Good English Phrase

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  • 7/27/2019 Good English Phrase


    1In order to succeed, company need methodol ogy , which provide step to step guiding

    2) mobilize resources

    3) without his consent, the project would not be able to take off the ground

    4) The project framework must accommodate all requirement

    5) People must buy the idea and commit their support

    6) Involve fundamental change

    7) The strength of KPI lies in its tangibility and measureability

    8) Ensure no stigma applied

    9) It is most intriguing that

    10) Go out from the economic crunch

    11) more than suffice

    12) Excruciating pain

    13) Recuperate for next week

    14) The drug sapped the life out of him

    15) talking to victim who has been on the threshold of death

    16) Tackle the problem directly and not digress into other ares

    17) anything that deviates from the aim is a diservice

    18) go to the ground to help people

    19)Their support is sliding across the board

    20) irrespective of race

    21) We should be more inclusive in our outlook

    22) He is on wrong footing in both account

    23) such stand will not augur well for the future.

    24) Insinuating a racial agenda

    25) the best of our brain seeking greener pasture elsewhere

    26) pernicious effect of brain drain

    27) a debilitating effect

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    28) stalling of development

    29) The virus is prevalent

    30) remain dubious

    31) Snapped into action

    32) breach the custom

    33) People now is more apathetic, the initial trepidation no longer as acute

    34) Lulled into complacency

    35) we should not be blithely unconcerned

    36) The onus is on them to prevent..

    37) mindful of the danger

    38) the indifference is inexcusable

    39) wreak damage

    40) The news cropping up has raised consternation

    41) the happening is a testament to the vigilance of the authority

    42) dissemination of information

    43) shrouded in secrecy

    44) All will come to naught if people are not bothered to safeguard their health

    45) for some ostensible reason

    46) different viewpoint

    47) a slide of English proficiency

    48) compelled to master English

    49) make the compelling change

    50) The minister is not thinking along the same line as the people.

    51) I wish to differ

    52) incorporated the element

    53) Help the student back on track

    54)_ highlight the situation

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    55) jeopardize the future student

    56) Solicit feedback from public

    57) It is unbecoming to ask anyone for money

    58) bring out the talent of student

    59) In light of the abuse of maid.

    60) keep abreast of the latest development

    61) the magnitude of change

    62) the media has been ticked of for failure to highlight the issue

    63) Discern the crisis at formative stage

    64) to bear in mind that

    65) witness the tectonic shift in the global economy

    66) perceptible change

    67) growth become unsustainable

    68) the issue revolve around..

    69) a plausible explaination

    70) nip the problem at the bud

    71) nothing can be further from the truth

    72) engage in what is dubbed as self fulfilling prophecies

    73) Spawning more bad news

    74) glimmer of hope

    75) deliberate attempt to halt the inflation

    76) a scintillating moment

    77) misled by delusion , clouded by illusion

    78) everything arise because of some preceding cause

    79) volitional action

    80) the factor sequentially spanning over a period of time

    81) to reiterate my point

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    82) subscribe to the idea

    83) pertaining to..

    84) the issue is trivial and irrelevant

    85) cognizance of the recurrent source of hatred

    86) being obstructed by ignorance

    87) lifestream flow adinfinitum

    88) it is difficult to conceive something

    89) only complicate the problem

    90) plethora of details.

    91) provide an antidote for all the cynicisim

    92) the mania continue unabated

    93) the pressure is beginning to get to her

    94) a strident protest

    95) a gratuitous insult

    96) unleash the potential

    97) through an emotional rollercoaster

    98) transient fame

    99) all gear up for success

    100) obsolete

    101) all sphere of life

    102) unfair to blame others for the setback

    103) exemplary

    104) unfair to blame others for the setback in fighting dengue

    105) The minister is getting more brickbats than praise

    106) erode nation pride

    107) dampen the spirit

    108) a spiraling effect

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    109) ardent supporter of.

    110) The fear that BM may be eclipsed by English is unfounded

    111) the preeminence of BM

    112) it is prudent to know that

    113) a feasible solution

    114) genuinely puzzle

    115) attune to local affair

    116) unorthodox

    117) The system need tinkering in keeping up with changes

    118) Idea cranked up by government to nudge us away from too overt an identification with

    the race

    119) race is immaterial

    120) nullify the hatred

    121) inflict pain and suffering

    122) steer our country to success

    123) a faltering spirit

    124) word is the greatest aphrodisiac

    125) regard soul speculation as useless and illusory

    126) see thing as they are without any mental projection

    127) declare on unequivocal term

    128) speculation was rife that..

    129pervasive erosion of moral standard

    130) glorify wrong means

    131) experience culiminate in worry

    132) mental anguish and pain

    133) the teaching give a clear exposition of how to love a life

    134) It is superfluous

    135) insatiable desire

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    136) subdue bad emotion

    137) let peace reign in this world

    138) trample down ther

    139) mind is the forerunner of everything

    140) it is a paradox that..

    141) societies crumble..

