Grade 10 Canadian History Exam Review PART B->  World War One 1!1"-1!1#$  Causes of War Emergence of Germany as a Power: 1871- Otto von Bismarck creates a pariament !ut wit" an emperor# Germany !ecomes unifie$ % wis" to !e recogni&e$ as a wor$ power % wants coonies an$ territories 'trying to catc" up wit" (rance) *pain an$ Great Britain+ ,mperia ism 'C as" of Empires+: t"e act of empire !ui $ing % Britain) (rance) *pain an$ Portuga "as many coonies B,G Empires % Germany wante$ an empire too .i itarism '/ava an$ 0rms ace+: Britain "a$ t"e argest navy# to protect its empire % Germany wante$ a navy too) to ac2uire coonies an$ protect t"em % Britain saw Germany3s nava growt" as a $irect t"reat /ationaism: pri$e in one3s country 0iances *ystem: 4 $efense aiances esta!is"e$ !y 1566 ripe Entente- Britain) (rance) ussia 'an$ *er!ia+ ripe 0iance- ,tay) 0ustria-ungary an$ Germany % Bot" aiances  were rea$y to go to war an$ were prep are$ to ca on ot"er countries9a ies for support *park une 48) 151; 0rc"$uke (ran& (er$inan$ an$ "is wife were assassinate$ in *ara<evo) Bosnia 'part of t"e 0ust ro % ung ari an Empire+ 0ssa ssi n Gavri o Princip) a mem!er of t"e *er!ian e=tremist group Back an$) use$ a pisto to ki t"e 0rc"$uke an$ "is wife> imeine: une 48-0rc"$uke (er$inan$3s assassinate$# uy 4?-0ustria sen$s @timatum to *er!ia# uy 4A-*er!ia repies) re<ecting t"em# uy 48-0ustria inva$es *er!ia# uy 45- ussia mo!ii&es '"ep out *er!ia+ 0iances ick in uy 45-ussia mo!ii&es army aong !or$ers wit" 0ustria an$ Germany an$ Germany $ecares war on ussia# 0ugust ?- (rance mo!i i&es forces to assist ussia) Germany $ecares war on (rance# 0ugust ;-A- Germany inva$es Be gium as a way to get to (rance) Britain $ec ares war on Germany for t"e protection of Begium) Cana$a an$ t"e Britis" Empire are at war

Gr10 Canadian History Exam Review

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Grade 10 Canadian History Exam Review

PART B-> World War One 1!1"-1!1#$ 

Causes of WarEmergence of Germany as a Power: 1871- Otto von Bismarck creates a pariament !ut wit"

an emperor# Germany !ecomes unifie$ % wis" to !e recogni&e$ as a wor$ power % wants

coonies an$ territories 'trying to catc" up wit" (rance) *pain an$ Great Britain+

,mperiaism 'Cas" of Empires+: t"e act of empire !ui$ing % Britain) (rance) *pain an$

Portuga "as many coonies B,G Empires % Germany wante$ an empire too

.iitarism '/ava an$ 0rms ace+: Britain "a$ t"e argest navy# to protect its empire %

Germany wante$ a navy too) to ac2uire coonies an$ protect t"em % Britain saw Germany3snava growt" as a $irect t"reat

/ationaism: pri$e in one3s country

0iances *ystem: 4 $efense aiances esta!is"e$ !y 1566 ripe Entente- Britain) (rance)

ussia 'an$ *er!ia+ ripe 0iance- ,tay) 0ustria-ungary an$ Germany % Bot" aiances

 were rea$y to go to war an$ were prepare$ to ca on ot"er countries9aies for support


une 48) 151; 0rc"$uke (ran& (er$inan$ an$ "is wife were assassinate$ in *ara<evo)

Bosnia 'part of t"e 0ustro % ungarian Empire+ 0ssassin Gavrio Princip) a mem!er of

t"e *er!ian e=tremist group Back an$) use$ a pisto to ki t"e 0rc"$uke an$ "is wife>

imeine: une 48-0rc"$uke (er$inan$3s assassinate$# uy 4?-0ustria sen$s @timatum to

*er!ia# uy 4A-*er!ia repies) re<ecting t"em# uy 48-0ustria inva$es *er!ia# uy 45-

ussia mo!ii&es '"ep out *er!ia+ 0iances ick in uy 45-ussia mo!ii&es army aong

!or$ers wit" 0ustria an$ Germany an$ Germany $ecares war on ussia# 0ugust ?- (rance

mo!ii&es forces to assist ussia) Germany $ecares war on (rance# 0ugust ;-A- Germanyinva$es Begium as a way to get to (rance) Britain $ecares war on Germany for t"e

protection of Begium) Cana$a an$ t"e Britis" Empire are at war

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Batte of pres) 0pri 1A t"  151A-0pri 44n$ 151A

-(e!ruary) 151A Cana$ians entere$ t"e front ines>

-Cana$ian troops foug"t aongsi$e t"e Britis" an$ (renc" 0gerian troops against t"e

German an$ 0ustro-ungarian troops

-Cana$a3s first ma<or !atte an$ were e=tremey unprepare$ for w"at ai$ a"ea$

 -0pri 44) 151A % t"e front ines near pres witnesse$ t"e use of poison gas 'one of t"e first

 weapons of mass $estruction+# an area of D>A km t"e Germans reease$ 1DA tonnes of

$ea$y c"orine gas on t"e 0ie$ ines# German army of 16 666 strong came in !e"in$ t"e

gas to attack t"e 0ie$ ines>

-.any troops were kie$ instanty as no troop "a$ gas masks) !ut t"e t"reat of suc" an

attack "a$ !een rumoure$ for some $ays# t"e (renc" troops were gone an$ eft a gap in t"e

0ie$ ine) Cana$ians steppe$ in an$ trie$ to fi t"e "oe

-"e (renc" forces soon wit"$rew an$ surren$ere$) eaving it up to t"e Cana$ian so$iers

to "o$ an$ $efen$ a t"e ines) w"ic" t"ey !ravey $i$>

-W"en t"e fig"ting at pres en$e$) t"e Cana$ians earne$ t"e respect of !ot" ay an$ foe)

as we as ; ictoria Crosses>

-Cana$ians "a$ D666 casuaties

Batte of t"e *omme) uy 1st  151D-/ovem!er 18t"  151D

Genera Fougas aig was ea$ing t"e Britis" in t"e Batte

"e *omme Pan '(aie$+: 1> 0rtiery fire for two weeks inten$e$ to $estroy !ar!e$ wire an$

enemy trenc"es 4> 0ies t"en or$ere$ to go over t"e topH towar$s awaiting mac"ine


-$esigne$ as t"e !ig pus"H w"ic" wou$ $estroy t"e German ines an$ !ring a swift an$victorious en$ to t"e war>

-uy 1st) 151D 'first $ay of !atte+ Britis" forces took A7 ;76 casuaties in a few "ours>

-(irst time a ank was use$ ever an$ it was use$ !ut t"e Britis" troops

-Piper ic"ar$son got t"e ictoria Cross

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-"e Germans a!ee$ t"e Batte of t"e *omme as t"e !oo$!at"

-D4? 567 0ie$ so$iers were kie$# DD6 666 German so$iers were kie$

Batte of imy i$ge) 0pri 5 t"  1517-0pri 14t"  1517

-0t"oug" Cana$a gaine$ !ecame in$epen$ent in 18D7> .any !eieve$ it !ecame a nation

$uring t"e Batte of imy i$ge>

-"e Batte of t"e *omme $eman$e$ for a new approac" to war) !ecause t"e over t"e topH

met"o$ in trenc" warfare cause$ too many casuaties an$ t"ere weren3t many recruits

coming forwar$>

-Britis" Comman$er uian Byng e$ t"e Cana$ians into imy

-@n$er t"e or$ers of Genera 0rt"ur Currie 'master of tactics+) t"e Cana$ians so$iers werecarefuy an$ t"oroug"y traine$ an$ prepare$ for !atte>

-unneers) engineers) an$ raiway engineers were cae$ in to $eveop new strategies9

met"o$s to fig"t t"e war# aso to provi$e a !etter un$erstan$ing of t"e terrain>

-Preparations incu$e$ !ui$ing 11 un$ergroun$ tunnes to secrety an$ safey transport

troops) an$ an un$ergroun$ city wit" ?; km of wiring) an$ 1776 km of teep"one ca!e#

.o$es were !uit an$ troops were informe$ on t"e features of t"eir targets) t"is wou$ !e

no !in$ $as">

-"e enemy was e=tremey cose# t"ey were ony A6 meters away

-"e German troops rea$ie$ t"emseves for t"e attack t"ey knew wou$ come>

-(or imy i$ge) t"e Cana$ians use$ a new tactic cae$ t"e creeping !arrageH>

-Creeping !arrage t"e artiery continue$ to fire even as t"e Cana$ians eft t"eir trenc"es#

t"e goa was to "ur s"es in t"e way of enemy so$iers so t"ey were force$ to retreat into

t"eir $ugouts an$ keep t"eir "ea$s $own# t"e pan re2uire$ perfect $iscipine) training) an$timing) !ecause errors cou$ !e $ea$y for t"e so$iers on t"e groun$ an$ t"e artiery

troops# a preparations were ma$e !y t"e first week of 0pri) an$ t"e attack was aunc"e$

on 0pri 5) 1517) $uring a !itter snowstorm# t"e timing) training) an$ preparation pai$ off as

;6) 666 Cana$ian so$iers spe$ from t"eir trenc"es an$ overw"eme$ t"e German forces>

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-(or Gen> aig) gaining an$ "o$ing Passc"en$aee was a matter on w"ic" "e stake$ "is

reputation an$ nee$e$ to prove t"at "e ma$e t"e rig"t c"oice>

-Germans took Passc"en$aee !ack a coupe $ays ater

-,n t"e mont"s after imy) ussia fe to an interna revoution t"us eaving t"e war an$signing a peace treaty wit" Germany

War Effort at ome

-Cana$ians w"o $i$n3t fig"t overseas were sti a!e to contri!ute to t"e war effort in many


-.any Cana$ians !oug"t ictory Bon$s

-Censors"ip: many items incu$ing !ooks) maga&ines) an$ even etters from t"e front ines were censore$ !y t"e government>

-,ncome ta=: income ta= was presente$ as a temporary measure to win victory 'ta= on t"e

income of a person an$ !usiness+>

-Fe!t: t"e money owe$ !y t"e Cana$ian government rose as t"e resut of war) at one point

t"e war cost Cana$a J1 miion a $ay>

-War pro$uction: Cana$ians especiay women worke$ ong "ours in $ifficut sometimes

$angerous con$ition> "ey pro$uce$ recor$ amounts of foo$) war materia) an$ genera


reaty of ersaies

-On /ovem!er 11) 1518 an armistice was signe$ t"at finay !roug"t t"e war to an en$>

