Prospectus for entry in September 2012

Graveney School Prospectus

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Graveney Prospectus

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Prospectus for entry in September 2012

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September 2011

Dear Parent/Guardian

Welcome to Graveney

Graveney is an outstanding school with Academy status with specialist status for Maths, Science, Technology and ICT. This year we were awarded a second specialism in the Raising Achievement Partnership Programme. We are also a Consultancy School and part of the Leading Gifted and Talented Programme.

We aim to provide an excellent education with quality teaching that is innovative and reflects current developments, but at the same time encourages and reinforces traditional values and skills. Our pupils have access to state-of-the-art technology which supports their learning across all areas of the curriculum. We are a school committed to the serious business of study. We promote the skills and attitudes that enable lifelong learning.

G E Stapleton Principal

We believe that education should take place in a stimulating, purposeful, but disciplined environment which enables successful learning. We want all pupils to achieve their best and become confident, responsible adults who are ready to make a positive contribution to the society in which they live and work.

Our progress over recent years has been recognised by the DfE, Ofsted and the Specialist Schools and Academics Trust. In May 2011 Ofsted judged Graveney to be „Outstanding‟ and in the top 102 of all schools. Inspectors say that our „excellent balance of nurture and challenge make a real difference to students‟ lives by ensuring their achievement is outstanding and that they develop into rounded, confident young people‟.

K Barbrook Headteacher

Our large and exceptionally well-qualified staff give their time generously. There are many opportunities for parents to meet with staff and discuss both academic progress and pastoral issues. We encourage parents to take an active role in their child‟s education and believe that a strong home-school partnership is an essential ingredient in their ability to succeed at school.

We are proud of the achievements of all our pupils and combine a framework of academic rigour with recognition of personal effort.

Graveney has a secure, bright and exciting future. With a sixth form of over 600, we offer the widest range of courses and enrichment opportunities, providing a continuous education for your child from 11-19. This will ensure that they have the right qualifications for university or employment and are well equipped to meet the challenges of the future.

Yours faithfully

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Senior Staff

Mr G E Stapleton Principal

Mr K Barbrook Headteacher (First Vice-Principal)

Mrs C Rickman Bursar (Vice-Principal)

Mr P Corcoran First Deputy Headteacher

Ms M Hamill Deputy Headteacher - School Improvement

Ms S Hyder Senior Assistant Headteacher - Curriculum

Mr D Rees Senior Assistant Headteacher Head of Upper School

Ms T Cronin Assistant Headteacher - Head of Sixth Form

Mrs M Robertson Assistant Headteacher - Head of Lower School

Ms N Brannon Assistant Headteacher - Teaching & Learning

Ms S Cavanagh Assistant Headteacher - Community/BSF

Senior Teachers:

Ms N Akharware Sixth Form

Ms A Harris Gifted & Talented/Self-Review/ Teaching & Learning

Mr L Higton Lower School

Mr R Parkin Upper School

Mr P Sutton Curriculum/ICT Co-ordinator

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Aims Safeguarding Children Curriculum Aims Information and Communication Technologies About Graveney OFSTED Inspection The Curriculum Curriculum Years 7, 8 and 9 Curriculum Years 10 and 11 Sixth Form Leavers‟ Destinations Subjects in the Curriculum Music Sex Education Religious Education Work Related Learning Celebrating Reading at Graveney Art Drama Sport Careers Education Co-curricular Activities The Benefits of Co-education Gifted and Talented Pupils Pupils with Special Needs Rewarding Achievement Pupil Care Organisation Behaviour Parental Involvement Graveney PTA Mission Statement Home/School Commitment Primary/Secondary School Links School Organisation School Day Homework Uniform Assemblies Admission Criteria


6 6 6 7 7 8-9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 16 17 17 - 18 18 - 19 19 19 - 20 20 - 21 21 - 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 - 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 - 27

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School Governors 2011 - 2012

Partnership Governor - Staff/ Pupil Miss N Brannon Staff Governor - Curriculum Mr M DilleyPartnership Governor - Chair of Staff/Pupil Ms J DouglasParent Governor - Staff/Pupil Mr D HayesParent Governor - Staff/ Pupil/Curriculum/Finance & Development Mr L HigtonStaff Governor - Staff/Pupil Ms S JacksonLEA Governor - Curriculum Mr J KatzParent Governor - Chair of Finance & Development Mr M Mahomed Partnership Governor - Finance & Development Dr J Oppenheimer Parent Governor - Chair of Governors, Finance & Development Mr I ParkesCommunity Governor - Chair of Curriculum Ms C Paterson Parent Govenor Ms H RolfeParent Governor - Staff/Pupil Mr G Stapleton Ex Officio Mrs D ThomasLEA Governor - Curriculum Mrs M Thomson Community Governor - Curriculum Mrs C TubbyStaff Governor - Staff/Pupil

Miss J Botterill


The aim of the school is to develop the talents and confidence of all its pupils to the full, to equip them with knowledge, skills and understanding and to help them towards maturity. We are committed to excellence and high standards in all areas and we value achievement of all kinds. We provide the structure, the encouragement and strategies which inspire and enable students to strive for high achievement in every aspect of their work and development. These strategies include additional studies after school which Graveney students attend in order to ensure that all have the opportunity to achieve. By seeking to raise levels of expectation regarding future goals, we aim to ensure equality of opportunity. The school actively opposes all forms of prejudice.

