GPS Navigation for Field Mobile Robots Page 1 of 24 GPS Navigation for Field Mobile Robots Project Proposal Chris Foley Kris Horn Richard Neil Pittman Michael Willis CPSC 483 February 9, 2004

GPS Navigation for Field Mobile Robotscourses.cs.tamu.edu/rgutier/cpsc483_s04/reports/gps-proposal.pdfGarmin 15L Wired GPS 10 Stampede Monster Truck 11 TS-025 Electronic Compass 12

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GPS Navigation for Field Mobile Robots

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GPS Navigation for Field Mobile RobotsProject Proposal

Chris FoleyKris Horn

Richard Neil PittmanMichael Willis

CPSC 483February 9, 2004

GPS Navigation for Field Mobile Robots

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Table of Contents


Problem background 3

Needs statement 3

Goal and objectives 3

Method of Solution

Literature and technical survey 4

Design constraints and feasibility 5

Evaluation of alternative solutions 6

Statement of work

Proposed design 8

Research 8

Construction 8

Testing 9

Approach for design validation 10

Mark III Controller Board Kit 10

Garmin 15L Wired GPS 10

Stampede Monster Truck 11

TS-025 Electronic Compass 12

Economic analysis and budget 12

Schedule of tasks, Pert and Gantt charts 13

Project management and team work 16

Societal, safety and environmental analysis 16

Appendices 18

CV/qualifications of team members 19

Bibliography 23

Project Datasheets 24

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Problem Background

The purpose of this project is for the team of students to design and construct a

vehicle capable navigating to a sequence of wave points. This effect is to be

accomplished using a global positioning system to allow the vehicle to become

aware of its position on the earth and the positions of wave points relative to its

current location. This device must be a robust vehicle capable of traveling

outdoors on mostly flat ground and able to carry the load of what components are

necessary for it to accomplish its function.

Needs Statement

The project will provide the members of the team with experience in the design

process from conception to implementation. This experience will be necessary as

the members of the team go into their careers and seek to participate in projects

of similar and larger complexity.

Furthermore, the project when completed will produce a vehicle capable in part

of self-navigation with users providing the path. This can later be further

expanded to have an artificial intelligent planner decide on the path with users

only providing beginning and ending points. The platform can be used in many

ways depending on what additional hardware is added. Such applications include

information gathering, transportation of small materials, remote presence, and

environmental surveying.

Goals and Objectives

Obvious goals for this project are fulfill the requirements provided by the

professor and teaching assistant. The set goals drawn up between the student

team and the professor can be thought of a rubric with which our project will

judged. The project goals include but are not limited to the following:

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• Interface micro controller with global positioning system

• Interface micro controller with remote control vehicle

• Use micro controller to interconnect global positioning system and remote

control vehicle

• Vehicle will be sturdy enough to cover mostly flat terrain while carrying a

payload of electronic equipment including the global positioning system.

• Vehicle will be able to establish its own location on earth and use

information from the global positioning system to navigate to a user

defined point.

• Vehicle will be able to follow a path of points provided by a user.

Literature and Technical Survey

Our team has utilized several resources to familiarize ourselves with the

components that will make up our final project. We researched general GPS

related articles as well as specific data sheets of GPS units. In addition we have

learned about radio controlled cars, and how to modify them. The proposed

design for the GPS unit will incorporate a compass system that has already been

used by a CPSC 483 group from last semester. Our group will need to be familiar

with the literature provided by the compass group from last semester. Below is

the list of resources that we have used so far in researching our project.

www.navtechgps.com• This site allowed us to learn about several GPS units and compare prices

www.howstuffworks.com• Contains general information about how GPS units work.

www.junun.org/MarkIII• Contains documentation of the Mark III board that we are using.

www.qkits.com• Another site that sells electronic kits such as GPS kits.

www.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/lcd1.pdf• An article titled “How to use Intelligent Lcds”

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www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~ih/doc/lcd/operatio.html• Contains documentation on the HD44780 lcd standards.

http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~jreasor• This site is the homepage of a Tulane graduate student who is doing a

similar project.

www.oopic.com• Contains documentation of the OOPIC which is the microprocessor that

we are using.

http://www.superdroidrobots.com/sensors_compass.htm• Contains information about the electronic compass.

http://www.digitalnemesis.com/catalogue/RLC1/RLC1.htm• Contains information about an rs232 to TTL converter.

Design Constraints and Feasibility

Through the design process we will be limited by several different types of


The first of these constraints is budget. We do not have a fixed limit on how much

we can spend for this project. However we must justify each purchase by making

sure that it is the most cost effective part and that it is necessary to reach the

final goal. We have been asked to keep the project to an approximate cost of five

hundred dollars.