-"e ?4 victorious countries met at t"e Paace of ersaies) (rance) w"ere t"ey negotiate$

t"e terms of t"e treaty>

-"e victors $ictate$ t"e terms) for osers ike Germany) t"e terms an$ treaty were "ar$ to

accept 'foun$ it "umiiating>+

-"e treaty was signe$ in 1515) an$ t"e wor$ "ope$ t"at t"e (irst Wor$ War "a$ !een t"e

 war to en$ a wars>

erms of t"e reaty 'pg>?7+

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-erritories: Germany was force$ to accept t"e in$epen$ence of 0ustria % ungary) Poan$)

an$ C&ec"osovakia# Germany gave up a its overseas coonies# Germany ost a!out 14K

of its pre - war territory: (rance took !ack t"e ost territory of 0sace % Iorraine# (rance

gaine$ contro of t"e *aar coa region for 1A years#

-.iitary: "e German navy was re$uce$# German air force was $is!an$e$# German army

 was re$uce$ to 16 666 wit" no tanks or "eavy artiery# Germany3s western !or$er wit"

(rance was to !e $emiitari&e$

eparations: Germany was e=pecte$ to pay J?4 !iion to Great Britain) (rance) an$

Begium for osses $uring t"e war>

War Guit Cause: Germany was force$ to accept fu responsi!iity for causing t"e war

PART B-> Evoution of ec"noogy 

anks: t"e Britis" co$e wor$ for armoure$ c"ariot type weapon> ,t was t"e i$ea weapon to

cross no man3s an$ !ecause of its features> 0fter many faiures) t"e tank prove$ its wort" in


Poison Gas: it was t"e key eement in t"e German attack at pres> ,t is particuary

unreia!e !ecause a c"ange in t"e $irection of t"e win$ wou$ sen$ it over t"e user3s own

ines> C"orine) mustar$) an$ p"osgene gases were most wi$ey use$# resute$ in

asp"y=iation) an$ interna an$ e=terna !urning> *oon a troops were e2uippe$ wit" gasmasks to meet t"is t"reat>

Leppeins: !imps t"at were use$ to fy "ig" over enemy towns an$ $rop !om!s> German

&eppeins successfuy !om!e$ Britain on severa occasions> "e ran$om saug"ter of t"e

civiian popuation was !ecoming a c"aracteristic of warfare in t"e new century> Cana$ian

fyers were particuary skie$ at attacking Leppeins# accounte$ for A6K of Leppein kis>

Leppeins t"at were s"ot !y enemy panes wou$ soon !urst into fames !ecause t"ey were

ma$e of o=ygen>

@-!oats: a su!marine vesse t"at was perfecte$ in wor$ war one an$ use$ wit" $ea$y

resuts> "e Germans "a$ t"e argest su!marine feet) wit" over ;66 s"ipsM "e aie$ forces

finay $efeate$ t"e @-!oats wit" new types of mines) $ept" c"arges) an$ 2-s"ips 's"ips

$isguise$ as vunera!e targets) !ut t"ese s"ips were a!e to 2uicky attack su!marines

 w"en t"ey came to t"e surface+>

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.ac"ine Guns: accounte$ for most of casuaties in trenc" warfare# were stea$iy refine$ an$

improve$ $uring t"e war> 0ong wit" 4m "ig" !ar!e$ wire) mac"ine guns ma$e attacking on

opposing trenc"es a suici$e mission> (or war in t"e air) mac"ine guns were fitte$ to aow

!uets to pass t"roug" t"e propeers# t"is create$ t"e possi!iity for many $ea$y aeria


-cities !ecame !attefie$s !efore pres ony fie$s or areas in t"e wi$erness w"ic" were

away from civii&ation were consi$ere$ as !attefie$s

Between Wars 1!1#-1!%!$

PART C-> "e oaring 15463s 

-,n t"e east) .ontrea remaine$ t"e argest ur!an center foowe$ !y oronto) an$ Winnipeg#

,n t"e west) ancouver) ictoria) egina) *askatoon) E$monton) an$ Cagary "a$ eac"

grown to over 4A 666 peope>

-!ecause t"e average famiy was 2uite arge more t"an 194 of Cana$a3s popuation was

un$er t"e age of ?6

-(oowing factors t"at contri!ute$ to growt": (ewer workers nee$e$ for farm work $ue to

mec"ani&e$ farm mac"inery# in cities) companies "ire$ more working $uring t"e war topro$uce wartime in$ustria goo$s# Iure of city ife "a$ $rawn many Cana$ians from rura


-0fter 154;) an economic spurre$ greater in$ustriai&ation

-uy) 1546 % 0rt"ur .eig"an !ecame P. after o!ert Bor$en resigne$

"e C"anak Crisis) 1544

-,n Octo!er) 1544 urkis" troops t"reatene$ Britis" troops statione$ near C"anak an$


-,n response t"e Britis" government aske$ its coonies for miitary support) reeasing t"eir

re2uest in t"e press !efore asking Fominion ea$ers>

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-,nstea$ of agreeing to "ep Britain) ing refuse$ to sen$ troops) saying t"e Cana$ian

pariament wou$ "ave to $eci$e>

-By t"e time t"e issue was $e!ate$ in pariament) t"e war was over) !ut ing ma$e "is point

-N t"e Cana$ian government wou$ $eci$e w"at roe it "a$ to pay in foreign affairs>"e ,mperia Conference) 154?

-ing atten$e$ t"is conference an$ was $etermine$ to resist Britis" efforts to esta!is" a

centrai&e$ foreign poicy for a t"e Fominions>

-ing succee$e$ -N fina report state$ -N foreign poicy $ecisions are necessariy su!<ect to

t"e actions of t"e Governments an$ Pariaments of t"e various portions of t"e Empire>H

Constitutiona Crisis) 154D

-,n 154A) t"e economy was $oing so great t"at ing $eci$e$ to ca an eection# !ig mistake>

-Ii!eras ony won 55 seats) Conservatives won 11D seats) an$ Progressives took 4; seats)

no ma<ority>

-.ost peope) incu$ing Governor Genera Ior$ Byng t"oug"t t"at ing s"ou$ resign an$

aow 0rt"ur .eig"an to !ecome P.) "ope$ t"e Progressive Party wou$ support "im>

-0 government scan$a c"ange$ ing3s pans) t"e P. fire$ t"e minister responsi!e for t"e

scan$a !ut ater appointe$ t"e minister to t"e *enate) an$ .eig"an saw t"is as "is c"ance

to force ing to resign>

-ing aske$ Byng to $issove pariament an$ ca for an eection !ut Byng refuse$ an$ ing

aske$ "im to consut t"e Britis" government !ut Byng refuse$ again>

-.eig"an !ecame P. on Byng3s re2uest !ut ost a confi$ence vote one week ater> ing

aske$ Byng again to $issove pariament an$ ca an eection an$ t"is time Byng agree$>

-ing won an$ returne$ to pariament wit" a ma<ority government in 154D>

-Once in power) ing trie$ to re$efine t"e roe of t"e Governor Genera as t"e

representative of t"e monarc") not t"e Britis" government>

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One Big @nion

-.arc") 1515 % @nion Feegates from western Cana$a met at Cagary to create a arge

union to fig"t for peope3s rig"ts>

-One Big @nion 'OB@+ incu$e$ traine$ an$ untraine$ workers in t"e same union>

-OB@ reasone$ t"at if a !usiness activities were stoppe$) empoyers wou$ "ave to grant

 worker3s $eman$s>

-(e$era government sent un$ercover poice officers to t"e Cagary meetings) officers

reporte$ t"e OB@ praise$ t"e recent communist revoution in ussia -N Cana$ian

government feare$ worst>

"e Winnipeg Genera *trike

-esentment among t"e working cass "a$ !een growing in Winnipeg for years>

-@nions compaine$ t"e Esta!is"ment supporte$ empoyers over workers>

-*pring) 1515 % Winnipeg meta an$ !ui$ing tra$es !egan negotiations wit" t"eir empoyers

-N in a$$ition to t"e usua $eman$s# t"e unions $eman$e$ t"e rig"ts to coective


-W"en empoyers refuse$ appro=> ?6 666 peope wake$ out in a genera strike on .ay 1A)


-0s t"e strike seeme$ to sprea$ from in$ustry to in$ustry) Winnipeg s"ut $own# .ai

$eivery) streetcar an$ ta=i service) p"one services) gasoine pumps) etc> came to a "at -N

ony poice were aske$ to remain on $uty>

-Workers forme$ a Centra *trike Committee to oversee con$uct of t"e strike) pu!is"e$ t"e

*trike Buetin on a $aiy !asis to up$ate workers>

-"e committee issue$ permits for essentia services suc" as mik $eivery an$ eectricpower>

-Permit car$s were pace$ insi$e stores9 win$ows rea$ing Permitte$ 0ut"ority of t"e *trike


-City3s eite viewe$ t"ese signs as an in$ication t"at t"e city was on verge of a revoution>

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-"e Citi&en3s Committee of 1666 was create$ to en$ t"e strike an$ run t"e city unti t"en>

-.ost mem!ers of t"e committee oppose$ unions>

-Citi&en3s Committee $ecare$ t"e strike was a communist conspiracy# fire$ poice officers

an$ repace$ t"em wit" 4666 speciasH w"o carrie$ !ase!a !ats>

-0s wor$ of t"e strike sprea$ across Cana$a) many sympat"y strikers were "e$ in more

t"an ?6 centres 'ie % oronto) .ontrea) etc>+

-*evera Ca!inet ministers met wit" t"e citi&en3s committee after !usiness was at a


-(e$era empoyees were or$ere$ !ack to work>

-Ottawa 2uicky amen$e$ t"e ,mmigration 0ct so t"at Britis" % !orn immigrants cou$ !e$eporte$ an$ e=pan$e$ t"e se$ition so strike ea$ers cou$ !e arreste$>

-une 17 % 8 mem!ers of t"e strike were arreste$ an$ c"arge$ wit" se$itious conspiracy)

protests erupte$ aroun$ Cana$a>

-,n Winnipeg) a mass ray was panne$ for une 41) !ut Winnipeg .ayor C"ares Gray

 warne$ t"at any foreignersH w"o participate$ wou$ imme$iatey !e $eporte$ to w"ere t"ey

came from>

-Boo$y *atur$ayH: t"e $ay of t"e strike) matters got out of "an$> Protesters !ecame row$y

an$ pue$ a streetcar off t"e tracks to set it on fire> .ayor Gray cae$ in t"e /ort" West

.ounte$ Poice to $isperse t"e crow$s) !ut t"e poice were attacke$ wit" stones) !ricks)

an$ pieces of concrete> *"ots were fire$) one man was kie$) an$ ?6 were in<ure$> *oon

t"e army was on t"e streets) patroing wit" mac"ine guns>

-une 4D fearing more vioence) t"e strike ea$ers cae$ an en$ to t"e strike) D weeks

after it starte$>

Outcome: *trike was a $isaster for t"e workers# severa ea$ers were sentence$ to <ai#Workers w"o returne$ to t"eir <o!s were force$ to sign yeow % $og contractsH for!i$$ing

t"em from <oining unions) or taking part in union activities# Workers consi$ere$

trou!emakers were !arre$ from returning to work# Crus"ing of t"e Winnipeg Genera *trike

$emorai&e$ workers across t"e country>

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PART B-> "e Great Fepression 

