Gospel in NT

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  • 8/6/2019 Gospel in NT


    eujaggelion/gospel in NTMatt. 4:23 Kai perihvgen en olh thvGalilaia didaskwn en taisunagwgai aujtwn kai khru/sswn to\eujaggelion thv basileia kaiqerapeu/wn pasan no/son kai pasan

    malakian en tw

    law.Matt. 9:35 Kai perihvgen oJIhsouv

    ta po/lei pasa kai ta kwmadidaskwn en tai sunagwgai aujtwnkai khru/sswn to\ eujaggelion thvbasileia kai qerapeu/wn pasanno/son kai pasan malakian.Matt. 24:14 kai khrucqh/setai touvto to\eujaggelion thv basileia en olh thvoikoumenh ei martu/rion pasin toi

    eqnesin, kai to/te hxei to\ telo.Matt. 26:13 amh\n legw uJmin, opou eankhrucqhv to\ eujaggelion touvto en olwtw ko/smw, lalhqh/setai kai oepoihsen auth ei mnhmo/sunon aujthv.Mark 1:1 Arch\ touv eujaggeliouIhsouv Cristouv [uiouv qeouv].Mark 1:14 Meta de to\ paradoqhvnaito\n Iwannhn hlqen oJIhsouv ei th\nGalilaian khru/sswn to\ eujaggelion

    touv qeouv15

    kai legwn otipeplh/rwtai oJ kairo\ kai hggiken hJbasileia touv qeouv: metanoeite kaipisteu/ete en tw eujaggeliw.Mark 8:35 o gar ean qelh th\n yuch\naujtouv swsai apolesei aujth/n: o dan apolesei th\n yuch\n aujtouv enekenemouv kai touv eujaggeliou swseiaujth/n.Mark 10:29 efh oJIhsouv: amh\n legwuJmin, oujdei estin o afhvken oikian hadelfou\ h adelfa h mhtera hpatera h tekna h agrou\ eneken emouvkai eneken touv eujaggeliou,Mark 13:10 kai ei panta ta eqnhprwton dei khrucqhvnai to\eujaggelion.Mark 14:9 amh\n de legw uJmin, opou eankhrucqhv to\ eujaggelion ei olon to\n

    Matt. 4:23 And he went throughoutall Galilee, teaching in theirsynagogues and proclaiming thegospel of the kingdom and healingevery disease and every affliction

    among the people.Matt. 9:35 And Jesus wentthroughout all the cities and villages,teaching in their synagogues andproclaiming the gospel of the kingdomand healing every disease and everyaffliction.Matt. 24:14 And this gospel of thekingdom will be proclaimedthroughout the whole world as a

    testimony to all nations, and then theend will come.Matt. 26:13 Truly, I say to you,wherever this gospel is proclaimed inthe whole world, what she has donewill also be told in memory of her.Mark 1:1 The beginning of the gospelof Jesus Christ, the Son of God.Mark 1:14 Now after John wasarrested, Jesus came into Galilee,

    proclaiming the gospel of God, 15 andsaying, The time is fulfilled, and thekingdom of God is at hand; repent andbelieve in the gospel.Mark 8:35 For whoever would save hislife will lose it, but whoever loses hislife for my sake and the gospels willsave it.Mark 10:29 Jesus said, Truly, I say toyou, there is no one who has left

    house or brothers or sisters or motheror father or children or lands, for mysake and for the gospel,Mark 13:10 And the gospel must firstbe proclaimed to all nations.Mark 14:9 And truly, I say to you,wherever the gospel is proclaimed inthe whole world, what she has donewill be told in memory of her.

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    ko/smon, kai o epoihsen authlalhqh/setai ei mnhmo/sunon aujthv.Mark 16:15 kai eipen aujtoi:poreuqente ei to\n ko/smon apantakhru/xate to\ eujaggelion pash thvktisei.

    Acts 15:7 Pollhv de zhth/sewgenomenh anasta Petro eipenpro\ aujtou/: andre adelfoi, uJmeiepistasqe oti af hJmerwn arcaiwn enuJmin exelexato oJ qeo\ dia touvsto/mato/ mou akouvsai ta eqnh to\nlo/gon touv eujaggeliou kai pisteuvsai.Acts 20:24 all oujdeno\ lo/goupoiouvmai th\n yuch\n timian emautwwJ teleiwsai to\n dro/mon mou kai th\n

    diakonian hn elabon para touvkuriou Ihsouv, diamartu/rasqai to\eujaggelion thv carito touv qeouv.Rom. 1:1 Pauvlo douvlo CristouvIhsouv, klhto\ apo/stoloafwrismeno ei eujaggelion qeouv,Rom. 1:9 martu gar mou/ estin oJ qeo/,w latreu/w en tw pneu/mati mou en tweujaggeliw touv uiouv aujtouv, wJadialeiptw mneian uJmwn poiouvmai

    Rom. 1:16 Ouj gar epaiscu/nomai to\eujaggelion, du/nami gar qeouv estinei swthrian panti tw pisteu/onti,Ioudaiw te prwton kai Ellhni.Rom. 2:16 en hJmera ote krinei oJ qeo\ta krupta twn anqrwpwn kata to\eujaggelio/n mou dia CristouvIhsouv.Rom. 10:16All ouj pante uJph/kousantw eujaggeliw. Hsaia gar legei:Rom. 11:28 kata men to\ eujaggelionecqroi di uJma, kata de th\n eklogh\nagaphtoi dia tou\ patera:Rom. 15:16 ei to\ einai me leitourgo\nCristouvIhsouv ei ta eqnh,ierourgouvnta to\ eujaggelion touv qeouv,ina genhtai hJ prosfora twn eqnwneujpro/sdekto, hJgiasmenh enpneu/mati aJgiw.Rom. 15:19 en dunamei shmeiwn kai

