Dysart Unified School District 7 th GRADE Interactive Expository Writing Language Arts Summative Assignment 2 Social Studies DBQ – Form B Student Name School Date Criteria for final draft must be present to be graded Teacher Name Score using the holistic rubric

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Dysart Unified School District


Interactive Expository WritingLanguage Arts Summative Assignment 2

Social Studies DBQ – Form B

Student Name


Date Criteria for final draft must be present to be graded

Teacher NameScore using the holistic rubric ________ (1-6)

1=FFB 2=FFB 3=APP4=Meets 5=Exceeds 6=Exceeds

Page 2: Grade 7 – Expository Writing Web viewDysart Unified School District . 7. th. GRADE. Interactive Expository Writing. Language Arts . Summative Assignment. 2. Social Studies DBQ –

Grade 7 – Expository Writing


Time Line:

Day 1: Introduction of prompt and grading procedures/Document analysis/Notes/Trigger questions

Day 2: Research/Share and discuss/Complete research charts

Day 3: Research/Share and discuss/Complete research charts

Day 4: Thesis formation/Graphic organizer

Day 5-6: Rough draft including all citations/Peer review

Day 6-7: Write final draft

LA Benchmark/DBQ Essay Prerequisite Grade Checklist:

Task PointsAnalyzing DocumentsResearch ChartsPre-WritingRough DraftBibliographySpeaking and Listening

Strategies for Success: Underline/highlight directional and specific topic words in the prompt. It is important that you

fully understand what it is you are responding to. (Role, Audience, Format, Topic) Each document is important. With every document, realize that you need to analyze and identify

the importance of that document so you can respond appropriately to the prompt. You will use and cite evidence from these documents in your writing.

Use the right column of the document pages to pose questions, take notes, point out ideas, and organize information.

Use summary questions at the bottom to respond to the prompt with the information from the document or the writer’s style. Keep the prompt in mind. What is the important evidence?

When reading documents, use reading strategies to help you understand. These should include: slow down, write notes, highlight, reread, pose questions, visualize, look for patterns, use punctuation to your advantage, summarize.

Before drafting, know all requirements of the written response by reading the rubric. Use blue or black pen to write your final draft.

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

Speaking and Listening Rubric – Collaborative Conversations, Grades 6-8





Falls Far Below

Come to a discussion prepared

● Actively pre-reads materials (marks text) and researches topic

● Understands topic● References applicable

outside sources● Internalizes/readily

recalls information

● Actively pre-reads materials (marks text) and researches topic

● Prepares topic clarification questions before discussion

● Refers to notes during discussion

● Reads materials but is not prepared for discussion

● Prepares limited or incomplete notes

● Skims or fails to read materials completely

● Fails to prepare notes or bring materials

Follow rules for collegial


● Respectfully listens, interacts and poses questions to all team members

● Helps direct group in reaching a conclusion

● Superior use of time/meets goals

● Respectfully listens to others without talking over anyone

● Seeks others’ opinions

● Stays on task/topic● Effective use of

time/meets goals

● Listens but occasionally speaks out of order

● Strays from task/topic

● Ineffective use of time/does not meet goals

● Listens but avoids speaking

● Speaks but is off topic most of the time

● Disrespectful to others or disruptive

● Ineffective use of time/does not meet goals

Acknowledge new

information expressed by


● Expresses own views while acknowledging others’ views

● Respectfully challenges unsubstantiated claims

● Reflects on own views in light of new information

● Willing to change positions with substantial evidence

● Expresses own views and listens to others’ views

● Asks for clarification of others’ views as needed

● Accepts new information based on evidence provided

● Listens to others and sometimes gives input.

● Rarely asks for clarification of others’ views

● Considers changing position, but does not despite evidence

● Disregards or ignores information expressed by others

● Does not develop a position

● Refuses to consider changing position

● Disengages from discussion when new information is presented

Pose questions that connect


● Questions make connections between credible evidence, others’ views, and personal observations

● Questions suggest connections between credible evidence and personal observations and ideas

● Questions attempt only obvious or limited connections between evidence and personal observations

