Tabernacle Masonic Lodge # 1195 Volume LI Issue: 10 - April 2020 www.tabernaclelodge1195.com RW Orville Lee O’Neill April 4, 1938—March 13, 2020 Grand Master 2010

Grand Master 2010 - WordPress.com · 02/04/2017  · Tabernacle Masonic Lodge # 1195 Volume LI Issue: 10 - April 2020 RW Orville Lee O’Neill April 4, 1938—March 13, 2020 Grand

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Page 1: Grand Master 2010 - WordPress.com · 02/04/2017  · Tabernacle Masonic Lodge # 1195 Volume LI Issue: 10 - April 2020 RW Orville Lee O’Neill April 4, 1938—March 13, 2020 Grand

Tabernacle Masonic Lodge # 1195 Volume LI Issue: 10 - April 2020 www.tabernaclelodge1195.com

RW Orville Lee O’Neill April 4, 1938—March 13, 2020

Grand Master 2010

Page 2: Grand Master 2010 - WordPress.com · 02/04/2017  · Tabernacle Masonic Lodge # 1195 Volume LI Issue: 10 - April 2020 RW Orville Lee O’Neill April 4, 1938—March 13, 2020 Grand


Message from the Grand Master

Saturday, March 21st, 2020

The COVD-19 pandemic has caused substantial and material disruptions in the lives of all Americans, including the activities of Texas Masonic Lodges. For this reason, I issued an Order cancelling all gatherings of Texas Masons which were anticipated to exceed ten in number. This Order included stated meetings of Lodges for an indefinite period of time unless, in the discretion of the officers and members of the Lodge, the meeting would be in the best interest of the Lodge and, most importantly, would not pose a risk to the health of those attending.

Since that time, the Governor of Texas and state public health officials have strongly discouraged all meetings of ten or more individuals. At this time, it is not known when the pandemic will end or whether the conditions that are now occurring in Texas will worsen.

The charge of the Worshipful Master given and accepted at every installa-tion requires, among other things, that he “cheerfully conform to the laws of the country in which he resides”. The action taken in this proclamation is consistent with the above affirmation.

Because of danger to human life that presently exists, and the directions of various officials of the State of Texas concerning the risks of holding meet-ings, I am today issuing the following Proclamation:

It is ORDERED that no Texas Lodge may hold a stated or called meeting un-til this order is rescinded by subsequent proclamation of the Grand Master.

I and your Grand Lodge Trustees are well aware that this Order will cause sub-stantial disruption in the operations of Texas Lodges, including perhaps the elec-tion and installation of Lodge officers. However, the existing world-wide crisis requires the Grand Lodge of Texas to take extraordinary action to protect the lives of its members & follow the lawful directives of Federal, State, & local au-thorities.

Paul D. Underwood, Grand Master - 2020

(reprinted from Grand Lodge website)

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Grand Secretary's Office Personnel to Work From Home UPDATE Brethren, As the COVID-19 virus spreads across the world, national, state, and local health authorities have encouraged or ordered that various measures be taken to prevent the spread fo the disease. As these measures directly impact Texas Masons, the Grand Master has ordered that meetings and events be limited to no more than ten individuals. Meetings should occur only when necessary and then, for the shortest time possible. Last week I closed the Grand Lodge Building to visitors in an effort to limit exposure of the respective Grand Lodge and Library and Museum employees to the virus. The closure was ordered in response to the quickly growing number of COVID-19 cases in McClennan County and the request of local health and government officials. Yesterday, the Governor announced that he had issued four executive orders which extended statewide meeting size limits, school closures, bar and restaurant closures, and access to nursing homes. Governor Abbott requested that "offices and workplaces ... where feasible, work from home in order to achieve optimum isolation from COVD-19." In response to the Governor's call, and with the support of the Grand Master, I have ordered that the offices of the Grand Secretary and the Library and Museum be closed as of the end of business today. In anticipation of worsening conditions, earlier this week I asked the employees of the Grand Secretary's office, and those of the Library and Museum, to begin making preparations to work from their homes. The necessary technological, administrative, and procedural details were settled quickly. I am pleased to inform you that owing entirely to the splendid efforts of the employees both the Grand Secretary's office and the Library and Museum will continue to function during the current crisis. Because of the novel nature of the new work from home model and the limitations of technology, I cannot commit to the Masons of Texas that the transition will be flawless or that unusual delays won't be experi-enced (after all, we have never done this before), but I am confident that the telephones will be answered, email communications will be received, and that mail will be processed during the crisis. Please assist the staff of the Grand Secretary and the Library and Museum by limiting your requests and communications to those which are almost immediate. If you need assistance from any of the staff members, please do not hesitate to call 254-307-2815 between the times of normal business hours (8:30 AM to 4:00 PM) and one of them will answer. You can also reach each of them by their work email address or at [email protected]. Attached to this post is a listing of the staff, their duties, and how to reach them. During this crisis, I ask for your patience and assistance as the devoted and capable employees of the Grand Lodge of Texas and the Library and Museum go about serving you, the Masons of Texas. Allan R. Lazor, Grand Secretary Posted by: Allan Lazor on 03/20/2020

