Edeefield Advertiser WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21. "PEACE AXE GOOD WILL TO MEN." '^Peace and good will to men : 0 bells in tha steepte ring it, Peace on earth and good will; 0 brother to brother sing it! Up to the mountain topà and down to the vales below, On and on, forever let the Christmas message go. Bing out, O bells¡ 0 songs Uplifting, glad and sweet, Your music to all time belongs. So long as hearts shall beat! S»ng, heart the perfect strain, Again and yet again; The immortal song of praise to God And love to men." |NiuiHiiiiniiiii!iiiiiHiiimiiiiiiuii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiing II0CAL AND PEKSONAL. ¡ ñiiiiiiiniiiiimimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuri Mr. Garrett Talbeit was in town on Saturday last. Mr. Walter Wise and Wad Allen spent Sunday in Trenton. Mr. W. E. Dobey is quite sick at his home in Buncombe. Mr. Jack Lott, of Johnston, is clerking at the E. B. Hart store. Mr. Joe Eve Mims has returned home from Weldon, N. C., for tho holidays. Miss Eliza Mims will return to Edgefield this week to 'spend Christmas. Curo Stomach Troubles, Cold Feet and Hands, Excessive Menstrual Flow, with Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Miss Floy Beddick returns this week to her home in South, Ga., to spend the holidays. Miss Helen Sheppard .returns home" this week from Converse College to spend Christmas. Miss Amelia Crawford is in Edgefield for the winter, boarding at the home of Dr. Tompkins. To settle the Stomach and Overcome the Nausea of Propec ive Mothers, take Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. The Telephone Exchange will be closed on next Monday, Dec. 26th, that being a legal holiday. A Christmae tree will be given to the students at the Institute to-morrow, Thursday, afternoon at 4 o'clock. . Mrs. M. Toney and her beautiful daugnter, Miss Hattie, were in town on Saturday buying furni¬ ture for their new dwelling. Rev. Davie Timmons left Edge- field last Sunday afternoon to. spinal the Christmas holiday*1 with his si 'ter, Miss Emmie Timmons, in Augusta, Married, on Sunday, Dec. 18th, by-the Rev. P. P. Blalock, at his residence in our town, Mr. William Ransom and Miss Nannie Bryant, all of this county. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine searches out all' Im¬ purities in the System, and expels them harmlessly by the natural channels. Married, Dec. 15th. 1898, by the Rev. L. R. Gwaltney, at the resi¬ dence of Capt. J. A. Bennett, in our town. Mr. John McGhee and Miss Jennie Terry. ' Do not fail to attend the auction sales of W. E. Lackey, the jeweler. The goods are going to» be sold, and there will probably be many goods sold very cheap. Rev. Davis Timmons preached in our Baptist church on Sunday morning. The subject of his dis¬ course was "David and Goliath." In this sermon Mr. Timmons did much credit to himself and showed a noble enthusiasm in the "groat cause." The S. C. C. I. will be bereft of many of its bright inmates on Thursday of this week. Most of rho students will spend the holi¬ days at home. Prof. Bailey will pay a visit to Green alle, S. C., and Mississippi before bis duties arr* resumed at the Institute. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine has siuce 1840 steadily risen in public favor, and the de¬ mand for it far exceeds that of any other Live Medjcine. Mr. John Kennorly was elect¬ ed Grand Marshal at the meeting of the Grand .Lodge of Masons in Charleston last week. Mr. 0. Sheppard was re-elected Deputy Grand Master, aud Mr. S. J. Wat¬ son was elected District Deputy Grand Master for the Fifth Cir¬ cuit, i Mr. E. F. Shealy has moved his large Btock of general merchan¬ dise from Langley, S. C., where he bad been engaged in the mercan¬ tile business for a cumber of years, to our town, and is in Crim's new store, near the depot. We welcom* Mr. Shealy and his family among us, and trust they w*U be pleased with our town and our people. If you feel Dull, Lauguid, Broken-Down, Debilitated, have Weak Stomacher Indigestion, use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. The annual Christmas gifts to the inmates of the Poor House will be collected and carried on Satur¬ day of this week. All persons in¬ terested io this good work are re¬ quested to meet the committee with a cheerful face and a liberal contribution or Bend a package to the borne of Mrs. Kate Mime, where the pa eels will be arranged. This is an annual custom very much to be commended. / f - r tm J-7-; ir editor, Mr. Adams, is still tt. He spent several days at fran last week, and waB, we are gïo say, much improved dnr- ias short stay. On Saturday hht to the National Surgical Iuite, Atlanta, where he will pr?ly remain a week or two, or unrestored to perfect health agt Lubled with Dizziness, Fur- redigue, Bitter Taste in Mouth, Biol Feeliug after eating, Con- stipja or Sick Headache, use Dr. x. Simmons Liver Medicine Ini annual report of Mr. May-1 field^te Superintendent of Ed- u cati to tbe General Assembly, the ollment in the public schootor the county of Edge- field, h July 1, 1897, to Jan. 1, 1898, D05 white, and 4321 col- ored. e white people of the countyay nine-tenths of the taxes, (yet there are being edu¬ cated |he county, out of the tax fuupver txoo thousand more negro cdren than white chil¬ dren, timent unnecessary. I |A Delrful Free Entertain-: ment. Every7 is. invited to the en-, tertam ini to be given by the S. IC. C.I. tl(Wednesday) evening j at the Op House, at 7.30 o'clock. I It will befand affair, and ey,ery friend of \ Institute should by lall means in attendance. Don't fail to be te. j For the Befit of S. C.C. I. Band \ This ev£g from 5 to 7.30J o'clock, juspeceding the enter- tainment, tlladies of the Co-Ed¬ ucational ititute will serve in the Y. M. (¡V. hall oysters and other choictefreshments at the -most reasoole rates, to raise a lund to aid \ cadets in paying for their banjnstruments. These young ladies pul d be encouraged in their efforp help the cadets-, and you will oy the oysters and other delia's refreshments hugely. L Holiday for tl&dvertiser Boys. In order to pe our