Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface 1 Grade 5 LANGUAGE ARTS Curriculum Map 2014 - 2015 Volusia County Schools Florida Standards

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface


Grade 5

LANGUAGE ARTS Curriculum Map

2014 - 2015

Volusia County Schools

Florida Standards

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Cyclical Reading and Writing Standards: a listing of standards that should be addressed throughout the year while instructing the weekly standards Pacing: the recommended timeline for each quarter (this may vary) Available Resources: a listing of available, high quality and appropriate materials, textbooks, assessments, videos and other media sources that are aligned with the learning targets, developed to save teachers time when planning for instruction Assessments: a listing of required assessments Suggested Focus Question: a question or directive to assist in developing text-based questions Strands/Clusters: a list of the major underlying concepts; standards are clustered under related topics; includes pacing for assessment window Standards/Learning Targets: the Language Arts Florida Standards with Pinnacle numbers/the content knowledge, processes, and enabling skills that will ensure successful mastery of the essential questions Recommended Formative Assessments: a listing of recommended formative assessments with hyperlinks to a variety of assessment tools, developed to save teachers time when planning for instruction 120-Minute Literacy Block: describes a structure of the literacy block



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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Elementary Instructional Language Arts Block 3-5 Time Components Description

5 minutes

Opening: Hook/Warm-up (engage)

Teachers will engage students to create interest for the whole group mini lesson- new or review of previous learning targets.

15-60 minutes (can be broken up into segments)

Whole Group: Mini Lesson & Guided Practice Focus Questions/Text Dependent Questions/ Writing/Engagement Strategies/(includes Grades 3-5 Foundational Skills) (explore/explain/evaluate)

During this time, the learning target will be introduced through explicit instruction by the teacher or through exploration/discovery by the students. Teachers model their thinking. Teacher leads students to participate in guided practice of the new learning target and includes teaching vocabulary in context. Only pre-teach those words around concepts that are critical to students’ understanding of the topic. Most of the time vocabulary can actually be addressed during the body of the lessons. Students will explore using manipulatives (eg. highlighters, post-its, etc.) and having conversations about their new learning. Students and teachers explain and justify what they are doing. Teachers are using probing questions to redirect student thinking during guided practice. Teachers provide explicit instruction to scaffold the learning if the majority of the students are struggling. Formative techniques are used to evaluate which students will need interventions and which students will need enrichment.

atleast 60 minutes

Small Group: Centers & Collaborative/ Independent Practice Focus Questions/Text Dependent Questions/ Writing/Engagement Strategies/(includes Grades 3-5 Foundational Skills) (explain/evaluate/ explore/ elaborate)

The teacher will work with identified, homogeneous groups to provide core/intervention or enrichment. The students will explain their thinking through the use of a variety of instructional strategies. The teacher will evaluate student understanding and address misconceptions that still exist. Students will work in groups using cooperative structures or engaging in center activities. These activities are related to the mini lesson, previously taught learning targets, or upcoming standards. Students will continue to explore the learning targets by communicating with peers. All students will elaborate to construct a deeper understanding while engaging in collaborative and independent practices. Students will evaluate their own understanding through the practice of self-reflection.

5 minutes Closure: Summarize Text Dependent Questions/Writing (explain/evaluate)

The teacher will revisit the learning target and any student discoveries. Students will explain and evaluate their understanding of the learning target through a variety of techniques. The teacher will evaluate students’ depth of understanding to drive future instruction.

Formative techniques occur throughout each piece of the framework.

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

120-minute Literacy Block








Language Arts Reading & Writing

Whole Group Instruction (6 Language Domains)

Reading Literature - comprehension, writing connected to text

Reading Informational – comprehension, writing connected to text, includes content areas

Foundational Skills - phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, and fluency; SIPPS K-2 (see SIPPS instructional plan in curriculum map), Macmillan support 3-5

Writing- writing process instruction and writing connected to text


Speaking and Listening

Small Group Instruction- at least 60 minutes

Guided Reading includes the 6 Domains from whole group instruction

(lowest performing students should be seen daily)

Typically the class is divided into 3-4 flexible reading groups, generally based on ability (high, moderate, and low performing students). However, the groups are fluid and change depending on the needs of the students. All groups should meet with the teacher every day, even if it’s just for 5 to 10 minutes. Selection of a book or text is matched to the reader’s instructional level. When students are not at the teacher table, they are engaged in literacy centers that involve reading and writing. ESE students who receive support facilitation and ELL students should also be seen daily by the teacher in small group.

Following the decoding, vocabulary, and/or comprehension instruction, each student silently or whisper reads the entire text or predetermined portion of the text (not round robin). While students are reading, sample their reading by asking select students, one at a time, to raise his or her voice so you can hear them read a small portion of the text. It is not necessary to listen to every child in the group every day. Students are expected to actively engage in and practice the decoding and comprehension strategies that were explicitly taught. Students reflect on how the lesson helped them become better readers through discussion or writing.

Centers - 3 or 4 with accountability

o Focused on small group and/or whole group instruction, includes writing to text o Technology- focused/directed o Self-selected text - end with a response/reflection

Instructional Closure- See suggestions in curriculum map

Summative Assessment

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

3-5 Sample Literacy Block Schedules There is no one way to schedule the Literacy Block.

