Gok’s Teens: The Naked Truth Teacher’s Pack Created in collaboration with the PSHE Association www.pshe-association.org.uk

Gok's Teen's: 'The Naked Truth' Teacher's Pack (Channel 4)

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To accompany Channel 4's series on modern teen issues, presented by stylist Gok Wan, I was commissioned to write a series of classroom resources exploring the themes from the show.This resulting teachers' pack was produced in collaboration with the PSHE association and contains extensive background notes, lesson plans and curriculum guidelines.

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Goks Teens: The Naked TruthTeachers PackCreated in collaboration with the PSHE Associationwww.pshe-association.org.ukContents02Background Using This Teachers Pack The Naked Truth Teen Survey Before You Start Key Aims Starter Activity Main Activity: Media Manipulation Plenary Alternative Exercises and Extensions Issues to Consider Curriculum References Acknowledgements 03 0405060910121618222430 BackgroundIn 2011 celebrILy sLylIsL and body conBdence cLampIon 0ok Wan reLurned Lo CLannel 4 Lo LosL a brand new LLree-parL serIes. In Goks Teens: The Naked Truth 0ok drew on LIs personal experIence Lo Ive a selecLIon oI Lroubled Leens LLe advIce, conBdence and selI belIeI LLey needed Lo Lackle LLeIr anxIeLIes Lead on. As parL oI LLe serIes, 0ok revIved LIs mIssIon Lo eL body conBdence InLroduced as a compulsory parL oI LLe FBHE currIculum, seekIn Lo eL a mandaLory 60 mInuLe lesson Included In LLe scLool LImeLable every year. EuIldIn upon LLe successIul campaIn Irom LLe lasL serIes oI How Lo Look 0ood Naked In 2010 wLIcL saw over S0,000 sInaLures beIn delIvered Lo parlIamenL In supporL oI LLe InILIaLIve, 0ok wenL Lo work Lo convInce LLe new overnmenL Lo Lonour LLe plede made by Iormer EducaLIon BecreLary Ed Ealls Lo InLroduce LLe lesson Lo LLe NaLIonal CurrIculum.TLIs LIme around 0ok Loured LLe counLry Lo drum up supporL, drawIn upon LLe experLIse oI educaLors, MFs and campaIners Lo raIse awareness oI body conBdence educaLIon. HIs eIIorLs culmInaLed In a 'TLe EIesL Eody ConBdence Lesson' an ambILIous evenL InvolvIn over 100 sLudenLs and 11 uesL LuLors wLo all parLIcIpaLed In a IanL body conBdence class ouLsIde oI LLe Houses oI FarlIamenL.TLIs pack Is an aLLempL Lo dIsLIl all oI LLe useIul Ideas, InsILLs and InIormaLIon Irom LLe serIes InLo one useIul resource Ior LeacLers, IvIn you LLe Lools you need Lo run a body conBdence class In your scLool.03Using this Teachers PackTLIs TeacLer's pack, produced In collaboraLIon wILL LLe FBHE AssocIaLIon, aIms Lo provIde everyLLIn you need Lo run your own 80 - 60 mInuLe body conBdence class, eILLer In anLIcIpaLIon oI LLe lesson beIn added Lo LLe NaLIonal CurrIculum or II you sImply cLoose Lo run one Ior your scLool.IL also provIdes Ideas Ior exLendIn LLe LeacLIn over IurLLer lessons as parL oI a wIder FBHE proramme and Ives suesLIons Ior resources and Lools LLaL sLudenLs can use Lo conLInue LLeIr exploraLIon oI LLe subjecL In LLeIr own LIme.TLe pack Is InLended Ior LeacLers oI sLudenLs aed 11-16 and LLe acLIvILIes Included can be easIly dIIIerenLIaLed Lo suIL LLe learnIn needs oI all sLudenLs wILLIn KB8 and KB4. We recommend LLaL LLese lesson plans and acLIvILIes are used as parL oI a wIder proramme oI FBHE sLudy wLIcL explores relaLed Issues sucL as selI esLeem, relaLIonsLIps, rIsk manaemenL and LealLL. AccordInly we Lave suesLed Low LLe lesson can be LIed InLo LLe exIsLIn FBHE currIculum Ior boLL KB8 and KB4 (paes 2S-80).We also recommend LLaL LeacLers read our Issues to Consider secLIon (pae 28) Lo make LLemselves aware oI some oI LLe poLenLIal Issues wLIcL mILL arIse Irom LLe lesson.EeIore you sLarL usIn LLIs pack Lo run your own body conBdence lesson, Lake a look aL LLe IollowIn sLorL vIdeo wLIcL sLows LILlILLs oI 0ok conducLIn a sImIlar sessIon. IL was produced In 2010 Lo sLow LLe LLen EducaLIon BecreLary Ed Ealls Low a 60 mInuLe body conBdence lesson could work as parL oI LLe NaLIonal CurrIculum and IL clearly demonsLraLes LLe vILal ImporLance oI addressIn LLIs Issue In LLe currIculum. TLe vIdeo may also be useIul as a eneral InLroducLIon Lo a FBHE educaLIon Leam meeLIn prIor Lo LeacLIn LLe maLerIal.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoYFbxqe8lE&feature =channel_video_title04The Naked Truth Teen Survey (2011)To accompany our new serIes oI Goks Teens: The Naked Truth we conducLed an onlIne survey InvILIn Leenaers Lo sLare LLeIr IeelIns abouL body Imae, LLe medIa and LLe beauLy IndusLry. In LoLal 1027 18-19 year olds parLIcIpaLed In LLe survey wILL 88% oI parLIcIpanLs beIn Iemale and 17% beIn male.We LLInk LLe resulLs provIde an eye-openIn InsILL InLo LLe worrIes and anxIeLIes oI LLe LypIcal Leenaer Loday, presenLIn a clear need Ior body conBdence educaLIon Lo be Included In LLe NaLIonal CurrIculum.Here are scme ct cur key BndIngs:24% oI parLIcIpanLs lIsLed weILL as LLeIr bIesL worry. 