    142) the mind is in the grip of indolence

    143) harp on the good virtue

    144) premature label

    145) our role is severely hampered by the multitude of barriers we face.

    146) All strata of society

    147) safeguard our right

    148) a panacea for all problem

    149) The issue can be tackled within the framework of more progressive understanding

    150) disparities in the society

    151) crime and other malaise

    152) monumental change

    153) aghast at the unvarnished display of racism

    154) the talk come as an eye-operner

    155) crippling impact of financial turmoil

    156) skepticism lead to cynicism

    157) Debacle

    158) emulate the attitude

    159) appease the crowd

    160) Seeking a holistic justification for

    161) find a balance in diametrically opposing argument

    162)encompass a view that

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    163) scale the economic ladder, tap into the knowledge

    164) threatening the social fabric of public morality and decency

    165) provide a multitude of belief

    166) rationale behind the action

    167) impinge on a variety of individual right

    168) another form of hegemony

    169) obscene material

    170) a first hurdle to

    171) avert the consequences

    172) create platform for

    173) the noise take its toll on the spirit

    174) myriad of problem

    175) the modern psyche is over- stimulated with constant barrage of loud sound and

    enticing image

    176) people need a healing balm of quietness

    177) Family are shortchanged

    178) They are ambivalent about

    179) staying calm and unflustered ..

    180) equanimity is the attitute adopted in the face of vicissitudes of life

    181) irrevocable judgement

    182) His situation is aggravated

    183) shallow concept

    184) wean ourself away from suffering

    185) unforeseen circumstances

    186) put at stake

    187) while other nation have forged ahead, we are still bogged down by ..

    188) attract top-notch student

    189) the payment befitting their contribution

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    190) promotion increase at snail pace

    191) fine-tune what he had already know

    192) Know what is the limit and where to draw the line

    193) acquainted with new people

    194) not intended to be caught flat-footed

    195) the niggling fear that

    196) desecrate the holy place

    197) crave for gratification of sense

    198) take stern measure

    199) I would give my countenance to the plan

    200) malevolent person

    201) pay homage to him for his great sacrifice

    202) He embodied all the virtue

    203) a lopsided argument

    204) a penchant for

    205) Everyone is abuzz with the idea

    206) a groundbreaking idea

    207) bemoaning the lack of

    208) unable to walk along side science bigwigs

    209) a strong correlation between

    210) moot the idea

    211) cause a ripple in

    212) proponent of ideas

    213) weed out the root of failure

    214) the particular expression strike a chord with those who support him

    215) the quality of English has sunk to abysmal level

    216) English is making inroad into our education system

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    217) BM is ingrained, entrenched and embedded in our education system

    218) from the very outset

    219) perfection is synonymous with

    220) caution and circumspection in everything we do

    221) extricate ourselves from meaningless existence

    222) some benevolent external source

    223) do the job with gritted teeth and clenced fist

    224) make proper decision at the crossroad of life

    225) backlash

    226) surge of

    227) spark off friction by belittling other religion

    228) pull the party out of doldrums

    229) an over- arching purpose

    230) tension getting out of hand with such boisterous crowd

    231) my assertion is based on empirical evidence

    232) the situation is so nebulous

    233) paint a rosy picture of th ral problem

    234) atone for a justice

    235) deadly repercussion

    236) squander the fund

    237)Unfazed by criticism

    238) spearhead the movement

    239) Polemic against SIS keep cropping up

    240) another bone of contention

    241) PAS suffered a dent in its image

    242) contravene the rule

    243) The best law can be inadequate when enforcement is below par

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    244) It may be presumptuous

    245) global economic downturn

    246) The opportunity was ripe

    247) The country has been lukewarm in its response

    248) The epicenter of the crisis is US

    249) There is a lot of wrangling over the issues

    250) medical examination corroborate her version

    251) be paid pittance for the work

    252) Multilingualism form backbone of the education

    253) Culturally heterogenous society

    254) He is the embodiment of good moral value

    255) give a heroic connotation to such a cowardly and despicable act

    256) the leader is confronted with crisis

    257) Shake off the impression

    258) it is a torment to us

    259) Sultan is at the liberty to appoint MP

    260)Harbour hope

    261) lambasting Dap pour oil on fire

    262) PR is rattled by external pressure

    263) Languishing for many years

    264) DAP is walking a tightrope

    265) Furore over the issue

    266) there are two side to every coin

    267) A worker is entitled to at least one day off

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    268) vehement debate

    269) The shabby treatment of maid

    270) Provide avenue for complain

    271) vent my anger

    272) break the impasse

    273) She is ill- equipped to face the crisis

    274) she is gravely concerned

    275) I concur with your sentiment

    276) Frustrated with gov service for umpteenth time

    277) overriding attitude

    278) the crme de la crme

    279) enlist outside help

    280) A flurry of application

    281) benefit frittered away by wastage

    282) child prodigies

    283) unable to strike a decent conversation with the tourist

    284) provide allocation to the cashstrapped country

    285) at hindsight

    286) Proponent of ideas

    287) set a precedent for the future collaboration

    288) The compounded effect of political dialogue

    289) concur with him

    290)our effort does not commensurate with the result

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    291) a slew of change to the economy