This document provides examples of how a Literacy Block could be scheduled.

60 minutes will be dedicated to Small Group Instruction daily.

Example: Foundational Skills - Whole

Group Instruction 20 minutes

Rotation 1 - Small Group Instruction 20 minutes

Reading Comprehension - (Literature/Informational) Whole Group Instruction 20 minutes

Rotation 2 – Small Group Instruction 20 minutes

Writing Instruction – Whole Group Instruction (writing connected to text, writing process instruction) 20 minutes

Rotation 3 – Small Group Instruction 20 minutes

Example: Whole Group Instruction

Reading (comprehension, decoding, and word recognition, and fluency) 30 minutes

Whole Group Instruction - Writing (writing connected to text and writing process instruction) 30 minutes

Small Group Instruction (3-4 flexible reading groups) 60 minutes

Example: Foundational Skills - Whole Group

Instruction 20 minutes

Independent practice of modeled skill from whole group, teacher pulls Guided Reading Group Small Group Instruction 20 minutes

Reading Workshop – Whole Group Instruction (Literature/Informational – reading comprehension) 20 minutes

Independent practice of modeled skill from whole group, teacher pulls Guided Reading Group Small Group Instruction 20 minutes

Writing Workshop - whole group (writing connected to text, writing process instruction) 20 minutes

Independent practice of modeled skill from whole group to apply to independent writing, teacher pulls Guided Reading Group Small Group Instruction 20 minutes

Instructional Closure should be incorporated each day.

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Recommended Formative Assessments

Language Arts K-5

Name Description Additional Information

A & D Statements

A & D Statements analyze a set of “fact or fiction” statements. First, students may choose to agree or disagree with a statement or identify whether they need more information. Students are asked to describe their thinking about why they agree, disagree, or are unsure. In the second part, students describe what they can do to investigate the statement by testing their ideas, researching what is already known, or using other means of inquiry.

Statement How can you find out?

The narrator is a character in the story. __agree __disagree __it depends on __not sure My thoughts:

Agreement Circles

Agreement Circles provide a kinesthetic way to activate thinking and engage students in argumentation. Use when students have had some exposure to the content. Students stand in a circle as the teacher reads a statement. They face their peers still standing and match themselves up in small groups of opposing beliefs. Students discuss and defend their positions. After some students defend their answers, teacher can ask if others have been swayed. If so, stand up. If not, what are your thoughts? Why did you disagree? After hearing those who disagree, does anyone who has agreed want to change their minds?

Long A

1. Long ā words sometimes have the ai pattern.

2. All long ā words are under the v-c-e pattern. 3. The word baby has a long ā vowel sound.

Analogy Prompt

Analogy Prompt is a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification. The teacher periodically should present students with an analogy prompt that is a designated concept, principle, or process.

is to as

is to _____. Dog is to puppy as cat is to _____. http://www.education.com/reference/article/analogy/

Anecdotal Notes, Labels, or Sticky


Anecdotal Notes, Labels, or Sticky Notes are short notes that the teacher takes during a lesson as students work in small groups, at centers, or individually. The teacher should reflect on a specific standard or learning target and make notes on the students’ progress toward mastery of that learning target.


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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Recommended Formative Assessments, Language Arts K-5, continued

Name Description Additional Information

Chain Notes

Chain Notes begin with a question printed at the top of a paper. The paper is then circulated from student to student. Each student responds with one to two sentences related to the question and passes it on to the next student. A student can add a new thought or build on a previous statement.

What are compound words?

1. A new word made up of two words.

2. Usually have two syllables.

3. Two words put together to make a word.


Clickers/Mobi are an electronic tool to measure the students’ level of understanding before and/or after a lesson.

Commit and Toss

Commit and Toss is an anonymous technique used to get a quick read on the different ideas students have in the class. Students are given a question and asked to answer it AND explain their thinking. They write this on a piece of paper. The paper is crumpled into a ball. Once the teacher gives the signal, they either toss/pass/or place the ball in a basket. Students take turns reading their "caught" response. Once all ideas have been made public and discussed, engage students in a class discussion to decide which ideas they believe are the most plausible and to provide justification for the thinking. THIS IS A FUN, ENGAGING TECHNIQUE! BE CAREFUL NOT TO OVERUSE IT OR IT WILL LOSE ITS EFFECTIVENESS.

What details in the book support the main idea?

Students write their evidence on a piece of paper.

Explain your thinking. Describe the reason for the answer you selected.

Concept Card Mapping

Concept Card Mapping is a variation on concept mapping. Students are given cards with the concepts written on them. They move the cards around and arrange them as a connected web of knowledge. They create linkages between the concept cards that describe the relationship between concepts.

Student Instructions: 1. Think about the question. 2. In your head, compose some sentences/ statements that answer the question. 3. When the paper comes to you, read the other statements and add something new.

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Recommended Formative Assessments, Language Arts K-5, continued

Name Description Additional Information

Decision Making Chart

Decision Making Chart is an open-ended text-based question that requires reasoning. Students complete the Decision Making Chart using reasoning from text.


