G O S P E L O F M A R K B Y P A S T O R M I K E Cover picture in public domain: PD-US Gospel of Mark All 16 chapters in tweets as taught by Pastor Mike on Twitter “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

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"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45)

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E Cover picture in public domain: PD-US

Gospel of


All 16 chapters in tweets as taught

by Pastor Mike on Twitter

“For even the

Son of Man did

not come to be

served, but to

serve, and to

give His life

a ransom

for many.”



Page 2: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Gospel of Mark Chapter 1-16

Gospel of Mark (Chapter 1 - 16)

by Pastor Mike (@aheartforgod)

(Christ in Gethsemane cover picture in the public domain: click here. PD-US)


Page 3: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Gospel of Mark Chapter 1-16

TABLE OF CONTENTSMinistry Beginnings......................................... 4Healings............................................................ 8Sabbath Questions, Chosen Ones, Parables.... 12Miracles............................................................. 16Ministry Lessons............................................... 19Conflict with Tradition.................................... 23Confession of Faith..........................................27

“Transfiguration” - Part 1................................ 31“Transfiguration” - Part 2................................34

Christ's Last Week – Part 1.............................. 38Christ's Last Week - Part 2.............................. 42Christ's Last Week – Part 3.............................. 46

Trial................................................................... 51Crucifixion........................................................ 55Resurrection..................................................... 59


Page 4: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Gospel of Mark Chapter 1-16

Visit Pastor Mike's blog: aheartforgod.net

Subscribe by email to Pastor Mike's blog posts: click here


Page 5: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Tweets for Ministry Beginnings #mkbiblechat (3/9/12) © A Heart For God Ministries

The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Mark 1:1 #Jesus

#mkbiblechat #Tworship #bowdownbeforeHim ! \o/


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Ministry Beginnings (Mark 1:1-28) -> http://ht.ly/9ymcE



Let me set the stage.Since Mark wasn’t there,Peter is the eyewitness of the events.Only

an eyewitness could know these things #mkbiblechat

Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving others &

meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

Commit 2 memory: 4 the Son of Man did not come 2 b served, but 2 serve, & 2 give His

life a ransom 4 many. Mark 10:45 #mkbiblechat

Outline of Mark -> 1st 8 chapters~ 4 the Son of Man did not come 2 b served, but 2 serve.

Mark 10:45a #mkbiblechat

Outline of Mark -> 2nd 8 chapters~& 2 give His life a ransom 4 many. Mark 10:45b

#mkbiblechat (I like that outline. I can remember that) :)

Miracles/healings in Mark vs Matthew&Luke. Latter record 20 miracles. Mark (at 1/2

their size) has 28 -> 24 in 1st 8 chapters! #mkbiblechat

And so the main point of this whole study & call 2 action 4 us throughout is:

service/servanthood/serving :) #mkbiblechat

Do u have an easy time at serving or hard? #mkbiblechat

Prayer: Jesus, make me a servant just like You \o/ #mkbiblechat

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We’re especially focusing on Mark 1:1-28 today, what I call: Ministry Beginnings (Next

week -> Mark 1:29-45, 2:1-22: Healings) #mkbiblechat

I hope that you could have your Bible open? -> Mark 1:1-28 :) Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com :) #mkbiblechat

Mark starts w/a burst. The 4runner,John,appears! v.1-8 World will never b the same.

(Ought 2 happen when we show up somewhere) #mkbiblechat

The righteous r bold as a lion. (Prov 28:1b) How’s ur boldness? What r u afraid of?

Devil’s greatest work is 2 keep us quiet #mkbiblechat

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity (cowardice,fear), but of

power&love&discipline.2Tim1:7 #mkbiblechat


On 2 Christ’s baptism. v.9-11 John does not know Jesus is the Christ until the dove

moment. He did know Him prior as cousin #mkbiblechat

Speaks of r inability 2 grasp God without His revealing Himself to us. “We love, because

He 1st loved us.” 1John4:19 #mkbiblechat

Do u remember when u 1st met Jesus 4 real beyond just knowing about Him or going 2

church? Can u share? :) #mkbiblechat


Matthew & Luke get all the press 4 their Temptation sequences, but Mark has one, too!

v.12-13 #mkbiblechat

And immediately the Spirit impelled Him 2 go out into the wilderness. And He

was…being tempted by Satan (v.12-13a) #mkbiblechat

Impelled (v.12;NAS) – let me explain it in a question -> Have u ever felt like God was

moving u 2 do something? That’s impelled #mkbiblechat

Think about it: Overcoming temptation is a prerequisite 2 service. Some r in ministry, but

still bound 2 sin. Any thoughts? #mkbiblechat

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In v.14-15 we have Jesus’ message. Let me ask u a few questions about it. Ok? :)


Is Jesus’ message: Just b really nice & don’t hurt anybody? or Do enough good things 2

outweigh the bad? #mkbiblechat

Is Jesus’ message: All religions lead 2 God/heaven? or Just b really sincere?


Of course, Jesus’ message is: 1. Repent & 2. believe 3. in the gospel. (v.15;NAS) That’ll

preach! :) #mkbiblechat

“Repent” (Amplified) -> have a change of mind which issues in regret 4 past sins&in a

change of conduct for the better #mkbiblechat

“Believe” (Amplified) -> trust in, rely on & adhere to. Pastor Mike’s paraphrase: Stick 2

God like glue :) #mkbiblechat

What do u think of the following? -> In r day&in some churches the Gospel message is

altered/changed/watered down/candy-coated #mkbiblechat


In v.16-20 we have the call of the 1st disciples. It’s interesting the emphasis on

James&John leaving their father in v. 20 #mkbiblechat

Jesus called them;&they left their father Zebedee in the boat w/the hired servants,&went

away 2 follow Him.Mk1:20 #mkbiblechat

Main point -> We must do what Jesus says above r family’s wishes~even if they won’t

understand~even if it invites their disdain #mkbiblechat


In v.21-28 we find Jesus’ acting w/amazing authority! (exousia) #mkbiblechat

This is Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant on the basketball court with

kindergarteners :) #mkbiblechat

Two points -> 1. On authority & 2. On being amazed… #mkbiblechat

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We want Jesus’ authority, but we won’t walk His way of humiliation (Philippians 2:5-11)

Choose the lowest spot #mkbiblechat

R u “amazed” w/Jesus? #mkbiblechat

If we r any less “amazed” than these in the Scripture then we r living in a dull state&need

a reawakening of heart #mkbiblechat

Revive us again, O Lord! \o/ #mkbiblechat

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Tweets for Healings #mkbiblechat (3/16/12) © A Heart For God Ministries

By His scourging we are healed.Isa53:5d By His wounds u were healed.1Pet2:24c Pray 4 1

another so that u may b healed.Ja5:16b #mkbiblechat


Topics on tap -> Healings (of course), Jesus’ prayer life, Matthew’s call, Fasting & 2 Parables

(Unshrunk Cloth, New Wineskins) #mkbiblechat

Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Healings (Mark 1:29-45; 2:1-22) -> http://ht.ly/9EeOx #mkbiblechat


From last week -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT

serving others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

Since we’re talking about healings->Matthew&Luke record 20. Mark (at 1/2 their size) has 28! -

> 24 in 1st 8 chapters! Cooool :) #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 1:29-45; 2:1-22 today, what I call: Healings. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com #mkbiblechat

Next week -> Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-35; 4:1-34: Sabbath Questions, Chosen Ones, Parables. Read

ahead if u can. Ok? :) #mkbiblechat


Be4 we get 2 the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law,a question -> R the types of healings seen in

Jesus’ ministry available 2day? #mkbiblechat

2 points->1.Catholic issue of Peter as 1st Pope&that “priests” after his example must b

celibate:not Scriptural.He was married #mkbiblechat

2. Notice Mark 1:31 -> And Jesus came to Peter’s mother-in-law, raised her up…the fever

left…& she waited on them (served!) #mkbiblechat

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The natural response to a touch from Christ is service to His cause (“waited on them” in Mark

1:31d is “served”) #mkbiblechat

Thank u 4 ur service 2 r glorious Lord since He touched u,my dear brothers&sisters. He(Jesus)

would want u 2 know that today :) #mkbiblechat


A cursory look at v.32-34, but don’t miss the dynamic. "Whole city” is captured by this

Jesus&His power. We need 2 b captured 2 #mkbiblechat

The “healings” r Christ’s credentials. No one else prior to Him & no one else after Him has been

able to produce such wonders. (John 5:24a) #mkbiblechat


It was late night ministry in v.32ff (&when evening had come).Still Jesus was up early praying in

v.35 (&early in the morning) #mkbiblechat

Is prayer as important 2 u as it was 2 Jesus? When do u pray? I pray while I’m jogging :)


It doesn’t matter where or when u pray, it matters that u pray #mkbiblechat

The secret 2 ministry success (or any career or venture) is the quiet place / prayer closet


Prayer is speaking,listening,waiting.It’s not meant 2 b rote,it’s meant 2 b relational.(Can b hard 4

men.Y do u think that is?) #mkbiblechat


Real quick with v. 36-39 (but powerful point)… #mkbiblechat

Just imagine this Guy showing up in ur city&church(v.39)w/how God is using Him.We’re not

always ready 4 a new preacher w/power #mkbiblechat


2 specific healings coming fast now (leper & paralytic). The healing of the leper 1st in v. 40-

45… #mkbiblechat

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Compassion in v. 41a (splagechnizomai; Strong’s 4697): “2 have the bowels yearn; feel

sympathy, 2 pity” #mkbiblechat

The significance of Christ’s touch in v. 41? Lepers are untouchables. Point->We need 2 b people

who reach out & touch the untouchables #mkbiblechat


The healing of the paralytic now in c. 2:1-12. R u still w/me? (somebody shout) ;) #mkbiblechat

Jesus oddly starts out: “My son, your sins are forgiven.” (v. 5) Healing always starts at the

spiritual level… #mkbiblechat

Beyond that, there is a spiritual significance 2 each healing (Scroggie). Please read my notes 4

more on this -> http://ht.ly/9EeOx #mkbiblechat

Now to a question: Does God always heal? #mkbiblechat


Call of Matthew. A healing passage, too! (2:17) Point: We don’t always like more/new people

joining the flock. Thoughts? :) #mkbiblechat

Also -> Matthew “left everything behind.” Lk5:28 What r u holding on 2 that u must let go of or

ur not really following Jesus? #mkbiblechat


Really quickly, I want 2 take a moment 2 pray Christ’s healing over each of u. Who has a need?