    292) a cornerstone of NEM

    293) domestic investment in doldrums since 1991

    294) he adroitly avoid the questions

    295) the gilt-edged provision ( secure)

    296) Our excellent service has lost much of its gloss

    297) circumvent government regulation

    298) devise a proper approach

    299) To be very circumspect

    300) Cool head should prevail in crisis

    301) the demolition of the house

    302) tear down the fragile tie between DAP and PAS

    303) young popstar hogging the limelight

    304) unraveling the mysteries

    305) lambasting him for his failed attempt

    306) My mind is reeled as I read

    307) he stripped every last shred of dignity I had in me

    308) flouting the rule

    309) his gallant effort

    310) enjoy full spectrum of human right

    311) mindful of the potential danger

    312) a small hole may sink a big ship

    313) foster a tie

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    314) many factor contribute to this conundrum

    315) the evaluation tilted toward quality of teaching

    316) it is highly deplorable that

    317) Islam is not antithetical to the principle of peace

    318) the manifestation of double standard

    319) justice must be allowed to take its proper course

    320) an incontrovertible fact

    321) his English is not up to mark

    322) grapple with the issue of racism

    323) hurled brickbats at him

    324) mitigate the impact

    325) Good education is immaterial of whatever language it is

    326) underscore the problem we face

    327) the school run by government are abysmal

    328) An indictment of government which fail to live up to expectation

    329) viable alternative

    330) compromise for political expediency

    331) women are irredeemably ( cannot be saved) inferior to man

    332) foibles of man

    333) start an inquiry on its own volition

    334) Suhakam is merely one cog in the wheel of human right activism ( not important)

    335) overstep the boundaries

    336) wreaking havoc

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    337) regard every life as sacrosanct ( sacred)

    338) The time frame of the inquest

    339) misappropriation of fund

    340) The superstitious is rife

    341) survive the economic crunch

    342) irreversible gloomy

    343) weather the economic turmoil

    344) endeavour to assist whenever possible

    345) well-founded fear

    346) unwilling to avail himself of the protection

    347) article stipulate that

    348) safeguard the right

    349) suppress the truth

    350) profound impact

    351) political expediency

    352)canvass the opinion of delegate

    353) the city is teeming with cat

    354) share the sentiment

    355) scant regard for authority

    356) human are fallible

    357) wide array of issue

    358) the uncanny attitude of being cynical

    359) in shamble

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    360) floundering with excuse

    361) the port is the gateway to Europe

    362) got a verbal lashing

    363) establish a close rapport with the people

    364) rhetorics

    365) placate the crowd

    366) The spill over effect

    367) flagrant disregard for common sense

    368) The victory is a milestone in our country history

    369) the crisis has grappled the world

    370) mother are left to fend for themselves

    371) marshal relief effort

    372) crystallization of the dream

    373) revulsion about berlin wall

    374) underlying concern

    375) the physical wall has been expunged

    376) culpable

    377) the program serve as a stepping stone

    378) environment reeling from devastation

    379) grim report of high death toll

    380) the denuded hills

    381) changes in the realm of family

    382) factor with a bearing on status

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    383) transgress gender boundaries

    384) endearing quality

    385) subvert the democratic process

    386) annul the decision

    387) much hyped EGM

    388) contradicting evidence

    389) get out of a siege of mentality

    390) rely on hollow rhetorics

    391) leader that is magnanimous

    392) now at the crossroad of life

    393) equate Malaysia to

    394) the report devoid of substance

    395) MCA has become the laughing stock of the community

    396) malign their opponent

    397) more inclusive in line with the aspiration of 1 malayisia

    398) antagonism clouding the issue

    399) stall the development

    400) money trump human right

    401) the tattered image of MCA

    402) the humongous price

    403) the public servant implicated over the reports

    404) open the floodgate for suggestion

    405) the result is palpable

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    406) the statement is slur on the ability of malay

    407) it is incumbent on the authorities to explain the idea to the people

    408) a clarion call for reformation

    409) derail the implementation of NEM

    410) harp on the virtue

    411) suffice to say that..

    412) achieve the all-encompassing aspiration of 1 malaysia

    411) the effect is irreversible

    412) the tough talk belie an open secret

    413) I am befuddled by the statement

    414) rant and rave

    415) rationale behind the problem

    416) corruption is endemic to the society

    417) the crippling effect of

    418) take stock of the change

    419) the issue lapsed into distant memory

    420) elicit problem

    421) start from the very outset..

