: caliche, havaraA term used in Cyprus for the hardened upper portion or crust of havara

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Fr. kameniceGerm. Opferkessel,

Kamenica Gre. lakouva, ythrolakkos Ital.Sp. cuenco, tinajitaTurk, erime tavasi USSR bljudoeYug. kamenica, skalne kotlice,

skalba, skalnica

also; solution pan, water potPlat panhole or shallow pit (10-15 cm deep and up to 0,5 m wide) in limestone surfaces; holds water because it is not cut by joints

100 KANKAR see: caliche


lapiésKarren, Schratten thaktyloglyphae, amaxotrochiae campo solcato lapiaz erime olugu karriskrape, skripovi, grizine, zlebici, skraplje

also: lapiés, rock-rill

Channels or furrows on limestone surfaces; they are separated by small sharp or rounded ridges,which are usually discontinuous.Karren are formed by corrosion along joints or jointing systems, or by permanent flow of water over an initially smooth surface.The term is of German origin, and karren have been subdivided into several forms (Bogli I960, 1899-K)




KARRENFELDTurk. erime olugu alaniKARST

Pr. karstGerm. KarstGre. karstItal. carso, carsismoSp. karBtTurk. karstUSSR karstYug. krs, kras, karst

see: clint with grikes

The term karst unites specific morphological and hydrological features in soluble (mostly carbonate) rocks. Morphological features include karren, dolinas, jamas, ponors, uvalas, poljes, caves, caverns, etc. Hydrological features include basins of closed drainage, lost rivers, estavelles, vauclusian springs, submarine springs, more or less individualized underground streams and incongruity of surface and underground divides. Karst is understood to be the result of natural processes in and on the earth's crust caused by solution and leaching of limestones, dolomites, gypsum, halite and other soluble rocks. Karst is a term of German origin created by transcription of folk term "kras" from the dinaric classical areas of "karst" in Slovenia and partly in Croatia. The term "kras" is used in Czechoslovakia too. In the DinarideB the equivalent term is "krs" and in Italy "carso". Russian references include Pavlov 1898,Popov 1959 and Sarapenskii, 1938

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karst barré Riegelkarst phragmenon karst

karst cerrado setli karstzagaceni krs (kras), zájezeni kras

French term for karst areas whose lower part is enclosed and bordered by more or less impervious rocks which impedes groundwater flow out of the karst area

105 KARST FEN Marsh or swamp formed by plants overgrowing a karst lake or seepage



Fr. marais karstiqueGerm. Karstsumpf ?Gre. karstikon elosItal. palude 0 acquitrinio carsicoSp. laguna karsticaTurk. karst batakligiUSSR karstovoje bolotoYug. lokva, kal


Fr. hydrologie karstiqueGerm. Hydrologie des KarBtsGre. karstike hydrologiaItal. idrologia carsicaSp. hidrologia kársticaTurk. karst hidrolojisiUSSR gidrologija karstaYug. krska (kraska) hidrologijâ


Fr. karstificationGerm. VerkarstungGre. apokarstosisItal. carsificazioneSp. karstificaciónTurk. karstlafmaUSSR karstoobrazovanieYug. okrsavanje, zakrasevanje,

karstifikacijaKARST INSELBERGFr. inselberg karstiqueGerm. Karstinselberg (Hum, Mogote)Gre. karstiki martyres lophiItal. rilievo carsico residuoSp. relieve kárstico residualTurk. karst tepesiUSSR karstovij ostanecYug. hum

The branch of hydrology dealing with hydrological phenomena on and in regions and areas composed totally or in part of rocks which are soluble in water, such as limestones, dolomites, gypsum and. halite

The process by which karst is formed.The term has been given a wide range of meaning, from almost a synonym of corrosion of soluble rocks by water to a term comprising all processes responsible for the development of karst features including, besides corrosion, such phenomena as mechanical erosion, jointing and faulting

also: hum, mogote

A residual hill of soluble rock ia a polje

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Pr. lac de karstGerm. KarstseeGre. karstiki limniItal. lago carsicoSp. lago kãrsticoTurk, karstik g‘<51iiUSSR karstovoe ozeroYug. krsko (krasko) jezero

Lakes on karst surface, frequently connected with groundwater; lakes in subterranean hollows (caves, caverns)

110 KARST PLAINPr. plateau karstiqueGerm. Karstebene, Karstrandebene,

KorrosionsflSche Gre. karstikon pedhion Ital. piano carsico Sp. llanura kársticaTurk, karst ovasi USSR karstovaja ravnina Yug. krska zaravan, povrs,

kraski ravnik



Pr. rivière karstiqueGerm. KarstflussGre. karstikós potamósItal. corso d'acqua carsicoSp. rio kársticoTurk, karst nehiriUSSR karstovaja rekaYug. krska rijeka, kraska reka

see; marginal polje

Large flat surface in karst formed by erosion and corrosion

see: polje

A river (or stream) flowing in a karstic area, either on the surface of the ground or through an underground cave system



Pr. suintement karstiqueGerm. Karstgrundwasser*- AustrittGre. karstiki thiaroiItal.Sp. zona de absorciónTurk. karst sizxntisiUSSR visacivanie karstovih vodYug. mociloKARST SHAPTPr. karst shaftGerm. Schacht, SchaftGre. karstikós lákkosItal. voragine, inghiottitoioSp. simaTurk. karst bacasiUSSR karstovaja sahtaYug. jama

Place where karst groundwater oozes out at the surface of the ground; sometimes overgrown and then forming a karst fen

related to: dolina, jama, obruk, pitA vertical or steeply-sided natural opening a few tens to a few hundred metres deep, formed by solution or erosion of vertical or sub-vertical fractures or fissures by down- flowing surface water; such a pit, formed from above, may connect with a chimney, formed from below

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íY. vallée karstiqueGerm. Karsttal, KarstgasseGre. karstiki kilásItal. valle carsicaSp. valle kársticoTurk. karst vadisiUSSR karstovaja dolinaYug. krska (kraska) dolina

1. Valley produced by collapse of a cavern roof2. Elongated solution valley in limestone


BY. fenêtre karstiqueGerm. KarstfensterGre. karstikon parathyronItal. finestra carsicaSp. dolina en ventanaTurk. karst penceresiUSSR karstovoe oknoYug. krBko (krasko) okno

1. Small depression reaching to the sub-surface water stream.2. A through opening in natural limestone walls, formed by meeting of karst grottos as a result of solution

117 KRAS

118 KRS



?r. lapiesGerm. KarrenGre. lapiaz, lenarItal. lapia, solcato, carreggiatoSp. lenarTurk. erime olugu, lapya USSR karriYug. skrape, grizine, bridine,


see: karst

see: karst

Bee: caliche

see: karren, rock-rill, grickes

BYench term for a region with outcrops of small regular pillars, cones or blocks of carbonate rock





pseudo-karst(Vulkanischer Karst), Lava- Karst, Pseudokarst pseudokarstpseudocarsismo vulcânico volcanokarst (general); tubo volcanico (tube, tunnel); jameo (collapse structure); malpais (topographic feature similar to lapies) lav karstl, a ldatici karst

also: pseudo-karstA non-karst term; included for information only.Sub-surface openings formed in lava flows due to outflow of liquid lava from beneath a solidified crust, or due to gas blisters; tubes and tunnels are formed with such pseudo­karst features as lava stalactites and also collapse structures and basins of closed drainage. Lava karst does not arise through solution of the rock by circulating water and so is not a true karst

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Pr. plateforme calcaireGerm. Kalk Plattform, Limestone PavementGre. karstikon lithostrotonItal.Sp. lapiaz entrecruzadoTurk, kireptagi dogemesi USSR Yug.

A hole in the roof of a cave through which light enters; sometimes a non­functioning ponor (Jamaican use)

see: clint with grikes, karrenfeld, lapiesHorizontal or sloping platforms of bare limestome, whose surface usually coincides with bedding-planes of the rock; often eroded into "clint with grikes" rock-forms, (Sweeting, 196 6)


Pr. circulation préfèrentielleGeim. Ortlich begrenzte Karstwasser-

ZirkulationItal. circolazione carsica parzialeSp. circulación localizadaTurk. yersel dola^imUSSRYug. lokalizirana (lokalna)


Circulation in karst aquifers in which the water moves in certain preferred zones or channels and does not occupy all or most of the openings below this level (1899-K)

compare; diffuse circulation


Pr. perte de riviereGerm. Flussversickerung,FlusschwindeGre. chanomenos potamosItal.Sp. rio sumenteTurk, kayip nehirUSSR iscezajuscaja rekaYug. ponornica, ponikalnica

also; ponornica, sinking river

A surface river or stream, flowing onto or over karst, which disappears completely underground through a ponor (or swallow- hole) and which may or may not rise again and flow as a resurgent surface river.compare: intermittent river


Ital. Merocarsismo

Karst area with large morphological features; term not easily defined, because it lacks limitscompare: microkarst


Fr. polje marginalGerm. Randpolje, Semipolje Gre. perithoriakón "polje" Ital. polje marginaleSp. polje marginalTurk, kenar go1ovaUSSRYug. rubno polje, robno polje

related to; blind valley

Plat plain surrounded by higher limestone country on all except one side which is formed of impermeable ridges or hills. Such a feature is normally found on the edge of a karst area or region (Lehmann H. 1959)

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Karst developed in soluble rocks retaining considerable surface drainage. Term

Pr. merokarst created by J. CvijicTurk. yari karst compare: causse and holokarst

MICRITE see; biomicrite, peloid

Pr. micrite A microscopic texture. An abbreviation ofGerm. "microcrystalline calcite ooze," the termGre. micrite refers to precipitated finely crystallineItal. micrite carbonate sediments in grains of from 1 toSp. micrita 4 microns diameter (Polk, 1959» P« 8)Turk. mikritUSSRYug. mikrit

130 MICROKARST Karst area with small morphological features; term not easily applied because it lacks limitscompare: macrokarst





mikrosparítis (mikroskopikón,mosaikón kristâllon)microsparitemicroesparitamikrospar

A microscopic texture. Mosaic of tiny (4 to 10 micron diameters) clear calcite crystals (AGI, after Polk, 1959)


Pr. mogoteGerm. (Karstinselberg), Mogote Gre. "moghotis" (apókrimnos,

asvestôlofos perikliómenos ap6 proschomatikas pediadas)

Ital. mogote, rilievo carsico residuo

Sp. mogoteTurk. karst kalinti tepesi USSRYug. hum

also: hum, karst inselberg, pepino hill

A steep-sided hill of limestone in the tropics, generally surrounded by nearly flat alluviated plains; a typical karst inselberg. Term originated in Cuba, but now used internationally for such residual hills in the tropics. Differs from cone, cupola, pinnacle and tower karst in its shape, reflecting its karstification history

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Fr. mondmilchGerm. Bergmilch, MontmilchGre. speleogalaItal. latte di monteSp. mondmilch, leche de lunaTurk. dik karstik kalintiUSSR kamennce molokoYug. gorsko mlijeko (mleko )



Pr. stalagmite d'argileGerm. Stalagmit aus Tonschlamm Gre. pilostagmitisItal. stalagmite di fangoSp. ostalagmita de barroTurk. çamur dikitiUSSR Yug.


