The Green choice offers you unlimited pasta, rice, potatoes, grains, pulses and vegetables, fruit, eggs and vegetable proteins like Quorn or tofu with double the Healthy Extra choices each day – that’s 1 or 2 ‘a’ choices and 2 ‘bchoices. To unlimited Free Food, add measured Healthy Extra portions of meat, fish, milk, bread and cereal for extra protein, extra fibre and extra calcium. It’s super- slimming, it’s super-healthy and it’s another great choice for vegetarians or people who prefer to eat less meat. choose your Free Foods Choose freely from all the Superfree Foods and from the Green Free Foods (from page 4). No weighing, no measuring, no counting – no kidding! choose your Healthy Extras Every day choose once or twice from the Green Healthy Extra ‘a’ section (on page 13) and twice from the Green Healthy Extra ‘b’ section (on page 14). choose your Syns Each day enjoy 5-15 Syns, counting the green Syn value (see page 21). the green choice 1 2 3 the 3 steps to success p a s t a w it h a r ra b b iata sau ce © Slimming World | UK & ROI | April 2015 3 Green

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Page 1: green the - Log in to Slimming World | Slimming World · Coffee* Low calorie fizzy drinks Mineral water No added sugar cordials Tea (including herbal teas)* *Use milk from your Healthy

The Green choice offers you unlimited pasta, rice, potatoes, grains, pulses and vegetables, fruit, eggs and vegetable proteins like Quorn or tofu with double the Healthy Extra choices each day – that’s 1 or 2 ‘a’ choices and 2 ‘b’ choices. To unlimited Free Food, add measured Healthy Extra portions of meat, fish, milk, bread and cereal for extra protein, extra fibre and extra calcium. It’s super-slimming, it’s super-healthy and it’s another great choice for vegetarians or people who prefer to eat less meat.

choose your Free FoodsChoose freely from all the Superfree Foods and from the Green Free Foods (from page 4). No weighing, no measuring, no counting – no kidding!

choose your Healthy ExtrasEvery day choose once or twice from the Green Healthy Extra ‘a’ section (on page 13) and twice from the Green Healthy Extra ‘b’ section (on page 14).

choose your SynsEach day enjoy 5-15 Syns, counting the green Syn value (see page 21).



the 3 steps to success




biata sauce

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s Apples

s Apricots


S Bilberries

fS Blackberries

fS Blackcurrants


S Boysenberries

Cape gooseberries (physalis)

s Carambola (star fruit)

s Cashew fruit (not cashew nut)

s Cherries

s Clementines

fS Cranberries

Custard apples (cherimoya)

s Damsons

s Dragon fruit (pitaya)

s Elderberries

s Feijoa

s Figs

S Gooseberries

S Grapefruit


s Greengages

fs Grenadilla

fS Guava

Jambu fruit

Jujube (Chinese date)

S Kiwano (horned melon)

s Kiwi fruit

fs Kumquats

S Lemons

Superfree Foods are super-satisfying for the appetite and very, very low in calories. Fill one third of your plate with Superfree Foods where you can and make them your first choice between meals. This way, you’ll naturally limit your energy intake without counting a single calorie, and, whichever Food Optimising choice you follow, you’ll achieve your weight loss dreams while enjoying a really healthy diet!

superfree S Limes

S Loganberries

S Loquats


Mammie apple

s Mandarins



Fs Medlars

S Melon, all varieties

s Mulberries

s Nectarines

s Oranges

s Ortaniques (honey tangerines)

s Papaya (paw paw)

fs Passion fruit

s Peaches

s Pears

Persimmon (sharon fruit)

s Pineapple

s Plums, all varieties

f Pomegranates

S Pomelo

s Prickly pears


S Raspberries

fS Redcurrants

S Rhubarb

F Sapodilla

s Satsumas

S Strawberries

S Tamarillos

s Tangerines

fS Tayberries

s Ugli fruit

fS Whitecurrants



Nearly all fruits are Superfree Foods! Have as much fresh or frozen fruit as you like for breakfast, for dessert, as a snack or just any time you feel peckish.