Directed Paraphrasing

Directed Paraphrasing provides an interesting, creative, and challenging way for students to summarize what they learned in their own words, use appropriate terminology, and consider how to best communicate their understanding to a specific audience. When one has to explain something to others, one’s own learning increases.

Prompt students to express the definition or explanation of a concept in their own words.

Definitions Are Us

Definitions Are Us is a cooperative assessment that prompts students to demonstrate their complete understanding of a term or expression by creating their own definitions.


Fact First Questioning

Fact First Questioning is a higher-order questioning technique used to draw out student’s knowledge. It takes a factual “what” question and turns it into a deeper “how” or “why” question. Teachers state the fact first and then ask students to elaborate, enabling deeper thinking processes that lead to a more enduring understanding of the concepts.

Examples of Fact First Questions

Bats are mammals. Since bats fly, why are they not birds?

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Recommended Formative Assessments, Language Arts K-5, continued

Name Description Additional Information

First Word-Last Word

Fist to Five asks students to indicate the extent of their understanding of a phonics or language concept by holding up a closed fist (no understanding), one finger (very little understanding), and a range up to five fingers (understand completely and can easily explain it to someone else). Fist to Five provides simple feedback opportunity for all students in a class to indicate when they do not understand a concept or skill and need additional support for their learning.

First Word- Poem Last Word- Poem

P- P-

O- O-

E- E-

M- M-

Fist to Five

Fist to Five asks students to indicate the extent of their understanding of

a phonics or language concept by holding up a closed fist (no

understanding), one finger (very little understanding), and a range up to

five fingers (understand completely and can easily explain it to someone

else). Fist to Five provides simple feedback opportunity for all students

in a class to indicate when they do not understand a concept or skill and

need additional support for their learning.


Foldables are three-dimensional, interactive graphic organizers. Students can write and/or draw important details and concepts from the lesson. The teacher can use this as a formative, if the students complete the task independently.

Four corners

Corners are labeled: Strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree. Present a controversial text-based statement and have students go to the corner that best fits their opinion. Students then pair up to defend their opinion with text based evidence. The teacher circulates and records comments. Next, there can be a whole group discussion, where opinions are defended and/or students can return to their desks to write a brief defense of their opinion.

Frayer Model

Frayer Model graphically organizes prior knowledge about a concept into an operational definition, characteristics, examples, and non-examples. It provides students with the opportunity to clarify what they are thinking about what the concept is and communicate their understanding.

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Recommended Formative Assessments, Language Arts K-5, continued

Name Description Additional Information

Give Me Five

Give Me Five is a simple, quick technique for inviting and valuing public reflection and welcoming feedback from the students that will be used to design responsive instruction. Be sure to give them time for individuals to quietly reflect, perhaps through a quick write, before asking for five volunteers to share their reflection.

1. What was the most significant learning you had during today’s lesson? 2. How “in the zone” do you feel right now as far as understanding the concept? 3. How did today’s lesson help you better understand the concept? 4. What was the high point of this week’s activities on the concept? 5. How well do you think today’s discussion worked in improving our understanding of the concept?

Graphic Organizers (Thinking Maps) Compare and Contrast (Venn Diagram, Double Bubble Map) Defining

(Circle Map, Web)

Graphic Organizers (or Thinking Maps) allows students to choose from a sample of organizers to demonstrate their knowledge on a given standard. As they work, the teacher can circulate around the room and discuss choices with the students. This information, along with the final product, can drive further instruction.

Human Scatterplots

Human Scatterplots is a quick, visual way for teacher and students to get an immediate classroom snapshot of students’ thinking and the level of confidence students have in their ideas. This formative can be used at the beginning of a lesson or sequence of instruction to bring out student’s initial ideas and motivate them to want to further explore and discover ideas. A paper version can be used instead of a human graph.

Human Scatterplot for “What’s the main topic of the text?”

I Used to think… But now I know…

I Used to Think…But now I know is a self-assessment and reflection exercise that helps students recognize if and how their thinking has changed at the end of a sequence of instruction. An additional column can be added to include…And This Is How I Learned It to help students reflect on what part of their learning experiences helped them change or further develop their ideas.


Idea Spinner

Idea Spinner is a spinner marked into 4 quadrants and labeled: Predict, Explain, Summarize, Evaluate. After new material is presented, the teacher spins the spinner and asks students to write the answer to a question based on the location of the spinner.

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Recommended Formative Assessments, Language Arts K-5, continued

Name Description Additional Information

Individual White boards

Individual White Boards are boards for instant feedback on student responses. Students can work independently to record answers to a given question. The teacher monitors the work and records individual responses (using a checklist, anecdotal notes, etc.).

Is That A Fact

Is That a Fact is a graphic organizer that prompts students to investigate the difference between a factual statement and an opinion-based statement. Address common student misconceptions and use these responses to inform your future instruction. http://www.stemresources.com/static/tools/Assessments/Formative/IsThatAFact/index.htm

K-W-L Variations

K-W-L is a general technique in which students describe what they Know about a topic, Want to know about a topic, and Learned about the topic. It provides an opportunity for students to become engaged with a topic, particularly when asked what they would like to learn. K-W-L provides a self-assessment and reflection at the end, when students are asked to think about what they have learned. The three phrases of K-W-L help students see the connections between what they already know, what they would like to find out, and what they have learned as a result.

