University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Golden Era, 1884-1886 (Lincoln County, New Mexico) New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-25-1884 Golden Era (Lincoln, N.M.), 12-25-1884 Jones Taliaferro M. S. Taliaferro Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/golden_era_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Golden Era, 1884-1886 (Lincoln County, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Taliaferro, Jones and M. S. Taliaferro. "Golden Era (Lincoln, N.M.), 12-25-1884." (1884). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ golden_era_news/61

Golden Era (Lincoln, N.M.), 12-25-1884

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University of New MexicoUNM Digital RepositoryGolden Era, 1884-1886 (Lincoln County, NewMexico) New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Golden Era (Lincoln, N.M.), 12-25-1884Jones Taliaferro

M. S. Taliaferro

Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/golden_era_news

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Golden Era, 1884-1886 (Lincoln County, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For moreinformation, please contact [email protected].

Recommended CitationTaliaferro, Jones and M. S. Taliaferro. "Golden Era (Lincoln, N.M.), 12-25-1884." (1884). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/golden_era_news/61

Golden MANew Mexico as a State; The Development of Its Besources, and the Elevation of Its People.


W. W. Paul and Robert Diekson time past, ami will soon bo ready to quire a drift or tunnel to cut it again.PROFESS IOXAL CARDS. COUNTY NEWS.ass a yeus.were at the county seat on business

this week.

Johnny Bolton came up smilingfrom the II io Felix to load up atJimmy Dolan's dinner this Christmas.

Ho doesn't expect to get anothersnuare meal for a year as lie lias to'


cook for himself out at the ranch.. .

Tlic l.,at l.uor.l ft S int.T I llllW ..hp

" lf" llls "ve-ce- iraps on

''". ut Las Vegas anil started for.'.ii I.f. ia!10w(?r country, nut aner geuing

iar tlie l eco river swuenea on

.?"" 'is flight for Santa Fe,wnerei mere was a iui oí un migofor calo, at a terrible crash in prices.

1110 rraiui unag.nes ne nas.r-ruc-

,a lal J'-- o' l" "al,oul every iiociy teams to ne anxioustr unmnil tliriir finrriliia cfrictí nut.

just let him try to work them off on

the people of this county aboutChristmas and thero will be some

thing in the atmosphere besidessnow-flake- s and gravel. We have

always held a grudge against theoltl sneak since years ago he left usa cooked goose egg and a mitten,about an inch lonr, one ChristmasEve.

The Optic wants some one to fur-

nish that office with the presentaddress of Taylor & Killen whoseformer post office w.ts Galena in

Nogal Canon, this county. ). C.

Taylor, now of Bonito, can probablytell more about that matter than any

one else. Better write to the Optic,Colonel, they may be in possessionof the fact that a fortune has beenleft you in the old country, or a

goat ranch somewhere up in Utah.Stranger things than that have hap-

pened to men who ore not nearly ashandsome and a good deal more lone-

some than yourself.


Our ctorcs present a holiday ap-

pearance.The stamp mill is still working on

Ilomestake ere.E. E. Albright is suffering with a

St trained ankle.i

Mr. Wauchope has a six-hor-

team hauling ore.The assessment work for '81, in

this vicinity, is about finished.

Joseph Biggs has returned fromthe Bonito, where he has been doingassessments.

fc. w . L,ioyu lias discovered aspring near the Oscuras which hethinks is a bonanza.

Mr. and Mrs. Slane, Eagle Creek,are visiting here and will not returnuntil after the holidays.

The old settlers say that the recentsnow fall is the heaviest ever knownin this portion of New Mexico.

Manager Rhode, Jicarilla, was in

town Saturday, and is confident thathis concentrator will be a success,

The young people of this placehave been usinr the late fall of Know

about as melodiously as youngieopie do elsewhere, considering it wassent for their enjoyment.

John Woodland, Geo. L. Ulrick,Oscar Dyer and Emil Oanne willleave here some time in January forMora county to assist Col. Jewett,who has a government surveyingcontract.

It is reported hero that arrangements have been made to put in ahirco stamp mill at an early davThe parties are well known, but donot want their names given to thopublic at present.

Dr. Reid and his partner, II. Hau-nin-

have dissolved, and Dr. Radon,as mutual friend, will be associatedwith Dr. Reid in the business untiltho affairs of tho old firm can be sat-isfactorily adjusted.

Cris. Ebner says: 'Ven I puyspeef I pays mit to Hchtamps tint notmit gub and chaw-pon- e. So mienfrient ven you puys meat of nie youshust schlaps down to cash tint yougits your schteak unt schin-pon-

xou lorschtiiy him, ugh:Tho Hoi. cstvke is still pushing

work steadily ahead. Col. Ileinansays that neither snow nor a brokenarm can stop it now. The Colonelha disenrded tho lumber ho has been

. 'n ""' uní on ins nnu ior some

take a tumble to himself or anyoneelse ntrain.

PEÑASCO December 18.

We are bavin" considerable snow

and very com weather at present.Mr. Win. Keenev. one of Airua

V ,n


s ptilitest gentlemen, is go-. .niir to LI l uso to spend the bollj, ,a

Preston Collier's school is pro-

nounced by all the patrons to be a

success, which speak.s well for ourpedagogue.

At tho public sale on tho 10th,

property went very cheap, owing to j

the scarcity of money which prevailshere at present.

It has been reported here that J.P. Eaker's walk is somewhat digni-

fied. The cause can be ascertainedby referring to J. P.

Among the late arrivals in theTwelve Mile Canon are a number of

young ladies whose presence havealready played smash with the heartsof several of our young bloods, onaccount of which a ereat many casesof may be reported beforespring. Among those showing thestrongest symptons of being thusrattled are tho school teacher andBol) the fiddler.

There was a pleasant party givenby Mr. and Mrs. J. S. .Terrell, at theirranch iu Twelve Mile Canon, on theevening ot tne tu inst. uancinrr

the order of the evening, Mr.Win. Derrick holding first base withthe violin, while all present trippedthe light fantastic until a late hour.A fine supper was served, and a

good time had generally. The kindhospitalities of the, host and hostesson this occasion will long be remembered by all present.

During the recent round-u- p hereone of Mr. A. C. McDonald's handsfound Buck Tison's saddle on thesouth side of tho Agua Chiquita,where it had been hid in the bushes.

It will be remombered that Suttonand Nick Booth were accused of

stealing two horses, bridles and sad-

dles from the L L L ranch duriixrthe summer. The horses were re-

covered in a few days, but nothingwas heard of the saddles or bridles,until tho saddle above mentionedwas found. Sutton was going iu thedirection of this saddle the morninghe received his death wound.

The latest rumor here is that S1). Goodman, a partner of G. W.Holland, has left for parts unknown.It appears that Goodman, who wentto El Paso to purchase goods, gotthe best of his partner by severalhundred dollars. J. P. Eaker senthis gold watch with Goodman for

repairs, with a view of presenting itto his best girl during tho holidays.Of course he has heard nothing fromtho watch. Eaker says he cannotthink Goodman's intentions are otherthan honest and honorable, audseems to think that his watch will

come in all O. K. yet. The onlycause that ho can assign for Good-

man's strange disappearance, is thatGoodman was elected constable of

precinct No. Ü at the hist electionand it may be that he heard of a

band of rustlers, and having a desireto gain notoriety, left at once for thescene, forgetting that ho hud neverbeen sworn into office.


RED CLOUD-Deceni- ber IS.

It is about a year since I wrote totho Eii.v. In that time thero hasbeen considerable work done in theway of developing some of tho min-

ing prospects in this district. Workwas commenced last February on theBuckhorn under tho direction of C.T. Clark, and prosecuted with energyand ji dg nent until tho Pith of No-

vember, during which time a shaft.5x7 was sunk 151 feet deep, themineral from the top pitching cast

j at an angle of about (it) degrees tothe depth of about 45 feet, and wasagain struck at eighty feet, coime- -

quentlv tho mineral is now est ofme minimi oi uu- - mink hih.i win re- -

A ton of the best ore ever produce 1

by the camp was sent from thisclaim to New Orleans.

The next item of interest here wasthe striking of a rich pocket of min-

eral, in a drift, at the bottom of thru

Red Cloud shaft, by Messrs. SpCH-J-

nnd Heiidershot. Work would h.tVo

been prosecuted further, but foulair prevented during tho summermonths.

Some time during the month ofAugust Messrs. Mann ami Klepiugerstruck a larg.i body of copper car-

bonates and galena at tho depth ofC() fcct ()) t) io Sunbeam. If facilities were at hand to"treat this ore, Ihave no doubt it would pay hand-


Another large cropping of fino

mineral was discovered on the Ten-

derfoot a week or two ago. Thismakes six different places on tlii.jclaim where pay mineral can be ex-

tracted, at or near the surface.

M. Whiteman, of White Oaks,'came up with a load of provisionsand two miners to further developthe Wild Goose claim, but on look-in- g

over the ground he concludedit would take more money to show

up the ore body than he had intendedto spend, consequently he returnedto White Oaks to unload.

The weather up to the presenttime has been very favorable for out-

door work, and the boys have takenadvantage of it and assessment workfor '84 is about finished. Zkno.

RANCH FOR SALE.1ÍS0 acres on the Hondo below

Cline's. Cash entry land.Geo. T. Bicall Jk.,

30-t- f Lincoln, N. M.


