. Com. *i= ^ An rndcpendent Weekly Ncwspaiier ®I|p fet Uawtt Nfttia Our Telephone Numbers Ihisiiicss: Aiwalcr 8-1661 Kdilorial: IlOharl 7-5811 VOL. VIII — NO. 64 PoUliliid Wnkty by Frit Pnsi PiiHlialloni. Inc. YiarU Subtciipllon $2.SA. 'KAJVr "HAVI-N; CONNI-ctlCinrTllUKSDAY. JLINK 10. 195.| 0 CPUIH A Copy — .$2.tJ0 A Four Revised Parking; Hcgiilalions Soiigiil Ditch Blockers Plague To To wn And Mosqiiit o ConlroI %^t$S^r :.c-l^-.4~,---C''l-i.^A-^~-r'^^^^^^^^^^^ •'• t-t,'M: Mcrclinnts cmicorneil over the RrouiilR iiocd fo r iinrUlii); simcc aloilB IMiilii .St. a r c nsliiuK timt |mrli- liiBUlctcrs be placed In llils •ii^ctlnii of the street opposite Klrklmin Ave.'I'licv cliiiiii tllnt the nrcii- lilciit thai hccaiisc It Is an liilcrs<!ctloii this area sli iiiiUI lie ke|it clear ilors nut hold. 'I'lie.v imlnl mil. that a similar area opiiosite Xa.vlor Ave. is.ei|iiiiiped uilh meters. Curs uiiil trucks I.Live hceii parking hero lllilU recentlj Hhrii tlii, curli was reimiiilid j cllo« to (irahihit thtm NH\S l>ho(os; Tills blue I raicr, r, iisuiill.i can IK found luurkid all ilaj hi the mijnl- clpal parkhiB lot helwceii I.i-reil'a Rcslniiriiiit a n d HI etcalTs DriiK Store. It is an iiisliiiiec ol reporteil abuse by a number of iicoplc who luivc been nsin K the 'I'««'ii-nwne<l parkinc lot lo store their ears aiid triieJis all diirhiR Ihb business diiy. Mercbanl s arc dcinamlhiK that a linie-limlt be imposed, or that.meters be placed Inside the lot. Parking Bd. Slow In Organizing Is Cause For Growing Anxiety A number of East Haven; mor- cliaiits who have been loading the cofiipalgn to establish a lunction- ai-y Parking Authority'id pl'dn for luturc ofr-5tfoet parking, ifa'cill- tlijs- view with growing ..eoncern the slowness of the l\)wn Admin- istration in sotting the authority into! motion. Hampered by tho enforced ab- sence' of several. of its members during ;the seven months'.'since it was organized, the Authority lias never mcC^'as an official.ibody to elect its' own.chairman artd to jirti- cedcl>vlth,plans Xor a study ol! the Town parking situation. ^ In 'the meantime the Planning and.Zoning..Commission ahd Tech- nical. Planning Associates, New Haven planning finn, have noaily completed a general pliUt plUn Xor tlie Town and' for the dontbr dis- trict; ' . . • . " 1 Endorsed By Both Fardes Lost Fall during the Town elec- tion caiihpaig'n. the present leading incumbents, then candidates foi election, leaped forwaid to ciidjise > the idea of a Parking Aulhoiity set forth by Ihe local CliAiiibcr of Commerce. The chambci had voted to poll both pailics on the question, nnd tlie Ucinociallc p.n fiwer came back quick as a wink the party was all foi it Tho He- publican candidates also' ciidois- cd such an authority After taking office. Fust bel- cctiiiaii Frank Clancy began the long di'iiwn-out process of select- ing men who in his opinion would canstltutc a capable authority At first two members of the Board of public Safety, Boitcl Klockars. a Kepublican, and Fred Wolfe. Jr., a Democratic, were named along with Thomas Itoilly. local lawyer and registered Demo- crat who headed Chamber efforts to press for the creation of on authority. 'J'lien .lolin Kmetzo, a retailor. was named as another Republican member of t h e board), The fifth position was unfilled for' spme time. Clancy claimed ho fdund it difficult to secure good m e n Xor the post. .'•; Decides Aguliisl Dual.Sobs About the middle of .'laBt-Janu- V ai-y the first selectman 'named Nuoiold LaPointe as the fltth mem- N of thv authority, .But Just when it seemed as though tr membership was rounded out, Clancy announced he would re- quest tho resignation of Arthur .RicciO.. Rlccio had recently been named to the'Board of Public Safety to succeed Wolfe, and Clan- cy said ho preferred not to have him hold the dual positions. His change .of mind about hav- ing two Board of Public. Safety members serving on the Parking (Contbiued On rage Tivo) NEWS Wins Three PrizetS In C.E.A. Weekly Contest 'Ilho EAS'f HAVEN NEWS was the winner ot two second prizes and an honoroljle mention in tho nlpth nnnual contest for weekly newspapers ot the Connecticut Ed- itorial Association. Results of the contest were announced! at the an- nual meeting of the Association nt tlie Banner Lodge in Moodus Sat- ufday night. ; The NEWS was awarded second prlzb-for •typographical •excellence, flrat prize going to tho Darien Review, it also won sccoiid prize for an editorial titled "Answer To GOP" and published in its Issue (Contliined On Pago Two) A l"i',-il prii|u'rly owner, who failed tf» observe stale regiilnlliins l).v liloekiiig a marshlaiul drainage dllch wlillo iiliu-lng fill, has been uiven n warning by .tulius El.slon, chief of the Division of Mosquito Conlrol of the Stale Depnitmenl (If IliNilth: This was HiseUiscd by llii! first selcclmnn's office this week, nl- ihmii;h thr' name of the prbperly- (HviuM- wa>: n o t released. Knsl lliiven h a s 5'I.T ncres ot salt marsh nrcHs which •have drainago ditches nialnlnlnod by the state. Mnlniell- anee of lliose ditches ore governed by slate regulnllon.s, Avliioli |iro- lilbit their being blocked. According to Elston, procedures are reconimcndod for tliJ flllin8;'ot IniKi from tli.o perimeter of'ninrsli areas so that drained nrqns n'i'C not sealed off to pmvldb |>i;obding grounds tor .salt ..nini'sli jnosijul- tncs. Considered to bo tmionR the •worst'posts of tihc .shore,areas, ' Spltro niockliiK First. Selectman Franli Claiicy itevealod' this week that a drainago ditch uUfcCosey Be.aoli.Ave. exten- sion Iia3'.been blocked i>y soniobno who dumped a wiiecl-hni'row load of dun Into the middle of thi; ditch. As a result water slngnalcti in the dllch. The fli'st selectman said that aiipearnm^es ' wore that the blocking of the ditch was ilono "on splt-o" .since tho dirt was lakeii from near tho ditch to bo dumped into it. Clancy revealed that the dump- ing' ot, '.rubbi,?!! - and• rptuac. Into Tow'rt drainago'ditclios wafi a'con- slaiit source .Of iroublci'.tfi,,], the 'rowiiv^.Ile feported al«6 that Jii- spectiim.'rot Olio 'hlockbd ' 'sto'nn- wnl'e'r caliph" .I'idsin rev'o'm'cd'-'.llial sonioonb. had '• -aliiiareiitly •^stuffed an old coat'-down-'ln'^ lt,"'.*caUHinB the area to flood.•.';•; ' -^.' • : •' .Town to Prosccnl^--,.,. <;... Tli(> first selectman''^sril(I, that the. local Police Department' was noilfiod: iir' •scvei-nlr' sihiiift'i''Vin- stances and. that persons' .'n'ppfe- hondcdi. Iji the „• n c t j ' , dX,-: lilocklng d raln.'ildr. dralnaffot'ditoit.eij'j.Ayti't, bp; .sulijdct to, prosoctiUtjn.. by .^;^lhe Town. ' , ', '• ••'• ••"'.. .';•':.-•'•:'.,• '. In h ea.se prcviousiyi''rcpbrtod.,by Clancy, rub.blsii, toisio.d Into'/T'uttlp Brook had'acbunmjated atjilho opening unflcr'; tlio I3,'ui'r 51; bitlrigo causing the water''to' liacli ,. u p , threatohing ,serious, damage' to neighboring , property. Worlimen had lo.Tcmove the Junk Inn lieavy downpour in oixicr to remedy tho situation. 1'own crows now have the addl- lional worry of tiic piped socllon of tho Tultlo brook wiiich trav- erses Uhe grounds of tho. now .scliool rn Gcrrish Avo. Blockngo of tho huge fiipe'could cause a tre- mendous back-flow of watoi*. and ever, was was- Town Insurance Commission O.K.'s Survey Proposals The Town Insurance Ciimnils- slon volcd Monday night to ap- prove the reeomiuendntkins made In a town Insurance.survey niiidc liy the. Marl ford firm ofVVatson. Morley and Bnklwin, ncc/irdlng lo First Sclecllilnn Frank'' Clancy. Next Tuesday evening' nt 7 o'clock the commission will iiieot Jointly with the Bonrd of Fhinnce for the purpose of di.scusKing the recommendations. ; , According to a notice from llic .Commis,slon It had ap|Hiivcrt'a rc- poi^t by the •.United Slalci J'^ldollty Gunrnnlce Company. IIow- Clniicy iiolnloii Out that thli Innccurnlo since the report prepared by the llnrlford firm. K although It Is an ngoncy for tbb\U.S.F. & G. after Tues- day's moc|.lng but rovcnlod that )l recomiiidndcd n total coverage of $.1„1'2n,600''In f'rc Insurnneo tor all munlclpni-buildings, including sdiools. Actual coverage linKninl.s to only sr.d.lB.lon. The fir.st' .sclechnnn .said thnt the budgetary nllotmont tor In- surnneo. mostly fori tiro protec- tion, amounts lo .fia.tioo covorlng a period ot five years: To obtain tho addltlonnr..i;i..87.2,5Ci(l •eoveragn .rccommoiidcd. he e:stima,lod. would cost anothor, $17,000 J for' tho'sanie period. ,•.'. ^ The fji-Rt sclecliilani said tliat the Tow"n liiid ifhuildhigs In nil to insure nnd that iiij ' most of tlioso eases the ' coverage was niuoh below cost of rc|ilacenVenl. Hofgave as nn. example i tho High Sciiool which has nn <insiiT|ablo vniitp ot S1.8DO,0OO but Is' Insured for "only li!'157,00O or 30.'2'pcr.'ce'iU 'nt.ils insurable value. ' v.IlQsald -IhaU tho Board iot Fl- jjjaVi^tf fvvould study',the, advisabil- ity' of Incrciisliig'coverage as'rcc- j ohimcnded •nndor "the Insurance | cbriipany's report. Tli'p first select- man called it a"prelty tiiorough report" and said that.the admin- istration "now itnows'where we •,are going." Town To Take Part In 17-Min. Air Raid Drill Pri/.o-Wiiiniii[!; IMHIIO Consitruction Permits In May Hit Year High Biit Below May 1953 .The number of 'iiuilding permits hit a iiigh tor -lOS'l last montli when the Building Department Is- sued 87 permits ot wlilcii '17 were for dweiUngs with' nn estimated completioJi value of $397,000. However the total was IJar, be- low the record 180 permits (140 for dwellings with estimated value ot $1,162,500) that were Issued during tiie month of May in 1953. . «•- I. * « --a .1 L^^ HM-«» .>JU. I - « • . ..Mtk. I tab. bdSI —I.IICIIH StlUllo TIIIK i>l.'iit(» (if Tniij- IMiissiirl iiiul ii SlnpIcH pliiyrr tulicn hy I't^tirr KiiritN, Uwn\ |)li(ilO(;i-a|tli<^i', iiiul iiMhUsticil I n t h r litst l)<u;(>nilKT Itll' IHHIM; of tlif! NKV.'S. liisl Svci-U nil lMiiinriilil<« inmliuit In t.liw ' Coii- iK^c'.ilc.iit Ktitiortnl ANhDctntloii uiiilli luiinml (MiiitrKl, h JloQky Fill "Ts Blamed For Delay A. I Mom ugii in School Ordinance Proposed To Scl $500 Bond On St. Excavations A iiroposed ordinance upping tho permits tor street .excavations to liiroe dollars and requiring a $500 performance bond of the ex- cavator to insure that lie restores tlie road surface to its original condition will shortly be pre- sented for public hearing. The ordinance. First .Seleetmnn Fraiik Clancy said, is aimed nt idumbeiK and excavators who have been passing tlio buck on road repairs leaving tlie 'J'own with tile cost ot repnirlni;; roati surfaces damaged by such exca- vations. It was voted at a meeting ot the Board of Selectmen la>;t Thur.sday evening, but must come before a town hearing before It {Contiiiiied On Pago Two) Coastriiclinn ilifflciillk's nrlsing from Ihe large nimniiit of friig- mented roek vvlilch had to'be cx- envaled from the site of Ihe Mo- iiiauKUln School ndriilion were blamed IIF; major factors in a slow-up ill constructU'li wiirk on the additi'iii. Concerned over dqln.vs ntfccting the addition, , tlio EichiontHiy School, I3ulldlng Committee met Monday wiLIi oftlciala ot the Ames Constnictlon Co., ot Hartford to discuss progress on tlic four-room addition.. ' . ' Acciirdiiig In George Letis, ehairmnn of tho cinnmitlee, dtfl- cinls of tho Ilartforrl conipriny ns- serlcil tliiit liirge,stones' iippnient- ly composing |iu'rt ot Iho .f|li around the school Caused excava- tion difficulties. . . Dirilcuit.Ooiidllionn Conditions wen; ,'iucli, tho ofti' cial claimod, that It was ditticuli, to work equipment. In the area. Exacvatlons had to be made lo reach iiase rock on which ceiiietit and bricli jiiers could be set. Ap- par(!iitly, beirau.so ot the largo sloiies, IioIoK had to he dug iiiiich larger than usually, resulting in a messy kind of excavalioii. 'I'iic difficulties III conslruetlon also servtsi lo ditffiourngo workers, so that keeping iiieii on the job hecame more and more (it n prob- lem, this official was rcporl,^!d to have told tlio conimittoo. Finally, a carpentur's w;illt-out connccled with an urea-wlrio stiike ucrvod further ID delny iirogross. Tho eontrnelors were reporled iw saying that they holieved t'liem.«,eivb» lo he pnst Iho worst .siages ot the construction, pro- gram lUKl I hat progress would bo iiioi'c, rapid-heneofortli. Before the cnrpciiler walk-out tlie construction crews inunagod to pour tlio huso walls around one duns room iind hud poured |iarl oi another. Most it not nil ot tho piers have been ciiinpleled. ' (JerrislJ Mcbool At the new .school on Geri^lsii (Coiitlniied On Pago Two) Mock Kaid To ' l?c Conducted Tliroughout Stale I'iasI llMviMi will iiarllclpalo In n sliiic-wlde air raid lest Monday moinlni! sl.irling nt 10 a.m. nnd l.isliiii: iinlll 10:17 when tho all ile:ir .sigiril Is lo lie sounded. Moiorl.sls. podeslrlnns, and sclnml elilldren will, be stlbjccl to Kiieclal safety regulalloiin' during Ihe period of tho tost. All molof- isls will he required to halt their cars al the sido of tho road. In- siriicllons me that occupants ot cars are'to seek defense shellor, or I hole lieing none londlly aviill- ohlc to remain in Iho cat's, •with windows left open. In nctunl air raid conditions motor cur lias- sengers would be required lo liud- (lie near tlie floor of tliolr voliiclcs. All podeslrlnns will bo requited to leaVe lilic streets to ioolt sliol- ler. In tho .schools, all children will leave lliclr classiooms lo go lo ileslgiialoil .safety at ens In Ihoir seboni buildings in n "Duck and (•^over" exercise. Menibois ot the Police Force and tlie Auxlllui;y Police wllf bn stationed liiioughout the Town to see that air inid roKulatioii!! arc to lie observed SIgiiiiK Duhuriticd •fho air raid ALARM for tho center district nf town will coiisLsl of two series of 32 blasts qunh, Tho iilarni will bo sounded on lihc 1 i'lro House bull-hoin.' Tho ALL CLJSAR uill consist of 2.') blasts repenlod at two-mlnulo Intervals three times, In other districts the AL,ARM will consist of a continuous sound- ing ot slion 01 hum tor tlirco min- utes or tor us lung on tho com- pressed ^alt for lli<!Bo< iilnriTis hnttL oul._ Fof- lljo MX. CUKAR , tho houjidlna ilcJIco \vlH givo forlir a minuto-long signal repoiUcd throe Union at Iwo-mlnuto intervals, Tho mock raid will bo declared uvcr at the end of this slgnnl. Tho loinl o|icralJon will bo un- der the dliccllon of Allan Knight, Civil Defortso Dlioctor for past Haven, who will use the ottlbo nX First Scloclman Franlt fe. Clancy lis his control cdnlor. The only exception to the ban on motor nnd pedoKlrlnn traXfiu will be pei'iiilsblon grunted to po- lice and file vehicles nnd ambu- Inncos tn answer omcrgoncy calls. Pastors In ijtorcii Mcmbois of tho local Civil Do- tenso groups have dislrlbutod pos- ers with diroclions notifying the public of the raid and presonting dirootions to ho followed. Tlip leg- uiations uro re-prlntod by tho NEWS for liiindy rofeicnco. Under Jhe slate-wide mock raid, civil detuiise uuthoritieK are htag- Ing a tost which prcnu|iposc8 that the City of Haitford tins boon sub- jected to a bombing raid. East Haven High School Students Win Scholarships .lohll Esiiosito, son of Mr. Mrs, Kied Espo.silo, of I'Jl (;< St., was awarded a foui-.N^ear seliolarshiii for $,'iOO per year to tile University of Conneelicut wlicrc he will attend the College ot Arts and Sciences. Esposito who played tackle on the High School foolibail team was named to the second "All-State Footbal Team" last year. Among his student activities, ho served as sports editor for the Pioneer, student year book. He was enroll- ed in the college preparatory course, Doiolliy Charlotle .loluison. daiighlor of .Mr. und .Mi:,, Millon .Johnson, of 'G.'i George .St.. a sen- ior in tile college preparatory course, has been awarded a .?100 por year tuition schoiarsliiii at the Meriden Ho.siiital School of Nur- sing. Miss John.son. who Is a member of the National Honor Society, has been active In several student ac- tivities. She has held tho posts of lay-out editor of the "Pioneer", Bonior year book, co-captaIn of the Traffic Squad, secretary ol the Drama Workshop. , 142| William Smith Curtiss. son of Mr. and Mrs, Chauncey H, Cur- tiss, of <1S Cleai'\'iew Ave, a senior student in the iireiiaratory course, was awarded a four-year scholar- ship to Trinity College In Hart- ford. The scholarship provides $400 per year Xo'r tuition. Curtiss is a member of the .Jun- ior Honor Society at the High School. He has been a member of the TrafXic Squad, Debating Clu'ta, French Club, and the Pioneer staff. He has served as vice pics- itknt o{ his home rgom, f~-^t a "Vii*r'-f}^SE8Mk'* Niiniry Marilyn I-'recnian, il.-iugli- ler of .Mr. mill .Mis. Lauiler W, I'rcem;in, of •III i l o b s o n .SI,, h a s been awarfled a -TilO'l |ier year tui- tion scholarship at tlie Meriden Ho.spltal School ot Nursing. A student In the college iircpar- atory course she was |ircsldent of her home room during her Junior and senior years. In addition to being president of the Art Club she served on tho Traffic Squad, the Pioneer Staff, the Class Day committee and was secretary - treasurer QI the Debating Club, Itciiry Hefferiiun, son uf Poiii.e Offii;er and Mrs. Thomas Heffer- naii, of .'i'lfi T h o m p s o n Ave, hioi received a four-year tuition sclni- 'laishlp to QulmilpUie College In New Haven." :' Heffernan was a member ot the High .Sciiool busketibull team which early this year completed nn unbeaten soaso'n and then went on to win the State and Now EntJ- land ".Class M" championships. He is enrolled In' the commercial course, rilANGKS .M. MoTUOTTES l'i,ini:es Margaret Mi;Trottes, daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. Francis T. McTioltes, of 171 Dodge Ave., was awarded -a $2CX) tuition sclio- iarship for four years to Albertus Magnus Colle.ijc !n New Haven. A .senior student In "Iho college lirepuitttoi^y counse, .she is d mom her of the - National Ilonor Society. She has .been treasurer of the Modern Language Club, and hus been a' member ot the I^loiiobr slatf, the staff of ' the students newspaper, the Comet, und of the. Drama Workshop. Insliuclions For Air Raid Test Monday Morning sirens will sound tho lUSU AI.ISKT at 10 lum. I>,S,T, Mon- day throughout tlio State oX (joiineetleiil indlontlng tIMit a Kiiiiulalud enemy attack Is Ini- liiinenl. . H, 'Iho MA. CMOAR will bo coiii|ilel«d nt IU:I7 luni. TraX- flo will NOT bo allowed to move until tills slgiiiil Is given (-oiii|ilelely. * * During till! lest nil inulorlsli aro rmiiicHted to follow tho of- ricliU Air Raid Warning In- striiotluns reeolved with IhOlr lieu 111131 o p e r a t o r ' s llctsniio. ... Police voliiolcH, fire .apptira- tiis and ainbulanoBS rnsppiKlIng to oiiiergency call will ho pcr- inittcd til travel during the por- ioil of tliu Red Signal. I'edcstrliins will, strool and soek shelter. , * get all tlio tho. nearest ^J All iiorsoiuiol In soIiua|ii, stores, and other publto buUd- IngH will go to tho shelter as designated shy t1to Wardons ot the biilldings, ' , , , , - » * * This tost U In conjunvlion with "OPISnATION AUEBT" vurronlly boliig held ' t h b day throughout tho entire United 8tat«s. It further teaches you what iio do In tho event of aii unoniy attack. The next souiid- . Ing i)f tlio RED AIJiBX may bo the roil thing. —WILLIAMC IIESKETII Stnt•l^ Civil Oelvniio Olroctor "-4:: •r

Governor Lodg e To B Honored Al Cheshire ®I|r p fet …...tho Public Health Nursing A.s.socla-lion of East Haven will ho held Monday evening at 8 o'clock In liio Town Hull. This will

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Page 1: Governor Lodg e To B Honored Al Cheshire ®I|r p fet …...tho Public Health Nursing A.s.socla-lion of East Haven will ho held Monday evening at 8 o'clock In liio Town Hull. This will

EAST H A V E N N E W S TliuriHlny, J i inn 9, 1951 PBRC 0

Girl Scout News liy Mrs . tlolin K m e l i o

T h e nnnua l ouOlhg for t h e E a s t ; .Shore DLstrlct Girl SMUls, B r o w n -. iG.s a n d lenders will l ake p l a t e on • S a t u r d a y fi-om 10 n. m. t o 3 p. m .

a t L a k e Hublngor on t he S t r o n g ' St . side Admission will Ihe 30 c e n t s

per person. » • • • *

A record crowd of npp rox lmn te -• ly 320 parent!!, friends. Girl Scouts , Brownies and Icadcfs- ga the r ed a l Old S l o n e Church last F r i d a y eve ­ning for Ihe Cbiiit cif A w a r d i cercnionlM About ISO g i l l s re­ceived a u a i d s

Girl Seoul and Binwnii 'S w e i p well r ep resen ted In t he Memnrhi l Day p a r a d e In Eo i t JFaven on Sunday. T h c i e wer6"l2, ' i g i r ls from t h e CnsI h h o r e DHi let w h o inarched. <

• • • • • J

The Gill SLOUI interest has flourished In Ule distilct, t h i s i)a.>it year . However , thefe a r e m a n y more g i r l s who could h a v e tlip joy of scou t ing l( Ihere w e i e only more t roops .

Now. t ioops? cannot , be s t a l l e d unless thei 'e nrci leadorS.for t h.emr I t t h e r e a r e any porsbiia t n t e r c s t -od In leadership or 'hi .si-ving a s assis tants , Ihey al'o, plen.sed.asked to con tac t any acl lve l ende r o r M:r.s, Char les Fallon, chnlrniuh! of the Knsl Shoi-e district,-, a t 110 7-0745, T h e district; Includes Ea.st Haven center , Morris Cove, M o m -auguln tind Foxon. *


"Rhapsody In Blue" Is t he i hen l e the Seniors cliose for t l ie lr prom lo bo hold tomor row night. In the high school gym. They will dance

• from fl t o 12 to the s t r a i n s of Mickey E<hvard's Band. Th is dance will .1)0 the- Inst for t h e g radua t ing cln,ss of lOS'l and Is headed by Lillian Thomas and Tony Massad . , The . commi t t ee members a r e Glenda Wilson, Nancy Wat ldns , Louise T h o m a s , Linda Fa i r , Marlon Pari l lo , Dick AnBU.s, Gllly Gnffney, • Bill Clapp, Gabe Bonaco . Tlie class advisors a r e Miss M a i y Rocco and Mr. Cnryle Frawley .

• * •

Yesterday . the East i l a v e n Oleo Club presen ted a most enjoyable assembly, under the di rect ion of Mrs. Wllhelminu Strnndborg, T h e .selections rendered w e r e ; S a y I t iwllii Music, Waltz of the F lower s , Can ' t You Dance Hie P o l k a ? sung by the girls chorus. Soloists w e r e : Lillian Thomas , ; Carol BLiihop, Rober t Burwel l , George Bn.sslng and .Ilniniy Grlgnnno, Konnls ton Lord .Ir., played a tuba solo also,

AN OPEN L E T T E R To the I lo t a iy Club;

Wo,i t h e Jun io r P rom c o m m i t t e e of Eapl H a v e n Higii School, wish to e x t e n d o u r hear t ies t g r a t i t u d e and apprec la l lon for a ve ry won derful t i m e given its by y o u r or ganlza,tion.

We r ea l i ze tlicro w a s o t r e m e n ­dous a m o u n t of work done before and a f t e r iihe .Iainibo-"Rom'" and we t h a h k you sincerely.