:) #mkbiblechat

By His scourging we are healed.Isa53:5d By His wounds u were healed.1Pet2:24c Pray 4 1

another so that u may b healed.Ja5:16b #mkbiblechat

Jesus, u know each person’s need. I pray even now 4 ur healing power 2 flow thru #mkbiblechat

as it did 2,000 yrs ago. Touch & heal, O Lord!


Moving on now 2: Questions on fasting. (2:18-20) Don’t measure other people’s “spirituality” by

whether or not they live up 2 “yours.” #mkbiblechat

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Jesus speaks of the violence of His death in v. 20 for the 1st time. It’s amazing when u realize He

knew what was coming #mkbiblechat


Unshrunk Cloth (2:21): We like “status quo” (many of us do). Jesus is not into “status quo” :)



New Wineskins (2:22): If we don’t want 2 miss God we need 2 b open 2 new ways of doing

things & new people invading r space #mkbiblechat

Heal us, Lord, Jesus! \o/ #mkbiblechat

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Tweets for Sabbath Questions, Chosen Ones, Parables

#mkbiblechat (3/23/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Sabbath Questions, Chosen 1s, Parables (Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-35; 4:1-

34) -> http://ht.ly/9JJTB #mkbiblechat


Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-35; 4:1-34 today I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com :) #mkbiblechat


The disciples picking grain on the Sabbath upsets the religious leaders. Mk 2:23-28 Do u ever

think it’s ok 2 break the rules? #mkbiblechat

It was ok 4 the disciples 2 pick grain. (Jesus allowed it!) The Sabbath is meant 2 b a benefit 4

man, not a burden (2:27) #mkbiblechat

B careful that ur relationship w/God doesn’t degenerate 2 a list of rules(that u impose on others).

It happens even via Twitter #mkbiblechat


Jesus heals the man w/the withered hand & gets angry w/those in “church” who have hard

hearts.Mark3:1-6 What is a hard heart? #mkbiblechat

Me: A hard heart is one that has no room for compassion/God. My wife: What upsets/grieves

Jesus ought to upset/grieve us #mkbiblechat

A lot of times we’re upset/grieved over the wrong thing (&/or at the wrong one~focus should be

on ourselves) #mkbiblechat

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Finally, do u c God as upset with/mad at u? He isn’t since u’v received Jesus. Some of u really

need 2 let that sink in :) #mkbiblechat

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace w/God thru our Lord Jesus Christ

Rom5:1 (You are God’s friend!) #mkbiblechat


The Messiah’s credentials. Mark 3:7-12 (Isaiah 61:1-2a; Luke 4:18-19) This is God’s Son! It is!!

:) #Jesus #mkbiblechat

CHOSEN ONES (3:13-19)

Jesus chooses 12 guys. Mark 3:13-19 They aren’t anything “great.” How might that be an

encouragement to us? #mkbiblechat

Jesus spent all night w/His Father on this 1.Lk6:12 Invest significant time praying when ur

making history-altering decisions #mkbiblechat


Jesus’ family thinks He’s a lunatic. Mk3:20-21 Isn’t that crazy?(pun intended) Has any1 thought

u were a “nut” 4 ur beliefs? #mkbiblechat

My mom said,I will never come 2 hear u preach unless u become a priest.It is hard 4 us 2 reach r

families.Y do u think that is? #mkbiblechat


Just one question on the unpardonable sin/blasphemy against the Holy Spirit(3:22-30) What is

the sin that can not b forgiven? 1 word #mkbiblechat

You&I can be 4given of every sin:adultery,fornication,lying,stealing,hating,etc.The 1 thing we

can not b 4given 4 is-> Unbelief #mkbiblechat


Just 1 thought on Who are my mother & brothers? Mk3:31-35 Relationships in the kingdom of

God transcend earthly relationships #mkbiblechat

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If any1 comes 2 Me,&does not HATE his own father & mother & wife & children & brothers &

sisters… #mkbiblechat

…Yes,&even HATE his own life,he cannot b My disciple. Lk14:26 “Hate” is an exaggeration 2

make a point:God must be 1st above all #mkbiblechat


It's the Parable of the Sower & Soils 2 start.(Mk4:1-20) Very familiar teaching -> 4 soils equal 4

ways people respond 2 Gospel #mkbiblechat

We must do all that we can do to make sure our hearts are of the “good soil” type. (v.8,20) How

do u keep ur “soil” good? :) #mkbiblechat


On to the Parable of the Lamp/Standard of Measurement.(Mk4:21-25) But I thought we

shouldn't wear r religion "on r sleeve"? #mkbiblechat

Standard of Measurement: God’s truth has been made available. As we receive it thru its

application in r lives,we receive more #mkbiblechat


On to the Parable of the Seed (no mustard).(Mk4:26-29) Only found in this 1 Gospel, btw, what

do u think it teaches? #mkbiblechat

Lesson of the Parable of the Seed -> We mature over a course of time, slowly but surely, as a

plant grows… #mkbiblechat

Lesson of the Parable of the Seed (cont) -> We r not now what we will b in the future (in

knowledge,character,love of/4 others) #mkbiblechat

Have u ever tried (wanted) 2 speed up God (His growth process)? #mkbiblechat


On to the Parable of the Mustard Seed. (Mk 4:30-32) What do u think this Parable teaches? Who

do the “birds” stand for? v.32c #mkbiblechat

Lesson of the Parable of the Mustard Seed -> Expansion of kingdom of God starts small,but

increases/will increase 2 fill all #mkbiblechat

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The “birds”? v.32c Even wickedness/evil will rear its ugly head among the righteous

#mkbiblechat #aheartforgod


Btw, why does Jesus use Parables as His primary teaching tool? Thoughts? #mkbiblechat


Why does Jesus use Parables as His primary teaching tool? -> To thin the ranks~turn away false

followers/draw in true followers #mkbiblechat

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Tweets for Miracles #mkbiblechat (3/30/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Miracles (Mark 4:35-41; 5:1-43) -> http://ht.ly/9StHk #mkbiblechat


Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 4:35-41; 5:1-43 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com :) #mkbiblechat

4 miracles today -> Calming the Sea, Delivering the Demon-Possessed Man, Healing the

Bleeding Woman, Raising Jairus’ Daughter #mkbiblechat

4 miracles today -> Show Christ’s power over nature, devils, nagging issues of life, death <-All 4

miracles r impossible 4 man #mkbiblechat


Miracle 1 (v. 35-41) Out the disciples go across 2 the other side of the Sea of Galilee where

angry tempests were known 2 arise #mkbiblechat

Could it b that ur enduring an “angry tempest” even now in ur own life? :) #mkbiblechat

What a contrasting scene! Frazzled, know how 2 handle the highs seas fisherman VS sleeping,

peaceful Jesus #mkbiblechat

When Jesus rebukes the storm (in v. 39) He speaks 2 it as a puppy, saying “hush.” (Prof in

college) #mkbiblechat

It’s not a big deal 4 Christ 2 calm the storm.It’s quite another thing when it comes 2 r hearts. Q:

Do u tend towards calmness? #mkbiblechat

Jesus asks, Y r u so timid? (v. 40) R Lord is amazed at disciples’ response 2 the storm. After all,

God was w/them in the boat #mkbiblechat

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R fear in the midst of a storm reveals a lack of understanding as 2 who God is, that He

can&should b trusted. Who needs peace? #mkbiblechat

Jesus, You alone know r needs & station in life. I pray now 4 peace in the midst of the storm 4

my brothers&sisters here today #mkbiblechat


Miracle 2 (5:1-20) Immediately as they get out of the boat, they r met by a man from the tombs

w/an unclean spirit #mkbiblechat

Have you ever encountered a person under the influence of Satan (oppressed, possessed, other)?


Y does Christ ask 4 the man’s / demon’s name? (Mark 5:9) #mkbiblechat

Christ asks 4 the man’s / demon’s name not 4 His own info, but 4 ours. He wants us 2 know how

many spirits r in this guy… #mkbiblechat

This “Legion” episode is an illustration of how the greatest thing Satan can throw at us is no

match 4 Christ! 1 John 4:4 #mkbiblechat

In Matthew’s Gospel (8:32), Jesus speaks 1 word, Go, & the demons flee. Sometimes people

don’t obey Jesus, but demons always do #mkbiblechat

Demons sent into 2,000 pigs (3 demons per). Hundreds of tons of raw,animal muscle subject 2

Satan r subject 2 1 word from Jesus #mkbiblechat

Do you understand just how powerful this friend you have in Jesus really is? No weapon formed

against you shall prosper :) #mkbiblechat


Miracle 3 (5:25-34) A woman w/a physical bleeding/open wound (nagging issue) approaches

Jesus. She’s lived in isolation (Lev15) #mkbiblechat

She’s heard of Christ. She hasn't been able 2 touch any1 4 a long,long time. The law forbids it.