Safeguarding Children

We believe that all children should be able to grow and develop in circumstances where they feel safe and supported, thereby enabling them to reach their full potential. In order to achieve this aim, Graveney School is committed to working with pupils, parents and outside agencies to promote the welfare of children and safeguard them from harm. The school has a qualified team of teachers and support staff whose role is to ensure pupil safety and well-being so that the principles of “Every Child Matters” can be upheld. We work closely with other agencies including the health service, education welfare, the police and social services to enable our young people to look forward with confidence to life after school.

Curriculum Aims

We believe that our school has a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the academic, personal, social and physical development of all pupils and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

Our curriculum: is challenging, motivating, enjoyable and provides a wide range of enrichment opportunities

helps pupils to develop into lively, enquiring and creative adults

encourages independence, initiative, enterprise, adaptability and confidence

develops the ability to work successfully with others, and to contribute to effective teamwork

equips pupils with the range of skills which are necessary for their continuing development and learning

provides opportunities for consideration of the values and beliefs which foster an understanding of the world in which we live.

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enable pupils to develop an understanding of the implications of the use and development of ICT.

enable pupils to develop an understanding of the implications of the use and development of ICT.

We believe this will: improve the learning and performance of all pupils

Emphasis on teaching programming skills and software development.

enable pupils to develop an understanding of the implications of the use and development of ICT.


Information and Communication


The school will continue to focus on raising achievement through quality teaching and learning. To support this, the school is committed to extending access and enhancing the experience of all its pupils in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT).

prepare and equip them for the demands of employment

ensure that they develop the skills and attitudes necessary to become effective lifelong learners in an age of rapid technological change

Graveney achieved Technology College status in 1995. Since then there have been significant developments in the provision of information technologies across the school.

The school now has one of the largest computer networks of any school in the country with interactive whiteboards in all classrooms. These facilities have enabled us to improve the development of the whole curriculum as well as provide students with the skills and experience that are essential for their future.

Our continuing investment in the network infrastructure ensures effective ICT resources for both pupils and staff. We have a Study Centre where sixth form pupils can use ICT facilities for independent learning, a unique multimedia language centre, as well as dedicated film and media suites. Our digital music composing suite and computer-aided design facilities contribute to the teaching of the arts, while our broadband internet facilities enable pupils to develop their research skills in all subject areas.

About Graveney


We have 1955 pupils at Graveney, including over 600 in the sixth form. There are about 250 pupils in each of the Years 7 to 11. We have 138 full and part-time teaching staff, which gives us a pupil/teacher ratio of 1:15.

Whilst Graveney School can trace its origins back to a school set up in Battersea in 1669, the modern Graveney (which was established in 1986) is an amalgamation of Battersea Grammar School, Rosa Bassett Grammar School, Furzedown School and Ensham School.

The school occupies a pleasant site either side of Welham Road in Tooting, south west London. It has nine buildings, six of which surround a tree-lined campus. Furzedown House is Georgian, but the majority of the buildings were built immediately before and after the First World War.

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Ofsted Inspection

The school was last visited by an Ofsted inspection team in May 2011. They found that „Graveney is an outstanding school‟. This places us in the top 10% of all schools.

Inspectors say that „our excellent balance of nurture and challenge makes a real difference to students‟ lives by ensuring that their achievement is outstanding and that they develop into rounded, confident young people‟ The atmosphere of friendliness and the exceptional relationships between staff and students, and between students, are apparent in and out of lessons. Students collaborate, help each other, and behave extremely well. They feel exceptionally safe in school and any bullying is dealt with effectively. Their excellent spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is evident in their respect for differences and reflection on values. Students greatly enjoy school and the opportunities it offers.

„Students attain highly and make outstanding progress as a result of the good teaching and exceptional care and support they receive. The progress they make in lessons is enhanced through the very positive attitudes to work that the school engenders, the wide range of enrichment and support activities, and the careful monitoring of students‟ advancement towards their targets. „Leaders strive for continued improvement‟ and the governors challenge the school in its commitment to this end.

“Inspectors tell us that „exceptionally high numbers of parents were happy with their children‟s experiences at the school and agreed that their children enjoyed school and were kept safe‟. Typically positive comments from parents include „the school has been the making of heir children‟.

“The sixth form was found to be outstanding, with almost all students progressing to higher education, „with many entering prestigious universities‟. „Care, guidance and support are very strong features and permeate all sixth-form work‟. „Students spoken to were full of praise for the help they receive‟.

„Support for vulnerable students, such as those who are looked after or who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, is exemplary‟.

„The school community is exceptionally cohesive and a haven of calm‟ We hope you will see for yourselves these special features of our school.

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“Results at A2 are outstanding with students making very good progress. A good range of additional studies, including a programme of community studies, prepares students well for university and for adult life. Students‟ aspirations are high and the majority proceed to university or further education. Students report that they value the good quality of teaching and support for their learning. Leadership and management of the sixth form are good and set a clear direction for further improvement.”

Our self evaluation procedures are rigorous and we are delighted that Ofsted agree with our own findings, although our evaluation of our care, guidance and support of pupils as „good‟ was not approved - Ofsted thought it was „outstanding‟!

We are constantly striving to improve and confidently await Ofsted‟s next visit.

The Curriculum

The school benefits from an exceptionally well-qualified staff, details of which can be found in the companion pack. Our teaching staff is organised into subject based teams or departments. All departments have a head who is responsible for the development of teaching methods and for the progress of pupils in their subject. Many larger departments also have a number of teachers in supervisory positions which give them broader levels of responsibility for teaching standards.

The members of the school‟s extended leadership team each oversee groups of departments in specific subject areas. This ensures that teaching methods are co-ordinated across the curriculum, and that teachers can learn from each other.