P H N A Meets Monday T h e r e g u l a r monthly m e e t i n g of

tho Pub l i c Health Nursing A.s.socla-lion of E a s t Haven will ho held Monday evening a t 8 o'clock In liio Town Hull . Th is will be t he last r e g u l a r nieeiiiig of the sc'ason Meet ings will he omi t ted du r ing Ju ly a n d August .


EDUARDO UAUSSE (W:47.Lt5.K0'si3f i )


1 » : 3 1 ! . I . T 9 . K O ' I I U 1




Governor Lodge T o Be Honored A l Cheshire

F l m t ClMircli of Chr is t , Scient is t 001 Wli l t i icy Avciiiio

N e w H a v e n , Connnc l lcu t S u n d a y aorvlcos a r e held a t 31

a . i n , ' a n d 4:30 p .m. S u n d a y .School is n t 11 a .m. A n u r s e r y Is p ro ­vided for Infants d u r i n g tho Sun­d a y m o r n i n g service , W e d n e s d a y evieiilhg t e s t imony mee t ings a r e a t 8,

A free Rend ing Room Is located nt 152 T e m p l e St., and Is open • from 0 i i jn. unt i l 8:45 p.m., and Wednesdays unt i l 0.

"GOD 1-HE ONLY CAU^K A N D d R E A T O R " will he t he subject of t he I - e swn-Se rmon for Sunday , .Iiino 0, in-jl 'I 'he Golden Text is from Reve la t ion : "Thou a r t w o i -thy, O Lo id , lo receive g lory and honor and power : for thou has t c ien ted all t h ings , and for t h y p iensu ie they a r e and w e r e d e n t ­e d ' (4 11)

Selec t ions f iom the Bible in­clude llie rol iowing; " F o r t h u s snltli Iho Lord t ha t c rea ted t he heavens ; God himself t h a t fornied t h e e a r t h and m a d e It; ho halli es tabl ished It, ha c rea ted It not in vniji, he foiined It lo iho Inlmliited: I nni t h e L o i d , ami I h e r e la nonc> ol.sc" ( l ^ l a h 45:18) .

Gorre ln t lvo passages from Ihe Cl i r i s l i an Science textbook, ".Scl • e n c e a n d l lca l t l i with K e y to t h e S c r i p t u r e s " by Mary B a k e r Kdily, include t he following (.•ti;i:'^'l-l!0).


P e r h a p s you c a n n o t p lan your vacat ion very far In advance be­cause of e m p l o y m e n t o r ai\wv. factors .

U" Is possible, however , lo de­t e r m i n e t h e type of vaca t ion tliiit would b e - o f mos t benef i t . 1'his is t he flr.st cons idera t ion in va­cat ion p l ann ing If you desire res t and r e l axa t ion . Cl iange from eve ryday r o u t i n e la t h e key l o se lec t ing vacat ion ac t iv i t ies .

If you dr ive a g r e a t deal, o long m o t o r t r i p probably would prove • t i resome. A reasonab le a m o u n t of t rave l and a va r i e ty of act ivi t ies to offset II m a y bo the solution.

Vacat ion r e q u i r e m e n t s d i f f e r s o m e w h a t for everyone , b u t t h e basic- r u l e of seeking c h a n g e Is

good one to follow. Tli ls per­m i t s y o u r mind lo respond • t o nc*" s i tuat ions . I t m e a n s t h a t you a r e r eac t ing to a n e w en­v i ronmen t and soon a n e w per­spective- will rep lace t h e , t i redness produced by cont inued s t ress .

'Ahdlhdr I m p o r t a n t considerat ion is to obsei've common-seiuse heal th and .safety, , precaut ions . Complete en joymonl ot a vacat ion can be m a r r e d If one becomes ill from ovor-exerllon, ' Impure " d r ink ing w a t e r , cor i taminatcd food, • or iii-•fccllon, '-' • . •

• Tjie chi ldren of Evahs ton , Illin­ois, spend 23 hours u week ill. tho ^television .sot; when TV w a s In It.s i n f a n c y they .spent 21 hours a week watching t he screen. - - - -

.liens Studio

Mar ian Dnollt l le was Inslulled iis Worlliy Advisor of the hos t IlaviMi llHliihiiw Assembly No. 17 al rei 1 iiM-i'iniMiii'H in llie .Masnii-Ic Loilgif rooms he re . iMIss nofdit t le headed ii sliilr el olflcrr.s wliii wi'.rK liistnlli'd for the. cuiiilng year .


Dressmaking Alterations

"Teleplione today for a Fitting"

now located at


liuoillo Fusco Paolillo Telophono HO HO

7-5551 7-3103


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142 NASH ST. New Haven SP 7-3G48


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7 8

Cloik WalclkT

Plitttini panel)

9 Ryllim Ranch Yinkii Piddltrf

DIani Uicai - Stiow

10 Wtltomi T n i i l t i n Dlni Dong SthoU

ROD Itopi Ncwi

fJnt Maii't Family 3 Steps (u llrMtNi



COMBINATIOM SCREEN AND STORM DOOR A aorMB door tni tUint door • U 1 B u * . J u t rain* X U M I w w a t O i l l w - U k * t wiadowl

•CillforFrMDamoiutratioa* RUSCO WINDOW CO.

Division of

Barilett Brainard Go. Established 1021

560 Orqhard St. UN B-4187 J. K. Nowton, Mgr.

A product of The r . 0. Eussell Co.

sMkt II nuh

Phran PJVI SitaiitJ Cluiici

WlriilDw Shopiitr Tluf Striii Slllti It Rich


12 Newi Muilc Simp -

Dm rnunilDKon tool CI U t i ri l in Nincy'i KItchin

Muilc Shop

Llsltn Ladlii



GullInQ Lliht Mid AlUfnooR Ncwi

Kali Smilh ~

4 Oictitiif will

Top 20 dull Wiieomi Triviln

Uiit Ihi SUn

5 Top 20 Club Lotiiiia Jmitt Marriaoc pavt

Animal Tlhtt Dttiy & MSBIC Key Howdv Doody

EVEIMNG P a o a i l A M S

6 Bill Sl ini Sttpotf Strcnidi

World W i , L h i U V u l i l y CKlk

.SPotUcoH '

7 MM On Go

Strtnadi In BIui Mornin Biatty utcori ThuIn

Sldiwtlh Intmliwi CUT, linSsifi Spartiman Cluh , . Cum NiM Dtniran

8 Roy Rogtrt

SU Sliootfn

You Bi t Your U ( i


Combo Comir


V l d H j h i i t M

Fnrd Thcitw

riiilid & Molly Jiiii PUkini

Wtftln^ KiM

Dutlli A Alter


J a u

Mlilnluhl Niws.

Fottltin Intrlgui


Slon Olt Ntwt. Sli{n pil.



•nSI.KVI.SION I a 10 k W N I I C - T V

Clock WaUhM Today

HfitXi N'cwi Roundup

Rliyttim Riinch

llyttim Roundup Yankit Pcddim Fun WItli Foo4.

^Cflli irt '

Welconii T n n l i f i

ilob Hop* Newi

D In i Doni Schoof

Oite Man' i Family 3 St iDi to l l t » e n

P'-rase t h a i Payi Second Citanca

Window SliQRper TDrit Stipi Striki It Kicn

A l T E t t N O O N P R O G R A M S

Mihlc Sliop Lfarnlni) In Conn, lov t ot LU* Siarcti for Tomorrow Wlt;)t't Cooklim

Muilc Shop

1-littn Ladlci

Top 20 Club Ooubli or Nothlno

Ggldlnp UoM Newi

Top 2U Ciutt Bio payoff

K a l i SniitA

Welcomi Travein

On Your Account

Newt' Top 2 0 Club -Lorcnio Jonu Man-lage Pays.

Animal T i m Cnrloons

• llowdy Ooody



W a t i Up Ahd S D I I I I W i m Niwt

World Nt'wi Roundup flrtaktati with S tan Howdy O x d y Show

. T b t Pallini Mr. W i w d . -

Brtakrait llgllywoor N'/Johnny Jupllw ._

Topi In Tuni Clinton Kiyboard

It 's Combo Time

V/otnin In U m

Saaca PalrU

• Film .

K V K N l ^ i a P B O G R A A i a

lawf Sporti Daily Suppar S m n i d *

Your World

Mon On The Go Sporlt Dally Tomotiow'i H i l l £n:ore Thiatai

; pennlli . In *Niwi : iPuhc of City Vfdrfli Ffcscliir

Newt Canavan

Dinah Short Slitaira Bop Hop!


Ufa Bl Rll iy

tiarrit Fayi Boh « Ray • Nutnt That Tuna

Bll Story

> Swni SUM

Fibber and-Mol ly . Wordt I n Tt l l N 1 | M L Radio C I t i i P r t v l i w a Pro and cor

Tatvacadf ot Sporti

.-'Greatctt r iBht i Jn Sporla

N e « United Nations P iwid ly 'We l U i l

Midnight Htm. Sign

i I Ltd 3 LUft


Oi l News. Slun Oft.


•Hewl , , • '' 4Mamit l t i HI C tmMi t U y m i n ' i Hour ^

. s r n .nd h«"i< H i » » ;


Road Sliow



"; • 1


Ntwt Kalltnboffl Quiz Bowl

Tticatra Royal

Bio ^ > l i i i

• ' m

Old Eiln

UL Klghl Oania Pari)

PitWii KIni


Bio Top

.Roy '.RoDirt

' MOVIt Flliii' ',' •

.Yaiiki; n. Balllmoje

'siu'twln' •Juillil_


rnoouAMS U n a Ranoif

You.alktd For I t

Th l i l i Your L l l i

Man Rihind Badui

Rank on l ln Sl>rs



SHOW of Shows •

l i l t \Pandi

NIWI Jain t)it Navv ReiKTCLJ for Yol Niws


mdnliht n u l «


KAIHO T|i;i .KVISION W N I K ; i.'iio k W N i i c - ' i ' v

8 Hfm

Wuriiiip lion

9 Wnrld NeA< Roimdup r.hrhtlan Scitnci Music

Willi's yoiu Tioubl

10 Riwi: MuiU ' Mihic

KruiiUi'fi of PnUti

Tills I3 TUe rife


Cluck Waldier

World News KounJup ,

lllivthm Ilancb

IlloUim llantti Yankn Piddlin ,

Wekomi Trareleri

Rnh tlope

Ding Dong School

rini Man'i Family

11 Hiipfr (1fi-iu

And For ToniorioW

Al'^rF.UNOON 1»U0(1UAJ\1S

12 Ntnl ChrUtupbrn

The Eternal Llal;! I'flile 111 Furiilly

Cili/HU at Woik Mr. Mi-Nutley Uiilftdit] ul Ctiicaio

7oa Pjr;ide Round Table

2 3 4 5

6 7 i 9

The CatholU Huura .

American Forum

Cflldtn Voicti

Golden Tieasurv





Names The Same

Hall ol Fiffli

Ifukia, Fran & Olllf


Qob Coiuidine 1 i'foiile's Lobby . N B C Symphony -

The Mattiagi

Sunday vilth Carroway

Ozilc k llanitt

You Are Then


Pn'iale Secretary \

foatt 01 till Towr

TV PtajTheuii

fitrlke It BIfb

rtini:« "niat Payi Uocoiiil Chance

Window' ShoDtier Thre« Slept

^1 Str lki I I Ricii


Newi Music Shop

One Person Can Ho UMt ol Lile itmrch lor Tool. £ lKt r lc Show

Music Shop

Listen Ladln r Gary Moon

10 Meet The Presi Niwt Summwi ^

letter^ To U t i l U

What'i My Llna

11 Ntwt: Clltton tltlay Sundry Itewi Soicla

FIrti lde Thtalw Start From Parit MIdiilolit Ntwt S l | i 111 N I W I . Slon Oil

Ooubia Or Notliloi

Culdlm Llilil NIWI

Top 20 dull Big P a ^ n

Kali SmfUl

Rackttaot Wlfa Top 20 Clulr

Wilcoma Travtlltn

Uait Tha Stan

,' Anintal Time Top 20 Club T i l l . Maok K u Lorinio Jonis Howdy Dooly I t P a j i to Ba M a r r l i l • "

m'GNiNai rBOdBAMs HIWI Snorlt SuDoir Sirenadi

UndetlandinD (jod Varlity Club Sporticopi World NIWI Todn

Man Dn t h l Ga Army Band Tomorrow"! I l l t j

Mr. nisi . A l ly .

Tony Martin Carnal Nlwt carwaF

la i lmad Hour

Muilc You ' M a l t

Nama That Tuna

Valll ol Flrallona



>Jewi Clock Watchir

World Nrwi Roundul Hhyltim Ranch

Rylliv Hantb YankH Pcdrilsn

Roto Maglciin

Wtlcoma Travcleri

Bob MODI News

Ding Dong SifLool

Strike I t aich wtn4a« Vioppw " _ Three Slrot

Plirasi Tltat P a n Strike I t Rich Second Ctunce


News Music Shop

Bub Cruiby Love of U t i . Search lot l o o t Italian Cookery

Mutic- Shop

Listen Ladles

Italian Cooktry

Guy Moor*

Guiding Light NCWI

Barkilaoe Wld Top 20 Club

WiUomi Traiel i tn

On Your Account

Animal T Imi Top 20 Cluti The Maaic Key inrenio Jenet tiuwdy Uuudi I t Pays To Be Harried "



Clock Walchw.

World Niwt Roundup

Rhyliun Ranch

Rytlim Ranch Yankee PliddIm

Wekoine Trairltrs

Bob llo|ie hews

Ding Oooi Schoal

One Man't Family

Seii.iid r:iianri

Window Shoopu thire Steps Str iM I t Rick


News Muiic Shop

MnrNenlt nt Comfort Loie of Lite Search lor 1 ^ Nancy's Kilchin

MuUc Shop

Listen Ladlei

Nancy's Kltc^M*

Gary Moon Bob Croiby

Top 2 0 Club DDubli or Nolblng

Guiding Light News

Top 2 0 Cluti Big Payort

Kate Smitti

Rackitaof Wlfa Top 2 0 Club

W i k o n a Travi l tv

On Your Acuunt


Foreion Policy Itwi Rill Stem

Suppet Stranadi

Man On The Go

Tomorrow's Mill '.ncort

Wild Bill Hkkcok 'World Nivrt loaai

Wild Bill lllckuk

I t 's A~ Pleamri . News Caravan . .

Dinah Shore Be Frank Barry Craig

Tilephoni ttour

Music In t h a ; Night

1 Love Lucy

Rtd Buttotti

r'iXhtr MrGe«' Two in a B:tbf ony

Ncwi I PiouOly Wt Hail star Pflfradi'*.

QOUQIII Falibankf

Colonel Flat* News



Meet Millie

tu ip l I lM

Fibber McGee Can You Top Thl i

First Nighter

Frid Altifl


^ews Robt. Uontoomtry Ntilional ftuard Cueil Star MIdfllcht N twi . Sign Otf News. Sign Oil.

Top 2 0 Club Larenio Jonei Marriaoe Pays

' Animal Time Tlie Magic Key Howoy uooiy


Sill Stem Suooer Seenadi

naihalli: Proorant Gov. Lodge Sgortscopa Newt

Man On Go Air Force Tomorrow's l l l l i ^GOre Ttieatu

Death Valley

Conn. Spotliil i l News Canran



Bel Your Llli

( l | Mary

Sl i l k i I t Rick

Little M a n *

Fibber McGie Slua Ribboa BauGi The Heart of the Kewi Resort ot W House ' _. ,

Sport Spot


Proudly We Hail Midnight Nms. Sign Oil Ntws.

Night Oxl Thtaler

Ign Off.


C o m . *i= ^

An rndcpendent

Weekly Ncwspaiier ®I|p fet Uawtt Nfttia Our Telephone Numbers Ihisiiicss: Aiwalcr 8-1661 Kdilorial: IlOharl 7-5811

VOL. VIII — NO. 64 PoUli l i id Wnkty by Fr i t Pnsi Pi iHl ia l loni . Inc. Y ia rU Subtciipllon $2.SA.

'KAJVr " H A V I - N ; CONNI-c t lC in rT l lUKSDAY. JLINK 10. 195.| 0 CPUIH A Copy — .$2.tJ0 A Four

Revised Parking; Hcgiilalions Soiigiil Ditch Blockers Plague To

To wn And Mosqiiit o ConlroI

%^t$S^r :.c-l^-.4~,---C''l-i.^A-^~-r'^^^^^^^^^^^ •'• • t-t,'M:

Mcrcl innts cmicorneil over t h e RrouiilR iiocd fo r iinrUlii); simcc aloilB IMiilii .St. a r c nsliiuK timt |mrl i -l i iBUlctcrs be placed In llils •ii^ctlnii of the s t ree t opposite Klrklmin Ave. ' I ' l icv cliiiiii tllnt the nrci i -

lilciit t h a i hccaiisc It Is an liilcrs<!ctloii this a r e a sli iiiiUI lie ke|it c l ea r ilors nut hold. 'I'lie.v imlnl mil. tha t a similar a r e a opiiosite Xa.vlor Ave. is .e i | i i i i iped u i l h me te r s . Curs uiiil t rucks I.Live hceii pa rk ing hero lllilU recen t l j Hhri i tlii, curl i was reimii i l id j c l lo« to (irahihit t h t m

— N H \ S l>ho(os; Tills b lue I ra icr , r, iisuiill.i can IK found luurkid all ilaj hi the mijnl-

clpal parkhiB lot helwceii I.i-reil'a Rcslniirii i i t and HI e tca lTs DriiK S to re . I t is a n iiisliiiiec ol reportei l a b u s e by a n u m b e r of iicoplc who luivc been nsin K t h e 'I'««'ii-nwne<l p a r k i n c lot lo s to re the i r ea r s aiid triieJis all diirhiR Ihb business diiy. Mercban l s a r c dcinamlhiK t h a t a l inie-l imlt be imposed, or t h a t . m e t e r s be placed Inside the lot.

Parking Bd. Slow In Organizing Is Cause For Growing Anxiety

A n u m b e r of E a s t Haven; mor-cliaiits w h o h a v e been loading the cofiipalgn to establ ish a lunc t ion-ai-y P a r k i n g A u t h o r i t y ' i d pl'dn for l u t u r c ofr-5tfoet p a r k i n g , ifa'cill-tlijs- view wi th g rowing ..eoncern t h e slowness of the l \ ) w n Admin­i s t r a t ion in so t t ing the a u t h o r i t y into! motion.

H a m p e r e d by tho enforced a b ­s e n c e ' of s e v e r a l . of its m e m b e r s du r ing ; the seven months ' . ' s ince it w a s organized, t he Au tho r i t y lias n e v e r mcC^'as a n official.ibody to elect i t s ' o w n . c h a i r m a n artd to jirti-cedcl>vlth,plans Xor a s tudy ol! the T o w n p a r k i n g s i tua t ion . ^

In ' t h e m e a n t i m e t he P l a n n i n g and.Zoning. .Commission a h d Tech­n i c a l . P l ann ing Associates, New H a v e n p lann ing f inn, have noa i l y completed a g e n e r a l pliUt plUn Xor tl ie T o w n and' for t he dontbr dis­t r ic t ; ' . . • . " 1

Endorsed By B o t h F a r d e s Lost Fal l du r ing the T o w n elec­

tion caiihpaig'n. the present leading incumbents , then candida tes foi election, leaped forwaid to c i id j i se

> t he idea of a P a r k i n g A u l h o i i t y s e t forth by Ihe local CliAiiibcr of Commerce . T h e chambc i had voted to poll both pa i l i c s on the quest ion, nnd tlie Ucinocia l lc p.n fiwer came back quick a s a wink the p a r t y was all foi it T h o He-publ ican candida tes also ' ciidois-cd such an a u t h o r i t y

After taking office. F u s t be l -cctiiiaii F r a n k Clancy began t h e long di'iiwn-out process of select­ing m e n w h o in his opinion would cans t l tu tc a capable au tho r i t y At first two m e m b e r s of t he Board of public Safety, Boitcl Klockars . a Kepublican, and Fred Wolfe. Jr. , a Democra t ic , were named along wi th T h o m a s Itoilly. local lawyer a n d reg i s te red Demo­c r a t who headed C h a m b e r effor ts to press for t h e c rea t ion of on au thor i ty .

'J'lien .lolin Kmetzo , a retai lor . w a s named as a n o t h e r Republ ican m e m b e r of t h e board), T h e fifth position was unfilled f o r ' spme t ime . Clancy cla imed ho fdund it difficult to secure good m e n Xor t h e post. .'•;

Decides Aguliisl D u a l . S o b s About t he middle of . ' laBt-Janu-

V ai-y t h e first se lec tman ' n a m e d N u o i o l d LaPoin te a s t he fltth m e m -

N of thv au thor i ty , .Bu t Just

w h e n i t seemed a s though t r membersh ip was rounded out , Clancy announced he would re ­ques t tho res ignat ion of A r t h u r .RicciO.. Rlccio had recen t ly been named to t h e ' B o a r d of Publ ic Safe ty to succeed Wolfe, and Clan­cy said ho pre fe r red not to h a v e h im hold t he dual posit ions.

His change .of mind about h a v ­ing two Board of Publ ic . Safe ty m e m b e r s serving on t he P a r k i n g

(Contbiued On r a g e Tivo)

NEWS Wins Three PrizetS In C.E.A. Weekly Contest

'Ilho EAS ' f H A V E N N E W S was the w i n n e r ot two second • prizes and an honoroljle ment ion in tho nlpth nnnual contes t for weekly newspapers ot the Connect icu t Ed­itorial Association. Resul t s of the contes t were announced! a t the an ­nual mee t ing of the Association nt tlie B a n n e r Lodge in Moodus Sat -u fday night .

; T h e N E W S was awarded second prlzb-for • typographical •excellence, flrat prize going to tho Dar ien Review, i t also won sccoiid prize for a n edi tor ial titled "Answer To G O P " a n d published in its Issue

• (Contl i ined On P a g o T w o )

A l"i',-il pri i |u 'r ly owner , who failed tf» observe s t a l e regiilnlliins l).v liloekiiig a marshla iu l d ra inage dllch wlillo iiliu-lng fill, has been uiven n warn ing by .tulius El.slon, chief of the Division of Mosquito Conlrol of the S t a l e Depn i tmen l (If I l iNi l th:

This w a s HiseUiscd by llii! first selcclmnn's office this week, nl-ihmii;h thr' n a m e of the prbper ly-(HviuM- wa>: not re leased. Knsl lliiven has 5'I.T ncres ot salt m a r s h nrcHs which •have d ra inago ditches nialnlnlnod by the s t a t e . Mnlniell-anee of lliose d i t ches o r e governed by s l a t e regulnllon.s, Avliioli |iro-lilbit t he i r being blocked.

According to Elston, procedures a r e reconimcndod for tl iJ flllin8;'ot IniKi from tli.o p e r i m e t e r of 'ninrs l i a reas so tha t d ra ined nrqns n'i'C not sealed off to pmvldb |>i;obding grounds tor .salt ..nini'sli jnosijul-tncs. Considered to bo tmionR t h e •worst 'posts of tihc . shore ,areas , '

Spltro niockliiK Firs t . Se lec tman Fran l i Claiicy

itevealod' this week t ha t a dra inago ditch uUfcCosey Be.aoli.Ave. ex ten­sion Iia3'.been blocked i>y soniobno who dumped a wiiecl-hni 'row load of d u n Into t h e middle of thi; ditch. As a resu l t w a t e r slngnalcti in the dl lch. The fli'st selectman said t h a t aiipearnm^es ' wore t ha t the blocking of t he ditch was ilono "on splt-o" .since tho d i r t was lakeii from n e a r tho di tch to bo dumped into it.

Clancy revealed tha t t h e dump­ing ' o t , '.rubbi,?!! - and• rp tuac . Into Tow'rt d ra inago 'd i t c l ios wafi a ' c o n -slaiit source .Of iroublci ' . tfi , ,], the 'rowiiv^.Ile fepor ted al«6 t ha t Ji i-spectiim. 'rot Olio 'hlockbd ' 'sto'nn-wnl'e'r caliph" .I'idsin rev'o'm'cd'-'.llial sonioonb. had '• -aliiiareiitly •^stuffed an old coat ' -down- ' ln '^ lt,"'.*caUHinB the a r e a to flood.•.';•; ' -^ . ' • : •'

.Town to Prosccnl^--,.,. <;... Tli(> first se lectman ' '^sr i l ( I , t h a t

t h e . local Police D e p a r t m e n t ' w a s noilfiod: i i r ' •scvei-nlr' sihiiift'i''Vin-s tances and. t ha t persons' .'n'ppfe-hondcdi. Iji t he „• nctj ' , dX,-: lilocklng d raln. ' i ldr. dralnaffot'ditoit.eij'j.Ayti't, bp; .sulijdct t o , prosoctiUtjn.. by .^;^lhe T o w n . ' , ' , '• ••'• ••"'.. . ';•': .-•'•:' . ,•

'. In h ea.se prcviousiyi ' 'rcpbrtod.,by Clancy, rub.blsii, toisio.d Into' /T'uttlp Brook h a d ' a c b u n m j a t e d a t j i l h o open ing unflcr'; tlio I3,'ui'r 5 1 ; bitlrigo caus ing the w a t e r ' ' t o ' liacli ,. up , th rea toh ing , s e r i o u s , d a m a g e ' to neighbor ing , p roper ty . • Wor l imen had lo.Tcmove the Junk I n n lieavy downpour in oixicr to remedy tho s i tuat ion.

