Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Orient Cement Limited CONTENTS Contents 2 List of Tables 2 List of Figures 3 1. Compliance Report 4 2. INTRODUCTION 17 2.1 Location and Accessibility 19 3. PROCESS DESCRIPTION 20 4. ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STATUS 23 5. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 36 6. CONCLUSIONS 40 LIST OF TABLES 1.1 Average Values of online Stack Monitoring Data 5 1.2 Average Values of online Stack Monitoring Data 9 1.3 Average Values Ambient Air Monitoring Data 10 1.4 Average Values of Noise level Data 11 1.5 Average Values of Fugitive Emissions Data 13 1.6 Average Values of Noise level Data 14 2.1Salient features of expansion project 18 4.1 Soil Analysis 24 4.2- 4.4 Water Analysis 25-26

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA - Orient Cement...3600 TPD Rotary Kiln – I & Raw Mill – 59.75I 80 2800 TPD Rotary Kiln – II & Raw Mill – II 80 32.25 4200 TPD Rotary Kiln –III & Raw mill

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Page 1: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA - Orient Cement...3600 TPD Rotary Kiln – I & Raw Mill – 59.75I 80 2800 TPD Rotary Kiln – II & Raw Mill – II 80 32.25 4200 TPD Rotary Kiln –III & Raw mill

Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


2 Orient Cement Limited


Contents 2

List of Tables 2

List of Figures 3

1. Compliance Report 4


2.1 Location and Accessibility 19






1.1 Average Values of online Stack Monitoring Data 5

1.2 Average Values of online Stack Monitoring Data 9

1.3 Average Values Ambient Air Monitoring Data 10

1.4 Average Values of Noise level Data 11

1.5 Average Values of Fugitive Emissions Data 13

1.6 Average Values of Noise level Data 14

2.1Salient features of expansion project 18

4.1 Soil Analysis 24

4.2- 4.4 Water Analysis 25-26

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Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


3 Orient Cement Limited

4.5 Weather Monitoring Data-Temperature & Relative Humidity 27

4.6 Average Values Ambient Air quality data 29

4.7 Details of Stack Emissions 30

4.8 Average Values of Stack Monitoring Data (SPM) 31

4.9 Average Values of Stack Monitoring Data (SO2


) 32

4.10 Average Values of Noise level Data 33


1. Process flow diagram of cement manufacturing 22

4.6 Ambient air quality data – Particulate Matter – PM10


4.6 Ambient air quality data – Particulate Matter – PM2.5


4.6 Ambient air quality data – (SOx

) & (NOx) 29

4.8 Stack Monitoring Data – Suspended particulate matter 31

4.9 Stack Monitoring Data – Sulphur dioxide 32

4.9 Stack Monitoring Data – Oxides of nitrogen 32

4.10 Noise Level Data 33

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Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


4 Orient Cement Limited


Environmental clearances accorded by Ministry of Environment & Forest vide Letter

F. No. J -11011/266/2007-IA II (I) Dated 6th September 2007 for expansion of cement

plant (Cement 3600 to 8900 TPD and clinker 5550 to 10600 TPD) and installation of

Captive Power Plant (50 MW) at Devapur, Adilabad, A.P. by M/s. Orient Cement

Ltd.,The project has been completed and production activities are going on.

A. Specific conditions

(i) On-line continuous stack monitoring facilities for all the stacks and adequate air

pollution control systems shall be provided to keep emission levels below 50

mg/Nm3 and data submitted to the APPCB and CPCB regularly. ESP to kiln / raw

mill, clinker and CPP shall be provided to control air emissions.

Online continuous monitoring facility for process stacks have been provided along

with main equipments. Online connectivity is given to CPCB and TSPCB Server.

Latest Pollution Control Equipments were installed, which are controlling the

emissions within the stipulated levels, data is presented in Table 1.1.

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Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


5 Orient Cement Limited

Table 1.1


(Apr’16 - Sep’16)


Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3)

Location of Online Continuous

Stack Monitoring Equipment

PCB Limit as

per Consent




3600 TPD Rotary Kiln – I & Raw Mill – I 80 59.75

2800 TPD Rotary Kiln – II & Raw Mill – II 80 32.25

4200 TPD Rotary Kiln –III & Raw mill – III 50 21.33

Clinker Cooler – Line 1 80 33.75

Clinker Cooler – Line 2 80 23.25

Clinker Cooler – Line 3 50 19.83

FBC Boilers of Capacity 2 X 115 115 90.17

(ii) Total water requirement from the reservoir of abandoned mine pit shall not

exceed 1,895 m3/day. No water from other surface or ground water sources

shall be used. All the treated wastewater shall be recycled and reused in the

process and/or for ash quenching, dust suppression, green belt development

and other plant related activities etc. No process wastewater shall be

discharged outside the factory premises and ‘zero’ discharge shall be adopted.

Treated domestic effluent shall be used for green belt development within the

plant premises.

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6 Orient Cement Limited

Mines reservoir gets filled with rainwater. Water consumption is well within

the permissible limits.

STP is in operation for domestic sewage water from which the treated water

is being used for green belt development in the colony.

Zero wastewater discharge concepts are adopted.

(iii) The fly ash from the power plant shall be stored in silos and pneumatically

transferred to the cement plant and used in the process itself for manufacturing

Pozollona Portland Cement (PPC). Bottom ash shall be disposed off in

abandoned mines or utilized in road making or given to brick kiln

manufacturers. All the cement dust collected from pollution control devices

shall be recycled and reused in the process and used for cement

manufacturing. Sludge from domestic sources shall be used as manure for

green belt development. Waste oil shall be sold to authorized recyclers/

re-processors only.