Pr. karst nuGerm. oberflSchlicher nackter KarstGre. gymnon karstItal. carso nudoSp. karst desnudoTurk. çiplak karstUSSR golij karstYug. goli krs (kras)

137 NARI


Pr. étroitureGerm. Enge,Gre. steno perasmaItal. strettoiaSp. laminador, gateraTurk. agiz, geçitUSSR lazYug. sutjeska, klisura, soteska

also; mountain milk

1. Deposits consisting mainly of very fine particles of calcium and magnesium carbonate precipitated from water in caves and caverns; when in suspension, they give the water the appearance of milk. Name originated in 1714 by M.B. Valentini (Pénelon)2. According to Poulson and White (1969) moon-milk consists of a variety of hydro- carbonates, some of which are associated with particular species of bacteria. A common mineral in moon-milk from temperate caves is hydromagnesite; cold caves yield moon-milk of calcite after hydrocalcite

see: moon milk

related to: stalagmite

Stalagmitic column made of mud or clay with about 30io calcium carbonate cement; there may be some ooarse non-calcareous detritus in the core of such a column

see; exposed karst

1. Karst topography having much exposed bedrock (1899-K)2. A karstic outcrop which has developed without any initial cover of rock or soil (Quinlan', 1 9 6 7)

see; caliche, sabathTerm used in the countries bordering the Eastern Mediterranean for caliche or hardpan

A passage of restricted width between two caves or hollows in the karst under­ground; often not readily traversable

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139 NATURAL ARCH also: natural bridge

Pr. arche naturelieGerm. natttrliches Gewolbe, Natur-

brücke,Felsfenster,Felsbriícke Gre. physike apsithaItal. arco naturaleSp. arco naturalTurk. dogal kemerUSSR estestvennaja arkaYug. prirodni Bvod, luk,

naravni obok

A residual portion of the roof of a sub­surface karst cavity which has not collapsed. Such a natural arch may occur as a surface topographic feature, or as a part of a cave system

NATURAL BRIDGE also; natural arch

Fr. pont nature1 A residual portion of the roof of aGerm. Naturbriicke, Felsbrücke subterranean stream which has notGre. physiki gefyra collapsed and is found bridging a valleyItal. ponte naturale normally a surface feature, but may beSp. puente natural used to describe a similar occurrenceTurk. dogal koprii in a cave systemUSSR estestvennij mostYug. prirodni most, naravni most

141 NATURAL WELL Jamaican expression for a jama orcenote with waterItal. pozzo carsico



náomorphisme Neomorphismus ? neomorphismósneomorfismo meomorfizm

A microscopic texture. A complex of processes whereby a mosaic of finely crystalline carbonate is replaced by a coarser (sparry) mosaic without the development of visible porosity (Polk, 196s). Dominant reactions are the wet transformat­ion of aragonite to calcite and recrystall­isation. The process is 'porphyroid' where some of the neomorphic crystals are conspicuously larger than those which surround them (Bathurst, 1970)

143 NIPFr. resserrement, étranglementGerm. Kliff ?, Brandungsmarke?Gre. káto engopí vráchouItal. solco di battigiaSp. socavación marinaTurk. dalga yarigi pentigiUSSR Yug.

An undercut notch in rock, particularly limestone, located between high and low tide levels along sea coasts and produced by solution and erosion; more common along coasts with limited tidal variation

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OBRUK see: cenote, dolina, jama, pit, shaft

Pr. obruk Turkish form for a vertical or steep­Germ. Schlot sided depression or shaft in karst, oftenGre. "obruk" (káthetos karstikós formed by collapse of roof of underground

lákkos) cave or cavern. When the depressionItal. pozzo carsico contains a lake or pond, it is known asSp. torca "Sulu Obruk" or "Obruk Gblü;" when it isTurk. obruk dry, it is called "Kuru Obruk" or justUSSR "Obruk."Yug. jama

145 ORE KARSTPr. karst minierGerm. Zwischenraume, Kavernen,

Hohlen im Karst, gebildet durch ThermalwSsser Oder erzhaltige Losungen

Gre. thermometallikon karstItal. carsismo per dissoluzione

idrotermale Sp. karst termomineralTurk. cevher karst1USSR rudnij karstYug. rudni krs (kras)

Formation of interstices, caverns, caves and other karst forms produced by solution in water from thermal springs and ore-bearing solutions

146 PALEOKARST also: buried karst

Pr. paléokarstGerm. PalSokarst, fossiler KarstGre. paleokarstItal. paleocarsismo, carsismo

fossile Sp. paleokarstTurk. eski karstUSSR paleokarstYug. paleokrê, paleokras,


A karst formed in the past under an earlier erosion cycle and often in remote geological times; preserved by burial or suspension of karstification processes

147 PASSAGE A comparatively small undergroundopening made along fractures, fissures and

Pr. galerie bedding plains, by running water, but throughGerm. Gallerie, Stollen which it is possible to passGre. ypoghios thiothosItal. cunicolo, galleria Sp. galeriaTurk. geçitUSSR hodYug. galerija

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Pr. peloideGerm. mikroskopisches, sedimentSres

GefugeGre. piloidisItal. peloideSp. peloideTurk. peloitUSSRYug.


Pr. pelspariteGerm. Pelsparit, Kalkstein gefügt

aus KHgelchen ?Gre. pelsparitisItal. pelspariteSp. pelsparitaTurk. pelsparitUSSRYug.


151 PERIODIC SPRINGPr. source periodique Germ. Periodische Quelle,

intermittierende Quelle Gre. periodhiki piyi Ital. sorgente periodica Sp. fuente periódicaTurk, periyodik kaynak USSRYug. periodicini izvor (izvir)


Ft . karst de permafrostGerm. Permafrost Karst? PseudokarstGre. karst monímou paghetoúItal. pseudo-carsismo di permafrostSp. karst de permafrostTurk, aldatici don karst1USSRYug. permafrost krs (kras, karst)

see: micrite, pelsparite

A micropscopic texture. A sedimentary grain composed of micrite carbonate irrespective of origin (McKee and Gutschick, 1969)

see: peloids

A microscopic texture. A limestone composed of pellets (peloids) in a matrix of cement (Polk 1959» P* 26)

see; mogotePuerto Rican term for a rounded or conical-shaped hill resulting from tropical humid karst action; term now generally replaced by mogote (after 1899-K)

see; ebb-and-flow spring related to: intermittent spring

A periodic spring is a spring which shows a variation in flow which may be regular or irregular; it may be due to siphonic action (Meinzer, 1942, p. 430)

A non-karst term; included for information only.A pseudo-karst developed in areas of perma­frost, due to melting of ice and frozen ground in a manner superficially similar to the solution of carbonate material in water. A general term, embracing intra-permafrost karst, sub-permafrost karst and supra- permafrost karst

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153 PILLAR see: column



karst à pinaclesPinnacle Karst karst koriphón carsismo a pinnacoli

sivritepeli karst

A tropical landscape of bare reticulated saw- topped ridges having almost vertical slopes and a relief of as much as 120 metres; the ridges rise above forest-covered depressions and corridors, found in New Guinea at elevations of around 2,000 metres

Compare: cone, cupola and tower karst





Pr. poljeGerm. Polje Gre. polye Ital. polje Sp. poljeTurk, gblova, polye USSR polje Yug. polje

see: jama

also; karBt polje ,

Polje (Slavonic word for field) or karst polje, signifies the flat-bottomed lands of closed basins which may.extend over large areas, as much as 1,000 km . The flat floor of the polje may consist of bare limestone, of a non- soluble formation (and so with rolling topo­graphy) or of soil. The polje may be bordered by steep slopes and locally by cliffs. The polje will show complex hydrogeological characteristics, as exsurgences, swallow-holes, estavelles and lost rivers. In colloquial use, the term polje is applied to flat- bottomed lands which are overgrown or are under cultivation

157 PONOR also; swallow hole

Pr. ponor, aven, gouffre, perteGerm. Schlund, Saugloch,

Schlinger, Ponor Gre. katavothra Ital. inghittitoio, capovento Sp. Bumidero, ponor, pérdidaTurk, su yutan USSR ponorYug. ponor, utok, poziralnik,


Hole or opening in the bottom or side of a depression where a surface stream or lake flows either partially or completely under­ground into the karBt groundwater system.A sea-ponor is where sea-water flows or is sucked into an opening in karstified rock

158 PONORNICA see: lost river

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Pr. 1. marmite de géant;2. aven

Germ. Kolk, StrudellochGre. strongili opi is petróthi

kitin rfivmatosItal. marmitta dei gigantiSp. marmita de gigante, pilancónTurk. dev kazaniUSSR karstovaja sahtaYug. erozioni kotas

1. A small rounded hole or pipe worn into the bedrock of a stream, or on the coast, by sand, gravel and stones spun around by the current in evorsion or mill action;2. Vertical or steeply inclined shaft in karBt (English usage)


Pr. spéléologueGerm. SpelSologe, HUhlenforscherGre. erevna karstikon engelonItal. speleologoSp. espeleólogo, explorador de

simas Turk, dev kazanciUSSRYug. speleolog, jamar

Bee; speleologist, caver

Explorer of openings in karst formations, with emphasis on vertical and steep openings. Somewhat a slang term (English usage)


Pr. galerie en conduite forcée Germ. DruckstrSmungsriJhre,

Karstgerinne Gre. ypoghion yxnatagogos,

ypopiesin Ital. condotta forzata Sp. galeria (o tubo) saturada Turk, basinpli su mecrasi USSR karstovij kanal s napornimi

vo dam iYug. kanal s vodom pod tlakom

also; conduit, streamtube

Gallery with water flowing under pressure, including differential gravity head and artesian pressure


Pr. pseudokarstGerm. PseudokarstGre. psevthokarstItal. pseudocarsismoSp. pseudokarstTurk, aldatici karstUSSR psevdokarBtYug. pseudokrs, pseudokras,

pseudokarst, navidezni kras

see; lava karstA non-karst term; included for

information only

Terrain with features similar to karst but formed in non-soluble rocks, as by melting of permafrost or ground ice, collapse after mining, and by outflow of liquid lava from beneath its solidified crust

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Fr. resurgenceGerm. Karst quelleGre. kephalanItal. risorgenzaSp. resurgenciaTurk, suçlkanUSSR vihod karBtovih vodYug. krski izvor (vrelo),


166 RILLFr. traces de ruissellementGerm. Rinne, Kerbe Gre. riákionItal. solchi di ruscellamento Sp. arroyuelo Turk, küçük dere, oluk, ark

. USSR Yug.