    Mark 16:15 And he said to them, Gointo all the world and proclaim thegospel to the whole creation.Acts 15:7 And after there had beenmuch debate, Peter stood up and saidto them, Brothers, you know that in

    the early days God made a choiceamong you, that by my mouth theGentiles should hear the word of thegospel and believe.Acts 20:24 But I do not account mylife of any value nor as precious tomyself, if only I may finish my courseand the ministry that I received fromthe Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospelof the grace of God.

    Rom. 1:1 Paul, a servant of ChristJesus, called to be an apostle, setapart for the gospel of God,Rom. 1:9 For God is my witness,whom I serve with my spirit in thegospel of his Son, that without ceasingI mention youRom. 1:16 For I am not ashamed ofthe gospel, for it is the power of Godfor salvation to everyone who believes,

    to the Jew first and also to the Greek.Rom. 2:16 on that day when,according to my gospel, God judgesthe secrets of men by Christ Jesus.Rom. 10:16 But they have not allobeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says,Lord, who has believed what he hasheard from us?Rom. 11:28 As regards the gospel,they are enemies of God for your sake.

    But as regards election, they arebeloved for the sake of theirforefathers.Rom. 15:16 to be a minister of ChristJesus to the Gentiles in the priestlyservice of the gospel of God, so thatthe offering of the Gentiles may beacceptable, sanctified by the HolySpirit.

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    teratwn, en dunamei pneu/mato[qeouv]: wste me apo\Ierousalh\m kaiku/klw mecri touvIllurikouvpeplhrwkenai to\ eujaggelion touvCristouv,Rom. 16:25 [Tw de dunamenw uJma

    sthrixai kata to\ eujaggelio/n mou kaito\ kh/rugma Ihsouv Cristouv, kataapokaluyin musthriou cro/noiaiwnioi sesighmenou,1Cor. 4:15 ean gar murioupaidagwgou\ echte en Cristw allouj pollou\ patera: en gar CristwIhsouv dia touv eujaggeliou egw uJmaegennhsa.1Cor. 9:12 Ei alloi thv uJmwn exousia

    metecousin, ouj mallon hJmei

    ; all

    oujk ecrhsameqa thv exousia tau/th,

    alla panta stegomen, ina mh/ tinaegkoph\n dwmen tw eujaggeliw touvCristouv.1Cor. 9:14 outw kai oJ ku/rio dietaxentoi to\ eujaggelion kataggellousinek touv eujaggeliou zhvn.1Cor. 9:18 ti oun mou/ estin oJ misqo/;ina eujaggelizo/meno adapanon qh/sw

    to\ eujaggelion ei to\ mh\katacrh/sasqai thv exousia mou entw eujaggeliw.1Cor. 9:23 panta de poiw dia to\eujaggelion, ina sugkoinwno\ aujtouvgenwmai.1Cor. 15:1 Gnwrizw de uJmin, adelfoi,to\ eujaggelion o eujhggelisamhn uJmin,o kai parelabete, en w kai esth/kate,2Cor. 2:12 Elqwn de ei th\n Trwadaei to\ eujaggelion touv Cristouv kaiqu/ra moi anewgmenh en kuriw,2Cor. 4:3 ei de kai estin kekalummenonto\ eujaggelion hJmwn, en toiapollumenoi estin kekalummenon, 4en oi oJ qeo\ touv aiwno tou/touetu/flwsen ta noh/mata twn apistwnei to\ mh\ aujgasai to\n fwtismo\n touveujaggeliou thv do/xh touv Cristouv,

    Rom. 15:19 by the power of signs andwonders, by the power of the Spirit ofGodso that from Jerusalem and allthe way around to Illyricum I havefulfilled the ministry of the gospel ofChrist;

    Rom. 16:25 Now to him who is ableto strengthen you according to mygospel and the preaching of JesusChrist, according to the revelation ofthe mystery that was kept secret forlong ages1Cor. 4:15 For though you havecountless guides in Christ, you do nothave many fathers. For I became yourfather in Christ Jesus through the

    gospel.1Cor. 9:12 If others share this rightfulclaim on you, do not we even more?

    Nevertheless, we have not madeuse of this right, but we endureanything rather than put an obstaclein the way of the gospel of Christ.1Cor. 9:14 In the same way, the Lordcommanded that those who proclaimthe gospel should get their living by

    the gospel.1Cor. 9:18 What then is my reward?That in my preaching I may presentthe gospel free of charge, so as not tomake full use of my right in the gospel.1Cor. 9:23 I do it all for the sake of thegospel, that I may share with them inits blessings.1Cor. 15:1 Now I would remind you,brothers, of the gospel I preached to

    you, which you received, in which youstand,2Cor. 2:12 When I came to Troas topreach the gospel of Christ, eventhough a door was opened for me inthe Lord,2Cor. 4:3 And even if our gospel isveiled, it is veiled only to those whoare perishing. 4 In their case the god