● Questions connect only to personal observations or are nonexistent

Apply thinking processes

● Analyzes significance or weakness of an argument

● Evaluates soundness of evidence

● Evaluates reasoning and opinions of others

● Draws conclusions beyond the obvious

● Demonstrates superior ability to speak about a topic and makes sound

● Identifies major points of an argument

● Identifies relevance of evidence

● Considers reasoning and opinions of others

● Draws simple or obvious conclusions

● Demonstrates effective ability to speak about a topic and makes general

● Paraphrases others’ discussion of the credibility of an argument or evidence

● Fails to consider reasoning or opinions of others

● Draws basic conclusions

● Demonstrates some ability to speak about a topic and

● Unable/unwilling to follow an argument or evidence

● Unable/unwilling to consider reasoning or opinions of others

● Unable/unwilling to draw conclusions

● Unable/unwilling to speak about a topic or to make any connections

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

connections connections makes limited connections

Background Information

When eleven states seceded from the Union, our nation became divided between what would be known as the Union (the North) and the Confederacy (the South). This would lead to the American Civil War lasting more than four years and resulting in the deaths of 600,000 Americans. The economical distinctions, population, and leadership would influence the outcome of the war.

PROMPTBased on the documents provided, explain what factors caused the outcome of the American Civil War.

Think about: Whose militia was better prepared for the war? How did the North and South economies affect their readiness to participate in the war

effectively? Why were both sides convinced they were going to win? How did their motivation play a part in their war efforts?

Document A -1-3: Comparing Available Resources

Document A-1:http://wps.ablongman.com/wps/media/objects/124/127330/images/NASH10421501.gif

Work Cited:“Instructor Resources|Images from the Textbook. ” long_nash_apbrief_4|Instructor

Resources|Images from the Textbook. n.p., n.d. Web. 17 September 2013.


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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

In-Text Citation: ("Instructor Resources|Images from the Textbook")

Document A-2: http://delong.typepad.com/american_economic_history/2008/09/

Work Cited:

“Z **Archived from Fall 2008** American Economic History. ” Z **Archived from Fall 2008** American Economic History: September 2008. n.p., n.d. Web. 17 September 2013.

In-Text Citation: ("Z **Archived from Fall 2008** American Economic History")

Document A-3Work Cited:Long, E.B. and Barbara Long. The Civil War Day by Day: An Almanac, 1861-1865. Garden

City, NY. Doubleday. 1971. Print.In-Text Citation: (Graph: “Civil War Troops and War Deaths”)


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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

Respond and discuss:1. After analyzing the charts in Document A, list all the resources the North had that

outnumbered the South. List all the resources for the South when they outnumbered the North.

Most Northern Resources Most Southern Resources

2. After analyzing the map in Document A-2, who has all the railroads? Why would an army benefit from an extensive railroad system? Why would an economy benefit from an extensive railroad system?

3. Use document A-3to identify which side had more casualties? Calculate the percent of casualties for both the Union and Confederacy. How do you think these percentages impacted the outcome of the war?


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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

4. Explain how you would use the information in this document set to support your argument in your essay?

Document B: Declaration of Secession: Mississippi

Mississippi A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.

The hostility to this institution commenced before the adoption of the Constitution, and was manifested in the well-known Ordinance of 1787, in regard to the Northwestern Territory.

The feeling increased, until, in 1819-20, it deprived the South of more than half the vast territory acquired from France.

The same hostility dismembered Texas and seized upon all the territory acquired from Mexico.


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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

It has grown until it denies the right of property in slaves, and refuses protection to that right on the high seas, in the Territories, and wherever the government of the United States had jurisdiction.

It refuses the admission of new slave States into the Union, and seeks to extinguish it by confining it within its present limits, denying the power of expansion.

It tramples the original equality of the South under foot.

It has nullified the Fugitive Slave Law in almost every free State in the Union, and has utterly broken the compact which our fathers pledged their faith to maintain.

It advocates negro equality, socially and politically, and promotes insurrection and incendiarism in our midst.

It has enlisted its press, its pulpit and its schools against us, until the whole popular mind of the North is excited and inflamed with prejudice.

It has made combinations and formed associations to carry out its schemes of emancipation in the States and wherever else slavery exists.

It seeks not to elevate or to support the slave, but to destroy his present condition without providing a better.

It has invaded a State, and invested with the honors of martyrdom the wretch whose purpose was to apply flames to our dwellings, and the weapons of destruction to our lives.

It has broken every compact into which it has entered for our security.

It has given indubitable evidence of its design to ruin our agriculture, to prostrate our industrial pursuits and to destroy our social system.