Notice is hereby given that thornwill be a nieetng of the members ofthe Peñasco District Protective As-

sociation held at G. W. Holland'sstore, on the tapper Peñasco, Janua-ry 15th, .1885, for the purpose ofelecting officers for the ensuing year.A fuil attendance is desired.

J. P. Eaker, J. W. Bryan.Secretary. President.

Meeting of Lincoln County Stockrr.en,A meeting of the Lincoln County

Stock association will be held atLincoln on the first Monday in Jan-uary (Jan. 5th). The object of thismeeting is that all members mavhear a report of the delegates sentto the convention of cattlemen ai

t. Louis, and that other importan'business may be transacted and tinopportunity may be extended to poisons wishing to join the associationas several applications for uiembetship have been made.

W. E. Andkiísox, President.Jas. J. Doi.av, Secretary.

Ballou's Monthly Magazine f,,rJanuary is issued, and promises forthe coming year to be better thanever. It opens with illustratedviews of the Kennebec River, fol-

lowed by a new story from the penof Mr. Win. H. Thomes tho authorof "The Belle of Australia," "OnLand and Sea," etc.. called "Leweyand I; or, Sailor Boy's Wanderings.It relates the adventures of twoyoung men, French and Americanlads, in California, in the years ISUíand 47. during the Mexican War;and will be full of stirring adven-tures, and bravo exploits with In-

dians, Mexicans and Yankee raiders.It is one of tho most vivid picturesof California life, at the timo Fie-inoi- it

was in the country, that hasbeen writen. Those who have read"On Land and Sea" will be equallypleased with this new story by Mr.I'lioines, for it is a true one, hs so.iifrom the Mexican standpoint, thotwo adventurers being compelled toserve in the Mexican cavalry for afew weeks, or suffer some "of thopuins of military discipline as dii-jiens-

by tho Mexican authorities.There is much humor in the story, alot of quiet fun, some remarkablelove-makin- and everything to in-

terest tho reader. This story willbe a great success, we predict fromreading its commencement. Ball-oil'- s

Magazine is tho cheapest andbest publication if its kind in thocountry, ltisoniv $ 1.50 per year, or15 cents per mKdor. Ask yournewsdealer to order it for you. Billi-on's Magazine bibbed "with itlierpublications at M.'JH per yenr. Ad- -

dress, ThomnH f Tnlbot 23 IIv!'vri., ivimoii, .i;i .

Wll.MAM D. ClIlkMCKA. IIarvky B. Fkbui'ssox.



Aliiuquehque, - N. M.

3- - Will Prac:ico iu Liucolu County. Tí



White Oaks, - New Mexico.



New Mexico.Socokiio, -- ' -

Bfft.Crimiiral Practice a Specialty.

Q.EO. T. CEALL, .Iu.,


New Mexico.Lincoln, - -

iTPractico iu nil the Courta in the Territory



New Mexico,Lincoln, - -



White Oaks, - New Mexico,

yy C. McLONALD, ,


-:A- ND:-NOl'ARY


White Oaks, - New Mexico


U. S Mineral Deputy Surveyor,New Mexico and Arizona.

United Stales Deputy Surveyor,



Office . White Oaks Avenut.





White Oaks. N. M,



RoSWELL. New Mexico.



Rosweell, Lincoln Co., New Mexico

Practice iu all Territorial Courti. Correspondeuce nulictted.





Seven Riveus, New Mexico.

Particular attention Riven to the eolloction ofclaim aKiiiiKt the I'niM'l SuitcK lorliy lu-li- iiii-- l the locution aud ccuriug tille mgovvruuicut laude.



rus asco, N. II



Rnnoxo, ... ji. M,

She fed the old lien.

The hen was fat- .- Spelling Book.

She wanted lier for a Christinasdinner.

This was taking a fowl advantageof the lien.

A bare Christmas indicates that.1 , 1. Imere is ox any snow iu speuK. in. i

Buck Powell came in a2ain from

the Peñasco on a buck-boar- d or some

other kind of rig. A cyclone or a

water famine would not keen Buckaway from Lincoln more than a weekat a time.

John Chisum is now reported in afair way to recover at an early day,

and although still at Eureka Springs,he expects soon to be slinking hands

. ... , . ,i . i 'and setunj; em up io mo ooys inLincoln county.

Messirs Thornton and Vandaver,of Santa Fe, are now in Lincolncounty on a hunt. They 'stoppedover at this place Tuesday night on

their way to Koswell. It is timefor game down that way to hide out.

A. K. Dale and Jacob Harris, from

near Koswell, each brought up aload of sweet potatoes last Friday,and the hungry Lineolnites, assisted

by the editor, proprietor, the deviland all the rest of us, have beenfeasting on yams and sowbelly from

that day until now, and still our cryyam for more.

On account of the school directorsof precinct No 1, Lincoln, not hav-

ing qualified, Geo. L. Ulrick, thecounty superintendent, has called a

special election to be held Thursday,January, 8th 1SS5, at the office of

the justice of the peace in the town

of Lincoln, for the purpose of clioos-iii'i- -

new director?.

J. J. Dolan and Chas. Frit, made

the round to Las C'r.icrs and back

through the .most disagreeableweather we have had this winter,but returned without meeting anyserious mishap except a long, heavy

p', 11 through the snow which extendedeven to the valley of crapes audperennial green tilings.

Rube and Jake Copeland winked

down with the stars Monday night,and left with the fog the next morn

lug. lhey did not give any pointeras to their errand here but l'ubewas seen tryinir to rattle a lawyerup about throe hours before his usualtime for breakfast so it is inferredthat he was after a little advice,

Don Jose Montano and his sonreturned from Santa Fe last Thurs-

day evening. They had to drivethrough snow nearly the entiro tripacross the country, to find bareground and dry roads as they nearedLincoln. Mr. Montano reporta business extremely dull in that ancientbusiness centre, and the outlook notvery encouraging for the future,

J. W. Bryan met with quite aserious accident out on his ranrrethe other day. While riding at fullspeed, his horse stumbled and fell,about the full force of the shockcoininjr on Mr. Bryans ler whichcame underneath the horse. Fortu-nately no bones were broken but thegentleman win lie unable to getaround with comfort for some time.

Crops of all kinds were very fineon the Ruidoso the past year andprove beyond a doubt that farmingwill pay in the valleys of Lincoln

county when conducted in a system-

atic manner, and with the marketprices of all kinds of farm productsmuch higher than that usuallyobtained for similar products in thestates, there is no reason why ourfarmers should not grow rich in avery few years. L. Hale this yearraised over 1 500 bushels of oats,Joshua Hale 2,500, and Frank Lesnet1 ,100. Others were equally success-

ful according to the nceraire sown.Whent, and corn also gave an abun-dant yield as did potatoes, cabbageand all kinds of vegetables. JohnNeweomb and the Coca wo learnwere very successful fn all theirfarming ventures as were about everyone along the Ruidoso this ut.


J. T. REID & CO.,


Analytical Chemists.

While Oaks Avenue,






San Antonio,

Whits Oaks

-- : .wo - Ft. Stanton.


Arrive, --

lkpurt,0:110 p. in.

7 a. la.WIIITK U AKS.

Arrive from San Antonio 4 a. in.lieinrt I'.ir " fl:lW p. in.Arrive from Ft. Huiutou !:IKI i. iu.l)i!irt l".tr " 4 u. iu.


Arrive, 3 p. in.Ucpurt, 2 p. iu.

K. W. PARKER, Sup't.



l'c:ilcr Iu

General Merchandise,


Nor.AL, N. M.


Uunlur Iu

Fine Liquors, Wines, Tobaccos Etc

Al Keeps a Full Liuc Of

Groceries and Confectioneries.

.live him a cull ho will treat you the beatlie kuO'V.i how.

Lincoln', N. M.

Established 1SC1.

No Patent No Pay.

PATENTSObtained for Mechanical Device..

JoinpouiKls Designs mid Label".

All preliminary examinations an te

patentability of invention-'- , Free. On;

'Guido to Obtaining Patents," is scti'frcj every wlicre. Address,

LOUIS I'.AGGER & COSolicitors of Painel,

Washi MOTON, D. C.


Below we itive partial Hit of )iapor that we

club with. To oil now nulwrihern, u l to thoseof our oi l .utariliari who nro uot In arrears, wewill nivo the ailvaimc of thia liberal olier, ou.lwill promise to do our utmoit to innko Tin Kma rdiable aud ucway on per.Tli. ir auh. Sub. Price

Trice. with Uoi.iikn Ekkf 1 mi American ItvKHtcr f (Kl

Arkivii'iu Traveler2 mi Aulhur'ii homo Mug., l'liila. 404 m) A I hi olio .Monthly 5 :n1 mi Illado.Tulclo, a r2 mi ll'ioinoraiiir, Laramie, Wyn. :t f.s1 fill Coiirtor-Jooriia- Louunillw 20:i in Christian l'uiou 4 fH1 ml Chronicle, Sun l'rnne.(i 5 If,I .VI provcr'n Jo'irunl, Chicago :i in i

1 15 Cincinnati I 111

2 M Frank Lediw'ii Popular Monthly 4 in2 M " " Sunday Maiai uo 4 M2 mi Free Pre, Iioiroit 2 !

1 2Í Ouxcttu, Ctucinuati :i mi1 ml Ololw Itciuocrnt. St. Lotlij 2 '."2 ml IliiileyV LadyV liouk :t .mi

4 in) JUriwr'n llar.or 5 Kl" Weekly S :in

I 2S tllter-Oeeu- Chieflffn 2 Ci1 mi .loiirual, Kaiio.t'ity 2 H.')

i Ioiirii.il, tlittve.toii. TexaA : :t1 M Live Stu 'k lu licntor. ltim Citv 2 ti2 l"l VtnliiK llcview, Chieanu :i 212 ll Now, liaukury ;i iifi2 mi t Sun ;i 7SI mi St. I.ouIj 2 Wl: n Tcti..-iiai,i- 4 ml'i ml l.ivu Stock .lo irnal 4 2ft

Allic.í 'iiiM-K- Dm, l.lu'-d.i- , N. H.