1'own crows now have the addl-lional wor ry of tiic piped socllon of tho Tul t lo brook wiiich t r av ­erses Uhe g rounds of t h o . now .scliool r n Gcrr ish Avo. Blockngo of tho huge fiipe'could cause a t r e ­mendous back-flow of watoi*.

and ever , was w a s -

Town Insurance Commission O.K.'s Survey Proposals

The T o w n Insurance Ciimnils-slon volcd Monday night to a p ­prove t he reeomiuendntk ins m a d e In a town I n s u r a n c e . s u r v e y niiidc liy t h e . Marl ford firm o fVVatson . Morley and Bnklwin, ncc/irdlng lo F i r s t Scleclli lnn F r a n k ' ' C lancy . Next Tuesday even ing ' nt 7 o'clock t h e commission will iiieot Jointly wi th the Bonrd of F h i n n c e for the purpose of di.scusKing t he r ecommenda t ions . ; , According to a notice from llic .Commis,slon It had ap|Hiivcrt 'a r c -poi^t by t h e •.United S l a l c i J'^ldollty

G u n r n n l c e Company. I Iow-Clniicy iiolnloii Out t ha t t h l i Innccurnlo since the report p r epa red by the l ln r l fo rd

f irm. K a l though It Is an ngoncy for t b b \ U . S . F . & G. af ter T u e s ­day ' s moc| . lng bu t rovcnlod t h a t )l recomii idndcd n total coverage of $.1„1'2n,600''In f ' rc Insurnneo tor all mun lc lpn i -bu i ld ings , including sd iools . Actua l coverage linKninl.s to only sr.d.lB.lon.

T h e fir.st' .sclechnnn .said thn t the b u d g e t a r y n l lo tmont tor In­surnneo. most ly for i t iro p ro t ec ­tion, a m o u n t s lo .fia.tioo covorlng a period o t five yea r s : To obta in tho addltlonnr..i;i..87.2,5Ci(l •eoveragn . rccommoiidcd. he e:stima,lod. would cost a n o t h o r , $17,000 J for' t h o ' s a n i e period. ,•.'. ^

T h e fji-Rt sclecl i i lani said t l ia t the Tow"n liiid i f h u i l d h i g s In nil to insure nnd t h a t iiij ' most of tlioso eases t he ' coverage w a s niuoh below cost of rc|ilacenVenl. Hofgave a s nn . example i tho High Sciiool which has nn <insiiT|ablo vniitp ot S1.8DO,0OO bu t Is' Insured for "only li!'157,00O or 30.'2'pcr. 'ce'iU ' n t . i l s insurab le va lue . ' v . I lQsa ld -IhaU t h o Board i o t F l -jjjaVi^tf fvvould s tudy ' , t he , advisabi l ­ity' of Incrc i i s l i ig 'coverage a s ' r c c - j oh imcnded •nndor " t h e Insu rance | cbri ipany's repor t . Tli'p first se lec t ­man ca l l ed it a " p r e l t y t i iorough r epo r t " a n d said t h a t . t h e admin ­is t ra t ion "now i t n o w s ' w h e r e w e

•,are going ."

Town To Take Part In 17-Min. Air Raid Drill

Pri/.o-Wiiiniii[!; IMHIIO

Consitruction Permits In May Hit Year High Biit Below May 1953

. T h e number of 'iiuilding pe rmi t s hit a iiigh tor -lOS'l last montl i when t h e Building D e p a r t m e n t Is­sued 87 p e r m i t s o t wlilcii '17 w e r e for dweiUngs with' nn es t imated completioJi va lue of $397,000.

However t h e to ta l w a s IJar, be­low the record 180 p e r m i t s (140 for dwell ings w i t h es t imated value o t $1,162,500) t h a t w e r e Issued dur ing tiie m o n t h of May in 1953.

. «•- I . * « --a

. 1

L ^ ^ H M - « » . > J U . I - « • . ..Mtk. I tab. bdSI

—I.IICIIH St lUl lo

T I I I K i>l.'iit(» (if T n i i j - IMiissiirl i i iu l ii S l n p I c H p l i i y r r t u l i c n h y I't^tirr

Kiiri tN, Uwn\ |)li(ilO(;i-a|tli<^i', i i iu l i iMhUstici l In t h r l i t s t l)<u;(>nilKT Itll'

IHHIM; of tlif! N K V . ' S . l i is l Svci-U n i l lMiiinriilil<« i n m l i u i t In t.liw ' C o i i -

iK^c'.ilc.iit K t i t i o r t n l ANhDctnt lo i i u i i i l l i l u i i n m l (MiiitrKl,

h JloQky Fill "Ts Blamed For

Delay A. I Mom ugii in School

Ordinance Proposed To Scl $500 Bond On St. Excavations

A iiroposed o rd inance upp ing tho p e r m i t s tor s t r ee t . excavat ions to liiroe dol lars and requ i r ing a $500 pe r fo rmance bond of t he e x ­c a v a t o r to insure t h a t lie r e s t o r e s tlie road sur face to i ts o r ig ina l condit ion will shor t ly be p r e ­sented for public hear ing .

T h e ord inance . F i r s t .Seleetmnn F ra i ik Clancy said, is a imed n t idumbeiK and excava to r s w h o h a v e been passing tlio buck on road r epa i r s leaving tlie 'J'own wi th tile cost ot repnirlni;; roati sur faces damaged by such exca ­vat ions .

I t w a s voted a t a mee t ing ot t h e Board of Se lec tmen la>;t Thur.sday evening, but mus t c o m e before a town hea r ing before It

{Contiiiiied On Pago T w o )

Coastr i icl inn ilifflciillk's nr ls ing from Ihe large nimniii t of friig-mented roek vvlilch had t o ' b e cx-envaled from the site of Ihe Mo-iiiauKUln School ndriilion were blamed IIF; major factors in a slow-up ill constructU'li wiirk on the additi ' iii .

Concerned over dqln.vs nt fcct ing the addition, , tlio EichiontHiy School, I3ulldlng C o m m i t t e e met Monday wiLIi oftlciala o t the Ames Constn ic t lon Co., o t Har t ford to discuss p rogress on tlic four-room addi t ion . . ' . '

Acciirdiiig In George Letis, eha i rmnn of tho c innmit lee , dtfl-cinls of tho I lartforr l conipriny ns-serlcil tliiit l i i rge ,s tones ' i ippnient-ly composing |iu'rt ot Iho .f | l i a round t he school Caused excava­tion difficulties. .

. Dir i lcui t .Ooi idl l ionn Condi t ions w e n ; ,'iucli, tho of t i '

cial claimod, t h a t It was ditticuli, to work e q u i p m e n t . In the a rea . Exacva t lons had to be made lo reach iiase rock on which ceiiietit and bricli jiiers could be set. Ap-

par(!iitly, beirau.so o t the largo sloiies, IioIoK had t o he dug iiiiich l a rge r than usual ly , resulting in a messy kind of excavalioii .

'I'iic difficulties III conslruetlon also servtsi lo ditffiourngo workers , so t h a t keeping iiieii on the job hecame m o r e and m o r e (it n prob­lem, this official was rcporl,^!d to have told tlio conimi t too . Final ly, a ca rpen tur ' s w;ill t-out connccled with a n urea-wlrio s t i i ke ucrvod fu r the r ID delny i irogross.

Tho eon t rne lors were reporled iw saying t h a t they holieved t'liem.«,eivb» lo he pnst Iho worst .siages ot the cons t ruc t ion , pro­g r a m lUKl I h a t p rog res s would bo iiioi'c, rapid-heneofor t l i .

Before the cnrpc i i le r walk-out tlie construct ion c rews inunagod to p o u r tlio huso wal l s around one d u n s room iind hud poured | ia r l oi ano the r . Most it not nil ot tho piers have been ciiinpleled.

' (JerrislJ Mcbool At the new .school on Geri^lsii

(Coiitlniied On Pago Two)

Mock Kaid To ' l?c Conducted Tliroughout Stale

I'iasI llMviMi will i iar l lclpalo In n sl i i ic-wlde a i r raid les t Monday mo in ln i ! s l . i r l ing n t 10 a.m. nnd l.isliiii: iinlll 10:17 w h e n tho all i le : i r .sigiril Is lo lie sounded.

Moiorl.sls. podeslrlnns, a n d sclnml elilldren will, be stlbjccl to Kiieclal safety regulalloiin ' d u r i n g Ihe period of tho tost . All molof-isls will he required t o hal t the i r c a r s al the sido of tho road. In-s i r i ic l lons m e tha t occupan t s o t c a r s a r e ' t o seek defense shel lor , or I hole lieing none londlly aviill-ohlc to r emain in Iho cat's, •with windows left open. In nctunl a i r raid • condit ions m o t o r cur lias-senge r s would be requ i red lo liud-(lie nea r tlie floor of t l iolr voliiclcs.

All podeslr lnns will bo r equ i t ed to leaVe lilic s t ree t s to ioolt sliol-ler.

In tho .schools, all chi ldren will leave lliclr c l a s s iooms lo go lo ileslgiialoil .safety at ens In Ihoir seboni buildings in n "Duck and (•^over" exercise.

Menibois ot the Police F o r c e and tl ie Auxlllui;y Pol ice wllf bn s ta t ioned l i i ioughout t he T o w n to see tha t a i r inid roKulatioii!! a r c to lie observed

SIgiiiiK Duhuriticd •fho air ra id ALARM for tho

c e n t e r distr ict nf t o w n will coiisLsl of two series of 32 blasts qunh, T h o iilarni will bo sounded on lihc

1 i ' l ro House bul l -hoin . ' Tho ALL CLJSAR ui l l consist of 2.') blasts repenlod a t two-mlnu lo In terva ls t h r e e t imes,

In o the r dis t r ic ts t h e AL,ARM will consist of a con t inuous sound­ing o t sl ion 01 h u m to r tlirco min­u tes or tor us lung on tho com­pressed ^alt for lli<!Bo< iilnriTis hnttL o u l . _ Fof- lljo MX. CUKAR , t ho houjidlna ilcJIco \vlH givo • for l i r a minu to- long signal repoiUcd t h r o e Union a t Iwo-mlnuto in tervals , T h o mock raid will bo declared uvcr a t t he end of this slgnnl.

T h o loinl o| icralJon will bo u n ­d e r t he dl iccl lon of Allan Kn igh t , Civil Defortso D l ioc to r for p a s t Haven , who will use the ott lbo nX F i r s t Scloclman F r a n l t fe. C lancy lis his control cdnlor .

T h e only except ion to the ban on moto r n n d pedoKlrlnn traXfiu will be pei'iiilsblon g r u n t e d to po­lice and file vehicles nnd a m b u -Inncos tn a n s w e r omcrgoncy calls .

Pas to r s In ijtorcii M c m b o i s of tho local Civil Do-

tenso g roups have d is l r lbutod pos­e r s wi th dirocl ions not i fy ing t h e

publ ic of t h e raid a n d presont ing dirootions to ho followed. Tlip l e g -u ia t ions uro re-pr lntod by tho N E W S for liiindy ro fe i cnco .

Unde r Jhe s la te -wide mock raid, civil detuiise uuthorit ieK a r e htag-Ing a tost which prcnu|iposc8 t h a t t h e Ci ty of Ha i t fo rd tins boon sub ­jec ted to a bombing raid .

East Haven High School Students Win Scholarships

.lohll Esiiosito, son of Mr. Mrs, Kied Espo.silo, of I'Jl (;< St., was awarded a foui-.N^ear seliolarshiii for $,'iOO pe r y e a r to tile University of Conneel icut wlicrc he will a t t end the College ot A r t s and Sciences.

Esposito w h o played tackle on the High School foolibail t eam was n a m e d to t h e second "Al l -S ta te Footba l T e a m " las t yea r . A m o n g his s t uden t act ivi t ies , ho served a s spor t s edi tor for t h e P ioneer , s t u d e n t y e a r book. He was enro l l ­ed in the college p r e p a r a t o r y course ,

Doiol l iy C h a r l o t l e .loluison. dai ighlor of .Mr. und .Mi:,, Millon .Johnson, of 'G.'i George .St.. a sen­ior in tile college p r e p a r a t o r y course, has been awarded a .?100 por y e a r tui t ion schoiarsliiii a t t he Meriden Ho.siiital School of N u r ­sing.

Miss John.son. who Is a m e m b e r of t he Nat ional H o n o r Society, h a s been ac t ive In severa l s t u d e n t a c ­tivities. She has held tho posts of lay-out edi tor of t he "P ioneer" , Bonior y e a r book, co-captaIn of the Traf f ic Squad, s ec re t a ry ol t h e D r a m a W o r k s h o p .

, 142|

Will iam Smi th Cur t iss . son of Mr. and Mrs, Chauncey H, Cur ­tiss, of <1S Cleai '\ ' iew A v e , a senior s t uden t in the i i re i iara tory course , was a w a r d e d a fou r -yea r scholar­ship t o T r in i t y College In H a r t ­ford. T h e scholarsh ip provides $400 pe r yea r Xo'r tu i t ion .

Curt iss is a m e m b e r of t he .Jun­ior H o n o r Socie ty a t the High School. He has been a m e m b e r of the TrafXic Squad , D e b a t i n g Clu'ta, F r e n c h Club, and t h e P ioneer staff. He has served a s vice p ics -i t k n t o{ his h o m e rgom,

f~-^t a "Vii*r'-f}^SE8Mk'*

Niiniry Marilyn I-'recnian, il.-iugli-l e r of .Mr. mill .Mis. L a u i l e r W, I ' rcem;in, of •III i lobson .SI,, h a s been awarfled a -TilO'l | ier y e a r tu i ­t ion scholarship a t tlie Mer iden Ho.spltal School o t Nurs ing .

A s t u d e n t In the college i i rcpar-a t o r y course she was | i rcs ldent of h e r home room dur ing h e r Jun io r a n d sen ior years . In addit ion to be ing pres ident of the A r t C l u b s h e served on tho Traffic Squad, t h e P i o n e e r Staff, the Class Day c o m m i t t e e and was s e c r e t a r y -treasurer QI the Debating Club,

I tci i ry Hefferiiun, son uf Poiii.e Offii;er and Mrs. T h o m a s Heffer-naii, of .'i'lfi Thompson A v e , hioi received a four-year tuit ion sclni-' la ishlp to QulmilpUie College In New Haven." :'

Heffernan was a m e m b e r ot the High .Sciiool busketibull t eam which ea r ly this y e a r completed nn unbea ten soaso'n and then wen t on to win t he S t a t e and Now EntJ-land ".Class M" championships . H e is enrol led I n ' t h e commerc ia l course,

r i l A N G K S .M. MoTUOTTES

l ' i , ini:es M a r g a r e t Mi;Trottes, d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mr.s. F ranc i s T. McTiol tes , of 171 Dodge Ave., was awarded -a $2CX) tuition sclio-i a r sh ip for four y e a r s to Alber tus Magnus Colle.ijc !n New Haven.

A .senior s t u d e n t In "Iho college lirepuitttoi^y counse, .she is d mom her of the - N a t i o n a l I lonor Society. She has .been t r e a s u r e r of t he Modern L a n g u a g e Club, and hus been a' m e m b e r o t t he I^loiiobr slatf, the staff of ' t he s tuden ts newspaper , t h e Comet , und of the. D r a m a W o r k s h o p .

Insliuclions For Air Raid Test

Monday Morning s i r e n s will sound tho lUSU

AI.ISKT a t 10 lum. I>,S,T, Mon­day th roughou t tlio S t a t e oX (joiineetleiil indlont lng tIMit a Kiiiiulalud enemy a t t a c k Is Ini-li i inenl.

. H, •

' Iho MA. CMOAR will bo coiii|ilel«d nt IU:I7 luni. TraX-flo will N O T bo a l lowed to move unt i l tills slgiiiil Is given (-oiii|ilelely.

* • *

During till! l e s t nil inu lor l s l i a r o rmiiicHted to follow tho of-ricliU Ai r Raid W a r n i n g I n -stri iotluns reeolved w i t h IhOlr l ieu 111131 o p e r a t o r ' s llctsniio.

. . . Police voliiolcH, fire .apptira-

tiis and ainbulanoBS rnsppiKlIng to oiiiergency call will ho pc r -init tcd til t rave l d u r i n g t h e por-ioil of tliu Red S igna l .

I 'edcstr l i ins will, s t roo l a n d soek shel ter . , *

g e t all t l io t h o . n e a r e s t


All iiorsoiuiol In soIiua|ii, s tores , a n d o t h e r publto buUd-IngH will go to t h o she l t e r a s des igna ted shy t1to W a r d o n s o t t h e biil ldings,

' , • • , , , - » * *

This tos t U In conjunvl ion w i t h " O P I S n A T I O N A U E B T " vu r ron l l y boliig h e l d ' t h b d a y t h r o u g h o u t t h o e n t i r e U n i t e d 8 t a t « s . I t f u r t h e r t eaches y o u w h a t iio do In t h o e v e n t of aii unoniy a t t a c k . T h e nex t souiid-

. Ing i)f t l io R E D A I J i B X m a y bo t h e r o i l t h ing .

—WILLIAMC I I E S K E T I I Stnt•l^ Civil Oelvniio Ol roc to r "-4::

• r

Page 2: Governor Lodg e To B Honored Al Cheshire ®I|r p fet …...tho Public Health Nursing A.s.socla-lion of East Haven will ho held Monday evening at 8 o'clock In liio Town Hull. This will

^JBAU KA%T!!N N E W S ThHMflnyi J n n o 10, IfllSl T u g e 2

11 TF j


Ordinance — (Coiitlmicit l ' 'rnni I'liRO Oii«)

bccoincs ,ln\v. Atlvqrl lscnicnls for the hen i ing niny ho fiosted nex t week, lie snitl.

T h e proiioscd oidlnnndu ;l8 llio Inlcst In a ser ies of iiiovos by the CInncy ndin ln ls t rn l lon Ip URlitcli up rcRiilntlons which .n rc a imed JiL protecUnB t h e T o w n ' from Uic cost o[ dainnRci! cniised by negll-Rcncc oil t he pi i r t o t p r l v n t t con-li-nclors. Bonds will ibc enforced t o see t h n t t he l a t t e r live up , tp the i r objifiiitlons t oward t h e Town. '

Clancy said t h a i In t he pjisl., t h e p l u m b e r s and s t r e e t cxcnvn-lors, passed the buck regardlniy repairs to road surfacbs dnmaROd by excava t ions . He sold t h a t t he p l u m b e r s w e r e a l r eady covered by p e r m i t reiiuli 'enienis iiiid t h e now o r d i n a n c e • w q u l t l ' s e r v o to "l^iub t h e Rap" ' a s rnr ' as bxcn-v a l o r s w o r e concerned.

miWS Wins -(Conilii i icd F r o m PaKo One)

or SepI e m b e r 2,1, lai.'!. In addit ion, a spor t s plclure t i t ­

led " P a s de D e u x " iai ten by P e t e r .Lucas, of L/Ucas Studio , won for the N E W S an i ionorable ment ion In the "bes t pliotOKrniili" class. T h e Fai r f lHd News was winne r oC first pr ize in tlic "best edi tor i ­a l " class. T h e Lakovll lo .Tournal won first prize t o r the best pho­tograph . '

l lamdui i Vutier Wins I ' r ize : F r a n c i s J . O'Connor, s | iorts

edi tor of t h e I lnmden Chmnicle , won an honorab le montibn of a sports s t o i y he wro te coveriiiB tiie I lnniden IIlRh hockey team nt the Now EnRland chani i i lonship ' t same In Providence , E. I. O'Cpnnoi'(jave Ma s tory a h u m o r o u s s lant by | school,

pattciTilnR 11, a f t e r " D r a g n e t . " T h e a w a r d s w e r e l iresentcd by

VVilllttm Vosburgh , . In, edi tor ial d i r ec to r nt t he W n t e r b u r y Hepiib-llfcan and Amer i can nfld vlco-ilres-Idorit of t he dally division o( the C.E.A. w h o served as Judge in the contes t . F o u r t e e n papers in ail w e r e rociplenls of prizes.

T h e a w a r d of first prize for Bcn-era l excel lence w a s awarded t o tlie W e s l p o r l H e r a l d . ,Tho Liiorellne T i m e s , w o n an honorable ment ion to r best t e a t u r o s tory,

S t e w a r t I losk lns ot the Lake-vlllc ,Tournni w a s elected pres ident ot the C.E.A,, wiccocdlng ,1. Ed w a r t IJeCourcoy, edltAr ' of the Mliford Citizen, w h o hud .served for tlio past two y e a r s .

'Jihe Association also voted io liavo I t s . now officers .study over t h e s u m m e r a proposed legislative m e a s u r e to g u a r a n t e e access to public reconls . Copies of tiio p ro ­posed niea.«Orc, as d r a w n up by the Connect icu t I-cglsiativo Coun­cil, a r e to bo clraulatcil a m o n g m e m b e r s of the editorial associa­t i o n ; tor s tudy.

Re t i r ing P res iden t DeCouicoy described the m e a s u r e as "unsa t i s ­fac tory" a n d 111 iieed ot revision.

(Oontlniieil ICroiii r i igo One) Ave. progress sooiveUi,,to be tlie g rea les t , ThisHvoeki 's tool co lumns and supiiortlnKVbcjtiliR a l r eady be­gan to go Inlo'pliii ic while work­men finished up the construcl lon of wails on the, al l-purpose room and the adjoining liolier room.

Work n l tlio new Foxon school has prococdod a t a snlisfactoiy r a t e liMlihugli it is- not as ad­vanced as. a t the Oerrish Ave.

High School To Graduate 120 Students In E xercises Thurs. Approxlmnlr-Iy 121) lioys and

girls, menihf'iK fif tin.' Senior'Cin.sH at Eas t Haven Ill);h .Silinol, w i l l ' j i rndua lc in reir'iiir)iil«.''i nex t T h u r s d a y evnnlni,' in the .Kehooi aud i to r ium. T h e cinii,s will be Niiglilly snialkM' than i.iat yea r ' s 12n.

Tlio lo la i will not be known i.'x-ac t iy until af ter final examlnal l in mar l ( s a r e avai lable on IVInnday, bu t a m o n g the c a n d i d a t e s , s o far, t h e biiys hold a sl ight edxe In n u m b e r ov,er the girls.

Class Nlgli t Tuesday On Tuesday n igh t the g r a d u a t e s

will, af ter a day of activities, ob-sei-ve the formal portion of the i r Class l.)ay program also' to be held In t he school aud i to r ium.

Georgii. Wngnor , president of tiie Senior Class ond president of t he

Smdenl Couni'ii, will del iver llie addrcHs nl welfomtf linfttie .-issem-Idcd jiarent-s ami friends. .The ad-tlress will follow a procfsslfjiiai of the gradual lag s tuden t s who will assenilile oa Ihe s tage.

High .School Principal Carl flnr-vln and Supl . nt Schools It. Viir-non llay.s will par t ie lpa le In the in'osetilatidn of scholastic ami stu­dent Hcllvlty awards , to nieiivhers of' the class,

P resen t ing t he , Class . History will be F r a n c e s IVJcTrotte.'i, Wiol-ficd' Venus, Dorothy K i ' i g f o r d Phyllis a a m a c h e . This will 'be fol­lowed by a reading of the Cia K i 'oem by Kenals lon Lord, .Tr.

Headers of the Class a r c to lie: Elaine Mallnow.skii. Alice Mat te l ,

Uicl.nrfl Angus nod Paul l .asko. f i l e Class IMojiiiery v/ill he read hy Adr ienne Elliott, C icada Wil-Konl Dorull iy .Scharf aiitl .lohn Es-posito.

Doro thy .Tohnson will road the results of a Popular i ty Poll of the school. P tesen ta l loa of Class ( l i t is will lie made by never ly Mc-Locso, .foan naekniai i , F ranc i s J^ainpieilo,' Ulcliafd , / M a h e r ' and Marion Pnrillo.

.Senior Awariis v/ill then be pre­sented. TIiohiHs Bowrten and Nan­cy Wntk lns will pi-csoiit t he eia.ss gift, l,u t he .scliool. Pre.senlat ioa (if the yearbook, the P ioneer will lie made by Ter ry Pa r l a lo .

The recessional of s tuden t s leav­ing the .stngr- will n i a r i t ' t h o end of the proceedings.

Al Momaugiiin School

•e^,. From where I sit... ^ Joe Marsh

Wise Stepmother

l lnvc you hc-nnl nhoiit yoiiiiK Skpclor Iloljcrtu' nnimiiiil pel, I he Inmc owl "Hlinky"? He's hitil her nboiii throe yeara.

I Rny " h e r " hccnuso up to a couple of wcoka npo nobody wns nuito Hurc. But now " B H n k y V a mother—of two chiclcHl

Scei im"nihiky"hiul hccnnctlnR kind or HtrnnKc—HO on n hunch, Skcntcr pu t a couple of hon'H cRRH in her nent. Dnrn if "lUinUy" didn' t Hct on Ihctn for Fi dayttl LnHt F r i d a y tliey hhtcitcd, iinrt now "IIlinky'H*' tiN proud HH n modic-r h r n i (SO'B Skoefcr.)

F rom where I alt, thorc'fl n ICH-Honfor all of ua. Guosa you'd cnll i t " lo lcranco." Birdfi and nnhnnls often flQCm to do be t to r In t h a t respect than h u m a n s . If I like n Klnas of tempcratc 'bccr with sup ­per and you'd r a t h e r h a v e cidor— i t ahouUl bo okay with both of UH. Noithor.of U8 should RIVO a "hoo t" w h a t tho other follow likes, says, or does, aa lonp us ho foUowH the law of tho land.

, UlKhtT

1 Cupyn'filil, I'J.'it, UiiUvtl Sliilcs Brewers Foundation


iCome dino wi th us and enjoy t he pleasure of dlnlni; out ana ol finding t he m a n y Fond Specialt ies wo feature for your en joyment .

Hervlng Coiiiiilelo Dlmiftrn Dally from 5:30 t o U;30 except Monday .

Sunday from 12:00 to 8:30 P . M. Dancing Sa tu rday Nitos to the Music of FKANKIE DUEAZZO'S OEOHESTRA


* F u u t u r i n c 'Cont inenta l Table N I K I U " Kvory XuoAday

F r o m fl *_« 1(1 VM. All you ciui ca t fur $2.50 per porwrn

Alolto lC«8ervationi )


m , ^ ^ ^

zr your house E: lets the '' [^ whole family

sleep in cool comfort even on summer's

mt |— hottest n igh t _ Get one U right away.