Fepression is a time of economic "ar$s"ips w"en many countries e=perience$ a $ecrease

in manufacturing an$ tra$e aong wit" "ig" unempoyment rates


"e *tock .arket Cras": it "appene$ on Octo!er 45 t" 1545 !ecause ots of stocks were

so$ an$ vaues $roppe$

Easy Cre$it: many !usiness receive$ oans to furt"er e=pan$ t"eir operations an$ w"en

prices $roppe$) everyone was suffering# as a resut many companies went !roke) an$

 workers ost t"eir <o!s -N cou$n3t repay $e!ts an$ so cre$itors took some9 a of t"eir

possessions as payment 'i>e> % stove) car) etc>+

Iack of financia eguation: t"e @* $i$n3t "ave any strict financia service aws an$ t"e

!ank gave out a ot of oans) Cana$a was a itte more carefu> W"en t"ey were "it) accounts

 were emptie$ an$ !anks went !ankrupt

*"rinking Feman$: t"ere was a arge $eman$ of Cana$ian resources in t"e 1546s ike

 w"eat) paper an$ pup) fis" an$ mineras t"erefore cause$ over pro$uction> W"en t"e

$eman$ $ecrease$) Cana$a was eft wit" too muc" suppy w"ic" cause$ prices to $rop

Economic ies: t"e Fepression "it t"e @* an$ t"en Cana$a) @* $ecrease$ t"eir $eman$ ofCana$ian resources an$ s"ut $own t"eir Cana$ian !usinesses t"erefore peope ost <o!s

an$ "a$ no money to spen$ on t"e economy# Cana$a was t"e 4 n$ "ar$est "it country !y t"e


Protective ariffs: many countries across t"e go!e increase$ tariffs on importe$ goo$s in

or$er to increase t"e sae of t"e native goo$s t"erefore Cana$a) an e=porting country

suffere$ w"en t"eir e=porting market $ecrease$ from "ig" tariffs


Conservatives: Iea$er: >B> Bennett

-promise$ to en$ t"e economic crisis in t"ree $ays !y impanting t"e o$ conservative poicy

of "ig" tariff an$ imperia preference

-t"is poicy faie$ so Cana$ians !ecame e=tremey $esperate an$ angry

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-Car owners w"o cou$ not affor$ gasoine reverte$ to "aving t"eir ve"ices !eing pue$ !y

"orses an$ cae$ t"em Bennett Buggies

-attempte$ to prevent socia $isor$er !y evacuating t"e unempoye$ to reief camps far

away from cities-t"is attempt faie$ !ecause of t"e empoye$ protestors w"o ro$e t"e rais

-attempte$ to save "is government !y impanting Bennett3s /ew Fea w"ic" was !ase$ on

t"e /ew Fea t"at (>F> oosevet initiate$

- propose$ progressive income ta=ation) a minimum wage) a ma=imum for work week

"ours) unempoyment insurance) "eat" insurance) an e=pan$e$ pension program an$

grants to farmers

Co-operative Commonweat": Iea$er: >* Woo$swort"

-a$opte$ t"e egina .anifesto) w"ic" set out its goa) incu$ing t"at of creating a mi=e$


-t"e naturai&ation of key in$ustries an$ t"at of creating universa pensions) "eat"care an$

 wefare insurance) c"i$ insurance) unempoyment insurance) workers compensation an$

simiar programs

-pu!ic owners"ip of !anks) pu!ic utiities) transportation companies an$ ot"er ma<orin$ustries

-improve$ "eat"care an$ socia services

-a ta= system $esigne$ to re$istri!ute weat"

*ocia Cre$it: Iea$er: Iea$er: Wiiam 0!er"art

-economic t"eory t"at propose$ t"e government pay a socia $ivi$en$ to every citi&en#

J4A9mont"# consumers wou$ spen$ t"e money on !uying more Cana$ian goo$s t"us anincrease in $eman$ w"ic" wou$ ea$ to an increase in pro$uction

-0 pus B t"eorem# payments ma$e to in$ivi$uas as wages) saaries an$ $ivi$en$s 0H an$

payments ma$e to ot"er organi&ations for raw materias) goo$s an$ services) t"e

purc"asing power) 0H) cannot purc"ase 0 pus B) t"erefore wit"out socia cre$it t"ere wou$

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!e insufficient money in t"e community for t"e purc"ase of a t"e goo$s an$ services


-Wiiam 0!er"art encourage$ *ocia Cre$it wit" "is ra$io s"ow

-t"is remarka!e success was purc"ase$ in part !y t"e repacement of socia cre$itfun$amentaism wit" conservative financia an$ socia poicies

@nion /ationae: Iea$er: .aurice Fupeessis

-focuse$ on corruption in t"e i!era government

-promise$ to $efen$ t"e (renc" anguage) reigion an$ cuture against Engis" !usiness


-Pa$ock Iaw# it gave aut"orities t"e power to enter any pu!ic or private !ui$ing to searc"for an$ sei&e communist propagan$a# if t"ey foun$ anyt"ing) t"ey pa$ock t"e !ui$ing unti

t"e owner appeare$ in court for tria

Cana$ian Iife in 15?6s

Prairie Provinces: t"ey were a farming region in t"e 1546s an$ t"en in t"e 15?6s) t"e

economic crisis <oine$ wit" t"e forces of nature to create $esperate times for prairie farmers

Ontario an$ ue!ec: t"ey "a$ tariffs set up to protect $omestic in$ustries# !ut t"e

companies w"o create$ materias for farmers "a$ to $ecrease pro$uctions !ecause t"e

farmers $ecrease in $eman$ !ecause of a t"e "ar$s"ips t"ey were facing

0tantic Cana$a: t"ey $i$n3t e=perience t"e same eve of success as t"e ot"er regions of

Cana$a in t"e 1546s t"erefore t"ey $i$n3t e=perience t"e same eve of $istress in t"e

15?6s# t"e farmers in 0tantic Cana$a $i$n3t suffer as muc" !ecause t"eir crops were more


eief: money Cana$ians took to support t"em# t"ere were restrictions to reief ike peope

"a$ to ive in t"eir town or community for a specific perio$) usuay Dmont"s-year# w"enCana$ians took reief) t"ey "a$ to give up some t"ings ike t"eir $river3s icenses an$

teep"ones from t"eir "omes> .ost Cana$ians wou$ "ave avoi$e$ reief "a$ t"ere !een

any ot"er aternative# many Cana$ians $i$n3t want to et go t"eir ego9pri$e an$ take t"e

money t"ey $esperatey nee$e$>

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0 few weat"y Cana$ians wit" cas" at "an$ !enefitte$ from t"e Fepression# t"ey were a!e

to !uy farms) "omes) an$ an$ at c"eap prices an$ se t"em ater for "uge profits

Fon aey unge was t"e area t"at supporte$ men !y provi$ing t"em wit" a temporary

s"eter# it was a ast resort an$ it "e$ riots an$ fires# ike oover$ae in /ew orki$ing t"e ro$: W"en t"e "omeess an$ unempoye$ men an$ !oys wou$ take a ri$e on t"e

trains) even t"oug" it was iega) it was free# t"e aut"orities were not a!e to catc" t"em

!ecause t"ere were too many of t"em we "i$$en an$ t"ese men were in searc" of

empoyment an$ some even ro$e from coast to coast

PART B-> Evoution of ec"noogy 


-0t t"e !eginning of t"e $eca$e) ony 4AK of Cana$ian "omes "a$ a teep"one>

-o operate t"ese p"ones t"e operator "a$ to crank t"e generator cockwise# t"e

mout"piece was separate$ from t"e earpiece>

-o make ong $istance cas you "a$ to ring up an operator>

-"e first $ia teep"one 'wit"out crank+ appeare$ in oronto in 154;>

-By t"e en$ of t"e $eca$e) 7AK of Cana$ian "omes "a$ a teep"one>

0ir rave

-0fter t"e war) Cana$ian fig"ter piots were eager to continue fying>

-*ome few across t"e country) performing $aring stunts at county fairs w"ie ot"er so$iers

!ecame !us" piots an$ ferrie$ oi an$ mining prospectors an$ t"eir suppies to remote


-,n 154;) t"e government create$ t"e oya Cana$ian 0ir (orce 'C0(+ to con$uct surveys)

patro for forest fires) an$ watc" out for smuggers>

-,n 1547) t"e post office "ire$ piots to $eiver mai to remote areas>

-1547 sma carrier panes were fying peope from city to city

"e Fiscovery of ,nsuin

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-,n t"e eary 15663s t"e ony treatments for $ia!etes were starvation $iets an$ strict e=ercise

programs) as a resut t"ousan$s of peope wit" $ia!etes face$ !in$ness) im! amputations)

an$ $eat">

-Peope wit" $ia!etes were una!e to a!sor! sugar an$ starc" from t"eir !oo$stream!ecause it was missing an important "ormone cae$ insuin>

-Fr> (re$erick Banting "a$ $evote$ muc" of "is time stu$ying $ia!etes# "e !eieve$ t"at if

"e cou$ isoate insuin in animas) "e cou$ use it to treat peope wit" $ia!etes>

-,n Octo!er) 1546 Banting convince$ Professor > > > .aceo$ at t"e @niversity of oronto

to give "im a researc" a! an$ one of "is !rig"test me$ica stu$ents C"ares Best) as an


-Best an$ Banting con$ucte$ "un$re$s of e=periments on a!oratory $ogs# .aceo$assigne$ c"emist ames Coip to $eveop a met"o$ for making anima insuin safe for


-,n anuary) 1544) t"e serum un$erwent its first "uman tria on 1; year o$ Ieonar$

"ompson> "ompson "a$ !een suffering from $ia!etes for ? years) weig"e$ ony ?6


-,n furt"er testing) a of t"e patients s"owe$ simiar recoveries) 't"e insuin was successfu+>

-Banting an$ .aceo$ won t"e /o!e Pri&e for P"ysioogy an$ .e$icine an$ s"are$ t"eir

J;6 666 pri&e money wit" Best an$ Coip>


-.a$e wor$ seem smaer) provi$e$ ine=pensive entertainment) en$e$ isoation) an$

!roug"t famiies toget"er>

-t"e first ra$ios containe$ a sma piece of 2uart& crysta over w"ic" t"e users wou$ move a

t"in wire to switc" stations>-.ay) 1546 W0 in .ontrea carrie$ t"e first ra$io Cana$ian !roa$cast>

-By t"e en$ of 1544) ra$io stations were esta!is"e$ in ancouver) E$monton) an$

Winnipeg# .ontrea3s CBC was t"e first (renc" ra$io station in t"e wor$>

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-Cana$ian /ationa aiways 'C/+ use$ wireess ra$ios to communicate !ack an$ fort"

!etween trains> ,n 154;) t"e C/ aunc"e$ t"e CC in Ottawa>

-154A % E$war$ *> ogers revoutioni&e$ t"e ra$io in$ustry !y inventing t"e wor$ first

aternating current '0C+ w"ic" aowe$ ra$ios to !e powere$ !y reguar "ouse"o$ eectricityinstea$ of !atteries>

-0 goo$ ra$io cost as muc" as a car>

-By 1545) t"ere were D6 ra$io stations in Cana$a an$ appro=imatey one t"ir$ of Cana$ians

