A Greek Odyssey – Primary

Greek Primary Student - RBEbotanicgdns.rbe.net.au/bgaeducation/images/pdf/Greek Primary... · At last – The Palace of Odysseus! ... The Minotaur had the head of a bull and the body

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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

Contents 1. Introducing the Odyssey .................................................................................... 3

2. Ancient Myth Cards............................................................................................ 7

3. Ancient Scroll ................................................................................................... 13

4. Plant Information Pages................................................................................... 15

5. Plant Activity Pages.......................................................................................... 16

Greek Odyssey Trail Map......................................................................................... 17

1. Yew — Ίταμος……………...........................................................................18 & 19

2. Bay Laurel — Δάφνη…………. ...................................................................20 & 21

3. Palm — Φοίνικας .......................................…………………………………..22 & 23

4. Basil — Βασιλικός .......................................................................................24 & 25

5. Oregano — Ρίγανη......................................................................................24 & 25

6. Pomegranate — Ροδιά................................................................................26 & 27

7. Fig — Συκιά ................................................................................................28 & 29

8. Cypress — Κυπαρίσσι ................................................................................30 & 31

9. Grapes — Σταφύλια ....................................................................................32 & 33

10. Olive — Ελιά...............................................................................................34 & 35

11. Myrtle — Μυρτιά.........................................................................................36 & 37

12. Artichoke — Αγκινάρα ................................................................................38 & 39

13. Oak — Βελανιδιά ........................................................................................40 & 41

14. Plane Tree — Πλάτανος..............................................................................42 & 43

At last – The Palace of Odysseus! ........................................................................... 44

Vocabulary — ΛΕΞΙΛΟΓΙΟ....................................................................................... 45


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

1. Introducing the Odyssey The following sequence sets the scene for introducing the program at school and on arrival at the Garden.

The adventure begins… In the tenth year of the Trojan War, the Greeks tricked the Trojans into bringing a colossal wooden horse inside the walls of Troy. The Trojans had no idea that Greek soldiers were hidden inside. Under the cover of darkness Odysseus led the Greek soldiers from the belly of the horse and opened the city gates to the Greek army. Troy was destroyed. The Greeks returned to their homes but it took Odysseus and his men ten years before they reached home in a fabulous tale or adventure known as The Odyssey.

So what’s in the Odyssey? The Odyssey is a series of adventures featuring Gods, heroes, villains, magic, myths and mystery all woven together into one colossal story. Many events within the main story are full of human drama and emotion, a little like a modern day soapie! There are so many things you can include in an odyssey You are only limited by your imagination

My Odyssey The plants, landscapes and buildings in the Botanic Gardens will take you back to the time of the ancient Greeks. You will meet the plants of Greece, find out about their features, and explore ancient myths about the plants and how they are used by Greek people, past and present. Use this booklet and the Ancient Scroll map to explore the Garden, gather information, improve your Greek and help you write your own odyssey back at school

Farewell Troy, Hello Adventure As you pass through the Garden gates of Troy, farewell Troy behind you and begin your Greek Odyssey. Just like Odysseus your adventure finishes when you arrive home at the Palace of Odysseus in the heart of the Garden.

In the Garden


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

2. Ancient Myth Cards

1. Yew Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, used arrows soaked in yew poison to kill her prey. Artemis and her twin brother, Apollo, overheard Niobe’s boast that she was better than the twins’ mother Leto because Niobe had more children. The twins were so outraged by this insult to their mother that they hunted Niobe’s children down. Apollo killed the male children and Artemis killed the females with their poisoned arrows. The temple of Artemis was built in the middle of a lush forest of yews. The yew tree was also dedicated to the Furies, the goddesses of vengeance. They punished humans who were evil, using poison from this tree.

3. Palm The Minotaur had the head of a bull and the body of a man. It lived in a maze known as the Labyrinth on the island of Crete. Each year the Minotaur was fed seven young men and seven young women. Many heroes had tried to find their way through the Labyrinth to slay the Minotaur but none ever returned. Young Theseus, who was later to become King of Athens, defeated the Minotaur with the help of the princess of Crete, Ariadne. She gave him a sword to slay the Minotaur and a ball of string to find his way out. After he defeated the Minotaur, Theseus and his comrades are said to have performed a victory dance using the leaves of a palm tree.