(reprinted from Grand Lodge website)

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I hope this finds you all well and you have everything you need to carry on with your daily needs. When the March Trestleboard published there was not a thought that we would ever be totally shut down be-cause of new vires racing around the globe and they have given it named of COVID-19 and we have been put into almost total lock down. A lot of us have been restricted at home with not much to do but lesson to the radio or watch TV and that is getting boring by now. The news is all about COVID-19 and one can only take so much of that. I find myself turning it on to see if the broadcasters have anything new and then turn it off and continue a deep cleaning on the house.

The schools have been shut down which leaves the children at home with nothing to do but play video games. I suppose the games are a good thing and keeps them occupied. Teachers and staff are off gearing up to handle on line schooling program to try and keep students on schedule with their classes. Many Churches have stopped their regular services and those that have the recourses to broadcast on line have continued serveries that way. If your church is one of those that is not having services on line ask around to get an on line ad-dress so you can sign on and attend services that way. A lot of restaurants have closed their dining rooms and are serving the public by making up carry out meals you can order and pick up. Uber has stepped up with picking up orders and taking them to your door. Even a lot of the restaurants are taking orders over the phone and bringing it to your doors. Is that not amazing, how quickly they came up with these innovative ideas. Let me share with you a story about a trip I made to Low’s over the week end. All the cus-tomers were being funneled through one door in and out by and employ letting one person out and then letting another in to do their shopping so they could control the number of people in the store at one time. The businesses that stay open will be controlling the num-ber of people in their buildings. Now what effect will this have on us Texas Masons? The Grand Master has sent out a Proc-lamation to all lodges to Cancel all Stated and Called Meetings until further Notice. I know this has effected all of us where we live. For those of you that wonder what is going on with our new Secretary, Hobie Henderson has been on lock down at TMRC. He and wife are in good health and he has been working on things for Tabernacle while they are on lock down. As always God Bless and May He grant you good health through this time in our lives.

Your Wm,

Ben West

Worshipful Master

Bro. Ben West

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Greetings Brothers and Sisters There is no doubt we are going through some very challenging and some-what scary times. Our fraternity consists of Brothers from 18 to 100 (+). Many of you remem-ber or have experienced; wars, conflicts, economic upheavals, death, and other losses you would never want to go through again. But we survived. But we all also experienced joys such as graduating from school, dating,

the first kiss, marriage, birth of a child, winning an award, and so forth. Many of you have heard the phrase, ”there are no atheists in a foxhole”. But we should reach out to the Great Architect in all times and give thanks. It is times like this that I am even more appreciative to have had the people in my life who shared with me their faith, love, courage, determination, and prayers. Some are family, some were teachers (both school and church), many are my Masonic Brothers and Church Family. WE are necessary to each other. And together we will survive. I know many of you just hate it that we are cautious about shaking hands. Not shaking hands with a Brother Mason is probably a little less difficult than giving up smoking. But its some-thing we are compelled to do. I have joked that we now have two new not so secret hand-shakes: fist bump and elbow bump, and I’ve been told there is a modified foot to foot bump. Joking aside, we have lost a Brother Mason to Covid 19; Brother Michael Ray Dorety of Bur-leson Lodge laid down his working tools on March 20. His wife Susan is still in quarantine at this writing. Please keep his family in your prayers. Let us continue to come together in prayer in Spirit and Brotherhood during these difficult times AND in good times to come. ….May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other. Genesis 31:49 (NIV) The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7 (NLT) Steve