—NKWS PIuilo Opi^ratlng under difficult condHions, c o n s l n i e i Ion w o r k e r s n t the n(tw nddit ion a t Moniai iguhi

School w e r e ahli^ to gel this far with the base of o n e school room liefore a c a r p e n t e r wa lk -ou t slowed iietlvitles. Constriicliiiii bus he-eii resinned and I s exiieeled

most <llfflcnll pa r t is out of the. way . proceed more rapidly now t h a t t he

Tills loim seilloM ill front of C^hrisl Kplscopal Oliiireli Is v'ewed ns W a s t e d p a r k i n g space by i iu ' rcbai i ts who fiM'l Unit i ts use by the (diurcli could lie liarmoiilzed w i t h oi l ier needs. I t bus been liroposed tlillt i i ielers be pbiei'd h e i e — enough In fit th ree n i l s — aiid t h a t t h e el iureh be given " N o P a r k l i i u " covers ' whenever It bus a function reiiulring use of this si iace. The c u r b u ldng th is a r e a is now pilliited .yellow to prnhllilt piir king n t all t imes.



— - = = — ^ ^ ^ C O M P A N Y k ^ .




S c i e n t i f i c A i r C o n d i t i o n i n i ^

V a u l t I n s u r e d A g n i n s l

F I R E • M I L D E W • T H E F T

N o A d v a n c e N o t i c e R e q u i r e d

T o R e c l a i m G n r m c n t s



If y o u w a n t o n e o f O U R F U R

D i c l i o n n r i c s , P L E A S E P I C K O N E

UP. .= . Tftw-


(iradi iat ion P r o g r a m -< The Rev. Alfred Cla rk , r ec to r

of Chr i s t EpI.scoiml Church , will give t he invocation for t h e . eve­ning. George Wagner , a s head of ills class, will present his Address of Welcome and introduce t h e four g radua t ion spoai ters who will address t he assembly on tl)C gen­e ra l subject, " T h e Subs t ance ot O u r Lives."

After tho formal presenta t ion ot the Cla.ss Principal Garv in and Supt . May's will speal<.

F r a n c i s W. Walsh, cho i rman ot the Board oi Educat ion, will p re -.scnl d ip lomas to the memibers ol tho g r a d u a t i n g class. The Rev. Alfred MerusI, of St. Vincent de P a u l Church , will read t he behc-dlcllon.

Parking Bd. — (Ciintlnucd F r o m P a g e One)

Aull ior l ty was not explained. I t it was to serve as a h i n t t o Kloc-Imis. who has con t inued In bo th caiwcities, it tailed. In tact , t he llcpLililican m e m b e r was u rged by some of the m e r c h a n t - b a c k e r s o t the a u t h o r i t y to con t inue .

Sl iort ly a f te r n a m i n g LaPo ln t e , Clancy n a m e d F r a n c i s Donahue , of 60 Dodge Ave., a D e m o c r a t , a s (ho fifth m e m b e r ot . t he au tho r i t y , to succeed DIcclo.

Absences Caiisp De lay Clancy, w h o w a s busy with a

n u m b e r of o the r m a t t e r s , delAy-ed c a l l i n g , a n o rgan iza t iona l m e e t ­ing of tlie Auli iorJty, unt i l , ho said, he bad t i m e to spa re . T h e n Kclliy; left for Florfda t o r a sev­eral weeks ' vaca t ion a n d t h e a u ­thor i ty r ema ined on ice.

J u s t a b o u t tho t ime Rell ly r e ­t u r n e d from Flor ida , K locka r s in­j u r e d a k n e e and was hospllal lzcd for a n u m b e r of week.s. Giving this as a reason, Clancy again o layed cal l ing tho A u t h o r i t y toge th­er.

Severa l weeks ago Uciliy w a s t a k e n scrlou.sly ill and has been hospital ized. I l l s condit ion has. ibcen so ser ious t h a t i t is gene ra l ly iiolieved he will not be a b l e ' to a s s u m e a n y heavy responsibil i t ies for severa l mon ths , w h i c h m i g h t h inde r his convalescence .

F i r s t S e l e c t m a n Clancy h a s de­clined to go ohead in t h e absence of the local l a w y e r and r e a l t o r who s p e a r h e a d e d ti ie C h a m b e r dr ive t o r the P a r k i n g A u t h o r i t y . As h e a d o f t h a t commi t t ee , KoUly is. In Clancy ' s es t imat ion , bes t ac ­qua in t ed with t he need for local p a r k i n g facili t ies.

Rel l ly told th is r e p o r t e r sever­al m o n t h s a g o t h a t he had been m o r e conccri ied 'about ge t t i ng p l ans , f o r ' a P a r k i n g Au tho r i t y s t a r t e d a n d had pre fe r red t h a t someone else se rve on tho com­mission. H e said he consented to do so w h e n he w a s asked, b u t pre fe r red someone else to " c a r r y t he bal l" hencefor th .

Those w h o w a n t the Au tho r i t y to g e t s t a r t e d c a n n o t u n d e r s t a n d tlie delays . The absence of one or two member s , t hey say, should n o t p reven t t ho Au tho r i t y from ge t ­t ing organ ized a n d s t a r t i n g a s t u d y of p a r k i n g needs.

GOP Women To Hold Food Sale Saturday

Tlie E a s t Haven W o m e n ' s Re­publican Club will hold a food sa le S a t u r d a y , in Republ i can Head­q u a r t e r s a l 10:00 A. M. T h e c o m m i t t e e in cha rge consis ts o t Mrs . T h o m a s W e b s t e r and Mrs. E d w a r d L . Reynolds , co-cha i rmen , Mrs . V incen t J . F a s a n o , Mrs . Cha r l e s Miller, Mrs . L e v e r e t t C. Clark , Mrs . A r t h u r H a e s c h e and Mrs. J o h n E . Croumey .


Old Stone Church "-• f Annual Picnic At Comppunce Sa l .

The Ktinual c h u r c h ahd c h u r c h school picnic of t he Old S t o r e C h u ^ h will bo held S a t u r d a y m o r n i n g "ra in o r sh ine" a t L a k e

iCompouiicc. Busses will leave t h e c h u r c h • for t he picnic g round a t 9 a.m.

Alt those a t t e n d i n g ; will b r ing t h e i r o w n Box lunches . All y o u n g people in the c h u r e h school and ' o the r s connec ted w i t h t he scliool iwlll be given t r e e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . 'Anyone else wish ing to ride In t h e _buses m a y b u y t ickets a t tho c h u r c h office. T h e p r o g r a m o t ac ­tivi t ies . will Include games , con­tes t s a n d supervised r ec rea t ion . . On M o n d a y evening , t h e F r i e n d ­ly Circle will close t h e season wi th i ts a n n u a l o u t i n g n t tho Yankee S i lve r smi th In Wal l ingford . M e m b e r s will m e e t a t tho c h u r c h a n d leave by c a r a t 6:15. Mr.s. Wi l ­l i am Babcock Is in c h a r g e of re ­se rva t ions and m a y be reached a t HO 7-2992.

On T u e s d a y a t 7:30 p.m., tho Missions and L i t e r a t u r e Commi t ­t e e will mee t in the pas to r ' s .^tu-dy u n d e r Clifford DeWolt , clialr-inan .

Cerr ish PTA To Honor Facul ty At Dinner Next Wed .

T h e facul ty of the Gerr lsh Ave. School will bo gues t s o t hono r of the Gerr lsh P.T.A. n l its a n n u a l d inner ne . \ l W e d n e s d a y evening a t

7 o'clock a t t h e Weep ing WlUowj R e s t a u r a n t . 1

A IG mm movie pro jec tor a n d screen will b e . p resen ted t o Miss M a r y C u n n i n g h a m , school prIncW lial, a s a fg i f t from thb P . I . A . t o t h e school. T h e projec tor w a s boi ight With funds raised by t h e P.T,A. d u r i n g the p a s t year .

Miss H a r r i e t Ge.sler, .supervisor of e l e m e n t a r y school.s, will begue-s t s p e a k e r . M a n y pa ren t s h a v e a n ­nounced p l ans to a t t e n d a n d r c -sen -a t lohs a r e being made with Mrs . Raymond Bisscll. 110 7-.102-1. a n d Mrs . E d w a r d Pi le a t HO 7-5393.

teSHEKMANIKl OK ou»gfe*<rfp>iio»»iiii( soim!

£y)Ve VviJ./,


>,>.,». rECHNICOlOR

Darlene's G o w n s f o r t h e e n ­

t i r e w e d d i n g p a r t y .

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Sewing Machine Operators

To work Second Shift 5 pm - 11:30 pm


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Sewing Machine Operators


A p p l y

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Building Materials for your WEEK-END PROJECTS!

Building projects are fun, and bring big rewards in convenience and satisfaction. These specials will-make them'easy on the pockedsook, too.



Come in and let us know what you're plan­ning to build. We may have an "odd-lot" item that's just what you need.

W«'l l tuggeit Ihe maleriol l you naed for aeonomicol bui lding, and load Ihem in your cor or dolivar t l i tm to your hom«.


Korean Girl VisiHt}g fferQ Finds as, Is Not Strange

Ohiuvc: III Kiuiu', of Sroii l , Knr rn , is s lmwn ).\ivin)j: (liinu*r with D lloiisp. Miss KniiK, who is Kltiilyiiit; sodiil sciences in tiiis count ry , fnntily hvui during IH'I" M'iniol viieiitinn. .

CtiarloH Itcnnsolcil nt Ihv Ailiint is stayiiiK w i t h tlie Itcnnsnltil



"' Mus i you Move? T h e n tiiko c:arcl T h e cost of Moving do-ponds on skill and cava. Oul* Mo'vlhg a n d S to rage Sorvict- Is famous for snvini^ expense for our cu s tomer s ! W e imve Uio Vans and tho men for Moving y o u l i houseliold goods — SAVINGLY! ; / '

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1. NATION-WIDE CREDIT. Ovor 800 nniHalcd offices in U. S. anrl Canada. 7. CUSTOM-FITTED lOANS. Loan fitted to needs and income. Ask for "5 Step Guide" to reducing monthly payments. 3 . FAST SERVICE to employed people. 4. SINCIE-VISIT lOAN. Phono first. Got more with the Bi^ 4—phone, write, come in iodayi

Loans $ 2 5 t o $ 5 0 0

Individuals Can Control Skec lc rs By Observing Rules

In t he absence o t n local Insect con t ro l aijcncyi Ea.st Ilavenei'S ns Individuals can do much towni-d checking Ihii nu isance of the mos­qui to .

H e r e a io some nieasuros which ni'o recommended In a pulilleatlon on "Mosquito Conti-ol", published by. t he S ta te Depni ' t i i ient of Heal th . , ^ ; 1 . Areas ftrounrt homes should ho examined to locate all t empo­r a r y woddland pools, swamps o r marshes . D r a i n a g e o r filllnB should he a t iemii ted o r If not possilile n larvlcldo should be applied.

2. All unnecessa ry tubs, ra in har rc ls . cans and ' cjther collectors nf wa te r should he removed and all cloRBed pipes and rain gu t t e r s c leared.

3. Small c^ocorallve -pools should be slocked wi th small surface feed­ing fish such a-s goldfish ot kll-lies and all m a r g i n a l vegetal lon cleared.

•1. Marg ins of sluggish s t r eams should be c leaned and tlip banks m a d e s leep.

5. Breeding holes In t rees should be cleaned out , and filled wi th m o r t a r or t r e a t e d wi th a lorvlclde!

6. All r a i n w a t e r barre ls , •wells, cisterns," cesspools .and septic tnnk.s. should be sc reened so tha t t h e y m a y not' b e used a s breeding p l ac ­es for mosqul tos . .

7. Screen" all doors and windows agninst Invn.slon by mo.i(]Ultoes.

8. Bui ldings m a y bo sprayed bo th laside and ou t with D D T dis­solved In k e r o s e n e a t t he recom­mended r a t e of one gallon of so­lution |ier thousand .square t ec t .

Koi-.'an life In Ihe city Is ve ry i much l ike American c i ty Uto, l,nit if Uiere Is one major dlf(oronce be lween Koreans and Amer i cans il is g r e a l e r froeaom wUt\ which Ihe l a t t e r express t he i r XecllngS. Koreans a r c much more rpscrycd and more ser ious.

Tha i is the opinion o t a qtilet and shy. bill chnrii i lng, 23-year-old Korean s tudent w h o a r r ived he re Monday morn ing to boconio the guesl of Mr, and Mr.s. C h a r ­les Beausnlel l . o t 5t Clltr St; ..

She is Chung HI Kang , of Seoul , Korea , w h o has Jusl coinptotori n semes te r ' s work a t Missouri Val­ley College In Marshal , Mo. She Is doing g i n d u a l c w o r k in t h e social .sciences and p lans t o r e t u r n to E w h a (pron. Ee ' - thh) W o m e n ' s Univers i ty ns an Ins t ruc to r ' I n thl.>! field.

•Miss Kang reflected tho rcsorvq wi th which slie chnracterl7.cd h e r [jooplo. B u t hor own re t icence a p ­peared to be more a re su l t ol he r shyness nntl hor lack of ease wi th t he English l anguage a l t hough she dcmops l ra tod n subs tan t ia l c o m m a n d of It.

I'^oiind Accnninuidntlon E a s y Unde r ques t ioning by this r c -

Iiorlei', who began to tool l ike special commi t t ee counsel ' Kay Jenk ins , the Korean s t uden t .said t h a t s h e found lt,.Da.sy accoii imodn-t lng herself to Amer ican custonis . She iKilnted - out t ha t „ K o r e a n dress . Its genera l t h e o r y of edu­cat ion, and Us ni-ts woi"!! sU'ongly affected by westprn cu l tu ra l In­fluences. , ; ' . « •• ,'[

MISS .Kang said t h a t she first c a m o . t o thls:',C|q[5(itry about foui-

sUy," she said. C h u n g 111 found It very lone­

some a t ' Ml.s,souri Vallov College nlthntigh Hlie companionship of t h r e e o the r Korean stMilotils there helped he r to adjust lo American college life. She confessed that she still reels "home-s ick" upon occasion.

A follow Korean s ludcn l wlio knew tier and knew a m e m b e r of tlic .B(>nUsol^ll family wlm was studyiiiB with ' hlin tor t b c prlest-hoort was ins l rumontnl in br ing­ing Chung 111 to ISnst Haven . One nt the first things she did this week \yns to ,v i s i t friends of hors who a r e leach ing n t Vale. One Is III Soung Lee. vicc-dean ot the g r a d u a t e school and ctjnirmnn ot the Korean l i t e r a tu re nnd laii-Ruhgc depn r tmon l n l Seoul Na­tional,Unlvoi-slly, who Is an e.s-chnngb professor nt Yale.

A i o m i e r Ins t ruc tor of hers, he was Very surpr ised to see her, Chimg l l l s n l d . ' •

Tlie Korean s t uden t hojiea to spend the, sumer In New England and said she wnuld t ry to "find n Job" to Iielp hor with he r ex­penses. S h e tliouglit tha t she could do very well a s a filing clerk In some orflce.

ever , Good luck, Cnrole nnd Ro.^e Mnrie. I . . S » i a J « : l B

* - * • » •

S e n i o r s ' — on , lunc . n , Uie, en­t i re senior class Is liivlled to n l -timd n bnnquot nl Sniv l l emn ' s 15e.siaurnni In 'Mor r i s Cove, given liy Qamilie DoMusls. Dnhcing will bo provided by Nuelty I'elllRTlnn's Blind.

* » * * « Allenl l im to t he underi ' lnssnien. .

E x a m s ' w i l l be . l ime 1,1 th rough 'J.').

E A S T I!A'\T.N N E W S , JOiM'^doy. <hmr Id, JCft J -age J

2 n d F l o o r • W O O L W O R T H B L D G .

, 109 CHURCH ST., NEW HAVEN, CONN. 1'^ Phone: STatc 7-1181 • Donald B rown , YES MANagcr f "T . ^ OP'-N THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P.M.

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TliG Hue tcit o' any ilofm-screen window is lis dolly

elflclency and convenience of opeiollon. In the remoik-

able new "Beoton" you'll llnd sound construcllon and

precision Ihot mean yeor oiler yeor ol trouble-

free pleasure.

Priced as low a i

tvtiogi tniloltolion SO.


SP 7-3648

Paul Cianciolo Dies, Fa ther Of Local Chu()praclor

Paul Cianciolo, of Wi Thonip-siin Ave., bu l ' i and of .To.sephlne Angela Crlscuolo Cianciolo, dieii Wednesday m o r n i n g a t S t . R n p h a e r s liosiiltal. Ho -was t h e fa ther of Dr . Leona rd Cianciolo, local ch i rop rac to r . l i e was 68 year s old. • •

Services will be held S a t u r d a y morn ing a t 8:30 In the W . ' S. Clancy F u n e r a l Home, -13 l<lrk-ham Ave., and a l St, Vincent de Paul Church w h e r e a h i g h - m a s s of rccmlom will be celebrated a t 9 o'clock. .X*. .

Cianciolo w a s for many y e a r s a resident h e r e and unti l his r e ­t i rement he was self-employed as a fruit dea le r .

In addi t ion to his wife and his son, Leonard , lie Is survived by two o t h e r " sons , Dr. An thony Cianciolo and P a u l Cianciolo, J r ; four d a u g h t e r s , ' Mrs. Mar lon D'Att lagla , Mrs . Rose Santuccl , Mr.s. Mar jo r l e Mar ino nnd Miss Bet ty C |ancolo ; nnd three b ro th­ers, Anthony , J o h n nnd F r a n k Cianciolo.

Fr iends m a y visit a t the Clancy F u n e r a l h o m e between the h o u r s oC 3 and 9 p.m. Fr iday .

and.i:0nb-halt 'Woiui is ' ago t o ' s tudy In MLssoiirl .and the re , for • t he first t ime, l i v e d ' I n - n dnrni i tpry . She holds a B.A. deg ree In E n g ­lish i l l e r a t u r e from E w h n U n l v e r -slty, but when she • a t t ended tliaU ins t i tu t ion she lived n l homo* Even wlien the Univers i ty ' was forced t o ' move to P u s a n . because of t he Nor th Korean invn.sIon.

Bu t she. prcferrert tO talk: abou t her family. H e r f a t h e r is Kong Sel H y u n g ; ( the family n a m e K a n g comes first In K o r e a n ) , w h o Is c h a i r m a n .pi t he g r a d u a t e school a t SeoUl' Uniycrsl ty, ; Me Is also a 'cha i rman of the boa rd of di rec­to rs of the school. A famous , c r im­inal l a w y e r he sei'ved a s a j u d g e on a panel which t r i ed a pumijf r of J a p a n e s e lcadc;'s for w a r cr imes . , •

H e r m o t h e r died two yea r s ago . In addi t ion lo he'r fatiior,;. s)ic', ,haa a m a r r i e d slsleri H y o Won,-In Ko-

. - - .Esuupoi^. Ordcnl ' , , . . . . C h u n g III tprori. ' Jung-l iee ' , )

coun t s lieriielt l u c k y for haying escaped .the di'ci^cil \ol ivar di ir ing t he N p r l h Korean ' Inyasfon. '^lit" w a s forced tO': j'pave h e r Seoul home, , wlilch': s h e ' ' said,< 'escaped d a m a g e du r ing , the .siogeis of a t ­tacke r s . . ' , , "

Mos t ' o f Korea \Y,as not so lucky and Its peopic iioyc b'^cn i |npov-er lshed by t h e ' nea r to ta l dcs-st ruct lon , she said. Before it vjsci ravaged by vvar, K o r e a had been w e l l advanced, technological ly . F o r exainiiio, .she sold, t he re w e r e qui te ' a few pr iva te ly owned au­tomobiles. '• ,

However , until it wns freed by the occupat ion of Allied t roops nl tiie end of. the last g r e a t war , Ko­rea had been for m a n y yea r s un­der t he control 'of the Japanese . " W e w e r e not so free", CHiine-KI snl^, mindful of tho m a n y s t r i c tu re s t ha t had been Imposed by Imper ia l J a p a n .

Miss Kank , w h o received hor B.A. a t the ago of 20, served ' for two years as 'an office assis tant in t he law and political science division a t E w h a Univers i ty .

N e x t Sep t ember she p lans lo a t t e n d Wes te rn S t a t e s College In Colorado, she said, w h e r e she will w o r k under a scholarsh ip for t h r e e years. , Bccau.se sociology Is a ln,rgely n e w field In Korea so­ciologists and o t h e r social scien­t i s t s t he re , a r e a t a premium. ' 'They expect ( awa i t ) me too m u c h ( e a g e r l y ) " a t E w h a Unlver-


TonlBlit Is the n igh t ! ! 1 The freshmen cla.ss under t he super­vision of Miss Maureen W e b o r and Mr. Edwai-d Levy will hold Us annua l ' . 'Freshmen F l o w e r Festi­v a l " T h e CO - c h a i r m e n for this d a n c e - a r e F r a n c e s Scarpace , and Ralph PaoUllo. A flower queen wl i rbd 'Ol ioscr i mid t h e r e wiU also bo ' a featured^ guest.. So como and join t he fun, Uinlghl, ( F r i d a y ) , from 8 l o . i l In the sdiool gynina-slum.. ;'. •

^oys To Register For Auto Dcrhy, Sponsoi's Needed

s t a r t i n g n e \ t Monday, m e m b e r s of the Jun io r Auto Derby Com­mi t tee ot t he H a r r y Ba r l l e l t Post , A.L., will s t a r t con tac t ing m e r ­c h a n t s nnd liullvhlunls In East I lnvcn for sponsorship of a driver . ' Las t year s ixty boys who were

" s l a k e d " by m e r o h n n t s who fi­nanced t h e basic wheels and axles, he lme t s and toc-shir ls built t he i r own rac ing curs to compele 111 Ihe, thr i l l ing races wliich were s taged on Russo Ave. In Foxon P a r k .

Uegls t ra l lon of boys who wish to i iar t iclpnie will .start W e d n e s ­day enni l iming tl irougli Fr iday a t Tony ' s B a r b e r Shop, a t 177 Main St., be tween t he h o u r s of 3 nnd G |).m. A mombor of Hie Legion c o m m i t t e e will lie on hand to a s ­sist wi th the rpgl.strntlon.

T h e a u t o deriiy Is open lo all

East Haven boys wliio .wi l l ,lie a t least 10 yea r s ot , n g y hut not older t han I'l on Augiisl t , W. l. A i r r eg l s t inn l s a l e rcmiinded Kv brhiK the i r b i r th rert lf lcnU^s when signing up . ^

Any individual, club, nx nicr-chnn t wishing to sponsor ,n boy Is Invited to cal l . W a l t e r \ L l n k , n o 7-,'ll)8B;. Joiin Camp , H O 7-'Itlir, E r n e s t dnst lgi lnni , IK> 7-7iar(; tit' Annie ' s Au to Ruuni r , 110 7-!52lR.. '••

Conncclicul Fads

Although Connect icut has only. 2l.(i% of lllo pojiuiotlon ot Now Kniglanil, ll. hfls abou t 3 1 % of the region 's nmnUfncturing produc-titin,' as -Irtdlcated. 'by l l io dol lar va lue added to gootla by ma.nuuic-tu r ln i ;



T a k e s T h i s O p p o r t u n i t y T o

T l i n n l t Y o n F o r T l i c F i n e

U c s p o i i s c T o O u r R e c e n t

O p c n i n K . '

2 2 8 M a i n S t . H O 7 - 3 6 5 7


T h e Business Board of the "Co-mot" i!i;ihnp|>y to anilo'uiicc next yea r ' s business ' nianajjors. Coii-g r a t i i l a l l o n a ' a r e In s to re for Ca­role Walsli , l)uslness m a n a g e r , aiul Rosemar i e Ba l i ano , ass i s tan t bus­iness m a n a g e r , Tliolr rospbnslblU-Lles wi l l -be ge t t i ng adve r t i s emen t s fo'r th»i friowspapcr, • sehdlng ou t s t a t e m e n t s and m a k i n g sure our school p a p e r will be ns good a s

WKh .....•^^; » ; .+*"" '


^ A W f W ' ' ^ „ „ d JoitW P'»« ^'^^i^Zt^--,,oc. I t - o n - ; ; / , „ , .



Ready to Cook • M I L K FED

u49c FOWL Rib Roast 7 INCH CUT from Honvy Woslorn Corn Fod Sloor Diiof

Chuck Roast Veal Legs ic Rump Chickens

BONE IH • Cut From Young Tondor Heavy Woslorn Corn Fod Sloor Bool

Cut From Younrj Tondor Milk Fod Calvet

FRCSi-l FRYERS or BROILERS Young Tondor - 2 ' / . - 3 ' / J LB AVG


t>rgi. o, sm.ii LB 5 9 c M o c a r o n i S a l a d SPECIALLY CURED In Dor Own U. S. GovornmonI Inspoclod Plant


Fancy Brisket Corned Beef LB 69c Wo Boliovo This to bo llio Finest Fancy Bristol Wo Havo Ever Offorod lor SnIo. A "Consumer Jury" Pictcod

It lo bo llio Bosi Cornod Bool Tlioy Had Ever Enlon.

THE W I H N I N O WAY . . .


H« S. Barry Jennings CO.

# Atun i lnum Screens and Combina t ion Windows I BtaliUcss S tee l Combina t ion Uo'ors • R a d i a t o r Bnclos iuea

• Vene t i an Bl inds • niudernfa ld Doors

142 »ASH ST. New Haven SP 7-3648

this DAY of DAYS • A l l ' t h e s p l e n d o r o f t h e

d a y i s y o u r s f o r e v e r i n

y o u r w e d d i n g p o r t r a i t s .

. M a y w c t n a k c t h e m Stm

y o u ?