0nly 27% oI parLIcIpanLs saId LLaL LLey were proud oI LLeIr body. 47% lIsLed LLeIr Lummy as LLe parL oI LLe body LLey dIslIked LLemosL Iollowed by les (17%) and LLe cLesL (9%).70% oI parLIcIpanLs sLaLed LLaL LLey dId noL lIke wLaL LLey saw InLLe mIrror.68% sLaLed LLaL LLey eL upseL by LLe way LLey look. 69% oI parLIcIpanLs sLaLed LLaL LLey were unLappy wILL LLeIrweILL.44% saId LLey would consIder surery Lo cLane LLeIr looks. 89% saId LLey LLouLL LLere was pressure on LLem Lo look acerLaIn way.80% oI parLIcIpanLs lIsLed LLeIr IrIends as LLe bIesL InBuenceon LLeIr body Imae, Iollowed by LLemselves (28%) and LLe prInL medIa (20%).71% oI parLIcIpanLs saId LLey IelL selI conscIous abouL LLeIr bodyIn cLanIn rooms.7S% dId noL Ieel conBdenL In swImwear. S0% oI people wLo answered wanLed Lo be more muscular. 86% oI people wLo answered IelL pressured Lo 'work ouL'. 62% saId LLey Lad dIeLed aL some poInL. 78% admILLed Lo comIorL eaLIn 64% saId LLey Lad been bullIed. 60% read one or more maazIne a week. 05Before You StartMaterialsIn order Lo eL LLe mosL ouL oI your lesson, we recommend LavIn LLe IollowIn props and maLerIals Lo Land:Eor LLe sLarLer acLIvILy:A space wILL enouL room Ior everyone Lo sIL on LLe Boor. A LennIs ball or sImIlar. Eor LLe maIn lesson plan:A selecLIon oI IasLIon, lIIesLyle or celebrILy maazInes. 0ne Iull-pae maazIne pLoLo LLaL you've selecLed LLaL depIcLs abeauLIIul celebrILy. Try and pIck a posed Imae (sucL as an adverL or pLoLo sLooL) raLLer LLan a candId Imae and In parLIcular Lry and selecL one wLIcL Las probably been subjecL Lo some dIILal reLoucLIn.A wLILeboard or BIpcLarL and some maIc markers. A pen Ior eacL sLudenL. A copy oI LLe Media Manipulation Worksheet Ior eacL sLudenL (see accompanyIn BLudenL's Fack).A copy oI LLe Snapshot of a Photo Shoot Factsheet Ior eacL sLudenL (see accompanyIn BLudenL's Fack).A copy oI LLe Body Image Factsheet Ior eacL sLudenL (see accompanyIn BLudenL's Fack).A copy oI LLe Useful Resources sLeeL Ior eacL sLudenL (see accompanyIn BLudenL's Fack).AddILIonally, II you wIsL Lo IncorporaLe any oI LLe recommended vIdeos, ames and web resources InLo your lesson you'll need:A compuLer wILL broadband access. TLe laLesL versIon oI Adobe's ElasL soILware (Iree Lo downloadhere http:www.adcbe.ccmprcductsBashpIayerAccess Lo YouTube. 06TimingTLe maIn lesson plan In LLIs pack Las been desIned Lo provIde enouL maLerIal Ior a 60 mInuLe FBHE lesson. TLIs can be splIL over Lwo 80 mInuLe sessIons or exLended Lo cover mulLIple lessons II you wIsL Lo explore some elemenLs In reaLer depLL. II splILLIn over 2 lessons, we'd suesL runnIn 'parL 8' oI LLe maIn exercIse as a lesson In ILselI.II you are lImILed Ior LIme and wanL Lo conducL a sInle 80 mInuLe lesson, we recommend leavIn ouL LLe 'sLarLer acLIvILy' and 'parL 1' oI LLe maIn exercIse alon wILL some oI LLe opLIonal elemenLs. However we recommend IollowIn LLe core aspecLs oI parLs 2 and 8 oI LLe maIn exercIse alon wILL LLe plenary acLIvILIes II possIble as LLese are crucIal Lo eLLIn LLe messae oI LLe lesson across. All LImIns are only InLended as a rouL uIde and you can, oI course, modIIy any oI our suesLed acLIvILIes as you see BL wLen plannIn your own body conBdence lesson.WorksheetA Media Manipulation Worksheet has been included in the accompanyIn BLudenL's Fack wLIcL can be used alonsIde LLe maIn classroom acLIvILIes II you wIsL Lo collecL evIdence Ior your sLudenLs' learnIn ouLcomesFact SheetsTwo IacL sLeeLs enLILled The Media Manipulation Fact Sheet and The Body Image Fact Sheet Lave also been Included In LLe accompanyIn BLudenL's Fack. TLese provIde deLaIled exploraLIons oI some oI LLe LLemes Involved In LLe lesson and are desIned Lo be prInLed oII and Iven Lo your sLudenLs Lo supporL LLeIr learnIn. TLey can also be used In class Lo aumenL your LeacLIn durIn LLe lesson.07Before You StartPlenary and ExtensionsTLe maIn exercIse conLaIns some Ideas Ior plenary acLIvILIes wLIcL wIll Lelp LLe sLudenLs summarIse and recap on wLaL LLey Lave learned. TLese Include suesLed LalkIn poInLs, leadIn quesLIons and Ideas Ior usIn onlIne resources Lo exLend LLe sessIon. TLe plenary acLIvILIes Iorm a crucIal parL oI LLe lesson and we recommend allocaLIn enouL LIme Lo cover LLem Iully Lo ensure maxImum ImpacL Irom LLe class. Alternative ActivitiesIn addILIon Lo LLe maIn acLIvILIes Included In LLe lesson plan, we've also Included several suesLIons Ior bonus exercIses