    422) hope is dashed

    423) dismantle the barrier

    424) millions of people drag out of the poverty resemble middle class

    425) wounded pride

    426) cling to old mentality

    427) dwell on sordid fact

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    428) dented hopes

    429) obarma meekly capitulated to Israel

    430) she castigate Palestine

    431) he emerge unscathed from the incident

    432) astounded by the ability

    433) unduly sensitive

    434) making the simple complicated is commonplace

    435) intense grievance

    436) create the blueprint for

    437) perpetually worry

    438) crumble

    439) distorted view of life

    440) vouch for accuracy

    441) the surge of emotion

    442) they get into great paranoia

    443) the plan would be a springboard for our effort

    444) an antidote for fear

    445) susceptible to corruption

    446) incurred the wrath

    447) make some inroads into Chinese community

    448) maverick leader

    449) bear a semblence of

    450) drag into the fray

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    451) undermine the effort

    452) rattle the ties between the two countries

    453) mired in poverty

    454) incessant diatribe against the police

    455) problems besetting the nation

    456) garner support

    357) shortcomings and setback

    458) election riddled with corruption

    459) a leader with respect,sees culture as a precursor to success

    460) paled into insignificance

    461) the idea will bode well for the future

    462) pay homage to him

    463) use intellect as a platform to.

    464) mull over the issue

    465) a lofty aspiration

    466) renege on solemn promise

    467) the intended purpose of the law has been subjugated

    468) politics trump the rule of law

    469) a strident criticism

    470) casting a gloom over the issue

    471) give him carte blance ( full power ) over the issue

    472) the explaination is farcical ( ludicrous)

    473) amend the law to preclude judicial review

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    474) wrest Kelantan from PAS

    475) trample the rule of law

    476) special privilege in perpetuity

    477) has the real know how

    478) Article 153 is a bastion from which to defend racial politics

    479) a bastion of democracy

    480) besmirch the history of struggle

    481) people has emboldened the heart to seek change

    482) the interpretation is off tangent

    483) his act epitomized the reality of world

    484) bogged down by many problem

    485) judiciary is marred

    486) culiminating in

    487) an overarching idea transcend petty differences

    488) pandering to racism

    489) Racism scupper any effort to achieve the sense of malaysianess

    490) all effort must be made to exorcise racism

    491) the kernel of truth/ law

    492) should be borne in mind that

    493) circumstantial evidence

    494) dormant

    495) irreparable damage

    496) something of an anachronism

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    497) obliterating the truth

    498) embellish and exaggareting

    499) the problem is intractable

    500) shenanigans

    501) technology has progressed in the proverbial leaps and bounds

    502) obarma exude a more sophisticated finesse in striking a balance

    503) the criticism is reminiscent of

    504) disseminate the info

    505) survive the vicissitude of life

    506) unyielding dedication

    507) the fund stymied by the precondition

    508) underlying problem fester again

    509) The children are rambunctious

    510) impetuos rashness

    511) incremental, sequential approach

    512) things that are so repugnant to our sense of decency that we shudder to even think

    about them

    513) circumscribe the problem

    514) fiasco

    515) ferret out info

    516) languish with hope

    517) the ministry has been at the forefront at promoting Malaysia

    518) effort are undertaken

    519) barrage of criticism

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    520) hold steadfast to belief

    521)in quandary

    522) extols the truth

    523) derisive laughter and taunting they get from him

    524) this is a spurious argument

    525) the nefarious trade in drug

    526) an exposition of idea

    527) the idea is nebulous

    528) Artistheartist'sraison d'tre.

    529_ the stock is in limbo after the crisis

    530) police put their life on the line

    531) the issue is compounded by fear

    532) disparateideas and crowd

    533) shelve many policy after opposition

    534) the issue has been downplayed by the media

    535) the runoff between the two candidates

    536) dishing handouts and making popular overtures during election

    537) it appear to be flogging a deadhorse

    538) strident protest

    539) across political spectrum

    540) all strata of society

    541) the enabling environment churn out bad child

    542) smack of political vendetta

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    543) the scourge of corruption must be combatted

    544) the administrators purport to serve the people

    545) unfettered discretion

    536) crescendo of voices grow louder by day

    537) amidst the cacophony of noise

    538) bulldoze the policies through the parliament

    539) policies shoved through parliament

    540) corruption can be ascribed to system of patronage

    541) differing paradigms of development

    542) hybridism of culture and history

    543) instrinsically link

    544)centralism is anathema to a society

    545) the slogan borders on being an oxymoron

    546) the slogan resonates well

    547) the idea coined to conjure a future

    548) a dynamic and forward-looking leader

    549) a standout among the umno line-up

    550) wikileads is emblematic of the changes

    551) seemingly most innocuous comment can be dredged up against you

    552) the last vestiges of the government ethos are swept away

    553) the fallout over the hack scandals

    554) appalling mass maurder

    55) spawned great dissent

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    556)the state is complicit in the brutality

