Redeemed from the curse Law of the HOW TO PRAY FOR RESULTS GOOD LIFE HOW TO HAVE A To continue to receive other issues of this magazine,Pls send your name address and e-mail to 08023216976 Or [email protected]

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The Outreach magazine of Freedom House Family Church Lagos Nigeria. It exposes all you need to know about having and living the good life in Christ.

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Redeemedfrom the curse

Lawof the






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Redeemedfrom the curse Lawof the

aster is what Christianity is all about. There’ll be nothing to preach or victories to

share if Jesus never arose. So The Devil will try all he can to make nonsense of it E‘cause he knows that there lies the real power. They may allow you talk about Jesus as

a messenger or prophet, but when you begin to talk about Jesus being the Son of God with

power, they disagree with you.

e have such people all around even

within the church who as the Bible says, Wonly practice Religion but deny the

Power that goes with the gospel

2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

What does easter and indeed, the death and

Ressurection of Jesus represent in our


Colosians 1:13Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated [us] into the kingdom of his dear Son:

It brought


the power of darkness

It brought


kingdom of God. We

didn't have to pay for

this, God himself did

this so that all of humanity may become acceptable

in the beloved

Ephesians 1:6-7 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved..Vs 7: In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

By the sacrifice of Christ, there was total atonement

for sin and remission

Under the Laws of Moses, the children will always

offered rams and bulls for sacrifices to cover their

sins for a period ... The Blood of Jesus did far more

than just covering our sins, His blood, completely

removed the sins and guilt of sin forever. All we now

need to do is to accept this truth then it begins to

operate in our lives

Galatians 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed [is] every one that hangeth on a tree:


Pst. Auscar I. Michael

Pst. Auscar I. Michael 2

Page 3: Good Life Magazine

What is the Cause of the Law?

These are specific punishments for every sin that

the children of Israel committed

Deut. 27:26; Deut 28:1-End

The Law is to the Children of Israel, like a covenant

with God. And just like every agreement, It goes

with blessings and curses, As long as

you kept the laws, you are in the

blessing, but once you disobeyed the

law, curses are on you.

The problem is really not with the Law,

but the inability of the Children of

Israel to keep them, hence, so many of

them lived under the curse of the Law.

Some of the Laws and ordinances

include that men and women should not share

clothing, Don't sow your land with 2 kinds of crop,

Don't wear clothes made with a mixture of fabrics,

(e.g cotton and rayon). Don't shave your beard, etc.

Today, God want the laws to be in our hearts, not

just on stones that we try to keep. So he sent Jesus

who obediently took upon himself, whatever

causes the Law may have.

“for it is written, Cursed [is] every one that hangeth on a tree”Gal 3:13b.So no more curses, whether from family, Laws,

traditions, etc Jesus paid the price, now God’s laws

are written upon our hearts that we may continually

please God. Christianity is not about trying to

please God, but God has given us an obedient

Redeemedfrom the curse Lawof the

heart, we just obey him naturally... He

says we are obedient Children.

If God made all these available, its

amazing that many still desire to

continually remain under the curse.

Religion brings men perpetually under

the Law. When we continue to live by

certain rules: e.g wash feet before prayer

or how many times to pray, don't wear shoes, recite

the mantra, etc, we are still subjecting ourselves to

the Laws... But the Bible say Jesus took Laws out of the


’’Col 2:14: Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;,...’’

Your Victory in Life is to know that Jesus has done

all to make you free and introduced you to a good

life! Refuse to be lied to . Some will come to you

claiming to be prophets, etc telling you stories and

visions. When you believe in Jesus and know the

truth, you wont be deceived and you’ll enter His rest

God want His laws to be in

our hearts, not just on stones that we have to try to keep.


esus healed me of

mysterious illness in Jearlier years of my life.

specifically 2000 -2002 The

devil tormented and held my

health bound. My family was not

particularly a Bible believing one,

so they took me to several places

Discover Christ, The Healer in the days of your Youth.

seeking deliverance. Native doctors, hospitals,

prayer houses, etc. All but in the wrong places. But

thank God for His word that came to my family

through one of my uncles who persuaded

my father to try Jesus. That was the light

that shined in darkness and healed me.