ADVERTISER crew an opporO-ity to enjoy the festivities of r Christmas holi¬ days, we will jve to forego the pleasure of getcg out an issue of the ADVERTISE on the 28th, the next regular plication day. And therefore, it wiltoot appear again until Jan. 3rd, Í9. lu the mean¬ time we wish «>u all a Merry Christmas and ¿appy New Year. Yes, > uV7e wish you a HPV New Year! We pray its cou? may bring A calm contenting .to vour heart- Life's richest ol"in£' May griefs be few,«ay friends be true ; May hopes bursnt0 flowers; May vanished .c?s and answered prayers . Lighten each pal DS boor !" Death of a Behr*1 Mofclier- Gently fell ",eeP Jesus on Friday morningtûe 16th mst*» at her home nen* Kirkeeya, Mrs. Fannie Schenk,'.lict of the late Mr. M. A. Scheu, aged 77 years. She had lived outthe full numbei of her days, and ^as r«ady when the summons camhaving Wc.ked with Christ man^many years- an humble, pious devout Chris- fan. She was a fold and faithful wife, a loving and ivoted mother, and a warm true hWed woman, She leaves three chiîren to mourn her death-Mr. J. 1. Schenk oi our town, Mrs. J. \. Harris ol South, Ga., and Mrs.W. M. OuztE of Kirkseys. But se is now al rest in heaven, with loved onef gone before. Ever b)ssed be he] memory ! The Incendiary at Wok. About 2 o'clock on tie morning of the loth, Mr. Jas. M.. lanham living about nine milestouth o: Edgefield, discovered his^arn anc stables on fire, but unter BUCI headway as to preclude fee possf bility of checking the fire. In th< barn were 200 bushelr/;of las year's corn, besides s tue 40( bushels of this year's ero* a larg* supply of fodder and oth<( forage six baies of colton, buggiei wagons etc., and in tho stable wat his fin bay mare, very valuable atil highl; prized, and six large f,>tenÍD¡ hogs, all of-which were totaly COD sumed, entailing a loss tn Mi Lanham of some twelve or fiftee hundred dollars. Mr. Lanhtfn ha a policy of insurance with txriffi & Padgett for $200 on barn- Th fire was evidently the worlrOf a incendiary. 1 A Grand Old Country Mafsio Destroyed hy Fire. v We very much regret to annoto( the loss by fire on Wedneeda morning last of the old dwellic known as the Nicholson mansi*» situated six miles north of tt town. The late Mrs. E. J. Nicht» son had occupied this house f near or quite a half century, at at her death, some several monti since, hor daughter, Mrs. Emi Blocker, fell heir to the proper^ and Mrs. Blocker and her so Capt. John R. Blocker, were resi ing therein when the fire occurre The loss is a heavy one-io add tion to the dwelling, well nigh Í of the fine old furniture with whi< the house was so fully furnisbe was also reduced to ashes. Ai at the tame time the barn and et bles caught on fire, and were BO a heap of ruins. Capt. Block had some six hundred bushels corn, and his crop of peas, foraf wagons, farmiûg implements, et were all destroyed. We have r. heard an estimate of the total lo but it could not have been i< .han $3500. No insurance. T fire is.supposed to have origir)at from a defective chimney flue. Auction ! Auction ! 1 Watches, Clocks. Jewelry a Silverware, beginning Wodikesd, Dec. 2let, at 3 P. M., and cobtii ing daily at 3 P. M. and 7.30]P. the rest of this week. My Imt stock must be sold at this/si Seats provided for the ladie¿ * ara especially invited. \ W.E. LACKEY, Jeweler! Good=By< Rhei The Right Remedy Will Banish it Forever. 1/ you would forever be rid of ike .aches and. pains, and some¬ times the tortures produced by IBieumatism, you must take the inght remedy. Those who .con¬ tinue to suffer are relying upon remedies which do not reach their trouble. The doctor's treatment always consists of potash and mercury, which only intensify the disease, causing the joints to stiff¬ en and the bones to ache, besides seriously impairing the digestive organs. Rheumatism is a disordered state of the blood, and the only cure for it is a real blood remedy. Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) goes down to the very bottom of all diseases of the blood, and promptly cures cases that other remedies can not reach. Mr. E. K. 8. Clinkenbeard, a promi¬ nent attorney of Mt. Sterling, Ky., writes : "Two years ago I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism, I had tried every remedy I could hear of exeept S. S. a. I had been to Hot Springs, Ark., where I remained for twelve weeks under treatment, but I experienced no perma¬ nent relief, and returned home, be¬ lieving that I would be a sufferer as long as I lived. At a time when my pains were almost unbearable, I ki S. Isley, M. D., SPECIALIST, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT AND SKIK. 812 Broadway, Augusta, Ga. Notice of Dissolution. . The partnership of Butler & Smith ia hereby dissolved. M. C. BUTLER. Dec. 6th, 1898. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. Court of Common Pleas. The British and American Mort¬ gage Company, Limited, against John B. Moody. Pursuant to the decree of fore¬ closure in this cause, I will offer for sale at public outcry, before the Court House, town of Edgefield, and State of South Carolina, OD the first Monday in January, 1899, (being the 2nd day of said month) between the legal hours ol sale, the following_described realy, to wit: All those two* tracts ot land it Edgefield county, South Carolina in Meriwether and Collier town¬ ships, containing in the aggregate three hundred and eighteen (318] acres, more or less, to wit : Tract No. 1.-Containing on* hundred and thirty-eight (138] acres, more or less, bounded b] Jas. T. (or Doc) Swearingen, Davit Timmermau, McKie and others and known as the Doney place. Tract No. 2.-Containing om hundred and eighty (180) r .res more or less, and bounded by landi of John Lanham, Mrs. Fanni Hammond, and others, and knowi as the Middleton place on Horn'i Creek. Terms of Sale : One-third cash and the balance ena credit of om and two years, with interest on th credit portion from the day of sale Purchaser to give bond and mortgage of the premises to secur the payment of the credit portior or all cash at the purchaser's op tion. Terms must be complie with or Master is authorized to re sell the same day at the risk of th former purchaser. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Dec. 7, 1898. Master E. C. Executor's Sale. By virtue of authority conferre upon us under the last Will an Testament of Tolliver Hearn, d< ceased, we will expose for sale I the highest bidder, at the lal residence of the deceased, o Thursday the 15th December 139 all of the personal estate of sai Tolliver Hearn. * ' Terms of Sale, Cash. C. E. HAYZELL, GEO. W. TURNE] F. A. WALKER. Executor Nov. 29-3t. nfrslP.Dfuiiioii 559 Broad St., AUGUSTA, - Gi Keeps ONE of the best and tidiest. Boarding - House IN AUGUSTA. Country friends and strangers' patr age respectfully solicited. Rice ! Rice ! Rici Consignments of Rough Rice soli' ed. Prompt milling and return proceeds or account sales. Higt market prices paid for good Rice. "Carolina Rice Meal" or "Flour," cheapest and best stock food on market, for sale at low figures. ^ . WEST POINT MILL GO., Charleston, S. < Limatisnr chanced to read your advertise: and was im pressed with, it go i that I decided to try fl. ¡8. fl. Î eleven bottles and was entirely rel i of all pain and cured permano When I began to take S. S. S. I unable to sit or stand with an j and could not sleep, Since taking lost dose I have had no return ol Rheumatism, and I take great p ure in recommending 8. S. S to one who has the misfortune to s with this disabling disease." S.S.S. is the only cure for li] *¡¡irfl&k matism, whio J| \ the most stub! ^Hjj^^^^y to give relief o ^^ÏHpËgL but by comple the disease rids the system of it forever. ] Purdy Vegetable and one thousand dollars rew is offered to any chemiit who prove that it contains a partiel mercury, potash, or any ot mineral ingredient. S. S. 3. the only blood remedy guarant to be absolutely free from mint mixtures. Books sent free by Swift S cific Company, Atlanta, Ga. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROL! COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. Court of Common Pleas, A. S. Tompkins against P< White, et al. Pursuant to the judgmet off« closure in this cauee,' I will t o fo'. sale at public outcry before Court House, town of Edgefi and State of South Carolina, the first Monday in January, li (being the 2nd day of said mon between the legal hours of si the following described realty wit: All that tract of land in Ed field county, South Carolina, the Savannah river and adjoin: lauds of L. T. Harmon, Thor Chamberlain, and others, conta ing two hundred (200) acres, m or less, being a part of the Rob Prot, lands, where Joe White, sides. I Terms of Sale : One-third ca and the balance on a credit of c and two years, with interest on ' credit portion from the day of st Purchaser to give bond and ame gage of the premises to secure .1 payment of the credit portion. all cash at the purchaser's opt i Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, ' Dec. 7,1898. - Master E. t . : ! , Master's Sale¿-i ; STATE OF SOUTH CAROLI1 > 1 COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. i Court of Common Pleas. ' J. A. Jackson and William j Jackson, Plaintiffs, against R. Jackson, et al., Defendants, 'i *? Pursuant to the decree in ti 3 cause I will offer for sale at pub i, outcry before the Court Hon 3 town of Edgefield, and State 9 South Carolina, on the first Mc i day in January, 1899, (being 1 s 2nd day of paid month) betwe- the legal hours of sale, the folk ing described realty, to wit : s All that tract of land, lying a e being in the county. and St; >. aforesaid, containing seventy a a one-half (70J) acres, more or le e known as Tract No. 1 of the lac i, of Jess< .ranklin, deceased, bom ,. ed on the north and west by lac d of W. H. Timmerman ; on the ei . by lauds of Wade and Thone e Franklin, and south by lands W. H. Jackson. Terms of Sale : Costs, fees a expenses of this action, and tv fifths (2-5) of the balance of 1 - purchase money in cash '; one-fil (1-5) of the balance to be paid April 1st, 1899; one-fifth (1-5) d said balance on the 1st July, 191 d and the remaining oné-fifth (1- 3- of the said balance on 1st Nove to ber, 1903, with interest on ea te and every of the said paymei 10 from the date of sale. Perchai to give bond and mortgage of t 'd premises to secure the payment - the credit portion, or all cash the purchaser's option, p Purchaser to pay for papers. ft' W. F. ROATH, 1D Dec. T, 1898. Master E. C. Master's Sale. dSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. Court of Common Pleas. Emma N. Blocker, et al., agaii John T. Nicholson, et al. . Pursuant to the decree iu tl \, cause I will offer for sale at pub outcry before the Court Hou town of Edgefield and State ' South Carolina, on the first Mc day in January, 1899, (being t 2nd day of said month) betwe in tho legal hours of sale, the folio ^ described lealty, to wit': . Tract No. 2, or the Hall fi( tract, containing one hundred a ninety-four (194) acres, more on- less, and bounded on the north lands S. Tannahill and the Ba - estate ; east by Tract No. 1 and t _ ! Edgefield and Ninety-Six pub 3 ! road; south by Tract No. S'kno' cit. as the Oliphant tract, and west of lands of S. Tannahill and Mrs. 'est N. Blocker. th.¿ Terms all cash. the Purchaser to pay for papers. . W.F. ROATH, fe Î><HV7, 1898, Master E. C. I «. '.** T " ALFORD & BAKER, ' SPECIHLIST8. In the treatment of Cancer, Scrofula, Hernia, Dyspepsia; Dropsy, Nervous De¬ bility, Catarrh, all diseases of the Liver and Stomach, Constipation, Piles, and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. We are permanently located in Au- gusta at 910 BROAD STREET. Where we will be pleased to meet our friends and patients, and all persons afflicted with any Cùronic or Long Standing Diseases Special attention given to all diseases peculiar to the female sex. Consultation and examination FREE and invited. We write no prescriptions, but prepare our own medicines, Office Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays by previous engagement. DRS. ALFORD & BAKER. FUR JXIT T7R ?2, Oil Dew Goods, io me Latest Styles. Prices to Suit the Times. We Want Your Patronage. Why you shou.'d buy of us?' We buy as low as we can- That's business sense? We sell as low as we cari- That's progressive sense ! low buy as low as you san- That's common sense! You buy of US- That saves you Dollars and Cents. W. H. TURNER 913 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. ARE THE BEST. B. A_ LLE 830 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. GEO. P. COBB, vTOHiÑrsTOJsr' s. o. Furniture and Household Goods Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Eic HAVE JUST PURCHASED A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL --H JEO -A. ü ® 23}-* Calls by Telephone promptlyjanswered ard attended to. T_,OWEST PBIOES.