K-This is what I already KNOW

W-This is what I WANT to find out

L-This is what I LEARNED

Learning Goals Inventory (LGI)

Learning Goals Inventory (LGI) is a set of questions that relate to an identified learning goal in a unit of instruction. Students are asked to “inventory” their prior knowledge of the learning goal. This requires them to think about what they already know in relation to the learning goal statement as well as when and how they may have learned about it. A key principle of learning is that students must know what the learning target is. The LGI can be given back to students at the end of the instructional unit as a self-assessment and reflection of their learning.

What do you think the learning goal is about?

List any concepts or ideas you are familiar with related to this learning goal:

List any terminology you know of that relates to this goal:

List any experiences you have had that may have helped you learn about the ideas in this learning goal:

Learning Response Journal

(Interactive Student Notebook)

Learning Response Journals offer students a place to record their thinking by asking questions, making predictions, collecting vocabulary, and composing their thoughts about text. Students record their understanding of the topic, concept or lesson taught.

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Recommended Formative Assessments, Language Arts K-5, continued

Name Description Additional Information

Look Back

Look Back is a recount of what students learned over a given instructional period of time. It also provides students with an opportunity to look back on and summarize their learning. Asking the students “how they learned it” helps them think about their own learning. The information can be used to differentiate instruction for individual learners, based on their descriptions of what helped them learn.

What I Learned How I Learned it

Odd One Out

Odd One Out combines seemingly similar items and challenges students to choose which item in the group does not belong. Students are asked to justify their reasoning for selecting the item that does not fit with the others. Odd One Out provides an opportunity for students to access their knowledge to analyze relationships between items in a group.

Prefixes: In each set, circle the Odd One Out and

describe why it does not fit with the others. Which Is the Odd One? Why It Is the Odd One Out?

Disappear Unhappy Rewrite Playful Preheat

Pass the Question

Pass the Question provides an opportunity for students to collaborate in activating their own ideas and examining other students’ thinking. Students begin by working together in pairs to respond to a question, partially finishing a response. When the time is up, they exchange their written, partially completed response with another pair to finish-modifying, adding to, or changing it as the pair deems necessary. Pairs then get together to give feedback to each other on why they did or did not change the responses as well as feedback on how well they felt the other pair’s thinking helped them pick up where the original pair’s response left off.

Will this book tell us a story or help us learn

something new?

What did the character do to solve the


Question Generating

Question Generating is a technique that switches roles from the teacher as the generator of questions to the student as the question generator. The ability to formulate good questions about a topic can indicate the extent to which a student understands ideas that underlie the topic. This technique can be used at the beginning of instruction on a topic to find out what students already know about the topic. Teachers can have students exchange or answer their own questions, revealing further information about the students’ ideas related to the topic.

Question Generating Stems: • Why does___? • How does___? • What if___? • What could be the reason for___? • What would happen if___? • How does___compare to___? • How could we find out if___?

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Recommended Formative Assessments, Language Arts K-5, continued

Name Description Additional Information

Running Records

Running Records is a method of assessing reading that can be done quickly and frequently. It is an individually conducted formative assessment, which is ongoing and curriculum based. It provides a graphic representation of a student’s oral reading, identifying patterns of effective and ineffective strategy use.

Sticky Bars

Sticky Bars help students recognize that there is often a range of ideas students in the class have about a topic. Students are presented with a short answer or multiple-choice question. The answer is anonymously recorded on a Post-it note and passed in to the teacher. The teacher or a student arranges the notes on the wall or whiteboard, as a bar graph, representing the different student responses. Students then discuss the data and what they think the class needs to do in order to come to a common understanding.

Thinking Logs

Thinking Logs help the teacher identify areas where the students are aware of their own learning successes or challenges. The information can be used to provide interventions for individual or groups of students as well as match students with peers who may provide learning support. Use impromptu moments during a learning experience or at the end of a lesson for students to record in their Thinking Logs. Students choose the thinking stem that would best describe their thinking at that moment. Provide a few minutes for students to write down their thoughts using the stem.

I was successful in…

I got stuck…

I figured out…

I got confused when…so I…

I think I need to redo…

I need to rethink…

I first thought…but now I realize…

I will understand this better if I…

The hardest part of this was…

I figured it out because…

I really feel good about the way…


Think-Pair-Share combines thinking with communication. The teacher poses a question and gives individual students time to think about the question. Students then pair up with a partner to discuss their ideas. After pairs discuss, students share their ideas in a small-group or whole-class discussion. (Kagan)

This formative can be used during any stage of instruction. Using different pairing strategies will ensure that students have the opportunity to form pairs with students other than the ones who sit next to them in order to avoid having students always interact with the same group of peers.