Fr. gourGerm. SinterbeckenGre. frágma, epiphliomatosItal. vasche d1incrostazioneSp. dique travertinicoTurk, sedde, kenartagiUSSR natecnaja plotinaYug.


Fr. emergenceGerm. Ausflusstelle, KarstquelleGre. kephalariItal. sorgenteSp. emergenciaTurk, yüzeye yUkselipUSSR vihod karstovih^vodYug. krsko vrelo, krski izvor, obrh

see: chasm

see: hum, karst inselberg, mogote

see; emergence1. Re-emergence of karst groundwater, a part or all of whose waters are derived from surface inflow into ponors at higher levels2. Point at which an underground streamreaches the surface and becomes a surface stream (US usage: 1899-K)

compare: exsurgence

1. Small solution groove on surface exposures of limestone; found more particularly in arid and semi-arid regions.2. Small channel cut by flowing water in the floor, wall or ceiling of a cave3. The smallest category of stream in any terrain

see: constructive waterfall

A wall-shaped deposit around springs and below cascades which impounds water in pools. Its formation is due to precipitation from saturated bicarbonate waters.

see: emergence"An issue of water from massive limestone which cannot be classed with certainty as either a resurgence or a spring" (Pitty 1966)This is an English synonym for an emergence; in Jamaica the word "rise" is used

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169 ROCK-RILL see: karren, rill


Fr. abri sous roche,balme,baumeGerm. Halbhohle,weite aber flache

Hohle Gre. kat aphyi onItal* riparo sotto rocoia, androneSp. abrigo, balmaTurk* kaya siginagiUSSRTug. potkapina, okapina, polupe<5ina,

spodmol, zijalka

A wide but shallow cavity in any rock; in carbonate rock often formed below a non­carbonate layer

171 SABATH see: hardpan, nari


Pr. eau saturéeGerm. gesattigtes Wasser Gre. koresménon fãorItal. acqua saturaSp. agua saturadaTurk. doygun suUSSRTug. zasiiena voda

Water which is in chemical equilibrium with its enclosing media, and hence non—agressive. Water, at about 25°C, in contact with calcite and the normal atmosphere, will contain some 30 to 50 PPm of Ca when saturated, variations being mainly due to differing pH. Determination of the saturation point of natural waters is complex

173 SCALLOPPr. cannelure, vague d 1ôrosionGerm. in Pliessrichtung des Nassers

ausgezogener Kolk Gre. kflon o-ofthésItal.Sp. huella de corrienteTurk. degirmi, tarakUSSR Tug.

also: fluteOval hollow, having an asymmetrical cross section along its longer axis. Scallops often form patterns on stream beds and cave walls; considered to indicate direction of water flow, since they are steeper on the upstream side (1899-K)

174 SCARPr.Germ.Gre.Ital.Sp.Turk.USSRYug.

cicatrice, griffureKlippeoulf

ceja (in central Spain) kireptapi dik yari

Steep rock cliff in limestone country often indicating outcrop of relatively bare and massively bedded limestone (North of England usage, as in Sweeting, 1966)

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Fr. grotte marineGerm. Kustenhohle, MeereshohleGre. thalassion spelson - paraktion

speleonItal. grotta marinaSp. cueva marinaTurk. deniz magarasiUSSR morskaja pesceraYug. morska peóina (spilja)


Fr. estavelle marineGerm, submarine EstavelleGre. estavelle thalassia (estavella)Ital. Estavella sottomarina,sorgente

sottomarina a flusso alterno Sp. estavela marina Turk, sahil batar pikari USSR Yug.


Pr. moulin de la mer,moulin d'Argostoli

Germ. MeerintthleGre. thalassomylos Ital.Sp. molino de marTurk, deniz suyu degirmeniUSSRYug. morska vodenica


Fr. perte sous-marineGerm, submariner PonorGre. ypothalaseia katavothraItal. inghiottitoio sottomarinoSp. sumidero marinoTurk, denizalte suyutaniUSSRYug. morska vodenica, morski ponor




see: oaveA oave or cleft in a sea cliff or coastal karst outcrop, eroded by waves or currents, or dissolved by circulating groundwater

Submarine or sea-shore opening in karst formations, which at one season or period discharges groundwater (fresh or brackish) from the aquifer into the seai-bed and at another season or period sucks sea-water into the aquifer

see: sea estavelleA mill whose motive power is derived from the flow of water into (or possibly out of) a sea estavelle; the classical example is on the Vinaria Peninsula, at Argostolion, Kephallinia (Lehmann, 1932)

see: ponorA submarine opening in karst formations where seai-water flows or is sucked into the aquifer

see: jama, karst shaft

see: jama

see: jama

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Fr.Germ. DolineGre. (opf ek kathiziseos eth£fous)Ital. pozzo assorbenteSp. sumideroTurk. pi5kek, kukurdan, erime hunisiUSSRYug. do, duliba, kotlic, konta




Fr. concretionGerm. Sinter, Kalktuff, TravertinGre. asvestolithikos toffosItal. concrezioneSp. concreciónTurk. kaynak ttifftUSSR otlozenija istocnikovYug. travertin, sedra, bigar,


see: sinkhole

An area where the surface of the ground has sunk to form a depression, without any reference to the presence or absence of surface stream flow. It does not mean a place where a surface stream sinks into the underground. The term originated from USA usage.

see: doline lake

see: lost river

related to: travertine

A rock or deposit formed by precipitation from natural water, often from a hot or cold spring. Calcareous sinter is calcium carbonate and is also known as tufa, travertine and onyx marble. Siliceous sinter is silica and is also known as geyserite and fiorite.



siphonSiphon,siphonsifonesifonsifonsifonsifon, smrk

1. Gallery in form of an inverted U, with water moving only under pressure when the siphon has completely filled up, the water head at the input end being higher than at the draining point.2. A cave passage in which the ceiling dips below a water surface (1899-K)

188 SOLUTION see: corrosion

189 SOLUTION PAN see: kamenica

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Pr. affaissement par dissolutionGerm. LJJsungstaschen, LSsungstrichterGre. katakáthisma thiá thialíseosItal. subsidenza per dissoluzione,

subsidenza per suberosioneSp. subsidencia por disolucionTurk. erime alpaluniUSSR prosedanie vsledstvie

rastvorenijaYug. korozivno urusavanje

Any subsidence due to solution of under­lying rock, but particularly the subsidence of parts of a formation or soil cover into hollows or pockets of an immediately under­lying soluble formation (1899-K)

191 SPELEOLOGIST also; caver, potholer

Pr. spéléologue Explorer of cavee, caverns and otherGerm. Hohlenforscher, Spelaologe ground openings especially in karst;Gre. speleologos and potholer are slang termsItal. speleologoSp. espeleólogoTurk. speleolog, ma^arabilimciUSSR speleologYug. speleolog, spiljar, jamar



Pr. spéléologieGerm. Hohlenforschung,HohlenkundeGre. speleologhiaItal. speleologiaSp. espeleologiaTurk. speleoloji, magarabilimUSSR speleologijaYug. speleologija, peôinarstvo,


A branch of knowledge dealing with the study and exploration of underground caves (E). Study, exploration and description of caves, caverns and other underground cavities in karst and rarely in lavas or ice


Pr. concretions cavernicolesGerm. H8hlenformat i onGre. speleolithomaItal. concrezioneSp. concreción (estalagmitica

eetalactftica)Turk. magara oluguguUSSR nateenie obrazovanijaYug. sige

also: cave formationGeneral term for stalactites, stalagmites, moon-milk, helictites and other secondary mineral deposits in caverns and caves

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194 SPORE TRACER see: isotope tracer


traceur, marqueur Sporenmarkierung lycopodium ichnithetis tracciante vegetale trazador de esporas spor izleyici

Dyed spores of the fern, lycopodium clavatum, used to label groundwater karstic terrain, as developed by Prof.J.Zotl and Dr.Maurin of Graz





A natural outflow of water (or other liquid or gas) at the surface of the land or into surface water. In some usages, 'spring* is restricted to the water which outflows; in other usages, the word can refer to the water, to the outlet, or to the locality of the outflow


Pr. stalactiteGerm. Tropfstein, StalaktitGre. stalaktitisItal. stalattiteSp. estalactitaUSSR stalaktitTurk. sarkitYug. mosur, viseci kapnik,stalaktit

Conical deposit of calcite or aragonite often with a hollow centre, hanging from the roof of a cave or cavern; formed by precipitation of carbonate due to escape of CO2 from hanging water beads and to evaporation of part of the water


Pr. stalagmiteGerm. Bodenzapfen, StalagmitGre. stalagmitisItal. stalagmiteSp. estalagmitaTurk. dikitUSSR stalagmitYug. óulak, stojeci kapnik,


related to: mud-stalagmite

Columnar or partly irregular deposit of calcite or aragonite on the floor of a cave or cavern; formed by precipitation of carbonates due to escape of CO2 from water dripping from the roof


Pr. puits à vapeur,Germ. Damp fs chiotGre. atmotrypaItal.Sp. cavidad fumanteTurk. buhar deligiUSSRYug.

also related to: blow hole, blowing wellAn opening from a cavity through which a current of air charged with vapour blows upwards and condenses at the orifice to appear as steam; such openings are an occasional feature in karst terrain

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Pr. conduite forcéeGerm. DruckflussrohrGre. ypóghios sfranxItal. condotta forzataSp. tubo ( 0 conducto) fréaticoTurk. akarsu mecrasiUSSRYug.

see: conduit, pressure flow tube1. A cave passage completely filled, now or in the past, with fast-moving water, and whose ceiling and walls normally show scallops (1899-K)2. In non-karst use, "an imaginary tube of fluid bounded by streamlines" (e ) (Sevier)


Pr. karst sous-jacent Karst landscape in non—carbonate terrain,Germ. unterirdisches Karstphanomen due to karstified rocks beneath the sur-Gre. ypokfmenon karst face formation (l899"*0Ital.Sp. karst subyacenteTurk. gizli karstUSSR pokritij karstYug. pokriven krs (kras)

201 SUBLACUSTRINE SPRINGPr. source sous lacustreGerm. Unterwasserquelle,

sublacustre QuelleGre. ypovrichios pighiItal. sorgente sublacustreSp. fuente sublacustreTurk. golalti kaynagiUSSR istocnik na dne ozeraYug.

see: drowned spring

A spring emerging in the bed of a lake, predominantly in karst areas.

202 SUBMARINE SPRINGPr. source sous marineGerm. Untermeeresquelle, Grund-

quelle, submarine QuelleGre. ypothalassia pighiItal. sorgente sottomarinaSp. fuente submarinaTurk. denizalti kaynagiUSSR submarinnij istocnikYug. vrulja

see: drowned spring

A spring emerging in a sea or lagoon, predominantly in karst areas. This is a descriptive term, generally corresponding to the genetic term 'drowned spring1

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Fr. karst sous-permafrostGerm. PseudokarstGre. karst ypomonímou paghetoúItal. carsismo di sub-permafrostSp. karst de subpermafrost,

karst de intrapermafrost Turk. don alanx yeralti karstiUSSR podmerzlonij karst,

mezmerzlotnij karstYug.