"ouse"o$s owne$ a ra$io>

-,n 1548 t"e ing government appointe$ *ir o"n 0ir$ to a c"air in t"e oya Commission to

consi$er t"e future of !roa$casting an$ t"e government3s roe in t"is fie$>

-"e 0ire$ eport recommen$e$ a government !oar$ operate a coast to coast ra$io system

% Cana$ian Broa$casting Corporation 'CBC+ was forme$>

PART B-> World War Two 1!%!-1!"&$ 

*teps to War

-*eptem!er ?r$: Great Britain) (rance) 0ustraia) /ew Leaan$ an$ ,n$ia $ecare$ war

-*eptem!er 16t": Cana$a $ecare$ war

-*pring 15;6: ,tay $ecares war on 0ies

,n t"e mont" of *eptem!er in t"e 15?8 t"e .unic" 0greement was signe$ !y Engan$ an$

(rance giving iter contro of part of C&ec"osovakia cae$ *u$etenan$# t"is was $one to

save t"e wor$ from war an$ t"e poicy came to !e appeasement

0ppeasement was a mistake in my opinion !ecause iter cou$3ve !een s"ut $own at once>

"e 0ies procrastinate$ an$ trie$ to pacify iter !ut it $i$n3t "ep) it <ust $eaye$ WW,,> P.

ing an$ ot"er ea$ers foowe$ t"roug" wit" appeasement !ecause it et t"em !etter

prepare to go to war wit" iter an$ "is /a&i party> "e poicy et iter gain confi$ence an$

et "im !ecome !o$er w"ic" $i$n3t "ep t"e 0ies situation> Germany totay $isregar$e$ t"e

reaty of ersaies w"ic" state$ Germany cou$n3t remiitari&e t"eir army) navy or air force>

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,f t"e 0ies stoppe$ iter an$ $i$n3t try to pease "im) "e wou$n3t "ave gotten more

aggressive an$ gaine$ a t"e territory t"at "e $i$ an$ WW,, cou$3ve !een avoi$e$>

0ies: Great Britain) @nite$ *tates) Cana$a) 0ustraia) ,n$ia) /ew Leaan$) *out" 0frica)

C"inaQ0=is: Germany) ,tay) apan) ungary) Bugaria) omania) (inan$Q

/eutras: *we$en) *wit&eran$) Portuga) ,rean$) *pain) urkeyQ

ong ong) 15;1

-4)666 Cana$ian so$iers from t"e Winnipeg Grena$iers an$ oya ifes of Cana$a went

overseas to $efen$ t"e Britis" coony of ong ong>

-*o$iers were unfit) "a$ very itte training) an$ were given !asic training on t"eir !oat ri$eto ong ong>

-0rrive$ in ong ong on /ovem!er 1D) 15;1) air of unreaity

-"e Britis" troops eft once t"e Cana$ians came) t"e Britis" troops eft !e"in$ very few

guar$ s"ips an$ suppies

.any stereotypes were going aroun$ on !ot" si$es

-apanese: fet t"ey were t"e superior race> "oug"t Cana$ians were cowar$y) Beieve$

Cana$ians "ate$ to fig"t in t"e rain an$ $ark

-Cana$ians: Beieve$ t"e eye s"ape of apanese eyes ma$e t"eir nig"t vision poor)

t"erefore t"oug"t apanese wou$ never fig"t at nig"t> "oug"t apanese were prone to

seasickness an$ t"ey wou$ never attack !y !oat>

-*o$iers were convince$ t"at in t"e event of an attack) t"e apanese wou$ pose very itte

t"reat $on3t worry a!out t"e apanese) t"ey can3t see at nig"tH sai$ Britis" officers

-"ere was a A $ay !om!ar$ment prior to t"e attack# at 16:66 pm on Fecem!er 18) t"e

apanese) 7 A66 strong) crosse$ to ong ong ,san$ !y !oat>-Cana$ian so$ier were running out of ammunition an$ foo$>

-apanese suffere$ appro=> 866 casuaties) after !eing or$ere$ to make suici$e c"arges

towar$s t"e Cana$ians>

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-C"ristmas Fay at A:?6am) apanese so$iers rai$e$ *t> *tep"en3s Coege temporary

"ospita# t"e $octors trie$ to convince t"e apanese to eave t"em aone !ut t"ey were

kie$# t"e apanese kie$ many of t"e woun$e$ Cana$ian so$iers# t"e apanese torture$

an$ $ismem!ere$ so$iers an$ rape$ t"e nurses merciessy

-0fter surren$ering) many Cana$ian troops were taken to one of two POW camps w"ere

t"ey were force$ to $o "ar$ p"ysica a!our) 'prisoners were in camps unti t"e en$ of WW4+

-0t POW camps so$iers were use$ as save a!our '"a$ to !ui$ ong ong ,nternationa

0irport+> Weren3t sufficienty fe$ 'i>e> % watery rice ony once a $ay+) officers were treate$

$ifferenty> *o$iers face$ many pro!ems 'i>e> % ki$ney faiure) $ip"t"eria+>

-Britis" an$ Cana$ians reations weren3t ooking goo$> Britain sta!!e$ Cana$a) t"e Britis"

un$erstoo$ w"at was "appening in C"ina an$ $i$n3t inform t"e Cana$ians <ust aske$ for

t"em to come> Britis" "a$ taken a t"eir forces an$ suppies wit" t"em) eaving t"e

Cana$ians virtuay $efenseess>

War in t"e 0ir

.ain Events:

-By t"e summer of 15;6) most of Europe was now in GermanyRs "an$s) !ut one fig"ting

o!stace stoo$ !etween iter an$ wor$ $omination) Britain

-is goa was to inva$e an$ $estroy t"e oya 0ir (orce> ,f t"e Germans succee$e$)

German aviators wou$ t"en !e free from attacks# RROperation *ea IionRR>

-"e 0( !om!e$ Berin) an$ wit" t"is) iter was enrage$ an$ !egan to or$er

Comman$er-in-C"ief ermann Goering to or$er t"e attack on Engan$# Goering promise$

"e cou$ $efeat t"e 0( in <ust four $ays an$ t"is $ate was set for *eptem!er 1At">

-On *eptem!er 7t" 15;6) ?66 !om!ers an$ D66 fig"ters were to attack Britain> -A66 peope

"a$ area$y $ie$ an$ t"is continue$>

- German forces t"en gave t"e 0( a c"ance to re!ui$ its strengt"> "oug") t"e Iuftwaffe

 was !eginning to fa>

-ermann Goering $eci$e$ to c"ange tactics> e $eci$e$ to c"ange $ayig"t attacks to

nig"t rai$s> "ey wou$ !e a!e to set up contro air stations) wit" two men an$ kept a

constant ook out for enemy !om!ers out in t"e fie$> "is "owever) $i$ not "ep $ue to t"e

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Iuftwaffe was neit"er traine$ nor e2uippe$ for t"e ong range operations w"ic" !ecame part

of t"e !atte> ,ts tactics were !ase$ upon t"e concept of cose air support for groun$ forces>

-,t is true t"at t"e Batte of Britain was t"e first $efeat for Germany "owever> ,t aso meant

t"at Britain was sti in t"e war an$ t"at Europe was not competey un$er German contro>-(ina osses in t"e Batte of Britain were 1)766 German panes an$ 566 Britis" panes) !ut

!ecause Engan$ remaine$ uncon2uere$) iter was force$ to a$mit $efeat an$ postpone$

RROperation *ea IionRR>

 Cana$a3s oe: Cana$a was Britain3s main suppier for war materias an$ its arsena>

"anks to Cana$a) 0ies won various !attes) w"ic" t"ey "a$ creates pans from) t"e war

pan incu$e$: traine$ aie$ forces) $eveopment of C0( for "ome $efenses an$ overseas

$uty) protecting t"e s"ipping an$ transportations t"at transporte$ !etween Britain an$


,mportance: ,t aso meant t"at Britain was sti in t"e war an$ t"at Europe was not

competey un$er 0=is contro> "is e$ 'after t"e invasion of ussia+ to Germany fig"ting a

 war on two fronts> "e 0( "a$ over 1)A66 fig"ter piots $rawn from Britain) t"e

Commonweat") Poan$) an$ C&ec"osovakia) t"oug" over ;66 $ie$ $uring t"e fig"ting> "e

German air force was strugging against vita $isa$vantages# panes cou$ ony stay a s"ort

time over Engan$ !efore ran ow on fue an$ 0( fig"ter panes ike t"e *pitfire an$ t"e

urricane cou$ out fy many of t"e Iuftwaffe fig"ters an$ !om!ers> ,t aso meant t"at

Britain was sti in t"e war an$ t"at Europe was not competey un$er 0=is contro> "is e$

'after t"e invasion of ussia+ to Germany fig"ting a war on two fronts

Batte on t"e 0tantic '*eptem!er 15?5-.ay 15;A+

,mportant Fetais

-0ie$ forces foug"t German forces across t"e 0tantic Ocean

-German @-Boats) Convoys) ,taian *u!marines an$ Wars"ips were t"e means of war

-!y Back .ayH of 15;?) German @-Boat osses reac"e$ 1-; of t"eir power in one mont"

-German su!marines "a$ arrive$ 4 years too ate to affect t"e !atte

-Germans put a stop to @-Boat operations in t"e atantic on may 4?r$ 15;?

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-in t"e Batic t"e germans were testing new nava tec"noogy: supr su!marines) types ,

an$ ,,,

-if t"e germans succee$e$ in pro$ucing an$ getting t"ese vesses on t"e !attefie$) t"ey

cou$3ve reverse$-48 7;; out of ?A 666 german saiors "a$ $ie$) an 84K $eat" rate# t"e "ig"est casuaty rate

for any arme$ force s of any confict in "istory of mo$ern war

oe of Cana$ians

-Cana$ians "a$ D ocean wars"ips enter t"e !atte

-t"e oya Cana$ian /avy 'C/+ took over 79A6 WW, $estroyers

-Cana$a !uit new nava !ases in *t> o"n3s /ewfoun$an$

-C/ provi$e$ aie$ escorts t"roug" t"e 0tantic from aifa= an$ /ova *cotia to ,cean$

-over t"e course of t"e war) 4A 666 s"ips were escorte$ across t"e 0tantic !y t"e C/

,mportance of t"e Batte

-t"e !atte of 0tantic was very important !ecause Germany "a$ compete contro of t"e

0tantic ocean) Britain 'an isan$+ wou$ "ave "a$ to surren$er !ecause t"ey wou$n3t "ave

"a$ any suppies or ifeines from any ot"er countries

Batte of Fieppe) 0ugust 15 t"  15;4

.ain events of t"is !atte:

- a Srai$3 was panne$ against t"e /a&i occupie$ coast of (rance to: $ivert German troops

from t"eir war against ussia) test German $efences) practice for t"e ma<or assaut) capture

secret $ocuments) take prisoners) $estroy invasion !arges

-troops wou$ !e in an$ out in one $ay

-it is a surprise attack t"erefore t"e air force support is not "eavy) t"ere were fears of too

many civiian $eat"s an$ of warning t"e Germans of t"e attack

-t"e attack was to take pace on uy 8 t" !ut t"e weat"er was !a$ an$ t"e mission scrappe$