STOCK BRANDS, STOCK 1! RANDS.having been obtained from tho gov-- . NON-ASSOCT- TWN BRANDS. STOCK URANUS.The Golden Era.eminent for it by Mr. Macdonaid,

Roiwo JAMES RAIN HOLT.Oro. T Ilmt.i.. Jr. ROE ct-- GOODIN'S BRAND.the recent owner. Win. Robert, of

Lincoln county, son-in-la- of JamesROBSON & BEALL,

niNVONADA RANCH.M. S. Taliaferro, Editor and Manager,

jones & M. S. Taliaferro, Publisheri. P. O. Add rowFt. Stanton,

Lincoln Co.,N M.

:m DE RECOMPENSA.Articulo VIH. L AmcíuHou o.tbiicnr y

pitgnr cunl'iicr iru que 1 arreé loy couvi'iou (Ir ouulq ier per ton o pert-tuf- fiovtoleu I leyes dt itauftdit'l l'efri torio le Nue-vo Mexico, al detrimcuto de trinilvj uier lutetnhrodo la Aitwitu'iou, U jiuu Qi'lNlKNToa rr.Kos 0.)pmveMoq'te la Ax-iU'i"- uu ier re.po usablefxirel arresto y ROiivteiuütlc perioutji ntr

e.rt'outrnde tale perdona w e11" hiiicitu pmtcd:idi 4tt.4 lunrnait y fierro rulolibro- tie in Asociación y qir iiíutriitio biijoel pateoile la Atncincinu, ui uiuKiu mit mitro d In miiona,acra entitiiliidmte recobrar tr au ?orbi'iM. l'or

: mChistim, conjointly with Gro.s, Black-wel- l

& Co., are the parties makingthe purchase, paying $30.000 for it.

This new company will stock theranero with 10,000 head of cattleeither this winter or early in the

TInnM lrnn1i"lbell ou loft liuul-do- r.

Win. R'ib-ni- i.

.Mnuiiv'tT.P 0 Box M, White


There will be paid Í 12,000 in

premiums for live stock at the NewOrleans Exposition.

R. J. BACA.Ouki, N.M. ntaiitiurin:tnout4Kttiite n la roe mpouftalinjnDcet W. K. Attdonmu. déla Aociiu-iou- ,

Wnvrr11, . irvo Mexico, o Juhu W. Poo, Vice- -

sprino-- . Mr. Macdonaid retains his' A ('. Mcdonald. d ie.ji. lento. Liucolu. N. M.

homj ranch, valued at $3r,()0'), butThe Peñasco country has ir.ore

fctock ranches to tlic square mile

than any other portion of tho county.

R B on citherido. Horse gami-

ns cow brand.B. J. Haca,


Jilt YAN & G UNTE11. lisP. 0. A.l,lres,parties are now negotiating for it,

and should the sale be made he will Lincoln Co., N.M.

--w-P O Address,

Upper Peuapeo. X.

M. Bongc, Amia

take an extended trip to foreignarts. Gazette. JOSE MONTANO.Left f i 'l

llorsu bntii'lIf a heavy fall of snow during theHonrs brandedsaine.Clii'iuitc. I have ,winter is always followed by an game as cows.i sr L. II YNEUSON ili CO.W.abundant crop of grass during the

summer, the next season will be anAddress,Lincoln,

Lincoln Co.,N.M.V. O. Address

Tiio Felix,Lincoln (Jo.,


unusually fine one for stock, should

the present winter end up as it has

bcmn. The late snow storm seemsnto have extended very generally over

this entire region. So far as we can

fine bullí for fule.

Fersons desiring to

parchaso will ilo

well to examine

uiy stock. Brands

as follows: ALM

right side; swallow

fork right and loft.


J5y improving the natural advan- -

tages there has been some very line

ranches formed around the Capitánmountains within the past two years.

John W. IVj left about fifty fine' beef cattle on his range that he failed

to run out of the woods before start-

ing on tho drive. These are old

fellows who hid out during theround-up- .

The meat war in New York City,

carried on bv a butchers1 protectivesociety against Chicago dressed beef,

still continues, and many dealersgive notice on placards that they do

not deal in western beef.

It is said that one-hal- f pint of

castor oil, three ounces sweet spiritsof nitre and five drops of aconite,

shaken well together and adminis

All over twovcars old have

FRANK LES NET. tt on shoulder,learn there was a pretty heavy coat-

ing of it from the Rio Grande to the side and hip MMHorse brnnil (IL conncteil on 1ft

Ili-r- brand saint--

E E iu circle right as cow brand.

sido : swallow fork

shoiililcr.PO Address

IJllidoon,N. M.

Uio Peñasco, Lincoln Co.,N. M.6l It. A I. mmmright. MOL right

Staked Plains. At Roswell and

alonir the Pecos it was the heaviestknown for years, while in the Whiteand Nogal mountains it was reportedtwo feet deep. At White Oaks itsnowed more and laid longer than at

J. A J. S. RA YN OLDS.siJo; swallow forkÜCíideí tlie brands as shown in kIuvo cut wchave cattle branded V ou riüht lip. .Marks ou ,ili

increase as showu above, Old cattle Hre i ,rous marks Khuro. Mulndo, Hio Bouitu, titilocreek and crci k. 1'ostoHire addrcs,Üteutou, Lincoln county, New Mi lico.

nW-l- f I'OK tlOODEX.

1. L L CATTLE CO. Horse brand Jright narl left. M (i

riirhtsilc; swallowfork right. Il.irse brand, I

tered from eiidit to twelve hoursL. W. NEA TUBULIN.

any time since it was a town,

and there has been good sleighingthere for a week past. Even so far

on loft shoulder.Old calilo in

old marksmid brands. A.IJ. Allen, Malin-ger. P O Ad

on riff lit shouldcand eircleon rjaw. Ad drew

M. K. Lewis,


Livcolx County, -apart, will cure the Texas fever.

.Max (ioldenberg, of Tularosa, and P O Lookoutlown as Las Cruces it was five Lincoln Co.. N. M. Ft. Sumner, N. M dress Fort funnier, New Mexico.Ivantro, on head ol

Mack ltiver EarM. L. Pierce, through Lee, theirforeman, lately bought, 500 gradedyearling heifers of Seabaugh & WM. SLANE. WM. ROBERT.

mnrk, crop nu'lmi'lerbit nu bothcar. I I N ouleft Me.

inches deep oil the streets. Fortu-

nately it was attended in most places

with very little wind and cattle, as

a general thing, stuck c.lssely toMalier, near San Antohio, Texas, tobe olaeed on their ranch in this C. 11. SLAUGHTER.their ranges and gave little trouble

P () AddressKnidosc,

Lincoln ("oN M


county. lo those m charge.

PÜ AddressV 0 LookoutJim Moreland, in the course of a

week or so, will have seventy-eigh- t H! I.iucolu Co , N. M.The January Meeting.

Xow since the round-up- s are over, I) I Khiicc hea l olJ J Black Itivcr. JULhead of half-bloo- d Durham cattle to

lefti? FAT GARRETT.Also allthe surplus beef cattle either sold or

South Spring Rivtr,

Lincoln County,

New Mexico


stock his ranch on Poverty creek ad

jacent to the one he recently dis with baron the way to market, and work on

the range laid out for the winter,oosed of. Besides these he will have ROBERT DICKSON.would it not be well for the stock

brnud.P. O. AddressFt. Stanton,

Lincoln ( o.,M.

three Polled Angus, t wo females and

one male, which he proposes to try aRnnno : Middle

men or Lincoln county to turn a

little attention to the questions of


n jv. I

i G v 14 4r "a1 Y: fM

in this country- .- Black Range.Penaieo, P 0 J. A. LARUE. HEUNANDEZ BROS.vital interest w.ich must necessarilyIt is reported that the refrigerator

works at Ft. Worth, Texas, areAddress, Pcuft'co,come up at an early oay. i nese

questions can bo met in no better iTxlp.oabout to shut down for want of patBansre, Kin Fe

lix, Lincoln Co.N. M.P () Address

Las Vcrs,N. M

AddressN. M. Cattle

branded X ou leftronage. The proprietors claim thatthe cattle offered are not in condi

way than by a full and free discus-io- n

of all the points at issue in a

general meeting of all the partiesmost interested who will bring cool

l II u Ft. Sumner,

San Miguel

i lc aud hip, iil- -

X bar rUht .deED. TERRELL.

tion to slaughter, and that owners

prefer to ship their best beeves andtake lower prices than they are offer-

ing them at home. There must besomething wronrin the management

and hip. Connlv. X. M.