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Recommended Formative Assessments, Language Arts K-5, continued

Name Description Additional Information


3-2-1 provides a structured way for students to reflect on their learning. Students respond in writing to three reflective prompts; providing six responses that describe what they learned from a lesson or instructional sequence. This technique scaffolds students’ reflections providing an opportunity to share their success in learning difficult or new concepts as well as recognize what was challenging for them.

Three key ideas I will remember

Two things I am still struggling with

One thing that will help me tomorrow

Traffic Light Cards

Traffic Light Cards are a monitoring strategy that can be used at any time during instruction to help gauge student understanding. The colors indicate whether students have full, partial, or minimal understanding. Students are given three different-colored cards, asked to self-assess their understanding about the concept or skill they are learning, and hold up the card that best matches their understanding.

Green -“I understand this very well” Yellow-“I understand most of it but could use a little help” Red-“Help. I don’t get it.”

Two-Minute Paper

Two-Minute Paper is a quick and simple way to collect feedback from students about their learning at the end of an activity, field trip, lecture, video, or other type of learning experience. Write two questions on the board or on a chart that you want students to respond to. Give students two minutes to write and then collect their papers. After their responses have been analyzed, share the results with students the next day, letting them know how you are going to use the feedback they shared with you.

What was the most important thing you

learned today?

What did you learn today that you didn’t

know before class?

What important question remains

unanswered for you?

What would help you learn better


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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

First Quarter Resources:

Note: Teachers are required to preview all resources prior to using them during instruction. Many selections are not meant to be used in their entirety and the suggested segments are recommended with the resource. If a link does not work you may need to try a different browser. Macmillan website: http://treasures.macmillanmh.com/florida/students Student Center Activities: http://www.fcrr.org/curriculum/SCA_CCSS_index.shtm Questions to Guide Instruction: http://www.fcrr.org/assessment/ET/questions/questions.html Informational Text: http://www.readworks.org/ Resources for all Reading Units: http://www.treasuresreadingteachers.us/course/view.php?id=89 Read, Write, Think Trading Cards: http://www.readwritethink.org/parent-afterschool-resources/games-tools/trading-card-creator-a-30181.html Writing lessons, mentor texts and more: http://writingfix.com/ Appendix C: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_C.pdf Teaching That Makes Sense: www.ttms.org Unit 1, Selection 1 Resources: Miss Alaineus A Vocabulary Disaster Hook: Embarrassing Moments: http://safeshare.tv/w/kqmxFbyqof About the author: http://www.debrafrasier.com/pages/books-events/miss-alaineus/index.php Point of View: http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/o/pointofviewp.cfm Narrative writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/narrative.htm Narrative: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?resource_type=6&grade=8&q=narrative&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 507-547: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Narrative writing: www.storybird.com

Unit 1, Selection 2 Resources: Davy Crockett Saves the World Hook: Figurative Language song: http://www.schooltube.com/video/25f94ead46f194e665a4/Figurative%20language Hyperbole poems: http://www.mywordwizard.com/hyperbole-poems.html Safari Montage: Davy Crockett: http://vsod.volusia.k12.fl.us/?a=51717&d=02532AA Reading of Davy Crockett by the Author: http://safeshare.tv/w/jaLRzRLcME Link to Tall Tale Matrix: http://woub.org/readwritetell/pdfs/5-7.8StoryT_TallTaleMatrix.pdf Narrative writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/narrative.htm Narrative: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?resource_type=6&grade=8&q=narrative&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 507-547: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Narrative writing: www.storybird.com

Unit 1, Selection 3 Resources: Forests of the World Hook: Top 10 List of Amazing Forests in the World: http://safeshare.tv/w/IAJIZFTKfZ Safari Montage: Eyewitness: Tree: http://vsod.volusia.k12.fl.us/?a=43609&d=00692AA Biomes of the world: http://lib.colostate.edu/wildlife/forest-biome.html Narrative writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/narrative.htm Narrative: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?resource_type=6&grade=8&q=narrative&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 507-547: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Narrative writing: www.storybird.com

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface Unit 1, Selection 4 Resources: Ultimate Field Trip 5 Blasting Off To Space Academy Hook: Space Camp video: http://www.spacecamp.com/ Hook: pictures of astronauts: http://safeshare.tv/w/DRgKtCIndM Teaching Author’s Point of View: http://www.fieldlocalschools.org/olc/folder.aspx?id=13151&s=1043&c=7575 Teaching Author’s Point of View: http://ontheweb.rozlinder.com/common-core-and-point-of-view/ Safari Montage: Kennedy Space Center: http://vsod.volusia.k12.fl.us/?a=134268&ch=1&d=12071AA Article on Space pollution: http://www.naturalnews.com/021169_NASA_pollution.html Narrative writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/narrative.htm Narrative: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?resource_type=6&grade=8&q=narrative&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 507-547: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Narrative writing: www.storybird.com

