i-Mii V r V-js*A7 5 W-- .* JH'Vi- r ^.v|-«it "VV'^i* < \ ' *V^ftWQ fc '" : ' ^' GRAND FO m Is SmFtifMig At This Point &+ & / '? continmA to jrop Sord of Affiliation to Be ^en by Assessor Be-* 'timing Thursday. 1:4 - :'- titration of ; |he pMtyafflliaUo |e voters of.QrandForlcs-clty for, H^tate piimlb clecttoK^to'toe held iJun^Sb will be started ;• Wiiirsday un |er-4he. direction. o£Rbbe^'Gr<eeh, Jr. ri^MWMBor.^i •^VV'.r,-' ,;:- Utader the hv|miijr'^Totir must at Whe R nlcht, and today, the neariya foot below the hfchostJnark ftf durlnv the flood .period^- ^Vhlle^nome ^f the v towh» farther down the river we now having a.bad ime with the high water the danger " >us, damage as far m Qgatid ' oohcerned lis now over. Inlty too This 'work must be completed be- sre 'June J, as tne .law requires llherjlsts be- HIM 3D days before .law requires that days before the [prlniary election. | Pbr lhli reason Mr. Green urges I that the cltlsens co-operate In ob- Plaining Hits information., Anyone who lwnOt jeen , by the assessor is re- qtitafefed to call at the office in the city halt,- cither in person or by telephone, and- make sure that his party afflli- ; atlon Is recorded... i In Grand Forks county, outsider of the ''city, this work: will not begin un- til April 14. - 'A }: Suicide's Body Is' . ^ Being i Skipped East sST-Mf ' ~ 1 . The body of Steve Beseredy, who blew out his brains last Saturday at the Great Northern depot In this c'ty wasf today started on jits journey to South Bend, Iftd., bp the local offi- cials; - The money and other belongings le -'dead man are also being sent to with Beiird. No further clue as to ifipau8o of his rash aot ha^s as yet sn found."- , , lehtsatLive Stock PavifiShChifcf &pint ' f- V.^JTvv Funds in State For Wqrld Movement 1 Members joi* the executiv*_comijtH- tee of the Grand Forka fair board are the water 1st meeting this afternoon at the Gom- iarlng from the prairie, merclal clfib to dlpcuas .improvements -sii : i r'k--•••'• 4 roads near Grand Forks in passable condition. S. WEATHER BUREAU. V; •'? 7:00 A. M. Observations. .'. V Temperature, as. ,v <v.:v-Mludinum. 12 hams, 40. -fe. ,<i Minimum, 24 hours, 32. Wind, HOutheast, 14 milch. \ . Predpltatloq, 19 hours, ,«Sr Barometer, reduced,, 20.29. Herald Want Ads Bring Results. sFoicmim-M toT. COLE P BEING CIRCULATED '• Petitlons ^ior the renomlriatlon of Judge A. T. Cole of .Fargo to the bench of U)e. First Judicial district of North "Dakota are now being circulat- ed'In-Grand Forks. , The petitions of Judge C. M. Cooley of this city have Already been in cir- culation lor. a. week or more, and while n«K petitions for Judge Michale Eisilttt .yf y*|ley City have as yet b«eureqoiv«d lttr«. it Is - understood- Uiaf^he wili.also be a candidate tor re-election. ^ . j ' No candidates for the judicial of- fices except -the thr^e present judges have .as yet appeared In the open. > "HIMAN FLY" WILL ^ > CUMB THE HERALD BVILPm SATURDAY ' A/L. Willoughby, better known' as Ed Frantihere, "The Human Fly," will climb the Grandl Forks Herald build- ing .at 3 :o'clock next^Saturday after- «oon." r* •<••••• The insect footed ' gentleman has been brought here by Stan Brown, manager of the .Metropolitan, where he is appearing iii his original act. He will be here until Saturday night. Mr. Willoughby's last climb was the «tate capitol building at Pierre, S.