Cooked, canned and dried fruit count as Healthy Extras or as Syns. Puréed fruit, fruit juice,

nectars and smoothies always count as Syns.


For information about the health symbols, please see your Food Optimising book.

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s Acorn squash

s Alfalfa sprouts

f Artichokes

s Asparagus

s Aubergine

s Baby sweetcorn

s Balor beans

s Bamboo shoots

s Bean sprouts

s Beetroot

s Broccoli

f Brussels sprouts

s Butternut squash

s Cabbage (all types)

fs Capers

s Carrots

s Cauliflower

fs Celeriac

s Celery

s Chard

s Chicory

s Chillies

C s Chinese leaves (amaranth)

s Chioca

s Choko (custard marrow)

cfs Cluster beans

s Courgettes

s Cucumber

cfs Curly kale

s Endive

s Fennel

s French beans

f Garlic

s Gherkins

s Green beans

s Karela

s Kohlrabi (cabbage turnip)

s Leeks

s Lettuce

s Mangetout

s Marrow

s Mushrooms

s Mustard & cress

cfs Okra

s Onions

s Pak choi

fs Papri beans

s Peppers / Pimentos

s Pumpkin

s Radicchio

s Radishes

s Runner beans

fs Salsify

s Seakale

Fs Seaweed

s Shallots

s Spaghetti squash

c s Spinach

cfs Spring greens

s Spring onions

s Sugar snap peas

s Swede

s Tomatoes (including passata and tomato purée)

s Turnip

Cfs Vine leaves

f Water chestnuts

c s Watercress

The Department of Health recommends that we aim to eat five portions of fruit and

vegetables a day – we recommend that you eat at least that amount; more if you like!


superfree foods superfree foods superfree foods

superfree foods superfree foods superfree foodslee

k and ga

rden pea brais



Nearly all vegetables are Superfree Foods! Enjoy them fresh, frozen, canned or pickled in vinegar.

Cook veg without fat to keep them Superfree! If you add fat, make sure

you count the fat as Syns.



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As well as all that fabulous Superfree Food, you can eat as much as you like of all this wonderfully satisfying Free Food. Remember, where you can, to fill one third of your plate with Superfree Foods!

starchy vegetables & pulsesBeans, peas and lentils are known as pulses. They’re all super-healthy, super-filling and super-tasty. Choose fresh, frozen or canned varieties.free foods h f Aduki beans

hSf Baked beans in tomato sauce

hsF Black beans

h f Black eye beans

hSf Black gram beans

hsf Borlotti beans

hSf Broad beans

hSf Butter beans

hsF Cannellini beans

hsf Chickpeas

H Corn on the cob

hsf Dried peas

hf Edamame beans

hSf Flageolet beans

hSf Garden / fresh peas

hsF Haricot beans

hsf Lentils, all varieties

hSf Marrowfat peas

hsf Mung beans

hSf Mushy peas

H f Parsnips

hSf Petits pois

h f Pigeon peas

h F Pinto beans

H Plantain

H Potatoes

hSf Processed peas

hsf Red kidney beans

h F Soya beans

hsF Split peas

H Sweetcorn

H Sweet potatoes

hs Sword beans

H Yams



Bulgar wheat*


Dried pasta (all types, eg tagliatelle, spaghetti, lasagne and cannelloni tubes)*


Noodles, plain / dried

Pearl barley*



*If ground, or used as a flour substitute, these foods have a Syn value. Fresh pasta contains Syns, see p75 of the Syns section of your Food Optimising book.

rice, pasta & grainshRice, pasta and grains are staples that you can make into hundreds of delicious meals. They are nutritious and, cooked without fat, they’re Free Food.

Potatoes don’t count towards your ‘five a

day’ – but they are filling and a good source of vitamin C and fibre.

Choose wholegrain or brown rice,

and wholemeal or wholewheat pasta, for

extra fibre and for extra filling power.


pistou soup

If you add fat during cooking, count it as Syns.