    557) riddled with hypocrisy

    558)_ unaccountable powerbrokers

    559) extremists have free rein while opponents are cowered

    560) pitfalls of human nature

    561) the criminal process is quintessentially about prove

    562) he is profligate and overspend

    563) his did not toe the line

    564) the shift is more than a passing fad

    565) unwise to drive the strong sentiments underground

    566) the proverbial floodgates are lifted

    567) the institutions are under guise of learning

    568) his time bound commitments

    569)feudal system of subservience

    561) the spirit of the nation is being plundered by lack of meritocracy

    562) the constant stoking of repugnant issues reek of racism

    563) permit the matter to fester as undercurrents

    564) the parochial and intolerant religious view

    565) subtle attack

    566) the buzzing sound of dissent

    567) liberate the newspaper from shackles

    568) PPP is a relic of the past

    569) the money is paternalistically handed over

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    570) the amendment are a harbinger to the repeal

    571) irreparable prejudices

    572) the offences run the gamut from pickling leaves to spitting

    573) chest thumping politicans

    574) SOA walk the tightrope between two positions

    575) straddle the two divide

    576) there is no bar to trial under the new law

    577) far reaching impacts

    578_ minimum wages counterbalances and soften the blow during economic crisis

    579) policy has to be matched with hard work

    580) the implementation must factors in some flexibility

    581) demarcate portion of the day for specific task

    582) the crisis drive a nail into Sarkozy coffin

    583) streamline and improve the process

    584) self-inflicted convulsion

    585) the issues bordering around lack of respect

    586) sentiments remain upbeat among investors

    587) push intellectual boundaries

    579) double whammy for investors

    580) causes are still fuzzy

    581) reeling from the improbability of all

    582) our primordial instinct

    584) vibrant economy

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    585)recapture the spirit

    586) top echelons of civil services

    587) the changes are animate by a remarkable vision

    588) giltedged provision in the constitution

    589) murder masquerade as manslaughter under the cloack of provocation

    590) she denigrated his sexual prowness

    591) the steps superimpose the degree of gravity

    592_ ideology slowly become rigidly prescriptive

    593) flip=flops on handling the issue

    594) hallmark of the era

    595) heckling of the prime minister

    596) emerge as morally unimpeachable visionaries

    597) pander to short term interests

    598) emotions tends to subsume reasons

    599) push the intellectual boundaries

    600) ranting of the holier than thou

    601) this thin veneer of self-declared altruism hides the truth

    602) hate-mongering

    603) ethnic and religious fault lines of Malaysia are bursting at the seams

    604) we are in the muddle we are today

    605) overlaying ethnic conceptions with features of civic nation

    606) idea concocted by lawyer

    607) the treaty ushered in an epoch of peace

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    608) passion is auxillary to art

    609) the risks emanating from Europe continue

    610) the crisis clouded global outlook

    611) the price continue to weigh on the markets

    612) the words which in unintelligible

    613) inaction is almost axiomatic in the world of higher education

    614) The three conditions are the sine quo non of good reader

    615) A cogent argument

    616) To say it sparingly

    617) the passage of the book germane to his need

    618_ exponent of controversial position

    619) the analysis provide the groundwork for the action

    620) to elucidate your point

    621) to forgo any prejudices

    622) the foregoing conclusion

    623) multifarious and interrelated answers

    624) beleaguered south Korean pop stars

    625) amalgam of theory and conjectures

    626) old theories have worned threadbare

    627) a whole mesh of overlapping association

    628) the problem lay at the very heart of political theory

    629_ Malaysia is not that bubbling, bustling melting pot of races

    630) The various state policies have been creatively crafted and carved into a jigsaw of a

    reinforcing racist system

    631) The Penang state government has to put the record straight from this dishonest

    attempt to rewrite history.r

    632) the claim have been retracted

    633) Subramaniams less than rosy current assessment of Indian support for the BN is animportant wake-up call.

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    634) the tyranny of opinion make eccentricity a reproach

    635) legal fraternity

    636) anomalies in the ideas

    637) demarcate the nation according to race

    638) use his legal knowledge gratuitously to help the poor

    639) a sterling character

    640) a broadminded person

    641) a martyr of the national movement

    642) the main tenets of his ideology

    643) the idea seeps insidiously into his thoughts

    644) exaltation of nation

    645) they have a variegated history

    646) the amalgam of various tradition

    647) the grandiose conception

    648) augment the movement

    649) his high-sounding rigmarole

    650) an impracticable idea

    651) an insipid person

    652) his polemic against the idea

    653) assurance of continuity of the idea

    654) the only recourse left

    655) political arrangement wrought by social means

    656) latent effect

    657) the nexus between inheritance and preservation

    658) imperceptible growth of the organism

    659)_ employ their sagacity to discover the latent wisdom

    660) feebleness of human reason

    661) prejudices are disparaging

    662) the world of man too inscrutable

    663) hitherto unheard of

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    664) momentous movement

    665) subversive implication]

