GREETING AND LEAVE TAKINGS A 1 SMK NEGERI 1 PAKEM BONDOWOSO EDISI III 2012 Berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris pada Level Novice English Modul Series

Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

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Page 1: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)




Berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris pada Level Novice

English Modul Series

Page 2: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)


Febri Hariyanto


Page 3: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

Greeting Friends 1. A : Hi, Prabu B : Hi A : How‟s everything? B : Fine, thanks.

Greeting Others 1. A : Good morning Mr. Setiawan Sir B : Good morning. How are you? A : Fine, thank you. Just fine, thank you

Saying good-bye to friends 1. A : Well, good bye, Prabu. B : Bye. See you tomorrow.

Saying good-bye to others 1. A : Good-bye, Miss Ratu. B : Good-bye, Mr. Setiawan. It‟s been nice talking to you

Pair up and Practice 1. You meet a friend of yours in the street. A : Hi, ……………. B : ……………….. A : And how was your weekend? B : ………………..

2. You meet a school principle in a department store. It is two o‟clock in the afternoon. A : …………………, sir/ma‟am B : …………………,………….. A : Fine, thank you. B : Are you doing some shopping? A : ……………….

Exercise 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Example:

- Ice melts (melt) at 20 degrees centigrade. - Prabu doesn‟t swim (not/swim) very often. - How many children do you have (you/have)?

1. Water … (boil) at 100 degrees centigrade. 2. I don‟t understand the word „recount‟. What … („recount”/mean)? 3. The store … (open) at 8.00 and … (close) at 21.00 everyday. 4. I have motorcycle but I … (not/use) it very often. 5. If you need a money, why …… (you/not/get) a job? 6. What time ….. (the banks/open) in Indonesia? 7. Where … (your father/come) from? “He …. (come) from Kuningan. 8. The office … (open) at 8 a.m. and … (close) at 3 p.m. 9. What … (you/do)? “I am a sales person” 10. How often … (you/have) days off in a month in your office? Exercise 2 Complete the following sentences with the correct form of Be: am, is, or are. Example: That girl is Ratu, she is a Sundanese. “Where are you from?” – “I am from Bandung” 1. Prabu … a manager in a big company. He … very loyal to his boss. 2. „How old … you?‟ – “I … fifteen years old. 3. My father … clerk. His office … on 12 Braga Street 4. My father types letters in her office. She … a typist. 5. Kadita sells goods in retail. She … sales girl. 6. My name … Setiawan. I … from Kuningan. My village … Cijaho. My hobbies … reading,

writing and hiking. 7. I … a student of a vocational high school majoring in business and management. 8. He … kind to me 9. She … asleep. 10. It … nice of you to say that.

Page 4: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

Formal and informal expressions used in greetings and leave takings: - Good morning/afternoon/evening; Hi, Hello. - How are you today? / How is life? - Good-bye, Bye, See you later. - Good night - Fine, Well

Time of the day (including the concept on a.m. and p.m.) SIMPLE PRESENT Simple present tense has the following pattern: ( + ) Subject + verb 1 + object/complement. ( - ) Subject + do/does not + verb 1 + object/complement ( ? ) Do/does subject + verb 1 + object/complement?

Note : In positive form, when the subject is a singular third person (he, she, it, Prabu, Ratu,

A dog, etc) the suffix –s/-es is added to the verb. The simple present tense is used to talk about physical activity as well as intellectual activities that denote: 1. a current activity

- Prabu studies at a vocational high school. - Does your father work here?

2. a habitual or repeated activity - I work six days a week from Monday through Saturday. - Do you take a bus to work?

3. an event in time table, schedule, or program - I have a meeting tomorrow - Our plane does not fly to Semarang

Listen and fill in the missing words or phrases from the box ( your teacher reads parts of their conversation for you). Mr. Budi is welcoming his visitor at the airport. Mr. Budi : Excuse me, (1)……….? Mr. John : Yes I am. Mr. Budi : How do you do? (2)……. Mr. John : How do you do, Mr. Budi? Nice to meet you. Mr. Budi : Nice to meet you, too, Mr John (3)………. Mr. John : Good it was very smooth. Mr. Budi : That‟s good. (4)……..? Mr. John : Yes, thank you. Could you take the green one? Mr. Budi : Sure, (5)………,Mr. John? Mr. John : Yes, let‟s go. Mr. Budi : OK. This way, please. (6)……… Mr. John : It sounds fine.


