GRAMMAR TEST—1 (Use of Nouns, Pronouns, Prepositions & Conjunctions) Directions : Correct the following sentences (if necessary) and give reasons for your corrections. 1. The result of all these lengthy legal actions, counterclaims, and appeals, stretching over several months, were simply huge bills from the lawyers and nothing else. 2. Neither his brother nor his sister were able to help him. 3. I am so exhausted I can’t scarcely keep my eyes open. 4. Although the party’s political machine did produce the crucial Dalit votes, but the candidate was defeated by the alliance formed by independents and reformers. 5. A necklace of diamonds, presented by friends of the bride, were among the presents on view. 6. Whom did you say he was? 7. Only in the interest of establishing clear lines of communication among their government and ours has the President acceded to their demands in regard to the tariff dispute. 8. I cannot open the drawer in which I put the paper in. 9. Joel complained to the governors, whom he suspected were misusing the school funds. 10. Touched that the guest artist had practised as long and as strenuously the way they had, the exhausted members of the orchestra gave her a standing ovation.

Grammar Test 1

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Page 1: Grammar Test 1

GRAMMAR TEST—1(Use of Nouns, Pronouns, Prepositions & Conjunctions)

Directions: Correct the following sentences (if necessary) and give reasons for your corrections.

1. The result of all these lengthy legal actions, counterclaims, and appeals, stretching over several months, were simply huge bills from the lawyers and nothing else.

2. Neither his brother nor his sister were able to help him.

3. I am so exhausted I can’t scarcely keep my eyes open.

4. Although the party’s political machine did produce the crucial Dalit votes, but the candidate was defeated by the alliance formed by independents and reformers.

5. A necklace of diamonds, presented by friends of the bride, were among the presents on view.

6. Whom did you say he was?

7. Only in the interest of establishing clear lines of communication among their government and ours has the President acceded to their demands in regard to the tariff dispute.

8. I cannot open the drawer in which I put the paper in.

9. Joel complained to the governors, whom he suspected were misusing the school funds.

10. Touched that the guest artist had practised as long and as strenuously the way they had, the exhausted members of the orchestra gave her a standing ovation.

11. He designed kennels for dogs which were very hygienic.

12. Before medicine was considered a science, many people who practised it were regarded magicians.

13. She felt that she could not give in with his demands, which she thought were completely unreasonable.

14. Neither of these books are any good to me.

15. Asking the union negotiators to choose between higher wages or increased pension benefits seems perfectly reasonable when one considers the most recent sales figures.

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16. I can well afford to disregard him who is capable of making such statements.

17. They were no more guilty than us.

18. By nature demanding, Balanchile insisted that his company practise as faithfully and as rigorously than he himself had.

19. Let you and I see to it that we do not make such mistakes.

20. Taking odd days off is not half the satisfaction to me as a real holiday.

21. The whole block of buildings including two furniture stores and a drapery establishment were destroyed in the fire.

22. I would like to meet Mr. Smith, whom I take is the man you mean.

23. Although the news had come as a surprise to all in the room, everyone tried to do their work as though nothing had happened.

24. Who were you talking to just now?

25. The road was lined with trees just like France.

26. He is doing his best to propitiate his master, whom he fears may be seriously offended by what has happened.

27. The Board was united in their support of the company’s legal actions and appeals.

28. The poems which he occasionally deigned to regale the fashionable world were invariably bad—stereotyped, bombastic, and even ludicrous.

29. The volunteer worker is a retired school teacher who is extremely concerned of the appallingly low rate of adult literacy in her community.

30. The reviewers agree that this is one of the most interesting novels that has recently been issued.

31. Unlike the children of a century ago, compulsory education today caters for every child up to the age of fifteen.


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32. Our next-door neighbours are extremely noisy, but even more so are they quarrelsome.

33. No sooner had he arrived, when he was taken straight up to the stranger.

34. The new committee arranged everything as it was before, except the weekly meetings were discontinued.

35. The recent heat-wave was certainly hotter, or at any rate equal to, any we have experienced in the last ten years.

36. He was very disciplined in all his actions, such as in the case of never being late for an appointment.

37. It would be fair to say that William’s work, if you exclude one failed attempt at light comedy, is darkly tragic, even when the textual surface is briefly lightened with verbal wit.

