1 February 2018 Webmaster: Ki Lee Organized to promote the independence and dignity of rered men hp://www.sirinc.org BRANCH 114, THE VILLAGES www.branch114.sirinc2.org The Sweet Life! The Grapevine CONTENTS Pg 1 - Big SIR Message - Calendar - Messages Pg 2 - Lile SIR Messages - Speaker Info - Birthday Boyz Pg 3 -Valennes Flyer Pg 4 - Membership - Messages Pg 5 - Golf/Bocce - Menu - Event Winners Pg 6 -Travel 2018/2019 Pg 7 - Treasurer’s Report Pg 8 - Officers/Directors - Commiees - State Officers [email protected] BIG SIR Message Hello fellow 114 members: As your new Big Sir I would like to again welcome you to the start of the New Year. Please see page 2 & 3 for our February program. The remainder of the year is sll in the planning stage but will include an April visit from Rod Diridon, who will speak about the Santa Clara Transportaon System, and our usual May and September Picnics, the August Golf Tourna- ment, and another Murder Mystery Dinner. In addion to our regularly scheduled luncheons we are also invesgang a number of oungs to local points of interest/aracons. As always, if you have any suggesons for speakers, tours or other ac- vies please let me or one of the Branch Execuve Commiee (BEC) members know. Gary Holmquist, Big SIR. SIR Happenings-Bob Hairston 2018 Calendar Jan 9th -2nd Tuesday Light Lunch $17 Feb 13th -2nd Tuesday Valenne Dinner/Dance Mar 6th - 1st Tuesday Corn Beef/Cabbage $23.75 Apr 3rd - 1st Tuesday Light Lunch $17 May 1st - 1st Tuesday Light Lunch $17 Spring Picnic 5/8/18 Jun 5th - 1st Tuesday Light Lunch $17 July 10th - 2nd Tuesday Light Lunch $17 Aug 14th -2nd Tuesday Murder Mystery Dinner Sept 4th -1st Tuesday Light Lunch $17 Fall Picnic 9/11/18 Oct 9th -2nd Tuesday Octoberfest $23.75 Nov 6th -2nd Tuesday Turkey $23.75 Dec 4th -1st Tuesday Light Lunch $17 [email protected] (408) 531– 9779 SIR State Newsleer ”Happenings“ will be published monthly by former President Bob Hairston , who is accessible by e-mail. Arcles you deem worthy should be submied by 15th of each month. Calling all writers, photographers and interested pares! [email protected] [email protected] Aenon Readers: Throughout the branch bullen you will find (if you look) e-mail addresses and websites in blue, somemes but not always, within a black bordered box. They are called “Links” and, if you wish to go to that website or communicate to that individual simply click on that address or box and you go to that address or a pre-addressed e-mail will appear. Type in your message and hit “Send”. Especially handy to let Ray Blinde know when you will be unable to aend. Editor Dan Dan Affourt Editor [email protected] [email protected] Terry Griffin Distributor Gary Holmquist Please review Page 8, Officers/Directors/Commiee Chairmen—you should give serious consid- eraon to stepping up and off your bu and volunteering to help YOUR organizaon!!!!

Grapevine › Grapevines › 201802grapevine.pdf · scheduled luncheons we are also investigating a number of outings to local points of interest/attractions. As always, if you have

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Page 1: Grapevine › Grapevines › 201802grapevine.pdf · scheduled luncheons we are also investigating a number of outings to local points of interest/attractions. As always, if you have


February 2018

Webmaster: Ki Lee

Organized to promote the independence and dignity of

retired men http://www.sirinc.org

BRANCH 114, THE VILLAGES www.branch114.sirinc2.org

The Sweet Life!

BIG SIR Message - Lou Figone

408 996-4175 [email protected]


Grapevine CONTENTS Pg 1 - Big SIR Message - Calendar - Messages Pg 2 - Little SIR Messages - Speaker Info - Birthday Boyz Pg 3 -Valentines Flyer Pg 4 - Membership - Messages Pg 5 - Golf/Bocce - Menu - Event Winners

Pg 6 -Travel 2018/2019

Pg 7 - Treasurer’s Report Pg 8 - Officers/Directors - Committees - State Officers

[email protected]

BIG SIR Message

Hello fellow 114 members: As your new Big Sir

I would like to again welcome you to the start of

the New Year.