Fly ash from the Power Plant is being stored in silos and pneumatically

transferred to cement plant and it is completely utilized in the cement

manufacturing process.

Bottom ash is also meeting the quality parameters and it is completely

utilized in the cement manufacturing process.

The Cement & other raw material dust are collected through Pollution

Control Equipments and are being recycled in the Process.

Sludge from STP (domestic sources) is used as manure in township for

colony plantation.

Waste oil is being sold to Authorize Recyclers/Re-processors only.

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7 Orient Cement Limited

(iv) High calorific value hazardous waste shall be utilized in the cement kiln from

Ranga Reddy, Medak and Patancheru Districts.

Alternate & Biomass fuels (Rice Husk, Cotton Stalk, Black Carbon, Pet coke) are

being used in the plant.

(v) Out of total 425.89 acre, green belt shall be developed in 216.09 acres (51%) as

per the CPCB guidelines to mitigate the effects of air emissions in consultation

with local DFO.

Green belt was further increased during this financial year. About 5020 saplings

were planted till September 2016 including mines.

(vi) Green Belt shall be developed along the boundary of the cement plant.

Green belt is already developed as per the guidelines. About 5020 saplings were

planted till September 2016 including mines.

(vii) Regular annual medical examination of all the employees shall be carried out

from the occupational health point of view and records should be maintained.

Annual Medical Examination for all the employees and contract workmen was

done we will continue to do the same annually.

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8 Orient Cement Limited

B. General Conditions

(i) The project authority shall adhere to the stipulations made by A.P. Pollution

Control Board (APPCB) and State Government.

The stipulations made by various state government departments including

TSPCB will be adhered strictly.

(ii) No further expansion or modification of the plant shall be carried out without

prior approval of this Ministry.

No expansion/ modification will be carried out without permission from MoEF.

(iii) The gaseous and particulate matter emissions from various units shall conform

to the standards prescribed by the A.P.Pollution Control Board. At no time, the

particulate emissions from the cement plant shall exceed APPCB limit.

Interlocking facility shall be provided in the pollution control equipment, so that

in the event of the pollution control equipment not working, the respective unit(s)

is shut down automatically.

SPM Standards prescribed by the Telangana State Pollution Control Board are

being followed and automatic tripping system of equipment is installed and

data is presented in table1.2.

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9 Orient Cement Limited

Table 1.2


(Apr’16 to Sep’16)


Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3)

Stack attached to

PCB Limit as

per Consent




3600 TPD Rotary Kiln – I & Raw Mill – I 80 59.75

2800 TPD Rotary Kiln – II & Raw Mill – II 80 32.25

4200 TPD Rotary Kiln –III & Raw mill – III 50 21.33

Clinker Cooler – Line 1 80 33.75

Clinker Cooler – Line 2 80 23.25

Clinker Cooler – Line 3 50 19.83

FBC Boilers of Capacity 2 X 115 115 90.17

All Results are within the limit.

(iv) One Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station shall be installed in downwind

direction. Ambient air quality including ambient noise levels shall not exceed the

standards stipulated under EPA or by the State authorities. Monitoring of

Ambient Air Quality and Stack Emissions shall be carried out regularly in

consultation with APPCB and report submitted to the APPCB quarterly and to the

Ministry’s Regional Office at Bangalore half-yearly.

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10 Orient Cement Limited

Two Online Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations are installed and connected

to Central and State Pollution Control Boards. We are also getting it done once in

a month by MoEF approved third party. The same are submitted to RO MoEF&CC

in half yearly reports.

Table 1.3


(Apr’16 to Sep’16)



Particulate Matter –



Particulate Matter –



Sulphur dioxide


Nitrogen Dioxide


Min. Max Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min Max. Avg. Min Max. Avg.

Near Time


49 63 54.67

15 27 19.50

6 13 9.33 15 23 17.50

Near Mines


44 68 54.00 6 10 7.83 19 24 21.33

Near D.G.


51 64 58.33 7 11 9.17 16 22 18.67

Near Guest


41 51 46 7 11 9.17 16 23 19.83

All Results are within the Limit.

Noise level: Noise in general is sound which, is composed of many frequency

components of various loudness distributed over the audible frequency range. The

most common and heavily favored of these scales is the A-weighted decibel [dB (A)].

This scale has been designed to weigh the various components of noise according to

the response of the human ear; loud noise may damage hearing or health; interfere

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Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


11 Orient Cement Limited

with work tasks, speech communication and sleep; affect inter-room privacy; cause

annoyance. The impact of noise depends on its characteristics (instantaneous,

intermittent or continuous in nature), time of day (day or night) and location of noise

source. The noise levels at various locations in and around plant area were measured

and tabulated in table 1.4.

Table 1.4


(Apr’16 to Sep’16)

Location NOISE LEVEL in Leq dB(A)

Day Time Night Time

Min Max Avg Min Max Avg

Near Kiln 68.50 69.20 68.85 63.10 64.20 63.65

Near Raw Mill 70.80 71.50 71.15 65.40 66.40 65.90

Near Compressor House 72.50 73.10 72.80 67.30 68.70 68.00

Near Cement Mill 67.60 69.70 68.65 62.50 64.70 63.60

Near D.G.Set 72.70 73.60 73.15 67.90 68.10 68.00

Near Limestone Crusher 70.90 71.30 71.10 65.20 66.30 65.75

Near Work Shop 65.70 66.90 66.30 60.80 61.60 61.20

Near Line-III 68.20 69.40 68.80 63.90 64.80 64.35

All the Values are within the Range

All the equipment is being operated from Central Control Room. Exposure of the employees

near the machines is limited. If at all required to be weighting, they are using ear plugs / ear


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12 Orient Cement Limited

Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality and Stack Emissions are carried out regularly and

report is submitted to the TSPCB Monthly and to the Ministry’s Regional Office at

Chennai half-yearly.