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Pregnant women, the elderly and babies are

advised not to eat raw or soft-boiled eggs.

For health reasons aim to limit your salt intake to no more than 6g (1 level tsp) per day. Add

less salt to food at the table and watch out for salt added to manufactured foods and sauces.


healthwiseEven more Free Foods to choose from each day, including drinks, dressings and spices.


drinksAim for 6-8 mugs or glasses of any type of fluid per day (alcohol doesn’t count!).



Low calorie fizzy drinks

Mineral water

No added sugar cordials

Tea (including herbal teas)*

*Use milk from your Healthy Extras (see p13) in tea and coffee, or count ½ Syn for each dash you use.

sweetenersArtificial sweeteners in tablet or drop form are Free; so are granular sweeteners with less than 2 calories per teaspoon, eg Canderel, Hermesetas, Splenda, Sweet ‘n’ Low.

stocks & concentratesBouillon powder

Stock cubes

Liquid stock concentrate

Ready to use liquid stock

Vegetable purées such as tomato, garlic, ginger (only those that contain no oil)

For gravy powder and granules, see the Syns section of your Food Optimising book.

flavouringsExperiment with herbs, spices and seasonings to add zest and flavour to your food, and as an alternative to salt (see healthwise point, left).

dressings & accompanimentsAgar agar


Fat free French/Italian dressing*

Fat free vinaigrette*



Mint sauce (no sugar added)

Mustard powder

Nam pla (Thai fish sauce)

Soy sauce




Vinegar, all varieties

Worcestershire sauce

*Must be 50kcals or less per 100ml. For all other types of salad dressings see the Syns section of your Food Optimising book.

low calorie cooking sprayFrylight and any other brand which contains 1 calorie or less per spray is Free. (Please note, they’re only Free when sprayed, not poured.)

hsfQuorn mince and pieces

Use this to replace meat in pies, pasta dishes, chilli and curries.

CFTextured vegetable protein (tvp) / soya protein (made with defatted soya)

C Tofu, naturally smoked and plain

dairy productshc

Packed with calcium, these fab four are really versatile. Use them in meals, as desserts, to create dips or simply as they come!

Quark – skimmed milk soft cheese*

Low fat / virtually fat free cottage cheese*

Fat free natural fromage frais*

Fat free natural yogurt*

vegetable proteins/meat replacements

free foods free foods free foods free foods

If you have diabetes, ask your Slimming World Consultant for a copy of our diabetes information booklet. We recommend that you talk to your diabetes care team

about Slimming World and Food Optimising.


*Some flavoured varieties have Syns (even some of those that say fat free!), so to protect your weight

loss please double-check Syns Online, the latest Food Directory or the Low Syn Snacks book. Average Syns are also included in your Food

Optimising book.

eggsEnjoy eggs boiled, coddled, poached, scrambled or fried using low calorie cooking spray.


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pasta primavera

healthy extraa choices‘a’ choices are dairy foods that are high in calcium. Maintaining a high intake of calcium when you’re slimming is important for good health and may aid your weight loss too.

CChoose these Healthy Extras when you have time to eat – but not to measure!

2 Dairylea Light Cheese Slices

4 Dairylea Light Triangles

3 Dairylea Original Triangles

6 The Laughing Cow Extra Light Triangles

5 The Laughing Cow Light Triangles

3 Mini Babybel Light Cheeses

2 Mini Babybel Original Cheeses

2 x 35g tubs Philadelphia Light Soft Cheese

3 x 35g tubs Philadelphia Lightest Soft Cheese

milkEnjoy milk on its own, in hot drinks, or on cereal.

C 350ml skimmed milk*

C250ml semi-skimmed milk*

c175ml whole milk*

C400ml skimmed goats’ milk

C 275ml semi-skimmed goats’ milk

c 200ml whole goats’ milk

c 130ml sheep milk

C400ml unsweetened calcium-enriched soya milk

C300ml sweetened calcium-enriched soya milk

C300ml Arla Lactofree Semi-skimmed Dairy Drink

C 200ml Arla Lactofree Whole Dairy Drink

C 225ml calcium-enriched rice milk

*includes pasteurised, sterilised and UHT

cheeseUse in sandwiches, on jacket potatoes or on pasta – whole, grated, sliced, melted or grilled!