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    o estin eikwn touv qeouv.2Cor. 8:18 sunepemyamen de met aujtouvto\n adelfo\n ou oJ epaino en tweujaggeliw dia paswn twn ekklhsiwn,2Cor. 9:13 dia thv dokimhv thvdiakonia tau/th doxazonte to\n

    qeo\n epi thv uJpotaghv thv oJmologiauJmwn ei to\ eujaggelion touv Cristouvkai aJplo/thti thv koinwnia eiaujtou\ kai ei panta,2Cor. 10:14 ouj gar wJ mh\ efiknou/menoiei uJma uJperekteinomen eautou/,acri gar kai uJmwn efqasamen en tweujaggeliw touv Cristouv,2Cor. 11:4 ei men gar oJ erco/menoallon Ihsouvn khru/ssei on oujk

    ekhru/xamen, h pneuvma eteronlambanete o oujk elabete, heujaggelion eteron o oujk edexasqe,kalw anecesqe.2Cor. 11:7 H aJmartian epoihsaemauto\n tapeinwn ina uJmei uJywqhvte,oti dwrean to\ touv qeouv eujaggelioneujhggelisamhn uJmin;Gal. 1:6 Qaumazw oti outwtacew metatiqesqe apo\ touv

    kalesanto uJma en cariti [Cristouv]ei eteron eujaggelion, 7 o oujk estin

    allo, ei mh/ tine eisin oitarassonte uJma kai qelontemetastreyai to\ eujaggelion touvCristouv.Gal. 1:11 Gnwrizw gar uJmin, adelfoi,to\ eujaggelion to\ eujaggelisqen uJpemouv oti oujk estin kata anqrwpon:Gal. 2:2 anebhn de kata apokaluyin:kai aneqemhn aujtoi to\ eujaggelion okhru/ssw en toi eqnesin, kat idiande toi dokouvsin, mh/ pw ei keno\ntrecw h edramon.Gal. 2:5 oi oujde pro\ wran eixamen thvuJpotaghv, ina hJ alh/qeia touveujaggeliou diameinh pro\ uJma.Gal. 2:7 alla toujnantion ido/nte otipepisteumai to\ eujaggelion thv

    of this world has blinded the minds ofthe unbelievers, to keep them fromseeing the light of the gospel of theglory of Christ, who is the image ofGod.2Cor. 8:18 With him we are sending

    the brother who is famous among allthe churches for his preaching of thegospel.2Cor. 9:13 By their approval of thisservice, they will glorify God becauseof your submission flowing from yourconfession of the gospel of Christ, andthe generosity of your contribution forthem and for all others,2Cor. 10:14 For we are not

    overextending ourselves, as though wedid not reach you. We were the first tocome all the way to you with thegospel of Christ.2Cor. 11:4 For if someone comes andproclaims another Jesus than the onewe proclaimed, or if you receive adifferent spirit from the one youreceived, or if you accept a differentgospel from the one you accepted, you

    put up with it readily enough.2Cor. 11:7 Or did I commit a sin inhumbling myself so that you might beexalted, because I preached Godsgospel to you free of charge?Gal. 1:6 I am astonished that you areso quickly deserting him who calledyou in the grace of Christ and areturning to a different gospel 7 notthat there is another one, but there

    are some who trouble you and want todistort the gospel of Christ.Gal. 1:11 For I would have you know,brothers, that the gospel that waspreached by me is not mans gospel.Gal. 2:2 I went up because of arevelation and set before them (thoughprivately before those who seemedinfluential) the gospel that I proclaim

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    akrobustia kaqw Petro thvperitomhv,Gal. 2:14 all ote eidon oti oujkojrqopodouvsin pro\ th\n alh/qeian touveujaggeliou, eipon tw Khfaemprosqen pantwn: ei su\ Ioudaio

    uJparcwn eqnikw kai oujci


    zhv, pw ta eqnh anagkazei

    ioudaizein;Eph. 1:13En w kai uJmei akou/santeto\n lo/gon thv alhqeia, to\eujaggelion thv swthria uJmwn, en wkai pisteu/sante esfragisqhte twpneu/mati thv epaggelia tw aJgiw,Eph. 3:6 einai ta eqnh sugklhrono/makai su/sswma kai summetoca thv

    epaggelia en Cristw

    Ihsouv dia touveujaggeliou,

    Eph. 6:15 kai uJpodhsamenoi tou\po/da en etoimasia touv eujaggeliouthv eirh/nh,Eph. 6:19 kai uJper emouv, ina moi doqhvlo/go en anoixei touv sto/mato/ mou,en parrhsia gnwrisai to\ musth/riontouv eujaggeliou,Phil. 1:5 epi thv koinwnia uJmwn ei to\

    eujaggelion apo\ thv prwth hJmeraacri touv nuvn,Phil. 1:7 Kaqw estin dikaion emoitouvto fronein uJper pantwn uJmwn diato\ ecein me en thv kardia uJma, en tetoi desmoi mou kai en thv apologiakai bebaiwsei touv eujaggeliousugkoinwnou/ mou thv caritopanta uJma onta.Phil. 1:12 Ginwskein de uJmabou/lomai, adelfoi, oti ta kat ememallon ei prokoph\n touv eujaggeliouelh/luqen,Phil. 1:16 oi men ex agaph, eido/te otiei apologian touv eujaggeliou keimai,Phil. 1:27 Mo/non axiw touveujaggeliou touv Cristouv politeu/esqe,ina eite elqwn kai idwn uJma eiteapwn akou/w ta peri uJmwn, oti