wLIcL can be used Lo exLend LLe body conBdence LLeme over addILIonal lessons or Lomework acLIvILIes. TLey can, oI course, also be used In place oI our maIn suesLed exercIses.Videos A number oI vIdeo clIps Irom Goks Teens: The Naked Truthare avaIlable on www.channel4.com/goksteens which can besLown as LeacLIn aIds durIn your lesson. AddILIonally we LavecompIled dozens oI vIdeos Irom across CLannel 4's broadcasL ouLpuL and oLLer repuLable sourcesspannIn LLemes sucL as eaLIn dIsorders, obesILy, plasLIc surery, dIsBuremenL and LLe beauLy IndusLry wLIcL can be used In class. TLese can be Iound In LLe 0ames & BLuII area on LLe websILe.In addILIon 0ok Las been askIn celebs Low LLey made IL LLrouL LLeIr Leenae years, and wLaL LIps and LrIcks LLey can sLare. TLese vIdeos are In LLe Celeb VIdeo area and also on our YouTube cLannel http://www.youtube.com/user/Channel4NakedTruth.08Before You StartUseful ResourcesWe've Included a lIsL oI useIul resources IncludIn onlIne Lools, ames, campaIns, websILes, cLarILIes and supporL roups. We recommend prInLIn a copy Ior eacL sLudenL so LLey can IurLLer explore body conBdence maLLers or seek supporL II LLey are aIIecLed by any oI LLe Issues LLaL Lave been raIsed.09Before You StartKey Aims of This Teaching PackEor specIBc KB8 &KB4 currIculum reIerences see LLe "CurrIculum FeIerences" secLIon on pae 24.Learning ObjectivesBLudenLs wIll learn:To crILIcally reBecL upon and arLIculaLe LLeIr IeelIns abouL bodyImae and selI esLeem.To apprecIaLe LLaL everyone Las LLIns LLey lIke and dIslIke abouLLLemselves and LLaL LLey are noL alone In LavIn body conBdence worrIes.TLaL LLe medIa, IasLIon and beauLy IndusLrIes promoLe cerLaInIdeals oI beauLy based on commercIal IncenLIves.TLaL maazInes and adverLIsers employ a rane oI LrIcks andmanIpulaLIons Lo pLoLorapLs durIn LLe pre-producLIon, producLIon and posL producLIon sLaes In order Lo manuIacLure LLe IllusIons oI perIecLIon and beauLy.TLaL In realILy IL Is ImpossIble Ior anyone Lo look lIke LLe majorILyoI celebrILIes and models LLey see In maazInes.Summary of ActivityBLudenLs wIll:Work In small roups Lo IdenLIIy Imaes oI maInsLream beauLyIrom maazInes.DIscuss as a class wLaL elemenLs conLrIbuLe Lo conLemporaryIdeals oI beauLy In relaLIon Lo male and Iemale celebrILIes.Work In roups or paIrs Lo explore LLe processes andmanIpulaLIons Involved In creaLIn maazIne pLoLos durIn pre-producLIon, producLIon and posL-producLIon.Learning OutcomesEy LLe end oI LLe lesson, sLudenLs wIll Lave:CompleLed a worksLeeL demonsLraLIn LLeIr undersLandIn andexploraLIon oI Low LLe medIa consLrucLs and manIpulaLes Ideals oI beauLy based on commercIal IncenLIves.10Starter ActivityS MInuLesTLe wLole class.To eL your sLudenLs LLInkIn abouL LLe sorLs oI quesLIons and worrIes LLey Lave abouL body conBdence and selI esLeem wLIlsL eLLIn LLem comIorLable wILL sLarIn LLeIr IeelIns and observaLIons wILL oLLers.A space lare enouL Ior everyone Lo sIL on LLe Boor. A LennIs ball or sImIlar. Clear any cLaIrs and desks ouL oI LLe way as besL you can so your sLudenLs can sIL In a cIrcle on LLe Boor. II possIble Lave some cusLIons scaLLered around Ior LLem Lo sIL on.As your sLudenLs arrIve, ImmedIaLely ask LLem Lo sLasL LLeIr coaLs and bas well ouL oI LLe way and Lo come and sIL In LLe cIrcle.JoIn LLe cIrcle yourselI, sILLIn aL LLe same LeILL as your pupIls Lo reInIorce LLaL everyone eLs an equal say In LLe dIscussIon.When everyone is seated explain the rules:TLIs exercIse Is desIned Lo eL LLem LLInkIn abouL beauLy andbody Imae.You'll LLrow LLe ball Lo a random sLudenL wLo Las Lo come upwILL a name, Idea or word wLIcL BLs LLe currenL LopIc.II LLey eL sLuck or IaIl Lo come up wILL an answer wILLIn 10seconds, LLey pass LLe ball Lo LLe person on LLeIr leIL wLo LrIes Lo come up wILL an answer InsLead.0nce LLey've spoken, LLe pupIl LoldIn LLe ball Losses IL back LLeLeacLer wLo LLen LLrows IL Lo anoLLer sLudenL.0nly LLe person LoldIn LLe ball Is allowed Lo speak.Try and get everyone to contribute at least one idea, using the ball to ensure that even the quieter pupils get a go.SUGGESTEDTIMING:GROUPS:OBJECTIVES:WHAT YOULL NEED:HOW IT WORKS:11Starter Activity - ContinuedHere are some sample ideas and topics to get them thinking:A-Z of Beautiful Celebrities: Can LLey Bnd a supersLar Ior every leLLer? EacL new sLudenL Las Lo use LLe nexL leLLer In LLe alpLabeL Lo name a dIIIerenL lamorous celebrILy. To make IL InLeresLIn you can alLernaLe beLween male and Iemale sLars on every Lurn.Beauty Bonanza: How many beauLy producLs, brands, IasLIon labels and accessorIes can LLey come up wILL?Bcdy McdIBcatIcn: How many dIIIerenL ways can LLey LLInk oI Lo cLane LLe appearance oI LLeIr body? TLIs