2. Laurel After Apollo teased Eros the God of Love, Eros shot Apollo with a gold-tipped arrow. This caused Apollo to immediately fall in love with Daphne, a river nymph huntress who happily roamed the wilderness. Unfortunately for Apollo, Eros struck Daphne with a lead-tipped arrow, causing her to dislike and reject Apollo. In her desperate attempt to escape from the relentless affection of Apollo, Daphne was turned into a laurel tree by her mother, Gaia. From this time on the laurel was sacred to Apollo. He used the scent from this plant to purify himself.

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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

4. Oregano In mythology, a servant of the king of Cyprus broke a bottle of perfume. He was so frightened that he fainted. The gods transformed him into oregano. In ancient Greece, bridal couples were crowned with garlands of oregano. Oregano plants were placed on tombs to give peace to departed spirits. When oregano grows near a grave, the saying is that the departed are well and happy in the afterlife. The famous Greek thinker Aristotle is quoted as saying that when a tortoise or turtle swallowed a snake, it immediately ate oregano to counteract the poison.

5. Basil Basil originated in India. It was a holy plant dedicated to the gods Krishna and Vishnu. It was brought to Greece by Alexander the Great and then spread throughout the Mediterranean region. Ancient Greeks did not regard basil highly because scorpions were often found nestling under basil planted pots. Some believed that its strong fragrance was ‘cursed’. It became associated with death and disrespect. In ancient Crete, basil was the symbol of love. If a young man accepted a twig of basil from a young woman it was a sign of betrothal.

6. Pomegranate Zeus, the God of Thunder, and Demeter, the Goddess of Harvest, had a daughter called Persephone, who was so beautiful that everyone loved her. While Persephone was collecting flowers one day, Hades, the God of the Underworld, split open the earth, rose up and dragged her into the Underworld to be his queen. Heartbroken, Demeter wandered the earth searching for her lost daughter. As a result the land was no longer fertile, plants wilted and animals had no offspring. Eventually Zeus forced Hades to release Persephone back to her mother. Unfortunately Persephone had eaten four pomegranate seeds given to her by Hades, unaware that this made her his wife. Persephone had to spend a month with Hades in the Underworld for each seed that she had eaten. Every year while Persephone was in the Underworld, Demeter refused to let anything grow. The ancient Greeks believed this was how winter began. The beginning of spring was marked by the return of Persephone to her mother.


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

8. Cypress Cyparissos was a handsome young man who loved hunting with his beloved companion, a holy deer.

One summer’s day while he was out hunting, Cyparissos mistakenly killed the deer with his spear as it was lying in the sun. The young man, in despair, wished that he was dead as well. He asked Apollo for a favour; that his tears would roll down eternally.

The gods, unable to console him, granted him his wish and turned him into a cypress tree. Ever since, the cypress tree is considered as a mourning tree, and has often been planted in cemeteries.

9. Grape Ampelos was a satyr–half man, half goat. He was a friend of Dionysus, the God of Wine. One day Ampelos attempted to ride a wild bull. Unfortunately for Ampelos a gadfly started buzzing around the bull, enraging him and making him buck wildly. Ampelos was flung to the ground and gored to death by the angry bull. Dionysus had foreseen his death. From the blood of Ampelos Dionysus created the first grapevine. According to tradition, Dionysus died each winter and was reborn every spring. In ancient times there were many festivals to celebrate his rebirth every spring.


7. Fig There were two rocks close to each other in the seas near Italy. On the higher rock lived Scylla, a fearful monster with 12 feet and 6 long necks that each ended in a mouth full of sharp teeth. On the opposite rock grew a giant fig tree, under which lived the whirlpool, Charybdis, who, three times a day, every day, swallowed down the waters of the sea, and then threw them up again. The rocks were dangerous to navigate through. Odysseus was forced by the wind to row close to Scylla and lost six of his strongest men to the monster. The wind changed and drove him towards Charybdis. Odysseus leapt onto the giant fig tree just as Charybdis swallowed his ship. He held on grimly until his ship was vomited up in pieces. Dropping down onto the wooden ruins of his ship he managed to use his hands to row away from this dangerous channel of water.