Unit 1, Selection 5 Resources: Pipiolo and the Roof Dogs Hook: Roof Dog picture and explanation: http://www.paullesterphoto.com/wordpress/2013/04/07/roof-dogs/ Article and pictures: http://floratheexplorer.com/the-roof-dogs-of-quito/ Balto (example of a dog’s leadership): http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/sled-dogs-an-alaskan-epic/balto/3145/ Teaching Figurative Language: Figurative Language Theme Anchor Chart: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/16/03/64/160364a45e96dad86846f7f22d405682.jpg Narrative writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/narrative.htm Narrative: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?resource_type=6&grade=8&q=narrative&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 507-547: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Narrative writing: www.storybird.com

Unit 1, Selection 6 Resources: Skateboarding on the Rise, Science in Motion, Sports Injuries Hook: How to do a skateboard trick: http://safeshare.tv/w/SEiVfvQrkd GoPro: Skate Vert Course Preview (Summer X-Games): http://safeshare.tv/w/HhIZsuamsL Teaching Text Structure: http://www.slideshare.net/elkissn/teaching-text-structure Sports Science: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sports.html Narrative writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/narrative.htm Narrative: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?resource_type=6&grade=8&q=narrative&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 507-547: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Narrative writing: www.storybird.com

Unit 2, Selection 1 Resources: Shiloh Hook: Shiloh movie trailer: http://safeshare.tv/w/aBwWbPviLv Safari Montage: A Talk with Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (Chap. 4): http://vsod.volusia.k12.fl.us/?a=132883&ch=4&d=12211AA Activities for Shiloh: http://www.uniqueteachingresources.com/Shiloh-Lesson-Plans.html Strays to the Rescue Photo Essay: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1930475,00.html A Study Guide for Shiloh: http://www.glencoe.com/sec/literature/litlibrary/pdf/shiloh.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

Unit 2, Selection 2 Resources: Rattlers! Hook: Florida’s snakes: http://www.wildflorida.com/florida_snakes.php Teaching Text Structure: http://www.ereadingworksheets.com/text-structure/ Teaching Text Structure Power Point: http://www.ereadingworksheets.com/text-structure-worksheets/text-structure.ppt Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Second Quarter Resources:

Note: Teachers are required to preview all resources prior to using them during instruction. Many selections are not meant to be used in their entirety and the suggested segments are recommended with the resource. If a link does not work you may need to try a different browser. Macmillan website: http://treasures.macmillanmh.com/florida/students Student Center Activities: http://www.fcrr.org/curriculum/SCA_CCSS_index.shtm Questions to Guide Instruction: http://www.fcrr.org/assessment/ET/questions/questions.html Informational Text: http://www.readworks.org Resources for all Reading Units: http://www.treasuresreadingteachers.us/course/view.php?id=89 Writing lessons, mentor texts and more: http://writingfix.com/ Appendix C: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_C.pdf Teaching That Makes Sense: www.ttms.org

Unit 2, Selection 3 Resources: Maya Lin Hook: Maya Lin: http://www.mayalin.com/ Washington D.C. Monuments and Memorials: http://washington.org/topics/monuments-memorials Information on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial: http://thewall-usa.com/information.asp Top 10 Unusual US Memorials: http://www.listosaur.com/bizarre-stuff/top-10-unusual-united-states-memorials-and-monuments.html Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

Unit 2, Selection 4 Resources: The Night of San Juan Hook: School Zone Safety Message: http://safeshare.tv/w/bGuDzMQSLv Video: http://www.discoveringpuertorico.com/2010/06/noche-de-san-juan-in-puerto-rico/ Narrator’s point of view: http://hbavenues.com/highpoint/library/pdf/HP_LL_SL_C4_4.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

Unit 2, Selection 5 Resources: Black Cowboy Wild Horses Hook: Home on the Range audio: http://safeshare.tv/w/UWlKKmvvSA Information on Black cowboys: http://www.blackcowboys.com/blackcowboys.htm Meet the author: http://www.eduplace.com/kids/tnc/gr5/gr5_th5_sel3.html Teaching research skills: http://www.humbleisd.net/cms/lib2/TX01001414/Centricity/Domain/29/researchguideELEM.pdf Information on famous cowboys/girls: http://www.jimwegryn.com/Names/Cowboys3.htm The Ways of the Cowboy: http://www.ushistory.org/us/41b.asp Riders in the Sky – Ride Cowboy Ride: http://safeshare.tv/w/LmyCyAzhOH Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface Unit 3, Selection 1 Resources: Sleds on Boston Common, “Paul Revere’s Ride” Hook: A Tribute to the Founding Fathers video: http://safeshare.tv/w/qsmurlTOAD Website: http://theamericanrevolution.org/ School House Rock: http://safeshare.tv/w/xjQDTApdhK A Web Exploration for 5th Grade: http://nb.wsd.wednet.edu/lmc/webhunts/revwar_webhunt.htm Patrick Henry: http://www.history.org/almanack/people/bios/biohen.cfm (scroll down to audio clip) Thomas Paine & Common Sense: Thomas Paine - Common Sense Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

Unit 3, Selection 2 Resources: When Esther Morris Headed West, Suffrage for Women Hook: Susan B. Anthony Quotes: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/s/susan_b_anthony.html Activities: http://elajppss.edu.glogster.com/5-3-2-when-esther-morris-headed-west/ Webquest on the right to vote: http://www.angelfire.com/sc3/ltruluck/webquest.htm Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org

