GRE High Frequency

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  • 7/31/2019 GRE High Frequency


    1. Alienate - Cause to become unfirendly (How to loose Frieds - Movie)

    2. Chauvinism - Exaggerated Patriotism (He is such a Chauvinistic that he

    denies the any fact that other countries are better than his country)

    the strong and unreasonable belief that your own country or race is the best

    or most important

    The war stimulated an intense national chauvinism.

    3. Countenance - Facial Expression

    He was of noble countenance

    4. Culminate - Reach peak point

    the tensions culminated during world war - 2

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    5. Deterrent - Something that restrains or discourages

    a nuclear deterrent

    6. Dissent - Disagree or take an opposing view, esp. in relation to a formalbody such as a government, political party, or church; such a view

    Hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously,

    commonly, or officially expressed

    When the time came to approve the proposal, there were one or two voicesof dissent

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    7. Levy - Impose

    Collect tax from, wage war on, or enlist for military service; (verb); act ofcolleting tax or amount owed, or the drafting of troops into military service(noun)

    An act of levying a tax, fee, or fine

    8. Mores - Customs, manners, or morals of a particular group

    9. Preempt - Take action in order to prevent (an event) from happening;forestall.

    Prevent; take the place of, supplant; take before someone else can

    10. Profound - Very insightful, penetrating deeply into a subject; pervasive,intense, down to the very bottom; at the very bottom

    (of a state, quality, or emotion) Very great or intense.

    11. Relegate - Consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position

    Send or commit to an inferior place, rank, condition, etc.; exile, banish; assign(a task) to someone else

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    12. Sagacious - Wise; showing good judgment and foresight

    13. Secular - Not Religious or Holy

    14. Substantiate - Support with evidence or proof

    15. Transitory - Temporary, short-lived, not lasting

    16.Wary - Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems:"dogs are often wary of strangers"

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    Watchful, motivated by caution, on guard against danger

    17. Attenuate - Weaken or thin out

    18. Brandish -

    Wave or flourish (something, esp. a weapon) as a threat or in anger orexcitement.

    Shake, wave, or flourish, as a weapon

    19. Connote - Suggest or imply in addition to the precise, literal meaning

    20. Denote - Be a sign of; indicate: "this mark denotes quality"

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    21. Declivity - Downward slope

    22.Proclivity - A tendency to choose or do something regularly

    23. Encomium - Warm, glowing praise, esp. a formal expression of praise

    24. Fawn - Show affection or try to please in the manner of a dog; try to winfavor through flattery and submissive behavior

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    25. Gestation - Pregnancy; the period from conception until birth of an animalor (metaphorically) of an idea or plan

    26. Grouse - Complain or grumble (verb); a reason for complaint (noun)

    What was he grousing about..?

    27. Ignoble - Not noble; having mean, base, low motives; low quality

    Something cowardly and ignoble in his attitude

    28. Indigence - Extreme poverty; A state of extreme povery

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    Their indigence appalled him

    29. Inquest - Legal or judicial inquiry, especially before a jury and especiallymade by a coroner into the cause of someones death; the results of such aninquiry

    30. Jettison - Discard, cast off; throw items overboard in order to lighten aship in an emergency

    31. Livid - Furiously angry, enraged

    Willfull stupidity makes him extreme livid.

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    32. Malinger - Pretend to be sick, esp. to get out of work, duties, etc

    33. Milieu - Environment, atmosphere; the environmental setting in whichsomething happens or develops

    34. Parley -

    A conference between opposing sides in a dispute, esp. a discussion of termsfor an armistice

    Discussion, negotiation, esp. between enemies (noun); to have such adiscussion (verb)

    35. Pulchritude - Physical beauty

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    36. Rue - Regret, remorse (noun); to feel regret or remorse (verb)

    37. Semantic - Relating to the different meanings of words or other symbols

    38. Squalid - Disgusting, filthy, foul, extremely neglected

    39. Strut - A structural support or brace

    40. Synoptic - Relating to a synopsis or summary; giving a general view

    A synoptic presentation of a physical theory

    41. Transgression - Violation of a law, moral rule, order, etc.; sin

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    42. unconscionable - Not guided by conscience; morally wrong, unjust,unreasonable

    43. Vestige - Trace or sign of something that once existed

    44. Wan - Unnaturally pale, or showing some other indication of sickness,unhappiness, etc.; weak, lacking forcefulness

    45. Craven - Very cowardly, lacking courage

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    46. Crescendo - Steady increase in force, intensity, or the loudness of amusical passage

    47. Cynical - Thnking the worst of others; bitterly pessimistic

    48. Daunt - Discourage, dishearten, lessen the courage of

    Amazingly undaunted after the accident, Devon vowed to complete amarathon in his wheelchair

    46. Debunk - Expose, ridicule, or disprove false or exaggerated claims.

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    47. Decorous - Behaving with propriety and good taste, polite