It is eight o‟clock in the morning, but Mr. Hadi is already in the workshop. He is doing something when his manager comes and introduces a new worker to him. Manager : Good morning Mr Hadi Mr. hadi : Good morning, Sir Manager : How are you to day? Mr hadi : Very well, thank you. And you? Manager : Fine thanks. Well, Mr Hadi. Have you met Mr Budi Susanto, a

new worker here?

- Shall we go then - How is your flight - We‟ll take a taxi to your hotel - Can I help you carry your suitcases - Are you Mr. John from Brown Industries - I‟m Mr. Budi from Batara Manufacturing

Page 5: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

Mr hadi : Not yet Manager : OK. I would like to introduce him to you. Just a moment, please

Mr. Hadi is very friendly with his manager. They often meet here and speak to each other, but Mr Budi is a new man for him. A few minutes later, his manager comes again with Mr Budi. Then shake hand. Manager : Mr Hadi this is Mr Budi Susanto, a new colleague in our

company Mr Budi : How do you do, Mr Hadi Mr Hadi : How do you do? I am very glad to meet you, Mr budi

Susanto Mr Budi : Please call me Budi. Manager : Well good-bye for the present, Mr Budi I‟ll leave you with

Mr Hadi.Have a nice day? Mr Budi : Thank you, Sir. And I‟ll try t become a good worker

The manager smiles and goes to his room.

A. Answer these questions 1. At what time has Mr Hadi been present in the workshop? 2. Why does his manager come and meet him here? 3. What question does his manager say to him? And what does he answer? 4. How is Mr Budi with his manager? And what do they always do there? 5. What does the word “him” in the phrase of “a new man for him” refers to? 6. Who is Mr Budi Susanto? And what does his manager want him to do? 7. What does the manager say after he has introduced him to Mr Hadi? 8. What does Mr Budi promise him to do? And what does his manager do as he says

that? B. Now say and mark the sentences True (T) or False (F). 1 T – F Mr. Hadi has been in the workshop since 8 o‟clock in the morning. 2 T – F His manager is doing something when Mr. Hadi meets him in the

workshop. 3 T – F His manager greets him and asks if he has got acquainted with Mr. Budi

Susanto. 4 T – F Mr. Budi Susanto is a new worker who has the same rank and duty as Mr.

Hadi. 5 T – F Mr. Hadi often meets and has a chat with his manager; they are friendly to

each other. 6 T – F Mr. Budi shakes hand with his manager after they have met MR Hadi in

the workshop. 7 T – F His manager leaves him with Mr. Hadi after he has introduced them. 8 T – F His manager says “goodbye” to Mr. Budi and promises him to be a good


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English Modul Series

Berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris pada Level Novice

Page 7: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)


Febri Hariyanto


Page 8: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

Introducing a friend 1. A : Prabu, this is Ratu. B : Hi, how do you do? C : Hello how do you do?

2. A : Prabu, this is Ratu. B : Hi, how are you? C : Fine, thanks

Introducing someone 1. A : This is A co- worker of mine, Perdana. One of my co- workers, Classmate of mine, One of my classmates, B : Hello C : Nice to meet you.

2. A : Let me introduce Mr. Djuarie. Allow me to introduce I‟d like you to meet This is B : How do you do, Mr. Djuarie, my name‟s Seanu. C : Nice to meet you.

3 A : Do you know Kadita? Have you met B : No, I don‟t No, I haven‟t A : Kadita, this is Rinaevi C : Hi, Hello,

2. A : Excuse me, Are you Yudi


B : That‟s right. No, I‟m not No, I‟m Dedi Mulyadi.

What‟s your name?

A : I‟m Ryan Hidayat. Pair Up and Practice Speaking 1. You meet a school friend, Opik Taufik. His father is with him. You : Hello, Opik Opik : Hello, How


You : ………………… Opik : You haven‟t met my father, have you? You : ……………… Mr.Mahrum : It is nice to meet you.