It knows no relenting or hesitation in its purposes; it stops not in its march of aggression, and leaves us no room to hope for cessation or for pause.

It has recently obtained control of the Government, by the prosecution of its unhallowed schemes, and destroyed the last expectation of living together in friendship and brotherhood.

Utter subjugation awaits us in the Union, if we should consent longer to remain in it. It is not a matter of choice, but of necessity. We must either submit to degradation, and to the loss of property worth four billions of money, or we must secede from the Union framed by our fathers, to secure this as well as every other species of property. For far less cause than this, our fathers separated from the Crown of England.


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Our decision is made. We follow their footsteps. We embrace the alternative of separation; and for the reasons here stated, we resolve to maintain our rights with the full consciousness of the justice of our course, and the undoubting belief of our ability to maintain it.

Work Cited: "The Declaration of Causes of Secession." Council on Foreign Relations. Council on

Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 31 May 2014.

In-Text Citation: (The Declaration of Causes of Secession)

Respond and discuss:

1. List 3-4 reasons the state of Mississippi seeks secession from the Union.

2. The declaration accuses the North of promoting “insurrection and incendiarism in our midst.” What is this referring to and how would this not be seen as favorable to the South?

3. “It is not a matter of choice, but of necessity.” Explain this position.


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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

4. How does this document justify Mississippi seceding from the Union?

5. Explain how you would use this information to support your argument.


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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

Document C -1-2: Northern Strategies

Document C-1: The Anaconda Plan:


The Anaconda PlanThe initial Union strategy involved blockading Confederate ports to cut off cotton exports and prevent the import of manufactured goods; and using ground and naval forces to divide the Confederacy into three distinct theaters. These were the far western theater, west of the Mississippi River; the western theater, between the Mississippi and the Appalachians; and the eastern theater, in Virginia. Ridiculed in the press as the "Anaconda Plan," after the South American snake that crushes its prey to death, this strategy ultimately proved successful. Although about 90 percent of Confederate ships were able to break through the blockade in 1861, this figure was cut to less than 15 percent a year later. Although the Union army suffered repeated defeats and stalemates in the East, victories in the western theater undermined the hopes for Confederate independence.

Work Cited"The Anaconda Plan." Digital History. Digital History, 2013. Web. 02 June 2014.

In-Text Citation: (“The Anaconda Plan”)


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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

Document C- 2: Sherman’s March to the Sea:

Click below to view Video:


Work Cited:"Sherman’s March." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 30 May 2014.

In-Text Citation: ("Sherman’s march")


Respond and discuss:

1. Based on the Anaconda Plan text, what was the purpose of the Anaconda Plan?


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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

2. What plan do you think would be more effective in ending the Civil War? Explain your reasoning.

3. How did the tactics of the American Civil War differ from previous wars such as the American Revolution?

4. Explain how you would use this information to support your argument in your essay?


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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

Document D: Confederate Advantages

The South had three big things going for it. First off, it was fighting a defensive war. In essence, the Union under President Abraham Lincoln started the Civil War by calling for each loyal state to furnish a volunteer army in the wake of the shelling of Fort Sumter. His goal was to preserve the entirety of the United States, which could only be done by an all out defeat of and total surrender by the South. To accomplish this, the Federals had to stage a successful invasion and occupation of the South, never an easy task.

On the other hand, the self-named Confederate States of America only had to do enough damage to the invading army that its troops lost morale and politicians in Washington lost the popular support and political will to continue fighting. The Secessionists had shorter supply lines that often ran along already-established and known railroads and better knowledge of the territory. With many mountains and rivers running east-west in the South, the Rebels often were able to set up in defensible positions.

Second, the South was defending its home against invaders. Southern soldiers derived an immense and often lauded fighting spirit from their devotion to preserving the Southern way of life. This also meant that Southern whites felt a greater sense of unity than the Northern population, which was divided on issues of slavery, politics, and regional disagreement.

Finally, the best military minds belonged to Southerners, where there were also more military leaders in general as well as a broader base of recruits with some military or martial experience. The list of brilliant Southern generals is extensive, while even at the highest command the North struggled to find a competent leader for most of the Civil War. What’s more, between fighting the Mexican-American War and knowing how to live off the land, many Southern soldiers were just better equipped with the skills necessary to survive a war of attrition.

Work Cited:"Confederate States Had Many Advantages at Civil War's Outset." Civil War Trusts.

Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 31 May 2014

In-Text Citation: (Civil War Trusts)


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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

Respond and discuss:

1. List and explain the advantages the Confederacy had at the start of the war.

2. What is the advantage of fighting a defensive war versus an offensive war?

3. Although the South had the best military generals leading it, why was it that they were still defeated?

4. Explain how you would use this information to support your argument in your essay?

Student Generated Research

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

PROMPTBased on the documents provided, explain what factors caused the outcome of the American Civil War.

Think about: Whose militia was better prepared for the war? How did the North and South economies affect their readiness to participate in the war

effectively? Why were both sides convinced they were going to win? How did their motivation play a part in their war efforts?

Conduct research on this prompt using credible and authentic sources from the internet or another location. Things to consider:

Use both primary and secondary sources Keep searches precise and to the point Use sources that answers the prompt Identify bias in sources Use credible and authentic sources Create complete citations for your Work Cited page

Suggested Sources:


Document Based Question: Research Template

Research /General topic Name of SourceHow did you use

this site?

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing







Resources Used

Resource usedInformation Gained: Show the quote, facts, ideas, or paraphrase that you will

use in your response

Include the number of the resource or the URL from above

Quote, facts, or paraphrased ideas.

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

Content Vocabulary

IMPORTANT: List vocabulary words that you will use to answer the prompt. Look back at the documents to trigger your thoughts. These are words that you will potentially use in your essay. These can be terms inferred during your reading, discussion and research process.

Graphic Organizer A

INTRODUCTION – Paragraph #11. Attention Getter:



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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

2. Bridge/Background information:



3. Thesis Statement (Should correlate with each topic sentence):




1. Topic Sentence (Should correlate with the thesis statement): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Main Point (Opinion or inference about topic sentence): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Evidence (Facts, quotes, paraphrases, or summaries from sources): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. Explanation/Elaboration (Explain how the above evidence supports your main point): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Conclusion/ Transition Sentence (Wrap up the topic and hint at the next topic): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



1. Topic Sentence (Should correlate with the thesis statement): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Main Point (Opinion or inference about topic sentence): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing


3. Evidence (Facts, quotes, paraphrases, or summaries from sources): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. Explanation/Elaboration (Explain how the above evidence supports your main point): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Conclusion/ Transition Sentence (Wrap up the topic and hint at the next topic): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



1. Topic Sentence (Should correlate with the thesis statement): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Main Point (Opinion or inference about topic sentence): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Evidence (Facts, quotes, paraphrases, or summaries from sources): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. Explanation/Elaboration (Explain how the above evidence supports your main point): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Conclusion/ Transition Sentence (Wrap up the topic and lead into the conclusion): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


CONCLUSION – Paragraph #5 (The final paragraph, which is at least two-three sentences, may restate the thesis statement in NEW WORDS, summarize the major points in the essay, predict an outcome related to the thesis, make an emotional appeal or a combination of these. The conclusion may also refer back to the opening anecdote, present a final quote that leaves the reader ultimately satisfied or use any device an introduction might

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing


1. Restate the Thesis Statement and Main Points: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Leave the reader with a final thought: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Rough Draft: Now that you have organized your thoughts and planned your essay, begin your first draft on YOUR OWN paper. DO NOT FORGET YOUR CITATIONS!

Peer Revision

Name of Writer: __________________________________________________

Name of Peer Editor: _____________________________________________

Introduction:Circle the way in which the author attempted to capture the reader’s interest at the beginning of the introduction.                   

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing


Anecdote                        Unusual fact                  Startling statement Catchy quote

Other: _________________________________________________

What is the author’s thesis (the last statement of the introduction that states the prompt)?



With 5 being the BEST, how well does the introduction capture the reader’s interest?                     1          2          3          4          5

What made it strong?

What could make it better?

Body:Color the citations green.

Underline the topic sentence in each body paragraph.

Put a box around the two main points.

Circle transition, linking words, or phrases in brown.

Underline the evidence: facts, definitions, and details from the articles about the topic in purple.

Underline elaboration/explanations in red.

What is the concluding sentence?                                                                                  

Conclusion:How does the author make a lasting impression on the reader?

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

With 5 being the BEST, how engaging and thoughtful was the conclusion?     1          2          3          4          5

What made it strong?

What could make it better?

Extra comments or suggestions:

Editing:Identifying spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors.