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-!ut it was sti onQ at ?:66am t"e attack force ran into a German convoy an$ s"ots were

e=c"ange$# t"e Germans in Fieppe were aerte$ an$ t"e surprise factor was gone

-so$iers an$ in !roa$ $ayig"t an$ are pinne$ on t"e !eac" an$ !eow t"e ciff w"ere t"e

enemy was perc"e$- 0ie$ tanks t"at came as"ore sunk into t"e water or got caug"t in t"e rocks on t"e !eac"

-"ere was aso a concrete sea wa t"at acte$ as a !arrier) making it more $ifficut for

so$iers to run as"ore

-"is !atte ony aste$ 5 "ours# !y 11:66 or$er to re$raw is given

-in t"e air) t"e argest air !atte of t"e war gets 168 aie$ panes s"ot $own compare$ to

D7 German panes

-ony 4 466 of A 666 Cana$ians make it !ack to Engan$# 51? Cana$ian so$iers were kie$)

1)5A6 were taken !y German army as POW3s

(aiure: oss of surprise# faiure it meet o!<ectives# "ig" causaities rate# poor panning#

$iscussing t"e a!orte$ rai$ openy in Engan$ in uy# faiure if tanks to make it up t"e

!eac"# reinforcements were sent in mistakeny# poor communication# insufficient air cover

an$ nava !om!ar$ment# arriving ate in fu $ayig"t

*uccess: taug"t t"e aies essons a!out w"at nee$e$ to !e $one to "ave a successfu fuscae invasion of /a&i occupie$ (rance# new !atte tactics were nee$e$# F-Fay was a

success party !ecause of t"e esson earnt at Fieppe

oe of Cana$ians

-of t"e D 666 so$iers attacking Fieppe) A 666 were Cana$ian

-aso invove$ were "un$re$s of Cana$ian piots) air crew an$ nava crew mem!ers

,mportance of t"e Batte

/o ,mportance: a futie waste of ife# not"ing gaine$ from it w"ic" was not common sense to

start wit"

,mportant: it was a practice run for t"e !ig attack w"ic" wi occur in 15;;# it was crucia

earning e=perience for t"e aies

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"e ,taian Campaign) 15;? 'uy 16t" 15;?- *pring 15;A+

.ain Battes: *iciy 'uy 16t" -0ugust 18t" 15;?+# /apes 'uy 16t" -Octo!er 1st 15;?+#

Ortona 'Fecem!er 46t" -48t" 15;?+# .ount Cassino 'anuary 17t" -.ay18t" 15;;+# 0n&io

'anuary 44n$ -.ay 4At" 15;;+

oe of Cana$ians

- t"e ,taian Campaign was Cana$a3s first ma<or groun$ participation in WW4> Cana$a3s

pan was to an$ a "uge force of so$iers t"at wou$ fig"t its way to Germany an$ t"en

$efeat iter an$ "is /a&i party>

-On Octo!er 1;t" t"e Cana$ian army tank !riga$e supporte$ a Britis" assaut at ermoi>

-Cana$ians capture$: Campo!asso) inc"iaturo an$ t"e Bifero iver>

,mportance to t"e overa war:

-,tay was t"e first opportunity t"at t"e Cana$ian (orces receive$ to !e use$ enormousy) in

or$er to $emonstrate t"eir fig"ting power

 -t"e ,taian Campaign got ri$ of .ussoini) one of iter3s key aies

 -it "epe$ reieve pressure on t"e Eastern (ront '@**+

-0ies were working from t"ree si$es to corner t"e Germans) an$ it prove$ successfu after

t"e Batte of *iciy

-un$erstoo$ "ow t"e German so$iers wou$ fig"t) tec"ni2ues) strategies

-0fter $efeating t"e German an$ ,taian armies in 0frica) t"e 0ies move$ into *iciy an$

t"en ,tay to continue $riving t"e German army !ack into Germany>

-uy) 15;?) t"e Cana$ian) Britis" an$ 0merican troops aunc"e$ an assaut on t"e ,taian

isan$ of *iciy# t"e ,taians offere$ very itte resistance to t"e 0ie$ inva$ers>

-By *eptem!er) 0ie$ troops pus"e$ onto t"e ,taian mainan$) w"ere t"e !atte prove$ to

!e fiercer !ecause of t"e German troops sent in to reinforce t"e country>

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-Batte of Ortona was !iggest test for Cana$ian troops# t"e ancient town of 0$riatic coast

 was a natura fortress) "a$ narrow) win$ing streets) making t"e use of tanks impossi!e#

Cana$ian troops "a$ to take "ouse !y "ouse using t"e mouse"oingH tec"ni2ue

-(or 1 week t"e Cana$ians foug"t a fierce !atte) finay succee$ing to $rive out t"e Germantroops from Ortona two $ays after C"ristmas>

-,n ,tay fig"ting continue$ unti une) 15;; w"en t"e 0ies finay gaine$ contro of ome>

-.ore t"an 56 666 Cana$ians foug"t in ,tay) A;66 ost t"eir ives>

F-Fay) 15;;

-0fter amost A years of !oo$y com!at t"e 0ies were rea$y to aunc" a muc" awaite$

attack) co$ename$ Operation Overor$>

-"is attack invove$ cose to 1 miion Cana$ian) Britis") an$ 0merican troops crossing t"e

Engis" C"anne an$ storming t"e !eac"es of (rance>

-Fetermine$ to keep t"eir pan a secret t"e 0ies wante$ to convince t"e Germans t"at t"ey

panne$ on attacking Pas $e Caais>

-"e rea invasion was to take pace at /orman$y) to t"e sout">

-o $isguise t"e ocation of t"eir inten$e$ attack) t"e 0ies aunc"e$ a preiminary !om!

campaign up an$ $own t"e (renc" coast>

-0ies !uit fake tanks) panes an$ an$ing craft aroun$ Pas $e Caais to misea$ t"e


-*"orty after mi$nig"t on une D) 15;; t"e F % Fay invasion !egan>

-Paratroopers $roppe$ in !e"in$ enemy ines to capture strategic roa$s an$ !ri$ges>

-4666 !om!ers !egan targeting German $efenses in preparation for t"ousan$s of 0ie$

troops to storm /orman$y>

-,n t"e $ark) 0ie$ troops prepare$ to !reak $own t"e was of (ortress EuropeH>

-0merican3s an$e$ at Oma"a an$ @ta" !eac") Britis" an$e$ at Go$ an$ *wor$ !eac"

'!eac"es were co$ename$+

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-Over 1A 666 Cana$ians an$e$ at uno Beac" w"ere t"ey face$ "eavy mac"ine gun fire

an$ "a$ to make t"eir way aroun$ an$mines>

-On t"e first $ay) ??A Cana$ian so$iers were kie$ an$ 766 woun$e$>

-"e Cana$ians were t"e ony 0ie$ force to capture t"eir o!<ective 'uno Beac"+ on t"efirst $ay>

-By t"e en$ of t"e first week) ?66 666 0ie$ so$iers arrive$ safey on t"e !eac"es of

/orman$y# wit" t"e !atte raging on t"ree fronts 'east) west) an$ sout"+ t"e Germans


-But t"e Germans 'ie % iter out" in 14s+ put up a fierce resistance for anot"er year

!efore t"e 0ie$ si$e cou$ caim victory>

-,t was important to win t"is !atte !ecause faiure wou$ mean t"at t"e German forces

 wou$ "ave a c"ance to regroup) meaning a fiercer !atte t"at wou$3ve cost even more

ives> Winning t"is !atter wou$ give troops more confi$ence) an$ "ope> 0 win in /orman$y

 wou$ mean $riving t"e German forces !ack towar$s Germany>

W"at O!staces $i$ t"e @>*> *o$iers face at Oma"a Beac"T

Ian$mines# Bar!e$ wire# German mac"ine gunners ocate$ insi$e concrete !unkers#

Germans "a$ t"e upper "an$ !ecause t"ey were on an eevate$ position# 0merican an$ing

craft "a$ $ifficut an$ing on t"e !eac" !ecause of "eavy gunfire 'w"en t"e $oors starte$

opening so$iers instanty face$ gunfire# many so$iers $ie$ !efore eaving t"e an$ing craft+#

"e !eac" was $ifficut to an$ at) water ma$e uniform an$ e2uipment "eavier w"en wa$ing

t"roug" it# 0nti % tank o!staces pace$ a over t"e !eac" to prevent 0ies using tanks>

0tomic Bom! Fropping on iros"ima an$ /agasaki '0ugust Dt" an$ 0ugust 5t" 15;A+

-on 0ugust Dt" 15;A a @nite$ *tates B45 !om!er pane) t"e Enoa Gay) few over t"e

apanese city of iros"ima

-8:1Aam) an atomic !om! was $roppe$

-it e=po$e$ wit" t"e power of 46 666 tonnes of /# it pro$uce$ a giant mus"room s"ape$

cou$ over t"e city

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-anyone wit"in a kiometer of t"e e=posion !ecame a !un$e of smoking !ack c"arcoa in


-wit"in minutes a!out 76 666 peope were $ea$) t"ose w"o were sti aive were in agony

from t"eir in<uries-on 0ugust 5t" 15;A a secon$ !om! was $roppe$ on t"e post of /agasaki

-t"e two !om!s t"at were $roppe$ were cae$ (at .an an$ Iitte Boy

Estimates of casuaties varie$:

"e @* gave a figure of 75 ;66

"e apanese estimate$ t"at 4;6 666 peope were kie$ $uring t"e e=posion or

$ie$ s"orty afterwar$s from t"e effects of ra$iation

"e 0mericans $enie$ t"at ra$iation sickness e=iste$ an$ t"ey !anne$ <ournaists from

iros"ima an$ /agasaki

*uggeste$ reasons for t"e 0mericans $ropping t"e !om!:

i+ "e 0mericans !eieve$ t"e apanese wou$ never surren$er# if t"e atomic !om!s "a$

not !een use$ "un$re$s of t"ousan$s of 0mericans wou$ "ave !een kie$ in an invasion

of apan

ii+ "e !om! "a$ cost a ot of money to $eveop an$ t"e 0mericans wante$ to see "ow it

 wou$ work

iii+ "e !om! was use$ to s"ow @*03s miitary strengt" to t"e communist @** '*oviet


iv+ "e apanese "a$ $one severa t"ings t"at t"e 0mericans were not "appy wit": t"e

!om!ing of Pear ar!our# t"e treatment of t"e Prisoners of War t"e 0mericans wante$  

to teac" t"e apanese a esson


-0fter F % Fay 0ie$ troops pus"e$ t"eir way into Germany3s capita Berin) t"e ussians

 were t"e first to arrive '0pri 1) 15;A+>

-On t"eir way to Berin) t"e 0ies free$ countries un$er /a&i contro>

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-Benito .ussoini was capture$ an$ e=ecute$ !y "is own peope>

-o escape a simiar fate) iter committe$ suici$e in "is un$ergroun$ !unker on 0pri ?6)