2. At a Party Guest : I‟m Sorry, I don‟t think we‟ve met. You : Oh,……………. Guest : Hello I‟m Tatat. You : ………………..

Formal and informal expressions used in introduction

My (first/ last name is.. This is Mr. Smith, our new manager How do you do? Pleased to meet you. (please) call me…………

Page 9: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

The English Alphabet Nationalities and Languages

I‟m American. I come from America. I speak English.

Country Nationality Country Nationality

Afghanistan Afghanistan/Afghan Czechoslovakia Czech

Africa African Denmark Danish

America American Ecuador Ecuadorian

Argentina Argentinean/Argentine Egypt Egyptian

Australia Australian Finland Finish

Bangladesh Bangladeshi France French

Belgium Belgian Germany German

Bermuda Bermudan Great Britain/England British

Bolivia Bolivian Greece Greek

Brazil Brazilian Holland Dutch/Hollander

Brunei Bruneian Hungary Hungarian

Bulgaria Bulgarian Iceland Icelandic/Icelander

Burma Burmese India Indian

Cambodia Cambodian Indonesia Indonesian

Cameroon Cameroonian Iran Iranian

Canada Canadian Iraq Iraqi

Chile Chilean Israel Israeli

China Chinese Italy Italian

Colombia Colombian Jamaica Jamaican

Congo Congolese Japan Japanese

Cuba Cuban Russia Russian

Jordan Jordanian Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian

Kampuchea Kampuchean Singapore Singaporean

Korea Korean Spain Spanish

Kuwait Kuwaiti Srilanka Srilankan

Laos Laotian Sweden Swedish

Lebanon Lebanese Switzerland Swiss

Libya Libyan Syria Syrian

Malaysia Malaysian Taiwan Taiwanese

Mexico Mexican Tanzania Tanzanian

Monaco Monegasque Thailand Thai

Mongolia Mongolian Tibet Tibetan

Morocco Moroccan Turkey Turkish

New Zealand New Zealander Uganda Ugandan

Niger Nigerian Venezuela Venezuelan

Norway Norwegian Vietnam Vietnamese

Pakistan Pakistani Yemen Yemeni

Palestine Palestinian Yugoslavia Yugoslavian

Panama Panamanian Zaire Zairian

Philippines Philippine/Filipino Zambia Zambian

Poland Polish Zimbabwe Zimbabwean

Portugal Portuguese

Rumania Rumanian


A pronoun is a word that substitutes a person / thing, usually appear in repetition. 1.Personal pronoun 2.Personal pronoun

Subject Object Dependent Independent

I Me My Mine

You You You Yours

He Him His His

She Her Her Hers

It It Its

We Us Our Ours

You You Your Yours

They Them Their Theirs

Example: Two days ago I met Abdurrahman.

yesterday I met him again. Please put the glass on the table,

put it carefully

Example: This is your pencil and that is

mine. This is my pencil and those are


Page 10: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

2. Reflexive Pronoun.

Myself Ourselves

Yourself Yourselves

Himself Themselves


Reflexive pronoun are used: a. To show that subject and object is the same.

- He killed himself. - She spoke to herself.

b. Self - supported (doing a thing alone). - I myself open the window. - My mother cooked this meal herself.

c. Alone. - She went there by herself. 4.Demonsrative Pronoun.

Singular Plural

This There

That These

a. „This‟ is used to point people/ thing, which are physically close to speaker. „That‟ is used

to point people, thing, or situations, which are more distant (in space or time). „This‟ is related to „here‟ and „that‟ is related to „there‟

Sometime I wonder what I‟m doing in this country. Have you heard from that Javanese boy you used to go with?

b. When talking about action or situation „that‟ is used to talk about finished action/ situation. „This‟ is used to talk about things, which are just going to happen. „That‟ was nice. „This‟ will be interesting (the coming event will be interesting).