- D. He has climbed a. large number of the high buildings of the country, Including the/ Woolworth building in New York. . at v,the fair grounds in preparation. Gounty. MXenl who will put. over thjk ti«0f^000 N$w world Move- ment fund 'with 'whleh the Northern Baptist conVentWp proposes to place ident^Mc(;Jp|i^ Baptist work tifie ' -ekpMitlbn to bc^ held eetabllsh the ; 4 . „• v ; cKWrch definitely ^aiwt permanently is - ^ - h Mding factor' in twentieth century !v, were named here .today by Dr. G. Tdrk, state director of North. Dakota for the campaign. North Dakota is-expected to raise % total of $200,000 as Its share in . the . drive, which. ilriU take place from April tt ng^the changes now un^ nratlbn ' is the. question of lifts Vto-*the live stock par" Jik adfclMCble >by the pteadlly Importance Of the livestock exhlblts at the falr. / Rv N.. Cuykendall of Aberdeen, S, D., of th&plt'of the "Dilkota Farm' '* whoT 11 er/-* Who Wan expert along this line, '• U' in Grand Forks today, and this j" j mprnlng visited the "fair grounds with ' Secretary B. A. Montgomery with a view of advising the. board ~1n regard to the proposed cnanges. N0RTHW00D POST, AMERICAN LEGION, PLANS BIG TIME Victor Port No. J, American Legion 'ADVERTfs^MENtl ADVERTISEMENT. At Mealtime, Means Good Appetite, Good Diges- tion. Good Cheer and' Stuart's ~ . Dyspepsia Tablets. ' v ; kc.' . tip ftlt back after a good meal and - know there is not going to be sour ris- %s. gas, drowsiness and .discomfort Is the logical reMlVof'uAing'Suart r s^Pys- pepsla Tablets Immediately after eatrag. -joMst ptopi e bel I eve< they can trace each attack jit Indlgeston to the something they ate and cm still "asteV. And It surprises them, Invariably, t& note (low ^quickly relief comer k.f«M^using one or .two of these tablets.- Whether it is high- ly seasoned fo6d, rie>-. p»sry; the hiavy hearty foods'6r some. One'particular ot- . fender the^UM«eiciAM.' just- same. 'Those '-Wh# are tfp lndl- I oKSSwepSla^BIiould; afry Stiiart's ByJipepsla Tablets they supply the rtomnch >ritb ,afl akjfcline; eflfeft just as it does naturally -when. It is working In a perfectly .hetHthy condition. A glance'around; the .t^ble win likely You Un Thom f If Not, WfiyT indicate one or more who plainly look as l^ OU ^ »^^'^^™^^^o' t ^^ , tre^seB > ^Si t <}rt- ly after the meal, is finished. Many a bon Vlvant, however, has' earned how" i2r 2 a I e ^ tabl ° ,n a happy frame ,of , by / he use of Stuart's Dys^epiia Tablets immediately aftTr ealng. And whether it.-was rich\soup, pastry, cheese, or dishes-Usually rated as "heavy," these tablets contain ingredients tha digest food. ah-Bisf-the stomach in the work of digestion and supply the' alkaline effect thnt the stomach reqifires. Thus before bu.conljH* «P the roubles..tha ordlnar- ;3f. -weud- falttowv« -ealng soma favorite ish, try. this plan of avoidanear - Or..lf the trouble is already doing its worst get <l GO cent box of Stuarfs Dys- pepsia^Tablets o'f any drngglst and iiote how gently and smoothly your stomach setItee'down to good behavior. ' •' "--'V ' v v f.' ^ * r v.' •.'". i. •* THIS ORY f •!{ {-iii'"*' &•, '.-m- > li"v- and.19. . While the details of the affair are not yet .completed, the Northwood' service, men aire resolved that. lt shall be ohaf of the greatest celebrations ever staged In that 'community., y The ^program will' include fouv air- plane flights, and among the other amusement/features will be bowery dance .with murtc furnished by the Kilties'" btnid of Grand Forks. : ELIMINATION MEET ' TO BEHELD IN KI^Y I St. Pa^il, Minn., March 31.