38. I shall now use an example which I hope you will know what it means.

39. Between you and I, I must confess the whole arrangement worries me.

40. Neither the players nor the trainer were in the locker room when the thief broke in.

41. Despite his opposition to most of Churchill’s domestic policies, Attlee readily consented with almost all of his rival’s military decisions during World War II.

42. Each one of the dogs in the show require a special kind of diet.

43. I maintain that by accepting this situation it will never improve.

44. Owing to the dollar’s tendency to rise in value when interest rates soar, it was weakened by last week’s unexpected drop in the prime rate.

45. Countries where no snake has ever been sighted is rare indeed.

46. The country’s economy required strengthening, its resources increased.

47. He told his staff that each of them should be able to carry out the task by oneself.


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48. A recent decline in retail sales and a decrease in the production of consumer goods has brought down interest rates, according to eminent economists.

49. By order of the Student Council, the wearing of mini-skirts by we girls in school has been permitted.

50. This year’s crisis seems equally, if not more, dangerous than last year’s.

51. The Dean and the Curriculum Committee plan doubling the number of credits required for graduation, even though the students feel that the present number is sufficient.

52. Please bear in mind that the argument is between the vicar and myself, and concerns nobody else.

53. We have heard that the principal has decided whom the prize winners will be and will announce the names in the assembly today.

54. She sang like she wished the people in the next colony to hear her.

55. The city of Dresden, that was virtually burnt to the ground during the war, now flourishes again.

56. Many people are questioning the validity of laws that do not allow people with a child to rent certain apartments.

57. This play is different than the one we saw last night.

58. Anatomy and Physiology are two of the basic areas of study in which medical students must concern themselves.

59. Ram’s conduct does not accord to his profession.

60. The shiny new cars and the spacious stations of the city’s first subway system are certainly impressive, but the number of delays are as annoying and inexplicable as we feared.

61. Everyone but Sally and she is waiting on tables.

62. The crafting of miniature enamel boxes, which were so popular two centuries ago, have been revived in England with great commercial success.

63. He cannot run as quick as me.


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64. We were already to leave for the amusement park when John’s car broke down; we were forced to postpone our outing.

65. None of these boys read so well as him.

66. The purpose of all these chapters and tests are to teach you correct grammar.

67. Either modern dance or classical ballet are useful for strengthening concentration, toning up the muscles, and creating a sense of poise.

68. Theirs was the nicest house I have ever been.

69. The teacher and his assistant, along with the principal, grades the final exams.

70. Brilliant in concept and original in staging, the performance nonetheless offered less and less reasons, as the evening wore on, for us to invest in the production.

71. Will any member who has not done so please cast their votes now?

72. Inspired by the theories of French philosophers, the ringing phrases of the Declaration of Independence testifies to an idealistic view of man’s potential as a social animal.

73. Such rules do not apply to you and I.

74. To get young children to swallow pills are very difficult for most mothers to manage.

75. The absence of access ramps for wheelchairs in both public buildings or restaurants causes much difficulty for the handicapped.

76. He said that, if he were me, he would certainty undertake it.

77. The reason tourism in Singapore has dropped by three to four percent is because prosperity in that East Asian nation has raised prices of hotels and other amenities.

78. In this year the monsoon failed, which caused a terrible famine throughout the provinces.

79. Although William Jennings Bryan did not speak precisely like the people spoke, they nonetheless viewed him as one of their own and rejected his opponents as suspiciously over-educated.


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80. He advised each of them to look after their own interests in this matter.

81. Six weeks are a long time to wait for delivery.

82. Liquor companies are now producing low-alcohol wines and nonalcoholic products; it is a response to a growing moderation of all social habits and an interest in health and fitness.

83. The remarks of the officer savour with hypocrisy.

84. I see that fish and chips are on the menu for lunch.

85. Although her first business, a health food store, went bankrupt, but she eventually launched a successful mail-order business.

86. He could never reconcile with the inferior post offered to him.

87. The spectacles you supposedly misplaced has been found safely kept in its case.

88. Neither in delicate stemware or in heavier decorative pieces should one be disappointed to find the bubbles and other imperfections that characterize even the finest lead crystal.

89. Everybody except Frank and me want him to be chosen class representative.

90. The minister was chary of admitting to his mistakes.

91. Charles Burchfield, isolated as he was for most of his life, was not the most cosmopolitan of the American watercolourists, which flourished in the twenties and thirties.