Please see page 2 & 3 for our February program. The remainder of the

year is still in the planning stage but will include an April visit from Rod

Diridon, who will speak about the Santa Clara Transportation System,

and our usual May and September Picnics, the August Golf Tourna-

ment, and another Murder Mystery Dinner. In addition to our regularly

scheduled luncheons we are also investigating a number of outings to

local points of interest/attractions.

As always, if you have any suggestions for speakers, tours or other ac-

tivities please let me or one of the Branch Executive Committee (BEC)

members know. Gary Holmquist, Big SIR.

SIR Happenings-Bob Hairston

2018 Calendar Jan 9th -2nd Tuesday Light Lunch $17 Feb 13th -2nd Tuesday Valentine Dinner/Dance Mar 6th - 1st Tuesday Corn Beef/Cabbage $23.75 Apr 3rd - 1st Tuesday Light Lunch $17 May 1st - 1st Tuesday Light Lunch $17 Spring Picnic 5/8/18 Jun 5th - 1st Tuesday Light Lunch $17 July 10th - 2nd Tuesday Light Lunch $17 Aug 14th -2nd Tuesday Murder Mystery Dinner Sept 4th -1st Tuesday Light Lunch $17 Fall Picnic 9/11/18 Oct 9th -2nd Tuesday Octoberfest $23.75 Nov 6th -2nd Tuesday Turkey $23.75 Dec 4th -1st Tuesday Light Lunch $17

[email protected]

(408) 531– 9779

SIR State Newsletter ”Happenings“ will be published monthly by former President Bob Hairston ,

who is accessible by e-mail. Articles you deem worthy should be submitted by 15th of each month.

Calling all writers, photographers and interested parties!

[email protected]

[email protected]

Attention Readers: Throughout the branch bulletin you will find (if you look) e-mail addresses and

websites in blue, sometimes but not always, within a black bordered box. They are called “Links”

and, if you wish to go to that website or communicate to that individual simply click on that address

or box and you go to that address or a pre-addressed e-mail will appear. Type in your message and

hit “Send”. Especially handy to let Ray Blinde know when you will be unable to attend. Editor Dan

Dan Affourtit Editor

[email protected] [email protected]

Terry Griffin Distributor



Please review Page 8, Officers/Directors/Committee Chairmen—you should give serious consid-

eration to stepping up and off your butt and volunteering to help YOUR organization!!!!

Page 2: Grapevine › Grapevines › 201802grapevine.pdf · scheduled luncheons we are also investigating a number of outings to local points of interest/attractions. As always, if you have


Little SIR Message

Our very best wishes for your special occasion!

Birthday Boyz For February

Jim Brady 6, Rick Yearman 7, Kevan Stover 9, Vic Karis 12,

Rob Howe 15, Pat Misener 15, Roy Wash 15, Gary Lohr 17,

Bob Kirschbaum 19, Alan Renninger 22, Arnie Pinck 24, Tracy Scott 25,

Norm Ohtaka 25, Roger Lasson 26.

[email protected]

The plan for our March 6th meeting speaker will be Kim Walesh, City of San Jose Director of Economic Develop-ment and Deputy City Manager. This is a no miss speech as Kim will talk about the huge San Jose successes in Eco-nomic Development, including Google’s 10 million square foot San Jose downtown project. The April 3 meeting speaker will be Rod Diridon. Rod is known as the father of modern transportation systems in Silicon Valley and only he could give us the overview of the massive transportation system that will be coming to the Diridon Station in San Jose.

Again, a speech you will not want to miss.

(408) 997-2975

As your new Little SIR I sincerely invite members to offer suggestions for

speakers. Please get in touch with me or a member of the Speaker’s Bureau

(below) at your earliest convenience.

Larry Martinson (408) 528-0746; and Jim Stoner (408) 238-8458

Feb 13th will be a joint Valentine’s Dinner Dance with Branch 38. See the Flyer on pg 3. This gala affair is open to all Villagers so be sure to contact your friends and have them sign up with me by phone or e-mail.

Bob Dando

Adjacent is a picture of Pat Misener, Big SIR 2013,

the recently retired multi-termed Regional Director

and, previously, multi-termed Area Gov. and all-

around really good guy, awarding a Certificate to Paul

Lewis acknowledging his service as our Big SIR.

