Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER January 2017 Message from the Pastor: Do not worry about what you will eat, or… drink, or… wear …your Heavenly Father knows you need these things. But seek first the Kingdom of God, and God's righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Ma%hew 6: 31-35) This is the me of year to make New Year's resoluons. Many of them that we make have to do with the things we eat, or drink, or wear. Many of them have to do with how much we eat or drink, (and how it affects what we wear!) We make this kind of resoluon because we can immediately see, feel, and otherwise experience the results of it. Keeping it makes us feel good about ourselves. It raises our self-esteem. It may also cause other people to treat us be)er, or pay more a)enon to us, or affect the kind of a)enon that is paid to us. Cu+ng out the sweets may make our pants fit be)er, which may make us feel be)er, and feel be)er about ourselves, and may just turn the head of that certain someone we want to impress. These are important things, things that affect the quality if our lives. However, we are notorious for breaking resoluons that have to do with food and drink, with our size and weight. Perhaps that is because, while they are important to an individual for a me, they have no ulmate importance, and they don't truly affect anyone else. When we take on something that affects others, however, especially something that improves the quality of their lives in a significant way, we seem more able to sck to it. We may have tried to quit smoking to feel be)er, and to be)er fit in to society. Chances are good that we have failed more than once. The movaon becomes stronger when we realize that our children will be less likely to develop asthma, or to develop a smoking habit of their own. The movaon becomes stronger when we realize that our failure to quit may mean that they may not have an able-bodied parent. Then we get the side benefit of feeling be)er, as well. That is what Jesus is trying to get us to see. When we put our a)enon, our movaon, our energy into things that help others, then we make the world look just a li)le more like God's kingdom. Jesus' commandment to his disciples was to love one another as he had loved them (John 15:12). His love is generous and outward- looking, it is giving and forgiving. When we seek to love in that way, we seek God's righteousness. When our resoluons are movated by that kind of love, then God will provide the things that make our lives be)er as well. Perhaps this year, we will make resoluons that will improve the life of another person. Maybe we will resolve to work at a Habitat for Humanity site, or travel to a mission site. Maybe we will resolve to take on the support of a child in an impoverished community through one of the numerous agencies that provide that opportunity (like Project Chacocente). Maybe we will resolve to make our own community a li)le more just, by working with the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf, or Open Door Mission or the Salem Nutrion Center or nursing homes, hospices, or helping agencies of many kinds. Maybe we will resolve to make the lives of our closest neighbors - those that share our households and families - a li)le easier, a li)le happier, a li)le healthier. We may just find that when we help others to feel be)er, we feel be)er about ourselves, and we may just turn the head of that certain someone we want to impress. May you experience God's kingdom and God's righteousness throughout the coming year, and may all your needs be met. In Christ's love, Pastor Ma) Stengel

Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER...organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons,

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Page 1: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER...organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons,



Message from the Pastor:

Do not worry about what you will eat, or… drink, or… wear

…your Heavenly Father knows you need these things.

But seek first the Kingdom of God, and God's righteousness,

and all these things will be given to you as well. (Ma%hew 6: 31-35)

This is the �me of year to make New Year's resolu�ons. Many of them that we make have to do with the

things we eat, or drink, or wear. Many of them have to do with how much we eat or drink, (and how it affects

what we wear!) We make this kind of resolu�on because we can immediately see, feel, and otherwise experience

the results of it. Keeping it makes us feel good about ourselves. It raises our self-esteem. It may also cause other

people to treat us be)er, or pay more a)en�on to us, or affect the kind of a)en�on that is paid to us. Cu+ng out

the sweets may make our pants fit be)er, which may make us feel be)er, and feel be)er about ourselves, and

may just turn the head of that certain someone we want to impress.

These are important things, things that affect the quality if our lives. However, we are notorious for

breaking resolu�ons that have to do with food and drink, with our size and weight. Perhaps that is because, while

they are important to an individual for a �me, they have no ul�mate importance, and they don't truly affect

anyone else.

When we take on something that affects others, however, especially something that improves the quality

of their lives in a significant way, we seem more able to s�ck to it. We may have tried to quit smoking to feel

be)er, and to be)er fit in to society. Chances are good that we have failed more than once. The mo�va�on

becomes stronger when we realize that our children will be less likely to develop asthma, or to develop a smoking

habit of their own. The mo�va�on becomes stronger when we realize that our failure to quit may mean that they

may not have an able-bodied parent. Then we get the side benefit of feeling be)er, as well.