Fr. karst vert, karst subcut&neGerm. bedeckter KarstGre. ypethaphikon karstItal.Sp. karst subcutáneoTurk. toprakalti karstiUSSR zadernovannij karstYug. pokriveni krs (kras)



Bee: permafrost karstalso: intra-permafrost karst

A non-karst term; included here for information only. Underground karst in areas of permafrost; karstification is due to the solvent action of sub­permafrost (or intra-permafrost) water

see: covered karstKarst covered with its own residuum and soil (Quinlan, 19^7)

see: underground divide

see: underground stream

207 SUFFOSIONFr. soutirage karstique Undermining through removal of sediment byGerm. Anzapfung mechanical and corrosional action ofGre. ypoghion thiavrosis underground water (Pavlov, 1898)Ital.Sp. sufosi6nTurk. karstik yeraltisuyu kazimasiUSSR suffozijaYug. sufozija

208 SUPRA-PERMAFROST KARSTFr. karst supra-permafrostGerm. PseudokarstGre. karst epi monfmou paghetoúItal. carsismo superficiale di

permafrostSp. karst de suprapermafrostTurk. don alani yiizey karstiUSSR. nadmerzlotnij karstYug.

see: permafrost karst

A non-karst term; included for information only. Surface karst in areas of permafrost; karstification is due to the solvent action of supra-permafrost water

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209 SUSICA see: intermittent river



Pr. karst syngénltiqueGerm. Syngenetischer KarstGre. syngeneticon karstItal. carsismo singeneticoSp. karst singeneticoTurk. egtürümlü karstUSSRYug. singenetski krs (kras

Yugoslav term for intermittent stream in karst from which water diverts and soaks gradually into the karst groundwater system

see: ponor

see: ponor

Karst developed contemporaneously with the lithification of the formation, as in an eolian calcarenite where lithification and karstification of a sand- dune may proceed simultaneously (1899-K)


Pr. tectokarst Karst formed under strong influence ofGerm. Tektonischer Karst tectonic disturbances. The term isGre. tektonikon karst indefinite, and its use is not recommendedItal.Sp. tectokarstTurk. tektonik karstUSSR karst zon tektoniceskih

razlomovYug. tektokrs, tektokras, tektokarst



Pr. terra rossaGerm. KalksteinroterdeGre. erythroghiItal. terra rossaSp. terra rossaTurk. kizll toprak, terrarosaUSSR terra-rossaYug. crvenica, jerina, jerovica

see: carbonate hardness

Insoluble residuum of a reddish-brown colour left behind when carbonate rocks weather under Mediterranean or allied climatical conditions

216 THERMOKARST see: cryokarst

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karst à tourelles, k. à tours Turmkarst, Kegelkarst

carsismo con forme residuali a torrekarst de torres kuleli karst

A type of karst topography, common in the tropics, in which the residual hills rise in steep-sided but flat—topped mounds (resembling towers) from intervening depressions or dolinas.Compare: cone karst, cupola karst and pinnacle karst


Pr. travertinGerm. Kalktuff, Sinter, TravertinGre. travertinis/asvestolithikos

toffosItal. travertinoSp. travertino, tobaTurk. traverten, sutapiUSSR travertinYug. sedra, travertin, bigar,lehnjak

related to; sinter, tufaGenerally compact calcium carbonate rock formed by precipitation of soluble bicarbonates when equilibrium is lost due to changes in temperature, and chemical characteristics. Soft, porous variety is called calcareous tufa

219 TRAVERTINE TERRACES see: constructive waterfall

Pr. terrasse de travertinGerm. Travertin-TerrasseGre. anavathmos travertinouItal. spianata di travertinoSp. terrazas travertfnicasTruk. sutapi trapalarlUSSRTug. slapovi

Terraces and related forms covered or composed of carbonates precipitated from water; such precipitation is usual from saturated bicarbonate waters (as from karst) when they enter a zone of turbulent flow


Pr. troglobieGerm. TroglobiontGre. troglothitisItal. troglobioSp. troglobioTurk. troglobit, kor balikUSSR troglobiontTug.

An animal which lives permanently under­ground in the dark zone of caves which it leaves only accidentally (1899—K)

221 TUFA see: travert ineA soft, often porous, variety of travertine; should not be confused with 'tuff'(volcanic ash)

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222 UNDERGROUND DIVIDE also? subsurface divide

Pr. ligne de partage des eaux sour- Subsurface watershed between two catchmentterraines, limite souterrainne in karst> often incongruent with the

Germ. unterirdische Wassei>- surface topography of the area,scheide

Gre. ypoghios ythrokretisItal. spartiacque sotterraneoSp. divisória subterrâneaTurk. yeralti su bolumüUSSR vodorazdel podzemnih vodYug. podzemna razvodnica, podzemna



Pr. rivière souterraineGerm. Hohlenfluss, unterirdischer Pluss Gre. ypoghios roe, potamosItal. fiume sotterraneoSp. rfo subterrâneoTurk. yeralti nehri, deresiUSSR podzemnaja rekaYug. podzemni tok, podzemna rijeka,

podzemna reka

also: subterranean streamWater flowing in channels through caves, caverns and larger galleries in karst under­ground.

224 UVALA related to: poljePr. cuvalaGerm. UvalaGre. ouvalaItal. awalamento carsico, uvalaSp. uvalaTurk. koyak; kokurdanUSSR uvalaYug. syn. draga

A Yugoslav expression for an elongated, closed depression in karst, commonly dry or with periodical small sinking streams or inundations; generally a few hundred meters long. It can be considered as a small polje.


Pr. source vaucluaienne, bouillidou(S. of Prance)

Germ. Vauclusequelle,(Riesenquelle)Gre. kephalari/vauclusiana pighiItal. sorgente valchiusanaSp. fuente vauclusiana, ojo,

heryidero Turk. basinpli kaynakUSSR vokljuzYug. voklisko vrelo, obrh


also: gashing springLarge karst spring (name by Fournet, after la Sorgue en Vaucluse, Prance), characterized by a stream surging up as from a siphon; also applied to karst springs with artesian characteristics.

see: kamenica, solution pan

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Pr. zones de karstificationGerm. Zone der VerkarstungGre. zoni karstikopiiseosItal. zone idrogeologicheSp. zona de karstificaciónTurk. karstlagma kugagiUSSRYug. zone karstifikacije

Cvijic (1926, i960) distinguishes three zones of karstification: (i) dry zone in the upper part of the karst with caves almost completely dry, (ii) transition zone where water flows downstream almost permanently and (iii) deep zone with slow downstream flow and local siphons.

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I - GENERAL...................................................... 7 terms

II - ZONES AND PHASES............................................. 12 "

III - TOPOGRAPHICAL-GENERAL........................................ 41 "

IV - TOPOGRAPHICAL-HILL FEATURES.................................. 11 "

V - HYDROCHEMISTRY AND PRECIPITATES............................. 37 "

VI - MICRO-TEXTÜRES............................................... 8 "

VII - WEATHER'blG ................................................... 8 "

VIII - SHAFTS AND COLLAPSE STRUCTURES............................... 13 "

IX - UNDERGROUND PASSAGES AND OPENINGS ........................ . 17 "

X - MOVEMENT OF WATER............................................ 9 "

XI - SPRINGS AND SINKS............................................ 23 "

XII - RIVERS AND STREAMS........................................... 11 "

XIII - LAKES AND POOLS.............................................. 8 "

XIV - TRACERS AND LABELS........................................... 3 "

XV - AIR MOVEMENT PHENOMENA....................................... 5 ”

XVI - BIOLOGICAL................................................... 5 11

XVII - PSEUDO-KARST................................................. 9 "

TOTAL: 227 terms

I - GENERAL (7 terms)

Clastokarst (38)Karst (103)Karstification (107)Kras (117)Krs (118)Ore karst (145)Speleology (192)

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Activity Index of Karat (2)Base of Karstification (8)Degree of Karstification (53) Fluviokarst (75)Holokarst (86)Interstradal Karst (92)Karst Barré (104)Merokarst (128)Palaeokarst (146)Syngenetic Karst (212)Tectokarst (213)Zones of Karstification (227)


Blind Valley (1 3)Bogaz (17)Buried Karst (20)Canyon (22)Causse (2 4)Chasm (36)Clint with Grikes (39)Cockpit Karst (4 0)Covered Karst (48)Denuded Karst (5 4)Dry Valley (6 3)Exhumed Karst (69)Exposed Karst (7 0)Glaciokarst (76)Glade (77)Gorge (78)Grike (79)Izdan (96)Karren (lOl)Karrenfeld (102)Karst Plain (lio)Karst Polje (ill)Karst Valiev (1 1 5)Lapies (120)Limestone Pavement (123)Macrokarst (126)Marginal Polje (127)Microkarst (l30)Naked Karst (1 3 6)Natural Arch (139)Natural Bridge (140)Polje (156)

II - ZONES AMD PHASES (12 terms)

Ravine (163)Rill (166)Rock—Rill (I69) Rock-Shelter (l70) Sinkhole (1 8 3)Solution Subsidence (l90) Subjacent Karst (200) Subsoil Karst (2 0 4)Uvala (224)

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Cone Karst (44)Cupola Karst (5 0)Haystack Hill (84)Hum (8 7)Karst Inselberg (l08)Mogote (132)Pepino Hill (1 5 0)Pinnacle Karst (154)Residual Hill (164)Scar (174)Tower Karst (217)



Agressive Water (3)Caliche (2l)Carbonate Hardness (2 3)Cave Formation (2 7)Cave Pearl (2 8)Column (4l)Constructive Waterfall (45) Corrosion (47)Curtain (5 1) Decalcification (52) Drapery (60)Dripstone (6l)Flowstone (73)Hardpan (82)Havara (8 3)Helicite (85)Incrustation (89)Kafkalla (98)Kankar (lOO)Kunkar (119)Moon-Milk (133)Mountain Milk (134)Mud Stalagmite (135)

Nari (137)Pillar (153)Rimstone Dam (16 7)Sabath (l7l)Saturated Water (172) Sinter (186)Solution (l88)Speleothem (193) Stalactite (196) Stalagmite (197) Temporary Hardness (2I4) Travertine (218) Travertine Terraces (219) Tufa (221)

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Alveolization (6)Dolomitic Flour (Sand) (58)Eversion (68)Flute (74)Nip (143)Scallop (173)Suffosion (2 0 7)Terra Rossa (2 1 5)

VII - SHAFTS AND COLLAPSE STRUCTURES (13 terms)Blind Chimney (12)Cenote (3 4)Chimney (37)Doline (56)Jama (97)Karst Shaft (114)Light hole (l22)Obruk (144)Pit (155)Pothole (159)Shaft (179)Shake (l8o)