    666) a wake up call for BN

    667) eclipse such a stupendous event

    668) tempestuous political activity

    669) punctuated by certain events

    670) raise demagoguery into dogma

    671) protagonist of democracy

    672) a silly contemptible thing

    673) his profligacy

    674) English owe its acquaintance to tradition

    675) natural imprescriptible rights of man

    676) injurious to others right

    677) his writing cut a straight path through the murk

    678) an inherent indefeasible right

    679) intractable problem

    670) through force and contrivance

    671) his work is a vindication of the revolution

    672) abominable action

    673) his idea has been the fountainhead for many stream of thought

    674) but on the balance he is always on the side of

    675) religion tailored to suit the convenience of state

    676) impulsive, wayward and self-assertive child

    677) he is always at variance with the tradition

    678) religious toleration is inconceivable

    679) incontrovertible truth

    680) sporadic victories

    681) social contract is a puzzled conjectures

    682) his idea foreshow hers

    683) maintain an inordinate number of soldiers

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    684) despotic government

    685) he remains enigmatic

    686) freedom can be circumscribed and circumvented

    687) the pain of expulsion

    688) Locke repudiated stuart notion

    689)_he strip the Christian faith down to its barest essentials

    690) bourgeois industrial civilisation

    691) pretensions of many clergy

    692) unpalatable features of his arguments

    693) covenants without sword is useless

    694) civil society is not an outgrowth of our nature

    695) unbridled passion

    696) he is saddled with duties

    697) reduce him to commonplace among man

    698) he likes to bludgeon his opponents into submission

    699) usurpation of the power

    700) pugnacious common sense

    701) his idea later echoed by his friend

    702) better to be circumspect rather than impetuous

    703) his bravery is laudable

    704) the text was found congenial at the time

    705) his heroic action is praiseworthy

    706) the maladies to which they are subjected

    707) an indispensable milieu of freedom gives him affinities with his apparent antagonists

    708) its the citizensprerogative to overthrow the government that infringe on basic rights

    709) industrialisation fuelled by unbridled capitalism

    710) from the outset,

    711) the declaration put human rights permanently at the forefront of political debate

    712) the declarations set forth a range of social and economic righs.

    713) The issues remain highly charged during the cold war years

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    714) ideas of human rights promulgated by united nation

    715) human rights remain at the epicentre of political activism.

    716) united states as the torch bearer of democracy

    717) there is a hugh gulf between freedom and rights

    718) a tacit agreement between members

    719) human condition unrestrained by social force is unremittingly bleak and pessimistic

    720) self interest is the only moral compass

    721) the esoteric legal concepts

    722) it goes on without saying that in

    723) it follows that

    724) the scheme insofar as it .was unconstitutional.

    725) repeal a part of the acts thereof.

    726) the statute replete with long-winded words

    727) variation in the form of legislations

    728) the modification must be precisely identifiable as that which is necessary to effectuate

    those purpose of the act.

    729) drafting oversights or errors.

    730) detract him from constant care

    731) this principle is encapsulated in the maxim

    732) sack Singaporeans on the flimsiest of excuses

    733) On the other side of the coin are cases of local firms exploiting foreign workers

    734) the word tyranny has taken on so much unsavoury baggage that it is now firmly

    established in the lexicon of political rhetoric

    735) politicians are better figurehead

    736) the word has such a totemic quality

    737) the queen is the emblem of national unity

    738) social force is unremittingly bleak

    739) they tacitly consent to being ruled

    740) a sweeping denunciation of the government

    741) the orientation of tyranny towards power

    742) currently we live in a tumultuous world

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    743) International Monetary Fund in its latest world economic outlook gave a downbeat

    picture of how developing countries were being affected adversely by the European and US

    economic situations.

    744) developing countries decoupling from the economic fortunes or misfortunes of the

    developed countries.

    745) In a flurry of hurried voting, the countrysparliament passed a series of laws

    746) give the court great latitude in enforcing the law.

    747) public policy after all is the bedrock foundation on which the common law of torts


    748) Mr Romney, who has made much of his record as the man who saved the failing Winter

    Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002, ruffled British feathers ahead of his current visit to

    London by appearing to suggest in a US television interview that London was not ready for

    the Games.

    749) crackdown on illegal immigration.

    750) The Arab uprisings and the Islamist victories have already blazed the trail.

    751) It is striking to note the same dynamic of social, cultural and religious


    752) The fault-lines are visible, especially on the eve of anticipated elections.

    753) a defender of ethnic Malay privileges and quotas against the economic clout of largeChinese and Indian minorities

    754) clamp down heavily on the semi-official corruption

    755)In recent times, these deep rooted sentiments are brought to the fore by

    opportunistic politicians.

    756) repository of public power has breached the limits placed upon the grant of that


    757) Rafizi started to emerge from obscurity and into the limelight

    758) Surendran said the authorities used the countrys laws for their own ends and at their


    759) the safeguards afforded to individuals were whittled away by the new laws

    760) Malaysia was languishing in the pits four years ago with a whole slew of Acts, namely

    the Internal Security Act,

    761) the recent slew of scandals on both BN and PR has also sounded a resounding warning

    to both governments to keep on their toes

    762) we have been continuously pummelled and forced to endure this non-stop onslaught.

    763) The impending deportation of Sheikh Mansour Leghaei is a travesty of justice.

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    764) production in the country could not be cranked up by a per cent or two in order to

    meet designated KPIs given from abov

    765)I suspect this is just a damage-control exercise

    766) Najib heading to Sabah to starve off defections

    767) tacit approval

    768) Once again this submission appears to clutch at straws,

    769) the issue is strenuously contested by the police.