That is what Jesus is trying to get us to see. When we put our a)en�on, our mo�va�on, our energy into

things that help others, then we make the world look just a li)le more like God's kingdom. Jesus' commandment

to his disciples was to love one another as he had loved them (John 15:12). His love is generous and outward-

looking, it is giving and forgiving. When we seek to love in that way, we seek God's righteousness. When our

resolu�ons are mo�vated by that kind of love, then God will provide the things that make our lives be)er as well.

Perhaps this year, we will make resolu�ons that will improve the life of another person. Maybe we will

resolve to work at a Habitat for Humanity site, or travel to a mission site. Maybe we will resolve to take on the

support of a child in an impoverished community through one of the numerous agencies that provide that

opportunity (like Project Chacocente). Maybe we will resolve to make our own community a li)le more just, by

working with the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf, or Open Door Mission or the Salem Nutri�on Center or nursing

homes, hospices, or helping agencies of many kinds. Maybe we will resolve to make the lives of our closest

neighbors - those that share our households and families - a li)le easier, a li)le happier, a li)le healthier. We may

just find that when we help others to feel be)er, we feel be)er about

ourselves, and we may just turn the head of that certain someone we

want to impress.

May you experience God's kingdom and God's righteousness

throughout the coming year, and may all your needs be met.

In Christ's love,

Pastor Ma) Stengel

Page 2: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER...organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons,

Table of Contents:

Discipleship Hour Pg. 3

Weekly Scripture Pg. 3

Widows & Widowers Pg. 3

Food of the Month Pg. 3

Undie Sunday Pg. 3

Salem Nutri�onal Pg. 3

Church Council Pg. 3

Small Group Studies Pg. 4

Outreach Pg. 4

Pasta Dinner Pg. 5

Family Movie Night Pg. 5

Habitat for Humanity Pg. 5

Stewardship Pg. 5

UMW Pg. 6

Women’s Tea Pg. 6

Finance Report Pg. 6

Lay Leader Message Pg. 7

Congrega�onal Updates Pg. 8

Birthdays/Anniversaries Pg. 8

Le)ers of Gra�tude Pg. 8

Sunday Worship Servants Pg. 8

Calendar Pg. 9

Page Turners Monthly Book Club:

January Selection: Station Eleven

By Emily St. John Mendel

Everyone is welcomed to join us Thursday, January 26th at 10:00am in the Kerrison Room for discussion. February Selection: All Rochester Reads Selection: The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld

A PRAYER CHAIN REMINDER: We have an ac5ve prayer

chain, both through e-mails and phone. You’re invited

to be part of that; just call Bill and Gail Mason at

453-9038. Also, if you have a prayer concern of any kind that

you want to share, contact Bill and Gail at the number above or

by e-mail at [email protected]. We only send out

prayer concerns when we receive direct requests.

Altar Flowers: If you would like a formal arrangement

placed in honor/memory of a loved one, contact

Be%y LaMonica. Arrangements are $25.

Anniversary Ministry: Please contact me of your

special day at [email protected] Thank you,

Dick Hamblin

Birthday Ministry: We would love to recognize your spe-

cial day. Please e-mail the office to let us know if your

birthday is not on our calendar.

[email protected]

Deadline for all newsle%er ar5cles is the 15th of each

month by 12:00pm. Please e-mail to Deb Babbage at

[email protected]. Thank you.

Fundraiser Updates Thank you to all who have helped in some way to make our fundraising successful. These fundraisers help support our church and the many ministries we have to offer our community. Past Dinner Buffet (Youth) Sat. January 21 4:30pm-6:30pm Sub Sale (Youth) Sun. February 5 10:00am-12:00pm Chicken ‘n Biscuits Sat. February 18 4:30pm-6:30pm Pancake Breakfast Sun., February 26 10:00am-11:00am St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Fri., March 17 4:30pm-6:30pm Easter Breakfast Buffet Sun., April 16 10:00am-11:00am Chicken BBQ Thurs., May 18 4:30pm -sellout Chicken BBQ Thurs., June 15 4:30pm—sellout

Page 3: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER...organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons,

Worship Scripture for January 2017: What follows are the Lectionary Readings for each Sunday. Each week, the theme of the services will usually emerge from one of the prescribed readings (often the Gos-pel). We invite you to read through the lessons prior to Sunday. It can be a healthy discipline and enhance the experience of worship. 1/1: Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:1-7,10-14 Ephesians 3:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12 1/8: Isaiah 42:1-9 Psalm 29 Acts 10:34-43 Matthew 3:13-17 1/15: Isaiah 49:1-7 Psalm 40:1-9 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 John 1:29-42 1/22: Isaiah 9:1-4 Psalm 27:1, 4-9 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Matthew 4:12-23 1/29: Micah 6:1-8 Psalm 15

Widows and Widowers Group will meet Sunday, January 15th at 2:00pm in Fellowship Hall.