    48. Deem - judge, consider

    49. Deface - Vandalize, mar the appearence of

    50. Deflect - Cause to curve, turn aside, esp from a straight course.

    51. Delieneate - Mark the outline of; sketch; describe in detail

    52. Denigrate - Belittle, attack the reputation of

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    53. Denote - Be a name or symbol for

    54. Deride - Mock, scoff at, Laugh at contemptuously

    55. Detached - Impartial, disinteresteed; unconcerned

    56. Diatribe - Bitter, abucive attack or criticism

    57. Didactic - Intended to instruct; teaching

    58. Digress - Leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing

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    59. Din - Loud, confused noise

    60. Disabuse - To set straight, free someone from a mistake in thinking

    61. Discerning - Having good judgement or insight, able to distinguishmentally

    62. Discredit - Injure the reputation of

    63. Discriminating - Judicious, discerning, having good judgement or insight

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    64. Dispatch - Spped or promptness

    65. Disperse - Scatter, spread widley,cause to vanish

    66. Disposition - A person's general or natural mood; tendency

    67. Disquieting - Distubing, causing anxiety

    Disquieting dreams

    68. Disseminate - Scatter, spread about, broadcast

    69. Dissonance -Harsh, inharmonious sound; cacophony

    70. Diverge - Differ, deviate; turn aside

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    71. Divest - Deprive of power,right, or possessions

    opposite of invest

    When she found out that the most profitable stock in her portpolio was that ofa company that tested products on animals, she immediately divested bytelling her broker to sell the stock.

    72. Dormant - Asleep, inactive, on a break

    73. Efficacy - The quality of being able to produce the intended effect.

    74. Egalitarian - Related to belief in the equality of all people, esp in political,economic, or social spheres

    75. Elated - Very happy in high spirits

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    76. Elicit -

    77. Eminent - Famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession

    78. Emulate - Copy in attempt to equal or be better than

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    79. Entitlement - The fact of having a right to something

    80. Enumerate - Count or list; specify one by one

    81. Eschew -

    82. Extraneous - Irrelevant, foreign, not belonging

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    83. Extrapolate - Conjecture about an unknown by projecting informationabout something known.

    84. Faciful - Whimisical, capricious,

    Existing only in the imagination or fancy

    85. Fathom - A unit of length equal to six feet (approximately 1.8 m), chieflyused in reference to the depth of water.

    86. Finesse - Extreme Delicacy

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    Diplomacy in handling a sensitive situation

    87. Flag - Get tired, loose enthusiasm

    88. Fleeting - Lasting for a very short time: "hoping to get a fleeting glimpsetransient - transitory - fugitive - ephemeral - passing

    89. Fomet - Instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or courseof action): "they accused him of fomenting political unrest"

    The revolutionary group was quietly fomenting a rebellion, galvanizingstudent radicals, leading unions in revolutionary songs, and anonymouslypasting incendairy posters in every quarter of the city

    90. Forfeit - Surrender or lose as a result of an error,crime,or failure to fulfillan obligation

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    91. Fortify - Strengthen, invigorate, encourage

    92. Fringe - Not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, orextreme: "fringe theater"

    on the margin, periphery

    anchu (telugu)

    93. Futile - Producing no useful result

    94. Gainsay - Deny oppose, declare false

    95. Gauche - Awakward, crude, lacking social grace.

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    96. Gawky - Physically awakward

    Nervously awkward and ungainly: "a gawky teenager"

    97. Gist - Main idea, essence

    The substance or essence of a speech or text: "she noted the gist of eachmessage".

    98. Glib - Fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow

    Fluent and easy in a way that suggests superfliciality or insincerity

    99. Hackneyed - So common place as to be stale, not fresh or original

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    100. Hardy - nod, brave

    Robust; capable of enduring difficult conditions

    101. Haven - Safe place

    102. Hodgepodge - Mixture of Different kinds of things

    103. Idiosyncrasy - Charactersrics or habits peculiar to an individual,Mannerism

    sometimes the richer people get, the more idiosyncratic they become.

    104. Illiberality - Lack of generosity

    A disposition not to be liberal (generous)

    105. Impair - Make worse

    Playing in a rock band without earplugs will almost certainly impair yourhearing over time.

    Weaken or damage (esp. a human faculty or function): "drug use that impairsjob performance"

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    106. Impede - Be a hnder or obstacle to

    She is impeding the progress of ou project.

    107. Implication - something that is inferred


    When boss said, "Times are tight around here, I just think you should know",the implication was that maybe we should start looking for a new job.

    108. Implode - Burst inward

    The botlle imploded

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    109. Inadvertent - Happening by chance, unexpectionally, unintentionally.

    In attempting to perfecct his science project, he inadvertently blew a fuseand plunged his family into darkness.

    110. Inasmuch - in like manner

    111. Incendairy - Involving deliberate burning of property.

    an incendairy fire.

    Arousing to action or rebellion.incitive, inflammatory, instigative, rabblerousing, seditious

    112,incorporaate - Combine

    113. Indifferent - Having no interest

    114. Ingrained - Deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held

    Ingrained habits of a lifetime.

    115. Inherent - Existing as a permenant quality; intrinsic; implicit

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    shortcomings inherent in our project.