Shake Hole (l8l)


Active Cave (l)Aisle (4 )Anastomosis (7 )Bedding Cave (9)Cave (2 5)Cavern (3 0)Cavernous (31)Cave System (32)Chamber (35)Corridor (4 6)Dome Pit (59)Feeding Tube (72)Grotto (8 0)Karst Window (ll6)Narrow (1 38)Passage (147)Sea Cave (175)

VI - WEATHERING (8 terms)

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Conduit (43)Diffuse Circulation (5 5)Karst Hydrology (l06) Localized Circulation (124) Pressure Plow Tube (l6l) Siphon (18 7)Streamtube (199)Subsurface Divide (2 0 5) Underground Divide (222)

X - SPRINGS AND SINKS (2 3 terms)

Blue Hole (16)Drowned Spring (6 2) Ebb-and-Flow Spring (6 5) Emergence (66)Estavelle (6 7)Exsurgence (7 1)Gushing Spring (8l) Intermittent Spring (91)Karst Seep (113)Periodic Spring (1 5 1)Ponor (157)Resurgence (16 5)Rising (l68)Sea Estavella (176)Sea Mill (177)Sea Ponor (178)Sink (182)Spring (195)Sublacustrine Spring (201) Submarine Spring (202)Swallet (210)Swallow Hole (211)Vauclusian Spring (2 2 5)


Allogene Stream (5)Bourne (18)Intermittent River (90) Interrupted River (94)Karst River (112)Lost River (125)Ponornica (1 5 8)Sinking River (1 8 5) Subterranean Stream (206) Susica (209)Underground Stream (223)

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Doline Lake (57)Kamenica (99)Karst Pen (IO5)Karst Lake (109)Natural Well (1 4 1)Sinkhole Pond (184)Solution Pan (l90)Water Pot (226)


Dye Test (64)Isotope Tracer (95)Spore Tracer (194)


Blowhole (14)Blowing Well (1 5)Breathing Hole (19)Cave Breathing (26)Steam Hole (198)

XV - BIOLOGICAL (5 terms)

Biospeleology (ll)Caver (2 9)Potholer (l6o)Speleologist (l9l)Troglobite (220)

XVI - PSEUDO-KARST (9 terms)

Cryokarst (49)Ice-Cave (88)Intra-Permafrost Karst (93)Lava Karst (l2l)Permafrost Karst (152) Pseudokarst (16 2)Sub-Permafrost Karst (2 0 3) Supra-Permafrost Karst (208) Thermokarst (216)


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All words and phrases used to define French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Russian and Yugoslavian equivalents of the English terms defined in the Glossary are listed here in alpha­betical order. The normal letter sequence of the western alphabet as used in English has been followed. The numbers in brackets refer back to the place where the word or phrase has been used in the main glossary; many words have appeared in more than one place.

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Abri sous roche (170)Affaissement par dissolution (190) Aile (4)Aisle (4)AlvSolisation (6)Anastomose (7)Arche naturelle (139)Aven (157), (159)Balme (80), (170)Baume (80), (170)Biomicrite (10)Biospéléologie (11)Biospéologie (11)Bleu-fon (South of France) (16)Bogaz (17)Bouillidou (S. of France) (81), (225) Butte témoin (8 7)

Cannelure (173)Canon (22)Canyon (22)Causse (24)Caverne (25), (30)Cavemeux (31)Cenote (34)Cheminée (aven) (37)Chute incrustante (45)Cicatrice (174)Ciment (33)Circulation diffuse (55)Circulation préfèrentielle (124) Clastokarst (38)Colonne (4 1)Coloration (64)Concrétion (186)Concrétions (61)Concrétions cavernicoles (193) Conduite forcé (43), (199)Corrosion (47)Coulée stalagmitique (73)Coupole (50)Cours d'eau intermittent (90)Croute (21)Cryokarst (49)Cuvala (224)Décalcification (5 2)Défilé (17)Doline (56)Draperie stalagmitique (5 1)Duretê temporaire (23)

Eau agressive (3)Eau saturée (172)Emergence (66), (168)Estavelle (6 7)Estavelle marine (176) Etranglement (143)Etroiture (138)Evorsion (59)j (68)Excentrique (8 5)Exsurgence (7 1)

Fenêtre karstique (116) Fluviokarst (75)Fracture ouverte (36)

Galerie (147)Galerie en conduite forcée (161) Glacière (88)Gorge (22)Gouffre (36), (157)Gouffre absorbant (46)Gout (16 7)Griffure 074)Grotte (25)j (80)Grotte de stratification (9) Grotte fonctionnelle (1)Grotte marine (175)Holokarst (86)Hydrologie karstique (106)

Incrustation (89)Indice d'activité du karst (2) Inselberg karstique (108)

Jama (97)

Kamenice (99)Karst (103)Karst à cupules (50)Karst à pinacles (154)Karst à pitons (44)Karst à tourelles (217)Karst à tours (217)Karst barré (104)Karst cockpit (4 0)Karst couvert (20), (48)Karst dénudé (54), (69)Karst de permafrost (152)Karst exposé (70)Karst glaciaire (76) Karstification (107)

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Karst m i n i e r 0 4 5 )Karst nu (136)Karst shaft (114)Karst sous-jacent (92), (200)Karst sous-permafrost (203)Karst subcutané (204)Karst supra-permafrost (208)Karst syngénétique (212)Karst vert (204)

Lac de doline (57)Lac de karst (109)Lapiaz (39)t (79)Lapiés (101)Lapies (120)Ligne de partage des eaux souterraines (222) Limite souterrainne (222)

Marais karstique (105)Marquer (194)Marmite de géant (159)Marmite inversée (59)Merokarst (128)Micrite (129)Microsparite (131)Mogote (84), (132)Mondmilch (133)Moulin d'Argostoli (177)Moulin de la mer (177)

Néomorphisme (142)Niveau de base karstique (8)Obruk (144)Ouvala (224)

Paléokarst (146)Passage respirant (26)PeloTde (148)Pelsparite (149)Perle des cavernes (28)Perte (157)Perte de rivière (125)Perte sous-marine (178)Pilier stalagmitique (4 1)Plateau karstique (110)Plateforme calcaire m (123)Polje (156)Polje marginal (127)Ponor (157)Pont naturel (140)Pseudo—karst (121), (162)

Puits à vapeur (198)Puits fumant 098)Puits souffleur 0 5 )

Réseau souterrain (32)Resserrement (143)Résurgence (165)Rivière allogène (cours d'eau) (5) Rivière interrompue (94)Rivière karstique (112)Rivière souterraine (223)

Sable dolomitique (58)Salle (35)Siphon (187)Source (195)Source bleue (Jura) 06)Source intermittente (6 5), (91)Source noyée (62)Source périodique (151)Source sous-aquatique (62)Source soub lacustre (201)Source sous marine (202)Source temporaire (91)Source vauclusienne (225)Soutirage karstique (207)Spélêologie (192)Spéléologue (160), (191)Stalactite (196)Stalagmite (197)Stalagmite d'argile (135) Suintement karstique (113)

Taux de karstification (53) Tectokarst (213)Terra rossa (215)Terrasse de Travertin (219) ThennokarBt (49)Traces de ruissellement (166)Traceur isotopique (95)Traceur (194)Travertin (218)Troglobie (220)Trou souffleur (14), (19)Tunnel (72)

Vague d'érosion (173)Vallée aveugle (13)Vallée karstique (115)Vallée sèche (63)

Zones de karstification (227)

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Abgrund (97)Ab t ragungs inde x (2)Aeolisation (6)Aggressives T/fesser (3)Aktive HShle (l)Aktive WasserhShle (l)Allochthoner Pluss (5)Allochthoner Ifesserlauf (5 ) Anzapfung (207)Ausflusstelle (66), (168)Auskolkung (68)Ausmass (Grad) der Verkarstung (53) Austrittsstelle (7 1)Auswaschung (68)

Bedeckter Karst (20), (48), (204)Bergmilch (133)Biomicrite (10)BiospelSologie (11)Blindtal (13), (17)Blaue Grotte (16)Boden zapf en (197)Brandungsmarke (143)

Ca-Horizont (21)Canyon (22)CarbonathSrte (23)Causse (24)Cenote (34)Cryokarst (49)

Dampfschlot (198)Deckenkolk (59)Diffuse Grundwasserbewegung (55) Doline (17)i (183)Dolinen (56)Dolinensee (57)Dolomitasche (58)Dolomitsand (5 8)Dom (35)Druckflussrohr (199)Druckleitung (43) Druckstromungsrohre (161)

Sishohle (88)Enge (138)Entkalkung (5 2)Episodischer periodischer Pluss (90) Estavelle (6 7)Excentriques (85)ESczentrisch gekrümmter Tropfstein (85)

Farbung (64)Farbversuch (64)Felsbrücke (139;. (140)Felsfenster (139)Flus s chwinde (125)Flussversickerung (125)Fluviokarst (75)Fossiler Karst (146)

Gallerie (147)Gebiet rait Karst und Glazial—Formen (76)Gefüge, mikroskopisches, sedimentares (148) Gesattigtes Wasser (172)Grotte (25), (80)Grotte mit Resonanz (26)Grundquelle (202)Grundwasserbewegung, diffuse (55)

HalbhShle (170)Halle (35)Harte f23)Hohle (25), (30), (80)Hohlenfluss (223;Hohlenformation (193)HShlenforscher (160). (191)Hohlenforschung (192 ;Hohlen im Karst, gebildet durch Thermalwasser oder erzhaltige Losungen (145)

Hohlenkunde (192)Hohlenperlen (28)Hohlensystem (32)Holokarst (86)Hum (8 7), (108)Hydrologie des Karsts (106)

In Fliessrichtung des Wassers ausgezogener Kolk (173)InkrustierenderIntermittierende Quelle (^2), (91), (15 1)Intermittierender Fluss (90)

Kalkkruste (21)Kalktuff (186), (218)Kalkstein, gefügt aus Kügelchen (149) Kalksteinroterde (215)Kalk-Plattform (123)Kalkstein-Plateau (24)Kamenica (99)Kamin (37)Kammer (3 5)Karren (101), (1 20)Karrenfeld (39)

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Karstebene (110)Karstfenster (116)Karstfluss (94)» Cl12)Karstgasse (l7)» (46), (115)Karstgerinne (7 2), (l6l)Karstgrundwasser-Austritt (113)Karstinselberg (87)» (1°8), (132)Karstquelle (165)» (168)Karstrandebene (110)Karstsee (109)Karstsumpf (1Ó5 )Karsttal (115)Karsttrichter (5 6)Karstquelle (66), (71)Kaverne (30)Kavernen (145)Kavernos (3 1)Kegelkarst (4 0), (44), (50), (217)Kerbe (166)Kesseltal (13)Klastokarst (3 8)Kliff (143)Klippe (174)Kluft (4), (36)Kolk (159), (173)Korrosion (47)KorrosionsflSche (110)Korrosionsniveau (8)Krustenbildung (89)KíistenhíJhle (175)