Understand her pain. Feel #mkbiblechat

Have u ever carried (r u now?) an unbearable weight of hurt? (rhetorical question) God wants 2

touch u as u touch Him even now #mkbiblechat

Somebody’s getting healed today right during this study.B healed in Jesus’ holy name,friend,as u

reach out 2 Him.1Pet2:24c :) #mkbiblechat

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After the woman touches our Lord’s garments, it reads: “And immediately the flow of her blood

was dried up.” (Mk 5:29) Wow #mkbiblechat

Jesus asks, “Who touched My garments?” (Mk 5:30) How could Christ not know who touched

Him? #mkbiblechat

Of course,Jesus knew who touched Him.He didn’t ask 4 His sake,but the woman’s.He wanted

the community to know&end her isolation #mkbiblechat

The woman’s faith makes her well. (Mk 5:34) Don’t miss the reference 2 “Daughter.” She is our

sister! We will meet her 1 day :) #mkbiblechat


Miracle 4 (5:21-24;35-43) A story about an interruption.Jesus is on His way 2 help Jairus’

daughter&the bleeding woman appears #mkbiblechat

Then the news comes that Jairus’ daughter has died.(Mk5:35)If Christ would have gotten there

sooner,it might not have happened? #mkbiblechat

We have r own timetable how God needs 2 work & what He needs 2 do & when? Some of us do


The fact is God is always on time/never late.R u still at peace when Jesus doesn’t operate

according 2 ur dictates/preferences? #mkbiblechat

Jairus’ daughter is raised from the dead(v.42) Last points: 1.In v. 36(listen 2 me)a word from

Jesus is enough vs circumstances #mkbiblechat

Finally, 2. In v. 40a, there is no room for unbelief if we would have the Lord undertake on our

behalf. James 1:6-7 #mkbiblechat

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Tweets for Ministry Lessons #mkbiblechat (4/6/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Ministry Lessons (Mark 6:1-56) -> http://ht.ly/a1jtB #mkbiblechat


Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 6:1-56 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use http://www.biblegateway.com

:) #mkbiblechat

6 ministry episodes today -> 1.Ministry at Home, 2.Ministry of the Twelve,3.John’s Last Days of

Ministry… #mkbiblechat

6 ministry episodes today -> 4.Feeding of the Five Thousand, 5.Harassed at Sea, 6.Healings at

Gennesaret #mkbiblechat


1st episode:Jesus’ ministry at home.(6:1-6) Hometown response:But He can’t b Messiah.U c we

knew Him when he was growing up #mkbiblechat

People who know the “real you” will be the hardest to reach with the Gospel. Q1: Have you

found it to be true? :) #mkbiblechat

My mom said 2 me, I will not come hear u preach unless u become a priest. Since then,she

received Christ after a sermon of mine #mkbiblechat

Btw, Mark 6 starts w/Jesus being RESTRICTED from doing miracles due 2 unbelief. It ends

w/Him being RELEASED due 2 faith :) #mkbiblechat

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MINISTRY OF THE TWELVE (6:7-13; 30-32)

2nd episode:Ministry of the 12.(6:7-13;30-32) Jesus instructs disciples on how 2 approach this

particular outreach #mkbiblechat

Q2: Have you ever launched a ministry or set out to serve WITHOUT seeking God’s direction?


How often have I “figured out” the outreach approach and then asked God to bless it? The point:

Consult God on outreach plans :) #mkbiblechat

In Mark 6:30-32, there is a debriefing after disciples’ ministry. It’s important 2 evaluate ministry

after the fact. (v. 30) #mkbiblechat

It’s also important 2 take time 2 rest/re-energize. (v. 31-32) Ministers can tend 2 burn the candle

on both ends?! #mkbiblechat

Q3: Have you ever gone through a time of burn out because of ministry? How did u deal with it?

How did u recover? #mkbiblechat


3rd episode:John’s last days of ministry.(6:14-29) Story of John the Baptist losing his head is

really a story about a grudge #mkbiblechat

Mark6:19-20a And Herodias had a GRUDGE against [John] & wanted 2 put him 2 death &

could not do so; 4 Herod was afraid of John #mkbiblechat

Listen. Some people develop grudges against the ministers in their lives (like Herodias). “How

dare that preacher say that!” #mkbiblechat

Some people would have the “voice of God” silenced (like Herodias) & will do it via false

accusation&undermining of the pastor #mkbiblechat

Q4: Have u ever known another Christian who held a grudge? What was the end result/outcome

if u can share? #mkbiblechat

The awakening & pointing out of sin in r lives (by ministers) needs 2 be welcomed w/open

arms,longed 4,sought out,rejoiced over #mkbiblechat


Page 22: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

4th episode:Five thousand fed.(6:33-44) Only miracle found in all 4 Gospels. It is the climax

miracle of all Christ’s miracles #mkbiblechat

Jesus says: U give them something 2 eat! (v.37a) The church is called 2 meet physical needs

along w/spiritual. (Not the State!) #mkbiblechat

Jesus says: How many loaves do u have? Go look! They find a lad’s lunch - 5 loaves & 2 fish.

(Jn6:9) #mkbiblechat

Q5: How do they find it (the lunch) / him (the lad) in such a large crowd? I think the young boy

finds them! :) #mkbiblechat

U c in the morning, like his mom had taught, the young boy asked her 2 pack extra so he could

share w/his needy school friends #mkbiblechat

And now he (the boy) goes when he hears there’s a need since he’s inclined in that manner


Jesus has already given the disciples all they need 2 feed that crowd in the person of a youngboy

willing 2 give his lunch away #mkbiblechat

God never asks us 2 do something w/o 1st providing 4 us everything we need 2 do it



5th episode:Harassed at sea.(6:45-52) Btw, this is the same story as Peter walking on water in

Mt14:28-31. It is! :) #mkbiblechat

The point:A time of harassment often follows after ministry success (5000 fed). Elijah ran from

Jezebel after Carmel :) #mkbiblechat

Preachers r notorious 4 not letting on that they have let downs.But I’ve seen from behind the

scenes.They’re just like us/u :) #mkbiblechat

Disciples r not learning their lesson on who Jesus is.(v.51-52) He’s God’s Son. He’s God w/us.

He is trustworthy&faithful #mkbiblechat

Q6: Have u learned ur lesson on who Jesus is? Even ministers have lessons to learn. (I know that

from behind the scenes, 2) :) #mkbiblechat


Page 23: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Final (6th

) episode 4 today:Healings at Gennesaret.(6:53-56) Located on the west shore of the

Lake of Galilee… #mkbiblechat

LakeofGalilee sometimes called LakeofGennesaret. (Lk5:1) It’s where Peter gets saved.

Remember, Peter dictates Mark’s Gospel :) #mkbiblechat

Many physical healings at Gennesaret. (v. 56) Physical healings represent what Jesus can do

spiritually #mkbiblechat

Healings r meant 4 us even today. Jesus still heals both body & soul :) #mkbiblechat

10 MINISTRY LESSONS (summary from today):

1. It’s not always a bed of roses. (Main point)

2. Unbelief restricts Christ’s work. Faith releases it. (Ministry at Home)

3. Consult God on outreach plans. (Ministry of the Twelve)

4. Evaluate ministry after the fact. (Ministry of the Twelve)

5. Take time to rest/re-energize. (Ministry of the Twelve)

6. Someone just might develop a grudge against you. (John’s Last Days of Ministry)

7. A little with God is a whole lot. (Feeding of the Five Thousand)

8. Ministry let downs happen. (Harassed at Sea)

9. Even ministers have lessons to learn. (Harassed at Sea)

10. Jesus still heals both body and soul. (Healings at Gennesarat)

Page 24: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Tweets for Conflict with Tradition #mkbiblechat (4/13/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Conflict w/Tradition (Mark 7:1-37) -> http://ht.ly/acZeO


Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 7:1-37 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use http://www.biblegateway.com

:) #mkbiblechat

4 ministry episodes today -> 1. Hypocrisy of the Pharisees (7:1-13), 2. Parable of the Heart of

Man (7:14-23)… #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

4 ministry episodes today -> 3. Woman w/a Demon-Possessed Daughter (7:24-30), 4. Healing of

the Deaf Mute (7:31-37)… #mkbiblechat


1st episode:Hypocrisy of the Pharisees.(7:1-13) Pharisees & scribes r groups 1st instituted 4

good reason during the exile #mkbiblechat

Pharisees arose 2 make sure Israelites never turned from God again. Duty of scribes was 2

immerse themselves in the Scriptures #mkbiblechat

These (Pharisees&scribes) come 2 Jesus (Mk7:1-2) 4 a noble purpose which has become twisted

by "tradition" #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Traditions usually have a good purpose.The problem arises when they r elevated above God's

commands.It's what's happening here #mkbiblechat

Page 25: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Q1: Can u name any "traditions" (in ur church or that u'v heard of) that people follow / adhere

to? #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Some traditions: 1.King James Bible version only; 2.What a person wears 2 church. Even

Christians can fall prey 2 "traditions" #mkbiblechat

Jesus calls the Pharisees "hypocrites." (Mk7:6-9) A hypocrite is an actor. He's some1 who offers

a false persona #mkbiblechat

Q2: (rhetorical) Are you for real? Are you? #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Last thought on Corban:Pharisees had come up w/a "sleight of hand" 2 keep money 4

themselves&punish their parents (Mk7:10-13) #mkbiblechat


2nd episode:Parable of the heart of man.(7:14-23) Another "tradition" is dealt with. The Jewish

kosher system is eliminated #mkbiblechat

Outside of man/woman not the issue.(Mk7:15) This is the hard stuff in this passage -> Mark

7:20-23. We like 2 do the easy stuff #mkbiblechat

The easy stuff r "traditions" we come up with. I do this, that & the other & I'm okay ~ while we

harbor wickedness inside #mkbiblechat

Q3: So how do we overcome this stuff?: Evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries,

deeds of coveting&wickedness #mkbiblechat

Q3 (cont): So how do we overcome this stuff?: Deceit, sensuality, envy, slander,

pride&foolishness #mkbiblechat

We overcome by: 1.Recognizing we r susceptible (1Jn1:8); 2.Confessing r sin (1Jn1:9); 3.Being

accountable 2 some1 (James5:16) #mkbiblechat


3rd episode:Woman w/a demon-possessed daughter.(7:24-30) Still another “tradition” is dealt

with as woman is a non-Jew (v.26) #mkbiblechat

God’s high purpose in this story is 2 teach the disciples who r unaccepting of other races that He

is God of all people.Rev7:9 #mkbiblechat

Q4: (A hard one 2 discuss) Have u ever struggled w/racism or known some1 who has? How is it

Page 26: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

(racism) overcome? #mkbiblechat

Antidote 2 racism: The Lord is…not wishing 4 any (person, nationality) 2 perish but 4 all 2 come

2 repentance. 2Pet3:9b #mkbiblechat

Back 2 the woman w/a demon-possessed daughter.(Mk7:24-30) She is what I call the “pit bull”

model of intercessory prayer(v.26b) #mkbiblechat

Pit bulls will bite&literally never let go. They must b killed. No, this gal doesn’t bite Jesus, but

she’s ferocious, tenacious #mkbiblechat

“And she kept asking~kept asking~kept asking Him (Jesus) 2 cast the demon out of her

daughter.” (Mark 7:26b) #mkbiblechat

Intercession requires(this woman is the example): 1.keen supernatural discernment; 2.recognition

of no real help apart from God #mkbiblechat

Intercession requires(this woman is the example):3.pursuit of Christ regardless of obstacles (in

this case,racism of disciples) #mkbiblechat

Q5: Can u tell of a time where u prayed like a “pit bull” & then God answered u?

