GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5 th , 2014

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GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5 th , 2014. CHART … “ Animism ”. Religion. many. Polytheism. Africa SE Asia Latin America. None - Mt. Kilimanjaro - the Nile River. None … just began. Evolved. Many. None. Eldest Male … or Woman. Outside … Nature … i.e. River Bank .. Waterfall. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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•CHART CHART … “ … “AnimismAnimism””

GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5th , 2014

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• Africa• SE Asia• Latin America

None- Mt. Kilimanjaro- the Nile River

None … just began


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Eldest Male… or Woman

Outside … Nature … i.e. River Bank .. Waterfall


Events in Naturei.e.Annual Flooding of the Nile1st HarvestFull Moon

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Depends on what they worship… could be… a cow… a fish

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• EVERYthingin Nature has a spirit

Human& non-Human

• Good & Bad Spirit

• Even departed ancestors have spirits


Respecting things in nature

At times … even Human Sacrifice… the Aztecs (Mexico City)

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Depends on what they worship/ Pray to


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•CHART CHART … “ … “ChristianityChristianity””

GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5th , 2014

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EuropeLatin AmericaAfrica




Jesus of Nazareth

Circa 0 A.D.

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Roman CatholicsProtestants … Lutherans .. Baptists … Methodists

Bible:- Old Testament- New Testament

Pope … Cardinals … Bishops … PriestsMinistersMonks & Nuns


Saturday eveningSunday morning


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Roman Catholics- no meat … during Lent40 days before Easter

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1 God Jesus is the Savior

Existence … afterlife-- Heaven

PrayAsk for forgivenessCelebration… Life & teachingsOf savior Jesus Christ

Going to Church on Sunday

Celebration of Christmas-Gift giving-… the 3 Wise Men

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Equality EXCEPT … Roman Catholic Church… no female priests… disciples were male

Birth of Jesus Christ

The Crusades … 1097 – 1200 AD


Protestant Reformation …1500s

Ireland … 1900s: North (Protestant)Vs South (Catholic)

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•CHART CHART … “ … “JudaismJudaism””

GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5th , 2014

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Abraham .. Isaac .. Jacob

Circa 1800 BC … or 3761 BCThe Year 5773

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Orthodox .. HasidicConservativeReformed

Torah TANAKHTalmud



Rosh HashanahYom KippurHanukkahPassover


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KOSHER … Kashrut


Separation:- meat- dairy

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Monotheism… the 1st

Messiah will come… has not come

Afterlife:- Judgement Day- Heaven & Hell

Follow the Torah… the 10 Commandments

Praying … Saturday

Follow religious Observances:- Rosh Hashanah- Yom Kippur- Passover

Charity … Mrs. Myra Kraft – NE Patriots

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TRADITIONAL- Synagogue - Men & women sit separately ?


1200 BC … Exodus

73 AD … DiasporaRomans kick JewishInhabitants out ofPalestine

900 AD – Middle Ages- persecution - Europe

1900 AD- Pogroms .. Russia

1930 - - >1945“the Holocaust”

1990s … Intifada

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•CHART CHART … “ … “HinduismHinduism””

GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5th , 2014

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Ganges River

Aryan civilization


3 – Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu



Circa 4000 – 3000 BC

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VedasMahabharataRamayanaBhavagad Gita


Home. Temple , Street side Shrine


Holi… spring… … Good over Evil


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Nothingfrom the cow

- Most followersare oftenvegetarians

This has affected… McDonalds … in India

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Dharma … duties

Karma … fate / judgment

Reincarnation – rebirth - body cremated at death to release the soul

Nirvana – supreme state of happiness

Caste systemCaste system … social class – rigid NO social mobility … affects WHO you may associate with … very strong in rural areas

+ reflection of the pollution of your soul

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Segregated by caste… strong in villages ... Less in cities

320 – 550 AD .. Gupta Empire = Golden Age

1500s & 1600s … Mughal [ Mogul ] Empire “Muslim” = Islam

1857 – Sepoy Mutiny … British vs. Hindus & Muslims

1947 … southern Asia Independence

…India – Hindu nation .. Pakistan – Muslim nation

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•CHART CHART … “ … “IslamIslam””

GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5th , 2014

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1 … Allah


Middle Eastnorthern AfricaPakistanIndonesia

Mecca … MakkahMedinaJerusalem


622 AD 1433 A. H.the hegira

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Sunni – secularShia (Shi’ites) – theocracy- Wahabism … extreme … Taliban – Afghanistan … Bin Laden (UBL)




Friday Noon … but also 5 times each day

Ramadan … when Mohammed received the Qur’an from Allah… 28 days … move able… this year … August… complete fast during daylight … also no sex

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NO:- alcohol- nothing from the pig

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Life after death- paradise

Five Pillars of Islam- acknowledge only 1 God – Allah- pray 5 times each day … regulates their day- charity- fast during Ramadan- make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in your lifetime

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The Five Pillars of The Five Pillars of Islam (Wisdom) are:Islam (Wisdom) are:

- SHAHADAH.: Faith - “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”.

- SALAH: Prayer - Praying five times a day.

- ZAKAH: Donate - Each year, Muslims are supposed to donate a fixed proportion of their savings for good deeds.

- SAWM: Fasting - Fasting during the month of Ramadan.

- HAJJ [HAJD}: Pilgrimage - Making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in the lifetime of a Muslim, if it is affordable.