    116. Intelligible - Able to understand; clear

    117. Intrepid - Fearless, Daring, Brave

    118. Juncture - An event that occurs in a critical time

    A crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be mde.

    119. Lampoon - A harsh satire

    The writer lampponed the politician's satire.

    120. Languid - Dropping from exhaustion, sluggish, slow

    Lazy and peaceful

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    121. Lassitude - Tiredness, weariness

    122. Layperson - A person who is not member of the particulat profession

    123. Levity - Lack of seriousness

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    124. Libertine - Usually a man who is morally unrestrained

    125. Lull - soothe, cause to fall asleep

    126. Mendacious - Lying, Habitually dishonest

    127. Metamorphosis - A complete change or transformation

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    128. Negate - Deny or refute

    129. Nevertheless or nonetheless - However, even so, dispite that

    130. Novel - Original

    131. Elusive - Difficult to describe

    132. Blatant - Completely obvious

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    133. Steadfastly - With resolute determination

    134. Rhapsodize - Say (something) with great enthusiasm

    135. Unvarnished - Not having a coating of stain or varnish

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    Without modification, esp. without any attempt to soften or disguise

    "the plain and unvarnished truth"; "the unvarnished candour of old peopleand children"

    136. Wane - Grow Smaller; Become smaller

    137. Acquiescent - Ready to accept something without protest, or to do whatsomeone else wants

    too acquiescent to challenge authority"

    138. Abandonedly - Empty of people and unused, not maintained by theowner or inhabitants

    "weed-grown yard of an abandoned farmhouse"

    Free from constraint

    an abandoned sadness born of grief

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    139. Accentuate - Make more noticeable or prominent

    140. Apprehension - Fearful expectation or anticipation

    the student looked around the examination room with apprehension

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    141. Atrocites - The quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane

    142. Captivate - Attract; cause to be enamoured

    "She captivated all the men's hearts"

    "Every time you smile it captivates my mind"

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    143. Conceive - Have the idea for

    "The racist conceives such people to be inferior"

    Become pregnant with (a child)

    144. Consequently - As a result145. Despair - A state in which all hope is lost or absent

    The feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well

    "in the depths of despair"; "they were rescued from despair at the lastminute"

    146.Despondency - Feeling downcast and disheartened and hopeless

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    147. Destitution - A state without friends, money or prospects

    148. Devious - Showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals

    Characterized by insincerity or deceit; evasive

    Deviating from a straight course

    used devious means to achieve success

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    149. Disenchantment - Freed from enchantment

    150. Enchantment - A feeling of great liking for something wonderful andunusual

    151. Disillusion - Freeing from false belief or illusions

    152. Dissipate - Cause to separate and go in different directions

    "She waved her hand and dissipated the crowds"

    153. Dissuade - Turn away from by persuasion

    154. Distraught - Deeply agitated especially from emotion

    distraught with grief"

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    155. Effervescent - Marked by high spirits or excitement

    156. Elude- Escape either physiclly or mentally

    157. Emblazoned - Decorate with colours.

    "emblazon the walls with paint in warm tones

    158. Enamored - Marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness

    "he was enamored with her"

    159. Offhand - Casual; informal

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    160. Officious - Excessively eager in giving unwanted advice

    161. Offset - Counteract, compensate for;

    162. Outstrip - Surpass; Exceed; be larger or netter than

    163. Overshadow - to cause someone or something to seem less important orless happy

    Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister.

    My happiness was overshadowed by the bad news

    164. Pariah - a person who is not accepted by a social group, especiallybecause he or she is not liked, respected or trusted

    165. Patronizing - speaking or behaving towards someone as if they arestupid or not important

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    166. Peccadillo - a small fault or a not very bad action

    a youthful peccadillo

    167. Penchant - Strong Liking

    168. Perfidious - unable to be trusted, or showing no loyalty

    169. Phony - Fake, not genuine

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    170. Polarized - Divided into sharply opposed groups

    The debate is becoming polarized and there seems to be no middle ground.

    171. Ponderous - slow and awkward because of being very heavy or large

    He had a rather slow and ponderous manner

    172. Posthumous - happening after a person's death

    a posthumous award

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    173. Potentate - Ruler, Person of great power

    174. Preamble - Preface

    175. Presumptive - Based on assumption

    176. Presumptuous - A person who is presumptuous shows little respect forothers by doing things they have no right to do

    It would be presumptuous of me to comment on the matter.

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    177. Pretentious - Claiming or demanding a position of importance or dignity

    trying to appear or sound more important or clever than you are, especially inmatters of art and literature

    a pretentious art critic

    The novel deals with grand themes, but is never heavy or pretentious

    178. Probity - Honesty, integrity

    179. Prologue - Introductory part of a book

    180. Proscribe - Prohibit

    181. Pugnacious - Inclined to fight

    wanting to start an argument or fight, or expressing an argument or opinionvery forcefully

    182. Quibble - Make trival arguments

    183. Quandary - Uncertainity or confusion about what to do

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