Salem Nutritional Center Tuesday, January 17th,


Please join us for a morning of serving. Meet/leave Church at 9:00. At 9:30, lunch prep begins. Serve 100—150 hungry people at noon. Return to the church at 2:00pm. We need 10 people there each time. It is a very satisfying ministry. See Deacon Dee for details.

Sundays, 10—11am Join us Sunday

mornings for Bible study and fellowship.

Pre-K—1st grade: Room 7 Grades 2-5: Room 8 Tweens: Room 10 Adults: Kerrison Room

The Church Council will meet on Tuesday, January 24h at 7:15PM.

According to the Discipline (¶252): “The church council shall provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. It shall

also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church. The church council shall be amenable to and function as the administrative agency of the charge conference.”

Come and see the “business meeting” of Greece UMC.


Undie Sunday : Sunday, January 29th

Please bring in new packaged children’s

underwear to give to our local schools for

children in need. Thank you

January Food of the


Chicken Noodle Soup

Cream Soups

Canned Meat

9:00am—Traditional 10:00am—Discipleship Hour 11:00am—Praise & Worship

Page 4: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER...organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons,

Bagel and Book Study:

New Book To Be Announced

Please see Dee.

Group meets Wednesday @ 9:30-


Soho’s Bagel Café, Stone

Ridge Plaza

Tuesday Book Group:

The Broken Way

By Ann Vonkamp

Brokenness doesn’t only find us in big

things—things like illness, hardship, or

grief. It also finds us in s�nging mo-

ments when we feel forgo)en, or under-

appreciated by our loved ones. How do

we walk in a way that both glorifies


All are welcome to this group which


on Tuesday mornings at

10:00am in Room 9.

If you have ques�ons, contact: Linda

Hoffman, facilitator

[email protected] or 458-


Dinner and Devotion

with Dee and Deb

Let’s come together to break bread

and reflect on God’s presence in our

lives. Dee and Deb will provide a

soup and salad dinner, along with

some treats.

January Meetings: 1/11 & 1/25

5:30—6:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

Message from Outreach:

From Thanksgiving to Christmas, GUMC helped make the days of many families brighter! Not only did we fill boxes with turkey and “fixins” for 13 families, but we also had an additional109 pounds of canned/boxed goods delivered to the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf . Thanks to everyone who donated food or helped organize, assemble, and deliver. Back in November, I had the opportunity to “tour” the Food Shelf and listen to comments from the officers and organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons, and seniors. There are even provisions for moms and babies (food, formula, diapers). In the past year, corporate donations (as well as overall donations) have dropped 47%, leaving the Food Shelf with anywhere from a $9,000 to a $12,000 deficit. Meanwhile, the need for assistance has tripled over the years. (According to a recent report, 10,000 out of 90,000 Greece residents are at the poverty level.) Monetary donations of any amount and volunteers to drive, deliver, and pack boxes are welcomed. Check out the yellow and green brochures in the commons area for some additional details. As usual, the Mitten Tree was decorated with a wealth of mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves. We also collected a variety of games, books, sports equipment and other gift items which will all be donated, along with the Mitten Tree “proceeds,” to the Seneca Street United Methodist Church where Deacon Dee serves. On December 9, approximately 35 hardy souls showed up to ring bells for the Salvation Army Red Ke1le Campaign. We owe a huge thanks to Gale Huber for organizing this important project. We’re dusting off the Undie Sunday basket again—January 29 is the next collection date for new undies and socks. Over and over, the nurses tell us what a wonderful ministry this is, so let’s load up that big basket in the commons. In a few weeks, we’ll be marching toward Mission Sunday and making pledges for a number of worthy causes. Watch the bulletin for details! As always, myriad thanks to all who continue to support Outreach projects.