—The date of the much discussed "elimina- tion convention" for the purposes of reducing the number 'Of »Republican candidates for state offices subject to the J^ne Primaries, will be decided uponSat a meeting of the Republican state central committee which today was called to" meet. In St. Paul April 5, by Chairman Gustaf Lindquist. The state central committee will fix the date early in May for the "elimination convention," the call issued today states, pursuant to resolutions adqpted at the Republican : state convention here March 20, wHich selected ' dele gates at large to the national-conven- tion at Chicago. A state platform also will be adopted-at the May meeting, the call say*; adding that its purpose is to "nominate., candidates for all citato <^n%s a&gRepublican candidates ^^pp p ^ a r tea "--. >" v :»B*OTO!CB THE SYSTEM. Honolulu, T. H., March 22.—(By Mail )-r~E3mploying college and school boys .-as strike breakers on the "sugar •plantations -of the •• - Islands of Oahu, where Japanese and Filipinos have been on strike.since January 19,\ was denounced by Geoige, O. Hilton at a recent meeting of the Honolulu cen tral labor council... . < Tfite 1 federation of Japanese labor declares it has no/notion-'of ordering its members back to work, although stitliifcitliat' lb'ta ready to open wage AegbtUtttons Vlfli the planters. The Planters'association declares it will fight the strike to a finish. Planters' reports Indicate that up- 'wards 1800 strike breakers are at work on Oahu and that about 2,000 of the original 2*600 striking Filipinos have returned to their jobs. Scattered lots of Japanese also are said to have resunjed tlfelr work in the caneflelds, but so far the great majority of the approxipnately 6,000 Japanese strikers have remained olit. "Ri llhcoln/of this city has beeit" Grand ] name* "dimeter county. for Bad :h county Uw.tion in director will create an organisation in the local churches pn a scale sufficient to reach every In- dividual Baptist in his territroy. ac- cording to instructions glv«n by Di- rector York. In addition he' is tot- pected^to- create.and naiiv an organi- oti of Batttlm Four ttlnute Men explaih the world-wide scope of thfe movement, demonstrate how the $100,000,000 fund will be spent, and show that It will be a potent factor In the spfrtt&afl[saUon and develop- meigt o| fee wofid. % %O^Sr Ooanttes., Tha.' directors named for the fol- lowing counties are: Cass, Milton^?. Larson, Fargo; Richland and Sargeant, Harvey lieathard, Fair- mount; Dickey, C. E. Pierce. Ellen- dale; iAinoure, E. A. Bowman, Kulm; Stutsman, Frank McElroy, Jamestown; Ward, J. H.. Burkhart; Renville, George Rhoads, Glenburn; Montrail. H. R. JJarson, Stanley; Bot- 'tShea>i; : 'C.' IV: ' Feather^ Bottineau; Logan, Victor Sliorllng, Napoleon; Sargeant, N. McLean, Rutland; Burke, M. Sellle, Powers Lake; Wil- liams, I. M. E. Hokland, Gladys; Barnes, S; Overgard. Valley City; Griggs, Martin, Lunde, Cooperstown; Benson,. Mrs. H. A. Sears, Mlnnewau- katr; Pembina, Hugh Ralson. Crystal; Cavalier, C. E. Johnston, Langdon; Walsh; Sirs. Levi Blades, Grafton; Bupleigh, H. F. . O'Hare, Bismarck; McLean,^Wm.' Mueller, Ryder; Mc- HenTyi;. Jolm Haldi, Drake; Morton, C. J. Cedargren, Flasher. ^ TO CONSIDER RENTS. Columbus, Ohio, - March 31.—Gov- ernor Cox today called a mcef'^g of city solicitors of. the state and the state attorney general to meet at the legislative offices Thursday afternoon to consider the rental situation and to -DENTISTS- DRS. BAASEN, BENSON, HANSON Dr. Baasch spedalUus in 'Pyorrhea Suit* 12, Improvement Blk. j Phono K4S ROSES, CARNATIONS FUNERAL DESIGNS 'LovelPs Greenbouse . Phone 3X0 100 N. 0th St. A splendid resldenoc. It has the following features: Three airy bedrooms, y Hardwood finish. Fifty foo*^1ot. . Modern. Fine shade trees and tor^uiqe lawn.. ..j •. .... ;. •. ... iif>^ . 'Oii Dakota avenue, v.-^ .