Labyrinth (7)Lava-Karst (121)Leitung (43)Limestone Pavement (123)LSsungsmenge (2)LíJsungsriickstand • (52)LSsungstaschen (190)LSsungstrichter (l90)Luftloch (19)

Markierung durch radioaktive Isotopen (95) MeereshShle (175)Meermiihle (177)Mikroskopisches, sedimentares Gefüge (148) Mogote (84), (108), (132)Montmilch (133)

Nackter Karst (54), (70)Naturbriicke (139), (140)Natürliches GewSlbe (139)Neomorphismus (142)

Oberfla’chlicher Karst (54), (70)Oberflãchlicher nackter Karst (136)Ortlich begrenzte Karstwasser-Zirkulatiòn

(124)Opferkessel (99)

Palaokarst (146)Pelsparit (149)Periodischer Pluss (94)Periodische Quelle (91), Ü51)Permafrost Karst (152)Pinnacle Karst (154)Polje (156)Ponor (157), (178)Pseudokarst (121), (152), (162),(203), (208)

Quelle (195)Randpolje (127)Riegelkarst (1Ó4)Riesenquelle (225)Rinne (166)

Saugloch (157)Schacht (97), (114)Schaft (114)Schichtgebundene HShle (9) Schlinger (157)Schlot (37), (144)Schlucht (22)Schlund (97), (157)Schratten (101)Semipolje (127;Sinter (4 5), (73), (186), (218)Sinterbecken (45), (16 7)Sint e rfahne (5 1)Sinterfall (73)Siphon (187)Spelãologe (16O), (191)Sporenmarkierung (194)Stalagmit (61), (197;Stalgmit aus Tonschlamm (135)Stalaktit (61), (196)Stollen (147)Stromungsrohr (7 2)Strudelloch (159)Sublacustre Quelle (62), (201)Submarine Estavelle (176)Submarine Quelle (^2). (202)Submariner Ponor (178)Syngenetischer Karst (212)

Tektoni,scher Karst (213)Temporare Hãrte (23)Thermokarst (49)Travertin (186), (218)Travertin-Terrasse (219)Trockental (6 3)Troblobiont (220)Tropfstein (61), (196)Tropfstein-Saule (41)Turmkarst (40), (44), (217)

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Unterirdischer Flues (223) Unterirdische Wasserscheide (222) Unterirdisches Karstphanomen (92;, Untermeeresquelle (202) Unterwasserquelle (201)Uvala (224)Vauclusequelle (225)Verkarstung (107)Versickemder Fluss (94) Vulkanischer Karst (121)

Wabenverwitterung (6)Wasserhohle (l)Wasserfall (45)Weite, aber flache Hohle Wiederaufgedeckter Karst Windhohle (14)Windkamin (15)

Zangon (17)Zement (33)Zone der Verkarstung (227) Zwischenraume (145 )

(170)(69), (70)


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Akalypton karst (7 0)Allothigenes ryaz (potamos) (5) Amaxotrochiae (101)Anapneousa ope (26)Anapnéousa opí spiléou (19)Anastomosis (7)Anavathmos travertinou (219)Apocheteftikos karstikos agogos (4 6) Apogymnomenon karst (54)Apokarstosis (107)Apóthema oriktón aláton (21)Asvestolithikon epiphlioma (73) Asvestolithikos toffos (186)Asvestôlofos perikliómenos apó proschomatikas pediadas ("moghotis", apókrimnos) (132)

Atmotrypa (198)Basis apokarstoseos (8)Biospeleology (11)

Chanomenos potamos (125)Chasma (36)Chemeke thiavroses (47)Chrostike ichnithetesis (6 4)Clastokarst (38)

Lholomitikon alevron (5 8)Diallpon potamós (9 0)Dolinovrithes karst (4 0)

Ekphysosa ope (1 5)Energon speleon (1)Epiphlioma (8 9)Epiphliomatos (167)Erevna karstikon engelon (160)Erythroghi (215)Estavella thalassla (176)Estavella (6 7)Exasvestoses (5 2)

Farangothes ipoyios thiavasis (4 ) Farangothis doline (1 7)Fluviokarst (75)Frágma (16 7)Galaso speleo (16)Gymnon karst (136)Gymnothen karst (69)

Holokarst (86)

Isotopicos ichnithetis (95)

Kalymeno palaeokarst (20)Kalyménon karst (9 2)Kapnothochos (37)Karst (103)Karst epi monlmou paghetoú (208)Karstike hydrologia (106)Karstiki limni (109)Karstiki thiaroi (113)Karstiki martyree lophi (8 7), (108) Karstiki kilás (115)Karstiki pighi (7 1)Karstikon elos (105)Karstikon lithostroton (123)Karstik6n oropédion (24)Karstikon parathyron (116)Karstikon pedhion (110)Karstikon phrear (97)Karstikós lákkos )114)Karstikós potamós (112)Karst koriphón (154)Karstikos ypoyios agogos (72)Karst monlmou paghetoú (152)Karst ypomonlmou paghetoú (203) Katakáthisma thiá thiallseos (190) Kataphyion (170)Katarrâktis (45)Katavothra (157)Káthetos karstikós lákkos, "obruk" (144) Káto engopl vráchou (142)Kekalymenon karst (4 8)Kephalari (66), (165), (168), (225)Kllon o-oüthés (173)Kliste karstike kilas (1 3)Konoethes karst (4 4)Konoidhes karst (5 0 )Koresménon £dor (172)Kristállon (131)Kypselothis epiphania (6)

Lakouva, ythrolakkos (99)Lapiaz (120)Lenar (120)Limni dholina (57)Lycopodium ichnithetis (194)

Micrite (10), (129)Mihanikl diávrosis (68)Mikro skop ikón (13 "0Mikrosparltis (131)Mosaikón (131)"Moghotis" (apókrimnos, asvestôlofos perikliómenos apó proschomatikas pediadas)(132)

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Neomorphismós (141)

"Obruk" (káthetos karstikÓB lákkos) (144) Ope ekphysosa (14)Opí ek kathizlseos etháfous (18 3)Oulí (174)Ouvala (224)Oxyanthracouchon ythor (3)

Pagheto-karat (7 6)Paghoménon splleon (88)Paleokarst (146)Paraktion speleon (175)Parapetasma stalaktitikon (51)Parothiki sklipotis anthrakiki sklirotis (23) Patoma apokarstoseos (8)Pelsparltis (149)Periodhiki piyi 051)Perithoriakón "polje” (127)Pethion amaxotrochion thactyloglyphon (39) Pharangi (22)Phragmenon karst (104)Physike apsitha (139)Physiki gefyra (140)Pigházon ^thor (66)Pighi (195)Pighi ambótidos kai palfrrias (6 5)Piloidis (148)Pilostagmitis (135)Polye (156)Potamos, allothigenes xyaz (5)Potamos, ypoghios roe (223)Pseudokarst (121)Psevthokarst (162)

Riákion (166)

Siphon (43) (187)Speleogala (133)Speleolithoma (193)Speleologhia (192)Speleologos 0 9 1)Speleomargarites (28)Speleon (25), (30), (8 0)Speleothes (3 1)Speleothes systema (32)Stalaktitis akanonistos (8 5)Stalagmitis (61), (197)Stalaktitike stele (4 1)Stalaktitis (196)Stalaktitis (61)Steno perasma (138)Strongíli opí is petróthi kltin

révmatos (159)Strosigenes speleon (9)Syngeneticon karst (212)Syntelestis karstikopiiseos (2)

Tektonikon karst (213 ) Thaktyloglyphae (101)Thalassion spelson (175) Thalassorçylos (177)Thermokarst (4 9)Thermometallikon karst (145) Thiacheomenon ydhor (55) Thiakekoménos potamós (94) Thialepousa pege (9 1)Thiction (32)Tholene (5 6)Travertinis/asvestolithikos (218) Troglothitis (220)Tsiménto (33)

Vathls lákkos me thôlon (59) Vauclusiana pighi (225(Vathmos karstikopiiseos (53) Vethisthesa pigi (6 2)Voulismeno speleon (34)

Xera kilas (6 3)

Ypethaphikon karst (204)Ypoghios thiothos (147)Ypoghios ythrokretis (222) Ypoghion thiavrosis (207)Ypoghios ythata^ogos (161)Ypoghios roe, potamos (223) Ypóghios slranx (199)Ypoklmenon karst (200)Ypopiesin (161)Ypothalassia katavothra (178)Ypothalassia pighi (202) Ypovrichios pighi (201)Ypoyios aethousa (35)Ythrolakkos (99)

Zoni karstikopiiseos (227)

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Abisso (95)Acqua aggressiva (3) Acqua saturada (172) Acquitrinio carsico (105)Altopiano carsico (2 4) Alveolization (6) Anastomosi (7 )Androne (170)Arco naturale (139) Awalamento carsico (224)

Biomicrite (10) Biospeleogia (11)Bocca soffiante (14)

Caliche (21)Camino (37)Campo carsico a doline (4 0)Campo solcato (39)» (101)Canyon (22), (36)Capovento (157)Carreggiato (120)Carsificazione (107)Carsismo (103)Carsismo clastico (38)Carsismo a pinnacoli (154)Carsismo con forme residuali a torre (217) Carsismo con forme residuali coniche (44) Carsismo con forme residuali di cupola (50) Carsismo per dissoluzione idrotermale (145) Carsismo di sub-permafrost (203)Carsismo fossile (146)Carsismo maturo (86)Carsismo singenetico (212)Carsismo superficiale di permafrost (208) Carso (103)Carso coperto (48), (92)Carso denudato (54)» (70)Carso di torri (44)Carso nudo (54), (136)Carso riesumato (69)Carso sepulto (20)Caverna (2 5)Caverne (30)Cemento (33)Circolazione carsica diffusa Circolazione carsica parziale Colata stalagmitica (73)Colonna (stalagmitica o stalattitica) (41) Concrezione (61), (73), (186), (193) Condotta forzata (43), (161), (199)Con grotte (31)Corrosione (47)

Corso d'acqua allogeno (5)Corso d'acqua carsico (112)Cortina stalattitica (51)Criocarsismo (49)Cunicolo (147)

Decalcificazione (52)Deposito (73)Dissoluzione (47)Dolina (56)Dolina allongata (46)Durezza temporanea (23)

EstavellaEstavella sottomarina (176)Evorsione (68)

Pattura beante (36)Pinestra carsica (116)Fiume sotteraneo (223)Pluviocarsismo (75)Foiba (95)Porra (22)

Galleria (147)Ghiacciata naturale (88)Gola (22)Grado di carsificazione (53)Grotta (25), (80)Grotta a soffio alterno (26)Grotta attiva (1)Grotta di interstrato (9)Grotta ghiacciata (88)Grotta marina (175)Idrologia carsica (106)Incrostazione (89)Indice di attivitâ carsica (2)Inghittitoio (157)Inghiottitoio sottomarino (178) Inghiottitoio (114)