Page 5: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER...organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons,

Just this last Friday (Dec 16th), members of our church rang bells at Greece Town Mall for the Salvation Army; one of the many ways we can give of ourselves (Stewardship). The New Year is

coming up and our committees and leaders will be starting on the 2017 program. Your support, both fi-nancially and through your time and talents, is needed, as usual.

Your 2017 stewardship commitments were due on Nov. 20th; if you haven’t responded as yet, please con-sider doing so. Those commitments enable our program leaders to plan for the new year.

We hope your holidays were enjoyable and fulfilling. We hope 2017 will be a year of many blessings for you, your family, and for our church.

Bill Mason

As I’m writing this article, I’m thinking of the Habitat families that will be celebrating their first Christmas in their own home and what a special time it must be for them. It must be a warm feeling to know that people in the surrounding communities gave enough of themselves to make this home ownership possible. As members of our church, you have helped our Greece Coalition of churches sponsor 6 such homes over the past 16 years and are helping to raise the funds for the next home. Our pie sale was a success once again, raising approx. $3,000 thanks to the churches involved. Holy Cross R.C. church helped sponsor the very first home and have stayed involved in the annual pie sale with almost half of all the pies sold this year (198 out of 439). We hope your holidays are special and the upcoming New Year is a great one for you and your family. Bill Mason

Habitat for Humanity


Come join us for a wonderful evening out while supporting our youth

All are welcome!! Pasta, Meatballs, Salad, Bread, and Dessert is $8.00.

Take-out is available.

And after your wonderful dinner…..Stay for Our Free Family Movie!!! PETE’S DRAGON For years, old wood carver Mr. Meacham has delighted local children with his tales of the fierce dragon that resides deep in the woods of the Pacific Northwest. To his daughter, Grace, who works as a forest ranger, these stories are little more than tall tales... until she meets Pete. Pete is a mysterious 10-year-old with no family and no home who claims to live in the woods with a giant, green dragon named Elliot. And from Pete's descriptions, Elliot seems remarkably similar to the dragon from Mr. Meacham's stories. With the help of Natalie, an 11-year-old girl whose father Jack owns the local lumber mill, Grace sets out to determine where Pete came from, where he belongs, and the truth about this Dragon. POPCORN AND DRINKS



Page 6: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER...organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons,

GREECE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Executive Committee Meeting: Monday, Jan. 2nd, at 6:30 p.m., Room 9.

Linda Hoffman, President. Circle Meetings: Miriam: Monday, Jan. 9th, at 6:30 p.m., Room 9.

Program presented by Linda Hoffman. Ruth: Tuesday, Jan. 10th, 12:00 p.m., Room 9.

*All Women-of-the-Church Tea. *All women of the church are invited to a tea to start the new year. Ruth Circle is inviting you to come to their circle meeting on January 10th at 12:00 p.m. in Room 9 to celebrate the start of the new year and to experience fun and fellowship. All women of the church are welcome! No reservations are needed!

U.M.W. Sunday: Sunday, Jan. 22nd. Guest speaker to be announced. Installation of officers at the 9:00 a.m. service.

Christmas Breakfast: We had a very good turn-out for our first ever Saturday breakfast. Many thanks to the men of our church who prepared, and served, a delicious breakfast for us. Thanks also to Sharon Neary who led us in a Christmas Carol Sing-along. Hearing “The Twelve Days of Christmas” will certainly bring a smile to our faces from now on!

Congratulations to Karen Ingle who is this year’s recipient of the Special Mission Recognition pin. The pin was given to Karen in recognition of her many years of service to the UMW and to the church. Church Women United: No new information as this is written. Did You Know

that 36% of the General Conference 2016 delegates were women? that 28% of United Methodist bishops are women? that 25% of United Methodist, active and retired, clergy are women?

Finance Monthly Report:

Budgeted Income as of Week #50 – 12/11/16 Budget Total Pledges Non-Pledges Needed YTD Received Needed YTD Received Needed YTD Received $295,726.00 $301,522.11 $186,751.00 $185,744.01 $43,750.00 $47,078.29 * Note: $5,000.00 transferred from Missions to Current Expense 10/02/16

Current Income (Usable) vs Expenses as of the end of November 11/30/16 Usable Spent +/- $285,539.20 $269,101.88 +$16,437.32 Contribution Statements – End of Year 2016 Member Contribution Statements will be available for pick up in the King Commons area by January 15th. Included in the statement will be details of contributions received from January 1 – December 31, 2016. Also, Pledges for Current Expenses and Missions are noted on the statement. Note – These statements will have corrections for issues noted with prior Quarter Statements. Please pick up and review your statement for accuracy. If any further corrections or modifications are needed, please let me know. You can leave me a note in my Church Mailbox or by contacting me on my cell phone (737-6440). Best regards, Bill Kostyshak, Financial Secretary