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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

11. Myrtle Young Hippolytus had insulted Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Her vengeance was to make it impossible for him to fall in love. Queen Phaedra was the unhappy wife of Theseus. She fell in love with Hippolytos but her affection was not returned. Queen Phaedra would spy on Hippolytos while he was doing his exercises. During this time she became so frustrated by his indifference to her that she would prick holes in myrtle leaves. When a myrtle leaf is held up to the light the many tiny oil glands give it the appearance of being full of holes.

12. Artichoke Cynara was a beautiful young girl who lived on the island of Zinari. When Zeus, king of all the gods, was visiting his brother Poseidon, the God of the Sea, he saw Cynara and fell in love with her. Zeus decided to make her a goddess so that she could be closer to his home on Mount Olympus and she agreed. However, after a short time, Cynara grew homesick and missed her mother so much that she snuck back to her island for a visit. When Zeus found out he became very angry and hurled her from Mt Olympus and changed her into the first artichoke plant.


10. Olive Poseidon, God of the Sea, and Athena, Goddess of Peace and Wisdom, argued over whose name would be given to a newly built city in Attica, the land of ancient Greece. To settle the argument it was agreed that the city would be named after the one who offered the most precious gift to the citizens. Poseidon struck his trident on a rock and salt water began to flow. Athena struck her spear on the ground and it turned into an olive tree. It was agreed that the olive tree was more valuable to the people of Attica than the salt water. The new city was named Athens in honour of Athena. Even today, an olive tree stands where the story of the myth took place. Some believe that olive trees in Athens were descended from the first olive tree offered by Athena. According to Homer, the olive tree has been thriving in Greece for over 10,000 years. It was considered sacred, and anyone who uprooted or destroyed an olive tree was judged in court, and if found guilty, sentenced to death.

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A Greek Odyssey – Primary


14. Plane Tree When the Greek fleet gathered at Aulis in preparation for the departure to Troy, King Agamemnon and the other Trojan leaders made sacrifices to their gods beneath the sacred plane tree. Zeus then sent an omen in the form of a speckled serpent. The serpent turned to stone after eating eight chicks and their mother, which were living in a nest in the plane tree. Kalkhas, the fortune teller, interpreted this to mean that the Trojan War would last nine years with Troy finally falling in the tenth.

13. Oak Zeus and his wife, Hera, had many quarrels. After one of their quarrels Zeus developed a plan to win back Hera’s favour. He wrapped a daidala (wooden image) in a wedding dress then placed it in a wagon and announced it was his new bride-to-be. Hera heard the news, and at once appeared on the scene. She climbed onto the wagon and tore away the dress from the image. On finding it to be a wooden image and not a bride she was both pleased and relieved that Zeus was not to be married to someone else. She immediately made up with Zeus. 'Daidala' is a Greek festival created to remember and celebrate the settling of the quarrel. The daidala is made from oak wood and it leads the procession in a wagon that is later burnt. One story says that the timber for the daidala is chosen by putting cooked meat at the bottom of a number of oak trees. The tree that attracts the most hungry ravens is then chosen for carving.

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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

1. YEW — Ίταμος

Word list φύλλα leaves χοντρά thick πέφτει falls πράσινο green λεπτά thin βαθύ dark/deep φλούδα bark/skin κλαδιά branches ανοιχτό light/open

Language 1. The branches are χοντρά/λεπτά. 2. The bark falls off easily: ναι/όχι. 3. The leaves are:

βαθύ πράσινο/ανοιχτό πράσινο.

Talk about it… Yew leaves provide a cancer cure. Do you know of any other medicines that come from plants? Some interesting things about the yew plant myth are... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

Yew – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings, notes...