Choose the best answer. 1. The farmer in this area lack of transport to move their products to the market…vital role

in the region‟s development has been neglected by the local government. A. Their C. The farmers E. The government‟s B. The market‟s D. Its

2. Anita and I missed the morning flight and this made ……. Late for our friend‟s wedding.

A. his C. them E. us B. me D. her

3. „What has made these tourist resort so unattractive now?„

„The poor maintenance of … facilities.‟ A. it C. its E. theirs B. their D. they

4. „What makes you so sad about current reform movement in Indonesia‟?‟

„… bad effect on Indonesia‟s economy.‟ A. It C. Its E. Their B. People‟s D. One‟s

5. „I have heard that the school where you teach is very good.‟

„Oh yes, many of … have become popular leader of the country.‟ A. graduates C. who graduates E. their graduates B. her graduates D. its graduates

Page 11: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

LISTENING Listen to your teacher reading these sentences, and then determine which responses are suitable for each of hem. 1 (….) Yes, he was a patient child. 2 (….) Yes, he has. He is an orphan. 3 (….) Yes, she died when he was born. 4 (….) Yes, he is a hard-working technician. 5 (….) Yes, he was killed in a train accident 6 (….) Yes, he is very friendly with everybody. 7 (….) Yes, he is a new diligent worker at Barata Car Company. 8 (….) Yes, but then his grandparents took care of him until he was graduated

from SMK.


Budi Susanto is a young talented technician and he lives in the Bandung. He is originally from Central Java, Jogyakarta and moved to Bandung last year. He is an orphan. His mother died when he was born and his father was killed in a train accident when he was ten years old, so he has to live with his grandparents until he was graduated from SMK two years ago. Now he is twenty years old. He is very clever, energetic and sociable. He behaves politely toward everybody. He is a hard-working technician who works for Barata Car Company. His friend admires him very much because of his diligence in learning and doing something. He works five days a week. His working hours are from 8 o‟clock to 5 o‟clock. He does a lot of things; among other thing, he examines and tests car engines check every component and equipment. He sometimes helps his colleagues in engine service. “I am so happy to get work here that I can improve my knowledge and experience. I want to be an expert in machinery. ”He said to his friends. In his spare time he likes cycling and visiting the orphanages. He never forgets to give some of his income to them. He is very proud to be an Indonesian and always hopes that all the orphan children will be useful members of society in their own country. A. Answer these questions

1. What is Budi Susanto? And where does he live? 2. Where does he come from? And when did he move to his town? 3. When and how his parents die? Then, who did he live with? 4. How old was he when he was graduated from SMK? And what is he like? 5. What company does he work for? And why do his friends admire him very much? 6. How often does he work in a week? And how long he work in a day? 7. What does he usually do there? And what does he want there? 8. What does he like doing in his spare time? And what does he expect all the orphan to


(a) Budi Susanto has lost both of his parents by death, hasn‟t

he? (b) His mother passed away as soon as she bore him, didn‟t

she? (c) When he was ten years old, his father died in tragic event,

didn‟t he? (d) He was very sad because he had to live without mother and

father, wasn‟t he? (e) There was sorrow on his face, but he never complained,

wasn‟t there? (f) Now, Budi Susanto has grown up and worked in Bandung,

hasn‟t he? (g) He is very clever, energetic and diligent in what he does,

isn‟t he? (h) His friends like him very much because he is sociable, don‟t


Page 12: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

B. Read the text again and say if these sentences are True (T) or FALSE (F). 1 T – F Budi Susanto is an orphan. Both his parents passed away when he was

still a child. 2 T – F His grandparents died in a train accident when he was just graduated from

SMK. 3 T – F His parents suggested that he should work as soon as he graduated from

SMK. 4 T – F Now he lives in Bandung and moved to this town when he was nineteen

years old. 5 T – F He is very clever and talented in technical skill. He works in a car

company. 6 T – F His friends are very fond of him because he is pleasant, polite, and

sociable. 7 T – F He works all morning. He begins working at 7 a.m. and finishes at 12 p.m. 8 T – F He feels sympathy to all the orphan because theirs fate is almost the same

as his.