Senior Warden

Bro. Steve Kaneaster

Page 6: Grand Master 2010 - WordPress.com · 02/04/2017  · Tabernacle Masonic Lodge # 1195 Volume LI Issue: 10 - April 2020 RW Orville Lee O’Neill April 4, 1938—March 13, 2020 Grand

Hello Brethren! These are scary times we are going through but I know we will get through it. We need to keep the power of praying strong. As you all might know the TMRC is in need of supply's, the virus has hit them so if any brother has enough to spare it will be greatly appreciated. The lodge is dark indefinitely as per the Grand Master.

Stay safe family and friends. If any assistance is needed from me with anything don't hesitate to call on me. (682) 219 7440 God Bless

Stephen Swain

Junior Warden

Bro. Stephen Swain

Tammie Ferguson Special Olympian Inspirational

Athlete of the Year Lit the Torch at the 1998 Special

Olympics Featured on Special Olympics

Wheaties Box (Michigan)

Colonel Frank Borman American Astronaut, Aeronautical Engineer, Test Pilot, Businessman

West Point Graduate Gemini 7

Apollo 8 w/ James Lovell & William Anders

First humans to fly to the moon without landing

Your support for the

Rainbow for Girls and

DeMolay helps to ensure

a positive future for our


Page 7: Grand Master 2010 - WordPress.com · 02/04/2017  · Tabernacle Masonic Lodge # 1195 Volume LI Issue: 10 - April 2020 RW Orville Lee O’Neill April 4, 1938—March 13, 2020 Grand

Greetings Brethren, I look forward to serving as Secretary of Tabernacle Lodge. I want to ex-tend my thanks to Brother Mark Solomon who did an outstanding job during his tenure. Unfortunately, the Covid 19 virus has put a damper on things, so there is not much to write about at this time. May God bless you and keep you safe.



Bro. Hobie Henderson

April Birthdays

Barry Barnett, Robert Dickson, Mark Dunnahoo, Michael Groh,

Robert Holmes, Billy Kelly, James Kirkpatrick, Troy Maddux, Noel Matthews,

James Mendenhall, Don Reynolds, Guy Tyra, Jack Ward, Darrell Woody

Page 8: Grand Master 2010 - WordPress.com · 02/04/2017  · Tabernacle Masonic Lodge # 1195 Volume LI Issue: 10 - April 2020 RW Orville Lee O’Neill April 4, 1938—March 13, 2020 Grand

Reprinted with the permission of

The Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M.

CORN, WINE, AND OIL Author Unknown

Short Talk Bulletin: August 1930

The wages which our ancient brethren received for their labors in the building of King Solomon’s Temple are paid no more. In the lodge we use them as symbols, save in the dedication, constitution and consecration of a new lodge and in the lay-ing of cornerstones when once again the fruit of the land, the brew of the grape and the essence of the olive are poured to launch a new unit of brotherhood into the fellowship of lodges; or to begin a new structure dedicated to the public use.

Corn, wine and oil have been associated together from the earliest times. In Deu-teronomy the “nation of fierce countenance” which is to destroy the people “shall not leave thee either corn, wine or oil.” In II Chronicles we read “the children of Israel brought in abundance the first fruits of corn, wine and oil.” Nehemiah tells of “a great chamber where aforetime they laid the meat offerings, the frankin-cense and the vessels, and the tithes of the corn, the new wine and the oil” and later “then brought all Judah the tithe of the corn, the new wine and the oil into the treasures.” There are other references in the Great Light to these particular forms of taxes, money and tithes for religious purposes; wealth and refreshment.

In ancient days the grapes in the vineyard and olives in the grove and the grain of the field were not only wealth but the measure of trade; so many skins of wine, so many cruses of oil, and so many bushels of corn were to them as are dollars and cents today. Thus our ancient brethren received wages in corn, wine and oil as a practical matter; they were paid for their labors in the coin of the realm.