Unit 3, Selection 3 Resources: Beyond the Horizon Hook: National Geographic Kids Tropical Rainforests Pictures: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/photos/tropical-rainforests/ Safari Montage: Real World Science: Trash and the Environment: http://vsod.volusia.k12.fl.us/?a=224780&d=28808AA Saving Environment: http://safeshare.tv/w/AcVsrUyZMM 10 Steps Mankind Can Take to Save the Environment: http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/curiosity/topics/steps-mankind-can-take-to-save-the-environment.htm Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org

Unit 3, Selection 4 Resources: My Great Grandmother’s Gourd Hook: Baobab tree pictures: Baobab Tree Pictures Behind the Book: http://safeshare.tv/w/vrRBErZUUf Background Information on the story: http://www.orland135.org/userfiles/file/mreeves/Great%20Grandmother's%20Gourd%20Background%20Information.ppt Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Third Quarter Resources:

Note: Teachers are required to preview all resources prior to using them during instruction. Many selections are not meant to be used in their entirety and the suggested segments are recommended with the resource. If a link does not work you may need to try a different browser. Macmillan website: http://treasures.macmillanmh.com/florida/students Student Center Activities: http://www.fcrr.org/curriculum/SCA_CCSS_index.shtm Questions to Guide Instruction: http://www.fcrr.org/assessment/ET/questions/questions.html Informational Text: http://www.readworks.org Resources for all Reading Units: http://www.treasuresreadingteachers.us/course/view.php?id=89 Writing lessons, mentor texts and more: http://writingfix.com/ Appendix C: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_C.pdf Teaching That Makes Sense: www.ttms.org

Unit 3, Selection 5 Resources: Zathura Hook: Read “Jumanji” by Chris Van Allsburg Movie Trailer: http://safeshare.tv/w/dOCDgdpJxh What is a meteor shower?: http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/cosmic_kids/AskKids/meteor_shower.shtml Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org

Unit 4, Selection 1 Resources: Goin’ Someplace Special Hook: Pictures of Ruby Bridges: http://photos.nola.com/tpphotos/2009/01/ruby_bridges_4.html Video of Ruby Bridges interview: http://www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3755117 Ruby Bridges website: http://www.rubybridges.com/index.htm Rosa Parks Biography: http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/par0bio-1 Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org

Unit 4, Selection 2 Resources: Carlos and the Skunk, Animal Defenses Hook: Amazing Animal Defenses: http://safeshare.tv/w/ckDVveTyqM Information on Animal adaptations: http://www.uen.org/themepark/habitat/animal.shtml Safari Montage: Animal Adaptations: http://vsod.volusia.k12.fl.us/?a=113973&d=00153AA Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org

Unit 4, Selection 4 Resources: Hurricanes Hook: Historic hurricane photos: http://www.floridamemory.com/photographiccollection/photo_exhibits/hurricanes/ Other Hook: Hurricane Wilma – Miami, 2005 begin at 2:06….at 3:00 in the “eye”: http://safeshare.tv/w/INClscczNq Website: http://www.weatherwizkids.com/weather-hurricane.htm Website: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/weather.html Narrative writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/narrative.htm Narrative: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?resource_type=6&grade=8&q=narrative&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 507-547: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Narrative writing: www.storybird.com

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface Unit 4, Selection 5 Resources: The Catch of the Day: Trickster Plays Hook: Tricksters Tales: http://kevpass.weebly.com/index.html Ken Nesbitt Poems: http://www.poetry4kids.com/poem-575.html Safari Montage: African-American Heritage:Ch. 5: West African Tale (Anansi): http://vsod.volusia.k12.fl.us/?a=171&d=00036AA Safari Montage: Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters (African Tale): http://vsod.volusia.k12.fl.us/?a=100347&d=05230AA Narrative writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/narrative.htm Narrative: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?resource_type=6&grade=8&q=narrative&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 507-547: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Narrative writing: www.storybird.com Unit 4, Selection 6 Resources: Thomas Alva Edison, Inventor Hook: Imagine what the world would be like if there were no light bulbs or electric lights. What are some things you could not do or would have to do differently? Text: http://www.ncsu.edu/project/lancet/third_grade/edison_3rd.pdf Timeline activity: http://www.crayola.com/lesson-plans/thomas-edison-timeline-lesson-plan/ Facts about Thomas Edison: http://www.famousscientists.org/thomas-alva-edison/ The History of Thomas Edison: http://safeshare.tv/w/YsKhoOLwUA 10 Inventions by Thomas Edison You’ve Never Heard Of: http://science.howstuffworks.com/10-inventions-thomas-edison.htm Edison’s Failed Inventions: http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bledisonfailures.htm Narrative writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/narrative.htm Narrative: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?resource_type=6&grade=8&q=narrative&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 507-547: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Narrative writing: www.storybird.com

Unit 5, Selection 1 Resources: Spirit of Endurance Hook: Pictures of The Endurance Expedition: http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/featured/endurance-expedition/20593 Safari Montage: Survival! The Shackleton Story: http://vsod.volusia.k12.fl.us/?a=176280&d=25475AA Website: http://elajppss.edu.glogster.com/5-spiritofendurance/ Shackleton’s Journal Entries: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/shackleton/1914/diary.htm Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