Cross-curricular teams of teachers are responsible for a wide range of tasks and developments in the school including examinations, curriculum development, pupil assessment, equal opportunities and special educational needs.

On entering Graveney in Year 7 pupils are initially grouped into four broad bands of ability: support, middle, upper and extension. There is movement between bands and all pupils choose from a wide range of subjects for GCSE and BTEC courses. Some setting takes place during Years 10 and 11 for GCSEs.

All students are encouraged to set their own learning and career targets and to evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses. This process is supported by our Learning Targets programme. Learning Target interviews are held with all students when personal targets for progress and achievement are negotiated with a tutor. These are then monitored and reviewed throughout the year, with an emphasis on the pupils‟ own analyses, and on progress in meeting their targets.

All pupils take internal examinations and tests to complement teacher assessment. Entry for public examinations depends on good attendance and producing the necessary coursework and not on the ability level of the pupil.

Personal, social, health, education and work related teaching are taught throughout the school.

Every pupil follows an information technology programme to ensure capability in this area before embarking on public examination courses.

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Results Key Stage 4 GCSE 2011

% achieving 5+ A* - C (including English & Maths)

Graveney 2011


National 2010


Curriculum Years 7, 8 and 9: Key Stage 3

Pupils in their first three years at Graveney all follow the same curriculum - English and drama, mathematics, science, modern languages, history, art, music, technology and IT, geography, personal, social and health education (PSHE), citizenship, religious education and physical education.

Before they choose their public examination subjects Year 9 pupils receive particularly careful progress and career advice. Parents are fully involved in this process. They attend a special evening session at the school when the GCSE procedure is explained and discuss their child‟s choices individually with a senior member of staff. We believe it is worth spending time on this process to ensure a balanced choice, but also to ensure a programme suited to each pupil and one likely to produce success.

The full GCSE results for 2010 are available in the companion pack

Curriculum Years 10 and 11: Key Stage 4

During Years 10 and 11 pupils study for their GCSE or equivalent examinations. They follow a common core of English, mathematics, religious education, citizenship, PSHE, science. physical education, and work related learning For the most a modern foreign language is also part of the core. Pupils in

these years also choose from a broad list of options including subjects such as history,

geography, technology,, economics, drama, music and a range of other GCSE and BTEC courses. The majority of pupils study the subjects which lead to the English Baccalaureate. [GCSE in english, maths, 2 sciences, a modern language, history or geography] but we recognise that this is not the right choice for all.

During Years 10 and 11 all pupils have individual tutorials with their form tutor where progress is monitored and discussed, and all departments offer a range of support to pupils who are not on track to meet their target grade.

All pupils take part in an Economic Wellbeing Day and do two weeks of work experience as part of their economic awareness programme. These take place during Year 10. The work experience is carefully structured and everyone takes part in a comprehensive preparation and review programme to enable them to learn from their experiences and record their progress with employability skills.

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Sixth Form

After GCSEs most of our pupils remain at Graveney to study in the sixth form. We have one of the largest sixth forms in London. We have our own sixth form centre which includes a library, study areas, a cafeteria, a leisure area and multimedia suite. We welcome students from other schools into our sixth form.

For information on admission to the sixth form please contact the Sixth Form Administrator, Ms Lucy Collier.

We offer GCE at AS and A2 levels, GCSE and OCR National, as well as Applied A levels.

All sixth form students follow an enrichment programme.

The sixth form involves much more than studying for exams. We expect sixth formers to play a big part in the life of the school. Our prefect system enables all sixth formers to work closely with younger pupils and to support members of staff. In this way we develop their skills and enable younger pupils to benefit from their example.

All sixth formers participate in extensive extracurricular activities including external academic courses, lectures and conferences, charity fund-raising events, sporting activities, school trips and cultural visits.

In the lower sixth we continue our timetabled programme of regular guidance in further and higher education and employment. Students are encouraged to undertake work experience and career tasting. Conferences, seminars and visits to universities are organised. We have recently developed academic partnerships with University College London, Kingston University, London South Bank University, University College Roehampton and Sussex University, which enable our pupils to undertake special activities at these institutions.

In the summer term of Year 12 a detailed programme prepares students for university entrance starting with our in-house HE Day. We ensure that our students know the best place for them to apply in order to further their career ambitions, and that they make the best possible application.

The Swan Partnership is organised with other local schools to ensure that our prospective university candidates develop the important skills of public speaking, problem solving and working in a team. As a result each year finds Graveney students entering an enormous range of courses and employment after school: 97% of students in Year 13 progress to higher education and in the past five years over forty students have gone on to Oxford or Cambridge.

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Some Year 13 leavers‟ destinations

Tessa Abbott Gulnoor Ahmed Jade Anatole Zaynab Baig Simon Ball Lowell Belfield Benjamin Bernard Daniel Cook Ashan Craig Alice Dibblin Alexander Dymoke Regie Ephson Victoria Goodworth

Adam Gray James Guy Sheileen Ka Yan Ho Emily Hunter Harry Jardine Stephanie Jokhan India Keable-Elliott

Su-Yang Klotz Anisa Koodoruth Alexya Middleton Ben Millwood Michelle Mullarkey Urmilla Nakkeeran Sandra Namatovu Abigale Neate-Wilson Amie O‟Callaghan Harry Ogg Vivienne Okafor