92. If anyone cares to join me in the campaign, either now or in the near future, they will be welcomed gratefully.

93. The committee had intended both you and I to speak at the assembly; however, only one of us will be able to.

94. I wonder whether you are sure that scheme of your’s will work.

95. One can learn more about new computers by actually working with them instead of merely reading the instructional pamphlet.


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96. He interviewed people whom he thought had valuable information to present.

97. The two brothers reconciled to each other after years of estrangement.

98. The exhibition does not include many of the characteristics that we consider as painterly or sculptural in the traditional sense, but it certainly proves that the artist is ingenious.

99. It is very difficult to prevail on such odds.

100. He showed himself to be very negligent of carrying out his duty.

101. From this committee’s point of view, the venture capitalist has not proved as public-spirited as their public relations campaign suggests.

102. Nobody offered to give up their seat to her.

103. I have scarcely no qualms about the righteousness of our cause; we are justified in our efforts to depose our oppressor.

104. Neither of them were prepared for the emergency.

105. The house looked it’s age, despite our efforts to beautify it.

106. We have constantly tried to win his good will by entertaining him and providing him with luxuries, which gives us an edge.

107. I don’t know if I should discuss this matter with her or not.

108. Consumers do not always view rising prices as a deterrent to purchasing luxury items; sometimes they stimulate consumers to buy before there is yet another increase.

109. The preacher emphasised that duty laid on all Christians to love each other.

110. People do not save money like they used to.

111. My friend is more skilful than me in dealing with these kinds of problems.

112. This kind of action would be derogatory with his dignity.


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113. Montek Singh Alluwalia has considerable influence on the Prime Minister.

114. Many environmentalists are concerned about the protection of endangered species or the large number of killings being reported.

115. The conditions governing the truce which has been arranged by the United Nations has not been revealed.

116. Less Europeans are visiting Haiti as currencies dwindle in exchange value and as the tropical country raises its prices.

117. It is not me who is to blame for the many inconveniences you have suffered.

118. Not only did the company bring legal actions but also counterclaims.

119. As I read this book, I get the impression that the author writes like he actually lived the ways his characters do.

120. The physician warned two of the wrestlers that fasting for several days could be dangerous, but they and the other members of the team were too desperate to lose weight before the meet.

121. The teacher was not satisfied with the truth of what Bob had stated.

122. When he first began sketching, he discovered that it is important both to be attentive to the line of the figure and studying the relationships among different parts of the figure.

123. The company brought legal actions, counterclaims, and lodged an appeal.

124. The Board expressed its interest and concern over the outcome of the company’s legal actions and appeals.

125. It was a classic conflict of family politics; neither the sons nor the father were willing to listen to an alternative interpretation of the incident.

126. The major difficulty confronting the authorities was the reluctance of the people to talk; they had been warned not to say anything to the police.

127. Employers remain ignorant or uninterested in the abilities of polytechnic graduates.


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128. It may be difficult to find an acceptable definition of style; every critic has their own.

129. This is one of the paintings which is going to be sold at auction this afternoon.

130. In his poems, he wanted to make much things happen simultaneously.

131. Never before in the history of our school, has there been such promising students.

132. After directing so many experimental plays, Alan Schneider became accustomed with reviews that were hostile and even abusive.

133. Swift was more savage than any satirist.

134. The journey by car is as quick, or perhaps quicker, than by train.

135. The captain declared that his vessel had carried not less than three hundred passengers on the last voyage.

136. In spite of all his faults, I cannot help but like him.

137. Even when shrouded in the thick mists of early morning, Mount Hood looked dramatically beautiful to us than any mountain.

138. Each one of you who considers this report will make up their mind as I did.

139. In his middle age even he preferred working hard than to amuse himself.

140. He refused to, against our advice, admit that his profit was higher than last year.

141. The crime wave will have to be put down with more severity than just imprisonment if it wants to succeed.

142. None of these men was there.

143. The King with the rest of the Royal Family were present at the ceremony.

144. One learns to respect himself in the army.


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145. Paul Revere’s 1967 engraving of Harvard’s first colleges, emphasising the rural setting more than the building themselves, offer little evidence of the institution’s growing prominence.