C 35g Arla Lactofree Semi-Hard Cheese

c 30g Cheddar

c30g Double Gloucester

C 35g Edam

C 30g Emmental

c45g Feta

c 30g Gouda

C 30g Grana Padano

C 30g Gruyère

C 35g Halloumi

C30g Hard goats’ cheese

C 45g Mozzarella

C 30g Parmesan/Parmigiano Reggiano

c30g Red Leicester

C 40g Reduced fat Cheddar

C 75g Reduced fat/light soft cheese

c85g Ricotta

grab and go!



every day!

make or choices

choicesfrom the a section

from the b section&

1 22



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healthy extrab choices ‘b’ choices are foods that

are high in fibre or contain important nutrients for a healthy balanced diet.

You can replace any branded breakfast cereal with a supermarket

own-brand of the same cereal. Cereals not listed as a Healthy Extra have a Syn value. See the

Syns section of your Food Optimising book.

Fibre-rich foods are among the most powerful appetite-satisfiers. Fibre can also help protect against many diseases and keeps your digestive system healthy.

If you aren’t choosing many Free Foods with an F/f symbol then we’d advise you to choose a ‘b’ choice with an F or f. Please note, it’s important to drink

plenty of fluid especially when you’re increasing your fibre intake.

cerealsf 35g Asda/Tesco Wholegrain Blueberry Wheats

f 35g Dorset Cereals Simply Delicious Muesli

f 35g Dorset Cereals Simply Nutty Muesli

f 35g Jordans Natural No Added Sugar Muesli

F 40g Kellogg’s All-Bran

f 35g Kellogg’s All-Bran Bran Flakes

f 30g Kellogg’s All-Bran Chocolate Crunch

f 30g Kellogg’s All-Bran Golden Crunch

f 30g Kellogg’s All-Bran Red Berry Crunch

f 35g Kellogg’s All-Bran Sultana Bran

f 35g Kellogg’s All-Bran Yogurty Flakes

f 35g Kellogg’s Frosted/ Raisin Wheats

f 35g Kellogg’s Fruit ‘n’ Fibre

f 35g Morrisons/Sainsbury’s Puffed Wheat

f 35g Nestlé Bitesize Shredded Wheat

f 35g Nestlé Shredded Wheat, Summer Fruits/Orchard Fruits

f 30g Nestlé Honey Nut Shredded Wheat

f 35g Nestlé Shreddies, Coco/Original

f 35g porridge oats (unflavoured)

f 35g Post Grape Nuts

f 35g Quaker Oat Crisp Cereal

f 30g Weetabix Chocolate Spoonsize

f 35g Weetabix Crispy Minis, Fruit & Nut/Strawberry

F 40g Weetabix Crunchy Bran

hot tip! healthwise

If you choose a ready-made sandwich made with wholemeal

bread (beware – not granary!), you can count the bread as a Healthy Extra choice and deduct 6 Syns

from the Syn value of your sandwich.

hot tip!

F 6 Finn Crisp Original Thin Crisps

F 3 Finn Crisp Original Rye Crispbread

f 4 Finn Crisp Plus 5 Wholegrains Thin Crisp

F 5 Oat/Scan Bran

f 3 Ryvita Cracked Black Pepper/Sesame/ Sunflower Seeds & Oats/Sweet Onion

fs2 Ryvita Dark Rye/Original

F 4 Ryvita Dark Rye/Original

f 2 Ryvita Fruit Crunch

F 3 Ryvita Hint of Chilli/ Multigrain/Pumpkin Seeds & Oats

f 30g bag Ryvita Minis, all varieties

f 1½ Nestlé Shredded Wheat

f 2 Weetabix

f 1 Weetabix and 1 Hi-fi Light Bar, any variety

F 1 Weetabix and 2 Oat/Scan Bran

f 1 Weetabix and 3 Ryvita Wholegrain Crackerbread

f 1 Hi-fi Bar

fs1 Hi-fi Light Bar

F 2 Hi-fi Light Bars

f 1 Kellogg’s Special K Chewy Delight Bar

breadfWholemeal bread is a Healthy Extra because it’s higher in fibre than other bread.