(V) The company shall install adequate dust collection and extraction system to

control fugitive dust emissions at various transfer points, raw mill handling

(unloading, conveying, transporting, stacking), vehicular movement, bagging and

packing areas, etc. Asphalting/concreting of road and water spray all around the

stockyard and loading / unloading areas shall be carried out to control fugitive

emissions. Covered sheds for storage of raw materials and pneumatic conveying

system for fly ash and bed ash for conveying ash from boiler shall be provided.

Coal, cement, fly ash and clinker shall be stored in silos.

We have adequate number of bag filters. Total Number of Pollution Control

Equipments is as follows: ESPs – 7, Bag Filters – 99.

All the transfer points equipped with bag filters.

Dump hoppers are equipped with water sprinkler system.

Venting systems are available for pneumatic Conveying System.

All the circuits are having venting system.

Truck mounted Water Spraying system arranged in the plant to control fugitive


Concrete roads were laid down.

Covered Sheds are available for storing raw materials & fuel.

Pneumatic conveying system provided for fly ash from CPP to Fly ash Silo.

Storage silos are available for in process materials and finished products.

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Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


13 Orient Cement Limited

(v) Secondary fugitive emissions shall be controlled and regularly monitored as per

guidelines issued by the CPCB.

Concrete Roads are available, which minimizes the fugitive emissions.

Road sweeping machine is used for roads cleaning inside the plant.

Regular water spray is being carried out to control the secondary fugitive


Fugitive emissions analysis data is presented in table 1.5

Table 1.5


(Apr’16 to Sep’16)




Average (µg/m3)

(PM2.5 )

Average (µg/m3)

Min. Max Avg. Min. Max. Avg.

On top of



50 61 55.50 18 26 22.17

PCB Limit: PM10 – 100 (µg/m3): PM2.5 - 60(µg/m3).

All Values are Within the Range.

(vi) The company must harvest the rainwater from the rooftops and storm water

drains to recharge the ground water and use the same water for the various

activities of the project to conserve fresh water.

Rain water is stored in a reservoir and is utilized for various activities in the

plant thus reducing the consumption of ground water.

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Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


14 Orient Cement Limited

(vii) The company shall undertake eco-development measures including community

welfare measures in the project area.

Various welfare schemes are being adopted for the development of the

surrounding village people & area under CSR.

(viii) The overall noise levels in and around the plant area shall be kept well within the

standards (85 dBA) by providing noise control measures including acoustic

hoods, silencers, enclosures, etc. on all sources of noise generation. The

ambient noise levels shall conform to the standards prescribed under

Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 Rules, 1989 viz. 75 dBA (day time) 70 dBA

(night time).

The values are recorded and are well within the limits.

Table 1.6


(Apr’16 to Sep’16)

Location NOISE LEVEL in Leq dB(A)

Day Time Night Time

Min Max Avg Min Max Avg

Near Kiln 68.50 69.20 68.85 63.10 64.20 63.65

Near Raw Mill 70.80 71.50 71.15 65.40 66.40 65.90

Near Compressor House 72.50 73.10 72.80 67.30 68.70 68.00

Near Cement Mill 67.60 69.70 68.65 62.50 64.70 63.60

Near D.G.Set 72.70 73.60 73.15 67.90 68.10 68.00

Near Limestone Crusher 70.90 71.30 71.10 65.20 66.30 65.75

Near Work Shop 65.70 66.90 66.30 60.80 61.60 61.20

Near Line-III 68.20 69.40 68.80 63.90 64.80 64.35

All the Values are within the limits.

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Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


15 Orient Cement Limited

(ix) All recommendations made in the ‘Corporate Responsibility for Environment

Protection (CREP) for cement plants shall be implemented.

We are complying with the CREP Guidelines.

(x) Proper housekeeping and adequate occupational health programmes shall be

taken up.

Housekeeping is maintained in all areas of the plant with better management

Road sweeping machine has been provided for maintaining good Housekeeping

Regular health checkups, awareness programs are continued.

(xi) A separate environmental management cell to carry out various management and

monitoring functions shall be set up under the control of Senior Executive.

Environmental management cell is formed with a team of qualified engineers

& chemists to carry out various management and monitoring functions under

the control of senior executive.

(xii) As proposed in EIA/EMP, Rs.24.50 Crores and Rs.1.86 Crores earmarked towards

the capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control

measures shall be suitably used to implement the conditions stipulated by the

Ministry of Environment and Forests as well as the State Government. The funds

so provided shall not be diverted for any other purpose.

a. Major control equipments installed in the Up gradation of the plant. The funds

have been utilized for installing and maintenance of Pollution Control

Equipments & to keep up the green belt and an amount of Rs. 2756 Lakhs has

been spent for construction of limestone stockpile and CPP coal storage

sheds. All pollution control equipments will be in operation during running of

the plant. In order to comply with new emission norms of less than 30

mg/Nm3 for stacks, all existing single phase transformers are replaced with

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Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


16 Orient Cement Limited

three phase transformers, procured bags and accessories for Bag House/Bag


(xiii) The Regional Office of this Ministry at Bangalore / CPCB / APPCB shall monitor

the stipulated conditions. A six monthly compliance report and the monitored

data along with statistical interpretation shall be submitted to them regularly.

Six monthly compliance report and the monitored data along with statistical

Interpretation is being submitted to RO, Ministry at Chennai regularly.

(i) The Project Authorities shall inform the Regional Office as well as the Ministry,

the date of financial closure and final approval of the project by the concerned

authorities and the date of commencing the land development work.

