Volume 14 - Issue 7 Charisletter August 2013 From the Staff ……………………………....pg. 2 From the English Service Committee ….....pg. 3 Noticias del Comité Hispano ……...….......pg. 3 LITS/Vida en El Espíritu/Retiro …….......pg. 4 Day of Renewal/Noche de Renovación …..pg. 5 Prayer Groups/Healing Masses ..…............pg. 6 Bookstore News/Youth News/Fundraiser……… pg. 7 Mission Statement/Calendar of Events …….……pg. 8 Gran Noche de Renovación Ven a llenarte de bendición en esta gran noche! Mas información, pg. 5

Gran Noche de Renovación - cccrsa.netcccrsa.net/charismaticcenter/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/AUG-2013.pdf · las Noches de Renovación es de dar formación y de tomarnos ... Por

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Volume 14 - Issue 7

Charisletter August 2013

From the Staff ……………………………....pg. 2

From the English Service Committee ….....pg. 3

Noticias del Comité Hispano ……...….......pg. 3

LITS/Vida en El Espíritu/Retiro …….......pg. 4

Day of Renewal/Noche de Renovación …..pg. 5

Prayer Groups/Healing Masses ..…............pg. 6

Bookstore News/Youth News/Fundraiser……… pg. 7

Mission Statement/Calendar of Events …….……pg. 8

Gran Noche de Renovación

Ven a llenarte de bendición en esta gran noche! Mas información, pg. 5

AUG 2013-Page 2

Most Rev. Thomas J. Flanagan Liaison for CCCR

Father Bob Hogan, BBD Associate Liaison


Day of Renewal, Saturday, August 10: At CCCR from 1pm to 3pm, sponsored by the Prince of Peace Prayer Group. This is our monthly renewal day. Every-one is invited to attend. Invite someone to come with you for song, praise, teaching and fellowship. Prayer Ministry Training, Saturdays, August 17 and 24: At CCCR from 10am to 4pm; English and Spanish programs. For people who have not gone through a program by CCCR or Fr. Ed Hauf to be certified by CCCR for prayer ministry. Presenters include Fr. Ed Hauf, Fr. Will Combs, Fr. Bob Ho-gan, Carmen Frankel, etc. Persons must attend both ses-sions to receive a certificate. Bring your own lunch. Healing of Relationships and Family (with our Fathers and Mothers), Saturday, October 5: At CCCR from 10am to 4pm. Fr. Ed Hauf and Carmen Frankel will lead this teaching and training on how to pray with people for healing in this area. Bring your own lunch. Ongoing Development for Music Ministry and Praise and Worship Leading, Saturdays, November 2 and 9: At CCCR from 10am to 12:30pm. More details will be com-ing. This is for all people involved with music ministry for Charismatic Prayer Groups, all praise and worship leaders, and all those who want to learn how their prayer group can grow in a powerful ministry of song, praise and worship. Washing of the Hands Mass with Bishop Tom Flanagan, Sat-urday, December 7: Bilingual Mass at St. Henry’s Church from 10am to Noon with food and fellowship at CCCR after the Mass. We start the new church year praying for the Holy Spirit to fill us for the service of the Lord in the coming year. Conference Kickoff Mass and Brunch, Saturday, February 1, 2014: At St. Mary Magdalen Church and Hall from 10am to 1pm. Regional Conference sponsored by CCCR, March 21-22, 2014: English and Spanish conference at St. Mary Magdalen. Jes-se Romero will be speaking at both the English and Spanish sessions. The theme will be about being used by God through the spiritual gifts. More information will be coming. This was changed from March 7-8 because of a change in Jesse Romero’s schedule.

INFORMATION FROM FR. BOB:([email protected] or 226-7545)

1) Welcome to Rudy Zamora: Since the beginning of this year Ros Hernandez has no longer been able to help in the office as he has for many years. I am grateful that Rudy Zamora has ac-cepted my invitation to help us in some of the areas that Ros served the Center.. Rudy has been involved with CCCR for many years and already helps with a team that does prayer ministry at the Center. Rudy will help with Spanish speaking calls, the care of our facili-ty, etc.

2) CCCR Webpage: Please contact Fr. Bob ([email protected] or 226-7545) if you have experience in working with web pag-es and would be willing to help the Center in putting information on our webpage.