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English Modul Series

Berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris pada Level Novice

Page 14: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)


Febri Hariyanto


Page 15: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

Thanking remarks & their response

A : Congratulation on your success.

promotion. graduation. B : Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thank you so much Thanks

Greeting Others 2. A : This present is for you. book parcel letter food B : Thanks a lot. Thank you. Thanks.

A : You are welcome. No problem. It‟s OK. Don‟t mention it. It‟s all right. The same to you.

3. A : Thank you very much for the promotion you gave me. I‟d like to express my the present deep gratitude to you for the book Many thanks for the card the money the car the flower

B : You are very welcome. You are welcome. It‟s my pleasure.

4 A : Thank you for coming joining us inviting us lending me some money not disturbing us

B : You are welcome. No problem. Never mind. It‟s OK. Don‟t mention it. It‟s all right.

5. A : Thanks for everything. It‟s OK.

1. Complete the column with a correct response.

Responding to thanks

Remarks Response

1. Thank you. 2. Thank you so much. 3. Thanks. 4. Thanks a lot. 5. Thank you for a lift. 6. Thank for everything. 7. Thank you very much for kindness. You are welcome. 8. I am grateful for your help. The same to you.

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2. Practice expressing your gratitude for the following situations, and make a response to each.

a Your friend lends you his/her mobile phone. b A lady helps you show the way to your destination. c A boy tells you the exact time you wish to know. d Your boy/girl congratulates you on your birthday. e Your parents give you some allowance. f You borrow an umbrella from your neighbor. g You use your teacher‟s pen. h You use your classmate‟s dictionary. i You borrow your partner‟s dictionary. j Your friend helps you explain the school assignment. k Someone treats you at the canteen. l A teacher congratulates you on your getting highest score. m Your teacher permits you to enter the class even though you are very late. n Your boss gives you a big bonus. o You are offered a job in local company.

PRESENT PERFECT Present Perfect has the following pattern: (+) S+ have/has+ Verb3. (-) S+ have/has+ not+ Verb3. (?) Have/Has+ S+ Verb3. We use the present perfect: 1. To denote a complete action/activity at the time of speaking.

- We have already written our report. (we are not writing them any more now)

2. To talk about a period time that continues up to the present. - I have lived here since I was born.

3. To talk about past experience that is still relevant with the present time-we can see /feel the result/effect at present time. - I have already seen the movie.

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Present Prefect Continuous has the following pattern: (+) S+ have/has been + Verb-ing. (-) S+ have/has+ not + been + Verb-ing. (?) Have/Has the present + S+ been+ Verb-ing. We use the present perfect continuous: 1.To denote an action/activity which began in the past and is still happening now and there

is a possibility that it will still continue for sometime in the future – it has the equivalence in bahasa Indonesia with the expression of “telah”.

- I have been living in Kuningan for 20 years.

2.To talk about a progressive event/action uncompleted at the time of speaking-it has the equivalence in Bahasa Indonesia to the expression of “masih sedang”.

PRESENT PERFECT VS PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Oftentimes the present perfect and present perfect continuous are interchangeable. Still there are differences in the use in regard to their emphasis. We use the present perfect continuous, We use the present perfect, 1. When the emphasis is the action – the

action is not completed yet. I smell something burning. Mother has been cooking.

1. When the emphasis is not the action but the result of the action. The food is ready. Mother has cooked it.

2. When the emphasis is on how long something has been happening. Ratu has been reading books all these weeks.

2. When the emphasis is on how much/how many things/how many times we have done something. Ratu has read six books this week.

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Exercise 1 Make sentences in the present perfect tense using these clues. 1. Seanu /go/Bandung 2. Ratu and Kadita/decide/to enter UPI 3. Fini/have/a baby 4. Perdana/give up/smoking 5. Prabu/pass/his driving test Exercise 2 Based on the given context, put the verb in the brackets into present perfect tense. Number one has been done for you. 1. Yesterday Prabu was playing football. Now he can‟t walk and his leg is in plaster.