146. Everyone must do what they think best.

147. He did like he said he would.

148. Influenced by Caravaggio’s discoveries, Artemisia’s work, surely the most accomplished among the paintings by women artists, are revelatory of an important period in European art.

149. Who did you see coming in?

150. A knight’s armour could weigh as much or more than the knight himself.


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Note: 1. The correct word or phrase that has replaced the existing one is indicated in bold & underlined. But the existing word or phrase that has been replaced has not been shown.

2. The other words related to the correction are indicated in bold for ease of understanding.

3. If a word is removed from the sentence as part of the correction, it is shown in bold brackets ( ).

4. The reason for the correction or topic of grammar is indicated in square brackets [ ] after the sentence.

1. The result of all lengthy legal actions, counterclaims, and appeals, stretching over several months, was

simply huge bills from the lawyers and nothing else. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

2. Neither his brother nor his sister was able to help him. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

3. I am so exhausted I can scarcely keep my eyes open. OR I am so exhausted I can’t keep my eyes open. [Double Negatives]

4. Although the party’s political machine did produce the crucial Dalit votes, (but) the candidate was defeated by the alliance formed by independents and reformers. [Use of Conjunctions]

5. A necklace of diamonds, presented by friends of the bride, was among the presents on view.[Subject-Verb Agreement]

6. Who did you say he was? [Pronoun Case]

7. Only in the interest of establishing clear lines of communication between their government and ours has the President acceded to their demands in regard to the tariff dispute. [Use of Prepositions]

8. I cannot open the drawer in which I put the paper (in). [Use of Prepositions]

9. Joel complained to the governors, who he suspected were misusing the school funds. [Pronoun Case]

10. Touched that the guest artist had practised as long and as strenuously as they had, the exhausted members of the orchestra gave her a standing ovation. [Use of Comparative Structures]

11. He designed dog kennels which were very hygienic. [Use of Relative Pronouns]

12. Before medicine was considered a science, many people who practised it were regarded as magicians.[Use of Prepositions]

13. She felt that she could not give in to his demands, which she thought were completely unreasonable.

[Use of Prepositions]

14. Neither of these books is any good to me. [Subject-Verb Agreement]


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15. Asking the union negotiators to choose between higher wages and increased pension benefits seems perfectly reasonable when one considers the most recent sales figures.[Use of Comparative Structures]

16. I can well afford to disregard he who is capable of making such statements. [Pronoun Case]

17. They were no more guilty than we were. [Use of Conjunctions]

18. By nature demanding, Balanchile insisted that his company practise as faithfully and as rigorously as he himself had. [Use of Comparative Structures]

19. Let you and me see to it that we do not make such mistakes. [Pronoun Case]

20. Taking odd days off is not half as satisfying as taking a real holiday.

Taking odd days off is not half the satisfaction as taking a real holiday is.[Parallelism with Comparative Structures]

21. The whole block of buildings including two furniture stores and a drapery establishment was destroyed in the fire. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

22. I would like to meet Mr. Smith, who I take is the man you mean. [Pronoun Case]

23. Although the news had come as a surprise to all in the room, everyone tried to do his work as though nothing had happened. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

24. Whom were you talking to just now? [Pronoun Case]

25. The road was lined with trees just as in France. [Use of Conjunction or Preposition]

26. He is doing his best to propitiate his master, who he fears may be seriously offended by what has happened. [Pronoun Case]

27. -The Board was united in its support of the company’s legal actions and appeals. OR

-The Board were united in their support of the company’s legal actions and appeals. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

28. -The poems with which he occasionally deigned to regale the fashionable world were invariably bad—stereotyped, bombastic, and even ludicrous. OR

-The poems which he occasionally deigned to regale the fashionable world with were invariably bad—stereotyped, bombastic, and even ludicrous. [Use of Prepositions]

29. The volunteer worker is a retired school teacher who is extremely concerned about the appallingly low

rate of adult literacy in her community. [Use of Prepositions]

30. The reviewers agree that this is one of the most interesting novels that have recently been issued. [Subject-Verb Agreement]


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31. Unlike the children of a century ago, the children of today are catered for by compulsory education up to the age of fifteen. [Parallelism with Comparative Structures]

32. Our next-door neighbours are extremely noisy, but they are even more quarrelsome. [Parallelism with Clauses]

33. No sooner had he arrived, than he was taken straight up to the stranger. [Use of Conjunctions]

34. The new committee arranged everything as it was before, except that the weekly meetings were discontinued. [Use of Relative Pronouns]