    770) discrepancies in the issues and statements

    771) two diametrically opposed versions of the relevant events

    772) the issue remain anomalous

    773) the contention was spurious

    774) Part of the blame for this has been ascribed to passing observations

    775) the three-member panel unanimously set aside the jail term, setting off a firestorm onthe Net.

    776) Netizens have lambasted the decision as manifestly unjust and unfair.

    777) the primary judge misdirected the jury in respect of whether


    The overlay of general and specific powers is further complicated by theavailability of general criminal law defences

    779) vagaries of the common law

    780) the process goes awry

    781) Japanese pride themselves on an impeccable work ethic.

    782) repudiate the contract.

    783) the heyday of the Multimedia Super Corridor

    784) Another cog in the wheel is the process of drafting the actual legislation

    785) laws repugnant to the civil liberties of the rakyat.

    786) oscillate around different view

    787) a corollary of the approach

    788) to obviate the danger of the like mischief in the future.

    789) a centerpiece to your daily life.

    790) militate against

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    791) Everyone is an expert on hindsight. It is foresight that matters.

    792) Hudud needs to be discussed under the ambit of the legal system.

    793) people who spend significant time in prison seem to become further acculturated in

    criminal values and attitudes,

    794) I was about to roll my eyes and grit my teeth, but I noticed how spirited and happy the

    children were, and how passionately they seemed to believe in what they were singing.

    795) They are tired of being ignored and talked down to by swaggering mediocrities.

    796) An evening downpour caused flash floods that snarled traffic for hours

    797) Of course, Malaysia is not America but there are parallels that are worth exploring.

    798) They have to fight for supremacy with their Democratic nemeses.

    799) In essence, American politics is an open market where anyone can situate themselves.

    800) , Malaysian politicians have been bashing a racial and/or religious drum in their

    attempt to force ordinary citizens to one side or the other of the political divide.

    801) uneasy with the more open, transparent and free-wheeling ways.

    802) Juxtaposing contrasting ideas as a means of arriving at truth. Its corollary is a careful

    concern with language.

    803) the numbers are teetering. He concedes that corruption happens everywhere

    804) rape cases require deterrent sentencing to reflect the abhorrence and revulsion ofthe public towards such crimes.

    805) This aberration of justice for those who most need the protection of law must be


    806) Democratisation is a constant process. It has never been a straight line in a single

    mode. Instead, it is a multi-linear process in various modes that mutually encourages

    and rationally interacts

    807) , if they sanctify their political parties and think that their parties are perfect,

    808) in the continuum of options for resolving situation.

    809) I can well imagine the many milestones these young students have crossed so far,

    and have yet to traverse.

    810) When you open a newspaper or magazine or browse online and read an article,

    you can be sure that it is probably a product of untold hours of research followed by

    sleepless nights of obsessive mulling over the bits and pieces of information,

    interspersed with a lot of torturous procrastination and sometimes uncomfortablequeries from editors on when that story will be done.

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    811) government considers itself duty-bound to deal with persons who create

    commotions during protests.

    812) the notion of fairness provides a loadstar for which subsequent case developed.

    813) hearing in an attenuated form.

    814) it would be possible for the person affected by the statutory decision to be

    irretrievably damaged by the implementation of the decision before the appeal could

    be determined.

    815) he knowledge and skills that we learn, acquire and master, once hardwired into

    our brain, inevitably influence how we interact with our world.

    816) the submission is irreconcilable with basic notion of natural justice.

    817) impugned decision.

    818) With a prosperous, happy and educated populace, there will be the strength to

    brush aside idiots bent on causing strife and war.

    819) this act is an indictment of the crime.

    820) judges can mete out heavy deterrent punishments.

    821) These baby-dumping cases are direct indictments of our failure to recognise and

    address our blinkered approach to young peoples sexuality

    822) The general position would seem to be that all decisions relating

    to the status of a non-citizen will fall under the Migration Actand beimpervious to merits review.

    823) no cogent reason was provided for that consideration

    824)As the cost of living continues to increase, most of us will stillstruggle to make ends meet.

    825 ) Insofar as that duty is a reflection of the principle against fetteringdiscretion, it is submitted that the foundation is unconvincing.

    826 ) The court cannot turn a blind eye to vexatious and oppressive conduct thathas occurred in relation to proceedings

    827 ) trial must proceed on a case by case basis and involve an undesirably

    828) the conceptual and practical problem

    829) such proceedings will bring the progress to a grinding halt

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    830) only need to consider how information to be disclosed without undulydistracting from national security

    831) strong countervailing consideration

    832) the anti-Islam film that has been blamed for causing ruckus around the world

    833) If the US penalises the filmmaker, it can be assumed by terrorists and war

    mongers that the US is bowing down to their threat and thus, in the future

    834) The most efficient solution is of course ignoring these buffoons.

    836) their superiors berating them for poor reports written in English.