3) Magnificat Women’s Ministry: Contact Fr. Bob if you have interest in being part of a group to explore whether CCCR can support the start of a Magnificat Ministry. Magnificat is a charismatic min-istry for women that has grown across the country. It brings women together a few times a year for worship, a meal and a speaker.

4) Sending in Articles, Praise Reports and Prophetic Words: At times we will include articles, praise reports and pro-phetic words in a section of Charisletter. When a praise report, teaching or prophetic word seems to be some-thing that should be shared with all our groups, please send these to Fr. Bob. 5) If you want to get e-mail information from CCCR, send your e-mail address to [email protected]. We want your input and want to stay in contact with you! CONTINUED ON PAGE 6……..

AUG 2013-Page 3

By: Mary Esther Lopez Chair-English Service Committee

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: The English Ser-vice Committee (Committee) will hold its annual Strategic Plan Workshop on July 20, 2013 at the Catholic Center for Charis-matic Renewal (CCCR). At this workshop, the Committee will pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment and strength in complet-ing the work as set forth in the 2013-2018 CCCR Strategic Plan. In particular, the Committee will be focusing on imple-menting the Priorities as noted in our 2013 Action Plan which includes: 1) creating two new brochures; 2) seeking Major Do-nors; 3) planning a yearly fundraiser; and 4) developing a year-ly Prayer Group Leader’s Training Day.

In preparing for this workshop, the Lord placed a burden in my heart to express the importance and great need for individuals to volunteer for service especially in the area of leadership not only within the CCCR but through out the San Antonio Archdio-cese. In the last two years, CCCR leadership has made great strides in creating a culture of “leadership” with an emphasis on “team work” in order to encourage Succession Planning within the CCCR community.

The concept of Succession Planning for leadership is not new to the Church. In the Old Testament, sacred scripture notes several instances in which individuals were called by God into leadership. For instance, in Exodus 3:10, God said to Moses, “I am sending you to the King of Egypt so that you can lead my people out of his country.” Also, in Joshua 1: 3-6, “the Lord said to Joshua, “[…] get ready now, […] for you will be the lead-er of these people as they occupy the land which I promised their ancestors. And lastly, in 1 Kings 19:16, the Lord said to Elijah: “You shall anoint son of Shaphat, of Abelmeholah, as prophet to succeed you.”

The calling of individuals by God into leadership does not end with the Old Testament but continues and is plainly seen in the early church as noted in Acts 13:2-3, “ […] the Holy Spirit said to them, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul, to do the work to which I have called them.” Has the Lord stopped calling people to give themselves in service? The answer is NO! On September 28, 2008, the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “Surrender yourself to my need for you.”

Brothers and Sisters, the Church is not just Pope Francis I or Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller or Father Bob Hogan, the Church is you and me! Each one of us is called to Stand Up and take our place with Christ in service and in truth. If this message touches your heart and confirms what you have been sensing in your spirit. Do not doubt but place your trust in God and act in faith and call the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal at (210) 226-7545 and ask for Father Bob Hogan. Thank you and God Bless You.

Por Mario Fernández Presidente del Comité Hispano

Les envió un saludo fraterno a toda la comunidad reno-vada en el Espíritu Santo. Gracias a Dios y para su glo-ria tuvimos el Día de renovación en Junio y la Noche de Renovación en Julio donde el Señor derramo abundan-tes bendiciones a su pueblo. Quisiera exhortar a todos a que vengan a las Noches de Renovación en el Centro Carismático el Primer Sábado de cada mes a las 6 pm, la próxima reunión será el 3 de Agosto. El propósito de las Noches de Renovación es de dar formación y de tomarnos un momento de Interceder ante el Santísimo Sacramento. El señor nos dice pidan y se les dará y que mejor que hacerlo juntos unidos en el mismo Espíritu. La Noche de Renovación es una noche para renovar-nos y revestirnos del Señor e Interceder ante el mismo, se experimenta el poder y la dulce presencia de Dios que penetra nuestros corazones renovándonos, trans-formándonos y escuchando nuestro clamor. Es un ver-dadero deleite, un banquete espiritual al que todos us-tedes están invitados a participar. Me gustaría compartir brevemente una pequeña refle-xión. Mateo 7, 21-27 No bastará con decirme: ¡Señor!, ¡Señor!, para entrar en el Reino de los Cielos; más bien entrará el que hace la voluntad de mi Padre del Cielo. Aquel día muchos me dirán: ¡Señor, Señor! Hemos hablado en tu nombre, y en tu nombre hemos expulsado demonios y realizado muchos milagros. Entonces yo les diré claramente: Nunca les conocí. ¡Aléjense de mí, ustedes que hacen el mal! Si uno escucha estas palabras mías y las pone en práctica, dirán de él: aquí tienen al hombre sabio y prudente, que edificó su casa sobre roca. Cayó la lluvia, se desbordaron los ríos, soplaron los vientos y se arrojaron contra aquella casa, pero la casa no se derrumbó, porque tenía los cimientos sobre roca. Pero dirán del que oye estas palabras mías, y no las pone en práctica: aquí tienen a un tonto que construyó su casa sobre arena. Nuestro Senor nos habla fuertemente y sin rodeos. Es necesario tener una relacion personal con Jesus antes de poder servirlo y para tener una relacion personal con Jesus tenemos que aceptarlo en nuestros corazones como nuestro se-ñor y salvador, arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados. Vivir una vida Cristiana Sacramental de oracion y sacrificio siguiendo nuestro pastor que es Jesucristo y poniendo en practica sus ensenanzas en cambio si queremos servirlo sin conocerlo y sin obedecer su palabra seria un verdadero desastre y quizas seriamos lobos con piel de Oveja en lugar de Ovejas del rebano sagrado.