LUCAS STUDIO 265 lyiain St. • East Haven

Tel. HO 7-3933

JUNE Dairy products aro good lor you

OLD HUNDRED - Al l f lavor i

Ice Cream KRAFT

Cheez-Whiz BORDEN

Chateau Cheese Evsporntod

Evangeline Milk 4 TAIL CAN

IS DAIRY MONTH Thoy'ro so frosli and good in Juno. Evoryono should sal niora.

tVANGttiNi; • I5[y Milk 5olidi

PTPKG 25c Dry Milk Mild

8 0IJAR 29c Muenster Cheese FINAST

2LBioAr 89c Cheese Food KRAFT • Pimonlo or Pinoflppid

47c Cheese Spread

I60Z CAN 31c

t» 49e 2LB LOAF 75c

50Z JAR 23c

fiosc^ For The Sweet Girl Grad!

It*8 Irudit lni ial ; It's i'ai;«frly I'X-

jicctedi A biR a rmfu l of vi'oiidor-

fiil rosiw from LONG'S for tliu

girl isnidiiati! to liold when you

tiiitu t l iut iievr.r-to-bii-furKutton


lAJoeli i (yiililanillnrf ifjiuij.i!

Dill Pickles BAY STATE Finast TOMATO Ketchup 2 Swanson °ONID Chicken Swanson "ONED Turkey M a r g a r i n e ciovtROAtE 7 - M i n i t Fluffy Frosting

QTJAR 2 i 5 c

35c 33c 33c


5 0 Z CAN

5 0 Z CAN


iSOZPKG 2 i 7 c

n^ X^ Prlc! FINAST

MAYONNAISE Mado with Wliolo EOQS, Froihly Brokon, Fraih Siilsd Oi l , Agud VinoQari, Choic«

Spices nnd Extra loo Yolkl.

QTJAR 5 3 c PTJAR 31<

O r a n g e Dr ink fl,. I


Westinghouse BUG-A-WAY Lamps 2 3 c 100 WATT SIZE EACH 2 9 c 6 0 WATT SIZE

0or Ljnriipn



m NORTH MAIN ST. B R A N F O R D HU 8-3484

Free Press Publications Want Ada

Get Results In A Hurry

K«r t i a r s -TH I GUY WHO 01^1 HIAD-IIGHIS WHIN MKTINC OK FOUOWINa VEHICLIS. I l l * I r lvar who wlnl tvaryoM't ratptct i i t i l l molorlit who tAkKli COUK-TISY HIS c o m OF I H I BOAD.

Orilitr a OirsuKu l " r Mutlier, Ton!


Dodge Ave: •


East Hav^n • HO 7-6318

I Sunshine Favorites

I Brownies rc'39c S t a s t e s g r e a t w i t h

IHi-C Orange I I Dr ink^T t T a k e T e a and See


I: Big Economy Package


FRESH F R U I T S a n d V E G E T A B L E S

W A T E R M E L O N S H: V.irF.vr;,. LB 4e C A N T A L O U P E S CAUFORI^IA - sweot Jumbo EA 2 9 e PLUMS CAtlrORNIA BEAUTIES tB 29c

G R E E N B E A N S VIRGINIA - T.nd«-criH> 2 LBS 2 5 e CORN FtORIDA - Plump M i l l y Kefiwl i 4 EARS 2 9 c '

CAULIFLOWER JERSEY - Whim and Tend« HD 2 5 c

LETTUCE NATIVE • Cr l ip Solid »nd Frofll ' 2 H05 I ^ C

TOMATOES Adds VilatilY to Snlodl CEt tO PKC 1 9 c

Jrtik Q Pcgulaf Prico 21c

100% Whole Wheat Bread Frosted Loaf Cake Rogp-ico 3u SPECIAL

Coffee Cake ' i»>i° F'"° ""^ ^''"^^ ^ < SPECIAL


22-OZ tOAF 1 9 *

FA 29c EA 29c

; i r - T n m - i

142 n-.-<»-Yi a "yar. ';g?'B^w*** I '•

Page 3: Governor Lodg e To B Honored Al Cheshire ®I|r p fet …...tho Public Health Nursing A.s.socla-lion of East Haven will ho held Monday evening at 8 o'clock In liio Town Hull. This will

• ) • •

EAST HAVBN NEWS Tthundiijr, June 10, lOSi Page t


I N C O R P O K A T E n

s o l s DIxwoll Avr.niic, l l n m d n n , Cnnn.

. lONAXIlAN CV.AR, E D r r O B

Ja i i i rn l i r r n t m n , AdvorllsIiiK Matmf;cr


MO Main S l r c o t . Xcl . l l (»7-r>8ll l lox 2IR E M t l l»ven

A D V E R n s i N O RATICS ON A P r M O A T I O N

B u s l n n u Te lephone A T w n l n r 8-1601

S U B S C R I P T I O N i $2.li0 per yea r , imynMo In adviinca


E n t e r e d ns second class m a t t e r on May l.'i, 1052,

al New Muven, Connecticut, under the act of March 3, 1870.

Changing Finance BoanI Last week these columns opined n lillle

about wKat was regarded as a desirable change in ihc structure of the Board of Finance. As Mr. Mathcw Annstnsio's proposal is under­stood by us, he favors amendment of the Town's existing Board of Finance act to bring about the desired changes.

In addition, then, to our general judg­ment favoring a separated Board of Finance we would like to propose — and it is « timely proposal — that the amended act provides for mandatory publication of the TownCbudget in advance of the annual town meeting;

If our recollection is good, the practice that has been followed is to file the proposed budget with the town clerk's office where any interested ; menibers of the public may sec it. Actually, few bother to do so because of the inconveniences involved in making a special trip to the office to view the bqdgct during day - time hours when many are busy at work.

The net result is that, except for a sum­marized Report which is carried in the news­papers by their own initiative, most of those who do-attend the anual town meeting to ap­prove the budget for the coming year have scant knowledge about what they have been called, to act upon. If there is any questioning or any debate, muijh of it takes the form of heckling" by leaders of the out party. .

It may be recalled also that at tho last annual town meeting h local resident, who was attending in the additional capacity as a re­porter for a daily newspaper, was unable to secure satisfactory informotion regi»rding a break -.'down in the budget figures tor ihp Education Department.

* « * While these proposed changes in the

Board of Finance structure are pending, we would like to make another' sugestion. This is in line with the declared point of view of a member of the Board of Finance, so wc will state his proposition first.

This meniber, who has served on other bodies of the town government, told us not so long ago that he was opposed to the policy of having tho Board of Finance delete items from the individual budgets of the various departments. He said he thought that the Board had no right to cut out specific items since it was not in position to judge what is or is not needed by a particular department, Ho favored,' instead, having cuts take the form of trimnijng the total amount of proposed ex­penditures "for each department, leaving to that departtinfcnt.ll'ie.decision regarding how it would isp'end'the money allocated to it.

ihcrmore, we demand that the proposed bud­gets of each department be retcadcd to the public as soon as they arc presented, to the Board of Finance ond hefbrc they are cut. When the fire chief or the police chief or any other department head decides he needs cer­tain things for his department, thfc public ought to know what he wants.

To demonstrate why, let's take a pure­ly hypolhiitical case. Let us suppose a depart­ment head decides that he needs a particular piece of equipment which is expensive but which he feels is essential to the protection of the town. And let us cupposc that the Board of Finance feels that the Town cannot afford lh<! equipment, so that the proposed purchase of this equipment is dropped. Final­ly let us suppose thiit « Town disasler proves that the department head was right and the Board of Finance was wrong.

So, how is the public to decide whose judgment wos in error? There is no way of knowing under the present system. The tradi­tional policy has been to keep so much of this information under wraps Ihttl the public is kept in the dark.

Therefore, wc suggest that these pro­posed budgets be released, before cutting, to the public AS A MATTCR OF STANDARD POLICY. Bicuusc if it is left 1° ''"= individ­ual department head or heads, nont; will be willing to risk possible antagonism of the Fi­nance Board by releasing the proposed bud­gets.

Bold Policy For Radio The radio and television industry, with

some notable exceptions, has pretty much pussy-footed when • faced .with .the /problems o( airing, controyefsial iosiies. jyiore so than the press, it has been subject Iq pressures from various quarters.

The result has been generally a timid policy aboiit handling controversial matters in such a way as to insure not only fair treatment, but also to handle these millters sufficiently to keep the public well ihformed.

Thus, William S. Palcy,, chaifmiin of the board of the Columbia Broadcasting System, which has the best record ompijg broadcast­ers with respect to handling news, has called upon radio and television to adopt-a bolder policy. . . ! ' ,

The airwaves do not <!njoy the prestige of the press. As, I'aley points out the radio industry has had only a quarter of a century to, work out .a . policy which the press has hammered out over 'several cenlufiea. ll has shown a great deal of ptogress but dould do more.

' The NEWS' cannot: bi|t support Mr. Palcy when he siiys!"lt' broadcasting is ex­pected to enjoy the saipc freedonv ahd': pres­tige as the press it must demonstrole its right to do so by its own deeds . . . Th<:re must be fairness and balance' (among'all •viewpoints). No matter what the station'owner's personal predilections."

"The fact is .— our own timidity in the vital areas of public information is sclf-perpct-uiitiiigi it brtcda pressures which in turn breed further limidilyi"

". . .the question remains whether we enjoy in the public mind the status which is a natural corollary of our rights and privileges. I respectfully submit that vi'e'do not and thnit we will not until wc have shown through clear performance that wc have lived up to our responsibilities."

By its fearless record within the field of radio and T-V reporting— handled by an excellent ncvvs staff headed !by Edward R. Murrow — CBS has been leading the way toward responsible, intelligent coverage of the news. The NEWS wishes it continued suc-

The Passing Scene ^ ^ ^ by DOB TOWB

Sp*«<l and CartUttntt i Killed 29,900 In 1953,


Wc endorse that proposal warmly. Fur- cess.

Local Delegate Reports On National Parent-Teacher Congress

(Mrs. Edwoid KrnnlnTK Sr., or 03 Grannis St., attended tho recent nittlonnl (.oiivcnlioii of llic National CoiiBress or I'arpnts ami Tcnclio'rs in Atliuillo City, N. J., as u. dolcBiito roiirtsuntUiB tho Connecticut Board «t Man-aKorti, East Haven Council ot I'uroiils and Tcai'lioi-s and nil thn I'.T.A. units In Enst lluvun. Tho rollowlnc account or whnt tnolt place Is laiion rroni a spe­cial report prepared by lior, — Ed. Note.)

Criticism, (>r modern public ed-ucullon is loo uricn like criticism of the crew g£ an oUllner headed iii the r lshl dirocllori. That Is what Samuel M. Bi-ownell, nation­al Comnilsslonci' o{ Education, told more than fUieen huiidrcd persons unending the national Cont'icss of Parents and Tcacher.s at Atlan­tic City. A total-otl,07f) voting de­legates wevo. present.. ,

Brownbji, foriuor president oi New Ilftvpn • Stato Teaoliers Col­lege, imld that a sliarp. drop In the number ol one - room schools In the country was a sign of pro-giess, along with ah increase In I ho national average u( teachers' !,aldilcb from ?1,'120 la 1930 to $i,T25 in IDS'!.

Cites Inntlofjuuclea However, he sold, thei-e : were

niaity^budequacles and poinded out that ij|H;?BiJfifcMKf'«' 'P''i s" were^iSet tod annually, building Was pi*oceedin^ only at the ra te of 80,000 per year. He said that the national shortage of prepared

Icttcliei-s for elementary schools would total 72,000.' ' - ,

Brownoll siild that the nation is suffering in a diminished |>otcntial trained manpower as a result ol ninny vludents who drop out of school before graduating. Ho call­ed It an appalling national waste which repicsented eight million "tunotlonal Illiterates" — those with less than five years of school-Ing.

Stresses Reading Importance Another speaker. Paul A. Witty,

director of the Psycho - Education clinic at Northwestern University, told the Congress that a poll show­ed children were spending three hours a day watching television. Effect.'; of the programs varied Svllh the quality, hut that the ge­neral result,was to take children from other activities.

Prof. Witty recommended par­ents teadi children to appreciate good books and the value of good literature.

Sees D«UiH|Uonoy Spreading Bertram M. Bock, director of a

special delinquency study project for the national Department of Health, Education and Welfare, told the convention timl Juvenile delinquency is spreading swiftly beyond the bounds of big city slums to Infect the better suburban and rural communities.

fie said that its spread Ulirough-out all economic levels of the com­munity wos a danger signal not to be Ignored. It indicated social de­cay, he saUi, and was ft signal that

the church, honiq and school are losing IIJQU' ability' to pass on a sense of social values Iroin goncra-llon to genpcntlop. ,

Beck preijictod' an extensive In­crease in delinquency by 1360 and urged' parents and tcachei-s to as­sist Uiose families whose eeonomic plight makes It difficult for them to protect theli- own' children. He urged a suenglhening of the In­fluence - of tfto clfuroli and syna­gogue. ^ ,i. , . - Mrs. Newton Leonard, president of the Congress, gave the opening address. She said that the acute shortage of tenchors nmdo 11 ur­gent that P.T.^.'s "do all we pos­sibly can to Interest more young men and woqieq In the teaching |)rofesslon." She recommended that those groups offer or find some means of securing financial aid for capable young men or women who can't afford . college trainiJig to bccohic teachers.

She also urged thot more at­tention .be given to the building of schools. ''W? Just can't put our chlldroii in deep fre6-i:e until wc are -able to biiUd schools", she sold, recommending pi-ompt ac tlon.

Hoar Rockefeller • The convention, was told iby

Nelson A. Bboltefoller, under-sec rotary that P, 'T. Associations rep-; resent the grass roots of the com munity and hits tho rcspoiislbllity of carrying-on day-to-day activi­ties to ensure tlip health and hap-plnes.s of phlldi'eil-tn their homes as well as in school.

Rockefeller ^Iso discussed Pres Ident Eisenhower's health bill and said the "Chronic disease hospi­tals" proposed In It could shift a quarter million patients from ov-ercrovs'dod s<;ner»i hospitals.

Second Fiddle Tunes SOMEHOW OR OTHER

It's not Just Yankees, but plenty of other people who stick tena­ciously to u plan and manage .someliow or other, to gel their pro­

ject occoniplislicd even If the first two or three efforts liavo fulled. SonioUmcs one hcai-s the slang

phrase 'he had a gimmick' and here, a[iproprlalely • Is a hardware dealer who did. The supply house with; Wlilch he dealt found hlKi pnrtloularly backward about sct-tlhig his account. Letter after let-' tor, .at fiii'sl • polite, then threaten­ing was sent him,: to,po; avail.(At liLst a TOpresenlatlvo. went to see him and asked, "Why haven!tyd.u sent Us any mont'y?Are things go-' Ing b a d l y r / '• ;•'•.'

"Oh, no," was the chcorfu[ rb-ply,' ."everything's fine. But j tht^c letters ol yours wej'o so good,' -I copied them and sent tlicfn out' tb my own dbllnquent customers, and Ihoy'vo broUght In. nearly every­thing ;that's owing mo. I ielt 'siiie' Uier6 (inust-'bc ' another letter -br two, so I was holding, back-until I had your, coniploto-scries." .

The manager of a' swank hat shop was Incredulous—^a large col-lecUoii ol hats, he had planned tP discard were' gone. Tie , asked' tl'b supcrsalcsman of thp dcpartm where; tliey • had been,- "Do mean ,to say that you sold all those hats wo planned to dlscafd,-^''-"•Yes," A nodded the very efficient salesipiin,,. " I ' had the advortlslitg dopat1,mcnt put a little ad In the paper stating that wc had some hats ,too hlghprlced tor the aver-ago housewife — and they were all gone by noon." '

On' a recent plane trip from Rome to Zurldli an American met an Etiglisli businessman.. They commented on the remarkable re­covery made by, I to lywl th y . s. aldi The conversation Ihen'turned to Bi-ltain and her-' future. "Oh, we have that all fIgiircd foul," said the Englishman Jocularly, • '^ve'il .der da re war on the United -States; of course the'conflict won't-last long; you'll lick .us In a short time.- But forever after, in the Ainorlcan chnracteristle pattei-n, you'll have to take care of us!"

Soino male strategy Is: "If you want yotir wife to pay attention to what you are saying, tell |t to another woman in a low voice." And . another man .advised his fi-jend, who complained that his (wife was prolonging her visit to her motlicr. " l need her at homo," he fussed, "but It seems useless to WTlte • suggesting that she - re­turn."- His friend.said slyly, "Got one of the neighbors to suggest It, my boy."

1 know one woman's' stratcgj' about collcrs Is to put on her hat and gloves when the bell rings. If It pi'ovos to be someone she does­n't wont to see, she says, "So sof-ry, but I'm just going out." It It Is someone she likes and wanUs to see, ^10 says. "So fortunate, I'Vo just come In."

A bewildered father saiji, "I ne­ver quite know Ju.sl how mucli money I buglit to send my boys a t boarding .school." A capable triend advised, "Wel l , I always keep my boy slicat of money now.: I find he writes home ntore often and much more charmlhg letters.'

The widow of Will Rogers notes In hei- memoirs that Will Jr. could never loam to tuck In his shirt tails when a younssler of ten "Pleading and punishment got me nowliere," she recalled, "but I fi­nally hit upon a scheme that cur­ed him o v e r n i g h t — I sewed edging of lace around the bottom of his shirts."

': Here Is a poignant ,; lessoa; In, brief vei«e:

"I tried to force a bee Out of my window. And I was stung. • Next time he came I enticed him - ( Ipto ft T J'ower, -^ •-r--:'^-'•-

And easily was rid of him." Stalin once gave Mao Tse.<tung

Instruction In practical Commu-nUsm, and asked, "How would you l lke i to .n jakea cat oat chill pep­per?'.'-Mao-sald, "There arc two ways — I could force it down him, 9r',I could stuff a,fish with" pepper arid ;glve - the ' fish to the ciit." 'Wrong," corrqctbd Stalin, "It Is not cdmpatablc .with our Ideology — • tiie' rirs't method Is cobrclon, the second decciittori. I would rub .the pepjiei-, on' tho cat's tall, ami when;i t .burned the cat would turn around, i^iid-lick his tall, thus eallng the peppbr! volunlhrily."

A cpmmandltlg general of a line .division'in Korea-was inspecting oho sunny afternoon when three sniper bullets ,ir6m- a nearby hill whlzzed'oijbr'his.licad,, causing him to julnp! Ititb a bunker with a be-.wlhlsltero^d-.jwrgearit.. "Locate that s'niper,"-.snapped-, the' general." '.'Wo kriow; exactly where he Is, sir," the sergbarit retorted calmly.' "Then wiiy don't you shoot lilni.?" de­manded' the general. The scrgoont exblalnod, 'Well, sir, th)it felIo\v .'(las been snlpiiig.at this hill tor sIX: weeiis .now. and hasn't hit anybody yet. We're • atrjild if wc kill him, they niight replace him with someone-who could shoot." There was a theft In Libya. Since none' of ,the suspects would con­fess; one of .the pollccmon gave each a little stick, 10 centimeters lo^g, and ordered eaciv one to sleep with that undbr his bed. clalnilng that the,stick belonging to the thief .would becomo a lit­tle longer during the hlelit. In spile of uhbelleving faces tho or-

'der was- compiled with, and the next morning the sticks'were in­spected by the 5ergennt,\vho sud-Idonly shouted, "Here's the thief!" The guilty man had sliortoned his stick by some two centimeters.

Sixteen Children Momauguin To Be Received In Stone Church

Sixteen children, members of the Pastor's Clas.s, will be received In-lo the membership of the Old .Stone Church during the annual Children's Day and promotion ser­vice to take place at wor flUp services a t 0:30 Sunday morning.

Infants will be baptised during the services for which a special program of music will bo pres-cnt-cd by Charles Lynehan, soloist, and (he InterniCTllate and Junior nholr.s. 'Plio services will mark the last .session of the church school until they are resumed on the Ihh-d Sunday of next September.

The later worship service will he at 11:1!5 a.m. Both services will start fifteen minutes earlier than the usual time.

To lie AdmUlcd 'riioso children who will be od-

niltlcd to membersl|lp In the church are as follows: Edward Loeper Jr., Eai-1 Kornglebel Jr., Robert Moosdorf, Gebree JVIcCaul Jr., Judltli Johnson, Carol Wist-Ing, Fred Kusterer, Biu-bara Lam­bert, Rulh'MacDonald, LlndaStiir-ges, Marton Eldrldge, Aiden Giis-lat.son, Judith Sherman, • Judith llofrlchter, Lois Fasula and Ken­wood Pol ter. - .k

Sunday evening the Vbung Adult Group will meet at 7:30 In the church parlor. A talk on Europe Illustrated with photographic slides will be presented. The Worship service will be conducted by Wal­ler Maschnll. Recreation will be directed by Miss Ellen Larsen and refreshments will be In dmrge ol ^.ranklyn Sperry. All young poo-ille of fost-hlgh school age have Jedn Invited to Join Uie mooting. '

Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Smith To Direct United Fund Drive I'his Fall

Residential sohcltattons in the Ea-sl Haven area during the United Fund campaign, this Fall will lie directed by Mr. anfl Mrs. Raymond C. Smith, according to an announccmpnl from United Fund headquarters.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith will serve OS vice chairmen of the United Fun<l's residential • division'. Of which Mrs. Charles K. Gordy and Mrs. Bernard P. Kopklqd arc chairmen.

Smith Is a member of the fac­ulty al East Haven Hjgh School. Ills wife has Served In . two pre­vious United Fund or ConuTVunliy Chest drives. They live at 50 Tu't-tle Place. , Tho rbsldonllai division Of the Key Drive organization is con­cerned with house-to-hqusp ap­proaches In residential. ari'd.sub­urban areas In Greater New-Ha­ven. Last year East Hayen pledg­ed $3,581 towards the division's total of $101,7'1G.

St. Clare's Guild wlll meet Mon-evenlng In the church liall,

Mrs. Frank Dumatk wlll preside at the business session. Ail women of the poiLsh arc invited to attend.

Fifty-five children of tho parish received their first Holy Commu­nion on Saturday morning.

St. Claire's will hold its monthly card party Friday even­ing In the fU-ehouso.

The Guild will hold lU annual Communion breakfast Sunday morning following the 8:30 o'clock

^mas at the Summit House. The oommittee In charge Is Mrs. Char­les Copcland, Mrs. Joseph Burke, Mrs. Alfred Torrino, Mrs. Joseph Hlncs and Mrs. Wilfred McDonald.

Our best wishes to Bll Bowdep, of Sound View Avenue, who cele­brated Ills birthday Sunday. " '

Bradford Manor Auxiliary was hostess to the ladles of the Auxili­ary of Fire Company one Monday evening. Plan were made at this meeting for the annual summer banquet to be held Tuesday. June 22 al Cook's Tavern In Plainviye. The comndttee In charge Is Mrs. Clifford Downer, Mrs. Robert Chadeayne and Mrs. Matthew Hogan.

*** . Plans have been comple ted for

ai Dance by the Bradford M a n o r on Ju ly 3 In Uie f l rehousc. J a c k Lawier ' s Society O r c h e s t r a wil l furnish t h o music. Ea r ly r e se rva ­tion a r e advised.

**« Trapos 132, 181 ond 324 enjoyed

a folk dance festival at tlie Mom-auguln School recently. Mothers were Invited and everyone had a good lime. The three troops com­bined decorated the auditorium for the occasion.

Tlie Momauguln School Parents Club U1I1 present a variety show next Wednesday evening at 8 o'­clock in the school. Children of tho school will entertain in. a wide variety of talented acts. Mrs. Fred Hawtin Is chairman and Mrs. Fr-ed Horn, vice-chairman of the pro­duction,

« * * Congratulations to the future

baseball stars' for East Haven lilgh School. Geno GlanelU, Bob Norin, Butch Banbato, and Tommy GagUardl are cerlalnly headed In thai direction by the tact that thoy all made a major team- In the Annex Lillle Loogue. Tho atoreinentiohbd boys all pro-duets of this, section of town, took pari In the gala opening cere­monies on May 20. The ceremonies' officially opened the season for the League, and 11 was very grati­fying to see the four 'boys all play flawless ball for their respective teams. 'Good Luck, little fellows.

Schools To Start Summer Vacations On Fri , June 25

All schools wijl.close on Friday, June.25, with, some cla.sses being dismissed onrller, according to in-i'ormatJon released by Iho office o f 'Sup l . of Schools R. Vernon Hays.

Tho graduating class of tho High School will hold Its exercises In the school auditorium next Thursday e'/Milng. .

The top giados In the element­ary schools. In sonie cases tJho sixth grade and others the sev­enth, will be dismissed on Friday, June 18. . Starting Monday, June 21, single-session days will be held starting at 9 a.m.. and ending at 1 p.m. The niornlng kindergar­tens, under this new schedule, will sit from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. The afternoon kindergarten will sit front 10:30 a.m. to one p.m. to be dismissed for the lost lime on Thursday.

The morning kindergarten lind all other classes not already fi­nally dismissed will attend school at 9 a.m. Friday morning, Juno 25, to bo dismissed around 10:,30 as soon as buses are - available to toke them home.

; ; "Land of Steady Habi t s" seems i o ibe a eobd, Hescrlption: of Con­necticut as lar as housing Is con­cerned. The 1950 U. S. Census shows that 87.3% of those ques­tioned lived In the Same house for more than year. Only three states Ui the U. S. showed « higher percentage In tl'iis 'maltei:;

Education Assoc. Closes Year With Teachers Dinrjer

The East Haven Education As­sociation clo.scd a season of .uctl-.vitlcs with its annual Teachers' Dinner , which was attended, by more than SO persons Tuesday evening at tho Restland Farms in Northlord.

Miss Ilildur Svenson. teacher at Glills Soliool, was presented a Par­ker pen in recognilion of 25 years of seivlce in the school system here. The presentation - was made by Francis Walsh, chairman of the Board ot Education. Miss Svenson Vas presented with an orchid by Schools SupU R. Vernon Hays on behalf of the association.