Page 3: Grapevine › Grapevines › 201802grapevine.pdf · scheduled luncheons we are also investigating a number of outings to local points of interest/attractions. As always, if you have


The Villages SIR Present

A Valentines Evening









CONTACTS SIR Br. 38 CONTACT SIR Br. 114 Gary Hill-408-274-8086 Bob Dando-408-997-2975

Doug McLendon-408-528-8918.

If reading while in a computer just click the link for a preaddressed e-mail.

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

Page 4: Grapevine › Grapevines › 201802grapevine.pdf · scheduled luncheons we are also investigating a number of outings to local points of interest/attractions. As always, if you have


MEMBERSHIP - Jeff Schlageter (408) 528-7493 [email protected]

SIR has a saying: People join SIR for the speakers and activities, and stay for the members. That’s why I put out our

“Ninth Seat” sign at tables where any member can sit and get to know the SIR at that table. New members will be

wearing a pink badge so you can more easily recognize them. Please welcome them to any open seat at your table so

they will feel comfortable in joining and staying in our “SIR brotherhood”.

Suggestions should be submitted to Jeff.

Recruiting as of 12/31/17: We gained 30 New Members last year. Attrition of 17, Gain of 13 to 170. Recruiting Captains: Please contact names on your list and bring in Guests for our March 6th meeting. NOT a Recruiting Captain: Every member should be a recruit-er. Ask your friends and neighbors to come to our meeting if they are eligible and inter-ested. Call or email me before the meeting if you have a prospective recruit, and have him fill out an Application and bring it with you. Best to come by 11:30 AM so we can talk and answer questions. Call me if you need a SIR Brochure or Application. This month we gained 3 and lost two to reach a membership 171. The following were successful recruiters in 2017: Dan Affourtit, Don DeVincenzi, Dick Stowers, Larry Cormier(4), Tom

MacKenzie, Garry Gray, Herb Rogers, Kyle Finley, Larry Dillon, Paul Lewis(4), Don Norling, Larry Martinson, Don Fernandez, Jerry Burge, Al Girolami, Frank LoCicero, Jeff Schlageter(4) and received a reward $15/30/45 (except Jeff).

Suggestions for Handling New Guys: After you have successfully recruited a new member please consider,

for 3 or 4 meetings, of assuming the burden of letting him know you will be saving him a seat and/or meeting him at

the door to guide him through the “check-in procedures” a second time. These efforts can go a long way to insure he

makes a comfortable transition to an active and rewarding membership. To further insure our new members have a

pleasant experience when they attend, I would urge you all to start your lunch by looking around your table and, if

there is any person sitting with you that you have not met before, PLEASE introduce yourself and your tablemates to

the “new guy”. We organize these luncheons around a speaker and his presentation, but the bottom line on what we

get from our attendance is the opportunity to fraternize with fellow Villagers, to enjoy the comradery of like- minded

individuals, to share experiences. Please don’t overlook that part of the benefit of membership.

Dan Affourtit, Br 114 Grapevine Editor

Below : Sponsors Tracy Scott & Bob Marchant; Inductees Rich Schonka; Charles Markee; Ray

Hing; Acting Big Sir Paul Lewis; and our Eveready membership Chairman Jeff Schlageter.

Page 5: Grapevine › Grapevines › 201802grapevine.pdf · scheduled luncheons we are also investigating a number of outings to local points of interest/attractions. As always, if you have


GOLF-Norm Ohtaka March Lunch Cornbeef &


Cookie or Brownie

Coffee or Tea Cost: $23.75

Please Notify Ray Blinde if you

prefer an alternatives.

Alternate Choices:

Boneless Chicken


Cobb Salad,

or Vegetarian.

NOTICE: You must

notify Ray when you

do not plan to attend.

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

2018 Schedule For

Area 5 & Area 11

will be shown in

March issue


House Event Winners

Congratulations to All Players

Rick Casey(2); Bob Dando(2); Bob Dolci; Bill DeVincenzi; Kyle Finley; Larry Dillon;

David Roberts; Steve Volm; Charles Markee; Phil Renteria.

BOCCE Paul Andersen It is a fun, easy and un-strenuous game to play. We have the

beginnings of a team but a full team of eight to play the

other SIR branches chosen from the best players in a bigger

pool of SIR 114 players would be great.