15;A -N "is $eat" marke$ a sym!oic en$ to war in Europe>

-0 week ater) on .ay 7) 15;A) Germany surren$ere$>

-On .ay 8) 15;A 0ie$ troops cee!rate$ E Fay 'ictory in Europe Fay+

-On *eptem!er 4n$ 15;A war en$e$ in 0sia

E W0 I0*EF D E0 15?5-15;A 0.F IE( .OE 0/ ?6 .,II,O/ FE0F

Post World War 1!"&-1!'($)1!&0*s and 1!'0*s

PART B-> Co$ War '1556+ : @* an$ @** !ecame morta enemies after !eing aies in

WW,, !ecause @* wante$ to sprea$ its $emocratic way of ife an$ @** wante$ to sprea$

t"e communism# 0iances: Warsaw Pact '@**+ an$ /0O '@*+# Co$ War was mainy a

poitica an$ economic strugge t"at at times escaate$ into s"ooting warsH an$ "ot warsH#

Co$ War en$e$ 1556951 w"en coonies gaine$ t"eir in$epen$ence from @**:

Warsaw Pact: a pact forme$ in 15AA in a reaction to t"e formation of /0O) an Eastern

Europe Communist Countries organi&ation 

!etween 0!ania) Bugaria) C&ec"osovakia)East Germany) ungary) Poan$) omania) an$ t"e *oviet @nion) w"ic" was signe$ in

Poan$ in 15AA

/0O '15;5:/ort" 0tantic reaty Organi&ation+: W"at "appene$- 15;5) 0ies came

toget"er to $efen$ one anot"er in t"e event of an attack !y an enemy nation) eac" mem!er

"a$ to contri!ute troops an$ e2uipment to /0O# Cana$a3s oe- Cana$a contri!ute$

troops an$ e2uipment) Cana$a agree$ to station troops at /0O !ases in Europe) first time

Cana$ian troops serve$ overseas in peacetime# *ignificance- /0O strengt"ene$

Cana$a3s emerging roe as a mi$$e power) e$ to an increase in miitaryspen$ing∴increase$ G/P from 1>7-7>D

/O0F '15AD:/ort" 0merican 0ir Fefense 0greement 1581:/ort" 0merican 0erospace

Fefense Comman$+: W"at "appene$-15AD) @* persua$e$ Cana$a to form an agreement

for !ot" of t"eir safety) eac" country maintaine$ its own in$epen$ent 0ir (orce wou$ !e

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controe$ !y 0merican an$ Cana$ian Comman$er) 15A8) t"e agreement was officiay

signe$# Cana$a3s oe- Cana$a was now committe$ to participate in @* conficts even if it

$i$n3t want to !e invove$# *ignificance- /O0F "a$ cause$ Cana$a to !e more reiant on

@* an$ prepare$ for /ucear warfare

Gou&enko 0ffair: W"at "appene$- 15;?) ,gor Gou&enko worke$ as a cip"er cerk in t"e

soviet em!assy) "e coecte$ over 166 $ocuments a!out t"e *oviet spy ring in t"e Cana$ian

government) soviet em!assy foun$ out a!out Gou&enko3s researc" an$ trie$ to "arm "im

an$ "is famiy) P. ing finay istene$ an$ ooke$ into Gou&enko3s researc") "e an$ "is

famiy went into "i$ing an$ "is researc" "epe$ arrest an$ c"arge ussian spies in Cana$a#

Cana$a3s oe- 15 spies were arreste$ an$ c"arge$ wit" treason# *ignificance- t"e

e=posure of t"e crime ring fuee$ fears of communism in Cana$a an$ Cana$a was seen as

 weak wit" a weak security system

Cu!an .issie Crisis W"at "appene$- @* wante$ to isoate Cu!a from (i$e Castro3s

communist government an$ Cu!a went to *oviet @nion for "ep an$ !ecame t"eir ay)

15D4) @* earnt t"at t"e *oviets were storing nucear missies in Cu!a to attack t"e @* wit"#

@* reporte$ t"is to t"e @/ an$ got rea$y for a nucear war wit" t"e *oviets) t"e @* aske$

Cana$a to <oin t"em !ut Cana$a refuse$ !ecause it wante$ to keep its ties wit" Cu!a !ut

eventuay gave in to t"e @* an$ got rea$y) *oviets took !ack t"eir missies from Cu!a an$

t"e nucear war was avoi$e$# Cana$a3s oe- Cana$a refuse$ to cut ties wit" Cu!a an$ t"is

severe$ ties wit" t"e @* # *ignificance- (irst time t"at Cana$ians fet $irecty t"reatene$ !yt"e possi!iity of a nucear attack) t"e crisis reveae$ t"e strengt"s an$ weakness of

Cana$a3s reations"ip wit" t"e @*

*ue& Crisis: W"at "appene$- 15AD) t"e Egyptian presi$ent /asser wante$ to nationai&e

t"e *ue& Cana !ut Britain an$ (rance t"reatene$ war if Egypt trie$) t"e @/ organi&e$ t"e

 wor$3s first internationa peacekeeping mission) or$ering a foreigners out of Egypt#

Cana$a3s oe- Cana$ian troops gave support an$ sprea$ peace on t"eir mission# Pearson

receive$ t"e /o!e Peace pri&e for "is part on t"e peace mission *ignificance- war was

prevente$ !y @/3s internationa peacekeeper force

orean War '15A6%15A?+: W"at "appene$-une 4A 15A6) /ort" orea aunc"e$ a !ig

invasion of *out" orea wit" t"e "ep of ussia) @/ *ecurity Counci $eman$e$ t"at /ort"

orea imme$iatey wit"$raw its troops) w"en it refuse$ t"e @/ sent in so$iers from 1D

countries into *out" orea to "ep t"em $efen$ it) a ceasefire was $ecare$ in uy 15A?)

/ort" orea remaine$ communist an$ *out" orea remaine$ $emocratic# Cana$a3s oe-

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Cana$a suppie$ ? !attes"ips an$ s2ua$ron from 0ir (orce) /ovem!er 15A6: Cana$a sent

t"ousan$s troops 0pri 15A1: Cana$a an$ 0ustraia foug"t t"ose w"o were against @/#

*ignificance- t"is cause$ Cana$a an$ @*03s reations"ip to grow stronger

Cana$ian Iife '15A6s+ren$s in t"e 15A6s# iving stran$s were "ig"# infation was ow# economy was !ooming#

more avaia!e empoyment# more vacation time

-!y 15AD amost U of Cana$a3s popuation was un$er t"e age of 4;

- ,n 15A6 a new "ouse cost J8);A6>66 an$ !y 15A5 was J14);66>66

-,n 15A6 t"e average income per year was J?)416>66 an$ !y 15A5 was JA)616>66

-,n 15A6 a gaon of gas was 18 cents an$ !y 15A5 was 4A cents

-,n 15A6 t"e average cost of new car was J1)A16>66 an$ !y 15A5 was J4)466>66

-ock Sn3 o was ove$) (amous musicians-N C"uck Berry) Evis Presey) Bu$$y oy

-Iester Bowes Pearson won t"e /o!e Peace Pri&e for "is roe in t"e *ue& Crisis of 15AD

-P. Fiefen!aker create$ t"e Bi of ig"ts an$ (ree$oms an$ e=ten$e$ Cana$ian


-P. Fiefen!aker groun$e$ t"e 0vro 0rrow

-Pearson create$ socia programs ike Cana$ian Pension pan) minimum wage) 8"r work

$ays an$ ;6"r work week

-Pearson sprea$ ommy Fougas3 .e$icare pan

PART B-> Evoution of ec"noogy 

Cars-"ere were more-powerfu cars to $rive an$ more an$ !etter roa$s on w"ic" to $rive t"em

-Frive-in !usinesses ma$e it possi!e for customers to !ank) watc" a movie) or eat a mea

 wit"out eaving t"eir cars>

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-W"en parking in inner cities !ecame $ifficut) s"opping mas sprang up at an incre$i!e

rate to serve t"e car-$riving pu!ic>

PART C-> +o,ial Can.e and E/ity in Canada -> Women 

oting ,ssue women3s poitica rig"ts>

-a resut of "aving no power was t"at women "a$ few ega rig"ts an$ protections

-WW1 provi$e$ t"e opportunity for women to $ispay t"eir true vaue an$ "ave t"e same

an$ e2ua poitica rig"ts grante$ to men>

-Because of war) t"e <o!s t"at were once $enie$ to women were now open to t"em 'ie %

farming+# !ecause of t"e 2uaity of t"eir work it was "ar$er to $eny t"em t"e vote>

-,n 151D) t"e Prairie Provinces e=ten$e$ t"e vote to women# Bor$en $i$ t"e same in 1518


-few women preserve$ to !ecome $octors) $entists) awyers) sc"oo principas an$ etc>

-at"oug" occupations for mi$$e cass women were imite$ to teac"ing an$ secretaries

-w"en a woman got marrie$ s"e usuay eft "er <o! if t"e coupe cou$ affor$ it

-many immigrants took <o!s as $omestic servants) many were $iscriminate$ against

!ecause of t"eir "eritage

-(igure skating) $iving) swimming) an$ tennis were consi$ere$ proper sports for femaes -N

$espite t"is women took part in a variety of sports incu$ing !asket!a) "ockey) an$ "orse


-Emiy .urp"y was appointe$ a <u$ge in 0!erta in 151D) a awyer c"aenge$ "er rig"t to

 <u$ge a case !ecause s"e was a women>

-,n peope3s eyes women weren3t seen as person3s>

-"e P. was responsi!e for appointing *enators# Bor$en $i$n3t appoint a femae *enator)

even after many protests from women3s groups>

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-Bot" ing an$ .eig"an ignore$ t"e re2uests of t"e women) arguing t"at t"ey "a$ to foow

t"e Britis" /ort" 0merica 0ct of 18D7 w"ic" state$ t"at ony personsH cou$ !e appointe$)

impying t"at women $i$n3t 2uaify as persons>

-,n 1547) t"e 0!erta (iveH c"aenge$ t"e $efinition of persons in t"e B/0 0ct) !ut in 1548t"e *upreme Court of Cana$a rue$ against t"em>

-Fisappointe$) t"e women took t"is case to t"e Privy Counci in Engan$) w"ere it was rue$

t"at women were persons) t"is was a "uge victory for a women in Cana$a>


Women were force$ !ack into $omestic service

-in searc" of empoyment) men took up feminine <o!s ike sc"oo teac"ers an$ secretaries


-women !y t"e miions took factor <o!s to make up for t"e $omestic manpower s"ortage


-women were sti argey $enie$ access to pu!ic power

- it was suspicious if a woman was not marre$ !ut t"e age of ?6

-$ue to t"e !a!y !oom) more women were !ecoming wives an$ mot"ers

-?AK of a a$ut women were mem!ers of t"e a!our force

-4AK of a marrie$ women were working

-!irt" contro pi create$ in t"e 15A6s w"ic" was important factor in Women3s Ii!erty

!ecause it gave t"em contro over t"eir repro$uctive power an$ t"e future generation

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e2initions and Histori,al 3m4ortan,e

@nit 1

,n (an$ers (ie$sH: Foctor .cCrae3s poem !ecame known wor$ renowne$ as a sym!o of

t"e Great War> "is poem) s"owe$ t"e war from a $ea$ so$iers3 perspective: w"at t"ey

saw) fet) an$ "ear$> *o$iers were remem!ere$ for t"eir participation an$ sacrifice for t"e