The project work was completed in the month of August 2010.

(ii) The Project Proponent shall inform the public that the project has been accorded

environmental clearance by the Ministry and copies of the clearance letter are

available with the A.P. Pollution Control Board / Committee and may also be seen

at Website of the Ministry of Environment and Forests at http:/envfor.nic.in. This

should be advertised within seven days from the date of issue of the clearance

letter at least in two local newspapers that are widely circulated in the region of

which one shall be in the vernacular language of the locality concerned and a

copy of the same shall be forwarded to the Regional office at Bangalore.

Environmental clearance was advertised in local newspaper with in the

stipulated time during proposal of the line three project (2007-08).



Vice President – operations

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Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


17 Orient Cement Limited


M/s. ORIENT CEMENT LIMITED has expanded the cement unit and also 50MW coal

based Captive Power Plant (CPP). The total cost of the project is Rs.531.72 Crores.

These units are located in existing Cement Plant premises of M/s. ORIENT CEMENT

LIMITED at Village: Devapur, Mandal: Kasipet, District: Adilabad of State: Telangana.

The salient features of the expansion project are presented.

At present we have three production lines (Line-1 & Line-2 & Line-3) with a installed

capacity of 10,600 TPD Clinker. Cement production capacity is 8,900 TPD. The

modifications & retrofitting was carried in Raw Mills, Kilns & Cement Grinding line 1 &


A 50 MW Coal based power plant is installed to meet the power requirement of the

plant operations.

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18 Orient Cement Limited



Built-up area includes buildings, utilities like roads, storage yards, water

tanks etc.

Existing Plant


Cement Unit

1. Clinker Production (TPD)

a) Line – 1

b) Line – 2

c) Line – 3

d) Overall production

1. Cement Production (TPD)

2. Built-up Area (Acres)

3.Project Cost (Rs. in


3600 TPD

2800 TPD

4200 TPD




- - -

Captive Power Plant

1. Power Production (MW)

2. Built-up Area (Acres)

3. Project Cost

(Rs. in Crores)

- - -

- - -

- - -






- - -

1. Plant Area (Area in acres)

a) Built-up Area

b) Green belt Area

2. Town Ship

a) Built-up Area

b) Green belt Area

3. Total Project Area

a) Total Built-up Area

b) Greenbelt Area

c) % Greenbelt Area

4. Total Project Cost (Rs. in












- - -

No Change



No Change

No Change


No Change



- - -












- - -

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Environmental Data-Plant______________________________________________________


19 Orient Cement Limited

2.1 Location and Accessibility

M/s. Orient Cement Ltd is located in Devapur (V), Kasipet (M), Adilabad (Dist) of

Telangana. The area is between 19°00’15” - 19°03’16” North Latitude and

between 79°18’30”-79°21’44” East Longitude. Fig2.1 shows location map. Mean

sea level of the place is in between 240 – 260 m.

The site can be reached from the State Highway between Mancherial and

Bellampalli using a connecting tar road via Kasipet. The plant area is about 35

km from Mancherial and 22 km from Bellampalli.

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20 Orient Cement Limited




Lime stone + Additives → Raw meal

95% 5%

Raw meal (1.48 Ts) → Clinker (1.00 T) (Burning with Coal at 14000C - 14500C)

Clinker + Gypsum → Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) 97% 3% Clinker + Fly Ash + Gypsum → Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)

Stage wise Operations:

Limestone Mining: Mechanized mining of limestone is done by deep hole drilling, blasting, excavation and hauling. The blasted limestone of size less than 1000 mm will be transported to Limestone Crusher for crushing.

Limestone Crushing: Limestone crushing is done in Hazemag type Double rotor impact crusher (1200 TPH capacity). The size reduction in crusher will take place from 1000 mm to less than 40 mm.

Stacking & Reclamation: Crushed limestone will be stacked with Stacker (CIMMCO Birla make – 1500 TPH capacity) as per the required quality. Capacity of the stockpile is 50000 Ts. After forming the stocking (with the required quality as well as quantity), the reclamation (Reclaimer – CIMMCO Birla make – 800 TPH capacity) will be started. The total process of stacking and reclamation is called Chevron method.

Raw material grinding: Blended Limestone will be reclaimed and will be filled into raw material hopper in the respective raw mill section. Laterite -1 and Alumina Laterite (out sourced material) will be filled into respective Laterite hoppers. Lime stone with Laterite -1 and Alumina Laterite in required ratios will be conveyed through weigh feeders and belt conveyor to Polycom, HIC, Roller Press, where grinding will take place. The product, called raw meal, is entrained with air/gases to Electrostatic precipitator, Bag House where the total raw meal is collected and further conveyed to Continuous Flow Silo’s.

Coal Crushing & Grinding: Raw coal, received from Singareni collieries, is crushed in coal crushers, where the size reduction of coal from 100 mm to 30 mm size takes place; this is conveyed to Raw Coal hoppers. Ball Mill, VRM will grind raw coal to fine powder and will be collected in bag filter. The fine coal will be further conveyed mechanically to fine coal bins.

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21 Orient Cement Limited

Pyro-processing: The system consists of Rotary Kilns (3600 TPD, 2800 TPD, 4200 TPD) with 5, 6 stage suspension pre-heater and in-line calciners. Raw meal from respective CF silo will be conveyed to Preheater. Fine coal will be fired through burner pipe in kiln and through nozzles in precalcinator. The material will be 90% calcined at kiln inlet and balance Calcination, pre burning and sintering reactions will take place in kilns. Temperature of 1400 - 14500C will be maintained in kiln for the completing the reactions. Clinker will be formed and is cooled in Clinker coolers. The clinker after cooling will be transported mechanically to CSP, Silo’s.