Ï OSDERS FILLED REMOVAL. st PP. P- fl. HIPPO HAS REMOVED TO 207 7TH ST., AUGUSTA, GA., Where he will still continue to give hie FEEE EYE. TESTS For all defects of sight. Grind any shape and style of len se while you wait. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Tells if you need glasses, rest or the oculist. is, Met Boots, Judge of Probate's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. In the Probate Court. J. W. R. DeLaughter, administra trator of the Estate of Frances Dowty, deceased, Plaintiff, against Mamie J. NormaD, W. D. Mat¬ thews, Walter Matthews, Eliza¬ beth Ramsey, E. A. DeLaughter, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that vir¬ tue of the decree of the Probate Court for Edgefield county in this is|cau8e,-I will sell at public auction ic I in front of the Court HouBe, at e, j Edgefield, in the countv of Edge of a ifr ND Br¬ id id or >y es he lie vn by E, field, on salesday in-January, 1899, (being the 2nd day of said mouth) the following described real estate belonging to the estate ot Frances Dowty, deceased, to wit : All that tract or parcel of iand, situate, lying and being in the county of Edgefield, in the State of South Carolina, containing two hundred and sixty-five (265) acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Nat Roberson, Amos Eubauks, Wm. Glenn, J. A. Bennett, James Reynolds and E. A. DeLaughter. Terms of sale all cash. Purchaser to pay forpapere. J. D. ALLEN, Dec. 5, '98. Judge of Probate. Toilet Article Clocks, Brass Tables, Cut Glass, Fine Umbrella?, SEND FOR OUR 189S CATALOGUE in. MTOUCO, JEWELERS, 702 BROAD MM, AUGUSTA, GA ,..-- Kivwwict. UMP The Dealers In The Cosmopolitan, the New York World, thrice a week, and the AD YKRTISEB all, one year, for $3.75. G UN S Ammunition, Etc, - Have Moved To - 623 Broad Stree AUGUSTA,, GA. Money to Loan. On farming ' lands. Easy paymen No commissions charged. Borrov pays actual cost of perfecting lo¡ Interest 8 per cent. JNO. B. PALMER & SON, Columbia, S. C or J. H. CANTELOU, Edgefield, S. C. ^ 11-2-9S. / AUCTION t Watches, Clock, Jewelry AND SILVERWARE. Beginning Wednesday, Dec. 21, JA.T 3.0.0 S=». ISA:. And continuing daily at 3 P. M. and 7.30 P- M. the rest of this week. Mv entire stock must be sold at this sale. Seats pro¬ vided for the ladies, who are especially in¬ vited. W. E. LACKEY, Jeweler JOHN McELREE, Auctioneer. ESTABLISHED 1387. TL,. F TjNfK, DEALER IN Klines, Liguéis ans dps, TOBACCOS AND SHOKEES' AETICLFS. Six Year Old Corn Whiskey at $2.00 per gallon. Prompt attention given to the Jug Trade. All orders most be accompanied with the cash. 847 BROAD STREET, - AUGUSTA, GA THE LARGEST ~ tl. . ' Ï23L 17±TLG SoiitlX. T. I*. PAQAN, Successor to E. J. O'CONNOR. -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -* I^iqxxor - Dealer, 917 Broad Street, Augusta-, Ga. JUG AND BOTTLED GOODS ARE MY SPECIALTIES. - NO CHARGE FOR JUGS OR PACKING. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. ni iniste Goto Cms ni Presses LAKGE STOCK OF ENGINES, CHEAP AND GOOD. I f\ tiA Q A DH i Iron Works and LUIVIDAKU I Supply Company -ATJO-USTA., a-EOÍRa-IA, MACHINEY AND SUPPLIES. . RERAIRS, Etc, QUICKLY MADE gr GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. UH 1898. S o As tho season has arrived, so our FalE^ockl is no- complete iu every depaitment. ^ ^ We take this opportunity to inform the pumv the reception of our Fall Clothing, consisting indeed of the very best woolens made into the latest and N most stylish suit designs. Tnere a 'e many who would like to take advantage of the time to make & choice selection of a Suit, Overcoat or Hat from the many varieties on hand before the rush begins. It will afford us great pleasure and will be a delightful task to show you,the many new and handsome suite in our men's and our children's department. /. C. LEVY'S SOM & CO., TMLORflT CLOTHIERS._/{UGUSJÂ, g/f-| A Roma mm SALE FOB - MT m ' An inauguration of the business of the season with a hip, hip and a hur¬ rah. Preparations beyond anything ever before attempted by this establish¬ ment; prices that will far excel in their money-saving possibilities anything that any store in Augusta has ever placed before the public. A starter for the season that will make the people's store Iring with praises of those whose purses have been protected and whose tastes have been pleased. It's a feet- the saving on every article, and it takes no more than a passing glance to as¬ sure you of the reality of the economy to be practiced in dealing here. Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes, . « 75cts Ladies* Dongola Button Shoes (all solid) $1 00 Ladies' Genuine Vivi Kid Button Shoes, $1 50 Ladies' French Kid, hand sewed hutton, $2 00 Gents' Buff Bals Congress, $1 00 Gents' Buff Bal3 Congress, (all solid) $2 26 Gents' Genuine Calf Bals Congress, $2 00 Geuts' Genuine Calf Hand Sewed Bals C. $2 50 Gents' Felt Alpine, all colors, at 75c, worth $1 25 Gents' Felt Alpine Hats in all latest styles and colors ut $1 worth $2 ' CALL -AUSTID _BE GO NTVJIISrCEID. Store Open Until ll Saturday Evening. The Great Eastern Shoe Co., R. Gr. TARVER, Manager. 907 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA t, its. rer an. JOHN R. SCHNEIDER, ESTABLISHED A. D. 1S46, -Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in -- LIQUORS, FINE WlNESi HAVANA CIGARS, MIPBAL WATEK, ETC. 601 AND 602 BROAD ST., AUGUSTAG - AGENTS FOR Veuve-Clicauot Ponsardim, Urbana Wine Company, . Anheuser-Busch Brewing ABS9}