could Include everyLLIn Irom LaIr, makeup, LaLLoos, pIercIns, dIeLs and exercIse, Lo Lummy Lucks, boob jobs, LaIr ImplanLs and IacelIILs.12Starter ActivityMain Activity:Media Manipulation20- 40 mInuLes (dependIn on wLeLLer you're runnIn a sInle or double lesson)Bmall roups oI LLree or Iour.To be able Lo explaIn Low LLe IdealIsed Imaes oI beauLy promoLed In celebrILy culLure and In LLe medIa are lILerally ImpossIble Lo acLIeve as LLey are LLe producL oI manIpulaLIon aL every sLep oI LLe process.A selecLIon oI IasLIon, celebrILy and lIIesLyle maazInes (boLLmale and Iemale skewed).0ne Iull-pae maazIne Imae LLaL you've selecLed LLaL sLowsa beauLIIul celebrILy. Try and pIck a posed Imae (sucL as an adverL or pLoLo sLooL) raLLer LLan a candId Imae and, In parLIcular, Lry and selecL one wLIcL Las probably been subjecL Lo some dIILal reLoucLIn.A wLILeboard or BIpcLarL and some markers. A copy oI LLe Media Manipulation Worksheet and the accompanyIn Snapshot of a Photo Shoot Fact Sheet (see accompanyIn BLudenL's Fack) plus a pen Ior eacL sLudenL.ConnecLIon Lo LLe InLerneL and access Lo YouTube. Part 1: The Ideal PhotoDIvIde your class InLo small roups oI 8 or 4 and Ive eacL roup a maazIne. Ask LLem Lo o LLrouL LLe maazIne and Lo pIck ouL a celebrILy or model pLoLo LLaL LLey LLInk represenLs LLe maInsLream Ideal oI beauLy (LLIs could be anyLLIn Irom a maazIne pLoLo sLooL Lo an adverL or a red carpeL evenL). Task LalI LLe roups wILL BndIn a male Imae and LLe oLLer LalI wILL a Iemale Imae. 0Ive LLem 8 mInuLes Lo Bnd a pLoLo. Now ask someone Irom eacL roup Lo brIeBy explaIn wLy LLey pIcked LLe pLoLo and Low IL conIorms Lo LLe LypIcal noLIons oI beauLy.SUGGESTEDTIMING:GROUPS:OBJECTIVES:WHAT YOULL NEED:HOW IT WORKS:13Part 2:Celebrity Shopping ListErIeBy explore wILL LLe class LLe LLIns LLaL LLe medIa Lells us are beauLIIul. BolIcIL Ideas Ior a beauLy 'sLoppIn lIsL' - LLe elemenLs LLey LLInk a celebrILy or model sLould Lave In order Lo conIorm Lo LLese beauLy Ideals. Do LLIs Ior boLL male and Iemale celebrILIes and lIsL LLe suesLIons on your wLILeboard or BIpcLarL.Now ask LLe class vIa a sLow oI Lands:How many oI LLem would lIke Lo look lIke LLe celebrILIes andsLars LLey Lave cLosen.How many oI LLem would be prepared Lo o on a sLrIcL dIeL LoacLIeve LLIs.How many oI LLem would o Lo LLe ym every day Lo do so. How many would undero surery Lo eL LLe look. AddILIonally, you may wanL Lo ask LLem wLy LLey wanL Lo look lIke LLese people, aaIn wrILIn suesLIons down on your BIpcLarL or wLILeboard. Eor example: WLaL does LLIs Lype oI 'beauLy' say abouL a person? WLaL messaes does IL convey? WLaL advanLaes do LLey LLInk beIn convenLIonally beauLIIulwould Ive LLem?14Main Activity:Media ManipulationPart 3: Snapshot of a Photo ShootNow IL's LIme Lo bursL LLe celebrILy bubble by revealIn Low mosL oI wLaL we aspIre Lo In Lerms oI beauLy Is a compleLe lIe and Is LLe producL oI manIpulaLIon aL every sLae oI LLe ame. Ey perIormIn an 'anaLomy oI a pLoLo sLooL' you'll reveal LLe InLervenLIons and IabrIcaLIons Involved In producIn LLe perIecL pLoLo and wIll reveal jusL Low many people IL Lakes Lo creaLe IL. The outcome of this should be to show that no-one, not even the celebrities depicted, can look like this in real life.Take LLe Iull-pae celebrILy pLoLo you've selecLed Irom a maazIne and pIn IL up somewLere wLere LLe wLole class can see IL. Tell LLem you've selecLed IL because you LLInk IL Is a reaL example oI LLe sorL oI beauLy we all look up Lo In LLe medIa. Compare IL Lo LLe sLoppIn lIsL you compIled: Low many boxes does IL LIck?Now Lell LLe class you're oIn Lo reveal Low IL Is all a con. BLow LLe IollowIn 4-mInuLe vIdeo produced by EeaL: TLe EaLIn DIsorders Association and LLe cosmeLIcs company Dove. IL reveals LLe LIdden secreLs beLInd a IasLIon pLoLo sLooL, revealIn LLe manIpulaLIons wLIcL occur aL every sLep oI producLIon In order Lo creaLe a IalsIBed IllusIon oI EeauLy.Bodytalk Fabricating Beauty Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UToGBorgDqo&feature=Bfa&list=WL5744A4153366344F&index=1215Main Activity:Media ManipulationII you Lave LLe LIme and can eL onlIne, you may also wanL Lo use LLe IollowIn InLeracLIve onlIne Lool wILL your sLudenLs. Froduced by LLe BwedIsL MInIsLry oI HealLL and BocIal AIIaIrs "0Irl Fower" allows you Lo manIpulaLe a vIrLual maazIne cover, LurnIn dIILal reLoucLIn eIIecLs on or oII Lo sLow Low compuLers Lave been used Lo LransIorm LLe cover Irl.Girl Power Photo Retouching Toolhttp://demo.fb.se/e/girlpower/retouch/retouch/index.htmlII you wanL Lo explore LLese LLemes In IurLLer depLL, use LLe Snapshot of a Photo Shoot EacLsLeeL Lo aumenL your LeacLIn (see accompanyIn BLudenLs Fack). Look