Great War

0rc"$uke (ran& (er$inan$: t"e 0ustrian "eir) 0rc"$uke an$ "is wife were kie$ !y a

*er!ian errorist group in *ara<evo) Bosnia an$ it occurre$ on une 48 t" 151; an$ t"is was

t"e *P0 to WW,

0rmistice: a truce# t"e agreement t"at en$e$ "ostiities in WW,

0rt"ur Currie: a Cana$ian comman$er in WW1 w"o was in c"arge of t"e Cana$ian troops#

"e organi&e$ t"e victorious assaut on imy i$ge) 1517# "e fet t"at it was important to

train an$ prepare "is troops for !atte) oppose$ to t"e over t"e topH met"o$ in trenc"

 warfare# "e e$ t"e troops at Passc"en$aee an$ was t"e master of tactics an$ taug"t t"e

Cana$ians new strategies w"ic" resute$ in t"eir victory

Biy Bis"op: Cana$a3s !est known piot in WW,# participate$ in 466 $ogfig"ts an$ "a$ 74kis to "is name# greatest ace in t"e Britis" Empire $uring WW,# carrie$ out a soo attack in

 w"ic" "e s"ot $own ? enemy aircraft# won t"e ictoria Cross for "is !ravery an$ courage>

C"orine Gas: a German scientist) w"o "a$ atere$ c"orine to convert it into to=ic gas#

Batte of pres was t"e first time t"at c"emica gas was use$ in an attack# it took t"e ives

many of t"e 0ie$ troops

Conscription Crisis: By 1517) Cana$a3s roe in t"e war "a$ e=pan$e$ greaty# fewer men

vounteere$) famiies weren3t wiing to et anot"er one of t"eir sons or men go an$ <oin t"e

 war effort# Cana$a "a$ to conscript so$iers overseas to avoi$ $is!an$ing t"e Cana$ian

troops w"ic" wou$ resut in remaining so$iers !eing pace$ in ot"er aie$ units# many fet

t"eir patriotic $uty "a$ !een $one 'Cana$a generousy contri!ute$ men) foo$) suppies) an$

money+# many Cana$ians fet t"eir civiian an$ miitary ea$ers $i$ not vaue t"eir ives>  "e

crisis was en$e$ w"en P. Bor$en ma$e conscription for overseas t"e aw 't"is cause$

many protests in Cana$a) an$ riots in ue!ec+

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Creeping Barrage: t"e artiery continue$ to fire even as t"e Cana$ians eft t"eir trenc"es#

t"e goa was to "ur s"es in t"e way of enemy so$iers so t"ey were force$ to retreat into

t"eir $ugouts an$ keep t"eir "ea$s $own as t"e Cana$ians came in !e"in$ t"e fire to attack

t"e enemy# t"e pan re2uire$ perfect $iscipine) training) an$ timing) !ecause errors cou$ !e

$ea$y for t"e so$iers on t"e groun$ an$ t"e artiery troops# use$ numerous times in WW,

Gavrio Princip: a teenage *er!ian terrorist in t"e Back an$# "e was t"e one w"o

succee$e$ in kiing t"e 0rc"$uke (ran& (er$inan$ an$ "is wife

Genera Fougas aig: "e was t"e comman$er of t"e Britis" forces incu$ing Cana$ian

troops at Passc"en$aee# gaining an$ "o$ing Passc"en$aee was a matter on w"ic" "e

stake$ "is reputation an$ nee$e$ to prove t"at "e ma$e t"e rig"t c"oice>

,ncome a=: income ta= was presente$ as a temporary measure to win victory 'ta= on t"e

income of a person an$ !usiness+>

aifa= E=posion: on Fecem!er D) 1517 two aie$ s"ips) t"e ,.O an$ .ont Banc coi$e$)

t"e .ont Banc was carrying 4666 tonnes of /) more e=posives) an$ fue on !oar$ w"ic"

instanty ignite$ $ue to t"e friction of t"e coision> "e e=posion was t"e greatest "uman %

ma$e e=posion unti t"e atomic !om!s $roppe$ in 15;A>

Co> o"n .cCrae: a Cana$ian p"ysician) so$ier) an$ poet in WW,#   On .ay 1st) Foctor

.cCrae ost a $ear frien$) 0e=is ammer an$ in "is grief "e wrote (an$ers (ie$sH

uian Byng: was a successfu comman$er at imy i$ge in WW, an$ t"en was appointe$

!y t"e ueen as Governor Genera an$ "e "a$ issues wit" P. ing3s government an$ trie$

to make c"anges !ut en$e$ up making t"e Governor Genera position ose power

Iusitania: an 0merican passenger vesse# w"en t"e s"ip was "it !y German nava troops) it

encourage$ t"e @* to <oin WW,

.iitary oters 0ct: an act w"ic" aowe$ !ot" men an$ women of t"e arme$ services to

vote# P. Bor$en ma$e to gain votes in "is re-eection

/o man3s Ian$: an area !etween opposing enemy trenc"es) in w"ic" t"ere were "eavy

casuaties $uring attacks>

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eparation: payments ma$e to pay for someone3s suffering !y t"e one w"o cause$ it#

Germany "a$ to pay reparations to t"e aies in WW, 'finis"e$ paying in /ovem!er 4611+

an$ again in WW,,

ussian evoution: took pace in 1517) $uring t"e fina p"ase of Wor$ War ,# ,t remove$ussia from t"e war an$ !roug"t a!out t"e transformation of t"e ussian Empire into t"e

@nion of *oviet *ociaist epu!ics '@**+) repacing ussia3s tra$itiona monarc"y wit"

t"e wor$3s first Communist state> "e revoution "appene$ in stages t"roug" two separate

coups) one in (e!ruary an$ one in Octo!er> "e new government) e$ !y a$imir Ienin)

 wou$ soi$ify its power ony after t"ree years of civi war) w"ic" en$e$ in 1546# it was

important !ecause it cause$ ussia to sign a peace treaty wit" Germany t"erefore ussia

$i$n3t receive anyt"ing in t"e reaty of ersaies

*c"ieffen Pan:  Germany3s war pan to inva$e (rance) it invove$ transporting Germantroops t"roug" neutra Begium> "is pan faie$ w"en it was put into action !ecause at t"e

ast moment it was c"ange$ an$ German troops move$ sout" too 2uick to capture Paris

an$ were $efeate$ !y (renc" troops 'Britain was angere$ !y t"is an$ $ecare$ war on


"e Back an$: a *er!ian nationaistic e=tremist terrorist group w"o sent assassins to ki

t"e 0rc"$uke of 0ustro-ungary an$ were successfu in t"eir secon$ attempt

"e *omme iver: a river t"at fows t"roug" (rance# t"e ocation Cana$a3s secon$ ma<or!atte in WW,

reaty of ersaies: a treaty signe$ in anuary 1515 to officiay en$ WW,, an$ to prevent

 war from occurring again

renc" Warfare: it was ife on t"e frontines# it was awfu: Feat" was a constant companion

to t"ose serving in t"e ine) even w"en no rai$ or attack was aunc"e$ or $efen$e$ against>

,n !usy sectors t"e constant s"efire $irecte$ !y t"e enemy !roug"t ran$om $eat"#  ats in

t"eir miions infeste$ trenc"es# so$iers suffere$ from trenc" mout") trenc" foot an$ s"e

s"ock# so$iers were constanty surroun$e$ !y !o$iy i2ui$s) gar!age an$ corpses# so$iers

"a$ to constanty repair t"e trenc"es !ecause of t"e weat"er con$itions an$ attacks# it was

"ow War was foug"t t"roug"out WW,

@timatum: a ist of $eman$s sent from one country to anot"er# 0ustria-ungary sent one to

*er!ia asking for t"e mur$erer of t"eir "eir 0rc"$uke (ran& (er$inan$

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ictory Bon$s: saving !on$s so$ to Cana$ians to "ep pay for t"e cost of WW,

imy i$ge: a ri$ge in (rance# t"e ocation t"at was in t"e "an$s of Germany an$ was

capture$ !y Cana$ian troops in t"eir ?r$ ma<or !atte in WW,

War .easures 0ct: an emergency act create$ in 151; t"at gave t"e fe$era ca!inet t"epower to make 2uick un c"aenge$ $ecisions in times of war

Wartime Eections 0ct: an act t"at e=ten$e$ t"e vote to t"e mot"ers) $aug"ters) sisters) an$

 wives of men serving overseas# P. Bor$en use$ t"is to gain votes for "is re-eection

@nit 4

0$of iter '1885-15;A+: was t"e $ictatoria ea$er of t"e /ationa *ociaist GermanWorkers Party) or /a&i Party) comman$ing German forces t"roug"out Wor$ War ,,> 0

fanatic nationaist) miitarist) racist) an$ anti-*emite) iter !ecame C"anceor of Germany

in 15?? an$ 2uicky transforme$ Germany into a totaitarian fascist state> is efforts to !ui$

a territoriay arger an$ et"nicay purer fat"eran$ for t"e German peope en$e$ in wor$

 war an$ oocaust> iter retaine$ power in Germany unti "is suici$e <ust !efore GermanyRs

surren$er in 15;A

0nti-*emitism: pre<u$ice or $iscrimination against ewis") !ase$ on t"eir reigious !eiefs

an$9or group stereotypes

0rt"ur Evans: t"e Cana$ian w"o e$ reief camp workers in wanting !etter working

con$itions at reief camps> e gave workers a voice an$ e=paine$ "ow t"e government

nee$e$ to make positive c"ange $uring t"e Fepression>

Benito .ussoini '188?-15;A:+ was t"e fascist prime minister of ,tay) wit" $ictatoria powers)

from 1544 unti "e was overt"rown in 15;?># in .ay 15?8) .ussoini promise$ to fig"t

aongsi$e 0$of iter in any war against t"e $emocracies of t"e wor$> is armies) "owever)

poory e$ an$ i-prepare$ for war) were $efeate$ 2uicky !y 0ie$ forces> ,taian resistanceto "is $ictators"ip utimatey e$ to "is fa from power

Back ues$ay: ues$ay) Octo!er 45) 1545) w"en t"e stock market cras"e$ in t"e @nite$

*tates> "e stock market cras" was a ma<or factor t"at e$ to t"e Great Fepression

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Capitaism: strengt"s: free$om of speec") in$ivi$ua9persona rig"ts) private property am$

$emocracy# t"e @* wante$ to sprea$ $emocracy after WW,, t"erefore initiate$ Co$ War

 wit" Warsaw Pact '@**+

Communism: strengt"s: everyone is truy e2ua) crime is ow) free pu!ic "eat"care) onepoitica party) everyone is given t"e <o! t"at is !est suite$ for t"em# "e @** wante$ to

sprea$ communism after WW,, t"erefore initiate$ Co$ War wit" /0O '@*+

Fictators"ip: a country) government) or t"e form of government in w"ic" a!soute power is

e=ercise$ !y a $ictator# in WW,,) t"ere were many $ictators ike iter an$ .ussoini an$

 wit" t"eir power t"ey $i$ many t"ings

(>F oosevet:  was t"e ?4n$ Presi$ent of t"e @*> e genuiney wante$ to "ep 0mericans)

an$ $i$ so !y intro$ucing t"e /ew Fea) pu!ic works programs) an$ firesi$e c"ats) a to

essen unempoyment an$ !etter t"e economy

(ascism: a form of government e$ !y someone w"o "o$s a t"e power wit"in a country>

