Greek mythology -- Prometheus 林林林 17 Michelle 林林林 38 Guava[Amy] 希希希希 – 希希希希希

Greek mythology -- Prometheus

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Greek mythology -- Prometheus. 希臘神話 – 普羅米修斯. 林米雪 17 Michelle 鄭雅琪 38 Guava[Amy]. 目錄. 1.START 2.Tower Of Babel 3. 解讀 -1 4. 解讀 -2 5. 簡介 (English) 6. 簡介 (Chinese) 7.The relationship between two stories 8. 天秤座的故事 9. 圖片分享 10. 心得分享 11. 資料來源. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Greek mythology -- Prometheus

林米雪 17 Michelle鄭雅琪 38 Guava[Amy]

希臘神話 – 普羅米修斯

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目錄 1.START 2.Tower Of Babel 3. 解讀 -1 4. 解讀 -2 5. 簡介 (English) 6. 簡介 (Chinese) 7.The relationship between two stories 8. 天秤座的故事 9. 圖片分享 10. 心得分享 11. 資料來源

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在我們開始探討 Prometheus 之前 先讓我們進入 Bible 裡一起探索上帝的世界 !

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Tower Of Babel

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巴貝爾塔 聖經中,有個驕傲的故事…… 在巴比倫一群人想蓋一座通往上天的塔來證明人類的無所不能。每個住在巴比倫的人都同意,於是大家開始工作得很辛苦,為了蓋巴貝爾塔。


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巴貝爾塔 巴貝爾塔在希伯來語中有「變亂」之意。 是當時人類聯合起來興建,希望能通往天堂的高塔。為了阻止人類的計劃,上帝讓人類說不同的語言,使人類相互之間不能溝通,計劃因此失敗,人類自此各散東西。

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解讀 -1  核心問題為人類驕傲之罪。原祖父母因驕傲而離開天主,此後人類罪惡不斷,經過洪水洗滌後人類的行為或許稍有收斂,但仍不能洗盡世間所有罪惡,建巴貝爾塔也出於人類的驕傲。驕傲是七罪宗之一,而且被列於七項罪惡之首。

 古人建塔和城含有驕傲的意味,創十一 4說:「來,讓我們建造一城一塔,塔頂摩天好給我們做紀念…。」所表現出的就是人類的驕傲。所以在某些先知眼中,巴貝爾塔也成為世間惡勢力的象徵。

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解讀 -2


這就是接下來要說關於普羅米修斯的故事 ……

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Page 11: Greek mythology                      --     Prometheus

簡介 (English) In Greek mythology, Prometheus (Ancient Greek:

Προμηθεύς, "forethought") is a Titan, the son of Iapetus and Themis, and brother to Atlas, Epimetheus and Menoetius. He was a champion of mankind, known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals. Zeus then punished him for his crime by having him bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. His myth has been treated by a number of ancient sources, in which Prometheus is credited with – or blamed for – playing a pivotal role in the early history of mankind.

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簡介 (Chinese) 普羅米修斯(古希臘語: Προμηθεύς),名字的意思是「先見之明」 (forethought)。


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The relationship between two stories .

Fire. Technology. More powerful. Much more power than God.

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天秤座的故事 Libra’s story 當普羅米修斯盜取了天上的火種到人間,宙斯為

了懲罰人類,便塑造了地球的第一個女性-潘朵拉,讓她來到普羅米修斯之兄厄庇墨特斯處。潘朵拉受到了諸神的祝福,使她成為最完美的女人;而潘朵拉也不肯聽從普羅米修斯的勸告,而跟普羅米修斯的兄弟厄庇墨特斯成了婚。 潘朵拉有個所謂『潘朵拉的盒子』。 由於潘朵拉實在太幸福了,反而覺得生活中好像缺少了些什麼;使得好奇心重的她終於有一天忍不住地打開了那個盒子,於是所有的病痛、戰禍災難 ......都化做恐怖的幻象,飛向世界每個角落,人類燦爛輝煌的黃金時代也就此宣告結束。



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what one has learned

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Guava [Amy] Prometheus did many things for humans, but humans became more and more proud. They even wanted to have more power than God, so they had punishments from God finally.

I think we should protect what we have, not just want more and more from the other people. Or we’ll become greedier, prouder, and never get satisfied.

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Michelle When humans got fire, some used it to do bad

things, but others used it in different ways. When we have fire, it will make us warm, lead us

in darkness, and most importantly it can always comfort our heart, and eventually it may become the panacea - love.

Fire brings us love and hope. But it also brings us pride . Humans shouldn’t use fire in any bad things, or any battle, because fire is a gift from God .

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資料來源 圖片來源 : 1. www.zfwmw.com/article.asp?id=2178/ 2. http://tupian.hudong.com/ 3. 巴貝爾塔 :http://myet.pixnet.net/blog/post/31714692

資料來源 : 1. 維基百科 2. 引言 :http://www.catholic.org.tw/witness/html4/01/09.htm

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THE END謝謝觀賞 ……