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Christ Lutheran Church Newsletter View this email in your browser


Sundays after Epiphany; the Transfiguration of Our Lord; AshWednesday; Lent

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Pastor's MessagePreparing for Lent

Dear Friends in Christ,

Though Lent begins this month (February 26), we have time to prepare. Maybe you are wondering, if Lent prepares us for Easter, why do we need toprepare for Lent?! I'm glad you asked! We as Lutherans understand faith to mean trust, a confidence in God'spromises to us in the cross and resurrection of Christ for the forgiveness of sin. That trust requires regular tending, hence our hope that people attend worshipwhere the word is proclaimed and the sacraments administered. The wordtunes us into the Holy Spirit's ways, and helps us trust where God is sending us. We therefore are called to the discipline of faith, things like worship, biblestudy, service to the neighbor. Before we know it, Ash Wednesday will be hereand our Lenten discipline begins. What will you do this Lent? Or not do? Thankfully, there are many options. Maybe you will attend our WednesdayLenten prayers (complete with food and worship, see the schedule in thisnewsletter). If you have never engaged in individual confession or pastoralconversation, that is a possibility too. If the bible seems daunting to you, speak to me, we can figure out a way foryou to easily become more familiar with scripture. Or perhaps you can help atthe diaper pantry (second Saturday 10 am at church) or Shepherd's Kitchen(fourth Saturday at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church on Broadway). The most practical and portable way to begin Lent is prayer. You can praywhile driving, eating breakfast, before you fall asleep. See? Very portable! Then there are the things we may refrain from during Lent. Also good ideas. Try cutting down on rich food, certain drinks, or curbing the number of meals,called fasting. The idea is, between now and Ash Wednesday, think of something to do, ornot do, so that when we are in Lent, you have a plan, a way to mark the season. If we go through Lent without considering truly what God has done, ourAlleluias on Easter morning will be less meaningful, and that would be ashame. The beautiful and deep gifts of faith (prayer, study, service), are therefor us to help us trust what Jesus has done for us, and be thankful for the love ofGod.

Blessed and profound Lent.

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In Christ,Pastor Mossl

President's Message

Thanks to everyone who made myterm as Church Council President amost interesting journey, one thathas led me to spend much timeconsidering the future of the Churchin our society, and equally importanthere at Christ Lutheran, how wesupport and reinvigoratecongregational vitality. I want toshare with you the strongest and alsomost concise information I’ve foundlately, based on extensive work bythe ELCA nationally.

ELCA leadership nationally finds 3 things that support vital, growingcongregations:

Strengthen Our Relationship with GodNurture relationships and engagement within our membership at ChristLutheranShare the Love of Jesus Christ to make a positive impact on the strengthof the local community

Further, here is a concise statement from ELCA on how we will renew andstrengthen evangelism.

“Through all expressions of this church, foster new approaches to evangelismthat are compatible with being Lutheran and generationally, technologically,and contextually relevant and effective.”

In one sentence, how to be relevant and effective in our efforts to move fromstriving to thriving in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, an assignmentgiven to us all by Jesus himself.

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Financial Secretary Needed

The church is in need of a volunteer member to be Finance Secretary!

Associated duties for this position are:

1. Serve on Finance Committee with Treasurer meeting occasionally to discussfinancial conditions and procedures.

2. Be a cosigner on checks prepared by the Treasurer.

3. Count Sunday Contributions and prepare bank deposit or supervisevolunteer counters who would do counting and deposit preparation weekly.

4. Maintain pre-existing Excel Form with weekly contributions for eachmember.

To learn more, or if you have questions, contact Susan Surpriseat [email protected]

Generosity is the Hallmark

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of a God Pleasing LifeOur Generous God

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Ourgenerous God has given us the whole earth in which to live. Besides this vastcreation, God, our generous Father has created for each of us a special place, aniche that is our own.

Problems arise when we forget that we are only stewards, not owners, ofanything we possess. When we desire to accumulate wealth and consider it ourown, we make a god of our earthly treasure instead of allowing others to seeGod's generosity through us.

Adam was not content to let God be God. Since that time, we, too, are notcontent to be stewards; we want to be the owners. That greed has impeded ourstewardship throughout the whole history of mankind.

Jesus, our generous brother and true God, has the same character as his Father.He, too, gives without measure. He left the glory of Heaven for a bed in amanger. He laid aside the Ruler's crown for a crown of thorns. He removed theroyal robes so that he might wash his disciples’ feet wearing a towel around hiswaist. He gave his life for us; his blood was spilled, and his body bruised so thatwe might be healed (Isaiah 53:5). This was the ultimate gift. “Thanks be to Godfor his indescribable gift!”