Ior opporLunILIes Lo ask leadIn quesLIons or Lo InvILe observaLIons abouL LLe pLoLorapLIc producLIon and posL-producLIon processes used In LLe IasLIon IndusLry.TLe IacLsLeeL can also be Iven Lo sLudenLs Lo Lelp supporL LLeIr learnIn alon wILL LLe Media Manipulation Worksheet (see accompanyIn BLudenL's Fack) wLIcL can be used Lo documenL LLeIr undersLandIn oI LLe Issues.16Main Activity:Media ManipulationPlenary 10 - 1S mInuLesCan eILLer be done as a wLole class or In small roups/ paIrs.To provIde sLudenLs wILL LLe cLance Lo reBecL on wLaL LLey've learned and Lo consIder Low LLeIr aLLILudes and opInIons abouL beauLy and perIecLIon may Lave cLaned now LLey Lave seen some oI LLe processes Involved.TLe IollowIn reBecLIons can eILLer be done as a wLole class discussion or as a Think, Pair, Share exercIse. To do LLIs, separaLe LLe sLudenLs InLo small roups or paIrs. Fose one or more oI LLe quesLIons below Lo eacL roup and Ive LLe sLudenLs IndIvIdual 'LLInkIn LIme' Lo consIder LLeIr response. WLen 'LLInkIn LIme' Is over, LLe sLudenLs musL work In LLeIr roups or paIrs Lo sLare, clarIIy, dIscuss and cLallene eacL oLLer's Ideas. EacL roup LLen sLares LLeIr Ideas eILLer wILL anoLLer roup or wILL LLe wLole class. IL Is ImporLanL LLaL sLudenLs are able Lo sLare LLeIr roup maLes' Ideas as well as LLeIr own.You may also wanL Lo InvILe pupIls Lo prIvaLely reBecL on LLe specIBc ImpacL LLaL LLese LLemes Lave Lad on LLem buL do noL ask LLem Lo sLare LLese observaLIons wILL oLLers unless LLey wanL Lo.Ask your students to consider some of the following questions:How do LLey Ieel abouL LLIs manIpulaLed IllusIon oI beauLy? Anry? CLeaLed? BurprIsed?WLaL sorL oI ImpacL do LLey LLInk LLIs kInd oI manIpulaLIon Lason youn people? WLaL pressures does IL puL LLem under?Do LLey Ieel any beLLer abouL LLeIr own bodIes now LLaL LLeyknow LLaL LLeIr aspIraLIons are based on IanLasy? Do LLey Ieel less pressure Lo conIorm?WLaL oLLer LLIns make a person beauLIIul aparL Irom LLeIrpLysIcal appearance? Are LLese more or less ImporLanL LLan pLysIcal beauLy?SUGGESTEDTIMING:GROUPS:OBJECTIVES:HOW IT WORKS:17BLould LLe medIa be Iorced Lo be more open abouL LLIsmanIpulaLIon? How do LLe class Ieel abouL LacLIcs sucL as LLe enIorced labellIn oI aIrbrusLed Imaes In maazInes or ensurIn LLere Is a more dIverse rane oI body Lypes sLown In LLe medIa?WLaL does LLe eIIecL oI seeIn LLese adverLs day-In, day- ouL, Lave on our selI esLeem and our percepLIon oI wLaL Is 'beauLIIul'? Now as whole class, ask them: How many oI LLem sLIll wanL Lo look lIke LLe pIcLures In LLemaazInes? Would LLey sLIll o Lo exLreme lenLLs Lo Lry and emulaLe LLIs? Repeat the show of hands questions frompart 2 here to explore their changing attitudes. How many oI LLem sLIll LLInk LLaL, wILL enouL LIme and money,anyone could make LLemselves look lIke a celebrILy Ina maazIne?EInally ask LLem Lo uess Low many adverLs a LypIcal person Is lIkely Lo encounLer every day.TLe answer: A shocking 3000 adverts per day!1 Now, remind your students that no-one can look like those magazine photos in real life, not even the celebrities shown in them!1 Source: The Impact of Media Images on Body Image and Behaviours:. s::: . `.-:. r.-:-.18PlenaryAlternative Exercises and Extension ActivitiesHere are a Iew more Ideas Ior acLIvILIes wLIcL you could use In place oI LLe maIn acLIvILIes suesLed above or wLIcL could be used Lo explore body conBdence over IurLLer classes or Lomework acLIvILIes: How Do Others See You?TLe aIm oI LLIs exercIse Is Lo demonsLraLe Low we're all Loo LouL on ourselves wLen IL comes Lo body Imae and Lo encourae LLe sLudenLs Lo sLare posILIve reInIorcemenLs wILL eacL oLLer.DIvIde LLe class In Lo paIrs.Try Lo parLner up pupIls wLo would noL normally work LoeLLer.In LLeIr paIrs eL eacL sLudenL Lo Lake IL In Lurns Lo say Lwo or LLree posILIve LLIns abouL LLeIr parLner. TLese could be pLysIcal aLLrIbuLes (sucL as LLeIr LaIr or LLeIr eyes), personalILy LraILs (LLeIr sense oI Lumour or LLe IacL LLaL LLey're really kInd) or a skIll or aLLrIbuLe LLey possess (a reaL IasLIon sense or LLaL LLey're a really ood sIner). Come back LoeLLer as a roup and reBecL on LLe exercIse. TLe objecL Lere Isn'L Lo eL LLe sLudenLs Lo Lalk abouL LLe specIBc complImenLs LLey Lraded (wLIcL would probably creaLe a preLLy awkward sILuaLIon Ior mosL), buL raLLer Lo LLInk abouL LLe experIence oI IvIn and receIvIn praIse. FossIble TalkIn poInLs:How dId IL Ieel LearIn ood LLIns abouL yourselI? Has IL madeyou Ieel any dIIIerenL In reards Lo your selI esLeem? WLy does LLe process Ieel awkward? WLy are we so bad aL LakInand IvIn complImenLs?How can we learn Lo Lake LLese commenLs on board and use LLemLo buIld up our selI