- House can be bought on trams. I V A live room dwelllne in 1200 block on University avenue. This house is now empty and Is wait- ing for a new 6wner to move in. See us at onoe a)K>ut It. *1- -i-'rh r The Webster - Agency 501 Jtl W. 'jBank Bide. 1 ,-7\ WaRCH 31* 1800 % lunch m im any hotel orliimch. t •m 1 dcc|^/*upon soWie uhifled cbndpat increasing rents. This is' the state's initial step I ff the campaign to meet the rint situ tion and It "Is expected some means will be evolved to handle the situa- tion without necessity of resorting to a special 'session of the legislature to enact additional laws. at IN- STATE BANK 50 Hats at $7.50 50 Hats SLt) • • 50 Hats at $10.00 IT IS OUR SN LARGE MILANS, SIFFERS AND TRANSPARENT HATS DEAVOR TO REN DER BAKING Service which iSih HELPFUL TO CUSTOMERS IN STREET-AND AFTERNOON WEAR from $12.50 to $25. DEVELOPING THEIR BUSINESS ALONG MODERN LINES. Hat $hop 12 Third St.—Wbcre tbo Chocolate" Shop wed to he woo, 24 Points of Superiority I. Coming to ^ i *+: X/& - ft 1 p- .;v -v Every day finds th£ Electnfc* WasKin^ Machine irifcreasijig; in ,£opuJanty—and ilo wonder. The illnstratfbn^shows you why housewives prefer the new way to > ' ) . »>. .. - W * N -jfjfc' & raoi^ey. S<5e fiow;hiuCh hap^iier you will * at 1 .' tire' end •i •. 'jiVJ*'. . S;: week's washing dpne^rt anidour or s jSo\t i <^st o^^s^ than' five ^ ' > > i - f : ' r ; - . - V V : * i ^ o, *4';\ reet *6/^ r\ TJ&m fa&m 1v Dr.Melleothin £ •} HOTEL NORTHERN •t rorfcs, Vorth nMa ROOMS $1.00 ,,V.- \X:'- Home Cooking Bmlt complsfe in Advanf-Rqmuly , fmetorin. " '2.' KwoMnmtinning ' ' Ouaraotaad In writing tq bumktrMctx micccm- fully under all condition*, «ri»it >11 loads to it* fill] rated brake horwpowcr. OilcomM ' 3. 4. SPECtAU^T n.r-,, is Eighth Year In rth Dakota If ri ^«, <><')'*• Not Use Surgery^. Will be at "" DACOTA^ HOTEL y/ei and Thurs. Apr. 14-15 J: ;-,Ofl|ci^-a. a, ta,4 p., gk Or. 6Nb6rtMoakau DENTIST "• 191 •— No evaporation—no r«Mlin«r. No fraesinc in coldist weather. No ruat-^oll preaervea metal.' No sediment coolinc ayatem alwaya open. An even motor temperature. XfraHM motor > low apead—hea*y duty—two cylinder. Dselsnad to bnro kerosene—no-makeshift. Partajrond to the thouaandth part of an. Inch. Qreateet M .economy, .. Maatpftwer.' Unbnahmbiti crmnk$haft Crankahaft boilt to U. 8. Naval specifications. High, WmrimmJ capacity An OIIPull tractors win deliver 0% more power then their ratios.. . SalMfartlS ' N. Mot rlvetad steel membara. No!bends—no apUees. CM iMr'lwwMwriw accesaiDie Tanrea. w& make your own comp ai*is ons - draw your awn conclusions p—TOM McGOEY— EVERYTHlNd >> J$*i V K/if* j. J* I ^ 1-K-^ Pttt gt—Mritnjd driring ceirt. En* DC In oil. i cio—4 im nippingin Property plmcmd peMoy On ri(Bt hand aide. Driven directly ofPcranki- ahaft. * No bevel (ttrt-io intermediate fears. Governor controlled tpead of motor automatically rifalated to meet *5 M Plenty af bait deaign. n|Uy In V M f , , /Jt.i CI ON Ijm.2. l V , r\ Ti m. ^0;^n^|^;lor Elimination » l^rular cradti- alp irt tnediclne an^ surrery an4 is Ikiensed by the state of North Dakota. H^iyjBlts pro(«s8lbnally the mbro Itf. rni oiuea anfl offers to <*» comultMlBit Hid «wnln«u|( Aw. except:, the 4*. peii«e of treatment wh«in deshrod. v According to s«i*.. not (or <Bhro«lo i|iit>efidieitis, gall stonea, idewi «t iach, tiofiaUs or adeitoMaif. / «. .. has to his credit mtv wtfhdar-t t results Ut dtaMM«.<tf,^ie atoaach, ^bidder, bed*we _... VMtt. > luaga, Jrhwoaa ^.. ifilU lelc ulosi* ^nd rectal all- tt yaii bare tMen alllnc . folr . ot <lme. and do .aot; .^trGy^ do aStMi to oall. M lmpn mm* ri&S t :

