Greenwood College Business Plan 2015 - 2017

Greenwood College Business Plan 2015 - 2017€¦ · Our Business Plan 2015 ... It is directed towards enhancing a student's interest, attitude and ability to appropriately use digital

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Page 1: Greenwood College Business Plan 2015 - 2017€¦ · Our Business Plan 2015 ... It is directed towards enhancing a student's interest, attitude and ability to appropriately use digital

Greenwood College Business Plan

2015 - 2017

Page 2: Greenwood College Business Plan 2015 - 2017€¦ · Our Business Plan 2015 ... It is directed towards enhancing a student's interest, attitude and ability to appropriately use digital


1 Plan for public schools and

accountabilty document. Plan for government schools 2012-2015 (Classroom First Strategy, Focus

2015/2016/2017: directions for schools.

2 Audit and Review documents:

Principal's Annual Audits, school based

3 Review data presented to

College Board Semesters 1 and 2

4 Operational planning, Framework

- School improvement planning document (Business Plan); Annual


5 Annual Focus Areas

Learning area and specific improvement project plans -

developed by staff

Greenwood College 2015-2017 Business Plan

Our Business Plan 2015 – 2017 is a reflection of the College’s priorities and change initiatives that endeavour to ensure that every student at Greenwood

College learns skills that will equip them for lifelong learning. The plan incorporates the Department of Education and Train ing’s Directions for Schools and

the Director General's Classroom First Strategy with our focus on success for all students.

This plan places an emphasis on quality teaching and learning and the continued development of the already established positive and supportive pastoral

care focus. It is directed towards enhancing a student's interest, attitude and ability to appropriately use digital technology and communication tools; to

access, manage and evaluate information and to communicate with others effectively in society.

This plan endeavours to meet the academic, social and cultural needs of the diverse range of students at the College through significant strategic planning.

The Business Plan was created in collaboration with the Greenwood College Board and the staff at Greenwood College and forms part of a suite of

documents that include:

Focus Area and Learning Area Operational Plans

Workforce Plan

Financial Plan and

The Delivery Performance Agreement

A more detailed description of all College policies listed in this document

can be found on the College website.

College Vision

Greenwood College be the school of choice in our community,

providing an excellent education for all students in a safe and

caring learning environment that values diversity, celebrates

achievement and promotes respect.

Long term goals as determined by the College Board are:

To promote and enhance the reputation of Greenwood College within

the local community

Greenwood College be a vibrant community hub

College Ethos

LEARN Extend and develop within and beyond school

GROW Socially, emotionally and intellectually

CHANGE Education for change in life and develop resiliency

Page 3: Greenwood College Business Plan 2015 - 2017€¦ · Our Business Plan 2015 ... It is directed towards enhancing a student's interest, attitude and ability to appropriately use digital


Our Principles of Teaching and Learning


Between our students, their

families and the broader

community. The development of

team-work skills is recognised

as essential for success beyond


Achieve Student success is valued

and celebrated and cultural

awareness is promoted.

Respect Members of the college

community display respect

for themselves and others.

Engage The College provides a

stimulating learning environment

in which students actively

engage in authentic, challenging

tasks that place an emphasis on

the development of higher order

thinking skills.

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In a Greenwood College context this means:

Student achievement is central to all our endeavours, we embrace a student-centred learning community

Our strong improvement agenda is underpinned by clear targets for improvement in student achievement (evidence based decision making)

Our emphasis is on progress

We provide appropriate pathways to allow success for all (quality educational pathways for all students.

Target Strategies (What we will do)

Achievement at or above ‘like’ schools in all five NAPLAN test

areas (with/without LBOTE – Language Background Other Than


Decrease the % of students below the national minimum standard

in all five NAPLAN test areas (with/without LBOTE).

Establish positive improvement trends in the progress made by

students between NAPLAN 7 to NAPLAN 9 in all 5 tests.

Maintain/increase achievement standards for students within

practical context of the curriculum.

Academic pathways set for lower school placement.

Learning areas review performance against state and like schools and national benchmarks.

Early identification and tracking of students with learning difficulties.

The Response to Intervention (RTI) team will implement targeted improvement strategies to assist identified

students experiencing learning difficulties who under achieve academically for a wide range of reasons.

Establish baseline data (SAIS – Student Achievement Information System and Reading Plus) for all incoming Year 7


Monitor the progress of individual students and cohorts and adjust teaching practices in curriculum delivery in

response to individual progress.

In learning areas provision of effective remedial and enrichment strategies to support students with learning

difficulties through tailored support programs and resources.

Monitoring and review of IEPs (Individual Education Plans) by Curriculum Manager, Year Co-ordinator, staff and


Learning area plans reflect how students will transpose theoretical concepts into practical contexts.

Focus on monitoring and improving student achievement in practical areas.

Increase in the % of Year 10/11/12 students in Category 3 in all

compulsory OLNA (Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment) test


Graduation Rate 90% (2016 only). The measure may need

adjustment after May 2016.

Maintain the percentage of ATAR students with one or more

scaled scores of 75% and above to 15%.

Increase the Attainment Category (ATAR >= 55 and/or Certificate II

or higher) above 90 % (2015 only, not applicable 2016/2017).