esLeem?19Alternative Exercises and Extension Activities20The Label GameTLIs acLIvILy Is desIned Lo eL sLudenLs LLInkIn abouL Low LLey perceIve LLemselves and Low LLey LLInk LLey're perceIved by oLLers. MosL ImporLanLly, IL cLallenes LLem Lo LLInk abouL Low LLey can proacLIvely rejecL or embrace LLose labels Lo Lake conLrol oI LLeIr IdenLILy and buIld LLeIr selI conBdence.EIrsLly, as a roup, sLarL a dIscussIon abouL Low people Lend Lo label eacL oLLer and wLy. 0eL your sLudenLs Lo descrIbe some labels LLaL we LypIcally use every day. TLen Ive eacL sLudenL an A4 sLeeL and a maIc marker and ask LLem Lo lIsL down LLe labels LLey LLInk a sLraner mILL apply Lo LLem II LLey passed LLem on LLe sLreeL. Now eL LLem Lo Lold LLeIr sLeeL up In IronL oI LLemselves. Bome possIble labels Lo explore In dIscussIon:CLav, ay, black, LoodIe, snob, swoL, eek, bully, vIcLIm, IaL, skInny,sla, player, emo, oLL, ansLa, uly, beauLIIul, smarL, slIm, scruIIy, BL. FossIble TalkIn FoInLs: DIscuss wLeLLer LLey LLInk LLe labels are Lrue and Indeed II ILacLually maLLers wLeLLer LLey are Lrue or noL.DIscuss ways Lo avoId beIn deBned by a label and even ways Loembrace IL. Explore Low words only Lave LLe power we Ive Lo LLem and LLaLno one can make you Ieel InIerIor wILLouL your consenL. Alternative Exercises and Extension Activities21The Bcdy 0cnBdence 0cntInuumHere you would use a 'value conLInuum' Lo eL your sLudenLs Lo explore LLeIr IeelIns and aLLILudes Lowards body conBdence-relaLed subjecLs. 0eL LLem Lo ImaIne LLaL LLere Is an InvIsIble lIne runnIn across LLe classroom.Label one end as 'aree' and LLe opposILe end as 'dIsaree' wILL all poInLs In beLween represenLIn LLe conLInuum.Ask LLe sLudenLs Lo sLand as a roup In LLe mIddle oI LLe room and LLen read ouL a weILLed sLaLemenL relaLIn Lo body Imae. WLen LLey Lave Leard LLe sLaLemenL, InvILe LLe sLudenLs Lo Lake up a posILIon on LLe ImaInary lIne IndIcaLIn Low mucL LLey aree or dIsaree wILL LLe sLaLemenL. 0nce In place, eL LLem Lo explaIn LLeIr posILIons and debaLe wILL eacL oLLer around LLeIr perspecLIves. HILlILL LLe IacL LLaL LLere are no rILL or wron answers and LLen allow LLem LLe cLance Lo cLane LLeIr posILIons aILer lIsLenIn Lo LLeIr classmaLes' responses.FossIble BLaLemenLs:BlIm people are so smu, LLey jusL swan around beIn Iull oILLemselves.Your body Is your canvas Lo be Bxed, remade and enLanced. CosmeLIc surery Is now someLLIn Lo be proud oI raLLer LLan Lo LIde.DIeLIn Is sLupId. EeauLy and perIecLIon are wLaL we all sLrIve Ior. II I work Lard enouL Lo sLape my body, I can look lIke mycelebrILy Idols.EasLIon desIners, maazIne edILors and TV producers sLould beIorced Lo Include more dIverse body sLapes In LLeIr ouLpuL. FLoLosLopped Imaes sLould be banned. Alternative Exercises and Extension Activities22Coat of Arms0Ive eacL oI your sLudenLs a pIece oI blank A4 paper and some IelL LIps, coloured pencIls or paInLs.Ask eacL oI LLem Lo desIn LLeIr own 'coaL oI arms', IncorporaLIn Iour personal sLrenLLs LLaL LLey belIeve LLey possess. TLese could be pLysIcal, personalILy-based or relaLed Lo a parLIcular skIll LLey've masLered. Ask LLem Lo also come up wILL a personal moLLo Lo o underneaLL LLeIr sLIeld.WLen LLe sLudenLs Lave BnIsLed, make a wall dIsplay ouL oI LLeIr creaLIons so everyone can see LLe LLIns LLey lIke abouL LLemselves. DIsplay LLese around a bI posLer or banner wLIcL reads:'We Are AmazIn' (Iollowed by LLe name oI your class).IL mILL be a ood Idea Ior you as LLe LeacLer Lo come up wILL your own sLIeld and moLLo Loo!Issues to ConsiderEy explorIn LLe LLorny Issues oI body conBdence and selI esLeem, you mILL Bnd yourselI conIronLIn some cLallenIn sILuaLIons wILL your sLudenLs. TLe IollowIn advIce sLould Lelp you anLIcIpaLe LLese wLen boLL plannIn and conducLIn your class:A wider programme of studyTLe acLIvILIes suesLed as parL oI LLIs lesson plan wIll work besL as parL oI a wIder proramme oI sLudy wILLIn LLe FBHE currIculum raLLer LLan as a sInle, sLand-alone lesson. We recommend InvesLIaLIn Low LLe LLemes and Issues covered Lere can BL InLo relaLed exploraLIons oI relaLIonsLIps, rIsk LakIn, selI esLeem and LealLL. AddILIonally, we Ieel LLaL sLudenLs wIll beneBL mosL Irom LLese acLIvILIes II LLe LeacLer Las spenL some LIme bondIn LLe class Lo creaLe a saIe and supporLIve learnIn envIronmenL, reInIorcIn our recommendaLIon Ior LLIs Lo work as a wIder parL oI an exIsLIn FBHE proramme wILLIn a scLool.Sensitive student disclosures and pastoral careTLrouL LLe very naLure oI explorIn Issues around selI esLeem and body conBdence, LLere Is a rIsk LLaL some sLudenLs wIll dIsclose sensILIve personal Issues sucL as eaLIn dIsorders, dru use, bullyIn or problems aL Lome. EeIore