JOHN G. M'fHTE .f: CO. P. O. Addi-cs- ,

I'll dnso,Lincoln Co.,"S7 ra Post oflico nd- -of this concern.

ÜM dre! n nd rau'ro11 l'ppor Pompeo, X.The National Association of Tan Ml At. Cow hrnui

(i I bur on left A o.)ñ I Oue-hnl- f of thU EDDY BROS.BRAZIL.ir. jr.fit brand bclouis to J

. Ojrtii.

ners does not like the present style ofbrandiii"-- cattle on account of thedamage done to hides. Hut some

men never are satisfied. Boon they II'. CURTIS.JCross on lcfl ,iw

P. O. Addressliuidosii,Lincoln Co.,

V left shoulder,will want the cattle to wear their

Mules brande lvalue n horses. 1'nnfhsouthwest ol White Onks t nd,li;i"M ' ..Í1S I1 rcwurd offered by the Stts-- Asso'11 ipay Soil) ext'n uu the cooviclion ol uV por-- .u rslcahngor killing unv stock to 'hi- in,

from and aflcr this date. JamkhACaiiiziiji IIanoh. White Oakr , X , M.

brands on tao-- attached to their

heads and calm, deliberate judgmentto aid their councils and shape theirsubsequent actions. By a mutualexchange of views and a harmoniousand united action on the part of

stock growers, much good has al-

ready been done, but this is simply

insignificant in comparison with what

vet lies before. The question of an

outlet to the marketsthe most eco-

nomical mode of shipping, the secu-

ring of now and better markets and

the right to hold sufficient lands for

grazing purposes in sections where

it requires many acres of land to

support a few animals, are some of

the problems that are already crowd-

ing themselves to the front andclaiming attention from those whoare looking ahead for the purpose ofdevising ways and means.

The meeting of January 5th, atthis place, although not of much

A left side N lcfiPost Ofiicc

aud rnunc,Upper l'oaasco, .V.M. Cioss ou loftjl,i., lili.r mwl

N. M.horns. This might do ordinarilybut when it comes to polled, "mooly' I'liucd bar on left .1. K. EAKERS.hip.

P. O. Address

Seven liivers,

N. M

or Angus cattle, what then? MILNE & BUSH,-- OP-

Ukiiiium) i líiVKit a nu Patos Ra Ncur.",

Lincoln County - . N M.

Seven companies own one-thir- d ofJOHN IS. GARDISSER,all the cattle in Wyoming, or about

P. O. All dressFt. Stanton.

Lincoln Co..N. M5lTp Ik270,000 head. In Texas over 1,000,

000 of her cattle are owned by peo P 0 address andrange, L'ppor Pon

EMIL FRITZ. Coyote and 1!ei Lakk Cattle Co.bóco, N. M.

Three trianglojon left side.

pie living outside her state. It will

be a cold day for New .Mexico when

her grazing land.', are gobbled up by P. O. Address,Lincoln,Lincoln (Jo.,

some half do.en foreijm capitalists seeniini importance, vet if the men kmJMJOHN JAM KS.N. M .ft mxm

Cattle brands on

cither side, Varí- -

.1 1. 1

of Lincoln county will take sufficientinterest in their own welfare, as toensure a full attendance, it can be P 0 nddross and

range, Upper Peñ-asco, N. M.

J J ou tuft sido,made one of very great and pernia SAMUEL WELLS. mmm cus iwcxicau uraiitinent lienelit to every man wlio isowner of a herd. Several very im mrsraportjnt questions will come up at on cattle andthis meeting which should have a

Nurse brand1. O. AddressWhite Oaks,

Lincoln (V,full hearing and a thorough underRARER BROS. L 2J

t&& '

horses.standing arrived at. liesides, t lit N.M

to the exclusion of actual settlers.We hope to see the day when everyhoof and every ranch in Lincolncounty will be owned by her own

citieus residing within the countylines.

It is said that a company has re-

cently put a herd of cattle, 000 andover, on a ranch at the north end ofof the Animas valley. At this pointthere is no runninjr water ut all, butthe ranch upon which these cattlehave been put has three wells, eachabout twenty feet in depth, ami hav-

ing about three feet of water in eachwell. As an instance of what canbe douo with wells it may be statedthat two men watered the entire herd

delegates who were at St. Louis willbe there, fresh from the national

FLORENCIO GUNZA LES.council, with new ideas and enlargedviews of this great and growing industry, and much valuable information to impart, which will undoubt

P. O. AddrossLincoln,

Liucolu Co.,

AV. II. IhriKJENs,

Ass't Manager,

P O Address

White Oaks,

New Mexico.

"Ü,edly make it the most interesting 13N. Mmeeting of stockmen ever held inthe county.

Let there be a full turn out.M escalera fc J carilla Apaches.Finn llu 111 aud Stal-

lions for sale.ESTRAYS. ANDERSON CATTLE CO.of 000 head in two hours, with no Kango: Pleasant Address, W. IIII. LlewellynS nth Fork, N. ,M

apparent decrease in tho water sup-- 1 ,.;., nation of cMraueA htre andVnllvy, nine miles duonorth of Peñasco.Urn nd on either side.

P 0 Address,South Fork,

Lincoln Co..

ply. The wells are furnished with caUle, (he Era will hereafter publimhall such nntine under this head FREE

ilrantleil li g nucither side ; alsobow and arrow orstar and crescent,Xovr .Mexico.

P. O. Address,


Lincoln Co.,

OF CHARGE. 1'enonx hacin'j suchttock in their poMemiun will píeme tendus notice of name for publication.

THE LEA CA TTLE CO.Lincoln County Stock Association. New Mexico.Brand left side.

On left side end S IIbut sometimes on

One cow branded T 11 on leftside; window-glas- s brand on lefthip. Owner can have same by call-

ing at A. 0. McDonntd's ranch, AguaChiquito, Lincoln county.

Iri-'li- t side. Ear connected ou left hip1-- V I marks sometimes re' vci'scd. E side and

Ear mark upper half crop

and under bit in tho left,.1 W

ordinary pumps, ami cost, all told,not exceeding í'it). This work

might be greatly facilitated if wind-

mills were erected, and goes to showhow many vast reaches of the terri-

tory now unused may yet be turnedinto magnificent ranches.

Tho sale of a big cattle ranch wasconsummated in this city yesterday.The property is located on tho Tram-

peras, in the a .tern part of Mora

county, near ' Texas Punhaiidle.The ranch is seven miles long ami is

claimed to be one of the finest graz-in- g

properties in the territory. Thetitle to tin1 pr ipel-l- i g'd, pad-li- t

$5oo Rewaed.AnTiRi.r XIII. The association shall advertiso

to pay to any porsou who snail prK:tite the arrestnudcouviotinunf any person or persons who shallviolate tliu stock laws of the territorr to t he detri-inent-

any mcmbcrni thcasstH-iutio- the stun ofKivKH"MiiiiKU nii.i.Ait(i.'i Ki), proviilcd that the

shnll not bc rcsponsiblo for rewards

i0 X v oabo soma on sidoN(tN ASSOCIATION BRANDS.and erop in the right.nnd hip. V sido,

ALF. HUNTER. I Hon hip or loin r?m On let t side anil mm ou left hip. EarL K A. Cross onVi BLHinark same as boot CJU bar euttlo,

P71 On left side aud .1 II connected ou loft hiplor oio arrosi aim conviction oi persons tor ucpro- -fn v ' A?'lress ihI (intloincniniiiiltoil persons111 r"Ke- - I'W'ef Pen- -

WM(, m ot have their ntarksand hninds -

411 asco. N. M. ..i... ,i... 1...,,!, ..ci. .. j..,,;,..: i .1... 1..L3Ksr upper one-ha- crop in left, aud uudcr

side and hip. Caltie branded withvarious other esrinniks and old

One-hu- ll crop lu right.nil ou.ig sioiK tt)I, ay f the society, nor any member thereof

" i";d will to recover for such sorvices.Itllirlf llllldllU'lftll ., K ., ... , rmo leftside and hip. Ear mark erop andi,MM lit in left and under hit In right.i " ; ror lurtncr inionuaiion couccruitig tuts rownni,

viirious murks uud w. K. Amlcrsou, President Stock Assm-ia- - TJoswell, Lin- -U A ii Aildrew,.

.)? ñ .T. C. Lo.t, Kflswtll,- N. M.

"n left side. Vario-i- f cur moras.Po-,- t OlTu e Aildi-- s;

coin rouniy, N. M.Elii,lu. Mo. well, v. AJ . , ur J'íhu IV, Poc,Lincoln. N. M,

rnosrr.cTus.The Golden Era. j MISCELLANEOUS A h VElitlSEMEX TS.

MITCHELL & LEWIS CO., Limited.HACINE, TISCONSIN, Manufacturcrn of


hor good, grunt onrP and then kiss

her. Do this just once and ti e i

when you feel that your b.uk teethare loose you may know thut it's

she is loving you so hard.

Then you n.ust sit down and talk to

her about the future and get her to

help you calculate how long it will

be befoie your little herd will in-

crease so as to enable you to settledown. She will not make it any

longer than she can possibly figu.eon it. Aft r your first day or two

at heme you will gradually get used

to thinirs and find that all your time

is not occupied. Then u when you

are in danger. Then is the time

for you not to hang around saloons


King County, Washington Terri-

tory, has one woman justice of thepeace and one woman constable.Exchange.

