Published by www.isitmeorwot.com 1 Touch here for a FREE Ever wanted to create Photoshop quality images in less than 2 minutes ? Well, now you can. ( And if I can, you can )

Graphix Creator

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Graphix Creator can create Photoshop quality designs and images in less than 2 minutes

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Ever wanted tocreate

Photoshopquality images

in less than

2 minutes ?

Well, nowyou can.

( And if I can, you can )

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Graphix Creator is a brand new application that will enable you to create a richcover for any eBook or software application of yours, in a quick and elegant way.

Using the provided interface, it doesn't take up more than two minutes tocreate a cover from scratch.

It is all a mere question of choosing a cover template, picking a background from themany that are available (or uploading one of you very own), and then proceeding tocustomise it. You can add graphics and apply effects to the image – you can flip it,and blur it, change the contrast. Of course, you can add your custom text to it too!

Yes it’s this easy

Here’s a few I created.

I just used on-line templates

Flip the pages and look at the rest

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This is the multi-stackbound reports, cool eh!Especially if you are a.naccountant or somethink

This is banner design, youcan do any size, if you arethat way inclined

This is the open CD box ifyou are doing cool DVDstuff or just doin’ your iTunesgig ( or even a seminar,which people might fallasleep to )

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Here’s an open DVD box Idid with a witty title ( I loveDownton Abbey ) but youcould do a dead seriousone

This is like, a stack of DVDboxes, like on my sidetable, with a picture of myfriends, but you could putcars or boats or war stuff.

I like this one because it’s abusiness type thing, y’know,get to the top, of business,or her legs. A doubleentendre thing.

But.. D’you knowwhat?

It was dead easy

To do

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You’re probably wonderinghow much this cost….

I’ll tell you later on

Here’s an open DVDbox showing the CD,or DVD, whatever.These could be thehorses out ofDownton Abbey ( oreven you own pony)

This is mega cool, especially ifyou’re doing books and stuff, orreports. You can mess around withall the images that come withGraphix Creator, like if you don’twant to do your own in Photoshopor Serif or all the others ( coolthough they are, they take bl**dyages to do )

Here’s a little picture of the imagesgallery,.

You get Graphics, Abstracts,Shapes,Stock photos and if youreally want to get hot, then uploadall your own, or subscribe todepositphotos.com ( really goodand not expensive)

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Here’s a booky wookytype one I did. It’s not areal book, I made it up.

The girly was in theGraphix Creator gallery.

But looks like a real bookdunnit?

Image if you had a PDFreport that this linked to.You’re like, your ownpublishing house, likeRandom or whatever

OK, its $99 per yearand you can domillions and millionsof designs

( that’s ninety nine USAdollars), for anyone inEurope and the UK ( wellthe UK is Europe innit)

Heres another bookyone, I did’nt quite get thebook cover right,whatever, it’s easilyedited and I can download a 2D version of it.

Like, that's a flat onewithout the 3D look to it.

This are all downloadedas png files but caneasliy be changed tojpg’s ( whatever theyare)

Thought it wassomething my Granused to peg thewashing out with..

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Alright skinflints, ifyou don’t want to pay$99 in one go, we cando the two step.. Seethe next page,

Cheesh !…

Here’s a serious bookyone.

Really good if youACTUALLY have written abook and notpretending.

I’d get this one out of thelibrary if it was real, if Iwas a member, or if Iwas looking at it onAmazon or Ebay oranywhere really.

I did a stack of books ofmy robot friend, but Ithink I could have donebetter. Whatever, I candelete it or edit it orsomething.

I forgot to put the title onthe spine ( that’s the endfor people who don’tknow what a book lookslike)

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Ok moneybags, we’lldo it for twopayments of $67dollars and for thatyou get everything

Here’s A Few Of Our Awesome Features:

● 44 Designs to choose from

● No software to download

● Works for both Mac and PC

● Bonus graphics included

● Background imagery included

● Upload your own designs

● No Outsourcing headaches

● And lots more… much more!..really a lot

This is like, a telly I did.They’re not my friends in

the pool, they just looklike it. I got the picture

from Depositphotos.comI’ve used them for years.

Cheaper than the others,s’up to you.

If you have an iPhone orcool camera you can

do tons of stuff, like takepictures of your staff or

whatever machines youmake.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Your investment is protected by our 30-Day “Test Drive” Policy.Here’s how it works: You have a full 30 days to preview the “GraphixCreator Software” If you decide during that time that “GraphixCreator” is not right for you, just let me know and you’ll be issued afull and prompt refund…no questions asked. In short, you get a greatreturn on your investment, or you get your money back. It’s thatsimple…

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How many graphics can I create and are there anywatermarks?