35. The recent heat-wave was certainly hotter than, or at any rate equal to, any we have experienced in the last ten years. [Faulty Ellipsis]

36. He was very disciplined in all his actions, as in never being late for an appointment. [Parallelism with Comparative Structures]

37. It would be fair to say that William’s work, if you exclude one failed attempt at light comedy, is darkly tragic, even when the textual surface is briefly lightened up with verbal wit. [Use of Phrasal Verbs]

38. I shall now use an example whose meaning I hope you will know. [Use of Relative Pronouns]

39. Between you and me, I must confess the whole arrangement worries me. [Pronoun Case]

40. Neither the players were nor the trainer was in the locker room when the thief broke in.[Subject-Verb Agreement]

41. Despite his opposition to most of Churchill’s domestic policies, Attlee readily consented to almost all of his rival’s military decisions during World War II. [Use of Prepositions]

42. Each one of the dogs in the show requires a special kind of diet. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

43. I maintain that by accepting this situation we shall never improve it. [Dangling Participles]

44. Owing to the its tendency to rise in value when interest rates soar, the dollar was weakened by last week’s unexpected drop in the prime rate. OR

Since the dollar tends to rise in value when interest rates soar, it was weakened by last week’s unexpected drop in the prime rate. [Noun-Pronoun Agreement]

45. Countries where no snake has ever been sighted are rare indeed. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

46. The country’s economy required strengthening, and its resources needed to be increased.[Use of Conjunctions]

47. He told his staff that each of them should be able to carry out the task by himself.[Pronoun Consistency]

48. A recent decline in retail sales and a decrease in the production of consumer goods have brought down interest rates, according to eminent economists. [Subject-Verb Agreement]


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49. By order of the Student Council, the wearing of mini-skirts by us girls in school has been permitted.[Pronoun Case]

50. This year’s crisis seems as dangerous as last year’s, if not more so. [Use of Comparative Structures]

51. The Dean and the Curriculum Committee plan to double the number of credits required for graduation, even though the students feel that the present number is sufficient. [Use of Idiomatic Verb Patterns]

52. Please bear in mind that the argument is between the vicar and me, and concerns nobody else.[Pronoun Case]

53. We have heard that the principal has decided who the prize winners will be and will announce the names in the assembly today. [Pronoun Case]

54. She sang as if she wished the people in the next colony to hear her. [Use of Conjunction or Preposition]

55. The city of Dresden, which was virtually burnt to the ground during the war, now flourishes again.[Defining/Non-defining Clauses]

56. Many people are questioning the validity of laws that do not allow people with children to rent certain apartments. [Use of Appropriate Phrases]

57. This play is different from the one we saw last night. [Use of Prepositions]

58. Anatomy and Physiology are two of the basic areas of study with which medical students must concern themselves. [Use of Prepositions]

59. Ram’s conduct does not accord with his profession. [Use of Prepositions]

60. The shiny new cars and the spacious stations of the city’s first subway system are certainly impressive, but the number of delays is as annoying and inexplicable as we feared. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

61. Everyone but Sally and her is waiting on tables. [Pronoun Case]

62. The crafting of miniature enamel boxes, which were so popular two centuries ago, has been revived in England with great commercial success. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

63. He cannot run as quickly as I can. [Use of Conjunction or Preposition]

64. We were all ready to leave for the amusement park when John’s car broke down; we were forced to postpone our outing. [Use of Adverb or Adjective]

65. None of these boys read as well as he does. [Use of Conjunction or Preposition & Comparative Structures]

66. The purpose of all these chapters and tests is to teach you correct grammar. [Subject-Verb Agreement]


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67. Either modern dance or classical ballet is useful for strengthening concentration, toning up the muscles, and creating a sense of poise. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

68. Theirs was the nicest house I have ever been to. [Use of Prepositions]

69. The teacher and his assistant, along with the principal, grade the final exams. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

70. Brilliant in concept and original in staging, the performance nonetheless offered less and less reasons, as the evening wore on, for us to invest in the production. [No Error]

71. Will any member who has not done so please cast his vote now? [Noun-Pronoun Agreement]

72. Inspired by the theories of French philosophers, the ringing phrases of the Declaration of Independence testify to an idealistic view of man’s potential as a social animal. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