    among the Gentiles, in order to makesure I was not running or had not runin vain.Gal. 2:5 to them we did not yield insubmission even for a moment, so thatthe truth of the gospel might be

    preserved for you.Gal. 2:7 On the contrary, when theysaw that I had been entrusted withthe gospel to the uncircumcised, justas Peter had been entrusted with thegospel to the circumcisedGal. 2:14 But when I saw that theirconduct was not in step with the truthof the gospel, I said to Cephas beforethem all, If you, though a Jew, live

    like a Gentile and not like a Jew, howcan you force the Gentiles to live likeJews?Eph. 1:13 In him you also, when youheard the word of truth, the gospel ofyour salvation, and believed in him,were sealed with the promised HolySpirit,Eph. 3:6 This mystery is that theGentiles are fellow heirs, members of

    the same body, and partakers of thepromise in Christ Jesus through thegospel.Eph. 6:15 and, as shoes for your feet,having put on the readiness given bythe gospel of peace.Eph. 6:19 and also for me, that wordsmay be given to me in opening mymouth boldly to proclaim the mysteryof the gospel,

    Phil. 1:5 because of your partnershipin the gospel from the first day untilnow.Phil. 1:7 It is right for me to feel thisway about you all, because I hold youin my heart, for you are all partakerswith me of grace, both in myimprisonment and in the defense andconfirmation of the gospel.

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    sth/kete en eni pneu/mati, mia yuchvsunaqlouvnte thv pistei touveujaggeliouPhil. 2:22 th\n de dokimh\n aujtouvginwskete, oti wJ patri teknon su\nemoi edou/leusen ei to\ eujaggelion.

    Phil. 4:3 nai erwtw

    kai se, gnh/siesu/zuge, sullambanou aujtai, aitineen tw eujaggeliw sunh/qlhsan moimeta kai Klh/mento kai twn loipwnsunergwn mou, wn ta ojno/mata enbiblw zwhv.Phil. 4:15 oidate de kai uJmei,Filipph/sioi, oti en archv touveujaggeliou, ote exhvlqon apo\Makedonia, oujdemia moi ekklhsia

    ekoinwnhsen ei lo/gon do/sew kailh/myew ei mh\ uJmei mo/noi,Col. 1:5 dia th\n elpida th\napokeimenhn uJmin en toi oujranoi,hn prohkou/sate en tw lo/gw thvalhqeia touv eujaggeliouCol. 1:23 ei ge epimenete thv pisteiteqemeliwmenoi kai edraioi kai mh\metakinou/menoi apo\ thv elpido touveujaggeliou ou hjkou/sate, touv

    khrucqento en pash ktisei thv uJpo\to\n oujrano/n, ou egeno/mhn egwPauvlo diakono.1Th. 1:5 oti to\ eujaggelion hJmwn oujkegenh/qh ei uJma en lo/gw mo/non allakai en dunamei kai en pneu/mati aJgiwkai [en] plhroforia pollhv, kaqwoidate oioi egenh/qhmen [en] uJmin diuJma.1Th. 2:2 alla propaqo/nte kaiuJbrisqente, kaqw oidate, enFilippoi eparrhsiasameqa en twqew hJmwn lalhvsai pro\ uJma to\eujaggelion touv qeouv en pollw agwni.1Th. 2:4 alla kaqw dedokimasmeqauJpo\ touv qeouv pisteuqhvnai to\eujaggelion, outw lalouvmen, oujc wJanqrwpoi areskonte alla qew twdokimazonti ta kardia hJmwn.

    Phil. 1:12 I want you to know,brothers, that what has happened tome has really served to advance thegospel,Phil. 1:16 The latter do it out of love,knowing that I am put here for the

    defense of the gospel.Phil. 1:27 Only let your manner of lifebe worthy of the gospel of Christ, sothat whether I come and see you or amabsent, I may hear of you that you arestanding firm in one spirit, with onemind striving side by side for the faithof the gospel,Phil. 2:22 But you know Timothysproven worth, how as a son with a

    father he has served with me in thegospel.Phil. 4:3 Yes, I ask you also, truecompanion, help these women, whohave labored side by side with me inthe gospel together with Clement andthe rest of my fellow workers, whosenames are in the book of life.Phil. 4:15 And you Philippiansyourselves know that in the beginning

    of the gospel, when I left Macedonia,no church entered into partnershipwith me in giving and receiving, exceptyou only.Col. 1:5 because of the hope laid upfor you in heaven. Of this you haveheard before in the word of the truth,the gospel,Col. 1:23 if indeed you continue in thefaith, stable and steadfast, not shifting

    from the hope of the gospel that youheard, which has been proclaimed inall creation under heaven, and ofwhich I, Paul, became a minister.1Th. 1:5 because our gospel came toyou not only in word, but also in powerand in the Holy Spirit and with fullconviction. You know what kind ofmen we proved to be among you for