Jack Oxley Arif Patel Nikhil Patel Jade Phillips Eve Ponsonby Ruby Richardson Colette Roach Iona Robey Benjamin Romans- Hopcraft Hana Sandhu Jay Shah Nikki Symeon Oliver Tandy Hamish Todd Grace Wales Bonner Fahmida Yasmin-Monium

Konrad Ziemlewski

University of Leeds (Psychology) Queen Mary University (Biomedical Sciences) Cambridge University, Jesus College (English) Queen Mary University (Biochemistry) London University of Arts (Art Foundation) Cambridge University, Jesus College (English) Oxford University, Lady Margaret Hall (Music) Camberwell College of Art (Foundation Course) University of Warwick (Engineering) University of Southampton (Environmental Science) Oxford University, Jesus College (Philosophy & Theology) University of Bristol (Social Policy) University of Arts, London (International Travel & Tourism Communication) Guildhall School of Music & Drama (Jazz Piano) University of Hull (Zoology) University of London, Royal Holloway College (Economics) University of Sussex (Psychology) RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) University of Manchester (Medicine) Oxford University, University College (Philosophy, Politics & Economics) University College, London (Chemical Engineering) University of Essex (History) University of Kent (Italian & Spanish) Cambridge University, Downing College (Mathematics) University of Leeds (English Language & Literature) Oxford University, Magdalen College (History) Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama Glasgow School of Arts (Fine Art – Painting/Printmaking) London School of Economics (Accounting & Finance) Cambridge University, Clare College (Music) Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (Music, Theatre & Entertainment Management) Cambridge University, Selwyn College (Natural Sciences) University of Wales, Swansea (Economics) University of Bradford (Psychology) University of London, Royal Holloway College (English) Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama (Acting) RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) Oxford University, Lady Margaret Hall (Biological Sciences) Roehampton University (Film)

University of Nottingham (American Studies) University of Hull (English) Imperial College (Mathematics & Computer Science) Roehampton University (Classics & Drama) University of Edinburgh (Physics) University of York (Mathematics/Philosophy) London College of Fashion (Foundation Course) University of London, Goldsmiths College (Computing & Information Systems) University for the Creative Arts (Graphic Design)

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Subjects in the Curriculum

KS3 (11-14) National Curriculum SATs

English and Drama Maths Physics Chemistry Biology Modern Languages Technology IT Geography History Art Music PE PSHE RS Citizenship

KS4 (14-16) GCSE, BTEC, First

English English Literature Maths Science (Double Science, BTEC Science or 3 separate sciences) PSHE RS Careers PE Citizenship Work Related Learning

* see below for range of choice

The majority also study a modern foreign language. Pupils also choose 3 from the following options.

KS5 (16-18) AS and A2 BTEC, GCSE

Archaeology Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Computer Science 3D Design Drama Economics English Literature Film Studies French Further Maths Geography German Government & Politics Graphic Design History IT Maths Media Studies Music Philosophy Photography Physical Education Psychology Physics Religious Studies Sociology Spanish Textile Design

BTEC IT levels 2 + 3 Science level 3 GCSE English Maths

Subject choice Art BTEC Business Studies Child Development Computer Studies BTEC Construction Drama Economics French German Geography History BTEC ICT IT Latin Music BTEC PE BTEC in Performing Arts Sociology Spanish Sports Studies Technology: Graphics Food Resistant materials Textiles Product Design

If parents have any concern over any aspect of the school curriculum they should write to the Clerk to the Governors.

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The school has a long-standing musical tradition, but music at Graveney is by no means traditional! Four highly-skilled musicians deliver detailed and progressive schemes of work in a dedicated music area, comprising a recital room and a Key Stage 3 music technology suite. In addition, there are two KS4 and 5 computer areas, each fully equipped for composition, sequencing and production work.

Classroom teaching is complemented by an extensive instrumental service with eighteen peripatetic instrumental and vocal teachers delivering nearly four hundred lessons a week in a range of instruments. Our comprehensive co-curricular provision also creates plenty of opportunity for ensemble performance. There are six choirs, an orchestra, concert and jazz bands in addition to numerous smaller ensembles which rehearse weekly. These groups participate regularly in a wide range of school concerts (as listed in the GEMS pamphlet) as well as performing in the local community and in other parts of the UK.

Much of the department‟s success results from our commitment to personalised learning. Each year, more than twenty students take their GCSE two years early and are then given the opportunity to follow an accelerated A level course.

However, apart from musical and academic achievement, Graveney musicians have fun; whether going to see a musical, opera or concert in the evening or taking part in our choir trips and residential instrumental courses. This ethos has helped establish the Music Department as one of the most lively and successful in the school.

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Sex Education

We have a clear policy on sex education at Graveney which follows the guidelines outlined in the 1986 Education Act. It is taught in personal, social and health education (PSHE) and science, at appropriate stages in the pupil‟s development.

The teaching is set within a clear moral framework. The emphasis is on trust and respect for oneself and others. We aim to provide factual information as well as explore, with honesty and frankness, general attitudes to sexual behaviour. We also want to foster the recognition that both sexes must behave responsibly in sexual matters.

We believe that it is important that young people are encouraged to have due regard to moral considerations and appreciate the value of family life. They should be supported and guided in developing the skills to enable them to make independent, well considered decisions about their own lifestyle and future.

If any parent or guardian would like to know more about this aspect of our curriculum, please contact the Headteacher.

Religious Education

All pupils study religious education where the major religious and moral codes are considered. All pupils have the opportunity to take a GCSE in religious studies. However, parents have a right to withdraw their children from these classes if they think this appropriate.