73. Such rules do not apply to you and me. [Pronoun Case]

74. To get young children to swallow pills is very difficult for most mothers to manage.[Clause as Subject]

75. The absence of access ramps for wheelchairs in both public buildings and restaurants causes much difficulty for the handicapped. [Use of Correlative Conjunctions]

76. He said that, if he were I, he would certainty undertake it. [Pronoun Case]

77. The reason tourism in Singapore has dropped by three to four percent is that prosperity in that East Asian nation has raised prices of hotels and other amenities. [Use of Conjunction or Pronoun]

78. The failure of the monsoon this year caused a terrible famine throughout the provinces.[Use of Relative Pronouns]

79. Although William Jennings Bryan did not speak precisely as the people spoke, they nonetheless viewed him as one of their own and rejected his opponents as suspiciously over-educated.[Use of Conjunction or Preposition]

80. He advised each of them to look after his own interests in this matter. [Pronoun Consistency]

81. Six weeks is a long time to wait for delivery. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

82. Liquor companies are now producing low-alcohol wines and nonalcoholic products in response to a growing moderation of all social habits and an interest in health and fitness. [Use of Preposition or Pronoun]

83. The remarks of the officer savour of hypocrisy. [Use of Prepositions]

84. I see that fish and chips is on the menu for lunch. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

85. Although her first business, a health food store, went bankrupt, (but) she eventually launched a successful mail-order business.


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86. He could never reconcile to the inferior post offered to him. [Use of Prepositions]

87. The spectacles you supposedly misplaced have been found safely kept in its case.

88. Neither in delicate stemware nor in heavier decorative pieces should one be disappointed to find the bubbles and other imperfections that characterize even the finest lead crystal. [Use of Correlative Conjunctions]

89. Everybody except Frank and me wants him to be chosen class representative. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

90. The minister was chary of admitting to his mistakes. [No Error]

91. Charles Burchfield, isolated as he was for most of his life, was not the most cosmopolitan of the American watercolourists, who flourished in the twenties and thirties. [Use of Relative Pronouns]

92. If anyone cares to join me in the campaign, either now or in the near future, he will be welcomed gratefully. [Pronoun Consistency]

93. The committee had intended both you and me to speak at the assembly; however, only one of us will be able to. [Pronoun Case]

94. I wonder whether you are sure that scheme of yours will work. [Use of Possessive Pronouns]

95. One can learn more about new computers by actually working with them than by merely reading the instructional pamphlet. [Parallelism with Comparative Structures]

96. He interviewed people who he thought had valuable information to present. [Pronoun Case]

97. The two brothers reconciled with each other after years of estrangement. [Use of Prepositions]

98. The exhibition does not include many of the characteristics that we consider as painterly or sculptural in the traditional sense, but it certainly proves that the artist is ingenious. [No Error]

99. It is very difficult to prevail against such odds. [Use of Prepositions]

100. He showed himself to be very negligent in carrying out his duty. [Use of Prepositions]

101. From this committee’s point of view, the venture capitalist has not proved as public-spirited as his public relations campaign suggests. [Noun-Pronoun Agreement]

102. Nobody offered to give up his seat to her. [Pronoun Consistency]

103. I have scarcely any qualms about the righteousness of our cause; we are justified in our efforts to depose our oppressor. [Double Negatives]

104. Neither of them was prepared for the emergency. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

105. The house looked its age, despite our efforts to beautify it. [Use of Possessive Determiners]16

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106. We have constantly tried to win his good will by entertaining him and providing him with luxuries; this gives us an edge. [Use of Relative Pronouns]

107. I don’t know whether I should discuss this matter with her or not. [Use of Conjunctions]

108. Consumers do not always view rising prices as a deterrent to purchasing luxury items; sometimes rising prices stimulate consumers to buy before there is yet another increase. [Ambiguity with Use of Pronouns]

109. The preacher emphasised that duty laid on all Christians to love one another. [Use of Reciprocal Pronouns]

110. People do not save money as they used to. [Use of Conjunction or Preposition]

111. My friend is more skilful than I am in dealing with these kinds of problems. [Use of Conjunction or Preposition]

112. This kind of action would be derogatory to his dignity. [Use of Prepositions]

113. -Montek Singh Alluwalia has considerable influence on the Prime Minister. [No Error] -Montek Singh Alluwalia has considerable influence with the Prime Minister. [Use of Prepositions]