As a member you can create unlimited designs anddownload as many graphics as you like. There isabsolutely no additional charges or hidden costswhatsoever. Also unlike other similar services you donot have a daily download limit and none of ourgraphics have any watermarks. Awright…got it?

Hang on,..

Someone’s got a question

This is like a big telly, likea Samsung thing or

whatever and thiswoman wants to run


But you could designsomething that

promotes a video or TVprogram you did on a

subject that you wasgood at. In work or


This iPad design is reallycool, cos everything is oniPad, apps, games,video, music,news justabout everything in theworld.

If you’ve got an app ormobile site this is a goodone to use to ,like,to tellpeople about them

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Another question ?

How long do I have access to the Software?The software access is a yearly subscription and is available onlinewith unlimited access 24/7. As long as you are a paid member in goodstanding, your access will never be revoked.

And remember all the designs you use are downloaded, so they are allyours to keep

This is another iPad one Idid, a bit more serious,because I’ve been tobusiness school, so thisone is all about cashand PDQ,s

( processing dataquickly, if you want toknow)


I love iPhones, don’t you?This is me with a robottatooed on my back..

How many graphics can I create and are there any watermarks?

Oooh a question ?

As a member you can create unlimited designs and download as many graphics asyou like. There is absolutely no additional charges or hidden costs whatsoever. Alsounlike other similar services you do not have a daily download limit and none of ourgraphics have any watermarks.

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Do you want to make moneyas a freelancer?

How much money can I make selling graphics as a freelancer?

Derr… Unfortunately there is no way I can answer that realistically.Every person is different, has different reach, marketing capabilities,work ethic, etc, so it’s impossible to answer. How much you make willbe completely up to you and your effort…so get on and do it…its greatfun..or if you just like messing around…that’s OK as well

Here’s a saucy one I didfor a friend of mine topromote their socialmedia page, ( nicepicture, wonder what thesite is all about)

Kindles are OK but wot!No Colour, but good to

read in the Sun, I like theSun, especially on


Anyway if you sell yourstuff on Kindle, you canuse this to promote on

Ebay or GumTree orwhatever..

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Do I have to download any software?

Bloke with another question ‘ere

No you don’t. There is nothing to download and you can use anycomputer/laptop with an up to date browser to create yourgraphics. Our software is easy point and click focused and there isno installation, no downloads, no plugins required!

That’s better this is aKindle Fire, with a manand a woman about togo on a naughtyweekend in a posh car.

This is great for sellingKindly type things

And here’s a nice book ifyou like doing things theold fashioned way. Nice

and dog-eared innit?

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One last question..I’m getting fed upnow

Can't I just figure out how to create graphics myself?

Of Course you can Dork..Probably… but why would you wantto? Wouldn’t you rather just take a short-cut and start creatingstunning graphics right now with my templates? Look, it’s fairto say that anyone can sit in front their computer and learn howto do things the hard way. And hey, if you want to spend yourvaluable time and hard-earned money trying to figure this outon your own, you certainly can. Go to it. ( Photoshop is about$1000 )

This is the OlympicSwimmers again ( not),but this time there aretext things underneath

the telly.

This is done in a freeformat kind of way, then


I love Tattoos, this picturecame from a websitecalled Fanshare. Here’sthe link

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OK One more last question..I’m gettingreally fed up now

What about support?Yeah…what? Of course we have support..here’s a sample of thelovely Oana communicating with one of us…derr!! d’you thinkwe wouldn't have support…course we have.

And we have some video tutorialsSo you can follow them step bystep.

Here’s a nice little bookywith pages flipping


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Ok folks nearly finished..here’s somemore examples wot I did.

This is nice and colourful,the picture is fromDepositphotos.com ,wasalso used in acampaign for a fashionshop

If you do really thick ringbinder type thingy’s or

really cool technicalmanuals then this is awizzo design that willmake your account’s

office think they arereally cool

This spiral binder thingused in all offices isbrilliant for making youlook ten times morecleverer than you reallyare.

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Enough of booky things..now I’ve donesome boxes

This box could reallyhave anything in it,like,software, hair colour( yeah), or potato chips,.(crisps to you in the UK).

You could even havesmall animals like micein there if you put holesin the box.

Another box design. Nicefor DVD sets or software

or toys or in fact anythingthat fits in a box.

Except your hamster,unless its teeny .

Like this one

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Some more book stuff I did

This is is thick paperbackbook, like War andPeace on holiday

I put this one in becauseI like the spiky hair girl

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So there you have ithandsome…what are you

waiting for ?

Order the damn thing..

there’s… no risk

Love Kitty

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