Lago carsico (57), (109)Lago di dolina (57)Lapia (120)Latte di monte (133)Livello di base della attivitâ carsica (8)

Marmitta dei giganti (159)Marmitta inversa (59)Mogote (84), (132)Micrite (129)Microsparite (131)


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Olocarsismo (86)Orrido (22)

Paleocarsismo (146)Palude carsico (105)Peloide (148)Pelsparite (149)Perle di grotto (28)Piano carsico (110)Polje (156)Polje marginale (127)Ponte naturale (140)Pozzo (95)Pozzo carsico (144)Pozzo naturale (56)Pozzo soffiante (15)Pseudocarsismo (162)Pseudocarsismo di permafrost (15 2)Pseudocarsismo vulcânico (121)

Rilievo carsico residuo (84), (108), (132) Riparo sotto roccia (170)Risorgente (66)Risorgente carsica (71)Risorgenza (165)

Sala (35)Sifone (187)Sistema carsico sotterraneo (32)Solcato (120)Solchi di ruscellamento (166)Solco di battigia (143)Sorgente (168), (195)Sorgente carsica intermittente (65) Sorgente intermittente (91)Sorgente periódica (151)

Sorgente sommersa (62)Sorgente sottomarina (202)Sorgente sottomarina a flusso alterno (176) Sorgente sublacustre (201)Sorgente temporaneo (91)Sorgente valchiusana (225)Spartiacque sotterraneo (222)Speleologia (192)Speleologo (160) (191)Spianata di travertino (219)Stalagmite (73)Stalagmite di fango (135)Stalammite (197)Stalattite (196)Stalattiti anomale (85)Stalattiti eccentriche (85)Strettoia (138)Subsidenza per dissoluzione (190)Subsidenza per suberosione (190)

Terra rossa (215)Testimoni carsici (87)Torrente intermittente (90)Tracciamento con coloranti (64)Tracciante vegetale (194)Travertino (218)Troglobio (220)

Uvala (224)

Valle asciutta (6 3)Valle carsica (115)Valle chiusa (13)Valle cieca (13)Valle morta (6 3)Vasche d'incrostazione (45)1 (167)Voragine (95), (114)

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Abrigo (170)Agua agresiva (3)Agua saturada (172)Altiplano cárstico ( 2 4) Alveolización (6)Anastomosis (7 )Arco natural (139)Arena dolomítioa (5 8)Arroyuelo (166)Avenc (97)Balma (170)Bandera (5 1)Bioespeleología (11)Biomicrita (10)

Caliche (21)Callejón (4 6)Campo de lapiaz (39)Canón (36)Canón garganta (22)Caverna (30)Cavernoso (31)Cavidad fumante (198)Ceja (174)Cemento (33)Chimenea (37)Circulaciín localizada (124) Circulacián saturada difusa (55) Clastokarst (38)Colada estalagmítica (73) Coloración (64)Columna (4 1)Concreciín (186)Concreción (estalagmítica o estalactítica) (61), (193)

Conducto frêatico (199)Conducto saturado (43)Corriente intermitente (90) Corrosión (47)Cortina (5 1)Criokarst (49)Cuenco (99)Cueva (25)Cueva (3 0)Cueva activa (1)Cueva adaptada a planos de estratificación (9 )

Cueva de hielo (88)Cueva helada (88)Cueva marina (175)

Decalcificación (5 2)Dique travertínico (45), (16 7) Divisória subterrânea (222) Dolina (56)Dolina en ventana (116)Dolina laguna (57)Dureza temporal (23)

Emergencia (168)Espeleología (192)EspeleÓlogo (160), (191) Estalactica (196)Estalactita excêntrica (8 5) Estalagmita (197)Estavela (67)Estavela marina (176)Evorsión (68)Explorador de simas (160) Exsurgencia (71)

Fluviokarst (75)Fuente (195)Fuente (66)Fuente intermitente (65)1 (91) Fuente periódica (151)Fuente subacuática (62)Fuente sublacustre (201)Fuente submarina (202)Fuente temporal (91)Fuente vauclusiana (2 2 5)

Galerfa (147)Galerfa saturada (161)Gatera (138)Glaciokarst (76)Grado de karstificación (5 3) Gruta (80)Gruta resonante (26)

Hervidero (225)Hidrologia kárstica (106) Holokarst (86)Huella de corriente (173)Hum (87)Incrustación (89)índice de actividad kárstica (2)

Jameo (121)

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Karat (103)Karat cerrado (104)Karst cubierto (48)Karst de conos (44)Karat de cúpulas (5 0)Karat denudado (54)Karst de intrapermafrost (203) Karst de permafrost (152) Karat deanudo (136)Karst de subpermafrost (203) Karat de auprapermafroat (208) Karst de torres (217)Karst esponja (4 0)Karst exhumado (69)Karstificación (107)Karst interstradal (92)Karst singenetico (212;Karst soterrado (20)Karst subaêreo (7 0)Karst subcutáneo ( 204)Karst subyacente (200)Karst termomineral (145)

Lago kárstico (109)Laguna kárstica (105)Laminador (138)Laminador vertical (4)Lapiaz (101)Lapiaz entrecruzado (123)Leche de luna (133)Lenar (39), (120)Llanura kárstica (110)

Malpaffl (121)Manantial (66)Manantial intermitente (6 5) Marmita de gigante (159) Marmita inversa (59)Micrita (128)Microesparita (131)Mogote (8 4)Mogote (132)Molino de mar (177)Mondmilch (133)

Neomorfismo (142)Nivel de base kárstico (8)Ojo (225)Ostalagmita de barro (135)Paleokarst (146)Peloide (148)Pelaparita (149)Pêrdida (157)Perla de caverna (28)Pilanc6n (159)Polje (156)

Polje marginal (127)Ponor (157)Pozo (97)Pseudokarat (162)Puente natural (140)

Relieve kárstico residual (108) Respirador (19)Resurgencia (165)Río alíctono (5 )Río kárstico (112)R£o subterrâneo (223)Río sumente (94)Río aumente (125)

Sala (35)Sal6n (35)Sifán (187)Sima (97), (114)Sistema de cavidades (32) Socavación marina (143)Sondeo soplador (15)Soplador (14)Subsidencia por disoluci6n (190) Sufosiôn (207)Sumidero (157), (183)Sumidero marino (178)Surgencia (66)

Taso (36)Tectokarst (213)Terra rosaa (215 )Terrazas travertfnicas (219)Thermokarst (49)Tinajita (99)Toba (218)Torca (144)Torca laguna (5 7)Travertino (218)Trazador de eaporaa (194) Trazador isotópioo (95)Troglobio (220)Tubo (72)Tubo frêatico (199)Tubo saturado (161)Tubo volcánico (121)

Uvala (224)

Valle ciego (13)Valle kárstico (115)Valle aeco (6 3)Volcanokarst (121)

Zanjón (17)Zona de abaorciôn (113)Zona de karatifioacièn (227)

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Açik karst (6 9)Agiz (138)Akarsu karsti (75)Akarsu mecrasi (72)Akarsu mecrasi (199)Akmatagi (73)Aktif magara (1)Aktiverime boglugu (1)Aldatici don karsti (152) Aldatici karst (121)Aldatici karst (16 2)Ark (166)

Baca (37)Basinçli kaynak (225)Basinçli su mecrasi (161)Batik kaynak (6 2)Belirgin karst (70)Belirgin karst (54)Biyomikrit (10)Biyo speoloji (11)Bogaz (17)Bogaz (22)Boya deneyi (6 4)Buhar deli&i (198)Buz magarasi (88)Buzul karst (J6)

Çamur dikiti (135)Cevher karsti (145)Çimento (33)Çiplak karat (136)ÇJJkek (183)Çukur laguna (6)

Dalga yarigi çentigi (143) Damlataçi (61)Dar geçit (4 )Degirmi (173)Denizalte suyutani (178) Denizalti kaynagi (202)Deniz magarasi (175)Deniz suyu degirmeni (177) Derin yarinti (36)Dev kazanci (160)Dev kazani (159)Dev kazani asindirnasi (68)Dikit (19 7)Dik karstik kalinti (133)Dogal Kemer (139)Dogal K3prU (140)Dolomit kumu (5 8)Don alani yeralti karsti (203)

Don alani yüzey karsti (208)Don karsti (49)Doygun su (172)DUden (56)Düdenli karst (4 0)Díizensiz sarkit (8 5)DUçüm (45)Erime alçalimi (190)Erime huni,si (133)Erime olu^a (120)Erime olugu (101)Erime olugii alani (102)Erime Tavasi (99)Eritici su (3)Eritme (47)Esintili delik (19)Eski karst (14 6)EçtürUmlü karst (212)Geçit (147)Geçit (138)Geçit §ebekesi (7 )Gizli karst ^(200)Golalti kaynagi (201)Golova (156)Gbmülii karst (20)

Huni (5 6)

Izotop izleyicisi (95)Kabuk baglama (8 9)Kabtiklaçma (8 9)Kaliçi (21)Karbonatini giderme (52)Karbonat sertligi (23)Karst (103)Karst adatepesi (8 7)Karst aktivite derecesi (2)Karst bacasi (114 )Karst batakligi (105)Karst difi kSkenli akarsu (5)Karst hidrolojisi (106)Karstik gSIU (109)Karstik yeraltisuyu kazimasi (207) Karst kalinti tepesi (132)Karstlagma (107)Karstlaçma derecesi (53)Karstlapma kuçagi (227)Karstlaçma tabani (8)Karst nehiri (112)Karstovaja sahta (97)Karst ovasi (110)


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Karstovij kolodec (97)Karst penceresi (116)Karst sizintisi (113)Karst tepesi (108)Karst vadisi (115)Kaya siginagi (170)Kayip nehir (125)Kaynak (195)Kaynak tüfü (18 6)Kemerli obruk (59)Kemirilme (47)Kenar golova (127)Kenartaçi (167)Kesintili akarsu (90)Kesintili kaynak (9 1)Kireçtagi dik yari (174)Kireçtagi dbçemesi (123)Kireçtaçi düzliigU (24)Kizil toprak (215)Klastik karst (38)Kokurdan (5 6)Kokurdan (224)Konik kireçtagi tepesi (8 4) Konili karst (44)K»r balik (220)Koridor (4 6)ICdr vadi (1 3)Kovuk (30)Kovuklu (31)Koyak (224)Kubbeli karst (50)KUçük dere (166)Kukurdan (18 3)Kuleli karst (217)Kuru vadi (6 3)

Lapya (120)Lav karsti (121)

Magara (25)Magarabilim (192)Magarabilimei (191)Magara canlilari bilimi (11)Magara esintisi (26)Magara incisi (28)Magara olugugu (193)Magara serisi (32)Maçara sistemi (32)Magarauk (8 0)Mecra (43)Mikrit (129)Mikrospar (1 3 1)Neomorfizm (14 1)Obruk (144)Obruk golü (57)Oda (35)Oluk (166)Oluklu (39)