Another constraint of this project is time. We only have one semester to complete

the final product. Therefore we have to be careful in how far we plan to take the

project. Our team must find a medium between a project that is feasible to

complete, and a project that is challenging. A major effect of our time constraint

is ordering parts. It will be imperative that parts are ordered as soon as possible

so that we are not waiting on parts to begin construction. It will also be important

that we hold the vendors responsible for shipping our ordered parts in a timely


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The technical scope of our project is yet another possible constraint. This is

partially related to the time constraint. Since we are on a limited schedule, a

project that is too difficult and too technically challenging may not be possible

given the teams experience with this subject. However, our project needs to be

challenging enough so that we are generating the best possible product within

the given time period.

Evaluation of Alternative Solutions

Throughout the initial design process we have come up with several alternative

solutions to various aspects of our project. One solution that we have considered

is not using a compass for the navigation of the RC car. We have considered

using a navigation algorithm that would not require the use of a compass. This

navigation algorithm is based on comparing the RC car’s current location with it’s

previous location. From that data we can determine which direction the car needs

to turn in order to get closer to it’s destination. This process would be repeated

every second or so until the destination is reached. Although this solution may

require less hardware, it may not be as accurate as using a compass to

determine which direction the car should turn. In addition, compass navigation

has already been used in a previous project. So, it would be relatively simple to

implement the compass into our system. The compass hardware is already built

and we have access to the software and the documentation of the compass

design as well.

Each time the RC car goes to a desired set of GPS coordinates, those

coordinates must be programmed into the system. One possible method of doing

this is having everything needed to program a new coordinate set located on the

car. This would require an LCD screen to ask the user what coordinates to enter,

as well as a keypad of that would allow the user to input the coordinates.

However this solution may be too difficult to implement given our time

constraints. An alternative solution to programming the new coordinates would

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be the use of a PDA or a laptop. For example, whenever a new coordinate set is

desired the laptop or PDA could be hooked up to the system and reprogrammed

via a serial link. Although this solution is not as desirable, it is more feasible given

the scope of this project.

Perhaps one of our primary concerns at this point in the project is being able to

control the RC car. It is difficult to know how we will o about controlling the RC

car since there is not a large amount of documentation publicly available for RC

cars. One possible solution would be to directly tap into the servos of the steering

and the drive motors of the car and completely bypassing the RC car’s controls.

This may be the simplest solution since most servo motors are very similar to

each other, so it would not be very difficult to learn how to control them. However

another proposed solution is to use the remote control of the RC car to move the

car in the desired direction. This would require us to have extensive knowledge

of how the remote control circuit works and may be too difficult. Although, we

may be able to contact the manufacturer of the RC car and get a copy of the

technical documentation which would help us to know how the remote control

functions. Having the documentation would allow us to make a more informed

decision regarding which method of controlling the car would be best.

Throughout the design process we will be faced with possible alternative

solutions to various problems. With each new alternative solution it is imperative

that we evaluate each proposed solution based on budget, time constraints, and


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Proposed Design

Our project development will involve three stages for completion. The stages in

order are research, construct, and test. These three stages are needed for every

engineering development team. Below is a more detailed description of what

goes on in each stage.


Before any kind of action is done in a project, extensive information gathering

should be performed. Learning more about the product you buy can really save

your budget. Every Monday and Wednesday our group would meet in the lab for

a few hours and research on what major parts were needed for the project. We

wanted only what we needed. Our engineering team decided to save money and

purchase a GPS module rather than a GPS handheld because we did not need

the LCD on the GPS handheld.


After doing some extensive research we should have a detailed schematic of our

design. Below is a very high level design schematic. As the research

progresses this schematic will get considerably more detailed.

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This will be the final stage of our project development. After constructing the car

we will need to run a series of tests. The testing will be done out on the Polo

Fields at Texas A&M University. Our team decided to use these fields because it

was the largest open space that is close to campus. Since GPS modules are

accurate within fifteen meters a large open space is a necessity. Testing the

completed project can be the most stressful.

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Approach for Design Validation

Mark III controller board kit (OOPic Version)

The microcontroller will be the heart and brains of our project. We decided to

use a the OOPic on the Mark III board. This board is very user friendly and

capable of controlling just about anything. The Mark III board can also be

programmed in Java or C. All of our team members are familiar with the

programming language C. This will greatly help us create an effective algorithm

to navigate the RC truck.