Grand Forks herald (Grand Forks, N.D.). 1920-03-31 [p ].titration of ; |he pMtyafflliaUo |e voters of.QrandForlcs-clty for, H^tate piimlb clecttoK^to'toe held iJun^Sb will be started

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Page 1: Grand Forks herald (Grand Forks, N.D.). 1920-03-31 [p ].titration of ; |he pMtyafflliaUo |e voters of.QrandForlcs-clty for, H^tate piimlb clecttoK^to'toe held iJun^Sb will be started


VrV-js*A7 5 W-- .*

JH'Vi-r ^.v|-«it "VV'^i* < \ '

*V^ftWQfc'" : ' ̂ ' GRAND FO m

Is SmFtifMig

At This Point &+ &

/ '? continmA to jrop Sord of Affiliation to Be

^en by Assessor Be-*

'timing Thursday. 1:4

- :'-titration of ; |he pMtyafflliaUo

|e voters of.QrandForlcs-clty for, H^tate piimlb clecttoK^to'toe held

iJun^Sb will be started ;• Wiiirsday un |er-4he. direction. o£Rbbe^'Gr<eeh, Jr. ri^MWMBor.^i •^VV'.r,-' ,;:-

Utader the hv|miijr'^Totir must at

Whe R nlcht, and today, the

neariya foot below the hfchostJnark ftf durlnv the flood .period^-

^Vhlle^nome ^f thev towh» farther down the river we now having a.bad

ime with the high water the danger " >us, damage as far m Qgatid ' oohcerned lis now over.

Inlty too

This 'work must be completed be-sre 'June J, as tne .law requires

llherjlsts be- HIM 3D days before .law requires that

.» days before the [prlniary election. | Pbr lhli reason Mr. Green urges I that the cltlsens co-operate In ob-Plaining Hits information., Anyone who • lwnOt jeen , by the assessor • is re-qtitafefed to call at the office in the city halt,- cither in person or by telephone, and- make sure that his party afflli-

; atlon Is recorded... i In Grand Forks county, outsider of the ''city, this work: will not begin un­til April 14. - 'A }:

Suicide's Body Is' . ^ Being i Skipped East

sST-Mf ' • ~ 1 „ .

The body of Steve Beseredy, who blew out his brains last Saturday at the Great Northern depot In this c'ty wasf today started on jits journey to South Bend, Iftd., bp the local offi­cials; — -

The money and other belongings le -'dead man are also being sent to with Beiird. No further clue as to

ifipau8o of his rash aot ha^s as yet sn found."- , • ,

lehtsatLive Stock

PavifiShChifcf &pint

' f- • V.^JTvv

Funds in State For

Wqrld Movement

1 Members joi* the executiv*_comijtH-tee of the Grand Forka fair board are

„ the water 1st meeting this afternoon at the Gom-iarlng from the prairie, merclal clfib to dlpcuas .improvements

- s i i : i r ' k - - • • • ' • •


roads near Grand Forks in passable condition.


V; •'? 7:00 A. M. Observations. .'. V Temperature, as. ,v

<v.:v-Mludinum. 12 hams, 40. -fe. , < i M i n i m u m , 2 4 h o u r s , 3 2 .

Wind, HOutheast, 14 milch. \ . Predpltatloq, 19 hours, ,«Sr

Barometer, reduced,, 20.29.

Herald Want Ads Bring Results.




• Petitlons ^ior the renomlriatlon of Judge A. T. Cole of .Fargo to the bench of U)e. First Judicial district of North "Dakota are now being circulat­ed'In-Grand Forks.

, The petitions of Judge C. M. Cooley of this city have Already been in cir­culation lor. a. week or more, and while n«K petitions for Judge Michale Eisilttt .yf y*|ley City have as yet b«eureqoiv«d lttr«. it Is - understood-Uiaf^he wili.also be a candidate tor re-election. ^ . j '

No candidates for the judicial of­fices except -the thr^e present judges have .as yet appeared In the open. >




' A/L. Willoughby, better known' as Ed Frantihere, "The Human Fly," will climb the Grandl Forks Herald build­ing .at 3 :o'clock next^Saturday after-«oon." r* • • •<•••••

The insect footed ' gentleman has been brought here by Stan Brown, manager of the .Metropolitan, where he is appearing iii his original act. He will be here until Saturday night.

