GMAT Preparation Tips

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career 360 info on GMAT prep tips

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  • Verbal section: The Verbal section measures your ability to read and understand written material, to evaluate

    arguments, and to correct written material to conform to standard written English.

    tips to crack: Practice reading comprehension: Practice as many as reading comprehensions as possible. The best way to solve a comprehension is by breaking it into parts. Take one question at a time.

    Eat, sleep and pray Grammar: Clarity in grammati-cal concepts is essential in GMAT. Make sure you know your modifiers and prepositions right.

    PreParationtiPs for

    If you are aiming for Business school GMAT is one of the exams that should be in your list of priorities as the GMAT score is accepted by most of the B-schools including Harvard, Wharton, Booth, Columbia and so on.

    Especially designed for management aspir-ants, GMAT has a strong mix of topics, which evaluate students from a managerial perspec-tive.

    Here are some important preparation tips for GMAT:

  • analytical Writing assessmentThe Analytical Writing Assessment measures your ability to think

    critically and to communicate your ideas.

    tips to crack: Create a template for your essay: This is one of the fast tricks to writing your essays fast and without mistakes. Make drafts of the essays and choose the draft, which is most feasible for you.

    Write sample essays: Practice writing as many as many sample essays as possible. Give a direction to your essay, Analyze your arguments and support your arguments with examples.

    integrated reasoningThe Integrated Reasoning section measures your ability to evaluate information presented in multiple

    formats from multiple sources. So, basically it assesses your ability to make judgments, organize and combine information to solve challenges.

    tips to crack: Practice graph: Do not forget about graphs if you are appearing for GMAT. Venn diagrams, charts, tables are all part of the integrated reasoning section of GMAT. Learn how to analyze the graphs.

    Practice sample papers: Solving sample papers and taking mock tests go a long way in perfecting your preparation for GMAT. Especially, in the case of Integrated reasoning mock papers help reduce the surprise elements in the test.

    QuantitatiVe section:In this section, you are required to use reasoning skills to evaluate data and draw conclusions.

    Interestingly, the quantitative ability requires just basic mathematical knowledge on your part.

    tips to crack: Focus on your weakness: Are you afraid of Geometry? Is Alzebra your Achilles heel? Then focus strongly in these areas.

    Clear your concepts: If you have not pursued mathematics after high school chances are your concepts in some topics might have faded. So, bring out your high school maths text books and start re-doing your maths. Most of the questions that come in GMAT involve the application of elementary level mathematics.

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