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    1Th. 2:8 outw oJmeiro/menoi uJmwneujdokouvmen metadouvnai uJmin oujmo/non to\ eujaggelion touv qeouv allakai ta eautwn yuca, dio/tiagaphtoi hJmin egenh/qhte. 9Mnhmoneu/ete gar, adelfoi, to\n ko/pon

    hJmwn kai to\n mo/cqon: nukto\ kaihJmera ergazo/menoi pro\ to\ mh\

    epibarhvsai tina uJmwn ekhru/xamen eiuJma to\ eujaggelion touv qeouv.1Th. 3:2 kai epemyamen Timo/qeon, to\nadelfo\n hJmwn kai sunergo\n touv qeouven tw eujaggeliw touv Cristouv, ei to\sthrixai uJma kai parakalesaiuJper thv pistew uJmwn2Th. 1:8 en puri flogo/, dido/nto

    ekdikhsin toi mh\ eido/sin qeo\n kaitoi mh\ uJpakou/ousin tw eujaggeliw

    touv kuriou hJmwn Ihsouv,2Th. 2:14 ei o [kai] ekalesen uJmadia touv eujaggeliou hJmwn eiperipoihsin do/xh touv kuriou hJmwnIhsouv Cristouv.1Tim. 1:11 kata to\ eujaggelion thvdo/xh touv makariou qeouv, oepisteu/qhn egw.

    2Tim. 1:8 mh\ oun epaiscunqhv to\martu/rion touv kuriou hJmwn mhde emeto\n desmion aujtouv, allasugkakopaqhson tw eujaggeliw katadu/namin qeouv,2Tim. 1:10 fanerwqeisan de nuvn

    dia thv epifaneia touvswthvro hJmwn CristouvIhsouv,

    katargh/santo men to\nqanaton

    fwtisanto de zwh\n kaiafqarsian dia touv eujaggeliou2Tim. 2:8 Mnhmo/neue IhsouvnCristo\n eghgermenon ek nekrwn, ekspermato Dauid, kata to\eujaggelio/n mou,Philem. 13 on egw eboulo/mhn pro\emauto\n katecein, ina uJper souv moidiakonhv en toi desmoi touv

    your sake.1Th. 2:2 But though we had alreadysuffered and been shamefully treatedat Philippi, as you know, we hadboldness in our God to declare to youthe gospel of God in the midst of much

    conflict.1Th. 2:4 but just as we have beenapproved by God to be entrusted withthe gospel, so we speak, not to pleaseman, but to please God who tests ourhearts.1Th. 2:8 So, being affectionatelydesirous of you, we were ready toshare with you not only the gospel ofGod but also our own selves, because

    you had become very dear to us.1Th. 2:9 For you remember, brothers,our labor and toil: we worked nightand day, that we might not be aburden to any of you, while weproclaimed to you the gospel of God.1Th. 3:2 and we sent Timothy, ourbrother and Gods coworker in thegospel of Christ, to establish andexhort you in your faith,

    2Th. 1:8 in flaming fire, inflictingvengeance on those who do not knowGod and on those who do not obeythe gospel of our Lord Jesus.2Th. 2:14 To this he called youthrough our gospel, so that you mayobtain the glory of our Lord JesusChrist.1Tim. 1:11 in accordance with theglorious gospel of the blessed God

    with which I have been entrusted.2Tim. 1:8 Therefore do not beashamed of the testimony about ourLord, nor of me his prisoner, butshare in suffering for the gospel by thepower of God,2Tim. 1:10 and which now has beenmanifested through the appearing ofour Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished

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    eujaggeliou,1Pet. 4:17 oti [oJ] kairo\ touv arxasqaito\ krima apo\ touv oikou touv qeouv: eide prwton af hJmwn, ti to\ telo twnapeiqou/ntwn tw touv qeouv eujaggeliw;Rev. 14:6 Kai eidon allon aggelon

    peto/menon en mesouranh/mati, econtaeujaggelion aiwnion eujaggelisai epitou\ kaqhmenou epi thv ghv kai epipan eqno kai fulh\n kai glwssankai lao/n,

    death and brought life andimmortality to light through thegospel,2Tim. 2:8 Remember Jesus Christ,risen from the dead, the offspring ofDavid, as preached in my gospel,

    Philem. 13 I would have been glad tokeep him with me, in order that hemight serve me on your behalf duringmy imprisonment for the gospel,1Pet. 4:17 For it is time for judgmentto begin at the household of God; andif it begins with us, what will be theoutcome for those who do not obeythe gospel of God?Rev. 14:6 Then I saw another angel

    flying directly overhead, with an eternalgospel to proclaim to those who dwellon earth, to every nation and tribe andlanguage and people.

    eujaggelizw/ preach the gospel in NTMatt. 11:5 tufloi anablepousin kaicwloi peripatouvsin, leproikaqarizontai kai kwfoi akou/ousin,kai nekroi egeirontai kai ptwcoi

    eujaggelizontai:Luke 1:19 kai apokriqei oJ aggeloeipen aujtw: egw eimi Gabrih\l oJparesthkw enwpion touv qeouv kaiapestalhn lalhvsai pro\ se kaieujaggelisasqai soi tauvta:Luke 2:10 kai eipen aujtoi oJ aggelo:mh\ fobeisqe, idou\ gar eujaggelizomaiuJmin caran megalhn hti estai pantitw law,

    Luke 3:18 Polla men oun kai eteraparakalwn eujhggelizeto to\n lao/n.Luke 4:18 pneuvma kuriou ep eme

    ou eineken ecrisen meeujaggelisasqai ptwcoi,

    apestalken me,khru/xai aicmalwtoi afesin

    kai tufloi anableyin,aposteilai teqrausmenou en

    Matt. 11:5 the blind receive their sightand the lame walk, lepers are cleansedand the deaf hear, and the dead areraised up, and the poor have good

    news preached to them.Luke 1:19 And the angel answeredhim, I am Gabriel, who stands in thepresence of God, and I was sent tospeak to you and to bring you thisgood news.Luke 2:10 And the angel said to them,Fear not, for behold, I bring you goodnews of a great joy that will be for allthe people.

