Gordon J Pye My Diary 2009 to August 2011 UK Riots !

Gordon J Pye My Diary 2009 to to August 2011 UK Riots!

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Gordon J Pye

My Diary 2009 to August 2011 UK Riots !

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EU Inspired False Economic Growth ( April 2010 )

Many of those who actively promote the "Corporate Nazi" ideology's apparent guru Milton Freidman allegedly wrote something like that the one and only one social responsibility of any business is to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase profits. (Just so long as it stays within the theoretical moral rules, that is to say it uses free competition and avoids any potential deception or fraud ?)

The only problem with the above is that large corporations have consistently lobbied government ( particularly in the UK ) to change or ignore any rules. The rot probably first set in after Dennis Healey took out the IMF loan in the mid 1970s. Ever since, pure science and engineering has been increasingly infiltrated by corporate politics and been misrepresented in order to produce the most profitable outcome from research in order to generate false economic growth on the stock market.

My personal business ideology was formed as I was brought up in a village corner shop which made its own ice cream. Also before leaving school I worked part time at a local small haulage contractor, despite being one of the top performing students on the technical side I dropped out of tech in the final year when they tried to indoctrinate me with corporate business theory, but stayed long enough to get the general idea.

My first real exposure to the corporate world was whilst working as a HGV driver delivering metal pressings to Ford plants in the mid 1980s. I was on friendly terms with the owner of said engineering business who would openly admit that he would make far more money if he had his capital investment in a building society. His main problem was getting paid on time by Ford, they owed him for several months work but he couldn't take any action to get paid as they would have instantly cancelled his contract. He had to buy all the steel from Ford at their price (they could probably justify this on quality control grounds ) but when one really bad quality batch of Ford Cargo cab back panels went rusty as soon a they were pressed, he had to pay to try to clean them up. Said engineering company arranged all their transport but then Ford demanded that they use Ford's own corporate haulage sub contractor at extra expense and inconvenience. We lost the haulage job but it was said about a couple of years later that Ford had sent in a team of managers to run said engineering works which then soon went into administration. Although we technically lost our jobs due to Ford transport policy our union ( T&G ) did nothing to help us even though our replacements were in foreign built vehicles and consistently breaking the drivers hours regulations.

In between hauling metal pressings we did multi drop chemicals throughout the UK. You could tell how a company treated its workforce by the way they dealt with you as far as getting quickly unloaded. It was always a pleasure to visit ICI sites, but that was in the days before most of the company was sold off and then virtually asset stripped for instant profit. Large companies like ICI always managed to retain their share price whilst providing decent working conditions and terms for their workforce, at least until the 1987 stock market crash. I can't remember whether the following is in strict chronological order, but I was informed first hand that when Guinness took over Distillers ( in a dodgy deal ) the rent of small arable farmers in west Lancashire was doubled overnight, a pattern which was to become all too familiar in the 1990s.

On the politics side, it would appear that Thatcher would not play their false economic growth to plug the black hole in the stock market game and so they tricked her into introducing the Poll Tax after which she was compelled to resign. Just as soon as Major got elected in his own right the false economic growth regulations were trotted out regularly. As far as personal experience was concerned we were hit by new sheeting regulations at the quarries, Tilcon must have know it was in the pipeline as they had sold the majority of their road haulage sector to Fewston, a company set up by the banks and profit based on sub letting haulage work to smaller haulage contractors. Tilcon had always bought several new British built Foden eight-wheelers every year but Fewston switched to Swedish Scania, the haulage rates never went up to cover the costs of sheeting, many experienced drivers left due to the health implications ( including myself with back problems ). The net result was the Sowerby Bridge Disaster in which several people lost their lives after a Fewston wagon ran away down the steep hill, given the evidence almost certainly caused by an inexperienced incompetent ex-police ( just recently passed HGV test driver ) "pumping" the air brakes after they " faded " on the long hill down into Halifax. Of course Tilcon escaped any vicarious liability at the time but the ministry of transport came in and got the haulage rates increased, after which Tilcon was subsequently taken over. All to prevent a bit of harmless dust getting onto the ten bob fat cat yuppies who had moved into the Dales new BMW's.

Then came Traffic Calming, and it in not simple coincidence that Hyndburn (the first local authority to

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introduce widespread traffic calming) was one of the first local authorities forced to sell its corporation bus fleet. One first rate coach builder I knew left (Stagecoach) Ribble Blackburn depot to become top man at Hyndburn Transport, only to leave after a couple of weeks later because the urgent repair workload (due to running over traffic calmed streets) was impossible to keep up with, he was such a good man that Ribble instantly gave him his old job back. Corporate Stagecoach picked up Hyndburn Transport on the cheap in a bent deal arranged with the bent Labour leader of the council who pushed the traffic calming in the first place, the first class engineering depot ( on a prime site ) was asset striped and sold. Other corporation transport operations have fallen to the corporates since due to being unable to even break even, and not being able to access new investment for more modern vehicles.

Another false economic growth investment scam was "disabled access to public transport," the corporates were all for it after sorting a bent deal with the minister in charge who's son was employed in a top management position by one of them. Just for the extra interest payments alone it would have been possible to provide a 24/7 dial up free taxi service to anywhere in the UK for anybody claiming DLA. Perhaps this prime example of politically correct lunacy is the main reason why its far cheaper per mile to run your car than use public transport because the fares are so high now in many areas. We have now reached a point where local authorities are forced to subsidise the majority of bus services using the council tax, the corporate bus operators taking the angle that if they can't turn a fat profit they wont run the service. Thatcher's bus privatisation plan has been amply proven an abject failure, short of total re-nationalisation the way forward now is efficient regulation with the bus operators turned into virtual road haulage contractors to the local council, who would collect all the fares and organise all the timetables.

Both the above false economic growth generating scams come via the EU but more recently motor industry funded alleged charities have been set up to demand legislation on the grounds of "road safety", but their impact has been nothing compared to the influence of environmental NGO's on government policy. Perhaps their first major victory was when Ken Clarke introduced the Road Fuel Tax Escalator, of course big business said nothing perhaps because they were prepared to run with anything which could prevent the top rate of income tax being increased and the resultant drop in funds to their "stock market parasites," (hedge funds and the like.) It didn't have any real impact at first but Labour was favourite to win the 1997 election and if there was a working brain between them they must have realised the RFTE made particularly northern manufacturing industry uncompetitive. However, Brown just carried on with it and by 1998 I can recall that hundreds of once well secure job for life "household name" manufacturing jobs were being lost every week.

This continued until the Farmers For Action fuel protests and ending of the RTFE in 2000, but by this time the "stock market parasites" had got it into their DNA that asset stripping British industry was far more profitable in the short term than actually trying to run it efficiently. By this time global big business had organised itself into a virtual Corporate Multinational Cartel ( CMC ) which prevented any real competition in an alleged " free market ", with direct services to the public contracted out to franchise holders in many cases. I suspect that the general public have no idea what the vast majority of FTSE listed companies actually do any more, and therefore it is impossible for members of the public to take any direct "consumer action" against them by withholding their trade. Take the toxic waste dumping in Africa more recently, it is impossible to decipher which major company was actually responsible, almost everyone in the chain escapes vicarious liability with the investment in the "shell company" which probably goes bust to pay the fines being insured by credit default swaps etc. The sting in the tail is that if it was not for alleged environmental groups bleating about non existent toxic pollution from waste incinerators with the latest technology we could have created well paid sustainable jobs in the UK.

That neatly brings us onto the next eco scam, household / industrial waste incineration or lack of it as far as the UK is concerned. Eco groups have bleated so loud over the last 20 years about toxic emission that most brain dead politicians (at least where engineering or science is concerned) have done everything they can to appease them. Many councils are now contracted to mega expensive "waste treatment plants," which probably cause anyone local far more noxious smell than any incinerator could ever do. The most logical way to dispose of waste is to incinerate and generate electricity, in rural areas where the potential smell is well away from residential areas but also to allow the construction of glasshouses in order to use any waste heat in order to grow the exotic fruit and vegetables currently imported by environmentally damaging air freight. Of course the UK is not allowed to do this because it hits the CMC in two areas, the energy sector ( electricity from incineration could reduce market prices ) and the airlines which indirectly hits the oil section of the cartel. Environmentalists have made a big noise about disposable carrier bags and other alleged excess packaging but if they were burnt to generate electricity we could reduce demand on other fuels. The UK has 300 years supply of good quality coal in the ground yet the environmentalists say we should not use it because there would appear to be doubts about the practicality of the most expensive option for capture of CO2. CO2 emissions from fossil fuel plants can be significantly reduced growing Chlorella, a fast growing

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Chinese pond slime which itself can be used as fuel, yet no UK research as I believe Shell hold the rights and they would prefer investment in gas ?

Despite all the environmentalist's rhetoric about standing up against big business it would appear that most of the policy they promote is in actual fact increasing the influence of the CMC over the UK economy, oil companies want an alleged low carbon economy in order to force up the market price of gas. Similarly the alleged environmentalists pushed for the introduction of traffic calming in towns which probably increases road transport pollution emissions by at least 10% on a national basis. The main question is how have the alleged environmentalists managed to get Carbon Dioxide classed as a pollutant in the first instance, the man made global warming theory is based on dubious science to say the least, but like most science I expect that research is skewed to reflect the interest of the CMC. Meanwhile its likely that implementing the Climate Change Act will result in the mass asset stripping of UK manufacturing industry on a scale not seen since the RFTE before 2000, it doesn't help that foreign aid money is allegedly being used to buy up mothballed UK machine tools on the cheap for export via third world countries.

Meanwhile UK citizen stakeholders are being sold short by the politicians for the benefit of the "stock market parasites" and false economic growth which continually increases the "financial apartheid" between rich and poor. Within the next 10 years the energy industry will fall to the same fate as Railtrack after the Hatfield crash in 2000, wind farms are a pointless waste of scarce investment. Evidence from Denmark and Germany shows that they have not closed a single fossil fuel plant, in fact Germany has had to open new fossil fuel plants to prevent power cuts, (probably not helped by the fact that Germany also backs up Denmark.) The main thrust of the wind farm scam is probably designed to inflate the world price of copper, its probable that you need far more copper per unit of energy produced in wind farms rather than fossil or nuclear power plants. Copper related mining shares appear to have been the main driver of the current recovery in the FTSE index, I suspect that all the hedge funds are in there borrowing up to the hilt to speculate in mining shares and thus denying scarce investment to real productive UK companies.

The UK faces the real possibility of regular power cuts which could precipitate total anarchy in our larger towns and cities, the situation is not helped by the fact that if anyone dare open a new power station or gas storage facility the alleged environmentalists are round there quick sharp with a fleet of corporate lawyers demanding a public enquiry. It would appear that the primary focus of mainstream alleged environmental groups has nothing to do with protecting the overall ecology of our planet (export pollution to China and India) and everything to do with inflating the cost of living in the UK, false economic growth which can be expressed as an increasing number on stock market indices. The UK can simply not afford to continue on the same false economic growth policy of the politicians always opting for the most inefficient and expensive option of achieving anything vital for the continued success and relative prosperity (and now that its been left to go on for so long perhaps the survival?) of our nation and its citizens.

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Political Diary 2009

News Night: 08/01/2009

It would appear that by continuously cutting base rate the Bank of England is effectively putting a virtual gun to the head of cash investors and saying "you will invest in the stock market or loose capital to inflation." This can't be helpful for our economy as the Banks need all the cash savings they can get their hands on in order to lend to real businesses.

The Corporate Nazi stock market parasites are lapping it up, they can borrow for virtually nothing and then hope that the large company they invest in will at least pay a decent dividend. At the same time smaller non stock market competitors are constrained from expanding even if they can survive without credit for monthly outgoings.

There has already been a mini share price bubble over the holiday period, but it has to be noted that one TV commentator once claimed that the FTSE was only worth 3000 if you stripped out all the borrowed borrowings.

NN: 13/01/2009

I could understand the third runway for Heathrow argument if it was a full length runway capable of handling the more fuel efficient bigger jets. However, it would appear that its a short runway aimed primarily at the few celebrity Corporate Nazi's in their Learjet's. They can just nip into Heathrow from small regional airports and then transfer to first class for longer distance. Hardly likely to create many extra jobs or benefit the majority of air passengers.

NN: 14/09/2009

With the FTSE down almost 5% it would appear that the stock market parasites don't like Mandy's "small business loan guarantee" scheme. It puts a stick in the spokes of the wheel of the Corporate Nazi plan to force all non stock market listed (or franchised) companies out of the market. The Corporate Nazi's were hoping to use cartel members (the banks) to withhold funding from any serious smaller scale competitors, but it would appear that smaller industrial companies are now a safer bet for the banks than hedge funds.

One union rep on More4 news last week claimed that funds to lend to industry were short because the Hedge Funds were sat on most of the capital. Perhaps the banks could now call in this hedge fund money and redirect it towards real industry, it could crash the FTSE in the coming weeks. Bank stocks would appear to be under particular pressure but it could make it simpler to take the most productive longer term option of nationalizing all the UK banks in full at the earliest opportunity.

NN: 15/01/2009

While everyone is watching the Israeli's and the Palestinians meanwhile back on the home front:


Just in case the link wont work its all about Ed Milliband suggesting that there is a "broad consensus" in the country for nationalizing the Banks. Likewise stronger regulation on the City.

With his communist parental history perhaps some right wing commentators will attempt to portray that Labour gave the stock market parasites enough rope to hang themselves in order to have the excuse to nationalize the banks.

NN: 01/02/2009

It would appear that the Corporate Nazi stock market parasites are wagging Brown and Mandelson not to attempt to change the law on EU corporate contracts.

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The current situation with workers living on a virtual prison ship whilst paying through the nose for the privilege is a template of how the Corporate Nazi's envisage the future of paid employment. Of course its okay, because British workers can get employment on the continent if they are prepared to be away from their family and live in a virtual concentration camp. The stock market can also parasite by changing even more money (they will never support adoption of the Euro).

NN: 05/02/2009

Its pretty obvious that the BoE is running interest rate policy purely in the interests of the stock market parasites. Cutting rates further will do nothing to increase the money supply to real business providing real jobs in the real economy. However, it will swell the balance sheets of hedge funds etc, thus justifying huge bonuses for parasitic traders be it in part state owned banks or otherwise.

It is interesting to note that the market has recovered this week since Panda failed to rule out the creation of a "bad bank" to take over "toxic assets." It's pretty obvious that the stock market parasites are dictating the government agenda. The best independent financial brains favour nationalization of the UK banks, but as usual the corporate multinational cartel threaten with massive job losses in their constituent companies.

NN: 06/02/2009

Chief Ten Bob Fat Cat Hazel Blears may wonder why the working class has lost faith in politicians in general, but perhaps the following Corporate Nazi Corporate Ethnic Cleansing policy Blears supports goes some way to explaining it.

They are going to demolish 500 perfectly sound terraced houses in east Manchester and replace them with 400 "Town Houses" and a new street plan. Obviously those "working class" already in residence there can't afford to stay there and will be in effect economically cleansed.

Many "working class" people bought their house cheap with the help of their redundancy money when the mills etc closed down. Most of them paid off their mortgage ( if any ) years ago, were content to stay where they were and did not chase the false money of property speculation. Most of them managed to build up quite adequate cash savings to supplement their retirement income and still leave something to their children on death.

They now find themselves in a position where what is offered for their "house" will in no way buy them an equivalent replacement in an area safe from future "regeneration." Likewise interest rates have collapsed which leaves them on the breadline with no hope of being able to afford a new mortgage. Their only other alternative is high rent which will lower their relative standard of living.

Working class people do not want alleged regeneration none of them can afford, far better to renovate the existing properties, but this is probably not allowed due to only two bedrooms being unsuitable for Asians with large families. A compromise could be knocking two houses into one as many Asian families have done in towns like Burnley.

It would appear that the sticking point is that large scale government projects are only awarded to members of the international construction cartel. This means that there is a good chance that any new jobs created will go to immigrants, ( as Blears suggested many employment agencies will only employ immigrants they can fleece for living accommodation ).

A far better way to renew our housing stock would be to let small scale local developers ( builders ) do the work even if the time scale could be longer overall. Small builders tend to employ local labour before people who can't fluently speak our language. I believe that local small builders were queuing up to buy and renovate empty good quality terraced houses in Liverpool, but denied the opportunity. It is probably the case that ( renovated ) much of our existing housing stock is far better than the crap that passes for new building these days.

NN 12/02/2009

barrie #12

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The Japs are actually quite good at building trains, I once rode in the cab of a NZR Dmu at 90 Mph on three foot six gauge track (admittedly straight)

The UK problem stems from the fact that Thatcher shut most of the main BR workshops (which built the HST's.) Prescott made matters worse with his dash to get rid of slam door trains, temporary boom for the remaining British railway equipment suppliers, now almost all are virtually closed down.

Good point tawe57 #4, there is no good reason why the current HST fleet can't be kept running and in good condition for another 30 years. The money would be far better spent as part of a network of new TGV style high speed main lines between key cities.

However the politicians have to be seen to be good ten bob fat cats by their stock market parasite puppet masters. Plenty of potential false economic growth, but the new main engineering works must be positive even though it is likely to employ relatively few people. It just a pity that most of the the general public still believe in " penny plain tuppence coloured "

NN :13/02/2009

It must be obvious to any intelligent people that the only thing standing in the way of nationalizing the banks and getting the money supply going again is the Corporate Nazi quasi-religion Brown and others subscribe to. Not much chance of a balanced debate and discussion from your alleged G3 team then.

Paul Mason " Wigan Pier trip "

"We're at rock bottom here. It can't get any worse. Eight out of 10 people I pick up are single mums, long-term unemployed, pensioners, long-term sick. They're not going to lose money in the credit crunch, plus things are going to get cheaper."

The above statement must prove the ludicrous false economy we currently operate in if the above groups find it cheaper to use a mini-cab than buses. It perhaps also demonstrates the absolute waste of money disabled access to public transport as prescribed by Ried under Prescott has been. No wonder our country is virtually skint!

NN: 14/2/2009

Perhaps the Tories welcome David Freud the "Arbiet Macht Frie" Corporate Nazi stock market parasite with the final solution for the disabled. No need for concentration camps, far more profitable to starve and freeze to death the disabled or thereby "economically inactive" in their "own" home. Typical of a party willing to sell out to Hitler in 1940, no bombing of German armaments factories because they were "private property" and all that.

NN: 26/02/2009

Big business was behind the smoking ban, even though the health fascists promoted it the whole object of the exercise was to promote false economic growth in the economy. Instead of a few small farmers almost directly selling tobacco to smokers, now the pharmaceutical giants can promote nicotine patches, inhalers, chewing gum etc. Of course all this stopping smoking paraphernalia is mostly funded by the NHS, which means a direct subsidy for corporate multinational drug companies paid for by the taxpayer.

The stock market parasites can make an imaginary fortune on potentially increased drug company share prices. Then further fuel their pyramid scheme by borrowing against the theoretical increase in the price of their assets. All good for city bonuses, not good for the future of our welfare state. Likewise property developers eager to expand their empires can snap up prime town centre or rural property formerly used as a " pub " at bargain prices. Unfortunately the current property price crash has urinated on their fireworks to some extent yet pubs keep closing as they are still worth more dead than alive.

NN 27/02/2009

Gordon Brown and friend's slavish observance of the Corporate Nazi quasi-religion is going to cost the taxpayer an absolute fortune with no benefit to the people of Britain whatsoever. Perhaps it's time to stop

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listening to empty headed ten bob fat cat commentators like Will Hutton (rabbit in the headlights) who almost lost the plot last year.

By the time the Corporate Nazi's have finished asking for yet even more money to bail them out we could have funded something really useful to the majority of the population like a Citizens Income. How much more money will be sacrificed on the altar of the Corporate Nazi quasi-religion before the now almost inevitable nationalization of the entire UK banking system.

NN: 04/03/2009

barrie #1

I suspect that Browns favourite Corporate Nazi spin doctors (inherited from Blair) wrote his speeches to the US congress. It would appear that the whole object of the exercise was to please the stock market parasites, and it looks as though it has done the trick. Massive gains on both FTSE and Dow despite yet more bad economic news. Perhaps the stock market parasites think that their puppet politicians will let them off the hook lightly with any future international financial regulation.

NN 06/03/2009

Whilst I generally loathe eco-fascists they do have a valid point about the proposal for a third runway at Heathrow. It would appear that the new (short) runway is being built in the interest of Corporate Nazi stock market celebrities in order that they can gain quick access to first class commercial intercontinental flights via their helicopters and private jets. They are all good mates with Mandelson and others who visit yachts etc, so no wonder he was at the front of those wishing to put it through cabinet.

The Corporate Nazi eco-fascists expect their puppet government to tax the poor to give up their often modest carbon footprint in order that they can preserve their often lavish lifestyles.

As for alleged "blacklists" its probable that the practice has been going on at least since Thatcher came to power in 1979. I remember in the last year at tech 1982 we all did a test ( for fun ) to find out where on the political spectrum we came. The forms were collected at the end and allegedly destroyed but who is to say that they were not passed on to a third party. I was classified as a " communist " (even though I voted Tory in 1979) and despite my excellent qualifications, found that I never had any success with job applications to big companies.

#11 mercerdavids

You can't really class the 700 local residents about to be effectively "ethnically cleansed" from their long term homes to make way for the new third runway at Heathrow "NIMBY's" The cutting distance of long haul air traffic argument is a red herring, its landing and taking off where the bulk of fuel is used. The third runway is likely to increase the number of flights by less fuel efficient small planes over even shorter distances.

This Safe Speed Blog post got a mention in the Times, 08/03/2009

Being an ex-fireman one would expect that Jim Fitzpatrick would understand that speed is not the most potentially dangerous factor in road accidents. However, it would appear that he has plans to reduce the National Speed Limit to only 50 Mph blanket. Local authorities would be allowed to set the limit at 60 Mph if deemed appropriate and justified, not much chance of that.

These Corporate Nazi New Labour bastards are intent on turning currently law abiding citizens into criminals, they intend to enforce said speed limits with cash cow average speed cameras. Of course the stock market parasites will make a fortune on selling the probably imported electronics. The technology can also be used for future nationwide road pricing by stealth, despite mass public opposition in the Manchester vote and having failed to win the argument on toll roads.

Like all other alleged "safety" policy, its all about promoting false economic growth in our economy which increases the divide between rich and poor.

If you really want to show these incompetent Corporate Nazi politicians "where to stick it" do what they most

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fear and vote BNP at the forthcoming EU elections. If you are anti EU anyway forget UKIP, they have been proven to be just a corrupt as the rest of them.

“Exceeding the speed limit was attributed to 3% of cars involved in accidents, while travelling too fast for conditions was attributed to 6%. For fatal accidents these figures are 7% and 10% respectively.” Whereas, “Driver/rider error or reaction” was attributed as a contributory factor in 66% of all fatalities.

Limp-Dump bashing 13/03/2009

We once had the misfortune of having a Lib-Dem local ( RVBC ) councillor in our village. The empty headed idiot got the speed limit cut from 60 to 40 on the main road into the village. It turned 75% of the local population into instant theoretical criminals, even the buses still do 50 around the bend it was intended to make " safer ".At the last main RVBC elections he stood of a platform of building a new roundabout at the junction in the centre of our village. I wrote a letter into the local paper pointing out that the traffic pollution in our village centre would be doubled. Despite being a sitting councillor and big in the local church he was annihilated by a new unknown " Tory " candidate opposed to the plan.

The Lib-Dem's lost control of RVBC at said elections but they were already a long way down the road to introducing BIN TAX having spent 30k on microchips for the new recycling bins. Of course any properly scientifically advised council would have gone for the generating electricity from incineration route. Again eco-fascist propaganda held sway and now many outlying rural residents face the inconvenience of taking their daily rubbish up to half a mile by car to where the council will collect the wheelie bins. The once picturesque valley now has its roadsides cluttered with banks of recycling bins.

At a recent by-election caused by the mysterious resignation of a very long standing senior Lib-Dem councillor in a village in the south of the valley, the Tories fought on NO BIN TAX and won three to one. The said village is a mixture of affordable housing but with some very expensive new build recently, a broad cross-section of the income scale.

The people of the Ribble Valley know what a Lid-Dem controlled council represents and have told them where they can go and stick it.

NN: 27/03/2009

What gets me angry is the way in which a minority of eco-fascist hold so much sway on UK and EU government policy.

By the time you have wasted millions of tons of concrete and steel to build wind farms which at best only produce power for 30% of the time you could have built both a Severn and Morecambe Bay barrage which could produce energy for almost the whole 365 day year. Trouble is that as usual with anything actually useful the Eco-fascists oppose it due to its theoretical effect on wildlife. French experience with a current similar scheme proves that a barrage will not adversely effect wildlife.

Similarly with energy from waste, the UK could produce up to 15% of its base load electricity from modern household / industrial waste. With the current recycling only policy fly tipping is out of control in some areas, with incineration much of such waste could be disposed of for free due to the potential heat in contains.

The eco-fascist spew out so much bullshit and have cried "wolf" so much on environment policy that it is perhaps hardly surprising they loose the argument when it really matters like building the new third runway at Heathrow.

NN: 30/03/2009

If you are unfortunate enough to get a smelly waste recycling centre in your neighbourhood blame the eco-fascists who encouraged empty headed Tomlinson and his mates to go for the scheme. I believe it involves a lucrative private contract with a corporate multinational so perhaps plenty of brown envelopes floating around.

Each local area could have had its own modern almost pollution free (despite eco fascist propaganda) incinerator generating cheap electricity. Furthermore any local homes could have gained cheap heating and

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hot water from the waste heat with only a fraction of the likely smell. The Isle of Man has done it so why not Lancashire.

NN: 30/03/2009

Once again the world's stock markets have imploded just because the stock market parasites are not likely to get exactly what they ordered from the G20. It would appear that the only policy significantly agreed upon is for new tougher international financial regulation. Therefore far less chance of the hedge funds climbing out of their black hole with constructive (false) accounting. It was reported on BBC News channel earlier that perhaps Barclays share price would not have been hit so hard if they had released the news that they would not be participating in the UK governments (toxic) asset insurance scheme. Perhaps this demonstrates that they have not got enough reserves to be able to afford the premium ?

It would appear that offshore tax havens are becoming an endangered species, so perhaps in future there will be less opportunity for fraudulent asset trading. Unfortunately it would appear that we will have to rely on the integrity of the Corporate Nazi stock market parasite criminals who got us here in the first place to act as future regulators.

NN: 02/04/2009

It looks like Brown and his Corporate Nazi puppet politicians have delivered just what their stock market parasite masters ordered at the G20. Mining shares gone ballistic, plenty of opportunities to invent yet even more false money to perpetuate the global financial problem. More money for the IMF so more opportunity for the Corporate Multinational Cartel to embezzle funds via corrupt third world country leaders.

Not much on the alleged commitment to clamp down on tax havens or effective international regulation. Welfare State for the stock market parasites with little or no corporate responsibilities. The less well off will end up paying for it all with inflation despite attempts to knobble the statistics.

NN: 04/04/2009

Its all very well worrying about human rights in Afghanistan, and I for one am not impressed by the way Muslims treat their women in the UK when they can get away with it due to the police being too PC to intervene. However, if one takes a broader insight of what's going on as regards to human rights in the UK in general a subtle trend towards corporate enslavement is under way.

Employment agencies are the epitome of mass slavery to the Corporate Nazi's, it is virtually impossible to get a job in any large organization without going through an employment agency. Furthermore, it costs public bodies like local councils and the NHS a fortune when they could take on employees at less than agency cost price.

Employment agencies can use post code information to any potential employees to engage in a form of corporate ethnic cleansing. I suspect that people could be driven from any estate property speculators and developers have desires on. Then they blame some people for being on the dole for years, not having the option to move out to another higher priced area. It's all about rigging the property market causing massive house price inflation in some areas whilst councils are forced to virtually give their council house assets to bogus charity housing associations for the stock market parasites to borrow against. Against assurances to tenants voting for "privatisation" rents have increased at rates well above that of inflation, now there are reports of funds not being available for "regeneration" even though the target property is already effectively ethnically cleansed, if not economically cleansed.

Things look particularly bleak if you are currently classified "disabled", new more strict tests will ensure that many will be forced onto JSA with no realistic prospect of ever even being considered for any job they could actually do. A report out today states that people on state benefits can no longer afford to eat properly whatever the government rhetoric on healthy eating. Most of them probably spent last winter freezing to death because the couldn't afford the energy bill, ours was 835 quid quarter to February, only an average modernized house if ancient. Porrit let the cat out of the bag when he could not deny that the eco-fascists had plans to reduce the UK population to 30 million. That probably includes most of the "poor" people who can simply not afford to live here any more due to "green" taxes etc.

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It would appear that there is to be no welfare state provision for those which fail the virtual corporate compatibility test now used by employment agencies. It is proposed that after a year claimants will be forced to " work " for their benefits. Perhaps many councils and large companies will start employing these (private agency) dole slaves for menial tasks instead of giving people a secure full time job with benefits other workers in that company / authority currently enjoy. It would appear that perks like company pensions are no longer economic to support, perhaps they were only ever there in the first place as a bribe to the electorate not to vote for parties sympathetic to the former Soviet block, or any form of nationalization, that corporate justification ended long ago now with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Brown preaches fiscal stimulus, but he has just put another three pence a litre on road fuel, in addition to that put on to compensate for a cut in VAT last December. Despite the rhetoric, this must indicate an overall tax increase despite the alleged VAT cut, and fuel costs all add to inflation for 90% of the " economically active ". All this reduces our global competitiveness, it looks like transport costs finally got Verison a car part company with one "main" plant in Northern Ireland, transport costs probably killed Woolworths over Christmas. It looks like the DUP 500 million Corporate Multinational Cartel sponsored bribe to vote for 42 days detention has spectacularly fallen through with the announcement of nearly a thousand job cuts at Bombardier.

Perhaps the only way to preserve what freedom we have left is to keep the stock market parasites skint, even so far as crashing the entire global financial market. Perhaps then we could concentrate on funding the real economy of our country and at least put our infrastructure back into the relatively well maintained condition it was 40 years ago.

NN: 06/04/2009

JadedJean # 4

I suppose that there is a even chance that tonight's NewsNight will metamorphosis' into a feature length advert for the corporate multinational drug peddlers. No doubt the stock market parasites will be rubbing their hands together on the prospect of more people taking out specific cancer insurance. A boost for the latest health craze as advertised on free view, full health MOT including things like MRI scans in fancy new purpose built private hospitals.

If you die after seventy you die of "Old Age," strip out the over seventies from the cancer statistics and perhaps cancer rates don't look so bad. Cancer is not a new problem, take R J Mitchell the designer of the Spitfire, he died at a relatively young age from "cancer" in the 1930s.

NN: 08/04/2009


The eco-fascists always attempt to portray how bad burning coal is as far as causing global warming is concerned. However, basic combustion science suggests that burning coal emits far less Water Vapour than burning gas or oil. Given that water vapour is said to be just as bad a greenhouse gas as CO2, does the lack of water vapour when burning coal cancel out the increased CO2 to some extent ?

(Source British Transport Commission Hand Book for Steam Locomotive Enginemen)

malmaple # 18

I did a quick Google search and this popped up


It would appear that water vapour is being considered as a pollutant by some people, and if it is self regulating as you claim (could be eco-fascist Aristotle based) why therefore is CO2 not self regulating either. As a rough guide I was taught that burning one gallon of petrol produces one gallon of water, all this water has to go somewhere either in increased rainfall or raising the sea level. Unfortunately I not up to speed on the science of how much heat is released when water vapour is condensed into rain in our atmosphere.

I don't trust the eco-fascists on science, after all they did support the introduction of traffic calming which

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doubles the potentially toxic alleged asthma causing pollution from motor vehicles on our roads. CO2 production is also vastly increased.

GO1 # 30

Handbook for steam locomotive engine men was written by true engineers, not the university trained idiots we have today attempting to appease their corporate funders quasi-religion. Whatever you say, the eco-fascists can't get around the traffic calming causes pollution problem. I have been pointing it out since 1995, only now have the facts been recognized only to be " less pregnant " with 20 Mph zones as the alternative, and then only to sell average speed camera technology. Eco-fascism is all about selling new products and new "tech" company share price speculation, nothing to do with protecting the environment.

NN: 08/04/2009

Gordon Brown preaches fiscal stimulus, but he has just put another almost 3p a litre on road fuel, in addition to that put on to compensate for a cut in VAT last December. Despite the rhetoric, this must indicate an overall tax increase despite the alleged VAT cut, and fuel costs all add to inflation for 90% of the " economically active ". All this reduces our global competitiveness, it looks like transport costs finally got Verison a car part company with one "main" plant in Northern Ireland, transport costs probably killed Woolworths over Christmas. Transporting bulky goods is not that fuel efficient per ton, large vans mean that you are dragging the wind around all day.

Its all part of a "Corporate Nazi" ideology where large corporations lobby government to make everything as inefficient (difficult) and expensive as possible, especially for people living in rural areas. A key part of the "Corporate Nazi" plan is the systematic dismantling of our welfare state whilst at the same time providing a virtual welfare state for the Banks and their stock market parasites, increasing the divide between rich and poor.

Not much hope from the Tories either, they have just brought Ken Clarke back onto their front bench in a senior position. Those with a good memory will recall that when chancellor,he was the original architect of the Road Fuel Tax Escalator, likewise raising the duty on diesel to make it more expensive than petrol. Unfortunately the Tories have not ruled out increases in "green" taxes if they as expected win the next general election.

The Lib-Dumbocrats are the puppets of the eco-fascists and will definitely massively increase road fuel taxes on the strength that they will cut the basic rate of income tax by four pence. However that's not much use to you if you are currently struggling to run your car in order to get to work on near minimum wage. I believe that the Association of British Drivers once calculated that current fuel duty is the equivalent of 10p on the basic rate of tax for anyone earning minimum wage on an average commute.

It looks as though mainstream party alleged democracy has failed the people of our country. Government policy is no longer dictated by the people but by the fraudulent Bankers and their stock market parasites. High road fuel tax is a tool they use to close down our manufacturing industry, the bankers look on it that its more profitable for them to sit in an office and change money on the resultant extra imports.

The only party offering cuts in road fuel duty is the BNP, but they have no real prospect of ever becoming an influence on government. However they do stand a fair chance of winning several seats at the coming EU elections under PR, in which everyone gets at least some influence on the outcome. Its not as if MEP's have a huge influence over UK government policy but voting BNP at the EU elections could teach the mainstream parties a valuable lesson. ID cards, Bin Tax, Toll Roads, Average Speed Cameras and other potential infringements of personal freedom have not gone away despite the theoretical temporary suspension or none take up of policy by local authorities. If you don't like the members you get you can always throw them out at the next election.

Voting for the BNP is the one thing the mainstream politicians fear the most because its a direct attack on their Corporate Nazi quasi-religion. Voting BNP is the nuclear option as far as protest voting is concerned, if you are euro-sceptic anyway, forget UKIP, they have been shown proven to be just as institutionally corrupt as the other alleged " safe " politicians.

Some say that the BNP are hardly attractive, but, "attractiveness" has got nothing to do with it. The BNP don't dispute the Holocaust, just the figures and I believe that even the Auschwitz plaque proclaiming 4 million deaths had been recently replaced with one stating the correct figure of 1.2 million.

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The BNP are German Nazi analogy is pure spin, but perhaps what system we currently have as far as personal freedoms go is far worse than the NSPD could ever of dreamed of. In fact the first thing Hitler did when he occupied Holland was introduce identity cards to all Dutch citizen. The Nazis could never have dreamed of the technology we have in our country for tracking the movement of individuals. Almost everybody has a mobile phone, but that's not good enough, now they make up excuses to increase technology to track everybody's car movements.

The key is to fight fire with fire, and as I say the BNP are the nuclear option when it comes down to protest voting.

Unfortunately there are some really nasty people out there who are not averse to the prospect of a civil war if democracy fails them. Successive governments have seen this coming and perhaps one good reason that they have installed traffic calming in Asian areas in big towns is to help control any future civil unrest. Of course they have it in "rough" white dominated estates also, where the chattering classes consider a large proportion of the inhabitants are at or near the poverty line.

Humps in the road are an ideal protection against anyone stealing a service vehicle in an attempt to break out through the gates. Impossible to get any decent speed up if there are humps everywhere. Its only one easy step to ring fencing certain areas of towns and turning them into virtual Warsaw type ghettos. Nobody will be let in or out without a permit, plenty of work for private security guard companies now that much housing is under the control of housing associations. I believe that locked gates have already been installed on some "alley's".

Things look particularly bleak if you are currently classified "disabled", new more strict tests will ensure that many will be forced onto JSA with no realistic prospect of ever even being considered for any job they could actually do. A report out today states that people on state benefits can no longer afford to eat properly whatever the government rhetoric on healthy eating. Most of them probably spent last winter freezing to death because the couldn't afford the energy bill, ours was 835 quid quarter to February, only an average modernized house if ancient. Porritt let the cat out of the bag when he could not deny that the eco-fascists had plans to reduce the UK population to 30 million. That probably includes most of the "poor" people who can simply not afford to live here any more due to "green" taxes etc.

It would appear that there is to be no welfare state provision for those which fail the virtual corporate compatibility test now used by employment agencies. It is proposed that after a year claimants will be forced to " work " for their benefits. Perhaps many councils and large companies will start employing these (private agency) dole slaves for menial tasks instead of giving people a secure full time job with benefits other workers in that company / authority currently enjoy. It would appear that perks like company pensions are no longer economic to support, perhaps they were only ever there in the first place as a bribe to the electorate not to vote for parties sympathetic to the former Soviet block, or any form of nationalization, that corporate justification ended long ago now with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The stock market parasites are at a bit of a loss because they can't really start any major international war due to the nuclear deterrent. Far easier for them to get their puppet politicians to engineer a situation where a significant number of their population are becoming increasingly desperate for real change. If the BNP winning a few seats at the EU elections can put off the now almost inevitable civil unrest if policy fails to change in our country then I am all for it.

NN: 13/04/2009

It would appear that the government are seriously considering a "Car Scrap" scheme for "old" vehicles, namely cars over 9 years old. I believe that FoE support it, despite the fact that producing a new vehicle causes as much pollution in creation, as they will admit in their natural life. There are plenty of perfectly serviceable car's over 9 years old, and perhaps instead of scrapping them perhaps they could be given to third world countries as a substitute for cash aid.

Perhaps they could also do it with vans and wagons, the third world is crying out for better transport, 25+ years old wagons are still being used in my locality.

They could provide instant cheap transport in third world countries, generate business, and perhaps give some people the first rung on the transport ladder. There is a potential market for it as the Tata Nano hopes to prove, 3rd class riding is always preferable to first class walking. Unfortunately though it would appear that

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the Tato Nano has got insufficient ground clearance to be of any use on rough tracks. Although not ideal, the average British car would be better and could include 4 by 4's.

Another problem with it is that unless you are rich enough to afford to pay cash, its just a bribe to encourage you to take on even more credit. Despite the slack market for new cars major manufacturers have already put their prices up significantly in anticipation.

NN: 14/04/2009

It would appear that what Brown's adviser was indulging in against the Tories is and has something in common with the type of tactics used an any prospective BNP candidates. In fact it could be said that this applies to anyone who supports policies in common with the BNP are also attacked, and its not just the BNP, anyone who questions climate change is treated similarly, it even happens on this forum.

Those engaged in "character assassination" would appear to come from hardcore Corporate Nazi faith, with eco-fascism high in their esteem. Perhaps JadedJean would describe them as anarcho capitalist Trotskyites, but they have all got one thing in common and that is to lead us into a virtual civil war. The Green Party lost just two thirds of its vote in the recent semi derelict Manchester area (Moston) by election. They must be desperate to claim that they can provide the next MP for Brighton, but it would appear that they have very little support in the north.

They eco-fascists appear to be becoming desperate with plans to close down key power stations in order to provoke anarchy in the big towns. Good job the police stepped in when they did at Nottingham, a brilliant piece of police work compared the the G20. Human rights camp squealing, but its the eco-fascists who have got plans to dispose of half the UK population, how do they propose to do this short of some form of virtual holocaust. They did the training run during the 2001 foot and mouth animal disposal, no need for gas chambers, crematoriums, rendering is more profitable.

Unfortunately there are some really nasty people out there who are not averse to the prospect of a civil war if democracy fails them. Successive governments have seen this coming and perhaps one good reason that they have installed traffic calming in Asian areas in big towns is to help control any future civil unrest. Of course they have it in "rough" white dominated estates also, where the chattering classes consider a large proportion of the inhabitants are at or near the poverty line.

Humps in the road are an ideal protection against anyone stealing a service vehicle in an attempt to break out through the gates. Impossible to get any decent speed up if there are humps everywhere. Its only one easy step to ring fencing certain areas of towns and turning them into virtual Warsaw type ghettos. Nobody will be let in or out without a permit, plenty of work for private security guard companies now that much housing is under the control of housing associations. I believe that locked gates have already been installed on some "alleys".

The eco-fascists are potentially far more dangerous than Muslim fundamentalists and their alleged bomb plots. But it doesn't stop there, only recently members of the BNP were attacked by a gang of " black youths ", one was hit on the head with a claw hammer. Fortunately it was only a relatively minor flesh wound, but the police just stood by and watched having spent ages threatening landlords with withdrawal of their license if they let the BNP hold a formal meeting there. No doubt the "youth" were paid for by someone perhaps in drug money, or even given drugs to participate. I can't see the eco-fascists doing the Nottingham job for free either, some came a long way when everyone is alleged skint.

GO1 # 9

Funny how you associate me with totalitarian regimes when as a long term contributor to this blog you should know my position as far as Proportional Representation.

I'm a bit like Barrie in that I don't actually support any party but that is not to say that I am anti democracy.It looks as though mainstream party alleged democracy has failed the people of our country. Government policy is no longer dictated by the people but by the fraudulent Bankers and their stock market parasites.

Voting for the BNP in the EU elections is the one thing the mainstream politicians fear the most because it's a direct attack on their Corporate Nazi quasi-religion. Voting BNP is the nuclear option as far as protest voting is concerned, if you are euro-sceptic anyway, forget UKIP, they have been shown proven to be just as

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institutionally corrupt as the other alleged "safe" politicians.


KCL #11 try again for some unknown reason

Up until three years ago I was running a 15 year old Peugeot 205 naturally aspirated Diesel, but it was almost completely knackered so having the spare cash I went for a new car. I chose a 1000cc Kia Picanto, only five and a half grand, no air conditioning or anything fancy, performs as good as the Peugeot and similar Mpg except cheaper on petrol. It's built very well, proper decent size heavy duty components (weighs over a ton) as I found when I first looked under it properly the other day when it flew through the MOT. I hope to keep it as long as economic, but the EU sneaked though new rules that main dealers need not supply the required computer software to independent garages for servicing etc.

Family electric cars have no real future unless you carry the main batteries in a trailer which can be quickly exchanged at a network of participating charging stations. No need for expensive nickel, lead acid is proven technology and easy to recycle. I bet that you could mass produce a practical family electric car for less than 10 grand, all this subsidy is going to achieve is to keep the price up.

NN: 21/04/2009

dave427 #19

There is one thing for certain and that is that this alleged boost to "green" industries is likely to be little more than a virtual welfare state for the stock market parasites. I suspect that only members of the current motor section members of the Corporate Multinational Cartel will be allowed to participate. I bet that I couldn't get funding to develop a practical family electric car for less than £10,000 and have the potential to last 30 years with periodic refurbishment, you could hand it on to your kids when they start driving.

The key would be to place the batteries (relatively cheap lead acid) in an exchangeable trailer, with a network of small trailer exchange charging stations around the whole country. No need for fancy new technology, just learn from the engineering of the past, cut power consumption at low speed by using two motors driving through a differential. My idea also has the potential to improve regenerative braking.

Of course I will never be allowed to do it because I have not been brainwashed with all the corporate propaganda flaunted while taking a formal degree.

NN: 21/04/2009

No doubt tomorrow's budget will be all about enhancing the emerging welfare state for the stock market parasites whilst holding a knife at the throat of potentially expanding small businesses?

Whilst most of the quasi religious commentators are focusing on the token 50p tax rate for those on over 150k (should have been 50p on over 50k to do any good) Panda has sneaked in extra private tax. Funds for useless new wind farms (550 million) are to be paid for ROC obligations via everyone's energy bills, extra percentage increase not specified.

Gordon Brown preaches fiscal stimulus, but Panda has just reintroduced a new Road Fuel Tax Escalator we have just had almost three pence a litre on road fuel, in addition to that put on to compensate for a cut in VAT last December. Despite the rhetoric, this must indicate an overall tax increase despite the alleged VAT cut, and fuel costs all add to inflation for 90% of the "economically active". All this reduces our global competitiveness, it looks like transport costs finally got Verison a car part company with one "main" plant in Northern Ireland, transport costs probably killed Woolworths over Christmas. Transporting bulky goods is not that fuel efficient per ton, large vans mean that you are dragging the wind around all day. Blair's faithful Corporate Nazi mate Charles Clarke claims that introducing Toll Roads would be a good way to fleece the public to pay down the mega deficit.

Its all part of a "Corporate Nazi" ideology where large corporations lobby government to make everything as inefficient (difficult) and expensive as possible, especially for people living in rural areas. A key part of the "Corporate Nazi" plan is the systematic dismantling of our welfare state whilst at the same time providing a

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virtual welfare state for the Banks and their stock market parasites, increasing the divide between rich and poor.

Not much hope from the Tories either, they have just brought Ken Clarke back onto their front bench in a senior position. Those with a good memory will recall that when chancellor,he was the original architect of the Road Fuel Tax Escalator, likewise raising the duty on diesel to make it more expensive than petrol. Unfortunately the Tories have not ruled out increases in "green" taxes if they as expected win the next general election. I can't understand why the BBC keep inviting Clarke to comment on finance when he has got dirty underpants when it comes to discussing opposition to road fuel tax policy.

The Lib-Dumbocrats are the puppets of the eco-fascists and will definitely massively increase road fuel taxes on the strength that they will cut the basic rate of income tax by 4p. However that's not much use to you if you are currently struggling to run your car in order to get to work on near minimum wage. I believe that the Association of British Drivers once calculated that current fuel duty is the equivalent of 10p on the basic rate of tax for anyone earning minimum wage on an average commute.

It looks as though mainstream party alleged democracy has failed the people of our country. Government policy is no longer dictated by the people but by the fraudulent Bankers and their stock market parasites. High road fuel tax is a tool they use to close down our manufacturing industry, the bankers look on it that its more profitable for them to sit in an office and change money on the resultant extra imports.

The only party offering cuts in road fuel duty is the BNP, but they have no real prospect of ever becoming an influence on government. However they do stand a fair chance of winning several seats at the coming EU elections under PR, in which everyone gets at least some influence on the outcome. Its not as if MEP's have a huge influence over UK government policy but voting BNP at the EU elections could teach the mainstream parties a valuable lesson. ID cards, Bin Tax, Toll Roads, Average Speed Cameras and other potential infringements of personal freedom have not gone away despite the theoretical temporary suspension or none take up of policy by local authorities. If you don't like the members you get you can always throw them out at the next election.

Voting for the BNP is the one thing the mainstream politicians fear the most because its a direct attack on their Corporate Nazi quasi-religion. Voting BNP is the nuclear option as far as protest voting is concerned, if you are euro-sceptic anyway, forget UKIP, they have been shown proven to be just as institutionally corrupt as the other alleged " safe " politicians.

Some say that the BNP are hardly attractive, but , "attractiveness" has got nothing to do with it. The BNP don't dispute the Holocaust, just the figures and I believe that even the Auschwitz plaque proclaiming 4 million deaths had been recently replaced with one stating the correct figure of 1.2 million.

The BNP are German Nazi analogy is pure spin, but perhaps what system we currently have as far as personal freedoms go is far worse than the NSPD could ever of dreamed of. In fact the first thing Hitler did when he occupied Holland was introduce identity cards to all Dutch citizen. The Nazis could never have dreamed of the technology we have in our country for tracking the movement of individuals. Almost everybody has a mobile phone, but that's not good enough, now they make up excuses to increase technology to track everybody's car movements.

The key is to fight fire with fire, and as I say the BNP are the nuclear option when it comes down to protest voting. Barrie suggests a column for none of the above on ballot papers, but voting BNP at the EU elections is a valid option to produce real change in UK politics.

Unfortunately there are some really nasty people out there who are not averse to the prospect of a civil war if democracy fails them. Successive governments have seen this coming and perhaps one good reason that they have installed traffic calming in Asian areas in big towns is to help control any future civil unrest. Of course they have it in "rough" white dominated estates also, where the chattering classes consider a large proportion of the inhabitants are at or near the poverty line.

Humps in the road are an ideal protection against anyone stealing a service vehicle in an attempt to break out through the gates. Impossible to get any decent speed up if there are humps everywhere. Its only one easy step to ring fencing certain areas of towns and turning them into virtual Warsaw type ghettos. Nobody will be let in or out without a permit, plenty of work for private security guard companies now that much housing is under the control of housing associations. I believe that locked gates have already been installed on some "alley's".

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Things look particularly bleak if you are currently classified "disabled", new more strict tests will ensure that many will be forced onto JSA with no realistic prospect of ever even being considered for any job they could actually do. A report out today states that people on state benefits can no longer afford to eat properly whatever the government rhetoric on healthy eating. Most of them probably spent last winter freezing to death because the couldn't afford the energy bill, ours was 835 quid quarter to February, only an average modernized house if ancient. Porritt let the cat out of the bag when he could not deny that the eco-fascists had plans to reduce the UK population to 30 million. That probably includes most of the "poor" people who can simply not afford to live here any more due to "green" taxes etc.

It would appear that there is to be no welfare state provision for those which fail the virtual corporate compatibility test now used by employment agencies. It is proposed that after a year claimants will be forced to "work" for their benefits. Perhaps many councils and large companies will start employing these (private agency) dole slaves for menial tasks instead of giving people a secure full time job with benefits other workers in that company / authority currently enjoy. It would appear that perks like company pensions are no longer economic to support, perhaps they were only ever there in the first place as a bribe to the electorate not to vote for parties sympathetic to the former Soviet block, or any form of nationalization, that corporate justification ended long ago now with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The stock market parasites are at a bit of a loss because they can't really start any major international war due to the nuclear deterrent. Far easier for them to get their puppet politicians to engineer a situation where a significant number of their population are becoming increasingly desperate for real change. If the BNP winning a few seats at the EU elections can put off the now almost inevitable civil unrest if policy fails to change in our country then I am all for it.

NN: 27/04/2009

Perhaps hardly surprising to find that the Corporate Nazi Bush administration, indeed the whole US political establishment had been in breach of their sacred US constitution. How can we trust them on the climate change question when it is clear that some eco-fascists have plans to reduce at least the UK population by half. No need to provide the masses with productive jobs if you could have plans to dispose of half the population ( he less wealthy) apart from a small number of virtual migrant wage slaves on minimum income to do the unpopular jobs.

Al Gore has never come across to me as the brightest tool available in the box, and the same principle would appear to apply to most environmentalists. Environmentalism is far more dangerous to our human rights than the Islamo-fascists portrayed as Iran with nuclear weapons can ever be.

KCL #10

I myself have a bit of a "green" pedigree, being brought up in the Farming community as a "Craven Indian .” Whatever I do I try to impose the least impact on the environment as I understand it and the one thing I will not stand for is university boffins coming along dictating to me how to live my life or do my job. I already run a fuel efficient small car and now some Corporate Nazi comes along and tells me to drive it slower even though I know through my engineering education it will cause more pollution if I do so.

Back in the 1990s I was a member of a local protest group concerned about serious pollution being generated by or local cement works. The main factor was the use of toxic waste printing solvents as fuel, but I had suspicions all along that it was also the quality of the imported coal. I know about coal due to an early interest in mining, and having carted the stuff around in wagons for much of my working life. Some of the coal being used by the cement works was so bad that even the docker's didn't nick it for free use at home. I suspect that the waste toluene etc was needed to make the coal burn at all under some conditions.

Anyway, to get back to the story the group was in dialog with the then HMIP and the cement company, I attended the meeting where it was agreed that the latest Flue Gas Scrubber would be installed at the cement plant. They also changed the coal and went back to cleaner British stuff after I mentioned it at the said meeting.

Also attending the said meeting was a then friend of mine an ex Greenpeace activist who had once been arrested for blocking the outflow pipe at Selafield. He ran an old LWB Land-Rover, which he needed because he lived at a remote farm in the next valley. I never met his wife but it was always arranged that she was out when I went to visit him for a chat. We had lots of interesting discussions on the "environment" and like me

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he resigned from the said group after the Scrubber project was agreed. The group tried to keep going but the only people left in it had the sole purpose of closing the quarry and theoretically increasing the value of their homes.

Soon after the scrubber was agreed my friend decided to move away, but this may have been coloured by the fact that his wife was experiencing problems with her job a head teacher at a remote school. It got into the national news that the said school had cancelled Christmas due to the bad behaviour of the children. I can just imagine that if said headmistress was trying to preach eco-fascism to children brought up on farms there would be some friction.

I do not buy the current preaching that a small amount of CO2 is a bad thing, one naturally occurring big volcano could put out more CO2 than man can ever save. The proposed 80% reduction in man made CO2 is unachievable without drastically reducing the population, yet more CO2 in the atmosphere could improve crop yield to feed more people.

If the sea level could rise we should be concentrating on improving our sea defences, not acting like King Canute attempting to stop climate change by cutting CO2.

NN: 28/04/2009

Unless as I suspect Justin's interview with Ed Miliband is a pre-scripted pre-recorded Corporate Nazi propaganda exercise, perhaps Justin should ask how Miliband proposes to make his ambitious promised 80% cut in UK CO2 emissions without reducing our population by half as some eco-fascists propose. The 1940s German Nazi racial holocaust blog commentators argue over could become an insignificant part of history.

Anybody who realistically thinks that the UK can cut its CO2 emissions by 50% without significant hardship for the lower income members of the population is bordering on being mentally ill. I suspect that the truth is probably that the stock market parasites can envisage some new "green" asset bubble to exploit people.

Only last week Panda put an unspecified extra "private tax" on energy bills to fund wind farms which have the potential to crash the national grid. This could lead to anarchy in large towns, just what the eco-fascist ethos ordered, but not content with waiting they plan to close down existing coal fired power stations to achieve the same anarchistic ends.

Simon_987 # 5

It just crossed my mind that the obviously stock market parasite investment scam of proposed "carbon capture" is likely to be paid for by yet another portion of private tax on energy bills. I believe that we already pay 7% on energy bills to fund "renewable", perhaps a similar extra percentage will be required for carbon capture projects. All in all the perfect welfare state for the stock market parasites and you can bet they employ foreign companies so they can also change money on the deal.

Spanner7337 #27

GO1 turned into a pumpkin when I mentioned the water vapour and alleged global warming just the other week.


It would appear that his ten bob fat cat mentality cannot tolerate any deviation from the official Corporate Nazi propaganda Line. Perhaps he thinks that any future holocaust committed in the name of environmentalism would be a good thing, but then he does claim to support the Lib-Dumbocrats.

NN: 30/04/2009

The government have got a valid point on the Gurkhas, Tories preaching thrift yet prepared to spend 1.4 Billion on NHS / social services crippling potential coffin dodging Gurkha natural old age death refugee's. Allowing all Gurkhas to settle in the UK could seriously damage the Nepal economy, ex UK soldiers living in Nepal on pension must be the best way of providing foreign aid and getting it fairly into local communities.

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The Tories are practising double standards, alleging that the UK disabled are scroungers and appear to value virtual overseas mercenaries more than their own indigenous population.

JJ #8

Picked this up on the local grape vine but apparently Mexican students attending as boarders at a long standing well know catholic "college" were put into quarantine immediately when they returned after the Easter holiday's. Government probably kept it quiet so as not to spoil stock market options expiry, could have screened passengers from Mexico up to two weeks earlier.

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Interlude, Trucking Tales.

Stopped For Speeding ? ( 09/03/2009 )

I realise that the average ten bob fat has been so educated in the " speed kills " quasi-religion that their head is often right up their Corporate Nazi arse. Every day HGV drivers work to a tolerance of six inches on the wing mirrors at a closing speed of up to 100 Mph. HGV's have very few accidents per mile run compared to other road users despite the fact that 90% of them ignore the HGV speed limit.

But safety is all about calculated risks, perhaps the average ten bob fat cat do not have the required brain power (probably full of crap), but it is possible to learn a route down to the last minor detail.

For instance which car turns right where at what time. Route learning allows you to select a safe speed irrespective of the posted limit, its a bit like driving through an endless tunnel mapped out in four dimensions. If I don't know a road I rely on sensible speed limits and things like hazard lines, at 5am in fog on the A59 (before the improvements) all you need to keep your full attention on is lights in the distance, and travel at speed where you can easily slow down for such. Very remote chance of anything without lights being in the way.

When I was driving HGV's all the police new me and I only once got stopped for speeding, it was mid afternoon on the good B road from the A59 at Skipton up towards Grassington. I had accelerated up to and averaged 60Mph and touched 70 on Scalehouse straight when I was held up by several cars doing 50, checked my mirror and found that I had a traffic plod almost on my tail, I continued to follow the said cars and he started to flash me to stop on the bends coming into Craeco. ( the HGV limit is 40 )

I failed to stop immediately (put the left hand indicator on) but stopped dead in the middle of the following long straight, plod got out and came up to the cab asking to look at my tachograph. He said " have you been doing a lot of motorway work today" I replied with the lie that I had been running between Blackburn and Burnley on the M65, in actual fact I had been on A roads for most of the day. He paused for thought, then said “just keep it a bit nearer 40 in future, we have had a lot of complaints" and let me on my way without a producer or anything.

What allowed me to get away with it was that at no time did I ever stray out of my lane across the centre line or clip the curb. My golden rule, also sticking within the limits of Newton's laws of Motion. Speed limits are set low because most of the people on the roads haven't got the first clue about driving. On the railway you are not allowed to drive a train anywhere until you have completed route learning, and perhaps the same should apply to HGV drivers, but this almost impossible in these days of agency working.

Incidentally in 1991 I took an insurance test to drive buses for Ribble. The on the point of retirement company examiner remarked that I was the best driver he had had for three years, despite the fact that I had not driven anything on the road bigger than a Metro for three months. (Old bus with crash box no power steering)

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Reminiscences 23/04/2009

It was a nice day on Sunday when I woke up and so I decided to go to the East Lancs Railway at Ramsbottom, bit early for the bluebells though. Motive power provided was a US transport corps S160 2-8-0, they ran here during the war but were not popular with the engine men. The main problem was the steam reverser, either full gear or nothing so plenty of noise when she was pulling anywhere. They made a complete balls up of squeezing up coupling to the train when they ran round at Rawtenstall blaming it on the engine air brake. The run up the bank going up to Heywood was brilliant, set the railway banking afire. The Yankee whistle was also ear piercing, and used frequently, it made the Black Five I changed onto to go up to Heywood again seem tame by comparison.

I went to John Leach's funeral on Monday at Skipton crematorium, I had not seen him for two years but I once visited him weekly. We had some good debates over the years interspersed with lots of tales about his old days. One day he stated that he "just couldn't do it any more", but he had no viable answer to my position that the FTSE was only worth 4000. His memory of the old days had gone, but he then believed everything he read in the Daily Express, he didn't like it when I pointed out that serious journalists considered it to be a joke.

Joyce his only daughter and Merv her husband from down south were really pleased to see me, and Merv said that he would try to find a book I lent John and never got back.

Many knew him as "Jack" Leach even though his cousin the actual Jack Leach was also in the haulage business locally though not in a big way. Tales about John reveal a dark side to his character which ultimately destroyed him mentally." The Groper " visiting freelance automotive electrician once told the story of how John made seven brews from the same tea bag. Being John they were expensive tea bags, but the brews produced were very weak, he did everything in a minimalist way, almost a hair shirt.

I believe that he left a medium sized suitcase full of documents, he would not put large sums in banks in case they went bust and was well into shares. John was fleet engineer at Duckworth's coaches at Gisburn well into his seventies and was once bollocked by the Ribble Valley environmental health officer for lighting the incinerator to burn the litter from the coaches. John replied that he had been lighting fires here for 60 years and nobody was going to tell him what he could and could not do.

Some of his most remarkable talents were from the 1930's, He was going to go and fight in the Spanish Civil war but the man said that he would have to sell his motorbike to pay for the fare out. That was the end of that, but he once stood up in a large public meeting in Manchester and stated that if the working man wanted to improve their standard of living they would have to learn to keep their dick in their pocket. He had to be escorted out after the uproar.

After working for a large haulage contractor at Trafford Park he wangled his way into a job as Ship's junior engineer. He was in the merchant marine at the onset of WW2, but invalided out due to a major injury to his leg still visible scar in old age. He got called up into the Royal Navy and served on aircraft carriers in the Indian ocean. After the war he worked for Rufus Car, mostly collecting vehicles from the large ex-army sales at places like Peterborough. That didn't last forever but he then got a Job as mobile service engineer for Perkins Diesel engines, covering the whole of northern England. He eventually ended up working for Manchester Corporation as a plant engineer, whilst they were building the water pipelines down from the lakes, that took him through to official retirement. Bit of a local character really, almost on a par with Colin Wiseman, who had been his lifelong friend.

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A682 ( 19/05/2009 )

I live near the A682 and don't particularly find it to be a dangerous road as such, its high fatality rate is due to the following factors.

1. Said road is part of an unofficial bikers time trial from Nelson to Kirkby Lonsdale ( and back ) so many biker's ride like lunatics to start even though they don't really know the road. However that is not to say that experienced locals don't get caught out, one local rider claimed he hit a stone going into one of the 30 Mph bend's but as the gormless plod couldn't find it they blamed the fatality (a couple of days afterwards ) on speed. There would appear to be other cases of locals being caught out ( not limited to A682 ) where it would appear that the only possible explanation for some accidents would be for the throttle to stick wide open making it impossible for the rider to negotiate the oncoming bend. One unfortunate biker was killed when he tried to overtake a farmer turning right into his small lane without signalling. Motorcyclists by far make up the bulk of A682 fatalities.

2. Several cars also come to grief, usually on the reverse bends sections, probably due to driver incompetence more than anything. There are a few potentially dangerous junctions with minor roads which can cause problems and should be re modelled. Simple measures like ripping out the overgrow hedges would suffice in some locations, including some of the now overgrown hedge blind bends. Not that important a road though so no money available for the scale of improvement needed. Traffic is fairly light between Gisburn and Nelson.

3. The A682 has more than its fair share of Leg-Irons so overtaking related accidents are common, very few safe opportunities for overtaking and frustration gets the better of many people. Perhaps many of the current chancy "hazard line" sections need to be replaced with solid white lines.

The thing is that HGV's use the Gisburn - Long Preston section without major incident since minor modifications in the 1990s. They got rid of almost all with one notable exception the places where two HGV's travelling in opposite directions could not pass without removing the wing mirrors. HGV traffic is heavy and its common to work on six inch clearance on mirrors at up to 100 Mph closing speed.

It must be obvious to anyone that the current driver training to pass car driving test is totally inadequate, candidates need to be trained and tested at up to NSL speed on a variety of fast A roads.

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Diary, May 2009

NN: 01/05/2009

So Charles Clarke has said that he is ashamed to be Labour, the skeleton in his closet that he last month appeared on the BBC and suggested Toll Roads would be a good way of increasing tax revenue to cover public borrowing. Obviously the man is a dangerous Corporate Nazi with an agenda to curtail if not remove the basic freedoms we have fought for over the centuries. Toll Roads were voted on in Manchester fairly recently where 79% of the electorate rejected them despite a significant bribe from the government.

NN: 03/05/2009

Just been half listening to your probable mate Yasmin alleged nice brown person ( on BBC news ) who appears to back your line that the BNP will go nowhere at the June 4th EU elections. I suspect that you are sadly mistaken, UKIP have been proven to be just as corrupt as the three main parties, as usual probably due to their common stock market parasite funding base. The more intelligent of the electorate are becoming increasingly desperate for a change from policies like appeasing the eco-fascists on bogus alleged man made climate change. High road fuel duty is crippling small businesses, Health & Safety policy is often totally ridiculous, costs over 100 quid to go on a course to climb ladders for instance. I have heard several cases where respectable business people are planning to vote BNP at the EU elections, I expect that many of their employees will do likewise just to jolt our Corporate Nazi establishment out of its sleepwalk before any manifestos are announced for the next general election.

Why would anybody want to support the eco-fascists, after all they do have plans to cut the population of the UK to 30 million, no way to do that without some form of future holocaust. Their entire ideology is based on bogus science which nobody is allowed to seriously question, quite the epitome of the fascist state they allege that the BNP represent.

Reclaiming Public Transport for the People ( 04/05/2009 )

Reclaiming Public Transport for the People

Thatcher's 1980s bus privatisation and deregulation has turned out to be a complete disaster for the bus customer. Although new and often extra mini-bus services were originally introduced, these these were soon withdrawn as uneconomic. Since then (despite the fact that fuel tax can be reclaimed for timetabled services) many services have been withdrawn. Only public subsidy keeps many of the more rural / urban services operating .This contraction in services may be in part due to the relatively high fares, it was cheaper to haul a ton of dry stone to our nearest town than the single bus fare.

We have now reached a stage where local councils subsidize almost all bus routes except those between major towns. Once upon a time private operators internally subsidised less popular routes, the main routes are very lucrative. Although I have not been familiar with bus operations recently, back in 1991 I spent six months working in a bus garage. It was quite common for the rush hour 225 service between Clitheroe and Bolton to take £280 for the three hour round trip. Even the most off peak services took over £60, about the same as a six wheel wagon with 15 tons of tarmac and turn a profit.

There are many factors in the current rip-off scenario of the bus operators. Take disabled access for public transport for instance, looked pretty good on face value, but it was just another excuse to force disabled people to work, when implemented would artificially inflate the fares, you could only get three disabled access buses for the cost of four conventional ones. The idiots chaining themselves to the front of conventional buses were well organized and must of had funding from somewhere (probably stock market parasites), the media always knew where they would strike. It was a bit of a bent deal all round, John Ried (the minister responsible) had a son working as an executive for one of the big two national bus operators who wanted an excuse to invest in a new fleet considering that their engineering staff were incapable of looking after the old ones properly. Local authorities were engaging in " Quality Bus Partnerships " offering the bus companies money and favours like new bus lanes, they said nothing about the increases in fares. Its possible that the extra interest payments on the new investment could have funded a 24 hour door to door free dial up taxi service to anywhere in the UK for everyone claiming Disability Living Allowance, not only that but you could have taken two able bodied friends with you.

As for the alleged environmental benefits, forcing people to buy new vehicles early is likely to increase

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overall emissions, and it's probable that air quality in London is far worse than it need be because of the extensive introduction of traffic calming. It s a classic case of " there was an old woman who swallowed a fly " policy. There was nothing so green and sustainable as the Routemaster bus, but like with the railways, Thatcher shut the main workshops.

Even with the workshops, the extra stresses imposed on the coach built body of the Routemaster by traffic calming on some routes would have made maintenance costs prohibitive. The introduction traffic calming wrecked a whole generation of coach built buses built in the late seventies - early eighties. The only people who gained financially from the introduction of traffic calming were the stock market parasites who funded the early replacement of vehicles. There was a temporary boom in the bus building industry, but now many of the companies have gone forever and the skilled jobs lost.

The proof that there is another way of doing things comes from Pennine Motor Services a small private and always independent even during NBC times bus operator. Pennine operate services in the Craven area of North Yorkshire with routes from Skipton to Ingleton via Settle and to Burnley over the Lancs / Yorks border. Back in the 1980s their standard workhorse was the Leyland Leopard ( coach ) but they did buy three small wheel modern vehicles to run the Burnley service in about 1989. These soon shook to pieces, handled badly in slippery conditions ( probably due to the small wheels ),were heavy on maintenance so they got rid of them and replaced them with Mk2 Leyland Nationals of early 1980s vintage. I am informed that their fares are lower and the buses faster than their competitors on the Burnley route.

The big question is where do we go from here, it is alleged that 50% of bus services are already covered by a government subsidy. We need to go the whole way and regulate the entire system in order that passengers and council taxpayers can benefit from big profits on the more popular routes. Bus operators would become virtual haulage contractors to the local authority and a true competitive market would ensure costs were kept down.

The local council would collect all the fares, perhaps using a system which was in operation in Adelaide (South Australia) as long ago as 1987. Bus tickets could be bought at local shops as well as on the bus itself and were widely available. There were two types of ticket, standard which lasted an hour from the time you validated it on the first bus caught and could be used again within that time on any bus you changed to. A more expensive day ticket valid after 9:30 am was just what it said on the box, the tickets were similar to the old Victorian type railway tickets, thin cardboard with simple magnetic strip on the back. Not easy to lose or accidentally destroy like some paper tickets, no need for potentially expensive elaborate microchip based tickets. If people suspect that someone is tracking their every movement it could put some people off using public transport.

Local authorities would be responsible for all route planning and timetables and perhaps this could be done better on a regional basis. All major routes could be covered by at least one bus per hour between 6:00 am and midnight, on busy sections with buses every 15 minutes or less you could virtually throw away any formal timetable especially at rush hour. The aim would be to provide a bus at least every 20 minutes in the more densely populated areas. Park and ride schemes need to be developed along with direct fast limited stop services to the major towns like Manchester. The ultimate thing to do is fully integrate rail services on a single ticketing system but that would probably need nationalization of all passenger transport. However, it may be possible with thoughtful regulation at less total expense to the public?

NN: 05/05/2009

I must admit that I prefer reading stuff off the internet on my wide screen, but the traditional paper printed book could be on edge of a new dawn, with the introduction of the instant printed book machine. This new machine opens up the potential number of authors, I recently got my book " Corporate Nazi ? " published in a format suitable for said new machines. It's even available on Amazon now, the only snag being that it is perhaps pricey, considering that its only in paperback. That is not to say that the development costs (just over half what I expected)were excessive, but its surprising just how big a cut Amazon take on each copy, although admittedly much of the cost is free post and packaging.

Many older people (at least the type who buy books) don't have direct access to a computer and have no intention of becoming computer literate. People like actual books, even when you have read them you can use them to prop something up, and people donate them to charities, especially community fund raising events like Jumble Sales.

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NN: 08/05/2009

MP's expenses are MP's expenses but on the face of it what Hazel Blears appears to have been doing is blatant property speculation. It's straight out of " Location , Location TV, buying a series of rough run down flats and then renovating them at the taxpayer's expense. Perhaps each time coming away with a significant personal financial gain probably exempt from any form of taxes. Hazel Blears must represent the epitome of the Blair inspired Ten Bob Fat Cats.

NN: 20/05/2009

And so by pure coincidence it turns out that both Hoon and Purnell have by perhaps devious means avoided paying CGT on profits on the sale of homes. At least Blears is publicly apologizing by paying said CGT but look at the potential corruption if certain corporate organizations had the info on them all along. Take regeneration policy for instance, its Blears who signs off all the big contracts whilst denying the opportunity for direct involvement by local small businesses.

Transport is wide open to fraudulent policy from spending on electronic technology like the proposed average speed cameras. Cutting the national speed limit is likely to deposit carbon in all car's exhaust manifold and therefore probably ensure that it fails the emissions test at an early age. I suspect that Average Speed cameras are just another false economic growth investment scam, perhaps the Telegraph should tell everyone where they put the money they avoided the CGT on.

Its a while ago now but I seem to remember a report about Tessa Jowell selling her house and putting all the proceeds into some unspecified Hedge Fund. Purnell was said to be renting recently ( lost deposit ) so perhaps he has done the same thing. And guess what his entire Welfare Reform policy was designed by a celebrity stock market parasite. How can any of them be trusted to enact any new laws or scrutinize enactment of existing policy.

G01 #32

Why do you always have to twist everything posters say to imply that they would support a "far right" BNP UK government. The BNP are the nuclear option as far as protest voting goes at the forthcoming EU elections. People could vote for the alleged socialist Greens but that lends credibility to the eco-fascists who are ever further to the right than the BNP in real terms.

Making extra money on the side by any means is all part of the Corporate Nazi ideology that all mainstream politicians ( including UKIP ) subscribe to. The fact that mainstream politicians have put so much effort into attempting to dissuade the people from voting BNP is probably the best reason to vote BNP at the EU elections. Perhaps the most effective way to "spoil party games" ( Barrie take note ), at least temporarily.

It would appear that the establishment is now so desperate to stop people voting BNP that some have resorted to hiring gangs of Anti BNP balaclava wearing thugs to blitz areas where BNP support appears strong. This happened recently in the Irwell Riverside ( Salford ) by election (being held today), the BNP have got an excellent non racist candidate standing, (local ex army lad.)

It would appear that the trade unions are behind the bully boy tactics, at least funding it and it was said to be linked to one of the other candidates standing. The trade unions are desperate to stick with the current Corporate Nazi system as their power base relies on large multinational corporations whatever the union rhetoric.

NN: 21/05/2009

Leftieoddbod #5

Gordon Browns stock market parasite friendly Corporate Nazi credentials would be in complete tatters if he had to force his key Corporate Nazi cabinet members ( Purnell & Hoon ) to stand down. Hazel Blears was just another B liar ten bob fat cat so its relatively easy to sacrifice her to theoretically appease the voting masses.

Say what you like about the Tories but at least Cameron has got the guts to immediately inform any of his

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MP's significantly exposed to the expenses scandal that they will stand down at the next general election.

Jaded Jean #11

Is it not the case that the current MP's expenses scandal is a symptom of the Corporate Nazi quasi-religion all mainstream politicians are expected to worship without question. It's all about the holy grail of perpetual stock market index growth (as opposed to real growth in our economy.) The more they cheat the system the more Corporate Nazi "brownie points" they accrue, perhaps an integral part of the planned decline of our nation into complete anarchy.

Jaded Jean #22

I seem to remember that we have argued about the use of the term " Nazi " in my posts when I specifically refer to " Corporate Nazi's ". I was under the impression that we had agreed that the term Corporate Nazi " was a sound bite to describe your much maligned anarcho capitalist Trotskyites. The term Corporate Nazi is simple enough for any average man in the street to appreciate and refer to. Not everyone has the dubious benefit of a politics doctrine but they do have a good idea of what Nazi means today, take the smoking ban for instance. Toll roads next, relative basic human rights of the workers put back into the 18th century. And then there is all the nasty expensive in taxation eco-fascist sponsored stuff ordered for the next stock market parasite investment scam. And yet some people will vote Green in protest and lend credibility the real Nazi's (or what they have metamorphosed into since 1945.) The BNP look tame by comparison.

BBC "click online" did a feature on the future of OAP care, suggesting that the infirm could live in high tech housing units where every move of the occupant was recorded by sensors. They claim that they could tell whether you were able to bend down, whether you were washing due to the amount of water used plus a range of other factors. The whole object of the exercise was not to send anyone to check on you unless you were apparently dead or close to it. All your movements would be on CCTV video also.

NN: 23/05/2009

Its all about the concept of understanding mirror images, obviously the Green Party are not properly scrutinising their policies for "unintended consequences." The Green Party could be my natural political home but long experience ( wont even debate any policy outside the radar of their quasi-religion ) sent FoE an article outlining that traffic calming doubles pollution back in about 1995, no reply so rang head office and was greeted with a load of abuse.

It is reasonable to believe that Green politics has an alternative subversive agenda, following their plans for wind farms etc could lead to a crash in the national grid, perhaps leading to anarchy in towns. It would appear that some eco-fascists can't wait that long, plan to close a major coal fired power station to achieve the same anarchistic ends.

Real progress towards increasing carbon free energy is thwarted, not allowed to build a realistic Severn Barrage for instance and perhaps more importantly if we wish to maintain a decent standard of living for everyone opposition to nuclear power in any shape or form.

Take the new third runway at Heathrow for instance, one would expect a continuous barrage of opposition from all environmental groups. Perhaps they have been told to "hold the dogs off" because the only practical reason for the new runway is to allow their celebrity Corporate Nazi backers to fly their private jets in there.

On first impressions its the Green Party equivalent of the Green Arrow site and the BNP, appears mega quasi-religious about the alleged man made link to climate change. It's nearly the end of May and I'm still sporting my winter coat despite how well worn it had now become. The man made climate change argument is falling apart, I don't know whether I have mentioned it in any of my other facebook wide posts but the average temp in central England went up 4 F in just 35 years up to 1750, before the industrial revolution. Lord Monkton ( former scientific advisor to Thatcher ) was blocked from standing up and making a speech to the US congress about it in case he made Al Gore look a complete fool.

This religious quote springs to mind, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"

The way the weather is going globally God could yet save us from the evil eco-fascists, mega ice storm on

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the north coast of the north island of New Zealand the other week. Front page in the NZ Herald but no mention of it on the BBC anywhere, ice shelf is receding in one bit of Antarctica, growing on the other side of the continent. Perhaps the Arctic ice would not be so bad if they stopped slamming icebreakers through it, allowing the dark sea to absorb the heat from the sunlight once efficiently reflected by the white ice. It's not climate change research, they are just trying to open up a lucrative north west passage for commercial shipping.

NN: 03/06/2009

Perhaps Hazel Blears walked the plank today in order to take the pressure off particularly Hoon and Purnell, both with similar form to Blears. Darling appears already toast, I hope that its the end of " seven eight's " are fifty-four ( Byers ) New Labour economics.

Bank shares down significantly today, perhaps in anticipation that a new chancellor would have the " balls " to make at least the state aided banks call in their loans to hedge funds and make the money available to lend in the real sustainable future small business economy.

The Corporate Multinational Cartel must be rattled, it wont lend the money to West Star so that they can save LDV. The CMC pressure is on Brown to continue their Corporate Nazi Plan yet the possibility of Johnson as prime minister must keep them in check to some extent.

Cameron can't say anything just so long as Gove, Duncan and Landsley remain in the shadow cabinet. They collectively think that as they are not actually in government yet they don't need to clean up their act. There would appear to be more stories about Tories coming out in the near future, perhaps the least that they can hope for is not to be proven to have left your rented flat in a condition one might expect to find from a drug addict, like James Purnell recently?

NN: 06/06/2009

Gordon Brown has made a pretty fair attempt at cleansing his cabinet of those MP's infected by the expenses scandal, even though some effectively jumped ship as opposed to being formally sacked. However, Brown's Corporate Nazi stock market parasite puppet masters wont allow him shoot their best friend Panda, even though he has got fairly dirty underpants when it come to expenses.

Its good to see Peter Hain back, but he should have gone back to head of Work and Pensions given his previous experience, he is wasted on the Welsh Office. Billy sitch Yvette I never answer the pertinent questions) Cooper won't have a clue about the Proposed Welfare Reforms, perhaps she's only there to provide a rubber stamp for what the Corporate Nazi's have in mind to force through with the help of the Tories. Cameron would now appear to have the problem that he hasn't cleaned out his own front bench of the likes of Gove, Duncan and Landsley. Only 38% of the national vote in the local elections, and that could fester lower if he continues to back " close friend " colleagues and make excuses about waiting for party committees.

It would appear that no democratically elected Labour politician dare take on Transport, so its now effectively run by a non elected virtual dictator. Pretty handy if you want to force through all the Corporate Nazi investment scam stuff like Average Speed Cameras and further moves towards Toll Roads. And then the proposed cut in the National Speed limit to 50 Mph to appease the eco-fascists who were campaigning for 40 Mph." Councils will be able to determine limits in their area" so speed limits are to be set by a bunch of doddering coffin dodging top Tories ( at least in Lancashire ) intent on bringing everyone's driving standard down to their level of aged incompetence. Perhaps one of the reasons Labour lost control of Derbyshire was cutting the speed limit to 50 Mph on the A515 between Buxton and Ashbourne recently.

Alan Johnson could make a clear and concise marker for his possible future leadership of the Labour Party by immediately scrapping the pointless national Identity Card plans. Likewise Brown could quietly dispose of eco-fascist leaning Joan Ruddock from the environment team and kill any Bin Tax proposals. Bearing the above in mind it is not impossible for Labour even under Brown to bounce back and narrowly win the next general election?

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NN: 09/05/2009

I suppose that I am in danger of getting a ideological lecture from thegangofone but what no mention of the antics with the BNP outside parliament today. It would appear that the Corporate Nazi establishment is desperate to stop the BNP putting its ideas over via the media to the electorate. 80 UAF thugs, sponsored by at least the main three political parties and the unions, the Zimbabwe analogy springs to mind.

It is interesting to note that BBC news channel which originally provided fair coverage of the incident allowing Nick Griffin to respond, but subsequently cut almost everything he had to say but retained a quote from the UAF alleged ring leader. It looks like everything what Griffin had to say about the incident had all been hushed up by the time most people were likely to be home from work.

It would appear that the BNP is far more radical than the simple racist leaning anti immigration party the Corporate Nazi establishment attempt to portray. Perhaps in the interest of fairness Paxo should invite him onto NewsNight for a proper grilling on a broad range of BNP policies, not just the alleged "Nazi" connection.

JadedJean #5

I can't understand why the television viewing public think that Alan Sugar is so wonderful, perhaps they are just suffering form a bad memory. Alan Sugar made his name and money selling "allegedly cheap" nasty consumer electronics like radio cassette players for instance. They were complete rubbish when compared to other established products on the market, but you were lucky if they lasted more than a couple of years.

We still daily use the radio bit of a late 1970s Sony radio cassette, works almost perfectly, the tape deck is US but that's probably down to my elderly parents being a bit ham-fisted rather than design. If you work out the cost over a full lifespan Amstrad stuff works out really expensive, the trouble is the existing manufacturers had to reduce quality to compete, so the consumer lost out as a result overall.

I try to avoid Sugar on TV but flicking though channels I did catch a feature where he was arguing with his son about an new electronic product.This time it was electronic advertising boards for shops etc, his son wanted a stronger job but Alan said it was only intended to last five years. Hardly good for our environment and what lesson does it portray to new emerging companies wishing to export.

Easy to make cheap junk and use sly salesmen but what about the sustainability of the market in ten years time. Needless to say Amstrad consumer electronic are history, all Allan's ill gotten gains are in property these days, lets hope that market implodes in the near future.

kashibeyaza #12

You sound like you have a vested interest against the BNP but do you support what the Corporate Nazi's are up to at present. For instance, employment agencies taking individuals of all races "Private Political Prisoner“ condemned to a life on state benefits. Now the Corporate Nazi's have plans to make anyone out of work for more than a year forced to do potential hard labour as a virtual slave. No chance of a proper job unless you are A1 fit and the prospect of being worked into your grave if you are not A1.

I believe that the UK has recently signed up to some UN declaration of human rights or something but opted out of the measures on benefits and other vital provisions.

kashibeyaza #12

Just thought that I would add, I have it on good authority that some of the active BNP members who most regularly spout anti-Muslim propaganda just happen to be "Gay" Trouble is the BNP are not too hot on gays either which can cause them some personal distress ?

NN: 10/06/2009

bookhimdano #26

UK rejection of your feed in tariff has absolutely nothing to do with nuclear, we will still need a base load capacity. However, despite its low CO2 output, the eco-fascists are still circling around it, but perhaps the

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whole object of the exercise is to inflate energy prices and put millions out of work in the longer term. Okay there will be investment scams like carbon capture for new coal power, as featured in " Green Texas " the other week. Sounded pretty logical, use the captured CO2 to force any remaining oil out of currently non productive wells. Okay you get loads of temporary construction jobs, but its not sustainable.

Perhaps the greatest scam is the eco-fascists rejection of waste incinerators, messing about with massive investment to ferment food waste, collect the gas and burn it in an internal combustion engine. (we once used pigs to recycle waste food, but the health fascists freaked out about potential cannibalism and something like BSE breaking out. And you can still ferment the pigs waste product and generate gas, forgot that pigs have been fed as cannibals by man for thousands of years with no problem)

It is said that waste incineration could provide 10% of UK base load, flood the electricity market and force prices to consumers lower, but even better than your feed in tariff idea which could be rolled out anyway. However, it would be another give away to the rich just like the current car scrap scheme.

And then there is the Severn Barrage, could revolutionize the local economy with a new direct link between Bristol and Cardiff. The same potential regeneration could also be achieved by a barrage across Morecambe bay, bring Barrow back into Lancashire where it truly belongs. Of course the eco-fascists object even though they haven't got an scientific environmental leg to stand on.

This is the type of science the man made climate change high priests rely on.


NN: 16/06/2009

Perhaps hardly surprising that the Corporate Nazi's have floated the idea of a "Private Tax" on land lines to fund the expansion of high speed broad band. As usual the corporate multinational cartel members will be them beneficiaries. Perhaps part of a sneaky plan to introduce the infrastructure for Average Speed Cameras in often not that remote rural areas.

There has probably been lots of squealing from the ten bob fat cats who priced the indigenous population out of their homes. Pay a fortune to" Escape to the Country " only to find that broad band is not available and perhaps the property speculators have a hand in the proposed policy.

If rural people actually want high speed broad band they should club together and form local small companies to provide the infrastructure. It was done with local cable TV in the 1960s but now the wireless possibilities are endless. Perhaps the Galileo satellite project should be primarily about improving Europe wide broad band access, not just Corporate Nazi toll roads.

Like everything else our corrupt government comes up with its all a part of the trend towards the economic cleansing of "rural" and other select areas to forward financial apartheid in the UK.

The health fascists are once again trying to ban smoking in cars yet Corporate Nazi puppet Panda says that there s no need for further regulations on fraudulent banks and their stock market parasites. Typical of this Corporate Nazi government, just like the German Nazi's lots of petty regulations to implement in the interest of restricting true human rights for the masses whilst allowing corrupt big business to virtually write its own rule book.

NN: 18/06/2009

It would appear that the lesson to be gleaned from today's censored publication of MP's expenses is that the more your MP has blanked out the more potentially corrupt they are likely to be. Even those who squealed about the Telegraph are not happy with the current status quo, more grim stories are likely to emerge from the full details.

The Iraq war was started to save the stock market parasites, US airlines going bust so flood the market with plenty of government air freight / passenger contracts. Of course King Corporate Nazi Blair could not resist joining in, even before the war started the Dow Jones went up 50 points every time we bombed Iraq.

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As for alleged climate change the met office despite their electronic technology can't even forecast the next week accurately and refuse to consider what the sun spot watchers have to say. It is pretty clear that whatever happens we are likely to benefit as a nation from a national grid for water. One pipeline from Kielder to London ( even the Romans could do this without expensive pumps ), one pipeline from the Lake District intersecting in Yorkshire. Perhaps south east companies like Thames Water could pay for the work from their obscene profits, a mass employment scheme the whole country would benefit from.

Simon_987 #5

Perhaps its more than coincidence that one of the proven most bent MP's was Elliot Morley, a former vocal environment minister. Likewise I believe that the Telegraph had something nasty on the current Tory shadow environment main spokesman who's name escapes me.


I was quite interested in your failed petition but perhaps if you had been an NGO they would have allowed it. Of course groups like Friends of the Earth sold out to the Corporate Nazi's in the 1980s, I don't remember them ever batting an eyelid about the miners loosing their jobs. All the emphasis was on reducing SO4 to save the forests in eastern Europe, apparently the introduced technology did the trick, also less need to mine gypsum these days.

The best and only way we can protect our environment is to place a ban on consumer credit for anything not capable of lasting 30 years. We could revolutionise the motor industry, buy a new car and hand it onto your kids when they were old enough to drive.

Go back to the 1930s, plenty of examples of how high the engineering standard was, but make it with modern tooling and anything could last a lifetime. You would only need to buy it once but that is not to say that you can't send it back to the manufacturer and made as good as new every 7 years. On the bright side that although pointless and destructive hydrogen new small city car points the way to go with electric cars, just lease it all in from the manufacturer.


NN: 23/06/2009

KCL #4

The point about plastic carrier bags is that if we incinerated all our household waste they would not be a problem. I suspect that the type of plastic they are made of once made up part of the heavy fraction once used in large scale oil fired boilers, like in ships and railway locomotives. It was the case that when plastic came on the scene, nasty black smoke generating heavy oil became more expensive than diesel.

Having said that the point is that burning plastic anything in an incinerator is no problem to the environment these day's due to flue gas scrubber technology. It would be possible to recover the energy from waste and reduce consumption of other fuels, its said that the UK could generate 10% of the electricity base load in this way.

We all know what the public think about having to pay for plastic bags, they have voted with their wallets, several M&S food stores forced to close.

NN: 26/06/2009

JadedJean #55

Perhaps a measure of just how foolish and ignorant the average British consumer has become was the main non-Jackson article on BBC Breakfast news this morning. Apparently everyone is going to have to fork out an extra 500 quid a year on their energy bill just to fund the expansion of wind farms over the next few years.

This is the type of enforced consumerism the Corporate Nazi's love to see, their own private tax on the population at large. I suppose that its a bit like the BBC license fee (except its worth every penny if it keeps

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blogs like this open) but like with the BBC you can't chose whether you support wind farms or not.

Wind farms are just the latest green investment scam, totally inefficient and unable to close a single fossil fuel power station as they can't be relied upon for " base load ". If they get to the projected 20% there is a good chance that the grid could collapse leading to power cuts reminiscent of a third world country.

Its all part of the Corporate Nazi ideology, puppet Brown must continue to create and expand the welfare state for the stock market parasites. By the way it was a "corporate" charity which sprung the news, its primary interest being to get more government funds for house insulation etc.

Has nobody noticed that the average person needs a cost of living cut if we are to compete in a global economy. We have little or no money left to waste as a nation, then government comes along forcing people to invest in pointless financial black holes.

Perhaps it is time to start to learn Chinese.

#58 Mistress76uk

KCL was right about burying bad news under Jackson, just think how many never bothered to switch their TV on this morning thinking the Jackson mourning would still be 100% rolling. Suppose its not as bad as every person, but every every bill all the same, just as "pregnant" No mention of this story on the BBC News web site either for some perhaps convenient reason.

NN: 29/06/2009

Gordon Browns pledge to find work or training for all unemployed for a year people under 25 looks pretty commendable on face value, but do the wheels come off when you look at the probable detail.

Even though well educated, a19 year old unemployed friend of mine was offered a part time job cleaning at some DIY store, only about 15 hours a week and of course through a parasitic employment agency. His projected weekly wage came out at less than his 50 quid a week dole, and when you take into account travelling costs (be it only shoe leather) virtual slavery. I believe that after thinking about it he gave back word on the job, not worth starting since he was hoping to go into further education in September.

Browns jobs for the under 25's plan will give the parasitic employment agencies the license to destroy full time cleaning jobs ( and the like ) once open to people of all ages and divide them up into part time packages to exploit the under 25's. It is patently obvious that the full rate minimum wage will be undermined, real businesses won't gain anything because the employment agencies will be charging them well over the odds for employing people direct.

Once again Brown is promoting a welfare state for the stock market parasites, perhaps likely to be defeated Labour MP's are angling for jobs on the board of employment agencies after the next election.

Petrol and diesel were the same price ( 101.9p ) at Morrison's Nelson yesterday, over the past year diesel has on average been at least 5p per litre more expensive than petrol. There must be a glut of diesel on the market at present, perhaps reflecting what a bad state our economy is in.

July 2009

NN: 07/07/2009

barrie #8

The House of Lords are only being good Corporate Nazi's (many of them appointed by King Corporate Nazi Blair ) not allowing intelligent members of the population to circumnavigate what probably amounts to Private Inheritance Tax.

BBC "click online" did a feature on the future of OAP care, suggesting that the infirm could live in high tech housing units where every move of the occupant was recorded by sensors. They claim that they could tell

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whether you were able to bend down, whether you were washing due to the amount of water used plus a range of other factors. Apparently the whole object of the exercise was not to send anyone to check on you unless you were apparently dead or close to it. All your movements would be on CCTV video also. Of course this will cost our welfare state a fortune, and now they are tightening up the criteria to claim disability benefits so if you don't go into a (almost universally now private) nursing home you starve and freeze to death at home.

NN: 10/07/2009

Bit off topic but back in the real world the Corporate Nazi health-fascist wing are having another go at restricting the relative basic human rights of smokers. This time its on ships, alleged talk of "smoking cabins " but you can bet the corporate operators go for a (theoretically cut cleaning costs) total ban like railway platforms.

Perhaps double standards here, hit a few small tobacco farmers in the pocket with smoking regulations because smoking causes health problems. However, as long ago as 1987 I saw TV adverts in Australia outlining how Aspartame causes cancer ( admittedly funded by the sugar industry ), yet aspartame is freely available and actually encouraged to replace sugar as part of an alleged more healthy diet. Perhaps obese people have a greater cancer risk due to the diet drinks / food laced with aspartame they consume whilst desperately trying to diet.


NN: 15/07/2009

Despite it's past propaganda mission on " the environment " perhaps NewsNight is conveniently failing to mention the extra 8% " Private VAT " (15% if you include the current 7%) to pay for even more wind farms to stand idle for 75% of the time by 2020.

Of course the spin doctors have managed to massage the figure so that the increase is only a theoretical 100 quid if you are fortunate enough to have heavy insulation. Of course you must first pay for cavity wall insulation etc of which there is good evidence that it makes your house damp. Rots all your floorboards allegedly, perhaps leaving your house technically unfit for human habitation so you have to buy a "new” one at inflated prices.

The whole of environment policy relating to climate change is obviously a massive investment scam (150bn) and of course the Corporate Nazi stock market parasite CBI support the policy in principle. Britain's only wind farm turbine maker has just closed down so the stock market parasites can scam even more changing money on the imported infrastructure.

Of course we are promised "green jobs" but that's no use to those who will loose their jobs as traditional manufacturing becomes more expensive due to artificially inflated energy costs. The government claims that a record number of people have come off JSA but that probably consists of those who have been claiming for the maximum permitted period of six months.

Perhaps this sums up our EU and UK government stance on basic human rights like being able to afford to keep warm, dry and have a full belly.


GO1 #35

The Corporate Nazi's have turned "Science" into a quasi-religion these day's. It would be interesting to discover just how many of the alleged scientists who support man made global warming theory are actually in debt to an amount equivalent to their projected life income. Of course the " Banks "can turn round and say if you do not support the Corporate Multinational Cartel position on climate change we will call in the loans. ( this principle also applies to alleged " green " politicians )

As usual the trail invariably leads back to the stock market parasites looking to make a " quick buck " from liquidating and then asset stripping any UK business made uneconomic by increased energy charges. Then

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the stock market parasites can make even more changing money exporting the assets to countries not so foolish enough to artificially inflate their own energy costs.

Whatever the scam the trail always leads back to the Corporate Nazi stock market parasites, take the offensive in Afghanistan for instance. I suspect that various troops have expended vastly more than the usual amount of ammo recently, perhaps explaining why mining stocks are doing so well over the past week. Politicians squealing for more helicopters even though they didn't help the Russians, potential for even more sad deaths if they can shoot down several men with one " good " shot. Perhaps the British are loosing the "hearts and minds" battle due to the probability that the CMC ( and their top executives ) have embezzled most of the reconstruction budget.

KCL #39

Perhaps you are forgetting that all the major advances in science since at least Galileo have been won by defying organised religion of any kind. What hope would Darwin have had trying to get his theory of evolution off the ground if late Victorian science was as potentially quasi-religious as that of today ?

NN: 24/07/2009

Given that the Green Party only managed to poll 3,350 votes in one of its allegedly strongest local constituencies, perhaps Ed Miliband's Corporate Nazi climate change proposals have no democratic mandate. Even when you take into account support for the watered down eco-fascist Lib-Demmic's( 4800 ), alleged " green " policies are only supported by a minority of the electorate as a whole.

Despite the fairly recent expenses scandal, the fact that turnout in the Norwich by-election was only 45% may be explained by the probability that most of the potential electorate live on planet Coronation St / Eastenders / Emmerdale. This factor is extremely dangerous for our democracy, people potentially voting for a party of which they have no idea of a range of their policies. Murdock is in such a position that he can influence the election to suit his own Corporate Nazi agenda just like Berlusconi in Italy.

JadedJean may back me up on this one but the fact remains that a significant number of the population can't even remember what went on last week, let alone last month. Ask them to remember what went on last year and many are totally stumped leaving them wide open to Corporate Nazi media manipulation.

Perhaps the electorate may fail to notice that they are faced with a 15% " private tax on their domestic energy bills to pay for wind farms to stand idle 75% of the time. Likewise the proposed 17% private tax on business energy bills which could threaten the long term viability of their job. I suspect that most people will notice the massive increase in their family car tax, but the Tories haven't proposed any realistic alternative on any alleged green policy.

Of course the spin doctors claim that relative motoring costs have gone down in recent years. Perhaps true is you are 50 and run something like a brand new base Kia Picanto ( with 2000 quid scrappage discount ) on zero percent interest. However, a Picanto is not big enough for the average family and luggage or shopping, normal family cars are as expensive to run as ever. Spin doctors attempt to portray that motoring cost have gone down relative to the cost of public transport, but all that demonstrates is just how totally inefficient the corporate cartel bus operators have become in the past 20 years.

The future doesn't look very bright, even the youthful Chloe Smith has links to the stock market parasites in her short career. Even if the Tories win the next general election there is little chance of anything being done to tackle the fundamental problems with our economy. GDP figures down more than expected over the last quarter yet the stock market continues to climb. Perhaps its simply a case of the same old parasites generating the same old false money again. The parasitic employment agencies have never had it so good with the number of unemployed. Little chance of moulding a sustainable inclusive economy with a genuine concern for the ecology of our planet.

Cameron was on Andrew Marr this morning talking about the possibility of introducing toll roads and what a good Tory idea the M6 toll road was. It would appear that a future Tory government with a big majority will be a license to further the Corporate Nazi ( anarcho capitalist Trotskyite ) agenda. It would appear that the relevant stock market parasite lobbyists have switched focus and funding to the "other side" of the Corporate Nazi coin since Adonis ruled out toll roads until at least after the next government.

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JadedJean #71

In your Stephanomics post 16 you suggest that the current financial problems go back to 1993, but perhaps the real trigger was the stock market crash of 1987. It would appear that 1988 was the start of all the false economic growth stuff, I went to Aussie in Nov 1987 and returned in April 1988. When I got off the plane at London it was like I had landed in a different country to the one I had set off from, everything now seemed a rip off. Our local village pub had been " done up " in the meantime perhaps theoretically inflating the Whitbread share price. However, the price of beer had gone up 20p a pint, everybody just went out an hour later and the landlord packed in because taking would no longer cover the rent. Said pub has never really paid its way since.

Perhaps Thatcher was deposed because she was no longer prepared to go along with all the false economic growth stuff. Major loved it, introduced stuff like traffic calming to make everyone use more fuel then massively increased road fuel taxes making out manufacturing industry uneconomic. Plenty of work for the corporate asset strippers, fiddle the balance of trade deficit to make things look better than they actually were.

NN: 27/07/2009

kashibeyaz # 7

You better be careful or you will end up on the naughty step with me and JadedJean inferring that top UK politicians are puppets of the US. However, its the Corporate Nazi top earning stock market celebrities who will decide to pull out of Afghanistan. The value of the DOW is directly dependent on a continuation of the war, even back before the Iraq invasion the Dow Jones would gain 50 points each time Iraq was bombed. I suspect that a complete withdrawal from both Iraq and Afghanistan could result in a fall of up to 1000 points off the DOW.

There is no way that puppet politicians like Obama are going to risk another crash on the stock market, Britain whinges about Zimbabwe but its the UK stock market parasites who are funding Mugabe and all he stands for according to tonight's Dispatches.

Whilst it would appear to be run down the NHS open season, according to a contact from the states Obama's alleged revolutionary health reforms wont actually help a large proportion of the population. On face value it would appear that Obama is simply attempting to create a welfare state for the drug companies and private care companies farming frail OAP's or disabled people. Bit like what the Corporate Nazi's want here and the Tories talking about an extension of means testing for several currently universal benefits.

Wind Farms, The Truth ( 30/07/2009 )


Ed Miliband's pursuit of wind power as even part of our energy mix is sheer lunacy. Wind power is a complete disaster says Michael J. Trebilcock, Professor of Law and Economics, University of Toronto. Here is a summary of the key points he made in his Toronto Post article dated 8th April 2009.

1. Denmark, the worlds most wind-intensive nation, with more than 6,000 turbines generating 19% of its electricity, has yet to close a single fossil-fuel plant.

2. It requires 50% more coal-generated electricity to cover wind powers unpredictability.

3. Flemming Nissen, the head of development at West Danish generating company ELSAM (one of Denmark's largest energy utilities) tells us that wind turbines do not reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

4. The German experience is no different. Der Spiegel reports that Germany's CO2 emissions haven't been reduced by even a single gram, and additional coal- and gas-fired plants have been constructed to ensure reliable delivery.

5. Recent academic research shows that wind power may actually increase greenhouse gas emissions in some cases, depending on the carbon-intensity of back-up generation required because of its intermittent

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6. Industrial wind power is not a viable economic alternative to other energy conservation options. Take the Danish experience:-

a. Danish electricity generation costs are the highest in Europe;b. Niels Gram of the Danish Federation of Industries says, windmills are a mistake and economically make no sense. c. Aase Madsen, the Chair of Energy Policy in the Danish Parliament, calls it a terribly expensive disaster.

7. In debates over climate change, and in particular subsidies to renewable energy, there are two kinds of green:-

a. Firstly - the environmental greens who view the problem as so urgent that all measures that may have some impact on greenhouse gas emissions, whatever their cost or their impact on the economy and employment, should be undertaken immediately. (From Ed Milibands comments on Newsnight tonight, he is one of these).

b. Secondly - the fiscal greens, who, being cool to carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems that make polluters pay, favour massive public subsidies to themselves for renewable energy projects, whatever the relative impact of such projects on greenhouse gas emissions.

Both groups have one point of convergence - their support for massive subsidies to renewable energy (particularly wind turbines).


NN: 29/07/2009

Wind farms are not new, they first started to appear in the landscape during the mid 1990s often on bleak moorland with no particular tourist potential. Even then the whole thing was a scam, RMC Burnley got the contract to supply the concrete to some up on the nearby moors because Tilcon refused to take more than 5 m/sq, when the maximum six it would spill out going up the hills. The RMC mixers could manage six but their was no profit for anyone doing the job even though it kept us in work at a slack time.

At that time even I thought that they were a good idea but I had no idea how efficient they were, and it was plain to see that they often stood idle. The truth is out there now and Justin should know full well with his " Ethical Man " investigation into micro wind turbines that their larger brethren are just as useless. Perhaps planning permission is so hard to get because the thinking public know this, they know how increasing wind power to 20% of requirements could cause power cuts.

Wind farms are an expensive cul de sac as far as meeting our future energy needs through low carbon sources. Far better to use any spare money building a proper Severn ( not those pond things proposed by the eco- fascists ) barrage, likewise Morecambe bay. Similarly nuclear needs massive expansion, thinking people are sick to the teeth of the eco-fascists dictating energy policy.

Perhaps the brain dead politicians who still promote wind power are scared that the eco-fascists will attack their house and vandalize their car if they don't sing from the eco-fascist hymn sheet..As for green jobs, a 17% private tax on business energy costs to pay for wind farms to stand idle for at least 70% of the time = mass redundancies in what still remains of our manufacturing industry green or otherwise.

Just to rub salt into the wounds of the Vestas closure empty headed Milliband has just given the company a massive government grant for " research and development ".Anything remotely connected with the term " green " is obviously an investment scam, the only people who gain from wind farm projects are a few lucky individual farmers who actually own their land. Nothing for the wider community despite the fact that income from the tourism they have been forced to rely on could be damaged. The only thing for certain is that their would be no wind farms built but for the massive subsidy to the energy companies, wind farms are false economic growth.

bookhimdano #10

I have nothing against expanding micro generation but WE HAVE TO HAVE WIND FARMS to appease the

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eco-fascists and anyway large corporations can't so easily parasite or embezzle from small scale local projects. You need to get it into your head that all significant financial policy decisions are take by the stock market parasite celebrities.

In any case any form of atmospheric generation can not form part of the required base load for our national grid. I believe that Germany has recently experienced severe difficulties at keeping the power on 365, 24/7, perhaps due to over reliance on perhaps particularly solar. Its is said that the UK grid could collapse if we ever reach the target of 20% generated by specifically wind.

Yet another pre scripted well rehearsed alleged live studio debate on wind energy which totally failed to encompass the fundamental questions. Justin Rowlatt suffering selected memory loss on what he discovered playing at Ethical Man, its not just nimby's who object to wind turbines as the propaganda would attempt to portray. However, it is no longer necessary for the eco-fascist to assist to the corporate lawyers to embezzle from the planning system so now they concentrate on coal these days.

GO1 #56

Once again it would appear that you have got your ten bob fat cat Corporate Nazi blinkers on, read ROBINOVITCH #28 to find out the simple truth about wind farms.

Once again its a case of " If you don't agree with me you are BNP " and as for being racist I have nothing against " The Jews " In fact I have got ethnic minority relations who I get on with really well. Likewise the Pakistani's on the checkout at the supermarket next to a mosque which I frequent, I am always civil and give them a smile.

Race has nothing to do with the internationalist Corporate Nazi stock market parasite celebrities who seek to dictate policy throughout the world using their puppet politicians and anarchist Trotskyite idiots like yourself.

NN: 03/08/2009

So the taxpayer underwritten Corporate Multinational Cartel Banks are once again turning mega profits and their stock market parasites likely to pocket a small fortune in bonuses. Bank executives sight good decision making by their high flying employees but is dead easy to turn a false profit when you can borrow money at virtually zero interest rates. From simple analysis over the past few moths it would appear that said profits revolve around a virtual pyramid in mining share prices in particular.

Only recently various mining companies were considering mergers, a sure sign of impending insolvency. Yet if the CMC Banks and other financial institutions subsidize any share price any CMC company can continue to increase its " leverage ".

Similarly oil prices, front page leading article in the Indy alleging that oil will run out soon when in actual fact the speculators currently have millions of barrels parked up in natural harbours in idle tankers. Oil speculators must be desperate to get the price up and must be clutching at straws if they have to target brain dead ten bob fat cats like the gangophone to get them on their side and inflate the price.

Its not as if the world will end when the oil runs out, exploration keeps finding plenty of new reserves but you can distil oil from coal. The Germans did so in the second world war, likewise apartheid South Africa. According to BBC Coast back in the 19th century they were commercially distilling oil suitable for use in a diesel engine from peat. Britain has huge reserves of both coal and peat. Of course the eco-fascists will vociferously object, but then despite their anti big business rhetoric they are in actual fact an integral part of the false growth promoting CMC.

Perhaps the most important factor in the recent stock market rise is the fact that the government are continuing to promote the CMC Corporate Nazi ideology. It is said that energy consumers will have to fund the whole cost of introducing " smart meters " when the energy companies stand to save almost ten times as much in lack of need to send people to read a traditional meter. This on top of the proposed 15% private tax on domestic and 17% on business energy bills to pay for subsidized wind farms to stand idle 70% of the time.

It all adds up to yet more False Economic Growth, which apart from increasing the ever widening Financial

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Apartheid is based on increasing ecological damage to our planet. Perhaps its high time to move forward with a whole new social / economic system and anybody who looks back in nostalgia to the old days be turned into a pillar of salt like Lott's wife in the bible.

@ 22:32 I wrote private to KCL

Hope you dig my tonight's NewsNight post, is there some kind of theoretical collective subconsciousness beginning to manifest itself on said forum ?

I hadn't read your Rabbit analogy post #10 when I sent you the above just now but perhaps said phenomena could be explained as an awakening of basic human instincts the type of which enabled the species to progress from the stone age.

Perhaps to appeal to a wider audience a good analogy could be " The Force " as portrayed in the original Star Wars film.

As Wagon drivers you needed some kind if magic to pass oncoming HGV's at up to100 Mph closing speed with only six inches clearance on the wing mirrors. When they put temporary traffic lights up the truth was out and it was a struggle to get past parked HGV's at 10 Mph. Not everybody could do it but is was nothing to do with whether you could read and write. Totally distinct from theoretical academic achievement, but if you can't read the written test you don't get the chance to pass the current practical driving car test.

Bit off topic but whilst mentioning the Stone Age it crossed my mind about how primitive man would herd Mammoths and drive them of a high cliff. Perhaps the only way to kill them at the time but they probably killed so many at once that they could never eat all the meat before it went completely rotten. Perhaps not that different from today's stock market parasites, they earn far more money that they could ever need. Meanwhile the government allows them to inflate the cost of living to pay for it, more and more environmentally sound people fall into the down side of financial apartheid. Of course the real inflation is hidden in the corporate statistics, we make no true progress in promoting the ultimate ecological future of our planet.

The Corporate Multinational Cartel Banks will ensure that nobody is allowed the finance to come along with the modern day equivalent of a flint arrowhead. True efficiency savings in our economy are frowned upon by politicians, alleged honourable men but perhaps seduced by the " Dark side of the Force ".

NN: 04/09/2009

Perhaps Obama is loosing popularity due to the fact that the cat is out of the bag on his promised "Change" agenda. He presides over all the stock market parasite business as usual Corporate Nazi ideology just the same as Bush did. His healthcare reforms are simply a welfare state for the drug and private care home industry. On climate change its clear that the agenda is yet more false economic growth likely to destroy two jobs in traditional industry for every alleged green job they theoretically create.

The trouble is that if any top politician attempted to push through any real change for the benefit of the ordinary working people the Corporate Nazi's would arrange for them to be assassinated. Obama must realize that and perhaps the same principle applies here in the UK.

#14 mim

I suspect that alleged " academic educational mice " will have been putting their every spare penny into the stock market for years. Spurred along by programmes like Working Lunch promoting just how cuddly the stock market was and how you could make a fortune and retire early. Now they have snake oil salesman Adrian Childs on the One show promoting the Corporate Nazi ideology to any ten bob fat cats who may have lost belief in the Corporate Multinational Cartel consumer democracy illusion.

Employee's of the BBC are hardly likely to seriously consider any policy or idea hostile to the CMC. After all they do have to sell programmes to the CMC inspired international media and therefore not truly independent.

This Biggs anecdote might not get past the blog dog but a bloke I once worked with was a Fireman at Saltley

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shed ( Birmingham ) back in the 1960s. It would appear that said robbed train driver actually cooperated with the train robbers, their gang driver only able to drive steam locomotives. Said robbed train driver actually drove the new EE Type 4 Diesel Electric locomotive from the signal where they stopped it to the bridge where they unloaded the loot. It is alleged that said robbed train driver was "roughed over" voluntarily AFTER driving said train to bridge to prevent the police suspecting him as a collaborator with the train robbers. Perhaps those involved in the beating did too good a job ?

NN: 10/08/2009

#10 Domlogger

Typical eco / health fascist propaganda, the fact remains that a large proportion of UK agricultural land is unsuitable for anything other than meat production. In many cases that comes down to sheep and beef and if the UK is to become more self sufficient in food supply that means eating more meat. Grants to drain hill farms falling back into bog fallow due to the foolish past use of large tractors, likewise spreading lime to combat the acid soil conditions. Thanks to the eco-fascists thousands of acres of once cereal / veg productive coastal land has been sacrificed in the interest of " wildfowl. " Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if you could buy " managed shot or trapped fowl " in supermarkets, but then politicians often care more about animals than people.

I can't help speculating that Aung San Suu Kyi was set up by the Corporate Nazi's in order to give the Burmese government the excuse they needed to exclude her from actively participating in the forthcoming alleged democratic elections. The question NewsNight should be asking is who is this American lunatic who swam the lake to see here despite the fact that she was only days from freedom. Why was he not thrown into jail for a couple of years, perhaps an agent of the Corporate Multinational Cartel acting for mining / oil companies. Did he have a large shareholding in companies likely to benefit from the absence of Aung San Suu Kyi, did he do it for personal gain. RTZ have already been caught spying on Chinese steel in order to manipulate the price of iron ore, I'm not swatted up on CMC companies trading with Burma but a similar principle could apply ?

NN: 13/08/2009

It would appear that its knock the NHS season again but duhbuh #10 its perhaps hardly surprising the all the AARP want is a welfare state for the drug and care home companies. #6 streetphotobeing, Stafford ( locked in the Tory 1990s )was an isolated case and most areas of the UK have a first class health system if our area is anything to go by.

In 1994 when I went into a neurosurgery ward to have a back operation it was absolutely filthy, some of the ceiling tiles were missing leaving it open to the loft space. The first time I went in my operation was cancelled due to running out of anaesthetic time, so I had to go back a week later. Another quite young patient on said ward had had a particularly difficult brain tumour operation, and when I went back in he was due to go home in a couple of days. He never made it, his scar had opened up due to infection, you could smell it across the bay. Three days went by before he was seen by the surgeon, who then did his nut because he had not been told of the infection immediately. They told me not to sit down, then sent me home sat up in my fathers car, the morning after my GP came and shook his head, I had damaged the nerves. With hindsight the proper thing to do would have been to send me by ambulance to convalesce in our local community hospital for another week before going home, perhaps then the operation would have been a success. (people now do this not just no hope geriatric cases )

It would appear that the policy was to slowly starve you to death, one poor bloke had been in three months in a neck brace drilled into his scull. He was lucky, he had a " high protein diet " ( which meant you got scrambled egg for breakfast ), child size portions for the main mid-day meal ( fancy stuff like pizza ) and " soup and sandwich " at about five. That meant that you had to survive 15 hours to the next meal when you were already half starving. There was no chance of making a decent recovery without ample regular spaced out food, so everyone was desperate to get home. The week day staff couldn't even make a decent brew, better at weekend with different staff, decent brews whenever you wanted them, first rate dedicated nursing care, could get the nurse to buy you a decent sandwich from the staff canteen at night. An argument broke out over borrowing the next door ward's drinking chocolate directly caused by rules from the accountants.

It would appear that hospitals in general have transformed for the better since Labour took charge, all the people I know who have had a more recent encounter for a serious condition in the NHS. I know of one case

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where a woman was diagnosed with cervical cancer on first smear test. Her GP originally cocked it up for a couple of days, but she was extensively operated upon within two weeks of original diagnosis. I know another case where a hip replacement was ordered fairly pronto, even minor things like frozen shoulder are done in little time compared to the 1990s.

Our local GP's operating it a ( polyclinic ) central health centre is brilliant, if you can be bothered to ring up in the morning you can see your own doctor on the day, perhaps even before 9 AM. They can save you a minor injury A&E trip to the main hospital with their Treatment Room, which also does regular stuff like blood tests etc. The only snag is the parking fee on the adjacent car park, perhaps when applied to new Hospitals a private tax paid to the PFI company.

My dad has been speedily checked out for prostrate cancer, several in depth tests but no waiting to speak of. He's Okay but has an " irritable bladder ", perhaps in most part to to his almost 87 age, it would appear that it could be partly psychological, sees a loo and has to use it, better when there is nothing to remind him. Anyway they have him on pills which did show improvement at first but more recently the benefit is less evident. My main bone of contention is that he has to trail all the way to Blackburn in the rush hour ( twice already ), when he could see the consultant at the local community hospital just a couple of mile down the road. Of course I have to take him, but with my Ministry of Silly Walks free parking pass, if he went in his own car the car park could cost as much as the petrol. Just dreading an afternoon appointment, total traffic gridlock on to the main road, probably mostly because they closed the former half mile short cut from the north east catchment area.

The parking is free at our local community hospital, and like the other remaining 19th century hospital in our area free of c-dificele and MRSA despite caring for elderly almost bed ridden / unable to be fixed by surgery. The other two hospitals are new, well 1970s and built like a concrete rabbit warren. The older parts of the new " Royal " central hospital are little better, low ceilings unlike the Victorian hospitals. Florence Nightingale was spot on, let plenty of air circulate to reduce cross infection between patients. Like everything organized by the Corporate Nazi's it fails to encompass first principles, transport policy is just as bad.

It would appear that the US division of Corporate Nazi's are determined to hang on the their rip-off private health care system. A contact in the mid west claims it cost him 400 dollars to get antibiotics to shift a chest infection after a cold. Health costs must be crippling US industry, no wonder GM and Chrysler went bust. If the Americans reject anything resembling the NHS they must be completely stupid and slaves to their Corporate Nazi private media, long live the BBC.

me #18

Just to clarify the outcome of alleged cervical cancer operation is complete success so far, the hip operation was elected to be done at the main NHS site. She could have had it done in a private hospital but after seeing several friends outcomes with complications after private hospitals she felt safer with the NHS. It was a particularly complicated hip operation and it was said that the private hospital could not have done it. Alleged frozen shoulder was done in private hospital, movement much improved but remaining pain despite physio therapy although early days yet. It would appear that UK private hospitals can't cope with anything other than routine easy surgery on " fit " people.

A far cry from the 1930's when my infant auntie died of whooping cough because the doctor couldn't be bothered to make a short walk up the fields when the main access road was blocked by snow. Perhaps the fact that he knew the often skint small hill farmers couldn't afford to pay for treatment had something to do with it also.

#43 GANGOPHONE ( definition from future Oxford English dictionary )

A type of wind up gramophone only capable of playing the same Corporate Nazi inspired records, which then jumps and plays the same old tracks of rhetoric over and over again. Obviously your limited brain capacity has already forgotten my NN post from just the other week 29/072009 #80


" Are you dyslexic or something or just so far up your own backside that you can't be bothered to take the time to read anything properly, I never said I was Muslim or BNP but your favourite Lib-Demmics are lower in my estimation than any immigrant."

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You would appear to be having a go at everyone and anyone for no sound of mind reason, take KingCelticLion for instance and his submission to Nobel prize work. I have seen they evidence to back up what he says, but then perhaps you are missing JadedJean, hope she is back soon as the blog is at a significant loss without her.Perhaps hardly surprising to find out that despite his excellent EU speech earlier in the year Daniel Hannan is just another Corporate Nazi at heart. The south east is full of stock market parasites so easy to get elected as an MEP there. The Tories have allegedly chosen an Asian stock market parasite to fight Burnley, I'm just wondering how many prospective Tory parliamentary candidates come from the same potential Corporate Nazi stable.

Of course the Tories claim to defend our NHS but propose to scrap Incapacity Benefit when it is the logical conclusion and essential add on to the NHS system. Perhaps in an alleged civilized society Incapacity Benefit should become part of the overall healthcare package.

If the NHS can't fix you you go onto IB as a matter of routine ( like in the past ), not have to jump through Corporate Nazi hoops with no understanding of the disabling reality of constant pain. I suspect that up to 75% of IB claimants got there through working too hard in a potentially dangerous manual job. Now they propose increasing the OAP age to 68 and then 70, I suspect that many people knackered through genuine hard work will be thrown onto means tested benefits at 50.

Just what the Corporate Nazi's ordered, a good chance that you will die from poverty before you get chance to claim the enforced private pension they are about to introduce. Anybody with any sense will opt out if possible, stash any spare cash under the mattress.

NN: 17/08/2009

I am probably thinking right outside the box, but in the event of the government having to nationalize all the banks perhaps we have the opportunity to create a brand new sustainable stakeholder economy. The creation of a Citizens Income could overcome the current state benefits stigma, and would replace the complication of all current benefits including the Old Age Pension.

The object of the exercise would be to give every person ( over 21 or ten years legal residence ) in the country a virtual 100,000 quid in a national savings account which paid say 10% interest. This would equate to a " citizens income " and people would be able to be employed to increase this as they pleased. Income tax could be 50% after the first 5000 but it would be possible to allow tax relief on the purchase of your own home. Children could also attract tax relief, 7500 for the first, 5000 for the second but only 2500 for the third and extra children.

There would also need to be a maximum income,say 10 times the citizens income, anything above that would be subject to 100% tax. However some tax relief could be given for every full time person directly employed.

The object of the exercise would be to achieve maximum income via saving throughout life up to retirement. Obviously people in high paid jobs could retire earlier (after having paid in full for their house. ).Perhaps they could continue to work part time as consultants in their chosen field.

To prevent depreciation on consumer goods there would be no credit allowed on any product not capable of (with maintenance) lasting 30 years.

Inheritance tax would be 100% on cash savings but all property including business equipment and land could be tax free.

This policy could make it worth voting for the working class, although I expect that the stock market parasites would object so no chance of their puppets like Brown doing it.

There will be no quick end to the war in Afghanistan because its serves the function of providing a virtual welfare state for the stock market parasites. A relative of mine has just come back from a year teaching in the Falklands, it was a private charter jet because all the normal RAF planes are working on the Afghan route. The US airlines were all going bust before the Afghan war, and then Iraq saved them from bankruptcy.

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Perhaps Blair had no option to join the US in said wars, if like Harold Wilson who refused to participate in Vietnam, the stock market parasites and their corporate multinational cartel would have crashed the value of the Pound. Brown is the puppet of the stock market parasites so no chance of a unilateral withdrawal by the British. Plenty of false economic growth building alleged safer replacements for " snatch Land-Rover's " Defence company share prices inflated, likewise mining stock's up on the prospect of firing even more expensive munitions with ingredients such as copper etc.

#4 Murray

A virtual maximum income as allegedly proposed by the Compass group ( perhaps through 100% tax )does have its merits, but would need to be accompanied by tax relief for every person directly employed. Of course corporate executives would need to scrap between themselves has to who actually provided said jobs, however, celebrities would have to settle for perhaps a full time gardener or cleaner etc.

The usual contract Corporate Nazi spokesperson was on News 24 earlier squealing that all the stock market parasites would move overseas. The same people said the minimum wage would decimate employment in low paid jobs, would the loss of a few overpaid parasites be so bad for the UK economy anyway.

#7 oh dear, JadedJean just back from a break ( hope you enjoyed your holiday )and got almost instantly pulled for some spurious reason. They did actually post it so some Corporate Nazi must have squealed about its implications. I now send all my bounced post to KCL just for a laugh, perhaps his website could collect bounced posts for publication, not including the " gangophone " player ( see NN 13/08/2009 )

#10 Murray

You obviously don't get the point, 99.99% tax whatever way you say, there needs to be a maximum income as an essential balance to the minimum wage. At the end of they day all stack market parasites do is invent false money, and the primeval function of TAX was to mop up all false money in the economy. I got that from an extremely well educated old man with family links to the famous Kenyan archaeologist who found one key example in our human ancestry.

Vince Cable must have blown any acquired credibility he theoretically gained at the peak of the financial crisis. Now like " Sir Henry at Rawlinson End ", he doesn't know what he wants but he wants it now, or so it would appear. Perhaps he has been " got at " by the Corporate Nazi policy enforcers since earlier in the day, I suspect that the eco-fascists rely heavily on stock market parasite alleged charity donations. I will probably comment further when I have watched it again on I player, but even the guest stock market parasite seemed to acknowledge that some city pay contracts were untenable in the current economic climate.

All very well for Vince cable to bang on about the FSA and its powers, but the Tories have put virtual Leg-Irons on it by proposing to abolish it. No FSA employee is going to take any positive action against any Banks or other financial institutions if there is a chance that they will be hung out to dry when the BoE takes over regulatory responsibility. The same principle applies to new recruits for the FSA, no sane person is going to apply for a job with an organization which will probably disappear in less than a years time. Current FSA employee's who dare to take firm action against financial institutions could end up on some form of Corporate Nazi blacklist. It would appear that effective city regulation is off the agenda until at least after the general election.

NN: 19/08/2009

#9 unpronounceable

You confirm what I suspected all along about international aid, a large proportion is being embezzled, and probably going to the stock market parasites via their corporate multinational cartel. And surprise, surprise, all major parties have pledged not the cut international aid in the future. It probably goes on stuff like corporate mercenary, at least one of them got killed in either Iraq, or more likely Afghanistan. One went loopy and killed two of his "comrades" I remember now that was Iraq and its said he could be facing the death penalty.

I suspect that they manage to change money as many times as possible, it will be far worse if the Tories switch part of the aid budget to "renewable energy". Perhaps on the evidence, places like Congo have got a

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far better deal than "western aid" with China despite the CMC propaganda. The civil war only continues when the mining cartel fund the insurgents. It's all about trying to impede progress on Chinese transport infrastructure projects, new road down the eastern border and intersecting new railway to the Atlantic coast. I believe loads of schools and hospitals are also part of the deal to sell a pile of useless to Congo rock. Remember, the lunatics are in charge of the Westminster asylum.

#14 barrie

Excellent site on the probably controlled demolition of said buildings on 9/11, but you have to remember the man on the moon landings and the all important getting him back safe. How do rockets work in a partial vacuum, apparently breaks Newton's second law " every action must have an equal and opposite reaction.” If they can get away with that they can get away with anything, Lockerbie bomber is relative small fry, but "what politicians calling for a public enquiry" after last nights exchanges?

#23 indignantindegene

Of course the Swiss banks are an integral part of the Corporate Multinational Cartel, providing the capital for such as Hedge Funds to borrow against to speculate. The fact that they are all secret enhances the power of the stock market parasites, depositors highly unlikely to withdraw or claim interest income so therefore maximum capital gains. The performance of the Zurich index has apparently fared rather better than the average European markets throughout the global downturn.

GO1 #61

I suspect that any controlled explosion charges could have been sneaked in during routine refurbishment of the interior. They would never have been able to fix the damage caused by a major fire (steel structure could have bent where not clad in insulation such as vermiculite.) Perhaps it was all a massive insurance job, perhaps facing being potentially skint stock market parasites families bailed out with the criminal compensation.

You will persist on claiming that I am a Muslim when you are clearly on planet Zog as far as your reading comprehension is concerned.

NN: 26/08/2009

When is everybody going to wake up and realize that reducing CO2 in a King Canute prevent climate change ideology is just one massive stock market parasite investment scam. Just think what the Corporate Nazi's can embezzle if we are to pay developing countries for technology non of the world's poor can afford. Perhaps the majority attending said "Climate Camp" are wealthy university drop outs probably sponsored by their mates who parasite on the stock market.

Even James Lovelock (Gaia Theory) rubbishes what the eco-fascists propose to save the planet, particularly wind farms but also nuclear and Severn Barrage. Get him onto Newsnight if you seek something near the truth about what needs to be done to limit our impact on the environment. Politicians of all parties proposing reducing speed limits and introducing pollution generating traffic calming, Pinocchio's nose must be dragging on the floor by now.

Rustigjongens #35

" Corporate Nazi " is a term to describe an ideology which has emerged to the front of politics over many years now. I suppose I could just write " they " but then commentators would say "who are they," I believe the technical term is anarcho capitalist Trotskyites but Corporate Nazi rolls of the tongue better.

The eco-fascist wing of the environmental movement are the greatest threat to our personal freedoms in Britain. The eco-fascists are the true fascists in British politics today, in combination with the safety-fascists and health-fascists they can be classed colloquially as Corporate Nazis.

The internationalist Corporate Nazis have no respect for nation states, over the years its their stock market parasites who have sold our British sovereignty to the highest corporate bidder.

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Its all part of a "Corporate Nazi" ideology where large corporations lobby government to make everything as inefficient (difficult) and expensive as possible, especially for people living in rural areas. A key part of the "Corporate Nazi " plan is the systematic dismantling of our welfare state whilst at the same time providing a virtual welfare state for the Banks and their stock market parasites.

NN: 27/08/2009

It would appear that today's average (vacuum between ears) politicians foolishly believe that the age of the building is the most important factor in our children's education. All very convenient for the stock market parasites embezzling perhaps now billions from the resultant PFI deals floating around. Perfectly sound buildings demolished and prime sites sold to property speculators when all they really needed was refurbishment during the long summer holidays. Of course the Tories let routine maintenance slip over the years so maintenance cost did add up, but then the eco-fascists threw in their "heating cost" scam, and there was also the politically correct excuse of "disabled access."

The result is that state education probably now costs over twice as much as it really needed to, and has become dumbed down over the years, just what the Corporate Nazi ideology specified under Thatcher. Science teaching emasculated, ideal for selling "green scams" to foolish consumers and perpetuating the "socially useless" parasitic angle of the stock market.

Perhaps one major problem is the now almost exclusive incumbency of clone university graduate teachers with no experience of outside academic life. Back in the 1970s when I did my secondary education the best teachers were those trained (no degree ) out of industry in the 1950s. They never had any problems controlling classes, perhaps because they could relate their life ( WW2 )experiences to captivate their audience.

We did have some ex-university boffins but they were generally disliked by the pupils and if there ever was any trouble it was always in one of their lessons. It would appear that teaching is now an employment safety net for those uni graduates who FAIL to get a position in private industry relevant to their chosen subject.

Lack of educational achievement is not just down to schools, parents should encourage their kids to watch documentaries on TV. The trouble is that even the BBC has dropped serious programmes like Timewatch in favor of balderdash like " The Tudors " which is little more than an excuse to flash tits. Once upon a time Horizon concentrated on the basics of science, but now its lost the plot simply suggesting the latest theory proven or otherwise. On channel 4 Big Brother occupies the prime 9 pm documentary slot all summer when kids need to keep their education ticking over during the holidays. Similarly many educational programmes are shown in slots competing with soaps and other alleged popular dross. No Open University on BBC 2 on weekend afternoons like was the case in the 1980s, many informative documentaries from the 70s and 80s not shown as essential to developing minds because they are classed as repeats or not politically correct.

Couple the above with the probability that the vast majority of the more intelligent "working class" stopped breeding under Thatcher and then Major its perhaps hardly surprising that standards fell so low. Perhaps they are now rising but there will always be a significant number of the population (perhaps linked to ethnicity) who will never master maths and written English. However that is not all bad because those who academically fail at school are often good at practical skills. The trouble is that these people are now technically excluded from skilled jobs like driving.

NN: 28/08/2009

Has anyone perhaps noticed that James Murdoch's designer spectacles and hairstyle make him reminiscent of Himler ?The Corporate Nazi's must be getting pretty desperate to maintain their corporate illusion for such a speech delivered to an audience broadly in favour of the BBC. Its virtual BNP rhetoric, aimed at an audience of the lowest form of intellect.

Sky consumers often moan about paying the license, but then the idiots are paying more a month for just Sky than a simple licenses fee free view. Taking in the internet the BBC offers excellent value for money and is now interacting with the viewer more than ever in the past. Just a pity they closed down Action Network, but it did have a range of opinions on numerous subjects not always towing the government line.

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This NN blog is worth the license fee on its own, Murdock publications like The Times do have feedback but they would never publish a phrase like Corporate Nazi when referring to the stock market parasites. I suspect that Lord Turner would have been hushed up, especially the bit about large sections of the finance industry being "socially useless" JadedJean #4 is spot on with her reference to anarchists, but perhaps the cat is already out of the bag on the anarcho capitalist Trotskyites, especially in the more intelligent section of society.

NN: 04/09/2009

It must now be clear to any political observers that Gordon Brown is the puppet of the Corporate Nazi stock market parasites. Likewise Alistair Darling (nee Panda) who would appear to be committed to the Corporate Nazi ideology of expanding and sustaining a virtual welfare state for the stock market parasites. Tough on alleged Incapacity Benefit cheats but no action to curb the embezzlement of billions by the "socially useless" section of financial markets as recently identified by Lord Turner. Darling is attempting to portray that a cap on bonuses will be avoided through higher basic salaries. The obvious solution is to heavily tax all derivatives trades, but with Obama scared of assassination the Corporate Nazi's have him as their puppet also, so no chance of a global deal.

Of course it will be no better under the Tories despite the Osborne rhetoric on tougher city regulation. Perhaps its convenient to dump the FSA now that its head is no longer "ideologically pure", of course Boris has to object to a cap on bonuses as they are mostly in the interest of his main political sponsors. Farage's response is typical of a party funded by the likes of hedge funds, meanwhile Vince cable is perhaps conveniently practising the art of not being seen.

NN: 09/09/2009

Perhaps alleged Copenhagen Climate Change deal is just an excuse for the biggest ever stock market parasite investment scam, all in the name of King Canute. London Market back over 5000 as a result of Panda's virtual welfare state for the parasites, the false economic growth generated on alleged climate change projects could keep it there in at least the short term.

JadedJean #7

You slightly missed the point about taxation, wind farm subsidies (ROC's) are a PRIVATE TAX paid in subsidy to the energy companies. I believe that we are already paying on average one quid a week on energy bills, this is soon set to rise to four quid a week if the government reaches its projected wind farm generation target. They recently suggested something similar to fund faster broadband connections with a private tax on phone land lines.

Surprise, surprise, the man apparently behind the new totally over the top CRB checks to allegedly protect British children is a perhaps "Corporate Nazi" American. It would appear to be just another expensive endless IT project (welfare state for the stock market parasites), and if the Tories have an ounce of integrity they will scrap the whole thing when elected and come up with something "British" and more sensible.

The gangofone goes on about the BNP being national socialist but has he checked out their post EU election policies recently. It would appear that they have sold out to the eco-fascists on environment policy, perhaps Griffin fancies his chances with the leader of the Greens. The rest of their policies are totally impractical and perhaps nothing at all to do with what JadedJean would prescribe. Like all elected politicians it would appear that the BNP have sold out to the Corporate Nazi cause. Perhaps its due to not being able to get a UK bank account, and despite alleged EU funding they are sending out begging letters to anyone they have contact details for.

If only Pinocchio's nose had been cut for timber then we could have built "Jerusalem" in England's green and pleasant land.

NN: 14/09/2009

One recent example of Pinocchio's nose on the future sustainability of the planet was presented by one time child indoctrinator John Craven on Countryfile. Mr alleged average steak eater was encouraged to look at the alleged potential environmental damage caused by eating meat. It was seen as a eco-fascist propaganda

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success when said average steak eater ordered fish as an alternative. Nothing about that fish are becoming increasingly scarce and some popular food species on the verge of extinction.

Obama is a brave man to challenge Wall Street, if only Brown and Cameron had the balls to at least match his proposals. Perhaps the corporate assassination contracts are already being signed, pity he spoils the overall effect of his attempt at sorting out the world economy with all the eco-fascist nonsense floating around. "Cash for Clunkers" is not that bad an environmental measure as you have to buy a more fuel efficient vehicle to qualify, unlike the UK scheme.

gangofone #31

The only fish extensively farmed is Salmon (it showed white fish on alleged steak eaters plat) and many claim that such salmon farming is bad for the local marine ecology. I believe that Cod is farmed on a limited scale but most will be imported from Iceland (stock market parasites change money). The point is that the majority of land in the UK is only fit for meat production (grass) and if we are to ensure "food security" the UK needs to eat more meat not less.

As with all eco-fascist ideology the key part of the plan is to facilitate the "corporate ethnic cleansing" of indigenous locals from rural areas, this time by damaging the market for the only possible product of small hill farms.

I don't know why you persist with your perversion of my words but I am not and have never been a Muslim or likely to become one. I take great exception to the way they treat their women and would welcome legislation to address this at least in the UK.

NN: 15/09/2009

zigzog #5

Perhaps we are under "occupation" by the stock market parasite Corporate Nazi's with the equivalent of a "Vichy French" style puppet government whichever party theoretically wins the alleged democratic elections?

mimpromptu #10

All very ten bob fat cat optimistic and all that, but it would appear that the logic of your argument is significantly undermined by the fact that you glaringly get Obama's election date wrong.

How can anybody take Blanchflower seriously when he should be one of the prime suspects in the dock responsible for corporate crime. Throughout his period on the MPC he was bleating for the low interest rates which sowed the seed of the current crisis. Then alleged business woman with a company based on two months of the year (and probably importing everything?). Hardly the type of steady sustainable business we need to promote, the future is make do and mend to keep our current standard of living from falling.

We need to smash open the false economy successive government have perpetuated by passing legislation to fuel inflation (like the road fuel tax escalator) and then claim it as economic growth. Looks like they are at it again, stock market parasites invented over 1000 points on the FTSE from what would appear to be hot air from politicians. Plenty of ideas for a welfare state for the stock market parasites with new potentially bottomless IT projects. Even the Tories talking about Toll Roads and privatizing the Highways Agency for 85 bn, look what happened to train fares after the creation of Railtrack ?

Before the real economy can recover interest rates need to rise to 10%, that's what the German government demand from Magna for their massive investment in failed Opel.

NN: 16/09/2009

Of course there would have probably never have been any Toxic Waste to Africa trade if the eco-fascists hadn't stopped companies building toxic waste incinerators in Europe, particularly Britain. Such incinerators are perfectly safe and environmentally sound if fitted with the latest flue gas scrubbing technology. Our local cement works burns print industry waste solvents to save coal, said fuel is just as potentially nasty as what

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was exported to Africa. All the sulphur is turned into gypsum, our local air quality is brilliant whatever duff coal they are using, a proportion of shredded scrap tyres and even some BSE suspect meat and bone meal.


JadedJean (#40 ) bureaucrats

Far be it from a conspiracy theory, but perhaps certain more recent posters have been directed here as a deliberate plant to undermine what long standing posters have to say in the run up to the general election. The quality of debate has gone rapidly down hill in the past six months and perhaps you are correct to suspect that long term regular viewers could be turned away. Who wants to read pointless poetry unless its designed to illustrate a particular political point ?

It would appear that the Corporate Nazi EU elite are attempting to create a virtual Fourth Reich on the back of the eco-fascists and alleged man made climate change, plenty of former AXIS countries now members plus other nations who openly welcomed Hitler when he invaded ?

NN: 21/09/2009

Vince Cable talks of cuts but perhaps they could start virtually painlessly and without alienating a section of our society from our welfare state by abandoning some of their politically correct pet projects. One of them would appear to be many proposed Traffic Calming Schemes most intelligent informed people genuinely concerned about our environment now object to. It is now well proven that Traffic Calming is bad for our environment, the latest statistics suggest that CO2 is increased by 82% and NOX by 37%. The pollution problem is compounded by drivers driving over them in too high a gear which means that the potentially toxic unburned hydrocarbon pollutants linked to lung disease are probably doubled. When I was waiting at a local village I observed cars coming up the steep hill and going around the corner. Many including petrol cars emitted black smoke due to being in too high a gear as taught by useless driving instructors to pass the quasi-religious driving test.

Lib-Dem support for proposed "Spy in the Sky" road charging totally undermines their alleged "human rights" position on the proposed ID card project. The Corporate Nazi stock market parasites have got their money on Average Speed Cameras since Lord Adonis theoretically abandoned New Labour's plans for Toll roads. No doubt the Lib-Demmics will be forcefully campaigning for average speed cameras to police blanket 20 Mph Zones in towns as a back door to their favoured road pricing.

Perhaps individual local councillors in support of Corporate Nazi eco-fascist policy like Bin tax etc stand to gain a substantial increase in their own personal borrowing allowance from the banks, easy to hide from declared interests. Plenty of false money floating about to indulge in ten bob fat cat property speculation as decent people sell up to avoid any traffic calming wrecking their car?

NN: 22/09/2009

Perhaps its the easy option for the Chinese to offer concessions on CO2 emissions as part of a forthcoming climate change deal at Copenhagen. After all its pretty expensive to extend the national electricity grid to villages in remote rural locations, the residents will never miss what they have never had. Far cheaper to install solar panels or build a local wind turbine, the intermittent power will be better than nothing previously, or the expense and maintenance of a local diesel generator.

China can afford to sit back and watch western nations shoot their economies in the foot in a futile attempt to reduce climate change. After all China wants to secure its strangle hold on global manufacturing, which it can theoretically grow unhindered if seen to be taking token measures to reduce CO2 emissions.

Oh dear, the Lib-Demmics were talking about our environment for over an hour this afternoon but perhaps an

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engineered total news blackout on the proceedings. I suspect that it was all the usual eco-fascist nee Corporate Nazi welfare state for the stock market parasites claptrap rhetoric. Even Andrew Neil "conference watch” conveniently skipped over it, good speech from Chris Hulne but perhaps pretty hollow coming from a former stock market parasite.

The US union rep on Paul Mason's report made an excellent point about our global environment. Perhaps it's a bit ironic that western pollution free as humanly possible heavier industry stands to be sacrificed on the altar of climate change only to be replaced by expansion of really dirty Chinese and Indian industry.

thegangofone #40

Corporate Nazi is a general term to describe anarcho capitalist Trotskyites to the general public, but I don't know where you get my BNP association from. In any case it would appear that the BNP have changed many of their policies since getting elected to the EU and appear to have sold out to the Corporate Nazi's in most areas. Perhaps the Corporate Nazi's intend to rig our flawed democracy at the next general election by using the BNP to split the " patriotic " vote in combination with UKIP.

Why do you foolishly think that I am personally a BNP supporter, last night I took the Google Political Compass test.


The result was two thirds left slightly liberal, perhaps placing me in the territory of Joe Grimond's original Liberal Party. The nearest historic political figure to me was Gandhi.

NN: 23/09/2009

What's all the big rush to replace Trident, its not that old anyway, and surely if it has been properly maintained it should last a good few years yet. Whilst I appreciate that the wiring on ships suffers metal fatigue (the whole boat is continually flexing even though you can't see it,) perhaps said submarines should have been designed to last long term, easy to refurbish.

There are plenty of examples of aircraft lasting long term ( Dakota's of WW2 vintage still flying ) so it should be possible to re use the current missiles in a new sub. It's all down to basic engineering theory, if it moves grease it, if it doesn't paint it.

JJ #8

Perhaps the Gaddafi virtual censorship was similar to what happened to the Lib-Dem member for Westmorland and Lonsdale ( an't remember his name) had to say at the conference on BBC Parliament this afternoon. The main sound feed was cut throughout his fairly long speech, you could catch bits of it in the background noise and the audience seemed appreciative.

They soon had the full sound back on to hear ten bob fat cats talking their usual drivel on the video screen. I Decided to put a pop video on during Clegg's attempt at a keynote speech which was really boring. Perhaps the Lib-Dem's should elect the member for Westmorland and Lonsdale as their next leader, he's just about the only Lib-Dem MP who ever talks any sense on anything.

So Corporate Nazi sympathizer "Wing Nut" trots out onto NewsNight yet again attempting to stir it for Brown in the USA, yet wont actually commit himself to naming alternative Labour leaders. I can't understand why Paxo treats him as so credible after he suggested introducing road pricing to fleece the public to plug the alleged budget deficit. Almost 80% of the mostly once Labour supporting politically active population rejected the planned and much media puffed Congestion Charge scheme for Greater Manchester last year.

Perhaps Brown would be doing better in the opinion polls if he had widely advertised the fact that Lord Adonis has at least kicked road pricing into the long grass. Labour focus should be on highlighting possible Tory plans to privatize the Highways agency for 85 bn, then let the private sector introduce road tolls. Cameron was recently on Andrew Marr spouting what a good idea the private M6 toll was despite the fact that traffic on it has fallen to an all time low more recently.

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The forthcoming general election increasingly looks like a choice of varying Corporate Nazi plans for a version of a welfare state for the stock market parasites. Everyone I know wants international aid (particularly to China and India) cut before anything else, yet still out of touch with the public politicians consider it a sacred cow.

NN: 27/09/2009

Just been watching MP's free overseas trips on 13 4+1, fell asleep watching channel 4 news, been up since half six watched labour party conference this aft and their would appear to be a subtle change on emphasis away from the Corporate Nazi policy I go on about. Bit like that Corporate Nazi childcare scam, have to register as a child minder to look after your mates kids for more than two hours and regularly. Some prat social worker once told a pensioner friend of mine that she could not see the (in care fostered) virtual brother of a kid she had looked after overnight for years without a CRB check.

He doesn't go around there now which is bad because her methods with young kids turn out really sensible obedient 7 years olds. Treat children just like small adults, she' good at training dogs, her daughter " rescues " them, and the latest acquisition was Molly, a one year old Rottweiler found living in a pub at Padiham, urinating and defecating all over the floor throughout. They had to get rid of it because they had lost the pub and were due to be evicted, my friend house trained it in three days. It's now an excellent pet, bit cluntering and probably prematurely ended the life of a 12 year old jack Russell bitch she had had from a year old, former owners couldn't control it. The other dog they have is an Alsatian found on the M65 by her daughter, had bleeding feet running, somebody had dumped it. Its really soft with young children, climb all over him (already minus his equipment at some expense when they got him ), reported him to plod and just keep him after so many weeks. Only snag is he attacks other dogs, and is too strong for even her strapping daughter, her daughter once got bit once trying to untangle an altercation. I suspect that it was abandoned because it was not vicious with people, it was the attacked dog which did the human biting. They always vote Tory and would never vote Labour anyway, just the indigenous attitude and don't really agree with all Tory policy just the general direction.

Idiots still going on about how good wind farms are, leader in offshore wind and all that, brilliant speeches by various union leaders, would never have been allowed last year. Mandelson was always the true messiah of the progressive labour party, just went off on a tangent in Blair's direction until he disappeared up his own back side.

Some say that I am off my head but I actually like Mandelson and Lord Adonis is a really cool guy at heart, just has this big high speed train set fantasy. Sounds like he is on the right track getting people cycling, cycle hubs at rail stations, the big ones including London termini would have cheap repair shops. Perhaps you could rent a bike but there will be secure parking for your bike. Never mentioned road safety, just about getting everyone into efficient cars on the environment.

They just don't get it though, seriously addressing climate change requires them to STOP ANYMORE TRAFFIC CALMING SCHEMES. The only thing that frightens me whilst cycling is parked cars or other short narrow bits in the road. I believe that the safety fascists have now put traffic calming on a popular cycle track. Routes parallel to main arteries need to be identified as cycle routes, no parked cars on at least one side of the road. It will never happen as it wont be popular, better to make it more difficult to get out of side streets. Those not particularly competent at driving may chose to catch the bus on the main route having easily crossed the road at nearby pelican crossing. Cyclists are potential net pollution generators when not segregated from vehicle traffic in general, cycles can slow buses down to a point when any timetable could be unreliable.

Anyway, a positive spin on the day, even Panda was talking tough on the stock market parasites. Brown made a fool of himself though playing host to both the prime minister of Spain ( who can't speak English ) and Norway ( with their human rights record on the Sami up in the far north where all the mineral wealth lies ). Just more rhetoric about climate change and how we can theoretically stop it. at least Benn was promoting more flood defences but we need a national grid for water, not preach yet more eco-fascism on brushing your teeth.

Just to back up my observations on Mandelson ( #10 ), JadedJean is the expert, but Peter is almost certainly the only direct genetic link back to 1945 Labour. He allegedly spent lots of time with his grandfather as a kid and perhaps 1945 Labour is in his ideological DNA. It showed through today, but perhaps we can only expect real change when Mandy grows his moustache back again ?

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NN: 29/09/2009

A Labour government is increasingly beginning to look like the least worse option at the next general election. Both ID cards and Toll roads now apparently off the immediate agenda and perhaps permanently. Lots of unaffordable ideological claptrap about free childcare for two year olds, a new NHS style care service for the elderly. A promise of 250k "green jobs" but perhaps the most worthwhile green jobs would be for road gangs to start ripping out all existing traffic calming starting with the most busy routes. Many of our roads (especially in urban areas) are in an atrocious state of repair, the maintenance budget having been used for traffic calming projects since around 1990. There is potential to reduce our road transport emissions by 10% simply by retro engineering back to 1960s road layouts and speed limits, using smart electronic technology for traffic lights to replace many current tight roundabouts on trunk routes.

The green wheels would appear to be coming of wind farms, the blades of two of the four 42 metre high turbines at Chelker Reservoir near Skipton have had to be removed due to safety concerns. They were only installed in the 1990s and perhaps only 15 years old at most putting a huge question over the alleged total carbon emissions reduction equation. Wind farms are alleged to last 25 years, the Chelker turbines are only small by modern standards but probably represent the expected service life of their larger brethren.

After Cameron's remarks on Andrew Marr the other week you can't trust the Tories on Toll Roads. Private toll roads at that, the Looney right are floating the idea of privatizing the Highways Agency for 85bn in order to cut the budget deficit. Labour have now shot their main cut ID card goose and Andy Burnham suggested that improved cancer care would be funded by scrapping PFI new hospital building programmes. Labour is now starting to sound more credible at improving our countries future as opposed to Tory "smarm and charm."

It is perhaps hardly surprising to hear that king Corporate Nazi Murdoch is aligning his key propaganda tool behind the Tories after Brown's latest conference speech. It would appear that Labour have at long last returned to orbit around traditional party values the political territory most of the electorate expected Labour to inhabit when they originally won the 1997 election from the Tories. It would appear that Corporate Nazi Blair's foolish inter stellar expedition on the back of false economic growth generated by the stock market parasites has finally had its retro rockets fired.

Last year the conference was all about victimizing the disabled as scapegoats for all societies ills, the Incapacity benefit question never even got a mention in Yvette Cooper's welfare speech. The trouble is that Brown was at least a key passenger on Blair's Corporate Nazi project, he has not yet fully confessed his sins so will the thinking electorate believe he has changed. The forthcoming Queen's Speech should be an interesting pointer as to whether Labour's new policy direction is fact or fantasy.

So after dithering around for a while Andy Burnham finally managed to pledge an end to hospital car parking charges, well at least for the families of inpatients. Getting rid of hospital car park charges is now complicated by the fact that they are now often a private tax paid to the PFI company. Many people may have forgotten, but this Corporate Nazi appease the eco-fascists policy was originally introduced by the Tories in the mid 1990s. Nottingham Council is now attempting to appease the eco-fascists with advanced plans to introduce a tax on private workplace parking. Perhaps Andy Burnham can now expect an alleged eco-warrior vandalism attack on his home address?

NN: 01/10/2009

Brilliant observation Stugglingtostaycalm #6

Alleged Health and Safety regulations finally knackered my back up just to save a few yuppies getting dust on their BMW's. After a failed back operation in Feb 1994 I have never worked since 1993, did nothing for my personal health and safety.

I had to stop driving HGV's when new sheeting regulations were introduced ( by the safety fascists )at the local quarries, my back would not stand it. Several of the older regular quarry drivers threw in the towel and were replaced by just passed HGV test men. This factor probably led to the Sowerby Bridge disaster where an eight wheel quarry wagon ran away down a hill and killed several people. The safety fascists pinned the blame on the brake condition, but proper examination of the evidence suggested that it was due to the

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middle aged ex-police driver ( following police driver training ) and pumping the (air) footbrake after fade, ( loosing all the pressure ) then putting the park brake on in desperation, completely wearing out the linings on the two of four axles.

Brake fade is no longer such a major problem for HGV's due to new lining technology, but the speed limit remains at 40 Mph as set in 1968 when older vehicles only needed 40% brake efficiency to pass the annual ministry test. Since the 1970s much of our trunk road infrastructure has been transformed up to virtual motorway standards and now 40 Mph HGV's are a major risk for fatal head on overtaking collisions. Fortunately most decent HGV drivers take the true safe option and ignore the HGV speed speed limit, the only trouble now is mobile speed cameras.

I started writing on road safety about a year after Sowerby Bridge, corresponding with Will Murray at Huddersfield University logistics department. They were attempting to charge the foreman fitter responsible for the maintenance with manslaughter and perhaps my information got any charges dropped.

NN: 05/10/2009

David Cameron claims to represent change, but it would appear all that is on offer is blue tinged exact mirror image of Blair's anarcho capitalist Trotskyite agenda. As for the proposed cuts in incapacity benefit, many current claimants face being thrust even deeper into poverty than they are already. It would appear that the Tories aim to treat our genuine wealth producing hard working manual operatives like virtual slaves, hand them the virtual witheringly death sentence of JSA if they fail to reach an increasing retirement age in good health.

Its now bad enough at present under Labour, a relative of mine in his fifties has a gammy leg due to the hard manual labour he has done throughout his life. However, because it mends up after a few days rest he can't claim IB as he could have done a few years ago. It is impossible for him to hold down a full time job, and he does not have the chance for time off in the hope that his leg will get better more permanently. The Tories proposed cuts to IB represent a stealth increase in National Insurance contributions for all heavy manual workers. Perhaps OK for those in soft often parasitic ten bob fat cat office jobs etc, but perhaps the net result could be that the brighter teenagers shy away from potential life long careers in hard manual work. Never mind, parasitic employment agencies can get heap east European migrants to do it while our fit young people languish on the dole. Perhaps hardly surprising to find that the idea of stealing hard won rights from the most vulnerable in our society came from a potentially " socially useless " celebrity stock market parasite. Namely party hopping in a "hissy fit" like a naughty spoilt child who didn't get all his own way David Freud.

Its all part of a celebrity stock market parasite inspired "Corporate Nazi" ideology where large corporations and fascist leaning NGO's lobby government to make everything as inefficient ( difficult ) and expensive as possible, especially for people living in rural areas. ( no cushy desk jobs available in rural areas ) A key part of the "Corporate Nazi” plan is the systematic dismantling of our welfare state whilst at the same time providing and expanding a virtual welfare state for the Banks and their stock market parasites.

NN: 09/10/2009

Examining all the circumstantial evidence it is pretty clear that the only reason why were are in the current threat of power cuts and massive increases in energy bills is almost all down to successive governments appeasing the eco-fascist lobby.

The eco-fascists have long conspired with the UK energy producers cartel to prevent the introduction potentially cheap sources of electricity like the Severn Barrage and energy from waste incineration. The Severn Barrage could provide 5% of our energy base load, likewise the widespread introduction of waste incineration could provide at least 10% of our electricity base load. Waste incineration could transform the indoctrinated theoretical problem of excess packaging into a positive asset, likewise current fly tip problems like scrap tyres. The Severn Barrage ( and not forgetting Morecambe Bay ) plus widespread waste incineration could cut the cost of energy in the UK, the corporate multi nation energy cartel do not want that, the eco-fascists are simply their propaganda arm, likewise on Nuclear.

It is not a state secret that the Isle of Man generate 10% of their electricity base load from waste incineration, yet the the Tories never mentioned it once in their alleged conference future of energy and climate debate at Manchester this week. Building incinerators in rural areas would allow any waste heat to be used for greenhouses to grow food plants currently imported by air freight, away from housing any potential smell

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problem would be almost eradicated. They never specifically mentioned the Severn Barrage either, perhaps hardly surprising to see that the hall was half empty, perhaps due to delegates being sick to death of hearing about useless wind farms.


Perhaps today's revelations about "tears in his retina" are a signal that Gordon Brown himself is putting the country first by seeking an excuse to resign without forcing an early general election?

PMYeah, but is not Liegh's MP Andy Burnham, not the best health secretary we have had in 30 years, he was once good there as a junior minister also, was wasted on " culture ". He would make a far better future leader of the Labour party than Milliband, perhaps not so enthusiastic about the Blair anarcho capitalist Trotskyite agenda. I don't think that party allegiance will be such an important factor at the forthcoming general election, if you are a good constituency MP or look like being one you will win the seat regardless of party.

NN: 14/10/2009

I rather get the impression that due to the BBC's rather cozy arrangement with the eco-fascists over recent years tonight's " greens on trial " will be a complete and utter whitewash.

Take the eco-fascist position on Traffic Calming, lower speed limits generally and blanket 20 Mph speed limits in towns.

I believe that the latest statistics are 82% extra CO2, 37% extra NOX, The pollution problem is compounded by drivers driving over humps in too high a gear which means that the potentially toxic unburned hydrocarbon pollutants linked to lung disease are probably doubled. A 20 Mph Zone allegedly increases CO2 by a " less pregnant " than humps at least 10%, but the potentially toxic unburned hydrocarbon pollutants linked to lung disease problem remains. When I was waiting at a local village I observed cars coming up the steep hill and going around the corner. Many ( including petrol cars ) emitted black smoke due to being in too high a gear as taught by useless driving instructors to pass the quasi-religious driving test. It could be said that traffic calming is a greater risk to public health than latent asbestos or passive smoking ?

It would appear that traffic calming has become a TB infested sacred cow for the eco-fascist leaning groups who were originally and still campaign for its introduction. It would appear that the eco-fascists cling to traffic calming in the belief that divers will be " irritated " out of their cars and use the train, at least a few anyway. If anyone had deliberately set out to design death traps for cyclists its doubtful whether they could have made a better job of it than traffic calming. I believe the Green Party have now opted for the " less pregnant " option of 20 Mph speed limits but still fail to admit their original mistake.


FoE have known about this since I wrote to them in the mid 1990s, I never received a reply so rang them at head office only to be given loads of abuse by one of their then senior members.

Take the greens position on reducing speed limits, a recent government study found that by taking measures to ensure everyone stuck to the current speed limits would increase CO2 emissions by 3%. The 40 Mph National Speed Limit the greens were pushing would not only lead to extra pollution but cripple the rural economy by putting transport back into the 1930s. Since the 1930s and up to 1974 local councils wisely spent a fortune bringing many stretches of rural roads up to a standard where they were safe to travel at up to the then limit of 70. Fair enough you could theoretically save fuel enforcing the motorway speed limit, but cutting the rural speed limit will give the Corporate Nazi's running the Post Office the excuse they need for more rural post office closures. Of course any green party supporters will claim unintended consequences when their whole outlook is based on flawed science and quasi-religion.

It doesn't end there, the current prospect of the lights going out due to power cuts is due to alleged environmentalists preventing private companies from investing in any new coal or nuclear power stations over the last 20 years. Even to think about it would have hit power companies with massive legal bills from parasitic lawyers keen to jump on any bandwagon for a false profit.

The result has been loads of new gas fired power stations which have wasted our once ample north sea gas

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reserves when the gas would have been far more useful for direct more efficient domestic use. Again, the eco-fascists organized local campaigns against underground gas storage projects, so they never got built yet the lawyers made a fortune and how much has the taxpayer forked out on public enquires due to the eco-fascists. Household gas prices must be far higher than they would have been if ample storage capacity existed.

No chance of getting energy from waste off the ground, Severn Barrage etc, both of which could have reduced energy prices in the UK. The result of 20 years of the government appeasing the eco-fascists is that everything costs far more than it needed to have done. The eco-fascists stock market parasite private individual funders are laughing all the way to collecting their next fat false economic growth bonus. Everyone is forced to emit more carbon just to maintain their existing standard of living.

If the eco-fascists grew up and actually took notice of the evidence they could cut road transport emissions by up to 10% and actually make road transport cheaper. Perhaps its ironic that high road fuel taxes actually diminish the scope for economically viable recycling, take this pre oil crisis example. It won't cost a fortune to remove all the idiotic safety inspired small diameter roundabouts which have littered our trunk roads over the past 20 years and replace them with " smart " part time traffic lights. I don't know just how much carbon it equates to off the top of my head, but a HGV traversing one of said roundabouts will consume up to a litre of extra fuel.


Its not really new to be environmentally friendly by conserving resources but back in the 1920s the Southern Railway were recycling the oil from engine cleaning cloths for use in wagon axleboxes. The key to environmental efficiency is cheap transport, which really ended in the 70's. Back in the 1970s the company I worked for did all the main transport for Serfco at Darwen. Their main job was recycling cast iron borings from the heavy engineering industry, customers included British Leyland Coventry engine plant, Vickers at Barrow and a couple of places up in central Scotland. They regularly supplied products to locations as far apart as Larbert and Dover, with Mexborough in South Yorkshire and Kilmarnock. That's how I got right into the heart of Ravenscraig steel works, the cast iron borings were heated and pressed into " piglets " about the size of an egg. You can't put cast iron borings straight into a furnace, they wont melt and just float on the top, piglets solved that problem. They also supplied Manganese and Silicon in brick form, likewise Fleish blocks, cast iron borings glued together with various elements.

Even before the ultimate demise of the foundry industry Serfco went bust due to a ship containing an export order to Turkey being held up outside port for months due to paperwork. The site at Darwen closed and they set up again on a smaller scale somewhere near Birmingham. I suspect that they are no longer trading. Since the introduction of the Road Fuel Tax Escalator, once environmentally friendly industry like the paper recycling mill at Settle have all gone by the wayside. Perhaps if Hitler had sent " fifth columnists " to sabotage the UK manufacturing economy he could not have done better than alleged environmental groups.

BGT #4

I'm afraid that it doesn't work like you suggest, I was once good friends with an active member of Greenpeace who had been tipped for the top job. He had been an active member for years, worked as a ship's engineer on Rainbow Warrior and got arrested for blocking the outflow pipe at Sellafield. They just passed him over and put some corporate puppet with no particular active history in control. It was alleged that they had to overlook him due to his criminal record for blocking the outflow pipe. I suspect that the truth was that he would not have taken the organization in the desired direction, he was willing to comprehend the true eco arguments and modify his position accordingly. He was a big help getting the latest flue gas scrubber fitted on our local cement works saving hundreds of jobs in the long term. All the eco-fascist do is destroy jobs whatever the environmental argument.

Green feature a complete whitewash, only scratched the surface leaving the field wide open for the Corporate Nazi's to exploit. Do presenters never read the blogs or are they just too blinkered to examine all the evidence. Stock market went ballistic today (mostly mining stocks) on the prospect of more troops in Afghanistan, like all wars throughout modern history its just a virtual welfare state for the stock market parasites.

GO1 #54

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I am probably wasting my time as its clear you never read posts in the whole context, just nit pick on certain aspects perhaps due to dyslexia or some other unspecified mental disorder. It may have escaped your primitive radar but all NGO's and alleged " Charities " would appear to exist solely to swell the bank accounts of their executive officers. FoE and other green groups do not really care about our environment, their only aim is to attract funding of their corporate organization from a gullible public. Lots of complete fools out there willing to volunteer their services and punters like yourself who appear to believe what a good job they are doing costing everyone an unnecessary fortune on the cost of living. It pretty clear that people like you have got more money than common sense, perhaps a long spell on JSA would bring you to your senses.

NN: 15/10/2009

It would appear that the latent unrest amongst postal workers which has led to the proposed strikes was originally precipitated when management forced front line posties to start at least an hour later in the morning. Anyone with any intelligence who has ever worked in front line distribution knows full well that an hour in the morning is worth two in the afternoon as far a productivity is concerned. Perhaps management were too feckless to get up early in the morning, or perhaps they wanted the extra hour in bed to recover from their previous nights heavy drinking.

One manager at our local semi-rural sorting office was recently caught red handed opening mail and stealing valuables running into thousands of pounds. It took some first class surveillance to catch him, it had been going on for ages and perhaps the front line posties were originally in the frame. It always the same when large organizations parachute in university trained alleged logistics experts, when the true method to train efficient management is to start everyone at the bottom and cultivate those with aptitude for the job.

All too often in recent British industrial history those promoted to management have often been those no use at doing the practical jobs. This causes resentment and I can well imagine university trained management using satellite navigation systems to decide routes when the best way to get round the job has been established by long experience.

Perhaps the fact that our postal service was better in the 1930's using steam trains speaks volumes for the effectiveness of the current management of our postal services.

NN: 19/10/2009

Gordon Brown bleats that we only have 49 days to save the planet but what message does it send to China and India when his collective government hasn't even got the nouse to suspend all traffic calming projects. Ed Miliband also knows about the increased CO2 and pollution linked to asthma, the latest stats are 82% extra CO2 and 37% extra NOX.

Lancashire County Council are pushing ahead with a major traffic calming scheme for the Edisford/ Henthorn area of Clitheroe which includes "speed cushions" on the bus route. The Lib-Demmics are campaigning against all the humps ( one hump is right outside a key Lib-Dem's house ) but want a " less pregnant " ( 10% increase in pollution ) 20 Mph speed limit. However, under the latest rules you can't have a 20 Mph limit without humps unless you use Average Speed Cameras at 150 K a pair. It's not worth the cost but perhaps Tory controlled LCC will introduce the humps just to spite the local residents who voted in a Lib-Demmic by just three votes to beat the Tories at the last council elections.

Perhaps this is the sort of thing you get when you have got a prime minister who can probably only read large print reports specially prepared for him by dubious civil servants ?

Perhaps the only way to realistically solve the Afghanistan war is to legalize the opium poppy crop, thus removing the Taliban's main source of income. Afghanistan could become a fully paid up democratic trading member of the world community providing medical opiates which are currently in short supply as pain relief.

Legal opium is currently grown in Australia where other crops such as wheat are a viable alternative, why should the Afghan peasants grow wheat when there is no infrastructure and where poppies are obviously the best suited to the environment. Increasing legal world opiate production could reduce the price and it could be possible to smash the black market in heroin if registered addicts in the west were supplied free. Drug

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enforcement could then concentrate on crack cocaine, after which (I am informed) addicts shoot heroin to ease the " downer " as they come down from the crack high.

Of course our quasi-religious politicians will never consider legalizing Afghan Opium, in any case the war was started to save US airlines then on the verge of bankruptcy. Like all wars in modern history, the Afghan war is a virtual welfare state for the stock market parasites. Mining shares always show big gains when extra troops are promised, more demand for expensive minerals like copper, and no chance of recycling anything. Likewise defence company stocks, a constant demand for ammo and new vehicles etc.

Only last week on NewsNight the "Greens" were allegedly put on trial, where Caroline Lucas once again tried it on with the " don't eat meat to save the planet " line. Suggesting that people stop eating meat is a direct attack on our remaining small hill farmers who's land will only grow grass which in turn provides food for the UK human food chain. It is said that 60% of the agricultural land in the UK will only support grass and therefore livestock farming, if we are to improve" food security " we need to eat more meat as a nation. Similarly with pork and poultry, which are often fed on the residual of human food production ( rice bran, rape meal and other by-products including palm kernel expellers ( which milk cows like as a treat during milking ) ).

It would appear that the whole object of the green exercise is to facilitate the Corporate Ethnic Cleansing ( economic cleansing ) of the indigenous ( low income ) rural population. First it was HGV weight limits, then the Road Fuel Tax Escalator, and now the eco-fascists are pushing for Road Pricing. The greens know full well that the result of their 20% wind power generation of electricity which our government foolishly pursue will lead to regular power cuts. Power cuts in large towns and cities could lead to an outbreak of anarchy making urban areas no longer safe to live in. The wealthy greens want rid of the low income rural people so they can move out of town into the country on the cheap and avoid the potential anarchy following their policies created.

Only last week MP's expressed the view that more traffic calming should be installed in "deprived areas" allegedly in the interest of reducing child road deaths. Perhaps one good reason that they have installed traffic calming in Asian areas in big towns is to help control any future civil unrest. Of course they have it in "rough" white dominated estates also, where the chattering classes consider a large proportion of the inhabitants are at or near the poverty line.

Humps in the road are an ideal protection against anyone stealing a service vehicle in an attempt to break out through the gates or through riot police lines. Impossible to get any decent speed up if there are humps everywhere. Its only one easy step to ring fencing certain areas of towns and turning them into virtual Warsaw type ghettos. Nobody will be let in or out without a permit, plenty of work for private security guard companies now that much housing is under the control of housing associations. I believe that locked gates have already been installed on some " alley's ".

If only Pinocchio's nose had been cut for timber then we could have built "Jerusalem" in England's green and pleasant land. (not the virtual west bank financial apartheid based segregation of the population we now appear to be heading for)

NN: 22/10/2009

It would appear that the current postal dispute has been engineered by the Corporate Nazi's as part of a plan to get all British workers on minimum wage parasited upon by employment agencies. Becoming a foot soldier of the Royal Mail is one of the few remaining manual jobs which currently offers decent wages and conditions.

However, it would appear that at least in the Preston area new recruitment is being restricted to Asians by the management. Apparently this is extremely unpopular with the existing indigenous staff, but perhaps the plan is to break any union solidarity in the event of a strike, perhaps the Asians will break any strike to continue any subtle “ Asians only" recruitment policy. Employment policy works in mysterious way these day's and perhaps it will only be a matter of time before potential bribes paid to the management of large companies make paid employment "Agency Only" in the UK.

Of course all potential employee's will be expected to permanently remain over their overdraft limit and

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subject to parasitic charges by their chosen Bank. I suspect that most employment agencies would never consider taking anyone with ample savings onto their books. Just wait until the lack of an effective welfare state (especially if you are too ill to hold down a full time job) to render you completely destitute and willing to enter slavery to the Corporate Nazi system ?

thecookieducker #88

I've been talking about the contents of your link for years and everybody dismisses me as a complete nutter when I talk of the Corporate Multinational Cartel.

Its all part of a celebrity stock market parasite inspired "Corporate Nazi" ideology where large corporations and fascist leaning NGO's lobby government to make everything as inefficient ( difficult ) and expensive as possible, especially for people living in rural areas. A key part of the " Corporate Nazi " plan is the systematic dismantling of our UK welfare state whilst at the same time providing and expanding a virtual welfare state for the Banks and their stock market parasites.

barrie #148

Talking of deception by Westminster, this week MP's on a committee expressed the view that more traffic calming should be introduced into " deprived areas " allegedly to cut the statistically high incidence child road accident deaths. (perhaps JJ could enlighten us further as to the genetic demographics involved)

Perhaps one good reason that they have installed traffic calming in Asian areas in big towns is to help control any future civil unrest. Of course they have it in "rough" white dominated estates also, where the chattering classes consider a large proportion of the inhabitants are at or near the poverty line.

Humps in the road are an ideal protection against anyone stealing a service vehicle in an attempt to break out through the gates or through riot police lines. Impossible to get any decent speed up if there are humps everywhere. Its only one easy step to ring fencing certain areas of towns and turning them into virtual Warsaw type ghettos. Nobody will be let in or out without a permit, plenty of work for private security guard companies now that much housing is under the control of housing associations. I believe that locked gates have already been installed on some "alley's ."

Its bad enough under New labour, but if politicians continue to dismantle our welfare state at the same rate as over the past few years serious civil unrest is likely to be expected. If Freud gets his way with the Tories it could be only a couple of years before total anarchy breaks out in many deprived areas.

If only Pinocchio's nose had been cut for timber then we could have built "Jerusalem" in England's green and pleasant land. (not the virtual west bank financial apartheid based segregation of the population we now appear to be heading for)

Barrie #158

Vehicle interactive speed warning signs seem to work quite well at controlling traffic speed, but however you attempt to legislate you can never influence the lunatic fringe. You only need to watch Road Wars on "Sky Three" to see that any form of "traffic calming" is no defence against determined reckless drivers. It just makes their foolish actions a hundred times more dangerous than need be, it also makes the road 100 times more potentially dangerous for legal road users.

Perhaps the way forward is to forget about the actual speed as watching a speedo constantly distracts the driver's attention from any potential hazards in the road ahead. Perhaps we need to move towards 2nd gear zones for residential areas, 3rd gear zones on the main busy inner urban routes, 4th gear zones to replace current 50 Mph limits. This method would ensure greater driver control, but is counter to the quasi-religious police driving theory as preached to alleged advanced drivers.

It could also save fuel as an engine would be working nearer to its peak efficiency. My dad has just taken delivery of a new Kia Picanto, which at 119 g/km is theoretically more fuel efficient than my three year old engine identical 123 g/km Picanto. The only difference as far as I can see is that the new Kia is lower geared and therefore the engine is revving higher for a given speed in a given gear. It's quite happy at 30 Mph in 3rd, whereas mine is bordering on labouring although I suspect that mine will return better fuel consumption

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on "true 70 Mph" motorway work.

NN: 29/10/2009

Tony Blair as president is likely to precipitate an EU Corporate Nazi inspired Fourth Reich, run in the interest of Wall Street. The indigenous populations of individual EU nation states will be enslaved on the hypothesis of alleged climate change regulations that members of the Corporate Multinational Cartel can easily circumnavigate. The stock market parasites will embezzle most of any international development aid allegedly aimed at promoting environmentally friendly projects in "third world" countries. Blair will follow Hitler's example and first extend the EU to Turkey ( ally of Germany in the Great War ) and following in Rommel's footsteps perhaps also North Africa.

The object of the exercise will be to flood the EU with evermore cheap migrant labour and therefore ensure that most people will end up working for minimum wage. Not only that they will also have to suffer being parasited on by employment agencies, the current disputed alleged " scab labour " being operated in an attempt to break the current postal dispute is a prime example of what is likely to be expected in future.

It would appear that were are on the brink of the " New Dark Age " Winston Churchill foresaw with the anarcho capitalist Trotskyites in total control of Europe. Perhaps watch out for the outbreak of at least virtual " civil war " in several EU member states over the next five years if Blair gets in ?

NN: 02/11/2009

The governments position apparently in conflict with the unpaid Drugs Advisory Panel has potentially huge implications as far as the reliability overall of any government policy allegedly based on Science. It would appear that if you publicly " tell the truth " you will be dismissed from your position even in an unpaid Job. It's is therefore reasonable to believe that any paid scientific adviser will have been carefully vetted to ensure their advice always back government policy however quasi-religious.

Perhaps David Nutt was dismissed for not being a good enough Corporate Nazi, perhaps his principle sin was doing the job for nothing which perhaps any genuine adviser concerned about the future direction of our nation would do. Its a bit different with paid advisers like Stern and Climate Change, the perfect Corporate Nazi ideology, telephone number annual salary and gold plated pension on the line if you dare get even close to the truth. To suggest that people stop eating meat to save the planet was straight out of the eco-fascist stable, and even mega quasi-religious Ed Miliband climbed off it when questioned by alleged eco friendly Jon Snow. Perhaps Miliband should have compelled Stern to resign, its no more outrageous in some peoples view than an analogy that Ecstasy is less dangerous than horse riding.

Stopping eating meat threatens thousands of good paying jobs in the packing industry, but its the small ( often on a low enough profit to claim income support ) farmers who will be hit first. Its a bit like TB in Badgers, the experts recommended a widespread cull yet Benn refused to act. Perhaps he will revisit the policy when the Corporate Multinationals take over the majority of livestock farming land. They already have huge swathes of UK arable land and practice the most potentially environmentally damaging policies.

Incidentally, the true forward policy on Badgers is to test (and regularly thereafter) every set in the country and cull out all sets where TB is found, leave the TB free sets in peace. Not been there for a while but the above is the same as what Farmers for Action had been promoting as a sensible compromise based on the evidence of the real environmental and disease experts, the farmers. The media always attempt to portray that farmers are stupid, yet their ( small livestock farmers ) kids often find there way into grammar schools via the 11 plus.

GO1 #24

Typical ill informed ten bob fat cat townie rhetoric, most of the small hill farmers in particular have experienced an easier life since alleged global warming. Like Lovelock says, whatever happens globally the UK is likely to remain pretty cool, perhaps more rain in the north during summer but Big Bail silage has ended the hay making problem. As the UK warms the growing season extends, especially on the north facing slopes, plenty of potential to grow more food (meat) to feed an expanding population.

GO1 #53

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As a direct descendant of the men who reclaimed hill scrub into viable livestock agricultural land and "Craven Indian" still living in a rural area, I will not take lectures on agriculture from some ten bob fat cat townie, "don't urinate down my back and tell me its raining."

Climate Change is all driven by that big thing in the daylight sky called the SUN, but that is not to say the we should not make more efficient use of natural resources. The CO2 argument pedalled by the likes of Gore is just one massive investment scam aimed at making brain dead ten bob fat cats like yourself pay more for everything through false economic growth

NN: 03/11/2009

So now its legally official that " ull on" eco-fascism is the equivalent of a religion, and perhaps therefore eco-fascism should play no part in an alleged secular democracy. From the available evidence its pretty clear that Al Gore's devotion to the eco-fascist cause is driven by the prospect of massive personal financial gain. Perhaps the same principle applies to many UK politicians and influential celebrities at the front of the call for a deal involving binding commitments to massive carbon reductions at the much "media puffed" Copenhagen summit.

The trouble is that we don't appear to have the key public spirited investigative journalists of the past any more. Susan Watts is a bit of a " damp squib " when it comes down to examining the true science of climate change. The sun spot watchers never even get a mention yet they have accurately predicted the UK weather for many years, unlike the global warming quasi-religious Met Office, which would appear to be less accurate than it was ten years ago.

I am not generally in favour of privatizing anything currently run by the state, but perhaps the Met Office should be first on the list for possible privatization, then at least it could compete on a level playing field with the sun spot men for weather forecasting.

The point is that Climate Change is happening yet man's influence could only be a virtual fingerprint on a system far too complex to fully understand. Reducing Carbon emissions is a total shot in the dark, far better to improve sea and flood defences, build a simple pump free national grid for drinking water, ( mostly to ensure supplies to the densely populated south east but Yorkshire has also run dry in recent history ).

All the circumstantial evidence suggests that alleged Carbon reduction targets are a massive investment scam. The only beneficiaries will be the stock market parasite Carbon traders who will be provided with a virtual gold plated welfare state at the expense of the relatively poor in developed nations. Yet more heavy industry will be exported to alleged developing countries with no emissions controls. Yet again the stock market parasites will gain from the asset stripping of UK manufacturing industry, whilst fraudulently and theoretically improving our balance of trade deficit for a short period.

Perhaps its no surprise that the US electorate rejected All Gore in his presidential bid and perhaps its all his fault the world had to suffer Bush for the ( past ) 8 years. Obama looks little better but whoever wins the election in alleged democracies the Corporate Nazi's always get back in.

GO1 #15

"The scientists don't say they fully understand the whole system but there is consensus that there is climate change due to human impact and that CO2 is a major contributor"

Given the above statement how can alleged scientists prove that reducing CO2 emissions will cut global temperatures. If they don't fully understand how our climate system works perhaps cutting CO2 emissions is a bit like 18th century (quack) doctors bleeding people as a cure all for medical conditions.

It looks like my reference to the SUN SPOT men was totally off your quasi-religious radar, but then you never read any of the posts you criticize properly anyway. It looks like the Science Museum poll needs plenty of idiots like you to visit it, the last time I went there only 1632 were for cuts at Copenhagen, 6333 against this foolish politically motivated excuse for a stock market parasite investment scam.

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NN: 05/11/2009

It must be pretty clear by now to even the casual observer that Quantitative Easing is little more than a virtual welfare state for the stock market parasites. Likewise interest rates at virtually zero, plenty of opportunity for the likes of Hedge Funds to speculate (mining shares would appear to be their favourite.) Like 2007, the FTSE is once again becoming a huge great pyramid scheme, this time based on government subsidized borrowed borrowings.

The stock market parasites are soaking up any available capital from the banks, leaving very little for our real sustainable economy. Similarly low interest rates are discouraging saving, perhaps none of the alleged proficient economists have worked out the impact of many older people no longer spending on anything except essentials due to drastically reduced income from savings.

Perhaps its high time the Bank of England and the Corporate Nazi puppet politicians like Brown and Darling stopped pandering to the stock market parasites and did something for our real future sustainable economy. Perhaps a good start would be to raise base interest rates straight back up to 5%, as this could increase the amount of REAL money circulating around in the UK system. Small businesses could then start to grow, but the Corporate Multinational Cartel ( of which the banks are key members ) don't want true competition from potential job creating small business. Perhaps potential corporate con man Alan Sugar's remarks the other day sums up the Corporate Nazi ideology to a tee, plenty of money available to subsidize his stock market parasite mates, nothing for people with sound ideas for innovative sustainable growing long term business investment. It would appear that the interest rate is not the problem as it can be priced in to any small business plan, its getting the initial capital for potential expansion, " new " plant and machinery, adequate sales stock that is the real problem for most potentially growing small businesses. Perhaps the banks wont lend to small business because they know full well that anyone with a good business plan will pay back all the initial loan ASAP, like with credit cards, the banks want you to make the minimum payment and expose yourself to swinging charges.

Paul, its all to easy to dismiss an original idea simply because it does conform to some kind of ideological straight jacket. It is pretty clear that both the pure socialist and pure capitalist ideologies have failed, the future must be a subtle blend of the two systems. At least you have torpedoed right wing rhetoric that suggests that nobody would go out to work if you introduced a citizens income, but the state does not owe its population some form of extravagant " ten bob fat cat " lifestyle as promised by endless consumer debt. The whole object of the exercise would be to encourage saving ( perhaps a dirty word for some alleged socialists ) and the opportunity for people to start and grow their own business. That is the only way that we are going to provide the jobs of the future, yet some flirt with the eco-fascists who would carbon tax the poorer members of our society into destitution.

Yeah, but got bored with it as you have already educated me, that is not to say that all members of certain races are genetically gormless. I once delivered chemicals around industrial Scotland, the staff were either brilliant or completely stupid, nothing in between. Incidentally those alleged idle British Rail staff were the most efficient and helpful people I ever encountered throughout the UK, The nastiest were to be encountered at Ford's Degenham Plant, quite unlike the vast majority at Ford's Langley (Slough) truck plant including an enthusiastic well competent west Indian fork lift truck driver ?

Copenhagen is just an excuse for one massive stock market parasite investment scam robbing from the relatively poor to give to the rich eco-fascist promoters, no chance of any sustainable alleged "green jobs" apart from a few wealthy parasites fraudulently carbon trading. Eco-fascism is a greater threat to our relative basic human rights, ( to keep warm, dry and have a full belly ) the right to " free movement " within the UK than alleged Muslim fundamentalism and the terrorist threat will ever be. Climate Change is probably almost all down to Sun Spot activity, CO2 is a minor detail, perhaps only "man's fingerprint .” The earth has got cooler overall more recently, look what a crap summer we had this year, worst winter in living memory in NZ, ice storms on the north coast of the north island.

NN: 06/11/2009

Perhaps Gavin is the best messenger to portray what would appear to be a programme aimed at promoting ten bob fat cat propaganda concerning the war in Afghanistan. Of course the ex-defence chiefs are going to call for increased involvement in the war. More helicopters, more equipment, more troops equals a bigger welfare state for the stock market parasites.

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On the brighter side at least it looks like an alleged climate deal at Copenhagen is off for at least a year. Copenhagen is just an excuse for one massive stock market parasite investment scam robbing from the relatively poor to give to the rich eco-fascist promoters, no chance of any sustainable alleged " green jobs " apart from a few wealthy parasites fraudulently carbon trading. Eco-fascism is a greater threat to our relative basic human rights, ( to keep warm, dry and have a full belly ) the right to " free movement " within the UK than alleged Muslim fundamentalism and the terrorist threat will ever be. Climate Change is probably almost all down to Sun Spot activity, CO2 is a minor detail, perhaps only " man's fingerprint ". The earth has got cooler overall more recently, look what a crap summer we had this year, worst winter in living memory in NZ, ice storms on the north coast of the north island.

NN: 09/11/2009

You can tell that its going to be a Corporate Nazi propaganda exercise when alleged green presenter leaves the front door wide open on one of the coldest nights of the year so far. Unnecessary lights on in Rowlatt's kitchen also ( under the cupboard units ), perhaps he should stick to his new job as Corporate Nazi propaganda mouthpiece on the ten bob fat cat One Show.

Rowlatt proved that even if you wear a hair shirt you can only cut your household emissions by 20% in "Ethical Man", yet Miliband still preaches 40% cuts to appease the eco-fascists. Interesting to note that an Indian originating stock market parasite was included in the discussion, perhaps all excited at the prospect of being able to embezzle alleged " green development " money to alleged third world countries.

The truth must be that Climate Change / Global warming is is just one dubious excuse for a mega investment scam. The Corporate Multinational Cartel Members will not build new nuclear power station unless the " Carbon Price " is artificially inflated. Its all about promoting false economic growth which increases the divide between rich and poor. They could never have got away with it before the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, the demise of the USSR communist block has been a disaster for the freedom of ordinary people living in the alleged " free " west.


Perhaps Gordon Brown's hand written letter writing is symptomatic of many people with " poor " eyesight having to prove just how well they can see. It is reminiscent of railway modelers with jam jar spectacles going in for super fine detail aspects which even people with 20 /20 vision can barely appreciate. Like you say in #1, far better to have a short handwritten intro and ending to an edited typed script, but take into consideration that Gordon Brown is probably too " blind " to read this NewsNight Blog for himself.

None of his cabinet ministers or advisers will have the heart to tell him what is actually going on in the real world and therefore he remains detached from reality. Of course the Corporate Nazi's now have an even bigger incentive to " get him " since he mentioned even the possibility of a tax on financial transactions at the G20 the other day.

Why do Newsnight always attempt to portray that David Blanchflower is some kind of financial hero, when in actual fact he was one of the virtual corporate criminals who wanted to keep Pinocchio's nose growing in the world's financial system. If it wasn't for people like Blanchflower squealing for interest rate cuts throughout the last at least 9 years the cat would have been out of the bag far earlier with much reduced consequences for everybody involved.

JTW #19

Are you living in cloud cuckoo land, the stock market parasites and their Corporate Multinational Cartel have decreed that all wind turbines will be imported in order that they can change money. However, we could build a Severn and Morecambe Bay tidal Barrage system using home grown products. Plenty of work for steel and cement works,, quarries, thousands of potential new jobs perhaps extending to places like Leyland Trucks, JCB and other home grown engineering services. Similarly a national grid for water to ensure the south east never runs dry in the future. Of course all the eco-fascists who promote useless wind farms (perhaps you need to read back through past blogs) oppose such potential genuine carbon emission reduction schemes.

I've brought this up before but burning alleged low carbon fuels like gas emits a large amount of water vapour. As a rough guide in the late 1970s we were taught that burning 1 gallon of petrol emits 1 gallon of

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water, gas is worse still. Burning alleged " nasty coal " emits hardly any water vapour at all yet in some parts of the planet it would appear that excessive rainfall is the main current climate problem.

Perhaps its high time to stop appeasing the eco-fascists with wind farms and spend all the spare money on decent flood defences, sea walls etc. Of course the stock market parasites will prefer their pointless " King Canute " carbon trading scam and changing money on imported alleged green infrastructure. We can build flood defences without importing anything, get industry like JCB strong again, providing real jobs for real genuine "hard working" British people.

NN: 23/11/2009

Ha ha, so the Corporate Nazi university eco-fascist high priests have been caught out on their neat little grammar school boy scam. I suspect that Susan Watts will attempt to whitewash over the whole leaked email victory for the probable truth and trot out what nasty people these computer hackers are. It looks like the BBC are doing their level best to keep the CRU Climate Gate hacking story off the Muppet news. Good job they had big floods in Cumbria to attempt to blame on climate change even though allegedly almost just as much rain once fell in a summer thunderstorm in Dorset in 1955.

Reminds me of this.

Back in about 1980 I was mates with a particularly bright ex-grammar school lad who shared a common interest in railways and stuff like Iron Maiden. We used to visit the local signal box frequently and apart from the regular through freight trains had the complication of a junction leading into the cement works sidings. There was a cement train in and out every evening weekdays, light in summer at least when it performed. We used to spend hours "camping" one shift signalman, who was only about 24 at the time and also into railway modelling.

My mate had set his heart on owning a Bardick lamp, BR issue electric torch also with three colour signal potential. It could also be used as an emergency tail light on a train so the plan was to steal one, couldn't be bought anywhere at any price. It all relied on the cooperation of aforementioned signalman, the only potential eye witness.

The plan was to steal the oil tail-light from the train about to depart the cement sidings, I can't recall the exact train of events but the whole object of the exercise was to force the guard to use his Bardick as the tail lamp, then steal it off the train waiting to depart standing on the wrong main line. It all went to plan even though it involved actions half a mile apart (car essential), at no time were the public put at risk, the signalman reporting the missing tail light to the next signal box. You could bet that by the time he found out his Bardic was missing ( and how could you loose up to three (including spares) BR standard oil tail lamp ) he was scratching his head about doing the explaining when he got home.

Fished this from an Indy environment section comment.

" It transpires that many members of Greenpeace and FoE are now threatening to resign their memberships in protest over ClimateGate. They most common expression is that they feel they have been deceived over the science and betrayed over their commitment to the environment.

I understand that Greenpeace is to instigate a damage limitation exercise by putting contact with CRU at arms length whilst calling for an independent inquiry. "

Neat post kashibeyaz #13 couldn't of portrayed the current situation better myself.Nobody wants to stop the " Corporate Nazi " financial and therefore environmental rape of our planet more than me! AGW is just a convenient excuse to extort tax from the relatively poor whilst the rich bar stewards who do most of the " polluting " escape any real "green tax" which could make some real downward impact on emissions, like raising the top rate of income tax to 75%.

Perhaps hardly surprising the Jeremy skirted around the the many refused Freedom of Information requests to the CRU. The ten bob fat cat high rate tax paying jet set brigade will do anything they can to avoid paying their fair share of the tax burden to fund the current welfare state for the banks and their stock market parasites.

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The point must be that nobody can trust any government funded body on anything science related since the politicians got caught with their filthy fingers in the till. Absolutely no chance of getting an impartial in depth inquiry into the validity of the science given that climate science is now a quasi-religion.

Clever piece of propaganda with the man with the light and dark shells on the beach, even though he apparently admits that the scientists do not fully understand our weather systems. A pretty simple analysis of the UK weather is that if wind is in the south to west it will be a warm summer or winter, cold if the wind is in the north to east and fully dependent on the strength of the energy being emitted by the sun to drive said winds a varying speeds.

Perhaps intimidation of the skeptic witness Bob Singer, shining the lights in his eyes so that he is forced to close them. " can you hear me " says Jeremy, stood in a dark street with a loud hailer pointing at you as well as the lights, a mate of mine once did it and found it very difficult. However, pre scripted daylight interview for Bob Watson, then another stage managed relaxed studio situation. We have nothing to fear as American data confirms our figures says Bob Watson.


NN: 30/11/2009

I can't help speculating that the five " Royal Navy " personnel and their " yacht " stayed into Iranian waters and got deliberately arrested in order to cover any significant " home news " which may emerge in the next couple of days. In particular the news that the CRU parasites have " thrown away " all the original climate data going back over 150 years. Perhaps things like the drought in the southern Lake District, in one of my railway books I have a photo of a LNWR, pre first war at least train crossing a bridge over the Lune. The river is reduced to a small brook whilst a cow which appears to be suffering from some degree of starvation looks on.

If they haven't got the original observed data their whole climate model is suspect, why dispose of the evidence unless you intend to defraud ?

Perhaps Susan Watts report will confirm what I have been saying all along, that the entirely man made global warming theory is little more than an elaborate stock market parasite investment scam.

NN: 02/12/2009

Stock market parasites frothing at the mouth yesterday on the prospect of 30,000 new US troops to Afghanistan. London mining shares were the main gainers as usual, however the shine has gone today with the prospect of draw down by 2011.

Back on the climate change scam front


The Aussies are not stupid, Rudd has run shy of an immediate election, he did not win originally on his pledges on climate change as the BBC attempted to portray.

Science Museum Poll on Climate Change

It would appear that the results of the climate scam poll run by the now apparently "quasi-religious " Science Museum are now concluded. Directly after being subject to their climate change propaganda exhibition 3408 voted for strong measures at Copenhagen, yet even though probably under pressure 626 decided to vote against.

On the more democratic " secret ballot " web poll 2650 voted for strong action whilst 7612 voted against. You can bet almost every fully paid up eco-fascist in the country knew about it and would therefore have gone onto the web page and voted for strong action. However, despite the Science museum propaganda offensive plus load of similar pro Copenhagen propaganda in the media recently ( particularly on Channel 4 News ) there would appear to be a decisive majority against.

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It was originally alleged that Gordon Brown was going to take the results with him to Copenhagen as evidence to amply prove that he had the majority support of the British public. Not that good at mental arithmetic these days but in total 6058 for strong action, 8038 against and the fact that the Science Museum have not published the combined figures suggest yet another climate scammers attempt to defraud. It's clear that well over 50% of educated people reject the climate change scam and the " Corporate Nazi " (welfare state for the stock market parasites) policies being attempted to be introduced on the back of it.


The eco-fascists just don't get it do they, Tories in potential ideological meltdown on green policy?


NN: 03/12/2009

It would appear that the alleged inquiry into the CRU is likely to be a whitewash exercise, the main factor perhaps being that CRU figure closely correspond with NASA figures. It would appear that Bob Watson is in denial about the fact that the Arctic ice sheet massively grew last year due to global cooling. However perhaps the NASA warming statistics are also suspect, only the other week they were claiming that there is loads of water on the Moon after an experiment. Astronomers tried to view it but could not see the alleged plume after the vehicle crashed, Patrick Moore said he would " eat his hat "if they found water on the moon.

Given the possibility that NASA once got away with probably the biggest scientific scam in history, namely putting men on the moon and the key bit of returning them safely, whatever the pedigree of the computer programme they are using their hypothesis is suspect.

I'm really interested in true science of any kind, always have been since I was a kid but chose the physics route and then engineering to specialize in, I like archaeology also and like to come to my own conclusions based on the evidence, particularly in relation to climate changes. For example the ancient Egyptians used sledges which suggests that what is now desert was possibly once lush grassland, sledges work better than small wheels on grassed soft ground. I improvised one to tow behind a small tractor for building the annual bonfire on the village playing fields from a machine part pallet, would carry up to a ton of standard pallets in two stacks and hardly marked the surface over tens of trips.

Talking about sledges it reminds me of my Gt Uncle Frank who made full use of sledges pulled by ponies even in the 1960s, who lived on the family farm on the often boggy heights of Waddington Fell, we used to visit him when I was a small kid.

In the Bronze age people lived on top of Dartmoor, too cold and wet for anybody to live there now but perhaps 3000 years ago the climate was a lot warmer and calmer than it is now. Similarly the Orkney's, the experts claim there was no wood, too windy for trees to grow there now but who knows there may have been forests there originally, even if man soon cut them down.

I believe that Channel 4 are doing a new series of the relationship between archaeology and the evidence of climate change over the ages presented by Tony Robinson starting Monday at 9pm, should be really interesting.

It would appear that the eco-fascists are now attempting to portray that big business was somehow behind the CRU data hack / leak when nothing could be further from the truth. Brown was only crowing the other day that he had got 850 companies behind his proposals for Copenhagen including Shell and Tesco. Companies don't care about basic human rights, ( which Copenhagen intends to destroy ) look what Shell did to Ken Sarawiwa in Nigeria, Copenhagen is just an excuse to internationally legalize a license to rip people off.

NN: 04/12/2009

I suspect that all the eco-fascists will be celebrating tonight with the announcement of the closure of Corus's Lackenby site. However, its not a total loss because they are allegedly " mothballing " the plant but it will cost an absolute fortune to restart, blast furnaces will need new fire-bricking. Perhaps its all part of the stock

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market parasite celebrities " Corporate Nazi " plan to turn the UK into some kind of tax haven eco theme park for the potential non-dom super wealthy. Treat the " indigenous " population like the Israelis treat the Palestinians and force them through poverty into city ghetto's all in the name of " saving the planet "for them greedy selves.

Brown and the Milibands and all the other eco-freak politicians need to be brought before the court of public opinion on a charge of treason. If Copenhagen goes through what remains of our energy dependent industry will be asset stripped by the stock market parasites as it will be worth more dead than alive. Not much point keeping our armed forces either if we have no production means to withstand any hostile invasion on home soil.

KCL #13

Been there, done that, got the tea shirt, when I was a teenager I regularly rode shotgun in a tanker delivering foundry sand. Got right into the heart of the casting floor and was totally mesmerized by the process, likewise beside the Bessemer converters at Ravenscraig when delivering the Serfco foundry products I mentioned in a recent post.

Perhaps everyone forgets the potential eco-sustainability of metal casting, the original metal is never lost and can be endlessly recycled. I remember seeing GWR rail chairs being used to cast man-hole covers at a foundry at Stourbridge. Perhaps my most exciting encounter with the steel industry was the Pig Iron plant at Cargo Fleet Middlesbrough, iron poured onto moulds on a conveyor with a water quench at the top, separate batches to different specifications.

In common with most of the BBC news output today yet another damage limitation exercise on the behalf of the eco-fascists quasi-religion by Newsnight. The Corus closure today is only a taste of what will happen to energy dependent industry in the UK if the Copenhagen deal goes through in any form. Why do the pro AGW scientists still attempt to portray that the Arctic ice is shrinking when the evidence clearly shows it is now growing ?

It would appear that the BBC sci / tech link on this fact earlier in the year ( September ) has been conveniently deleted from casual searches like any UEA data which damages their Corporate Nazi climate change scam. This took a bit of finding but:-


Anyway, perhaps the Arctic ice is thin due to a lack of snow falling on it, and receded far more due to alleged climate scientists attempting to open up a lucrative North West passage. I suspect that there could be a time lag between the ice growing and the onset of global cooling due to less recorded sun activity.

Good point charleshenrywilliams #15

It is indeed a question of whether WE ( man ) are responsible for global warming and no doubt we leave our fingerprint if not through CO2 but simple waste heat. Of course if global warming was entirely due to CO2 the planet would still be getting warmer when all the true evidence suggests the globe is cooling more recently.

Gordon Brown refers to " flat earther's " but its not the first time in history that top government scientists have been proven completely wrong. Take the " great stink " and the cholera epidemics in London in the mid 19th century and the introduction of the sewer system. Government scientists were convinced that cholera was caused by miasma, noxious exhalations or bad air. A local GP ( John Snow ) had scientifically worked out the probable cause ( contaminated water ) and successfully stopped a local cholera outbreak by removing the handle from a particular stand pump.

Despite Snow's clear evidence to demonstrate the cholera was due to contaminated drinking water supplies the government scientists continued to blame miasma and dismissed Snow as a crank. The new sewer system got built anyway but the cholera did not completely go away, it was not until after Snow's death that the top government scientist admitted that Snow had been right all along.

Plenty of alleged " freedom loving " politicians up in arms protesting about the EU Lisbon Treaty yet virtual silence ( apart from Nick Griffin ) when it comes down to Copenhagen. The Copenhagen proposals are far

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more of a threat to the relative basic human rights of the UK population ( or anyone in a developed country with a similar cold winter climate ) than the Lisbon treaty could ever be. Perhaps its OK if you live in the tropics, its easy to survive with no winter fuel bill inflated by carbon trading. Copenhagen could force many relatively affluent people in northern climes to decide whether they are going to eat or heat. Winter cold already kills many people in the UK, with global carbon trading perhaps the total figure could significantly expand ?

NN: 09/12/2009

Celtic #7

Its pretty clear the the blunderbuss approach of carbon cap and trade as proposed at Copenhagen is not a very efficient way of protecting the future of our environment. What we really need is a Lee Enfield .303 sniper rifle to target the areas where we can collectively do the most good.

Perhaps Panda's boiler scrappage scheme is a positive start, trouble is that new alleged efficient boilers are only expected to last ten years. I believe that some of them can be put out of action by a simple power cut, need to buy a new printed circuit board at a rip-off cost plus fitting. Our boiler is 25 years old and still going, just needs a new thermocouple occasionally but we will be up for any replacement subsidy.

The same is true of fridges, we are currently using a early 1970s fridge which originally belonged to my grandma. It was in storage for almost 20 years but its still going strong with its metal shelves. I have heard bad reports about new fridges, especially the ones that claim to be environmentally friendly, break down as soon as they are out of warranty.

Its always the same with the modern stuff, the plastic bits break ( including the shelves ) and you have to buy a new one even if the fridge bit is still working. We had quite a good 1980s fridge for 20 years until my dad put a knife though the element trying to cheat and save time at defrosting.

Perhaps the key would be to force manufacturers to produce products that could ( with maintenance ) last you a lifetime. The sniper rifle approach would be to not allow any form of credit on anything not capable of lasting 30 years. That is not to say that you could not trade it in for refurbishment a couple of times during its life, just so long as it doesn't end up on the scrap heap. I suppose a perhaps more ten bob fat cat acceptable alternative approach would be to heavily tax credit on anything not capable of lasting 30 years. The trouble is the Corporate Nazi's in positions of power would never go for anything like that.

NN: 10/12/2009

Celtic #3

Is it not the case that we need to take pressure of the ecological system as far as is reasonably practical. A basic national grid for water could take pressure off rivers etc in the south east irrespective of whether drought conditions existed.

This could comprise one pump free main aqueduct from Kielder to London, secondary from the Lake District intersecting in Yorkshire. ( both Yorkshire and the south east have experienced water shortage in the last 15 years ) It could be done without sucking in imports and would benefit companies like JCB and the truck manufacturers ( haulage contracts only given to companies using UK built vehicles )

On the reducing carbon emissions aspect build the planned full scale Severn Barrage to generate electricity and reduce energy costs to benefit UK industry as a whole. Similarly a Morecambe Bay barrage which apart from generating cheap electric could regenerate Barrow in Furness by bringing it back into the wider Lancashire economy where it traditionally belongs.

Even if public spending was required to subsidize the above projects the government would get most of the initial investment back in current aggregate and fuel taxes. All the above projects could stimulate the UK economy and reduce our total ecological impact on the environment.

ecolizzy #7

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Although it undoubtedly has a part to play, the eco-fascists are using wave power etc as an excuse not to build proven to work barrages. I believe that the allegedly most promising wave power project has smashed itself to pieces in short order. Even wave power can be becalmed, like wind power it needs mega inefficient to provide fossil fuel backup and is therefore not really a realistic alternative power source.

NN: 11/12/2009


The eco-fascists must be getting pretty desperate if they are forced to scientifically stoop so low as the above link in their attempt to portray the potential dangers of Carbon Dioxide. All the alleged experiment proves is that Carbon Dioxide has a lower " specific heat capacity " than common air. We covered this in the first three years of early 1970s secondary school physics, just forgot the precise experiments we did but it was established that water by a long way had the highest specific heat capacity ( 4,200 kj / degree C ? )

Given that Carbon Dioxide makes up far less than 1% of our air including man's contribution it can hardly be a major problem.

barrie #7

The BBC's treachery on climate change propaganda doesn't end there, take BBC1 climate change propaganda programme " Hot Earth " from Wednesday 22:45. Fair enough the presenter stated that CO2 had traditionally not exceeded 280 parts per million so they measured the current figure live on air. The trouble is they did it in the basket of a hot air balloon after gaining height using the burner. They recorded 380 parts per million but just how much that was skewed by the CO2 rich exhaust gas from the burner leaking down from the open bottom of the balloon envelope is unclear ?

NN: 14/12/2009

How very convenient for those eco-fascist leaning politicians that despite the fact of other more serious news Copenhagen has to take back seat to the ten bob fat cat propaganda show X-Factor. It's not as if the winner exhibits great talent, at least from the alleged highlights I have seen he is a very average vocalist.

God help us all if Cowell is going to be allowed to organize some kind of perhaps celebrity Corporate Nazi political propaganda show in the run up to the next perhaps most crucial general election in years. The "get blind drunk and blow all your money" song is still just hanging on in the top twenty, its been there so long ( perhaps since August ) when it was number 1 for weeks on end.

Gavin hasn't got much brains but perhaps he could ask the president of the Maldives if he intends vastly cutting down all the executive jet set tourism his countries economy would appear to be based on. Perhaps Hillary Ben will continue today's earlier line about all the fish going rusty due to CO2 emissions. Meanwhile in the real world the worst snow storms in the US mid west for 50 years, and the chance of Arctic conditions throughout northern Europe as the Copenhagen summit comes to its climax ?

By far the best programme on the BBC in the last year was tonight's Panorama on our postal service. It would appear that Royal Mail Corporate Nazi managers are attempting to run our postal service on the basis of a computer programme.

Computer programmes are totally useless when it comes to designing ideal scenario's take rail ticketing for instance. Just for fun I investigated the possibility of a train trip to Barmouth and return on the same day. I friend and I did a similar trip in the 1980s and just turned up on the day, Lancaster to Crewe, change for Shrewsbury, then change direct to Barmouth. Fair enough but is was an Arriva site but it sent me from my local town to Manchester Victoria on the peak morning train, then admittedly direct to Barmouth. However, the return journey too me to Wolverhampton change Crewe, Manchester Piccadilly, both trips meant using the Metro to connect, in the 1980s we just caught the next train back and at no time were we lacking the choice of a seat.

Similarly I once experienced a version of AutoCAD from the late 1980s where it would suggest a three eighth's bolt where any traditionally trained engineer would specify at least half inch. Even though I did O level tech drawing at secondary modern school the terms of use were completely alien to me, the lesson is

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that computer programmes are only as good or honest as the bloke that writes them. If the bloke who writes the programme is not an expert in that particular field, the result is totally useless.

Considering that most computer programmers are so wrapped up in their particular language and pushing ever more complicated technology they are likely to understand. Unless Royal mails programme is written by experienced front line postmen it is highly unlikely to be able to do the job as a whole efficiently. It struck me that although parcels traffic has increased ( allegedly not machine sort able ) staff had been cut on the strength of a drop in machine friendly ordinary mail. Its not that long since Mandelson was squealing for private investment to modernize and provide funds for new machinery ?

What planet are our politicians on, Brown spending 1.5 billion we haven't got funding the stock market parasites to embezzle on alleged green technology. Fair enough give Bangladesh a fleet of big size JCB excavators to build sea defences, at lest the locals will know which country who donated them, get our own economy stimulated.

The Climate Change computer model is flawed simply by the fact it was written by a computer programmer complying with a dubious specification. If the weather keeps up like it is I may decide to believe that there is a " good god " again, even if the Anglican's would appear to have sold out to the " Corporate Nazi's " on most aspects of their alleged spirituality.

NN: 15/12/2009

KennethM #7

When are all the idiots out there going to realize that Copenhagen is a Corporate Nazi Trojan horse on the way towards world government by corporate dictatorship. It's got nothing to do with traditional left or right wing politics, its just a convenient excuse to introduce a system with all the worst human rights aspects of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia combined. The Corporate Nazi ideology politicians like Gordon Brown and Obama are enslaved to is an exact mirror image of the worst possible combination of both German Nazi and communism as practised by Stalin. They attempt to portray that they are up for controlling the banks and their Corporate Multinational Cartel but in reality its all hot air. Just rhetoric in order to keep the lefties ( as you call them ) on side, when in actual fact our basic freedoms are being sold out wholesale to multinational corporations.

Roger #10Racked my brains for over an hour and I can't remember ever seeing said film, its not really my scene anyway ( hate games ) but it just goes to show that the Corporate Nazi concept has been out there gestating for over 30 years. As far as I can recall it probably arrived in the UK when Dennis Healy took out the IMF loan, Thatcher got in in 1979 as a possible change of direction and to give here credit even she eventually saw through its promises which is why the Tories ditched her for empty headed Major. Blair perfected the plan as far as he dare go without splitting the Labour party but had to ditch the road fuel tax escalator due to the farmers / haulage protests. Most alleged left wing politicians have been happy to collude with the overall plan due to the tax revenue they got to spend on pet projects during the good years. Result the true sustainable British economy damaged almost beyond repair, a carbon trading deal at Copenhagen could be the last nail in the coffin.


Perhaps this article amply proves David Cameron's Corporate Nazi ideology credentials as far as using the environment as an excuse to provide a welfare state for the stock market parasites. Households to be government backed lent up to 6,500 quid for alleged energy efficiency measures on their home and will then pay back the money through their energy bills. I have seen reports where people have insulated their homes to the latest standards only to find that their house feels no warmer and the energy bills do not go down as promised. Like Labour are saying, its just another green investment scam, furthermore cavity wall insulation can cause damp and rot your floorboards leaving your house unfit for habitation.

NN: 16/12/2009

It would appear that NewsNight has managed to outrage a large number of regular viewers into blogging tonight with its latest propaganda slot for the climate change scammers. Some pretty intelligent comments on the blog tonight, but perhaps poster should consider the possible reason why no balance was given to David

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King's argument. It may be reasonable to believe that we are sleepwalking into the " New Dark Age " Winston Churchill foresaw, its not climate change, quasi-religion has taken over road safety policy also and probably many other " scientific " aspects of our life.

Just a couple of weeks ago the DfT admitted that the police had been massively under reporting serious injuries caused by road traffic accidents. The police claimed 26 000 which means government reached its alleged target yet the NHS recorded 40,000 serious injuries, no significant reduction in the last 10 years. Yet only today the government splashed out on BBC news claiming how well their cutting speed limits policy had been over the last 10 years. It would appear that you can't trust anything the politicians of any party and the BBC say these days ?

NN: 17/12/2009

Perhaps as high salary high court judges are likely to be part of the international jet set and perhaps they ( or their mates ) travelling long haul on BA over the Christmas period Unite are hardly likely to get a fair hearing despite 92% of 80% of members in favour ( whatever the technical voting inaccuracies ) ?

barrie #4

From Gordon Browns recorded performance at Copenhagen today it would appear that he has totally lost touch with reality. Cameron is practicing the art of not being seen, safe in the knowledge that Brown is doing serious damage to any credibility he may have achieved by Darling introducing a bankers bonus tax and the narrowing in the polls. Of course Brown has to portray himself as a lunatic in order to prevent his proposed " Tobin Tax " idea ever being taken seriously.

I've just heard on Ch4 news of a " leaked " IPPC report which states that even adding up all the proposed cuts in CO2 emissions by " developed " nations, the result will be a rise of 3C not the alleged 2C target. This must clearly demonstrate that all along the Copenhagen summit was simply a vehicle to introduce Carbon cap and trade in the interest of the Corporate Nazi's who run the world stock markets. Perhaps the lack of " success " at Copenhagen is a contributory factor in the FTSE falling over 100 points today ?

NN: 18/12/2009

Well done Paul Mason for flushing out the 1 trillion Corporate Nazi stock market parasite investment scam the Copenhagen summit was alleged to facilitate. It would appear to be all part of a plan to fill the ever increasing black hole in world financial markets through massive inflation in the cost of living.

At least in the UK, relatively poor people ( pensioners and the disabled, often reliant on income from small savings) simply can't afford an increase in the cost of living. Any further inflation in energy prices will kill an ever increasing proportion of the population in winter. The figures are bad enough as it is, add in all the more elderly unemployed due to their job being worth more dead than alive on the strength of Carbon Credits and it starts to look like some kind of annual green holocaust.

Brown's commitment to a legally binding treaty on CO2 cuts indicates some extreme level of insanity on his part, could probably loose the election but the evidence suggests that Cameron is little if any less insane when it comes to Climate Change policy. Perhaps the only hope is that the latest reports from Russia on their climate data being " cherry picked " or systematically excluded from the global average will undermine the underlying quasi-religion of climate science.

Nice One Roger #71

Are you aware of Nick Griffins allegation that an eco-fascist leaning Lib-Demmic north west MEP has shares in a wind farm company. Perhaps the same principle applies to most of the potentially bent politicians of all parties who push all the current eco-related investment scams.

The trouble is that politicians need not declare any shareholding less than 5% of the total company assets, and in theory they could be sat on tens of thousands worth of shares and nobody would know any different. Perhaps this rule needs changing as an integral part of any future legislation to clean up politics, any shareholding however small to be declared in full in future ?

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Delivering Rock Salt

Its not really news but it is topical at the moment, going back to my wagon driving days, (I can't remember the exact year but probably the late 1980s) we occasionally hauled rock salt in bags in winter.

It was mid January and as it had been freezing hard our regular concrete aggregate work was cancelled, the boss came up with a load of bagged rock salt from Coppull near Chorley to Boston hospital in Lincolnshire. The trouble was Lincolnshire was officially closed to all traffic due to the snow, so an alternative load to Darlington was arranged instead.

I loaded up at Coppull on the afternoon, ready for an early start from the depot at Chatburn the morning after. Our usual start time for such a trip was 5 am, but as it had been snowing intermittently all night I waited till 6 to let the ploughs have a chance to get out at least on the main roads. Not much problem on the A59 to Skipton, then over the A65 to Addingham, Ilkley, Otley to Harrogate, then through to the A1. We usually used the A59 Blubberhouses route but that was traditionally the first route to be blocked by snow, Ilkley-Otley was dicey in places that morning but she ploughed through no problem. The snow gradually built up going north on the A1 and there was about 6 inches lying at Darlington, however it seemed quite grippy, never had any major problem steady away despite being a 38 ton max length artic.

On arrival at my first drop ( a garden centre ) the owner instantly realized that he was never going to be able to unload me so I was directed to my second drop, the Cummins engine plant at Darlington. The whole load had been ordered through the garden centre who said they would pick up their share later. It took about an hour to unload at Cummins but the battery was flat when I came to move due to me foolishly leaving the headlights on with the engine stopped. No problem though, got towed off with a little grey Fergy tractor they had, thence to Hartlepool docks for a load of wood pulp for Sun paper mill Blackburn.

By now the snow was starting to thaw yet I kept hearing on the radio that all roads over the Pennies were blocked. At least I could rope and sheet in a shed and time was getting on, would be well dark by the time I got home. I came back down the A19 no problem and thence to Boroughbridge where the A1 intersects the A59. I was thinking about parking up at Harrogate for the night but I kept seeing Alfred Hymas wagons with Bell containers which I knew must have come over the top despite what the radio said.

Although under the circumstances it could be classed as a big risk I set out up the A59 Blubberhouses road from Harrogate. It was fairly easy going, not much snow at all and approaching Menwith Hill the plough fitted gritters passed me going in the opposite direction. Got down into the bottom of Blubberhouses OK, then on the climb up to the summit it started getting worse. Ploughed through a couple of drifts on the way up at 20 Mph, lost her feet nearly a couple of times in drifts but had her soon checked on the accelerator. The quarter mile flat section at the summit was the worse, drifts had formed but she just ploughed her way trough,It would appear that the gritters had been ploughing this section all day to keep the road open for traffic. Good job the road had been improved by then, easy to wind down the straight wide new road, I can remember once seeing an 8 wheeler going down one of the steep bits on the old road sideways.

No real problems after skipton and I pulled into our yard just before 6 to fuel up and went into the office. "What are you doing here" was the remark, " how did you do it ", Just came over Blubberhouses " I replied. It turned out that one of the local lads in an 8 wheeler had got stuck at Addingham, 3 of the wagons of a company we subcontracted to for animal feed jobs were stuck on the M62 for three days.

I did the alleged load to Boston Hospital a couple of weeks later and their was still plenty of snow on the ground even then. Perhaps the main factor why we seem to struggle so bad in the snow these days is the use of alleged energy efficient tyres. My steed ERF 2 axle tractor with Rolls-Royce Eagle diesel DGR 728W was fitted with Michelin almost new XZT traction tyres on the drive axle, XZA for positive steering. Just take a short glance at modern tyres and you can see that they are totally unsuitable for mud or snow ?

BTY #108

Its probably not just the tyres fault the country has ground to a standstill, the type of tarmac used on trunk roads has also changed. Back in the 1970s all main roads were surfaced with Hot Rolled Asphalt with 20 mm grit stone ( green granite ) rolled into the surface for traction.

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More recently the Highways Agency has been using the new ( alleged green again ) quiet road surface which uses 6 mm open texture tarmac. Its OK in the dry but when it rains it holds water on the surface and if its not religiously gritted in chance of frost it can so easily turn into a skid pan. Furthermore, you can no longer use the trick of winding down your window a bit and listening to the tyres swishing on an apparently wet road. As soon as the tyres went silent you knew instantly you were on ice and could do something about the situation like steadily ease off.

It is probably the case that any lying snow becomes embedded in the open texture surface and when your wheel spins the tyre tread can no longer dig through to get a positive mechanical grip as was the case with HRA and 20mm chippings. As for the alleged green aspect the use of the new material has left a mountain of unwanted 5 mm-dust at all related quarries. Dust was the main ingredient in HRA but it used a range of other sizes also, now there is a shortage of 6 mm, which was traditionally in short supply anyway because 6 mm dense bit was the favourite for footpaths, school yards etc. I believe they now often use FCA sand carpet for footpaths etc which is not as good for pedestrian grip. It's always the same, let the university boffins loose anywhere and they always come up with the most expensive and overall inefficient method of doing anything.

BYT #111

As a 1930s grass roots apprentice trained wagon driver I take issue with your link #7 always use high gears nonsense. Its always best to use an appropriate gear for the speed, engine braking is far safer on snow / ice than using the foundation brakes. One idiot rolled his Land-Rover coming down an icy steep hill near here, the consensus of informed opinion was that he had tried to come down said straight 1 in 6 hill in third instead of second.

However, when you weigh up the position we are now in as far as car ( Roger #109 ) and road design you have to lay the blame at the foot of typical motoring journalists. They may be good at pulling fancy wheel spin stunts etc but when it comes down to basic driving skills and common sense they leave a lot to be desired.

BYT #113

You remind me of Garth Dawes, a lecturer at tech who had been around a bit, started off in Aussie. He would wax lyrical about how the Americans had the rule that you had to give way to traffic coming down hill, the reverse of British policy. The point was that Yank motors had really crap brakes, even into the 1970s US six wheel trucks had no brakes on the front steering wheels. The reason behind this was that they were scared of a front wheel blowout on a long decent taking the air brake pipes out ( with some foundation as it once happened to me but that's another story ) The point was that in the 1930s many vehicles relied on Hardy fabric couplings for the prop shaft and these would fail quite regularly, especially under reverse torques. British vehicles always had decent brakes in general, although in the 70s you could still see 8 wheelers in the scrap yard with no brakes on the second steer. The moderators would bounce my version of " everyone's an idiot except me " but it holds true even today. Like you say road safety is all about allowing space but that fact would appear to have escaped modern road designers with traffic calming etc.

I have been following the debate about the future development of Clitheroe and just wondered whether any of the local councilors had considered the following option. I suppose that it means eating humble pie for many but perhaps the " new transport interchange " should form the basis of an adequate coach park for Clitheroe. Utilizing the " transport interchange "site could offer a low cost provision of a half decent coach park for tours offering toilet facilities and if well advertised and signed " coaches welcome " from the by-pass could attract much needed trade into the town without reducing the number of car parking spaces anywhere.

The bus interchange could return to Well Terrace, with a regular " shuttle bus " connecting with rail services at the station. Said shuttle bus could originate at Well Terrace, then proceed past Tesco to Lowergate thence to the bottom of Moor lane for Sainsbury's, back up towards the town centre then down Parson Lane for Booths and ultimately the station and back to Well Terrace. Said arrangement could relieve any timetable pressure on the Skipton-Preston services, local services could still pass the station as part of their route. I suspect that there is far more chance of people actually shopping in Clitheroe if their bus deposits them direct into the town centre and are not faced with a long walk ?

It will be no great loss to loose rail interchange between Blackburn / Burnley services either although said buses could lay over at the new coach park. It would be even better still if at least the Blackburn servicecame

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direct straight through to Chatburn like they did in the 1970s. I suspect that there are now so many speed limits cut to 40 from 60 and from 40 to 30 on their route that this is no longer legally practical ?

My name is Mim, I'm nice but dimAnd like a good little ten bob fat catI spam the blog with Polish chit-chat

I believe everything the celebrity politicians tell meAnd swallow what the stock market parasites want to sell me.

From US health reform to climate changeI tow the line and would willingly pay for any of their money making scams

Forget about all those who can never afford itRevert to spamming about my love life if I can't handle the argument.

The said flammable petrol is not exactly inside the car and therefore on the principle of the Davey lamp presents no problem unless you are involved in a serious crash which ruptures the fuel tank /lines. So its OK to smoke in a diesel car on your theory, stopping people smoking will destroy the livelihoods of many small farmers allowing multinational corporations the chance of buying up the land cheap. Choose between lining the pockets of the Corporate Nazi pharmaceuticals for patches etc and small farmers ( particularly in Virginia ) and I will choose the small family farmers any day.

Looks like I wasn't far out with my choice of the Stoning Sketch but then the anti-smoking lobby have always been a bit like some BNP supporters and their quasi-religious openly hostile attitude towards Muslims. I was brought up under the impression that being British was all about tolerance, the trouble is the more smoking becomes politically unacceptable the more likely teenagers are to start as an act of rebellion. Increasing the age limit only makes things worse, Harry Enfield's spoof 1930s smoking add was spot on, teenagers will smoke to infer that they are older and can therefore consume alcohol legally.

Good point barrie #199

The trouble is our Corporate Nazi government use minor details like the smoking ban and Foxhunting etc to keep the feeble minds of the ten bob fat cats occupied. At the same time the country rolls further down the slope into total anarchy ( remember what jj said, the politicians are Anarcho Capitalist Trotskyites ). At the next election you can bet we don't get true vote on the direction of Climate Change policy ( unless you have a BNP candidate ) likewise a fair direction for the long term future of our welfare state. Telephone No salary journalists will ensure that nothing is done to curb in the stock market parasites with any form of transaction tax or making people hold shares for two years before drawing any dividend, just the same old Corporate Nazi business as usual.

barrie #210

I suspect that you have to have studied early Soviet politics and in particular Trotsky to get your head around the anarcho capitalist Trotskyite bit but needless to say Trotsky was a key DNA component of the Bush line of thinking. Corporate Nazi is a bit of an easier way to describe the end result, all government policy run in the interest of the stock market parasites and the continued existence of the Corporate Multinational Cartel of global business players. The thing was that Bush and Blair went so far as to appease the CMC that they eventually gave the CMC enough rope to hang themselves, hence last years global financial crisis.

The only sensible way out of the problem would have been to nationalize all the international assets, but Brown, Bush and now Obama perhaps foolishly placed a taxpayer funded trampoline under the Banks. Now the stock markets have bounced back but their is still slack in the rope and the noose is still around their neck. Many multinationals owed so much money to the banks ( especially when post merger ) that they were almost in breach of their banking covenants and technically insolvent when the stock markets were at there low point. It it would appear that many of the CMC members have increased their borrowing since the stock market rose, many even talking about further mergers to hide their potential financial black holes. The trouble is that the real cash money is not out there, look how the GM deals to sell Saab fell though recently, and now the Dubai property fiasco.

The next downward swing on the hangman's yo-yo could break through any trampoline and finish them all off

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permanently. Many commentators are predicting another major stock market crash during 2010, who knows just how far it will fall this time. Perhaps the only sensible way out will be to nationalize all the banks and technically nationalize the UK assets of any CMC company which can't keep up its interest payments. Otherwise the stock market parasites will use the situation to asset strip what remains of our vital infrastructure and our entire country could end up potentially nationalized by the Arabs and China ?

barrie #218

I can't help speculating that the Christmas day bomb plot was all a set-up in order to sell the new X-ray machines now appearing at airports like even Manchester. From the photo footage the said bomb looked really professionally ( tailor ) made using a sowing machine ( would need to be to be skin tight ). Perhaps said X-ray machine manufacturers indirectly funded the whole thing, security forces conveniently omitting to swap information to allow a high risk suspected terrorist to carry out the attack ?

Perhaps as an indication of just how bad local authority management has become totally inefficient is the news that our local parish council has been offered cash back to employ a local lengthsman.

For example, Lancashire County Council send a team to cut the grass strips between the main road and pavements, whilst Ribble Valley BC send a team to cut the rest of the public grass. This must cost a fortune yet the parish council is unlikely to find enough work for one man on his own full time on an annual basis.

Even back in the 1960s when we had two full time men and a mini-depot ( was in the six cow shippon section of our barn ) where they kept at least 8 tons of rock salt for manually spreading on ice spots, the main pavements were cleared of snow and gritted when required. They also swept up all the leaves in autumn, but in summer the workload was smaller so they would go out on LCC road resurfacing projects. Just so long as you could swing a shovel all day but for the less fit, jobs like operating the stop-go boards on roadworks, far more efficient at keeping the traffic moving than today's temporary traffic lights. With the stop-go boards it was also easy to do a rolling road disruption, now tarmac is laid in short stops with a " bed end every " 200 yards. It is also advisable not to lay tarmac in the rain, or when its freezing but they will insist on doing it. The end result is shoddy and it doesn't last as long before it needs doing again, total false economy. Those on road surfacing went on to be standby gritting teams in winter, now its often some part time bloke ( or woman ) out of the offices.

Perhaps a classic example of what can happen is the plight of the hamlet of Twiston during the recent cold snap. The snow originally fell on the Thursday,( 17th dec ) followed by minus 10 and then a heavy snowfall on the following Monday. The main road remained open throughout this period ( now bus route ) but the spur which connects the " low road" up the big end of Pendle hill had only been gritted as far as ( and including ) the little used Martin Top branch, where all the people lived was left untouched until late Wednesday afternoon. According to my local councilor his phone was red hot, the official LCC excuse was that said road was not included in its satellite map so all the drivers ignored it. Anyone with local knowledge would have known that the route through Twiston was the priority all the time. I suspect that the real reason was that it could not be fitted into a one way trip without having to go over previous gritting technically idle.

Anyway it all started going down hill in the 1980s, the fleet of Ford 13 ton gross carry 8 tons of salt in winter or shraff in summer ( for tar spay and chipping ) resurfacing were replaced by 3.5 tonne Transits. It was hilarious, they even had to tip off collecting the minimum 1.5 ton mix of tarmac at Horrocksford quarry. We made a fortune getting paid for 10 tons when they only wanted 3 or 4 to finish the job, often there was plenty left, did the drive at the back of my house for free. Anyway all said trucks could be fitted with a plough and even if their wasn't an IPO gritter to go on the back there was sometimes a hole at the front of the box with a spinner beneath where a bloke could shovel to whilst mobile. H&S would freak out but you could never fit a plough on a transit pickup, the small wheels on a modern 7.5 tonner are also of little use in snow, although an improvement on the Transits.

Once upon a time I used to build gritters, our particular selling point was the actual spreading technology, the bodies were not that brilliant. As usual in the UK the best all round manufacturer of gritters ( Atkinson ) had gone bust first, and the company I worked for got took over and closed by a competitor. The technology got excessive to a point where it was uneconomical, interestingly enough some London boroughs had the best idea fitting a basic gritter to an old withdrawn dustbin wagon, others got ex-army 4 by 4 Bedfords. Anyway following today's purpose built gritters it would appear that the technology is much more basic than in the late 1980s.

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As I complete this anecdote Twiston remains ungritted since last Wednesday despite further snow this Tuesday. The Corporate Nazi's at LCC apparently refuse to grit said two mile stretch of road due to having to concentrate on bus routes and lack of salt. This is despite the fact that said route is the only alternative over the big end of Pendle if the main route gets blocked for some reason.

Salt Shortage

It would appear that many local councils are experiencing a severe road salt shortage, and current film footage suggests that Winsford is working flat out 24/7 just to keep the country in salt hand to mouth. Back in the 1980s Winsford had massive stock piles of salt stacked up 100ft high either side a mile down the road into the town centre. You could drive up onto the top and turn round an artic no problem whilst loading.

There was never a shortage of salt in winter, but I suspect that the eco-fascists put their oar in in the 1990s. Salt was always tipped and stored in the open, but the eco fascists squealed about run-off during rain so councils and the highways agency had to build sheds to put it in. Some people have attempted to portray that rock salt gets less effective if exposed to the rain. The truth is that apart from an inch or two on the outside of the pile which forms a crust due to the clay component the inside remains as fresh as the day it was tipped. Now local councils are forced to pay well over the odds for white " cooking salt " and mix it with 5mm-dust grit from a quarry with aggregate tax on it.

I'm a bit skeptical about the alleged detrimental environmental aspect of storing salt in the open. Lancashire County Council once had a massive open air strategic stock pile at Samlesbury by the A59, the standing water in the dyke at the side of the adjacent lay-by old road was the best place for kids to find frog spawn in spring. So it looks like appeasing the eco-fascists has stuffed us all again for no real benefit to anything.

It was interesting to note that although BBC breakfast were pushing the McCelebrity eco-fascist " No Meat Monday " in early news, Benn instantly dismissed it when questioned. The link is broken to the full story of what was said in the full announcement but it should be clear to anyone with a working brain that we need to produce more meat. Much of the UK is unsuitable for producing anything else, and like one HYS post pointed out, Monday is traditionally used to eat up what remains of your Sunday roast. ( if you can afford one ) Even Chip shops would traditionally stay closed on Monday for the same reason.

NN: 07/01/2010

Jaunty #2

Its not really fair to blame the " market " entirely for the lack of gas storage capacity in the UK, various companies have tried to set up adequate cheap gas storage. Just in the north west ( 1 in Cheshire and one on the Fylde ) two applications have been made to store gas in old salt workings. However, each time the high profile eco-fascist groups moved in and organized effective local campaigns in opposition based on alleged ( perhaps bogus ) safety concerns. The government could have stepped in and approved said plans but remained silent.

As for predicting the weather, Piers Corbyn and his Weather Action team predicted the current cold snap 6 months ago based on sun spot observations. The Met Office are totally useless, all they are interested in is attempting to portray further global warming to appease their quasi-religion. Perhaps time to sack everyone in the Met Office and use public funds to get a free to the general public accurate set of forecasts from Weather Action ?

John Ketley was on News 24 reckoning that the cold weather was down to which way the wind was blowing, but how do you expect to model that. As everyday passes the evidence for the climate change scam looks thinner, just as Anne Winterton pointed out in yesterday's PMQs. Of course all the brain dead would be eco-fascists on the Labour benches broke out laughing. Perhaps the boot will be on the other foot in a couple of years time ?

Perhaps if Lord Adonis is genuine in his promise to ensure local authorities receive all the salt they desperately need ASAP, he needs to suspend the drivers hours regulations for the next couple of months. There is an historical precedent, the Tories once did it back in the 1980s when our country was in the grip of Arctic conditions.

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Furthermore, he needs to suspend the current gross vehicle weight limits regulations, allow up to 10% GVW above the plated weight ( as an allowance not a target ). Things have improved since the 1980s with the introduction of weigh scales on loading shovels but the science is not perfect and takes far longer to load than a rough yet educated guess. Its pretty soul destroying to sit in a queue for a weighbridge and then be sent back to tip off a ton from a 40 ton gross load, then join the queue all over again. From the film footage it would appear that loading capacity is a key factor in creating the queues of lorries in Cheshire. The above measures would go a long way towards alleviating the current salt shortage situation.

NN: 08/01/2010

Anything which damages to political credibility of the DUP has to be a good thing for the progress of peace in Northern Ireland. The DUP have always been the biggest obstacle to true devolution, but if it was up to me I would give Ulster back to where it really belongs with southern Ireland. Ulster is nothing but a drain on the UK economy and we can do without the bent deals their Westminster politicians enter into like voting for 42 days detention on the basis of a bribe for massive UK government / corporate investment. It was the same back in the 1990s with the Road Fuel Tax Escalator, tobacco factory shut in Oldham and relocated to Ulster despite the extra transport cost implications.

Jaunty #50

It looks like Gordon Browns foolish 100bn offshore windmill investment scam has pushed mining shares even higher. It would appear that pension funds etc have been selling gilts and buying equities ( probably mining shares ) on the back of quantitative easing. When the stock market probably goes tits up later in the year pension funds are going to be decimated. The whole scam is based on lunacy, heavy copper cables from as far offshore as Dogger Bank must make offshore wind totally uneconomic unless we are all forced to pay a hefty Private Tax on energy in general. The trouble is that it doesn't look like we will get a vote on it at the next election, Tories not presenting any real opposition to green lunacy. Like you say the money would be far better spent on solar panels for factory roof's, or any other roof for that matter. At least solar energy will be reliably available during the working day when demand is highest.

Perhaps the latest government sponsored legal scam ?

Just the other day some corporate woman cold called me on the land line ( despite being on the telephone preference scheme ).She attempted to portray that I was suffering from significant hearing loss and could claim damages on some alleged government scheme. I instantly told her the my hearing was perfect considering my age but she would persist that I needed to take a hearing test ( suspect this is the government NHS funded component ). Eventually I got rid of her, but if the NHS is wasting money on scheme to generate business for the legal profession it stinks. Both Labour and the Tories claim NHS spending is sacred, but if its funding projects like the above it needs clamping down on ASAP.

ecolizzy #60

Why don't we have a 50% tax on all party political donations to create a fund whereby Independents or candidates from " smaller parties " can claim back at least a proportion of their local election expenses. Then at least most constituencies would have the chance of voting for a candidate opposed to policies based on the climate change scam. ( do you do facebook, check out the New Commonwealth Party )

What Britain needs in response to the economic crisis is not foolish wind farm projects to suck in massively global environmentally damaging copper imports but home grown solutions adapting to possible climate change. For instance a national grid for water, primarily comprising one gravity feed /syphon aqueduct from Kielder to London, one from the Lake District Intersecting Yorkshire, no expensive pumps required and the Romans could have done it. Likewise a Severn but also Morecambe Bay barrage, generate loads of carbon free electricity on a reliable ( and continual basis if you use pump storage using the nearby hills in both cases ), get our steel and cement industry working at peak efficiency instead of the current energy wasteful low capacity. When said projects are complete we could send the spare excavation equipment to places like Bangladesh where they need to build better sea defences, far better than cash aid the stock market parasites can embezzle.

The national grid for water could be funded by water companies in the south east, ( and the scheme enforced by the regulator ) obviously any consumers benefiting from said scheme could be expected to pay extra on their water bills. I'm not really that familiar with the logistics of the Severn estuary, but a direct road

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to Barrow in Furness could stimulate the west Cumbrian economy. Barrow itself could be virtually brought back into Lancashire where it traditionally belongs with a new direct road link across any barrage. As you well know I am not generally in favour of road tolls but a small cost to use said direct route could help pay for the project as a whole.

Anyway, what do you think about the said projects, far better value to our nation than wind farms which will be scrap in under 25 years ?

One I missed from earlier ( 01/12/2009 )

It would appear that the " Corporate Nazi " eco-fascist leaning celebrities have still not come to terms with the fact that the quasi-religious science they base their catastrophic predictions if we don't cut CO2 emissions on is fatally flawed.


It would appear that they are determined to plough on with their New World Order agenda regardless of the facts. Only this afternoon I watched an episode of Aubrey Manning's Earth Story which amply portrayed how the earth's temperature has fluctuated wildly between hot periods and ice ages. One scientist actually calculated it all worked out on solar activity, variations in the earth's orbit around the sun. After his death his theory was proved by geologists working in Bermuda studying the ancient fossilized coral beds. Analysis of ocean sediments prove more significant fluctuations in climate not so long ago, of course Earth Story was made before the eco-fascist took control of production at the BBC.

Just take a look at the credentials of some of the celebrities promoting the eco-fascist quasi-religion.


I can't help speculating that Zac Goldsmith virtually stole his alleged 300 acre farm in Devon in 2001 as a direct result of the damage done to the rural economy by the Road Fuel Tax Escalator. 7.5 million pound mansion then he preaches to the relative poor that they should turn down their central heating and freeze in winter. Likewise stop driving when he like perhaps others like Sting frequently use helicopters and private jets for their global joyriding.

Its almost as though the " Corporate Nazi " celebrities desire to introduce some new form of corporate Darwinism based on financial apartheid. Only the super rich will be able to afford to " breed " regardless of their ultimate intelligence of physical fitness. They can rely on a pool of virtual wage slaves, their slavery enshrined in carbon taxes.

Its just a pity that distinguished journalists with humble roots like Jeremy Paxman don't have the moral courage to challenge the Corporate Nazi propaganda on Climate Change, Perhaps years years on telephone number remuneration have destroyed any moral compass they may once have cherished.

Although not directly related one of the eco-fascists ( that Joseph character ) were squealing about this.



Lets look at the history of how we got here ?

Even though there were no tachgraphs at the time, the EU 8 hour driving hours ruined transport efficiency. Industry in central Scotland was decimated when the tachographs eventually came in, mostly due to Dumfries & Galloway police rigidly enforcing the 40 Mph HGV speed limit on the A74. Srathclyde had a spell at it also but could see the damage to the economy, didn't help rail freight either. Now there were lots of empty wagons in central Scotland who couldn't get home for a load the next day so spend the rest of your day loading one to take back. Stuff like spuds and whiskey, basically anything not in a particular rush and you could use traditional railway stock. The yard of the garage where I worked backed onto the Blackburn-Hellifield line so you couldn't miss what was going on. The trains just got shorter and shorter, Scotch wagons were also taking stuff back in the other direction. The final nail in the coffin was the APT and the need to take

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the catch points out of the WCML so all partially fitted trains were withdrawn.

The result was even more wagon's on the road and everyone had to buy new more powerful equipment, then they did it again in 1985, new 38 tonne weight limit when they should have gone straight to 44 tonne and allow a " full " 40 foot ISO container to be handled by road. The only problem is that much of the current road freight is low density stuff like Stobart's empty beer cans to Worcester and full cans back to Carlisle, which could make such traffic more " eco friendly " ( fuel efficient ) by road.

The new " B-Train " 83 foot double bendy artic could significantly reduce carbon emissions and like the operator said, actually reduce the number of wagons on our road. The B-Train principle is well proven safe in New Zealand and Aussie, at the moment UK operators are running less stable " wagon and drags " in order to increase volume. The point is that the weight pushes you trough the wind so a heavier vehicle in total will consume less fuel for more goods moved. Like the haulier said, they were not intending to exceed the current 44 tonne max weight limit, such vehicles would also do less damage to the roads. The eco-fascists were attempting to portray that said project was going to increase the weight limit.

Perhaps the future is a network of road / rail container interchange depots, with regular trains running between the WCML / ECML extremes stopping off on route to interchange traffic. For instance if you had a consignment of goods ( container ) from the south west for destinations in the north east you would intersect the train at somewhere near Preston and deliver ( perhaps several drops ) to as far as Newcastle the next day. Reciprocal from the east coast route, arrange things to make the best use of both rail and road transport. For instance a road vehicle sent from Preston could collect goods to go by rail from a north east depot as part of a working day. It just needs clever organization, computers are not really up to it yet if rail ticketing software is anything to go by.

Health & Safety is a major nightmare for our parish council when it comes to maintaining the children's play equipment on our village playing field. The field was left to the " villagers " by a wealthy spinster who was killed during a bombing raid on our village during the war and is not local authority controlled. The playing field officially opened in 1953 on the Queen's coronation and the equipment comprised of a " swing boat ", two small kiddies swings and a group of six older children's swings varying in height from one end to the other. We also had a 15 foot high slide which the kids would grease with candles to make it faster, but the swing boat was the most popular. The older kids would get it bouncing off its stops, eventually one of the radius arms snapped and was replaced, however it was decided to close it as " too dangerous " in the late 1970s after one of the arms broke again. Likewise the slide, plywood was put on the sides at the top to stop kids climbing out and falling. However in the 1980s the safety fascists closed closed down to be replaced by a boring steel tube climbing frame. The swing boat was replace by a small tame slide although we did get a roundabout at the same time. Now ROSPA are alleging that the main frame for the group of six swings is potentially unsafe, they have already been reduced to four. Its quite simple to test the integrity of the steel tubing at vital points by whacking it with a hammer, but ROSPA insist we get a chartered engineer from the manufacturers to inspect them. It would appear that the whole focus of ROSPA is to force playground operators to install new equipment, like all H&S legislation its designed to promote false economic growth, in all probability the swings could last another 50 years with maintenance. The price of new play equipment is also inflated by various government grants available. Perhaps the whole object of the safety fascists exercise is to eventually steal the playing fields from the villagers.

NN: 13/01/2010

Yet another Newsnight non-discussion about the future of world finance and how the taxpayers are going to be able to get their money back. Was Vince Cable the best you could do, perhaps obviously working under party orders not to mention any possible version of the Tobin Tax. After all, all three main parties are almost certainly seeking heavy funding from the Corporate Nazi stock market parasites in the run up to the election. It wasn't made clear whether Labour or the Tories had been asked to provide a spokesperson for said discussion, perhaps they were just " practicing the art of not being seen " in the true " Monty Python's Flying Circus " tradition of British Politics these days ?

NN: 14/01/2010

Of course we over reacted to the potential of the swine flu outbreak, but as with everything Brown's government embarks upon, any convenient excuse for a false economic growth investment scam. Its mainly the fault of the media, perhaps especially the BBC and " News24 " ramming it down the throats of the ten bob fat cats that they are all going to die unless we spend lots of money.

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The thing is that it has emerged that Tamiflu is not that effective as first claimed yet I suspect that the NHS keeps stockpiling it. Perhaps fair enough to try it in the first instance, had big stocks on the back of other baseless health scares and it was likely to go out of date anyway. It's all part of Brown's Corporate Nazi welfare state for the stock market parasites, the biggest potential investment scam is climate change but perhaps the evidence over the next few years can save everybody scarce time and money.

I am eligible for the swine flu jab as a priority, but I have not bothered to get it yet even though I have had the seasonal flu jab. It can wait until I see my GP on my annual appointment later this month, might just as well have it if its available.

It would appear that mainstream media weather forecasting has got itself into a bit of a politically correct pickle. It would appear that they are not always as short term accurate as BTY would suggest. The last Saturday just before Xmas was the key big seasonal prize domino meeting at remote rural Tosside. On the strength of the forecast my 87 year old dad stopped at home under a warning of " heavy snow, in the event there was no snow till Monday.

The BBC TV weather forecast was far better in the 1980s when they showed you the full Atlantic chart with all the fronts and pressure gradients on it. If it showed an occluded front in a northerly wind you could work it out yourself that it was likely to snow. ( that is assuming you did the 1970s O level geography syllabus ) It's just a load of fancy computer graphics these days designed to please the average brain dead ten bob fat cats. Even then, if they predict rain in summer the tourist industry are ringing up on their backs complaining about potential loss of business

Indy #64

It rather looks like Griffin has been bought out by the Corporate Nazi's on his pre-Xmas climate change scam position as he is now apparently playing all his key cards on " Troops Home ". I can't see much political point in that as if you support an end to involvement in Afghanistan you can vote Lib-Demmic, and if you are even considering voting for Clegg you are hardly likely to be voting BNP even as a desperate protest ?

Failure to accurately predict the UK weather over the past few weeks must demonstrate that the Met Office is not fit for public purpose. Although I am not generally in favour of privatizing any " public services " perhaps privatizing the Met Office would be a good way of at least reducing the current astronomical public borrowing requirement. That is assuming that any private investor would be foolish enough to buy it ?

( From last week )

As for predicting the weather, Piers Corbyn and his Weather Action team predicted the current cold snap 6 months ago based on sun spot observations. The Met Office are totally useless, all they are interested in is attempting to portray further global warming to appease their quasi-religion. Perhaps time to sack everyone in the Met Office and use public funds to get a free to the general public accurate set of forecasts from Weather Action ?

John Ketley was on News 24 reckoning that the cold weather was down to which way the wind was blowing, but how do you expect to model that. As everyday passes the evidence for the climate change scam looks thinner, just as Anne Winterton pointed out in last weeks PMQs. Of course all the brain dead would be eco-fascists on the Labour benches broke out laughing. Perhaps the boot will be on the other foot in a couple of years time ?

Perhaps if Lord Adonis is genuine in his promise to ensure local authorities receive all the salt they desperately need ASAP, he needs to suspend the drivers hours regulations for the next couple of months. There is an historical precedent, the Tories once did it back in the 1980s when our country was in the grip of Arctic conditions.

Furthermore, he needs to suspend the current gross vehicle weight limits regulations, allow up to 10% GVW above the plated weight ( as an allowance not a target ). Things have improved since the 1980s with the introduction of weigh scales on loading shovels but the science is not perfect and takes far longer to load than a rough yet educated guess. Its pretty soul destroying to sit in a queue for a weighbridge and then be sent back to tip off a ton from a 40 ton gross load, then join the queue all over again. From the film footage it

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would appear that loading capacity is a key factor in creating the queues of lorries in Cheshire. The above measures would go a long way towards alleviating the current salt shortage situation.

( I heard on the grape vine that many bulk haulage contractors are not even bothering to participate in salt distribution, even though they currently have wagons laid idle. The long queues make salt haulage totally uneconomic, anyone participating is probably doing it as a social service to keep their drivers from being laid off due to lack of their regular work for the construction industry )

Where ever you go whether its a reduced speed limit, new roundabout, traffic calming or HGV ban there are always a bunch of ten bob fat cat property speculators riding the wave of media indoctrinated emotions. Never mind the massive extra carbon footprint caused by the weight limit on Grane Rd, think of the false economic growth it creates in order for the stock market parasites to pay themselves even bigger bonuses than ever, whilst small business closes because they can't afford to pass on the increased transport cost. ?

NN: 18/01/2010

Try again, being particularly touchy this evening and anyway all the teachers mentioned are most likely severely dead and may never walk again ?

#16 Brilliant observations Japerson

Perhaps especially the bit about school teachers, when I was a secondary modern in the early 1970s the best teachers we had were well qualified trades people often with an engineering background. The first three years of Physics was brilliant as taught by Jack Wright, ex RAF bloke with practical engineering experience. We learnt more useful practical in life stuff in the first three years with him than we got on the alleged O level course under an idiot with a BA in two years. All he was interested in was that you never called him ASPIN at it was ASPDEN, lazy swine just used come in and tell you to copy sections from the text book. He was missing a lot of the time, couldn't see the point of simply copying the textbook, you need different angles to learn efficiently, lucky for me there were programmes like Horizon and all the other excellent educational stuff. Anyway I used the physics lesson time to do homework from other subjects and still got a C despite having to pay to take the exam because Aspin put me in for CSE, but I couldn't be bothered with the course work project homework. These days pupils spend far too much of the time being preached Shakespeare, would be far better to practice written English through something like geography or history. I believe that physics has disappeared and become part of a combined science course that can never be as good as taking the individual subjects.

One of the most memorable episodes in my secondary school education was the close links between both the science and maths departments. They collaborate on practical jokes on certain pupils by masters. Perhaps the best one was sending somebody for a long stand, which I witnessed personally in one of Ma Sharpe's maths lesson. Said pupil would come into the lesson and state " Please Mrs. Sharpe Mr. Wright ( the physics master ) sent me for a long stand ", not so stupid request as it might seem as Ma Sharpe did in fact possess a " long stand " which she used to illustrate the practical in stuff like geometry. However said pupil would make said request but Ma Sharpe would continue the maths lesson for another ten minutes or so. When she ended her spiel said pupil would ask " what about my long stand " to which Ma sharp would retort that " you have already had it ". It took a couple of seconds for the penny to drop after which said pupil would make a speedy exit to avoid the embarrassment. I never quite worked out whether it was a punishment for stupid pupils who disrupted lessons, perhaps just get them out of the way during any crucial bit.

NN: 20/01/2010

US Rejecting Obama Eco-Fascism ?

I suspect that many former Obama supporters are not voting against health care, just the pathetic current health care proposals that wont benefit any US citizens, just a welfare state for the health companies in its present form. The real elephant in the room is the Climate Change Scam after Obama flew to Copenhagen and associated himself with the Corporate Nazi eco-fascist carbon taxers. From the posts on YouTube it would appear that there is a healthy debate going on in the US regarding the climate change scam, it may be the case that the prospect of blocking any proposals on climate change were the key factor in Obama's apparent implosion in public support ?

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Putting myself in the shoes of the average " independent " or " progressive " Democrat leaning US voter keen to promote true equality in US society, I could actually see myself now voting Republican in protest. I suspect that many of those who supported Obama at the presidential election are at least extremely peeved with where the progress of the health bill stands. As drafted at the moment it is little better than a welfare state for the health insurance industry and not really worth the paper it is written on and little better than the status quo.

Obama has failed to come up with his promise to the poor on health care, then he flies off to Copenhagen and associates himself with the Carbon Tax Corporate Nazi eco-fascists. He also allowed CO2 to be classified as a pollutant when it is clearly essential to life on our planet. Any intelligent voter can see that even if Obama had got the most important " public option " in his health bill, carbon taxes would have more than destroyed any potential gain to the overall quality of life for the US citizen.

NN: 26/01/2010

I don't profess to know all the rules that the statisticians use but it strikes me that for the UK to have achieved 0.1% growth we also now have even on the most conservative of estimates 2.9% inflation. Perhaps if you knock out what could be perceived as false economic growth ( inflation ) our economy actually shrunk 2.8% in the last quarter. Of course the stock market parasites are doing well on the back of quantitative easing, but it would appear that the likes of Hedge Funds are soaking up most of any extra money which could be going into the real economy.

As your Salford report last night suggested there are still plenty of ten bob fat cats out there foolish enough to be willing to sign their financial life away on a poxy terraced house for 150k. The banks must be pretty foolish to allow anyone to do so, perhaps sowing the seeds of a new financial crisis in near future when many may loose their public sector job as a result of Tory spending cuts.

#89 ecolizzy

That's the whole object of the exercise based on Corporate Nazi ideology and supported by Corporate Multinational Cartel friendly Trade Unions. The CMC wants to kill small businesses as they know full well they are always more efficient at doing anything than them. All three main parties are a Corporate Nazi mirror image of themselves, competing for the vote of ten bob fat cat virtual bank slaves, hence the apparent focus on keeping interest rates low.

Perhaps Tim nice but dim has got an injunction put on it after he was exposed gaining 80k in his back pocket for a HoC banquet he organised for a possible environmental investment scam company. It would appear that most politicians with alleged green credentials are bent as a nine bob note, Gavin intervened but it was about to be revealed about his directorship of another green company concerned with promoting electric cars. No wonder nice but dim Tim was bleating for massive increases in road fuel duty more recently, his chairmanship of the Environmental Audit Committee must be untenable if the truth comes out.

It would appear that the whole thrust of the Lorry Ban proposals are driven by ten bob fat cat property speculation of a style which probably makes " house flipping " bent politicians famous for it look amateur. Perhaps many of the members of the chamber of trade think that they can sell up and make a tidy profit on the strength of any lorry ban. It is patently obvious that these people do not care about the true future long term interest of the Settle local economy, of which the quarry industry and it HGV's are the key.

Perhaps asking tourists whether they would come to Settle more often if HGVs were banned is likely to precipitate the same answer as if you had asked BNP members whether they would support the construction of a new Mosque. Such is the media indoctrinated black propaganda emotion against HGVs and the haulage industry in general to the point of virtual racism in most cases. The eco-fascist element in society ( and Settle would appear to have more than its fair share of these people ) will support anything which destroys the long term job prospects of the true indigenous population, work to close industry like the quarries, paper mill and creamery.

I seem to remember that Gordon Brown was boasting the support of 80 companies including Shell when he flew off to Copenhagen to allegedly save the planet from doom. Given Shell's past human rights record especially in Nigeria where they got Ken Sarawiwa hanged for attempting to use democracy to protect the rights of the people its perhaps hardly surprising that they support the Climate Change scam. I suppose I could go back and get the full list from news archive but Tesco was another member of the corporate

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multinational cartel supporting brown, famous for screwing the small farmers, I don't remember any potential human rights infringements by Exxonmobil.

NN: 10/02/2010

Perhaps Mr. Athens dustbin man was not that far wide of the truth when he said that Greece was probably being used as a guinea pig for other countries in the EU. It would appear that the Corporate Nazi stock market parasites are trying their level best to ferment an EU wide civil war ( including in the UK ). Perhaps the " markets " can't wait until policies driven by the Climate Change Scam ( the lights going out due to reliance on wind farms ) create enough anarchy to precipitate the suspension of basic human rights in the UK. Perhaps its ironic but it is governments who have given the hedge funds the liquidity to target individual nations. Significant regulation of global finance can't come soon enough to save what remains of our alleged civilisation. End Panda's ( nee Darling ) New Labour's G20 welfare state for the stock market parasites ASAP if this is how the Corporate Nazi's intend to repay our citizens.

It must now be clear to any political observers that Gordon Brown is the puppet of the Corporate Nazi stock market parasites. Likewise Alistair Darling ( nee Panda ) who would appear to be committed to the Corporate Nazi ideology of expanding and sustaining a virtual welfare state for the stock market parasites. Tough on alleged Incapacity Benefit cheats but no action to curb the embezzlement of billions by the "socially useless" section of financial markets as recently identified by Lord Turner. Darling is attempting to portray that a cap on bonuses will be avoided through higher basic salaries. The obvious solution is to heavily tax all derivatives trades, but with Obama scared of assassination the Corporate Nazi's have him as their puppet also, so no chance of a global deal.

Of course it will be no better under the Tories despite the Osborne rhetoric on tougher city regulation. Perhaps its convenient to dump the FSA now that its head is no longer " ideologically pure ", of course Boris has to object to a cap on bonuses as they are mostly in the interest of his main political sponsors. Farage's response is typical of a party funded by the likes of hedge funds, meanwhile Vince Cable is perhaps conveniently practising the art of not being seen.

NN: 15/02/2010

I've just watched BBC1 Panorama outlining the rise in disability hate crime where a not obviously disabled man confined to a wheelchair did secret filming to illustrate the problem. It's perhaps hardly surprising considering how allegedly funny and popular " comedy series " Little Britain attempts to portray how all wheelchair users are complete frauds as a key feature of the programme. Now its being spewed out all over again on DAVE, whilst true comedy like the Spike Milligan Q series is virtually banned as it is no longer deemed politically correct. Add to this all the propaganda put out by high profile mainstream politicians ( particularly the Tories but Brown has had his moments also ) on how anybody claiming incapacity benefit are worthless scroungers and what do you expect will be the result ?

NN: 19/02/2010

Its all very well for Lord Adonis and others to have a grand vision of a brand new high speed UK train set, probably mostly in the interest of the few not the many. However, the main challenge facing our rail network is the state of the track on many secondary lines throughout the country. Much of the track replaced in the 1950 / 60s is now well past its sell by date, requiring significant speed limits. The situation is not helped by the fact that the Yank owned EWS replaced all the purpose built low axle load diesels built during the 1960s with mega heavy US built Class 66. Talking to drivers it would appear that the slightly less powerful older UK designed and built Class 60 is a far better locomotive for freight trains.

I suspect that the civil engineers would have forbade their use on many secondary lines in the 60s, now said Class 66 are often the only option for freight trains. I suspect that freight operators dare not expand services to use secondary lines and free up the main lines for more frequent passenger trains for fear of the track disintegrating. Passenger services can often get away with it using relatively lightweight DMU stock, but the speed limits remain.

The true way forward for rail transport in the UK must be to get all the secondary lines back up to standard in order that fast frequent loco hauled passenger trains can safely use them. There is no doubt that to do this would need every bit of public subsidy available, the signalling needs improving also, perhaps taking advantage of radio technology.

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Only then can we get rid of the current sardine can DMU fleet and provide a decent service ( especially at rush hour ) throughout the network.

NN: 22/02/2010

Regardless of the validity of any " bullying " accusations perhaps Gordon Brown's admitted " bad temper " has its roots in some of the policy he religiously pushes. Brown claims to be proud of his socialist roots yet he allowed himself to be drawn into virtually inciting hatred against genuine sick people claiming Incapacity Benefit by Freud and Purnell. That question has gone off the boil at present, but he was also democratically forced into a massive U turn over Congestion Charging in Manchester.

It would appear that the Corporate Nazi stock market parasite establishment expect anyone leaning on the left of politics in the UK to universally embrace the concept of eco-fascism. Nobody is so deluded by the climate change scam as Brown, despite recent evidence to suggest that the science it is based on has as many holes in it as Swiss Cheese.

I would expect that it was an integral part of No 10 staff duties to advise the prime minister of any developments relating to government policy. It must cause some friction when staff tell Brown that his key belief is in large part based on fiction, yet Brown continues to perpetuate and entrench his position on the whole climate change investment scam.

It must be bad for the future of our country and democracy if none of the prime ministers junior advisers dare question policy positions. Perhaps the problem stems from the fact that Brown can only read large print, assumes that staff are lying when they verbally point out glaring anomalies in policy. Perhaps senior civil service members with vested interests treat puppet Brown like a mushroom, keep him in the dark and feed him plenty of " manure " as his key information sources ?

I must admit that I found myself wholeheartedly agreeing with Nick Griffin's position on the now totally discredited Climate Change Scam after his speech to the EU parliament prior to Copenhagen. In fact I was increasingly attracted to what he was saying about the Climate Change Scam up until Christmas. He even "outed" a Lib-Demmic MEP with shares in a wind farm company on the North West edition of The Politics Show. However, it would appear that his Corporate Nazi puppet masters have forced him to ease off on the Climate Change Scam more recently despite the mounting evidence to suggest that the whole Global Warming thing is just a stock market parasite investment scam.

Notwithstanding, I visited the official BNP site and checked out their alleged environment policy. I would suggest that you read their environment policy, a blend of eco-fascism and animal rights claptrap which will put half of British farmers out of business. Then they talk of the increased use of bio-fuels, which unless you use every piece of British land currently in food production you need to import and destroy the habitat of the Orangutan. The latent policy schizophrenia starts to creep in here, if you make bio-fuel the residue can be used to feed pigs and poultry, but its extremely wasteful if you don't allow any degree of " factory farming ". 25% of the current US grain crop now goes into bio-fuel production, thus increasing world food prices for third world countries where I suspect than many can now no longer afford to feed themselves. Of course the market price keeps up due to being subsidised by aid agencies and charities, politicians like Brown especially foolish enough to fund it and the false economic growth it creates.

Equally hilarious ( if it wasn't so serious ) plans for Mag Lev trains, at a a time when the funding can't be found to replace existing front line express trains when they wear out. We can't reasonably afford a conventional high speed rail network even though Mag Lev is likely to cost ten times as much. Similarly using hydrogen as a fuel to protect our environment, pure engineering illiteracy. (Hydrogen has to be made by passing electricity through water, or wastefully stripped out of natural gas ).

Of course the eco-fascist purists will claim that you can generate Hydrogen using renewable electricity from wind and solar. However, what are you going to do with all the waste Oxygen from electrolysis, we have enough spontaneous forest fires etc as it is, extra Oxygen in our atmosphere can only increase the risk. Far better to use any electricity generated from tidal sources direct, or use low tech lead acid batteries in trailers for car transport at least. Furthermore, just how many wind farms / solar panels do you need to produce enough energy for transport alone, I suggest we don't have the space. In any case solar panels are said to cause more pollution in their manufacture than they can theoretically save in their lifetime.

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On the waste Oxygen point I did have the education of watching a very early 1980s Ch4 half hour documentary by some ageing bloke who had studied the relationship between the Oxygen level in the atmosphere and " bush fires " Apparently they move north and south with the seasons, as increased plant growth puts the Oxygen levels up the spontaneous fire start, difficult to stop until the local Oxygen level has fallen again. Likewise it could be said that increased CO2 in our atmosphere increases plant growth and therefore the potential level of Oxygen, but nothing to do with alleged Global Warming.

Don't despair if you are wearing a little thin with the lack of opposition to the Climate Change Scam and the Corporate Nazi policies allegedly justified by it. Last Night I watched Robert ( Lord ) Winston on BBC Hardtalk where he inferred that climate change science has been abused by current politicians in a similar way to what you might have expected from Hitler or Stalin!Like Lord Winston also inferred on Hardtalk, developments in science are all too often hijacked as the basis for stock market parasite investment scams with the potential to infringe our relative basic human rights. It would appear that the whole point of Corporate Nazi policy is to generate false economic growth and increase the financial apartheid between rich and poor.

NN: 26/02/2010

#72 Statist

You say that the BNP " is coming close to old Labour " I would suggest that you read their environment policy, a blend of eco-fascism and animal rights claptrap which will put half of British farmers out of business. Equally hilarious ( if it wasn't so serious ) plans for mag lev trains, at a a time when the funding can't be found to replace existing front line express trains when they wear out. Similarly using hydrogen as a fuel to protect our environment, pure engineering illiteracy ( just for those who have not covered this blog for the last year Hydrogen has to be made by passing electricity through water, or wastefully stripped out of natural gas ).

As for the BNP bleating about free speech the comments section of their web site news section is censorship city, no views contrary to the party line allowed. They would appear to be a Nazi Party as the Gangofone continually attempts to portray, but its got nothing to do with their latent Islamophobia.

Last Night I watched Robert ( Lord ) Winston on BBC Hardtalk where he inferred that climate change science has been abused by current politicians in a similar way to what you might have expected from Hitler or Stalin !

Jaunty / barrie

What are you going to do with all the waste Oxygen from electrolysis, we have enough spontaneous forest fires etc as it is, extra Oxygen in our atmosphere can only increase the risk. Far better to use any electricity generated from tidal sources direct, or use low tech lead acid batteries in trailers for car transport at least. Jaunty just how many wind farms / solar panels do you need to produce enough energy for transport alone, I suggest we don't have the space. In any case solar panels are said to cause more pollution in their manufacture than they can theoretically save in their lifetime.

barrie #97

Lets call it a draw, but like Lord Winston inferred on Hardtalk developments in science are all to often hijacked as the basis for investment scams. On the waste Oxygen point I did have the education of watching a very early half hour Ch4 documentary by some ageing bloke who had studied the relationship between the Oxygen level in the atmosphere and " bush fires " Apparently they move with the seasons, as increased plant growth puts the Oxygen levels up the spontaneous fire start, difficult to stop until the local Oxygen level has fallen again. Likewise it could be said that increased CO2 in our atmosphere increases plant growth and therefore the potential level of Oxygen, but nothing to do with alleged Global Warming.

ecolizzy #169

If you look back through the blogs you will see that I have been banging on about legalising the Afghan poppy crop for worldwide medical use for ages now, thus potentially resolving the world shortage of morphine which precipitated much suffering in Haiti recently. It wont happen due to the NATO members

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quasi-religion, the Aussies grow it at present and if anybody needs to switch to wheat its them, they already have the infastructure for it.


" battery farming " cows is just a last resort action of farmers to limit contact with badgers carrying bovine TB. Probably not quite what the eco-fascists / animal rights idiots were allegedly aiming for but, but if the government wont sanction any form of badger cull its the only avenue left open to farmers. All badger sets in the UK need trapping and testing for TB, if any TB is found cull the entire set, perhaps no need to go as far as the contiguous cull used in controlling FMD though. It could take up to ten years to achieve it but TB in badgers and therefore cows out to pasture could then be totally free from TB.

NN: 01/03/2010

# 8 thanks for the link ecolizzy

Did you know its BNP policy to significantly increase the use of bio-fuels, go and check it out in their ridiculous half baked ill thought through Environment Policy section on their web site. Bit of a schizophrenic conflict going on in there, want us to grow all our own food also, all organic, no form of factory farming.

Just got the " what's in tonight's prog " Email and it would appear that Susan Watts report on the Science and Technology Committee questioning on the climate change scam has been shunted into the sidings. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Kirsty is approaching an age when she is likely to make use of said BBC pension pot said to be riding on the success of the climate change scam. Probably haven't missed much anyway as a bunch of MP's totally deluded by the green propaganda based quasi religion are hardly likely to ask searching or difficult questions. Likewise many have got nice little climate change scam earners on the side like Mr " Nice But Dim " person, and as the theory goes kick one and they all limp ?

ecolizzy #22

I've run this line on the blog some time ago, ( but just in case you missed it ) back in the early 1990s I encountered a bloke called Gary Quelch who had a company based on the fast growing Chinese pond slime Chlorella. His main business was alleged health food but he also had ideas for using Chlorella as a fuel. He had got to a stage where he had collaborated with Perkins to build a small diesel engine to run on dried powdered Chlorella. They even showed the said engine running on BBC Tomorrows World, admittedly not suitable for use with a mechanical transmission but generating electric at constant speed no problem. He also had plans for a Chlorella power station, utilizing the CO2 and waste heat to improve the growth of said pond slime contained on site to provide a virtual perpetual supply of fuel.

Unfortunately Gary was perpetually broke so he sold the Chlorella for fuel idea to Shell and it has since disappeared off everyone's green radar. I have tried to find some reference to it on the net but no luck so I can't give anyone a link. The real science breakthrough will come when someone genetically engineers algae to produce commercial quantities of oil suitable for use in internal combustion engines direct.

Of course the eco-fascists will never vote for that, although I believe they are on the way towards that in the USA. In the meantime we can be ripped off as including bio-fuel in petrol / diesel reduces the total calorific value of a litre, use more to do the same journey and as a result pay more fuel tax.


Just to add, just like Friends of the Earth knew full well about Traffic Calming significantly increasing road transport pollution, they also must have have know full well about the potential of Chlorella as a renewable fuel. One of Gary's best mates was an active member of FoE in east Lancashire during the 1990s, yet Shell have been allowed to hide any potential Chlorella may have had as renewable energy. Plenty of pointless claptrap about bio-digesting household food waste spewed out by the Tories recently, yet Chlorella with real potential for sustainable renewable energy totally off the current green energy agenda. What more evidence do the public need to understand that the whole climate change agenda is one massive investment scam and nothing to do with improving our global environment ?

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NN: 04/03/2010

Perhaps final salary pensions were only ever a bribe to stop people voting anything like communist ( statist ) during the cold war, no need to provide working people with a decent standard of living in retirement since 1989 ?

Even since 1989, with the above anti " statist " attitude of the elderly drawing generous final salary pensions built in, there is very little chance of the UK ever being run in the interest of the current working population. Some commentators claim that 25% of everyone's Council Tax goes on funding local authority pensions, how many once profitable private companies have been forced into liquidation due to pension commitments.

The current position is just totally unsustainable, mainstream politicians appear to care more about what the stock market parasites think than true productive working people. Its just so unfortunate that the have to, but if the stock market goes belly up nobody will be able to afford to continue to pay even existing pensions. You just need to look how Gordon Brown has been personally attacked since he suggested adopting some form of Robin Hood Tax. Likewise speculators from the Corporate Multinational Cartel forcing the value of the pound down because the Tories might not win the general election outright.

At the moment the financial burden is being bourn by those who although didn't get any additional pension to the state system who nevertheless built up their own personal substantial cash savings. The only fair thing to do is to put the BoE interest rate back up at least 5% and encourage more people to save cash ( real money ) as opposed to the false ( speculation for capital growth ) money generated by stock markets.

The buy now pay ten times as much later credit scam which made the alleged boom in our economy must be past its sell by date. The recent financial crash has " spoiled " all the would be ten bob fat cats with any realistic prospect of ever paying back any loans in full. Only the foolish borrow these day's and perhaps financial markets are storing up an even bigger crash in the future by allowing it. Perhaps it time to get really radical financially and increase base interest rates back up to at least 5%, and then watch our true sustainable economy recover.

#35 Statist

Credit card card providers are taking the urine with interest rates at the moment perhaps due to most media coverage attempting to portray that rates are falling when they are actually increasing. Similarly with mortgage rates, back in the relatively high interest rate period of the late 1970s building societies could turn a profit on only 2% above their savings rates.

Perhaps the government need to impose a cap on the percentage above "instant access savings rate "the banks can charge borrowers. However, there would appear to be the beginnings of a real market for savers, the Skipton building society recently scrapped its mortgage link to base rates for just this reason, even though they increased their profits last year whilst still paying better than average savers rates.

As for the public borrowing requirement, what we need is a government with the balls to cap public sector pensions at 25K per household. Increasing inheritance tax would be a bad move, because now the only hope for many people is that they can inherit their parents house when they die. Hence the various schemes for funding care of the elderly for free, better to leave things as they are for the following reason. If your family actually need long term extra care in old age, free care will give your offspring an advantage in life and may therefore perpetuate the problem for future generations. Bit of hard nosed financial Darwinism there, but has to be said as it would appear that the ability to reproduce is perhaps now largely down to those breeding's potential future financial position.

NN: 09/03/2010

brightyangthing #5, Jaunty #31

It would appear that Alan Johnson has collaborated with the Corporate Nazi stock market parasites to give them just the excuse they desperately need to impose a " private tax " on the poor. Perhaps the only sensible way to control dogs is to go back to a government run Dog License scheme. Some arrangement could be come to with the insurance industry as a whole for an insurance aspect, and funding provided for " Dog Wardens "

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Perhaps it would be better for local councils to issue sais dog licenses, therefore setting up a kind of competitive market on the insurance aspect. Likewise the cost of the license could vary between councils dependent on the reported problems, including dog fouling. Owners could be given points on their license for breaches of any " conditions ", for instance license revoked on any second case of biting, dog either destroyed or re homed. An " excess " on the cost of the license could be charged for persistent offenders, all costs of running said system to be bourn by the dog owners themselves. Perhaps various breeds could be classified in insurance groups like cars, " cross breeds " falling in to the group they most resemble.

The whole idea needs thinking about properly and well scrutinised for " unintended consequences ", perhaps OAP's could be exempt likewise specific working dogs. However, careful thought out legislation is unlikely if it involves anything to do with the stock market parasites. Mandatory microchips are unnecessary as its the owners who need licensing not the dogs themselves.

Statist #45

I tend to agree that a national dog tax is probably a bad idea but I do get a bit fed up subsidising dog owners through the council tax. If local dog licenses could knock a couple of pence of the local precept then I am all for it. Someone has to pay for all the " doggyloo " bins to be emptied, people are always asking for more of the same. The thing is that " dog mess " is now classed as toxic waste, people collect it from their own back yards and put it in said bins. Likewise funding Dog Wardens, like the police, in our area they are too few to be effective anyway.

NN: 12/03/2010

How can the Lib-Demmics claim to be " building a fairer Britain " when they are still firmly in bed with the eco-fascists proposing spy in sky road charging. I must admit that some of their policies are attractive to me, but on balance there is a high chance of implementing eco-fascist policy stupidity in many areas. Whatever Vince Cable alleges to do with the income tax system the poor will end up paying more through alleged " Green Taxes ".I can't really think of any policy that will increase the financial apartheid in the UK more than the introduction of widespread toll roads. All this at a time when the alleged Climate Science green taxes are based on is looking increasingly shaky, even though perhaps it up to the Yanks to bring the truth out into the open.


Statist #104 " with more focus on the greater good of society "

Perhaps the only fundamental human rights needed in alleged civilised countries is being able to keep warm and dry and have a full belly. Add to that " freedom of movement ", which at present you don't have unless you own a decent car and have the extra money for the fuel taxes. If you want a cheap rail ticket you have to book at least a month in advance and have the details recorded by some corporate organisation. Now the Lib Demmics are supporting tracking people in their cars, even though they oppose the national identity card. How many people will be unable to afford their energy bills this winter, ours was touching 900 quid from November to march. ( don't know how they get their alleged average bill )

If we continue to appease the eco-fascists energy bills could rise up to 20% by 2020, so by the time you have lost your manufacturing job due to business energy costs rising similarly, even more of the population may struggle on the right to keep warm. Wind Farm projects have already been proven to be a complete waste of money, in addition to that there is a real chance of parts of the UK experiencing power cuts at time of peak demand.

Clearly wind farms are not in the best interest of the country, likewise the proposed high speed Birmingham rail project. I believe that if the original investment is ever to be repaid the single fare from Brum to London would need to be well over 500 Quid. Similarly a return at over a thousand, perhaps investing in the " Chiltern Line " with electrification and track work would be money better spent. Similarly the old Great Central route, built at the turn of the century with no curves under a mile radius, ideal for high speed running. A " new " line from the end of the old GC extension could run through the peak district to Manchester, a link to Leeds no real problem if someone actually thinks about it.

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In the current financial position we have to learn to " make do and mend ", fortunately there are the people out there who still know how to do it, yet because they don't have a formal degree nobody will take any notice of them.

As said wave power generators have probably been designed using computer software capable of manipulation by eleven year old kids, they will not be anywhere near strong enough to withstand all possible stresses. I have encountered said computer aided design and it often specifies a 10 mm bolt where any properly shop floor trained engineer would specify at least 12 if not 16. Likewise the strength of other components, but then the builders will not be operating them long term and if they can sell you a stronger replacement if they don't work out they don't care, perhaps just want the " green headlines " for their latest investment scam ?

NN: 18/03/2010

Statist # various

Like everything else related to alleged " science " these day's, anything that universities allegedly research has the " results " pre determined by the financial interests of Corporate Nazi establishment. I was hardly surprised to find that the head of many universities are paid massive salaries. Perhaps executive remuneration reflects how big the " lies " you are prepared to go along with ?

Completely Hopeless In Most Police Situations

Indy #32

I must admit that I have been " switched off " by most of the recent " science / documentary " programmes on the BBC. I just get fed up with all the close-ups and camera tricks, then the presenter deliberately attempting to intensify their local accent in the hope that you will believe everything they say because they are just well educated " normal " people ?

NN: 24/03/2010

Perhaps Panda deferred the 3p increase in road fuel duty ( only 1p in April ) in order to fiddle the inflation statistics which could have come out by May 6th. Even Nick Clegg managed to squeak that rises in fuel duty were bad for the rural areas the Lib-Demmics attempt to target. What a pity nobody realised this fact over 15 years ago, perhaps we would still have had much of our manufacturing industry left in the north of the UK.

As for the stamp duty cut its yet another desperate attempt to inflate the property market, when what is needed for Britain to become competitive as a place to live and do business in a global economy is a reduction of average house prices by at least a third, preferably half. Increasing stamp duty on properties worth over a million was a good move in my book, and it would appear that property speculators will no longer be able to lucratively rent out mansions to large ( perhaps immigrant ? ) families on the back of housing benefit.

At least speaking personally, Justin Rowlatt blew whatever credibility he ever had with the " prove climate change theory in you kitchen " experiment. This weeks alleged " meet the people to find out their opinions " slot has been just as pointless. Large corporate shopping centres are hardly likely the place to find your average cost conscious thinking British person. It might have been fair enough in the middle of the winter cold snap but its been relatively mild more recently. Now it would appear that he is going to " green city ", hardly the place to get an accurate reaction to things like road fuel tax increases, or the proposed 2 bn " green bank " ?

It all adds up to yet more Ken Clarke inspired false economic growth, threats from the stock market parasites about far higher interest rates ring hollow when you consider that the only thing propping up the FTSE at the moment is virtually free borrowing. It's a commodities speculator paradise at the moment, bond traders are hardly likely to threaten their best buddies nice little false economic growth earner. Sooner or later the BoE has to defend the falling value of the pound by fighting fire with fire and raise interest rates back up to somewhere in the region of at least 5%

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NN: 26/03/2010 Swans Eaten By Immigrants !

Neat link ecolizzy #79

All of the eco-fascists could be squealing like stuck pigs about this, can't have eastern European immigrants doing what they intended when society breaks down in the near future. That's why the eco-fascists are so keen to preserve wildfowl reserves in places like estuaries ( against true carbon emissions saving Severn Barrage etc ). They have already bought out all the original locals, even better if they can get a local wind farm to take over and deny power to the grid with their local " eco-militia " when the law no longer functions properly.

It would appear that the electricity generating industry is doomed to end up like Railtrack did in 2000, not fit for purpose any more. No sign of any significant change in prospective policy whoever wins the next general election.The trouble is that there is no distinctive leader in true British politics these days, some may claim to impersonate, but the BNP are a joke on environment policy in general.

Yesterday have just finished an entire re-run of the 1970-80s drama When the Boat Comes In. Jack Ford ( the key character ) got shot dead whilst taking 500 rifles to the Spanish socialists during the civil war, Jessie and Billy Seaton were with them again, back to the original series 15 years on.

It would appear that When The Boat Comes In and Jack Ford in particular are the blueprint for the New Labour ideological bedfellow. Perhaps the ideologically nearest Labour politician to Jack Ford is Peter Mandelson, who should have been leader in preference to Brown or more importantly Blair. Trouble is Mandy was always getting himself into deep trouble before he got made EU trade commissioner. It would be in the long term interest of our country if he ditched the peerage and got himself elected as a MP again, still plenty of safe seats.Like Attlee under Churchill, Mandy has been practically running the home government and deserves much of the credit for surviving the worst of recession. Trouble is it could be a double dip, the stock market is wildly overvalued and all it will take Greece having to call in the IMF to knock out the virtual keystone of the global economic arch plan.

The Banks will back to square one, massive losses and therefore everyone will have to sell their mining shares. The biggest gamble at moment is whether or not to swap your traditional industry shares for alleged green or other extremely risky high tech stocks. If man made climate change is proved a total scam in the next five years, ( the cracks are already showing in the ice shelf of the eco-fascist quasi religion ) we will see the downfall of its political followers. We will have collectively wasted a fortune on unreliable wind farms which could be a pile of scrap metal within 15 years anyway, long before the loans are paid off so double bust stock market again whatever happens in the near future.

I was just half listening to David Cameron's waffle in his alleged Politics show " interview with the people " where I'm pretty sure that when asked a question about the number of immigrants started spewing rhetoric about how many people( unfortunate enough to be on Incapacity Benefit ) are scrounger's unless they are as bad as his late son. Cameron is obviously a Corporate Nazi at heart, if he gets elected all he is likely to do is continue to provide a virtual welfare state for his stock market parasite mates whilst dismantling what remains of our welfare state for the people hard won after WW2.

NN: 22/03/2010

Ken Clarke, that would be the man who gave the stock market parasites just the weedy excuse they needed to close and asset strip most of the manufacturing industry in the north of the UK with the Road Fuel Tax Escalator. The Ken Clarke policy which led to a virtual civil war over fuel prices in 2000, perhaps good for false economic growth which increases the financial apartheid between rich and poor. Not forgetting the Ken Clarke who introduced traffic calming and now pollution in towns is as bad as it was before the Clean Air Act. Not forgetting the haemophiliacs he infected with his buy blood products from US prisons on the cheap policy as health minister. Are we really foolish enough to want this Ken Clarke man having anything to do with running our country in the future ?

I don't include you personally in this statement Nigel but it would appear that at least on a national basis.

Vote Tory Vote Virtual Death Sentence for millions of fully National Insurance paid up British sick and disabled people !

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( whilst at the same time " ring fencing " spending on Foreign Aid )

NN: 30/03/2010

IT would appear that Paul Mason has totally missed the point about why British industry has declined to it current level. The fact remains that THE COST OF LIVING in the UK is far too high to give us any realistic chance of competing in a global economy. At present British people on low wages are subsidising all the foolish ten bob fat cats on 40k a year with a 30k credit card debt and telephone number mortgage. House prices need to fall by up to a half, likewise transport costs need to fall by implementing a substantial reduction in road fuel duty. Cut through all the false economic growth inspired alleged Health & Safety measures introduced since the beginning of the 1990s. Rip out all the fuel wasting roundabouts that now litter our vital trunk roads ( up to 1 litre wasted for every HGV passing over them ), raise the HGV " A " road speed limit to 50 Mph and scrap the motorway fuel wasting EU speed limiters.

Of course all the little Hitler's who dreamt up or support all the false economic growth policies will scream like children, but we have to release our nation from the clutches of their combined false economic growth quasi-religions. We simply can't afford to go down the low carbon road as prescribed at present at the cost of 20% extra on our energy bills.

There would appear to be nobody out their with a clear plan for the future, art galleries and the like won't solve anything. Likewise niche markets in tourism or theoretically collectable pottery you can take onto the antiques road show in 50 years time and be told that its worth a fortune.

It would appear that we do have a chance with Nissan investing in eclectic cars, but the end product looks too aerodynamically designed to prove practical for general family usage. I believe that the Chinese already have a cheap practical electric family car ready for the market.

Our country and our people can never prosper as long as mainstream politicians cling to the stock market parasite inspired quest for false economic growth. We need to get back to an economy based on real cash money not credit speculation and hidden asset inflation. However, I suspect that no current leading politicians would be prepared to bite the bullet and let the stock market totally crash and Nationalise all the Banks, picking up the FTSE companies who default on their loans at the same time. The future is small business collaborating for the common good of our society in a true free market, free from the influence of the Corporate Nazi Corporate Multinational Cartel.

GO1 #75

You must be pretty stupid if you believe that Wind Farms can cut CO2 emissions when all the evidence from both Denmark and Germany proves that despite theoretical producing 20% of electricity demand haven't saved a single gram of CO2. In fact Germany has had to open new fossil fuel power station to prevent the chance of power cuts, probably made worse by the fact that Germany also backs up Denmark.

I realise that you and most in the Civil Service have been infiltrated and brain washed by the eco-fascists but the just two measures I suggest on transport above #64 could cut transport CO2 by at least 5%.ecolizzy #87

I flushed out said Scottish wind farm problem story on a BBC search attempting to find out some info on the alleged Siemens new wind farm factory. Nothing doing, but a Guardian article alleges that the 700 million investment will create 700 jobs, with 1500 possible in the supply chain, probably mostly overseas sending components for assembly here. It is also alleged that GE is to set up a wind turbine plant creating a thousand jobs direct, although it would appear that neither project is for definite. The prospect of 20% on our energy bills is a massive price to pay for only 2000 jobs, and in total Wind farms can never create the number of alleged low carbon British jobs deluded Brown attempts to claim.

NN: 31/03/2010

Yet again Susan Watts report on climategate not mentioned in the blog " update " and probably sidelined to a short clip in tonight's programme.

" If it all sounds like a re-run of the MPs expenses scandal then that's no accident. In fact Phil Willis drew a direct parallel. "

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If there are any parallels its with the Catholic Church and the child abuse scandal given the financial misery following the climate change quasi-religion will impose on the less affluent in UK society.

" There was one dissenting voice. Labour MP Graham Stringer did not sign off the report. He said the committee had gone beyond its remit in stating that it had found no reason to challenge the scientific consensus that "global warming is happening [and] that it is induced by human activity" - citing the chief scientific adviser.

And he'd wanted them to go further by supporting his call for a "reputable scientist" sceptical of anthropogenic climate change to sit on the panels of the two other inquiries into email controversy currently under way. The committee rejected this. "

Given that Graham Stringer is the only qualified scientist on the said committee it rather indicates that the conclusions of the said report are just as suspect as the climate change quasi-religion as a whole.


NN: 02/14/2010

So its official, the Corporate Nazi's are backing the Tories at the forthcoming general election on the strength of reversing Panda's 1% national insurance rise. Of course nothing said about the 3p per litre road fuel duty rise which is just as much a tax on real productive manufacturing jobs. It is interesting to note that the corporate multinational leading the big business charge closed down its UK clothing suppliers in favour of sweat shop imports after UK manufacturing costs went through the roof due to the road fuel tax escalator before the protests in 2000. Similarly said company has done all it can to appease the eco-fascists by charging for carrier bags, even to a point where it had to close some of its food only stores which lost trade as a result.

Its pretty clear that a vote for the Tories is a vote to keep the stranglehold of big business on our economy. Cameron had been cuddling up to hedge funds etc by offering access for cash donations, likewise it is said that his father-in-law stands to make a small fortune from wind farm subsides so how can you trust them on energy policy. The conservatives are not offering the electorate, real change, just a blue tinge version of the Corporate Nazi status quo.

NN: 06/04/2010

I honestly can't get my head around why the Tories are bleating so loud about the proposed 1% increase in national insurance contributions being a threat to people's jobs. The real elephant in the Labour room is the Climate Change Act, which will give the stock market parasites just the excuse they need to start mass asset stripping of UK manufacturing industry, perhaps on a scale not seen since before 2000 and the full Ken Clarke road fuel tax escalator. Like Corus Redcar, large swathes of industry will be rendered worth more dead than alive.

Obviously the top priority for any new government acting in the interest of the majority of the British people would be to repeal the Climate Change Act ASAP. However, since all the main parties primarily serve the interest of their Corporate Nazi stock market parasite speculator financial backers, perhaps any real " change " in the event of a new Tory party in government is highly unlikely ?

NN: 07/04/2010

Mistress76uk / Statist # various

I know full well that this is a subject involving quasi-religious indoctrinated emotions but there are good reasons for concentrating A&E and maternity on specific sites. To illustrate the A&E factor I will recall the case of a friends son who fell off a set of roller blades and broke his elbow a few years ago now. They rushed him off to the nearest A&E at the main local hospital where he was X-rayed etc and advised that ideally he needed surgery. The trouble was that the surgeon was on his day off playing golf, so they just set it the old fashioned way on a wing and a prayer. He recovered with slight mobility problems with is elbow, but perhaps he was just lucky, far better and probably faster overall recovery if it had been operated on and pinned.

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One of the local A&E departments in the slightly smaller of the two mill towns was closed to major admissions when they built a new hospital at the other town. Never had the misfortune to need it recently, but said new hospital has a heli-pad for the Air Ambulance if you need one. Its only ten minutes down the Motorway from the closed A&E, ( which still treats minor injuries anyway ) , but perhaps more importantly there would appear to be specialist staff available 24/7 at the new A&E. The same principle applies to maternity units, and whilst in an ideal world one could insist that all medical units had top staff on site at all times in reality we can't afford it. Perhaps some people would like to keep expert emergency surgeons sat around twiddling their thumbs most of the week, but after all practice makes perfect ?

NN: 08/04/2010

Intentional or not almost an entire Newsnight programme dedicated to making the Tories look extremely foolish on both the economy and health. It looks as though the Tories are aiming their entire campaign at the brain dead ten bob fat cats. Why don't Labour just tell it straight on the National Insurance question. if you are on less than 400 quid a week you won't pay any extra. I hadn't bothered to work it out myself but if its only going to cost employers on average 15 quid a month extra, in most cases the effect of the extra fuel duty they pay could exceed that.

For my position on the the health debate check out my last nights post #38

NN: 26/04/2010

It would appear that the BBC wishes to deny the electorate the chance to vote on whether to waste any more money on the Climate Change Scam. Despite the fact that " climate sceptic " UKIP got twice the number of national votes the Greens did at the last EU elections, for some reason ( non given ) they were excluded from The Politics Show Environment Debate even though the Greens were present. This is despite the fact that recent polling has shown that only 25% of the UK population actually believe that alleged " Global Warming " is 100% man made. ( as Justin Rowlatt amply pointed out at the beginning of said debate )

Fair enough Andrew Neil gave all the politicians present a rough ride, especially the Lib-Demmic who was grudgingly forced to admit that they had plans to introduce road pricing. The Tories can't be trusted on Toll Roads either stating that tolls could be charged for any new build, but perhaps they had to say that considering their form on the M6 Toll.

One point for certain is that if the Lib-Demmics get into any formal coalition in a hung parliament they are likely to completely screw our future energy policy. Likewise screw the motorist for ever increasing taxes in one form or another, although perhaps more importantly jeopardise the survival of manufacturing jobs by significantly increasing road haulage costs.

Local Paper

I am quite surprised to see the Peter Brass's Rail publicity stunt is still alive in the letters page since Ribble Valley Rail fully explained the logistics as to why it was a non starter. Furthermore, said proposed service would be a threat to the hourly Preston-Skipton bus service, a vital lifeline to those without access to cars in villages like Chatburn and Gisburn.

If Peter Brass is genuine in his alleged quest to improve rail services in the Ribble Valley why does he not pledge his alleged " money " towards a real new viable train service. That is to say a rail service running from Blackpool to Morecambe via Hellifield for interchange traffic to Leeds / Carlisle and including towns like Bentham. Quite a scenic route overall, likely to attract seaside ( and other ) tourist traffic just for the ride out and who knows some of them might even break their journey and shop at Clitheroe. Similarly Clitheroe folk could have a direct service to the seaside with the alternative of two destinations. Said train service could also precipitate the opening of a ( new ) station at Chatburn and the reopening of Gisburn, providing a useful contribution to public transport services overall without duplicating a service already adequately covered by buses.

Election Notepad 07/05/2010

Clegg only put forward his main headline narrow focus policies Thursday night but if had been forced to get

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into all the nasty eco-fascist Lib-Demmic ideas like " spy in the sky " road charging, or onto lunacy like saying NO to nuclear power or any new coal fired power stations perhaps the outcome would have been very different ?

Both Clegg and Cameron would appear to be competing for pole position as " CHANGE " candidate yet neither of them is offering what represents a real fundamental change in government policy on the key factor which is likely to have a major negative future impact on our lives ( especially the poor ) the CLIMATE CHANGE SCAM ?

Keeping really quiet about the Lib-demmic plans for TOLL ROADS ( all motorways and trunk routes ) using " spy in the sky " to track your every vehicle movement. Then claims to be against ID cards on human rights grounds, furthermore, TOLL ROADS will be used to " economically cleanse " lower income people from rural areas and some suburbs ?

It would appear that Gordon Brown shot himself in the foot on wind farms in the election debate tonight. Took great pride in how despite the " bad weather " he had installed a solar panel on his house because it was better at saving energy than the wind mill he originally envisaged. Then attacks Cameron for having reservations about the effectiveness of the current wind farm biased " renewals " target. It just goes to show that the whole climate change political scheme is nothing but a pointless stock market parasite investment scam. Give it 15 years and all that we will have to show for it as a nation is a pile of worthless scrap around our coastline and countryside.

Cameron can't get off the climate scam hook that easy either, what we don't need is more gas power stations even if storage capacity is improved as he proposes. He is alleged to want to run our country in the interest of its citizens so why not new Home Produced Coal, stuff the eco-fascists and their plans to generate more false business for stock market parasite currency brokers?

The BNP haven't got a useful working brain between them, therefore easy for Nick Griffin to look plausible with all the other idiots he has surrounding him. It would appear that the BNP is in need of a Stalinist style purge before it can present itself as a serious democratic party. They are obviously living in cloud cuckoo land to include mega expensive proposals for a 200 Mph " Mag-Lev " trains in their manifesto when the said speed can be achieved with " new line conventional rail " and integrated into the current system ?

Perhaps the shiny green wheels of the Climate Change Scam are starting to come loose, it would appear that Brown has revised his green jobs aspiration down to 400,000 from his original 1.2 million claims. Those of you who follow this blog regularly may have seen the Glen Beck / Fox News link I posted the other night which pins the whole climate scam project firmly on the financial interests of Goldman Sachs. Our country can simply not afford the 18 Billion a year " welfare state for the stock market parasites " any projected UK alleged " green investment " represents.

gnu #44

Perhaps the one and only truer reason Corus closed its Redcar plant was the fact that they could trouser the 600 million for the carbon credits they got for free. Any potential owner will have to purchase said carbon credits before it even thinks about re-bricking the blast furnaces so not much hope there. Of course the greens were all for the EU carbon trading scheme and also the Climate Change Act that will render perhaps hundreds of high energy demand companies worth more dead than alive. Even then those smaller companies not currently covered by said act can probably not withstand the projected 20% rise in energy bills to fund wind farm amply proven not to save a single gram of CO2. The Green idiot was whining about traffic pollution in the politic show environment debate the other day, yet it was the greens and their eco-fascist NGO mates who pushed the traffic calming which has doubled the pollution in our cities perhaps to a point worse than before the Clean Air Act in the 1950s

gnu #51

I realise that you a very recent newcomer to the NewsNight blog but without having to go back through at least 3 years of my contributions perhaps you don't get the full picture. I more than anyone understand the need to make our global oil resources last as long as practically possible but to do that you can't rule out either coal or nuclear. Simple relatively cheap retro road improvements could cut road transport emission by 10%, likewise increasing some speed limits back to 1960s default. The trouble is that the eco-fascists have would appear to have infiltrated the key positions in the civil service and therefore the true science is ignored

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by government. Incidentally I would join the Green Party tomorrow if they dropped all links to potentially corrupt eco-fascist NGOs like FoE who knew that traffic calming doubled pollution as long ago as 1996, and their false environmentalism. Incidentally I can true " out left " most people on most days except that I am in no way an authoritarian Stalinist ?

The simple fact is that the traffic calming is not everywhere in the country, the 10% I quote is a projected combined national figure but removing traffic calming in towns will significantly cut pollution locally. A recent government report stated that the floated introduction of satellite speed limiters to ensure people stuck to the current speed limits less than 60 would increase pollution by 3%. However, I can't give you the link as it would appear to be broken, perhaps deliberately because it proves that going slower uses more more fuel and increases pollution, quite the opposite of what the eco-fascists attempt to portray ?

I didn't vote for my " first rate constituency MP " yesterday to give enviro-deluded Cameron a mandate to climb into bed with the eco-fascist Lib-Demmics and expand the current Climate Change Scam. Perhaps its high time for enviro-realist Tories to come out of their closet, perhaps if they had all come clean on the Climate Change Scam earlier they would have easily won the overall majority they needed ?

Brown is a complete fool to try and cling onto power, he should have quit ASAP to allow Cameron to form a minority government. Whoever get in now is facing economic meltdown and perhaps people would be glad to see the Labour party ( however imperfect ) back in power at any probable election within 12 months ?

gangophone #various

Perhaps enthusiastic supporters of the BNP have much in common with those who enthusiastically follow the green quasi-religion. Spend weeks campaigning and allege huge popular support, then only get 400 votes to come fourth in the local elections and claim victory. How many lost deposits did the combined greens and BNP have in the general election, the exception which proves the rule being Caroline Lucas. Perhaps the typical eco-fascist claiming to be acting in the interest of the common man, the cute cuddly Polar Bear indoctrinated emotion, when in reality any Polar Bear would rip your head off and eat you given half the chance. As far as I can recall the only serious industry in Brighton was Flexer Sacks, made custom bin liners for local authorities along with the regular 25kg paper sacks. It was right on the sea front, might have relocated now or been closed due to being rendered worth more dead than alive by property developers.

One thing at least the Green party are relatively peaceful at the moment, save for a few eco-fascist on specific eco protests. There are rumours floating around that certain BNP factions are planning serious civil unrest in most of our major cities in the coming months, I just hope that the relevant authorities will do something to stop it before its sets off. Perhaps the Police and MI5 etc wont bother, perhaps any excuse to introduce Marshall law and clamp down on civil liberties for everyone in the UK ?

NN: 08/05/2010

The Climate Change Scammers will all be rubbing their hands together on the prospect of Nick Clegg jumping into bed with enviro-deluded Cameron. Future environment policy was by no means certain if Cameron got his overall majority, perhaps no fat wind farm subsidies to milk by large corporate landowners in hilly parts like the water companies for instance.

Likewise any Lib-Demmic influence over transport policy is likely to see the extension of Corporate Nazi stock market parasite investment scams like Average Speed Cameras. I suspect that many people voted Tory because they were brassed off with Labour roads policy in general, things like blanket 20mph speed limits in towns etc, cutting speed limits across the board. Perhaps the electorate will wish Labour back after less than a year, at least they had abandoned any move towards toll roads.

Electric Cars ( thinking with a long head to solve any potential problems with cheap effective solutions )

I have been considering the various construction, operating and economic factors relating to practical mass market electric cars. It would appear that most potential manufacturers are locked into designs which need massive investment in new tooling, use possibly the most expensive batteries on the market. Overall family practicality sacrificed on the altar of style and the aerodynamics quasi-religion when its unlikely to be driven long periods at high speed.

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The first cost of any practical electric family car is prohibitive to most people, then the range is only perhaps 60 miles. Most people need a car capable of longer journeys, and as far as I can see the most practical solution is to use cheap lead acid battery pack on trailers. It's not a new idea, Ribble Motor Services ( Preston ) built and tested a prototype electric Leyland National bus in the 1970s, the batteries were carried on a trailer.

It could be possible to build a national network of battery trailer interchange stations on a scale similar to the number of small petrol garages in the 1950s. Each station could hold a stock of trailers to interchange and charge batteries on site, perhaps even using local renewable sources. The trailers would need to be hired out on a common user basis, the value of the energy included in the hire price. It would also be beneficial to provide trailer park / interchange sites on the outskirts of town so that you could rely on the (perhaps smaller) vehicle battery alone for the trip into town itself.

Perhaps a radical departure away from " traditional " mass production car design is needed considering the investment by potential owners. To be true " green " any mass production need to be capable ( with maintenance ) of lasting at least 30 years. Buy an electric car in your 20s and then hand it on to your kids when they first pass their test and start driving independently. There is proven vehicle technology capable of doing this, the ERF SP truck cab with sheet mould compound plastic panels on a strong steel frame. Using the SP cab design as a basis it could be possible to build a vehicle which fits the above criterion. If it was thought about properly you could even send your vehicle in for refurbishment and have it returned with different body styling. Such a vehicle would be likely to retain its second hand value long term, unlike current mass production designs which are normally " knackered " at under 15 years old, even if you could theoretically still get the required spares.

I have been thinking about ways to reduce power consumption and improve regenerative braking in electric road vehicles for several years now. I have a PTII motor vehicle technicians certificate ( from 1982 before the syllabus was dumbed down with distinction and in my spare time over the years swatted up on railway locomotive engineering. My idea is based on the principle of the Fell Locomotive ( Built 1950 ) using four diesel engines driving through differentials to provide automatic gear changes.

It would probably not be practical to use four small electric motors for a car, but you could use two medium sized through a differential. At low speed one motor would be idle and locked, the diff providing a reduction of 2 to 1, at above say 20 Mph the second motor was unlocked and came into use to provide additional power and acceleration at higher speed up to a maximum of around 70.

Furthermore, when braking the second motor could be locked spinning the remaining motor faster thus providing potential extra regeneration to the batteries. I do have some practical experience of electric motors but only in model railways, some of my models are fitted with Protescap motors.Push a dead one fairly fast along the dead track and the electricity generated will move another slowly.

It would be relatively easy to do using the latest electronics and could be the key to improving range especially on a vehicle like a taxi engaged on mostly slow speed city work.

NN: 12/05/2010

I happened to wonder into the ACT ON CO2 energy saving trips for car drivers from a link on an article of mine pointing out the extra fuel wasted by traffic calming on drivers.com. It would appear that the IPCC is not the only government alleged eco organization using anecdotes or false propaganda from magazine articles.

" Slow down! A recent study commissioned by What Car? Magazine showed that the average car consumes 38 per cent more fuel at 70mph than it does over the same distance at 50mph. At 60mph it uses 34 per cent more than at 40mph. The average driver travelling at 90mph on a motorway will spend ?1.20 more on fuel every eight minutes than a driver travelling at 70mph. The 90mph driver will have travelled farther in that time but will still be spending 40 per cent more per mile than the70mph driver."

As an extremely well qualified automotive engineer ( Pt II Motor Vehicle technicians certificate with distinction ) and long practical scientific driving experience I can assure you that the above paragraph is complete motor industry propaganda aimed at costing the motorist more in the long run. It would appear that Act on CO2 has swallowed all the misleading propaganda and reproduced it on their web site covering driving technique. There are actually sites out there which suggest the true way to save fuel, driving as Act on CO2 suggest won't save anything,just reduce the life of your engine.

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Some of you may have seen various articles on alleged " eco driving "and not being a trained automotive engineer like myself probably taken it all in like a toilet. Perhaps ACT ON CO2's greatest sin is the advice given is to change up at 2500 Rpm ( 2000 in a diesel ) which is completely misleading. An internal combustion engine is at its most efficient at the Rpm where maximum torque occurs. This can be gleaned from the owners handbook and the economy trick is to select a gear which comes close to the said Rpm at your desired target speed. An engine will " sup juice like a fish " at any RPM significantly below maximum torque whilst at moderate( 1000 ) Rpm above maximum torque Rpm fuel consumption does not increase significantly.

My father recently took delivery of a new 59 plate 1000cc Kia Picanto,which gets better fuel efficiency on paper ( 119g/km ) than my 2006 (123g/km )version. Its the same engine spec on paper and the only technical difference I can observe is that the 59 version is slightly lower geared than mine, meaning higher engine Rpm at a given speed in a given gear.

Don't worry if you don't have the handbook, it turns out that in most cases 30 Mph in third gear comes close enough to the maximum torque of your engine. Don't go into 4th unless you are doing at the very least 40 Mph, similarly don't use 5th until doing at least 50. Do around 60Mph wherever you can legally and of course more importantly don't infringe Newton's laws of Motion around corners.

The theory that creeping around at 40 saves fuel is complete nonsense in my long experience, its all about work done times efficiency ( only30% ) times time taken. The real measure of fuel consumption is grammes per kilowatt hour not Mpg, so the longer it takes you to get there the more fuel you will use. Sir Frank Whittle knew this when he perceived the jet engine.

It works out that the most efficient average speed for a modern motor vehicle is close to 60 Mph, after that air resistance starts to come into play. I get my own personal best fuel consumption figures in my 1000cc 2006 Kia Picanto when I visit a friend at Bentham and if I don't get held up by any leg-irons and despite some of the roads average over 50 Mph for the return journey.

Dependent on vehicle design air resistance can fall as the vehicle goes faster and builds up its own near perfect streamlining so true 70 on the motorway is not an efficiency problem in such a case. ( most car speedo's read 10% fast ). If you need to calibrate your speedo follow a lorry on the motorway at a accurately limited fuel inefficient 56Mph.

Fuel consumption for 38 tonne tankers running from Lancashire to Glasgow and back on nights increased from 9 Mpg to 7 Mpg on the introduction of speed limiters during the 1990s. Before the introduction of speed limiters it was standard practice to run at 65Mph on the level motorway taking advantage of the plod 10% + 2 Mph rule for the then 60 Mph speed limit. Whilst driving a 13 ft 7 articulated tautliner fitted with a Rolls Royce 265L engine on motorway work I Found that as you passed over about 55 Mph it was just like falling through an invisible wall and you were soon doing 65. My practical experience was confirmed in an excellent OU programme on the subject I saw later.

( Reply from enquiry at BBC Archive)

Dear Mr Pye,Thank you for your email.

As far as I am able to ascertain, the programme you are referring to is Science All Around: Streaming. This was first broadcast on 27th January 1976 and was repeated several times through the rest of the 1970s and into 1980.

This is the catalogue entry in our programme database:A scientific investigation into windpower and turbulence. How can vehicle design incorporate new ideas of aerodynamics? Experiments illustrate the principles of turbulence and streamlines. Narrated by Fergus O'KELLY )

Furthermore, if you chug around at at low Rpm in any gear carbon deposits are likely to build up in your engine leading to significantly reduced fuel efficiency over time. Similarly, if you have a turbo it's life is likely to be significantly reduced constantly driving at low Rpm over a period, start black smoking and fail the MoT. Driving on full throttle in too high a gear also risks blowing the head gasket not to mention unnecessary stress on the crankshaft bearings and connecting rods. I spent much of my time driving " nursing " old

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vehicles with potential serious engine defects, I once blew the head gasket on a fairly new Cummins 290 turbo by not changing down gear as soon as I Would have done normally as an experiment.

As an integral part of " the motor industry " it is highly probable that What Car will attempt to increase business for other motor industry cartel members. The motor industry in general and particularly car dealers have always been a bunch of potential criminals if any such opportunity arises.

It would appear that the energy saving information ( at least for drivers ) on ACT ON CO2 is just as much a scam as the rest of the Climate Change quasi-religion. ACT ON CO2 also attempt to portray that opening your window ( over 50 ) to keep cool in summer uses more fuel due to " increased drag " than using your air conditioning. If this were the case an average family car travelling at 70 Mph would physically slow down the moment you opened the window. Theoretical aerodynamic efficiency was used by the car manufacturers as a marketing scam from the late 1980s to the present, same principle probably applies to air conditioning in these emissions conscious times. I believe that Clarkson was pushing this open window story on Top Gear, but then in more recent times it has always been a comedy programme!

Air conditioning can use up to 15% of your engines power and therefore contribute similarly to increased fuel consumption. There is no way any amount of aerodynamics can contribute so much, even with the air conditioning technically switched off you are still at an efficiency disadvantage just running the extra machinery involved.

If you want to keep relatively cool in summer avoid buying a dark coloured car,perhaps silver is best. If you are fuel efficiency conscious it would be far better to buy a car without air conditioning, although I suspect that the motor industry would vociferously complain if ACT ON CO2 pointed that out on their web site.

see also


Fished out this extract from a government report which backs up what I am saying, the link at the end is now perhaps deliberately or at least conveniently broken ?

Emissions, Fuel Consumption and Noise

• Overall, for CO2 emissions, changes are not very significant on roads with a speed limit of 60mph or lower. But on 70mph roads, there is potential for a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions of 5.8% (with an uncertainty range of +/- 0.7%) with a mandatory ISA system

• On the modelled rural network, neither over-ridable nor mandatory ISA make a major impact on overall CO2 emissions or fuel consumption rates at any level of penetration

• In the two modelled urban networks, increasing ISA penetration had a small detrimental effect on both CO2 emissions and fuel consumption, increasing both by up to 3%. The detrimental effect is stronger at levels of ISA penetration above 20%. This is because cars tend to operate most efficiently at speeds above 30 mph. On the other hand, the more elaborate emissions modelling of the speed profiles from the UK trials indicated small savings in CO2 emissions and fuel consumption on both 30 and 40 mph roads, most likely because of reduced acceleration

• Regarding other pollutants, no substantial effects have been found • Regarding noise, the implementation of ISA systems is likely to make a negligible contribution to

reducing overall broadband noise levels.


It rather looks like the 1970s research evidence to support my claim has been deliberately suppressed, perhaps due to car manufacturers using the aerodynamics quasi religion as a marketing scam since the 1980s. The OU made a perhaps deliberate bad job of putting the transcript onto micro-film, it was a poor copy they used anyway. I can only speak from practical experience with HGV's and the introduction of speed limiters, but perhaps the quest for theoretical aerodynamic efficiency has actually stopped vehicles building up there own near perfect streamlining above a certain speed.

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INDY 15/05/2010

I see that the new alleged wonderful New Zealand prime minister Key has stabbed everyone in the back by introducing an Emissions Trading Scheme. That really good in a country who's economy is based on the livestock industry, introduce a fart tax on cows and sheep. They can wave bye-bye to any future economic growth in their economy, but I suppose they have to tax something to pay for all the rail improvements around Auckland etc. I suppose its OK if you have plenty of money and you are likely to be dead in the next ten years, but think about the kids growing up now, a real prospect of life on the dole. I suspect that electricity costs will go through the roof, likewise road fuel and everything a rural economy like NZ relies on for the general affluence and well being of the population. EVERYTHING WILL BE FAR MORE EXPENSIVE !

Anyway they are not likely to get away with it in the US that easy, some top astrophysicist from Harvard has come out and linked alleged global warming to the Sun. Loads of other interesting developments, bent photo's on pro global warming publicity literature, people signing up who have nothing remotely connected to climate science. Then there is Glen Beck of Fox News, who has linked all the celebrity stock market parasites into the carbon trading scam etc. The Harvard bloke predicts 50 years of cooling due to lack of Sun activity, give it five years of winters like we have just had and the brain dead politicians will all be looking for scapegoats.

I must admit that I am quite pleased with the outcome of our recent election, the coalition means that nobody can do anything really stupid. No third runway at Heathrow, ID cards scrapped and all in all a programme I can broadly support. It will fracture over the climate change scam, Cameron has very cleverly given Energy and Climate Change to Lib-Demmic Chris Hulne. He should be easy for me to attack as he has form as a major stock market parasite in his past. When the shine wears off the climate scam Cameron can pin the full blame for any public money wasted on eco lunacy firmly on the Lib-Demmics.

Letter to My MP 20/05/2010

TOLL ROADS BY STEALTH ? ( screw our environment )

There is undoubtedly far more chance of Average Speed Cameras being " rolled out " with the Lib-Demmics getting into bed with the Tories in government.

The following may be difficult to comprehend by the majority of the general public with a poor overall science / engineering education. At least 25 years of green / safety-fascist propaganda probably hasn't helped either, but the basic facts remain.

Earlier last year the safety-fascist / investment scammers were proposing a satellite based automatic speed limiting system ( ISA ) for all roads, the following is admittedly a selected quote from the government report.

" In the two modeled urban networks, increasing ISA penetration had a small detrimental effect on both CO2 emissions and fuel consumption, increasing both by up to 3%. The detrimental effect is stronger at levels of ISA penetration above 20%. This is because cars tend to operate most efficiently at speeds above 30 mph. "

Fair enough you could probably save fuel limiting the motorway speed limit to 70 Mph, but on the current rules that means 79 on the 10% + 2 criteria used by plod. That means that you can legally do indicated 80 considering that most car speedometers read 10% fast anyway. Most of the few cars travelling faster than indicated 80 are probably potentially more efficient at high speed anyway.

Average Speed Cameras are most likely to have a greater impact on increasing emissions than any ISA system, satellite or ground based. Everyone must be aware of the fact that many drivers quite significantly slow below the posted speed limit when passing current fixed speed cameras. Traffic movement on any roads fitted with Average Speed Cameras is likely to be significantly slower than the posted limit, therefore increasing the chance of congestion. Put HGV's limited to 40 Mph on single carriageway " A " roads into the mix of traffic and you significantly increase the potential for fatal head on overtaking accidents.

At the end of the day Average Speed Cameras ( at 150k a pair ) are just another " Corporate Nazi " inspired vehicle to promote false economic growth which in turn increases the financial apartheid between the rich and relative poor. They are also a vehicle to introduce the technology for ground based road pricing by stealth, there must be far more important things for our taxes to fund, rather than to be squandered on

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Average Speed Cameras anyway. In any case the company likely to benefit and currently receiving research funding is the US company that makes the cameras, PIPS Technology. So no benefit to British industry to be gained and so why are British taxpayers funding this especially considering the current government deficit.

Road pricing was soundly rejected four to one when put to a referendum on the Manchester proposals. Similarly 1.8 million signed the Downing Street petition against any form of road pricing. There must be ways to invigorate our economy without even considering ideas which could put our relative basic human rights back into the 18th century. At the end of the day having to constantly take your concentration off the road ahead to keep a check on your speed is not a " safe " thing to have to do.

I trust that you will ensure that cutting all UK government research funding for PIPS Technology is the top priority in any subsequent round of public spending cuts.

NN: 28/05/2010

It would appear that overpaid journalists are trying their level best to whip up a Tory backbench revolt over the coalition Capital Gains Tax proposals. It would appear that there are those who would attempt to portray that any increase in the CGT rate would hit " ordinary people ". In reality it will only hit fully paid up stock market parasites like hedge funds, OK you could get caught out in multiple buy to let portfolio's, but surely the " pension " aspect is to live on the rental income.

Some say that you will be taxed twice on property, but no tax has ever been paid on property price inflation, which could be 50% or over the original investment. Then they trot out the old "will damage and discourage entrepreneurs " but if someone starts an alleged successful company in the UK they will only face CGT if they sell it to a third party, which in most cases means it will be closed down or at least the production moved to China or India and the UK jobs lost forever. If an increase in CGT actually encourages people to set up, run and expand their own business here in the UK then it must be a good thing at least in my book.

Jaunty #30

One useful side effect of stock market parasite speculators selling to beat any increase in CGT is that petrol prices have come down quite substantially. 6p a litre over the last two weeks which must be good news for our " real " economy in general, perhaps any further stock market falls will precipitate a further fall in oil prices. I get the feeling that many speculators can no longer cover their banking covenants as the equities they borrow against also fall in value. Perhaps a massive fall in the stock market is just what the real true productive UK economy needs to spur real economic growth, not the false growth usually generated by stock markets ?

NN: 04/06/2010

Having seen the emerging circumstantial evidence around the West Cumbria shootings I can help speculating that the majority of Bird's victims were not in fact random. Among the dead are far too many minor local celebrities, for instance the taxi driver he killed had been on TV for specially painting up his cab to support the England football team in 2004.

One of the women he killed was allegedly running a " bird sanctuary " and I believe had been on TV perhaps protesting about a proposed cull of allegedly radio-active pigeons at Sellafield. Perhaps she stopped sports marksmen participating and even getting paid for said cull, perhaps took a fairly high profile anti sport shooting line in general line.

Then there was the cyclist, allegedly shot his back wheel out first to stop him before the actual fatal shot. Here again said cyclist had appeared on TV in some unspecified capacity, but he was on his regular daily run and perhaps Bird knew where and when to find him. Said cyclist was also big in the union at Sellafield from which Bird was sacked for alleged theft back in 1990, their paths could have crossed. My first instinct in this case was that every professional driver at sometime in their career thinks to themselves that they would have loved to have shot a " cyclist " who needlessly impeded their progress. However, Bird let another cyclist who happened on the scene of another incident escape without even firing a shot at him.

Sellafield must be key in a number of cases, retired former gateman shot on his daily trip down to the bookies. Retired ( perhaps ex security guard ) shot outside his house while regularly exercising his new hip replacement, then his wife ( apparently big in the local church ) shot just down the road. Both men could

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have been key figures when Bird got sacked from Sellafield, in addition the gateman could have given Bird a hard time in his job as a taxi driver.

Perhaps the only exception which proves the rule was the young " estate agent " but plod couldn't decide whether it was the shot or the resulting car crash which actually killed him. There are other examples of relatively minor injuries, perhaps a deliberate near miss with the shotgun, all the evidence suggests that Bird was a good shot. Similarly the teenage girl who went over to offer directions to Bird when he pulled up in his car beside her. She was shot at twice but both perhaps intentionally missed, perhaps just wanted to give her the fright of her life.

It is certain that this case need proper thorough investigation with nothing ruled out, I suspect that there are " Corporate Nazi's " out there who are already angling for a complete whitewash to attempt to amend the gun legislation and damage the rural economy as much as humanly possible. There must be lessons to be learnt on how to reduce the possibility of future similar occurrences, with the pending economic situation there must be plenty of once fine upstanding people out there facing total destitution due to potential business failure etc. At least last night's Newsnight got it out into the open that many people are being forced to work for far less than minimum wage under the guise of " self employment ", no chance of getting JSA etc if you have any decent cash savings from better times. Perhaps the only technical amendment needed to the gun laws is that anybody in real danger of becoming " insolvent " must hand their guns into police custody, to only be released at a later date when all financial problems are resolved ?

NN: 08/06/2010

With the chancellor etc preaching prudence and cuts how can Eric Pickles promise new investment in potentially expensive in first cost but also in running, plans to weigh and reward people with more recycling in their bin.

Not really a green idea at all if it promotes perhaps unnecessary consumption of anything, but perhaps the easiest way for anyone to benefit is to organise parties and consume copious quantities of alcohol. Plenty of weight to add with empty wine and spirit bottles, empty ale cans, who knows the poor could even benefit if the went around collecting all the bottles and cans from street litter bins. Anyway there must be a conflict of interest when it comes to the governments aspiration to reduce binge drinking. (The bit about the poor sorting through public bins is already proven in Brisbane, where I personally witnessed people rooting through bins for ally cans because you got a good price when you weighed them in )

Anyway Pickles's scheme is almost as much a green scam as the original bin tax instead, the whole object of the exercise being to provide a virtual welfare state for the private companies likely to be brought in to introduce and then expensively administer for the duration of a probable PFI contract. Anyway will some news presenter please question Eric Pickles where WE are going to get the money from, and even if it is technically private investment , our economy can simply not afford to fund yet another seam of non productive office workers and associated fat cat executives.

NN: 18/06/2010

Apart from the theoretical jobs potentially created the withdrawal of the 80 million loan to Sheffield Forge masters could be a complete disaster for the future of British industry. If Westinghouse proceed with their own 40 million part of the overall deal, and even if the Banks stump up, forge master is in grave danger of being the subject of a foreign takeover. Westinghouse can therefore probably buy out Forgemasters on the cheap, the banks and their stock market parasites are frothing at the mouth on the prospect of getting the fee's to sort out the deal.

There is therefore evidence to suggest that our new government is already dictating policy to favour false economic growth in the stock market. With Tim nice but dim ( with his well documented conflicts of interest ) elected as chair of the climate change select committee it obvious that the whole of climate policy will be slanted towards building up a false economic prospectus for green businesses in the hope that some corporate multinational will buy them out for a huge profit.

Does the Speaker ( or his deputies ) have any power to intervene when there is alleged political influence on policy for personal gain by any minister or person in a similar position of relative power ?

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NN: 24/06/2010

As usual the " left wing " has the wrong end of the stick on housing benefit, uncontrolled housing benefit levels have in fact stoked the property price boom over the past 20 years. House prices should fall as a result of the cap on housing benefit, which has become a virtual welfare state for the buy to let property speculation industry. Market rent's should fall in a true market thus allowing those lower income workers who can't claim housing benefit a potential reduction in their cost of living.

There is perhaps a case though where capped housing benefit will be used by the Corporate Nazi aspect of "the market" as an excuse for the corporate ethnic cleansing of lower income people from rural or " affluent " areas of larger towns. It would appear that the new corporate landlords can revert to a virtual " tied cottage " system for menial workers in rural areas. Some of the old " lords of the manor " were once lenient with rents, but the latest batch of " agents " put up the rent for no good reason, stating to tenants that " if they can't afford it the council will pay the difference ".

Also how are the alleged poorest in society going to be clobbered by the VAT increase unless they are apprentice ten bob fat cats signed up to all the latest gadget technology, Sky TV subscriptions and the like. However, since the chancellor did not make a corresponding cut in fuel duty it lays said budget open to the charge that it hits hard working entry level car owning families on low incomes the most. Similarly the corporate bus companies will use the VAT rise as an excuse to raise their fares, so tough luck if you are in a minimum wage job.

Increasing the retirement age is a kick in the teeth for moderate to heavy manual workers, especially when coupled with stricter tests for disability benefits. It would appear that " BBC types " don't really care about the workers who do all the really essential jobs in our economy. Take Jon Snow on Channel 4 News, the best he could do was invite a couple of well paid academics to agree with telephone number salary him. Anyway one of the said academics came from an organisation which earns its keep selling top price luxury cruises and car insurance for the really elderly. I do hope Newsnight presents a more intelligent debate on the budget and its ramifications tonight.

Just further on the Corporate Ethnic Cleansing angle on the budget, it would appear that the whole focus for the Liberal Democrats is to economically cleanse all the low income almost always Tory voting " indigenous " people and replace them with eco-fascist leaning Lib-Dem voters. It would appear that said aim has already been achieved in Westmoreland & Lonsdale, the big landowners don't care about any of the local people. Just so long as they can easily get permission for lucrative Wind Farms and continue to rake in massive rents for fairly modest ex farming family dwellings.

In no way am I linking to the corporate ethnic cleansing angle to Tim Farron, in fact he has " mostly unreported " been fighting for the rights of the few indigenous South Lakeland population remaining. Perhaps that's why he had scant support in the Lib-Den deputy-leadership election recently even though he could have made a useful contribution to the coalition debate.

NN: 28/06/2010

Surprise Surprise! So the ex F1 automotive engineering boffins have come up with something totally impractical, and in reality no better than a 1980s Reliant Rialto. You could get two adults and two biggish kids fairly comfortably into a Rialto, it would give you 75 Mpg and steam down the motorway at 80 quite safely just so long as you replaced the standard radial front tyre with a cross-ply. It could be improved even further with better back leaf springs, but it had to meet the weight restrictions for the taxation class. Similarly the needle roller steering king pin was always a source of concern at the MOT, but could be substituted with a simple brass bush no problem.

Of course Ford bought out the struggling Reliant under hostile propaganda from the likes of Jasper Carrot and then closed it after the fuel price significantly increased, I forget the exact time scale but probably the first Gulf War. However the Rialto was a bit pricey, probably due to the small scale of production at Tamworth. Said innovative new alleged cheap eco-friendly design looks totally impractical over a service lifetime, the opening front hood idea is a non starter. The " hood could easily warp when lifting from one side, pins wear and draughts develop, although the plastic body is moving in the right direction just so long as its on a strong steel frame. However, the existing technology to aim for comes from the 1970s.

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Perhaps a radical departure away from " traditional " mass production car design is needed considering the investment by potential owners. To be true " green " any mass production need to be capable ( with maintenance ) of lasting at least 30 years. Buy a true "eco-friendly car in your 20s and then hand it on to your kids when they first pass their test and start driving independently. There is proven vehicle technology capable of doing this, the ERF SP truck cab with sheet mould compound plastic panels on a strong steel frame. Using the SP cab design as a basis it could be possible to build a vehicle which fits the above criterion. If it was thought about properly you could even send your vehicle in for refurbishment and have it returned with different body styling. Such a vehicle would be likely to retain its second hand value long term, unlike current mass production designs which are normally " knackered " at under 15 years old, even if you could theoretically still get the required spares.

The thing is that in the mid 1980s an ERF tractor unit with technically identical engine and transmission only cost less than 10% more than a Ford Cargo with rot box pressed steel cab welded by robots. Like your man on about climate change policy said, the whole focus is either on investment scams or tax avoidance. Perhaps there would appear to be light at the end of the tunnel though, the logical thing to do would be to repeal the 2008 Climate Change Act. Concentrate on building a Severn and Morecambe Bay barrage which can go a long way meet any theoretical " EU Fourth Reich " directives on " renewable's " instead of wasting investment on Wind Farms. However, not much chance of that with key politicians ( Cameron's father in law and Clegg's wife ) with a clear conflict of interest on the wind farm scam, not to mention Tim nice but dim and his select committee ?

Mindys-Housemate #34

Its patently obvious that you have no engineering aptitude whatsoever which makes you easy prey for " eco-fascist Aristotle " science on wind farms. All the evidence suggests that wind farms do not reduce CO2 emissions unless you are willing to become a third world country with regular power cuts. Germany ( which also backs up Denmark ) has has to open at least five new major fossil fuel plants to cope with backup demand just to keep the lights on. As for the Chernobyl accident, it would never have happened but for idiots experimenting with the reactor control system, the lessons have been learnt and the latest reactors are totally fail safe. Wind farm fires are due to poor ( cheap nasty ) computer aided design, programmed to build crap with a max life of five years, the boffins who write the software are not true practical engineers.

NN: 30/06/2010

The RSPB should be onto this if they were half genuine in their claim to be acting in the interest of Birds, I believe that several birds of prey have already been killed by wind farms in Scotland. However,as an integral part of the overall eco-scam illusion they say nothing to upset their many fully paid up eco-fascist supporters.

The RSPB is only against projects like the Severn Barrage because when the Corporate Nazi's have fuel taxed out the low income indigenous estuary locals. The wealthy eco-fascists will move in and trap wildfowl to eat among themselves while those in towns starve because due to wind farms there is no reliable power for refrigeration. Tough for small high street shops especially, although the big supermarkets will probably bring in diesel generators.

strugglingtostaycalm #42

I suppose its a bit like the RSPB and the smaller hawk problem, Peregrines and Sparrow hawks take many small song birds yet remain protected. The BBC ( bird in the nest ) once even filmed a peregrine bring a thrush back to its nest ( quickly cut the shot when they realised the brown thing was not the only claimed prey pigeon ). We have a peregrine in the quarry less than a mile from us, until its arrival there were plenty of thrushes about but we never see any now.

Plenty of Blackbirds around though, perhaps because they are black the hawks think that they are crows, hawks never mix it with crows. Now someone has written an article alleging that deer kill small birds because they eat the undergrowth in forests. I suggest that a more accurate analogy is that due to lack of cover Sparrow hawks can kill more efficiently with less effort in open forests.

There is patently a conflict of interest on Hawk policy at the RSPB, perhaps they protect hawks at all cost because they know full well they kill the small song birds their members join to theoretically save. Less small song birds means more potential members and in the the true " Corporate Nazi " charity tradition, the ongoing financial position of the organisation takes precedence over the truth as regards public policy.

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Similarly I suspect that the core RSPB fully paid up members ( especially the wealthier ones who make big donations ) have eco-fascist leanings, therefore opposing wind farms is probably not a sustainable financial option for the RSPB.

The Corporate Nazi POWER MATRIX will do everything they can to protect the future of their favourite climate change investment scams. The foolish politicians believe that they can save the global economy wasting investment in wind farms, and it would appear that our silly old worn out Queen has jumped onto the bandwagon perhaps in an attempt to protect the royal family's theoretical personal wealth.# 6,10 and 12

Perhaps the main problem facing this NewsNight blog is the fact that the gangophone is in there first with five posts of Spam including frequently repeated BNP references. Its enough to switch off any viewers immediately, perhaps its only allowed because it reflects BBC ideology whereas most posters take an open view. Then there is spampromptu being paranoid if anyone dares to infer towards her, like last week when I posted a link to the Polish presidential election results.

Then it may have become obvious to many posters that the presenters never even bother to read them, many regulars have packed in since last year. The trouble is that many potential replacements are blogdogged on their first go for the catch all house rules etc, whilst dAllan can get away with completely incomprehensible dross.

What Killed Scottish Manufacturing Industry ?

As a teenager during the mid 1970s I got friendly with the drivers and owner of a small local haulage contractor. During the school holidays I would ride " shotgun " all over the north of the UK as far as central Scotland. I got a job there as an apprentice HGV fitter, then after passing the motor vehicle technicians exams at tech went HGV driving myself.

Back in the 1970s the company I worked for did all the main transport for Serfco at Darwen. Their main job was recycling cast iron borings from the heavy engineering industry, customers included British Leyland Coventry engine plant, Vickers at Barrow and a few places up in central Scotland. That's how I got right into the heart of Ravenscraig steel works, the cast iron borings were heated and pressed into " piglets " about the size of an egg.

The old UK driving hours regulations allowed 10 hours driving per day, spread over 12 and a half hours total time. It was therefore practical to get to the Clyde belt and back in the day from Manchester.

Even though there were no tachographs at the time, the EU 8 hour driving hours destroyed transport efficiency. The new EU log books were easy to fiddle as you need not state your destination, however, in 1981 the tachographs were introduced. Industry in central Scotland was decimated when the tachographs eventually came in, mostly due to Dumfries & Galloway police paranoidly enforcing the 40 Mph HGV speed limit on the A74. Srathclyde had a spell at it also but could see the damage to the economy, it didn't help rail freight either. Manchester-Glasgow road freight became impractical on a daily basis, costs increased not least because you had to pay the driver expenses for a night out.

Now there were lots of empty wagons in central Scotland who couldn't get home for a load the next day so spent the rest of your day loading one to take back. Products like spuds and whiskey, basically anything not in a particular rush and you could use traditional railway stock. The yard of the haulage garage where I worked backed onto the Blackburn-Hellifield line so you couldn't miss what was going on. The trains just got shorter and shorter, Scotch wagons were also taking stuff back in the other direction. The final nail in the coffin was the APT and the need to take the catch points out of the WCML so all partially brake fitted trains were withdrawn.

The result was even more wagon's on the road and everyone had to buy new more powerful equipment, then they did it again in 1985, new 38 tonne weight limit when they should have gone straight to 44 tonne and allow a " full " 40 foot ISO container to be handled by road.

Cheap transport is vital to the sustainability of the economy of any nation, yet politicians would appear to have been blind to this basic economic fact. Ken Clarke's Road Fuel Tax Escalator decimated manufacturing industry everywhere except perhaps the south east. At least fuel duty was not increased in the recent " emergency budget " but further rises in the Labour pipeline were not withdrawn. Will the politicians ever learn ?

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NN: 13/07/2010

So the eco-fascist lobby working in the interest of big pharma have got the pilot badger cull stopped in west Wales on appeal. Eco-fascist leaning rock celebrity Brian May on Ch4 news pushing expensive vaccination, whilst small farmers business plans are crippled by movement restrictions. Its all part of a corporate ethnic cleansing plan to make small farms uneconomic, and force traditional farming families off their land.

Not many parts of the UK more attractive than west Wales for those who wish the live the BCC dream to " Escape to the Country ".The property speculators must be hovering frothing at the mouth on the prospect of small country eco-units to do up and sell. The large landowners wont care either, a chance to cash in on their building assets whilst renting out the rest of the land as ranches.The whole point is that if nobody allows even a pilot cull we may never find out whether a cull actually works for cutting TB in Cattle, but then these were probably the same ilk of judges who let convicted foreign criminals remain in the UK ?

NN: 16/07/2010

Its not really that long ago and still pretty fresh in my memory that Megrahi was released on compassionate grounds in exchange for dropping his pending appeal. No doubt the truth that Megrahi was framed for the Lockerbie bombing, ( showed a photo of him to the key witness before he identified Megrahi ) would come out. Obviously one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in legal history all stitched up by the CIA for political gain and no chance of a true fair trial at the time.

Do the US really believe that the general public are so stupid as to fall for the BP lobbying story, although I suspect that many will have forgotten the controversy surrounding Megrahi's conviction. It is said that smoking cannabis can protect against prostrate cancer, I presume that its legal in Libya, and perhaps he has spent the last few months stoned out of his head which may have arrested the progression of the disease or even cured it to some extent. I hope Megrahi lives as long as he can, but nothing can compensate for the massive international injustice against this innocent man.

Just a point about the Apple iPhone problem, it would appear that the research boffins are so far up in the technical clouds that they have forgotten the basics. To get something as simple as placing the Ariel so that its obscured by your natural ( right handed ) holding phone left hand wrong is just flawed basic design. Then the " there was an old woman who swallowed a fly " engineering starts with a free plastic frame to remove the Ariel from your hand starts. It's obvious that the basic design is flawed unless you are left handed, and perhaps the boffin who designed it was left handed also. Perhaps all right handed iPhone customers should take it back and ask for their money back, except that I suspect that most of the people who bought it got it to be on the alleged cutting edge of trendy technological development. All those concentrated microwaves can't be doing your hand any good if you are not at the same time attempting to boil your brain.

Such is science these days, loads of useless technology out there which falls down on the basics. I seem to manage OK with no mobile phone at all, still using a 1979 Sony ( pre Alan Sugar junk ) radio in the kitchen. Our late 1960s fridge is a bit of a cheat since it was stored for 20 years, but no point getting a new one as we would be lucky if it lasted five years.

NN: 21/97/2010

Perhaps David Cameron's apparent amnesia about 1940 could have something to do with the fact that the greater Tory party ( apart from Churchill ) were on the verge of doing a deal with Adolf Hitler to prevent an invasion on the pretext that " people might get killed " otherwise. Similarly, one old worn out Tory cabinet minister expressed the view that it was morally wrong to bomb German armaments factories because they were " private property ".

It has to be remembered that it was Hitler who declared war on the US, not the other way around, perhaps the only reason they helped the UK was because wall street had already milked our government finances dry, and the UK being on the winning side in said war was probably the only way they could have got back the money they lent. It was also Wall Street that funded Hitler's rearmament programme, but since the Russians looked like turning the tide the stock market parasites would have lost out on their German investments also ?

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NN: 26/07/2010

Perhaps one of the biggest corporate rip-off's in the UK today is BT answer 1571, which it would appear that almost every landline in the country now has to ensure that you get charged 10p when the line is engaged. Similarly most phone lines have BT answer after a very short number of rings, also costing you 10p to find out that the person you called was not in.

I just wonder how much false revenue this costs the public in a year, most people are to ignorant to have it set back to standard, you can have it removed but its loads of hassle on the phone to BT. We had ours put back to default some time ago, my dad is half deaf due to being a gunner in the Royal Artillery during WW2 and its was impossible to hear it soon enough to get back from the Kitchen. I had enquired about a low user tariff, but my dad had to do that personally when he really struggles with strange people.

Lancashire County Council has just announced 150 redundancies and a new 98k Environment Director to be hired. The Road Safety department needs a massive clear out of all those who a praised themselves on the back of of the good work done by NHS treatment, paramedic Ambulance Service ( not forgetting the Air Ambulance ) and puffed themselves up into the high priests of their particular quasi-religion. I once wrote to alleged head of road safety at LCC the truth about the latest NHS serious injury statistics was that they were actually 14,000 above the figure he used 26/40. He claimed that I was lying and referred me to the Association of Chief police Officers or the Driving Standards Agency. I sent him a copy of my proof and I have never heard from him since, obviously can't except the truth that his whole policy of his department has been based on a falsehood ?

NN: 27/06/2010

barrie #8

Your link tends to reinforce my suspicion that the Gulf oil leak has been kept going as long as politically possible in order to prop up world oil prices. Furthermore, Obama's political posturing and the ban on deep water drilling has given the oil cartel just the perhaps convenient excuse they needed to avoid new investment in any " more difficult " potential new oil fields, once again supporting the current and future price of crude.

Unfortunately I missed Chris Huhne's climate change scam energy policy statement, caught some of the questions though. Most of them were MP's of all shades squealing about whether their particular favourite local investment scam was going to have its funding cut. More pressure over the cancelled Forgemasters loan, but the killer was the one about progress on the Severn Barrage, perhaps the only worthwhile " renewable " energy project on the table which was not specifically mentioned. However, it would appear that most of the policy mentioned is dependent on the financial review later in the year.

The BBC would appear to be operating a total news blackout on Huhnes proposals, nothing mentioned on New24 or the teletext service, not yet available on Democracy Live. Hardly surprising when you consider that the alleged target of an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 is unachievable without the UK being totally destroyed in a nuclear war and going back into the stone age. Perhaps Susan Watts will have to tread very carefully in her report tonight, as, as I pointed out in my link the other day the BBC terminates your contract if you are not prepared to lie about the Climate Scam ?

I have just read Huhne's full speech and it would appear that " supporting the carbon price " was on the agenda, Corporate Nazi spin meaning a Carbon TAX. A disaster for the rural poor with only a coal fire to rely on for heat ( of course more potential consumers for heating oil, or that mega expensive bottled gas ). The perfect Lib-Demmic ( alleged unintended result )corporate ethnic cleansing plan ( price poor people out of their ancestral homes ) Just what the Oil Cartel ordered, in order that they can make more profit from the gas they currently flare off, exactly what Corporate Nazi Obama is about to do if the US people are stupid enough to vote democrat at the forthcoming elections. With his idiotic yapping in Turkey this morning its becoming increasingly apparent that despite a good start, perhaps Cameron is turning out to be ( like Blair and Brown ) yet another glove-puppet Corporate Nazi Poodle ?

It would appear that the Labour party is about to shoot itself in the foot by restricting the choice of new leader down to a pair of Milibands deeply long term infected with eco-fascism. After the Radio 5 Live debate today, those who leaned towards being a future Labour voter but were not necessarily Labour party members themselves came out in enthusiastic overwhelming support of Andy Burnham.

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My all time favourite Labour politician is Clement Attlee, its a man like him who we need tor lead our economy into recovery. The history media fail to portray just what a bad state our economy was in at the end of WW2, Attlee worked miracles, but then ha had just got the experience of running the UK during the worst of the war on the home front. The only true reason he got defeated by Churchill was the promise of lifting rationing, which Attlee probably could have done by the same time.

The main reason I support Andy Burnham is that like Attlee, he did have experienced of running the NHS more competently than any of his modern predecessors. He even managed to find cost savings, but my father recently had experience of the NHS whilst suspected bladder cancer. He got seen promptly and if anything they were attempting to rush him in radio-therapy. We chose a management option, allegedly to prolong his active life ( despite being 87 ), the thing is that the found " no reoccurrence " of his cancer from April, the last time the " reamed him out ". They claimed that in the original operation they " couldn't remove it all, left it while January ( the surgeon having given us all the options to consider ), saw a new surgeon who acting on the word of the nurse technician alleged that my dad's cancer was out of control. Perhaps it was just the scar tissue, there would appear to have been a policy of keeping up the number of in patients just to battery farm the wade space. I noted that one ward had been recently closed and without major modification hasty turned into a patient waiting for operation at first visit. This would allow the battery farming of beds on surgical wards, one going in in a morning another coming from theatre that afternoon, bed theoretically occupied 24 hours of the day. Perhaps it just to meet targets but patients are being given their pre-opp up to two weeks before actual admission. Tough luck if you get ill in-between, have to inconveniently miss your opp or risk consequences from the aesthetic.

The fiasco above has nothing to do with Andy Burnham, but at least he was trying to get rid of hospital car park charges. Probably can't do anything because charges for hospital car parks are a " private tax " paid to the PFI contractor at " new " hospitals. Someone has to get the guts to cancel ( nationalise ) all PFI deals and simply agree a sum to pay them out, at the moment its just another welfare state for the stock market parasites.

Particularly both the Milibands and to some extent Balls are contaminated by the eco-fascist sect of the Blair inspired " Corporate Nazi " ideology. Within the next 5 years the CO2 driven man made global warming theory could probably be totally discredited. perhaps we have already seen the " end of the beginning " for the Climate Change Scam. Only a few weeks ago the EU climate commissioner woman was bleating about increasing EU CO2 cuts by 30% as opposed to the original 20% by 2020 target. She rather blew the real intention of said directive suggesting that due to the recession a 20% cut would be too easy and not drive investment in things like pointless wind farms. Anyway her eco-lunatic proposal has got knocked in the head this week, and perhaps circumstances will eventually mean that the 20% pledge is also abandoned. Cameron has already pinned all the energy policy side of the Climate Change Scam on the Lib-demmics, looking to the future the Labour Party will need " clean underpants " on the Climate Change Scam. Taking everything into consideration Andy Burnham is the only serious leadership contender with relatively clean underpants on climate change, ED miliband sporting the most soiled of all and closely followed by his brother.

NN: 05/08/2010

Jaunty # 1

I thought that you had more common sense, but why are you getting so wound up over the " cloned beef and milk gate " non story. It has always been the case that top breeders / dealers etc have had plenty of money to splash out but the vast number of smaller especially tenant farmers in this country are on the breadline. I am willing to bet that thousands of farmers are after gross profits over hours worked working for less than the minimum wage.

The eco-fascist wing of the Corporate Nazi ideology are now assembling a bunch of their useful idiots to attack our farming industry. They attempt to portray how farmers are nasty horrible people like the German Nazi's poured scorn on the Jews, when the only really " nasty " people in the UK are the eco-fascists and their stock market parasite mates.

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NN: 06/08/2010

I suspect that the gangophone will attempt to portray that the Russian drought and resultant wild fires provide proof of " global warming ". Similarly, that Yasmin " nice brown person “ was reviewing the papers and attempted to portray that the Pakistan floods were due to global warming, even though it had already been widely published that very similar floods happened 80 years ago. Here in my native north west England we have been suffering a severe drought until recently, the Leeds-Liverpool canal has been closed at the west side on the strength of it.

The simple fact is our weather relies on the Jet Stream and its interaction with radiation from the sun, the fact that the north west of England has had little in the way of rain from deep depressions, probably also explains the drought in Russia. Whilst travelling Aussie by rail I encountered a sheep shearer from Winton in the Queensland outback. He had accidentally chopped his thumb off and was returning from hospital after they stitched it back on in Brisbane. We shared a sleeper compartment and he filled me in on what goes down in the outback. There had been a drought, but he said that was down to the fact that there had not been many tropical storms lashing the coast. At least not big enough to burst through the coastal mountain range, he said that occasional light showers were worse than useless, just turned the remaining grass black.

Russia would appear to be in a similar position to the Queensland outback, no big storms pushing through northern Europe. The current position of the Jet stream probably ensures that the winds continue to come from the hot south in Russia, yet ( apart from the south east ) the UK has had consistently lower than average temperatures. I suspect the " global warmists " will yet again attempt to portray that 2010 was the hottest year ever using their cherry picked temperature recording stations ?

Local Paper Again: 07/08/2010

Perhaps one major hurdle facing the regeneration of Clitheroe through new small retail businesses is the large number of Charity Shops. The problem is the charity shops inflating the market price for high street shop rents. As they don't have to pay business rates and are effectively subsidised by donations from the public they can offer whatever the " corporate " landlords ask. Charities with shops are in effect a welfare state for the high street property market and instead of going to the good causes they claim to support the bulk of your charity donations are going straight into the " corporate " landlords pockets. It would appear that the " corporate " landlords would sooner see a shop empty rather than renting it out at a lower rate than some existing tenants pay. As the result of charity shops there is no such thing as a true free market in retail property.

NN: 09/08/2010

The Corporate Nazi supporters have had a propaganda field day on NewsNight tonight, first heaping up the pressure on smokers and fat people, then that nice cuddly Polar bear Mr Blanchflower and other interested parties suggesting that both the UK and particularly the US extend and increase the Welfare State for the stock market parasites. Then yet more propaganda on dismantling our hard won welfare state for the people by at least one so brain dead not to realise that JSA is only a about a third of the minimum wage suggesting it should be cut to 50% of a proper job.

Perhaps it was rather fitting that BBC2 should screen the holocaust edition of the World at War directly afterwards, after all the eco-fascists have talked about reducing the UK population by 30 million or to 30 million. With no party actually committed to repealing the Climate Change Act 2008 some form of holocaust could be on the cards to cut government spending on the resulting millions unemployed when it starts to bite proper in some 21st century " final solution ".

NN: 13/08/2010

Not Changing The Clocks to GMT

So all the real productive workers who generate the true wealth in our economy are to be pissed about and forced to travel during the peak school periods when both trains, buses and cars are already over capacity. Bet the stock market parasites will be backing this one,s yet more false economic growth just so a few stock market parasites and duplicitous office staff can go and pay to play outdoor " sport " for an hour after work. Then there will be more calls for congestion charging ?

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Just to illustrate my case about construction worker there were once plans to make Swinden Quarry open at 7 instead of 6 floated by the National Parks authority. Most of the stone went to greater Leeds and Bradford concrete plants, Halifax and Huddersfield. The thing was that if you got a good start at 6 you could be tipping your load ( under lights for a couple of months ), then come out of Bradford like a dose of salts opposing the rush hour traffic. Similarly school time in an afternoon didn’t bother you either much has you had already finished. Obviously the National park realised the mayhem it would have caused having heavy trucks flying everywhere when the schools were coming out in the afternoon. Similarly with the postmen, they recently had to start an hour later due to management wanting an extra hour in bed. The result is that now even more of them can't finish their round in the allotted time, but then anyone with true experience in distribution knows full well that an hour in the morning is worth two in the afternoon.

NN: 16/08/2010

So it would appear that David Miliband simply doesn't care about the fate of the chronically sick and disabled, perhaps just what his Corporate Nazi labour leadership campaign financial donors ordered. Why is it that all benefits are not means tested over the 40% rate of income tax, and if you could theoretically fund winter fuel payments for the disabled out of that why was it not done years ago ?

Just a further point on universal benefits of which I am not fully conversant with, but perhaps the main reason the " Corporate Nazi's " would appear to be opposing the means testing of some benefits is as follows. Perhaps many of those families on over 50K pa use their child benefit to pay directly into a private pension, or some other stock market parasite investment vehicle. Similarly child care payments, a free state babysitting service so that the WAGS can go out " expensive " shopping with their friends ?

Boilerbill #18

You would appear to have missed the simple fact that so many speed limits are now set for quasi-political reasons ( not safety ) that most reasonable people don't actually take them that seriously any more. The trouble is that when a speed limit is actually valid on safety grounds it is not clearly identifiable in the overall " blanket " nature of speed limits in general these days. That's why fixed cameras ( even empty ones ) are so valid if properly used, in an ideal world we would switch to vehicle interactive warning signs, but the country is skint due to spending on dubious safety measures like traffic calming etc and therefore we simply can't afford them !

It would appear that the Corporate Nazi's in their quest to obstruct all alternatives to toll roads " dangled the carrot " to many on 40 Mph sections of road that they would be able to park their cars on the road at night without light. Of course the ten bob fat cats all jumped at the invitation to perhaps revalue their house up by at least 10K in order that they could borrow even more on their credit cards. I believe that there are some people going around ( buying houses to trade ) deliberately stirring up the council to get the speed limit cut in order that they can make a quick buck when they sell up soon afterwards.

If it was safe to do 40 on a road in the 1960s with all sorts of stuff floating around with only 40% braking efficiency ( the legal minimum is now 50% ), Now most cars fly through the MOT with over 70% efficiency. Truck and buses have also had advances in braking technology, particularly the age old problem of Brake Fade, however, the one greatest advance in road safety since the 1960s must be Radial tyres

NN: 23/08/2010

Whilst I fully appreciate that NewsNight has to put its best efforts into Corporate Nazi world government propaganda as part of its obligation as a public service broadcaster in receipt of the " license fee ", tonight's plug for the climate change scam almost fell short.

Despite the fact that this post of an interview with Piers Corbyn must have been up and posted before 4 pm, it would appear that none of the participants in the Pakistan weather presentation even mentioned anything from it.

9. At 3:11pm on 23 Aug 2010, you wrote:


The discussion was most disappointing, skirting around the main question on the Climate Change Scam, neither of the guests could confidently answer Kirsty's half baked questions.

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As for the alleged global warming skeptic, perhaps he is just one of the be it fairly high profile " Useful idiots " the Corporate Nazis trot out to give the illusion of opposition to the Climate Scam. Also, all the most recent evidence suggests that Asians can not really be trusted to be honest. Over the last few weeks our local paper has reported a series of scams liken deliberately causing road accidents, sitting driving tests impersonating other Asians and a 300K MOT test scam. That's just the small men, who knows what the really big fish are scheming in the quest for a say in UN / Wall Street based global totalitarian government ?

NN: 26/08/2010

The whole " green " movement is intellectually dishonest, take their position on traffic calming and 20 Mph speed limits, both of which significantly increase traffic pollution. Every policy they support ensures the continued grip on our ...economy by the Corporate Multinational Cartel of big international business. Take their opposition to ( household ) waste incineration, no pollution problem with the latest flue gas technology and could produce up to 10% of our electricity like it does in the Isle of Man. Of course the CMC don't want energy from waste, that would cut the market rate for energy generally. Similarly the CO2 scam, the oil companies want carbon taxes in order that they can sell more of the gas they currently flare off. In any case some eco-fascists have plans to reduce the UK population to 30 million, how do they propose to do this, by some 21st century equivalent of the holocaust. Most likely they will use carbon taxes and toll roads to ensure that people on lower incomes die or leave the country because they can no longer be able to keep warm, dry and have a full belly ?

I was just wondering whether Newsnight has the guts to dredge up all the circumstances surrounding Nadir's escape to Turkish Cyprus. If my memory serves me correctly was it not that Nadir was tipped off about his forthcoming arrest and a private plane organised from a small airstrip by persons including the then Tory cabinet minister Michael Mates. Of course it was all soon forgotten about and nobody had to resign or anything like that, not even an apology for what could be described as perverting the course of justice ?

Well done NewsNight for exposing the many mainstream alleged " charities " for the corporate financial parasites they would now appear to have become. Perhaps its just a symptom of the Corporate Nazi ideology of the 21st UK, foolish ten bob fat cats prepared to pay an additional monthly private tax on the daft. It kind of makes a complete mockery of Cameron's " Big Society ", potential " private contractors " almost certainly less financially efficient providing services to " vulnerable groups " than the public sector is present.

If the DEC can provide disaster aid to a country as potentially corrupt as Pakistan at a rate of 95p in the pound it makes a total mockery of most UK charities. Perhaps any alleged charity which can't amply prove that it spends at least 75% of its total revenue going direct to " good causes " should loose its charitable status. After all the high rate tax dodges etc could go some way to reducing the government deficit. and local councils could do with the business rates on charity shops.

That is not to say that I never donate anything to charity, I always buy a poppy for Remembrance Sunday. Likewise occasionally sponsoring friends on specific charity walks ( usually just a fiver ), I once upped my donation to 20 quid when I found out what one particular small charity for the blind was providing locally.

Wrote this for the local paper on speculation

I do hope that any future replacement Ribble Valley Borough Council officers are not going to be so foolish enough to go down the same path as Pendle and propose introducing a system of household waste food recycling. It is patently obvious than any such service is not going to save one single ounce of CO2 by the time you take into account the fuel used for regular collection. It would appear that household waste recycling is nothing more than forcing all council taxpayers to pay the equivalent of a medieval religious indulgence in order to expose the guilt of the profligate who throw loads of food away in a world full of the starving millions. But then being " environmental group prescribed " alleged eco friendly has now become a " quasi-religion " in itself over the past 30 years.

" Eco-fascism " is all about creating false economic growth, and it would appear that RVBC has regularly fallen for the trap perhaps due to incompetent council officers misleading the politicians. The economy of the Ribble Valley and particularly Clitheroe town centre has gone relatively down hill since the 1970's, the alarm bells should have started ringing when weight limits were introduced on several key roads when the local economy relied so heavily on the haulage industry.

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Then there was the redevelopment of Clitheroe Market, we had a perfectly sound brick built convenient for the public to use with at least some protection from the weather for customers existing set up replaced by a set of hideous breeze block sheds around an awkward corner. Of course to pay for all the institutionalized profligacy car park charges had to be introduced, perhaps also much increased rents for market traders. I suspect that many regular shopping visitors longed for a return to the interim situation where the old cattle mart had been demolished and turned into a car park ?

The original market could have been refurbished and improved by the provision of an overall roof. However, RVBC policy would appear to have been run in the interest of corporate property developers, not the indigenous Ribble Valley people for the last 30 years, perhaps " they " just had to do it if " they " could get away with it.

Then they wrecked the main shopping street with traffic calming, it is interesting to note that those rural market towns who have avoided this type of rubbish street furniture and roadwork's Clitheroe now sports have survived better economically speaking. Then there was the great New Labour bus investment scam, instead of policies to keep the fares down a massively expensive alleged " green " idea for a pointless " new transport interchange " far too far from the main shopping area to be of any real benefit to the town or bus passengers.

30 years and how many wasted millions of taxpayers money later and Clitheroe faces a crossroads, it can either use what little money which is now available to put right the damage done to our economy and look to a brighter future, or face terminal decline.

Perhaps a good start would be to close down the Platform Gallery and use the station building for a new easily accessible tourist information centre. No need for any wasting money on an expensive new building at the inaccessible castle gate, local artists could still exhibit their work for sale in part of the station building as part of the overall tourist information scheme. Any money saved could go towards putting back the main street back to 1960s default, get rid of all the road narrowing's and the idiotic cobbled imitation and confusing pedestrian crossings, make Parson lane two way again, or at least replace the Zebra with a Pelican between Booth's and the market to prevent gridlock when the main through route is closed.

NN: 01/09/2010

It looks like the blogdog has got dirty underpants on publishing any mention of an allegation floating around the internet that a currently in the news former UK PM bribed Putin with the prospect of gaining entry to the WTO on " most favoured status " in exchange for closing down the man made global warming sceptic Russian climate change research institute. ( circa 2005 )

Why is it that the media would now appear to think you are gay if you share a hotel room with another man. Of course if their are two single beds its no different to an army dormitory, and nobody is suggesting all the forces are gay. Even if it was a double bed, that is not to say that any kind of sexual contact went on, perhaps males in their late forties are just not allowed to have younger male friends. Perhaps the whole thing is a kite put up by the hotel industry to force everyone to pay for two rooms plus single supplement if they are both of the same sex. Similarly it could just be a symptom of the Corporate Nazi ideology which dictates that everyone is compelled to take the most expensive option available ?

NN: 09/09

My #29 was a link to a site which has an article claiming that collective local authorities spent 70 million quid on agency social workers. It is said that 1 in 10 of UK social workers are now agency staff, at over 14k extra each pa than council rates, I bet very little of it gets back to agency workers themselves.

Perhaps the trend towards agencies is just part of the Corporate Nazi ideology which appears to have taken root in the collective government subconscious. Some people would now appear to now prefer to be traded likes slaves whilst exploited by employment agencies. An Employment Agency's sole purpose is to exploit the workforce in general, whilst providing a welfare state for the stock market parasites intent on privatising all public services.

Anyone who seriously believes that wind farms are the energy technology of the future is at least engineering and science illiterate, at worst a physics Neanderthal. It could be said that anyone under 50 never received a

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proper science /engineering education ( dumbed down by Thatcher ) even if they went into it specifically. The simple fact is that Scottish wind farms only produced 17% efficiency during the first half of 2010, when their promoters claimed at least 30% was possible. The first generation of small wind farms are now having to be closed as they are potentially dangerous to continue to operate, they set on fire and have gearbox problems.

NN: 07/09/2010

I fear that your retirement poll is yet another set up sample of carefully selected Corporate Nazi consumer addicts, the type that queue for the latest iPad or other latest gadget. Of course they can't retire if they wish to retain their ten bob fat cat lifestyle past official state retirement age.

Its probably the case that those who do physically hard manual jobs were excluded, which ( before the Tories partially dismantled it in 1994 ) were amply covered for at whatever age that their health dictated. Blair had another go after 1997, but now Brown with collaboration of Purnell totally trashed it, now the Tories seek to put the retirement age up.

I don't think that most people are aware that they are the victims of a stealth National Insurance tax increase which may be up to the equivalent of 2p in the pound in the event that you are compelled to claim on it. Of course its OK if you have a soft job, especially somewhere like corporate planet BBC and can push the climate scam for all its worth. However, it has to be realised that from the Spanish experience you destroy 2 traditional jobs for every " green " job theoretically created. The point is that if our brain dead politicians persist with implementing the 2008 Climate Change Act a large portion of our workforce in the better paid jobs will be out on their ear. Then who is going to pay all the taxes required even just to fund unemployment benefit at a rate which allows you to keep warm, dry and have a full belly.

The stock market parasites and their Corporate Multinational Cartel are doing their level best to inflate the cost of living as much as they dare. The logical conclusion is that many people are going to be effectively frozen and starved to death before they get anywhere near official retirement age.

I'm not sure whether I heard what Michael Crick said about Osborne's 4 billion cuts properly but it eventually came across that the 4 billion was not additional to the 11 billion cuts already promised but instead of the original 11 billion ?

NN: 13/09/2010

Since the 1980s, The Unions have become an an integral component of the Corporate Nazi machine which pulls the strings on our puppet politicians. They rely on the continued dominance of members of the Corporate Multinational Cartel to provide the incentive for their members to join. Without the corporate multinational the unions would have been marginalised in the workplace by now.

Over the past 15 years the unions have actively promoted policies directly aimed at putting up administrative costs for small companies. Now they would appear to support the " low carbon future " despite the fact that following the 2008 Climate Change Act many of their members are going to lose their jobs due to carbon taxes. Really small firms are already excluded, but only for the time being, yet those small companies who subcontract from the CMC are being forced to do carbon audits. Its all extra cost for no benefit, no actual jobs are created, small business people just have to work more hours for the same margin.

It would appear that the primary focus of the Unions is to retain the Corporate Nazi status quo, even if they were bleating about a Robin Hood Tax today, its too late now the Tories are in.

So according to what he said on the Andrew Marr show this morning brandishing his ideologically pure Corporate Nazi credentials Ed Milliband doesn't think that there is a problem with the new disability work assessments, and what a wonderful job his mate Purnell did back in 2008-2009.


With all the media bluster over Osborne's plan to cut child benefit for potential fat cats, the Tory conference environment debate has been completely obscured. Not much new thinking unfortunately, basically a retread

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of the investment scams outlined by Clark last conference. At least Spellman claims to be doing something about flood defences, but it was obvious that the question and answer section was stage managed. They might have got away with it except one key questioner perhaps got dirty underpants and failed to appear, perhaps her question was offside the line of the thought police who were obviously controlling the agenda.

Fair enough there is potential for generating methane from animal waste on an industrial scale, even from not even mentioned raw human sewage. However, I suspect that various potentially corrupt local authorities will propose kerbside collection for household food waste. It is patently obvious than any such service is not going to save one single ounce of CO2 by the time you take into account the fuel used for regular collection. It would appear that household waste recycling is nothing more than a scam to force all council taxpayers to pay the equivalent of a medieval religious indulgence in order to espouse the guilt of the profligate who throw loads of good food away in a world full of the starving millions. But then being " environmental group prescribed " alleged eco friendly has now become a " quasi-religion " in itself over the past 30 years.

Little wonder Oliver Letwin could hardly muster any enthusiasm delivering his speech, lots of very glum looking delegates clapping supreme Soviet style on cue, especially at the end.

NN: 06/10/2009

Perhaps there would appear to be historical parallels between Piers Corbyn and his solar activity based science on climate variation and the answer to the cause of cholera in London in the 1850s. History now recalls that it was a lowly local GP John Snow who first correctly identified the cause of a major cholera outbreak in his area to one particular stand pump and the water from it. Snow removed the pump handle and the cholera quickly died away.( Joseph Bazzeljet, The Sewer King, BBC Seven Wonders of the Industrial Age. )

The government scientists insisted that cholera was spread by the " miasma " or foul air. It was not until after the construction of the sewer system which took away the " great stink " and cholera still occasionally broke out that the government scientists were forced to admit that everything they believed in as far as cholera was based on a falsehood and had all the time been carried in the water supply as snow identified. Perhaps the same principle applies to CO2 and alleged man made global warming, and Piers Corbyn has identified the correct true cause of climate variation ?

It would appear that the RT link broke house rules for some reason, search RT eco-fascism and scroll down the list to find it on YT for yourself, its quite interesting.

Even though I class myself as a Tory skeptic I found David Cameron's speech this afternoon quite positive and overall attractive. However he had to spoil the overall effect by trying to score brownie points with the US neocons by harping on about the release of the Lockerbie Bomber when most thinking people have come to the conclusion that Megrahi had been fit up and was totally innocent.

Likewise referring to Carbon capture and Storage as being a technology of the future when in reality it is a green investment scam aimed at promoting false economic growth by increasing the cost of living for everyone. If he claims to be acting in the interest of the lower income families in our country the last thing he needs to do is get involved with " green " stock market parasite investment scams.


I was pleasantly surprised that Cameron never really said that much if anything about " the environment ", not a single reference to wind farms. I was expecting him to trot out all the usual drivel green propaganda. Perhaps the cat is now out of the bag on the alleged CO2 link to climate change, and its only a matter of time before the Westminster politicians de-rail from the eco-fascist agen for good, at least the modern Conservative party if they are dedicated to the true future interst of our nation.

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NN: 08/10/2009

ecolizzy #25

It would appear that there is a subtle trend towards forcing all low income people to live in areas of towns where in the future the area can be easily turned into some kind of virtual ghetto. Such prospective future ghetto areas may be identified by the installation of heavy traffic calming. Perhaps its all part of the Corporate Nazi arch plan for the future of the UK, the population segregated on the basis of financial apartheid. The eco-fascists have consistently pushed for the introduction of traffic calming even though they knew full well at least as long ago as 1995 that it significantly increased pollution, perhaps it fits in with their plan to dispose of the majority low income people. No need for concentration camps, perhaps far more profitable to freeze and starve people to death in a rented home in a virtual ghetto, lets see what IDS comes up with on rates for his " Universal Credit " as a pointer as to whether the Corporate Nazi plan is still on track.

It is interesting to note that almost all the scenes of the fatal Knife Crime wave a couple of years ago featured traffic calming or a 20 Mph speed limit. The installation of traffic calming is probably the key step towards a residential area becoming totally run down and lawless. By deterring regular through traffic from the streets criminals have more opportunities to commit crime without detection. Gangs of youths are more likely to congregate and cause trouble if they don't need to keep a sharp lookout for traffic. The evidence must show that almost all current semi-derelict slum areas have one thing in common, namely traffic calming installed at some point over the last 20 years. This must say something about the mentality of those alleged community leaders who campaign for the introduction of traffic calming. Take danger out of people's life ( particularly teenagers ) and they may replace it with something far worse.

Perhaps one good reason that they have installed traffic calming in Asian areas in big towns is to help control any future civil unrest. Of course they have it in " rough " white dominated estates also, where the chattering classes consider a large proportion of the inhabitants are at or near the poverty line.

Humps in the road are an ideal protection against anyone stealing a service vehicle in an attempt to break out through the gates. Impossible to get any decent speed up if there are humps everywhere. Its only one easy step to ring fencing certain areas of towns and turning them into virtual Warsaw type ghettos. Nobody will be let in or out without a permit, plenty of work for private security guard companies now that much housing is under the control of housing associations. I believe that locked gates have already been installed on some " alley's ".

The current main argument for imposing traffic calming is totally based on the NIMBY philosophy, ten bob fat cat property speculators desperately attempting to increase the theoretical value of their home. It would appear that they were under the impression that they actually own the road outside their mortgaged house and can dictate who can or can't use it, only a complete fool would buy a house with traffic calming on the street, especially if it was adjacent to an obstacle.

Its not just disabled people who are under threat, its all low income families who are faced with an extra 33% on their energy bills to pay for appeasing the eco-fascists and their CO2 Climate Change Scam. Give it 10 years and low income people will no longer be able to realise the basic human right of being able to keep warm, dry and have a full belly. Green policy will destroy traditional jobs, it would appear that the eco-fascist plan is to freeze and starve any surplus " economically inactive " people to death in virtual ghettos.

NN: 20/10/2010

I see the " Corporate Nazi " New Labour shadow cabinet members are remaining silent about plans to time limit ESA, which must be the equivalent of 5p in the pound on national insurance for all those who do hard potentially dangerous manual jobs, the real key workers in our economy. Its all part of the eco-fascist / Corporate Nazi stock market parasite plan to reduce the UK population starting by freezing and starving " defectives " to an early death. Note Climate Scam money only cut by 5% to appease the eco-fascists !

If you do a hard manual potentially dangerous job there is no point for anyone to try to save for the deposit on a house if you get injured and don't get better within a year. It probably means that if you are are injured at work and disabled but not enough to make you a candidate as an economic unit for " battery farming " in a private care home you will be expected to freeze and starve to death whilst losing all your savings if any.

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NN: 21/10/2010

So it would appear with the means testing of ESA that the message from the Tories to all intelligent school leavers is to make sure you get a soft job where there is no potential danger to your health. Likewise avoid any jobs where your health may significantly deteriorate as your approach retirement. There would appear to be no point for any school leaver to take up a trade apprenticeship if the said job involves any danger to your person. It would appear that those who take potentially dangerous jobs are to be expected to urinate everything they earn up the wall or spend it on junk consumer gadgets. No incentive to work extra hard to make money to save if there is any chance that you might become chronically sick or injured as a result.

Under plans initiated by Corporate Nazi New Labour there are proposals to set up a pseudo private pension scheme for all workers for which everybody will be automatically enrolled. They will take 3% from your annual salary and your employer will be expected to contribute a further 3%, the government alleges that it will match contributions pound for pound. Although this at first inspection looks a good idea, if you are not on over ?1500 per week the pension it is likely to provide is probably just enough to stop you claiming the current Pension Credit and things like council tax benefit. Despite having been forced to save you could be far worse off in retirement, it will also be a burden on the long term future profitability of your particularly small employer.

Its clear that the whole object of the exercise is to provide a welfare state for the stock market parasites and subsidise the pensions of the very wealthy, there is time to stop this before it comes in in 2012.

Now that the dust is starting to settle on the proposed Welfare reforms it would appear that the ConDem coalition have got got extremely dirty underpants on the particular question of the proposed means testing of ESA paid to severely injured troops. Means testing ESA after the first year is the equivalent of stealing at least 350K ( at current interest rates in a true safe account ) from severely disabled soon to be ex-soldiers. In actual fact it could be said that severely disabled soldiers are in a worse situation financially than they would have been before the compensation was increased a couple of years ago.

The same principle applies to people disabled in accidents who over the past 20 years have received compensation based on the payment of Incapacity benefit for life. Particularly hard hit will be those who managed their finances prudently. I believe that there are already some murmurs about exempting former members of the armed forces, but if its good enough for them its good enough for anyone who has previously worked hard and saved throughout their working life to give them a better standard of living in the event of being forced to effectively retire early.

It would appear that the whole objective is to force all significantly disabled people to submit themselves to be " battery farmed " in new private care homes. Again it would appear that the primary aims of the proposed welfare reforms are to promote false economic growth in the private care home industry. It wouldn't surprise me to find that " they " ( being the stock market parasites like Tory welfare reform architect Freud for example) had already projected the private sector job creation / investment scam potential. There is no doubt that the current proposals will cost the state more in the longer term, but perhaps not before the next general election.

It just crossed my mind that the proposed new rules dictate that if you have to go into a care home you lose the mobility component of your DLA. This means that you are limited to 20 quid a week spending money, not even enough to smoke properly. I suspect that care homes will welcome the inability to afford to smoke as theoretically you will live longer and therefore make the company owners more overall profit.

NN: 27/10/2010

Miliband's New Labour are hypocrites to try to allege " social cleansing " when they under (apparently not allowed to name for some spurious reason well know minister now in the lords ) practised Corporate Ethnic Cleansing over the past ten years with his alleged " Pathfinder " scheme. The Pathfinder scheme was far worse than the proposed housing benefit cuts in that it targeted low income people who had been financially responsible enough to buy their house outright. It would appear that the whole object of the Pathfinder Scheme was to remove the pool of low cost housing in areas of mill towns etc and inflate property prices for the whole area. No wonder that the government is now faced with massive bills for housing benefit due to the false economic growth in average house prices, particularly smaller properties.

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I suspect that when the housing benefit limits come into effect many private landlords and particularly housing associations will be forced to take the hit on annual rent. Of course many private landlords may be forced to sell as they paid far too much for the property when they purchased it in the first instance. Some families may find themselves temporarily " homeless ", but new investors will move in and fill the gap when property prices fall to a reasonable level. That could involve the widely projected average 40% fall in property prices, and of course many greedy private landlords will get their fingers burnt, perhaps even to the point of bankruptcy. Long term landlords who bought property to let from the early 1990s should remain OK, many of their long term tenants are still on their original rent which falls below the new limits. Therefore the proposed housing benefit cuts can not really be classed as ethnic cleansing, unlike the Pathfinder scheme which economically cleansed long term residents specifically.

What Killed Scottish Manufacturing Industry and the Traditional BR Goods Train ?

As a teenager during the mid 1970s I got friendly with the drivers and owner of a small local haulage contractor. During the school holidays I would ride " shotgun " all over the north of the UK as far as central Scotland. I got a job there as an apprentice HGV fitter, then after passing the motor vehicle technicians exams at tech went HGV driving myself.

Back in the 1970s the company I worked for did all the main transport for Serfco at Darwen. Their main job was recycling cast iron borings from the heavy engineering industry, customers included British Leyland Coventry engine plant, Vickers at Barrow and a few places up in central Scotland. That's how I got right into the heart of Ravenscraig steel works, the cast iron borings were heated and pressed into " piglets " about the size of an egg.

The old UK driving hours regulations allowed 10 hours driving per day, spread over 12 and a half hours total time. It was therefore practical to get to the Forth-Clyde belt and back in the day from Manchester. Most of the Lancashire-Scotch traffic came home empty unless you had a quick easy back load handy, or would pick something up down country in the case of tippers.

Even though there were no tachographs at the time, the introduction of the EU 8 hour driving hours destroyed UK road transport efficiency. The new EU log books were easy to fiddle as you need not state your destination, however, in 1981 the tachographs were introduced. Industry in central Scotland was decimated when the tachographs eventually came in, mostly due to Dumfries & Galloway police sceptically enforcing the 40 Mph HGV speed limit on the A74. Srathclyde had a spell at it also but could see the damage to the economy, it didn't help rail freight either. Manchester-Glasgow road freight became impractical on a daily basis, costs increased not least because you had to pay the driver expenses for a night out.

Now there were lots of empty wagons in central Scotland who couldn't get home for a load the next day so spent the rest of your day loading one to take back. Products like spuds and whiskey, basically anything not in a particular rush and you could use traditional railway stock. The yard of the haulage garage where I worked backed onto the Blackburn-Hellifield line so you couldn't miss what was going on.The trains just got shorter and shorter, Scotch wagons were also taking stuff back in the other direction. The final nail in the coffin was the APT and the need to take the catch points out of the WCML so all partially brake fitted trains were withdrawn.

The result was even more wagon's on the road and everyone had to buy new more powerful equipment, then they did it again in 1985, new 38 tonne weight limit when they should have gone straight to 44 tonne and allow a " full " 40 foot ISO container to be handled by road at either end of a rail journey.

Cheap transport is vital to the sustainability of the economy of any nation, yet politicians would appear to have been blind to this basic economic fact. Ken Clarke's Road Fuel Tax Escalator decimated manufacturing industry everywhere except perhaps the south east. At least fuel duty was not increased in the recent " emergency budget " but further rises in the Labour pipeline were not withdrawn. Will the politicians ever learn?

NN: 11/11/2010 + 15/11/2010

Well done tonight Kirsty for keeping the civilized " end up " against a parade of Corporate Nazi commentators, and making the king stock market parasite himself look a complete fool. Given the circumstantial evidence it would appear that the main obstacle stopping small business creating jobs is in actual fact employment law. No small business dare take on new staff because under the present rules if

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they are no good at the job itself its almost impossible to get rid of them.

Tab #14

The old style 19th century socialism you subscribe to is not the answer for the 21st century, what is required is input from all angles of the alleged political spectrum in the interest of finding best practice for our future. As you well know I support the principle of a welfare state, yet oppose nationalisation of business other than to use as a caretaker stage before breaking up large virtual monopoly organisations into smaller more efficient units in a true FREE MARKET. Of course the state must take a key roll in providing the civil infrastructure of our country, but that is all. Perhaps I trouble you so because you can't politically pigeon hole me but what we need to " progress " is a new political ideology neither beholden to the traditional left or right?

I was talking to a relative of mine who runs a small building contractors ( employs 30 on good wages ) the other day and Health and Safety guidelines cropped up. It is theoretically no longer allowed to undertake simple roof maintenance like for instance " pointing the ridge tiles " without massive expense in safety equipment. In the past you would have just sent perhaps a tradesman and his labourer with a ladder and a cat ladder to get to the top of the roof. That became a simple scaffold platform, but now it is proposed that the entire house must have full scaffold both sides of the roof. From an original cost for the entire job of 250 quid it could now cost 4,500, when you include the cost of renting and erecting all the scaffold.

Just the other week H&S contacted him to say that if he did not provide a cabin for " the men to dry their clothes " by the end of the week they would hit him with a 20,000 quid fine. They already had an ample brew cabin with heaters, but that was not good enough, he had to order and pay for a new 7ft by 3ft cabin specifically for the purpose. If H&S keep their dash for regulations to promote false economic growth up at the same rate they are going to make building work of any kind totally uneconomical unless you only pay minimum wage, and I suspect that the big companies behind it all are planning to make everything theoretically safe to force one of IDS's dole slaves to do it. No new houses will be built in future because its simply too expensive when you follow all the regulations and have to pay things like the Aggregate Tax and soon a Carbon Tax on all the materials like energy intensive bricks and cement for instance.

NN: 26/11/2010

Bernard Matthews should have been a socialist hero for making cheap wholesome protein available to low income families, except that the left of politics has been hijacked by the animal rights and other eco-fascist leaning idiots. I suspect that the eco-fascist leaning BBC will concentrate on the alleged animal cruelty aspect of the Matthews operation. Also that some of his cheaper " sausage " products were deemed unhealthy by the health fascists.

The problem is that theoretical animal cruelty is defined by a set of university boffins who have never worked as farmers or been involved with poultry. The only reason they kick up a fuss is to promote false economic growth, their latest corporate money making scam being CCTV at slaughterhouses.

The problem is that most ten bob fat cat alleged socialists are stuffed full of the crap fermented in the universities and it just goes to show how stupid they are electing Millipede when he will be unelectable when the truth about the climate change scam comes out before 2015. The eco-fascists have made their plan clear, cut the UK population to 30 million by exterminating all the lower income people, starting by freezing and starving the chronically sick and disabled to death. The unemployed next and due to the 2008 Climate change act there will be plenty of them soon.

The point is that Bernard Matthews started his business from virtually nothing to employing loads of rural people and preventing corporate ethnic cleansing. If people are foolish enough to buy twizzlers when the real thing is so cheap then so what and in actual fact some people might enjoy them whatever the health fascists attempt to portray.

NN: 02/12/2010

By firmly associating himself with the failed world cup bid Conmoron has created a big stick which any astute political opposition would be foolish to ignore. Once the truth about the conditions Conmoron was proposing to agree gets out among the ordinary public and even football fans their alleged fairness agenda is fatally damaged. The same principle could apply to Prince William, who's current " people friendly " branding could

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be somewhat tarnished. I suppose that you can let Beckam half off, considering that he usually exhibits the intellect of a species of pond life.

At the end of the day they are all just an uncaring bunch of the celebrities the ten bob fat cats worship and perhaps the most damaging condition would have been to open our borders to illegal immigrants. Perhaps it would not be so blatant if in the last couple of weeks the Tories have attempted to portray themselves as tough on immigration putting a cap on the number of non EU migrants. The spin on this hides the fact that the stock market parasites are exempt, which means there are plenty of traders coming into the UK stock market with no true interest in the future of our nation. It then moves onto what Alex Jones was going on about in the YouTube link I posted earlier.

I suspect that Hugh Weldon would have turned in his grave if he had seen the young Patric More pretender warmist high priest Brian Cox hijack the HW memorial lecture the other night. I find his alleged science programmes impossible to take seriously, all computer graphics and laced with the eco-fascist message even though its alleged astronomy. He was on about how good that Scotch idiot ( who over-stresses his accent ) was at pointing out that we could not do nothing about their scam. Perhaps we should make a citizens arrest of all the key warmists and pack them off to St Kilda to fend for themselves.

NN: 07/12/2010

richard #16

The trouble with the current system is that many graduates faced with paying off their loan apply to work overseas. As it stands at present if you work overseas ( which incidentally includes the IoM ) you have no obligation to pay off your loan even when you are earning substantially more than the 15k threshold. This loophole needs plugging, because many people who could be of use to our economy go overseas perhaps permanently.

Its sort of a state sponsored brain drain, even though you might want to get a job in this country at some stage. A relative of mine is an engineering graduate who did teacher training as a science teacher with particular focus on Physics. His first job was a year in the IOM which sort of got him hooked on avoiding paying back his loan, then he went to the Falkland Islands for a year contract. He did try to apply for a Physics job local to where he originated from, but they would not recognize experience in the Falklands. That was despite the fact that he had got documented better than expected exam results from his sheep farmer pupils. He ended up taking a job in Kuwait, and has been there a couple of years now, I believe that the Falklands have asked for him back when his current contract ends.

Of course in an ideal situation courses in science and engineering should be totally free, with all the other less important often pointless subjects paying more. Perhaps a compromise would be to make your science / engineering course free if you remained in the UK for at least 10 years. At least the threshold is going up to 21k but that still means teachers have to pay back their loans. It was a lot simpler in the old days when everybody just paid 60% tax on higher incomes and education was free.

It just crossed my mind that the tuition fee vote was deliberately timed to give Chris Huhne and that other junior minister idiot the convenient excuse not to be part of a total failure for the warmists at Cancun. They can then just continue their climate scam as usual pretending that they would have signed a new ambitious agreement to appease the eco-fascists. Perhaps the coalition are also thinking with a political long head, as their direct names will not be signed on any treaty pinning them firmly to the now much discredited AGW bandwagon.

NN: 16/12/2010

# ecolizziy

Thanks for posting this link, you beat me to it


How many low income families are going to freeze and starve to death due to this which as it turns out is just another investment scam for the benefit of the stock market parasites?

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I watched Huhne deliver his statement and as probably expected the still Corporate Nazi leaning Labour party offered no opposition whatsoever. In fact not once squeak of opposition from anyone except for the usual suspects squealing about nuclear being included in the plan for a guaranteed higher price for UK energy producers irrespective of world markets. In fairness the former energy minister Malcolm Wickes he did half point out the adverse effects on low income households but that was batted away with all the usual crap about home insulation and alleged energy efficiency.

Given that over 1000 top international scientists now dispute any significant global warming due to CO2 it would appear that anyone who still supports the current Climate Change Scam is either evil or completely stupid. Perhaps the only crumb of comfort that can be taken from today's statement was the fact that the chamber was almost empty, there could have been no more than a total of about 30 MP's of both sides in attendance.

Local Paper ( chopped key stuff out of it )

I'm sorry to intrude on the Xmas spirit but unless the foolish British public wake up they will soon be faced with the dubious experience of an extra 500 quid ( tenner a week ) on their annual energy bills to fund wind farms to stand idle for at least 70% of the time. I suspect that the 500 quid relates to the " average energy bill " which probably equates to heating your home to the 1970s factory inspector standard of 60F ( 16C ) after the first hour, just enough toward off hypothermia. All this based on a global warming due to CO2THEORY now disputed by over 1000 top scientists international.

The independent energy analysts ( U switch ) 500 quid is disputed by our eco-fascist leaning energy secretary who claims that insulation projects will reduce said amount to nearer 200. However, the energy cost will just be replaced by a big loan from the bank to pay instead. Many of the houses in the Ribble Valley are already insulated ( loft ) to some extent but its not cheap and practical to insulate walls with no cavity which probably make up the bulk of the Ribble Valley rural housing stock.

The public need to put pressure on their political representatives to stop this ongoing " green lunacy " set to cost our economy ( including taxpayers )18 billion a year for the next 40 years. Many people are going to lose their jobs on the back of the 2008 Climate Change Act and firm policy proposals like Carbon Taxes ( including a tax on coal ). Its not yet too late to turn the eco-fascist super-tanker, although I suspect that a significant number of the front line Climate Change scammers would actually be pleased by the prospect of many low income families being frozen and starved to death.

Perhaps the main problem facing the good people of the Ribble Valley is the fact that they have become technically disenfranchised from democracy since our MP Nigel Evans was elevated to the position of deputy speaker. It would appear that our Nigel is prepared to remain silent on what is probably the biggest scientific fraud in history since his mouth has been suitably stuffed with silver. Never mind that many of his less well off constituents will be unable to enjoy a half decent life any more in the very near future. It would appear from his facebook page that our MP has become just another worthless celebrity more interested in the X Factor than the interests of his constituents. If Nigel Evans really cares about the long term future of our nation perhaps he should resign as deputy speaker and get back into real politics representing the Ribble Valley people who once put so much faith in him ?

I don't really understand what the CA&T thinks it has to gain by significantly editing my letter last week but the CA&T would appear to desire to keep its readers in the dark on the latest science on alleged Global Warming.

The EU has effectively forced the UK to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. This means the destruction of our energy intensive industry, with EU carbon trading ensuring that any closed energy intensive works can never economically reopen.

Given the fact that over 1000 top international scientists ( at grave risk to their future career prospects ) now dispute any significant global warming due to CO2 it would appear that anyone who still supports the current Climate Change Scam is either evil or completely ignorant.

The warmists temperature recording is fundamentally flawed anyway, honest scientists reckon up to 7C heat island effect to all the urban areas where they measure, a large part of the planet is not covered and made up anyway. The New Zealand equivalent of our Met Office has been forced to admit that its temperature data

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record attempting to portray global warming is false, the real raw data shows no warming since 1960. It is reasonable to suspect that similar manipulation of temperate data has been going on at an international level, perhaps Climategate proved that.

In another recent scientific development NASA is now saying that the global temperature will only go up 1.64C if CO2 is doubled to 780 pm and with CO2 only increasing at 2 ppm a year its hardly and urgent problem.

Perhaps the main problem facing the UK is the 2008 Climate Change Act which opens the door to a range of Carbon Taxes, including a tax on coal to make it at least just as expensive as bottled gas. The oil companies like Shell and BP are backing the Climate Scam because carbon taxes significantly increase the price they can charge for their gas.

Global warming has always been a convenient excuse for an investment scam to be funded by the public via virtual private taxes paid to the energy companies. How many people realise that they are already paying 7% extra on their energy bills to subsidise wind farms ?


barrie #50

Are you not overlooking one major detail in your quest to power the UK with the moon, the simple fact that the only real tidal project for the UK has been ruled out. Huhne ruled out the Severn barrage earlier this year and he is probably so pig headed that he doesn't even know where they other potential site Morecambe Bay is. Using pump storage systems to the nearby hills both sites could have given us instant " free " extra power at the flick of a switch to meet sudden demand. It just goes to show how short sighted the government is on energy policy, the primary objective at present being to manufacture a stock market parasite investment scam, nothing to do with saving the planet.

barrie #53

I see where you are coming from but your neat little or even not so little submerged propeller devices will be less than efficient. The problem is that the crafty water will simply avoid them with decreasing efficiency as the speed of the flow increases. The only true efficient way to do tidal is to build a barrage with the turbines encased, not only can you generate from the tidal flow but also the opposing weight of the water itself.Then there is the question of maintaining the equipment, far easier in a barrage than independent device just dumped on the sea floor, also you have to take into consideration of the hostile salt water environment on a totally submerged generating unit. It's likely to get encrusted in barnacles like a ship which will also reduce efficiency over time.

Whilst individual devices for tidal remain under development there are already barrages in operation like the one in France, which despite eco-fascist protestations has not damaged the overall ecology of the estuary. Similarly, a barrage can form the basis of new short cut transport links, for instance the economy of Barrow in Furness would benefit greatly from a short cut road across Morecambe Bay. If they had built the Severn barrage 20 years ago perhaps there would have been no true need for the expensive new second bridge. That is not to say that smaller scale individual devices do not have a roll to play, for example they could be of much benefit off the north coast of Scotland for instance. However, both the Severn and Morecambe areas already have national grid connections close by so the overall infrastructure costs will be minimal.

The whole green debate as been hijacked by a bunch of Corporate Nazi bastards intent on giving themselves the excuse to freeze and starve all the lower income " families " in the UK to an early death, and to confiscate their old relatively environmentally friendly car so that the elite can have all the roads to themselves for their gas guzzlers. Given that over 1000 top international scientists now ( at great risk to their future career prospects ) dispute any significant global warming due to human activity anybody who still supports alleged environmental groups like FoE is either EVIL or totally Ignorant.

I have just seen that idiot former government scientific adviser Sir David King on Channel 4 News attempting to portray that the current cold snap could have been foreseen by the warmists if they had a new mega expensive powerful European super computer. Obviously this could be construed that the current computer

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models the warmist camp put so much faith in are in fact totally useless. From this it must be obvious that the whole of global warming theory has no serious scientific basis whatsoever. Just checked David King out on wiki, as it turns out he's a chemist and in truth no more qualified to comment on climate science than any of the posters here on the Newsnight blog.

I have just seen that idiot former UK government scientific adviser Sir David King on Channel 4 News attempting to portray that the current cold snap could have been foreseen by the warmists if they had a new mega expensive powerful European super computer. Obviously this could be construed that the current computer models the warmist camp put so much faith in are in fact totally useless. From this it must be obvious that the whole of global warming theory has no serious scientific basis whatsoever. Just checked David King out on wiki, as it turns out he's a chemist and in truth no more qualified to comment on climate science than I or any other well educated member of the public is.

The Copenhagen Communique has been designed as an ?ambitious, robust and equitable global deal on climate change', and was distributed to 100 world leaders at the UN climate summit in New York on Tuesday. Signatories include British Airways, Virgin, BP, Shell, Coca-Cola, Gap, HSBC and energy suppliers EDF and E.ON. The statement was signed by companies from more than 50 countries including the UK and Europe, the U.S, Russia and China.

I've just enjoyed Panorama and their quest to attempt to portray that the proposed new mega dairy in Lincolnshire is bad for animal welfare. They went to the expense of flying a small dairy farmer ( who had been forced to give up milking his 70 odd herd on economic grounds ) to the US to see a mega dairy there. Said small farmer expressed the considered opinion that the cows all looked happy, quite the reverse of what the eco-fascists attempt to portray. At the end of the day it could be said that all animals actually care about is being warm, dry and have a full belly.

The same principle applies to battery hens or pigs, yet politicians seek to theoretically improve animal welfare to appease the indoctrinated emotions of the average ten bob fat cat. As usual with the eco-fascist line its all about forcing low income families to pay more for their food, something many people already can not afford. High class restaurant owners can bleat all they like but the simple fact is that even if organic local food tastes better the basic fundamental rights principle of being warm dry and having a full belly applies just as much to humans.

There are also advantages to large scale " industrial " farming in that waste excrement can be economically digested to produce methane gas, therefore reducing the potential toxicity of any slurry sprayed on nearby land. The eco-fascists alleged a plague of flies but no fly problem on the lagoon at said US mega dairy despite the 80f heat. Of course you could generate gas at a central location from manure collected from small farms but the transport costs would be enormous especially given the rate of road fuel duty in the UK.

It would appear that transport costs are becoming the major factor inhibiting all types of small scale industry in the UK.It's probably just not economic unless you can fill at least a 25 ton trailer tanker from your dairy farm daily. It doesn't help when local authorities put weight limits on key routes either, in fact everything the eco-fascists promote on transport works against small business.

Policy has to change if we want to retain small scale farming or any other small scale business at the heart of all local communities. Appeasing the eco-fascists could ensure that the " corporates " take control over every aspect of our life.

barrie #114

You would appear to be suffering from a significant seasonal overdose of eco-fascist propaganda, of course their are bad people in farming but that is not to say that there is anything fundamentally wrong with the mega dairy principle. Those who long for the days of yore have to remember that the average dairy cow once spent late October to April tied up in a dingy shippon. The cubicle / kennels and milking parlour system introduced in the 1960s revolutionised the life of the milk cow. The mega dairy is just the cubicle / kennel system taken to its extreme, fully exploiting the cows need to be milked when its udder is full.

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Back when I was driving wagons for a living it could be said that I in my ERF was the fastest man down out of Swindon quarry ( near Skipton ). My closest rival ( Procter ) had a brand new Leyland Daf with air suspension and matching wide frame trailer, yet he would always avoid tangling with me. I say fastest man but my one golden rule was to the whole of the vehicle remain in my own side of the road at all times. I suppose it was a bit like travelling trough some virtual tunnel all carefully mapped out and committed to memory in 4 dimensions.20

You got to a stage where even dense fog was not really a problem, it's only when I look back that I realise just how good we were generally. The best thing about Swindon was that you almost always loaded out of the plant, where with the use of a stop watch you could get your axle weights perfect. A sharp stab on the brakes at low speed coming down from the weigh-bridge would trim your load and stop it shifting. The loading was a really important factor in the handling of the vehicle especially in the corners. I had got to a point where you could tell if there had been a new delivery of diesel at the depot just by subtle differences in performance on hills. It was common practice to pass other HGV on a clearance of six inches on the wing mirrors, only when the council were working and installed temporary traffic lights did you realise just how tight the tolerances actually were. Although technically a B road, the road down from Swindon was fairly wide in most places, although a pedestrian was a real hazard with no footpath. One old bloke used to walk up every morning, then the drivers started offering him a lift just to reduce the danger. Other hazards included tourists parking their cars in blind spots, ( double yellow lines all the way ) if one driver had not put his wagon trough the hedge their would have been a fatality one early morning.

One near miss I had was one winter dinner time on my 3rd run to Burnley, just before the top roundabout on the A59 at Skipton. A Fewston 8 wheeler driver ( and a friend of mine ) let me past him at the quarry so that he would not get under my feet. I wasn't in any particular rush that day but I thought I should show him a clean pair of heels, just a normal trip down on the computer programme. Approaching the Craven Heifer pub I noticed a jogger coming up from the top roundabout and likely to meet me in the narrow bit. I did a semi-emergency stop and came to rest just at the near end of the the narrow bit, the jogger actually ran into the front of my cab after I had been stopped for at least a few seconds. About 40 seconds later my trailer was struck at low speed by the Fewston wagon who had let me past at the quarry. It knackered the cab on the glass fibre Foden cab, and shoved the radiator back into the fan, perhaps a total cost 4,000 quid to fix. The only damage to my trailer was to the tailboard, squashed the sheet in and bent the locking bar, five minutes with the gas axe to fix but knackered for grain in future without packing.

I apprehended said jogger and interrogated him as what he thought he was playing at, and had he nothing better to do in his dinner hour than cause 4,000 quids worth of damage. Also why he was not running somewhere safe and where he would not cause inconvenience like the canal tow path. It turned out that he worked in the building society office and he squealed like a stuck pig when I insisted that he stayed at the scene until the bobby dazzled.20

NN: 04/01/2011

I can't help speculating that Ed Millipede in his claim that the new 2.5% increase in VAT will impact the poorest the most is in grave danger of being open to the charge of being a hypocrite. I just read Steph Flanders blog where she had calculated that genuine poor people will only be 68 quid a year worse off. Of course you get stung on your phone bill ( probably an essential these days ) but if you don't drive you can theoretically avoid VAT if you stay off the ale.

This is in stark contrast to Ed's 2008 Climate Change Act, which he knew full well would cost poor people 760 quid per household per year just to retain the basic human right of being warm in winter. In a rough calculation it works out at the equivalent of doubling the current income tax rate on the minimum wage.20

Clegg often bleats that the Lub-dims have got the Tories to increase the threshold where people start paying income tax, but again any theoretical gain here is more than wiped out appeasing the eco-fascists and their Climate Scam. Alleged " Climate Skeptic " UKIP could have made a big deal of the Climate Scam, but apparently not, its alleged that UKIP activists are running round Oldham East bleating about immigration. Perhaps Paul Nuttall is content to fight the BNP and other joke parties for fourth place, after all, if he has to give up his MEP job he faces a large fall in his income. However, perhaps the truth is that Nigel Farage has been " got at " by his stock market parasite buddies to stop the general population waking up from planet Coronation Street to realise what is likely to hit them in the pocket in the near future.

I had to laugh at your Daily Mail link and I think I read somewhere that in 2010 Scottish wind farms ( alleged

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to be the most efficient in the UK ) only produced 12.5% of their rated capacity averaged out on the year. On a more sombre note it would appear that current UK energy policy has more in common with Monty Python's Flying Circus than engineering reality. Perhaps " bicycle repair man " will come along and save us from those who wish to continually appease the Knights who say Ni ( the eco-fascists ) with another shrubbery ( yet more wind turbines ) Perhaps the main thing we need to do in 2011 is get out of the Corporate Nazi EU Fourth Reich and whilst I am no fan of the Daily Express I hope their EU referendum campaign is successful.

NN: 10/01/2011

Perhaps the Ratcliffe-on-Soar case proves that the eco-fascist protests to close down the said power station were in fact government sponsored. After climategate perhaps the authorities had good reason to stage a high profile mass semi-violent protest in order to attempt to portray that the general public as a whole were fully behind government climate change policy.20

Perhaps also proved by the fact that the judge let those protesters convicted last week off with less than a custodial sentence. It was also interesting to note that the eco-fascist leaning BBC perhaps conveniently omitted to state how many hours the community service sentences were for. The last thing we need is for these green lunatics to be let lose in the community to preach their vile quasi-religion to perhaps the vulnerable groups that their ilk would dispose of in the name of the planet first.

NN: 13/01/2011

Grass roots alleged environmentalists need to work out what planet they are on, the eco-fascists are working in the interest of the likes of Shell and BP who want to push Gas as the key fuel of the future. Perhaps that explains why Shell and BP were lined up supporting Brown to sign a deal on Carbon Trading at Copenhagen, likewise alleged grass roots environmentalists protesting against any moves towards energy from waste incinerators. Environmental protesters are a bunch of idiots fighting on the wrong side if they allege to be fighting in the interest of true freedom not the corporate slavery their eco-fascist masters promote.20

Reading between the lines of the recent coverage of Kennedy etc its pretty clear that the corporate are also sponsoring individuals to infiltrate and fester violent climate activist action. As I said at the time when the first story about Kennedy broke it would appear that the attacks on said power stations were government sponsored in order to make climate change policy look good as if it was pandering to mass public opinion. Nothing could be further from the truth as most of the general public don't have the first idea about what's really going on in the news, and are totally unaware of the raft of energy price increases to pay for all the climate nonsense. It would appear that he silly stock market bar stewards have sold more than actually exists, perhaps to a point where the real metal might not catch up for ten years, but then gold has few practical uses, the market is based solely on demand from indoctrinated emotions.

Perhaps the main danger to the alleged recovery in particular is that alleged austerity measures like the new means tested alleged " Universal " Credit or far from it will hit 1.4 million families allegedly. Its all part of the corporate Nazi Arch Plan, of which the eco-fascist inspired road fuel tax escalator is a key stone. The object of their exercise is to introduce carbon trading by the back door, road haulage are calling for a fuel duty rebate similar to that offered to regular timetables services. With the likes of Stobbart not likely to go on strike as in any case it would be making all its money from warehousing, back in the early 1990s they were offering free transport into warehousing at Penrith from as far a field as central Scotland. It killed any road haulage competition favouring a far less efficient form of logistics at a higher cost overall to the consumer. All the big corporate customers have gone down that road, just give all your work to one big company when it was once the case that the suppliers would arrange their own transport direct to final destination. Gone are the days when you could load Fife spuds in the late afternoon and have them to Birmingham Market the early morning after for a decent rate.20

Companies like Stobbart now mimic the UK railways in the 1960s, and I believe that their drivers are paid only bare 8 quid an hour, most smaller companies pay at least a tenner for far less grief. The thing is that the current Darling inspired RFTE is sooner rather than later put a whole bunch of companies out of business. Many haulage companies will simply pack up as the owner retires or is no longer willing to accept less than the minimum wage, a large coach company in Wales went insolvent last week ( they get no fuel rebate ). It all leads to less competition and therefore transport costs will rocket, thus putting yet more manufacturing companies in financial difficulty leading the closure in a kind of vicious circle.

The thing is that if a large proportion who thought that they could claim JSA find out they no longer qualify

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after paying national insurance all their working lives the result could be interesting. The thing is that if you live on a low income for any amount of time you loose all the indoctrinated emotion consumer confidence relies on and it could significantly damage their current rigged market.Perhaps the only thing that really needs to be sorted with our NHS is the PFI scams for new hospitals which are bleeding NHS funds to death. Perhaps any competent government with the alleged " true interest " of our NHS at its heart would end all PFI contracts for a reasonable fixed sum up front or threaten to default on the payments.20

NN: 18/01/2011

Mindy #19

Your transition idea can never happen with current high and rising fuel prices speaking with the experience of going through the fuel price doubling in the 1970s on the front line. Corner shops were once supplied by a fleet of small lorries, which when the fuel price doubled in the 1970 were no longer economic and hence the move towards supermarkets. A car was then essential if you had a small shop to collect stock from cash and carry, but now the supermarket with deliveries by 40 ft semi-trailers are just as cheap as any cash and carry. In fact shopping at a supermarket is very much like going to cash and carry in the 1980s.

Transition Town eco-fascists are probably working on the Corporate Arch Plan theory that all low income people will have been economically cleansed from smaller towns. Rich people can afford to shop locally, the poor don't count as they will be safely locked up in the larger town ghettos an struggle to survive. The alarm bells should start ringing when the TUC promote policy in the interest of the stock market parasite speculators. No mention of the damage done to industry by high and increasing fuel taxes or the cost of oil in general. Perhaps Barber is more interested in his forthcoming fat cat pension pot.It would appear that most of the most committed " warmist's " are really just a bunch of Corporate Nazi's looking for an excuse to inflict pain and suffering on those unfortunate enough to live on a low income in a temperate climate like the UK. They will not be satisfied until all low income people are securely locked up in the ghetto's heavy traffic calming ( pushed by the greens despite the fact they knew it doubles local traffic pollution ) is probably the groundwork for. Thus leaving the rest of our country to the mega rich ( apart from a few slaves ) who will continue to ride around in gas guzzlers and take weekend shopping trips to New York or going skiing.

#22 jim

You know full well that nuclear weapons make the prospect of a world war look bad even in the eyes of the stock market parasites in London and on Wall Street. Their trick is to fester a series of civil wars in all alleged progressive western democracies and eco-fascism is their chosen tool to achieve that. Of course in the UK the conflict is likely to be started on racism, the BNP will ensure that it remains the focus of the Islamophobes. Just the excuse the Corporate Nazi's need to lock down all low income people into ghetto's in order to freeze and starve people to death. After all the Greens and EU pushed the heavy traffic calming from the 1990s which is probably the groundwork for aforementioned ghettos. I can't really post the relevant links again so soon but if you look back through my posts you can find them.

#27 jim

Sadly you are mistaken, the eco-fascists are a key part of the overall global capitalist scam to quietly dispose of the surplus working populations of developed countries. The latest ConDem welfare reforms target the chronically sick first, more severely disabled people can be forced into private care homes and be profitably battery farmed for the time being. All the stock market parasites are interested in is asset stripping what remains of UK manufacturing industry to provide cheap machine tools for further expansion in the far east. It would appear that the UK people have been sold out by the media, perhaps particularly the BBC and presenters with a pedigree which indicate they should know better.

NN: 27/01/2011

I can't help speculating that the only obstacle impeding Osborne from announcing the end of the proposed April fuel duty rise are his Corporate Nazi celebrity stock market parasite puppet masters. After all the stock market parasites must be rubbing their hands together at the prospect of a wave of asset stripping of industry

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on a scale perhaps not seen since the end of the last RFTE in 2000. Furthermore it would appear that the ConDem coalition is stressed by the Limp-Dims hoping to force an eco-fascist agenda, whilst many back bench Tories with more rural constituencies remain climate scam skeptic.20

With the cabinet stuffed full of alleged ex-stock market parasites or firm links to the stock market and the fact that the government is apparently content to draw the 50% tax potential on city bonuses, perhaps not really much hope of policy in the interest of the real economy most people rely on for their livelihood. As it has amply been pointed out today, paying benefits as the result of any job losses as a result of increased transport costs will probably more than wipe out the extra fuel duty taken. Perhaps if we want our economy to grow sustainably in future all politicians need to wean themselves off from the current alleged trendy eco-fascist agenda. Likewise the projected enormous artificial rises in the cost of household and industrial energy to pay for wind farms to stand idle at the time we most need them.

In short Repeal the 2008 Climate Change Act Now !

Every Kuwaiti is getting a gift of 1000KWD this Feb as it is the 20th Anniversary of LiberationA32255 EU Climate Scam

The European Union has effectively forced the UK to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. This means the destruction of our energy intensive industry, with EU carbon trading ensuring that any closed energy intensive works can never economically reopen. All fairly recent talk of a Thai company buying the closed Redcar steel works has disappeared into the long grass and will probably never happen.

Given the fact that over 1000 top international scientists ( at grave risk to their future career prospects ) now dispute any significant global warming due to CO2 it would appear that anyone who still supports the current Climate Change Scam is either evil or completely ignorant. In a recent scientific development NASA is now saying that the global temperature will only go up 1.64C if CO2 is doubled to 780 ppm and with CO2 only increasing at 2 ppm a year its hardly an urgent problem.

The warmists temperature recording is fundamentally flawed anyway, honest scientists reckon up to 7C heat island effect to all the urban areas where they measure, a large part of the planet is not covered and made up anyway. The New Zealand equivalent of our Met Office has been forced to admit that its temperature data record attempting to portray global warming is false, the real raw data shows no warming since 1960. It is reasonable to suspect that similar manipulation of temperature data has been going on at an international level, perhaps Climategate proved that.

Perhaps the main problem facing the UK is the EU appeasing 2008 Climate Change Act at a potential extra cost of A318.3 billion or A3760 per household per year for the next 40 years, and which opens the door to a range of Carbon Taxes, including a tax on coal to make it at least just as expensive as bottled gas in rural areas. Perhaps the alarm bells should have started ringing when oil companies like Shell and BP were fully backing Gordon Brown to sign the Copenhagen Treaty on global emissions trading based on the Climate Scam, because carbon taxes or emissions trading significantly increase the size of the market and price they can charge for the gas they currently flare off to keep the price up.

NN: 02/02/2011

Mork #15

You have pretty much hit the nail on the head, but have you actually considered what the stock market parasites have been up to for at least the past 25 years. They have systematically sold off any of our true sovereignty to the highest corporate bidder, now approaching a point where we lack the basic infrastructure to sustain our economy. The energy sector has parallels with Railtrack pre 2000, and soon the lights will start to go out, that is not to say that government appeasing the eco-fascists has not played its part.

If Hitler had infiltrated the UK in the 1930s he would probably have been delighted by the actions of the Corporate Nazi stock market parasites, almost the perfect fifth columnists. Of course successive governments have been prepared to stand by and ignore the destruction of our real economy, twisting the knife with road fuel taxes. All on the basis that the inland revenue was taking a 40% cut on all the massive bonuses, now they have the chance of 50% so no incentive for anything to change.

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The past is gone and we have no future in the UK unless we start to reward people good a doing practical things the most, not parasitic money changers. Its all part of the current Corporate Nazi ideology to discriminate against real worthwhile work and apparently reward dishonesty in all things. Having wrecked our manufacturing base, now the stock market parasites expect the taxpayers to provide them with a virtual welfare state to maintain their lavish lifestyles whilst low income people go cold and hungry. The status quo can't really expect to go on much longer or the UK will eventually wake up from the corporate illusion and experience their own Egypt moment.

I can't help speculating that any alleged move towards " philanthropy " by the super rich could end up being focused into the trendy eco-fascist quasi-religion. Big players in global markets using their financial power to lever alleged democratically elected governments into introducing carbon taxes and other policy high on the eco-fascist agenda.20

Perhaps the super rich don't really care if low income people are incarcerated in ghetto's and frozen and starved to death to free up the country to make its safe and save the planet for them. After all its often the super rich who often push green investment scams like the alleged mega rich Sikh interviewed in the programme. Also those who allegedly started their their life on a council estate are often the ones who become the most committed Corporate Nazi's. ( promote socialism in the interest of multinational corporations ) How much longer will the ordinary people of the UK be forced to fund the current welfare state for the stock market parasites.

NN: 07/02/2011

I've just been watching Justine Greening attempting to spin the treasury out of abandoning the proposed fuel tax escalator rise in April. The SNP put forward a competent case for a total suspension in fuel duty rise plus the introduction of a " fuel duty stabiliser ". However, perhaps now is not the time to introduce such a measure given the evidence ( in my Max Keiser links on #60 Friday's blog ) that oil prices could fall back to between 50 and 60 dollars a barrel when the speculative froth blows off.

The SNP and others look likely to be easily bought off with a rural reduction as in place in other EU countries, Labour simply doesn't care, even though its been caught attempting to practice a policy of corporate ethnic cleansing on rural areas to appease the eco-fascists. Greening was spinning the reductions in " corporation tax " as beneficial to our economy despite the fact ( and this was amply pointed out ) that the small business we need to encourage our economy to grow don't pay it anyway. Earlier Conmoron was bleating about attracting large corporations to the UK to construct offshore wind farms, yet such jobs will only last as long as the associated investment scams.20

If we are to sustainably grow our economy for the future its no use relying on the multinationals, we need to grow our own indigenous small business. This can never happen in a high fuel tax economy, and all is lost if the lunatic Westminster politicians allow the introduction of further carbon taxes and the UK is permanently sunk economically. It is pretty clear that if Osborne does not a least permanently abandon Labour's latest RFTE the Corporate Nazi ( nee eco-fascist ) arch plan to asset strip the UK and turn it into some kind of eco-tourist historical theme park safe for the global super rich to inhabit is still on track ?

NN: 12/02/2011

Mork #68

Since you apparently subscribe to the eco-fascist ideology ( transition towns etc ) you can hardly comment objectively on Alex Jones or Glen Beck given how much effort they have both put into exposing the Climate Scam for the investment vehicle it has become. The problem remains that both Jones and Beck's ideology is flawed, the only reason the Corporate Nazi thought police allow them to continue. Take Alex Jones support for Ron Paul for example, Paul is a dangerous full blown libertarian who could plunge the USA into a virtual civil war if ever elected as president. Beck has taken the focus off the stock market parasites more recently, concentrating on individuals like Sorros and both hold the pretence that we need to go back to 1776 to solve our collective problems. Things have moved on since then and the major threat to our freedoms is corporate enslavement which could never have been anticipated even only 100 years ago. The same principle applies to the European Human rights act, any new alleged British bill of rights needs to reflect modern circumstances.

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NN: 17/02/2011

I believe that motor insurance premiums have sky rocketed in 2010, probably mostly on the proposed means testing of alleged Universal Credit which turns out not to be universal at all. All those past accident victims who received compensation and managed it prudently are to loose all their benefit if they have investments over 16k, and will lose benefit down to only 6K. Not much point attempting to save the deposit for a house if when you lose your job even temporarily you have to eat into them to survive. The proposed welfare reforms are a charter for the feckless !

Having given the matter further thought perhaps it would appear that today's announced welfare reforms are an attempt at social engineering to split the UK population by financial apartheid, leaving the vast majority permanently skint with a few mega wealthy people on top. It would appear to all be part of an eco-fascist inspired Corporate Nazi plan to force all low income people into areas of towns destined to become Warsaw style ghetto's. Its pretty clear that said welfare reforms could force people made redundant with payments above the means test level to sell their house just in order to live. Of course the obvious result is that they will be forced into low cost often sub standard housing in areas with heavy traffic calming where all the sensible aspiring people have already moved out.

NN: 18/02/2011

barrie #26

All the circumstantial evidence suggests that instead of opting for the FEMA concentration camp option like in the US, the UK has been long planning to go down the Warsaw style ghetto line. Perhaps particularly heavy traffic calming is the groundwork for aforementioned ghetto's, which despite the fact that all alleged environmentalists knew it doubled local traffic pollution, groups like FoE and the Green Party pushed hard for traffic calming. Similarly the the police, who's true reason for pushing traffic calming was probably that it made it easier for them to take back streets taken over by any potential rioters.

Humps in the road are ideal for stopping any vehicle gaining enough speed to break riot police lines, or to smash through and potential future gates. I have noticed that areas likely to be the site of gates like the junction into a major road have mega humps just to make doubly sure. Increased crime rates since the introduction of traffic calming have been used as the pretext to close off back alleys and fit them with high fences and gates. Short cut footpaths are also being closed on the same principle, and as crime rate increases due to the spending cuts perhaps the idea of fully gated communities will floated in order to " protect " the people inside. Of course the opposite is probably true, and with the welfare reforms more unemployed people will be socially engineered into living in certain heavily traffic calmed areas.

It's all a pretty neat little plan really, just what the eco-fascists ordered in order to achieve their aim of reducing the UK population to at most half its current level. No need for concentration camps, just freeze and starve people to death in their ( expensively rented from the corporates ) homes. Disposing of all the dead bodies was practised during the 2001 FMD epidemic, all the big rendering plants ready to roll at a moments notice. Then there is the possibility of contaminating the water in specific areas for mass killing, this has probably been tested in theory as a friend of mine lost all her tropical fish in less than a hour when she changed the water once, never had any problem with it before.

The thing is that you can't trust anyone in authority any more, perhaps especially overpaid executives like council officers or even anyone in a suit. One factor that bucks the trend is the government are not going forward with the " forced work for your dole " idea being floated by the Corporate Nazi's. It has to be remembered that the whole object of Nazi WW2 ghetto's and concentration camps were to provide slave labour, the extermination factor was secondary in the first instance just confined to disabled and others not considered fit for productive work. However, the proposed welfare reforms wont work on reducing the number of people unemployed so work for your dole will probably be back on the agenda in future. The proposed welfare reforms do appease the eco-fascist ideology to get rid of the " defectives " and I suspect that many of the moderately disabled and chronically sick will be frozen and starved to death. However, the severely disabled should be OK as it will be highly profitable for the corporates to battery farm them in private care homes.

NN: 21/02/2011

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You can't trust the Unions on the future of our country since they would appear to be in on the " Green Growth " scam which is obviously being used as an excuse to asset strip what remains of our manufacturing industry. Its got so bad now in some big companies that people who would once enthusiastically talk about their job don't want to know anything about it now. Just hoping to get their redundancy payments and be done with it, hardly the frame of mind you need in the workforce if our economy is to prosper. Similarly, all the Union Barron's care about is getting their fat cat pension, not the true interest of their members. I am informed that there is at least an open debate about alleged green growth and the climate scam in Unite, so perhaps some real prospect of true change in the future.

Further from #42 above.

It would appear that you entirely missed the point on the Corporation Tax debate in that if multinationals only have to pay full tax on their UK operations they will be encouraged to shift production overseas. A license for manufacturers to steal all the UK's machine tools and relocate to third world economies with low corporation tax whilst retaining the theoretical brand advantage of their head office registered in the UK. Great for the stock market parasites in London but bad news for those employed in our real productive industry throughout our country.

NN: 07/03/2011

The Corporate Ethnic Cleansing of Okehampton

It would appear that the town of Okehampton is the victim of a Corporate Ethnic Cleansing Plan facilitated by the imposition of high road fuel taxes. Its pretty clear that the economy of Okehampton is the victim of eco-fascist tax / stock market parasite speculator oil prices, The banks must have known that Wiseman were planning to close their dairy and perhaps just to twist the knife pulled the finance plug on the frozen food plant and the chocolate factory.20

One can hardly blame Wiseman for relocating to Bridgewater as it is probably cheaper to get to the obvious local main market Exeter via the M5 than by A road from Okehampton. Competitive logistics theory is all about reducing costs per mile and utilising drivers hours to the full potential. It would appear that the Okehampton area local small dairy farmers are going to get screwed for collection costs. Similarly I suspect that there was some interaction between the frozen food plant and the dairy as far as chilled transport was concerned. Being primarily a desserts factory, Polestar probably consumed a significant amount of milk perhaps sourced via Wiseman.

It is probable that all the closed industrial sites will be worth more dead than alive to build 500K plus executive housing on. The Banks are also likely to make a killing on all the probable foreclosures on the workers homes, perhaps selling them as second homes to wealthy stock market parasites with fat bonuses. Potential future prices will be inflated on the prospect of the installation of high speed broadband, allowing the stock market parasites to move in full time.

All in all a nice little eco-fascist inspired corporate ethnic cleansing plan, Okehampton was probably one of their key targets. I believe that there is talk of re-opening the passenger rail route to Exeter, and if my memory serves me correctly the Okehampton area was an early victim of the Foot and Mouth in 2001. Nothing I have seen will convince me that all the areas affected by the 2001 FMD were not part of a deliberate eco-fascist plan to destroy the rural economy in targeted areas.

NN: 10/03/2011

I think I have said this before in the past but it would appear that private ( company / local authority ) pensions were only ever paid as a bribe to stop people voting anything like communism. Whilst such schemes may have been viable in the 1960s and 1970s, since the fall of the Berlin wall they have become redundant. Similarly most industry has been asset stripped to a point where there are two few contributing to the ponzi, similarly with the public sector job cuts in things like the fire service. Now a large number of public sector jobs are going to be cut in some cases by up to 20%, all less money funding the overall compartmentalized ponzi.

It would appear that there is a good chance that second pension provision is becoming a private tax paid to the stock market parasites to fund mega bonuses. It would appear that the odds are against anyone receiving a decent second pension, people would probably have been better putting it under the mattress. At least that's what an old mate of mine who has recently retired at 65 said in the pub about his private pension.

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At least he will now get the full proposed 140 quid state pension, current means testing means he can't claim pension credit. The thing is that if the government agree that you need at least 140 quid to survive on if you are " old " ( premature through disability or otherwise ), why are they proposing to cut and means test the new Universal Credit. It would appear that they are still continuing with welfare state for the stock market parasites NEST next year. My relative says he may have to significantly reduce the ( excellent by today's standard ) rates of pay for the 30 tradesmen he employs, margins on his business are pretty thin at present, and if its 12% employer contribution it could break the back of his business. Hopefully many working people will be well informed enough to lawfully "opt out " by then ?

NN: 11/03/2011

#4 barrie

The main problem concerning the " Ascent of Man " is that science has slipped back into the virtual 18th century ( of medicine ) and become a quasi-religion. Unless you are fitted with an efficient set of blinkers ( usually some form of life time debt ) you are not allowed to practice. Thinking outside the box about subjects like the electric universe are frowned upon as heresy, which means that the only avenue likely to precipitate true scientific advances and understanding has become a cul-de-sac !

I suspect that Chris Huhne will attempt to portray that the Limp-Dumps are quite satisfied with the Coalition seeing that the Tories have let Huhne proceed with all their eco-fascist leaning policy initiatives, especially on energy. I suspect that when the truth eventually comes out about the Climate Scam ( or at least the truth about the true Corporate Nazi ideological intention of said policies ) comes out the Limp-Dumps could be toast and rightly wiped from the face of the earth at the next general election.

Perhaps typical of an eco-fascist leaning BBC to attempt to plant a seed in the people's imagination that the UK should avoid building any new nuclear power stations because of the theoretical risk of earthquakes. Shadows of the safety fascists banning playing conkers at school unless you wear safety glasses despite the fact that the affected Japanese reactors are of ancient perhaps US design perhaps not dissimilar to Three Mile Island. At least the prompt woke Huhne from is ideological bubble and he gave a well thought through reasonable answer, but I suspect many will try to play the safety card to delay construction and plunge the UK into regular power cuts.

NN 14/03/2011 Japan

I can't help speculating that the UK media are seriously underestimating the full scale of the economic consequences of the Japan earthquake. Whilst not underestimating the potential radiation leaks it would appear that two other sites are implicated as well as the five reactors at the Fukushima, just how many actual reactors are affected in total. Its not as if said reactors can be brought back on line, they are probably out of action permanently, leaving a real problem supplying the grid for the foreseeable Future.

Its possible that we could be talking in the region of 20% of Japan's generating capacity and one has to pose the question as to what impact that is going to have on Japanese manufacturing industry. That's not counting the possibility that many tools for vital components got lost in the tsunami areas, even if you theoretically could find enough power to actually run the machines. With modern just in time logistics theory major plants could run out of essential components in just a few days. It's reported that several big name companies have already had to stop production at key plants. Global stock markets should have imploded on Monday morning, perhaps especially the FTSE with its predominance of metal mining stocks the companies of which will have lost major orders in the coming months at least. I suspect that the stock market parasites will come up with some theoretical excuse to buy all their options, the thing is that if they don't buy they lose their deposit. However, they probably have a credit default swap on that anyway but the simple fact is that dividends are likely to fall. That could impact the pension funds really bad, they may not have enough lose cash to cover their annuity commitments without selling into a falling market. Six percent off the Nikkei despite the Japanese government providing a 15 trillion Yen welfare state for their Banks, FTSE actually in positive territory at some stage and have the London stock market parasites now lost all touch with financial reality. It may even be the case that contagion from Japan could hit production at Nissan Sunderland, Toyota at Derby and Honda at Swindon.

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It remains to be seen as to whether the global economy can take the obvious long term hit, it would appear that Japan's only option is to embark on a programme building new coal fired power stations. Of course they could try to go for gas, but either way its bound to drive a stake through the heart of the Kyoto Protocol. The British public need to pay close attention as to what what goes on in the Japanese economy over the next few months. It should provide a template for what will happen to the UK economy if politicians persist in implementing the 2008 Climate Change Act. We need to stop all future UK wind farm projects now !

#4 Mork

So it would appear that you support all the other eco-fascist policies like locking all the poor people made redundant when our industry closes into Warsaw style ghetto's. Once upon a time I was all for supporting the Green party but having tried to interact with their establishment it would appear that they have no common sense whatsoever. A vote for the alleged socialist Green Party is a vote for eco-fascism, off the Richter scale on both left and right of the political spectrum, its a quasi-religion !

#16 Mork

Only someone " engineering illiterate " would support the widespread construction of wind farms. I blame our education system since Thatcher, concentrating on pointless feudalism ideology like Shakespeare !It would appear that this current earthquake is different from those in the past in that Japan has never had such a proportion of its electricity generating capacity almost certainly taken out of action permanently. And whilst the London stock market parasites are frothing at the mouth buying Agrreko shares today ( up almost 10% because they hire out power generators ) and Vendanta ( who allegedly build power stations ) the fact remains that Japan's economy will be seriously disabled for the foreseeable future. Without the full support of the Japanese export market the overall global economy ponzi scheme is on extremely shaky territory.

Mork #27

As you must know full well if you have followed my blog posts over the past years nobody is a bigger supporter of sustainable power projects like the Severn Barrage, in fact I would go for Morecambe bay too. The thing is that unless such projects are state sponsored they have no chance of ever getting off the ground, and ideally they would be owned by the people. However, it looks like we are stuck with the Corporate Multinational Cartel at present, if our politicians had the balls they could take all our energy infrastructure back into public hands. Brown had the opportunity of a lifetime when the banks were going bust but stuffed it to appease the US, the Corporate Nazi's would probably have had him assassinated if he had followed through on his alleged socialist political DNA. We are where we are now and the best hope at present is to give real teeth to the regulators.

yeah two more sites got problems keeping the fuel cool enough to stop it melting bet we are talking 25% of power generation capacity out of use permanentlywhat's that going to do to industry and thats not counting components and the tools to make them lost in the tsunami areas big names all having to shut down production

stock market should implode tomorrow morning unless they can come up with some wild excuse to buy their options thing is like that if you don't buy you lose your deposit prolly got a credit default swap on that though

the only thing is that they will have to build a load of new coal stations and thrust a stake through the heart of the Kyoto protocol

NN: 15/03/2011

Middle Class

It would appear that the main problem facing politicians aiming for the votes of the ( alarm clock ) Middle Class is that its become so diluted that it doesn't really exist any more. Perhaps since the 1970s the middle class has been progressively infiltrated by aspiring actually working class now Ten Bob Fat Cats. They comprise of the type of people who always have mayonnaise as opposed to salad cream, moan about paying the 12 quid and change pm BBC TV license yet will fork out 50 quid pm for a Sky contract to watch what soon becomes repeated repeats and

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a bit of sport. Its all about " keeping up with the Joneses " they will always be the first to get all the latest electronic gadget technology, immediately on release when if they waited a couple of years they could get it for a quarter of the price. Perhaps back in the 1970s if you were thoughtful it was actually possible to climb into the middle class, pay off your mortgage ASAP and start building significant cash savings. That all ended with the fall of the Berlin wall and ever since the ten bob fat cat population has grown on a sea of debt. You would never see a traditional middle class person borrowing either ( directly or indirectly ) against the value of their house to buy a flash car, or to fund exotic holidays. The big thing was to save up for extras, ten bob fat cats buy everything on the never, the bankers dream customers if they fall into overdraft to meet their monthly financial commitments. Even though ten bob fat cat families may have an annual income of 40k, many of them are in actual fact virtual slaves. They dare not go on strike for any period of time or they face financial ruin, and in any case many are so addicted to consumerism the thought of not being able to afford the latest gadget is unthinkable to them.

#8 Richard Bunning made the valuable observation that " Middle England " had lent its support to New Labour and theoretically the working classes, but it would appear that Labour no longer supports low income people. The point about uniting the working and middle class against the elites has been warped by the right wing press and focused against the least fortunate in society like those who claim state benefits. Of course the OAP is the exception, because more old people vote ( and buy newspapers ) politicians pander to that group, many of which rely on the health of the stock market for the extra income which allows them to pretend to be middle class whatever their origins.

The affluence of the stock market is based on having a plentiful supply of often foolish consumers and the fact that the politicians do everything they can to ensure a continual supply of new ten bob fat cats through the education system. The thing is that quite a few people are now beginning to see through the corporate illusion and the fact that the mainstream politicians have failed them. Whilst it has directed many of the former working class into Islamophobia and in the direction of the BNP most people reject racism. I suspect that Islamophobia is being pushed by the right wing press to take the political heat of the Bankers.

The thing is that it is no longer necessary to go on strike in the traditional way to achieve change, the stock market is more vulnerable to interruption of its cash flow. Perhaps the most productive way for the masses to put real pressure on the government would be to stop buying anything except the bare essential for living for two months.20

First on the list and perhaps the easiest is cancelling your Sky contract, then your mobile phone contract and other subscription services even including payments to charities. Once you have stripped your account of all direct debits except for a land line and internet service provider and your essential motoring expenses you may even be able to make some headway on any overdraft you may have then just buy the cheapest basic food, ( nothing flown in ) stop using the car for all but essential trips. People will soon find that it doesn't actually do them any real harm to liberate themselves from their ten bob fat cat addiction. The actual " Middle Class " can do their extra bit by stopping all their private pension contributions and private health insurance, together the ordinary people of the UK can defeat the banking elites !

Neat link #ecolizzy but perhaps the biggest current assault on the " true Middle Class " is the proposal to means test the new Universal Credit, about which neither Millipede or Clegg have done or said anything. People currently with decent family cash savings ( as cascaded down the generations ) will now be ineligible for any form of disability benefit. That is whether they pass the concentration camp medical assessment as to whether they are actually fit for work in the first place.

People in their 50s who will have paid national insurance all their life only to find that its just another stealth tax. Likewise all those with decent accident insurance claims and managed the capital prudently will find their benefit stopped. It leaves the door wide open for employment agencies to play " skint the family ", only giving jobs to those who can be farmed as bank slaves.

There really is no point saving money in the UK now unless you have at least a million, which would appear to be the cut off point between the new financial apartheid based Corporate Nazi society. Car insurance premiums have already rocketed with the disability changes and for all their bleating about scroungers the ten bob fat cats have saddled themselves with an extra private tax in addition to the stealth national insurance rise for everyone.

NN: 17/03/2011

I can't see what is so difficult about scanning my memory for past events ( #14 ) but it would appear that the

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reason why there is so much spent fuel lying around at the Fukushima reactor site is once again down to appeasing the eco-fascists. Once upon a time Japan used to send all it's spent fuel to the UK and the Windscale now Sellafield site for reprocessing. I have seen it on the TV, the Japanese nuclear waste containers were cylindrical unlike our square ones. I believe this international trade link ( we sent the reprocessed fuel back to Japan ) was probably terminated to appease the eco-fascists worried about the transport from the docks in the UK and I'm not sure whether the eco-fascists even planned to sabotage it.20

Once again it would appear that appeasing the eco-fascists has once again compounded a disaster they warned about , but then half of China is contaminated with highly toxic waste from the fancy magnets to build wind farms. The same principle applies to the toxic waste dumped in Africa, eco-fascists stop safe clean incineration plant here in the UK so the companies involved really have no option but to pay a criminal third party to dump it on Africa.

NN: 21/03/2011

It may be no more than pure coincidence or even an " options bounce " but it would appear that BAE Systems share price has risen 3.68% ( second biggest riser on the FTSE today ) since the announcement of the No-Fly zone over Libya.

Given that the Tory party allegedly gets most of its funding from the likes of hedge funds, I can't help speculating as to whether the main aim of the No-Fly ( since its too late ) zone was to increase the theoretical value of the stock market. Since politicians need only disclose share holdings if they own more than 5% of total company assets perhaps cabinet members could be sitting on a fat profit as a result of instituting the No-Fly zone ?

It would appear that the Yanks have bombed Libya with cruise missiles but perhaps the No-Fly zone is just an excuse for the Corporate Nazi's to wreck the infrastructure. The whole object of the exercise being to force whoever eventually takes over Libya to borrow from the Banks to fix it all. Then the people of Libya ( who its supposed to be in the interest of ) will get nothing from future oil revenue because it will all go on interest and paying back the loans ?

You must have realised now that everything the government messes with is designed to provide a welfare state for the Banks and their stock market parasites, not do things in the true interest of the British people. It would appear that the stock market parasites ( particularly Wall St ) love the No-Fly zone over Libya as interpreted so far, seem to have forgot all about Japan. Perhaps someone should ask the question that seeing that Osborne claims we are skint how can we afford to burn cruise missiles at 300k+ a throw, plus all the extra fuel etc involved. Perhaps all part of the plan to reward the oil and food speculators and their Banks ?

NN: 23/03/2011

All in all a pretty positive budget speech by George Osborne but then he had to go and spoil it all by proposing a carbon floor price. The BBC hacks had worked out that what is proposed represents a 1.5 billion tax on home and business energy bills. Its the last thing you need when thinking about starting a manufacturing business, even if the RFTE has been effectively scrapped for the life of the parliament.

Pretty neat alternative thinking to tax the oil companies to make up the shortfall in projected fuel duty revenue plus the token 1p reduction. However, it would appear that the overall Corporate Nazi arch plan to close and asset strip the UK is still on, and green policy remains the key stone.

Perhaps it took a couple of hours to actually sink in, but it would appear that the stock market parasites love Osborne's plan for a carbon floor price. Copper miners up on the prospect of investment in more wind farms, and it seems also oil service companies perhaps not unlike those described at threatened by the new tax on crude oil. Plenty of opportunities for investment scams when the new Green Bank opens, and even more cash than was originally anticipated ?

NN: 25/03/2011

I can't help speculating as to whether the BBC will probably attempt to portray that tomorrows TUC March is all about a call for alleged green growth. Its probably true to say that nothing could be further from the truth, in fact road fuel tax protesters are attending, many anti cuts protesters are climate skeptics. I suspect that the BBC will limit its coverage to the eco-fascist section, totally ignoring everybody else.

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It may even the case that some people actually welcome the cuts to some areas, for example a sigh of relief sounded from east Lancs when the Darwen to Accrington bus lane scheme was scrapped due to lack of funds. The thing is that they are still spending on green nonsense and I suppose that it could take at least two years before Huhnes Carbon Floor Price starts to seriously put people out of work. Then if the public have seen any common sense at all by that point they will be back marching for the repeal of the 2008 Climate Change Act.20

I noticed a couple of MP's from steel constituencies expressing grave concerns about the new Carbon Floor Price and its impact on their industry. However, it would appear that there is but one lonely Peter Lilley opposing the whole ideology of the 2008 Climate Change Act. It would appear that a large number of MP's have sold out to the green quasi-religion, even jeering Lilley for daring to speak out against their Climate Scam. The fact that MP's elected Tim ( nice but dim ) Yeo as chair of the climate change committee ( with a list of financial conflicts of interest as long as your arm ) must imply that Westminster is still totally corrupt, if not even more so than it was in the expenses scandal ?

RVBC Elections, Local Paper

So the time has come for council elections in the Ribble Valley and perhaps fortunately for local people any cuts to services would appear to be minimal. Perhaps that is due to the fact the the ruling political group have not got suckered into any grandiose schemes as suggested by lobbyists. However, there were moments like for example the windmill on the swimming baths proposal. The sad thing was that they had to pay private consultants to prove the idea was a non starter, when anybody with a true grasp of practical engineering could have advised them free, and why do we pay council officers so much.

It looks as though all front line services will be maintained at the current level when other councils are having to cut said services. However, in the current circumstances it is perhaps indefensible to keep funding prestige projects like The Platform Gallery when allegedly four potential apprenticeships for local young people have been abandoned. In fact RVBC could probably kill two birds with one stone if they used the station building as a new expanded tourist information centre.20

It would save the enormous cost of building the proposed new centre at the castle gate, plus the rent on the current information centre. Also the station has good public transport links and ample close by parking for those visiting our area by car. The station building is probably large enough to provide a reasonable area for local artists to display their paintings / sculpture for sale , whilst improving the local tourist information aspect also.

NN: 01/04/2011

Bit of a one sided debate on the future of nuclear power with Mr. I've got all my money riding on the Climate Scam Jeremy Legget and Monbiot versus BBC eco-fascist editorial policy shackled Steph. Of course Legget is going to say we can replace nuclear with renewables its his job to push solar and wind farms.

Monbiot was totally over the top with the Chinese mining casualties, I can't remember that many fatalities in modern British deep mines. In any case there is hardly any risk with open cast mining, I can't recall any British coal miners being killed in our few deep mines remaining more recently anyway.

Its quite clear that Fukushima means that politicians need to find themselves a good excuse to climb off the Climate Scam. As I observed recently the Fukushima incident thrusts a stake through the heart of the Kyoto protocol, however much Monbiot and other high priests of the green quasi-religion protest.Child of Gore #44

AGW is a complete scam, but that is not to say that we don't need to reduce our impact on the environment. Of course if the Green Party and other eco-fascist organisations were genuine they would suggest that we ban consumer credit on all products not capable of ( with intermediate maintenance ) lasting at least 30 years. We have the technology to do it and it would not increase the first cost that much.

Unfortunately the greens do not have a good track record on policy to reduce our impact on our environment. In fact they pushed heavy traffic calming even though they knew full well as long ago as 1995 that it doubled local traffic pollution.

Perhaps the main reason they pushed it was that the top players knew all along that it was the groundwork

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for the ghetto's to lock down and freeze and starve all the former manual workers who lost their jobs due to excessive road fuel taxes and now the 2008 Climate Change Act.

It may be reasonable to believe that all the people who still push man made global warming due to CO2 are a pretty nasty set of people in general. Sooner or later the truth is bound to come out and if I had been pushing the climate scam I would be pretty scared of the future repercussions.

Mork #48

You would appear to have had your brains washed by the Corporate Nazi's and I know one intelligent guy why cycles and is a Pedestrian in a 20 Mph home zone and he absolutely hates it. Once again you attempt to twist words buy attempting to portray that I would put the unban speed limit up to 55 Mph. The alleged road safety benefits of traffic Calming are less than clear, heavily traffic calmed Burnley reported a 44% reduction in child deaths over the past seven years, yet Ribble Valley with minimal traffic calming also reported a fall of 42% despite being far away from any A and E department. The reduction in road deaths is a good thing, but may be mostly due to better paramedic ambulance services and now the air ambulance service. Better medical provision was introduced alongside traffic calming, it may be wrong to give traffic calming all the credit when its contribution may be minimal. I believe that casualties have been cut by 15% in the Borough of Barnet since they ripped out existing traffic calming, casualties for cyclists dropped by twice the London average.

It would appear that the safety-fascists have been riding on improvements in paramedic ambulance service and more recently the widespread introduction of Air Ambulances. Its dead easy for the corporate Nazi's to deny the improvements in emergency care and keep the credit for falling road deaths for themselves, just like at present they are totally dismissing the impact of free bus passes for the elderly and taking many " blind " drivers off the road. It is said that 1 in 6 current drivers would fail the current dead easy driving eye test, but yet no proposals for annual simple NHS free eye tests from the road safety lobbyists.

As for the alleged green jobs aspect it is fair to say that wind farms do employ lots of people in their construction, however, the Thanet Array wind farm has only created 21 permanent jobs, perhaps the most expensive jobs in history at that. We would be far better employing people to adapt to possible future climate change by launching projects like a national grid for water. Just two pipes needed one from Kielder to London and another from the lake district intersecting in Yorkshire, it could be all run on gravity no pumps needed. Similarly building up sea defences, all jobs that can be done by anybody with minimal training and don't involve any imports like wind farms and solar. All the concrete and steel used in wind farms would be far better invested in both a Severn and Morecambe bay barrage, but once again the eco-fascists are objecting to that.

NN: 04/04/2011

#21 Sasha

If you had taken the time to read Friday's blog it would be clear to you that I am all for reducing our environment ( stop consumer credit on anything incapable of lasting at least 30 years ) and the only reason I am so apparently passionate about my position is that CO2 theory is being used as an excuse to introduce Nazi policy. I'm actually just watching the rise of Hitler again on Yesterday and its clear that he would never have got off the ground politically without the support of the Wandervogel ( the greens )

Once upon a time ( 1995 ) I was almost on the point of joining the Green Party, and as a competent practical engineer contacted all the alleged green groups on the fact that their traffic calming doubled pollution and it was therefore not a true environmentally friendly policy. I also suggested easy ways to change the tax on goods vehicles to encourage long distance rail ( charge road tax by mileage on a hub odometer ) and other practical cost effective suggestions to reduce transport emissions. No reply from any of my correspondence so I actually rung Friends of the Earth head office and allegedly talked to the then top man, only to be slagged off with loads of abuse for daring to question what has now become their quasi-religion.

I must admit that I don't trust anybody in a suit these days, and I later found that an excellent 1976 OU prog on aerodynamics ( which confirmed my practical experience ) I saw in the 1980s had its micro-film transcript botched to make unreadable. Perhaps that's because it contradicted all the aerodynamics propaganda being put out in the 1990 and continued to this day. It looks like these people who claim to be scientists are into the equivalent of burning books just like the Nazi's and therefore I do not trust any alleged science or scientists

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these days.

Just a few observations on the theoretical value of facebook, which can become addictive for some people although I very much doubt that any of the current users I know would actually pay for it. I've lost track of exactly how long I have been using it but it is true to say that it was far better in its original 2008 format.20

Things were once simple, you had a home page and a news feed function, you could start a group if you had any particular axe to grind on any topic. The chat function was also useful for swapping information with friends. The chat function is the only thing that's good about facebook these days, so much so that it stuffed MSN live messenger which was actually better for chat, the latest MSN chat is just an imitation of the facebook format.

The main hurdle now is that its no longer easy to set up a workable group, and they have changed the page format to discourage people having a discussion function. Then there are the new " like " pages which usually only post group views on the main page, others hidden in the background. There was once a way around the attempted censor but now its impossible to post live links in comments. In fact facebook is becoming evermore useless as a medium to spread ideas compared to what it was originally. Even though I have loads more friends now many appear less online now than they did originally.

In fact the novelty is wearing off for many people, they only adverts they try to target at me are dating sites, for which I have no real interest. You can actually remove the adds and they ask you why in a multi choice question. I don't do applications any more either and have them blocked from others posting on my page. Having said that I have met some interesting people and it saves me from doing Google searches for many of the links I post on the NN blog.

NN: 27/04/2011

Like most of the people who allege to be on the left of British politics it would appear that you have totally lost the plot as its not a left / right question any more. Obama is just another Corporate Nazi puppet and perhaps they have furnished him with a birth certificate in order to get him back in to carry on their Corporate Nazi globalist plan. It would appear that the Republicans don't have any decent candidates in the pipeline to oppose him, ( except for perhaps Ron Paul who is too old ) they all do just what Wall Street tells them to do anyway ?

Sasha #23

I would say that Obama has been worse than useless, at least the American public at large put an end to his eco-fascist ambitions although he is trying the dictator stunt introducing stuff via the EPA and the back door. Then there was health care, and all that he could manage was a welfare state for the private insurance companies which doesn't benefit any of the US population in general and in fact costs most people more whether they can afford it or not. He has wasted trillions providing a welfare state for the Banks and their stock market parasites to a point where even the US could end up requesting an IMF rescue package.

NN: 28/04/2011

I can't help speculating that the real reason both Blair and Brown were not invited to said wedding is that the full truth behind the Climate Change Scam is bound to come out fairly shortly. Of course of all the politicians both Blair and especially Brown and his link to Copenhagen have got extremely dirty underpants on alleged green policy. Of course eco-fascist leaning Prince Charles will have to abdicate thus leaving the field wide open for a new clean start with William as the next King ?


The Geeens are a Trojan horse for what has become Corporate Nazism, that's how Hitler got in in Germany starting with support from the wandevogel.

The greens are an exact mirror image of the German Nazis, the only thing different is that the real greens have got it in for all low income people. Their plan is to freeze and starve low income people to death ( whilst maintaining the highest profit margin possible for the private companies involved ) in Warsaw style ghetto's, the groundwork for such being the heavy traffic calming introduced in low income areas over the ast 20 years or so particularly in Muslim neighbourhoods.

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More outings by the likes of Chowdray and the political will could be there to do it ?

NN: 09/05/2011

#9 Sasha


I suppose you must take great pride in defending the people festering government policies to appease this guy, and there are plenty more alleged socialist greens out there backing him as well I suspect. They have already started on the " getting rid of defectives " ( freeze and starve the chronically sick to death ) bit with the recent welfare reforms, but its OK to have totally disabled people in private homes where they can be battery farmed and not given enough money to be able to smoke so they technically live longer and the corporations can make more profit for longer.

Its high time the gloves came off when dealing with these disgusting people feeding off the poor, but I suppose that you would prefer to be nice to the crocodile and hope that it will eat you last ?

#25 Sasha

The thing is about these Corporate Nazi's ( eco-fascists, health-fascists and safety fascists ) is that they just simply don't care about the impact of the measures they suggest on low income people. Perhaps the greatest link is ex stock market parasite Lord David Freud, who would appear to be the main architect of said welfare reforms, perhaps nothing to do with well researched IDS. The thing is that if you suffer from a long term illness there is little chance of you gaining secure employment in the private sector based on your medical records if you are truthful about it. I just hope that you never have to survive on 65 quid a week when not being able to keep warm means a life in agony, it's bad enough as it was with incapacity benefit.20Similarly privatising the Motorways, people are already paying the equivalent of 10% stealth income tax on minimum wage on an average commute by car. Add in extra tolls and the cost of the electronic gadgets they will fore you to purchase and its not really worth working any more, but perhaps some would love to put our relative basic human rights back into the 18th century. Its all false economic growth for the benefit of private corporations, I suspect that any plan to privatise the motorways is anti-competitive, as it will give the large players like Stobart the chance to get cheap mass access deals. All the competition in road haulage will be forced out, they big players will be able to charge anything they like and smaller manufacturing companies will go to the wall whilst inflation will rocket hitting the poorest hardest especially on food costs.

Of course that doesn't matter if you are a committed socialist and view the world through rose tinted glasses, if you had followed my NN blogging since 2007 you would have seen my Corporate Nazi thesis evolve. I was sparring with Jaded-Jean then and made it quite clear that Corporate Nazism is all about socialism for the benefit of multinational corporations, naked capitalism for ordinary people. Its not the same as Stalin or the German Nazi's, but what their basic ideology behind them has evolved into in the 21st century.

Mork #39

" We are, obviously, heading back that way now."

now which way would that be, there are green shoots of the supertanker turning away from KKKorporate ideology, for one ID cards were scrapped, and now likewise the end of fines for putting the wrong thing in your bin. Its not all gloom and if you get into the confidence of quite senior grass roots Tories they are not best pleased with the Climate Scam etc. The thing is that none of them can get it around their head that we may have to default on the national debt, which is ultimately our only way out of the black hole global finance has become.

NN: 12/05/2011

Of course the eco-fascists ( perhaps particularly Millband ) in the Labour party want the Con-dems to proceed with deep carbon emission cuts as it will increase the number of people out of a job by the next general election and theoretically increase Labour's chances of being returned with an overall majority. The only problem is that the 2008 Climate Change Act could by then become the dead albatross hung around Milliband's neck, voters voters everywhere but not many for him ?

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After intermittently watching the coverage of the Energy Bill going through the HoC I can't help speculating that it is little more than the blueprint for a complex investment scam for the benefit of the Banks and big business. If anything the provisions are vague but its clear that it will be of no benefit whatsoever to small business. Unless you are replacing a 25 year old plus boiler it is highly unlikely that anyone is going to recoup their alleged energy cost saving during the period of the proposed loans. It would appear that unless the interest rate is capped at less than 3% any overall financial advantages to the energy consumer are less than clear.

On the bright side the member for Bracknell did point out the glaring omission of any reference to the Severn Barrage, perhaps the only truly viable alternative energy project on the table. The whole bill is a rushed dogs dinner and Tim ( nice but dim ) was bleating how the government should not take any notice of Vince Cable for once talking common sense for the first time in ages. It should appease the eco-fascists sufficiently even if the government do not foolishly follow the 2008 Climate Change Act to the letter. A simple subsidised boiler scrap programme open to any tradesmen would have been far better, it remains to be seen just how many people are prepared to take out the proposed loans.

NN: 17/05/2011

The above link was posted on the BBC web page yesterday and BBC North West Tonight duly dispatched one of their key reporters to stand in the rain outside the former ICI chlorine plant at Runcorn. It was well reported on the lunchtime NW news but having waited in anticipation all day it failed to appear on the peak time evening bulletin. After correspondence via facebook asking what was going on and was it some BBC eco-fascist plot to keep the general public in the dark about what's actually going on with the Climate Scam, I got the following reply.

" No conspiracy. Ineos Chlor declined to allow us on to the site and wouldn't put anyone up to be interviewed. Without the main player in the story it wouldn’t have sustained a full item. We did carry the story as a short news item. "

Perhaps hardly surprising when today it has emerged that the corporates have " done a deal " ( in fart filled air conditioned rooms now that smoking is no longer allowed ) so that they can get an opt out. This probably means that everyone else ( small business and householders ) will have to pay twice as much over the top for their energy.

The coalition perhaps having realised their mistake ( not economic ) have said that they will fully review the policy in 2014, a full year before the election they are bound to lose if they persist with the provisions of the 2008 Climate Change Act. However, by then the damage to our key manufacturing infrastructure will probably be irreversible, no need to worry about defence, we will have nothing worthwhile to defend any more, perhaps five million at least unemployed by then ?

Me #6

I can't help speculating that the alleged opt out the collective corporates have got themselves against energy price increases due entirely to the 2008 Climate Change Act is unlawful under EU competition legislation. Its clear that it gives those large companies ( FTSE 350 listed ? ) an unfair advantage over smaller companies. Obama has introduced a similar sounding US scheme to opt out " Fortune 500 " companies from mandatory health insurance for all their employee's, the small companies have to pay it. Its all part of the " Corporate Nazi " ideology festering in trans Atlantic politics, all about cementing a Corporate Multinational Cartel, the virtual corporate ethnic cleansing of all low and middle income people in order to turn everyone into the slaves of the Banks.

Notepad: 19/05/2011

It would appear that UKIP and particularly Farage are not a true change of government at all, even if we do come out of the EU with UKIP we will still be run by a set of stock market parasite puppets and the threat to our freedom will remain. Also UKIP don't get my vote if they are backing the eco-fascists and the energy cartel stopping waste incinerators and potentially cheaper electricity !

BBC keeping really quiet about this, but then their entire pension pot is riding on the Climate Scam !

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It would appear that the current pension change proposals are simply a tool to outflank what is likely to become a mass opt out of NEST as introduced in 2012. Like everything else the Corporate Nazi puppet government embarks on its all designed to provide a virtual welfare state for the stock market parasite. What a neat little scheme to get low income people to subsidise fat cat eco-fascists like Jon Snow and others on high earnings who currently hold private pensions.

?@Guy, good points but perhaps the most ridiculous speed limit is the 40 Mph limit for HGVs on single carriageway A roads, perhaps the only theoretical technical justification for it was a phenomenon know as " Brake Fade ". With modern brake lining materials this problem has been all but eliminated, and many main trunk roads re-engineered to virtual motorway standards anyway. Far more potential danger being a " Leg-Iron " at 40 and risking a head on collision as some idiot in the wrong gear tries to pass you, which probably explains why most competent HGV drivers totally ignore it.

Corporate Nazi Thought Police out in force tonight ? Or is it just that you wish to hide the truth just because of one word on the comment in the link probably designed to give people the excuse not to see the whole thing. More and more climate scientists are likely to come out with the truth about the Climate Scam especially now its clear politicians are using it as an excuse to introduce Nazi policy against lower income people. At least the Tories have pledged to get rid of the bin infringement fines as introduced by eco-fascist fanatic Joan Ruddock!


What the idiot Green Party fail to comprehend is that its the mega wealthy pushing the carbon taxes because they have a disproportionate effect on lower income people, any excuse to keep the top rate of income tax low. That is not to say that high rates of income tax on the wealthy is a bad thing, the point is that income tax should be based on the number of people you employ directly full time. Taken to the extreme you can say that some genuine people who employ lots people would pay very little income tax at all, although it probably doesn't apply to stock market parasites and other celebrities. 20

The only practical way we are going to provide secure energy for the UK is to embark on a programme of building local waste incinerators throughout the UK. And before you trot out all the green propaganda with the latest flue gas scrubbing technology there are no toxic emissions into the atmosphere whatsoever. Wind turbines are simply pointless and whilst there is some benefit from solar photovoltaic, solar water heaters are a non starter in the winters we are likely to experience. The idiots at Settle forked out 250k in shares for a 50kw river weir project which only cost 50k, far too much when you consider the output would be wiped out with 17 kettles at brew time.

Waste food recycling is just another pointless Green Scam. Its patently obvious than any such service is not going to save one single ounce of CO2 by the time you take into account the fuel used for regular collection. It would appear that household waste recycling is nothing more than forcing all council taxpayers to pay the equivalent of a medieval religious indulgence in order to espouse the guilt of the profligate who throw loads of food away in a world full of the starving millions. But then being " environmental group prescribed " alleged eco-friendly has now become a " quasi-religion " in itself over the past 30 years.

Likewise Meat Free Mondays, a " Corporate Nazi " inspired attack on small hill farmers in the hope that loss of market will induce their Corporate Ethnic Cleansing. We all know the wealthy green funders want to move into the country to avoid the anarchy in towns when the power cuts start due to reliance on wind farms.

NN: 19/05/2011

The Brighton Green Party were featured in The Daily Politics today outlining their key objectives including waste food recycling and meat free Mondays in all council establishments.

Waste food recycling is just another pointless Green Scam. Its patently obvious than any such service is not going to save one single ounce of CO2 by the time you take into account the fuel used for regular collection. It would appear that household waste recycling is nothing more than forcing all council taxpayers to pay the equivalent of a medieval religious indulgence in order to espouse the guilt of the profligate who throw loads of food away in a world full of the starving millions. But then being " environmental group prescribed " alleged eco friendly has now become a " quasi-religion " in itself over the past 30 years.

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Likewise Meat Free Mondays, a " Corporate Nazi " inspired attack on small hill farmers in the hope that loss of market will induce their Corporate Ethnic Cleansing. We all know the wealthy green funders want to move into the country to avoid the anarchy in towns when the power cuts start due to reliance on wind farms.

Mork #11

People would benefit a whole lot more if all their waste went into a local incinerator to produce electric, you could even get to a stage where you were paid 10 pence for every scrap tyre you took in. Local waste incinerators have the potential to reduce the local council tax or at least release money to be spent on worthwhile policies. Probably the end of fly tipping problems as well, but the Green Party apparently want to keep the current energy providers virtual cartel ?

Except in the case of aluminium cans recycling its totally pointless, grinding glass down using fossil fuel to turn it into sand which can be dug out of the ground easy with actual environmental advantage in the long run. The green party like to pretend that all the plastic exported to China is recycled, when in actual fact its burned in a most environmentally unfriendly way. I believe that there is technology available to strip out the aluminum from household waste which could be done prior to incineration, but steel is easy to recover from the ash with magnets. Considering that at least 60% of the household waste could provide useful fuel, especially the plastic packaging and carrier bags the eco-fascists so despise.

And Mork, please don't make your self look so stupid by basing today's incinerators with flue gas scrubbing using worn out 1980s pollution statistics. We are a mile and a half down wind burning toxic print waste solvents, tyres and even BSE meat and bone meal at our local cement works with no environmental problems. The plant is fitted with one of the latest flue gas scrubbers, which I and others fought to get in the mid 1990s. There have been no pollution problems since then, and it turns out that even the kiln ash which some environmentalists once attempted to portray was deadly toxic is now being sold to farmers as fertiliser with good results and big demand.


Mork #30

Are you so utterly gormless not to realise that everything we are sold by governments is complete lies, the climate has always changed naturally and whilst we may be able to trace man's fingerprint ( waste heat emitted alone ) its the Sun which drives our climate. You also need to take into account fluctuations in the earth's orbit around the Sun but its clear if you look at roman port remains ( like Chester ) they are far higher up than today's sea level, even when you take into account that the west of the UK is rising slowly.

The thing is that you can't really trust any science since the Moon landings, especially when you cant get the astronauts who claim to have been there to swear on a bible that they actually stood on the Moon ?Raiding private pension funds through taxation would appear to be the logical thing for governments to do when you consider that the stock market would be in meltdown without the bailouts anyway and private pensions worth little or anything at all. Its all pointless in the end, everyone including the US and UK will have to default on the debt, its simply not sustainable to keep increasing taxation on real working people and especially those on low incomes to provide what has become a true welfare state for the stock market parasites.

It would appear that the eco-fascists have stepped up their bleating about shale gas " fracking " since trials between Preston and Blackpool proved to be most encouraging. The deep shale extends up the Ribble valley as far as the big end of Pendle Hill, but most of the farms have mains water so no chance of setting lite to the cold tap. I suppose that they could undertake a promise to connect any rural properties affected to the mains system at whatever cost. That aside it will be sustainable jobs in rural areas which may be why the eco-fascists don't want it, but more obviously ( as with the case of waste incinerators for generating electricity ) it penetrates the current energy providers cartel.

Just how stupid are these people who subscribe to environmental groups, most of them allegedly join them as some sort of virtual protest about the corporates. Yet it would appear that groups like WWF ( as seen on the BBC ten O clock news ) are doing exactly what the virtual corporate multinational cartel want, stopping any attempt to allow any form of true free market in energy ( as with carbon taxes and floor prices ). The fact is that shale gas has cut the overall price of gas ( talk of a gas glut ) but I can't see the UK benefiting from it unless something similar happens here. Once again our true sustainable economy and potential lowest cost

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of living for the average person is hampered by the actions of alleged environmentalists.

Local Paper: 11/6/2011

It is sad to see such a senior local Tory as Ken Hind attempting to jump on the " alleged green " bandwagon when it is becoming increasingly more apparent to the more well informed ( especially via the internet ) people that " Global Warming " now re-branded " Climate Change " is little more than an investment scam. It would appear that the whole object of the " zero carbon " homes initiative is to increase the price of new houses thus making it even more difficult for lower income locals to get a foot on the housing ladder.

Furthermore reports from people who have already got alleged green homes suggest that they are finding problems with damp and having to make traditional alterations to solve the problem. The same principle applies to cavity wall insulation where the evidence suggests it rots your floor joists where they go into the wall. It may be ironic to suggest this but perhaps their plan is to make all existing homes unfit for human habitation, and therefore force you to buy a new one.

As for the alleged green jobs aspect it would appear that at the current time India is the main beneficiary, I've already been cold called three times from obvious Indian call centers inquiring as to whether we want loft and wall insulation.. The fact is that our walls are over two feet thick solid ( our house probably dates from the little ice age), the roof was insulated when it was done up in the mid 1980s and has since been double glazed. I suspect that many properties in the Ribble Valley are in a similar position.

Its high time the population woke up and protested against the current 15-20% " Private Tax " on their energy bills to pay for wind farms and all this other green nonsense. Its the environmental groups who are stopping real progress towards true sustainable energy like a full Severn Barrage and Morecambe Bay has potential also. Likewise energy from waste, we could get up to 10% of our electricity this way and far cheaper, but that would smash open the current energy producers cartel, ( as always in the last 20 years environmental groups working in the interest of big business ).

NN: 07/06/2011

Like private care home provider Southern Cross the NHS overall business plan and therefore its secure long term future is compromised by the PFI contracts, an exact mirror image of Southern Cross's arrangement with its corporate landlords. Unless the NHS can significantly restructure its PFI deals the cost to the taxpayer will be unsustainable, but then perhaps the puppet politicians plan was always to create a welfare state for the stock market parasites ?

As usual perhaps naive NewsNight journalists have totally missed the main point in the main story, namely ( at the at least ) circumstantial evidence of UK state sponsored eco-terrorism. Without undercover police assistance ( said to have arranged and paid for buses for transport to demo ) its probable that the said protest would not have occurred in the first instance. In previous coverage its was said that corporates also had moles embedded and how convenient was it that at the time when the 2008 Climate Change Act was going through parliament to portray mass public opposition to coal fired power stations ?

Mork #39

There are none so blind as those who will not see, its patently obvious that the environmental movement as a whole has been working in the interest of your beloved KKKorporates for at least the past 20 years. We would have had waste incinerators everywhere by now if it were not for eco-fascist Aristotle science, land fill would be down to around perhaps only 10%. Similarly with the Severn Barrage, its been on the drawing board as long as I can remember yet as soon as it looked like getting off the ground the eco-fascists were and still are in their bleating stupidity again. That is not to say that energy privatisation is a good thing, but there was nothing against the government doing it on their own bat if a private bidder had not been forthcoming ?

NN: 13/06/2010

If there was ever evidence to prove that the whole object of ConDem welfare reform is basically providing a welfare state for the stock market parasites, perhaps today's announcement by Lord Freud that the 26k cap on benefits will be suspended in certain circumstances. It does not take that much imagination to perceive that exceptional circumstances probably means cases where stock market parasites are renting out even not that big houses on 100% housing benefit in London for perhaps over 20k a year. Of course if their benefit claimant tenants were forced to move out they would loose their income, and in addition house prices would

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fall in the local market. This is a double whammy for Freud's stock market parasite mates, as if they have to sell their house into a falling market they will also have to sell the shares they have borrowed against it ?

After watching to night's obvious BBC eco-fascist report on the slowing down sun spots it is patently obvious that the eco-fascists are desperate to keep their investment scams going. Obviously Susan Watts cannot be taken seriously any more and it would appear that Kirsty perhaps deliberately gave Greenpeace stooges ( IPCC obviously Greenpeace stooges after my post yesterday about how they had written the IPCC report on renewable energy, ( one sided biased studio debate again) ) an easy ride because she is soon likely to be drawing her BBC pension based on the success of their Climate Scam.

NN: 17/06/2011

It would appear that everyone including disability charities have totally missed the main point about the remarks by the member for Shipley, which are in fact based on the truth. The truth is that nobody is going to offer a job to a person with any long term health problems when there are totally fit people in competition for said job. The fact is that to remove or refuse ESA from anybody with a proven track record of chronic illness ( or set any means test time limit to ) it is basically a freeze and starve to death sentence.

One thing that your Internet search experiment probably proved was that the eco-fascists have got the searches on " are wind farms efficient " sown up. Perhaps no big surprise given that Google are allegedly one of the 70 KKKorporates pushing for a 30% reduction in CO2 target in the EU ( according to my earlier post #8 ) ?

NN: 23/06/2011

Perhaps today's vote on circus animals more than amply proves that Westminster politicians care far more about animals than people, but perhaps then they are just representing the inner guilt of a generally uncaring population. If MP's did actually care about people they would have voted against or at least significantly amended the Welfare Reform Bill the other week, but perhaps they just reflect the abject ignorance of the bulk of the UK population after 25 years of eco-fascist propaganda from the likes of the BBC.

The fact is that the corporate fascist don't like the circuses because the are mostly family run businesses, no chance of selling shares for the stock market parasites. Similarly they tend to run old trucks like 1980s ERF's and therefore contribute very little to the corporate cartel, all cash payments so no need to get deep into a bank loan and pay " private tax ". The simple fact is that the corporate fascists want everyone controlled by a FTSE listed company in some way, usually a franchise or some other straight jacket where people can all too easily end up working self employed for less than minimum wage.

I understand that they have got Indian call centres selling this alleged government sponsored " to create green jobs " home insulation scam and are offering loans to do it, paid to the energy company which does it through your energy bills for the next 25 years. If you sell your house the supplement on the extra bill passes on to the new owner, I suspect that some bent property developers will be going round buying houses to insulate and then pass on to idiots at a vast profit.

I hate to use a WW2 analogy but perhaps the current position of mainstream politicians in general as regarding the Climate Scam science screams parallels with the totally fictional inventive mind of double agent Garbo who had Adolf Hitler and almost all the rest of the German high command believing everything he said regarding the invasion of France on D-Day !

This time its the Banks trying to asset strip our economy and render us all virtual slaves to a welfare state for the stock market parasites. China could probably walk in unopposed, but if anyone was to invade it would probably be a Wall Street sponsored US to claim all the money back when we default on the debt.

Mork #15

As for China and renewables its obviously better than nothing for remote rural areas but the Chinese leader guy looked pretty hacked off the other day when he was forced to listen to Cameron blathering on about carbon capture and storage. Furthermore,the combined EU eco-fascists ( and Cameron supporting them ) have almost certainly cost the UK economy the RR engines and the wings for the new fleet of Airbus planes Hong-Kong airlines were expected to order at a trade fair the other week.

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NN: 08/07/2011

David Cameron's perhaps undeniable error in judgement over hiring Coulson perhaps illustrates his failure to listen to advice on subjects like energy policy and particularly green taxes. He was warned in private about Coulson but no less than his own business secretary has publicly warned him against carbon taxes etc, and the implications of religiously following the specification of the 2008 Climate Change Act. It doesn't really matter about Coulson himself, but the future of our manufacturing industry is on the line with the Climate Scam, unless action to turn the supertanker is not taken soon the damage could become permanent.

#24 Mork

Before you go on about kkkororates according to Ch4 News its probably going to hit the one man bands harder than the big long distance boats. Witteringstall was on blagging his way out of the conclusions, saying it should be administered locally, but that will cost far too much so no chance in reality. The eco-fascists have screwed the coastal fishing industry buy planting wind farms everywhere, most probably in the best fishing grounds as well. Its all a very clever Corporate Ethnic Cleansing plan, like most alleged green policy, increase the financial apartheid between rich and poor.


The only reason the Tories have given the Thameslink deal to the Germans is so their stock market parasite backers can CHANGE MONEY on the deal. Labour are just as bad as it was them who wrote the contract specification but I can't help speculating that the 2008 Climate Change Act significantly handicapped the Derby bid. Making trains is a pretty carbon intensive job so any taxes on carbon are going to significantly increase production costs.

Even if we come out of the EU, the stock market parasites will still be pulling the government strings, so in reality we will still get ripped off just as bad. Murdoch is just one of many stock market celebrities who simply don't care about welfare of anyone, unless you can remove them from the equation the UK will continue its slide into becoming at third world country, but worse as the poorest in society will be forced to freeze to death in winter.

NN: 22/07/2011

Just one small anecdote which occurred to me after watching the the Monckton debate #8 was !

What kind of true environmentalist would support a policy which increased the amount of one of the most toxic substances know to science in circulation within the community.

Perhaps the reason the EU banned traditional light bulbs was nothing to do with saving the planet but a key factor in buying the consensus of Spain on EU policy in general. I believe that Spain is the worlds leading producer of Mercury, there was once an OU program on the BBC about the mining and how strict limits to exposure were in force.

As usual with any alleged green policy Its probably all about promoting false economic growth, and thus increasing the financial apartheid between rich and poor.

NN: 29/07/2011

The list of potential skullduggery in the Murdoch saga grows ever longer but I can't help speculating just how much of UK government policy has been significantly influenced by this man and his associates. Two particular areas of policy stand out because there has effectively been " no real change " as a result of the general election.

Firstly welfare reform, where the Tories have effectively adopted everything Labour was implementing, particularly relating to the abject mistreatment of the chronically sick and disabled, effectively branding everyone on Incapacity Benefit as scroungers. The collective Murdoch press has been at the cutting edge of the propaganda against the sick and disabled, with side kicks from the stock market listed Daily Mail and the Express, but then they are all targeted at the same " ignorant idiot " market. Its almost as though Murdoch had personally written welfare reform policy to impress his stock market celebrity stable mates, perhaps it would be well worth someone investigating his personal links ( if any ) with Labour turncoat now Tory Lord Freud ?

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Secondly climate change and energy policy, I can't remember the Sun ever covering the climate gate scandal prominently, although I never buy anything from Murdoch personally I never saw anything about it in the TV paper reviews. More recently The Times would appear to be avoiding adverse comment on energy policy, and as it turns out SKY are currently match funding eco-fascist WWF for their advert " three quid a month to save a jaguar ". There are also other green wash adverts about alleged sustainable paper, so it would appear that Murdoch interests are well in on the Climate Scam gravy train ?

It may be reasonable to believe that Murdoch and his celebrity stock market parasite associates have been the main driver of the ongoing " Corporate Nazi " ideology festering in all four mainstream parties in UK politics. The welfare reforms and climate change policy ( in combination in particular ) echo the eco-fascist high priest stated aim to " kill all defectives ", no need for concentration camps, far more profitable to freeze and starve people to death in their own home.

NN: 06/08/2011

Muse # various.

It's traditionally my job to berate the stock market parasites and we could easily be on the brink of a total global stock market meltdown, which will inevitably cause all the Banks to go bust, and with them lots of FTSE listed companies. Of course if we idly stand by and do nothing the result could end in serious civil unrest, but perhaps we need to take the following approach.

1. Nationalise all the UK listed Banks, and then if the companies they have lent to can't stump up the cash, ( no asset stripping allowed ) nationalise them also.

2. Introduce a Citizens Income at a level where everybody can afford to keep warm and dry and have a full belly.

3. Introduce a tax system where it pays dividends in tax credits to employ people and prescribes a maximum wage for those not directly employing others.

4. Established small business should be able to stand on its own feet, but the individual units of FTSE companies need to be converted over time into workers cooperatives.

5. All mortgages which go into default converted into National Council Houses, and their occupier charged a suitable rent, ( no need to throw anyone on the street )

By doing the above it should be possible to reach a position where all cash savings are valid up to the 85k bank limit, all National Savings accounts retain full value.

In this way the National Bank will have money to invest in our future !

Rough outline anyway, anybody else got any ideas ?

# 5 JericoaIt would appear that none of our current mainstream politicians have got a coherent plan to release our economy from slavery to the banks and their stock market parasites. My # 15 last night was probably the first such plan ever published in outline, just need to broaden the debate, many who once thought the defaulting was never an option now take it as a normal position, no real ideological objections.

Whatever happens it can only be a matter of time before the combined value of the FTSE 350 is under what the government has already stumped up to rescue the banks. It will echo the position of the Big Four railways after WW2, the government could not afford to pay them for the transport services they had provided during the war, but without the money for services rendered they could not afford the interests on the loans the government had given them during the 1920s and 30s. I do believe that eventually the former shareholders got a minimal dividend under nationalisation, the government bought all the shares back in the 1970s.

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Anyway nobody can afford to keep paying anybody if it goes on, perhaps leading to anarchy in some of the bigger cities, I suspect that elements of the BNP will try to start a war with the Muslims. It is vital that we avoid any significant civil unrest, when the pay cheques stop appearing in peoples current account who knows what could happen. Nationalisation under the umbrella of the UK Peoples National Bank of which every citizen would have a share in the form of interest every month would probably be the only sane option. Just do it on a financial year end, perhaps the first after the election which could be called soon on Cameron's judgement. Saw or herd something the other day that Cameron hired a private investigator to vet Coulson, wasn't done through official government channels at all.

When the private banks and their theoretical assets are taken over we could actually achieve a true free market system in our economy, sweeping away the current cartels in areas like energy and public transport. Its all out there to play for, people with genuine talent will be able to prosper, forget the universities except for science related subjects. That of course would need a purge of all the Marxist tutors ex-students refer to, but likewise all the alleged right wing people who have overtaken economics.Whatever we do we have to make sure what emerges from a global stock market meltdown makes sure that we don't end up like Somalia, everybody needs to think outside the box !

#44 Mork

The only low carbon energy we need will come from a publicly funded Severn andMorecambe Bay barrage, but that's not even on the table due to stupid wind farm projects. Wind farms are useless as they need fossil fuel backup, a carbon tax or carbon floor price will cripple what little remains of our now almost niche market energy intensive manufacturing industry. Perhaps if you understood engineering you would be able to clearly see that carbon intensive industry is vital for the viable future of our nation. What company in its right mind is going to come to the UK to set up in business if they can't trust that the electric will be on 24/7/365, current energy policy is just a pointless sacrifice on the altar of the eco-fascist quasi-religion.20

The UK is not Spain so you can't make comparisons there except to say that now Spain has its alleged green jobs their unemployment rate is 20%, the UK will soon join them unless there is a swift change of direction on energy policy.

NN: 08/08/2011

Its just crossed my mind that there is a slight possibility that the recent riots were planned, in that some of the businesses hit hardest, ( one big store set on fire ) and looted were planned as an elaborate scam on the insurance. The main riot targets would appear to be the type of business having a particularly hard time financially ( same companies hit in different locations ), what a really good idea if you can hide your trading losses under a big insurance claim ?

Is this the start of the civil war the eco-fascists and the stock market parasites had planned all along, the excuse they always needed to impose virtual Marshal Law ?

Richard #23

Neat manifesto except that its would appear that the tail end has as usual been poisoned by the eco-fascists, and despite the fact that the majority of the UK population want more food production child indoctrinator John Craven was attempting to portray that it would be a bad thing. The lame argument was that we needed to grow bio-fuel because if we had a bad harvest we would starve. It would appear that they are using good silage in fact enough to feed hundreds of cows for milk and beef to use for bio-gas to burn in an engine to generate electricity, no doubt for a massive subsidy .I don't have a problem with importing fossil fuel either, I believe that our north sea oil is pretty rich in the fractions used for plastic, but not quite so good for petrol. Perhaps we could swap it for the other type, and yet again the debate is poisoned by the eco-fascists when it comes to using our own coal. Similarly when it comes to recycling, the true sustainable way is to make all consumer goods last a lifetime, then the original energy investment in the metal etc is not lost, and can still be recycled at the end of its life.20

All you have to do is think about buying things like a new car and handing it on to your children when they pass their driving test. The sustainable jobs aspect comes in repairing and renewing products designed to last a lifetime. The only trouble is that the media and politicians have got everybody addicted to credit consumerism where everything has to be new or the very latest design, throw away anything else. Their cover for this wasteful practice is to say that its OK if you recycle, but most waste would be far better incinerated, especially the plastic. Perhaps the only legislation needed is a total ban on consumer credit for

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anything not capable of lasting ( with maintenance ) at least 30 years.

Perhaps the UK addiction to consumer credit and always buy the latest gadget quasi-religion explains and is a major factor why so much looting has gone on in the recent riots. Its the same mind set which causes people to queue up at 5 am to be the first to get the latest iPhone or computer games console. Its all the fault of the media, I can't help speculating that BBC advertising feature programme Click on Line was a significant factor in the looting of PC World, the mobile phone shops speak for themselves, There are now even adverts promising cash for your old mobile phone, it must significantly increase theft rates, and even the BBC riot coverage itself has been product placing smart phones in general, but then even Alex Jones is at it.

For the last 20 years politicians have been pushing new everything especially trains and they never consider the cost to our overall disposable economy. The stupid thing is that the worst trains of all 4-wheel 142 Pacers are still in use on key services, packed like sardine cans when what they replaced was far better, all it needed was an engine upgrade. Its just the same with buses, instead of replacement at end of full life everything had to be new. The situation was not helped by the introduction of traffic calming, it wrecked the old coach built bodies, the new private operators now refuse to run a service on some traffic calmed road it causes so much damage to the new Low Floor buses.

Like everything the politicians come up with on the behalf of their celebrity stock market parasite puppet masters it all about promoting false economic growth and increases the ever deepening financial apartheid between higher and lower income groups. The underclass see the bankers getting away with fraud whilst their cost of living spirals for the benefit of corporate profit, yet another election and no real change in government policy. Why care about the " Big Society " if you or your family are marginalised and criminalised by policy like the smoking ban, a significant proportion of them smoke dope so why not get sent down for a sheep as a lamb.

Once upon at time you could aspire to a car when you were a teenager, now insurance costs are prohibitive to a large proportion of people, the best thing you can aspire to now is the latest computer game. Many people can't even afford that so jump at the chance to loot one under the impression that its unlikely they will be caught. In any case if they go to prison they will at least be able to have a full belly, most of them are already prisoners of the virtual ghetto's ( created by traffic calming ) where they are forced to inhabit. Political correctness has wrecked their local area and aspirations, people can only be pushed so far, perhaps a significant number are now over the edge. We need to think out of the box to find solutions to include them back and give them a tangible stake in society.

Perhaps the proof that Westminster is institutionally corrupt is the fact that they elected Tim ( nice but dim ) Yeo as the chair of the Climate Change select committee, despite his long list of published financial conflicts of interest on environment policy in general.

NN: 14/08/2011

I can't help speculating as to whether this week's riots were just what the eco-fascist anarchists had been planning all along and were to some extent a premature ejaculation of what is likely to come in the future. This weeks riots seem cool with the Corporate Nazi's, its all OK if the riot participants are caught on their CCTV camera and prosecuted, any excuse to throw poor people onto the streets. However, the simple fact is probably something different as when the near future riots caused by power blackouts due to over reliance on wind power begin the CCTV will be inoperative. It is clear that there will be no deterrent whatsoever from CCTV and they can arrest and charge as many as they want from last week but we don't have the available prison places anyway. It must be a mistake to cut police numbers further, but perhaps the police in an attempt to secure their empire started the whole thing in order to give the country a taste of what they probably know full well is coming when the power cuts start. Who can laugh at Tony Farrell now !

Coming onto David Starkey and his observations on what he terms as black culture infecting the English under classes, and its true except that " black culture " is now a Corporate Nazi fantasy world. It attempts to portray that dancing the thing to do to enjoy yourself at some wild alcoholic party, with plenty of scantily clad women floating around with the cool black guy pairing up with some nice looking white woman. I listen to pop music on the TV in the background and at the moment their offerings are pretty trashy at the moment, more recently a scenario where the streets are deserted unless everyone is out there dancing in them. The reality is that the ideology put out by the popular music industry bears no resemblance to the lives of ordinary people in reality, but then one witness to the recent riots said it was like in a film.

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Every aspect of popular ideology is fabricated these days, you can no longer trust anything the scientists say and the news is full of propaganda like the report on the rebel child allegedly injured by Gadaffi's forces at Misrata six weeks ago. At least Gordon Burns on North West Tonight had the balls to ask Cameron what he was going to do about the bankers and their politicians. He replied that some MP's had been sent to prison but how many of his shadow cabinet had been " flipping ", the Bankers have been looting our economy for at least the last 30 years. At least some key people are beginning to wake up to the truth now and I suspect that many ordinary people have woken up from the corporate illusion. At least it should get a few more people in the habit of keeping up with the news although its not much good if you don't see Ch4 News to cross scrutinise the BBC output. Not much chance of that with Emmerdale / Eastenders / Corrie on the other side, all spewing utter balderdash about how to live your life or what your expectations of life are alleged to be.

The End