We practice the last Wednesday of every month

at 3:00 PM. Contact: Paul Andersen

(408) 613-2206 [email protected]

Arrangements Chairman

Ray Blinde

408 531-1776

SIR 38 & 114 Golf Tourney

August 27th


coming in



(408) 440-2768

Plea for Help Clubhouse Mgmt has

made it clear they will

be charging us for

“No Shows”

It is imperative that

you notify Ray Blinde

when you will be

unable to attend.

E-Mail or Phone

Picnics in 2018

Spring May 8th

Fall Sept 11th


Bocce Matches

(with great intensity)

Page 6: Grapevine › Grapevines › 201802grapevine.pdf · scheduled luncheons we are also investigating a number of outings to local points of interest/attractions. As always, if you have


Travel 2018

May 25-June 9, 2018 Historic Cities of Eastern Canada & New England (16 days) (Br 62) Escorts: Jim Ho-henshelt (408-394-7226) and Roy Jordan (408-735-8765). This trip, a Globus trip arranged by TravelCenter Tours & Travel, begins in Toronto, then goes down the shore of Lake Ontario to Niagara Falls for an over-night stay, with opportunity to cruise below the Falls by day and view the light display by night. The trip con-tinues with a land tour of the historic eastern Canadian cities of Ottawa, Quebec City, and Montreal. The travelers then embark on a Holland America cruise ship for a cruise down the St. Lawrence river to Charlotte-town, Sydney, and Halifax, and on to Bar Harbor, Maine, ending in Boston. The cost will begin at $3695 per person, double occupancy or $5185 single (without air fare) for an inside cabin on the cruise, Deposit to re-serve is $250. Information about cabin upgrades is available from the escorts. For lowest cost and maximum flexibility individual travel can be arranged by Travel Center, or travelers can arrange their own. Note that individual air travel can be less expensive than group travel. Contact Jim or Roy for brochures and signup forms, or more information.

Sep 23 – Oct 2, 2018 American Queen – St Louis to Memphi (Br 32) Escorts: Mike Console, (408) 246-1080 and John Pletsch (408) 274-2292. This is a Mississippi River Cruise on the recently refurbished and luxurious American Queen paddle-wheeler. We begin with an overnight hotel stay in St Louis and finish with another overnight hotel stay in Memphis, including tours of each city and Elvis’s Graceland in Memphis. Tour fea-tures included in the price are: all transfers to and from the airports, round trip airfare, all port charges, ho-tel costs, shore excursions in each port (optional premium excursions at some ports are offered at additional cost), group insurance (for medical reasons only), all meals on board ship, including complimentary beer & wine with dinner. Port stops are: Alton, IL, Chester, IL, Cape Girardeau, MO, Paducah, KY, Dover, TN, New Madrid, MO, Ashport Landing, TN, Memphis, TN. Prices, per person double occupancy and based on cabin category selected, range from Inside cabin E- $3300 to AA- Superior with Veranda $5960. Deposit (includes group insurance) is $900 per person. Make checks payable to Cruise Adventures Unlimited and mail to Mike Console, 3527 Parkland Ave., San Jose, CA 95117.

OCT. 21-31 2018 Crystal Mozart River Cruise (Br 114) Escorts Larry Martinson (408) 528-0746 and Jim Stoner (408) 238-8458. Enjoy Europe’s majesty and history as you cruise the scenic Wachau Valley, an Aus-trian Wonderland and a UNESCO World Heritage Site of terraced vineyards and picturesque towns along the Danube. Treat yourself to wine tasting in Durnstein. Explore Melk’s stunning Benedictine Abbey. Then stroll through the enchanting lanes of Bratislava, and delight in the imperial splendors of Budapest and Vienna. Prices start at $6485 pp/dbl occ for a deluxe stateroom with large picture window. Crystal’s already ex-pansive host of complimentary services includes butler service for every suite, gratuities for all shipboard staff, unlimited onboard refreshments, from premium beverages, champagne, fine wine and spirits to soft drinks, free WiFi/internet, choice of Crystal Adventures Shore excursions in every port and much more. Round-trip air, port charges and transfers in San Francisco and Vienna. Send Application and deposit of 20% per category, Payable to Cruise Adventures Unlimited Trust Account 1610 Locust St., Walnut Creek, CA. 94596 or send to Larry Martinson 9029 Village View Dr. San Jose, CA. 95135. This will be a SPECIAL trip!!!!!