Janjes Rogan actedas toastmas-tei- In an informal program of ac­tivities and entertainment. Includ­ed was an humorous, skit titled "Do You know Liz?" acted out by a cast consisting of Mrs. .Pauline Johns, Supt. Hays, Mrs. Laura llackclt, Mrs. Rosalie : Pinltham, Rocco Orlando, • Ernest Afarzullo, and Arnold Lerner.

A program of organ ond violin selections was presented by Mrs. i^ura Ilnckelt and Michael Zlto. There v/as group singing of songs with lyrics specially w i t l en for the occasion by Mrs. Doris Carl' .son. ,

Miss Harriet Geslor, elementary supervisor, as a member)- of the program committee presented a number of humorous gifts to va­rious teachers.

Message From Oillla A message of greeting from for­

mer Supl. W. E. Glills was read to the association. Supt. Glills an­nounced he was leaving for Scot­land to visit his son.

The evening program was, cop­ped by an address by Supt. Hays, who emphasized the ' continued need for planning ancjcoopbrai Ion of teachers and towiispeopie In meeting the present challenge of educational problenia •

Supt. Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Fran­cis Walsh and Miss Ellzabppi Chap-kovlch, member of the school board, attended {as guests'ot honor.

General arraingemeiils «• e r e made by a cbnimltteb <|>'n^stlng of Miss Betty Joy, Miss .Doris White and Ernest Marzullo. Miss Svenson, Miss Gesler, Miss EJean-ore Leary, Miss Barbara Folsom and Mrs. Louise Weils directed the enterloinment.

FOXON PARK Mrs. Archie O'DonncIl, newly

elected president ot tho Ladies Guild of Our Lady ot Pompeii Church will preside at the regular monthly meeting to be held in the church hall, Monday at 8:00 p.- ni. . All members are urged to allejid this meeting, as several Hems of utmost Importance will be discussed.

\ • * • # *

The First Communion class of Our Lady of I^ompell church wlll meet in the church on Saturday atternoon «l 2:00 P. M. for In-struclions. It is important that tho entire class attend since this will bo one of the tew classes held before this group will receive First Holy Communion on Sunday, June 20, at the 8:00 o'clock Mass. A breakfast for the First Com­munion group will be held -in the church hall immediately follow­ing this Mass. The Ladles Guild is in charge ot the breakfast, and because of the size of the class parents wlll not be able to attend the breakfast.

***** A surprise shower was held for

Miss Phyllis Morchosauil al the home of Mrs. Sylvester KnrbowskI of Qulnnipiac Avenue, on Sunday atternoon. Miss Marchasauil wlil become tho bride of Mr. Thomas ICaczynskl ot Strong St. July 7.

Attending the shower tron\ this section ot town were: Mrs. Jul­ius Kaczynskl. Miss Jean Kaczyn-skl Mrs. Edgar Surprenant, Mrs. Adam Zlsk, Mrs. Frank Zlsk, Mrs. Anthony PawUkowski, Mrs. Stan­ley Porydzal, Mrs, Waller Healoy, Mrs. Joseph Karbowskl, Mrs. Hen­ry Karbowskl, Mrs. Frank O'Neill, Mrs. Joseph VerboskI, Miss Stella PawllkowskI, Mrs, William Zadro-zny. Miss Jane Zadrozny, Mrs. Stanley Swlanlck, Mrs. C:i.slmer JasUdowich, Mrs. William Hal-stead, and Mrs, Jack Leroy.

Town Topics


Motto chosen by Ihe Senior Class: "The present Is the time In which we act; The future that for which we prepare"—Ward. The yellow carnation was selected as the class flower. Blue and Gold are the school colors.

• . • • • « •

We've got to get In this week to say It In l i m e : C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s . to g radua t ing m e m b e r s of the Class of 1951 pf^ E a s t H a v e n High School! V/c wish you tho very best . Good L u c k !

. • • , ' ? :• f ' • -. '' • • • • * . * .

•' "flio -ed and yellow paint on 'the sfcel'bofims and uprights go­ing \Mi the ' new Gerrlsh School make fliilto'"a pretty pattern!

• • - ^ . ' , . . • • • * « ( , * *

13n,si Haven has been torlunale in not having any serious ac­cidents In the post few months. The past week was especially good.'According to Police Chief Priest not a single accident wa^ recorded since our last reported accident last, week Wednesday,

***** Mrs. n. Vernon Hays, wife; of

the suporlntcndent of schools, anij her d'oiighlci*, Grace Ann, are vii)-ltlng"lier mother in Lincoln, t^c-braska for' a couple of weeks. Grace Ann has Just complotetj an­other'^car al the School ot.MllsIc at Boston University.

• « • * *

Thp.jAmerlcan Legion Pee Wee BaSebail.League Is now open for rcglslrntioh tor boys from J lo 15 years ot age. Boys must jiifve lt)elr birth certificates when reglslcrjqg. Graves Sports Shop .1pp. lyjalq Street 'anj lme from hqw' "uhtll Jil'ne 26;. ' • ,

• - • • • * * * * «

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gamache ot 48 ,Iv,er.i' Avenue will cpieliratB their. 25th wedding anniversary wltlvnn open house' at the Foxpn Community Center ort Sutjd^y, June. ?0 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.fp. Congi-atuiations! , Congi'atujatlons to Pclor Lucds on his winning an honorable mpn-tlon In the Connecticut Edltqf 1 1 Association news weekly copte^j.. Pete's picture ot Easl Haven bas-

.kelball player Tony Massarl loan­ing Into Iho^ air lo lap the bajl away from a Staples player >yn3 entered by the NEWS In the con­test. It's only one example of Llio many fine shots. In and out of sports, that he has taken tor us.

*****: Needless to say we arc very

proud of Pete and also of. qiir ijoys in the composing room.who helped considerably In earnlngjfor us another prize In the depart­ment ot best typography.

***** Congratulations also to our

many colleagues, whose newst papers,' copped a variety of prizes.

* * * • * * .

While attending the C.E.A. an­nual mecling Saturday - ritght whlcif ,.was hold al tho Banner Lodge in Mpodus, wo were pleas­antly surprised ' when . wo en­countered Mrs. Mary, ^abo, see-rotary to the rirsi, selectman. Oiir "lady cop" .was also attending ^ convention there. It Was ttie New England Pollbo Woman's ossgciii-tion.

***** U.S. Sena to r P r e s c o t t Bush was

a guest of t he C.E.A. a t t he qf tor-noon forum. After t a k i n g ca re ot the business in hand, Sena to r Bush s tayed on for an ; h o u r of ot t- l l ie-record c o m m e n t s oq tlip Washington scene In a n s w e r tq questions p u t by m e m b e r s of ti\e editorial g r o u p .

* * * * * ,. Altera ibout a half-hour of

questions find answers which were all, you guessed it, con­cerned with the row betwcon' the Junior senator from Wisconsin and the Elsenhower administra­tion, Bush noted that not a single question had been asked abqut a number of important matters like the Indo-ciiina situation, the St. Lawrence Seaway, and ottlcc thing.s.

* . * # * * ' Senotor Bush cited this as an

exomple of how the MeCorthy-Army row had eclipsed Just ^bqut everything else on the front pages, and said he was conceme'f about this pre-occupatlon with the hearings. lie also mentjonci) his recently introducted bll| tq amend tlie procedures governing Congressional hearings.

* * « « « Chamber of Commerece niqets

next Tuesday night. Hprmw Scharf can tell you where.

South End Assoc. To Launch Building Fund Campaign Mon. '. The next regular meeting of

the South End Association, Inc. win be held at the To-Hu-Va Camp on Monday evening, at 8:30 sharp, Hubert Chocseman, pres­ident, announces.

A special speaker will be pre­sented to '.alk on a topic of gen­eral interest. Cheeseman said tha t a survey ot a proposed bulldipg sitel for the association will be exhfy.ted at the meeting and a building fund campaign will, be formolly launched.

All members and residents of the Morgan Point area have l>een Invited to attend. Refreshments wiJI be served.

Puhlic Invited to Attend Meeting Of N.ll. Cancer Society

All Interested persons have becq Invited by Mrs. Frank Barker, East Haven chairman, to attpnd the annual meeting of the ffew Haven branch of the Amcrlcsn Cancer Society. The meotlni: will be held Tuesday evening a l ^ / o'clock in the New Haven Modlcol Library at the corner of Law. rence St. and Whitney Ave.

The evening program will in­clude a short business meeting to be followed by a "very Interwt-ing" talk. Refreshments will bo served.

Thursday, June 10, 10.14 Psge-il

Redevolopmcot Area Monday Evening Advisory Committfce Will Tour

A citizens nrivKsory commltteb comijosed of about 25 persons will meet next Monday evening.for the purpose of conducthig a tour of the area to bo affected by a pro­posed, i-edevelopment ot Momaug­uln.

Under the chairmanship of Pet­er Orlando, Foxon Park store­keeper, the committee was sot up at a dinner meeting Monday night

In the Adam IIou.':e. Donald Chld-sey, Fred Brown and Mis. Alvlrt Thompson, wcic named vice-chair­men of the conimlttce; John Kniclzo, .wci-otnry-treasuror; and Mrs. Noniia Stone, recording secretary. , ^ :

Purpo.se of the committee wilf be lo offer suggestions and recom­mendations 1(1 t.:ie Itcfleveiopment





Mr. Janet ttn'tfhe only one Ihaft talking that way. There'M no need far palnlln' and

fuisln' with, old fashioned tcreent when you con afford fo o w n . f h s wonder fu l WINSTROM

Aluminum Combination Window. Thit 3-lrack window require! abiolulely no l o o f s . . , a n d onca

you tee the quality ionslructlon features you'll know that your Summer Screen problems

are over. Thafgoes for winter-time too, betause prestol before you can feel a droit

your tnug-tlto storm windows are right In place. There's a WINSTItOM to fit every type of w i n d o w

Idlir Convinlinl F.H.*. t«rml — N> Moiray Down.

CALL NOW FOR | J i \ 7 •I'f-f-f FREE ESTIMATE alU I " 11 I I

The B R A N W i N c. New Haven , Conn .

Also Distributors For


Agency regarding Ihe proposed million dollar vrcdevelopment 6t Momauguln. Plans call ' for the purchase of a large section ot the shoi-o area dt Momauguln Ineiud-ing Mansfield GroVc, removal or relocation of buildings, and re-sub-dlvlslon of the land Into large plolF for home-s.

The plans also would provide for a conversion of the Mansfield Grove area Into a boat basin with a dock and other shore facilities for boat owners.

Cost Divided The not- cost of the project

would be divided belwcen the town, the state and the federal government. It Is calculated that a nmjor pai;l of the cost of buying Up the property would be returned by re-selling the resubdlvldcd property to private owners.

Because It would add an esti­mated million dollars to the tax­able grand list, 11 Is argued, the project would bo self-liquidating ovor n period of yeai-s: In the meanllme a large bond Issue would have to be floated to fi­nance It.

l,,awronce Monro, ot Tecluilcal Planning - A.s.soclatcs, called the project a "unique opportunity" for cllnilnnling the sub-stnndaid dwel­lings and other buildings In the Momauguln area. Ills firm has drawn up detailed plans for tho pi-ojccl which has received over­all approval by the Federal Hous­

ing Authority. . . '„ , r Drf. Charle."! Bcdtisolell, dlrcctof

ot tlie Rcdc'i'eloprriCrit Agency^ credited It with two recent dcvcU opments: the securlngJof a coitv prehenslvc pilot plan and of h town sewer survey. "If noUiIng el^e materializes, the time spent In'planning has not been lost", l^e said.

Chairman Orlando, of the advl's-oiy committee, set up several sub­committee* and announced an Or­ganizational meeting nn July 112. Ernest Marzullo was named cl^nir-man of the by-laws conmilttoe. Herman .Scharf and Frank C^r-bonc were named to iho«d the ways and nieans committee., yin-cenl Perlto, Dr. BMward L..CIoftl and Harold E. LaPolntc, were named to the program conimlttec.

Flags Cleaned'Free For Flag Day Flying

Monday, will be. Flag Day ond Satuiday wlll be your last chance to get you American flag,cleaned free of charge In return for a promise to fly It Monday, says tho special American Legion cbm-mlltee In charge. Dry cleaners cooperating are: Central Cleaners & Dyers, East Haven Cleaners and East Haven Custom Cleanoi-s.

IV.6|i!Otcd.T.o:P0sF' OMnstrnctor Al Telephone Company

The Grand Canyon in north central Arizona, is the greatest ex­ample of erosion In the world.



Price Reduced to $17,500 for Quick Sale OCCUPANCY JULY Ist



' HKADTIKIIL Kl'KAL WlisT WOODS, MT. CARMEL Jus t off Shcpard Avenue , yet a s tone 's t h row from the new Northwest Elementary School , on Fans Rock R o a d , now being rebuilt .

Lot' 1 2 0 X 4 0 0 , par t woods , l andscaped . House 3 0 X 3 0 , Detached garage and shed (holds 3 c a r s ) .

First floor - Terrace , Porch , Living Rm. , Dining P.m., S tudy or JBedroom, Kitchen, Full Tile Bath, Utility R m .

Second floor • Three Bedrooms, Recreat ion R m . , Full Tile Bath, built in wa rd robes , linen closet, cedar closet, full sliding d o o r closets in each bed­room.

Full cellar has study, au tomat ic oil ho t waler heat , domest ic hot wa te r , wired for h o m e shop equipment , laundry tubs, outside ent rance .

You owe it to yourself lo see this house before you buy . F o r ' A direct from the owner b u y ' Call A T w a l c r 8 - 4 6 2 4 .

Lorelta G SimonI, of m llUei Sticet, has hern pion-ioted to tho |K)slllon of training Instructor by The Southern New England Tele­phone Company In the comiiany's directory department at New Ha­ven. Storting her telephone ca­reer as a typist, Miss Slmonl h61d increasingly responsible positions In the company's commercial de-jiarlment and was appointed last year to the post of alphnlietlcal compilation supervisor, the post she now leaves.

Bosrlon Man Named As President Of Mother Church Christian Scientist

BOSTON—William R. Knox of Boston, Mn.ss., was nomed Pres­ident of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston. Mass,, at the annual meeting of The Molhcr Church 41-tended by Chri.sllnn Sclcnllsls from many parts ot the world.

Knox'.s appolntiyent was an-nounce<l by The Christian Science Board ot Dlrecliirs. Tho term of office is for one year. He has been mi authorized Christian Science practitioner in Boston — the world headquarters ot the Christian Sci­ence movcinenl — for almost 50 years.

Prior to .devoting his full tirtie to Iho practice ot Christian Science heijling, Knox was In the atructur-alol steel business. He first became ln'tfir'e,4l ed ' In Christian Science through the healing of..his mother.

He has served the denomination In a variety of posts. A former inemher of the Finance Committee of .;rhe -Mother Church, he Is now active.n.s n Trustee of.Church I(o-nlly Trusl.

Son Of East Haven' Dfci(ii.st Mfttfies Soutlf Bciid Girl

Mls,V Cons tance Beth Scholman, daugh te r or Mr. and M r . v O l l o E! Hchi*lman, of South Bend, Ind. be-rnnhe the b r ide S a t u r d a y of Char ­les V. Donndio, ,Tr., o t Village Sl„ Nor lh tord . Donadlo, who Is a Jun­ior at N o i r e Dnnic Universi ty In South Bend. Is Ihc son of Dr. and Mrs, Char les Donndio of Nor th -ford,

Tho wedding ceremony was per­formed In 31, .loscph's Church In Soiilli Bond, by the Rev. .Toscph P. Murphy. The bride Is an em­ploye of t he Trave le r s In su rance Company.

The wedding was a t t ended by Ihc bride's pnrcnt.s and he r Im­media te family, and by Mrs. Char ­les Donadlo, mo the r ot t he groom, who Journeyed by p lane tor the ceremonies.

Dr. Dbnndio has his dentist ot-flces In Ea.st Haven and Is well known h e r e .

Use Free Press

Want Ads

thane to make arrangements for a loan

*ao te(soo TAKt lHM MONTHS TO RIMY Ch»9t9lh9payint»tltio1lltinurpotk»Hiooti Amount


13 MO. 13 MO. I 'a^t^*f*| I S.01 le.tts n.ir 4,71

I f . H JO.«f

At fhff offfc* yov may g»ri MONEY »o h«lp with currant • •xpontei. X MONEY for doctor, denllit, I hotpltol, funeral bilk MONEY (or toxei, Interoit, In-f luronco, tuition. ^MONEY fpr furnliura, loolt, '

"" equipment. . . foriht homof farm, lummer camp. <

M O N t Y to mok* riving mora ' convan l tn t , mora

fileaionl, mort conw oMabls. i'

MONEY lo mok« your work ot ^ homo, tn tha ihop, on ^ th» farm, aatlar.

_ I nt(* to lay yo4J^J*o*MU6K


PREFERRED . * * UNANCi CO., INC m i Bijjwiu *v i , . a., i«i . 1.J n.

EAST HAVEN Business Directory

Augie's Auto Repair GEOBGE A, SISSON Ooneral Repairing Insurance Tires — Batteries Fire — Bonds

AAA BJJEVIOE AAA Automobile Casualty rtilono H O 7-61111 430 Main St . ill Chhlsey Ave. Kni t l lnvon



Lot This Available Spnco . Soil For You I

I GALL AT 8-1661 i


IIOSPIT.il Mrs. Kiiy Anaatasio, Dir.

Rcgiitcrcd Nurses in [Atlcndnnce' Day nnd Nii>ht]

Carefully Prepared Menli and Diets

Phono HO 7-5828 [83 Main St. East Havan j

RALPH P. CASTELLON doneml Inauranon




n o T-78M

Central Cloanora Dyora Homo of DiaUnotivo Cleaning Wc Operate Our Own Plant

4-Hcur Cleaning Sorvico Call For and Dcliovor

naa Miilii St I 'hono n o 7-0007

CEN'S LAUNDRY and DRY CLEAMNa Coinpleto I.niinilry .Servkw

I'KICI! Diai . IVKIlV! m l Main j ; i . I IO 7-71118

• • 1«U|th»n*i MAIN 4.II4I I Op«K Mandaj. IIMM ThufiiJov 9i>0 H 3iM I

Soiurdn. tO<i>«Mn J« Ift Wail j«wti •t M«>fhy T»i


FOR . . ,

Hotpoini & Universal APPLIANCES

Soo Tliom Now On Diaplayl For Appointment Call


• EASY TERMS Open EvoningB & Sat. Only


" lOlcclrical (Jontraulora" 407 Main St. East Havon

FRANK A. BARKER '' General Contractor'' 1 (Jnr tiaraffo Coniploto

a s low ax $(l7n.0O

n yr«. to I'liy Tnl . I IO 7-0001

or MA 4-a(ir>8

"Authorized Dealer"

International Trucks


East Haven Green Garage

175 Main St. HO 7-3735

AWTTW* *JUS . OHI WHAT A BUTt , I MO" nowB r«Tjni[T SS^li 'lifl.'i-.J %?.-.*fl r"l..r.>S\f. ,..i„»...'j..,ij.» p i


BABY SITTING SERVICE Infants & children, hourly, dally or weekends^ In lionio of Br.idunto children's nurse on Evergreen Avenue. Large gai'dcn, .screened porch. Good sleeping facilities. Li­censed, rieforcnces. CH 8-2052.


LOST: SPRING GLEN BRANCH Connecticut Savings Bank book

No.: 3536. Payment stopped. Re­turn to bank.



Chevrolet 1051 4 dr. dlxe. . R&H, P.G $1150

1952 Pontine Cat. R&II, Hyd. ., ..JieOS

1952 Pontlac 4 dr. K&H Hyd 51475 1952 Chcv. 4 dr. dlxe. R&H. $1250 1950 Plymouth 4 dr. sedan 5 835 1950 Chcv., 2 door, R&H' 1948 Chev. 4 dr. R&H

VISEL AUTO SALES . 2475 Whitney Ave. 2 blocks North

! ' of Town Hall.

51 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2 door sedan, black. Excellent condi­tion. R & II, signal lights,. slip covers, low mileage. Private owner. Call HU 8-4290.

OLDSMOBILE "98"—1949, 4 door black sedan. Fully equipped. Ra­dio, heater, hydramatic, power windows. Fine condition. ,(;all LO-2-0649.


LAWN MOWING, GARDEN WORK, general maintenance, Will care for /our place throughout season. W e e k l y schedule; by hour or day. Call HU 8-3246 after 5 P.M. Russell Harrison.

LANDStfAPING, LAWNS SEED-ED, NEW AND OLD. Fertilizing and' rolling. Transplanting all kinds of shrubbery. New shrubs planted. Yards cleaned. Dry welis for gutto.-s. Call Cir 8-5206.

RUBBISH REMOVAL Try our special servtce 58.00 per

year. Hamdon and North Haven only

Trial period 1 month 50c S. A. MARCOTTE CH 8-1915

CARPENTRY SERVICES—Cabin­ets, lx>0Kcases, storage Trails, playrooms, attics finished, and general building. Free estimates.

Call Bill Wilson CH 8-6470.



Tree and Lawn Spraying POPE- TREE EXPERT SERVICE

(Complete Insurance coverage) • Call CEdar 9-0581.

CURTAINS LAUNDERED; table­cloths and spreads. Delivery service. Call Mrs. Pallman, HU-

. 8-4124.

ftBI'AIRING 0—28

WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS Washing Machines Dryers — Ironcrs

Disposals Guaranteed.Servico

We have parts to fit any, washing machine .

American Appliance Co. 2516 Whitney Ave, CII-8-4444


HELP WANTED ON SODA FOUNTAIN and luncheonette. No Sunday work. Permanent Country Club Pharmacy, 12351

; Whitney Ave., Ilamden.

COOK-HOUSEKEEPER WANT­ED. WlUing to take married couple. Man to do outdoor or In­door work • or some of bolh.^

Good living quarters or can live at home. Good wages. Year!

i round, fuil time work. Write or ' phone Mrs, T. F. Cooke, Kil-• lani's Point, Branlord; HU-

,: 8-0153.

PART.TIME CAPABLE WOMAN ; for ifglht housework. Very pleas­ant locality on water. Phone HU 8-1149 after 6 P.M.

The State of Illinois has 1054 auto license plates that reaij Land

o{ Lincoln. • — - - i ^

FRENETTE'S 5 LAWN MO\vpR SHOP,-2794 DIxweli Avenue. If It cuts grass, we sell and service Itv TeL CHeslnut 8-5214. ' ' ' , '

HELP WANTED MALE OR FE-I M A L E . : Fountain clerks, full or ^part time at deluxe ice cream' parlor. Will train qualified appll-;

- cants. Apply Jn person after 2-P!M. to Mrs. Procter' a t ' B^lr-; wont Foods Co., 2175 DlxtveU Avenue, Harnden.

YOUNG MAN OR HIGH SCHOOL Y'PUTM lo do general garden­ing, clean up, lawn mowtngi and li'lp around house located rtear Ha'mden High School off DIx­woll Avenue, Work after school 3 or 4 days a week, earn date money. Call tonite between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. AT 8-1476.. 1


• perience. Apply at ^ Bradford Motors, 2101 DixWeil-Avenue,

' Hamdcn.


F I R S T M O R T G A G E S B ( ? J G H T " A N D SOLD, Loans . Refinanc­ing . N e w Loans , Longb'dtham. 207 Orange St. TeL LO 'M8i5 .


PROOF outside or Indoor! caijes. Small dogs occasionally. I*l(ice your pel with confidence; Per­sonal supervision of a registered breeder. Sherwood Cattery HU-8-4096.

GIVE AWAY—Healthy male" kit­tens. Call CH 8-2002,


GIRL'S 28" COLUMBIA BICY­CLE. Practically new.' Reason­able. Call CH 8-7050.


MARIONI'S Delicious Ice Cream Cakes

Mousses and Puddings Fancy Individual Forms For All

Occasions Telephone STatc 7.4969

The Home 01 Fancy Ice Cream 840 Dixweil Ave, Hamden, Conn.


• WANTED Reliable, Honest Person




Beautiful Westlnghouse Ele<i. Refrigerator.

Beiutiful Bedroom Suite. Beautiful Living Room Suite.' Beautiful Dinette Set. Beautiful "Deluxe" Range.

Instead of WcsUnghouse EIcc. Refrigerator If you prefer rugs,

Lamps, Tables, Linoleum and Few Other Articles.



Free storage until wanted. Free delivery. Free set up by our own rellablf men.


Phone Me Immediately, UN 5-748S

.After ,6 P.M. LO 2-7262 S E E " I T D A Y O F NIGHT

If you have no means of trans­portation, I'll send my auto for you. No obligation.

A'-I—B—E—R—T—S 187-189 George St.

COMBINING 3 HOlylES IISI 1. Duo-Therm 5 room apace heat­er,, copper tubing, etc., good condition. Enamel gas range;

, washing; machine'; chest of drawers; tables; other house­hold atticles. -Call HU 8-0512.

WES-flNGHOUSE .REFRIGERA­TOR. Medium size. Perfect con­dition. Reasonable. May be seen anytime. Mrs. W.- H. Walker, 109 Augur Street.


TUNED, repaired, rebuilt. Moth overhauling. H. M. BUier, 294 Augur Street, wamden. Tel. MA 4-1718.

FOB RENT 1 ^ 1

ROOM FOR RENT. Bath shared. Furnished $12.00 or unfurnished $10.00 week. Call AT-8-1819,

MODERN BEACH HOUSE, com-rtiiitlng distance from New Ha­ven, V4 block from water. Knot-, ty pine throughout. Brand new all electric appliances. Sleeping accommodations for 6. Will rent weekly or monthly. Call CH 8-7950.