114. Many environmentalists are concerned about the protection of endangered species because a large number of killings have been reported. [Use of Conjunctions]

115. The conditions governing the truce which has been arranged by the United Nations have not been revealed. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

116. Fewer Europeans are visiting Haiti as currencies dwindle in exchange value and as the tropical country raises its prices. [Use of Countable Nouns]

117. It is not I who is to blame for the many inconveniences you have suffered. [Pronoun Case]

118. Not only did the company bring legal actions but it also pursued counterclaims.[Parallelism with Correlative Conjunctions]

119. As I read this book, I get the impression that the author writes as if/as though he actually lived the ways his characters do. [Use of Conjunction or Preposition]

120. The physician warned two of the wrestlers that fasting for several days could be dangerous, but they and the other members of the team were (too) desperate to lose weight before the meet.[Use of Adverbs]

121. The teacher was not satisfied of the truth of what Bob had stated. [Use of Prepositions]

122. When he first began sketching, he discovered that it is important both to be attentive to the line of the figure and to study the relationships among different parts of the figure. [Parallelism with Correlative Conjunctions]


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123. The company brought legal actions and counterclaims, and lodged an appeal. [Parallel Main Clauses]

124. The Board expressed its interest in and concern over the outcome of the company’s legal actions and appeals. [Faulty Ellipsis]

125. It was a classic conflict of family politics; neither the sons were nor the father was willing to listen to an alternative interpretation of the incident. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

126. The major difficulty confronting the authorities was the reluctance of the people to talk; the people had been warned not to say anything to the police. [Ambiguity with Use of Pronouns]

127. Employers remain ignorant of or uninterested in the abilities of polytechnic graduates.[Faulty Ellipsis]

128. It may be difficult to find an acceptable definition of style; every critic has his own. [Pronoun Consistency]

129. This is one of the paintings which are going to be sold at auction this afternoon.[Subject-Verb Agreement]

130. In his poems, he wanted to make many things happen simultaneously. [Use of Countable Nouns]

131. Never before in the history of our school, have there been such promising students.[Subject-Verb Agreement]

132. After directing so many experimental plays, Alan Schneider became accustomed to reviews that were hostile and even abusive. [Use of Prepositions]

133. Swift was more savage than any other satirist. [Use of Comparative Structures]

134. The journey by car is as quick as or perhaps quicker than by train. [Faulty Ellipsis]

135. The captain declared that his vessel had carried not fewer than three hundred passengers on the last voyage. [Use of Countable Nouns]

136. In spite of all his faults, I cannot help liking him. OR In spite of all his faults, I cannot but like him. [Use of Idiomatic Phrases]

137. Even when shrouded in the thick mists of early morning, Mount Hood looked dramatically beautiful to us than any other mountain. [Use of Comparative Structures]

138. Each one of you who considers this report will make up his mind as I did. [Pronoun Consistency]

139. In his middle age even he preferred working hard to amusing himself. [Use of Prepositions & Parallelism]

140. Against our advice , he refused to admit that his profit was higher than last year. [Splitting the Infinitive]


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141. The attack on the crime wave, if it is to succeed, will have to be pursued with more severity than mere imprisonment entails. [Noun-Pronoun Agreement]

142. None (Not one) of these men was there. OR None (Not any) of these men were there.[Subject-Verb Agreement]

143. The King with the rest of the Royal Family was present at the ceremony. [Subject-Verb Agreement]

144. One learns to respect oneself in the army. [Pronoun Consistency]

145. Paul Revere’s 1967 engraving of Harvard’s first colleges, emphasising the rural setting more than the building themselves, offers little evidence of the institution’s growing prominence.[Subject-Verb Agreement]

146. Everyone must do what he think best. [Pronoun Consistency]

147. He did as he said he would. [Use of Conjunction or Preposition}

148. Influenced by Caravaggio’s discoveries, Artemisia’s work, surely the most accomplished among the paintings by women artists, is revelatory of an important period in European art.[Subject-Verb Agreement]

149. Whom did you see coming in? [Pronoun Case]

150. A knight’s armour could weigh as much as or more than the knight himself. [Use of Comparative Structures.]