Good=By< BAKER, SPECIHLIST8. Jewelry RheiLimatisnr Dec

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Edeefield AdvertiserWEDNESDAY, DEC. 21.


'^Peace and good will to men : 0 bellsin tha steepte ring it,

Peace on earth and good will; 0brother to brother sing it!

Up to the mountain topà and down tothe vales below,

On and on, forever let the Christmasmessage go.

Bing out, O bells¡ 0 songsUplifting, glad and sweet,

Your music to all time belongs.So long as hearts shall beat!

S»ng, heart the perfect strain,Again and yet again;

The immortal song of praise toGod

And love to men."

|NiuiHiiiiniiiii!iiiiiHiiimiiiiiiuii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiingII0CAL AND PEKSONAL. ¡ñiiiiiiiniiiiimimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuriMr. Garrett Talbeit was in town

on Saturday last.

Mr. Walter Wise and Wad Allenspent Sunday in Trenton.

Mr. W. E. Dobey is quite sickat his home in Buncombe.

Mr. Jack Lott, of Johnston, isclerking at the E. B. Hart store.

Mr. Joe Eve Mims has returnedhome from Weldon, N. C., for thoholidays.

Miss Eliza Mims will return toEdgefield this week to 'spendChristmas.

Curo Stomach Troubles, ColdFeet and Hands, ExcessiveMenstrual Flow, with SimmonsSquaw Vine Wine or Tablets.

Miss Floy Beddick returns thisweek to her home in South, Ga.,to spend the holidays.Miss Helen Sheppard .returns

home" this week from ConverseCollege to spend Christmas.

Miss Amelia Crawford is inEdgefield for the winter, boardingat the home of Dr. Tompkins.To settle the Stomach and

Overcome the Nausea of Propec iveMothers, take Simmons SquawVine Wine or Tablets.

The Telephone Exchange willbe closed on next Monday, Dec.26th, that being a legal holiday.A Christmae tree will be given

to the students at the Instituteto-morrow, Thursday, afternoon at4 o'clock. .

Mrs. M. Toney and her beautifuldaugnter, Miss Hattie, were intown on Saturday buying furni¬ture for their new dwelling.

Rev. Davie Timmons left Edge-field last Sunday afternoon to.spinal the Christmas holiday*1 withhis si 'ter, Miss Emmie Timmons,in Augusta,

Married, on Sunday, Dec. 18th,by-the Rev. P. P. Blalock, at hisresidence in our town, Mr. WilliamRansom and Miss Nannie Bryant,all of this county.

Dr. M. A. Simmons LiverMedicine searches out all' Im¬purities in the System, and expelsthem harmlessly by the naturalchannels.

Married, Dec. 15th. 1898, by theRev. L. R. Gwaltney, at the resi¬dence of Capt. J. A. Bennett, inour town. Mr. John McGhee andMiss Jennie Terry.


Do not fail to attend the auctionsales of W. E. Lackey, the jeweler.The goods are going to» be sold,and there will probably be manygoods sold very cheap.

Rev. Davis Timmons preachedin our Baptist church on Sundaymorning. The subject of his dis¬course was "David and Goliath."In this sermon Mr. Timmons didmuch credit to himself and showeda noble enthusiasm in the "groatcause."The S. C. C. I. will be bereft of

many of its bright inmates on

Thursday of this week. Most ofrho students will spend the holi¬days at home. Prof. Bailey willpay a visit to Green alle, S. C., andMississippi before bis duties arr*

resumed at the Institute.

Dr. M. A. Simmons LiverMedicine has siuce 1840 steadilyrisen in public favor, and the de¬mand for it far exceeds that ofany other Live Medjcine.Mr. John Kennorly was elect¬

ed Grand Marshal at the meetingof the Grand .Lodge of Masons inCharleston last week. Mr. 0.Sheppard was re-elected DeputyGrand Master, aud Mr. S. J. Wat¬son was elected District DeputyGrand Master for the Fifth Cir¬cuit, i

Mr. E. F. Shealy has moved hislarge Btock of general merchan¬dise from Langley, S. C., where hebad been engaged in the mercan¬

tile business for a cumber of years,to our town, and is in Crim's new

store, near the depot. We welcom*Mr. Shealy and his family amongus, and trust they w*U be pleasedwith our town and our people.

If you feel Dull, Lauguid,Broken-Down, Debilitated, haveWeak Stomacher Indigestion, use

Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine.

The annual Christmas gifts tothe inmates of the Poor House willbe collected and carried on Satur¬day of this week. All persons in¬terested io this good work are re¬

quested to meet the committeewith a cheerful face and a liberalcontribution or Bend a package tothe borne of Mrs. Kate Mime,where the pa eels will be arranged.This is an annual custom verymuch to be commended.

/f -

r tmJ-7-;ir editor, Mr. Adams, is stilltt. He spent several days atfran last week, and waB, we are

gïo say, much improved dnr-ias short stay. On Saturdayhht to the National SurgicalIuite, Atlanta, where he willpr?ly remain a week or two, or

unrestored to perfect healthagt

Lubled with Dizziness, Fur-redigue, Bitter Taste in Mouth,Biol Feeliug after eating, Con-

stipja or Sick Headache, use

Dr. x. Simmons Liver Medicine

Ini annual report of Mr. May-1field^te Superintendent of Ed-u cati to tbe General Assembly,the ollment in the publicschootor the county of Edge-field, h July 1, 1897, to Jan. 1,1898, D05 white, and 4321 col-ored. e white people of thecountyay nine-tenths of thetaxes, (yet there are being edu¬cated |he county, out of thetax fuupver txoo thousand more

negro cdren than white chil¬dren, timent unnecessary.