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Male dominance- can have up to 4 wives

Women have few rights- Afghanistan & Iran … worse … hajib / chador … must be covered

622 AD. the hegira

732 AD. Battle of Tours … Moors (Muslim advance in Europe stopped

1095 – 1200 AD … the Crusades

1299 – 1922 AD … Ottoman Empire

1947 – 2012 AD … Arab – Israeli Crisis

1970s … terrorism used by extremists to get attention to causes

1990s … Intifada … Palestinian Arabs vs. Israeli settlers

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•CHART CHART … “ … “BuddhismBuddhism””

GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5th , 2014

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Religion orPhilosophy

1 or none

Dependsmonotheism or -----


Bodh tree… in India

Gautama Siddhartha

560 BC

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Mahayana – Buddha GODTheravada – philosophy

Tripitaka …. Sutras

Monks “Dalai Lama”

Shrine of Buddha


New Year Spring [April] Buddha Day … 1st full moon - May

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Vietnam & China… no … onions … garlic … leak

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GOAL: nirvana4 Noble Truths- pain & suffering caused by desire for material goods … never good enough … new enough

8 Fold Path- meditation- give up - Goods - Selfish desire- seek “enlightenment- proper behavior

- Meditation- yoga

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20th century [1900s]

Dalai Lama [Tibet] vsCommunist China

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•CHART CHART … “ … “SilkhismSilkhism””

GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5th , 2014

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Anti-Sikh riots in Delhi following Mrs. Gandhi’s assassination by two of her Sikh body guards on 31 Oct. 1984 gave me the first traumatic insight into the bane which Hindu India could become to its religious minorities.

The assassination itself was a riposte to the army assault on the Golden Temple in Amritsar in June 1984, ordered by Mrs. Gandhi to wipe out the Sikh rebels ensconced inside, under the leadership of Bhindranwale, the apostle of Sikh separatism. Sikh separatism.

Besides taking - according to Sikh estimates - around four thousand lives, the assault had reduced to rubble the Akal Takht, the symbolic seat of Sikh temporal authority inside the temple complex, built by Guru Hargobind during Mughal days in defiance of the Delhi Takht.

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India – Punjab

Golden Templeat Amritsar

Guru Nanak


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Adi Granth




New Year



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- Meat

- Alcohol

- Drugs

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1 God - almighty- fearless

Reincarnation… until …resolve Karmaso are united with God

Meditation- speak directly to God

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FORBID:- discriminationBased on- - class (caste)- - color- - religion- - gender

20th century- Sikh desire for Independence “separatism”

1984- June Indian army attacks Sikh Golden Temple At Amritsar

- October Sikh militants kill India’s Prime Minister “Indira Gandhi” - her won body guards

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•CHART CHART … “ … “ConfucianismConfucianism””

GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5th , 2014

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ConfuciusKung – fu tzu

Circa 500 BC

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The Analects

-Emperor-eldest male




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Everyone has a place& role in society

Mandate of Heaven- power to rule comes from God- emperor MUST setthe good exampleor else the peoplewill overthrow him

5 relationships-Ruler – subjects-Father – son-Brother – brother-Husband – wife-Friend – friend

Filial pietyAncestor veneration

+ orderly society

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Patriarchal society

Eldest male has the say

Civil Service ExaminationSystem-Job based on WHAT you knowNOT WHO you know

1911 end of the Manchu/QingDynasty-Lost the Mandateof Heaven

1949 … Communistscontrol Mainland China- have the Mandateof Heaven- - because they rule

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Indus- Harrappan - planned cities- Ganges - HinduismMonsoons

Yellow River- China’s sorrow

Rice cultivation

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•CHART CHART … “ … “DaoismDaoism””

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Lao - tze

Circa 300 BC

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Daode Jing





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HARMONYbetween people & the universe

Yin & Yang- good vs evil

Constantly in flux


Martial arts

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•CHART CHART … “ … “LegalismLegalism””

GOALS … SATURDAY .. April 5th , 2014

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FAR EAST- China- Vietnam- Singapore


Shang Yang

C475 BC

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The Law

-Judges-Govt. officials




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People born evil / corrupt

Must be taught the straight & narrowpath

Severe punishment-For even small/minor infractions

Obey the Law


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•CHART CHART … “ … “ShintoismShintoism””

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Mt. Fuji… mountain near Tokyo

According to legend … the Gods dipped their spear into the Pacificthe drops of water that fell off became “Japan”

Circa 2000 BC

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… none …

Chronicles of JapanKojiki

… tales / fables … like Hinduism (Vedas … Gita)

Shinto priests

Shrines at home“Torii Gate(s)”

Everyday … ritual cleansing (with water … to purify)

New Years Day… honoring the Kami (spirits) from 4 directions (North, South, East & West)

Seijin-no-Hi--Shinto festival (2nd Monday in January)honoring 20-year-old men and women on reaching adulthood, and recognizing the rights and responsibilities that come with it.Spring Festival … (planting)Fall Festival … (harvest)

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… none …

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Spirits exist… some human… some non – human… some good … some evil (bad)+ similar to Animism

People & spirits SHARE the SAME WORLD

Afterlife… crossing the river (like Hades in Greek mythology)

The Kami (spirits) protect Japan

Bowing … a form of respect… lower the bow … the higher the respect

… Washing … Water purification … a form of “purifying” … even done when buildings are about to open … get rid any evil spirits

… praying … sometimes at shrines at home or in public

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… none …

1287 … “kami” defeat Mongol naval invasion attempt against Japan

Late 1800s … “Meiji Restoration” … Shintoism becomes a “national” religion

Dec. 7, 1941 … “kamikaze” pilots … attack US ships in Pearl Harbor

1946 … (after World War II) … Shintoism … no longer a National / State religion