60g of any wholemeal bread

60g wholemeal roll

2 slices wholemeal bread (small 400g loaf)

1 slice Allinson Wholemeal Batch bread (800g sliced loaf)

2 slices Hovis Nimble Malted Wholegrain bread

2 slices Hovis Nimble Wholemeal bread

2 slices Hovis Wholemeal bread (small 400g loaf)

1 slice Hovis Wholemeal bread (800g thick sliced loaf)

2 slices Warburtons Wholemeal bread (400g medium sliced loaf)

1 slice Warburtons Wholemeal Rye bread (800g thick sliced loaf)

grab and go!

grab and go!cereal barsIf you choose white, granary or

wholegrain bread, keep track of the Syns as they quickly add up.

More Healthy Extra choices are listed on LifelineOnline, and in Free Branded Foods. New Healthy Extra choices are

also highlighted in Slimming World magazine.


mixed berry p



hot tip!



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Add artificial sweetener (which is Free) when cooking fruit if you wish. If you add sugar, count the Syns in the sugar. See the Syns section of

your Food Optimising book.

hot tip!

nuts & seedsNuts and seeds are a great source of protein and minerals and a super snack!

20 almonds, shelled and whole, or 2 level dsp flaked almonds

6 brazil nuts, shelled and whole

12 cashew nuts, shelled and whole

f 7 chestnuts, shelled and whole

35g coconut flesh, fresh

20 hazelnuts

f 2 level dsp linseed

1 level tbsp mixed nuts, chopped

15 peanuts, shelled and whole

12 pecan nut halves

1 level tbsp pine nuts or kernels

28 pistachio nuts, shelled

2 level dsp pumpkin seeds, coat removed

f 2 level dsp sesame seeds

2 level dsp sunflower seeds, coat removed

f 30g tiger nuts

6 walnut halves

olive oil 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

dried, canned & cooked fruitdried fruitf 50g apple

f 70g apricots, semi-dried

f 50g figs

f 40g goji berries

f 55g peaches

f 60g pears

f 80g prunes, ready to eat/soft

canned fruitcanned in juice not syrup, all weights include juice

f 300g apple slices

f 300g apricots

f 135g breakfast apricots

f 275g pears

f 150g prunes

f 375g raspberries

cooked fruitcooked weight

f 225g baked apple and 1 level tbsp mincemeat

f 375g apple

F 450g fresh apricots

F 400g blackberries & apple

Fs 300g blackberries

Fsc250g blackcurrants

f 300g damsons

f 275g fresh figs

F 350g gooseberries

fs 150g greengages

F 300g greengages

Fs 400g loganberries

f 300g nectarines

f 350g pears

f 400g plums, all varieties

f 150g prunes

Fs 250g raspberries

Fs 350g redcurrants

fsc450g rhubarb

F 275g whitecurrants

200g serving Baxters Stay Full Soup, Beetroot, Tomato & Buckwheat/Broccoli, Salmon & Watercress/Spiced Butternut Squash & Edamame Bean/Tomato, Chorizo & Mixed Bean/Minestrone, Basil & Parmesan

200g serving Baxters Vegetarian Soup, Carrot & Butterbean/Spicy Parsnip/Garden Pea & Mint

400g can Baxters Vegetarian Soup, Mediterranean Tomato

200g serving Heinz Farmers’ Market Soup, Garden Pea & Mint

300g serving New Covent Garden Soup, Carrot & Coriander/Leek & Potato/Chicken & Vegetables with Lentils and Barley/Vegetable with Red Split Lentils/Creamy Celeraic/Slow Roast Tomato & Basil

300g serving New Covent Garden Skinny Soup, Goan Spiced Chicken & Lentils/Souper Green with Italian Pesto/Tomato & Vegetables with Lentils

b choices b choices b choices b choices b choices b choices b choices b choices

sautéed spinach and raisins

Nuts and seeds contain high levels of oil. Check measurements for Healthy Extras or count them as Syns. See the Syns section of

your Food Optimising book.


soupsfIdeal for times when you have time to eat, but not to cook – these soups are high enough in fibre to count as a Healthy Extra ‘b’ choice.