AUG 2013-Page 4

Sponsored by: St. Mary Magdalen English Prayer Group

To be held at:

St. Mary Magdalen in Jubilee Hall 7pm - 9pm

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Introduction to Seminar with Welcome and Meal

Seminar will be held on the following Thursdays, from 7pm-9pm:

Sep 12 - “God’s Love”, by Ruth Siller

Sep 19 - “Salvation”, by Sally Maspero

Sep 26 - Healing Mass

Oct 3 - “New Life” by Fr. Bob Hogan

Oct 10 - “Receiving God’s Gift” by Fr. Joseph Mary Marshall

Oct 17 - “Praying for Baptism in the Holy Spirit” by Fr. George Montague

Oct 24 - “Growth” by Nora Garcia

Oct 31 - Healing Mass

Nov 7 - “Transformation in the Spirit” by Cathy Shafer

Nov 14 - “Life in the Spirit”, with Witnesses

For information: Cathy Shafer, 843-9622

Life in the Spirit Seminar

“Come and Receive Power from On High”

“Árbol de la Vida” Grupo de Oración Misa de Sanación

Celebrante: Padre Alberto

Miércoles, 7 de Agosto, 7pm - 9 pm

Centro Católico de la Renovación Carismática 1707 S. Flores St, SATX 78204

Para información: Eleanor Huron, 432-1509

Seminario Por siete semanas

Los invitamos a es-te seminario. Ven-

gan con confianza y espe-ranza por que es

“El” a quien les lla-ma y les ofrece

“Una Vida Nueva”

Patrocinado por: “Árbol de la Vida” Grupo de Oración

14 de Agosto - 25 de Septiembre Miércoles, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Centro Católico de la Renovación Carismática

1707 S. Flores ST, SATX 78204

Para información: Eleanor Huron, 432-1509

Vida en El Espíritu

Ministerio Católico Carismático “La Barca de San Pedro”

Anuncia Retiro de Sanación Interior

“Señor, Si Tu Quieres, Puedes Sanarme”

Coordinadores: Francisco y Sandra González Sub-Coordinadores: Martin, Reyna Celis

20, 21 y 22 de Septiembre 2013

Casa de Retiro de St. Jude Catholic Church 130 S. San Augustine Ave, San Antonio, TX 78237

Retiro son $100 por persona

Testimonio de María Luisa G: Antes de vivir el Retiro de Sana-ción Interior, hera una persona inactiva. Buscaba como llenar el vacío del corazón y sanación a las heridas que a través del tiempo se convirtieron en cargas cuando vive el retiro su vida cambio totalmente. Hubo transformación en su vida y ahora pertenece al grupo de oración de St. Mary Magdalen y activa-mente en “La Barca de San Pedro”, y los invita a cambiar y re-novar su vida a través de Jesucristo que sana y salva. AMEN.