Unit 5, Selection 2 Resources: Weslandia Hook: “Weslandia”: http://safeshare.tv/w/bCiKtOjDdE Weslandia Webquest: http://people.wku.edu/ivy.colvin/student.htm Weslandia Power Point: http://www.slideshare.net/nsferguson/weslandia-powerpoint Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface

Fourth Quarter Resources:

Note: Teachers are required to preview all resources prior to using them during instruction. Many selections are not meant to be used in their entirety and the suggested segments are recommended with the resource. If a link does not work you may need to try a different browser. Macmillan website: http://treasures.macmillanmh.com/florida/students Student Center Activities: http://www.fcrr.org/curriculum/SCA_CCSS_index.shtm Questions to Guide Instruction: http://www.fcrr.org/assessment/ET/questions/questions.html Informational Text: http://www.readworks.org Resources for all Reading Units: http://www.treasuresreadingteachers.us/course/view.php?id=89 Writing lessons, mentor texts and more: http://writingfix.com/ Appendix C: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_C.pdf Teaching That Makes Sense: www.ttms.org

Unit 5, Selection 3 Resources: A Historic Journey Hook: Interactive Trail Map: http://www.pbs.org/lewisandclark/trailmap/index.html Interactive Journey: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/west/ Lewis and Clark Rap: http://safeshare.tv/w/dFqBWDxedh Discovering Lewis and Clark: http://lewis-clark.org/content/content-channel.asp?ChannelID=62 Safari Montage: Lewis and Clark: http://vsod.volusia.k12.fl.us/?a=54723&d=01058AA Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

Unit 5, Selection 4 Resources: The Unbreakable Code Hook: Write a message on the board in a secret code for your students to decipher. Navajo Code Talkers: http://www.navajocodetalkers.org/ Synopsis of WWII for background knowledge: http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/article/world-war-ii-overview Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

Unit 5, Selection 5 Resources: The Gri Gri Tree; from The Color of My Words Hook: Humpback Whales in Samana Bay: http://safeshare.tv/w/RESaDKqZNp Literature Circle Plan for The Color of My Words: http://hbavenues.com/highpoint/library/pdf/HP_LL_SJ_C1_1.pdf About the Book: http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/book/color-my-words Informative/Explanatory writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/informative.htm Informative/Explanatory: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=expository+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 270-339: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Informative/Explanatory writing: www.popplet.com

Unit 6, Selection 1 Resources: The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring Hook: Firebird picture (second & fourth picture down): http://artmundus.wordpress.com/2010/04/20/russia-continued/ Interactive website: http://elajppss.edu.glogster.com/grade-5-unit-6-Selection-1/ What makes a fairytale: http://fairytale-studios.com/what-makes-a-fairytale-a-fairytale/ What is a Fractured Fairy Tale?: http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/fairytales/ Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org

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Volusia County Schools/Language Arts Curriculum Map 2014-2015 Grade 5 Preface Unit 6, Selection 2 Resources: Skunk Scout Hook: Display a road map for the students to look at; discuss how using this might be different from how they would navigate on a trip today. How to set up a Dome tent: http://safeshare.tv/w/LFNemCVzBo Camp cooking: http://koa.com/camping-recipes/campfire-cooking/ Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org Unit 6, Selection 3 Resources: A Dream Comes True Hook: Safe playground design and build: http://safeshare.tv/w/mSByxCEhkv Imagination Playground: http://safeshare.tv/w/kdvgOUbUti 7 Principles of inclusive playground design: http://playandpark.com/products/inclusive-play/7-benefits-inclusive-design/ Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org

Unit 6, Selection 4 Resources: Up In the Air: The Story of Balloon Flight Hook: Hot Air Balloons: http://safeshare.tv/w/QJlGMFeYGj How Hot Air Balloons Work: http://www.howstuffworks.com/transport/flight/modern/hot-air-balloon.htm Time Lapse Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta: http://safeshare.tv/w/usSTEutwac The History of Hot Air Balloons: http://www.sandiegohotairballoons.com/ballooning_history.aspx Dragonfly TV: http://pbskids.org/dragonflytv/show/balloon.html Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org

Unit 6, Selection 5 Resources: Hidden Worlds: Looking Through a Scientist’s Microscope Hook: Microscopy by Dennis Kunkel: http://visualsunlimited.photoshelter.com/gallery/Dennis-Kunkel-Microscopy/G0000AFBvazVq.Ro/ About Dennis Kunkel: http://education.denniskunkel.com/AboutDK.php Top 10 Jobs in Science: http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2009/01/26/top-10-jobs-in-science/ Opinion/Persuasive writing: http://writingfix.com/genres/persuasive.htm Opinion/Persuasive: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?grade=8&q=persuasive+writing&sort_order=relevance In Common: Effective Writing for All Students - collection of writing samples pp. 20-89: http://achievethecore.org/content/upload/Big_1_DR8.12.pdf Opinion/Persuasive writing: www.kidblog.org