The oil pressed from the olive was as important to the Jews in Palestine as butter and other fats are among occidentals. Because it was so necessary, and hence so valuable, it became an important part of sacrificial rites. There is no point in the sacrifice which is only a form. To be effective it must offer before the Altar something of value; some-thing the giving of which will testify to the love and veneration in which the sacrificer holds the Most High.

Oil was also used not only as a food but for lighting purposes; more within the house than in the open air, where torches were more effective. Oil was also an article of the bath; mixed with perfume it was used in the ceremonies of anointment, and in preparation for ceremonial appearances. The “Precious ointment upon the head, which ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard, that went down to the skirts of his garment;” as the quotation has it in our entered Apprentice Degree, (and Nevada’s Master Mason opening and closing) was doubtless made of olive oil, suitably mixed with such perfumes and spices as myrrh, cinnamon, galbanum and frankincense.

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Probably oil was also used as a surgical dressing; nomadic peoples, subject to injuries, could hardly avoid knowledge of the value of soothing oil. With so many uses for oil, its production naturally was stimulated. Not only was the production of the olive grove a matter of wealth, but the nourishing and processing of the oil gave employment to many. Oil was obtained from the olive both by pressing - probably by a stone wheel revolving in or on a larger stone, mill or mortar - and also by a gentle pounding. This hand process produced a finer quality of oil. “And thou shalt command the children of Israel that they bring pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always.” (Exodus, 27-20.)

The corn of the Bible is not the corn we know today. In many, if not the majority of the uses of the word, a more understandable translation would be simply “grain.” The principal grains of the Old Testament days were barley and wheat; corn represents not only both of these, but all the grains which the Jews cultivated. Our modern corn, cultivated and cross-bred was, of course, un-known to the ancients, although it might be going too far to say they had no grain similar to the Indian maize from which our great corn crop has grown.

An ear of grain has been an emblem of plenty since the mists of antiquity which shroud the beginnings of my-thology. Ceres, goddess of abundance, survives today in our cereals. The Greeks call her Demeter, a corrup-tion of Gemeter, our mother earth. She wore a garland of grain and carried ears of grain in her hand. The Hebrew Shibboleth means both an ear of corn and a flood of water. Both are symbols of abundance, plenty and wealth. American Masonic use of a sheaf of wheat in place of an ear of wheat - or any other grain such as corn - seems rather without point or authority. As for the substitution occasionally heard, of “water ford” for “water fall,” we can only blame the corrupting influence of time and the ignorance of those who have permitted it, since a water “Ford” signifies a paucity, the absence of water, while a water “Fall” carries out both the translation of the word and the meaning of the ear of corn - plenty.

Scarcely less important to our ancient brethren than their corn and oil, was the wine. Vineyards were highly esteemed both as wealth and as a comfort - the pleasant shade of the “vine and fig tree” was a part of an-cient hospitality. Vineyards on mountain sides or hills were most carefully tended and protected against washing away by terraces and walls, as even today one may see the hillsides of the Rhine. Thorn hedges kept cattle from helping themselves to the grapes. The vineyardist frequently lived in a watch tower or hut on an elevation to keep sharp look-out that neither predatory man nor beast took his ripening wealth.

The feast of Booths, in the early fall, when the grapes were ripe, was a time of joy and happiness. “New Wine” - that is, the unfermented, just pressed-out juice of the grape - was drunk by all. Fermented wine was made by storing the juice of the grape in skins or bottles. Probably most of the early wine of Old Testament days was red, but later the white grape must have come into esteem - at least, it is the principal grape of pro-duction for that portion of the world today.

Corn, wine and oil were the wages paid our ancient brethren. They were the “Master’s Wag-es” of the days of King Solomon. Masons of this day receive no material wages for their la-bors; the work done in a lodge is paid for only in the coin of the heart. But those wages are no less real. They may sprout as does the grain, strengthen as does the wine, nourish as does the oil. How much we receive and what we do with our wages depends entirely on our Masonic work. A brother obtains from his lodge and from his Order only what he puts into it.