Garmin 15L Wired GPS + Remote Antenna

The GPS concept is what makes this project unique. We decided to use the

Garmin 15L wired GPS module for a number of reasons. Since the module had

only what we needed we were able to save money. With the antenna the GPS

module was less than $200.

The GPS module was also compact. The Garmin 15L wired GPS unit is barely

larger than an American quarter. The small size makes construction easier since

we could basically place the module anywhere on the car.

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Stampede Monster Truck

We decided to use a pre-assemble remote control truck to navigate globally. The

Stampede Monster Truck was ideal for our situation. Not only was the truck

affordable but it was also large enough to conquer the grass out on the Polo

Fields. The remote controlled truck has a ground clearance of about four inches.

The only obstacle stopping this truck is a tree.

The Stampede Monster Truck also has a large pay load capacity. The truck is

roughly 12x16 inches in area. This will provide adequate space for the electronic

parts and components needed to navigate this truck by GPS.

TS-025 Electronic Compass

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We decided to use an electronic compass to tell the microcontroller the direction

the truck is facing. A friend of one of the group members refered the TS-025

Electronic Compass. This compass is affordable, easy to use, and extremely

accurate (within a tenth of a degree).

Economic Analysis and Budget

Below is a rough estimate of our budget to complete the project. As with all

projects, problems can and will arise, causing the need for additional funding.

However, here is a list of the major parts that will be needed. The other parts like

resistors, capacitors and amps should not drastically raise our budget.

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Stampede Monster Truck 154.99

TS-025 Electronic Compass 45.00

Mark III Electronic Board Kit 49.00

GPS Module + Antenna 99.95 + 69.95

Subtotal ≈ $420.00

Schedule of Tasks, Pert and Gantt Charts

Monday – 4:40 pm (15 minute meeting with faculty)

Monday – 6:00 pm (meeting with TA)

Wednesday – 4:10 (engineering group meeting)

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Project Management and Team Work

We have decided to generally divide the work as follows:

Kris Horn: GPS hardware integration.

Chris Foley: Software design, budget, procurement of parts.

Neil Pittman: PIC Microcontroller specialist and hardware design.

Mike Willis: Software and board design.

Societal, Safety, and Environmental Analysis

A GPS guided mobile robot presents many benefits and changes to society. One

of the largest impacts may be in warfare. A GPS guided robot will have the

ability to travel to places where it may be dangerous for humans to travel. While

traveling, features and sensors could be added to the robot to detect various

things. For example, a GPS guided robot could be sent into a mine field to try

and find the locations of mines. If a mine triggers during the process, it is far

better to loose the robot than a human life. This robot’s application could be

extended to various other situations in warfare and in everyday life. The main

idea behind it is that we can send a robot to places that are unsafe for humans or

that humans would have difficulty getting to. This could definitely change warfare

and scientific research at the least.

The safety concerns associated with this robot are minimal. Normal care should

be taken when operating electrical equipment and caution should be placed

when setting the coordinates for the robot’s path. It will be important to make

sure that the robot will not take a path that could lead to undesirable damage.

Finally, the GPS guided mobile robot should not have too much of an effect on

the environment. If the batteries ever need replacing, it is necessary to properly

dispose of the used batteries. Also, it will be important to make sure that the

robot does not traverse any ground on which it may have a negative effect on the

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surroundings. Unless it is intentional, coordinates should be plotted to avoid

sensitive areas.

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• CV/qualifications of team members

• Bibliography

• Product datasheets

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Resume for CPSC 483 – Computer System Design

Section 502

Christopher [email protected]

GPA: 3.704


1) Integrating GPS and Robots


Microcomputer Systems, Networking, Databases, E-Commerce


I am very interested in learning and working with GPS systems and how tointegrate GPS with other systems. I feel that my skills are about equivalent whenit comes to hardware and software. I honestly do not have a lot of experiencewith either one but I would like to gain and a fairly good understanding of both. Ihave less exposure to hardware design than software design so I would like touse this course to help me gain more experience with some hardware design. Itook microcomputer systems last semester and I enjoyed trying to learn how todesign hardware systems although I still have a lot to learn. On the other hand,my electrical engineering background is not too strong so I’m sure I will have todo some research to get a good understanding of things.