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

1. BAY LAUREL — Δάφνη

Word list θαμπά dull γυαλιστερά shiny μυρίζουν smell (like) μεγάλο big μικρό small μου αρέσει I like λουλούδια flowers κορμούς trunks φύλλα leaves

Language 1. The leaves are:


2. I can count ............κορμούς.

3. Τα φύλλα μυρίζουν σαν .......... 4. The bay laurel tree is


Talk about it… Why would or wouldn’t you plant this tree in your backyard? Some interesting things about the bay laurel plant myth are... ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

Bay Laurel – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings, notes…


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

3. PALM — Φοίνικας

Word list αγκαθωτά prickly τα αγκάθια the prickles φύλλα leaves λυγίζουν bend ίσια straight

Language 1. The leaves:

είναι /δεν είναι αγκαθωτά.

2. The leaves είναι ίσια/λυγίζουν. 3. ...................... protect the core

of the palm.

Talk about it… A ‘φοινίκι’ is the date of the palm. What is another meaning for this word? Do you know the double meaning of φύλλο and λεπτά ?

Some interesting things about the palm plant myth are... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

Palm – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings, notes…


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

4. BASIL — Βασιλικός Ocimum basilicum

Μάνα μ’ σγουρός βασιλικός πλατύφυλλος και δροσερός


Basil is noted for its scent. It was called the ‘royal herb’ by ancient Greeks. Its name comes from the Greek word basileus meaning ‘king’. It is believed that ancient kings were massaged with the oil made from basil leaves.

Did you know? The ancient Greek king and military leader, Alexander the Great, is believed to have introduced basil to Greece.

Family tradition There are over 500 types of basil plants. Each variety of basil differs in height, leaf colour and taste. Greek basil has thin, small leaves and grows all year long. It is a Greek tradition to have a basil plant growing in your garden.

Smells good! Basil is used mainly for its distinctive smell and the flavour it adds to cooking.

It’s good for you There are many medicinal uses of basil. It is said basil soothes itching and has antiseptic properties. This refreshing herb comes from the mint family of herbs.

4. BASIL — Βασιλικός

Word list σκληρό hard μαλακό soft ψηλό tall χαμηλό low φυτό plant βότανο herb δέντρο tree

Language 1. It is a ψηλό/χαμηλό plant.

2. I see/cannot see λουλούδια.

3. The plant is a δέντρο/θάμνος or βότανο.

4. The leaves are μαλακά/σκληρά.

Rub the basil leaves. Talk about the smell of basil.

Basil – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings, notes, myth…

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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

5. OREGANO — Ρίγανη Origanum vulgare

Significance Oregano is noted for its aromatic, warm and slightly bitter taste. The name oregano means ‘joy of the mountain’ and has its origins in the ancient Greek oros (mountain) and ganos (joy).

Peace and love It was thought that if you rubbed yourself with oregano before sleeping, you would dream of your future spouse. In ancient Greece, bridal couples were crowned with garlands of oregano. Oregano plants were placed on tombs to give peace to departed spirits.

Soil conservation Greek oregano originates from mountain slopes where its roots help reduce erosion. In summer, when Greece’s hillsides are covered with wild oregano, a powerful herbal aroma fills the air!

Cooking Oregano is an essential part of Greek cooking. It adds flavour to the traditional Greek salad and goes with a lemon and olive oil sauce that accompanies barbecued fish or meat dishes and some casserole sauces.

5. OREGANO — Ρίγανη

Word list θάμνος bush λουλούδια flowers μοβ purple ασημί silvery πιο μεγάλα bigger πιο μικρά smaller

Language 1. The leaves are πιο μεγάλα/πιο

μικρά than basil leaves.

2. The plant is a θάμνος/δέντρο/βότανο or λουλούδι.

3. The underside of the leaf is a .................colour.

Talk about the smell of oregano.

Oregano – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings, notes, myth…


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary


Word list αγγίζουν touch ρόδι pomegranate (fruit) λίγα few βλέπω I see πολλά many δε(ν) don’t (negative)

Language 1. The tree has πολλά/λίγα


2. The branches: αγγίζουν/δεν αγγίζουν.

3. Βλέπω/δε βλέπω a pomegranate.

Talk about it… Traditionally, it is believed that pomegranates bring good luck. What symbols of luck are common in Australia and in other countries around the world? Some interesting things about the pomegranate plant myth are…

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

Pomegranate – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings...