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Our ancient brethren were paid for their physical labors. Whether their wages were paid for work performed upon the mountain and in the quarries, or whether they received corn, wine and oil because they labored in the fields or vineyards, it was true then, and it is true now, that only “in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.” To receive the equivalent of corn, wine and oil, a brother must labor. He must till the fields of his own heart or build the temple of his own “house not made with hands. “He must labor to his neighbor or carry stones for his brother’s temple.” If he stands, waits, watches and wonders he will not be able to ascend into the Middle Chamber where our ancient brethren received their wages. If he works for the joy of working, does his part in his lodge work, takes his place among the laborers of Freemasonry, he will receive corn, wine and oil in measures pressed down and running over, and know a Fraternal Joy as substantial in fact as it is ethereal in quality; as real in his heart as it is intangible to the profane of the world.


Apr 4 1778, Voltaire was initiated in "Les Neuf Soeurs" Lodge in Paris. His conductors were Benjamin Franklin and Count Gebelin

Apr 5 1886, Rudyard Kipling received his 1st degree.

Apr 8 1790, the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire was constituted

Apr 19 1787, the Grand Lodge of Maryland was formed (or April 18) in 1850, the Grand Lodge of Cali-fornia was formed

Apr 20 1884, Pope Leo XIII issued a famous Papal Bull against Freemasonry, titled Humanum Genus

Apr 21 1821 the Grand Lodge of Missouri was founded.

Apr 22 1785, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart received his 3rd degree.

Apr 24 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt received his 3rd degree.

Apr 28

1738, Pope Clement XII issued the first Papal Bull attacking Freemasonry

1840, the Grand Lodge of Illinois was formed

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50 + Years Charles Modesitt 67 years Jack Dye, Sr 60 years Robert Peterson 65 years I. Lionel Kelley 57 years Bobby Jean 63 years Isadore Bloomberg 56 years James Glass 63 years Dannie Bruce 55 years William Marslett 62 years Russell Bracy 51 years

40 - 49 Years

30 - 39 Years

Harlan Metts 45 years Barry Barnett 43 years Morris Weinman 45 years Jose Erandio 42 years Douglas Ford 44 years Wayne Bigham 41 years David Sebastian 43 years

1 - 19 Years David Stevens 19 years Joseph Ward 14 years Ira Smith 19 years Joshua Schutts 12 years

20 - 29 Years Daniel Mudge 28 years John Kuhns 22 years Richard Gude 21 years

Robert Levin 41 years Thomas Whitney 37 years James D Carter 34 years

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day date event meal meeting

Monday Mar 30 Morning Floor School 9:00 AM

Evening Floor School 7:00 PM

Tuesday Mar 31 Evening Floor School 7:00 PM

Monday Apr 06 Morning Floor School 9:00 AM

Evening Floor School 7:00 PM

Tuesday Apr 07 Birthday Celebration 6:00 PM

Wednesday Apr 08 Masonic Service Bureau Arling-

ton #438 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Monday Apr 13 Morning Floor School 9:00 AM

Evening Floor School 7:00 PM

Tuesday Apr 14 STATED MEETING 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Monday Apr 20 Morning Floor School 9:00 AM

Evening Floor School 7:00 PM

Tuesday Apr 21 Evening Floor School 7:00 PM

Monday Apr 27 MWSA - Smithfield #455 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Tuesday Apr 28 Evening Floor School 7:00 PM

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President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Jimmy B. Connor Steve Kaneaster Albert Alvarez Panther City #1183 Tabernacle #1195 Cooke-Peavey #1162 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 817-223-9661 817-401-0768 817-832-0903 Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Jeff Baldwin Steve Bennett Bruce Hammond Webb #1454 Julian Feild #908 Panther City #1183 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 817-475-8049 817-475-5726 817-658-0487 14th District Ambassador George Rutherford Richardson Lodge #1214 [email protected] / 972-234-6054

64th Masonic District MSB Schedule www.ftwmsb.org

ALL MSB MEETINGS: Dinner 6:00 PM Meeting 7:00 PM

64th Masonic Service Bureau Schedule

Date Location Address Program

Apr 08 2020 Arlington #438 1415 W Abram, Arlington, TX ONCOR - will put on a Live

Line Arcing Demo

May 13 2020 Panther City #1183 1100 Henderson St, Fort Worth Marsha Young - Invest-

ments Specialist

Jun 10 2020 TBD Larry Fitzpatrick 2013 Grand Orator for PGM

Walt Rogers

Jul 08 2020 Tabernacle Lodge #1195 5320 Woodway Dr, Fort Worth Election and Installation