Monday: Class/Work from 10:00 to 7:00 (Including this class and lab)Tuesday: Class/Work from 9:00 to 5:15Wednesday: Class/Work from 10:00 to 7:00 (Including this class and lab)Thursday: Class/Work from 9:00 to 5:15Friday: Class from 10:20 to 11:10

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1114 S. Dexter [email protected]

College Station, TX 77840 979-574-7169

EDUCATION1999-Present Texas A&M University College Station, TX1 Pursuing B.S. in Computer Engineering2 G.P.R. 3.1363 Texas A&M Men’s Lacrosse Team: 4 years


2002-Present Texas A&M University College Station, TX1 Help Desk Central Computing and Information Services

- phone/walk-up computer support for Texas A&M students and staff - dealt with the campus network, virus traffic, email and much more

2002-Spring Texas A&M University College Station, TX2 Intramural Soccer Official Summer 2001 Kohutek Engineering Austin, TX3 Engineering Technician for a Civil Engineer

-field/lab testing for construction sites -Concrete testing, soil analysis, soil sample drilling


CPSC 436 Computer Human InteractionCPSC 463 Networks (current semester)CPSC 310 Databases (current semester)SPAN 101, 102, 201, 202 - SpanishPSYC 315 Social PsychologySCOM 203 Public Speaking

PROJECT CHOICES1) Sonar Fusion on PDA2) Hack Furby3) Wearable Sensors4) Integrating GPS and Robots

INTERESTS My interests lie more in hardware than programming.Other than that I don't really know yet what I am interested in.I can only attend the section 502 lab time.

Richard Neil Pittman

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P.O. Box 14416College Station, TX, 77841(979) [email protected]

Academics Senior Computer Engineering Major, Computer Science Track.Minor in Mathematics.Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.Current Cumulative GPR 3.57.

Elective Classes CPSC 625, Artificial Intelligence.MATH 470, Cryptography & Communications.CPSC 310, Databases.

Interest Artificial Intelligence & Robotics. - In the past year Ihave discovered a great interest in robotics and AI. Thishas lead me to seek information about the subject andwould like an oppurtunity to apply what I have learned andto learn more.Networks & Distributed Systems. - My interest in networksinvolves it use as a method of gathering and distributingdata in an intelligent manner in order to provide services.Web applications could also be added to some projects toexpand their utility.Cryptography. - While this may not be used directly for anyproject, this background gives me unique perspective whichmay be useful for finding patterns in data.

Class Schedule CPSC 463-500, Networks TR 3:55-5:10CPSC 483-502, Computer Sys Design MW 4:10-7:00KINE 199-287, Strength Train-Beginning TR 8:00-10:50KINE 199-039, Archery-Beginning TR 9:35-10:50

Project Preference 1. Integrating GPS & Robot2. Robot Learning & Whiskers3. Facial Tracking4. Navigate Maze5. Hack Furby6. Wearable Sensors7. Sonar Fusion of PDA8. Coff-e-mail9. Circadian Circuits

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Permanent Address Campus Address 2910 Rolling Hills Dr. 117 Holleman Dr. W. #3308 Carrollton, TX 75007 College Station, TX 77840 (214) 906 -0844 k j h o r n @ t a m u . e d u OBJECTIVE To obtain a summer and fall 2005 coop. EDUCATION Texas A&M University College Station, Texas Dwight Look College of Engineering Bachelor o f Science in Computer Engineering Minor in Mathematics Overall GPA 3.36 September 2000 - May 2004 SKILLS Languages: Java, some C, MIPS, Verilog, Ada, and HTML Platforms: Windows and some UNIX EMPLOYMENT Winter 2002 Netco Title Solutions, Fil er Arlington, Texas

? Organized policy files. Summer 2002 Papa Johns, Delivery Driver Dallas, Texas

? Delivered food orders to customers. AFFILIATIONS Summer 2003 Undergraduate Math Research

? Research Program in Combinatorial Theory 2002-Present Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (IEEE). 2002-2003 Recreational Sports Intramural

? Competed in soccer, El Guapo, Forward QUALLIFICATIONS

? Familiar with PIC Microcontrollers ? Knowledge of using DC motors and servos

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www.navtechgps.com• This site allowed us to learn about several GPS units and compare prices

www.howstuffworks.com• Contains general information about how GPS units work.

www.junun.org/MarkIII• Contains documentation of the Mark III board that we are using.

www.qkits.com• Another site that sells electronic kits such as GPS kits.

www.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/lcd1.pdf• An article titled “How to use Intelligent Lcds”

www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~ih/doc/lcd/operatio.html• Contains documentation on the HD44780 lcd standards.

http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~jreasor• This site is the homepage of a Tulane graduate student who is doing a

similar project.

www.oopic.com• Contains documentation of the OOPIC which is the microprocessor that

we are using.

http://www.superdroidrobots.com/sensors_compass.htm• Contains information about the electronic compass.

http://www.digitalnemesis.com/catalogue/RLC1/RLC1.htm• Contains information about an rs232 to TTL converter.

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Project Datasheets

Attached are some of the project datasheets for parts of our project.