200g serving Baxters Chunky Soup, Country Vegetable/Smoked Bacon & Three Bean

200g serving Baxters Deli Inspired Soup Bowl, Butternut Squash & Mascarpone with Giant Butterbeans/Roasted Red Pepper & Feta with Black Eyed Beans

200g serving Baxters Favourites Soup, Pea & Ham/Scotch Broth

400g can Baxters Favourites Soup, Chicken Broth

200g serving Baxters Healthy Soup, Autumn Vegetable Soup with Mild Spices/Italian Bean & Pasta/ Puy Lentil & Tomato/Chicken & Vegetable/Minestrone with Wholemeal Pasta



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fishwhite fish 150g cod

150g haddock

135g hake

120g halibut

150g hoki

150g lemon sole

185g monkfish

150g plaice

120g sea bass

130g turbot

150g whiting

oily fish* 110g carp

65g herring

50g kippers

55g mackerel, canned in brine/fresh

65g mackerel, canned in tomato sauce

C 100g pilchards, canned in tomato sauce

80g salmon, canned in brine

65g salmon, fresh

85g salmon, smoked

C 70g sardines, canned in tomato sauce

75g sardines, fresh

100g trout

115g tuna in brine/spring water**

90g tuna, fresh

shellfishs 115g cockles

c 225g cockles

c 160g crab, canned in brine

100g crab, fresh

450g lobster (weighed with shell)

110g mussels

150g octopus

c 125g prawns, cooked & peeled

c 160g prawns, raw & shell on

150g scallops, without shells

c 125g scampi (not in breadcrumbs)

C 105g shrimps

150g squid

*For good health, aim to eat at least two portions of fish a week, of which

one should be oily fish. **Please note, canned tuna does not provide the same health benefits as fresh tuna or other oily fish.

Meat products such as burgers and sausages generally have a Syn value.

See the Syns section of your Food Optimising book.


meat & poultryraw cooked weight weight

beef95g 60g beef or steak

95g 95g extra lean minced beef

115g 60g veal fillets

lamb85g 60g lamb

poultry115g 70g chicken

90g 60g duck

115g 75g turkey

pork90g 55g bacon

90g 60g gammon

90g 90g ham

100g 65g pork

offal135g 80g kidney, any type

120g 70g liver (calf, chicken, pig)

80g 60g liver (lamb)

b choices b choices b choices b choices b choices b choices b choices b choices

You’ll find a handy metric to imperial conversion chart on

LifelineOnline. Visit www.slimmingworld.com

to log on.

weightwiseCook fish without fat to ensure

it’s a true Healthy Extra. If you add oil during cooking, make sure you

count the Syns.


Mums-to-be, breast-feeding mums and teens are advised to limit

consumption of fish and shellfish. See the Free2Go and pregnancy

booklets for details.


Remove all skin and fat from poultry and trim all visible fat from meat before eating, to ensure it’s

Free. If you add fat, make sure you count the fat as Syns.