    837) If the same kind of trajectory is followed, the RM37.6 billion which is allocated

    for subsidies in Budget 2013 could easily increase to almost RM50 billion!

    838) BN will break the bank to funnel out as much taxpayersmoney as possible in a

    blatant attempt to buy votes by giving handouts irresponsibly

    839) the decision is quintessentially administrative in character.

    840) Admittedly, there are good and decent cabbies doing their work honestly but,

    unfortunately, there are many others who take every opportunity to rip off their


    841) the difference between disclosure regimes in Queensland and NSW are traversed.

    842) there is no great deal of variance between the courts in this matter.

    843) this mirrors the issues identified with general deterrence sentences

    844) the issue was not controverted by the other party.

    845) Rather than taking a caring and protective attitude, her school in Depok, sent her

    home for sullying the good name of the school

    846) Why dont you just put the party out of its misery and shut it down if you still

    believe your raison detre is to beat the DAP?

    847) N just over one year, the Community Chest formed as a trust to support

    vernacular and mission schools has chalked up an impressive record.

    848) Likewise at home, in the course of taking care of our parents, or bringing up our

    own children, what are the milestones we should keep in our treasure trove of


    849) But behind every photo, there is always a range of reflections that demarcates

    the real milestones that one photograph cannot reveal.

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    850) A common saying beseeches us to usethings, love people but oftentimes, it is

    the reverse.

    851) What other quirk may attract violence?

    852) In short, ordinary Americans, and indeed the rest of us poor schmucks across theglobe also became similarly obsessed by the minutiae of the contest whilst missing

    the big picture.

    853) \ Tee Yong is said to possess the same boldness and bravado exhibited by his

    outspoken father.

    854) The party has been traversing the length and breadth of the country, telling the

    non-Malay voters that under a PR government,

    855) from the lower stratum of society

    856) use drugs to as escape valves from everday reality

    857) more than beefing up law enforcement

    858) his view on the state of democracy in Malaysia is muffled.

    859) paralyzed by the enormity of the challenges that engulf Malaysia.

    860) They are robust. We have been mollycoddled for so long that we are complacent.

    861) However, the very concept of power is a nuanced one

    862) Chinas reticence on issues pertaining to structuring governments in

    863) Twelve Filipino gunmen and two Malaysian commandos were slain.

    864) Southeast Asian neighbours whose ties have been periodically frayed by security

    and migration problems caused by a porous sea border.

    865) Fearing innocent bystanders would be killed or hurt, police made their move

    firing non-lethal pellets and real bullets into the man's shoulder, legs and hand to enda standoff that brought the CBD to a standstill.

    866) Cyprus worries weigh on the stock market

    867)Political blindness has become a conspicuous malady as Malaysians move closer

    towards the 13th general election.

    868) My better half and I witnessed the emotive scene en route to our daughters


    869) With political blindness having grown into an epidemic, the rational folks among us canonly hope that the results of the next general election can help bridge the chasm.

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    870) he was in a great disadvantage vis a vis the defendant

    871) He has fallen out with all his children

    872) there is a diminution in his understanding of the issue

    873) That the payments at the rate of $200 per week were made from company accounts

    and styled rent for tax purposes does not detract from the force of the other evidence that

    that was what was agreed.

    878) an improvident transaction

    879) Kenyas Supreme Court upheld Uhuru Kenyattas presidential election victory yesterday

    and his defeated rival accepted the ruling, helping douse tensions after tribal violence

    blighted the election five years ago.

    880) This is because the MCA is viewed as a party with little power and influence, and itsleaders seen as sycophants lacking the gumption to speak out on anything except to attack

    its rival the DAP.

    881) All of this means that Malaysian society is even more complex than ever before, with

    horizontal and vertical cleavages of ethnicity, language, culture and religion dividing them.

    882. The mix of ethnic Malay, Chinese and Indians (a much smaller group) is far from a

    melting pot more a Babel of language, a hodgepodge of foods and a tense coexistence of

    Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism.

    883. as opportunities to hash out issues.

    884) Keadilan has continued the trend of making mixed constituencies once the mainstay

    of Umno-BN its stronghold.

    885) Kelantan football team has emerged as the new powerhouse of the Malaysian football


    886) Azeez is aware of the groundswell against him and that he is not a popular choice. But

    he believes that he deserves a chance.

    887) newspapers drummed up the excitement splashing patriotic headlines

    888) public lynching

    889) In most societies except the most blinkered, the authorities and public would have

    moved on to more important matters

    890) vigilante mob

    891) Power is infectious

    892) desist from doing so

    893) revulsion over the situation spread

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    894) the nation is rushing headlong into a downward spiral.

    895) religion and race become both conflated and contentious

    896) It dropped sharply in the urban seats in Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Johor,

    where Pakatan Rakyat found traction with its focus on BN's spotty record on fightingcorruption, abuse of power, and unhappiness over unresolved issues involving minorities.

    897) moral turpitude

    898) trying to eke out a grimy living from the most densely populated place on earth

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