“La Barca de San Pedro” Grupo de Oración se reúne todos los martes, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm en la Capilla del

Centro Católico de la Renovación Carismática (CCCR) 1707 S. Flores ST, SATX 78204

Información: Sandra y Francisco González, 778-4718

AUG 2013-Page 5

Nights of Renewal

Nights of Renewal were created for the purpose of bringing together people involved with the Archdiocese of San Antonio Charismatic Renewal Prayer Groups, and other in-terested people, for a time of renewal in the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Center for Charis-matic Renewal holds 8 Nights of Renewal per year. The gatherings include time for song, praise and worship, teaching, experiencing the touch of the Holy Spirit and time to socialize. The San Antonio prayer groups are divided into 4 zones. Each zone con-ducts 2 Nights of Renewal a year in different parts of the city. Everyone is invited to come from all the areas of the city. Come and be renewed in the Holy Spirit!

Day of Renewal


“An Invitation to Abundant Life”

(Isaiah 55:1-2)

Speaker: Steve Ybarra

Saturday, August 10, 2013 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal

1707 S. Flores, ST, SATX 78204

Hosted by: Zone 1, Prince of Peace Charisma c Prayer Group

Gran Noche de Renovación

Centro Católico de Renovación Carismá ca

1707 S. Flores St, SATX 78204

Sábado, 3 de Agosto, 6p-9pm

Ministerio de Alabanza de la parroquia Holy Family y José Delgado con nuestro Director

Espiritual Padre Will Combs.

Ven a llenarte de bendición en esta gran noche. Habrá alabanzas, predicación e in-tercesión ante el Santísimo Sacramento.

No te lo pierdas!

AUG 2013-Page 6

St. Thomas More Charismatic Prayer Group

4411 Moana, SATX 78218 (near I-35 and Eisenhauer)


Aug 1, 6pm Holy Hour 7pm “WHEN JESUS SHOWS UP” Encourager: Dan Duet

Aug 8, 7pm “A PRAISE AND WORSHIP CONCERT” by: Encourager: Dan Duet

Aug 15, 7pm NO PRAYER GROUP MEETING The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation)

Aug 27, 7pm “THE MANY FACES OF MARY” “Mary the untier of knots”, “The one who unties knots” Encourager: Olga Guerrero

Aug 27, 7pm “THE POWER OF A PRAYING PARENT: PRAYER” Encourager: Annabelle Garza


Bring your Bible.

For information: Arnold Lopez, 210-653-4383 Or Olga Guerrero, 657-1610

Sala alta Grupo de oración Jueves, 8 de Agosto, 10am - 12pm

Misa de Sanación

Celebrante: Padre Alberto Lelo

Bendición de aceite de olivo, agua, sal y artículos religiosos

Centro Católico de Renovación Carismática 1707 S. Flores St, SATX 78204

Convivencia después de Misa

Para información: Rudy Zamora, 535-4332; Raquel Hinojosa, 674-4737


Cada semana traemos alabanzas, oraciones y enseñanzas edificando el Cuerpo de Dios.

Rudy Zamora y su Comité ahora se encargan del grupo.

CCCR Prayer Groups / Masses

Mondays: 7:00 pm (Bilingual) “Flame of Love”, Mar n Family Music Ministry Info: Isabel Mar n, 749-6335 Tuesdays: Mass at 10:30 am (Praise & Worship starts at 10:00 am), CCCR Chapel “Upper Room” Prayer Group 2nd Tues: “Anoin ng of the Sick” Mass with Bishop Flanagan Info: Helen Pickard, 264-5364 Tuesdays: 7:00-9:00 pm, CCCR Chapel “Ministerio Católico Carismá co, La Barca de Pedro” Info: Sandra and Francisco Gonzalez, 778-4718 Wednesday/Miércoles: 7:00 pm (Bilingual), CCCR Chapel Capilla/Chapel del CCCR, “Tree of Life” Prayer Group *Every 1st Wed: Healing Mass at 7:00 pm Info: Eleanor Huron, 432-1509 Thursday/Jueves: 10:00 am, Capilla del CCCR “Sala Alta” Prayer Group, Mass 2nd Thursday of Month Música de Pedro Gama Info: Rudy Zamora, 535-4332 Friday: Miracle Hour 10am-11am; Healing Mass at 12pm Noon , (Bilingual), CCCR Chapel Info: Laura Montoya, 333-5913 Friday: 7:00-9:00 pm, CCCR Chapel “Mountains of Praise”, Youth Ministry Prayer Group Info: Rudy & Delfie Garcia, 226-7070

************************************************** For all other prayer groups, please go to our

website: www.cccrsa.net

Continued “FROM THE STAFF”, page 2…

Healing Masses Held at CCCR in Chapel:

Every Tuesday: 10:30 am Mass with Fr. Bob Hogan

Every 2nd Tuesday: 10:30 am “Anointing of the Sick” Mass with Bishop Tom Flanagan

Every 1st Wednesday: 7:00 pm (Bilingual) Mass, “Árbol de la Vida” Grupo de Oración, Info: Eleanor Hu-ron, 432-1509

Every 2nd Thursday: 10:30 am Mass with Fr. Alberto Lelo, “Sala Alta” Prayer Group, Info: Rudy Zamora, 535-4332

Every Friday: 12:00 pm Healing Mass, Info: Laura Montoya, 333-5913

AUG 2013-Page 7

Great books to continue growing in “The Year of Faith”:

Summer Calendar of Events for our Youth Ministry

Friday, July 26, 2013, S.O.S. (“Shine on Strong”) Sumer Rally, Location: 331 Roosevelt, SATX 78210, 7pm-10:30pm

Saturday, August 23, 2013, Back to School Youth Rally Location: Holy Family Catholic Church, 152 Florencia St, SATX 78228, 2pm-9pm

For more information, please contact the Youth Office:

Office: 210-226-7070 www.youthstayingconnected.com

[email protected]

Charisletter Subscription/Renewal Order

I want to subscribe/renew for: 1 year: $12 2 years: $24 Other: $____________

Name: _________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________ Phone #: ______________________

City: ______________________State _________ Zip: ___________

Please make checks payable to: CCCR and mail your payment to 1707 S. Flores, SATX 78204

We also accept VISA or Mastercard: #:________________________________________ Exp Date: ________

“Firmly on the Rock; 120 Reflections on Faith”, by Debra Her-beck who works with Ralph Martin in Renewal Ministries; $12.99

“Catholic and Confident; Simple Steps to Share Your Faith”, by Henry Libersat who co-authored “Miracles Do Happen”, with Sr. Briege McKenna; $10.99

“Help Me Pray; Learning from the Saints”, by Louise Perrotta who is the featured editor for “The Word Among Us” magazine; $13.99

To Support the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal

Sponsored by: Sala Alta Grupo de Oración

Saturday, August 31, 2013 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Brisket Plate Sale $7 per plate (Includes: Brisket, sausage, beans, potato salad, dessert)

We appreciate your support! (We will accept dona ons for yard sale)

Loca on: Catholic Center for Charisma c Renewal 1707 S. Flores St, SATX 78204

For informa on: Rudy Zamora, 535-4332 or CCCR, 226-7545

Archdiocese Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal 1707 South Flores Street San Antonio, TX 78204-1926

Phone (210) 226-7545 Fax: (210) 212-9330 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cccrsa.net





3 Noche de Renovacion, 6p-9p, CCCR 7 Misa de Sanacion, Arbol de la Vida, 7p-9p, CCCR 8 Healing Mass, Sala Alta, 10a-12p, CCCR 10 Day of Renewal, 12p-3p, CCCR 13 Anointing of the Sick Mass with Bishop Flanagan, 10:30am 14 Vida en El Espiritu, Artol de la Vida, 7:30-9p, CCCR 15 CCCR CLOSED-The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary 17 Prayer Ministry Training, 10a-4p, CCCR 23 Back to School Youth Rally, Holy Family Church 24 Prayer Ministry Training, 10a-4p, CCCR 31 Yard Sale, Plate Sale, 9am, CCCR

Helpful Numbers: CCCR-Youth Office: (210) 226-7070 Chariscenter USA: 1-800-338-2445,

Website:www.nsc-chariscenter.org For General Catholic Information:

Archdiocese of San Antonio: (210) 734-2620

by His


MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of the Charisle er is to serve and be a voice for the Catholic Center for Charisma c Renewal whose mission is to highlight the role of the Holy Spirit in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. We do this by describing up-coming events and publishing ar cles that will instruct and inspire the faith-ful for a more in mate rela onship with the Holy Spirit. We emphasize the importance of:

U Understanding the charisms of the Holy Spirit (spiritual gi s).

N Needing to create a lifestyle exemplified by the use of the charisms.

I Ini a ng and promo ng efforts within the church to understand the use of charisms as an essen al aspect of the life of the church.

T Teaching the faithful about the charisma c founda ons of Catholicism.

Y Yielding to the Holy Spirit who creates a culture of unity through obedience rooted in love.