I|A Delrful Free Entertain-:ment.Every7 is. invited to the en-,

tertamini to be given by the S.IC. C.I. tl(Wednesday) eveningj at the Op House, at 7.30 o'clock.I It will befand affair, and ey,eryfriend of \ Institute should by

lall means in attendance. Don'tfail to be te.

j Forthe Befit of S. C. C. I. Band\ This ev£g from 5 to 7.30Jo'clock, juspeceding the enter-tainment, tlladies of the Co-Ed¬ucational ititute will serve inthe Y. M. (¡V. hall oysters andother choictefreshments at the-most reasoole rates, to raise a

lund to aid \ cadets in payingfor their banjnstruments. Theseyoung ladies pul d be encouragedin their efforp help the cadets-,and you will oy the oysters andother delia's refreshmentshugely. LHoliday for tl&dvertiser Boys.In order to pe our ADVERTISER

crew an opporO-ity to enjoy thefestivities of r Christmas holi¬days, we will jve to forego thepleasure of getcg out an issue ofthe ADVERTISEon the 28th, thenext regular plication day. Andtherefore, it wiltoot appear againuntil Jan. 3rd, Í9. lu the mean¬time we wish «>u all a MerryChristmas and ¿appy New Year.Yes, >uV7e wish you a HPV New Year!We pray its cou? may bring

A calm contenting .to vour heart-Life's richest ol"in£'

May griefs be few,«ay friends be true ;May hopes bursnt0 flowers;

May vanished .c?s and answeredprayers .

Lighten each pal DS boor !"

Death of a Behr*1 Mofclier-

Gently fell ",eeP Jesus on

Friday morningtûe 16th mst*» ather home nen* Kirkeeya, Mrs.Fannie Schenk,'.lict of the lateMr. M. A. Scheu, aged 77 years.She had lived outthe full numbeiof her days, and ^as r«ady whenthe summons camhaving Wc.kedwith Christ man^many years-an humble, pious devout Chris-fan. She was a fold and faithfulwife, a loving and ivoted mother,and a warm true hWed woman,

She leaves three chiîren to mournher death-Mr. J. 1. Schenk oiour town, Mrs. J. \. Harris olSouth, Ga., and Mrs.W. M. OuztEof Kirkseys. But se is now alrest in heaven, with loved onef

gone before. Ever b)ssed be he]memory !

The Incendiary at Wok.About 2 o'clock on tie morning

of the loth, Mr. Jas. M..lanhamliving about nine milestouth o:

Edgefield, discovered his^arn anc

stables on fire, but unter BUCIheadway as to preclude fee possfbility of checking the fire. In th<barn were 200 bushelr/;of lasyear's corn, besides s tue 40(bushels of this year's ero* a larg*supply of fodder and oth<( foragesix baies of colton, buggiei wagonsetc., and in tho stable wat his finbay mare, very valuable atil highl;prized, and six large f,>tenÍD¡hogs, all of-which were totaly COD

sumed, entailing a loss tn MiLanham of some twelve or fifteehundred dollars. Mr. Lanhtfn haa policy of insurance with txriffi& Padgett for $200 on barn- Thfire was evidently the worlrOf a

incendiary. 1

A Grand Old Country MafsioDestroyed hy Fire. v

We very much regret to annoto(the loss by fire on Wedneedamorning last of the old dwellicknown as the Nicholson mansi*»situated six miles north of tttown. The late Mrs. E. J. Nicht»son had occupied this house fnear or quite a half century, atat her death, some several montisince, hor daughter, Mrs. EmiBlocker, fell heir to the proper^and Mrs. Blocker and her so

Capt. John R. Blocker, were resiing therein when the fire occurreThe loss is a heavy one-io addtion to the dwelling, well nigh Í

of the fine old furniture with whi<the house was so fully furnisbewas also reduced to ashes. Aiat the tame time the barn and etbles caught on fire, and were BOa heap of ruins. Capt. Blockhad some six hundred bushelscorn, and his crop of peas, forafwagons, farmiûg implements, etwere all destroyed. We have r.heard an estimate of the total lobut it could not have been i<

.han $3500. No insurance. Tfire is.supposed to have origir)atfrom a defective chimney flue.

Auction ! Auction ! 1

Watches, Clocks. Jewelry a

Silverware, beginning Wodikesd,Dec. 2let, at 3 P. M., and cobtiiing daily at 3 P. M. and 7.30]P.the rest of this week. My Imtstock must be sold at this/siSeats provided for the ladie¿ *

ara especially invited. \W.E. LACKEY, Jeweler!


The Right Remedy WillBanish it Forever.

1/ you would forever be rid ofike .aches and. pains, and some¬

times the tortures produced byIBieumatism, you must take theinght remedy. Those who .con¬tinue to suffer are relying uponremedies which do not reach theirtrouble. The doctor's treatmentalways consists of potash andmercury, which only intensify thedisease, causing the joints to stiff¬en and the bones to ache, besidesseriously impairing the digestiveorgans.Rheumatism is a disordered state of

the blood, and the only cure for it is a

real blood remedy. Swift's Specific (S.S. S.) goes down to the very bottom ofall diseases of the blood, and promptlycures cases that other remedies can notreach.

Mr. E. K. 8. Clinkenbeard, a promi¬nent attorney of Mt. Sterling, Ky.,writes :

"Two years ago I was a great suffererfrom Rheumatism, I had tried everyremedy I could hear of exeept S. S. a.I had been to Hot Springs, Ark., whereI remained for twelve weeks undertreatment, but I experienced no perma¬nent relief, and returned home, be¬lieving that I would be a sufferer as

long as I lived. At a time when mypains were almost unbearable, I

ki S. Isley, M. D.,SPECIALIST,


812 Broadway, Augusta, Ga.

Notice of Dissolution. .

The partnership of Butler &Smith ia hereby dissolved.

M. C. BUTLER.Dec. 6th, 1898.



Court of Common Pleas.