Mr. Willoughby's last climb was the «tate capitol building at Pierre, S.-D. He has climbed a. large number of the high buildings of the country, Including the/ Woolworth building in New York. .

at v,the fair grounds in preparation.

Gounty. MXenl who will put. over thjk ti«0f^000 N$w world Move­ment fund 'with 'whleh the Northern Baptist conVentWp proposes to place

ident^Mc(;Jp|i^ Baptist work tifie ' -ekpMitlbn to bc^ held eetabllsh the

• ; 4 . „• • v • • ; cKWrch definitely ^aiwt permanently is • - ^ - hMding factor' in twentieth century

!v, were named here .today by Dr. G. Tdrk, state director of North.

Dakota for the campaign. North Dakota is-expected to raise % total of $200,000 as Its share in . the . drive, which. ilriU take place from April tt

ng^the changes now un^ nratlbn ' is the. question of lifts Vto-*the live stock par"

Jik adfclMCble >by the pteadlly Importance Of the livestock

exhlblts at the falr. / Rv N.. Cuykendall of Aberdeen, S,

D., of th&plt'of the "Dilkota Farm' '* whoT 11 er/-* Who Wan expert along this line,

'• U' in Grand Forks today, and this j" j mprnlng visited the "fair grounds with

' Secretary B. A. Montgomery with a view of advising the. board ~1n regard to the proposed cnanges.


PLANS BIG TIME Victor Port No. J, American Legion


At Mealtime, Means Good Appetite, Good Diges­tion. Good Cheer and' Stuart's ~

. Dyspepsia Tablets. '

v; kc.' . •

tip ftlt back after a good meal and - know there is not going to be sour ris-%s. gas, drowsiness and .discomfort

„ Is the logical reMlVof'uAing'Suartrs^Pys-pepsla Tablets Immediately after eatrag.

-joMst ptopi e bel I eve< they can trace each attack jit Indlgeston to the something they ate and cm still "asteV. And It surprises them, Invariably, t& note (low ^quickly relief comer k.f«M^using one or .two of these tablets.- Whether it is high­ly seasoned fo6d, rie>-. p»sry; the hiavy hearty foods'6r some. One'particular ot-

. fender the^UM«eiciAM.' just- same. 'Those '-Wh# are tfp lndl-I oKSSwepSla^BIiould; afry Stiiart's

ByJipepsla Tablets a« they supply the rtomnch >ritb ,afl akjfcline; eflfeft just as it does naturally -when. It is working In a perfectly .hetHthy condition.

A glance'around; the .t^ble win likely

D« You Un Thom f If Not, WfiyT

indicate one or more who plainly look as

l^OU^ »^^'^^™^^^o't^^,tre^seB>^Sit<}rt-ly after the meal, is finished. Many a bon Vlvant, however, has' earned how" i2r 2aIe ^ tabl° ,n a happy frame ,of

,by/he use of Stuart's Dys^epiia Tablets immediately aftTr ealng. And whether it.-was rich\soup, pastry, cheese, or dishes-Usually rated as "heavy," these tablets contain ingredients tha digest food. ah-Bisf-the stomach in the work of digestion and supply the' alkaline effect thnt the stomach reqifires. Thus before bu.conljH* «P the roubles..tha ordlnar-;3f. -weud- falttowv« -ealng soma favorite ish, try. this plan of avoidanear - Or..lf the trouble is already doing its

worst get <l GO cent box of Stuarfs Dys-pepsia^Tablets o'f any drngglst and iiote how gently and smoothly your stomach setItee'down to good behavior. •

' •' "--'V ' v v

f . ' ^ • * • • • r v.' •.'". i. •* THIS


f •!{ {-iii'"*' &•, '.-m-

> li"v-

and.19. . While the details of the affair are

not yet .completed, the Northwood' service, men aire resolved that. lt shall be ohaf of the greatest celebrations ever staged In that 'community., y

The ^program will' include fouv air­plane flights, and among the other amusement/features will be bowery dance .with murtc furnished by the Kilties'" btnid of Grand Forks. :


I St. Pa^il, Minn., March 31.—The date of the much discussed "elimina­tion convention" for the purposes of reducing the number 'Of »Republican candidates for state offices subject to the J^ne Primaries, will be decided uponSat a meeting of the Republican state central committee which today was called to" meet. In St. Paul April 5, by Chairman Gustaf Lindquist. The state central committee will fix the date early in May for the "elimination convention," the call issued today states, pursuant to resolutions adqpted at the Republican : state convention here March 20, wHich selected ' dele gates at large to the national-conven­tion at Chicago. A state platform also will be adopted-at the May meeting, the call say*; adding that its purpose is • to "nominate., candidates for all citato <^n%s a&gRepublican candidates ^^ppp^artea"--. >"v :»B*OTO!CB THE SYSTEM.