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

7. FIG — Συκιά

Word list χαμηλό low απλωτό spread απαλό soft/smooth ψηλό tall δύσκολο hard (difficult) εύκολο easy σύκα figs μερικά some/several κανένα none

Language 1. This tree is χαμηλό/απλωτό/ψηλό.

2. The upper side of the big leaves: είναι/δεν είναι απαλά.

3. This tree would be δύσκολο/εύκολο to climb.

4. I can see: κανένα/μερικά/πολλά σύκα.

Talk about it… Sun-dried figs are a traditional Greek food. What are some other preserved Greek foods and how are they preserved? Some interesting things about the fig plant myth are…

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Fig – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings...


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

8. CYPRESS — Κυπαρίσσι

Word list κουκουνάρι cone ουρανοξύστης skyscraper εύκολο easy δύσκολο difficult φρούτο fruit μέτρα metres

Language 1. The seeds are in a:

φρούτο/λουλούδι or κουκουνάρι. 2. Why is the word ‘ουρανοξύστης’ a

good name for this tree? ...............................................................

3. It is εύκολο/δύσκολο to see the branches.

4. My guess for the height of this tree is δέκα/είκοσι/τριάντα μέτρα.

Talk about it… In Greece the cypress symbolises mourning and is often planted in cemeteries. Can you think of other ways we remember people who have died? Ask your teacher about ‘koliva’. Some interesting things about the cypress plant myth are…

...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................................

Cypress – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings...


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

9. 9. GRAPES — Σταφύλια

Word list σταφύλι grape κλήμα/τα vine/s αμπέλι vineyard εμένα me φύλλα leaves βλέπω I see χαμηλό low ψηλό tall

Language 1. Βλέπω/δε βλέπω leaves on the


2. The trunk is πιο ψηλός/πιο χαμηλός από εμένα.

3. The vines are ένα/τρία/έξι metres apart.

Talk about it… Big open air festivals are held throughout Greece to celebrate the wine harvest. What festivals or celebrations do you have? Do any involve plants? Some interesting things about the grape plant myth are…

...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................................

Grape – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings…


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

10. 10. OLIVE — Ελιά

Word list απαλό smooth άγρια rough ανοιχτό light (open) βαθύ dark (deep) νέο new παλιό old λουλούδια flowers τίποτα nothing

Language 1. There are

μία/δώδεκα/είκοσι ελιές here.

2. The bark is απαλή/άγρια.

3. The tree is νέο/παλιό.

4. The underside of the leaf is ανοιχτό/βαθύ πράσινο.

5. There are λουλούδια/ελιές/τίποτα growing on the tree at the moment.

Talk about it… Like in Greece olive trees grow well in Adelaide. Unfortunately they can become weeds and invade our native bush. How can we grow olives for oil, but prevent them from becoming weeds? Some interesting things about the olive plant myth are…

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Olive – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings…


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

11. MYRTLE — Μυρτιά

Word list σειρές rows

βυσσινί purple

μοσχοβολάει aromatic

μαύρο black

μπλε blue

φρούτα fruit

πολλά many

λίγα few

Language 1. The plant has πολλά/λίγα


2. There are .................... σειρές.

3. Το φρούτο είναι μπλε/βυσσινί or μαύρο.

4. Το φύλλο μοσχοβολάει/δεν μοσχοβολάει.

Talk about it… Myrtle berries and leaves have been used in Greece to make hair dye. What other plants and animals have been used to change our looks or decorate our bodies? Some interesting things about the myrtle plant myth are...

......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

Myrtle – odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings, notes...


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

12. ARTICHOKE — Αγκινάρα

Word list λουλούδι flower καρδιά heart γκρι grey πράσινα green έξω outside μέσα inside εδώ here βλέπω I see τίποτα nothing

Language 1. The leaves are γκρι/πράσινα.

2. The new leaves grow from: έξω από την καρδιά/μέσα από την καρδιά.

3. Εδώ βλέπω 3/4/5 αγκινάρες.