Work Related Learning

Students at all Key Stages are encouraged to reflect on how their current learning relates to higher education and the wider world of work.

The KS4 curriculum in particular is structured so as to enable all students to learn through work, learn about work and learn for work. There are also specific opportunities for them to improve the skills necessary for enterprise and employability and to develop some basic economic understanding. A vital part of this process is arranging, planning and participating in a two week work experience placement. In addition some students follow specifically pre vocational courses including BTEC Business Studies, Construction, Science and performing arts.

In the sixth form students are supported in choosing subjects that best support their potential career progression and through our tutorial programme are helped and supported in making informed choices about university application, further education or employment. They also have the opportunity through the Graveney CAS (Community, Action, Service) enrichment programme to further develop the soft skills so important to successful educational or employment progression.

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Celebrating Reading at Graveney

Celebrating Reading at Graveney is a partnership between the English Department and the Library. It is aimed at encouraging reading and a love of literature throughout the school. We run a number of projects:

Celebrating World Book Day Every other year we hold a „Bring and Buy Book Sale‟ to celebrate World Book Day which occurs annually in March. Pupils are able to use their £1 World Book Day vouchers and enter a children‟s literature quiz. We also have a display entitled „My Favourite Book‟ where pupils can read about the favourite books of teachers and staff at Graveney. All of the money raised goes to Book Aid International, a charity supported by World Book Day.

The Graveney Library Sleepover This event runs every year and involves Year 7 pupils. The aim is to raise the profile of the library and, of course, encourage reading. It is also a great social experience for Year 7 pupils as they get to meet new friends and members of staff. The event involves library games, takeaway pizza, ghost stories by candlelight and the screening of a film chosen by the pupils.

The Graveney Carnegie Medal Shadowing Project The CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information of Professionals) Carnegie Medal is a prestigious award for children‟s fiction, which has been won by writers such as Michael Morpurgo, Philip Pullman and most recently Patrick Ness. Graveney runs a Carnegie Medal Shadowing Group where pupils read the shortlisted books, write reviews and vote for their winner. Every year Graveney, in partnership with other Wandsworth Secondary Schools, organises a Carnegie Medal Event, where pupils get together to discuss their favourite book and meet some of the shortlisted authors. Graveney School hosted the event this year and we were joined by three fantastic writers: Bali Rai, Theresa Breslin and Jason Wallace. Pupils were able to meet the writers and discuss the current shortlisted groups. In the afternoon, Year 8s enjoyed a creative writing workshop with Bali Rai.

Other Events The Library and the English Department host events throughout the year including Halloween Stories; visits from storytellers and writers and many different competitions and quizzes. Graveney pupils were also involved in Wandsworth‟s „The FAB Book Award‟. In school we run a Sixth Form Book Club and Reading Partner Scheme where sixth formers read with Year 7 pupils on a weekly basis.


There is a thriving Art department at Graveney consisting of a team of four well qualified teachers.

The department is based in Furzedown House and has four well equipped specialist art rooms, one photography studio with Apple Macs and two dark rooms. The art department offers a visually exciting learning environment for students and a wide variety of learning experiences. Art is delivered at Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 and Photography is offered at Key Stage 5.

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Exam results at GCSE and A level are significantly above the national average. The department is particularly proud of the exceptionally high proportion of A* and A grades at GCSE and A and A* grades at A level. The department also offers opportunities for pupils to pursue their artistic interests after school. The department regularly participates in art projects in the wider community; our pupils have planned and produced murals for local hospitals and play centres and students have had Christmas card designs reproduced for the Samaritans. Students have participated in major exhibitions of children‟s art work such as „Young Art‟ and have received awards and recognition.

We arrange visits to galleries and exhibitions and have had an artist in residence who offered photography workshops to middle school and A level students. Students regularly attend workshops and summer school lessons at a variety of London galleries and colleges. A level students have a consistent 100% success rate for entry to places on foundation courses and degree courses. Our aim is to encourage, support and celebrate our pupils‟ creativity and take every opportunity to develop further their interests and skills.


There is a strong drama tradition at Graveney. Two experienced teachers deliver drama at Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. Results at GCSE and A level are consistently high. We have introduced BTEC Performing Arts this year with a positive uptake by students.

There are also many opportunities for all pupils to participate in drama throughout their time in school. There is an annual school production involving a large cast. Pupils also provide technical, design, costume and publicity support. Previous productions have included Oliver, Hiawatha, A Midsummer Night‟s Dream, The Jungle Book, Animal Farm,

Romeo and Juliet, Arabian Nights, Oh What a Lovely War, Kes, Cabaret, P‟Tang, Yang, Kipperbang, The Witches and, more recently, Marvellous Party Bugsy Malone.

Graveney pupils also perform in drama festivals and playwriting competitions, and the department maintains innovative and supportive links with professional theatre companies including Battersea Arts Centre and Youth Theatre, the Royal Court Theatre, the Royal National Theatre and Tamasha Theatre. There are Drama clubs available for pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9. We begin a new partnership with „Stagecoach‟ from September.

There are many opportunities to audition for and participate in a number of smaller in-house productions. Pupils regularly perform and present work arising from examination work at GCSE and A level, and contemporary as well as classical work is explored, for example, „Once A Catholic‟, „The Red, the Black and the Ignorant‟ and, more recently, „The Cripple of Inishmaan‟.

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We organise many visits to the professional theatre at subsidised ticket prices. The pupils also participate in workshops provided by visiting professional companies and practitioners.