The British and American Mort¬gage Company, Limited, againstJohn B. Moody.Pursuant to the decree of fore¬

closure in this cause, I will offerfor sale at public outcry, before theCourt House, town of Edgefield,and State of South Carolina, OD

the first Monday in January,1899, (being the 2nd day of saidmonth) between the legal hours olsale, the following_described realy,to wit:

All those two* tracts ot land itEdgefield county, South Carolinain Meriwether and Collier town¬

ships, containing in the aggregatethree hundred and eighteen (318]acres, more or less, to wit :

Tract No. 1.-Containing on*

hundred and thirty-eight (138]acres, more or less, bounded b]Jas. T. (or Doc) Swearingen, DavitTimmermau, McKie and othersand known as the Doney place.

Tract No. 2.-Containing om

hundred and eighty (180) r .res

more or less, and bounded by landiof John Lanham, Mrs. FanniHammond, and others, and knowias the Middleton place on Horn'iCreek.Terms of Sale : One-third cash

and the balance ena credit of omand two years, with interest on thcredit portion from the day of salePurchaser to give bond andmortgage of the premises to secur

the payment of the credit portioror all cash at the purchaser's option. Terms must be compliewith or Master is authorized to re

sell the same day at the risk of thformer purchaser.

Purchaser to pay for papers.W. F. ROATH,

Dec. 7, 1898. Master E. C.

Executor's Sale.By virtue of authority conferre

upon us under the last Will an

Testament of Tolliver Hearn, d<ceased, we will expose for sale Ithe highest bidder, at the lalresidence of the deceased, o

Thursday the 15th December 139all of the personal estate of saiTolliver Hearn. * '

Terms of Sale, Cash.C. E. HAYZELL,GEO. W. TURNE]F. A. WALKER.

ExecutorNov. 29-3t.

nfrslP.Dfuiiioii559 Broad St.,


Keeps ONE of the best andtidiest.

Boarding - HouseIN AUGUSTA.

Country friends and strangers' patrage respectfully solicited.

Rice ! Rice ! RiciConsignments of Rough Rice soli'

ed. Prompt milling and return

proceeds or account sales. Higtmarket prices paid for good Rice."Carolina Rice Meal" or "Flour,"

cheapest and best stock food on

market, for sale at low figures.^

. WEST POINT MILL GO.,Charleston, S. <

Limatisnrchanced to read your advertise:and was impressed with, it go ithat I decided to try fl. ¡8. fl. Îeleven bottles and was entirely rel iof all pain and cured permanoWhen I began to take S. S. S. Iunable to sit or stand with anjand could not sleep, Since takinglost dose I have had no return olRheumatism, and I take great pure in recommending 8. S. S toone who has the misfortune to swith this disabling disease."

S.S.S. is the only cure for li]*¡¡irfl&k matism, whio

J| \the most stub!

^Hjj^^^^y to give relief o

^^ÏHpËgL but by comple

the diseaserids the system of it forever. ]

Purdy Vegetableand one thousand dollars rew

is offered to any chemiit whoprove that it contains a partielmercury, potash, or any otmineral ingredient. S. S. 3.the only blood remedy guarantto be absolutely free from mintmixtures.Books sent free by Swift S

cific Company, Atlanta, Ga.



Court of Common Pleas,A. S. Tompkins against P<White, et al.Pursuant to the judgmet off«

closure in this cauee,' I willto

fo'. sale at public outcry beforeCourt House, town of Edgefiand State of South Carolina,the first Monday in January, li(being the 2nd day of said monbetween the legal hours of si

the following described realtywit:

All that tract of land in Edfield county, South Carolina,the Savannah river and adjoin:lauds of L. T. Harmon, ThorChamberlain, and others, containg two hundred (200) acres, mor less, being a part of the RobProt, lands, where Joe White,sides. ITerms of Sale : One-third ca

and the balance on a credit of c

and two years, with interest on '

credit portion from the day of st

Purchaser to give bond and amegage of the premises to secure .1

payment of the credit portion.all cash at the purchaser's opt i

Purchaser to pay for papers.W. F. ROATH,

' Dec. 7,1898. - Master E.

t .


i Court of Common Pleas.' J. A. Jackson and Williamj Jackson, Plaintiffs, against R.

Jackson, et al., Defendants,'i *?

Pursuant to the decree in ti3 cause I will offer for sale at pubi, outcry before the Court Hon3 town of Edgefield, and State9 South Carolina, on the first Mci day in January, 1899, (being 1s 2nd day of paid month) betwe-

the legal hours of sale, the folking described realty, to wit :

s All that tract of land, lying a

e being in the county. and St;>. aforesaid, containing seventy a

a one-half (70J) acres, more or lee known as Tract No. 1 of the laci, of Jess< .ranklin, deceased, bom,. ed on the north and west by lacd of W. H. Timmerman ; on the ei

. by lauds of Wade and Thonee Franklin, and south by landsW. H. Jackson.Terms of Sale : Costs, fees a

expenses of this action, and tvfifths (2-5) of the balance of 1

- purchase money in cash '; one-fil(1-5) of the balance to be paidApril 1st, 1899; one-fifth (1-5)

d said balance on the 1st July, 191d and the remaining oné-fifth (1-3- of the said balance on 1st Noveto ber, 1903, with interest on eate and every of the said paymei10 from the date of sale. Perchai8» to give bond and mortgage of t'd premises to secure the payment

- the credit portion, or all cashthe purchaser's option,

p Purchaser to pay for papers.ft' W. F. ROATH,1D Dec. T, 1898. Master E. C.

Master's Sale.


Emma N. Blocker, et al., agaiiJohn T. Nicholson, et al.

. Pursuant to the decree iu tl\, cause I will offer for sale at pub

outcry before the Court Houtown of Edgefield and State '

South Carolina, on the first Mcday in January, 1899, (being t2nd day of said month) betwe

in tho legal hours of sale, the folio^ described lealty, to wit': .

Tract No. 2, or the Hall fi(tract, containing one hundred a

ninety-four (194) acres, moreon- less, and bounded on the north

lands oí S. Tannahill and the Ba- estate ; east by Tract No. 1 and t_ ! Edgefield and Ninety-Six pub3 ! road; south by Tract No. S'kno'cit. as the Oliphant tract, and westof lands of S. Tannahill and Mrs.

'est N. Blocker.th.¿ Terms all cash.the Purchaser to pay for papers. .

W.F. ROATH,fe Î><HV7, 1898, Master E. C.