Little boy (at the front door) "Ist'.e doct. r in? 'Cause if he is I wanttj see him right away." Servant"He's not in. Little boy "Well,just as soon's he gets home you tellhim to come over to our house andtake the baby off he left there lastwe.'k. It's in the way."

A new and novel feature of theArizona exhibit is the shipment toNew Orleans of a car load of aratizedowood from a petrified forest nearthe line of tho Atlantic & Paciflicrailroad, which is to be cut and pol-

ished on the exposition grounds, andsold to visitors in the shape of de-

corations for cosily structure, nat-

ural curious, inlaid work and the like;the stones showinc all the colorsknown, either blended or soigle bear-

ing one or more colors. They ti ke afine polish and in beauty comparefavorably with most of the preciousstones of old. Journal.

"Yes, this is a very old dog," saida spinster to a man who took anactive part in tho canino harvest,' and we should hate very much tohave him caught on the street and

and locked up. I am very much at-

tached to hi :n for I used to carryhim in my arms when he was a littlepuppy." "Do you say, Miss, that heWiis a very old dog and that youcarried him "Oh!" she broke

in, recollecting that she had compro-

mised herself, "I mean that heused to be old when I was little Imean that mother used go awayfrom here or I'll set the dos on you!"

THE RACINE ROAD CARTThe Best Cart ia the Market. No wcinht on the horse's buck ; adjustable to any íixcd Uoro !

cheaper than a huiriry. aurl just Mit,vciiieut. Scud lor circular nnd prices, tuuTJ-3.- 1 MIT.'UKUI. A LEWIS CU., Limited lliuiue, Wijcou-iu- .


Insurance Agents.

-- THE-

VuU'uhed t

Lincoln, Nqt Mexico.

Hie Oldest Tujicr iu


-- :AuJ the Official:


Of the Lincoln County


$2--PE- R ANNUM --- $2

It Will Inform You About



-- And The--




IiUlUN" 1 T11K


It will Rive you the news,

And your wife and bunios a muso.

-:- 0U11:



LE rrr.n iicaus,





Call on or Address ;

THURSDAY, December 33. 18S4


Probate Ij lio S. S. Terrell.PruuateClerk-- á. K.Corbtt.SUeriir J. W'.Pttt.

EiTi!,,0il,fCoiuinUsioueri, Jon- - Mouiauo,

) A. V ilu.kil l.. Clrii'k.

Sell nil C in:nii.Miiaere, Anou buKuri,S K. Keeue.

dhHiUVPT Vil l- -lil IlKClOHY.

J tuiceof he rcftie-Ju- -e M. Ie Auayc.

The Cowboy's Vacation.

Tin- - vr-ai'-s work is nhout over on

tlic niiiKi-- . The lust ínock-oye- d

Mavtrit will ero long le duly stam-

ped witli mi uniiroiiriiite nionognmi,tlic tiinu when the gentle puncherof hoviiies plays "íniiinhlejieg" andliocrn iiIu-- t tobacco, will have been

releimted to history, and will be no

incr.? until piirinjr, the last day'swork f)f the season will have beenannounced, the boys will "cut" theirlifn'ifiiire, cxchaiiije each othersquirts and strap their greasy1,'ankeU and veteran slickers to their

saddles, steal some inore ropes from

each other, head their thin, sorc-bucke- ii

ponies ranchward, give ventto their and cl idsomcly

gallop over the ravines and hills to

their respective ranches, where theboss puts into their hands tho shekelsfur which they have toiled duringthe summer, hopes they will have a

good time during the winter vaca-

tion, and the boys with light heartsnud well-tanne- d pkins make theirway to the haunts of men.

"So long pardner," tho cowboy

shouts to the companion ho leavesbehind tó ride tho lines "ride toe'm like "Town folks this winter.nI'm "goin to God's country wherethey have white dishes to eat outen,and knives and forks o go into thesow-bell- y with. You bet; so long."

And he is off for the settlementsor towns where his family or friendsreside.

Hold on right lloro,, 'ounfí ll1im-I'o-

is the time I want to talk to

vim some. 1 want to pour some

words of wisdom into your ears.You are just now as light-hearte- d its

a bird, and you have got some moneyin your pocket, and you mean to gohome or somewhere else and have a

good time. That 'a all right, butnow just listen to me a liitle. You

hist iro on home and see the old

man and your mother. They will

be glad to tee you no matter how

dirty and sun-bur- joti are,and your sis'.er, she'll kiss youjust as she used to when you was a

pale-face- d boy going to school, andanother not a .sister come now

don't try to fit a blush on your bron-

zed face. Its no harm to have a

sweetheart; you ought to have one,and love her like a hired man if she'sa good, square girl. She will a'sbe glad to see you. Now when youget home, instead of going to thenearest town, filling up your carcasswith mean whisky, go into the shedroom at home, soak the dirt off youfor an hour, go to the barber shop,get a shave and haircut, put on yournew white shirt with a still collarand neat cravat throw your overallsinto the smoke house, get into a goodsuit of clothes, go out and look at

your father's hogs, rnnp a littlewith the old dog you t se I to huntrabits with, ask your mother ifdon't think you have got to be thebflst looking man in the West; sheis sure to think so, tease your sistera little about her beau, (hen afteryou've had your supper walk overacross the fields where she lives, youknow whom I mean. (!o on overthen shake hands all around, sitdown and talk to the old man a little,tell him about the range and howstock are doing out West. I knowyou will be impatient during thisconversation, but courtesy demandsit and the old gent will have toomuch sense to think you camo overto spend the evening talking to him,ami will soon get up and go off tofeed his hogs, and the old ladv willbusy herself in the kitchen and youwill be left ulone with the sweetestgirl in all the state. Then you mayWfllL III! Ill It'll. ffl ilia til Ufnii.il...

take hold of her hands and ask if shem glad to ser you nud she will say,in a low quivering voice:

"Why John you know I am."Then you may put your arm about

her wj;t, pull hor up against yourvun l:bl front right light, squeeze


Amera Agriculturist

100 Columns axi 100 Lngkavis.!Each Issue.

43rd YEAR. $1.50 A YEAR,$3 with GOLDEN ERA.

Send three 2e. ntain for tamplo copy (FniiH.ilior Herman! anil premium lit of the o dost Buibe.'t Agrieulturnl Juumal iu the world.Oiuhoh JunnCo., llAvin W.Judb, Troj.

751 Broadway, New Yo'k.

Saloon BilW Ea


Griffith & Finncssey, Proprietors.

r incut Ijinunr. Wncnud Cisari. Plrt-Cli-

llilliaril and l'o.il Tallies. Si.icious Public Hulland Coiuforliille Club Kiioim.

The Longest Line of

In the VorldUnder ouc MauaKcineut.


1 IIAn eminent etample of American Eutorpriso,

Eueriyuud Pereverauee.

Inthehftnds nf younir ihcn tliU reat y4emha been o earefully iimnaited (bat it ha earneda reputati'in Meeo.ied to pone for eouvenieuee,rafely ami the lux uricH of travel. It i. liint be-- 1

rniniud tho popular route for Irniii'milun-utn- l

travel, lu connection with the Houthoru

It hnsnpcned up no almost niiUinitnt field forpionei-- enterprise lu the fur Went. Ño other railroai' enu ran y n mini, who i neeKlun hi fortuneto Boldeu o.'iortuiiliie mioh an are ojicu nluuKthousiinil mili of thin reatryHteai.

Wpirirl Ireiirhl rate arc given to miner n .iuimijtraut.K. Wri.cto

W. 1'. WUITF.General r Agent, Topcku, Kau-- u .

A. I I IlHT-CliAh- H


LippuiGOtt s Magazine

A Popular Monthly of General



and blow in the little wad you have

been riding through sunshine and

rain for. Find some other amuse

ment. Go to the Opera house, takeyour sister alonjr or if your sisterhas some one else to take her, you

take some other fellow's sister. Do

this, and when spring of the yearcomes and you are ready to go buck

to the ranch, you will have somescads in your pocket and you will

not have to strike your boss for the

loan of forty dollars to fit you upfor the summer's work. All tho

boys who leavo the range for the

winter will not act up to this solidadvice.-- - i"Sl -- d j" in Live Stock


The Theory of Vaccination.

Prof. Tyndall suggests that, justas tho soil may be so effectually

robbed of some essential ingredientby ono abundant crop as to be inca-

pable of producing another, so in

the human system a parastic dis-

ease may so completely exhaust theblood of some ingredient necessaryto the growth and propagation of theparasite that the production of a second crop in fatal or considerable

quantity may be impossible. Itwould thus appear that protectivevaccination or inoculation is simplythe introduction into the blood ofweakened and comparatively harm-

less disease gonna to consume thematerial which might become foodfor similar germs in a more vigorous

and dangerous condition.

A (dub of thirty-on- e bachelors fTrenton county, Arizona, have sei tan agent to Boston on a novel mis. --

ion. Heroes to procure thirtv-o- i efemale emigrants who are willing togo to Arizona and accept situati.-- sas wives to the. aforesaid hácheloswho. ,,r, well to-d- farmers, rami .men and, etc. Loston has longsuf- -

ered on account of its female surph, s

wmcii nas overstocked tno matrimoi -ial market, and it is hoped that tlsnew and unexpected demand willhave a tendency to settle valuesand give a bettt' r one to business-'- ,

if it does not cause a permanent ad-

vance in price. Sorra County Ad-

vocate.These men of Arizona undoubtedly

expect to find it cheaper to importexperienced artist, and have theirHos'on baked beans manufacturedat homo than to have them prepareda thousand miles away and shipped.ij iin.-i- j 4rMir;a meso iio- -

ton girls are said to beTvery energet-ic and thrifty, and when transplantedin western homes are liable to makethings pop.