Since then, I have remained healthy

thanks be to God.

Now am inspired to continually

share this truth that saved me with

others. Today God has kept me in His

word and am glad to also be a blessing

to several people. Thank you Jesus. - Bro. Tony Odeh

Page 4: Good Life Magazine

virtuous woman

is nothing like Awhat you see in

the world today.

Men are marrying beautiful,

lazy, nagging, wives who

can’t even do simple things

that women are supposed to know how to do.

Make sure you are not attracted to a girl for

sensuality because that is what it’s all about for

most marriages in the world today. As Christians

we must watch out for this.

You can’t put a price on a virtuous woman, she’s a

true blessing from the Lord. Her husband and kids

praise her. The world mocks biblical women, but a

true godly woman is honoured.

One of the reasons kids are becoming more

rebellious is because they don’t have a biblical

A big factor for the divorce rate being so high

is because it is hard to find a virtuous woman.

Beware of evil women! Not all who claim to be

a Christian woman is truly godly.

The Virtuous Woman

mother who guides the

home Now they spend

most of their time at school

and daycares where they

mix with other children

from diverse homes.

Hence, the virtuous

woman must be on

the job to prayerfully

r e - o r i e n t a t e t h e

Children as much as she can.

The Virtuous woman is beautiful in and out, caring,

reliable, trustworthy, loving, She make do with what she

has, These are the type of women that all men should

seek. She is priceless “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” Proverbs 31:10

Pst. Nike Michael

iving a victorious life

simply means to live an

overcoming life; living Labove difficulties of life; living a

triumphant life.



The bible says:

“...For with God all things are possible”

That means, only in God can a

man live in perpetual victory.

Outside God is Failure, Defeat,

Set Back, Poverty, Disease,

Frustration and Calamity. Man

ought to live in God to

experience His victorious

power, God desired that every

man live in perpetual victory and

He is ready to demonstrate His

power in every man that can be

found in Him.

Mark 7 v 27.

That was God’s original plan when He

molded man from the dust of the

ground, And infused His life into man.

Gen 1 & 2.

Unfortunately Adam and Eve sinned.

Every man is a descendant of Adam and


“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” Roman 3 v 23.

Sin was inherited from them; this sin

made all men that is born of man sinners;

it brought condemnation upon man and

made man come short of God’s

provisions, His benefits and more

importantly the life God gave to man;

death began to reign in the life of man.

Today, through Jesus Christ we can once

again experience the Victorious Life.

Man became a supernatural being and

superior to every other creature. Man

was in control of God’s Creation and

lived in the glory of God.

Roman 6 v 23.



Dcn. Kunle M. Folorunsho

Page 5: Good Life Magazine

ne important aspect of our lives is Prayer. No

matter what you believe, one thing you don't Ofail to do is pray. Some pray to Stones, Wood,

River gods, etc.

As God’s Children, we pray to Him in Jesus’ name and we

have assurance that He hears us whenever we pray.

“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:” -

So why does it appear that your prayers are not

answered every time you prayed?

How can you at least be at rest knowing God has heard

your prayed has done something about it?

The answer is hidden in 3 simple principles of

Motive, Attitude and Content

You must get this right, otherwise you’ll get nothing.

The Key is in Paying according to His will

why are you praying? what do you hope to achieve via

this prayer? what’s the Big Idea? It should not always be

all about you. Why are you praying for a car it so you can

oppress others? Any motive in prayer that does not

glorify God eventually will not hit the mark

“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven

1John 5:14


GETTING ANSWERS TOPrayersgive good things to them that ask him?” -

Your attitude in the place of prayer will determine

what you get.

God demands total submission and attention.