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Frosties 4.5 4.5 4.5Fruit & fibre 4.5 4.5 4.5Granola, all varieties 5.5 5.5 5.5Grape nuts 4.5 4.5 4.5Honey shreddies 4.5 4.5 4.5Muesli, all varieties 4.5 4.5 4.5Multigrain hoops 4.5 4.5 4.5Oat bran 4.5 4.5 4.5Oat bran flakes 4.5 4.5 4.5Oatibix, 2 biscuits 9.0 9.0 9.0Oatibix bites 5.0 5.0 5.0Oatibix flakes 5.0 5.0 5.0Oatmeal, 25g dried 4.5 4.5 4.5Oats & more 5.0 5.0 5.0Oats so simple pots, all varieties, 57g pot 10.5 10.5 10.5Oats so simple, flavoured, per sachet 6.5 6.5 6.5plain, per sachet 5.0 5.0 5.0Porridge oats, flavoured/plain, 25g dried 4.5 4.5 4.5Puffed wheat 4.5 4.5 4.5Raisin wheats 4.0 4.0 4.0Ready brek, original, 25g dried 4.5 4.5 4.5Rice krispies 5.0 5.0 5.0Ricicles 5.0 5.0 5.0Shredded wheat, each 3.5 3.5 3.5Shredded wheat bitesize, all varieties 4.5 4.5 4.5Shreddies 4.5 4.5 4.5Soya bran 1.5 1.5 1.5Special K, all varieties 4.5 4.5 4.5Sugar puffs 4.5 4.5 4.5Sultana bran 4.0 4.0 4.0Weetabix, plain, 2 biscuits 6.5 6.5 6.5flavoured, 2 biscuits 8.0 8.0 8.0Weetabix minis, all varieties 4.5 4.5 4.5Wheat bran 2.5 2.5 2.5Wheatgerm 4.5 4.5 4.5

Cereal bars

Fruit & nut, per bar 7.0 7.0 7.0Fruit, nut & chocolate, standard bar 10.0 10.0 10.0Fruit, nuts & seeds, per bar 7.5 7.5 7.5Granola, twin bar 9.5 9.5 9.5Hi-fi Light, all varieties, per bar 3.0 3.0 3.0

Hi-fi, all varieties excluding Light, per bar 6.0 6.0 6.0Nut bar, small bar 6.5 6.5 6.5standard bar 11.0 11.0 11.0Reduced calorie/reduced fat, small bar 4.0 4.0 4.0standard bar 6.0 6.0 6.0large bar 9.0 9.0 9.0Standard, small bar 5.0 5.0 5.0standard bar 7.0 7.0 7.0large bar 10.0 10.0 10.0jumbo bar 20.5 20.5 20.5

Coleslaw & salads


100g unless stated

Coleslaw, cheese 10.0 10.0 10.0luxury 11.0 11.0 11.0standard 7.5 7.5 7.5light/reduced fat 6.0 6.0 6.0


100g unless stated

Beetroot salad 0.5 0.5 0.5Caesar salad 6.5 6.5 6.5Celery, fruit & nut salad 11.5 11.5 11.5Couscous salad with chargrilled/roasted vegetables 1.5 5.0 1.5Couscous salad with chicken 2.0 5.0 2.0Couscous salad, Moroccan-style 2.0 7.5 2.0Florida salad 5.0 5.0 5.0Pasta salad with cheese 7.5 12.0 7.5Pasta salad with chicken, all varieties 4.5 6.5 4.5Pasta salad with prawns 2.5 4.5 2.5Pasta salad with tuna 3.0 5.0 3.0Pasta salad, Italian-style 2.5 7.0 2.5Potato salad, light/reduced fat 3.0 5.5 3.0luxury 8.0 10.5 8.0standard 6.5 9.0 6.5Three bean salad 2.0 5.5 2.0Waldorf salad 12.5 12.5 12.5