Use a green colored pencil to mark capitalization errors that need to be fixed.

Use a red colored pencil to mark punctuation errors that need to be fixed.

Use a purple colored pencil to circle misspelled words.

Use the Expository Revision Checklist, Editing Checklist, and the Holistic Rubric to improve your writing to the Score Point 5 and 6.

Expository Revision Checklist

Did I… Yes No

-Write a thesis statement?

-Include supporting details?

-Write an interesting beginning?

-Stay on topic?

-Organize my ideas thought the essay?

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing

-Use supporting evidence from the documents?

-Explain what the evidence means to my thesis.

-Write a conclusion restating my thesis statement?

-Include citations from my sources correctly?

Expository Editing Checklist

Did I… Yes No

-Use complete sentences?

-Use a variety of sentence types?

-Use precise vocabulary?

-Use all other grammar, punctuation and capitalization rules to the best of my ability?-Spell check?

SELF-REFLECTIONREMEMBER: This is YOUR paper. If you don’t agree with a revision comment about your content, you decide what you want to say. If you don’t agree with an editing correction made by your partner, you should check use a dictionary or check the rules for grammar to make a final decision. Use the Revision Checklist, Editing Checklist, and the Holistic Rubric to improve your writing to the Score Point 5 and 6.

Holistic Rubric for Self EvaluationScore Point 6● Exceptional clarity, focus, and

control of the topic.● Rich, relevant, and credible

details.● A strong sequence of events.

● Carefully chosen words and clear sentences/ideas.

● A strong voice from the writer that the reader can sense.

● Strong conventions with very few

Score Point 5● Clarity, focus, and control of the

topic.● Balanced details.

● A relevant beginning and ending.

● A variety of words and sentences that sound natural.

● A good voice from the writer that the reader can sense.

● Good use of conventions with few errors.

Score Point 4● Adequate ideas with an order

that might be ordinary.● Mostly relevant details that are

clear.● Sequence of events may become

weak.● Effective word choice that is

common.● A sense of voice is present.

● Good conventions were errors

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Grade 7 – Expository Writing


Grade: Exceeds

Grade: Exceeds don’t affect the reading of the piece.

Grade: Meets

Score Point 3● Simple ideas but not very

interesting.● Details become a little unclear.

● A weak sequence of events and possible out of order.

● Repetition of words and misused.

● A weak voice and little sense of audience.

● Many errors in conventions affect the reading of the piece.

Grade: Approaches

Score Point 2● Very simple and unclear ideas.

● Details are weak or are missing.

● Missing parts of the sequence of events.

● Repetitive words used and it becomes awkward sounding.

● No voice present and may sound choppy and like rambling.

● Many errors in conventions and it becomes hard to read.

Grade: FFB

Score Point 1● No purpose or clear ideas.

● Very little or no details.

● No clear sequence of events.

● Limited vocabulary used and very basic words.

● No voice present or sense of audience.

● Severe and frequent errors in conventions.

Grade: Falls Far Below

Score: FFB 1-2 APR 3 Meets 4 EX 5-6

Final DraftClearly and legibly write your final draft on the attached final draft paper in pencil or in blue or black ink; check to ensure you have cited the source items.

Criteria for the Final Draft: clear and legible writing cite references – use and cite attached documents to support writing use blue/black ink complete on time

To submit your final draft: 1. Take the cover page off the front of this packet and your final draft from the back of the packet. 2. Staple the cover page to your final draft.3. Turn in the final to your teacher.

Final Draft







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Grade 7 – Expository Writing
























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Page 28: Grade 7 – Expository Writing Web viewDysart Unified School District . 7. th. GRADE. Interactive Expository Writing. Language Arts . Summative Assignment. 2. Social Studies DBQ –

Grade 7 – Expository Writing

























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Page 29: Grade 7 – Expository Writing Web viewDysart Unified School District . 7. th. GRADE. Interactive Expository Writing. Language Arts . Summative Assignment. 2. Social Studies DBQ –

Grade 7 – Expository Writing

















Work Cited/Bibliography

You must use the MLA citation included for all documents provided. Use the following websites to create citations for the sources you have found on your own: http://www.easybib.com/, http://www.citelighter.com/ or http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

o Work cited pages include only those sources that have been cited.o Bibliography pages include all sources used to gather information, even those that

may not have been cited.