CONVENIENTLY LOCATED OF­FICES TO RE;,"?, 2607 Whitney Avenue, CentervlUe, VJ mli.e from entrance to Wilbur Cross Parkway. .Plenty ., ot parking space available at all. times. Buil4ing fronts on Whitney Ave.,

nnd goes through to Washington Avenue at Ihc rear. Ideal for nianufacturer.s' represontatives or snloa agents. Newly decorated and renovated. S. Russula & Son. Inc., 2607, Whitney .Avenue, Hnmden. AT 8-155G.


A N D BOARD. Vicini ty of Cen­tervlUe. Reply Box 40, Hamden , Chronicle .

Auction A U C T I O N O F ' ANTIQUES

(from a private collection) name •withheld by request. To be hold at "New Auction Grounds" 3846 Whitney Ave.,' (College Highway route 10) Mt. Carmel, Hamden, Conn,, Friday nitc, June 11th, starting 7:00 iP.M. rain or shine.

Including, In part: Mahogany (English) Grandfathers Clock, Circa 1810, (running order). Mar­ble Top Table,' others; ' Vlctodnn Furniture, 3 Piece Gerandei- Set, Spear Prisms complete, Pr. C'an-berry Lustres with prisms, others prs. of Vases assort, sizes in French Porcelain, English Stalfordshiro, Limoges & China, Pr. Stafford­shire Dogs, Bisque Figurines, oth­ers, China Mantel Clocks, Hang­ing Plates, pinner Plates, Cups & Saucers, Lampa, Sliver, Swinging Tea Kettle, Candlesticks, Brass, Ci)pper, Toiewaie, Stoins (Lltho-phane-. Prints, Paintings, over 300 pieces of Brlc-a-Brac, In Chelsea, Dresden, Llinoges, Cut Glas.s, Pressed Glasi, Colored Art Glass, Bono China, Orlentia Rugs, Room size. Many, miiny Ihtcresling items. • ' . :

JOSEPH PARI Auctioneer ' Antiques Appraiser 3846 Wliitno'y Ave. Mt. tarmoli

Ilamdtn, Conn. CH 8-4951


DISTRKTT OF BRANFORD, State of C:onnectlcut, ss. Probate Couti May 14th,' 1954, , Estate of ALFRED C. LIND-

GREI>f, late of .Branford, in said District, deceased, 1 , In pursuance of an order of Hon, Frederick R.HOU(IB, Judge o/ t l ie Court of Probate for"the Distrlpt of Branford, notice is hereby given that said Court hatii limited . and

appointed S1,K months from the date hereof for the creditors of the said docea.sod to bring In their claims against wild estate. Those who neglect tp exhibit Uielr claims within Kiild time will be dtbiirreri.

All ppfsons Indebted to said Es­tate arc requested to malce immed­iate payment to

HAZEL L. l^iivDCREN Executrix

Brockctt's Point Branford, Conn.



Purauartl to the Special Act of tho Connecticut General Assembly and amendments Uioreto creating a Board of Sewer Coinmlkslohors In the Town of Hamden and the provisions Itioreof, Notice is here­by given:

1.'That because of jencflts to property owners ol>tamed throiigh tho construction of sanitary sow­ers and pumping station facilities In the Mill Rock Sower District under Uie supervision and control of the Board of Sewer Comml*. sloners, said Board has adopted an Overall Area Benefit Asses.sment of THREE DOLLARS AND SIX­TY - S E V E N AND FIFTEEN HUNDREDS CENTS ($3.8715) per equivalent assessable front fool unlU

2, That because of benefits to propoty owners obtained, through the construction of sanitary sew­ers and puinplng station facilities Iri Ihc'followlng'strcbts or portions, thereof In tho Mill Rock Sewer District: •

No'th Sheffield Street, Morse Street, Ncwhall Street, Ne\vbUry Street, Winchester Avenue,'Wads-worth Street, Mill, Rock itoad, Prospect Street, Bryden Tcra^e. under the supervision, and control of the Board of Sewer Commis-i^oners Isald -Board has adopted as the assessment upon all lands abutting on said stfoets ' or ' jior-tlons thereof, an amount at the rate of SIGHT DOLLARS AND TWENTY - FIVE 1 AND THREE TENTHS CENTS ($8^53) per as­sessable front foot unit. Such Ctmrge Is based on a Direct Bepe-fil of $4.5815 and an Overall'Area Benefit of $3.6715. ! ' 3. Said 'Assesstiient Is due and payable.to the Tax CoJJectot of

tlie Town of Hamflcn, Connecticut on oj' bcfoie August !1, liWI.

Loon A. Booth Peter L, Smith John II, Nolan Walter 'I'. White Ralph Izzo

A Majority of Hie Board of Sower Coniml.wionets of tho Town of Ilamden, Connecticut.

STATE OF CONNECnCUT, Dlh-trlet of Hamden, ss. Probate Court, May 27. A.D, 195'!. Present, F. RAYMOND ROCII-

FORD, Judge. Estate of EDWIN A. CLARK,

Ittle of Harnden, In said District, deceased.

Pursuant to an mder of the Court of .Probate for the Dis­trict of Hamden, notice Ii heioby given tiiat said Court has limited and allowed six monlh.s fioni the date hereof.for tho credltois of said deceased to bring In their clnlnus against said Estate for set­tlement. Those who neglect to ex­hibit their claims witliln said time, will be debarred a recovery. All persons Indebted to said Estate luo requested to make payment to

M I L C R E D EDWINA CLARK - 33 Belmont St.

Ilamden, Conn. 1

N O T I C E 'I'he Seloclnien and the Town

Clerk of the Town of Brunfiiid, acting as tlir Board for Admission Hf Electors, wlll be In session uL the 'i'own Hall, on- Friday, .lune Ifith, from 5:n(r'tlntll 8.00 P.M. lo examine the nualiflcallons of elec­tors and to adiWt'Ha the cloctoi's oath thoijo found qualified.


* Board of Selectmen DONALD il . IIOLIBIRD

• Town Clerk Dated at Branford'this Otii (Illy of Juno/1054.

LEGAL NOTICK Notice Is hereby given that the

Board of Sewer Commissioner.', of the Town of Hamden will hold a Public Hearing In the Memorial Town Hall, Ilamden, Connecticut at 8:00 P. M. on Monday, June 28, 1954 for the purpose of hearing the vibwi of Interested property owners wlUh respect to construc­tion of sanltarj' sewers In Sub-dis­trict "C-2" of the West Sanitary Sewer' District.

Boundaries ot Subdlstrlcl "C-2" of iJio West Sanitary Sewer DIs-Irlct 'arc described as follows; Tltat portion of tho West Sanitary Dlstrlql north of tho Wilbur Cross Parkway tjounded on tho south by the wnibur Cross Parkway; bounded on ithe east by a line par­allel to'and 150 feet easl of Lane Street; bounded on tho north by a line parallel to and 150 feet norUi of Benliam Street; bounded'on.,the west by the topographical ridge which is the west l»undary of tlie West .Sanitary Distrtot.

Tlie following streets or por­tions tiiereof lie within tlic bound­aries of the, Sub-district "C-2" ot the, W(!st Sanitary District;

nonhiim .SI root, Clover Circle, Gilbert Avenue, Lnno Street, Larkspur Lane, Leonard Road, and Pembroko Road.

Board of Sewer Commissioners Town ot Ilamden, Coimoctieut

toon A. Booth , Peter L. Smith Jixhn II. Nolaii Walter T. White Ralph I'zzzo

Dnled at Ilumden, Connecticut tills 7th (lay of June, 1954.

REl-UBLICUV;!f CAUCUS 'i'he Republican oleclors of the

Town ot Branto);d are herpby no­tified thav there will be a caucus at the Town ,IIaJl,, Branford, on Monday, June 21st, 1951, at 8i0r) o'clock, P, M., D..S. T , lo elect delegates to the Republican State Convention to' |)e held In Hai tford, on July 8II1 onii. Olh, 1054, lo elect delegates to ^ the Congressional, County and Senatorial Conven­tions and lo trpWacI such other business as tnay properly coiiio )>o-fore such c'aucVis.

SAMUEL W.'BEACH, Chalrmim Republican'Town Cot^imltloo of Branford.

Bids will be opened at ^ P.M. Mondoy, June 21, 1954 for Rough Grading, at the Burban Drive School Site. Plans and Specifica­tions may be olpl,ained by prospec­tive Bidders at OUlce of Superin­tendent of ^Schools on lUa'urel Street, Branford, on Scihool days belween hours of, 8 A.M. arid 4 PM. The 1952 Now Scliool Build­ing. Committee Te.se'rves'tbe right to reject any a;id all bids. If-'in their opinion U.Mb for tlie best Interests of the To^n of Branford to do so. ' ' ' '

J, W. PHELPS Engineer for the CommiUee'

142 y-w-ii^ "•sffl£^gi^^89^

Page 4: Governor Lodg e To B Honored Al Cheshire ®I|r p fet …...tho Public Health Nursing A.s.socla-lion of East Haven will ho held Monday evening at 8 o'clock In liio Town Hull. This will

1 ' - ^ l ^ : ' - '• TV Should Offer Children Better Shows, Parker Says

— N i ; \ v s rhotn , Is sfiown wifh his lirothors, l-'ninli

anri Tlin Ui'v. MoliNlKlior Dninoiilon C'anaaviiooninlo , of Scafatt, Italy,

Oniiilil, of an Cainia Dr. (rlKhl) wl|limi lio liad novo r w unlll lust wooli, and .lanios Canna. of Short nonch Rd. (on loft). 'J'iio Moiisluniir who sp out sovoral .voars in tllin oonnlry as a IMI.V IS lioro oil a hlx-wooUs visit.

TRUTH sliangcr



FBOIS nlmiit

"Liioitoy"'';^;; ;:' ,: ,• UKIIUMIIIIC

Lightning Is ,slm|iiy irvlslble rtis-' jilay of atmospheric oledrlclty, the origin bGlJcvod- ID be cuuscil by frlellon, A period of i l i y w c i i t b c r cnuses'n great nccuinulutlun of electricity, with the purtlcloa of nir dlstributlnR thoir charges throu'eli each olhiir. Under ordin­ary conditions, tlie distance be­tween the enrth and lilie sky Is loo groat for, a spark In puss. The ef­fect, ot those dlscharRos on vapor, however, b . t o •,condense Til. Into larger globules; this causes 11 to sljik' towor(t;thc earth' as a cloud, and .the enormous tension reih:vils Itself by pusKiiig from one tiloud t o another, or to the earth or bb-, jocta upon. l t , preferably projec­tions o£ some holghi,

.Lightning , according lo Its man-Ifostallons,'Is divided hitO' three I classes. The so-called . "flush", or j "stii'pUo",llglvlning appears cither aa. h sharp zlgwag lino of exU'eme ! hr!U,l«ncy,'tn- tlic sartie rorked; but uii'^lioro clearly revoiilod by iilioto-graphy, sl iows a wavy line oscil­lat ing with great rHpldlly — also appearing '; liv ' humei'bus other ahapes.

Tlie second sort Is "shoe" light-i i lns—(Funny—I 'always 'lliouglit II wa,s called •."heat", l lghlnlag— didn't you?)—this djspiuy Is a sudden glow of a golden or led-dlsli tinge, on tiio horizon, with no definite, shape or boundiv nud Is a reflection ot discharges oiu of sigiit • beyond tlie .horl;;nn, cast on the. clouds .or atmospheric hiize. it Is 'vlslblo sometimes tor many scores o l .ml leu be.vond the iilace of lljo actual storm that Is causing tho fliisiios,

A third is "ball" llghlnlng, wli lcl i . for a long tline was not uil-nilltoct as a genuine form of elec­tric discharge, and. Is si III a very dlfricult and, In some pulnts, an unoxpliilnablc ; piiciionienon. Jl is described as a ball or globe of brll-liarit "light moving slowly a .short distance, above tho .surface of I he cartli, as if rolling on an Invlsililc

supiiort a few feet high, It has been suld, on occasion.,, to float llirough an open door or window Into n house, as though drawn by a draft of air. It usually explodes, hilt witliout doing much damage.

During 1 stoini, lihe heat pio-duced by the elecli leal rilscluirges ti'nvcislng Uic atmosphoie, causes a puddeii expansion ot tho parti­cles next to It, with a sha ip coni-pio'ision of those beyond, In a giont wave, on Its passage the piu t ides contiact as suddenly, and tlie waves ,mi l violently back, pro-

'du'cing the nol.sc of liiumler, which Is- rarely hoard for more than flf-te'oii to ' twenty miles.

I would like to add that al­though It is not necessary to imvo

ai) uricontroliable fear of light­ning, It Is wise . tf) use conmion sense during an eloetrU'al storni, k-n tie I'o iielp prevent Injuries and fatalltiei caused by l ightning

Material for th i s .week ' s week's column was based on information obtained from the lOIiS edition of the Lncyclopedia Anici icana Next Week:

The Intel esling story behind on Item w o use evoi-y day—Matches

Use Free Press

Want Ads




AND STORM DOOR A K i n " iaot and t t a m dot* t U ta • • « . Jnat r t lM f l i M lor *«>H]>tt«»—lft.41 wlniiawl

• C«ll for Frea Demontiratloa •

RUSGO WINDOW GO. D i v i a i o n of

Bartleit Brainard Go. E a t a b l i a h o d 1 0 2 1

8 6 0 O r c h a r d S t , U N B-4187

J . K . N o w t o n , M g r ,

: A p r o d u i i t of

a l i o W. 0 . RusBoU On,

Will Move June 1st to


A m p l e pnrkiii i; fnc i l i l ics in the four,

T E L . S T 7 - 2 7 3 8

A /'ountry wtili Hie diversity and rU'hiM'.s.s r)f Atnei'lca surely has rnoi-f lo offer Its children on tele­vision than we.ilern dramas and clri^us acts , a Ilarnden man who recently directed an extensive 'W program study, told a United .Stales Senate subcommittee in N,ew York last week! Everett C. Parker of 421 Skiff St. was direc­tor of th.c iiroject In which the NaDJonal Council o t 'Churches un-Ic r • the supervision of the Yale

DiviJiJI.y School, studied T V pro­grams and iiarent and child reac­tion lo them.

Parker, who is lecturer In re­l igious radio and television nl Yalo

lUnlvcriity, told the Senate sub-crtmmitloe In N e w York, "Our age eii.n and should be creating chll-di'en's Clns.Hlcs, and television of-feiis a marvelous medium for such crcntlvc • activity." The Senate' sul.looihmlttCe currently Is study­ing' .JUveni ie delinquency today. The l i l amdea man has called for furthj!ir experimentation wi th vid­eo ipi;bgrama which arc basically educational but arc Iirlmarliy en-terlaltMng In their content.

nefeH'lng to the recently con-el ude<I 'rV study of the N e w Haven area, rinrker said, "We did not documenil. any evil elfects of lele-

•vlslon In this study although there were parents who claimed certain shows had bad effects o n their children. Nor did w e document « n y good offocLs. I t is true and significant that no parent report­ed any Imitation hy children of de."!irablo traits depicted by tele­vision characters. Wo did, how­ever, document the concern and confu.ston of a largo numlier of parents and n genuine uneasiness reRardlng the Impact of this med­ium uiion the lives and clmrncler of their children,

"And m a y I go even further and say that In (he i-esenirh leading w e did prior lo and dui'lng I hi.'' survey w e dlse(iver<"<l the same concern and conrusloa among the p.syeholoKlsIs and ediicatoi's, \Vi-do not Iwlicve that toilny anyone in tills eounti-)' ran answer the que.sllon; Wimt Is the effect o t television uimn cliUdrea?

"We need resrawh i>t a soo|ie




Traveler's checks make it safe, simple, sure and incxpetisive to protect your money against all hazards when you travel.

Just convert your cash into American Express traveler's checks at either office of Second National before you depart.

Your money is refunded if your checks are lost or stolen.


1 3 5 C h u r c h Street ( N e x t t o t h e P o s t O f f i c e )

1 0 7 W h i t n e y A v e n u e

Mtmhr Pttttfdl Dtfiaiil tiUMramt CtrPordthn Mtmhir Pidtraltimrrt Sjsttn

E A S T IIAAT^N NEAVS Xhunday , Juno 10, 1954 r a g e I

and comiictcnee that Is equal to the .sine of the question before us. N o one, .so for ns I know, i s con­ducting a program of research la this area of the necessary scope.

"We do not believe that as tele­vision iia.i seized upon the time and Inuiginalion of children II must he an Infhieiice of tremen­dous iKilentinl for good or bad behavior and altllude.s. W e did discover tliatchildren are Indis­criminate In their viewing ta.slos. 'I'hey watch lelevlsion for televi-siim's sake to a large e.vleivt. They wntcli itrograms I hat we would Judge giKKl ns happily as tliey do piiigrams I hat we call had.

"We arc not, making this s lale-

ment , setting ourselves ns arbiters of fjudgmcnl; wc are merely of-fer^lng an e.'cample," Parker con-cltttlod.


^12,600°" CASH PRIZES

offered week ly EXCLUSIVE!!

* Nothing To Buy

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8 Glocli Walchr

ntivlhm natuli

9 ttytltm n>iiic)i Yantci Piddliri

Dloiti LuHi Show

10 Wilconi TrKiiltn Dim Diiiit Silmol

nnn IIPPI N i n l

nm Min'i Family 3 Sllfl to lli>»n

11 Plirau Pityj Sttodd Clianci

Window Shappir T l i t i Sttps Strike U Rich


12 Mutlc Sliop Out raunitallon L0) | t l L I I I Film Nincy'i Kllchin

Muilc Shnp

l l i l t n Lfldltl Gitrrv Moort

2 Top 20 Club

GllldlnB LUM Mid AKcniDon Ntwi

3 Top 20 Club

4 n>ctilaoi Wilt

lop 20 Club Wil tomi T n i l i t t

M M I I I I I S l u t

5 HfMt TDP 20 Club Lorintn Jniiit MirHiae P iv i

Animal Tlmi Bitty & Mi i l c K i y Howdy DDOdy


6 N*wi

QUI Stint Suppti Siiciiadi

World W« Ui i II Varlity Cktb SporttcviM ¥ i o i



Htm CiDik Wilcliir

fiotli Niwi Roundup

niiytlira lUndi

Rvllim Roundup Yinkti Piddlin run Wllh FoKl

WiUomi Trivilin

Dob ftopt News

Dlin OMI S<I»W

Ohi Min'i Family 3 SliDt lo H t a i t n

f " in i t That P i y i Sitond Clitnct

Window Shooptr ThfCl Sl ipi S t i l U I I Hlcb


NiMI MuilE Shop

ttarnlng, In Conn. Loii 01 ni l Stttth tor Tomorrow Wliil'i Cooking

Mode Shop

Llilcti Ladlil Gary Moott

Guldlni Ncwi

or' Nothlnp


Top 20 Club 111 P^yoll

Kttt Snitli


Wtkt Up And Salli WlUt N m

World Niwi Roundup Bnakfait Willi Slan Hawdy Diodi Show


Briikful llillywiml.

Topi In Turn Clinton Kiyboail

Jolinrar' Jupllif

. Mr. WlMid

It's Combo Timi

Woman In lol l

Span ratm

Annit Oallpy


N«w* . . - . ^

Layman't Hour

rom and Nona Haut,


• I l Tap

lliiy Roiirl

Mnrit Film

Road Show ' yanki Yi. Chitaoo

Witcoma Tnrilrt

On Your AttounI

Niwi Top 20 Club Lortnto ionaa MarrliBi Payi

Animal TIail Cartooni Itpwdy Ooody


7 }*H\ Oit Go

btrcniide In niui Moroin nifltiy Encwi ThuUi

Sidewalk Inluvltwi ( in i . liKflRC Snnruman Cluli . . Cimil Nowi oamin

8 Itoy lloueri

Six Slioottri

You Bit Your ura

9 Combo Corntr

awiy i f

VidNjhl l tM

Ford Thealar

10 Klhhfr «. Molly J t n i PUk in i

Martin, Kam

L Niwi


Mlilnhilil HtM.

Foitlon Inlrloua

Mo<li Miwt

r.lori n i l Utm.

H a n Sporit Dally Suppn Sirtnadl

Your World'

N i i n

Mnn On Tht Go Sporli Dally Tomorrow'i lllti £ncort Thiatai

Ptrinlll. In Ntwi Pulit ol Clly Fddia Fll ihtr Ntwi Caraiin

Dinah Short SInaIra Hop Hopt

Miml m

Ull II Mill

llarrli Fayt Bob & Ray Kami Thai Turn Sound Stall

Flbliir and Molly Calraiadf I I Sloria Wordi In T1» NIMil •* . . ^ Radio City Pratlawa Grtalnl riihh Pro and Con In Sporll

Sign nil.

Niwt Unllril Kalloiis Piouiily Wt Hall

Midnight N<»I .

I tad 3 t l< i i

Film i lyi l»fy: ! ! » - •

Sign Oil NIWI. Sign Oil.




Hm • Kiltinbom Quit Bowl

Thittri Royal

Bll Rliliw


Old Erin

Stu Crwin


' Pltyhauu


. Lona Riniir

Viu tikid For It

Thli It Your nil

Mm Sihlnd Btdga

Bank on Hit Stan


Sit. Nlt< Riiiii

laL mihl Dun Pirti

PitWit KIni ' Hit Paradt


7 8

Newt Worship l lo i f

9 World Niwt Roundup , , , , , Cbrlttlan Stiinil Whafi'jmn Tmuht iShrUtlan Stiinct Hullt ..

10 R i w t : M u i U Muilc .

Kronllfri ol ralth

IWj Ij Tht I.IIr

11 Muilt Super llrcui

And For Tomorrow •


12 Chrlstopbirt 7ha Etjmal Liiht

The Goldbrrgs

Frlde of I'uoill,

CitiicMi at Walk Mr. McNuUci Uiiiiitkiljr ul L t i l U H

Name I the Same Round Tabli

N iw l Jnin tht Na>v Rc&ttvcd (or Yon Newt


MUnliht nuim

.2 3 4 5

6 7 i 9

Thl Callwllt Houra

Anitrkan Forum

noldcn Volcti 1

Golden Ttiatur;



Vnnks n. Cliicano '


Zoo Patdde

Hatl of Fiffli


Bob Conildlne 1 ' Prople'i Lobby N B C Symphony

Thi Matrlapa

Sunday wllh Garroway



Oula k Hanlit

You Art Ttiira

TV Thwtte


' n u t ot tha TawK

r m

TV Plajrhauaa


Nrwi Clock 17alcbei


Wurld Newi Roundup

Bbfitim Banct)

BhjtluD Bioeb yankH PHdlan

Welcoma Ttaitlan.

Rob noiM

DIni Dons School

(Ini Man'i Family

Strike It Bleb

rhrase lli it Pa/a Second CtiiDce

Window Shoooar Tlirea . Sttpi Strike II (tin


News Mui l l Stiop

One Pcnoii Can Do Lnve of Life ^carcti (or T O M . electric Shaw


Uitin Udlu Gari 1

10 Heel Thi Preii Niwi Summar)

Letter To Loit((a

What't My LIna

11 N i w t : curtail Ut l iy Sundiy itcwi Sotcla

* F lmlde Theater Stars From, Fails Midnight Ktwt 5 l | l Oir Htw%. Sign Oil

OMblaOr Nolhlna

Gurdlrti Uiht NIWI

Top 20 Cluh Bll Pa][off

Kate Smith

Backitaoi Will Top 20 dull

Wtlcomi Tratellin

Ui i t Tha S im

Top 20 Ctull Lorcnio Jortei It Payi to 81 Marrltd

Animal Time Thi Mask Ku Howdy^UOOli


Htwi Soorti Sudoer Strcnadt

Undtttandlng God Variety Club Sporttcppa

Wid NIWI Tsdtf

Man On the Go Army Band Tomomx'i Hlti

Mr. niii. Atty.

Tony Martin Carnal Newi canurtit

Railroad Hour

Muilt Yon Waul

Nama Tliat Tuna

V i ln ol Ftrnlww

Talcphsna Hour

Ituslt In tha Nlihl

I Lovi Lucy

ftti Buttoni

fthl>*r Mtr»tfl Two In I Balcony

Studio 0 no

NIWI Proudly We Halt S^v Pwadi V i « i : M u l r

Oousiai Falrbanki

Colonel Flact KtMl


News Clock Walth«

World Newt lloundui Rhytlim Ranch

nytiiBt nantb YRnkM Paddlen

Roto Magician

Welcome Tra»eleii o i n i Doni S IC IMOI

Bob Hope Newi

suikf tl mat wiAdoM <uioppw " Tlirea Steoi

Phrwe That Payi strike It Rich Second Chance


Newt Muilc Sliop


Mutic Shop

L i i l e n U d l t i

Top 20 Club

Bob Croiby Love ot LUi Search tor ToaL Italian Cookary

ttHllan Coolary

Rsry Moor*

Guldlni U i M Newt

Top 20 Club Kat i Smith

Raefcitaot Wife Top 20 Club

Wiltama Tramll in

On Your Account

Animal TImi Top 20 Club Ti l l Magic Key Lotfino Jon» Howdy uuod) I t Payi To B i Married "


"tcwi Rill Sl*ni

Sitooer Sennade

Man On The Go

Tomorrow'i H I t i £ncor>

Sporhcope World ftewi Today

Wild Bill Hitliak

I f t A Pleaiuri Newt Caravan

ninah Shori Be Frank Oatry Crali


Arthur Hurray



Vieti MIlHi


Fibber McGce Can You Top Thll

FInt Nlohlir

Fred Allm

Dilemma T8A

RobI, Moiilaomtry tcwi Nalfoful Guard Guest Star Midnight Ntwf. Sign Off Newi. Sign Qfl.


Newi Clock Watcfw

N e w i ,

World News Roundu*

Rliyttim Ranch .

Yan t t i P M d l m

Rola MigUian

Welcome Traveler!