    Luke 3:18 So with many otherexhortations he preached good newsto the people.Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord isupon me,

    because he has anointedme

    to proclaim good news tothe poor.

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    afesei,Luke 4:43 oJ de eipen pro\ aujtou\ otikai tai eterai po/lesineujaggelisasqai me dei th\n basileiantouv qeouv, oti epi touvto apestalhn.Luke 7:22 kai apokriqei eipen aujtoi:

    poreuqente apaggeilateIwannh aeidete kai hjkou/sate:

    cwloi peripatouvsin,leproi kaqarizontai kaiptwcoi eujaggelizontai:

    Luke 8:1 Kai egeneto en tw kaqexhvkai aujto\ diwdeuen kata po/lin kaikwmhn khru/sswn kaieujaggelizo/meno th\n basileian touvqeouv kai oi dwdeka su\n aujtw,

    Luke 9:6 exerco/menoi de dih/rcontokata ta kwma eujaggelizo/menoi kaiqerapeu/onte pantacouv.Luke 16:16 O no/mo kai oi profhvtaimecri Iwannou: apo\ to/te hJ basileiatouv qeouv eujaggelizetai kai pa eiaujth\n biazetai.Luke 20:1 Kai egeneto en mia twnhJmerwn didaskonto aujtouv to\n lao\nen tw ierw kai eujaggelizomenou

    epesthsan oi arcierei kai oigrammatei su\n toi presbuteroi

    Acts 5:42 pasan te hJmeran en tw ierwkai kat oikon oujk epau/ontodidaskonte kai eujaggelizo/menoi to\ncristo\n Ihsouvn.Acts 8:4 Oi men oun diasparentedihvlqon eujaggelizo/menoi to\n lo/gon.Acts 8:12 ote de episteusan twFilippw eujaggelizomenw peri thvbasileia touv qeouv kai touv ojno/matoIhsouv Cristouv, ebaptizonto andrete kai gunaike.Acts 8:25 Oi men oun diamarturamenoikai lalh/sante to\n lo/gon touvkuriou uJpestrefon ei Ieroso/luma,polla te kwma twn Samaritwneujhggelizonto.Acts 8:35 anoixa de oJ Filippo to\

    He has sent me to proclaimliberty to the captives

    and recovering of sight tothe blind,

    to set at liberty those who areoppressed,

    Luke 4:43 but he said to them, I mustpreach the good news of the kingdomof God to the other towns as well; for Iwas sent for this purpose.Luke 7:22 And he answered them, Goand tell John what you have seen andheard: the blind receive their sight, thelame walk, lepers are cleansed, andthe deaf hear, the dead are raised up,the poor have good news preached to

    them.Luke 8:1 Soon afterward he went onthrough cities and villages, proclaimingand bringing the good news of thekingdom of God. And the twelve werewith him,Luke 9:6 And they departed and wentthrough the villages, preaching thegospel and healing everywhere.Luke 16:16 The Law and the

    Prophets were until John; since thenthe good news of the kingdom of Godis preached, and everyone forces hisway into it.Luke 20:1 One day, as Jesus wasteaching the people in the temple andpreaching the gospel, the chief priestsand the scribes with the elders cameupActs 5:42 And every day, in the temple

    and from house to house, they did notcease teaching and preaching Jesus asthe Christ.Acts 8:4 Now those who werescattered went about preaching theword.Acts 8:12 But when they believedPhilip as he preached good newsabout the kingdom of God and the

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    sto/ma aujtouv kai arxameno apo\ thvgrafhv tau/th eujhggelisato aujtwto\n Ihsouvn.Acts 8:40 Filippo de euJreqh eiAzwton: kai dierco/menoeujhggelizeto ta po/lei pasa ew

    touv elqein aujto\n ei Kaisareian.Acts 10:36 to\n lo/gon [on] apesteilen

    toi uioi Israh\l eujaggelizo/menoeirh/nhn diaIhsouv Cristouv, outo/estin pantwn ku/rio,Acts 11:20Hsan de tine ex aujtwnandre Ku/prioi kai Kurhnaioi,oitine elqo/nte ei Antio/ceianelaloun kai pro\ tou\ Ellhnistaeujaggelizo/menoi to\n ku/rion Ihsouvn.

    Acts 13:32 Kai hJmei uJma

    eujaggelizo/meqa th\n pro\ tou\

    patera epaggelian genomenhn,Acts 14:7 kakei eujaggelizo/menoi hsan.Acts 14:15 kai legonte: andre, titauvta poieite; kai hJmei oJmoiopaqeiesmen uJmin anqrwpoi eujaggelizo/menoiuJma apo\ tou/twn twn mataiwnepistrefein epi qeo\n zwnta,Acts 14:21eujaggelisamenoi te th\n

    po/lin ekeinhn kai maqhteu/santeikanou\ uJpestreyan ei th\n Lu/strankai ei Iko/nion kai ei Antio/ceianActs 15:35 Pauvlo de kai Barnabadietribon en Antioceia didaskontekai eujaggelizo/menoi meta kai eterwnpollwn to\n lo/gon touv kuriou.Acts 16:10 wJ de to\ orama eiden,eujqew ezhth/samen exelqein eiMakedonian sumbibazonte oti

    proskeklhtai hJma oJ qeo\eujaggelisasqai aujtou/.