Brochures at your branch travel table in the hallway at the back of the Fairway’s

Room. Any questions contact Larry or Jim

Larry Martinson Area 11 Travel Chairman Jim Stoner

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Page 7: Grapevine › Grapevines › 201802grapevine.pdf · scheduled luncheons we are also investigating a number of outings to local points of interest/attractions. As always, if you have


Alan Renninger—Treasurer [email protected] [email protected] Roger Reedy - Asst. Treasurer

Treasurer’s Report


SIR Branch 114

Primary Account Cash on Hand - Beginning


Membership Dues Received $0.00

Happy Dollars $23.00

House Events $132.00

Cash Received Lunches

Interest Received $0.09

Other Receipts* $0.00


Villages - lunch free members

Villages - lunch free speaker

Villages - lunch free prospects

lunches free - other

SIRS Inc - assessment


Membership incentive/appreciation*

Event expense:

Speaker expense

Printing / Copy /Communications

Villagers—lunch cash paid Primary Account Cash on Hand - Ending:

Travel Account balance holder J Stoner $1.00

Total Cash $2094.50

Property Report:

Adobe Dreamweaver CS6…holder - A Renninger 5/18/2012 $383.00

Laptop Computer w. office.. holder - Dan Affourtit

House Event Inv cash for chge - J. Civello/ F.Locicero

Banners—Paul Lewis




Comments and Notes:

204-speaker expense-Dec entertainment

Alan Renninger Treasurer

cc: BEC Officers, Directors, Committee Members

Page 8: Grapevine › Grapevines › 201802grapevine.pdf · scheduled luncheons we are also investigating a number of outings to local points of interest/attractions. As always, if you have








Big SIR Gary Holmquist

Little SIR Bob Dando

Secretary Burt Lancaster

Asst. Secretary Jim Brady

Treasurer Alan Renninger

Asst. Treas. Roger Reedy


Larry Martinson BIG SIR ‘08

Jeff Schlageter BIG SIR ‘11

Jim Brady BIG SIR ‘14

Lou Figone BIG SIR ‘15/16

Kyle Finley Inducted ‘16

Paul Lewis Big SIR 2017


Sr. Honorary Life Members:

Bill Eckert Big SIR ‘01

Honorary Life Members:

Lyle Chambers Big SIR ‘06

Jeff Schlageter Big SIR ‘11

Pat Misener Big SIR ’13

Senior SIR 90+: Tom James*; Bob

Bow; Bob Vierra; Clint Lindseth;

Jim Behlen; Dick Graham

* Charter Member (1983)






“ Assistant














Chairman / Members: Ray Blinde (408) 531-1776

Kyle Finley (858) 775-9546

Mike Cox (707) 481-3766

Bill Musto (408) 274-4713


Kyle Finley (858) 775-9546

Terry Griffin (408) 532-6133

Paul Andersen (408) 613-2206

Kyle Finley (858) 775-9546

Norm Ohtaka (408) 440-2768

Joe Civello; Terry Griffin; Lou Figone

Dan Affourtit (408) 723-2397

Terry Griffin (408) 532-6133

Burt Lancaster (408 270-2470) BIG SIR 2009

Terry Griffin (408) 532-6133

Larry Martinson (408) 528-0746 BIG SIR 2008

Frank Locicero

Joe Civello

Lou Figone (408) 966-4175

Jeff Schlageter 408 528-7493 BIG SIR 2011


Jeff Schlageter BIG SIR 2011

Dan Affourtit (408) 723-2397













RAMP Mbr Relations

RAMP Publicity



Paul Lewis Chair + Elected Directors

Don Norling (408) 532-7949

Peter DuFosse / Jim Day (408-532-8685)

Kevan Stover (408) 393-1045

Bob Dando (408) 997-2975

L. Martinson/Jim Stoner

Larry Martinson (408) 528-238-8458

Larry Martinson, Jim Stoner

Ki Lee (408) 763=0653

Jeff Schlageter

Lou Figone


Larry Martinson

SIR State President: Derek Southern

[email protected]

Br 8

Region 4 Director: Pat O’Keefe

[email protected]

Br 28

Area 11 Gov.: Bob Grandey [email protected] Br 32

All activities arranged for or sponsored by Sons In Retirement and its Branches are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and their

guests who desire to participate. Sons In Retirement, Incorporated, and its Branches and members, do not assume any responsibility for the well

being or safety of the participants or their property, in any matters pertaining to said activities.

When is



going on

this page?