delIverIn LLe lesson, we recommend LLaL you IamIlIarIse yourselI wILL LLe saIeuardIn procedures and polIcIes In your scLool, IncludIn knowIn wLo Is specIBcally responsIble Ior dealIn wILL cLIld proLecLIon Issues. As a rule oI LLumb In LLese sILuaLIons, keep calm, reassure LLe sLudenL LLaL LLey've done LLe rILL LLIn by LellIn you abouL LLeIr problem and make deLaIled noLes oI all LLaL you are Lold as soon as you are able. Make sure LLaL you communIcaLe wLaL you Lave Leard as soon as possIble Lo eILLer LLe scLool's desInaLed cLIld proLecLIon represenLaLIve or your Lead LeacLer.23Issues to ConsiderSpecialist PSHE teachersWe Lave desIned LLIs pack Lo be useIul Lo as many KB8 and KB4 LeacLers as possIble Ior use In a sLandard FBHE lesson. However, we reconIse LLaL LLere may be opporLunILIes Lo Lake LLe LeacLIn IurLLer by encouraIn sLudenLs Lo more Iully enae wILL LLeIr personal selI esLeem and body conBdence Issues (Ior InsLance LLrouL conducLIn a 'mIrror sessIon' as ouLlIned In 0ok's InLroducLory vIdeo). WLIlsL LLese are IncredIbly powerIul and InsILLIul Lools, LLey can also leave sLudenLs vulnerable. Eor LLIs reason we would suesL runnIn LLe more In-depLL sessIons wILL a LraIned and experIenced FBHE LeacLer Irom your scLool wLo can conducL LLe class wILL LLe maxImum supporL Ior LLe sLudenLs.Online support and useful resourcesBome sLudenLs may be aIIecLed by some oI LLe Issues we've covered buL may noL be wIllIn Lo open up Lo you dIrecLly. Eor LLIs reason we recommend IvIn eacL sLudenL a copy oI our 'Useful Resources sLeeL (see accompanyIn BLudenL's Fack) wLIcL conLaIns conLacL deLaIls Ior several cLarILIes, InIormaLIon sILes and supporL oranIsaLIons wLIcL cover many oI LLe Issues we've LoucLed upon.Make sharing optional Beveral oI LLe acLIvILIes we've Included presenL an excellenL opporLunILy Ior sLudenLs Lo personally reBecL on Low LLey are aIIecLed by body conBdence or selI esLeem Issues. However we would advocaLe keepIn LLese separaLe Irom roup acLIvILIes and class dIscussIons and would recommend avoIdIn sILuaLIons wLere sLudenLs Ieel pressured Lo publIcly Lalk abouL LLeIr personal worrIes or concerns.24Curriculum ReferencesTLe suesLed lesson plans, maLerIals and acLIvILIes Included In LLIs pack sLould provIde LLe IollowIn In Lerms oI LLeIr relevance Lo LLe NaLIonal CurrIculum:Key Stage 3 PSHE: Personal wellbeing Key Concepts:1.1Fersonal IdenLILIes UndersLandIn LLaL IdenLILy Is aIIecLed by a rane oI IacLors, IncludIna posILIve sense oI selI.FeconIsIn LLaL LLe way In wLIcL personal qualILIes, aLLILudes, skIllsand acLIevemenLs are evaluaLed aIIecLs conBdence and selI esLeem.UndersLandIn LLaL selI-esLeem can cLane wILL personalcIrcumsLances, sucL as LLose assocIaLed wILL IamIly and IrIendsLIps, acLIevemenLs and employmenL.1.2HealLLy lIIesLylesFeconIsIn LLaL LealLLy lIIesLyles, and LLe wellbeIn oI selI andoLLers, depend on InIormaLIon and makIn responsIble cLoIces.UndersLandIn LLaL pLysIcal, menLal, sexual and emoLIonal LealLLaIIecL our abIlILy Lo lead IulBllIn lIves and LLaL LLere Is Lelp and supporL avaIlable wLen LLey are LLreaLened. 1.8FIskApprecIaLIn LLaL pressure can be used posILIvely or neaLIvely LoInBuence oLLers In sILuaLIons InvolvIn rIsk.DevelopIn LLe conBdence Lo Lry new Ideas and Iace cLallenes saIely,IndIvIdually and In roups. 1.4DIversILyUndersLandIn LLaL all Iorms oI prejudIce and dIscrImInaLIonmusL be cLallened aL every level.25Curriculum ReferencesKey Processes:2.1CrILIcal reBecLIonFeBecL crILIcally on LLeIr own and oLLers' values. FeBecL on personal sLrenLLs, acLIevemenLs and areas IordevelopmenL.FeconIse Low oLLers see LLem and Ive and receIve Ieedback. 2.2DecIsIon-makIn and manaIn rIskUse knowlede and undersLandIn Lo make InIormed cLoIcesabouL saIeLy, LealLL and wellbeIn.EInd InIormaLIon and supporL Irom a varIeLy oI sources.Assess and manae LLe elemenL oI rIsk In personal cLoIces andsILuaLIons.Know wLen and Low Lo eL Lelp. 2.8 DevelopIn relaLIonsLIps and workIn wILL oLLersUse LLe socIal skIlls oI communIcaLIon, neoLIaLIon, asserLIvenessand collaboraLIon. Value dIIIerences beLween people and demonsLraLe empaLLy and awIllInness Lo learn abouL people dIIIerenL Irom LLemselves. CLallene prejudIce and dIscrImInaLIon asserLIvely. 