Cement grinding: Clinker from CSP, Silo’s will be conveyed to clinker hopper. Gypsum (out source material) will be filled into gypsum hopper. Closed circuit ball mill with dynamic separator and Pregrinding Roller Press System will grind clinker and gypsum fed to it in fixed ratios. The product, called Ordinary Portland Cement, is conveyed mechanically to OPC storage silos.

Similarly clinker, flyash and gypsum at a fixed ratio will be ground in the Roller Press and ball

mill system. The product, called Portland Pozzolana Cement, will be conveyed mechanically to

PPC storage silos.

Cement Packing: Six packers (Electronic packers) are available for packing of cement in to bags and dispatching.

Plant (Raw Mills to Cement Grinding section) is operated from CCR based on PLC systems.

Captive Power Plant: Two boilers with 25 MW capacities are installed within the Cement

Plant premises to cater the Power requirement of the Plant.

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23 Orient Cement Limited


The base line data for Soil, Water, Micrometeorology, Ambient air quality; Stack

monitoring Data and Noise levels in and around plant area was generated from

April’16 to September’16.

4.1 Soil Environment

During plant operations top soil is removed. Presently topsoil whenever removed

is being spread on the mined out areas for reclamation & plantation. Soil samples

were collected from various locations and analyzed for different parameters,

which are presented. The soils in the plant area are mostly varying between silty

clay to mixed soil (Loamy sand) analysis data is presented in table 4.1.

4.2 Water requirement

Water is drawn from Bore wells in the company area and Jack wells in the nearby

for different utilities. At present 2,070 m3/day of water is used for gas

conditioning for ESP’s and for cooling of bearings, gearboxes and dust

suppression at raw material etc. Additional 430 m3/day of water is required for

up-gradation and another 450 m3/day is required for proposed expansion as

makeup water for cooling of bearings, gearboxes and dust suppression etc. After

proposed expansion the total water requirement for plant will be 2,950 m3/day.

About 641 m3/day of water is used for domestic purposes (township) at present,

which will increase, by 20m3/day after the expansion. The water quality data &

drinking water data is presented in tables 4.2 & 4.3 and drinking water data is

presented in table 4.4.

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24 Orient Cement Limited


SOIL ANALYSIS (Apr’16 – Sep’16)


1 2 3 4

pH 7.59 7.73 7.37 7.81

E.C. µ mhos/cm 292 277.50 253.50 238.50

Calcium as Ca m eq/100g 65 42.50 35.50 23

Magnesium as Mg m eq/100g 17.1 15.83 10.50 11.38

Sodium as Na m eq/100g 54 45.50 23 22

Potassium as K Kg/ha 67.4 53 107.50 127

Phosphorous as P Kg/ha 15 10.50 15.50 11

Nitrogen as N Kg/ha 105.5 144 207.50 232.50

Organic Carbon % 0.35 0.50 0.61 0.55

Sulphates as So4 m eq/100g 0.64 0.58 0.22 0.25

Chlorides as Cl m eq/100g 0.55 0.64 0.39 0.54

Silt & Clay % 62 60.50 65.50 63.50

Sand % 34 37.50 33 34.50

Textural Class m eq/100g Loamy Sand

Loamy Sand

Loamy Sand Loamy Sand

Physical Appearance m eq/100g Mixed Soil Mixed Soil Mixed Soil Mixed Soil

Note: a. Soil Sample collected at a depth of 45 cm.

b. Soil sampling locations

1. Near Crusher site,

2. Near Mines Office,

3. Agriculture land Devapur

4. Near colony.

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25 Orient Cement Limited

Table 4.2


Date of Sample Collection : 30-06-2016, 09-09-2016.

Date of Sample Analysis : 01-07-2016, 10-09-2016.

Locations 1 2 3 4 5

Colour (Hazen units) 0 0 0 12.5 5

Turbidity (NTU) 0.2 0.60 0.9 1.77 0.585

pH 7.86 7.45 7.6 7.50 7.80

E.C. (Micromhos/cm) 350.5 1233 629.5 855.50 1041

Total dissolved solids 202.5 830 389.5 555.00 650.5

Phenolphthalein alkalinity as CaCo3 0 0 0.0 0.00 0

Methyl orange alkalinity as CaCo3 94 296 118.5 253.50 339.5

Total hardness as CaCo3 131.5 367.5 269.5 332.00 381

Calcium as Ca 31.5 110 85.0 94.00 121.5

Magnesium as Mg 12.82 22.49 13.9 23.81 18.775

Sodium as Na 19 122 35.5 53.00 40.5

Potassium as K 1.075 1543 1.3 2.10 1.22

Chloride as Cl 35.5 181.5 61.0 94.00 65

Sulphate as So4 27 66.5 47.0 48.00 56

Nitrate as NO3 7.985 23.5 15.5 20.00 26

Carbonates as CaCO3 0 0 0.0 0.00 0

Bicarbonates as CaCO3 114 361 201.5 311.50 413

Residual Chlorine 0 0 0.0 0.42 0

Copper as Cu <0.05 0.055 <0.05 0.17 <0.05

Manganese as Mn <0.02 <0.05 <0.02 0.09 <0.02

Iron as Fe 0.145 0.17 0.2 0.27 0.22

Fluoride as F 0.45 0.58 0.5 0.68 1.06

1. Bore well (Near Crusher) 2. Bore well (Maddimadugu Village)

3. Bore well (Factory Premises) 4. Open well (Devapur village)

5. Bore well Water (Devapur Village)

Note: All the values except pH are expressed in mg/L.