Strengthen existing processes and support frameworks to enable stringent monitoring of ATAR (university focus)

student progress

Provision of comprehensive and relevant vocational, educational and training programs in Years 11 and 12.

Set high expectations in rigorous subject/course counseling processes from Year 10 to Year 11.

Ongoing review and course development for identified SAER (Students at Educational Risk) students in Years 11/12.

Strengthen existing processes (monitoring and tracking) and support frameworks (revision workshops) in monitoring


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Target Strategies (What we will do)

A minimum of 90% of Year 12 applicants seeking entrance to

university are successful.

Standardised exam score equal to or greater than 5 year average

in ATAR courses.

Provide OLNA revision classes.

Introduce Foundation courses.

Developing an effective support framework to maximise the

opportunity for English as an Additional Language (EAL) students

to achieve their maximum academic potential.

Aim for greater than 55% of IEC graduates receiving Level 4 in

Writing in Progress Map Levels.

Designated coordinator to track academic progress of Intensive English Centre graduates in mainstream.

Continuation of literacy tracking from lower to upper school for EAL students.

Specialized courses for EAL (English as an Additional Language) lower school students in English.

Modify teaching and learning programs for EAL students.

Students placed into streamed IEC classes according to English competency maintained for six months.

Teachers to implement new edition of progress maps for IEC students to inform planning and assessment.

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In a Greenwood College context this means :

• Quality teaching is recognised as the most significant factor affecting student outcomes

• Opportunities for the analysis of and reflection on, student outcome data are prioritised

• Identifying and responding to the needs of individual learners

• A commitment to aligning teaching strategies to best practice

Target Strategies (What we will do)

Quality teaching practices informed by the use of student

achievement data.

Tracking individual student achievement and progress data (individual to school wide).

Teachers will adjust teaching programs in response to needs identified in school/system assessment data.

Prioritise a collective and collaborative approach to effective


Foster a culture of continuous professional growth

All teaching staff, as members of Professional Learning Communities, contribute to shared approaches (CARE –

Cooperate, Achieve, Respect, Engage) to effective teaching and learning practices.

Create an environment that supports the development of teachers as leaders in instructional excellence.

Recognise that collegial feedback is a valuable opportunity for teachers to reflect on and improve their classroom

practises (through the establishment of robust peer observation processes).

Promote a community of engaged learners.

Develop an agreed set of expectations and standards in relation to the work habits, participation and engagement

elements of the reporting attribute data.

Retaining an emphasis on engagement as part of the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) based professional


Professional learning for staff on the use of strategies to differentiate learning in the classroom.

Students are encouraged to become confident, creative and

productive users of information and communication technologies.

Staff will integrate information and communication technologies to

offer flexible learning opportunities and to improve the efficiency

of their teaching and learning process.

Up skilling of staff in ICT (Information Communications Technology) general capability.

Development of links between implementation of ICT in learning areas and the ICT general capability in the

Australian Curriculum.

Learning area representation on the ICT Committee.

Moodle professional learning and ongoing support available to all staff.

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In a Greenwood College context this means :

College works to maintain a learning environment that is safe, respectful, tolerant and inclusive

We strongly promote positive, supportive and caring relationships between staff, students and parents

Parents and families are recognised as part of the College community and partners in their children’s education

Target Strategies (What we will do)

Social and emotional well-being of staff and students within a

perceptive and considerate college culture.

Foster and maintain a high standard of pastoral care mechanisms across the college

Continued resourcing of key personnel to support health and well-being of students and staff

Continue to access external support where appropriate

Providing opportunities for students with diverse interests and

skills to participate in intra and extra curricula experiences.

Maintain and strengthen intra and extra-curricular programs, eg, excursions, camps, competitions.

Maintain 80% of students not receiving a negative behaviour

report until 2017.

Increase Certificates of Commendation and Students of the Term

(SOTT) by 15%.

Reduce the number of students with multiple suspensions.

Maintain a culture of positive behaviours within the school through acknowledging and celebrating expected

behavior from the school population including three SOTT activities per year.

Students case managed, monitored, placed on Individual Behaviour Plans (IBP) and other relevant options identified

and implemented. Positive reinforcement.

Maintain overall attendance average of over 90%.

Maintain an average attendance rate of 90% or more for each of

the six year groups.

Maintain or increase the percentage of students that attend school

at or above 90% (regular) of the time.

Recognize, maintain and celebrate students with 100% attendance; per term, per semester, full year.

Acknowledged via newsletter articles year assemblies, whole school assemblies. Year Co-ordinators to organise

reward activities on multiple occasions per term.

Maintain culture of an ‘attendance competition’ between year groups.

Increased connections to the broader community.

Improved communication with the community (via the school’s website, newsletters, PR, marketing).

Strengthen our links to our sister school in China.

Establishing Greenwood College as a vibrant community hub through promotion and enhancement of the College’s

reputation in the local community.

Pursuing strong collaborative ties with parents and members of the broader community.

Support mechanisms to promote effective key transitions Provision of curriculum based transition programs to all incoming enrolments.

Organisational support, provided through the college’s back to basics initiative.

Utilisation of peer support networks (7 Mates).

Continuity of pastoral care for IEC (Intensive English Centre) graduates.

Team approach to ensure the emotional well -being of senior students.