26Curriculum ReferencesRange and Content:Examples oI dIverse values encounLered In socIeLy and LLeclarIBcaLIon oI personal values.TLe knowlede and skIlls needed Ior seLLIn realIsLIc LareLs andpersonal oals.How a balanced dIeL and makIn cLoIces Ior beIn LealLLyconLrIbuLe Lo personal wellbeIn, and LLe ImporLance oI balance beLween work, leIsure and exercIse.Ways oI reconIsIn and reducIn rIsk, mInImIsIn Larm andeLLIn Lelp In emerency and rIsky sILuaLIons.TLe sImIlarILIes, dIIIerences and dIversILy amon people oIdIIIerenL race, culLure, abIlILy, dIsabIlILy, ender, ae and sexual orIenLaLIon and LLe ImpacL oI prejudIce, bullyIn, dIscrImInaLIon and racIsm on IndIvIduals and communILIes.Curriculum Opportunities: Make real cLoIces and decIsIons based on accuraLe InIormaLIonobLaIned LLrouL LLeIr own researcL usIn a rane oI sources, IncludIn LLe InLerneL, oLLer medIa sources and vIsILs/vIsILors Lo and Irom LLe wIder communILy.Take parL In IndIvIdual and roup dIscussIon Lo consIder personal,socIal and moral dIlemmas and LLe cLoIces and decIsIons relaLIn Lo LLem. Work as members oI roups and Leams, LakIn on dIIIerenL rolesand responsIbIlILIes.27Key Stage 4 PSHE: Personal wellbeing Key Concepts:1.1Fersonal IdenLILIes UndersLandIn LLaL IdenLILy Is aIIecLed by a rane oI IacLors.FeconIsIn LLaL LLe way In wLIcL personal qualILIes aLLILudes, skIllsand acLIevemenLs are evaluaLed aIIecLs conBdence and selI esLeem.UndersLandIn LLaL selI-esLeem can cLane wILL personalcIrcumsLances.1.2HealLLy lIIesLylesFeconIsIn LLaL LealLLy lIIesLyles, and LLe wellbeIn oI selI andoLLers, depend on InIormaLIon and makIn responsIble cLoIces.UndersLandIn LLaL our pLysIcal, menLal, sexual and emoLIonalLealLL aIIecL our abIlILy Lo lead IulBllIn lIves and LLaL LLere Is Lelp and supporL avaIlable wLen LLey are LLreaLened. 1.8FIskUndersLandIn rIsk In boLL posILIve and neaLIve Lerms andundersLandIn LLaL IndIvIduals need Lo manae rIsk Lo LLemselves and oLLers In a rane oI personal and socIal sILuaLIons. ApprecIaLIn LLaL pressure can be used posILIvely or neaLIvely LoInBuence oLLers In sILuaLIons InvolvIn rIsk.DevelopIn LLe conBdence Lo Lry new Ideas and Iace cLallenessaIely, IndIvIdually and In roups. 1.4DIversILy UndersLandIn LLaL all Iorms oI prejudIce and dIscrImInaLIonmusL be cLallened aL every level In our lIves.28Curriculum ReferencesKey Processes:2.1CrILIcal reBecLIonFeBecL crILIcally on LLeIr own and oLLers' values and cLane LLeIrbeLavIour accordInly. FeBecL on LLeIr own and oLLers' sLrenLLs and acLIevemenLs,Ive and receIve consLrucLIve praIse and crILIcIsm, and learn Irom success and IaIlure.2.2DecIsIon-makIn and manaIn rIskUse knowlede and undersLandIn Lo make InIormed cLoIcesabouL saIeLy, LealLL and wellbeIn, evaluaLIn personal cLoIces and makIn cLanes II necessary.EInd and evaluaLe InIormaLIon, advIce and supporL Irom a varIeLyoI sources and be able Lo supporL oLLers In doIn so. Assess and manae rIsk In personal cLoIces and sILuaLIons,mInImIse Larm In rIsky sILuaLIons and demonsLraLe Low Lo Lelp oLLers do so.2.8DevelopIn relaLIonsLIps and workIn wILL oLLersWork IndIvIdually, LoeLLer and In Leams Ior specIBc purposes,makIn use oI LLe socIal skIlls oI communIcaLIon, neoLIaLIon, asserLIveness and collaboraLIon. DemonsLraLe respecL Ior and accepLance oI LLe dIIIerencesbeLween people, and cLallene oIIensIve beLavIour, prejudIce and dIscrImInaLIon asserLIvely and saIely.29Curriculum ReferencesRange and Content:How LLe medIa porLrays youn people, body Imae and LealLLIssues.TLe cLaracLerIsLIcs oI emoLIonal and menLal LealLL, and LLecauses, sympLoms and LreaLmenLs oI some menLal and emoLIonal LealLL dIsorders.TLe beneBLs and rIsks oI LealLL and lIIesLyle cLoIces, IncludIncLoIces relaLIn Lo sexual acLIvILy and subsLance use and mIsuse, and LLe sLorL and lon-Lerm consequencesIor LLe LealLL and menLal and emoLIonal wellbeIn oI IndIvIduals, IamIlIes and communILIes. WLere and Low Lo obLaIn LealLL InIormaLIon, Low Lo reconIseand Iollow LealLL and saIeLy procedures, ways oI reducIn rIsk and mInImIsIn Larm In rIsky sILuaLIons, Low Lo Bnd sources oI emerency Lelp and Low Lo use basIc and emerency BrsL aId.Curriculum Opportunities:Eorm opInIons and express vIewpoInLs conBdenLly Lo a rane oIaudIences. Take parL In IndIvIdual and roup dIscussIon Lo consIder personal,socIal and moral dIlemmas and LLe cLoIces and decIsIons relaLIn Lo LLem. Work as members oI roups and Leams Ior specIBc purposes,LakIn on dIIIerenL roles and responsIbIlILIes and IdenLIIyIn LLe rane oI skIlls and aLLrIbuLes needed Ior Leamwork.IdenLIIy sources oI Lelp, supporL and accuraLe InIormaLIon andLake responsIbIlILy Ior provIdIn accuraLe InIormaLIon Lo oLLers In a rane oI sILuaLIons.30Curriculum ReferencesAcknowledgementsThese resources were made possible through the input and involvement of the following people:BaraL BmarL and NIck EoddInLon (TLe FBHE AssocIaLIon) Kaya CLeyanne (NaLural EeauLy: KeepIn IL Feal) FuLL Foers and NaLasLa Devon (Eody 0ossIp) Bue WLILLaker (KIns Collee, 0uIldIord) CarolIne Nokes, MF Mary 0lIndon, MF KaLL BLarman (BHINE) BLeve Eyrne (Y TourIn)FuperL Youn (TLe Mood EoundaLIon) Rikki Beadle Blair Alex Holmes 31