We are delighted with the recent successes of several of our students who have gained places to study drama at degree level at Exeter, Leeds, Manchester and Warwick universities, The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (Glasgow) and two pupils at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (London). These students participated in a challenging youth theatre programme linked with R.A.D.A.


“This is an outstanding PE department that displays excellent standards of both teaching and learning throughout” (Ofsted). As further acknowledgement of our commitment to excellence we have been awarded a SPORTSMARK by Sport England.

Our aim is to develop every pupil‟s self esteem, a positive attitude to a healthy and active lifestyle and to instill an appreciation for fair play whilst also gaining success in competition.

Physical education is compulsory at Key Stage 3 (2 hours minimum per week) and Key Stage 4 (1 hour per week minimum). The sixth form is also provided with extensive access to both facilities and teaching ensuring pupils are encouraged to maintain a balance of both hard work and play. We currently offer exam courses at both BTECGCSE and A level PE and in recent years have achieved excellent results in all courses. We also have well equipped facilities including a multigym, sports hall, Astroturf pitch, tennis courts and a climbing wall.

Our highly qualified PE staff make the following activities available: gym, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities, football, hockey, netball, rugby, basketball, volleyball, cricket, rounders, softball, tennis, golf, climbing, , orienteering, trampolining, martial arts,and cross-country. All of these activities are also available at lunchtimes and after school and we are constantly looking for new activities to add to the curriculum. We also offer the Duke of Edinburgh‟s Award scheme. We have many links with local clubs and work c;osely with Wandsworth Sports Development team. Many of our pupils have achieved sporting honours in numerous sports at regional, district and National level.

We hope to build on our current success and are actively involved in the National Sports Co-ordinating Programme helping primary schools to improve the quality and diversity of PE provision.

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Co-curricular Activities


Careers Education

The Careers Department works closely with pupils at all the important stages in their school life. In Years 7 and 8 we raise the level of pupils‟ awareness about various aspects of careers and in Year 9 advice and support on choice of options is given.

Work Related Learning and Enterprise education forms part of the curriculum at Key Stage 4. These developments increase pupils‟ awareness of the world of work, and help them to acquire the skills required to succeed in a wider range of careers.

Throughout Year 11 we liaise closely with parents, and Connexions, our local careers service. Each pupil is interviewed and detailed information and advice on courses, employment and training schemes is available.

Connexions attend parents evenings held in Year 10 and Year 11. They also participate in the curriculum evening for parents and pupils. This answers many of their questions about future careers and the education options on offer.

In Year 12, all students are interviewed and detailed advice is given on choices for higher education courses at universities. Connexions attend parents evenings, Higher Education Day and, in Year 13, Higher Education Parents Evening (drop in sessions). This helps parents and students to make a reasoned choice of subject(s) to study at university. The school library is equipped with information retrieval systems to enable students to investigate careers advice individually as well as with the help of the careers team. Full use is made of computer software packages including CID Windows and Careerscape. The careers team is confident that as Graveney‟s links with industry and employers increase, we can continue to provide a relevant and up-to-date service for our students.

All pupils are expected to involve themselves in after school and lunchtime activities. These are an important part of self-development. We encourage participation in a range of clubs and activities from debating and chess to yoga and art.

Pupils can be involved in school developments throughout the year and school councils and year groups choose and support charities and organise events to raise funds. We have links with local community schemes, to which pupils contribute in a variety of ways.

Sports teams are well supported and are very successful at borough and London level. Our orchestra, bands and choirs are large and thriving.

We are committed to broadening our pupils‟ horizons and perspectives, and encourage contacts with other countries, both in Europe and beyond. We have links with schools and colleges in France, Germany and Spain, and we regularly receive groups of teachers and students from abroad. There are also a large number of educational visits, both in this country and abroad, which extend and develop learning.

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The Graveney Duke of Edinburgh‟s Award Scheme has been running for over 10 years now and has seen many students progress successfully from their Bronze all the way up to Gold level. The scheme has proved so popular, and the school places such importance on pupils getting involved, that Graveney is now the largest single provider of the award in the country! We feel the Award provides our pupils with yet another opportunity to develop independence, self-discipline and respect for the communities within which they live. The Award was set up by the Duke of Edinburgh in 1956. It was then only offered in a small handful of schools, and only for boys! Now all genders and backgrounds from schools all over the world have the opportunity to take part in the Award. Its reputation amongst employers and universities has grown vastly over the years. We feel very lucky to be able to offer it here at Graveney and currently offer the Bronze Award to Year 10s, the Silver to Year 12s and the Gold to Year 13s. During their award programme pupils complete four sections (five for Gold). These are physical, skill, volunteering and the expedition. An extra residential section applies to the Gold award as well. The students need to complete each section, the length of which varies depending on the level they are working towards, with the Gold Award being the longest time commitment and, as such, the most converted to gain! We currently offer walking expeditions at all levels of the award and canoeing expeditions at Silver. If you would like to find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh‟s Award Scheme please visit their website: www.dofe.org


Duke of Edinburgh‟s Award

The Benefits of Co-Education

Graveney is a co-educational school and we are proud of the benefits we know this brings for pupils of both sexes.

Education is a preparation for life and the reality of the work place is reflected in a mixed school. Girls and boys need the experience and the confidence that comes from mixing, working, competing, co-operating and being friends with each other as equal partners in this institution, as they will continue to do in the future.

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Gifted and Talented Pupils

In addition to general criteria to identify more able students and those with the potential to achieve at a high level, each department has developed subject-specific criteria to ensure that pupils with particular aptitudes or potential in individual subjects are not overlooked.