(break). He has broken his leg. 2. Seanu was 67 kilograms. Now he weights 50. (lose weight)……………………… 3. Ratu‟s hair was dirty. Now it is clean. (wash)……………………………………….. 4. The car has just stopped because there isn‟t any petrol in the tank. (run out of petrol) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Ryan is looking for his key. He can‟t find it. (lose)…………………………………... Wh- questions: How long and How many times How long How long is commonly translated into ”berapa lama” in Bahasa Indonesia. How long is used to ask the length of time or duration that something is in progress. When it refers to an action, we use it along with present perfect continuous; and when it refers to situation or existence (including stative verbs; know, see, be, want, need, etc.) we use it along with present perfect. Pay close attention to the following examples: - How long have you been living in Bandung? - How long has your mother been cooking? How many times How many times is commonly translated into “berapa kali” in Bahasa Indonesia. How many times is used to ask the number of repeated activity/ event. Normally this question is used along with present perfect tense. Pay close attention to the following examples: - How many times have you had a broken heart? - How many times has your father changed his car?

Exercise 4 Read the situation and make a question. Decide whether the question is better expressed in present perfect or present perfect continuous, based on the given context. Example: Your friend is learning French. How long have you been learning French? 1. Your friend is waiting for you. How long …………………………………….? 2. Your friend writes books. How many books ………………………………...? 3. Your friend writes books. How long ………………………………………….? 4. Your friend plays football for his country. How many times ……………….? 5. Your friend is painting the house. How long …………………………………? 6. Your friend is painting the house. How many times …………………………? 7. My sister is married. How long …………………………………………………? 8. Kadita is in holiday. How long ………….………………………………………? 9. I live in Pasirjati. How long ………………………………………………………? 10. It is raining. How long …………………………………………………………..? FOTOKOPI HAL. 49 – 52 (PREPOSITIONAL OF PLACE) FOTOKOPI DIJADIKAN UKURAN HVS (FOLIO). I HALAMAN 1 LEMBAR FOLIO.

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Exercise 5 Choose the correct preposition 1. Do you like sugar (in/into/onto/on) your coffee? 2. You‟ll find the cups (on/in/at) the top shelf. 3. Write your name (on/in/at/for) the back of this piece of paper. 4. Prabu lives in a small village (in/on/at) the mountains. 5. In Indonesia we drive (on/in/at) the left. 6. My train arrives at 11.30. Can you meet me (at/in/on) the station? 7. I didn‟t feel very well when I woke up, so I stayed (at/in/on) bed. 8. Are they showing any good films (at/in/on) the National Theatre this week? 9. Many people are (at/in/on) prison for crimes that they did not commit. 10. I like the country and the fresh air. I think I‟d like to work (at/in/on) a farm. Listen to your teacher reading these statements, and then you match them with the other below.


a. Scientists say that the world around us is composed of object and substances.

b. They believe that the smallest unit of an element is called atoms.

c. They are sure that at the center of an atom there is a very tiny particle.

d. They also believe that the nucleus of an atom is a source of energy.

e. They are certain that around the nucleus there are clouds and particle.

f. They are sure that inside the nucleus there are also smaller particle.

g. They believe that the clouds of electrons are negatively charged

h. They say that the whole atoms are uncharged or neutral in electricity.

Page 19: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

1 (….) Yes, they call them electrons. 2 (….) Yes, they carry negative electric charge. 3 (….) Yes, they call them matter. 4 (….) Yes, these particles are known as protons and neutrons. 5 (….) Yes, when the number of protons is the same of number of electrons. 6 (….) Yes, this particle is called nucleus. 7 (….) Yes, this belief is known as the atomic theory. 8 (….) Yes, they call it the nuclear energy.

A. Answer these questions. 1. What is the smallest on an element called? 2. How are all the atoms built? And what is the nucleus? 3. What is there around the nucleus? And what does it consist of? 4. What electric charge does the nucleus of an atoms carry? 5. Which kind of electric charge does each electron carry? 6. What does the word ”them” in the first paragraph refer to? 7. What does the word “they” in the second paragraph refer to? 8. What is it called when the electrons flow in the copper wire? B. Say if these statements are True (T) or FALSE (F). 1 T – F The smallest unit of an element is known as atoms and they are very

difficult to see. 2 T – F The atom is a system. It consists of a nucleus and one or more electrons. 3 T – F The number and sizes of electrons in an atom is always the same in every

substance. 4 T – F The structure of an atom is like a tiny solar system with a nucleus as the

sun and electron as the planets. 5 T – F Electrons are located around the nucleus and in the nucleus there are

neutrons and protons. 6 T – F The nucleus of an atom is positively charged while each electron is

negatively charged. 7 T – F There are very small particles in all substances. These substances are

known as electrons. 8 T – F Hydrogen is the simplest and lightest element. Its atoms contains only one