God's Generosity Through UsBecause of God’s generosity to us, we should live with an attitude of gratitude.Just like any of God's gifts, this is not an attitude we can work up on our own.God builds it into us as we reflect on who he is and what he has done for us.

Christ redeemed us not just for eternal life, but in order that we might be hisfaithful stewards on earth as we live and work in a loving relationship with ourFather. The Apostle Paul wrote, "For it is by grace you have been saved . . . for we areGod's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which Godprepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:8,10).

Pastor's Heavenly Chili Sale

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& One-Of-A-Kind Handmade Bowl Sale!Sunday, February 2nd after worship

Hand crafted bowls for sale donated by Cedar Knoll Pottery in Rhinebeck andHudson Valley Pottery in New Windsor.

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Everybody's Birthday Party!Sunday, February 23 after worship

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On Sunday, February 23, 2020 there will be a special celebration after worship. We will celebrate everybody’s birthday! We did this last year and it was a lot offun! We are changing the table set-up a little this year. There will be six tablesarranged as follows: January & July, February & August, March & September,

April & October, May & November and June & December. Sit at the table ofyour birth month and enjoy finger sandwiches, cupcakes and trivia!

See Theresa Ruth (or email [email protected]) if you would like to decoratea table (there will be prizes!)

See Deacon Irma Madrid (or email [email protected]) if you would liketo donate finger sandwiches or cupcakes.


Wednesday, February 5The President is Missing by Bill Clinton & James Patterson

at Rev. Beth’s home, 1 Roosevelt Place, Newburgh,hosted by Dawn and Eva

Tuesday, March 3Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Hosted by TBA

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Suggestions for future reads are:Born a Crime by Trevor Noah, Where the Wind Leads by Ving

Chung, The Agenda by Bob Woodward, The Oysterville SewingCircle by Susan Wiggs

In Our PrayersWe Pray for:

Carmel CroninBob DemarestJack DuBoisLarry JohnsonAbraham LyonLeon MadridAnn NeisserRoy RettaRaymond RohwerDominick Roscino, Jr.Tanner ShaferEmma StudtmannJean Sweitzer

All military troops,including:Birgitta AndersonJacob BaughmanEric DossSteven Scholl

In Nursing Homes & Homebound:Orvin Eckert

We pray for thoseworking for theWider Church:Presiding Bishop,Elizabeth Eaton; Bishop Paul

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Egensteiner;Our Dean, PastorBaumgartner,& our missionaries inTanzania.

Those Bereaved

Birthdays & AnniversariesFEBRUARY

Birthdays2 Kathy Poulin6 Melanie Tomer8 Richard A. Ostner10 Lynn Brinkman, Adrianna Hunt11 Donna Brangaccio, SonjaKullberg, Nicholas Kunda16 Erik Haugland, Ashley Poulin19 Diana Bittner24 Carolyn Anderson26 Thomas Mersinger28 Jackie Kunda, Dan Madrid


Birthdays3 Juliana Pagan 4 Lisa McDonald, Erika McGrath6 Robin Taliaferro 7 Ernie Starkey Jr.9 Donna Harris12 Michael Olmoz20 Francesca Cecconie, JoyceDeWitt, David Eckert21 Arlene Borath22 Jodi Brangaccio, Mary GraceBrangaccio, Laura Kohlmann, GinaPillius23 Linda Ostner24 Edeltraut Maresca25 Christine Courtsunis26 Orvin Eckert28 Ian Taliaferro

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Save the Dates:Women’s Retreat at Tuscarora

Feb 28 – Mar 1

Pastoral conversation/confession, soupsupper, vespers and Bible study

March 5, 11, 18, 25 and April 1

Ladies’ Night OutMarch 15, 5:30 pm

White Elephant Sale & PotluckMarch 22, after church

Family Easter EventApril 18, 1-2:30 pm

Prayer Partner TeaMay 2, 3:00 pm

Synod AssemblyMay 8 & 9

Click here for

WebsiteCalendar Page

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CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCHServing Christ and Community for 144 Years

1876 - 2020

Located at:Fullerton Avenue & South Street, Newburgh, NY

Worship Schedule

Worship Service.......10:00 a.m.Sunday Church School...........9:00 a.m. 2nd and 4th Sundays

Holy Communion every Sunday

Nursery care provided duringthe Worship Service.

For additional information call:The Rev. Ernst A. Mossl, Pastor

Church Office.....845-562-0824Home.................845-883-9061

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