Honolulu, T. H., March 22.—(By Mail )-r~E3mploying college and school boys .-as strike breakers on the "sugar •plantations -of the •• - Islands of Oahu, where Japanese and Filipinos have been on strike.since January 19,\ was denounced by Geoige, O. Hilton at a recent meeting of the Honolulu cen tral labor council... . < Tfite1 federation of Japanese labor declares it has no/notion-'of ordering its members back to work, although stitliifcitliat' lb'ta ready to open wage AegbtUtttons Vlfli the planters.

The Planters'association declares it will fight the strike to a finish. Planters' reports Indicate that up-'wards 1800 strike breakers are at work on Oahu and that about 2,000 of the original 2*600 striking Filipinos have returned to their jobs.

Scattered lots of Japanese also are said to have resunjed tlfelr work in the caneflelds, but so far the great majority of the approxipnately 6,000 Japanese strikers have remained olit.

"Ri llhcoln/of this city has beeit" Grand ] name* "dimeter

county. for

Bad :h county Uw.tion in

director will create an organisation in the local churches pn a scale sufficient to reach every • In­dividual Baptist in his territroy. ac­cording to instructions glv«n by Di­rector York. In addition he' is tot-pected^to- create.and naiiv an organi-

oti of Batttlm Four ttlnute Men explaih the world-wide scope of

thfe movement, demonstrate how the $100,000,000 fund will be spent, and show that It will be a potent factor In the spfrtt&afl[saUon and develop-meigt o| fee wofid.

% %O^Sr Ooanttes., Tha.' directors named for the fol­

lowing counties are: Cass, Milton^?. Larson, Fargo; Richland and Sargeant, Harvey lieathard, Fair-mount; Dickey, C. E. Pierce. Ellen-dale; iAinoure, E. A. Bowman, Kulm; Stutsman, Frank McElroy, Jamestown; Ward, J. H.. Burkhart; Renville, George Rhoads, Glenburn; Montrail. H. R. JJarson, Stanley; Bot-'tShea>i;: 'C.' IV: ' Feather^ Bottineau; Logan, Victor Sliorllng, Napoleon; Sargeant, N. McLean, Rutland; Burke, M. Sellle, Powers Lake; Wil­liams, I. M. E. Hokland, Gladys; Barnes, S; Overgard. Valley City; Griggs, Martin, Lunde, Cooperstown; Benson,. Mrs. H. A. Sears, Mlnnewau-katr; Pembina, Hugh Ralson. Crystal; Cavalier, C. E. Johnston, Langdon; Walsh; Sirs. Levi Blades, Grafton; Bupleigh, H. F. . O'Hare, Bismarck; McLean,^Wm.' Mueller, Ryder; Mc-HenTyi;. Jolm Haldi, Drake; Morton, C. J. Cedargren, Flasher. ^

TO CONSIDER RENTS. Columbus, Ohio, - March 31.—Gov­

ernor Cox today called a mcef'^g of city solicitors of. the state and the state attorney general to meet at the legislative offices Thursday afternoon to consider the rental situation and to


HANSON Dr. Baasch spedalUus in 'Pyorrhea

Suit* 12, Improvement Blk. j Phono K4S


'LovelPs Greenbouse . Phone 3X0 100 N. 0th St.

A splendid resldenoc. It has the following features:

Three airy bedrooms, y Hardwood finish. Fifty foo*^1ot. . Modern. Fine shade trees and tor^uiqe

l a w n . . . . j • . — . . . . ; . • . . . . i i f > ^ . ' O i i D a k o t a a v e n u e , v . - ^ . -

House can be bought on trams.

I • V

A live room dwelllne in 1200 block on University avenue. This house is now empty and Is wait­ing for a new 6wner to move in. See us at onoe a)K>ut It.

*1- -i-'rh r

The Webster - Agency

501 Jtl W. 'jBank Bide.

1 ,-7\

WaRCH 31* 1800


lunch m im

any hotel




dcc|^/*upon soWie uhifled cbndpat increasing rents.