Ortülü karst (48)Qyum (74)

Peloit (148)Pelsparit (149)Perde (5 1)Periyodik kaynak (151)Polye (156)Piirtilklü (39)

Sahil batar çikari (176) Sarkit (196)Sedde (16 7)Setli karst (104)Sifon (187)Sivritepeli karst (154) Sogultkan kaynak (6 5) Speleolog (191)Speleoloji (192)Spor izleyici (194)Su batar çikari (6 7) Suçikan (16 5)Sutaçi (218)Sutaçi traçalari (219) Sütun (4 1)Su yutan (157)

Tabakalanma magarasi (9) Tabakalar arasi karst (9 2) Tam karst (86)Tarak (173)Tektonik karst (213) Terrarosa (215)Toprakalti karsti (204) Traverten (218)Troglobit (22 0)

Úfleç kuyu (1 5)Úflenme agzi (14)Yari karst (128)Yaygin dolarpim (55)Yenme (47)Yeralti deresi (223) Yeralti nehri (223)Yeralti su bSlümü (222) Yeraltisu yolu (43)Yersel dola§im (124)Yer yer akan nehir (94) Yüzeyde belirme (71)Yüzeye erisim (66)Yüzeye yükseliç (168)

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Agressivnaja voda (3)Aktivnaja polost (1)

Bazis karsta (8)Biospeleologija (11)Bljudoe (99)Coridor (46)Criokarst (49)Dekaljcifikacija (5 2)Dujuscij kolokec (15)

Estavella (67)Estestvennaja arka (139)Estestvennij most 040)

Gidrologija karsta (106)Golij karst (54), (70), (136)Grot (80)

Hod (4), (46), (147)

Indikatorov (64)Iscezajuscaja reka (125)Istocnik (195)Istocnik na dne ozera (201)Izotopnij indikator (95)IzveBtnjakovoje Kaxstovoje plato (2 4) Kamennce moloko (1 3 3)Kanjon (22)Kapeljnik (61)Karbonatnaja zestkostj (23)Karri (101), (120)Karrovoe pole (39)Karst (103)Karstoobrazovanic (107)Karstovaja dolina (115)Karstovaja ravnina (110)Karstovaja reka (112)Karstovaja sahta (97)» (114)» (159) Karstovaja voronka (56)Karstovij istoónik (21)Karstovij kanal s napornimi vodami (161)Karstovij kolodec (97)Karstovij ostanec (8 7), (108)Karstovoe okno (116)Karstovoe ozero (57), (109)Karstovoje boloto O Õ 5)Karst s koniceskimi ostancami (44) Karstvaja kotlovina (56)Karst zon tektoniceskih razlomov (213) Kaverna (30)Kavernoznij (31)

Klastokarst (38)Kolonna (41)Korrozija (47)

Labirint (7 )Laz (138)Ledjanaja pescera (88)

Method krasjascih (6 4)Mezmerzlotnij karst (203)Morskaja pescera (175)Nadmerzlotnij karst (208)Naplastovanija (9)Natecnaja plotina (167)Natecnie obrazovanija (193)Nateki (73)

Obrazovanie natecnih kor (9 0)Otkritij karst (54), (70)Otlozenija istocnikov (186)

Paleo karst (146)Peremezajuscijsja istoénik (91) Peresihauchaj reka (94)Pescera (2 5)Pescera vploakosti (9)Pescernij zemcug (28)Podmerzlonij karst (203)Podzemnaja reka (223)Pokazatel aktionozti karsta (2)Pokritij karBt (48), (200)Polje (156)Ponor (157)Prosedanie vsledstvie rastvorenija 090) Psevdokarst (162)

Rudnij karst (145)Sifon (187)Sifonnij istocnik (6 5)Sistema podzemnih pescer (32)Slepaja dolina (13)Speleolog (191)Speleologija (192)Stalagmit (197)Stalaktit 096)Subakvaljnij istoénik (62)Submarinnij istocnik (202)Suffozija (207)Suhaja dolina (63)Syhaja reka (94)

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Temokarst (49)Travertin (218)Troglobiont (220)Truba (37)

Uvala (224)Vodorazdel podzemnih vod (222)Vokljuz (225)Vihod karstovih vod (66), (165), (168) Visacivanie karstovih vod (113)

Zadernovannij karst (204)Zal (35)Zanaveej (51)

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Agresivna voda (3)Aktivna peóina (1)Aktivna spilja (1)Alogena reka (5)Alogena rijeka (5)

». Alveolizacija (6)

Barvanje (64)Baza karstifikacije (8)Baza krskog procesa (8)Baza zakrasevanja (8)Bezdan (97)Bigar (186), (218)Biomkrit (10) Biospeleologija (11)Bogaz (17)^ (46)Boginjavi krs (40)Bojenje (64)Bridine (120)

Cement (33)Cokasti kras (44)Crvenica (215)Dekalcifikacijâ (52)Difuzno tecenje (55) Dihalnik (14)Dimnjak (37)Do (56), (183)Dolac (56)Dolomitni pesak (58)Dolomitni pesek (58)Dolomitni pijesak (58)Draga (224)Duliba (56), (183)Dvorana (35)Erozioni kotas (159) Estavela (67)

Fluviokarst (75)Fluviokras (75)Fluviokrs (75)

Galerija (147)Glaciokarst (7 6)Glaciokras (76)Glaciokrs (76)Goli krs (kras (54)» (136) Gorsko mlijeko (mleko) (133) Grizine (101), (120)

Heliktit (8 5)Holokarst (86)Hum (84), (87), (108), (132)

Inkrustacija (89)Izluzivanje ( 52)Izotopni traser (95)

Jama ( 25), (97), (114), (144) Jamar (160), (191)Jamarstvo (192)Jamski biseri (28)Jamski sistem (32)

Japaga (9 7)Jerina (215)Jerovica (215)

Kal (105)

Kamenica (99)Kamin (37)Kanal s vodom pod tlakom (161)Karst (103)Kaskade (73)Kaverna (30)Kavernozan (31)Klanac (22)Klastokarst (38)Klastokras (38)Klastokrs ( 38)Klisura (138)

Konta ( 56) , (183)Korozija (47)Korozivno urusavanje (190)Kotlic ( 56), (183)Kozavi kras (40)

Kras (103)Kraska reka (112)Kraski plato (24)Kraski ravnik (110)Krasko jezero (57)Krastifikacija (107)Krs (103)

Krska (kraska) dolina (115)Krska (kraska) hidrologijâ (106) Krska rijeka (112)Krska zaravan (110)Krski izvor (66), (168)Krski izvor (vrelo) (165)Krski plato (24)Krsko jezero (57)KrSko (krasko) jezero (109)

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Krsko (krasko) okno (116)Krsko vrelo (66), (168)Kupolni krs (kras) (50)

Ledena jama (88)Ledena geóina (88)Ledenjaca (88)Lehnjak (186), (218)Ljuti krs (70)Lokalizirana (lokalna) cirkulacija (124)Lokva (105)Luk (139)Mikrit (129)Mocilo (113)Morsika vodenica (178)Morska peôina (spilja) (175)Morska vodenica (177)Morski ponor (178)Mosur (196)

Naravni most (140)Naravni obok (139)Navidezni kras (162)Nisa (4), (8 0)

Obdobni izvir, periodicko vrelo (91)Obrh (66) (71), (165), (168), (2 2 5)Ogoljeli krs (kras) (54), (69)Okapina (170)Okr&avanj e (107)O u la k O 97)

Paleokarst (146)Paleokras (146)Paleokrfi (146)Pec (25)Pecina (2 5)Peóinarstvo (192)Peéinski biseri (28)Peóinski (spiljski) sistem (32)Pekel brezno (97)Periodióka rijeka (reka) (94)Periodicko vrelo (91)Periodicni ixvor (6 5)Periodicni izvir (6 5)Periodicni izvor (izvir) 051)Permafrost krs (kras, karst) (152) Pestera (2 5)Pihalnik (14)Pivka (157)Podzemna razvodnica (222)Podzemna reka (223)Podzemna rijeka (223)Podzemna vododelnica (222)Podzemni tok (223)Pokriti kras (20), (48)Pokriveni krs (20), (48)Pokriveni krs (kras) (204)Pokriven krs (kras) (200)

Polje (156)Polupeóina (170)Ponikalnica (125)Ponikva (56)Ponor (157)Ponornica (12 5)Ponor-rigalo (6 7)Potajnica (91)Potkapina (170)Potopljen izvir (vrelec) (62) Potopljen izvor (62) Potopljeno__vrelo (62)Potpuni krs (kras) (86) PovrS (110)Poziralnik (157)Precaga (45)Prepad (97)Prirodni most (140)Prirodni svod (139)Propast (97)Provalija (36)Pseudokarst (162)Pseudokras (162)Psèudokrs (162)Puhaljka (14)

Razkriti kras (54)Robno polje (127)Rubno polje (127)Rudni krs (kras) (145)

Sedra (186), (218)Sifon (I8 7)Sigasta zavesa (5 1)Sigasta zavjesa (5 1)Sige (61), (193)Singenetski krs (kras) (212) Skalba (99)Skalne kotlice (99)Skalnica (99) íkrapari (39) ákrape (101), (120)Skraplje (39)» (101)Skripovi (101)Slap (45)Slapovi (219)Slepa dolina (13)Slijepa dolina (13)Slojna peéina (9)Smrk (187)Smugori (61)Soteska (22), (138)Speleolog (160), (191) Speleologija (192)Spilja (2 5)Spiljar (191)Splet kanala (7)Spodmol (170)Stalagmit 097)

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Stalaktit (196)Steber (41)Stepen karstifikacije (2), Stojeci kapnik (197)Stolpic (41)Stopnja hzakrasevanja (5 3)Stopnja zakreasevanja (2)Stozcasti kras (44)Stozasti krs (44)Struga (46)Stup (412Stupanj krskoga procesa (2) Sufozija (207)Suha dolina (6 3)Susica (90), (94)Sutjeska (22), (138)Suvaja (90), (94)

Tektokarst (213)Tektokras (213)Tektokrs (213)Termokarst _ (49)Toplotni krs (49)Travertin (186), (218) Trdota (23)Tvrdo6a (23)

Utok (157)

Vetemica (14)Vezivo (33)Vintgar (22)Viseci kapnik (196)Vjetrenica (14)Vodonosni rov (72)Voklisko vrelo (2 2 5)Vrelo (71)Vrtaca (56)Vrtlozna erozija (68) Vrulja (202)

Zagaceni krs (kras) (104) Zajezeni kras (104) Zakrasevanje (107)Zasiôena voda (172)Zijalka (25), (170)Zlebici (101), (120)Zone karstifikacije (227)Zvekara (97)

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