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26 Orient Cement Limited

Table 4.4


(Apr’16 – Sep’16)


1 Turbidity (NTU) 0 0 0.00

2 pH 7.67 8.02 7.86

3 E.C (micromhos/cm) 116 166 137.33

4 Total dissolved solids 71 101 81.67

5 phenolpthalene alkalinity as CaCO3 0 0 0.00

6 Methylorange alkalinity as CaCO3 46 65 54.00

7 Total alkalinity as CaCO3 46 65 54.00

8 Total hardness as CaCO3 37 56 44.83

9 Calcium as Ca 7.13 11 8.78

10 Magnesium as Mg 4.69 7042 1178.00

11 Sodium as Na 0.83 16 10.51

12 Potassium as K 0.65 0.95 0.77

13 Copper as Cu 0.08 0.08 0.08

14 Iron as Fe 0.05 0.1 0.07

15 Managanese as Mn 2.72 2.72 2.72

16 Chlorides as Cl 10.45 16 12.74

17 Sulphates as SO4 2.16 3.1 2.56

18 Flourides as F 0 0 0

19 Phenolic compounds as c6h5OH 0.18 0.77 0.53

20 Mercury as Hg <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

21 Cadmium as Cd <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

22 Selenium as Se <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

23 Cyanide as CN <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

24 Lead as Pb <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

25 Zine as Zn <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

26 Resifual chlorine 0.01 1.01 0.177

27 Silver as Ag 0 0

28 Mineral Oil <0.04 <0.04 <0.04

29 Hexavalent chromium as Cr+6 0 0 0

Note: All the values except pH, Turbidity and E.C. are expressed in mg/L

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27 Orient Cement Limited

4.2.1 Water pollution

There is no wastewater generated from cement plant. Different effluents except

DM plant regeneration water generated from utilities of power plant will be

diverted into cooling water tank of cement plant. DM plant regeneration water is

separately collected, neutralized and used for ash quenching. Sewage from

township etc. is to be treated in the proposed sewage treatment plant and used

for green belt.

4.2.2 Solid waste management

There are no prominent solid wastes generated from cement plant. Fly ash from

power plant will be safely collected and used in cement manufacturing. Bed ash

from power plant will be used for reclamation of abandoned mine pits

Table 4.5


(Temperature & Relative Humidity)

Date Temperature (0C) Relative Humidity (%)

Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max.

29-06-2016 26.10 29.50 27.80 60 68

08-09-2016 25.40 31.90 28.60 65 72

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28 Orient Cement Limited

4.3 Air Environment

The pollutant emissions from sources and atmospheric interactions determine

the quality of air at a receptor (any object affected adversely by the quality of air

to which it is exposed and include human beings, vegetation and materials), is

determined by the type and amount of pollutants emitted upwind and the extent

of atmospheric interaction.

The base line data for major pollutants like particulate matter (PM10), Particulate

Matter (PM2.5), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NOX) and Carbon

Monoxide were collected by judiciously designed ambient air quality stations

network in and around the plant area.

Note: The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) New Delhi has given

amendment on 16th November 2009 for revised standards for Ambient Air

Quality Standards. M/s. Orient Cement has following the same Standards.

At each station 24 hr continuous sampling in every month was carried out. From

August 2010 onwards they are following as per MOEF Notification i.e. Particulate

Matter (PM10), Particulate Matter (PM2.5), SO2 & NO2 were monitored on 24 hourly

basis. The method of sampling and analysis were carried out vis-a-vis following

the Central Pollution Control Board guidelines. The average values of ambient air

quality data is presented in table 4.6 and graphical data are presented in figs.4.7

to 4.10.

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29 Orient Cement Limited

Table 4.6


(Apr’16 – Sep’16)



Particulate Matter –



Particulate Matter –



Sulphur dioxide


Nitrogen Dioxide


Min. Max Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min Max. Avg. Min Max. Avg.

Near D.G.


49 63 54.67

15 27 19.50

6 13 9.33 15 23 17.50

Near Time


44 68 54.00 6 10 7.83 19 24 21.33

Near Guest


51 64 58.33 7 11 9.17 16 22 18.67

Near Mines


41 51 46 7 11 9.17 16 23 19.83

4.3.2 Air Pollution Sources and Control Measures

The sources of air emissions are from Kiln with Raw Mill, Cement Mill, Coal Mill

and Cooler. The stack details are furnished in Stack emissions monitoring are

carried out once in a month for the parameter Particulate matter (PM). It is

noticed from the collected emissions data that the parameters monitored are

within the limits prescribed by TSPCB. The stack details are furnished in table 4.7

and results are presented in tables 4.8 to 4.9.

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30 Orient Cement Limited

Table 4.7


(Apr’16 – Sep’16)



Stack attached to Height




Flow rate



of particulate



1. Kiln –I & Raw

mill – I 85.0 3.34 230676 59.75

2. Kiln-II & Raw mill – II 82.5 3.00 194973.50 32.25

3. Kiln – III & Raw mill – III -- 3.76 454134 21.33

4. Cooler –I 30 3.00 119886 33.75

5. Cooler-II 31 3.80 170820 23.25

6. Cooler – III -- 3.50 256200 19.83

7. Coal Mill-I 36.0 0.85 13164 56.50

8. Coal Mill-II 45.5 1.00 18402 52.50

9. Coal Mill – III -- 1.80 89970 33

10. Cement Mill-I 39.0 1.00 16656 20

11. Cement Mill-II 38.7 1.50 44754 21

12. Crusher -- 1.20 38310 60.50

13. Packing Plant-I -- 0.75 6444 63.5

14. Packing Plant-II -- 0.75 10830 59.5

15. Packing Plant-III -- 0.75 8322 60.67

16. Packing Plant-IV -- 0.75 55.68 63.50

17. CPP 90.0 5.00 418380 90.17

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31 Orient Cement Limited

Table 4.8


(Apr’16 – Sep’16)

S.No Parameters

PCB Norms

(In mg/Nm3)

Particulate Matter

(mg/N m3)


Min Max Avg.