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Page 30: Grade 7 – Expository Writing Web viewDysart Unified School District . 7. th. GRADE. Interactive Expository Writing. Language Arts . Summative Assignment. 2. Social Studies DBQ –

Grade 7 – Expository Writing















Holistic Rubric – Grades 3-12SCORE POINT 6

Response is sophisticated and skillful in written communication, demonstrated by exceptional clarity, focus, and control in

development and organization that often shows insight.

in-depth and/or creative exploration of the topic using rich, relevant, and credible details.

a strong, perhaps creative, beginning, and a satisfying conclusion.

specifically and carefully chosen words that are skillfully crafted into phrases and sentences that enhance meaning.

intentional and committed interaction between the writer and the reader.

effective and/or creative use of a wide range of conventions with few errors.


Response is excellent and skillful in written communication, demonstrated by clarity, focus, and control in topic

development and organization a balanced and thorough explanation

of the topic using relevant details. an inviting beginning and a satisfying

sense of closure. a broad range of carefully chosen

words crafted into phrases and varied sentences that sound natural.

awareness of the reader and commitment to the audience and topic.

effective use of a wide range of conventions with few errors.

o accurate, may contain only minor historical errors.


Response is appropriate and acceptable in written communication, demonstrated by ideas adequately developed with a

clear and coherent presentation of ideas with order and structure that can be formulaic.

relevant details that are sometimes general or limited; organization that is clear, but sometimes predictable.

a recognizable beginning and ending, although one or both may be somewhat weak.

effective word choice that is functional and, at times, shows interaction between writer and audience.

somewhat varied sentence structure with good control of simple

Dysart Unified School District, September, 2014Page 30

Page 31: Grade 7 – Expository Writing Web viewDysart Unified School District . 7. th. GRADE. Interactive Expository Writing. Language Arts . Summative Assignment. 2. Social Studies DBQ –

Grade 7 – Expository Writingo insightful with no historical errors.o makes original and specific connections

using resources.o uses background knowledge for all support

content.o thesis is prompt-driven and fits seamlessly

in opening paragraph.o relies on a variety of the documents and

includes outside resources, all of which are cited correctly

o makes obvious connections using relevant resources.

o uses background knowledge consistently.

o includes clear thesis statement in the opening paragraph.

o appropriately relies on a variety of the documents and may use outside sources, all of which are cited correctly

constructions a natural sound. control of standard conventions

although a wide range is not used; errors that do not impede readability.

o accurate, may contain only minor historical errors.

o makes connections using some resources.

o uses background knowledgeo thesis statement is clear.o cites multiple documents correctly


Response is inadequate in written communication, demonstrated by broad or simplistic ideas that are

understood but often ineffective. attempts at organizing that are

inconsistent or ineffective; beginnings and endings that are underdeveloped; repetitive transitional devices.

developmental details that are uneven, somewhat predictable, or leave information gaps; details not always placed effectively in the writing.

reliance on clichés and overused words that do not connect with the reader; limited audience awareness.

monotonous and sometime misused words; sentences may sound mechanical, although simple constructive are usually correct.

limited control of standard conventions with significant errors.

o Historically accurate but overly generalo loosely makes connections to some

resources.o uses background knowledge/facts with

some connections.o includes a thesis, though it is not very

clear.o cites multiple documents correctly


Response is poor in written communication, demonstrated by overly simplistic and sometimes

unclear ideas that have insufficiently developed details.

sequencing of ideas that is often just a list; missing or ineffective details that require reader and inference to comprehend and follow.

missing beginning and/or ending. repetitive, monotonous, and often

misused words awkwardly strung into sentences that are difficult to read because they are either choppy or rambling; many sentences that begin with repetitive noun + verb pattern.

lack of audience awareness. little control of basic conventions

resulting in errors impeding readability.

o Contains multiple historical errorso loosely uses background

knowledge/facts with no connections.o includes a general topic statement, but

not a thesiso uses more than one document

correctly but relies on one document OR cites only one document


Response is inferior in written communication, demonstrated by lack of purpose or ideas and

sequencing. organization that obscures the main

point. an attempt that is too short to offer

coherent development of an idea, if it is stated.

extremely limited vocabulary that shows no commitment to communicating a message.

sentences with confusing word order that may not permit oral reading.

severe and frequent errors in conventions.

o has significant historical misinterpretation.

o no apparent thesis or topic statement.

CITATIONS are a pre-requisite for scoring.

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