Page 7: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER...organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons,

Thoughts from Co-Lay Leader Lisa Kostyshak

So, I went to that place called “Social Media” and pulled some interes(ng resolu(ons for 2017. How many of

these resonate with you or someone you know? Some of these are serious and some of these are rather

funny. But, as you read these, remember that they reflect someone’s a2tude out there today. Right now.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper

you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah


"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about

itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Ma5hew 6:34

1. Be happy. 2. Buy clothes. 3. Do art. Keep my priori�es clear

Don't get sick. Ever. Do more of what makes ME happy

2017 = 2+0+1+7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1 and 1 is 1st and

that's me Pu+ng myself 1st in every equa�on and


I genuinely need to learn how to do my makeup ...

I need to adult and live on my own soon. Workout more, go to the gym maybe

Must learn be)er idioms. Try to pray even more oSen

Get something I wrote published or at least read

by a decent amount of people. Read more.

I need to carry a tape measure with me all the


Serenity. Love. Good health. Lots of laughter. Con-

sistent prayers. Tranquility.

I need to stop lagging so much lol

Eat less meat. Get more exercise. Write every day. More adventures Visit a different country and see

different cultures.

Donate hair, have my 1st ta)oo, leave my parents'

house and start taking care of myself

Find the lost twins to my socks in the drier

In 2017 I want to take up hobbies, community ser-

vice, and get involved with local poli9cs. It's 9me

to grow up!

Meet Tom Hanks ...unless I have to start jogging to

accomplish that.

I've done my �me with flight delays and missed

connec�ons. It's �me for a private jet.

Get my John Denver and Muppet records out.

I've learned to have peace & quiet in a loud world. I'm gonna use the word "Malarkey." A lot.

on The List: 'Get off social media!' But not to worry,

ranks right up there w/ 'Go to gym'

Fulfill my 2015 resolu�ons so I can start on 2016

resolu�ons and catch up for 2017 by 2018

Woohoo...go me…go me!

I wanna be so financially disciplined that pay day

doesn't excite me anymore

Find Waldo

Cut off toxic, two faced people To have less hate in my heart.

Pray more Find my birth father

Not to put pressure on myself to live up to expecta-


Build a really good doomsday shelter

Vacuum under the bed It will be the same as in 2016: 1440 × 2560 (1440p)

Page 8: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER...organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons,

Congrega9on Updates


Granddaughter of Earl and Marlene Speanburgh.

Missing Current Address:

Wendy Green

Reminder: Please contact the office with

any changes in your address, phone

number, and e-mail address. Thank you.

January Birthdays



Nursery: 1/1: Kim Whittemore/ Karen Ingle 1/8: Melissa Dunn/Kali Iachetta 1/15: Gale Huber/ Sally Lepi 1/22: Barb Miroff/ Phyl-Ann Helmes 1/29: Sally Lepi/ Cameron Theile

Projectionists: 9:00am 11:00am 1/1: Kara Down Earle Ridley 1/8: Earle Ridley Ellen White 1/15: Neva Benson Melissa Dunn 1/22: Norma Rapini Earle Ridley 1/29: Kara Down Sarah Babbage

Ushers: 9:00am 11:00am Don & Nancy LaClair Brett Zeller John & Carol Guild

Liturgists: 1/1: No Liturgist 1/8: Holly King 1/15: Chris Collins 1/22: Linda Hoffman 1/29: Sally Lepi


Counters: Not available at the newsle1er deadline.

Le%er of Gra5tude:


PAIGN.......A huge thank you to all

who braved that very cold Friday,

December 9th, night to ring the bell

for the Salva�on Army Red Ke)le

Campaign. It was certainly a true

testament of for�tude mixed with

gra�tude for all we have and acknowledging our

Chris�an heritage for helping the less fortunate.

Our church was indeed visible to the community.

Gale Fischer

Not available at the newsle1er deadline.

The Worship Commi1ee is looking for people who want

to aid their fellow worshipers each Sunday. See below

how you may help enrich our worship 9me:

Altar Guild: If you are interested, contact Phyl Ann


Communion Stewards: If interested, contact Mary


Greeters: If interested, contact Deacon Dee.