Couldn't be Deceived,

"You can't deceive me, Mr,

Jarphly," said Mrs. Jaiphly, snappishly and emphatically. l,t wasafter 1 o'clock, and I wasn't asleep."

"Why, Amanda, you are badlymistaken," responded Mr. Jarphly.in a conciliatory voice. "It wasn'tlnore'n half after 11."

"Now Jarphly, don't you sit thereand falsify to me. I'm no fool, if

you think I am.""Amenda, I never said you was;

you know 1 didn't. I only said you'remistaken, my dear, for it was onlyhalf-pa- st 11, or mebbo 25 minutes to12."

"Jarphly, wot's the use of yoursitting there and lying? Don't youthink I could see the clock?"

"Well, Amenda I've got noth-

ing more to say, if you'd ratherbelieve a 1)5 cent, nickel-plate- d

nutmeg (dock than your own married

husband," responded Mr. Jarphly,deeply injured. Pittsburg Chron-

icle Telegraph.

Tho man White, whotto real nameis K. S. Norwood. Fciiteneod fromSocorro county to a noven years im

prisonment for train robbery, is btid- -

lv wniite.l nt Tuscofn, Texas foriiiiiriler

U Estate kn week nt home. i.OO outfit free. Payabsolutely sure. No risk. Capiial notrequired. H'Mi-ic- if you want businessat which persons ol cither sex, yonun or

old, eau make great pay nil the timo they work.with absolute eertniu'y. v ri'c tor articulara toU. IÍAU.KT .V Co..fortlnud, Minus,

for the worktuK Hass, Sf nl lOccntn

GOLD forpostrgj, nud we will mail you fhkk;i royal, vitl.utblo box of nnmpluiioo'U ihüt will p it you ia the wny of

makiuK more money ia n fef laya thftii you evetthouRht posible fit any b i.tinc. Capitul if notreuire'l. We will ctart ym. Von eau work nilthe time or in pare tinmouly. The work h

ndnpteil to both exos, younp 'vnd Id.ou eau eriiiy earu trom &n eeuH to v,rt every

eveuinir. That nil who want worit may test thewe mnke thin uuparnlleleti utter; to all

who are pot well atúfio l wo will !e.ii fl to payfor the trouble of writinjjf mh. Full particular?,riirectiouí. etc.. cut írec. Fortunes will be madoby thor-- e who irire their whole time to the work.ireatmc(esnnb:oliitrly itire, Don'tdelfly. Start

now. Aiiiiress .tinson j: Uo.t l'ortlnna sW.iine. v

1 ilflOHTBI 1Si Mam m

Posltiveiy the Shortest Lino fromZA1TSA3 CIT?, & ST. JOSEPH

ToGÍIÍCAGOandtlieEastKnllre Tiuius run thtou;;li wltliuut chungo.

O aST XjiIZ- - X.i X 1ST 213running TIiioiikIi Sliu-pc- from

Kansas City, Tcpsfca, Atciiscn aniSt. Josephto CIIR'AíiO, muí

Piilucf íÍPfliiiiiiíí Chair Cars on allTrains, Pay ami Night,

Through to (!hlcny;o without chango.


Famcus G. B. & 0. Dining Cars,AT OTiLY 7 CKXTS EACH.

PnMpnircrs by t'ils llnu nro lnndert in tímndrnlim liiinit, ( hiciiu'o, where (Incut cuuneu.Moiiü inn maco I nr mi points eusi.

AÜ Train3 Run Dally. Ko Sundaylayover.

This 1 tho popular lino via 1'EOIiIA forINDIANAPOLIS,


n .id nil Miint in tho South-uut- .

Ki'memlinr, tlmt Tliiiin?h Ticket by thinLino cuii n l uil ut nil principul nlntionn iu tin)

Id' our.-- hut your tickets icud over thoUld lleliul.lo lioutu


Vic --I'm. Oin. MiMK'r C.B Jl( R.Il. Utn.FtH.Airl.

joiim n. r.vusos, s. k. hooper,ll.lfl.J. It II. Otn.rui.Agt



with Tlmt Tin Tac: ROHR LEAP Pine CutCrewliu; NAVY OI.1 1'1'IN.iS, and JlhK-k- ,

Itrown aod Yellow SMJKFS re the heal nudcheapiBt, quality con I IcrodT

Tantn.l for the Uvennfull theAGENTS I'rc.iilenH of the U. 8. The

larireNt, handKoiiient. heit Ifiokever wild for leu than twico

iiurpriea. The faitont nelliutr bonk in Amerli anlinuieiixc prolltn to aenl. All iiitellirent peoplewant it. Aiiyoueean lieeoma a tnieeei-.i- neut,Turin free. Mai.i.kt Hook Co., I'orilaud, Maine,




-- Arks .traveler.




Demorest's Illustrated

Monthly Magazine.



$3.50 (THREE FIFTY).

ff E fñ OR E QT'S tSBmJ THE BESSat

m.wi... wMh....... íwtnni .i wvin.u..0.u..UBo,I'notoKravures ana on ricturos.

Commencinir with tho November numbrr.1881, each Matfuzino will contain a COUl'ONOitDER, entitling tho holder to tho selectionof ANY PATTEHN Muatrutcü in that num-ber, and in ANY SIZE.

DUMOHEST'S MONTHLY Is justly entitledtho World's Model Magazine The Largest inForm, tho Largest in Circulation, and tho bestTWO Dollar Family Mngazino issued. 1885 willbe tho Twenty-firs- t year of its publication! it isnow improved so extensively as to place it Intho front rank of Family Periodicals, and equalto any magazine. It contains 4 paires, Inrgsquarto, 8 H xllH Inches, elegantly printed andfully Illustrated, each number having steelengravings, oil picture, or art subjocts, pub-lished by W. Jennings Demorest, New York,t3T AND BY SPECIAL AGREEMENT

COMBINED WITH THEnnT TVW TV A AT Cfl DTD VDJDuumimi una ai tpj.yu lull luán.

LFAiA L A h VKll Tí SEMEN TS.Johu Jiimu v. Juno .bnno-'- lu the Pi'trirt

Court, County of l.iuuolu. Territory of Now Mex-ico.

Tho ni l lit . Jtino .lame, is hereby noti-fie- il

tlml b siiit in clinn,''ory hm been eommoiireilnfituii-t- her in ti e Litnct Court, for the comityof l.iueolii, territiry of New Mcvieo, by ftall

John Jntntu, for a decree of ilivoree nviuculo mnlriuioiiii nud tho custody of theehiUdreu ; that mile.! yon cuter spiienrauce in hnidsuit ou or before the fir-i- dny of the next MuyterTit of !nid cou-- t. ommoiiciuff on ttifl Mltidnv

'ay' " !'(,'',!,' l'ru eoufosso therein willub ri'uui-ri-i-i aKulust .v"u,

IlKiiltnR Tl. Thtiryi. Clerlr.(loo. T. Bcnll, .If,, Solicitor for Complainant.

Llueoln, Dec, 4th, 18S4. t


I.nnl Office at t,n Cruce?. X. M Nov. 10, HM.Notice U hereby uiven that the lollowiinr-nnine-

settlers have thi. day filed notice of their iutcii-tio- u

to make filial proof in nunnort. of their re-spectivo claim, heforo the Clerk of the DistrictCourt at Liuooln, Jnuunry Tth, lSS.'i, vir, !

Jumes W. lurknett. nu necbiratory utatcmenttl'A for tho north half n rtheusl quarter, miction2H, nud uorthwe-t- quarter northwest quarter,section 27, towu'hii IT south, rnuno 'ill cast.Witnesses: V. T. Xcl'nn. .1. C. Malic, M. 1)..Mi liter and L. II. Eiseulohr, all of Lincoln cjunty,New Mexico.

Joseph K. Thcrcl, on declaratory statementNo. I.olft, for the soithuu't quarter, anetiou17, tonn-dii- in south, range ) east. Wituusnui :

J. W. Turner, .1. W, TurkuoU. J. A. Irvine audC. W'.Truwhull, all of Lincoln county, tf. M.

fii Ot Joiiii 11. Mcl'm, Kciiister.

NOTICE OK FOKKEITtJIlE.Lincoln Co . N.N. Sent. 1(1. 1BS1

To C. A.lWber: You aro hereby notified thatwo navo cxpenucci yiuu in ninor and improv.meuts upon the llininond Crown, lead, situated inNocul Miuiuir district. Linclu Countv. N. M.. m

III apirear by certificate filed and recorded Mayli'in, Il, in in'i ouiue oi inu Hccorderol an idcoun'V. lu order to hold said ITcmUes umUr thrrnvisiou of section 2.HJ4 -- cvlsed statutes of the

belli tho required am unit to holdthe siitne for the venr endiuir lice. "Ut. 1kk:1. a,Iif within i.liicty l!o) days after the puhlicatlonnfmis nonce ymi luu or reitise to eautriDiite yourproportion of such x peudittire as ayour uiu'ruffi in s.M'i cinnn win n;cmno wo properly ui iuc suuciiocrs uuuer said section. 2..IJI.