    Acts 17:18 tine de kai twnEpikoureiwn kai Stoikwn filoso/fwnsuneballon aujtw, kai tine elegon:ti an qeloi oJ spermolo/go outolegein; oi de: xenwn daimoniwn dokeikataggeleu\ einai, oti to\n Ihsouvnkai th\n anastasin eujhggelizeto.

    name of Jesus Christ, they werebaptized, both men and women.Acts 8:25 Now when they hadtestified and spoken the word of theLord, they returned to Jerusalem,preaching the gospel to many villages

    of the Samaritans.Acts 8:35 Then Philip opened hismouth, and beginning with thisScripture he told him the good newsabout Jesus.Acts 8:40 But Philip found himself atAzotus, and as he passed through hepreached the gospel to all the townsuntil he came to Caesarea.Acts 10:36 As for the word that he

    sent to Israel, preaching good news ofpeace through Jesus Christ ( he is Lordof all),Acts 11:20 But there were some ofthem, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, whoon coming to Antioch spoke to theHellenists also, preaching the LordJesus.Acts 13:32 And we bring you the goodnews that what God promised to the

    fathers,Acts 14:7 and there they continued topreach the gospel.Acts 14:15 Men, why are you doingthese things? We also are men, of likenature with you, and we bring yougood news, that you should turn fromthese vain things to a living God,who made the heaven and the earthand the sea and all that is in them.

    Acts 14:21 When they had preachedthe gospel to that city and had mademany disciples, they returned to Lystraand to Iconium and to Antioch,Acts 15:35 But Paul and Barnabasremained in Antioch, teaching andpreaching the word of the Lord, withmany others also.Acts 16:10 And when Paul had seen

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    Rom. 1:15 outw to\ kat eme pro/qumonkai uJmin toi en Rwmheujaggelisasqai.Rom. 10:15 pw de khru/xwsin ean mh\apostalwsin; kaqw gegraptai:Rom. 15:20 outw de filotimou/menon

    eujaggelizesqai oujc opou wnomasqhCristo/, ina mh\ ep allo/trionqemelion oikodomw,1Cor. 1:17 ouj gar apesteilen meCristo\ baptizein allaeujaggelizesqai, oujk en sofia lo/gou,ina mh\ kenwqhv oJ stauro\ touvCristouv.1Cor. 9:16 ean gar eujaggelizwmai, oujkestin moi kau/chma: anagkh gar moi

    epikeitai: oujai gar moi estin ean mh\eujaggeliswmai.1Cor. 9:18 ti oun mou/ estin oJ misqo/;ina eujaggelizo/meno adapanon qh/swto\ eujaggelion ei to\ mh\katacrh/sasqai thv exousia mou entw eujaggeliw.1Cor. 15:1 Gnwrizw de uJmin, adelfoi,to\ eujaggelion o eujhggelisamhn uJmin,o kai parelabete, en w kai esth/kate,

    2 diou

    kai swzesqe, tini lo/gweujhggelisamhn uJmin ei katecete,

    ekto\ ei mh\ eikhv episteu/sate.2Cor. 10:16 ei ta uJperekeina uJmwneujaggelisasqai, oujk en allotriwkano/ni ei ta etoima kauch/sasqai.2Cor. 11:7 H aJmartian epoihsaemauto\n tapeinwn ina uJmei uJywqhvte,oti dwrean to\ touv qeouv eujaggelioneujhggelisamhn uJmin;Gal. 1:8 alla kai ean hJmei h aggeloex oujranouv eujaggelizhtai [uJmin] paro eujhggelisameqa uJmin, anaqemaestw. 9 wJ proeirh/kamen kai artipalin legw: ei ti uJma eujaggelizetaipar o parelabete, anaqema estw.Gal. 1:11 Gnwrizw gar uJmin, adelfoi,to\ eujaggelion to\ eujaggelisqen uJpemouv oti oujk estin kata anqrwpon:

    the vision, immediately we sought togo on into Macedonia, concluding thatGod had called us to preach the gospelto them.Acts 17:18 Some of the Epicurean andStoic philosophers also conversed with

    him. And some said, What does thisbabbler wish to say? Others said, Heseems to be a preacher of foreigndivinitiesbecause he was preachingJesus and the resurrection.Rom. 1:15 So I am eager to preach thegospel to you also who are in Rome.Rom. 10:15 And how are they topreach unless they are sent? As it iswritten, How beautiful are the feet of

    those who preach the good news!Rom. 15:20 and thus I make it myambition to preach the gospel, notwhere Christ has already been named,lest I build on someone elsesfoundation,1Cor. 1:17 For Christ did not send meto baptize but to preach the gospel,and not with words of eloquentwisdom, lest the cross of Christ be

    emptied of its power.1Cor. 9:16 For if I preach the gospel,that gives me no ground for boasting.For necessity is laid upon me. Woe tome if I do not preach the gospel!1Cor. 9:18 What then is my reward?That in my preaching I may presentthe gospel free of charge, so as not tomake full use of my right in the gospel.1Cor. 15:1 Now I would remind you,

    brothers, of the gospel I preached toyou, which you received, in which youstand, 2 and by which you are beingsaved, if you hold fast to the word Ipreached to you unless you believedin vain.2Cor. 10:16 so that we may preach thegospel in lands beyond you, withoutboasting of work already done in

