GRE Words 1. sessile- fixed 2. gelid- extremely cold 3. supercilious- arrogant superiority, haughtiness 4. travail- hard work, energized ,laborious 5. bedizen- dress up tastelessly 6. fecund- fruitfulness 7. piquancy- quality of being agreeably stimulating or mentally exciting 8. blandness- not lively, insipid 9. virile- having energy and vigor, qualities of a man 10. effeminate- undesirable female qualities 11. capitulation- act of surrendering 12. renege- fail to fulfill promise or an obligation 13. ensue- result, terminate 14. froward- habitually disposed to disobedience 15. recidivism- going back to doing crime 16. loutish- ill mannered and contemptible in behavior 17. recalcitrant- stubborn and resistive 18. spurious- plausible but false, not authentic 19. desiccate- lacking vitality, spiritless 20. torpor- state of inactivity 21. impervious- not able to pass through 22. pillory- criticize harshly 23. abrogate- revoke formally 24. obfuscate- make unclear or obscure 25. raffish- marked by up to date in dressing; carefree unconventionality 26. motility- ability to move

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GRE Words1. sessile- fixed2. gelid- extremely cold3. supercilious- arrogant superiority, haughtiness4. travail- hard work, energized ,laborious5. bedizen- dress up tastelessly6. fecund- fruitfulness7. piquancy- quality of being agreeably stimulating or mentally exciting8. blandness- not lively, insipid9. virile- having energy and vigor, qualities of a man10. effeminate- undesirable female qualities11. capitulation- act of surrendering12. renege- fail to fulfill promise or an obligation13. ensue- result, terminate14. froward- habitually disposed to disobedience15. recidivism- going back to doing crime16. loutish- ill mannered and contemptible in behavior17. recalcitrant- stubborn and resistive18. spurious- plausible but false, not authentic19. desiccate- lacking vitality, spiritless20. torpor- state of inactivity21. impervious- not able to pass through22. pillory- criticize harshly23. abrogate- revoke formally24. obfuscate- make unclear or obscure25. raffish- marked by up to date in dressing; carefree unconventionality26. motility- ability to move27. rail- complain bitterly, speak negatively28. chasten- censure severely29. trumpery- false30. truculent- defiantly aggressive 31. decry- strong disapproval32. solicitude- extreme concern33. euphonious- having pleasant sound34. opportune- advantageous35. moribund- point of death36. palatial- impressive, like a palace37. moiety- one of two divisions38. untenable- indefensible position39. pallid- pale, sick, deficient40. ruddy- healthy reddish color41. crabbed- annoyed and irritable42. flagrant- conspicuously bad and irreprehensible43. impish- naughtily playful44. extirpate- destroy with the roots45. dolorous- showing sorrow46. chaste- pure, virgin47. chimerical- fanciful imagination48. choleric- short tempered, irascible49. dormant- state of rest ,inactive50. becoming- according to custom or propriety51. condign- appropriate and deserved; used for punishments generally52. sententious- concise and full of meaning53. inimical- not friendly54. doleful- sad expression, mournful55. sallow- unhealthy, sickly56. remiss- negligible, failing duty57. splenetic- very irritable, waspish58. cloy- supply to surfeit59. knotty- complex60. replete- full61. plaintiff- petitioner62. nuzzle- cuddle63. ensconce- establish firmly in a position64. enshroud- cover65. obfuscate- deliberately make unclear66. undergird- lend moral support to67. crepuscular- active at dawn and dusk68. tenacious- resolute, holding firm69. obliterate- destroy, eradicate70. epistle- a letter( form of communication )71. poignant- deeply moving72. respite- intermission73. languid- tired, slow74. resplendent- shining, glowing75. hidebound- rigid in opinions76. polemical- causing debate77. brawny- muscular78. larceny- robbery, stealing79. pontificate- speak pompously or dogmatically80. broach- bring up a topic for discussion81. hoary- old82. defunct- no longer in existence83. odious- hateful84. byline- line that tells you who wrote the article85. demur- hesitate, refuse86. demure- shy, modest, coy87. liniment- soothing lotion88. ruse- trick, stratagem89.transgress- go astray, commit a sin90. lobbyist- person who tries to persuade someone to support a particular case91. exegesis- scholarly explanation92. truant- shirker93. preclude- prevent or make impossible94. precocious- early development95. predicament- dilemma96. expedient- convenient, practical97. extradite- deport from to one country back to home country98. expatriate- exile from home country to some other country