greateasternlife.com GREAT WEALTH MULTIPLIER Multiply your savings with a plan that grows with you Wealth Accumulation

GREAT WEALTH MULTIPLIER - Great Eastern Life · 2019-03-18 · The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited (Reg No.1908 00011G) 1 Pickering Street, #01-01 Great Eastern Centre,

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GREAT WEALTHMULTIPLIERMultiply your savings with a plan that grows with you

Wealth Accumulation


Great is attaining new heights with more returnsAs you embark on your career, it’s also the perfect time to plan for your fi nancial future. You’ll want to start

a savings journey that allows you to be in control of when to use it, at your own time. With GREAT Wealth Multiplier, you can begin building towards achieving GREATER with higher returns on your money.

Get the peace of mind you deserve, with 100% capital guarantee from the end of the 15th policy year. As

you further your career and reach different stages in life, this regular premium endowment plan grows right

alongside you, multiplying your savings by potentially 10X or more on your total annual premiums paid1.

That’s not all. Have the confi dence to live an empowered life on your terms, with protection against Death2,

Total and Permanent Disability3 and Terminal Illness for life4 – no medical underwriting needed.

Multiply your savings with GREAT Wealth Multiplier and reap the benefi ts of potential high returns to achieve

your dreams and LIVE GREAT.

Key Benefi ts

Enjoy high potential growth and returns

You work hard for your money. We’ll help you work your money harder so you can enjoy a potential growth of

10X or more on your total annual premiums paid1. With multiplied growth on premiums over time, you’ll enjoy

maximised returns to meet your changing life goals and lifestyle needs – no matter the stage of life you’re at.

Get the freedom and fl exibility you deserve

Your money, your choice. We understand that life’s full of surprises, which is why you want to have access to

your money. Enjoy the freedom to choose to accumulate or withdraw your cash value5 on your terms, and the

fl exibility to select your premium payment terms (5, 10 and 15 years) to suit your budget.

For greater assurance, you can enhance your protection with selected Premium Waiver riders supported with

retrenchment benefi ts.

Be assured with 100% Capital Guarantee

Have the assurance and confi dence that your money is safeguarded, with 100% capital guarantee from the

end of your 15th policy year.


1. Potential returns are not guaranteed and are dependent on entry age, premium payment term, policy year when the plan terminates and the illustrated investment rate of returns shown in the policy illustration. The actual benefi ts payable will vary accordingly to the future performance of the participating fund.

2. The company will pay the higher of the following in one lump sum, less any debt:

(a) 110% of total standard yearly premiums paid; and

(b) 101% of total surrender value

3. Coverage for Presumptive Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) is for the whole of the policy term, while coverage for other forms of TPD is up till the policy anniversary on which the life assured is age 65. Presumptive TPD refers to a state of incapacity which is total and permanent and takes the form of:

(a) total and irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes; or

(b) total and irrecoverable loss of use of two limbs at or above the wrist or ankle; or

(c) total and irrecoverable loss of sight in one eye, and total and irrecoverable loss of use of one limb at or above the wrist or ankle

Please refer to the product summary for details on other forms of TPD.

4. This plan matures on the policy anniversary on which the life assured is age 120.

How GREAT Wealth Multiplier works

Illustration 1:If you’ve just begun your career, now’s the perfect time to think about and plan your fi nancial future.

The illustration below shows how you can grow your savings through the years and live the dreams

you have planned for.

Laura, aged 25, a non-smoker, purchases a GREAT Wealth Multiplier plan for herself.

She pays an annual premium of S$2,400 and chooses a premium term of 15 years.

Illustration 2:

As a parent, your child’s fi nancial security and future are your key priorities. See how you can grow your

wealth and enjoy the various options available to you at signifi cant milestones along your savings journey.

Josh, aged 35, a non-smoker, a father who purchases a GREAT Wealth Multiplier plan for his

new-born son, Sam. He pays an annual premium of S$4,800 over a premium term of 5 years.


Policy term

Y0 Y20


Cash Value*


>1.5XPremiums paid

Bequests cash value to the next generationat age 85



Cash Value*


>3.5XPremiums paid


>8XPremiums paid


Cash Value*


Starts a businessat age 45




Total Annual





Settles intoretirement at age 65

Josh & family

Policy term



Y15 Y40

IllustratedCash Value^


>4.5XPremiums paid


>10XPremiums paid

IllustratedCash Value^


Funds forSam’s higher



Sam upgrades

his property at age 41

OR Sam retires at age 61


Total Annual





>2XPremiums paid

IllustratedCash Value^


The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited (Reg No.1908 00011G)

1 Pickering Street, #01-01 Great Eastern Centre, Singapore 048659

5. Partial withdrawal will reduce the value of the policy and is subject to the terms of reduction in basic sum assured. Policy will terminate upon full withdrawal of the policy.

* The fi gure comprises of guaranteed and non-guaranteed benefi ts. The non-guaranteed benefi t is illustrated based on assumption that the illustrated investment rate of return of the participating fund is at 4.75% p.a. At 3.25% p.a. illustrated investment rate of return, the total surrender value at the end of year 20, 40 and 60 are S$46,158, S$82,147 and S$146,997 respectively. The actual benefi ts payable will vary accordingly to the future performance of the participating fund.

^ The fi gure comprises of guaranteed and non-guaranteed benefi ts. The non-guaranteed benefi t is illustrated based on assumption that the illustrated investment rate of return of the participating fund is at 4.75% p.a. At 3.25% p.a. illustrated investment rate of return, the total surrender value at the end of year 20, 40 and 60 are S$36,863, S$65,348 and S$117,616 respectively. The actual benefi ts payable will vary accordingly to the future performance of the participating fund.

Notes and Disclaimers

All ages specifi ed refer to age next birthday.

Figures illustrated are rounded down to the nearest dollar.

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The above is for general information only. It is not a contract of insurance. The precise terms and conditions of this insurance plan are specifi ed in the policy


As buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment, an early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the surrender value payable, if

any, that is payable to you may be zero or less than the total premiums paid.

This plan is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage

for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefi ts that are covered under the scheme as well

as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the Life Insurance Association (LIA) or SDIC websites (www.lia.org.sg or www.sdic.org.sg).

In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.

Information correct as at 6 July 2018.

Start a conversation with your Great Eastern distribution representative today.

+65 6248 2211


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