Gold In Indonesia By: Joan Espinoza, Ivan Marin

Gold In Indonesia

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Gold In Indonesia. By: Joan Espinoza, Ivan Marin. Toxics used to mine gold. This is a inorganic compound that is highly toxic used to mine gold. This is what Mercury does to the water that villagers use as a stream to drink water which is undrinkable. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Gold In Indonesia

GoldIn Indonesia

By: Joan Espinoza, Ivan Marin

Page 2: Gold In Indonesia

Toxics used to mine gold

• This is a inorganic compound that is highly toxic used to mine gold.

• This is what Mercury does to the water that villagers use as a stream to drink water which is undrinkable.



~The University of Melbourne 2008 ~National Geographic 2009

Page 3: Gold In Indonesia

• Arsenic poisoning is caused because Arsenic is used to mine gold and the chemical is being illegally dumped into water close to villages and people drink it causing diseases like in the picture to the right.

•Environmentalchristian’s Weblog 2007

Page 4: Gold In Indonesia

Land harmed

• This image shows illegal disposal of mercury into sea.

• The lands that these people once used to plant crops that fed whole villages are useless once the illegal disposal of mercury contaminates the land.



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The children

•Children being affected by the gold mining. Seeing how many kids are being hurt because others only care about themselves.

•The people from mines are contaminating lakes and lands that help the people in the land survive.

• http://www.bryantmcgill.com/bin/modules/mod_global_content/universality-of-suffering/human_suffering_11.jpg


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People being affected

• This animation illustrates that the people from the mining corporations would not care to hurt the people who have had those native lands since before for their own benefit which is to get gold from mines.

– http://www.daily49er.com/polopoly_fs/1.1571081!image/3744741772.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_260/3744741772.jpg

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• Also miners are taking away the lands of indigenous people even though they have had those lands for centuries, they don’t have legal documents so the miners just take it as if the land was theirs.


No Dirty Gold 2009

Page 9: Gold In Indonesia

Resources• National Geographic 2009

"Guyana Frog Travelogue, Part 2 - National Geographic Blog Wild." National Geographic Blogs on Travel, Environment, News, Books, Photography, More. Web. 17 Nov. 2009. <http://blogs.nationalgeographic.com/blogs/blogwild/2009/08/guyana-frog-travelogue-part-2.html>.

• Environmentalchristian’s Weblog 2007

"Arsenic Poisoning." Environmentalchristians Weblog. Web. 17 Nov. 2009. <http://environmentalchristian.wordpress.com/2008/02/29/arsenic-poisoning/>.

• Perlez, Jane, and Evelyn Rusli. "Spurred by Illness, Indonesians Lash Out at U.S. Mining Giant." MAC: Mines and Communities. Sept.-Oct. 2004. Web. http://www.minesandcommunities.org/article.php?a=1392.Where are the rest of your citations for the websites your are using?

Page 10: Gold In Indonesia

• Citation added: "Indonesia - Paying for Rio Tinto's Operations." Center for Manegment Research. 2003. Web. 5 Nov. 2009. http://www.icmrindia.org/casestudies/catalogue/Business%20Ethics/Business%20Ethics%20-%20Rio%20Tinto%20-%20Mining%20Giant%20Pollutes%20Indonesia.htm.

• Citation added: "Indonesia: Mining activities will threaten right to food of 60,000 people." FIAN International//. 6 June 2009. Web. 5 Nov. 2009. http://www.fian.org/cases/letter-campaigns/indonesia-mining-activities-will-threaten-right-to-food-of-60-000-people.

• No dirty Gold No Dirty Gold. Web. 17 Nov. 2009.