4. The artichoke plant has λουλούδια/αγκινάρες/τίποτα.

Talk about it … In the past many Greek families worked together to harvest wild artichokes that grow around Adelaide. What sort of things do you do as a family? Some interesting things about the artichoke plant myth are… ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

Artichoke — odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings, notes…


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

13. OAK — Βελανιδιά

Word list θάμνος bush σκιά shade κορμό trunk δίνει gives δέντρο tree βρίσκω I find δίνει gives ρίζα root κλαδιά branches

Language 1. It is a θάμνος/δέντρο.

2. Βρίσκω/δε βρίσκω βελανίδια.

3. The tree δίνει/δε δίνει σκιά.

4. The best part of this tree for timber is the κορμός/κλαδιά/ρίζα.

Talk about it… The ancient Greeks thought the sound of rustling oak leaves and birds singing were a sign from Zeus. Quietly listen. Can you hear the call of Zeus? Some interesting things about the oak plant myth are… ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

Oak — odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings, notes…


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

14. PLANE TREE — Πλάτανος

Word list ίσιο straight γρασίδι lawn κάτω under/below μετράω I count κοντά near κύκλο circle τετράγωνο square σειρά row χρώματα colours μακριά far away

Language 1. Μετράω πλατάνια.

2. The grass grows κάτω / μακριά from the trees.

3. The trees are growing in a κύκλο/τετράγωνο/σειρά.

4. The trunk has ένα/πολλά χρώματα.

Talk about it… Plane trees lose all their leaves in winter. Like in Greece many have been planted in Adelaide. What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing large numbers of deciduous trees in cities? Some interesting things about the plane tree plant myth are… ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

Plane tree — odyssey ideas, pictures, drawings, sayings, notes...


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

At last — the Palace of Odysseus!

Congratulations! You have finished your odyssey through the Botanic Gardens and arrived at the Palace of Odysseus (sometimes known as the Museum of Economic Botany)! This may not be the real palace but it has features seen on ancient Greek temples.

Features of a Greek temple On the drawings below use lines to join matching features of the ancient Greek temple to those of the Museum of Economic Botany. Research these features back at school.

Ancient Greek temple

Museum of Economic Botany

Many buildings around the world have been inspired by classical Greek architecture. If you walk back to the city along North Terrace find more buildings that have


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary


αγγίζω αγκάθια αγκαθωτά αγκινάρα άγριο αμπέλι ανοιχτό απαλό απλωτό από ασημί άσπρο βαθύ βασιλικός βελανίδια βελανιδιά βελόνα βλέπω βότανο βοτανικός κήπος βυσσινί γκρι γρασίδι γυαλιστερά δάφνη δε(ν) δέντρο δίνει δύσκολο δώδεκα εδώ έξω είκοσι είναι

I touch prickles prickly artichoke rough vineyard light/open smooth wide from silver white dark basil acorns oak tree needle I see herb botanic gardens purple grey lawn shiny bay laurel negative tree gives difficult twelve here outside twenty is/are

εμένα ελιά ένα έξι εύκολα θάμνος θαμπά ίσια ίταμος καινούργια καρδιά καρπός κάτω κλαδιά κλήμα κοντά κουκουνάρι κορμός κύκλος κυπαρίσσι λεπτά λίγα λουλούδια λυγίζουν μακριά μαλακό μαύρο μεγάλο μερικά μέσα μετράω μικρό μοβ

me olive one six easy bush dull straight yew tree new heart crop below/under branches vine near cone trunk circle cypress thin few flowers bend far soft black big several inside I count small purple


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A Greek Odyssey – Primary

μου αρέσει μοσχοβολάει μυρτιά νέο ναι ουρανοξύστης παλιό πέφτει πιο πολλά πολύ πράσινο πλάτανος προσέχω πρέπει ρίγανη ρίζα ρόδι ροδιά σειρά σκαρφαλώνω σκιά σκληρό σπόροι σταφύλια σύκα συκιά

I like fragrant myrtle new yes skyscraper old falls (more) many more green plane tree I take care must oregano root pomegranate pomegranate tree row I climb shade hard seeds grapes figs fig tree

τετράγωνο τόξο τίποτα τρία εύκολο φλούδα φοίνικας φύλλο χαμηλά χοντρά χρώμα χρώματα ψηλό

square bow nothing three easy bark (tree) palm leaf low thick colour colours tall


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