Ushers: Contact Tom Hinterman in person, or

[email protected]

Nursery: If interested, contact Sally Lepi, Nursery


Projec9onists: If interested, contact Lisa Kostyshak ,


Page 9: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER...organizers. Originally founded in 1977, the Food Shelf serves Greece and Charlotte, providing food assistance to families, single persons,

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Worship (10:00 AM)

2 AA(12:00 PM) Silver Squares Square Dancers (12:30 PM) UMW Execu�ve Commi)ee (6:30 PM)

3 Tuesday Book Study(10:00 AM) Educa�on Team (7:00 PM) Praise Band prac�ce (7:00 PM)

4 Bagel and Book Study(9:30 AM) AA(12:00 PM) Bell Choir (6:15 PM) Chancel Choir (7:00 PM)

5 Atria Sr Bible Study(10:30 AM) Women's AA (11:00 AM) Boy Scout Troop #195 (7:00 PM)

6 Epiphany AA (12:00 PM) Crea�ve Hands (1:15 PM) AA (7:30 PM)


8 Tradi�onal Worship Service (9:00 AM) Trustee Commi)ee mee�ng(10:00 AM) Discipleship Hour & Educa�on for all ages(10:00 AM) Praise & Worship Service (11:00 AM)

9 AA (12:00 PM) Silver Squares Square Dancers (12:30 PM) Miriam Circle (6:30 PM)

10 Tuesday Book Study (10:00 AM) Ruth Circle (12:30 PM) SPRC (7:00 PM) Praise Band prac�ce (7:00 PM)

11 Bagel and Book Study(9:30 AM) AA(12:00 PM) Dinner and Devo�ons(5:30 PM) Bell Choir (6:15 PM) Chancel Choir (7:00 PM)

12 Atria Sr Bible Study (10:30 AM) Women's AA (11:00 AM) Boy Scout Troop #195 (7:00 PM)

13 AA (12:00 PM) Crea�ve Hands (1:15 PM) AA (7:30 PM)

14 Emmaus Gathering (8:30 AM)

15 Newsle)er Deadline Today Tradi�onal Worship Service (9:00 AM) Discipleship Hour & Educa�on for all ages(10:00 AM) Praise & Worship Service(11:00 AM) Widow/Widower Group(2:00 PM)

16 AA (12:00 PM) Silver Squares Square Dancers(12:30 PM)

17 Salem Nutri�on Center (9:00 AM) Tuesday Book Study(10:00 AM) Finance Commi)ee (7:00 PM) Praise Band prac�ce(7:00 PM)

18 Bagel and Book Study(9:30 AM) AA(12:00 PM) Newsle)er Crew (12:30 PM) Bell Choir (6:15 PM) Chancel Choir (7:00 PM)

19 Atria Sr Bible Study (10:30 AM) Women's AA (11:00 AM) Boy Scout Troop #195 (7:00 PM)

20 AA (12:00 PM) Crea�ve Hands (1:15 PM) AA (7:30 PM)

21 Pasta Dinner (4:30—6:30PM) Family Movie Night (6:30-8:30PM)

22 Tradi�onal Wor-ship Service(9:00 AM) Discipleship Hour & Educa�on for all ages(10:00 AM) Praise & Worship Service (11:00 AM) Girl Scout Service Unit(6:00 PM)

23 MS Society Support Group(10:30 AM) AA(12:00 PM) Silver Squares Square Dancers (12:30 PM)

24 Tuesday Book Study(10:00 AM) Praise Band prac�ce(7:00 PM) Church Council (7:15 PM)

25 Bagel and Book Study(9:30 AM) AA(12:00 PM) Dinner and Devo�ons(5:30 PM) Bell Choir (6:15 PM) Chancel Choir (7:00 PM)

26 Page Turners (10:00 AM) Atria Sr Bible Study(10:30 AM) Women's AA (11:00 AM) Boy Scout Troop #195(7:00 PM)

27 AA (12:00 PM) Crea�ve Hands (1:15 PM) AA (7:30 PM)


29 Undie Sunday Tradi�onal Worship Service (9:00 AM) Discipleship Hour & Educa�on for all ages(10:00 AM) Praise & Worship Service (11:00 AM)

30 AA (12:00 PM) Silver Squares Square Dancers (12:30 PM)

31 Tuesday Book Study (10:00 AM) Praise Band prac�ce (7:00 PM)

January 2017 as of 12/15th Please see Website for updates