Until further notice—All Masonic Activities in Texas are postponed

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64th Masonic District MWSA Schedule www.64th.org

President Vice President Secretary Mark Meyers Gregory Wright Joseph Scholari Webb #1454 Fort Worth #148 Webb #1454 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 817-253-0964 817-296-6777 972-660-6860

Treasurer Chaplain Ambassador Zachary Haston Don Webb George Rutherford

Arlington #438 Tabernacle #1195 Richardson Lodge #1214 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 817-821-6122 817-731-1723 972-234-6054

2020 District 64 District Deputies and District Instructors

64A DDGM R:.W:. Gregory Wright 817-296-6777 DI Rhitt Moore 817-876-5656

64B DDGM R:.W:. Jerry Beck 817-797-0936 DI W:. Will Pimentel 817-597-1816

64C DDGM R:.W:. Keith Arterburn 817-875-6098 DI Don Webb 817-731-1723

64D DDGM R:.W:. Moe Rahmeh 817-277-8436 DI George Havens 817-480-2599 DISTRICT INSTRUCTORS AT LARGE: Sam Holden - 817-313-379 Tom Hancock - 817-467-2462

Date Location Address Program

April 27, 2020 Smithfield #455 8013 Main St,

N Richland Hills

Benevolence Program

July 27, 2020 Fort Worth #148 1100 Henderson St Election and Installation of Officers

ALL MWSA MEETINGS: Dinner 6:00 pm Meeting: 7:00 pm

Until further notice—All Masonic Activities in Texas are postponed

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2020 Ritual Forum and Certificate Exam Schedule

Jim Rumsey - Committee on Work

Date Forum Exam Lodge Name Number City

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 ‐‐‐‐‐‐ 6:30 PM Smithfield 455 North Richland Hills

Saturday, April 18, 2020 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Commerce 439 Commerce

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 6:00 PM ‐‐‐‐‐‐ Webb 1454 Arlington

Saturday, May 2, 2020 8:00 AM 12:30 PM East Fork 650 Wylie

Monday, May 11, 2020 ‐‐‐‐‐‐ 6:30 PM Midlothian 584 Midlothian

Saturday, May 30, 2020 9:00 AM 12:30 PM Tyler 1233 Tyler

Saturday, June 6, 2020 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Boston 69 New Boston

Monday, June 29, 2020 6:00 PM ‐‐‐‐‐‐ Ridglea 1341 Fort Worth

Saturday, August 15, 2020 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Palestine 31 Palestine

Saturday, August 29, 2020 8:00 AM 12:30 PM Duck Creek 1419 Garland

Saturday, September 5, 2020 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Danville 101 Kilgore

Monday, September 7, 2020 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Mineola 502 Mineola

Thursday, September 24, 2020 6:00 PM ‐‐‐‐‐‐ Grapevine 288 Grapevine

Saturday, September 26, 2020 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Lone Star 403 Denison

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 ‐‐‐‐‐‐ 6:00 PM Dallas 760 Dallas

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 ‐‐‐‐‐‐ 6:00 PM Richardson 1214 Richardson

Saturday, October 24, 2020 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Salado 296 Salado

Saturday, October 31, 2020 9:00 AM 1:00 PM James H. Lockwood 1343 Waco

Saturday, November 7, 2020 8:00 AM 12:30 PM Cooke‐Peavy 1162 Fort Worth

Saturday, November 21, 2020 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Jefferson 38 Jefferson

Saturday, December 5, 2020 8:00 AM 12:30 PM Hillcrest 1318 Dallas

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 ‐‐‐‐‐‐ 6:00 PM Hurst 1387 Hurst

Thursday, January 21, 2021 ‐‐‐‐‐‐ 8:00 AM Grand Lodge of Texas, A. F. & A.M.