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    Gal. 1:16 apokalu/yai to\n uio\n aujtouven emoi, ina eujaggelizwmai aujto\n entoi eqnesin, eujqew oujprosaneqemhn sarki kai aimatiGal. 1:23 mo/non de akou/onte hsan otioJ diwkwn hJma pote nuvn

    eujaggelizetai th\n pistin hn poteepo/rqei,Gal. 4:13 oidate de oti di asqeneianthv sarko\ eujhggelisamhn uJmin to\pro/teron,Eph. 2:17 kai elqwn eujhggelisatoeirh/nhn uJmin toi makran kai eirh/nhntoi eggu/:Eph. 3:8 Emoi tw elacistoterwpantwn aJgiwn edo/qh hJ cari auth,

    toi eqnesin eujaggelisasqai to\anexicniaston plouvto touv Cristouv

    1Th. 3:6 Arti de elqo/ntoTimoqeou pro\ hJma af uJmwn kaieujaggelisamenou hJmin th\n pistin kaith\n agaphn uJmwn kai oti ecetemneian hJmwn agaqh\n pantote,epipoqouvnte hJma idein kaqaper kaihJmei uJma,Heb. 4:2 kai gar esmen eujhggelismenoi

    kaqaper kakeinoi: all

    oujk wfelhsenoJ lo/go thv akohv ekeinou mh\

    sugkekerasmenou thv pistei toiakou/sasin.Heb. 4:6 epei oun apoleipetai tinaeiselqein ei aujth/n, kai oi pro/teroneujaggelisqente oujk eishvlqon diapeiqeian,1Pet. 1:12 oi apekalu/fqh oti oujceautoi uJmin de dihko/noun aujta, anuvn anhggelh uJmin dia twneujaggelisamenwn uJma [en] pneu/matiaJgiw apostalenti ap oujranouv, ei aepiqumouvsin aggeloi paraku/yai.1Pet. 1:25 to\ de rJhvma kuriou meneiei to\n aiwna.touvto de estin to\ rJhvma to\eujaggelisqen ei uJma.1Pet. 4:6 ei touvto gar kai nekroi

    anothers area of influence.2Cor. 11:7 Or did I commit a sin inhumbling myself so that you might beexalted, because I preached Godsgospel to you free of charge?Gal. 1:8 But even if we or an angel

    from heaven should preach to you agospel contrary to the one wepreached to you, let him be accursed.9 As we have said before, so now I sayagain: If anyone is preaching to you agospel contrary to the one youreceived, let him be accursed.Gal. 1:11 For I would have you know,brothers, that the gospel that waspreached by me is not mans gospel.

    Gal. 1:16 was pleased to reveal his Sonto me, in order that I might preachhim among the Gentiles, I did notimmediately consult with anyone;Gal. 1:23 They only were hearing itsaid, He who used to persecute us isnow preaching the faith he once triedto destroy.Gal. 4:13 You know it was because ofa bodily ailment that I preached the

    gospel to you at first,Eph. 2:17 And he came and preachedpeace to you who were far off andpeace to those who were near.Eph. 3:8 To me, though I am the veryleast of all the saints, this grace wasgiven, to preach to the Gentiles theunsearchable riches of Christ,1Th. 3:6 But now that Timothy hascome to us from you, and has brought

    us the good news of your faith andlove and reported that you alwaysremember us kindly and long to seeus, as we long to see youHeb. 4:2 For good news came to usjust as to them, but the message theyheard did not benefit them, becausethey were not united by faith withthose who listened.

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    eujhggelisqh, ina kriqwsi men kataanqrwpou sarki zwsi de kata qeo\npneu/mati.Rev. 10:7 all en tai hJmerai thvfwnhv touv ebdo/mou aggelou, otanmellh salpizein, kai etelesqh to\

    musth/rion touv qeouv, wJ eujhggelisentou\ eautouv dou/lou tou\ profh/ta.Rev. 14:6 Kai eidon allon aggelonpeto/menon en mesouranh/mati, econtaeujaggelion aiwnion eujaggelisai epitou\ kaqhmenou epi thv ghv kai epipan eqno kai fulh\n kai glwssankai lao/n,

    Heb. 4:6 Since therefore it remainsfor some to enter it, and those whoformerly received the good news failedto enter because of disobedience,1Pet. 1:12 It was revealed to them thatthey were serving not themselves but

    you, in the things that have now beenannounced to you through those whopreached the good news to you by theHoly Spirit sent from heaven, thingsinto which angels long to look.1Pet. 1:25 but the word of the Lordremains forever.

    And this word is the good newsthat was preached to you.1Pet. 4:6 For this is why the gospel

    was preached even to those who aredead, that though judged in the fleshthe way people are, they might live inthe spirit the way God does.Rev. 10:7 but that in the days of thetrumpet call to be sounded by theseventh angel, the mystery of Godwould be fulfilled, just as heannounced to his servants theprophets.

    Rev. 14:6 Then I saw another angelflying directly overhead, with an eternalgospel to proclaim to those who dwellon earth, to every nation and tribe andlanguage and people.