Names of identified students are passed to a central team which oversees the progress of the pupils through the school.

At Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9) the academically more able are taught for all lessons in extension groups, to enable acceleration through the National Curriculum at an appropriate pace and to meet their particular needs as effectively as possible.

There is a programme of special activities for more able pupils which includes:

School and borough masterclasses led by leading experts from business and higher education Cultural activities including visits to theatres, concerts and art galleries Lunchtime and after school activities for more able pupils in a wide range of subjects Wandsworth summer schools National and regional summer school for Years 10, 11 and 12 Successful entry to national competitions Graveney and departmental challenge competitions Early entry for public examinations Entry for Maths and Science Olympiads Nomination for membership of young gifted and talented (a national online community for able pupils) University visits

They also have the benefits of a wider curriculum offer than is often available in single sex schools, with subjects such as electronics, a variety of computing and IT courses, food technology and child development available to all pupils.

Our policies ensure that girls and boys are encouraged and enabled to succeed and that gender differences and difficulties are recognised and supported. Both boys and girls at Graveney achieve examination success well above the national average, often surpassing the levels achieved at many single sex schools.

All pupils have the right to learn in a safe and stimulating environment. Sexual harassment and negative stereotyping are unacceptable and must be combated. Both sexes benefit from our clear and determined approach to high achievement for all. Girls and boys have the evidence of mutual shared success and appreciate that behaviour which is unacceptable at Graveney will not be tolerated in the world at large.

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Preparation for entry to world class tests The Swan Partnership (Year 12) Oxbridge Programme (Year 12/13) Open University courses (Year 12/13) Lecture Programme (Year 12/13)

If we identify your son/daughter as Gifted and Talented we will write to you with information about provision in the relevant subjects, and about how you can support his/her progress outside school.

Pupils with Special Needs

The school has a strong learning support department and specific policies for working with pupils with a range of learning difficulties. Pupils with statements of special educational needs and those at School Action are supported through a range of strategies: teaching assistants working with pupils in class, individual and small group work with specialist teachers and specific short term courses to develop literacy, numeracy and social skills. We have close links with primary schools and outside agencies and carry out our own diagnostic testing to identify pupils who would benefit from support.

Rewarding Achievement

Graveney encourages and recognises academic success and effort for pupils of all abilities, as well as contribution to school life.

This is done through certificates of excellence, congratulatory letters sent home, presentation evenings and special credits given for class or homework. Pupils are also given badges and tokens for continued achievement and effort.

Full and half colours are awarded to pupils who achieve particularly high standards at any time during their school career in the areas of music, sport and community service. The Head‟s Award and the Governors‟ Award are given for outstanding contributions to the school.

The school holds three presentation evenings a year when parents are invited to a public celebration of pupils achievements at Graveney.

Pupil Care


A head of year and a team of form tutors are responsible for supervising the pupils and monitoring their progress. The head of year and form tutor move up the school with the pupil, providing a secure base for learning and development to take place, and there is a deputy head and senior teachers in charge of each of the Key Stages.

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This structure ensures that the school has all the advantages and facilities that come with a large school, while younger pupils have their own separate buildings and structured environment within the school campus.


Considerable emphasis is placed on traditional standards of behaviour and discipline. We have high expectations in these areas. Close co-operation with parents in these and other matters is a feature of the school. The whole school was involved in drawing up the school behaviour policy which is regularly reviewed by the pupils. This states clearly the rules on behaviour and the sanctions which can be imposed if pupils break them. A copy of this and the school‟s anti-bullying policy is given to all pupils and their parents when they start at the school, when a home/school contract is signed.

Parents are also given copies of our ICT, drugs and alcohol/tobacco/solvent abuse policies.

Parental Involvement

We believe that our success is based on a partnership between the school and parents and guardians.

We encourage parents to come into the school. Senior staff are always prepared to see parents. In most cases (unless there is an emergency) please ring first to make an appointment.

Each year parents receive full reports detailing their child‟s progress in all subjects, exam results, a summary of personal and social skills, and targets to ensure future progress. There are also regular parents‟ evenings at the school for parents to talk to teachers about their children‟s progress.

All parents receive a copy of Graveney in Focus, a regular newsletter, which keeps them informed of school news and events.

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In appropriate cases we ask that parents make a reasonable voluntary financial contribution to some activities.

Graveney PTA Mission Statement

The Graveney PTA aims to enrich the partnership between parents, carers and the school. We are a friendly face and one of the more informal channels that parents and carers can use to keep in touch with the school. Every parent is a member and is eligible to join the Committee.

We work together with the school to provide: Informative events where parents and students can meet to learn more about issues of joint concern. A listening ear, and a voice for asking questions and making suggestions. Social activities where parents, carers and staff can meet each other and have fun. School support including serving refreshments at school events.

Home/School Commitment

The school is committed to excellence. What this means is that we ensure that every pupil reaches the highest possible standard in all they do at Graveney. The partnership which enables this to happen involves the school, the parents and the pupils working towards this common aim. Our contract for achievement calls for commitment from the school, the parents/guardians and the pupils. A copy of the school‟s Home/School Contract can be found in the companion pack.

Primary/Secondary School Links

Graveney believes it is essential to maintain close links with primary schools. This ensures a smooth transition for pupils coming to Graveney.

Contact with our feeder primary schools is maintained throughout the year and the transfer of information has proved to be invaluable.

Individual departments are linked with one or two local primary schools which they visit in the autumn term and summer term, either giving subject taster- lessons or inviting Year 5 and 6 classes to workshops at Graveney. Most visits offer pupils the opportunity to use our facilities. The department link team meets regularly in order to share and plan curricular links and to keep abreast of issues relating to admission and induction procedures, as well as developments in the Key Stage 2 curriculum.