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2020 Ritual Forum and Certificate Exam Schedule

Chuck Forsyth - Committee on Work

Date Forum Exam Lodge Name Number City

Saturday, April 4, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Stephenville 267 Stephenville

Saturday, April 25, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Pecos Valley 736 Pecos

Saturday, May 9, 2020 10:00 AM to follow Hobah 1394 Abilene

Saturday, August 1, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Concho 1260 San Angelo

Saturday, August 8, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Cleburne 315 Cleburne

Saturday, May 16, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Wichita Falls 635 Wichita Falls

Saturday, August 29, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Frontier 766 Alpine

Saturday, September 12, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Cross Plains 627 Cross Plains

Saturday, September 19, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Mineral Wells 611 Mineral Wells

Saturday, October 3, 2020 9:00 AM to follow McFarland 1338 Odessa

Saturday, October 31, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Brownwood 279 Brownwood

Saturday, November 7, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Orient 905 Knox City

Saturday, November 14, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Eureka 731 Springtown

Saturday, December 5, 2020 9:00 AM to follow Decatur 447 Decatur

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The International Order of the

Rainbow for Girls

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a 501c3 non-profit service organiza-tion for girls between the ages of 11 and 20. Rev. W. Mark Sexson founded our order in McAlester, Oklahoma in April of 1922. Rev. W Mark Sexson sought to develop an organiza-tion where young women could build self-confidence and leadership skills, all while serving their community. The organization promotes community service, as well as love and service to their schools, their homes and to each other.


Fort Worth Assembly #15 Mrs. Shanna Winslett 817-300-9846 [email protected] Arlington Assembly #96 Mrs. Tina Stevens 817-937-8036 [email protected] Burleson Assembly #374 Mrs. Beverly Self 817-343-8206 [email protected]

DeMolay is the premier youth leadership organization building young men of character and dedicated to making young men better people and leaders. Providing a program based on timeless principles and practical experience, DeMolay strives to not only create the ex-traordinary leader, but a leader of character. DeMolays hold themselves to a higher moral standard, striving to constantly improve and be better each and every day.

CONTACT INFORMATION H. Malvern Marks Chapter Curtis Waldrop 817-498-8214 Arlington Chapter John Hughes 817-274-8978 Grand Prairie Chapter Jena Perkins 972-262-6886

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Conference Fort Worth Masonic Temple

1100 Henderson St, Fort Worth Registration 1 PM Conference 2 PM

Banquet Former Masonic Home and School

3712 Wichita St, Fort Worth Former Dining Hall—Now called the Hickman Room

Contact Greg Wright for Ticket Information 817-296-6777 [email protected]


Page 19: Grand Master 2010 - WordPress.com · 02/04/2017  · Tabernacle Masonic Lodge # 1195 Volume LI Issue: 10 - April 2020 RW Orville Lee O’Neill April 4, 1938—March 13, 2020 Grand

Purchase your tabernacle lodge Centennial Coin

Tabernacle Masonic Lodge #1195

was chartered in Fort Worth, Texas In 1922.

In celebration of our 100th Anniversary, Tabernacle Lodge #1195 has issued a Commemorative Centennial Celebration coin,

available to you for only $10.00 each.

On one side is an engraving representing the “Tabernacle in the Wilderness”.

On the reverse is a current photo of Tabernacle Lodge, sealed in epoxy.

Please support Tabernacle Lodge by purchasing your Centennial Coin.

Come by the Lodge or send a request, along with your Payment to Tabernacle Lodge.

An included self addressed stamped envelope is not

required but we would appreciate it.

Page 20: Grand Master 2010 - WordPress.com · 02/04/2017  · Tabernacle Masonic Lodge # 1195 Volume LI Issue: 10 - April 2020 RW Orville Lee O’Neill April 4, 1938—March 13, 2020 Grand

LODGE CONTACTS Worshipful Master Ben West 817-690-3567

Senior Warden Steve Kaneaster 817-401-0768

Junior Warden Stephen Swain 682-219-7440

Treasurer Barry Barnett 972-824-9362

Secretary Hobie Henderson 817-313-9402

Chaplain Don Webb 817-731-1723

Senior Deacon Roberto Pering 817-919-2882

Junior Deacon Ron Lippard 682-465-5622

Senior Steward Chris Blair 817-675-3962

Junior Steward Jurob Pering 817-797-9179

Marshal Daniel Linehan 817-559-0578

Tiler Bill Jacobs 817-812-9592

Master of Ceremonies Patrick Wentworth 817-507-6543

Musician Erick Pruitt 817-538-7802

Lodge Office 817-292-3400


WEBSITE: www.tabernaclelodge1195.com