My mom was dying & I sought God like never before. I asked 4 Him 2 give her 10 more yrs of

life. It’s going on 22 now :) #mkbiblechat


4th episode:Healing of the deaf mute.(7:31-37) Especially meaningful 2 my wife & I. R son is

mildly autistic & deaf in left ear #mkbiblechat

The healing of the deaf mute is found only in Mark’s Gospel (though Matthew 15:29-31

suggested as parallel acct) #mkbiblechat

It is by unusual means that Jesus heals the deaf mute. (Mk7:33-34) He puts His fingers into the

man’s ears, spits… #mkbiblechat

Then Jesus touches the man’s tongue w/His saliva, looks up 2 heaven, deeply sighs & says 2 the

man, “B opened!” #mkbiblechat

Q6: Have you ever known anyone who was healed by unusual means? #mkbiblechat

1 of the points-> Deaf mute represents all of us who could not HEAR the Lord’s voice or

SPEAK His praise prior 2 Christ’s touch #mkbiblechat

Add “Ephphatha!” 2 ur prayers. So many w/closed ears 2 Gospel & impeded tongues 2 speaking

Page 27: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

God’s praise #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

They were utterly astonished,saying,He(Jesus) has done all things well;He makes even the deaf 2

hear,&the dumb 2 speak. Mk7:37 #mkbiblechat

Page 28: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Tweets for Confession of Faith #mkbiblechat (4/20/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Confession of Faith (Mark 8:1-38) -> http://ht.ly/alJF5


Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 8:1-38 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use http://www.biblegateway.com

:) #mkbiblechat

4 ministry episodes today -> 1. Feeding of the Four Thousand (8:1-9), 2. Pharisees Seek for a

Sight (8:10-21)… #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

4 ministry episodes today -> 3. Healing of the Blind Man (8:22-26), 4. Peter’s Great Confession

(8:27-38)… #mkbiblechat


1st episode:Feeding of the four thousand.(8:1-9) “I feel compassion,” our Lord says.

(splagechnizomai; Strong’s 4697; v. 41a) #mkbiblechat

Compassion: “to have the bowels yearn; feel sympathy, to pity.” Compassion demonstrates itself

in action 2 relieve suffering #mkbiblechat

Question 1: Do u remember an experience in ur own life where “compassion” was

demonstrated? Can u share? :) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

His disciples answered Him, “Where will any1 b able 2 find enough 2 satisfy these men

w/bread?” (8:4) They r slow learners :) #mkbiblechat

Page 29: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

I mean, Jesus has already fed 5,000. What’s 4,000 then? Question 2: R u a slow learner like the

disciples? I am :) #mkbiblechat

Notice now (in Mark 8:6) how Christ gives the loaves 2 the disciples & they distribute. 2 reasons

why (imho)… #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Reason 1: It’s God’s pattern 2 minister thru His people 2 the world; Reason 2: So the disciples

would c miracle 1st hand! :) #mkbiblechat


2nd episode:Pharisees seek for a sign.(8:10-21) They want an “attesting miracle” ~ 1 that would

demonstrate Jesus’ Messiah-ship #mkbiblechat

Btw, to this point in #GospelofMark there have been 23 “attesting miracles” recorded including

feeding of 4,000 #mkbiblechat

The problem isn’t outward evidence, it’s inward attitude. (rhetorical question) How’s your

attitude towards God? #mkbiblechat

Some people will refuse to believe no matter how many miracles they see. The flesh is that

wretched (Jer 17:9) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

R attitude towards God needs 2 b: I don’t need any miracles, Lord Jesus, & I’ll still believe in

You! \o/ #mkbiblechat

In parallel passage (Mt16:1-4) we find these religious leaders had the greatest “attesting

miracle”-> Jesus Himself! #mkbiblechat #HeIsRisen

Jesus goes on 2 afford a warning: “Watch out! Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees & the

leaven of Herod.” (Mark 8:15) #mkbiblechat

Questions 3,4,5: What is leaven? Then~What is the leaven of the Pharisees?And what is the

leaven of Herod? (U will b graded) :) #mkbiblechat

Leaven is “a substance added 2 dough 2 cause it 2 rise.” It has the dynamic 2 permeate

thru&thru.In Bible often represents evil #mkbiblechat

Bible Dictionary defines Leaven of Pharisees as “religious externalism”… #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark #aheartforgod

Leaven of Pharisees = commitment 2 tradition above God’s commands(Mk7:1ff),

hypocrisy(Mk7:6), dissatisfaction w/signs(Mk8:11ff) #mkbiblechat

Page 30: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Bible Dictionary defines Leaven of Herod as “worldly compromise”… #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark #aheartforgod

In Mark6 Herod demonstrates “worldly compromise” in his adulterous affair where ultimately he

executes John the Baptist over it #mkbiblechat


3rd episode:Healing of the blind man.(8:22-26) And they brought a blind man 2

Him(Jesus),&entreated Him 2 touch him(v.22) \o/ #mkbiblechat

Question 6: Did Jesus 1st healing touch not work? Is that y He needed 2 touch the blind man a

2nd time?(v.23,25) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

The truth is Jesus performs 2 healings -> 1. Blindness 2. Post-blind syndrome (the inability 2

make sense of panorama… #mkbiblechat

For more on “post-blind syndrome” u’ll want 2 check out my Confession of Faith notes ->

http://ht.ly/aiYMI Fascinating :) #mkbiblechat

1 last thought -> Miracles can(&do)happen over time.This passage is not a proof text 4 it

however(as it has been used by some) #mkbiblechat


4th episode:Peter’s great confession.(8:27-38) Jesus asks,But who do YOU say that I am? Peter

says,Thou art the Christ. Wow #mkbiblechat

It’s what Jesus has been working towards:establishing “faith” in 12 men.This is the climax of the

1st half of the #GospelofMark #mkbiblechat

Just think of the impact that will take place later thru Peter & the others. This is where it gets its

start #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Question 7: Can you remember the time when you 1st confessed Jesus yourself (after the

example of Peter)? Where was it? :) #mkbiblechat

After Peter’s confession (immediately) Jesus speaks of His death 2 His disciples 4 the very 1st

time (v. 31) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Peter is so dumbfounded he rebukes Christ (can you just imagine trying 2 tell the Son of God

what 2 do?) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Think about it -> In 1 breath we’re making great faith statements while in another u’d think we

Page 31: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

were agents of the devil (v.33) #mkbiblechat

“Deny yourself, take up Your cross & follow Me” (v. 34b) in Christ Follower or Christian? ->

http://ht.ly/1Tv9I #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Page 32: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Tweets for “Transfiguration” – Part 1 #mkbiblechat (4/27/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: “Transfiguration” – Part 1 (Mark 9:1-50) -> http://ht.ly/ay0yA


Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 9:1-50 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use http://www.biblegateway.com

:) #mkbiblechat

2 ministry episodes + 4 discussions today -> 1. Transfiguration (9:1-13), 2. Healing of the

Epileptic (9:14-29)… #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

4 discussions today -> 1. Death & Resurrection (9:30-32), 2. First Shall Be Last (9:33-37)…

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

4 discussions today -> 3. Fellow Believers/Ministers (9:38-41), 4. Dealing w/Sin & Topic of Hell

(9:42-50) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


1st episode:Transfiguration.(9:1-13) Jesus is "transfigured," but really this passage is about a

different transfiguring... #mkbiblechat

Peter,James&John r being "transformed" in mind,attitude,perception,purpose. (Transfigure:to

become more exalted; transform) #mkbiblechat

Each of us needs an "extreme makeover" if you will (even if we've served Christ a long time~it's

ongoing) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Page 33: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Question 1: Can you describe a time in your life where Jesus was revealed in a very special &

unique way? #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Jesus predicts "Transfiguration" in Mk 9:1.Fulfillment of prediction in Mk 9:2-8. Q2:So y r

Peter,James,John picked 2 b there? #mkbiblechat

Some receive greater revelation because of what's ahead.These 3 will b integral in establishing

Church.Will need assurance #mkibiblechat

Literally,Jesus resume[s] the glory which he had left to come to earth.(Wycliffe) Contrast the

Humiliation of Christ(Php2:5-11) #mkbiblechat

Last(&most important point):Peter,James&John have been enamored w/the

message&miracles.Now they must become enamored w/the Man #mkbiblechat

So it is w/us. It must b the Person of Jesus that we r committed 2. It will b the only thing that

carries us thru #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

P.S. (has 2 do w/Peter’s statement in Mk9:5) -> We’re ready 2 camp out on “Glory” mtn, but

rarely willing 2 submit 2 Calvary rd #mkbiblechat


2nd episode:Healing of the epileptic.(9:14-29) 9 disciples can’t heal the boy. Problem isn’t lack

of power, but lack of faith #mkbiblechat

Question 3: What might you say to someone who lacked faith? (Mark 9:23) How would you

encourage them? #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


1st discussion:Death & resurrection.(9:30-32) “The Son of Man is 2 b delivered in2 the hands of

men, & they will kill Him.” #mkbiblechat

Matthew 17:23b adds: They (the disciples) were deeply grieved (at Jesus’ statement). They have

other ideas of how things r 2 go #mkbiblechat

Question 4: Have you ever thought God’s path should lead 1 direction while all the while it was

leading u another? Isa 55:9 #mkbiblechat


2nd discussion:First shall b last.(9:33-37) Note how Mark includes this directly after Christ’s

death & resurrection discussion #mkbiblechat

Page 34: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Jesus:What were u discussing on the way? But [the disciples] kept silent,4…they had

discussed…which…was the greatest #mkbiblechat

We’re funny like that 2. We’re comparing how many twitter followers each of us has after all?