Crisps & snacks

Crisps – basic/non branded

25g unless stated

Bombay mix 6.0 6.0 6.0Cereal & potato snacks, eg cheese balls 7.0 7.0 7.0Corn snacks, eg Wotsits 6.5 6.5 6.5Popcorn, butter 5.5 5.5 5.5plain, popped in fat 7.5 7.5 7.5plain, popped without fat 4.5 4.5 4.5salted 6.5 6.5 6.5sweet 5.5 5.5 5.5toffee 5.0 5.0 5.0Poppadom snacks/bites 5.5 5.5 5.5Poppadoms, each 2.5 2.5 2.5Pork scratchings 8.0 8.0 8.0Potato & corn sticks, eg chipsticks 5.5 5.5 5.5Potato crisps, crinkle cut 6.0 6.0 6.0low fat 5.5 5.5 5.5ridge cut 6.5 6.5 6.5square 5.5 5.5 5.5standard 6.5 6.5 6.5thick cut 6.0 6.0 6.0Potato rings 6.0 6.0 6.0Pretzels 5.0 5.0 5.0Puffed potato snacks, eg Quavers 6.5 6.5 6.5eg Snaps 6.5 6.5 6.5Savoury sticks, eg Twiglets 5.0 5.0 5.0Taco shells, each 3.0 3.0 3.0Tortilla chips 6.0 6.0 6.0

Crisps – branded

Golden Wonder Crisps, all varieties, 25g bag 6.5 6.5 6.5Golden Wonder Golden Lights, all varieties, 21g bag 4.5 4.5 4.524g bag 5.5 5.5 5.5Kettle Chips, all varieties, 25g 6.5 6.5 6.530g bag 7.5 7.5 7.540g bag 10.0 10.0 10.0KP Hula Hoops, all varieties, 25g bag 6.5 6.5 6.534g bag 9.0 9.0 9.055g bag 14.0 14.0 14.0

The green Syn value

how do Syns work?It’s the wonderful mix of freewheeling plus just enough structure and control that makes Food Optimising so easy and effective in the long term. Syns provide the control! Foods with a Syn value are those foods which would most certainly jeopardise our weight loss if we didn’t control them.

The synergy between Free Foods, Healthy Extras and Syns makes Food Optimising effective AND easy to live with. Syns are also the way you can enjoy the foods that many diets ban – without a shred of guilt! All foods that aren’t Free have a Syn value. Counting the Syns you use each day helps you balance your diet for optimum weight loss, and maximum enjoyment. A listing of the Syn values of many everyday foods is included in your Food Optimising book.

how to use the Syns sectionTo check the Syns on the Green choice use our Syns Online tool. To find Syns Online log onto the member website, click on My Weight Loss Tools, select Syns Tools and click on the link for the previous Syns Online database. Syn values listed here are averages for everyday foods. Syn values for some brands will differ, but using our averages won’t affect your weight loss.

all aboutsynsYou know how powerful it is when things work together and the result is greater than the sum of their parts? That’s synergy! And that’s why after Free Foods and Healthy Extras, Syns are the third element that makes Food Optimising the most generous, most effective plan ever!

C 35g Arla Lactofree Semi-Hard Cheese

c 40g Brie, white

c 30g Caerphilly

40g Camembert

c 30g Cheddar

c 55g Cheese spread

c 30g Cheshire

c 35g Danish Blue

c 30g Derby

c 30g Double Gloucester

C 35g Edam

C 30g Emmental

c 45g Feta

45g Full fat soft cheese

C 30g Goats’ milk hard cheese

40g Goats’ milk soft cheese

35g Gorgonzola

c 30g Gouda

C 30g Grana Padano

C 30g Gruyère

C 35g Halloumi

30g Jarlsberg

c 30g Lancashire

c 120g Low fat/extra light soft cheese

C 45g Mozzarella

C 30g Parmesan/Parmigiano Reggiano

C 40g Processed cheese

c 30g Red Leicester

C 40g Reduced fat Cheddar

C 75g Reduced fat cheese spread

C 40g Reduced fat Emmental

75g Reduced fat Feta

C 45g Reduced fat Halloumi

C 65g Reduced fat Mozzarella

C 40g Reduced fat Red Leicester

C 75g Reduced fat/light soft cheese

c 85g Ricotta

c 30g Roquefort

35g Soya/dairy free cheese

30g Stilton, blue

35g Stilton, white

c 30g Wensleydale

b choices b choices b choices b choices

your Consultant will help you decide the number of Syns to aim for each day.

enjoy 5 to 15 Syns a day

choose your Syns




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