Nat .Miman,H. M Whitxkv,J. C. IIIUHTIIWKK,

Rend six cents for tmstnsaA PRIZE and receive Ireo.a cosily b,n

of Koo ls which will help youI to more money rluht a way

Zll'i",' ""V- - nt'M""I broad road tni oin e.ire the worker, abml Hi lv sure

Atnucc address Tin ütC., Amonta, Mhíiik. V

Amone the chief perin.llenlii nf the country,Maoa.isk hui ib'itiirod thedi-u.i- i'

live reputation of being "eiiiiiieutly lai.l ."ArraireuiQutfl have h'cu luaiie for many c

of iipeeiul iutiTcnt duriuv tlic eominK ..'--.

Aniout thc.e, par.louUr uttcation i invited :i

eerial atory entiilo 1

"OX THIS SI I )',"liy F, f. Ilaylor, uthor of "The Perfect Tren-ure,- "

in which the exierieuee of au Kind'-- 'baronet and hit frieicU iluri.nr a tour throuah tliUnited ,Kial.o are related with mirth provok lithumor, a knowledKe aud appreciation of nationaleliaracterimiei', sud a perfect luirnenH of lope andfreedom frouimrii-Hturc- , thatcauiiot fail timeciircritical aiiproval and wide tmpularity. Min4Tiucker'ii lieoutiful novel "Aurora." will ho com-pleted in the iiuin utcr, and will be followed by hcv-er-

utoricM in two or more irt, lueliidiua- "lliftl.ady Lawver'n Pirt Clleut," by tho author of"A l.atler Ikiy Saint."

A hrlc-- a hrnc hniitlnf In Ktidlai'dand France, by Mm. I.ucjr (', LilUe, Kketrhc i.lItalian lifo, by Mm. Lnnnt Thompson, an m oo ui'.of the Phuieer" of 'lYnntuwc, by "Kltuo i lKlrko." an arth lo ou the Premier of Canada (.;n-Joh-

lacdonald), a narraiivo of the extericii' rsnf a .SUioraiio PaiwcuKer to and from Lircriiool,by Thoman Wharton, an arte Icon (Jucen Anno,or Free Clansio ArebiUi-ture- , bylleoriie C. Mam.Jr., aud a oirucilv for private theatrical", fcy .lamí i

l'nyil. will l,e published lu early iinnlierii,tneth;rWilli the itmi.il vario. y of tl,orttorliis an I artklesat Kciicrul lutorust h inpulnr writer,


2ó tu. per copy. $ t.on per annum.

J. 11. LI I'l'jyCOTT (ft ( V., Pvbf.

75 i 7" Maffcil Z: , riiiladilphia.

G-oldc- n Era,MXCOLN, - - - y. M


.V ; W A l) VEUTI SEM I.N TS.A RIDE ON THE RANGli. A rail.. Fe Leader man who Ii. s iM a Mlow. :

Say, pard! Let me ride a Fj.ell i.een trying u says: "Roller skating tSSwtaywith vou as you are nil is the liest medicine in tho world J iI"''Vly .alone, for two is better than one contains no arsenic or other poison- - "yVI''r'"

M... 3 Mm Mn. t Yr.SI..V 1.1.75 IU.iu

1.25 S.a 6.K1 l'.K)..5 1.75 . .'.45 1..5 2.' 5 4.0.i5 .t5 1.25 2.0.25 . 1.25 2. 0

The Golden Era.

M. S. Taliaferro, Editor nd Manager.

Jones & M. S. Taliaferro, Publishers. E. T. FEDRICK,even if I can't tell you anything 'ous ingredients, can be taken in

about your buFuiess, and there is a largo doses or small with perfectgood three hours before the moon safety and is 'on tap' at all honro."'

-- .DEALER IN- :-JOHN R. McLEAN, Proprietor,Cincinnati, O.Post Office at Liucolu4 Entered at tho

a Cu M i tur.

goes down. Yes, but then it is opt to create S Tur nimnruT" rmcAoo. rheereation "h.ive got used to ruling contortions, and cause sprains, am ii intounnuii Y"ra7 ?ml Ttt."M'l our Unfit

fÜAnti twivfun ItMlwll flVuK I'ikl hi!lint ...inli-ih-I . II.. 'Lam Vkuas editors jmw liil.uious

over the fnt:t that tix im-l- ice is lm-iii- T

liMrvestcd at that t!ac. Allowsign aione on jngms more mpiui:y j contusions on unexpected piares and umr.1 u ywiiy, 6 jn.. .ai. nay it m your ucwu- - iquors,

: N.M.tlinn tliw''" I

1 1 dealer's Send lü cent, for cumplo copy.

Lincoln,dan Mckinley,(Successor to Wayue Si Block.)

Dealer fu-- -

ll'l u. ituu IK'IO iwmimii Wlll

his own or some other fellow's an-

atomy, and any body except an ex-

pert, with moro agility in his heels

than weight under his hat, would

find himself continually 'on tap"- -

with the floor.

ing for the natural Bluffing off, a, Of course yon have. t Unit is no

chunk of it will jnsf. ;o iusido of reason why you should bounce a fel-the-ir

lmts next summer. lw Here, 1 received twoi- -. - - . pairs of gloves from the old home

Tun Las Vegas Optic- - still keeps to.,,HV. take tl,,so fur.li11(!(l onPS) HS

its caricatures of "Men of tlioup y". hp )est f()r ?.our j,usnt,sf(.Minute" although it 1ms got down Tilt".rt!) (lim't refSe; j will make youtomen whose reputations or notoriety a liresellt f thmT seeing this isare so minute that nothing hut a ciiristmas Kve no tliaiiks. Do vou

JAMES J. DOLAN,General Merchandise,Tiik New Orleans Exposition was

opened the Ifith according to proDKALEIl IN:- -LIQUORS AND CIGARS.

rías ojitic ran distinnruihli tliem. gramme. 1 resident Arthur, sur N. M.2Í0GAL.keeping (Jhrist-i- n

the states?t') themselves"

know how they aremas back

. "Keeping i- - allrounded by his cabinet, the chiefhas heoii introduced inA mix

Conirress justices of the supreme court, the R EN ERA L CHANO SE.!iy .Mr. iiyan. or lopeica,J. H. Blazer & Co.,president of the senate, speakerKansas to open the Oklahoma lands you say? -- with an oath.

.1 that be.Well, may "When we were of the house of representatives, lead-

ing foreign ministers and other dis INDIAN -:- - TRADERS,for settlement. J t is high tune thegovernment should decide the owner-

ship of these lands and "let the rascals

in."tinguished personages, assembled

around a table in the White Houseand received the address of tha com

Wholesale nu'l Retail Dcnlcra Iu

General wmm Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Country


boys, years ago, we generally sized

ii) our enjoyments according to theplunder we struck, and paid but lit-

tle attention to the fellows who gotleft, or didn't, happen to be there.

?oth Christians and sinners up in

God's country are striking about tho

same kind of a lay out that we had

then, only a little softer perhapsis that a coyote or a catamount skin-

ning up that slope in the shadow

whv should they waste any siniper-iiiir- s

over us.

missioner by telegraph, after which

president Arthur sent tho responsein the same manner and concluded

by declaring the Exposition formally

opened, and it was done.

Wc Sill Cheap For CASH.- -

Coi.fax coi'xty has had three jail-

ers within the last six months, andstill the prisoners escape. Tho Inst

batch left one cold night about a

week ni'o irentl v folded their blank-et- s

about them and quietly stole


N. M.South Four, -

We Sell Cheap for Cash.The Albumierque Journal, in orderto divert public attention from Tost

T : VISIT: nGeorge Huber's StorH,

U . IiOXITO CITY, N. At.ÜSkckktaky Thi.i.eu claims that a

large percent, of n claims

are filed when no intention of per-feetin- fr

entries exists, but the alletr-e- d

claim is held for speculation, or

A Pull Lin-e-

Office Inspector Adams, and makeit appear that ho was attendingstrictly to official duties, when in factho was helping along with flic cam

What! "Don't believe there everwas any Christ or any God either for X-iirLc-


that matter?" Jerusalem, man Of General Merchandise,paign in Ohio, gets up a highly sensaas a cover for denuding land uf its where were you brought up? Ride

DRY (100DS,tional story about that gentleman'stimber. The average proportion of slow and let me give you this LIQUORS,



tine detective work among crooked

post offices down here in LincolnCWARS,


pointer. ou used Crod when youswore a wild, wicked oath just now.

entries to filings is less than onehalf. It is timo this kind of thingshould stop. All people use Ilim for some purpose BOOTS AXD SHOES,

county. The hired man of the Journ-

al, who run3 the startling and fieti


ISAAC ELLIS' NEW STOREI believe. Did it never strike youGroceries And Family Supplies,that about the only difference be tious department of that paper gives

it out cold that there was an organtween church people and sacriligious,rawhide sinners like you and I, is, ized scheme hei to rob the HE KREFS A SUPPLY GUNK UAL

mails and that no less than six postthat they call on God to bless somemasters were now under arrest andone, while wo always can linn to ZsdC. CD Htül ziL cfL fL ü?that tho excitement among the wildcurse either ourselves or some oneand woolly citizens of Lincoln countyelse, nnd in that cace they have the

advantage of us by a large majority.