(Be honest) :) #mkbiblechat

Question 5: Why do u think people (even Christians) compete 2 b greatest at times?

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


3rd discussion:Fellow believers/ministers.(9:38-41) Jesus’ “favorite” John is the focus~who will

go on 2 write about love… #mkbiblechat

John: We saw some1 casting out demons in Ur name&we tried 2 hinder him becuz he was not

following us. Jesus: Do not hinder him #mkbiblechat

And we can look over there&have wrong thoughts about those folks becuz,after all,they don’t do

church like us who r “spiritual” #mkbiblechat


4th discussion:Dealing w/sin&topic of hell.(9:42-50) Church Father,Origen,took these verses

literally&chopped himself (ouch) #mkbiblechat

We must get drastic w/sin (in the metaphoric sense) & realize it’s incredibly awful consequences

in the next life #mkbiblechat

(Between u & God) Question 6: Could it be there’s a sin in ur own life right now that you’ve

been avoiding giving the “axe” to? #mkbiblechat

It will b Jesus Himself that has His body ripped apart literally (Mark 9:43a, 45a, 47a) 4 r

redemption. (Selah~pause 2 reflect) #mkbiblechat

Page 35: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Tweets for “Transfiguration” – Part 2 #mkbiblechat (5/4/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: “Transfiguration” – Part 2 (Mark 10:1-52) -> http://ht.ly/aBcWe

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 10:1-52 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com :) #mkbiblechat


Jesus is “transfigured” in Mark 9, but I submit it is really the disciples who undergo the

“transformation” started there #mkbiblechat

All 12 r being "transformed" in mind,attitude,perception,purpose. (Transfigure:to become more

exalted; transform) #mkbiblechat

Each of us needs an "extreme makeover" if you will (even if we've served Christ a long time~it's

ongoing) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

6 areas today -> 1. Teaching on Divorce/Marriage (10:1-12), 2. Teaching on Children (10:13-

16)… #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

6 areas today -> 3. Interaction w/Rich Young Ruler (10:17-31), 4. Passion Foretold Yet Again

(10:32-34)… #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

6 areas today -> 5. Request of James & John (10:35-45), 6. Healing of Blind Bartimaeus (10:46-

Page 36: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

52) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


1st area:Teaching on divorce/marriage.(10:1-12) Wicked religious leaders try 2 trap Jesus. He

uses it as an opportunity 2 teach #mkbiblechat

God’s plan 4 marriage -> It isn’t something 2 continue 2 look 4 ways 2 try & get out of, but

rather 2 preserve at all costs #mkbiblechat

God’s view of marriage elevates women who r seen as property in Jesus’ day (2 b cast aside) &

not people #mkbiblechat

Marriage is about oneness, male & female, husband & wife, “‘til death do us part” ~ special!

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Question 1: How might you counsel somebody (a friend) whose marriage is hurting?

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

7 No’s of Successful Marriage -> No prenuptial agreements,put downs,wandering

eyes,vices,secrets,me first,living w/o Christ #mkbiblechat


2nd area:Teaching on children.(10:13-16) Jesus expresses “strong displeasure” over disciples’

rebuke of children.He gets mad :o #mkbiblechat

2 quick points: 1.Jesus was a children’s pastor! 2.Serving kids’ needs is a high calling (85%

decisions 4 Christ before age 18) #mkbiblechat

Do disciples not hear Jesus the 1st time on issue of kids?(See Mk9:36-37) Question 2:Do u

usually learn things 1st time around? #mkbiblechat


3rd area:Interaction w/rich young ruler.(10:17-31) Question 3: Can a person b good enough 2 go

2 heaven? Y or y not? #mkiblechat

Jesus shoots down the false thinking that man is ultimately good: Y do u call Me good? No 1 is

good except God alone. Mk10:18 #mkbiblechat

Problem w/rich young ruler was covetousness.Mk10:21-22 It’s not wrong 2 have stuff, it’s when

stuff has u #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Page 37: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Eyeoftheneedle: 1 writer proposes 2 take this at face value.Camel largest animal in ancient

world.Needle’s eye smallest opening #mkbiblechat

(Peter’s “we have left everything” statement. Mk10:28-31) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


4th area:Passion foretold yet again.(10:32-34) Jesus is able 2 predict the future w/a preciseness

2nd 2 none… #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Not only that, Jesus is committed 2 seeing it thru (even if it’s hard). So r lives r planned&have

purpose, 2! (Ps139:16;Php1:6) #mkbiblechat

Question 4: Do u think it makes a difference w/the way 1 lives when he or she knows God has it

already planned out? Explain :) #mkbiblechat


5th area:Request of James & John.(10:35-45) They said, Grant that we may sit in Your glory, 1

on Your right, & 1 on Your left. #mkbiblechat

We’re always wanting some1 else’s “glamorous” position (some of us). 1st of all, we don’t know

what we’re asking (v. 38)… #mkbiblechat

Would we "want" all that responsibility/fame? I suggest no. I also suggest we r not ready 4

leadership until we don’t "want it" #mkbiblechat

We need 2 b committed 2 God's plan 4 r life & pursuing & discovering that. Only in God's plan

will we b fulfilled #mkiblechat #GospelofMark

Question 5: What is God’s plan 4 u? Do u know it? R u pursuing it? :) #mkbiblechat


Key verse 2 memorize: 4 even the Son of Man did not come 2 b served, but 2 serve, & 2 give His

life a ransom 4 many. Mk10:45 #mkbiblechat


6th area:Healing of blind Bartimaeus.(10:46-52) “Son of David” (v. 47) is a reference 2 Christ as

Messiah… #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Sometimes people without sight can see better than people with sight :) #mkbiblechat

Page 38: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study


The crowd tells Bartimaeus 2 shut up. (v. 48) Some people will try 2 get in the way of u

embracing that moment God has 4 u #mkbiblechat

Page 39: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Tweets for Last Week – Part 1 #mkbiblechat (5/11/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Last Week – Part 1 (Mark 11:1-33) -> http://ht.ly/aLbE1


Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 11:1-33 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com :) #mkbiblechat

This is Christ's last week of life prior 2 His trial&crucifixion. He was born 2 die. (Selah~pause to

reflect) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

#GospelofMark outline: 1st 8 chapters ~ "For even the Son of Man did not come 2 b served, but

2 serve…" (Mark 10:45a) #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark outline: 2nd 8 chapters (includes 11-16) ~ "and 2 give His life a ransom 4

many." (Mark 10:45b) #mkbiblechat

5 episodes today -> 1. Palm Sunday (11:1-11), 2. Fig Tree Cursed (11:11-14; 19-21), 3. Temple

Cleansed (11:15-18)… #mkbiblechat

5 episodes today -> 4. The Dynamic of Faith (11:22-26), 5. Questioning Authority (11:27-33)

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

PALM SUNDAY (11:1-11)

1st episode:Palm Sunday.(11:1-11) Jesus sends 2 of His disciples w/particular & peculiar

instructions… #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Page 40: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Question 1: Has God ever directed u w/particular & peculiar instructions? How did u respond?

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

By obeying Christ's instructions 2 disciples are fulfilling Old Testament prophecy. (Mark 11:4-6;

Zechariah 9:9) Coooool :) #mkbiblechat

It's interesting to note how Mark's Gospel indicates the colt as being 1 "on which no 1 yet has

ever sat." (Mark 11:2c) #mkbiblechat

Can u just hear this donkey if he could talk? Oh, woe is me. I'll never amount to anything. What's

the use?" Right?... #mkbiblechat

And then 1 second later the donkey’s got the very Messiah riding on his back! Coooool again :)

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

What’s just around ur corner that u know nothing about&God is going 2 use u in incredible

ways? Eph 2:10 :) #mkbiblechat

It is a wonderful scene of worship.Mk11:7-10 Recognition of Jesus as Messiah is breathtaking.

He is worthy of all our praise :) #mkbiblechat

FIG TREE CURSED (11:11-14; 19-21)

2nd episode:Fig tree cursed.(11:11-14;19-21) Please note how Jesus scrutinizes the temple in v.

11. Very key #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Btw, the entirety of Mark chapter 11 can be summed up with the following two verses…

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

He came to His own & those who were His own did not receive Him. But as many as received

Him… John 1:11-12a #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

…to them He (Jesus) gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His

name. John 1:12b #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

It is after Christ’s scrutiny of the temple that He curses the fig tree. (v. 13-15) Has everything 2

do w/the temple #mkbiblechat

Bottom line: Fig tree stands 4 Israel. She has produced no fruit.(v.13) Christ curses the "fig tree"

4 its fruitlessness.(v.14) #mkbiblechat

Question 2: Is their “fruit” in ur life? God is hungry 4 “fruit” which displays itself in a

relationship & not religious ritual #mkbiblechat

Page 41: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Can you please turn to Galatians 5:22-23? Or click here -> http://ht.ly/aOSG9


Question 3: The fruit of the Spirit is a good place to “scrutinize.” Which “fruit” is God working

on in you? Gal 5:22-23 #mkbiblechat

If u haven’t heard my song -> “The Spirit of the Lord Lives in Me” ♫ http://ow.ly/1feme It’s my

wife’s favorite :) #mkbiblechat


3rd episode:Temple cleansed.(11:15-18) Fast forward to the temple. Jews trusted that it was a

sign of God’s blessing AND… #mkbiblechat

…that they(the Jews)could just go on living however they pleased(since they had the temple).

Thus, “robbery” was allowed (v.17) #mkbiblechat

The poor were forced 2 purchase “approved animals” for sacrifice which were offered at

“inflated prices” (Teachers Commentary) #mkbiblechat

Furthermore, quite a picture of the wickedness of the Jewish religious system~that they'd plot 2

destroy the very Christ (v.18) #mkbiblechat

Is it any wonder Jesus needed 2 clean house? #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

(rhetorical) Question 4 (meant for you to only consider): What’s going on in your temple?

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Do u not know that ur body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in u, whom u have from God, &

that u r not ur own? 1Cor6:19 #mkbiblechat


4th episode:Dynamic of faith.(11:22-26) This is the new relationship w/God which offers a

dynamic that ritual religion can not #mkbiblechat

Forgiveness & walking in holiness (v. 25-26) are underpinnings of this new relationship &

dynamic :) #Jesus #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


5th episode:Questioning authority.(11:27-33) This is what happens when ur more concerned

w/the crowd VS speaking truthfully #mkbiblechat

Page 42: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

When ur more concerned w/the crowd, u get stuck in ritual religion&u receive no revelation

from God (v.33)~now that was deep :) #mkbiblechat

Ritual religion results in politicking, polling & political correctness. (Mark 11:31-33)

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Question 5: Do u think it’s okay to question God? (Mark 11:27-28) Why or why not?

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Page 43: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Tweets for Last Week – Part 2 #mkbiblechat (5/18/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Last Week – Part 2 (Mark 12:1-44) -> http://ht.ly/aTjHr


Direct link to today’s questions [infographic]: http://ht.ly/aWOZM


Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 12:1-44 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com :) #mkbiblechat

This is Christ's last week of life prior 2 His trial&crucifixion. He was born 2 die. (Selah~pause to

reflect) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

#GospelofMark outline: 1st 8 chapters ~ "For even the Son of Man did not come 2 b served, but

2 serve…" (Mark 10:45a) #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark outline: 2nd 8 chapters (includes 11-16) ~ "and 2 give His life a ransom 4

many." (Mark 10:45b) #mkbiblechat

7 episodes today -> 1. Parable of the Vineyard (12:1-12), 2. Question about Taxes (12:13-17)…

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

3. Question about the Resurrection (12:18-27), 4. Question about Greatest Commandment

(12:28-34)... #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

5. Question about the Christ (12:35-37), 6. Teaching on Pride, Hypocrisy (12:38-40), 7. The

Widow’s Offering (12:41-44) #mkbiblechat

Page 44: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study


1st episode:Parable of the vineyard.(12:1-12) ‘A man planted a vineyard,put a wall around it,dug

a vat,built a tower,&went...’ #mkbiblechat

Parable teaches: The very 1s meant 2 point others 2 God r in it 4 themselves, reject God’s

messengers, then God Himself #mkbiblechat

Question 1: Some people have a problem w/God’s messengers. (Mk12:2-8) Y do u think that is?

Have u ever struggled in this area? #mkbiblechat

Mark 12 theme: Hypocrisy. (v. 38-40) Religious leaders don’t want 2 let on that they r who

Christ is talking about in parable #mkbiblechat

Religious leaders continue their false persona when they should b admitting their wickedness &

asking Jesus 2 forgive them #mkbiblechat


2nd episode:Question about taxes.(12:13-17) 2 opposing forces now join together against Christ.

Jesus "knows" their hypocrisy #mkbiblechat

Christ is trapped? If He says give 2 Caesar,people will turn backs on Him;If He says don’t give 2

Caesar,Romans will come 4 Him #mkbiblechat

Christ’s response highlights the image of God in humanity that belongs to God. Religious leaders

will not give God their hearts #mkbiblechat

Question 2: Why do you think some people don’t give themselves to God? (“render…to God the

things that are God’s”) #mkbiblechat


3rd episode:Question about the resurrection.(12:18-27) “Liberals” of Jesus’ day do not believe in

the authority of Scripture #mkbiblechat

These "liberals" present a hypothetical situation that has no basis in Scripture (a woman w/7

husbands in the afterlife) #mkbiblechat

Jesus believes in the authority of Scripture. ‘Til death do we part -> It is a wholly different state

in the afterlife #mkbiblechat

As regards life after death (Sadducees don’t believe in), Jesus quotes book of Moses “liberals”

Page 45: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

accept. Leaves them speechless #mkbiblechat


4th episode:Question about greatest commandment.(12:28-34)This is the core of r Lord’s

being.He lives&is the embodiment of it! #mkbiblechat

In his answer 2 Jesus,the man is“not far from the kingdom of God.”Question3:In ur mind,what

more does he need 2 do 2 get there? #mkbiblechat

It's really quite simple. The only way into the kingdom of God is: Through faith in Christ, being

born again :) #mkiblechat


5th episode:Question about the Christ.(12:35-37) The religious leaders miss the very God

Himself they've been waiting for... #mkbiblechat

…And the religious leaders miss God because they don’t understand the Scriptures (Jesus points

that out in this/His question)… #mkbiblechat

…And they also miss God because they are hypocrites,spiritual frauds,proud men(can’t

understand Scripture in such a state) #mkbiblechat

(rhetorical question) Question 4: Are you for real? (Selah~pause to reflect) #mkbiblechat



6th episode:Teaching about pride, hypocrisy.(12:38-40) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


Hypocrite: “a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion.” (websters.com)

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Pride: “inordinate self-esteem (conceit); proud or disdainful behavior or treatment (disdain).”

(websters.com) #mkbiblechat

I have put together a “Pride / Hypocrisy Quiz.” God can use it 2 break u down in this area if u let

Him -> http://ht.ly/aYeDs #mkbiblechat


Page 46: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study


7th episode:The widow’s offering.(12:41-44) Question 5: How would you describe sacrificial

giving? Jesus’ answer in a moment #mkbiblechat

In v. 41 the rich drop their coins in for a show.Sound of many coins being put in brings them

much attention.But there’s more-> #mkbiblechat

“[They’d throw] in their offerings with [added] force (do u c this picture?) to make sure all

would hear.” Teachers Commentary #mkbiblechat

By contrast, no one notices the widow. No one except Jesus. (v. 42-44) #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark #aheartforgod

(another rhetorical question) Question 6: What’s your motive for giving? #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark #aheartforgod

SURPLUS giving VS SACRIFICIAL giving. Person who gives out of their want gives more

than person who gives out of their wealth. #mkbiblechat

Giving when it costs you is giving that counts. #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark #aheartforgod

Page 47: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Tweets for Last Week – Part 3 #mkbiblechat (5/25/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Last Week – Part 3 (Mark 13:1-37) -> http://ht.ly/b2BQO


Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 13:1-37 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com :) #mkbiblechat

This is Christ's last week of life prior 2 His trial&crucifixion. He was born 2 die. (Selah~pause to

reflect) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

#GospelofMark outline: 1st 8 chapters ~ "For even the Son of Man did not come 2 b served, but

2 serve…" (Mark 10:45a) #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark outline: 2nd 8 chapters (includes 13-16) ~ "and 2 give His life a ransom 4

many." (Mark 10:45b) #mkbiblechat

It’s all about the end times in Mark 13. Are you pretty good when it comes to understanding

eschatology? (What’s that?) :) #mkbiblechat

Notice almost the entire c. 13 is in red if u have that type of Bible~noting Jesus’ words. Anybody

have that kind of Bible? :) #mkbiblechat

On tap today -> Prediction of Temple Destruction (13:1-2) & Mount Olivet Discourse/Talk

(13:3-37) :) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Mt Olivet Talk includes: 1. Beginning of birth pangs/pains (13:5-13), 2. Abomination of

desolation (13:14-18)… #mkbiblechat

Page 48: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Mt Olivet Talk includes: 3. Terrible days (13:19-20), 4. False Christs & prophets (13:21-23)…

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Mt Olivet Talk includes: 5. Second coming (13:24-27), 6. Parable of the fig tree (13:28-29)…

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Mt Olivet Talk includes: 7. Generation won’t pass away (13:30-31), 8. No one knows day or

hour (13:32)… #mkbiblechat

Mt Olivet Talk includes: 9. Exhortation to alertness (13:33-37) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark



Prediction of temple destruction.(13:1-2) Jesus answers, Do u c these great buildings? Not 1

stone shall b left upon another... #mkbiblechat

Herod has been reconstructing the temple since prior 2 Jesus’ birth into quite an ornate &

elaborate edifice #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Jesus predicts the temple destruction which will take place in 70 A.D. when the Romans invade

the Jewish land #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Question 1: What should the thought that Jesus knows what’s ahead in life do to us who have

given our hearts to Him? :) #mkbiblechat


Mt Olivet Talk begins. (Mark 13:3-4) 4 disciples ask a question. Has to do w/temple destruction

prediction and… #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Question also looks forward to end times events. Matthew clarifies this -> “What will be the sign

of Your coming?” (Mt 24:3b) #mkbiblechat


Mt Olivet Talk: 1. Beginning of birth pangs/pains.(13:5-13) Jesus’ answer focuses on 7

dynamics that typify any age… #mkbiblechat

Deception, Wars+, Global upheaval, Christian persecution, Gospel preached, Conflict of

humanity, Abomination of desolation #mkbiblechat

Page 49: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Question 2: What might you give as an example of deception that is taking place in our day?

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Again, these 7 dynamics existed leading up to temple destruction & typify any age~& will b

intensifying in last days (our time) #mkbiblechat

My video blog based on these verses: 7 Dynamics at the End of the World -> http://ht.ly/3LgAx

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark #aheartforgod



Mt Olivet Talk: 2. Abomination of desolation.(13:14-18) U’ll want 2 read my post on this 1 ->

http://ht.ly/2Zht8 #mkbiblechat


Antichrist is believed 2 b a future fulfillment of this prophecy according 2 at least 1 prophetic

system (2Thess2:3-4; Rev13) #mkbiblechat

TERRIBLE DAYS (13:19-20)

Mt Olivet Talk: 3. Terrible days.(13:19-20) “4 those days will b a time of tribulation such as has

not occurred [before]” #mkbiblechat

2 ways 2 c Mark 13:19-20 -> (1) Christ is using literary device hyperbole & talking about

Romans’ destruction of Jerusalem ONLY #mkbiblechat

OR (2) Jesus is talking about a time past 70 A.D. destruction IN THE FUTURE (our day?!) &

isn’t “exaggerating” 2 make a point #mkbiblechat


Mt Olivet Talk: 4. False Christs & prophets.(13:21-23) Question 3: Can you give an example of

a false Christ or prophet in our day? #mkbiblechat

Interesting list of false messiahs -> http://ht.ly/b7vY7 False prophet examples -> Mohammed

(Islam); Joseph Smith (Mormonism) #mkbiblechat


SECOND COMING (13:24-27)

Mt Olivet Talk: 5. Second coming.(13:24-27) [T]hen they will c the Son of Man coming in

Page 50: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

clouds w/great power&glory (v.26) #mkbiblechat

Question 4: How do you think you might respond when you stand before Jesus yourself? (1 John

3:2) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Old Testament has 1,845 references to the return of Christ; New Testament has 318 references =

1 out of every 30 verses #mkbiblechat

7 descriptions of the 2nd coming -> JESUS WILL APPEAR (1)Personally.1Thess4:6

(2)Literally&visibly.Rev1:17 (3)In glory.Mt16:27 #mkbiblechat

7 descriptions of the 2nd coming -> JESUS WILL APPEAR (4)In power.Mt24:30 (5)With

angels.Mt25:31 (6)Quickly.Rev22:7 #mkbiblechat

7 descriptions of the 2nd coming -> JESUS WILL APPEAR (7)Unexpectedly.Lk21:34-35

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark #Maranatha

He’s coming back! :) #Jesus #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark #Maranatha


Mt Olivet Talk: 6. Parable of the fig tree.(13:28-29) Israel reborn?! (See Mt24:32-33) Or

dynamic of events described in Mk13? #mkbiblechat


Mt Olivet Talk: 7. Generation won’t pass away.(13:30-31) Generation approx 40 yrs.

Duet1:35;2:14 If fig tree parable is about… #mkbiblechat

If fig tree parable is about Israel’s rebirth, then "generation" has 2 do w/Jewish state reappearing

in 1948 (some suggest)... #mkbiblechat

Then 1 “generation” would b around 1988-ish.But if it’s the 6-day war date in 1967,then 1

“generation” is 2007-ish.Bottom line… #mkbiblechat

Bottom line: The return of Christ is imminent (can happen at any moment). Are you ready?

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark #aheartforgod


Mt Olivet Talk: 8. No 1 knows day or hour.(13:32) Question 5: How can Jesus,whose been

predicting many future events,not know? #mkbiblechat

Page 51: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

1 answer has 2 do w/the “humiliation” of Christ in Philippians 2.He purposely limited Himself 2

become a Man&die 4 us.Php2:6-7 #mkbiblechat


Mt Olivet Talk: 9. Exhortation to alertness.(13:33-37) Application of entire chapter:“So keep a

sharp lookout!” NewLivingTransl #mkbiblechat

Question 6: What does it mean to “keep a sharp lookout!” (Mark 13:35a) :) #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark #aheartforgod

Keep a sharp lookout=Opposite of alert is asleep. B awake in ur faith always. Give urself

wholly&completely 2 Christ’s service #mkbiblechat

Page 52: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Tweets for Trial #mkbiblechat (6/1/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Trial (Mark 14:1-72) -> http://ht.ly/bbQGP #mkbiblechat



Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 14:1-72 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com :) #mkbiblechat

This is Christ's last week of life prior 2 His trial&crucifixion. He was born 2 die. (Selah~pause to

reflect) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

#GospelofMark outline: 1st 8 chapters ~ "For even the Son of Man did not come 2 b served, but

2 serve…" (Mark 10:45a) #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark outline: 2nd 8 chapters (includes 14-16) ~ "and 2 give His life a ransom 4

many." (Mark 10:45b) #mkbiblechat

It’s all about betrayal in Mark 14. (rhetorical question) Have you ever been betrayed (or know

someone who has)? #mkbiblechat

7 episodes today -> 1. Plot & Anointing (14:1-11), 2. Preparation for Passover (14:12-16), 3.

Last Supper (14:17-26a)... #mkbiblechat

7 episodes today -> 4. Mount of Olives/Gethsemane (14:26b-42), 5. Betrayal & Arrest (14:43-

52)... #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

7 episodes today -> 6. Jesus Before His Accusers (14:53-65), 7. Peter's Denial (14:66-72)

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Page 53: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study


1st episode:Plot&anointing.(14:1-11) Passover...was 2 days off,&the chief priests&scribes were

seeking...2...kill Him #mkbiblechat

Satan's role begins here.(v.1-2,10-11) "He was a murderer from the beginning." Jn8:44 "The

thief comes to...kill." Jn10:10 #mkbiblechat

In the middle of the plot, an incredible act of devotion to God (it's the antidote 2 a betraying

spirit)... #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Question 1: What does devotion to God consist of? #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Devotion 2 God: 1.Focuses on Jesus Christ(14:6b), 2.Doesn't require outward esteem(Woman

unnamed->14:3a) #mkbiblechat

Devotion 2 God: 3.Costs something(14:3b), 4.Faces misunderstanding at times(14:4-5)

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Devotion 2 God: 5.Receives its recognition from the Lord(14:8-9), 6.Endures as an example for

the ages(14:9) #mkbiblechat

The disciples will abandon Jesus when He needs them most.(14:50) It's because they have more

of "Judas" in them than "Mary" #mkbiblechat


2nd episode:Preparation for Passover.(14:12-16) His disciples said 2 Him, Where do U want us 2

go & prepare 4 U? #mkbiblechat

Christ gives specific instructions on how 2 find the place. It is Peter & John who are sent. Lk

22:8 #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Peter & John find the place. They obey & it happens just as Jesus said. (14:16) (Peter passes this

test.) #mkbiblechat

Question 2: Has God ever told you to do something? What was it? And what happened? :)

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

THE LAST SUPPER (14:17-26a)

3rd episode:Last Supper.(14:17-26a) Meal includes betrayal discussion. Can u just imagine Judas

Page 54: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

hearing Jesus' words? #mkbiblechat

The plot has been laid&Judas has the audacity 2 sit in his hypocrisy. Satan will possess

Judas.Jn13:27 #mkbiblechat

Jesus takes 2 traditional parts of the Passover meal...& gives them new meaning~represent His

body & blood. NLT #mkbiblechat

Old covenant: Sins forgiven thru the sacrifice of animals. This is a temporary covering. Requires

continual sacrifices #mkbiblechat

New covenant: Sins forgiven thru faith in Christ's sacrifice on the cross. This is a permanent

covering. No more sacrifices #mkbiblechat

Question 3: Have you ever struggled over the idea that your sins are completely forgiven thru

faith in Christ? #mkbiblechat


4th episode:Mt of Olives/Gethsemane.(14:26b-42) On their walk 2 Gethsemane, Peter becomes

adamant that he will stand #mkbiblechat

Christ tells Peter he will not stand. Peter should have responded, "Help me, Jesus, not to fall, but

he is blinded by pride" #mkbiblechat

We all have a breaking point. Just when you think you don't, you do #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark #aheartforgod

In the Garden Jesus mentions the "cup." (14:36) He prays, "Remove this cup." Question 4: What

is Jesus talking about? #mkbiblechat

Bottom line: The "cup" of Christ is something r Lord is going 2 have 2 face & endure & walk

thru & deal with #mkbiblechat

Every believer has a "cup." (What's yours?) Or multiple "cups" from time 2 time confront each

of us #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Two more things about "cups": 1. It is not necessarily a sin 2 desire or ask 4 one's "cup" 2 b

removed (ex.Paul&thorn)... #mkbiblechat

2. We must not bale out on God's will (our "cup") unless it's God's will we bale out. Jesus prays

4 God's will, then does it #mkbiblechat


Page 55: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

5th episode:Betrayal & arrest.(14:43-52) 1 of the craziest incidences in the Bible has Mark

escaping naked (14:51-52) #mkbiblechat

Question 5: Would it b proper 2 use this story of Mark's nudeness as a proof text 4 streaking

(from the 1970s)? Y or y not? :) #mkbiblechat


6th episode:Jesus before His accusers.(14:53-65) Two prophecies fulfilled: 1. False witnesses

(14:56-58; Ps 35:11)... #mkbiblechat

Two prophecies fulfilled: 2. Spitting & beating (14:65; Isa 50:6; 53:5) We forget what r Lord

went thru 4 r sins (Selah) #mkbiblechat

Jesus got what He didn't deserve (spat upon,punched,slapped in the face) so we would get what

we don't deserve (4giveness) #mkbiblechat

PETER'S DENIAL (14:66-72)

7th episode:Peter's denial.(14:66-72) Remember, this Gospel is thru Peter's eyes. So this is

eyewitness acct of what happened #mkbiblechat

Question 6: Was there a difference between Peter's denial & Judas' betrayal?