Boh Hope Ntwi

Dim Doni StiMtt

One Man's Family

striVc.tt Rich

P|in«! Pavt Serrind r.hnmt

Window ShODOer riiree St ig i Strike I I m e t


Mainrnls nf Comlorlj Love or L IU Starcn (or l«HI. Nanty'i KlUhiR'

Mutic Shop

Listen Ladlti

Nancy't Kitc ias

Gary Monri Bob Croiby

Tog 20 Club Douhli or Notbini

Guldlnp Light Newt

Top 20 Club B|a Payoff

Kate SmiUi

Snkttaa* Wits Top 20 Club

WiUomj Tnvtilir

On Your Ateourri

Top 20 Club I f iKi i io Jot'CS Marriaoe Payi

Animal Time The Magic Key HoMOy uoo«k


e m S t i r n . . SunDer Seenadi

Mrs;aac nl Mary Chriler Bowlei

' Sporticopi News

Man On Go Air Force . . ", Tomorrow's IMlt Encore Thtatir

Death Valley

Conn, spoll l i l i l Newt Caravan

Muilc . m


Arthur fiodlr^

Bet Your Uli

111 Slorv

Strlki It R)4

Llllli Maris

Fibber McGte l l u i fllbbott t w b The Heart ol tht Newt ' Report of W llouta . , * ,

Sport 5P«I

NIWI Nlghl nw) Thiatti

Prouiflv We Hail " Midnight News. Sign 0(1 Hewi. Sign---


East Haven Congratulates The Class of '54

An Independent

Weekly Newspaper ©t|p lEasl lartfit s Our Telephone Numbers

Business: Atwater 8-1661

Editorial: IlObart 7-5811

VOL. Vlll NO. 65 Putl l ihld W i i t l y by F n i Pr t i i PubUcallont, I n i . Yaailv SutscrlBtlon S2.50.

ILAST I I A V K N , C O N N I X ' T I C U I . Tl l l i U S D A V , jLiNK 17. l ' ) 5 4 G Cents A C o p y — $2.50 A Y e a r

GOP Primary Mon, To Pick Delegates For Conventions

A primary of the Republican cleclor.s will be held Monday from 2 lo 2 p. m. in the Town Hall for the purpcse of electing delegates to tlie Republican state Conven­tion and to other party conven­tion.? this summer.

No opiwsition is expected, and a .lingle ballot will very probably bo ca.st electing the following dele­gates who were nominated at' a meeting of the party town com-niiltee last night.

State Convention Delegates named for the state

convention which will ibe held on July 8 ond 9 In Hartford were: Mathew Anastasioi t o w n chair­man, Mrs. Charlotte Miner, Adel-burl Mautte and State Rep. (Mrs.) Elizabeth Croumcy Named as al-.terntcs were: Vincent Fasano, Frank Barker, Mrs. Ruth Barker, and Robert N. Taylor.

Congresnional Delegates named to the'Congres­

sional Convention of July 1 were: Ernest Anthonis, Mrs. Margaret Clark, Mrs. E m m a Fasano, and Jack Lawlor. AUerhatcs; Miss Alice Conway, Mrs. Mildred Bay-zat, Michael Melchionda and Har­old Hall. ' :

County Delegates named to the County

Convention for high sheriff on July n were: State' Rep. Adelburt Maulte, Mrs. Jane Thompson, Mrs. Marie Kronberg and;,Janics Api-cella. Alternates: Mrs. Gencvlev.e Cusano, Douglas Murray, Stewart Keeler and' Mrs. Violet Moore.

State Senatorial , Named ' to the stale senatorial

convention scheduled for July 24 were these delegates: ^ Henry Antz, Edward Reynolds, Mrs. Jane Gus-tatson and Ralph Hurder. Alter-inates are: Mrs. Edith Sanfbrd, John Esposlto, William Ginnetti and Mrs. Grace Webster , ;

On Saturday, June'26, according : to, T o w n Chairman .^nast^.o," dla-: trlct' c<ihventlpn^;jVlU:'l)e->ieWJ,{p>

the purpose, of planij lng't i je 'state dohventlon- aind |also,.for tJie.puV-pose of selecting ' J t s t e y oiintral committeeni'en" Srid.. conihittt^e-. women. • '• ,' . i ' ; •'''•

East Haven has one candidate: In State Rep. Mautte WKb has "^ebn endorsed _by t h e local town com­mittee for the nomination'61 high sheriff. One other qoiidldate, has ibecn named: John Brtice, of North Haven. • i , •

On September 20 the local cau­cus will be held f o r ' t h e ' p u r p o s e of nominating candidates for state representative and probate judge,

700 A t Lodge .Iblhncr More than 700 atteiided the din­

ner In honor of Gov.' John Lodge at the Waverly Inn, ;ln, Cheshire, on Monday - AnastaSio reported. A large delegation frjirti East Ha­ven attended and • Included the following persons: Judge and Mrs, Vincent Fasano, Edward L. Rey­nolds, Stewart Keeier, William Jaspers, Anthony Prpto, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William Glnnett.i Mr. and Mrs. James Apleella, and Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Anastaslo.

Anastaslo served as secretary of the committee In cliarge o l the testimonial. : •

Library To Be Closed Saturdays

T h e Iliugaman Memorial Li­brary wUi be closed Saturdays' during the months ot July and August and on September 4, Miss Both Taylor, libral-lan, an­nounces. ' Tho libmxlan also announced tlutt she planned to attend the annual meet ing of tho Oonnoctt-Gut Library Association to ho hold at Uio Ilotelddss .School In Lako' i l lc , this Friday and Satur­day.

Young Bicyclist,

Accident Victim

In Good Condition T h e condition of Albert La

Bnte. 13, of Hill St., victim of an accident last Thursday after­noon, was reported to be "good" by attendants at New Haven Hospital today.

LaBonte w a s cycling on Silver Sands Rd. when he was struck by a car operated by Paul Crls-cuolo, of 92 Sliver Sands Rd. Ac­cording to the hospital, the boy suffered from severe concussion, but has made satisfactory pro­gress and Is not on the danger' list.

Crlscuolo told Police Officer Patrick Duffy that the boy was one of several w h o were cycling on the road and suddenly ctit to the right in front of the car. He was charged with violation of motor vehicle laws. The car is regLstered in the name ot Mrs. Mary Cruscuolo, of 92 Silver Sands Rd.

School Bd. Asks $20,000 Advance To Buy Supplies

Tllo Bcmrd of Education will ask the Board of Finance to ap­prove $20,000 worth of purehnso orders against next year's budcel. The orders will be for school and custodial supplies which will ho needed at the start of school noxl September.

In recent ycnrs, a system of building up nn inventory of sup­plies which would carry over tlie school system until the now bud­get ' was adopted each October hod' bceh more or los.s abandoned in budget-cut ling operations.

The action wa.s volcd nl n meeting, of the .school board last Friday .evening. Tlie hoard also voted to adopt a 183 day school calendar for ne.xt year, 'i'he cal­endar provides for the usual Tljanksgivlng anil Christmas hol­idays lit addition lo two breaks of a week each In February and April. Slate requirenionts cull for 186 , days and three exti-a days have, been adtled In the event that a few days must be cancelled because of bad weather or otJiei* eventualities.

Appoint Teacher .In other actions Iho Board

appointed Mrs. Elinor Saiidei's, of West Englewood, N.J. to a, post as teacher hero. . Mrs. Sanders" i s ' a graduate of Cedar Crest College, Allontown, Pa. She has been teaching In elementary schools of East Patterson, N.J. for. the |)ast two yeai's.

The ' board met In secret sos-,slon at the end of the ojien meet­ing to consider three mai lers concerning teachers.

Speak At ('.oinuioiu'cmonl


Stephen Syrotiak To

Run" Lucas Studio Peter Lucas, ^proprietor ot the

Lucas Stvidlos ' , a t ' 265 Main St,, this' week announccdL,t!!R.t;: the. stiidlos will , b e . operated by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Syrotiak Jr., of North Brantord, in his absence,

•'liucas'and his family are leav­ing f o r ' a n extended vacation in Airizona, 'y/here the photographer is goliig "for reasons of health. In,lils.^absence of several months the ' Syrotiaks will operate the studio with "business, as usual."

The Lucas family will leave for Arizona on or about July 1.


Driver Held After Striking. Rotary Signs

A driver identifying himself as Frank H. Borgeson,: 43, of the Hotel Talmadge, was charged with :;eckless'' driving after his car skidded'on Coe Ave. and i^nocked downiseveral signs at the rotary at the Short Beach Rd. intersection, ear ly Sunday morning.

Borgeson told Police Officer Jo­seph Pascarella that he w a s driv­ing north when he suddenly spot­ted the signs and attempted to stop. Skid marks extepded for 53 feet. . Damage was mainly to the car front end.

Miller Reports Re-drafted Zoning Codes Are Ready

Fifteen Students Here Get Degrees At Teachers Col.

Three East Haven students will receive' their Master's degree, an­other ^e leven -their B.A. degreoi and one an Associate Science do gree, in commencement exercises at New- Mavn Slate Teachers Col­lege this Saturday afternoon. : A Short Beach student will also be a m o n g the 350 students and- graduates to be awarded degrees fey the college. She Is Helen H. Davidson, ot Box 502, Who . will receive a B.S. degree. ,, 'The local students are: Ma.ster's Degree, Emanuel Angelos, South End, Rd; Mario A. Fapplano, 7 .•^^aylor Ave.; Ruth Muehl, Maple St., Poxon; Bachelor's Degree, Elaine Roberta Barbnry, 21 Forbes PI.; Roberta Carol Bow-den, 1G4' C o e ' A v e . ; John James Lawler , . 21 Henry St.; Priscllla Ann Macdougall, 79 Massachu­setts Ave.; Doris Ann NittI, 316 Tyler St.; James Hoff Parsons, 10 Cliff St.; ond Barbara Ann Prosch, 45 George St.

Also, Dretta Leah Shorkey, 31«| Gerrlsh Ave.; Jane" Stoddard Brown, 261 Chldsey Ave.; William E . M o r a n n , 166 Meadow- St.; and Trofamena Mamie DePonte, 22 Hcrvey St .

EHIIS Seniors Frolic In Class Day Program Tues.

Some 120 mcnubers of the Sell- : lor Cla.sB of ISn.si, Haven High I , „ i,,,... , i i s i i , „uon each'year. School participated iti tho li'aill-f tionul'Class Day program present-od' Ijoforo un aucUenne oC sbo ipar-ents;'teacherK.^iirtd fi'iepcls in Hhfj. school auOiloi'iuni TueKdtty cvtm-i n g . • - - : . . . . . •

Members of the Class of lOS-l assembled on .the stage w h i c l r w a s decorated with tlie class motio be­hind and with ye l low cai-natlons-tho.class flower - and other floral bouquets, at the front. An eiLSol on the left side of the stage fbora cleverly dccomted signs anbouni Ing each part of tho pVogroni. The Bigns wore prepared by Richard Maher and Htohard Angus.

Uliu Million Dullar.s

The gli'ls wore pretty gowns in pastel shades, while the boys wore H>uf>lness salts. And they all look­e d like a, million dollars.

The program w a s opened by an address of welcome by George Wagner, da.ss president. He w a s followed by a reading of the class history, class poem, will, proiihecy, and popularity poll.

Anthony Mas.sari . oulstnntllng basketball player, and Helen Kel-sey were named the "nll-'round fboy and gUi'" by their classmates. Their names wi l l bo added to a special plaque on > which are en­graved the -names of studejits who

BnJljo . Ruth Sportsmansiilp Tro-1 phlps w e r e presented.to:Domlnlek PetUniechl and: JloehcUe ' BalzaVio. Pniil WlsmlidtC" "was presented with a'triple trophy for outstand­ing participation in football, base­ball and basketball. . He Was the only threo-lettor man this year.

Alfred E..Tioicombe, "local, busi­nessman w h o was seicctcd for hi.s contribution to the promotion of school sports, presented team trophy awards to seidor, menifboi's of tliree teams and cortlflcatos and lettei'H of girls on the P e p Cluh and Cheerleader squads.

Carl Garvin, principal of •-• t l ie High School, was presented with a mlnature trophy case, replica of a fuU-sl/ed one presented by the class to the school. Tbe_iJroson-tation whs made by Nancy Wat-kins and 1'Iiomas Bowdcn, • co-chairmen of tho Class Day com--mlttee.

Most of tho program was devot­ed to light-hearted <ind guy kid­ding of students and faculty m e m ­bers. But there wer<f more sol­emn moments . Principal Garvin was revealed as the recipient ot a personal honor In having the class year-book, the Pioneer, dedicated

(Continued On I'ugo Two)

Ucdcvclopnicnt A. Would Demolish 137 Kuildings

A liiinl of l a t iniiKllntss would lie ra/.ed, nnolber 29 would bo innvod to new .sites and 25 more \vo\iUI ibe left in 'place under ;iro-linsod riMlevoloi>ment jilans for Moniaviguin. This wa.s rcpnrlod 1>y n . Charles 13eauwiU'il, director of the local Ucdevetopment At;eTi-ey, who ccinducted 20 men^hers of an advisory committee nn a lour of (he area Monday evening.

The advisory cdnimiUee viewed nl fir.sl hand llie brief slreli'h of beach ttow owned by the Town, nml I he Momuuguin Colhinade which miyhl he used as u numl-clpally-operated eonces:*lon and balli house, according to lieauso-Icll. If not sound enouiili fur preservation. It .would be ra/.ed, he said.

'rile group also visited l,h(-' sail inarshe.s liorderhig on the llrad-fortl Cove which would il)(; coii-viMtc-'il Into a boat basin under the redt'velopnienl |jlans.

Alexander Doran, chairman of I he Iti^levelopnienl Agency, said Hull fill from the-ninr.sbcs could be olilaiiH'd from a |)i'oJeetcd re-(licili;lng lit Now Haven llnrbour and Indicated with bis luuul that llie fill would be enouRli lo .ra i se I he area to shoulder height.

Chairman Doran and Bcau.sqloII liidlciited where the shore would

^ he filled wi th . sand after proposed ' Jetties are «st«hlls|i^d lo pivlect

the:,,bunch under ,tj{«uOver-al| re-develoi)mont plan's. 1 X-^,

The a<lvisory committee vknyed wl lh Interest situs of alleged vio­lations of sanitntion codes In the (a'der nf tho relea.sing of sowago Into drnlnage ditches. Some ibulld-Ings had very little surrolmdlng area, and locat ion 'of their selitle tanks wore* a mystery, according to tho leaders of the tour.

It was conceeded 'by momliers that ho future of the project ot re­development rested mainly on the nbllity of tile T o w n to secure sew­erage In tho near future.

Beausolell to|il tllo - advisory comnillleo that tlio existing bond­ing l imit •would bo laKen up by schools .and that: IL.wus iiossllblo that sewbrs :mlBlVt,''ti6""K0ld."

EHHS Graduates 117 111 Exercises; Garvin Aniioiiiices 12 Awards C l a s s P r e s i d e n l G i v e s

A d d r e s s O f W e l c o m e

Woman In Accident

Locks Sell Out A 23-year-ol(l Watorbury wom-

a whoso car accidentally rammed the rear of another automobllo in Ibe line of traffic became so excited QVGV what happened that slie locked herself put of her own car. . •

The accident happened .Sunday at 11:15 on Main St. Police Of­ficer Frank Koneslcy was direct­ing truffle when the woman's car diove up, stopped, and started up again striking the rear of an-other cur. The Watorbury woman got out to Investigate and In her excitement locked liei'self out of the car which she left with motor running.'

Officer Konosky reported that with the lady's , perndsslon,. ho broke a side windqw, to allow her to re-enter the car which •was blocking traffic. N o a r m l jvna made. : -

Al Class Day Ceremonies

An outline of changes which are being proposed In 'Town zoning codes, which changes a r e to ac­company a comprehensive town plan now near corptiletlbn, was presented this week by Charles II. Miller, chairman of the ^Planning and Zoning Commission.

The Commission indt \.yio weeks ago with Technical ftdhtilng Asso­ciates of N e w Haven Ih closed session for the purpdse qt consid­ering final details for ', the town plan. They will be presented for public scrutiny and: approval in the near future. •' ~

Among the proposed changes in the zoning codes, MlUer revealed, will be requirements of dtf-strcet parking in all dlBtricts ,,ot the Town and minimum, lot ' frontages ranging between 60 '.and -WS feet compared with thel 40 and^ 50- loot f iontages allp\v«l Under the exist­ing code. The cJiahgeS .Will' affect lu lure construction only.

Outlines Changes Here is how the Zoning 'Com­

mission chairman oitUned the pro-Iiosed changes: - , - •

Section one: Definitions of terms of code w l l l b e clariflid In order to permit more' rfxact Jiidg-ment o.n, regulations jri the futiire.

Sect lonttwo: The number of dls-' tric!ii;'SS^j:ben Increased to allow

tor four-types of residential dis­tricts, five types pt.-, commercial districts and three tyjpes o l indus­trial areas.

Section three: Gefleral require­

ments will Include: A minimum floor area of homes of 600 square feet. Requirement of of^street parking in all districts.

, Also in section three the follow­ing regulations will be set down:

In residential district.? no trailer camps or. tents wi l l be allowed. The customary home occupations will b e allowed.

; Minimum lot widths to be In­creased to a range of 60 feet to 125 feet, depending upon the par­ticular district. This compares with the present 40 and 50-foot frontages.

Multiple dwelling units will be allowed If lot area is of sufficient size.

In commercial districts the code will • specifically state the use to Wfhlch property may be put, in­stead of using the negative meth­od of defining uses which are pro­hibited.

Lot frontages and areas will be s e t u p in all commercial areas.

A separate section will explain in detail the off-street parking requirements to be required for all zone^.

Regulations will prohibit tlie re­moval ot top soil, sand and gravel is prohibited except under specl-fiicd conditions.

A section dealing with non-con-" forming usages ot property has been re-drafted with terms and specifications defined in greater detail.

(llCOItniC WAdNKll , .Ir.

fleiirgn 1'. Wagner, ,Ir., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Warner, of 81 rru«i)ecl I'l. and president of I be Keninr CInsn, Rave the Ad­dress ot Weleonu^ a t the l l lgl i .Scliuol graduntinn exnreiseH tu-' i d g b t : . ;;•• ' " : - - :^' \ '

111 addition to servinit us head nf his eliLSH, he was presidi'iit of. tlio ,Student Council and uf the Ilniiiir .Society, l i e headed the Debuting Club aiul was Student Alhlutle, DIretaor. l i e was a lleutuniuil in tlie Trafflu Squad and was a nuimlwr of the Var­sity Show and the IMinicer slnft.

Civil Defense Drill Mdn. Is Termed Success

An uir-ralil drill conducted here Monday morning ns i iart of a nutlorui-wlile exercise w a s lermed a success by Allan Knldht, di­rector of Civil Defense for East Haven. ".So far ns could bo de-lermlned," Knight said, "the op­eration was the most successful one w e have had." ':..

Tho CD director ,1'eportod that all traffic, pedestrian and vehicu­lar, was hulled on Main St. and throughout all iwrtlons of the Town.-

However, there were reports^ that tho use ot the Fire head­quarters' hull-horn as tt raid sig­nal In the'_ center had rcBUltod III. sqhio, cb'nfuslon. Persons who failed t o ' note the e x t r a long aeries of signals being sounded apparently considered It another f|re alarm and Ignored It for u Willie.. , .

Director Knight , w a s asked about this. He reiilled l h n t " w e tii'e working on a: program, of oxiinndlng our ' signal facilities", and Indicated that Improvements were, under study. l i e said, also, that federal' aid may be sought lo secure u bettor warning, sys-

,lem. .. • . Knight, who supervised the en­

tire exercise from the office of the first selectman, revealed also that a permanent control center would be eslabllshed In the hoar future.

F i re . Dupt. Dispersed Monday's o|)eratlon w a s super­

vised' by n police regulars. In­cluding Police Chief Edwin I'rlesl, and 12 members of the Auxiliary Police. Priest reported that the lest w e n t off "very well" and that s late police assisted In bringing all traffic to a halt. .>,

Dui'lrig the test, fire n|)puratus from the several companies was relocated In accordance with a greater New Haven dispersal plan. A|Jiiuratus from Headquar­ters Company was .sent to Koxon, while, the Foxon truck was sta­tioned at the golf course, Tiie Bradford Manor truck, which was replaced by apjiaratus from Riverside, went to the Morris Cove station where the Annex anil .Short I3eacli companies also re-l.l:ated.

Knight said that 32 men, reg­ulars and members- of the vol­unteer departments, 'reiiorted for duly during the test.

Adrienne Ellioll

Cels Mayo Fund

Scholarsliij) Award \ One hundreil and .sevonleen

mi'Miliei's nf the senior class a t , . llie lll|;h Sclinl were graduated Innliihl In commencement cere-nmnles held III the school aildllor-Uiiii. or the total number, eight sludenls graduated wllh high luiniiis and uiiuther 15, with reg­ular liunnrs.

Before more than 800 purenis, relatives and fiiends, Principal Carl 11. Gni'vln, announced the following nwards lo members of the Cla.ss o t 1054.

Adrienne EllltPtt, w a s an­nounced as llio winner of the second unnuiil; stjhblarslilp award­ed under: tlio Joseph V. Mayo emorlnl Fund. The award was liv llic amount of iflOO. Iteeelves Woman's Club Award Teresa Pnrlnto was presented

with an award in amount of $100 from the East Haven Woman's Club. Miss Parlato was also pru-.sentedvvlth the Good Citizenship Award of tlie High School P.T.A. .Tlioinus Bowden wa.s the boy

s(!iftli;nJHtp.; whom a similar Good CliiiiSnahlp Award was made .

'I'hd I lnl f - l lour noadlng Club award for greatest Improvement In English was presented Barbara llncclo.

Under the Mayo Scholarship Fund two prizes were awarded to best students In the Problems of_ American Democracy course. First prize was awarded lo Nancy Watkln.s and second prize to Paul McNnlly.

Prizes were awarded in these division tp the following: Music, to Reborl Burwell i Typing, to Angelina..' Inhotlli . Short-hand, Dorothy Soharti irlndualrla) Arts, Edward Aucnlgni;j i lomehiaklng, •n,.n«rtW»r!lv.i,VM.i/.;. --'-f . ;•. "

Students of the craduatiiig class at tin? IliijU' School are imnde il their copies of tile siuiiiir c lass yearlioeli, tin-of the Class Day iirugruin Tuesday evenimj in the seliooi uudlturiiiiii.

News l»holo loiieer, ut tile close

Women GOP Club To Meet Nerit THtiri;

The regular meeting of the East Haven Women's Repuibllcan Club will be held next Thursday, lit 8:00 p. m. In the 'iiome of Mrs. Vincent .T. Fasano, 20 Taylor Ave. Mr.s. Alvln L. Thompson, Presi­dent, will conduct the business meeting. Assisting Mrs. Fasano win be Mrs. Russell Frank, Mrs. John Oros and Miss Margaret Durso,

Eleanbt-fCibliKOv.^ l i i ' hijditldn. tb these recognl-

tlohfl, Richard iKownleskI was cited for having a perfect attend­ance In lour years at tlib High School, '. '

Opens I'rognuii The prpgrnm was opened by

an Invocation by tho Rev. Alfred \ 'Clark, 'rector of Christ Episcopal N Cliuch. Ceorgo Wagner, president of the 'Senior Class and of the S t u d e n t Council, gova an "Address of Welcome" and Intro­duced, tlib four graduation speak­ers whoH gave their oration on the peiiordl subject, "Tho Sub­stance of Our Lives'.". ,v

The four gr^duotlon speakers wine Francis Zaihplollo, vfllodlc-torlon,, Theresa ParlalP, Marlon Parlllp and Joiin Backnian. AH nro liopol' student.s. /

After the formal prosociatlon ot awards by Principal Garvin and n 'br le f address by Supt. of Schools <rt: Vernon Hoys, Francis Walsh,' chairman of the Board of Educatfdn, presented the diplomas Individually to members of the gruduutlhK class. 'I'he exercises were: closed by a benediction by the Rev. Alfred MerUsl, ot St. Vincent do Paul Church.


Graduating with high honors are: reuehelle Ann Susan Ualzano, WiMIain Sinltii Curliss, Adrlciino Joan lOlIlolt, I'liylils Margery aamaclio, Dorothy Ann Klngsford, I'raiiecs Margaret MoTrotles , Oeorgo I'aiil Wagner, Jr., and Francis Albert ^ampIeJIo. '

Graduating with regular honors are: Joan Frances ISiickinan, B a r ­bara Jean UlaUe, Thomas Ocbrge -llinvileii, Tliomaii Uuorgo Colc-iiiaii, Itlibert Leeds Davison, Liiula Fair, Nancy Marilyn Freeman, Angelina Rose Ilannotti, Dorotiiy Charlotte Juhnsnn, Bever ly Ann

McLcese, Teresa Louise Par la to , iCIcanor Mary I'ajeski, Dorothy ICIleii Hehurf, Koliert' P a u l Talbot, and David Scout Wutraiis.'.

Other members of the graduat­ing class follow:

Alphonse N a t a 1 o Acaiiipora, Dorothy Jean Anastaslo, KIchard Nell Angus, Edward Jolm Au-ealgao, Richard J a m e s Ayr, Guorgo I'lJIlip Biutslng, Jean A . Ilatlck, ICobert Edward Beauton, Michuet II. Iloiiwlll, Donald lloKcliCn, Patricia Anne Bougliten, Sulvtttarb Bova, Itnbert E. Bur-well, Klizabeth Aim Carbone, Thomas Carr,

CIiurioB CloncllI, Jr., Cliarles J. Cicarelll, William E. Clapp, E lea­nor Mario Clouse, Elizabctli' Ana Cociiran, Ann Rose Crlscuolo, Frank l)el'"lii>ii'>, Frances B e t t y Dcgiinll, CBinllle DcMusis, Marie Ann DeSerlo, Carol Lois Dolan, DolorOs Maria Esposito, Frank Es­poslto, Jolm J. Esposito. ' :

Donald Charles Frawloy, (i l lbert J, Gatfney, Julianne Elizabeth

tContUiucd On Ifago Xwo). j



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