1 3600 TPD Rotary Kiln – I & Raw Mill – I 80 57 63 59.75

2 2800 TPD Rotary Kiln – II & Raw Mill – II 80 25 42 32.25

3 4200 TPD Rotary Kiln –III & Raw mill – III 50 16 30 21.33

4 FBC Boilers of Capacity 2 X 115 115 82 96 90.17

5 Cement mill – Line 1 80 15 51 25

6 Cement mill – Line 2 80 11 46 21

8 Coal mill – Line 1 50 46 62 56.50

9 Coal mill VRM – Line 1 80 39 65 47.75

10 Coal mill – Line 2 80 47 56 52.50

11 Coal mill – Line 3 50 30 35 33

12 Clinker Cooler – Line 1 80 28 37 33.75

13 Clinker Cooler – Line 2 80 17 36 23.25

14 Clinker Cooler – Line 3 50 13 27 19.83

15 Packing plants - 5 Nos. 80 59.5 63.5 61.79

16 Attached to 4 X 4. 2 MW &1 x 4.0 MW


115 Not Running

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32 Orient Cement Limited

Table 4.9


(Apr’16 – Sep’16)



Sulphur dioxide

(mg/N m3)

Oxides of Nitrogen

(mg/N m3)

Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max. Avg.

Kiln – I

4.80 27.0 19.45 622 678 652

Kiln – II 2.30 29.0 20.58 613 654 632.75

Kiln – III 3.90 26.0 16.73 605 652 628.17

4.4 Noise Environment

Noise in general is sound which, is composed of many frequency components of

various loudness distributed over the audible frequency range. The most

common and heavily favored of these scales is the A-weighted decibel [dB (A)].

This scale has been designed to weigh the various components of noise

according to the response of the human ear; loud noise may damage hearing or

health; interfere with work tasks, speech communication and sleep; affect inter-

room privacy; cause annoyance. The impact of noise depends on its

characteristics (instantaneous, intermittent or continuous in nature), time of day

(day or night) and location of noise source. The noise levels at various locations

in and around plant area were measured and tabulated in table 4.10.

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33 Orient Cement Limited

Table 4.10


(Apr’16 to Sep’16)

Location NOISE LEVEL in Leq dB(A)

Day Time Night Time

Min Max Avg Min Max Avg

Near Kiln 68.50 69.20 68.85 63.10 64.20 63.65

Near Raw Mill 70.80 71.50 71.15 65.40 66.40 65.90

Near Compressor House 72.50 73.10 72.80 67.30 68.70 68.00

Near Cement Mill 67.60 69.70 68.65 62.50 64.70 63.60

Near D.G.Set 72.70 73.60 73.15 67.90 68.10 68.00

Near Limestone Crusher 70.90 71.30 71.10 65.20 66.30 65.75

Near Work Shop 65.70 66.90 66.30 60.80 61.60 61.20

Near Line-III 68.20 69.40 68.80 63.90 64.80 64.35

4.5 Green belt development:

Development of water bunds in the plant water drains and reuse of wastewater

for maintaining green belt commenced. Further it is planned to build bunds

upstream of the drains to meet additional requirement for new green belt area in

the plant.

The already developed greenbelt enhances environmental quality through:

Mitigation of fugitive emissions including odor

Attenuation of noise levels

Creation of aesthetic environment

Balancing Eco-environment

Prevention of soil erosion

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34 Orient Cement Limited

Recharging oxygen into environment

Spatial and compositional design of greenbelt for environmental management is

done after considering the topography, climate, soil quality of the area and flora

spread over the area.

4.5.1 Township

For township wastewater treatment plant is proposed for reuse of treated

wastewater for maintaining large green belt developed in colony. This will also

cater to propose green belt in the township.

4.5.2 Other measures

Further construction of water reservoir in township in an area of 23,600

sq. m with a volume of 87,000 m3 was developed for storage of water.

Water is used for watering the plantation & improves ground water


Development of water bunds in the plant water drains and reuse of

wastewater for green belt development will be undertaken.

STP Provided in colony along with water filtration system for use in

Green Belt development.

Higher No. of air-cooling fans for cooler installed to reduce water


High Pressure water spray system installed for process cooling to

reduce the water consumption.

Reservoir in the mines pit will also add to increasing ground water table

economizing the water intake.

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35 Orient Cement Limited

4.6 Land Environment and Solid Waste Management

There is no generation of solid wastes from cement manufacturing process, as all

the dust collected in air pollution control systems is continuously recycled into

process. Different types of solid wastes are generated from the non-process

activities in the unit. They include waste packaging materials, steel scrap, and

empty oil/grease drums, used tyres, used batteries etc. All the non-process solid

waste materials are disposed for further processing as per the directions of TS

Pollution Control Board.

4.7 Waste Management

The used oil is used as fuel in the Kiln calcining system. The Precalciner is

designed to use waste fluids from the plant for utilizing the heat value of the

waste. The required feeding system shall be part of the main equipment.

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36 Orient Cement Limited


Effective pollution control measures, greenbelt development and adequate safety

measures and post project monitoring facilities for pollution, implementation of the

same form the strategy for Environmental Management Plan. The environmental

management plan is prepared for operation phases.