No difference between Peter's denial & Judas' betrayal. 4 1 thing, sin is sin. Bottom line, Peter

repents. Judas chooses not 2 #mkbiblechat

Page 56: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Tweets for Crucifixion #mkbiblechat (6/8/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen


Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Crucifixion (Mark 15:1-47) -> http://ht.ly/blbev #mkbiblechat



Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 15:1-47 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com :) #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark outline: 1st 8 chapters ~ "For even the Son of Man did not come 2 b served, but

2 serve…" (Mark 10:45a) #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark outline: 2nd 8 chapters ~ "and 2 give His life a ransom 4 many." (Mark 10:45b)


5 episodes today -> 1. Before Pilate (15:1-15), 2. The Mocking (15:16-21), Nailed to the Cross

(15:22-36)... #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

5 episodes today -> 4. The Death of Christ (15:37-41), 5. The Burial (15:42-47) #mkbiblechat



1st episode:Before Pilate.(15:1-15) Pilate asks Jesus, R U the King of the Jews? Jesus answers, It

is as u say #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

It's the last thing we hear from Christ in this chapter until His utterance in v. 34. Like a sheep

before its shearers is silent #mkbiblechat

Page 57: Gospel of Mark Twitter Bible Study

Question 1: What does Jesus being "King" of a believer's life mean to you? #mkbiblechat


In Mark 15:6-15 we find Barabbas (a robber & murderer) being released. Jesus will die in his

place. Sound familiar? #mkbiblechat

Tweet out a praise to Jesus thanking Him for dying in your place as well #mkbiblechat


THE MOCKING (15:16-21)

2nd episode:The mocking.(15:16-21) And [the soldiers] dressed Him up in purple, and...put [a

crown of thorns] on Him #mkbiblechat

Question 2: How does a person feel when they are mocked (laughed at, made fun of, degraded as

a human being)? #mkbiblechat

The import of the mocking is all the more striking when you realize it takes place after the

scourging (Mark 15:15b) #mkbiblechat

Many victims often died from the whipping alone. The Romans used a 3-thonged whip weighted

w/pieces of bone or metal #mkbiblechat

These whips would create deep lacerations on the backs & shoulders of their victims. They're

treating God like this?! #mkbiblechat

Tweet out another praise to Jesus thanking Him for suffering such humiliation & pain in your

place #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


3rd episode:Nailed to the cross.(15:22-36) Of Christ's experience, Keith Maxwell, a medical

doctor writes... #mkbiblechat

Let's talk about Jesus hanging on the cross. In order 4 [Him] 2 exhale, [He has] 2 pull up against

the spikes [w/His] feet #mkbiblechat

Every time [He takes] a breath, that tattered, lacerated & riddled back [is] dragged & scraped

across the splinters #mkbiblechat

Each time [Christ breathes] out [to speak He has] to pull up w/his arms & push up w/his legs

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

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That's why [Jesus] couldn't say more than 3 or 4 words at a time. (Selah ~ pause to reflect)

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

"And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, 'My God, my God, y have U forsaken

Me?'"(Mark 15:34) #mkbiblechat

My video blog: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? -> http://ht.ly/4zPU7

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


My entire “Last Sayings of Jesus from the Cross” series -> http://ht.ly/4E7oJ #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark #LastSayingsofJesus


Question 3: Have you ever been abandoned / forsaken? Can you share what happened?

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Jesus was abandoned (left alone) so that we would never be. (Who needed to hear it?) You are

not alone! #mkbiblechat

[F]or He (Jesus) Himself has said, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you" Heb

13:5c #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Tweet out still another praise to Jesus thanking Him for suffering such overwhelming pain in

your place #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


4th episode:The death of Christ.(15:37-41) Jesus breathes His last. Temple veil is torn in 2.

Centurion is amazed. #mkbiblechat

Question 4: What is it that amazes the centurion? #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Temple veil torn in 2 shows the way 2 approach God is now open 2 all; Torn from top 2 bottom

shows God Himself did it #mkbiblechat

Jesus gave His life for us. (Jn10:17) No one took it from Him. (Jn10:18) He will raise Himself up

from the grave 2 #mkbiblechat

THE BURIAL (15:42-47)

5th episode:The burial.(15:42-47) Joseph of Arimathea gathers up courage to bury the body of

Jesus #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

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Question 5: Have you ever needed courage to do something for God? Can you share what it was?

:) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

And it can't end here (w/Jesus dead & buried). How could God write a story with a final chapter

like this? #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

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Tweets for Resurrection #mkbiblechat (6/15/12) © A Heart For God Ministries


Welcome 2 r Gospel of Mark study today. So glad 2 have each of u :) #mkbiblechat

Lord Jesus, guide us now in the study of Your word. In Your precious name we pray. Amen

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Btw, here’s the link 2 all Lesson intro notes & study schedule -> http://ht.ly/9x1Ix Will b

continually updating :) #mkbiblechat


Direct link to today’s notes: Resurrection (Mark 16:1-20) -> http://ht.ly/buA4J #mkbiblechat



Remember -> Mark is the servant story of our Lord. It presents Jesus as a SERVANT serving

others & meeting their needs #mkbiblechat

It's Mark 16:1-20 today. I hope u can have your Bible open. Or use

http://www.biblegateway.com :) #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark outline: 1st 8 chapters ~ "For even the Son of Man did not come 2 b served, but

2 serve…" (Mark 10:45a) #mkbiblechat

#GospelofMark outline: 2nd 8 chapters ~ "and 2 give His life a ransom 4 many." (Mark 10:45b)

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

7 episodes today -> 1. First Day of the Week (16:1-8), 2. Appearance to Mary (16:9-11)...

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

7 episodes today -> 3. Appearance on Emmaus' Road (16:12-13), 4. Appearance to the Eleven-

Thomas Present (16:14)... #mkbiblechat

7 episodes today -> 5. Great Commission (16:16-18), 6. Ascension (16:19), 7. Acts of the

Apostles (16:20) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


1st episode:First day of the week.(16:1-8) Mary Magdalene [&others] bought spices, that they

might come&anoint [Jesus] #mkbiblechat #Mark16

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Question 1: What is it that Mark includes in his account of Christ's resurrection that no other

Gospel records? (See Mk16:1-8) #mkbiblechat

Christ's rising from the dead is the most glorious & unexpected event in the entirety of human

history #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

The women r coming as an act of love much like bringing flowers 2 a gravesite.(NLT) They r

anticipating a dead man, still dead #mkbiblechat

Jesus has spoken often to the disciples of His being raised on the 3rd day. Question 2: Why don't

we believe it if God says it? #mkbiblechat

The tomb isn't opened 2 let Jesus out. (Mark 16:4-6a) Instead, it's opened 2 let others in 2 see He

isn't there! #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


The angel points 2 the place where Jesus once lay. Mk16:6b The women r then told 2 go tell the

disciples&Peter. Mk16:7 #mkbiblechat

The acct of Mary going 2 tell Peter continues in Jn20:1-8. The place where Jesus lay is

highlighted again,but w/something else #mkbiblechat

It's the grave clothes (the place where Jesus lay) that r really the focal point.Jn20:5-7 It's what

"convinces" John.Jn20:8 #mkbiblechat

So what is it that convinces John? The grave clothes are two pieces, one for the body, one for the

head... #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

So what is it that convinces John? The clothes are in the exact same place that they were when

Jesus was lying there #mkbiblechat

(The face-cloth is not moved over to the side as if someone or Jesus Himself moved it as some

suggest.) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

The clothes haven't been moved a single inch, millimeter, iota, bit, smidge ~ however you want

to say it! #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

Are you hearing me somebody? Jesus was not unwrapped&the clothes thrown in a corner,

shoved aside... #mkbiblechat #Mark16

Some1 didn't come&grab Jesus&carry Him off w/the clothes still on Him. Both pieces r still in

the exact same place #mkbiblechat

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They (the grave clothes) have descended as if air has been let out of a balloon. This is what

convinced John Jesus had risen! #mkbiblechat


Question 3: How do we deal w/this unique passage that's not included in the oldest manuscripts?

(Mark 16:9-20) #mkbiblechat

1 way we deal w/Mark 16:9-20 is we recognize that it has solid reference in other undisputed

portions of Scripture #mkbiblechat


2nd episode:Appearance to Mary Magdalene.(16:9-11) [Jesus] 1st appeared 2 Mary M, from

whom He had cast out 7 demons #mkbiblechat

Mark 16:9-11 is not included in the oldest manuscripts, but it has solid reference in John 20:1;

11-18 #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark

My blog post: First Witness (7 things Mary Magdalene did that prove Jesus was / is alive) ->

http://ht.ly/4FSp4 #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


Question 4: Can you name any of the other appearances of Christ after rising from the dead? (12

total including Mary) #mkbiblechat

Appearances of Christ after resurrection: 2. Other women (Mt28:9; Lk24:10b), 3. Peter

(1Cor15:5)... #mkbiblechat

Appearances of Christ after resurrection: 4. 2 disciples on Emmaus road (Lk24:15-31;36-43)...


Appearances of Christ after resurrection: 5. 10 apostles-Thomas absent (Jn20:19,24),6. 11

apostles-Thomas present (Jn20:26-28) #mkbiblechat

Appearances of Christ after resurrection: 7. 7 disciples fishing (Jn21:1-14), 8. 11 apostles on the

mountain... (Mt28:16-17) #mkbiblechat

Appearances of Christ after resurrection: 500 brothers (1Cor15:6), 10. James (Christ's half

brother) (1Cor15:7)... #mkbiblechat

Appearances of Christ after resurrection: 11. 11 apostles prior 2 ascension (Acts1:2-9), 12. Saul

on Damascus road (Acts9:1-6) #mkbiblechat

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My blog post: 10 Facts About the Resurrection of Jesus Christ -> http://ht.ly/a8mb7

#mkbiblechat #GospelofMark #HeIsRisen



3rd episode:Appearance on Emmaus road.(16:12-13) Not in oldest manuscripts, but solid

reference in Luke 24:15-31; 36-43 #mkbiblechat


4th episode:Appearance to the 11.(16:14) Not in oldest manuscripts, but solid reference in John

20:26-28 #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


5th episode:The Great Commission.(16:15-18) Not in oldest manuscripts, but solid reference in

Matthew 28:16-20 #mkbiblechat

Question 5: "Baptism is a requirement for salvation." (Mark 16:16) True or false? Explain your

answer :) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


"'[He] who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; & greater works than these he

will do.'" (Jn14:12) #mkbiblechat

A general application here of our Lord's protection surrounding His people when they find

themselves in danger (Mk16:18) #mkbiblechat

Just because we are protected from danger does not mean we should presume upon God.

(Matthew 4:7) #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark


6th episode:Ascension into heaven.(16:19) Not in oldest manuscripts, but solid reference in Luke

24:50-51 & Acts 1:9 #mkbiblechat


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7th episode:Acts of the Apostles.(16:20) Not in oldest manuscripts, but solid reference in the

entire book of Acts #mkbiblechat #GospelofMark