Who has been hinting to Ira M.

5ond, of the Mesilla News, that his

paper did not present as neat, read-

able and dressy appearance as itf.hould? This week it comes to our

table printed so that one can very-readil- y

tell that one half id it is

actually printed in Eng'i h, insteadKalmuck, as heretofore. Glad toknow that your business is lookingtip, and that you can put on a clean

suit of clothes once in while old boy.

A coi.oNV of people have settledon the Rio Grande, below Mesilla,who make it one of the conditions

runneth high even as in the days oftho "famous war." Now for fear


DRUGGISTS,Vhitk Oaks, - N. M.


Drugs, Chemicals and Druggist;



that some of tho useful and adven









turous citizens of Albuquerque mightact on the misrepresentations of tlu- -

paper referred to, and come hither- -SlIERTIXt.iS,SEEDS,

ward hunting for a land where gore-- :.VXD:-iloweth like water through an irriga

ting ditch, it may be necessary t

Did it never occur to you that manis a devotional cuss, and is bound toworship something? and if he does

not worship somebody or somethinghe considers higher and better thanhimself, he will just about be his own

Deity, and the most contemptible,pusilaniinous man n earth is the onewho worships himself? -

'That is what your mother used

to say?"Well, pard, you always go accord-

ing to your mother's advice and youwill not wander very far off therange rido up a little closer and

of membership and settlement We Sell For Cask.inform them that Gen. Adams diduinong them that no one shall eatmeat, drink anything that, will intox pay the county a visit a short tim

ago on a tour of inspection conducted himself in a quiet, gentlemanly

icate, use tobacco or swear. Whata terrible punisliment it would be tomost criminals in this county to ecmi- -

lijrWill take rr.iln, hiih", pull3, wnol n.n-- till kin-I- of mai kolalilo iro-i'iiaM- ii

txchiingR kouiIs fit tlii) COUlir IIOU.SK,way while here nnd took his departuro without creating any particular J.C.DELANYtence them to serve a term of years

in that colony. Life in a peniten ZLiincolrL,tiary would bo a paradise compared give nie a light for my cigar andwhether she belongs to the Newto it.

Tun wild and wool y cow boy still-- Post Trader,

convulsion or even an embryo ex-

citement except one little ripple,which was the culmination of a

matter brought to the surface duringtho late political campaign. Insteadof the six postmasters now languish-ing in some government bastile, justone poor little deputy was arrestedfor naughtiness and jilead guilty to

Jerusalem Church or not, whethershe accepts Hob. Ingersoll as herapostle, believes in cold water baths,

FUmVAllMXG AND COMMISSION.raids one of the principal towns ofthe territory, making the air hotwith oaths, and tho usual artillery or is a shouting Methodist, her

prayers will "always follow youaccoinpanaineut, and tho officers of N. M.l'OUT STANTON,Wherever you stray into forbiddentho place look on and smile or go

and hunt a cellar. And yet thistown is working to have the stock

yards removed there from Bernel asa business venture, when in fact theydo not seem able to control tho busi- -

pastures or mix up with scrubs, herfaith and her live is pretty sure tofollow you. You cannot get beyondher tender sympathy nnd solicitude.You may not feel the chords about

Keepi ulwny ou lluud

th.j charge. In the meantime theworld moves quietly on, our mail

still rattles down the valley to us ona buckboard about three times a

week and wo hope Gen. Adams andLincoln county are now alike

!Succesor to Otfro, Skllar i Co.,


ness these fellows are already ma- - ." ,,(art' Knt,y and with inThe Best Assortmentfinite tenderness are they drawn, yetking for them. G-ener- al

NX W A 1) VEli T7 SEMEN 1 S.

Of General MerchandiseThe Cincinnati

they are always there, and sometime

they will draw you back to her wait-

ing arms as fondly as when a childshe folded you to her breast andsoothed your boyish troubles. To-

night, while everyone else is filledwith laughter and song, and rejoic-

ing over tho comforts and good gifts

Vaxdkimhi.t is estimated to beworth about ;)0(),00l),00(). If thiswns invested cither in fiddle strin"s,taffy or bologna sausage, there wouldbo enough of either to rea;di nboutsixteen times around the earth. Justthink of the music, nnd sweetneis

WEEKLY :- -: ENQUIRERTu be Found Iu

FOR 1385

Will have un uperior In tlie uewipnpcr wotM,it newt matter l from tho Dnilv Eii'iiiirrr.and satisfied lumjror it would bring f Uf,., wl,i,di a Christinas Eve is sure wliicli niier lina mt done all other u cuturprUc

mi l fiH'ili y fur patliuriii tlio new, Kii-- bcinKiutli.-.!ie- l in tho ni'wt central I the

InrKu ciiiiinii-rciii- l citiu, with miii'cHe rnilromlLINCOLN COUNTY.

A- -

nuil iiiiiiI acenmmo-iKll'Hii- 1 cnniilivl to plan thenew iu hnirl oí the people AWY Hocks in Au- -vax'H ot p iper priu'uil oMewhere.

All rii uiirtiiiPiiU of the paper lire réntete with

to tins world at Uirmtmas time if so t j lirinjr, kIio is Hitting in lier chairinvented. Hut then Home people ut tho old home, apart from tho rest,never care to make tho world hnppy with ft mnvn of cure on her troubledby Huch acts of benevolence. They l,r,,w ami tt patient, longing ll)(,k inwould go and buy a dozen tin l.r p.'t, tender eyes, as she thinkswhistles at a nic kle a pie.ee and giV0f 1(,r i,ov is ridingthctn to some wicked bovs to blow I out in the storm.

latent iutonmitiou of Fpccittl anil general interest,to the owl that eiieh ami every inetnlnir of the Sells lJuoJ-- i at:hou-- hi vi'iled by it, will find much to benefitauoprolu thereby. Ana

VAJlILYNEWSPArEnIt ha no equal, to whioh fant It elreiilatiou andpopularity win nearnmtie lestiinony Lowest Cash Prices X ANDr A KM 1 I is, arc treated iu a commoneuoe lunnuer au l reuleruil iloulily iuiere'tiuK by

iniMieroii routrihiit on from practical fu. mereI'rnm every tnte in tho Union.

"Timo to make a run on the camp"'did you say? "Well, here's with yt u,pard. The bronco with tho best bot-

tom taken tho lead.

around their neghbor's door.

TiiK(lieaso which has been com-

mitting such ravnges along tho bor-

der of Kentucky and Viririnia, andwhich was reported to have, all tho

0000o 0o o






ccccccccc cc


8 88


a as

00000o oo o

TIIK IIOIISKIIULU xme i niveo up to tholailie. who kuow hct how to eutertaiu ami

another iu all uílI'uI ami profitable emN



ployment.MAKKKT UK PORTS, reliiihlo and freh from

our own reporter cuahle b iyer auil nellcr of allI'liminoilitc to trade with profit.

Ti:i:e will undoubtedly be a

great revival of religion this wintersymptoms of Asiatic cholera proves





c0 ct'Cl'CCCTC

o oo o0000







88 88MHS3

88 88SSS8

O Oo o00000

II )VS A SO HI III. 3 are not fercolten nranitlitele that in any way eoutrili ite to make up alive ueirpair. The Kmi'iirer la i,i f.iet the no

of alt, to be llrat (elected lor tho familyeiroln.

to bo the bloody (lux brought on by i especially among Republicans fordrinking tho water of that region alrendy they begin to snuff h- hades extends eonlial invititlloa to roidcut

of the County and trauieuU to exauiiuo myIIS MOR Ali TON'S and teaoMinr Ki.l lwhich after tho lony nnd severo the ft""- -lock before buying cljcwhure.

drought, is said to be btrongly inihappy aeeord with pure llionchu nod tatc,ex-ertini- i

au iulluoiii-- for food iu oppiuiiiou Ut alli ril.

SHiiiien eopiet free, get one, exnmlut nud de-cide for yourelt',


j for one Year $o 65 for six MonthsWe have m elubrate. all paying the aino

lirioe .iniilo or In club. We ttive a iron tm nop line

llKittirifr 11. Ha xt UOKT, tho his-

torian has lately been at Snnta Feand other ancient villages in NewMexico hunting for data from which

to complete his forthcoming volume

pregnuted with copper or other min-

erals of a poisonous nature. It tooka good many lives and untold suf-

fering for tho doctors to nrrive at


The celebrated Studebaker and Schutler WagonsBuggies, Buckboards and everything on wheels.

The most complete nnd well KMortPilWholoswIc Sto'ck In tlio Territory, n

(JrotHirio. Notlotw, Hats, Caps,Carpets, Clothing, Roolg & Shoe, Tout, auil

Miners On I II In &c &c &c.

recial atteutiua paid to tli ablptdoi of Wool.Urai lillion Jre,

year to any pcraou cudíug club of neveu uameat at.15 eiudi.this conclusion andhowever, now (ovot((l (() t,0 s ,

mnny of tho people are paid to bo nn,l ,, M.ttlemoit ofh conqueststho I'licilic

luh oommiion pa i I to agcutf.

THE DAILY ENCJUIREIII'lirl .ie.l avery-la- In iiy..-fi-r and 111 'id i tin u Ntnruir condition. Mom NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS