2014 Financial Report Nathan Taylor Executive Pastor

Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report

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Page 1: Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report

2014 Financial Report

Nathan Taylor

Executive Pastor

Page 2: Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report


Introduction & Thanks .............................................................................................................................. 5

The Mission ................................................................................................................................................. 5

Giving Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Ministry Expense Summary ..................................................................................................................... 7

Personnel Costs .................................................................................................................................... 10

Facility ................................................................................................................................................... 10

Fellowship ............................................................................................................................................. 11

Administrative ...................................................................................................................................... 11

Discipleship........................................................................................................................................... 11

Children’s Ministry .............................................................................................................................. 12

Worship ................................................................................................................................................. 12

Global Missions - Short ....................................................................................................................... 12

Global Missions - Long ........................................................................................................................ 13

Local Partnerships ................................................................................................................................ 13

Local Missions ...................................................................................................................................... 14

Sunday Morning Ministries ................................................................................................................ 14

Setup & Tear Down ......................................................................................................................... 14

Hospitality ......................................................................................................................................... 14

Production and Support Services .................................................................................................. 14

Creative and Web Teams ................................................................................................................ 14

Discipleship Ministries ........................................................................................................................ 15

Prayer Team ...................................................................................................................................... 15

Kid City ............................................................................................................................................. 15

Community Group .......................................................................................................................... 15

Outreach Ministries ............................................................................................................................. 15

City Serve .......................................................................................................................................... 15

Global Missions ................................................................................................................................ 15

Page 3: Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report


Table 1: 2014 Monthly Giving .................................................................................................................. 6

Table 2: 2013 Monthly Giving .................................................................................................................. 7

Table 3: Total Personnel .......................................................................................................................... 10

Table 4: Facility Costs .............................................................................................................................. 10

Table 5: Fellowship Costs ........................................................................................................................ 11

Table 6: Administrative Costs ................................................................................................................ 11

Table 7: Discipleship Costs ..................................................................................................................... 12

Table 8: Children’s Ministry ................................................................................................................... 12

Table 9: Worship Costs ............................................................................................................................ 12

Table 10: Global Missions- Short ............................................................................................................ 13

Table 11: Global Missions- Long ............................................................................................................ 13

Table 12: Local Partnerships ................................................................................................................... 14

Table 13: Local Missions .......................................................................................................................... 14


Figure 1: 2014 Overall Expense Summary .............................................................................................. 8

Figure 2: 2013 Overall Expense Summary .............................................................................................. 9

Page 4: Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report

Dear Church Family and Financial Partners,

Glory be to God! Thank you for faithfully supporting the mission and vision of Gospel

Community Church, and thank you for helping us to further God’s Kingdom by investing your

time, energy, and finances in GCC. God calls us to steward all of the resources that He has

given us for His glory and that is our goal as a church every year. We are grateful for your

continued commitment to GCC and, ultimately, to furthering the Kingdom of God.

2014 was a tremendously growing year for GCC and we truly believe that it will be looked back

on as foundational many years from now. During 2014 God proved Himself as faithful and true

many times over by allowing us to be a part of His plans for our world, and our city, through

global, and local missions as well as church planting. These areas have always been, and will

continue to be, priorities of focus for us and we believe that is reflected in our expenses.

As our church has grown in numbers and influence there has been a greater need for additional

staff members to help carry the workload. In this past year we were blessed to bring on a new

full-time Discipleship Pastor, who is helping to oversee our community groups and local

outreach, as well as transitioning our part-time admin role into a full time Director of

Connections and Administration. These two positions, along with our Church Planting

Residents, have helped us to increase our effectiveness in ministry and have allowed us to catch

up to the immense growth that we have experienced over the past three years.

We are prayerfully excited about the plans that God has for us in 2015 and beyond. Thank you

for your generosity. We realize that it requires intentionality, trust and faith. We are

exceedingly grateful for all of your contributions and your active partnership with us in

building the Kingdom of God.

Please direct any questions about our vision and finances to [email protected].

Soli Deo Gloria,

The Guiding Elders of Gospel Community Church

Page 5: Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report

Introduction & Thanks

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are

one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body - Jews or Greeks,

slaves or free-and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of

many.” Romans 12:12-14

Contributions to the mission of Gospel Community Church have come in many forms – some

have volunteered their time, some have volunteered their talents, and others have offered their

finances. It is a privilege to be a part of this body of believers and to strive side by side in our

various roles for the advancement of the gospel. Often times those actively involved in ministry

receive thanks and appreciation from those whom they serve and encouragement from those

with whom they serve. However, those who are unable to attend our service projects and

outreach programs are often hard at work performing nine to five jobs. Our financial report is

intended to thank those that have contributed their hard earned finances throughout the year

by sacrificing part of their time and effort that was spent in the office or on the job. Your

financial contributions represent hours spent working in the service of Christ and we appreciate

your participation in the gospel. Thank you for your generous donations and helping us

advance the kingdom of God.

The Mission

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with

you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

All our efforts at Gospel Community Church are focused on bringing glory to God the Father

and being faithful to the commandment to create disciples in the name of Jesus Christ. These

efforts include our time and energy as well as your financial contributions. It is important to us

we are 100% transparent in how we allocate your contributions to the work of Jesus Christ and

for that reason we attempt to disclose all information regarding how your generous donations

have been spent throughout the last fiscal year.

Each contribution was spent in accordance with our churches vision to love God, grow together

in Him, and reach out with the love of Christ.

Page 6: Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report

Giving Summary

“But as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for

you – see that you excel in this act of grace also. I say this not as a command, but to prove by the

earnestness of others that your love also is genuine.” 2 Corinthians 8:7-8

In 2014, we had contributions from 532 different individuals and families compared to 506 in

2013 and 181 in 2012. In 2014 we separated the giving into two categories – Undesignated

Donations, and Flow Through Money. The undesignated donations include regular

contributions from our church family on a weekly or monthly basis received on Sunday

mornings or throughout the week through our online payment processors or by check. These

contributions are used to plan and budget our church ministries. Flow through money is made

up of irregular one-time or reoccurring contributions and monies specifically raised for short

term mission’s trips, long term missionaries, or church planters.

The monthly 2014 and 2013 contributions are seen in Table 1 and 2, respectively. The total

giving received by Gospel Community Church in 2014 was $557,904.89 compared to $381,369.31

in 2013.




Flow Through



January $34,151.69 $600.00 $34,751.69

February $36,338.03 $2,940.00 $39,278.03

March $32,298.32 $2,180.00 $34,478.32

April $35,990.93 $1,795.00 $37,758.93

May $35,190.68 $4,636.70 $39,827.38

June $32,451.90 $2,995.00 $35,446.90

July $36,427.69 $3,113.10 $39,540.79

August $35,258.11 $4,556.22 $39,814.33

September $44,384.49 $14,515.00 $58,899.49

October $42,729.67 $4,062.53 $46,792.20

November $67,975.76 $17,790.70 $85,766.46

December $41,358.37 $24,165.00 $65,523.37

Total $474.555.64 $83,349.25 $557,904.89

Monthly Average

$39,546.30 $6,945.77


Table 1: 2014 Monthly Giving

**Total includes gross amount of online donations




Flow Through



Page 7: Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report

January $18,982.57 $5,543.58 $24,526.15

February $28,373.76 $12,177.68 $40,551.44

March $15,646.01 $9,007.36 $24,653.37

April $18,211.73 $4,991.16 $23,202.89

May $24,850.58 $8,520.05 $33,370.63

June $23,537.51 $3,144.76 $26,682.27

July $15,384.43 $2,169.55 $17,553.98

August $32,412.00 3,280.68 $35,692.68

September $34,426.65 $7,074.41 $41,501.06

October $32,371.27 $3,123.37 $35,494.64

November $45,706 $3,262.10 $48,968.37

December $22,847.96 $6,323.87 $29,171.83

Total $312,750.74 $68,618.57 $381,369.31

Monthly Average




Table 2: 2013 Monthly Giving

Ministry Expense Summary

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to

send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

In the first century, Christ told his disciples that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.

This statement holds true two-thousand years later, and for this reason we make every effort to

be efficient with the money God has entrusted to us. Below is a breakdown of how both

ministry and operating funds were spent in 2014 and 2013.

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Figure 1 & 2 show the overall spending of Gospel Community Church for all categories in 2014 and 2013. Each category of spending

is discussed in further detail in the following sections.

Figure 1: 2014 Overall Expense Summary

Administration, $16,991 , 4%

Church Planting, $39,504 , 10%

Discipleship, $2,322 , 1%

Facility, $58,925 , 14%

Fellowship, $7,231 , 2%

Local Missions, $19,849 , 5%

Local Partnerships, $30,065 , 7%

Personnel, $145,765 , 36%Sunday Morning Ministries,

$15,599 , 4%

Global Missions - Long Term,

$59,557 , 15%

Global Missions - Short Term,

$9,651 , 2%

Misc, $334 , 0%

Administration Chuch Planting Discipleship Facility

Fellowship Local Missions Local Partnerships Personnel

Sunday Morning Ministries Global Missions - Long Term Global Missions - Short Term Misc

Page 9: Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report

Figure 2: 2013 Overall Expense Summary

Administrative, $15,725 , 5%

Advertising and Promotion,

$847 , 0%

Benefits, $6,518 , 2%

Children's Ministries, $14,801 ,


Discipleship, $2,480 , 1%

Facility, $44,922 , 15%

Fellowship, $5,626 , 2%

Honorariums, $800 , 0%

Salaries, $71,915 , 24%

Uncategorized, $1,530 , 1%

Worship, $5,465 , 2%

Church Planting, $18,485 , 6%

Global Missions-Long, $33,714 ,


Global Missions-Short


Local Ministry, $27,786 , 9%

Local Missions, $12,429 , 4%

Administrative Advertising and Promotion Benefits Children's Ministries

Discipleship Facility Fellowship Honorariums

Salaries Uncategorized Worship Church Planting

Global Missions-Long Global MIssions-Short Local Ministry Local Missions

Page 10: Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report

Personnel Costs

“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in

preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the

grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.” 1 Timothy 5:17-18

Personnel Costs represent the largest percentage of our expenses. We believe that those who

preach the gospel should earn their living from the gospel.1 In 2013, we were blessed with one

full-time employee (Teaching Pastor) and two part time employees (Worship Leader and

Executive Assistant). At the beginning of 2014 we were able to have three full-time employees

(Teaching Pastor, Worship Pastor and Executive Pastor) and one part-time employee (Executive

Assistant). God has continually blessed GCC and allowed us to increase the amount of workers

for the harvest. We currently (2015) have four full-time pastors, one full-time staff member, and

one part-time staff member. (Teaching Pastor, Worship Pastor, Executive Pastor, Discipleship

Pastor, Director of Communications and Administration, Director of KidCity and Youth-

currently part-time). God has also blessed us with the opportunity to create resident positions

that allow us to train up and send out church planters and missionaries. These positions are

part-time and paid with a monthly stipend. All full-time staff members receive a stipend

towards their health benefits.

Total Personnel $145,765

Table 3: Personnel


In 2014 God continued to provide for our facility needs by helping us to maintain our

relationship with Phase 2. We have been blessed to have a more permanent home there. In

addition to Phase 2, GCC currently rents office, and worship practice space. We will continue to

look for cost effective ways to comfortably meet and worship Christ together while ensuring

that these costs do not hinder opportunity for overall ministry objectives.

Facility $58,925

Table 4: Facility Costs

1 1 Corinthians

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“that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12

At Gospel Community Church we believe it is important to encourage one another both

spiritually and practically in the way we spend our time and resources.2 In 2014, we spent

$7,231 on activities that we consider fellowship oriented. These include meals together,

volunteer appreciation, cook-outs/picnics, and gifts for those in our family of faith. We believe

that gathering together to enjoy the company of those in the family of faith is an important way

to display our love for each other to the world.

Fellowship $7,231

Table 5: Fellowship Costs


“For the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light.”

Luke 16:8

Administrative costs go toward required expenses to operate our church as a legal entity in the

United States. These fees typically include software and subscriptions, postage fees, taxes, ATM

and online banking fees, purchasing of checks, office supplies, etc. Insurance and background

checks account for a high percentage of the administrative costs. Gospel believes these are

necessary investments to ensure the safety of the church body. It is our goal to keep these fees to

a minimum to maximize our ability to give toward the mission of the church. In 2014,

administrative expenses were $16,991on activities required for church operation.

Administrative $16,991

Table 6: Administrative Costs


At Gospel Community we believe in supporting our leaders and church members as they

participate in activities that contribute to their spiritual well-being (their development in their

walk with Christ). In 2014, we spent $2,322 on activities associated with discipling our

congregation, which includes expenses for community groups. This category may seem a little

bit low, but God has given us each the ability to build discipleship relationships naturally and

organically. This is why anyone can take part in the discipleship process that loves Christ, and

2 Romans 1

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is willing to share Him with others. We look forward to increasing this area of our budget as

those who are a part of the body find creative ways to pursue others for His glory.

Discipleship $2,322

Table 7: Discipleship Costs

Children’s Ministry

At Gospel Community we believe it is important to raise up the next generation to know and

understand the love of Jesus Christ. Our Kid City ministry has continued to grow over the last

year. In 2013 we spend $14,801 on our children’s ministry. Due to our move we needed to

purchase equipment to help utilize the space at Phase 2 for the children, which increased the

cost for children’s ministry. We also purchased a check-in system for the children’s ministry to

ensure the safety of the children. It is because we made these investments in the year previous

that our expenses in children’s ministry were lowered in 2014. In 2015 we have already added a

dedicated part-time staff in this area who will eventually be moved to full-time. Look forward

to updated curriculum and other future changes that will enhance this crucial ministry.

Children’s Ministry $5,303.71

Table 8: Children’s Ministry


At Gospel Community we believe it is important to have an environment that is conducive for

worship on Sundays. In 2014, we spent $3,905 to make this happen. These costs include

software for the audio/visual team, equipment for the worship team, as well as supplies for

special events on Sunday mornings (i.e. Communion Sunday and baby dedications). As

equipment and capacity needs arise, we will continue to seek opportunities to enhance these

important gatherings where we celebrate Christ and worship Him.

Worship $3,905

Table 9: Worship Costs

Global Missions - Short

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in

Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Short term global missions represented $9,651 of overall spending at Gospel Community

Church in 2014. We believe these short term trips allow us to participate in discipleship

making processes – such as trips to India, Ecuador, Uganda, Los Angeles, as well as trips that

individuals from the church went on through other organizations. All expenses associated with

these short-term trips were raised independently of the church’s tithes and offerings.

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Global Missions - Short $9,651

Table 10: Global Missions- Short

Global Missions - Long

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in

Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Global missions represented $59,557 of overall spending at Gospel Community Church in 2014.

This money was contributed to missionaries around the world including monthly contributions

to sponsor Sarah Pisney in Uganda, Brittany Wray in England, and Heather Matthews in

Honduras, Jay & Jackie Parks in North Africa, Matthew Mihelic in Uganda, and Holly Tamang

in Nepal. Some of these funds were also donated towards one-time gifts for ministry partners

and organizations like Humbly I Serve, Big World Project, Wycliff Bible Translators, and Sports

Outreach Institute. Additional funds were used to help support individuals or churches in

Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uganda, and China who are doing great work to advance the gospel


Global Missions - Long $59,557

Table 11: Global Missions- Long

Local Partnerships

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in

Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Local ministry represented $27,786 of overall spending at Gospel Community Church in 2013.

These funds include supporting our partner ministries:

Ema Ministry- a ministry to help the single moms in Lynchburg

Lighthouse Kids- a ministry that focuses on helping at risk children in Lynchburg

Freedom Celebration Re-Entry Dinner- a ministry that helps those who have been

affected by incarceration

Rekindling Ministries- a ministry that works to help individuals rekindle their passion

for God and educates them on utilizing spiritual gifts for God’s glory

Urban Mountain Adventures- a local non-profit using outdoor adventure and relational

cultivation to impact urban at-risk youth for the glory of God

Sports Outreach Institute- a local and global ministry using sports as an avenue for

relational gospel ministry

Other local ministries

Local Partnerships $30,065

Page 14: Gospel Community Church 2014 Financial Report

Table 12: Local Ministry

Local Missions

“Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the

kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I

was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed

me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’” Matthew 25:34-36

Meeting needs for those locally, particularly those in our church family, is an essential element

to our mission at Gospel Community Church. In 2014, we spent $19,849 on meeting local needs.

This includes: backpacks for children, City Serve Projects, softball cookouts, buying groceries

for those in our community, paying water bills and electric bills, helping to pay for funerals,

and supporting those in our church experiencing difficult financial times. We look forward to

continuing to support and serve our community and our church family to tangibly share the

love of Christ in a practical way.

Local Missions $19,849

Table 13: Local Missions

Sunday Morning Ministries

Set Up & Tear Down

The set up and tear down crew is responsible for all non-technical setup on Sunday mornings –

including cleaning up the building, setting up chairs, campus signs, and children’s



The hospitality areas consist of the greeting team, coffee team, usher team, connection table

team, and welcome desk team. These teams are responsible for shaping the guest experience

and helping people to identify the next steps to calling GCC their home church.

Production and Support Services

The production and support services team is in charge of setting up the audio/visual

equipment, running the visual presentations, preparing video and audio content for

consumption, and setting up and running the stage design equipment and lighting.

Creative and Web Teams

The creative and web teams are in charge of maintaining the www.gospelcc.org domain name

and content, creating series and web graphics, as well as creating and producing video content.

The team works in coordination with the Worship Pastor and Executive Pastor in order to use

artistic and informational means to communicate the Gospel.

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Discipleship Ministries

Prayer Team

The prayer team spends time during and before Sunday worship services, as well as during the

week, interceding for global and local prayer requests. This important ministry also helps to

plan and carry out special prayer services, and events throughout the year (i.e. Good Friday

services, prayer walks, & prayer seminars).

Kid City

KidCity is GCC’s children’s ministry which is dedicated to teaching kids from ages 0-12 to be

more like Christ and engaging them in age appropriate worship.

Community Group

Community Groups are gospel-centered communities that are on mission to make disciples.

These groups function as a family of believers that come alongside one another in the process of

being transformed by, and mobilized with the gospel. Groups open the word of God together,

pray together, serve the community around them, and provide accountability and care for each

other. There are groups that meet all nights of the week and all over the city.

Outreach Ministries

City Serve

City Serve allows the church to get out into the community and develop relationships with the

local community for the purpose of spreading the gospel.

Global Missions

The global missions team is dedicated to helping organize short-term missions trips, developing

relationships with long term missionaries and organizations, raising awareness in the church

about global needs, coordinating prayer for unreached people groups, etc.