5.1 Operation phase

Effective pollution control measures to abate various types of pollution generated in

the plant are installed. Major pollution after up gradation and expansion (3rd line) of

Cement plant and new captive power plant is air pollution in the form of flue gas and

dust emissions from kiln, crushers, material handling systems etc., of cement plant

and boilers, coal crusher and coal and ash handling systems of power plant. Waste

water generated from DM Plant, RO Plant & other waste water and solid waste in the

form of ash due to coal burning from power plant.

5.2 Air Environment:

Different types of air pollution control equipment are installed/modified along with

up gradation/new plant installation in concurrence with installation of other process

equipment and control equipment is commissioned simultaneously along with process


5.3 Water Environment:

There is no wastewater generation from the cement plant except domestic discharge.

From power plant waste water generated from blow-downs of cooling tower & boiler,

DM plant regeneration, RO plant reject and sanitary effluent. The blow-down from

boiler & cooling tower is sent to cement plant’s cooling water tank. The DM Plant re-

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37 Orient Cement Limited

generation water about 100 m3/day collected separately collected and neutralized

effluent is directly used for quenching of ash. The above waste water management

facilities created along with process plant installation and the same functions from the

day of commissioning of plants.

About 550 m3/day of sanitary effluent is generated from township and industry. In the

expansion program sewage treatment plant to treat the sewage and use the same for

green belt is installed.

5.4 Land Environment and solid waste Management:

There is no generation of solid wastes from cement manufacturing process as all the

dust collected in air pollution control systems is continuously recycled into process.

Different types of solid wastes are generated from the non-process activities in the

unit. They include waste packaging materials, steel scrap, and empty oil/grease drums,

used tyres, used batteries etc. All the non-process solid waste materials are disposed

to scrap vendors for further processing. The present disposal and management

practices are continued.

Solid waste generation is ash from the boilers of CPP. All the Fly ash that is generated

is used to produce Pozollona Portland Cement.

5.5Noise Environment:

The noise generating equipment is covered with sound proof enclosures. The noise

generating sources in captive power plant is Turbine generator, high pressure boiler

and compressor. The noise generating equipment is covered and acoustic noise

suppression measures implemented under the guidance of equipment manufactures.

Personnel safety equipment like earmuffs provided to the staff working near high noise

generating sources. There are no human habitations in the vicinity of the unit so there

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38 Orient Cement Limited

no impact on the surroundings. The greenbelt help in the reduction of noise levels

outside the plant.

5.6 Hazardous Materials Management

There are no hazardous materials used in the process. Used lead acid batteries at

present are sent to suppliers on buy back basis. Non-ferrous metal scrap is disposed

to nonferrous metal scrap recyclers authorized by TSPCB. Waste oil generated from

various manufacturing equipment is disposed to agencies authorized by TSPCB. The

additional waste generated after up gradation/expansion is disposed in the same


5.7 Safety Systems

The company maintains safety of the equipment as well as the employees with well-

defined procedures, which is also spelt out in ISO-14000 and OHAS-18000. For

emergency control fire hydrant system is available along with maintenance

Schedule for the firefighting equipments. We have mobile fire hydrant also. A well-

defined on site emergency plan is also made and regular monitories are conducted.

Mock drills are conducted regularly Ambulance is available of the plant.

Water spraying system is provided for coal yard to control coal burning. Flame proof

motors are installed wherever required. Electric sub-stations are sufficiently ventilated.

Electrical fittings like switches, lamps, starters etc. are provided with flameproof

components. Smoking is strictly prohibited and vehicles are to be allowed only near

storage yards and utility places in the industry premises.

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39 Orient Cement Limited

a) Fire Hydrant System:

The fire protection system provided is capable of achieving a non-combustible

atmosphere in less than one minute, which meets the requirements of National Fire

Protection Association (NFPA). This system shall include sprinkler systems and CO2

based fire suppression equipment. Fire hoses & tools cabinet, Fire alarm and required

Fire pumps are provided as part of fire safety system.

b) Fire Extinguishers:

Fire extinguishers are provided wherever necessary. 158 no. DCP fire extinguishers, 94

no. CO2 fire extinguishers, 48 no. Mechanical Foam type extinguishers and 7 no. ABC

type extinguishers are provided at various locations throughout the plant. Additional

fire extinguishers are procured and provided wherever required.

Necessary safety and preventive measures avert any possible hazards and fire

accidents which may cause human suffering, property loss/ damage to equipment and

detrimental effect on environment.

5.8 House Keeping:

Proper housekeeping and cleanliness is being maintained both inside and outside the

industry. The process areas are cleaned regularly. Internal roads are water sprayed to

avoid dust emissions. Signboards are provided in the work areas and all the road and

building highlighting the safety and occupational aspects.

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40 Orient Cement Limited


The compliance report is enclosed. The monitoring data generated is presented

and critical analysis is carried out. Necessary control equipments have been

added in the up gradation of clinker transportation belt & Cement Storage silo’s

For the new 3rd Line all control equipments have been installed and well

maintained. We have installed 2 No’s of Online Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

Stations, 7 No’s of stack monitoring Stations and these are connected to TSPCB

AND CPCB Servers. The Emission levels are found to be in the specified limits.

There is no wastewater generation in the process. Sewage treatment plant is

provided to treat the sewage water. STP is maintained in good condition.

Adequate green belt has been developed and every year we are planning 2000-

4000 new saplings. Two new rose gardens were developed inside the plant.

Adequate measures are taken to maintain the Environmental conditions

stipulated by MoEF and Telangana State Pollution Control Board.

Environmental Monitoring facilities:

The industry already procured AAQ samplers - 2 Nos. PM10 and PM 2.5 each, stack

monitoring kit 1 no. and noise level meter - 1 no., Continuous ambient air quality

monitoring stations – 2 Nos. and stack emission monitoring – 7 Nos. are installed.