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English Modul Series

Berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris pada Level Novice

Page 21: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)


Febri Hariyanto


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Command & Request A. Commands

A command is an imperative sentence that is used to make an order. A bare infinitive (V1 or be) is used to make an order. We put Don’t before a bare infinitive to make a prohibition.

Come here!

Sit down!

Pay the right amount!

Send us your brochure!

Be quiet!

Be quick!

Don‟t leave me!

Don‟t write it with pencil!

Don‟t be late!

Don‟t be noisy! Note : We use be whenever there is no verb in the sentence.

B. Requests A request is an order that is made to sound more polite by putting the word please in front of or at the end of a command form.

Please stay here! / Stay here, please!

Please love me! / Love me, please!

Please sit down! / Sit down, please!

Please don‟t go! / Don‟t go, please!

Please don‟t stay here! / Don‟t stay here, please!

Please don‟t love me! / Don‟t love me, please!

Please don‟t sit down! / Don‟t sit down, please!

Please be there! / Be there, please!

Please be careful! / Be careful, please!

Please be on time! / Be on time, please!

Please be the best! / Be the best, please!

Please don‟t be there! / Don‟t be there, please!

Please don‟t be careless! / Don‟t be careless, please!

Please don‟t be on time! / Don‟t be on time, please!

Please don‟t be the worst! / Don‟t be the worst, please! C. Polite Request

A polite request is a request that uses certain expressions:

Will you…,please?

Won‟t you…please? /

Will you please…?

Won‟t you please…?

Could you…,please?

Can you…please? /

Could you please…?

Can you please…? The above expressions use bare infinitives. On the other hand, polite request with the

expression Would you mind…,please? should you a gerund (Verb-ing/being).

Would you like to go, please?

Would you mind going, please?

Would you mind not going, please? Exercises A. Choose the word(s) in brackets that correctly state a command or a request. 1. (Be/Being/To be/Are) here on time! O.K.? 2. Please (stay/to stay/staying/stayed) here for a while! 3. Don‟t (to say/said/say/says/saying) that again! 4. (No smoke/Not to smoke/Don‟t smoke/Not smoking) here, please! 5. Would you (don‟t leave/to not leave/leave no/not leave) so soon? 6. (Being not/Not being/ To not be/Don‟t be/Doesn‟t be/Isn‟t) sad! 7. Would you mind (to come/come/coming/came) with me? 8. Please (be/being/been/is/are/was) happy! 9. Let‟s (see/seeing/.saw/to see/in seeing)that movie! 10. Could you please (calm/be calm/to calm /to be calm/being calm/was calm)? B. Choose the best alternative. 1. … the window ! It‟s very hot.

A. Opened C. Opening B. Open D. To open

2. Please… up! A. to stand up C. stood B. stand D. standing

3. … ! The baby is sleeping. A. Quiet C. Be quiet B. Don‟t quiet D. To be quiet

Page 24: Greeting and Leave Takings (English Module)

4. Please… me! A. help C. helps B. helped D. helping

5. Don‟t… the soup! It‟s too salty. A. eat C. ate B. to eat D. be eating

6. Would you mind…the letter, please? A. posting C. to post B. post D. posted

7. Would you… sent the letter, please? A. like C. liked B. like to D. likes to

8. Please don‟t… loudly, father is sleeping. A. Opened C. Opening B. Open D. To open

9. Won‟t you… the windows! It‟s raining outside. A. to close C. closed B. close D. closing

10. My mother said:… your father is sleeping. A. Don‟t make noise, children! C. Children, not make noise B. Children, not to make noise. D. Don‟t children make noise!