This is' the state's initial step I ff

the campaign to meet the rint situ tion and It "Is expected some means will be evolved to handle the situa­tion without necessity of resorting to a special 'session of the legislature to enact additional laws.

at IN­


at $7.50

50 Hats SLt) • • • •

50 Hats at $10.00




DER BAKING Service which iSih



from $12.50 to $25. DEVELOPING



LINES. Hat $hop 12 Third St.—Wbcre tbo Chocolate" Shop wed to he woo,

24 Points of



Coming to

^ i • *+: •

X / & - f t 1 p -.;v • -v

Every day finds th£ Electnfc* WasKin^

Machine irifcreasijig; in ,£opuJanty—and

ilo wonder. The illnstratfbn^shows you

why housewives prefer the new way to > ' ) . »>. .. - W *

N -jfjfc'


raoi^ey. S<5e fiow;hiuCh hap^iier you will

* at1.' tire' end

•i •. 'jiVJ*'. . S;:

week's washing dpne^rt anidour orsjSo\t i <^st o^^s^ than' five

^ • ' • > > i - f : ' r ; - . - V V : *

i ^ o,

*4';\ reet *6/̂ r\ TJ&m fa&m



£ • }

HOTEL NORTHERN •t rorfcs, Vorth nMa

ROOMS $1.00

,,V.-\ X : ' - Home Cooking

Bmlt complsfe in Advanf-Rqmuly , fmetorin. "

'2.' KwoMnmtinning ' ' • Ouaraotaad In writing tq bumktrMctx micccm-

fully under all condition*, «ri»it >11 loads to it* fill] rated brake horwpowcr.

OilcomM ' 3.


SPECtAU^T n.r-,,

is Eighth Year In

rth Dakota If

ri ^«, <><')'*• Not Use Surgery^.

Will be at ""


y/ei and Thurs. Apr. 14-15 J : ; - , O f l | c i ^ - a . a , t a , 4 p . , g k

Or. 6Nb6rtMoakau

DENTIST "• 191 •—

No evaporation—no r«Mlin«r. No fraesinc in coldist weather. No ruat-^oll preaervea metal.' No sediment — coolinc ayatem alwaya open. An even motor temperature.

XfraHM motor > low apead—hea*y duty—two cylinder. Dselsnad to bnro kerosene—no-makeshift. Partajrond to the thouaandth part of an. Inch.

Qreateet M .economy, .. Maatpftwer.' Unbnahmbiti crmnk$haft Crankahaft boilt to U. 8. Naval specifications.

High, WmrimmJ capacity An OIIPull tractors win deliver 0% more power then their ratios.. . • •

SalMfartlS ' N. • Mot rlvetad steel membara. No!bends—no apUees.

CM iMr'lwwMwriw

accesaiDie Tanrea.


make your own comp ai*is ons

- draw your awn conclusions



>> J$*iV

K / i f *

j. J* I ^ 1-K-^

P t t t g t — M r i t n j d d r i r i n g c e i r t . E n * DC In oil. i cio—4 im nipping in

Property plmcmd peMoy On ri(Bt hand aide. Driven directly ofPcranki-ahaft. * No bevel (ttrt-io intermediate fears.

Governor controlled tpead of motor automatically rifalated to meet

*5 M

Plenty af bait deaign.

n|Uy In

V M f , , / J t . i C I O N


l V

, r\

Ti m.

^0;^n^|^;lor Elimination

1« » l^rular cradti-alp irt tnediclne an^ surrery an4 is Ikiensed by the state of North Dakota. H^iyjBlts pro(«s8lbnally the mbro Itf.

rni oiuea anfl offers to <*» comultMlBit

Hid «wnln«u|( Aw. except:, the 4*. peii«e of treatment wh«in deshrod. v

According to s«i*.. not (or <Bhro«lo

i|iit>efidieitis, gall stonea, idewi «t iach, tiofiaUs or adeitoMaif. / «. •

.. .« has to his credit mtv wtfhdar-t t results Ut dtaMM«.<tf,^ie atoaach,

^bidder, bed*we _... VMtt. > luaga, Jrhwoaa

^.. ifilU lelc ulosi* ^nd rectal all-

tt yaii bare tMen alllnc . folr . ot <lme. and do .aot; .^trGy^ do aStMi to oall. M lmpn

mm* ri&S t :