I«. '.** T"


In the treatment of Cancer, Scrofula, Hernia, Dyspepsia; Dropsy, Nervous De¬

bility, Catarrh, all diseases of the Liver and Stomach, Constipation, Piles, and

all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. We are permanently located in Au-

gusta at

910 BROAD STREET.Where we will be pleased to meet our friends and patients, and all personsafflicted with any

Cùronic or Long Standing DiseasesSpecial attention given to all diseases peculiar to the female sex.

Consultation and examination FREE and invited.We write no prescriptions, but prepare our own medicines,

Office Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays by previous engagement.


Oil Dew Goods, io me Latest Styles.Prices to Suit the Times.

We Want Your Patronage.

Why you shou.'d buy of us?'We buy as low as we can-

That's business sense?We sell as low as we cari-

That's progressive sense !low buy as low as you san-

That's common sense!You buy of US-

That saves you Dollars and Cents.

W. H. TURNER913 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA.


B. A_ LLE830 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.

GEO. P. COBB,vTOHiÑrsTOJsr' s. o.

Furniture and Household GoodsWagons, Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Eic


--H JEO -A. ü ® 23}-*Calls by Telephone promptlyjanswered ard attended to.






207 7TH ST., AUGUSTA, GA.,Where he will still continue to


For all defects of sight. Grindany shape and style of len sewhile you wait.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.Tells if you need glasses, rest or

the oculist.


Met Boots,

Judge of Probate's Sale.STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA

COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD.In the Probate Court.

J. W. R. DeLaughter, administratrator of the Estate of FrancesDowty, deceased, Plaintiff,

againstMamie J. NormaD, W. D. Mat¬

thews, Walter Matthews, Eliza¬beth Ramsey, E. A. DeLaughter,Defendants.Notice is hereby given that vir¬

tue of the decree of the ProbateCourt for Edgefield county in this

is|cau8e,-I will sell at public auctionic I in front of the Court HouBe, at

e, j Edgefield, in the countv of EdgeofaifrNDBr¬



field, on salesday in-January, 1899,(being the 2nd day of said mouth)the following described real estate

belonging to the estate ot FrancesDowty, deceased, to wit :

All that tract or parcel of iand,situate, lying and being in the

county of Edgefield, in the Stateof South Carolina, containing twohundred and sixty-five (265) acres,

more or less, and bounded by landsof Nat Roberson, Amos Eubauks,Wm. Glenn, J. A. Bennett, JamesReynolds and E. A. DeLaughter.Terms of sale all cash.Purchaser to pay forpapere.

J. D. ALLEN,Dec. 5, '98. Judge of Probate.

Toilet ArticleClocks,Brass Tables,Cut Glass,Fine Umbrella?,



702 BROAD MM, AUGUSTA, GA,..-- Kivwwict.UMP

The Dealers In

The Cosmopolitan, the New YorkWorld, thrice a week, and the ADYKRTISEB all, one year, for $3.75.

G UN SAmmunition, Etc,- Have Moved To -

623 Broad StreeAUGUSTA,, GA.

Money to Loan.On farming ' lands. Easy paymenNo commissions charged. Borrovpays actual cost of perfecting lo¡Interest 8 per cent.

JNO. B. PALMER & SON,Columbia, S. C

or J. H. CANTELOU, Edgefield, S. C.^ 11-2-9S.


AUCTION tWatches, Clock, Jewelry


Beginning Wednesday, Dec. 21,JA.T 3.0.0 S=». ISA:.

And continuing daily at 3 P. M. and 7.30P- M. the rest of this week. Mv entirestock must be sold at this sale. Seats pro¬vided for the ladies, who are especially in¬vited.W. E. LACKEY, Jeweler




Six Year Old Corn Whiskey at $2.00 per gallon.Prompt attention given to the Jug Trade.All orders most be accompanied with the cash.



tl. .


Ï23L 17±TLG SoiitlX.

T. I*. PAQAN,Successor to E. J. O'CONNOR.


I^iqxxor - Dealer,917 Broad Street, Augusta-, Ga.



ni iniste Goto Cms ni PressesLAKGE STOCK OF ENGINES, CHEAP AND GOOD.

I f\ tiAQ A DH i Iron Works andLUIVIDAKU I Supply Company



UH 1898.


As tho season has arrived, so our FalE^ockl is no-

complete iu every depaitment.^


We take this opportunity to inform the pumvthe reception of our Fall Clothing, consisting indeedof the very best woolens made into the latest and N

most stylish suit designs. Tnere a 'e many whowould like to take advantage of the time to make &

choice selection of a Suit, Overcoat or Hat from the

many varieties on hand before the rush begins. It

will afford us great pleasure and will be a delightfultask to show you,the many new and handsome suitein our men's and our children's department.


An inauguration of the business of the season with a hip, hip and a hur¬

rah. Preparations beyond anything ever before attempted by this establish¬

ment; prices that will far excel in their money-saving possibilities anythingthat any store in Augusta has ever placed before the public. A starter for the

season that will make the people's store Iring with praises of those whose

purses have been protected and whose tastes have been pleased. It's a feet-

the saving on every article, and it takes no more than a passing glance to as¬

sure you of the reality of the economy to be practiced in dealing here.

Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes, . « 75ctsLadies* Dongola Button Shoes (all solid) $1 00Ladies' Genuine Vivi Kid Button Shoes, $1 50

Ladies' French Kid, hand sewed hutton, $2 00

Gents' Buff Bals Congress, $1 00Gents' Buff Bal3 Congress, (all solid) $2 26

Gents' Genuine Calf Bals Congress, $2 00

Geuts' Genuine Calf Hand Sewed Bals C. $2 50Gents' Felt Alpine, all colors, at 75c, worth $1 25

Gents' Felt Alpine Hats in all latest styles and colors ut $1 worth $2' CALL -AUSTID _BE GO NTVJIISrCEID.

Store Open Until ll Saturday Evening.

The Great Eastern Shoe Co.,R. Gr.TARVER, Manager.





-Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in --



Veuve-Clicauot Ponsardim,Urbana Wine Company, .

Anheuser-Busch Brewing ABS9}