"is in$ivi$ua is !acke$ !y an army or secret poice an$ uses force or terror to maintain

power> "is in$ivi$ua swifty uses nationaism an$ racism as answers to "is actions) 'i>e> %

iter) .ussoini+>

Soocaust3: is a perio$ of ? years !etween 15;4 % 15;A in w"ic" German ea$er 0$op"

iter or$ere$ t"e kiings of miions of ews in /a&i controe$ countries incu$ing)

Germany> "is was t"e !iggest genoci$e massacre known to mankin$) ewis" peope were

taken as prisoners an$ force$ to $o a!our at work camps or were taken to concentration

camps w"ere t"ey were in"umaney mur$ere$ !y t"e t"ousan$s: /a&is kie$ miions of

civiians# over D miion ews an$ ot"er group w"o were !eieve$ not e2uivaent to t"e

Germans ike t"e ussians an$ Poes

.ouse "oing: so$iers !aste$ a "oe in t"e outsi$e of a wa of a "ouse) troops wou$ t"en

t"row grena$es in it to cear t"e room !efore c"arging insi$e an$ cearing t"e rest of t"e

"ouse wit" mac"ine gun fire) t"is was repeate$ for every a$<oining "ouse>

/a&ism: was an e=tremey fascist) nationaistic an$ totaitarian group t"at !ase$ its !eiefs

on t"e /ationa *ociaist German Worker3s Party an$ t"ey "a$ a vioent "atre$ towar$s

ewis" fok an$ ot"er not of pure !oo$H> iter was t"e ea$er an$ wit" t"eir "ep "e amost

took over a of Europe an$ 0sia>

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/ew Fea:  a series of ra$ica socia reforms aime$ at provi$ing reief an$ economic

recovery> ,t was originay ma$e !y @* Presi$ent (> F> oosevet an$ soon a$opte$ !y

Cana$ian P. Bennett w"o unsuccessfuy trie$ to copy oosevet3s actions

On-to-Ottawa: over 1D66 men a!oar$ freig"t trains !oun$ for t"e nation3s capita an$ aconfrontation wit" P. > B> Bennett> ,t was important !ecause reief camp workers were

$eman$ing !etter pay) foo$) cot"ing) an$ s"eter at t"e camps

Pa$ock Iaw: w"ic" aowe$ t"e provincia government to s"ut $own an$ arrest any group

or person t"at it fet was $efying t"e goo$ government principes of ue!ec# suppose$y

aime$ at communists

Prisoners of War: a so$ier !ecomes a POW w"en t"ey are capture$ in enemy territory an$

are suppose$ to !e safe un$er Geneva Conventions# in WW,, many POW were torture$)

starve$) force$ a!our an$ $ie$ from con$itions

uintupets: A !a!ies !orn to a mot"er in Caen$ar) Ontario near /ort" Bay# t"ey !roug"t a

sign of "ope to Cana$ians# t"e Provincia Government took care of t"em# t"ey "a$ a

"ospita ma$e for t"em# t"ey !ecame a tourist attraction# t"ey were e=poite$

egina .anifesto: t"e name of t"e $ocument create$ !y t"e CC( t"at outine$ 1; points for

c"anges $uring t"e Fepression> "is is important !ecause many of its i$eas were use$ !y

ot"er parties) suc" as t"e Ii!eras) to "ep in t"e Fepression>

egina iot: Bennett was $etermine$ to stop t"e On-to-Ottawa rek protestors> On une

1;t") "e or$ere$ t"e poice to "at t"e trains at egina> e invite$ t"e rek ea$ers to

Ottawa) "oping t"at t"eir a!sence wou$ make t"e protest in egina fi&&e out peacefuy> ,n

Ottawa) taks !roke $own after ony an "our> "e frustrate$ men returne$ to egina> "ey

gat"ere$ in .arket *2uare on uy 1 st to $iscuss t"eir ne=t strategy> W"en Bennett or$ere$

t"e oca poice to arrest t"e men) a riot !roke out> W"en it was over) one pain cot"e$

officer was $ea$ an$ severa protestors an$ citi&ens were in<ure$> euctanty) many men

returne$ to t"e reief camps> ,t was a victory for Bennett !ut it cause$ "im not to !e re-

eecte$ in t"e ne=t eection

eief Camp:  government fun$e$ camps w"ic" accepte$ men) w"o in turn $i$ p"ysica

a!our to earn 46 cents a $ay> eief camps "epe$ $eveop may rura areas) !ui$

"ig"ways) an$ gave men a way to provi$e for t"eir famiies $uring t"e Fepression

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** *t> Iouis: une 15?5) 1 666 refugees c"artere$ t"e German ** *t> Iouis an$ saie$

across t"e 0tantic towar$s t"e @*) 0rgentina) Cu!a an$ Paraguay in "opes of fin$ing a

safe "aven !ut t"ey were re<ecte$# t"ese refugees saie$ to Cana$a) w"ere P. ing

re<ecte$ t"em as we# t"e s"ip t"en returne$ to Europe w"ere amost U t"e passengers

 were kie$ at /a&i concentration camps

otaitarian: a government t"at esta!is"e$ compete contro of a aspects of t"e state

'poitica) miitary) economy) socia) cutura an$ etc>+) it is "ig"y nationaistic an$ "as very

strict contro an$ aws over everyt"ing> ,t is important !ecause t"is is one of t"e ways

countries were run an$ are !eing run to$ay>

@nit ?

0vro 0rrow: a Cana$ian miitary $efense <et wit" a "uge !u$get of J14>A miion an$ was

cancee$ !y P. Fiefen!aker w"en no countries were intereste$ in purc"asing it

Ba!y Boom: after t"e $epression an$ WW,,) more coupes were marrie$ an$ many !a!ies

 were !orn# eac" c"i$ receive$ !a!y !onusH) famiy aowance t"erefore t"ere were more

c"i$ren an$ growing up 2uicky

Berin Wa: it was !uit for p"ysica separation of Germany# East Germany was communist

an$ West Germany was Femocratic# t"e wa was a sym!o of t"e $ivision in t"e Co$ War

Cana$ian (ag: ,n 15D;) Cana$a came to t"e $ecision t"at it nee$e$ a new fag# some

peope ike Fiefen!aker) wante$ to "onour Britain on t"e new fag !ecause of a t"e

invovement t"ey "a$ in s"aping Cana$a to w"at it is to$ay# some peope ike Pearson)

 wante$ to "ave a $istinctivey Cana$ian (ag wit" no coonia or cutura

references9sym!oism attac"e$ to it# on (e!ruary 1A t" 15DA) Cana$a3s new fag was officiay


Evis Presey: Biggest ock Sn3 o star in t"e wor$# "is music sym!oise$ free$om for


(i$e Castro: 15A5) "e overt"rew t"e $ictators"ip of (ugenico Batista an$ set up "is own

communist government an$ !ecame $istant from t"e @* an$ aies of t"e *oviet @nion

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(ront $e Ii!Vration $u uV!ec '(I+: 15D? aunc"e$ a campaign of terror in uV!ec '(I

 was a terrorist group+) it ma$e t"e ue!ecois reai&e w"at t"ey $eserve an$ t"ey s"ou$

stan$ up for it

,gor Gou&enko: ussian $efector t"at eft *oviet @nion to come to Cana$a an$ $iscovere$t"e ussian spy ring in t"e Cana$ian Government

,ron Curtain: term use$ !y Winston C"urc"i to $escri!e t"e $ifference in government styes

in Europe# "af of t"e countries were $emocratic w"ie t"e ot"ers were communists an$

eac" governing stye was trying to overpower t"e ot"er

uiet evoution: 15D6) uV!ec government c"ange$ from @nion /ationae to Ii!eras t"us

c"anging many t"ings in uV!ec incu$ing ifestyes# uV!ec $roppe$ out of 45 (e$era

pro<ects# t"ere were many rai$s an$ riots $ue to t"e c"anging

*t> Iawrence *eaway: pan to make t"e *t> Iawrence more accessi!e !ecause t"ere was

an urgent nee$ to gain easy access to t"e arge consumer market of Centra Cana$a an$

Eastern @nite$ *tates !etween t"e @* an$ Cana$a# t"en t"e @* $roppe$ out an$ Cana$a

$eci$e$ to !ui$ it on its own in 15A1 # @*0 re<oine$ in 15A;# construction !egan in 15AA) it

 was officiay opene$ une 15A5# t"e pro<ect provi$e$ more t"an <ust improve$

transportation as !ot" countries cou$ now "arness t"e power of t"e rapi$s to generate

"y$roeectricity power

ommy Fougas: ea$er of /FP w"o !egan a new "eat" care system in *askatc"ewan in

15;7 w"ic" sowy sprea$ a over Cana$a in 15DD# it intro$uce$ pu!ic "ospita insurance

an$ t"en a compete "eat" insurance pan

rans-Cana$a ig"way: in 15;5) t"e fe$era government passe$ t"e rans-Cana$a

ig"way 0ct as part of a pan to create post war empoyment# Construction costs were to !e

s"are$ e2uay !etween t"e provinces# t"e target $ate for competion was 15AD !ut t"e

rising construction costs) ma<or engineering c"aenges t"roug" t"e ocky .ountains an$

t"e $ifferent financia priorities of t"e provinces $eaye$ t"e pro$uctions# t"e "ig"way

opene$ in 15D4) arge parts of t"e roa$ remaine$ unpave$# t"e entire route was pave$ !y

15DD# t"e rans-Cana$a ig"way provi$e$ an important transportation route for Cana$ian

pro$ucer an$ manufacturers

rans-Cana$a Pipeine: it was create$ !ecause of t"e $iscovery of oi at Ie$uc) 0!erta) in

15;7) an$ Cana$a cou$ now $eiver its own suppy of oi an$ gas via pipeine to Britis"

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Coum!ia an$ Centra Cana$a# in 15AD) t"e *t> Iaurent government announce$ pans to

!ui$ a pipeine running from 0!erta across Cana$a nort" of ake superior an$ en$ing in

.ontrea# private 0merican investors finance$ it !ut w"en t"ere weren3t sufficient fun$s to

compete t"e pipeine in Ontario) t"e government create$ a !i t"at was passe$ to a aw t"at

"epe$ finis" t"e pipeine

@nite$ /ations: an organi&ation ma$e !efore t"e en$ of WW,, t"at was meant to prevent

 war from "appening again an$ !roug"t peace t"roug"out t"e wor$

@niversa Fecaration of uman ig"ts: a ;66 page$ $ocument create$ !y o"n ump"rey)

"ea$ of @/ Fivision for uman ig"ts in 1557

War Bri$es: oung women w"o marrie$ so$iers overseas came to Cana$a to ive an$ raise

famiies wit" t"eir Cana$ian "us!an$s

Warsaw Pact: a pact forme$ in 15AA in a reaction to t"e formation of /0O) an Eastern

Europe Communist Countries organi&ation