Graveney has also developed a scheme in response to the Wandsworth initiative involving the transfer of samples of pupils‟ work from primary to secondary school. The main purpose of the scheme is for us to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the knowledge and skills which pupils bring with them on transfer. Subject teachers use the samples to undertake a variety of activities during the second week of the autumn term.

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All new Year 7 pupils are encouraged to keep in touch with their primary school through letters and visits. During the autumn term their parents and primary teachers are invited to a display of their work at Graveney.

They act as hosts at Graveney open days for prospective parents, during interviews and on induction days for new pupils. Some of our sixth form students have also become mentors providing support through the transition from primary to secondary school.

In addition, Year 7 and 8 pupils act as school visitor guides.

The induction programme for the incoming Year 7 pupils includes a day spent at Graveney in their new tutor groups. This helps them get to know one another and their new form tutors, and allows them to experience our PE facilities to become more familiar with the school.

Other activities and exchanges are also organised, including input from various subject departments at Graveney, and co-operation in drama and music performances.

Attendance figures 2010-2011

Number of day pupils of compulsory school age (11-16) on roll for at least one session

Percentage of 1/2 days missed through authorised absence

Percentage of 1/2 days missed through unauthorised absence

Attendance rate





School Organisation

School Day

School begins at 8.30am each morning. It ends at 4.05pm on Monday and 3.05pm on Friday. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday it ends at 3.25pm. This gives a total teaching time at school of 28 hours and 15 minutes. However, the wide range of extracurricular activities and after-school clubs means that pupils can be involved with school-related activities for longer if they wish.


There is a structured programme of homework. We expect that all pupils will spend an appropriate amount of time on homework tasks. In general, this will follow the following pattern: Years 7 and 8 between 45 and 90 minutes per night; Year 9 between 1 and 2 hours per night; Years 10 and 11 between 1.5 and 2.5 hours per night.

Homework assignments are recorded in pupils‟ planners (homework diaries) which are checked regularly by form tutors. Parents are asked to sign their child‟s planner weekly. A rigorous programme of work at home enables pupils to develop their skills and prepare for examination success.

As a specialist school with Technology College status, we are fully committed to providing facilities for independent work outside formal lessons and actively encourage pupils to make full use of ICTs in all their work.

Any concerns on the part of the pupil, parent or school should be raised as soon as possible in order that appropriate action may be taken.

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Uniform is compulsory for all pupils in Years 7 - 11 and is the traditional black blazer with badge, dark grey/black trouser/skirt, white shirt, black shoes, black or grey socks, school tie and Year colour flash. There is also a compulsory PE kit. There is no prescribed uniform for sixth formers but reasonable standards of dress are required.


There are full year assemblies and Key Stage assemblies each week which follow the requirements of the Education Act. These are used to emphasise and develop the school‟s ethos and commitment to excellence and to reward achievement on a regular basis.

Admission Criteria

Category 1

63 places will be allocated by reference to general ability.

The 63 applicants with the highest scores in the Wandsworth Year 6 Test will be offered places. If there are fewer than 63 applications under this category, the balance will be allocated under Category 2.

Category 2

187 places allocated in the following order:



Children Looked After.

Applicants not admitted under Category 1 who have a sibling attending the school on the date of admission, and whose sibling was: (a) admitted under Category 1 or Category 2 before September 2008; (b) admitted under Category 2 from September 2008; (c) admitted under Category 1 from September 2008, but whose address was within the distance from Graveney School which would have qualified for a Category 2 place.

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(iii) Applicants with an acute medical or exceptional social need who in the opinion of the Governing Body, would be suitably provided for in the school.

Proximity of the applicant‟s home to the school, with those living nearest being accorded the highest priority.


The above criteria will be applied in the following way:

Category 1

All applicants applying to any Wandsworth School will take the Wandsworth Year 6 Test consisting of two papers - Non-Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning. The 63 places offered at Graveney will be offered to those applicants scoring the highest aggregate score in these papers, including applicants who would otherwise qualify under Category 2. Applicants with an equal score will be prioritised by distance order with those applicants living nearest the school given higher priority.

Category 2

(i) A „Looked After Child‟ is a child in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by that authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children Act 1989.

A sibling is defined as a full brother or sister, a step/half brother or sister living at the same address, a child who is living at the same address as part of the family, by reason of a court order, or a child who has been placed with foster carers as a result of being looked after by a local authority.

Applications made on acute medical grounds must be supported by a current letter from a specialist health professional. Applications made on exceptional social grounds must be supported by a current letter from a social worker or other care professional working with the family. The letters must give reasons why the child‟s condition or circumstances make it necessary for the child to attend the school/college, and the difficulties that would be caused if they had to attend an alternative school. If this information is not provided by the application closing date, the application will not be considered under this criterion.

Distance is measured by Wandsworth Borough Council on behalf of the school, using the GIS computerised system. The distance is measured from the applicant‟s home to the gates of Lower School, Welham Road, using the shortest route along a recognised public highway. It does not take into account pedestrian short cuts. The child‟s home will be deemed to be that of the principal carer. The school reserves the right to verify applicants‟ addresses with primary schools and electoral registers.




All applicants will apply on an equal footing and will not need to specify under which category they are applying.

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Welham Road, London SW17 9BU

T: 020 8682 7000 F: 020 8682 7075 E: [email protected] www.graveney.org

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