When you pray, take charge of your mind and

refuse for it to wonder away. Concentrate on the

matter at hand.... That’s the point God‘ll speak to

your heart and tell you what to do. Refuse to be

distracted by your phone, neighbour, etc.

“But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”-

Very Importantly, what you say in prayer matters a

lot. You must speak God’s word in prayer, not what

you think. If you’re praying for finance, do you

know what the Bible says about finances? Don't

guess, study the scriptures, find the truth, then

speak it in prayer,. God is not moved by your tears,

He is moved by your response to His words.

“Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume [it] upon your lusts.

Matthew 7:11

Hebrews 11:6

“ - James 4:3






Pst. Auscar I. Michael

Page 6: Good Life Magazine



e all probably have different ideas of what a

good life can be. Some may imagine that Whaving enough to eat, drink and wear

whenever you need it, is enough good life.

Others may imagine a good life is being able to travel round

the world and connect great business deals, etc. Yet for some

others, a good life will be a struggle free life... you are born,

go to school, get married, raise a

family and are generally happy

with little or no interference. This

all sounds good and indeed are

components if a good life.

However a good life should be

able to offer far more than all of

these. A good life is one that

draws its source from the Spirit,

not based on all the physical


Jesus says He came that we may

have a good life.

Jn 10:10b ... I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.

There's something called having

life more abundantly... that’s the

good life! A good Life is a life that

comes with value... What value can

you say your present life has or is

adding to others.

A good life is a life that has

something its living for... Do you

have a “LIFE VISION?” or are you

just living... You’ve not started




living until you begin to live by


Take a break right now! Invite

Jesus into your life and He will

give you Purpose for Living... A

value added life... The good Life

No matter what you have, if

you find yourself always

striving to prove something to

others in life. e.g that you also

have arrived, or successful,

fashionable, relevant, etc.

then you’re not living a good


Accept you need Help, Believe God has provided Help by Jesus who died for you and was raised by God for your justification. Declare that Jesus is Lord of your Life. Own your salvation by declaring it in Jesus’ name.



Page 7: Good Life Magazine


Noah’ sNoah’ sNoah’ sArk

n the book of Genesis, There was a man called Noah, He had three sons - shem, Ham, and IJapheth.

One day God told Noah to build a very big ship/Ark, Then God told him to pack all kinds of animals in it to save them when the Big Rain begins to fall.

When The rain started, it did not stop for 40day. All those who didnt enter the ship, all died because they

Noah was obedient. He dis what God told Him. He even told his friends and neighbours to enter the ship but they refused and laughed at him.

disobeyed God and did not listen to Noah’s warning. After 40 day, Noah with his wife, and Three sons with their wive came out of the ship alive, They also brought out all the animals they put in the ship and allowd them to run around.

Thank God Noah and His family obeyed God. That is why we still have animals like monkeys, giraffes, sheep, around us today.

it is good to obey God always, even when our friends laugh at us.




Hello Children,



- Can you identify the

animals in the Ark?

- How many are they?

Photocopy this page,

Colour the Picture,

Answer the questions

and send to Church


15, Samuel street,

Ogudu ori-oke. OR

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There are interesting

Gifts to be won

Noah’ sNoah’ sNoah’ sArk

Page 8: Good Life Magazine

Learn something new

this sunday

esus says to Have faith in God.

Our faith is not to get God to do Jsomething. ....rather we exercise

faith in what He already done/provided

for. Just as switching on a light switch

doesn't create the electricity, it only

connects us to electricity that's already

provided... so is faith our connection to

God's eternal provision

Without faith its impossible to please

God. ... just like any father will be

displeased when his child rejects what

he's provided, God take delight in

seeing that we're able to fully access

and use all he has provided for us...

thats the way to please him. So am

decided to further stretch my faith, by

reaching for all God's provided.... I just

want to please him

Coming up in August 2016

at our Church

15, Samuel street, Ogudu

Tel: 08128555398; 07032071048




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